Strategic Plan 2013

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Noorderpoort Strategic Plan 2013-2015

February 2013

Noorderpoort Strengthens the Region

Noorderpoort Strategic Plan 2013 - 2015 Connections, Trust and Expertise

1. In This Strategic Plan Strategies are stronger if you share them. That is why Noorderpoort did not draw up its 2013 – 2015 Strategic Plan on its own, but rather consulted with a broad group of outside stakeholders. In addition, parts of the plan were thoroughly vetted within the institution by groups of instructors, students, managers and support staff. Strategies are stronger if they are succinct. That is why Noorderpoort has drafted its 2013 – 2015 Strategic Plan in this concise form, and also summarised it in an attractive presentation which is available to all employees and outside stakeholders. A great deal of background material is available as well. Naturally, it may be inspected, or discussed, with any interested parties. Strategies are stronger if their parts are interrelated. The strategic spearheads in our 2013 – 2015 Strategic Plan are interrelated. Pursuit of a specific goal often requires action in several areas: education, financing and professionalisation, in collaboration with partners. We sometimes formulate these separately, but in still relation to the whole. Moreover, we also know that measures for changes and improvements are only effective if less measurable, yet still critical aspects such as soft skills, trust and space are in place. So these are also incorporated in the 2013 – 2015 Noorderpoort Strategic Plan. And of course, a strategy will not be strong at all unless translated into action. We do this in the form of three Annual Circulars (’13, ’14 and ’15) for the Noorderpoort management. Our strategic choices, finally, are not simply pulled ‘out of a hat’, but rather are based on our mission and vision, and the previously formulated Noorderpoort Values, which are still in full force: Noorderpoort prepares young people and adults for their role in society and for the occupation of their choice, and wishes to continue to support them during their careers, so they can further develop themselves and contribute to a sustainable society. In this way, Noorderpoort strengthens the region. Noorderpoort builds long-term connections with pupils and students, employees, companies and institutions. These are our ‘connections that make a difference’. Our working methodology is guided by our five values: we focus on results, we meet our responsibilities, we are enterprising, we work with openness and respect for all, and of course, a deal is a deal. Noorderpoort needs to stand out in how it approaches its role in the region. For us, this means: Proud of our Groningen Roots and with Dynamic Energy.


Noorderpoort Strategic Plan 2013 - 2015 Connections, Trust and Expertise

2. The Environment It is not an overstatement to say that the environment in which Noorderpoort exists is more dynamic than ever. This means that we often need to make urgent decisions. Government policy continues to restrict the framework in which we can operate. The three main points: Focus on Expertise In 2001, the Minister of Education, Culture and Science drafted a policy with the objective of improving the quality of intermediate vocational degree programmes, making them more attractive to young people and making them a first-rate alternative to the higher general secondary degree. These objectives fit in well with our Noorderpoort strategy. We have taken concrete goals from the ‘Focus on Expertise’ Action Plan and incorporated them directly into our Strategic Plan (such as shortening and intensification of degree programmes). In other areas, the line taken by the Action Plan determines our own choices in it (such as in professionalisation of instructors). Economy, financial crisis Over the course of 2012, it became clear that the credit and financial crises which started in 2008 had grown into a worldwide economic crisis. It is not possible to give a prognosis for ultimate recovery. What is clear however is that Noorderpoort is experiencing the impact of the crisis, in several domains. For instance, our primary source of income will decrease because the government must make steep cuts. Some segments of the labour market for which we provide training are under considerable pressure (construction, for one). Youth unemployment is rising sharply, with all of the consequences for enrolment at the regional training centres (ROCs). Finally, our own financial housekeeping must now be understood in a whole new light: traditional loans for new building projects, for instance, no longer exist. For the 2013 – 2015 Strategic Plan, these circumstances are not only pose a restrictive precondition, but also, here and there, an opportunity to achieve new breakthroughs. Regional spearheads Noorderpoort Strengthens the Region is our pay-off. It is important to us to link up with what is happening in the Region. And sometimes even to set the trends. The choices made in our 2013 – 2015 Strategic Plan speak to what is happening with the higher vocational education (improve transfer rates from the MBO, and focus on Energy, Healthy Ageing and Entrepreneurship) and lower secondary professional education (improve education in Groningen city and outlying areas, also take decisions to address shrinkage in the Region). Despite economic and demographic shrinkage the job market is growing in the Energy and Healthcare sectors, due to high replacement demand, among other factors. To a certain extent, the job market is developing internationally. The Noorderpoort Strategy links up with these developments. Social institutions in the Northern Region are joining forces to deal with the consequences of the restrictive national policy, the austerity and economic shrinkage. These repercussions threaten to come down on certain segments of society that are already overburdened. Noorderpoort is one of the leading partners building on regional coalitions. Items on the agenda include Entry Level (level 1) programmes, solving issues due to decentralisation in the Healthcare industry, and combating youth unemployment with apprenticeships.


Noorderpoort Strategic Plan 2013 - 2015 Connections, Trust and Expertise

3. Connection with the 2010 – 2012 Strategic Plan What has been achieved? Our 2010 – 2012 Strategic Plan included five spearheads. They are listed again below, followed by a brief evaluation. 1. Learning hub for young people and adults, for lifelong learning and organised into recognisable schools. • Evaluation: we have made strides forward by introduction and further development of a ‘schools’ model; contract education (Lifelong Learning) not yet future-proof; 2. Structural and open dialogue with all stakeholders regarding our performance • Evaluation: joint management via works council and student council; structural dialogue with outside stakeholders is well underway (in particular, municipalities and businesses). Not all advisory boards for each School have been set up yet; 3. Constant focus on developing new educational pathways along with our partners in the regional job market. • Evaluation: particularly successful in Technology (such as (wind) energy); pilot School for Customisation has since been concluded; 4. Employees who are optimally involved in the development and execution of training and are continuously focused on their own development. • Evaluation: Noorderpoort Academy has been open for two years now; growth is slow for the time being. New HRM project director appointed with explicit mission to further address and resolve this issue; 5. Sustainable: in our view of the world, in our dealings with our students, our external contacts and colleagues and our own organisation. • Evaluation: we have made relevant advances modestly (quietly), both in education itself and in our operational management. For instance, we have successfully achieved a considerable reduction in the drop-out rate. It should now be directed more explicitly and outwardly. What are we moving forward with? None of the five spearheads from the previous Strategic Plan have been fully completed, none of them are obsolete. Nor have any new insights or circumstances come to light which might cause these spearheads to lose their value to Noorderpoort. Therefore, we have kept all 5 objectives in the new strategic planning period (some more recognisably than others).


Noorderpoort Strategic Plan 2013 - 2015 Connections, Trust and Expertise

4. Focus on three spearheads over the coming years Noorderpoort will focus on three strategic spearheads over the coming years. This is because we have found that we can better direct our attention to a smaller number of spearheads in order to increase our chances of success. Each of these three spearheads involves several specific implementation conditions which are critical. We will address these shortly. Finally, there are two more general conditions, or frameworks, which also feature important decisions for Noorderpoort. Spearhead 1:

Truly prioritise the success of our students

Spearhead 2:

Training that is in demand

Spearhead 3:

Expertise of our employees

To be absolutely clear: Noorderpoort is much more than these spearheads. The Strategic Plan gives the strategic choices and areas of attention for the coming years. We also leave a great deal unsaid in this plan, which does not mean that these aspects do not matter....

Spearhead 1 Truly prioritise the success of our students Educational institutions use a wide variety of goals to define when they have done well. Noorderpoort used to do the same, but has now decided on the success of its students. We view success as completion of a vocational education programme and entry onto the job market, or continuing on to further education. This further education may be at Noorderpoort, or towards a higher vocational degree. All other objectives that we pursue (student satisfaction >7, employee satisfaction >7, company satisfaction>7, educational inspection results: no weak programmes, no negative results regarding exams or compliance issues) are derived from this. This main goal sounds simpler than it is, and is not without its drawbacks. Sometimes student success is in conflict with the interests of the organisation, for instance (such as maximising intake). We have made our choice. In order to achieve this spearhead, we have made a number of subordinate decisions (specific implementation conditions):


Noorderpoort Strategic Plan 2013 - 2015 Connections, Trust and Expertise

Condition 1a: intensification, shortening, expansion: modern training programmes Noorderpoort is implementing the measures set by the Minister of Education, Culture and Science under the heading Focus on Expertise in a way that will provide additional benefits. Thus, not only are we achieving the quality improvement prescribed by the Minister, but also a further rationalisation of our internal processes (efficiency) and external processes (macro-efficiency, in connection with Energy College/Energy Academy, for instance). We will also be reinforcing the transfer programmes with higher vocational education programmes. This links up with the performance contracts that higher vocational educational institutions have concluded regarding the success of their students. Condition 1b: education for the web generation, unity and diversity in the organisation, proper guidance Over the coming years, Noorderpoort wants to strengthen its education so that not only does it meet the quality requirements (see above), but it is future proof: robust and ready for the students of the future, for whom the Internet and digital technologies are second nature. For this reason, we are working towards blended learning (a carefully designed mix of digital and traditional education methods) as a basis for our education, for which the foundations have already been laid in our latest Vision on Education as a Development Model. Noorderpoort is not investing in digital instructional tools and working methodologies all on its own, but rather with the greatest possible degree of collaboration with other institutions and publishers, etc. We can and must provide our students with better guidance in order to boost their chances for success. This means starting with a suitable reception from the lower secondary professional programmes (VMBOs) and the further rollout and sound implementation of our Student Development System (Dutch acronym: LBS). In addition to this, we are also addressing a few aspects of our education collectively. We have designed the start and end of every educational pathway uniformly across all of the schools and throughout the institution. In other words: intake and examinations are uniform. Decisions in these areas always affect others within the institution. The education, in contrast, belongs to the teams, which will preserve the visibility of diversity and (local) uniqueness. Working towards these conditions (some use of clear working procedures across all schools, as well as some diversity between or perhaps even within teams) also requires a steady hand and a great deal of trust. Condition 1c: clear societal mandates Noorderpoort has expressly opted for its broad role as a regional training centre, and not for a small role as an institution for vocational education. Therefore, Education remains part of our domain, although its scope will dwindle along with municipal budgets. In addition to this, we affirm that Noorderpoort’s core task is instruction, and we also realise that many of our students need some extra care and guidance. We indicate these needs (for Suitable Instruction) without taking over the roles of healthcare institutions or other professionals. Moreover, we ourselves also offer additional educational support and guidance. In order to (continue to) offer this additional service as much as possible, Noorderpoort is bundling its services in these areas into a Student Service Centre. One the one hand, this centre should increase students’ chances of success and on the other hand, minimise costs. The entry level programme which must be implemented in the coming years also fits in here.


Noorderpoort Strategic Plan 2013 - 2015 Connections, Trust and Expertise

In the past, Noorderpoort invested in an active network of societal partners building safety nets and future scenarios for overburdened young people (example: Pathway for the Future regarding the desired seamless connection with healthcare, work and education for young people in Groningen), such as in our role as a Drop-out Contact School. We will also retain this role, refined here by striving for effectiveness and efficiency.

Spearhead 2 Training that is in demand Because we prioritise our students’ success, our training offer must link up with the job market. We will soon begin applying a procedure (source: SBB et al) resulting in current job market information for all training programmes, and in periodic evaluation of our training portfolio. Where necessary, we apply a numerus clausus. Along with other northern intermediate vocational education institutions, we continue to work on macro-efficiency in our programmes. Sometimes, there is a disconnect between what our students want to study and what is in demand on the job market. We believe that we have a role in resolving this. We assume that supplemental and additional schooling for adults (block and release courses) will be regarded more as job market instruments than as a government function in the near future. This means that we are taking into account a shift in block and release courses towards job-oriented training and modular programmes in contract form. In this way, Noorderpoort is designing Lifelong Learning. That is why we are further expanding our Noorderpoort Contract division. With the mission of achieving sound profitability. For the time being, Technology and Healthcare are spearheads in this area. We also expect to reinforce our international position here.


Noorderpoort Strategic Plan 2013 - 2015 Connections, Trust and Expertise

Spearhead 3 Expertise of our employees Naturally, as an educational institution, Noorderpoort must also be willing to be a learning organisation itself. We must learn how to enhance the success of our students. We must learn what needs to be done better or differently in the educational teams. And every instructor and employee must engage in (ongoing) learning, because the world does not stand still, and neither does education. We must set the right example for our students. We also view our own work, whether giving lectures or performing support or management activities, as Expertise. And we strive to reinforce this expertise through our own professionalisation. At Noorderpoort, being a good employer goes hand in hand with being a good employee. Condition 3a: Our Professionals Noorderpoort makes every effort to further professionalise its employees, especially instructors. The ‘Professional Statute’, the national competence profile for intermediate vocational programme instructors, and the recently founded professional association for intermediate vocational instructors are all vital in this. One of the key points lies in investing in teaching methods with corresponding skills in this rapidly digitising world. For this, we will be further expanding Noorderpoort Academy, which was created for and by Noorderpoorters. The outflow of older instructors due to ageing is being delayed by economic circumstances, which is all the more reason to focus on professional development for all employees. Condition 3b: Our Team Over the upcoming period, we will develop a vision of the ‘Noorderpoort Team’ as a bearer of education quality and professionality. We will broadly apply the CBE scan, which teams use to map out their own professionality. Ideally, a mature and professional team focuses on its own educational quality and operational management. We will strive to have one or more teams realise this ambition in their own ‘regulated’ space.


Noorderpoort Strategic Plan 2013 - 2015 Connections, Trust and Expertise

Condition 3c: Reinforced assertive management and support Noorderpoort’s target image as a mature, assertive institution which, of course, takes responsibility for its performance and points for improvement, translates into mature Schools and mature Teams who take responsibility in the same way. This requires specific leadership and management qualities. We formulate our ambition for this. We will focus on it by means of coaching, guidance, development and mobility. And this takes us from the current method of direction (mostly procedural, top-down, ‘Anglo-Saxon’) to a method mainly based on convincing, trust and ownership (‘Rheinland’). After all, we are mature and professional. We have a dual mission to fulfil in our support services: we have less money available, and we must further boost the quality of our support. In recent years, quality has already improved (considerably in places), and we will pursue this trend. This is only possible through standardisation and automation. And through investment, as stated, in further professionalisation of the support services. Education teams will link up with this in their development, and the various roles will also become more explicit in relation to support.


Noorderpoort Strategic Plan 2013 - 2015 Connections, Trust and Expertise

Underlying choices Our three spearheads are supported by two general underlying Noorderpoort choices: Choice 1:

Sail close to the wind, within financial limits

Choice 2:

Sustainable Noorderpoort

First choice Sail close to the wind, within financial limits We use our business model developed in-house to work out future scenarios for all relevant (investment) decisions. We ensure that our financial base is sound. No risky investments in real estate or financial packages. Only implement the strategic housekeeping plan to the extent that sound coverage is available for it. Rationalisation of our operational management, such as with regard to distribution at implementation sites. Transparent treasury. But also: a positive operating result (0.5 - 1%), only contract education that achieves sound profits (3%). And finally, a sound ratio between costs for the primary process on the one hand and those for overhead and support on the other hand (70% – 30% in 2015. This ratio is currently 68% – 32% according to the definitions in the intermediate vocational education benchmark). In order to achieve this latter goal, support must be further streamlined. This can be done by means of standardisation and digitisation. As well as simplification of internal processes (keep it simple).


Noorderpoort Strategic Plan 2013 - 2015 Connections, Trust and Expertise

Second choice Sustainable Noorderpoort, sustainable education Sustainable Noorderpoort not only in the environmental sense of the word (discussed further below) but also, and especially, in the sense of sustainable partnerships and consistent policy. In terms of education and instruction, sustainability means going beyond just learning a trick or getting the diploma. It’s about developing self-management skills, and learning to keep on learning. In this way, people can sustainably sustain themselves in an ever more rapidly changing world. This also applies to ourselves and our own degree of learning potential. Herein lies a task for the professionals: this shapes both the design of our education and their own development. In addition to this, we believe that sustainability must be specifically visible at Noorderpoort in three ways: All students must be challenged, under the heading of citizenship, to refine their attitudes about our society and how we deal with the world (ecology, economy). Moreover, we also put spotlights on specific programmes dealing with sustainability issues: fair trade, energy transition, sustainable building, organic food. And finally, in our own operational management, Noorderpoort wishes to invest in sustainability where possible: energy-efficient buildings, low car use, healthy selections in canteens and sports in every educational programme, to name but a few. We will reinforce and make explicit the results that we have already been achieving in these areas.

11 Illustrations Meinte Strikwerda, teacher Gaming / Multimedia Noorderpoort Production and design Canon Business Services / Klaas de Vries, grafic designer BNO Š Noorderpoort 2013

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