Die Diamantstad se koerant Tel (053) 831 2331 Woensdag 18 Desember 2013 www.noordkaap.co.za
DIE Diamond Pavilion Shopping Mall het Vrydag ’n hele paar kinderharte verbly. Behoef tige kinders en kinderhuiskinders het almal geskenke (met hul name daarop) van Kers vader ontvang waarna hulle by die Wimpy gaan eet het. Ander instansies het ook ge skenke ontvang wat die winkelsentrum vir hulle gereël het. Hier gee een van die kinders vir Kersvader ’n drukkie. Foto’s: Ruan Bruwer
“HOEKOM het Kersvader so ’n groot kop?” Die meisietjie weet nie lekker waar om te kyk om vir hom dankie te sê vir haar Kersgeskenk nie.
EN so kom nog ’n jaar tot sy einde. Dit is ons laaste uitgawe vir 2013. Dit is ’n samevatting van die lekkerste berigte en foto’s wat ons vanjaar in Noordkaap gedra het. Ons kantoor open weer op 8 Januarie
Ons wens is tog dat daar volgende jaar meer meelewing sal wees en die interaksie aansienlik sal verhoog, veral op ons sosiale netwerke en daar meer belangstelling sal wees in onder meer kompetisies wat ons aanbied.
Tot weersiens in 2014 en ons eerste uitgawe in die nuwe jaar verskyn op Woensdag 15 Januarie. Baie dankie vir almal wat vanjaar ’n insae in Noordkaap gehad het. Dankie vir diegene wat hul stories gedeel het of ons van stories in kennis gestel het.
Dankie vir die kritiek, dit het ons op ons tone gehou en dankie vir klagtes as die koerant nie afgelewer is nie, want dit sê darem mense lees nog die koerant. Alles van die beste tot volgende jaar. Cheerio! – Ruan Bruwer
KLEIN DANIEL FABER is net drie jaar oud, maar sy tegniek om suksesvol pale toe aan te lê is baie naby aan perfek. Só doen hy dit. Eers gee pa Ivan die bal vir Daniel aan waarna die bal baie noukeurig op die skopkegel gestel word. Pa speel die rol van baljoggie en moet die bal gaan haal as Seun klaar geskop het. Foto’s: Ruan Bruwer
HY tree aan en korrel pale toe, hande mooi netjies gevleg, nes hy Jonny Wilkinson dit op televisie ge sien doen het. Daarna kom hy vorentoe, ene konsen trasie en oë op die bal gefokus.
DIE bal trek pale toe, maar gaan dit genoeg inswaai verby die linkerkant ste regoppaal?
Daniel bekende gesig by stadion Ruan Bruwer RUGBYKYKERS wat volgende jaar beplan om die Griekwas se wedstryde op GWK-park by te woon kan dit sterk oorweeg om so twee uur voor die afskop al ’n draai langs die hoofpaviljoen te gaan maak. Dit is nou noord van die paviljoen waar die nuwe groot skerm opgerig is. Daar sal jy sonder twyfel die driejarige knapie Daniel Faber aantref. Hy is sedert verlede jaar ’n
gereelde gesig by die stadion en loop nie maklik sy gunstelingspan se wedstryde mis nie. Nie net is dit te kostelik om te sien hoe hy pale toe skop nie, maar hoe hy geklee is, maak van hom ’n groot treffer. Benewens Daniel se skrumpet, skouerkussings, rugbytrui en sokkies kom sowat vier rugbyballe, ’n skopkegel, “rugbypale”, ’n krieketkolf en -bal saam. Die pale is twee stokke wat in ’n hoop grond ingedruk word en dan as pale dien. Sy pa, Ivan, is sy afrigter.
As hy moeg word vir pale toe skop, haal hy sy skrumpet af, bêre hy die bal en haal hy sy krieketkolf uit. Dan speel die twee ’n bietjie krieket. Daniel verwys na sy skrumpet as sy “Vittie Vittie”, verwysend na Victor Matfield (sy groot held) wat sy hele loopbaan met ’n skrumpet gespeel het. Wat merkwaardig van Daniel is, is hoe goed hy sy rugby ken. Hy ken die spelers op die naam. Jy kan hom maar vra wie speel nommer 2, 3, 11 of 14 vir die Griekwas. Hy sal jou kan sê. Of
wat die Griekwas se uitslae vanjaar was. Die vleuel Rocco Jansen is sy gunstelingspeler. Hy ken selfs die Griekwas-liedjie, Ons is die Griekwas, en sing dit ewe met sy hand op die bors. Of as jy hom vra om die volkslied te sing gryp hy instinktief na sy bors. Klein Daniel is tydens die 2011-Wêreldbekerrugbytoernooi die eerste keer aan die spel bekend gestel. Hy was toe amper twee jaar oud. Hy gaan volgens sy ouers behoorlik “mal” tydens televisie-wedstryde.
Hy en sy pa is vinnig besig om celebs by die stadion te word met baie mense wat foto’s neem of net in verwondering staan en kyk hoe hy pale toe aanlê. Daniel se skoptegniek is geskoei op dié van Johnny Wilkinson en Percy Montgomery, voormalige stelskoppers van Engeland en Suid-Afrika onderskeidelik. Hy het ’n video van Montgomery, Kicking with Percy onder oë gehad en het duidelik mooi opgelet. Volgens Ivan is die hele gesin baie groot ondersteuners van die Griekwas.
‘Snotkop’ en ‘Gert’ toon staal TYDENS die Jannie Brinkmelodrama in Mei het Duane Bredenkamp (links) die sanger Snotkop voorgestel. Regs is Eddie Lightfoot, die padda. Gert van Tonder, die oor spronklike sanger van Die padda wou gaan opsit, en Snot kop het ’n paar jaar gelede ’n opgewek te verwerking van dié bekende Afri kaanse liedjie ge doen. Foto: Ruan Bruwer
Hopes high for matrics THE Northern Cape Department of Education hopes to reach an 80% pass rate – something that was last achieved in 2004. According to the HOD of the department, Tshepo Pharasi, immense preparations from the matriculants, the teachers and the department should lead to the desired target. Pharasi believes the 74,3% success rate in 2012 should be improved. The results are made public on 7 January.
SOWAT 2 600 ba bers is in Februarie van ’n gewisse dood gered uit die droë vlei in die Rooifon teinnatuurreser vaat. Dít nadat ’n be rig oor hul lot in die nuus verskyn het. Duisende was egter reeds vrek weens ’n erge watertekort in die dam. Karel Mey er, plaasvoorman, het moedeloos toe gekyk. Foto: Emile Hendricks
LINKS: Onderwy sers aan die Laer skool Diamantveld moes in Januarie mooi oplet om nie verward te raak nie. Vier pare tweelinge het hulle vanjaar in dié skool bevind. Voor is Osego en Re sego Moremedi (gr. 1); van links, tweede ry: Abjol en Radia Khan (gr. O); derde ry: Ashwin en Cherwin Mdigi (gr. O); agter: Fred die en Francois Es terhuizen (gr. 3). Foto: Ruan Bruwer
DIE donderweer het lanklaas so hard oor Kimberley gedreun en geblits soos ’n aand in April. Dit het egter nie dié natuurfotograaf afgeskrik om sy kamera te gryp en dit op film vas te lê nie. Foto: Jaco Powell VAN die Laerskool Newton se “rooi ste” leerlinge het op Valentynsdag van jaar gehelp om die hartjie te vorm. Foto: Ruan Bruwer
Yaseen vind wat weg is Ruan Bruwer
Stad in stof gehul ’n STOFSTORM soos lanklaas in Kimberley ervaar is, het die stad in September met ’n knal getref. Waar dit vir die meeste mense ongerieflik was, sou motorwasserye egter breed geglimlag het. Winderige toestande het daartoe gelei dat die program vir die be kendstelling van die Sol Plaatjeuniversiteit verkort moes word en tente moes met bykomende kabels versterk word. Die wind spoed in Kimberley was 60 km/h en daar was ook windspoed van tussen 80 en 85 km/h in die streek aangedui. Foto: Emile Hendricks
AS jy iets waardevols in Kimberley verloor het, hou duim vas Yaseen Hanns was in die omgewing. Dan is jou kanse nie te sleg dat jy dit sal terugkry nie. Yaseen, ’n werknemer van die skoenwinkel Modax in die middestad, het in Mei die selfoon van Johanna van Eeden, redakteur van Noordkaap se moederkoerant, Volksblad, in Georgestraat opgetel. Sy het haar Blackberry einde Mei verloor toe sy hier was vir die Noord-Kapenaar van die Jaar-geleentheid. Sy het aanvaar die foon is gesteel en die simkaart laat kanselleer. Yaseen het sy simkaart in die foon gesit met die hoop dat hy op die een of ander manier die eienaar sou kon opspoor. Toe ontvang die foon ’n BBMuitnodiging van Johanna se skoonsuster en kon Yaseen ’n gesprek begin om die eienaar te probeer opspoor. “Die simkaart was uitgehaal toe ek dit opgetel het en ek het myne ingesit totdat die BBM-uitnodiging gekom het,” het hy vertel. Op ’n ander geleentheid het hy gesien hoe ’n man uit ’n taxi klim en agter iemand aan hardloop. In die proses het die man se selfoon op die grond geval.
YASEEN HANNS het al twee selfone opgetel en dit in albei gevalle aan die regmatige eienaar terugbesorg. Hy het ook ’n banksakkie vol note, sowel as ’n beursie, opgetel en seker gemaak dit beland weer by die mense aan wie dit behoort. Foto: Ruan Bruwer “Ek het die man probeer roep, maar hy kon my nie hoor nie. Ek het die foon gaan optel en by my gehou. So 20 minute later het hy die foon gebel en ek kon dit aan hom teruggee. Hy was baie bly.” Maar dit is nie net selfone wat Yaseen al opgetel het wat van waarde is nie. Toe hy op Sasolburg in ’n Pick n Pay gewerk het, het hy een slag ’n banksakkie met geld opgetel. Die eienaar het dit kort daarna kom terugeis. Daar was R1 800 se kontant in die sakkie. Hy het ook al ’n beursie in Pep opgetel. “Ek het dit gehou, want ek glo dit is veiliger as om dit vir
iemand by ontvangs te gee om te hou totdat iemand daaroor navraag doen. “Die vrou (eienaar van die beursie) was geskok. Ek het gesê sy kan maar tel, al die geld is nog daarin. Sy was nie gepla oor die geld nie, eerder te dankbaar die kaarte was nog almal daar.” Yaseen sê hy glo aan eerlikheid en om dit wat aan iemand anders behoort aan daardie mens terug te besorg. Hy was egter self nie so gelukkig toe hy sy foon verloor het nie. Toe hy na die nommer bel, was die foon reeds afgeskakel en het hy dit nie weer te siene gekry nie.
NOORDKAAP, WOENSDAG 18 DESEMBER 2013 OP die Kimberley Diamond Cup skaatsplankkampi oenskapsbyeen koms word dinge klaarblyklik nie half gedoen nie. ’n In drukwekkende vuurwerkvertoning het die asem weg geslaan. Die byeen koms, wat die Ma loof Money Cup kompetisie van die vorige twee jaar ver vang het, het die plaaslike regering vanjaar glo sowat R40 miljoen gekos.
Groet ook hul kinders
Foto: Rudi Jeggle
SES van die Hoërskool Diamantveld se personeellede se kinders was vanjaar in matriek aan die skool. Die sestal saam met hul spruite is van links Ivonne de Villiers en haar seun Johan, Hendrik Kirsten en sy dogter Jana, Susan van der Westhuizen en haar seun Stefan, Ina Olivier en haar dogter Chantelle, Yolanda Bothma en haar dogter Sheryl en Leon Victor en sy dogter Nicola. Foto’s: Ruan Bruwer OP Diamantveld se personeelkorps was vanjaar drie oudleer linge van die Hoër skool Outeniqua in George wat in die selfde tyd saam daar op skool was. Car men Hattingh, die oudste van die drie en die langste by Dia mantveld werksaam, was in 2004 in ma triek. In dié jaar was Liané Bann in gr. 11 en Marni Gouws in gr. 8. Van links is Gouws, Bann en Hat tingh. Aan hul linker kant dra hul Outeni qua se skoolbaadjie en aan hul regterkant is Diamantveld se skoolbaadjie waar al drie vanjaar skoolge hou het.
Tog te bly oor al die aandag ’n SPUL Jack Russellbrakkies by die Kimberleyse Dierebeskermingsvereniging (DBV) was in Oktober tog te dankbaar vir ’n ekstra bakkie kos, maar eintlik meer stert in die lug oor die besoekers en speelmaats wat hulle ’n rukkie gehad het. Leerlinge van skole op en om BarklyWes wat lede van die Jannie Rouxkinderhuis se leierskapprojek is, het hon dekos aan die DBV oorhandig. Hulle het vroeër motors gewas en met daardie geld die kos gekoop. Van links is drie van die lede, Jabu Madisadife, Michael Gabie en Quinton Crouch. Foto: Ruan Bruwer
OP vanjaar se Gariep Kunstefees is die niggies Carli Weber (links, 5) en Tianita Opperman (6) met ’n tydelike nuwe voorkoms afge neem. Albei het hul blonde hare daardie Saterdag vir pienk verruil. Toe Noordkaap hulle wou afneem, het hul ma’s eers ingetree om hul mond af te vee wat getuig het van die heerlike feeskos waaraan hulle gesmul het. Foto: Ruan Bruwer
DIE Laerskool Eureka se gr. 3’s het vanjaar ’n projek aangepak om mense bewus van besoedeling te maak. Die tema was die verskil lende besoedelings, wat dit veroorsaak en hoe dit bekamp kan word. Hulle moes plakkate maak. Hulle het ook briewe vir kamma koerante geskryf. Suné Gouws het die beste en mooiste brief in die graad geskryf. Sy het dit self in klastyd neergepen. Onderaan het die onderwyser, Ensa Venter, kommentaar gelewer. Lisa van Staden het die mooiste plakkaat in die graad gemaak waarin sy beskryf het hoe mense die aarde trots kan maak. Hier is ’n skande ring van die briefie.
DIE Groot Gat het in Julie ’n rukkie opsy ge staan as die grootste trekpleister in Kimber ley. Mense het sonder ophou voor Michael Calitz se huis in Meyerstraat in Hadisonpark gestop om foto’s te neem van ’n motor wat in sy erf tot stilstand gekom het. Die be stuurder van die Kiasedan het beheer oor die voertuig verloor en sy heining disnis ge ry. Dit was op die dag presies ’n jaar sedert ’n ander voertuig teen die einste muur vas gery het . . . Een wiel van die motor is ge steel voordat dit weggesleep is. Foto: Ruan Bruwer
BY die Laerskool Staats het leerlinge op 18 Julie ’n munt legging in die vorm van die nommers 6 en 7 gepak om hul 67 minute van ge meenskapdiens te doen. Dié geld sou gebruik word om komberse vir die Di amond Pavilion Shopping Mall en Noordkaap se Blan ket Driveveldtog mee te koop. Foto: Verskaf
MEISIES wat in Junie die GriekwalandWesse Krieketraad se winteroefenprogram by gewoon het, het met die veldwerksessie groot opwinding verskaf. Met tye was hulle net nie bereid om moontlik ’n nael te breek deur ’n bal te probeer vang of stop nie. Noluthando Laven se tegniek lyk perfek, oë gefokus op die bal, liggaamshouding in die regte posisie, alles soos haar afrigter, Lawrence Magugwana, oftewel Coach Papi, haar geleer het. Hy sou veral trots op dié poging gewees het terwyl hy meestal net sy kop geskud het oor die res van die meisies se pogings om ’n bal te keer. Bottervingers was op die dag oral te sien. Foto’s: Ruan Bruwer
Wys ware toewyding HELAAS . . . Dinge het nie heeltemal volgens plan verloop nie. Maar die bal is gekeer en Coach Papi kon Laven nie skel weens ’n gebrek aan toewyding nie. Al moes sy gras vir haar toewyding eet.
Netbal Myburghs se kos Ruan Bruwer OM te sê netbal vloei deur die Myburgh-familie van Kimberley se are is sagkens gestel. Jomari (17), het letterlike voor haar geboorte die ritme van die spel in haar ma se baarmoeder ervaar en is daar aan die spel bekend gestel. Magda Myburgh was vier en ’n half maande met Jomari swanger toe sy nog aan ’n nasionale netbaltoernooi deelgeneem het. Jomari is net so ’n talentvolle speler soos haar ma wat sedert 1984 as ’n 19-jarige tot in 2007 as ’n 43-jarige vrou provinsiaal netbal gespeel het. Sy is op twee geleenthede in die Suid-Afrikaanse senior oefengroep ingesluit.
Magda het in 2006 aan die Hoërskool Noord-Kaap (HNK) netbal begin afrig en is sedert 2011 die skool se eerstespanbreier. Sy rig ook by die Laerskool Newton af. Sy is ’n Suid-Afrikaanse A-skeidsregter wat beteken sy kan in nasionale senior toernooie as blaser optree. Dit is egter nie hier waar haar netbalverpligtinge eindig nie. Sy is ook die president van sowel die Frances Baard-distrik as die Noord-Kaapse Netbalunie. Maroné (24), haar oudste dogter, het ook provinsiaal netbal gespeel, maar onderskei haar deesdae as afrigter. Sy rig HNK se o.16-span af. Asof dié drie netbal-Myburghs nie reeds baie is nie, is daar ook nog Magda se jonger suster, Tinkie
Smal, wat self lank provinsiaal gespeel het. Sy het vanjaar HNK se o.14-span afgerig. Sy is ook ’n topskeidsregter. Anders as die drie ouer geslagte, wat almal hulpdoel en doel gespeel het, speel Jomari senter, ofskoon sy op hulpdoel kan uithelp indien die nood druk. Sy is moontlik die talentvolste speler van die vier. Jomari het in Julie die Griekwas se o.17-span in die nasionale Alle Ouderdommetoernooi op Margate aangevoer. Sy was kaptein van al die provinsiale spanne waarin sy gespeel het. Sy het reeds in haar gr. 8-jaar haar buiging vir die eerste span gemaak, ’n span wat sy vanjaar aangevoer het.
VAN voor na agter is Jomari Myburgh, Maroné Myburgh, Tinkie Smal en Magda Myburgh. Foto: Ruan Bruwer
Olimpiade pak jonges se spelprobleme Ruan Bruwer IN ’n poging om iets aan kinders se gebrekkige spelvermoë te doen het die gedagte aan ’n spel-olimpiade by Sarie Myburgh, ’n gr. 1-onderwyser aan die Laerskool Staats, posgevat. “Ek het die nood raakgesien. Die reaksie hierop was baie gunstig. Die kinders is per woord deur hul ouers geborg. Die woorde moes dan geleer word voordat die hele skool (in Oktober) speltoetse geskryf het.
“Hoe meer woorde reg gespel is, hoe meer geld het die kind ontvang wat dan aan die skool gegaan het. As aanmoediging was daar pryse vir leerlinge wie se uitslae die beste was en vir die klas wat die meeste geld kon insamel,” het Myburgh verduidelik. Gr. 1- tot gr. 3-leerlinge se woorde het uit hul moedertaal bestaan en van gr. 4 tot gr. 7 het die meeste van die woorde wat hulle moes leer uit hul taalkeuses bestaan. Die gr. 1’s moes 30 woorde leer en gr. 6’e en gr. 7’s 70 woorde in hul eerste taal en 50 in
hul bykomende taal. Ouers is gevra om met die merkery te help sodat hulle kon ervaar wat die stand van kinders se spelvermoë is. Myburgh meen onderwysers lê nie altyd genoeg klem op korrekte spelling nie. Marelize van Rooyen, ’n Staats-ouer, het dit beaam. “My dogter sal sê die onderwyser het gesê spelling is nie belangrik nie.” Kommunikasie deur tegnologie (wat gekenmerk word deur afkortings) lewer volgens Van Rooyen ’n groot bydrae.
Hier kom ‘Aspoestertjie’
TANYA SINDEN, die hoofmeisie van die Hoërskool Adamantia, wou iets vir haar matriekafskeid doen “wat almal lank gaan onthou” en het in Aspoestertjiestyl saam met Wikus Appelgryn in ’n pampoen op Hoffepark opgedaag waar die matriekafskeid in Augustus gehou is. Haar pa, Jannie, het met die idee vorendag gekom en dit self gebou met die hulp van die familie. Selfs Ouma en Tanya se laerskoolkunson derwyser het hand bygesit. Pa Jannie het ook die trekker bestuur. Foto: Ruan Bruwer
‘Eendag as nefie groot is . . .’
KIMBERLEY se inwoners het in Augustus ’n seldsame geleentheid gehad om ’n foto in die Diamond Pavilion Shopping Mall saam met die gesogte Curriebeker te laat neem. Dit was deel van Absa se veldtog om die op winding van die reeks onder mense aan te wakker. Klein Annelize Swart (4) en haar vyf weke oue nefie, Wian de la Hunt, het ook hul kiekie by die Goue Beker laat neem. Foto: Ruan Bruwer
“Dit gaan alles oor klank. Omdat kinders nie meer lees nie, skryf hulle woorde soos hulle dit hoor en sê. Jy sien dit in die antwoordstelle. Ek verstaan nie my dogter se teksboodskappe nie. Dit moet ontsyfer word.” Volgens die nasieners het woorde soos chaotiese, dictionary en modieuse gr. 6’e en gr. 7’s laat kopkrap. Gr. 4’s en gr. 5’s het met woorde soos breakfast, because, gekomponeer en korrekte gesukkel. Gr. 2’s en gr. 3’s het weer probleme met die woorde geheim, northern, terug en question ondervind.
DESPERAAT om te werk. Werksoekers gooi desperaat hul hande in die lug vir ’n los werkie in Cartersweg. Foto: Ruan Bruwer
Hoekstaan vir ’n werkie Ruan Bruwer JY sien hulle elke oggend langs die pad, op Maandae normaalweg in groter getalle as ander dae. Hul oë smeek jou as’t ware om te stop en hulle ’n werkie aan te bied. As jy net in die omgewing stop, sak hulle desperaat op jou toe. As jy net verbyry, gooi hulle hul hande in die lug wat beteken “hoe lyk dit, het jy nie ’n werkie vir my nie?”. Dit is die werkloses in die Diamantstad wat reken bedel is nie die antwoord nie. Hulle moet hul ambag langs die pad gaan bemark. Die straathoeke by die vierrigtingstop waar Carters- en Croninweg kruis, is ’n gewilde staanplek vir werklose mense. Veral Maandae staan hulle die straathoeke vol. Volgens die gereelde gesigte hier is dit ’n gewilde plek om werk te soek, aangesien mense al weet hulle kan arbeiders hier kry. Simon Ndlovu en Basil Springbok is normaalweg die vroegste hier, teen so 06:00 al. Die mededinging om werk is dan minder, reken hulle. Ndlovu is baie uitgesproke oor werkgewers wat net goedkoop arbeid soek. “Hulle betaal ons te min. Selfs van die groot sakeondernemings onderbetaal ’n mens. Baie van ons hier het ’n ambag, maar word misbruik. Die werkgewer besluit gewoonlik hoeveel hulle wil
betaal, dan kan jy besluit of jy van die aanbod gebruik gaan maak. “Ek self sal vir ’n minimum van R100 ’n dag werk, niks minder nie. Ons werk net so hard soos die plaaswerkers wie se minimumloon nou R105 ’n dag is en wat op R150 aandring. Ons sê soms maar ja vir die min betaling, ons het nie eintlik ’n keuse nie,” het hy vertel. Hoe besluit hulle op watter hoek om te staan? “Jy kyk waar jy die vinnigste kan opspring (agter op die bakkie). Dit help om hard te werk en ’n goeie indruk te laat, jy kry dat daardie mense (werkgewers) terugkom en spesifiek vir jou kom soek vir volgende werkies. “Dan het jy ander kere mense wat spesifiek sê ‘hulle soek daai vier manne’,” het Springbok gesê. “Op dae wat die werk min is, bly ons glo môre sal beter wees. Ons glo altyd aan môre,” is hulle dit eens. Die laaste week van ’n maand is volgens die manne die beste tyd om hier te staan. Richard Morwane het hom in Februarie net vir die week hier aangesluit. Hy het ’n vaste betrekking, maar het ’n week verlof waarin hy steeds ’n ekstra inkomste probeer verdien. Hy soek, soos hulle dit noem, ’n skroppetjie (los werkie). Die ander manne het nie ’n probleem met hom nie – hulle besef almal is desperaat vir werk.
Checkmate FOR the three Ahjum sisters from Kimberley chess is something they are very familiar with and at home they are never short of someone to have a match against. They were all three chosen for the u.8 Northern Cape chess teams that participated in the South African junior chess championships this month. From the left are Kristen (4), Savannah (6) and Jordan (7). Photo: Ruan Bruwer
Dansende sussies kook Ruan Bruwer JY kry talent, jy kry meer talent, dan kry jy die Potgieter-sussies van Kimberley. Benewens hul hope talent is hulle boonop almal mooi, nederig, akademies sterk en gee deurgaans erkenning aan ander mense en aan God. Hulle is ook mekaar se beste maats. Beatrice (gr. 12) en Stephanie (gr. 11), albei leerlinge aan die Hoërskool Diamantveld, het in Maart die asem weggeslaan met hul wennommer in die skool se talentkompetisie, Diamonds got Talent. Hulle het nie verwag om te wen nie en was nie eens gereed om op die verhoog te gaan om hul prys te ontvang nie. “Ons is op die laaste nippertjie gevra om ons in te skryf. Ons het die Saterdag voor die Dinsdag se kompetisie vinnig ’n dansbeweging uitgewerk en ná 90 minute was ons gereed, ofskoon ons die Dinsdag nog die laaste skaafwerk gedoen het.” Hulle het R600 gewen, maar hiervan het Stephanie niks gesien nie – sy was in die skuld by haar ouer sus. Hul dansnommer het uit ’n kombinasie van ballet, gimnastiek, skopboks en improvisasie bestaan. Ousus Annelieze is volgens haar
DIE Potgietersussies, Beatrice (links) en Stephanie, voer een van hul danspassies op die verhoog uit. Foto: Ruan Bruwer twee jonger sussies ’n selfs beter danser. Sy is steeds ’n bobaas-balletdanser. Vir die Potgieters het alles met ritmiese gimnastiek begin. Al drie was op die Suid-Afrikaanse kampioenskappe al onder die voorste drie in die land. Hulle was al drie ’n jaar (2009) in die kunsgerigte St. Cyprian’s Grammar School waar hulle die meeste tyd aan dans bestee het, aangesien daar gereeld geleenthede was om op te tree. Hulle het hier ’n dansgroep gestig. Hulle het nog altyd hul eie dansbewegings
uitgewerk en weinig afrigting of raad ontvang. “Ons het maar na video’s gekyk van hoe ander dit doen en daaruit geleer,” het Stephanie vertel. Hoekom neem hulle nie meer gereeld aan talentkompetisies deel nie? Beatrice antwoord: “Dit is meer entertainment en val nie eintlik in ’n sekere genre nie.” Volgens haar spoor hulle mekaar deurgaans aan. “As my sussie dit kan doen, kan ek ook,” het sy hul resep vir hul sukses as dansers, gimnaste en ook op akademiese gebied verduidelik.
Dans! Dans! Dans!
Saam-saam op die fiets DANIEL BUYS en sy driejarige seuntjie, Katlego, ry graag saam saam op die fiets. Pa vervoer klein Katlego soggens voor in die mandjie van die fiets na sy kleuterskool en wanneer Pa Saterdae sy takies in die stad moet gaan doen, ry Katlego weer saam vir geselskap. Volgens Daniel sit sy seuntjie baie gemaklik en is daar nog genoeg plek vir kruideniersware ook. Die twee is in November op ’n Saterdag afgeneem toe hulle van Soul City af weer saam op die fiets ’n paar draaie gaan ry het. Foto: Ruan Bruwer
SOWAT 200 plaaslike dansers het in Oktober die geleentheid gehad om saam met die sanger Nedine Blom op te tree. Twee vertonings is in die Bikers’ Church aangebied waar dansers van die Charlene Bouwerdans ateljee saam in Blom se Supercoolkinderfees gedans het. Hulle het sowat 13 weke daarvoor voorberei. Foto: Ruan Bruwer
SALARY: R771 306 - R908 571 PER ANNUM/ REFERENCE: PAM01/12/2013 SALARY LEVEL: LEVEL 13 CENTRE: KIMBERLEY Requirements: An appropriate Bachelor’s degree in Natural Sciences/ National Diploma in Nature Conservation or equivalent qualification • Sound knowledge of biodiversity conservation and experience in development of policies, implementation and compliance of biodiversity-related legislation is essential • Good managerial, organizational, planning, communication, interpersonal and administrative skills • Knowledge of financial management and HRM • Experience in or an advanced knowledge of the implementation of Convention on International trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES); Convention on Biodiversity (CBD), Convention on Ramsar Sites etc • and the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) • National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act (NEMPAA) and its associated regulations • National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act (NEMBA) and its associated regulations. National Environmental Management: Integrated Coastal Management Act (NEM: ICMA) • Advanced knowledge of sustainable use of natural resources, alien and invasive species, threatened or protected species and CITES species • Sound knowledge of coastal management • The ability to manage different entities • Be in possession of a valid driver’s license. Duties: • The successful candidate will be required to manage the Directorate • Development, alignment and review of the Directorates plans and budgets • Organising, supervision, allocation, utilization, care and or development of human, financial, technological, physical and logistical resources allocated to the Directorate • Performance management, reporting and communication on the Directorate • Overall operations as well as the implementation and monitoring of the Chief Directorate’s annual performance and operational plans • Development and implementation of policies, strategies, projects, programmes, procedures, practices and standards that facilitate effective and efficient performance and quality services by the Directorate • Manage, guide and direct the provision of Conservation Services and Agencies as outlined in the Department’s Annual Performance and Operational Plans • Manage, guide and direct the provision of Compliance and Enforcement operations, services and functions as outlined in the Department’s Annual Performance and Operational Plans • Manage, guide and direct the provision of Permit Administration and Coastal management operations, services and functions as outlined in the Department’s Annual Performance and Operational Plans • Manage guide and direct the provision of Biodiversity Information Management operations, services and functions as outlined in the Department’s Annual Performance and Operational Plans • Coordinating, supporting and guiding inter-governmental and inter-sectoral integration, cooperation and collaboration in respect of the Chief Directorate’s Services and functions within the Northern Cape Province • Undertake coalface visits aimed at improving service delivery in the spirit of the Batho Pele Strategy and Khaedu Programme. Please note that successful candidates will be subjected to the SMS competency assessment test. Enquiries: The Head of Department: Mr D. van Heerden at (053) 807 7300
REFERENCE: BIODIV 02/12/2013/POST LEVEL: LEVEL 13 SALARY: R771 306 - R908 571 PER ANNUM CENTRE: KIMBERLEY REQUIREMENTS: • An appropriate degree of Natural/Human or Biological Science in or equivalent tertiary qualification in Geographical or Environmental Management • A Minimum of 10 years' relevant experience • Sound knowledge of biodiversity conservation and experience in policy development, implementation and compliance of biodiversity related legislation • Strategic capabilities and leadership • People management and Empowerment • Financial management • Project management • Client orientation and customer focus • Good communication skills • Interpersonal skills; • Strong analytical skills • Computer literacy and a valid driver’s license • Experience in and advanced knowledge of the applicable legislation regulating biodiversity management, eg. National Environmental Management Act, CITES, Convention on Biodiversity (CBD), National Environmental Management: Integrated Coastal Management Act (NEM: ICMA) and other related legislation and regulations • A valid driver’s license DUTIES: • The successful candidate will be required to: Manage Compliance monitoring and Enforcement services • The monitoring of compliance and enforcement of environmental legislation, biodiversity authorization/ permits and coastal zone permits and regulations • Ensure the development of a compliance monitoring and enforcement information management and reporting system • Ensure the planning, implementation of monitoring activities, inspections and audits • Manage and consult on the formulation of policies, legislation, guidelines, norms and standards, and strategies • Submit inputs to national legislation/policies • Provide strategic guidance and leadership to the directorate • Develop legislation, policies, procedures, systems and guidelines to guide environmental decisions • Development of strategic and operational plans of the Directorate
• Ensure compilation of and submit monthly and quarterly progress and technical reports • Ensure sound financial management and compliance with legislation and regulative frameworks • Monitoring and evaluation against set goals and targets • Manage Human Resource and Financial resources of the Directorate. Please note that successful candidates will be subjected to the SMS competency assessment test. Enquiries: The Head of Department: Mr D. van Heerden at (053) 807 7300
Requirements: An appropriate Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Sciences/Environmental Management or equivalent qualification • Sound knowledge of environmental-related legislation is essential: which include the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) (Act 107 of 1998) and its Regulations of 2006 and 2010 • Air Quality Act (AQA) (Act 39 of 2004) • National Environment Management: Waste Act (NEM:WA)(Act 59 of 2008) • Good managerial, organizational, planning, communication, interpersonal and administrative skills • Knowledge of financial management and HRM • Experience in or an advanced knowledge of the The South African Constitution (Act 108 of 1996) • Public Service Act (PSA) (Act 103 of 1999) • Public Finance Management Act (PFMA)(Act 1 of 1999) and Treasury Regulations • Promotion of Administrative Justice Act (PAJA) (Act 3 of 2000) • Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA) (Act 2 of 2000) • Be in possession of a valid driver’s license. Duties: • Development, alignment and review of the Directorate’s Strategic Plans, Annual Performance Plan, Operational Plans and budgets • Effective and efficient supervision, allocation, utilization, care and or development of all resources allocated to the Directorate • Effective performance management of the Directorate • Provision of all Directorate specific services at national, provincial, district and local levels • Coordination, support and guidance regarding inter-governmental and inter-sectoral integration, cooperation and collaboration on EQM and related matters and services in the Northern Cape Province • Development, alignment and review of the Directorate’s Plans and budgets • Organizing, supervision, allocation, utilization, care and or development of human, financial, technological, physical & logistical resources • Performance management of reporting and communication on the Directorate • Manage, guide and direct the provision of Environmental Impact operations, services and functions • Manage, guide and direct the provision of Air Quality and Climate Change management operations, services and functions • Manage, guide and direct the provision of Pollution and Waste management operations, services and functions • Undertake coalface visits aimed at improving service delivery in the spirit of the Batho Pele Strategy and Khaedu Programme. Please note that successful candidates will be subjected to the SMS competency assessment test. Enquiries: The Head of Department: Mr D. van Heerden at (053) 807 7300
SALARY: R495 603 – R 583 800 PER ANNUM (LEVEL 11) REFERENCE/STATION: •CORP/01/2013 (KIMBERLEY: FRANCES BAARD) •CORP/02/2013 (DE AAR: PIXLEY KA SEME) •CORP/03/2013 (SPRINGBOK: NAMAKWA) •CORP/04/2013 (UPINGTON: ZF MCGAWU) •CORP/05/2013 (KURUMAN: JOHN TAOLO GAETSEWE) Requirements: • An appropriate degree/three-year recognised National Diploma in Administration or equivalent qualification with 3-5 years’ experience / Grade 12 with 10 years’ experience • 3 years practical administration experience in a managerial position • Sound knowledge of the Public Finance Management Act, Public Service Act 103 of 1994 and Public Service Resolutions • Sound knowledge in development of policies/ implementation strategies • A good understanding of financial, budgeting and procurement systems, and the relevant policies • Computer skills and records keeping • Knowledge and acts that inform training and development • Management skills and problem solving skills • Client orientation and customer focus • Data system maintenance • Project management, research and analytical skills • Communication, interpersonal skills and networking skills • In-depth knowledge of the PERSAL, BAS and LOGIS system • A valid driver’s license. Duties: • Managing the regional office • Rendering of support services to the Directorates: Biodiversity Management, Environmental Quality and Environmental Empowerment Services • The rendering of a Human resource management services, Financial Management, provisioning of
Corporate Support Services • The overall management of the regional staff and overseeing the work of the different directorates • The facilitation of regular liaison with the public stakeholders, political and community organisations • The coordination and organising of events of the department, e.g. campaigns, national days and other public events • Acceptance of responsibility to manage human resources, administration, planning, execution, monitoring and evaluation of activities and contribute to sound financial and budget management • Analyse District and Local Integrated Development Plans (IDPs) at municipal level for environmental content as per legislative requirement • Facilitate intergovernmental coordination and ensure cooperative governance and integration of DENC plans, programmes, projects, tools and legislation into IDPs • Reliablity to participate in Local, District and National Government Fora. Enquiries: Mr. PR Mogotsi, Tel: (053) 807 7300
Requirements: Relevant Degree in Environmental Management/ Environmental Science or equivalent in natural, physical, engineering and planning fields • A valid drivers’ license • Good working knowledge of NEMA (Act 107 of 1998), ECA, Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations 2006 and other related environmental regulations governing development impact, • Good working knowledge of impact management best practice, • basic knowledge of: public administration, financial management, human resource management, project management, • Presentation skills • Computer literacy • Interpersonal skills • Ability to work independently and in a team • Good facilitation skills • Good verbal and written communication skills • At least 2 years’ experience in EIAs or environmental management or related field. Duties: The successful candidate will be responsible to: • Review and evaluate environmental impact assessment reports and development control applications including EMPs and mining related EMPRs • Provide comments, recommendations, technical and specialist inputs on all environmental impact management aspects of project including complex and controversial projects • Undertake awareness and education programmes related to environmental impact processes and amongst consultants, developers, government departments, local communities and the general public (i.e. procedural steps and description of legal mandate) • Initiate, plan, coordinate and participate in specially assigned projects (e.g. EMF, administrative guidelines) • Liaise with the relevant provincial, national and international organisations and specialists groups on issues related to environmental impact management • Assist in undertaking administrative and supervisory duties. Enquiries: Mr. B Fisher, Tel. (053) 807 7470
Requirements: • A degree in Environmental Management/Environmental Science or equivalent in the natural, physical, engineering and planning fields • A valid driver’s license. Good working knowledge of NEMA (Act 107 of 1998), ECA, Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, 2006 and other related environmental regulations governing development impact • A good working knowledge of impact management best practice • Basic knowledge of: public administration, financial management, human resource management, project management, presentation skills, computer literacy, interpersonal skills • Ability to work independently and in a team, and good facilitation skills • Good verbal and written communication skills • Must have at least 2 years experience in EIAs or environmental management or related field. Duties: • Review and evaluate environmental impact assessment reports and development control applications including EMPs and mining related EMPRs • Provide comments, recommendations, technical and specialist inputs on all environmental impact management’s aspects of projects including complex and controversial projects • undertake awareness and education programmes related to environmental impact management process amongst consultants, developers, government departments, local communities, and the general public(i.e. procedural steps and description of legal mandate) • Initiate, plan, coordinate and participate in specially assigned projects (e.g. EMF, administrative guidelines) • Liaise with relevant provincial, national and international organizations and specialists groups on issues related to environmental impact management • Assist in undertaking administrative and supervisory duties. Enquiries: Mr B. Fisher (053 807 7469)
CLOSING DATE: 10 JANUARY 2014 Applications must be forwarded to: The Department of Environment and Nature Conservation, Private Bag X6102, Kimberley 8301. Applications can also be hand delivered to the receptionist on the T-floor Metlife Towers “Post Office Building” Kimberley, marked for attention: Mr V. Fredericks. NOTE: It is the Department’s intention to promote equity through the filling of posts, according to the set Employment Equity targets. To facilitate this process successfully, an indication of race, gender and disability status is required. Applications must be submitted on form Z83, obtainable from any Public Service department or on the internet at http://www.info.gov.za/documents/forms/employ.pdf and should be accompanied by a recently updated, comprehensive CV as well as certified copies of all qualification(s) [Matric certificate must also be attached] and ID-document and Driver’s licence [where applicable]. Non-RSA Citizens/Permanent Resident Permit Holders must attach a copy of his/her Permanent Residence Permit to his/her application. Should you be in possession of a foreign qualification, it must be accompanied by an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). No faxed or emailed applications will be considered. Failure to submit all the requested documents will result in the application not being considered. Correspondence will be limited to short listed candidates only. If you have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Suitable candidates will be subjected to a personnel suitability check (criminal record check, citizenship verification, financial/asset record check, qualification/study verification and previous employment verification). Successful candidates will also be subjected to the security clearance processes. Where applicable, candidates will be subjected to a skills/knowledge test. Successful candidates will be appointed on a probation period of twelve (12) months. The Department reserves the right not to make appointment(s) to the advertised post(s).
Requirements: • Relevant Diploma / Degree in Environmental or Natural Sciences with 6 years appropriate experience • Sound interpersonal and communication skills (verbal and written) • Administrative abilities • Computer literacy (including database management) • Knowledge of environmental management, including waste management • Knowledge of environmental legislation, policies, and regulations • Ability to plan and organize activities • Report writing • Experience in environmental impact management and waste management permitting / licensing • Knowledge of hazardous waste and / or chemical pollution management • Experience in facilitation of public participation processes • A Valid code 08 (EB) driver’s license. Duties: • Assist and support with developing and implementing measures and programs that give effect to Integrated Waste Management Planning in a holistic and sustainable manner, thereby promoting Integrated Waste Management • To develop, manage and facilitate the efficient and effective implementation of measures and systems to regulate waste management facilities through licensing and auditing • To facilitate, assess, monitor and evaluate the development and the implementation of provincial, municipal and industry waste management plans • Assist and support the Department of Health on Health Care Risk Waste Management. Enquiries: Mr B Fisher (053 807 7430)
SALARY: R 180 903 – R 200 769 PER ANNUM REFERENCE: EQM02/12/2013 CENTRE: DE AAR (PIXLEY KA SEME REGION) Requirements: • The applicant must be in possession of an appropriate three year tertiary qualification in the Environmental Management or Natural Sciences or an equivalent qualification • 3 years’ experience in the field of Environmental Management • Administrative abilities • Computer literacy (including database management) • Knowledge of environmental management, including waste management • Knowledge of environmental legislation, policies, and regulations • Ability to plan and organize activities • Report writing skills • Experience in waste management permitting / licensing • Knowledge of hazardous waste and / or chemical pollution management • A valid code 08 (EB) driver’s license. Duties: • Assist and support with developing and implementing measures and programs that give effect to Integrated Waste Management Planning in a holistic and sustainable manner, thereby promoting Integrated Waste Management • Manage and facilitate efficient audits to monitor and regulate waste management facilities and respond to pollution and waste incidents and complaints • Process applications for authorizations / Permits / Licences related to pollution and waste management • Facilitate and conduct workshops with stakeholders on pollution and waste management processes and legislation • Perform Administrative related duties. Enquiries: Mr B. Fisher, tel. (053 807 7469)
REFERENCE: EES/ 01/12/2013 SALARY: R331 566 – R379 107 PER ANNUM/ CENTRE: DE AAR Requirements: • An appropriate 3 year tertiary qualification or equivalent qualification in natural science or educational fields • 5 years relevant experience • Excellent interpersonal, communication, negotiation and presentation skills; Office Administration; Human Resource Management and budgeting abilities • Computer literacy, including MS Word, Excel, Power Point and Publisher • Knowledge of environmental laws and the national education system • a valid driver’s license and good driving skills are essential. Duties: • Manage and develop environmental capacity building programmes for formal and informal education structures • Ensure the promotion of environmental awareness programmes • Manage and develop educational resource material • Develop and implement environmental capacity building and awareness strategies • Assist with strategic planning, annual planning, budget, expenditure control of the Unit • Supervise regional environmental officers • Liaise with relevant stakeholders, other government departments and possible funders • Represent the Department and Unit on relevant committees. Enquiries: Mr. L. Abrahams Tel: 053 8077 430 (office hours)
Requirements: • An appropriate 3 year tertiary qualification in the natural science or education field • At least 1 year experience in the field of Environmental Education and/or Education • Excellent communication skills, including presentation skills • computer literacy • a Valid driver’s license and good driving skills are essential. Duties: • Implement environmental education programmes to assist with the integration of environmental education into formal education structures • Identify, conduct and facilitate environmental awareness campaigns for the general public and relevant stakeholders • Facilitate/ conduct the celebration of international and national environmental days • Assist with the development and implementation of environmental programmes to the youth • Assist with the development and distribution of resource and learning material • Foster working relationships with other government departments and relevant stakeholders to promote environmental education and awareness • Perform administrative and relevant related functions. Enquiries: Mrs E Groeners at (053) 807 7430
SALARY: R 180 903 – R 200 769 PER ANNUM REFERENCE: ICSDP 01/12/2013/ CENTRE : DE AAR (PIXLEY KA SEME REGION) Requirements: • Relevant Degree(s)/National Diploma (s) in Environmental Management and/or Natural Science • At least three years’ experience in environmental management • Possession of a valid unendorsed code 8 (EB) drivers’ license • Job knowledge of Intergovernmental Relations, Project Management, Sustainable Spatial and Development Planning, Millennium Development Goals, Environmental challenges at local, national and international level, • Integrated Environmental Management (IEM) Process, National and Provincial SOE Report/Outlook, • Environmental Implementation Plan and IDP Environmental Toolkit, Environmental Law and Regulations [especially NEMA and Intergovernmental Relations Framework Act] and IEM Tools • Computer literate • Sound interpersonal and communication (written and verbal), report writing, organizational, planning and disciplinary skills • Ability to apply analytical and innovative thinking to the
planning, development and environmental processes. Duties: • Acceptance of responsibility to manage human resources, administration, planning, execution, monitoring and evaluation of activities and contribute to sound financial and budget management • Analyse District and Local Integrated Development Plans (IDPs) at municipal level for environmental content as per legislative requirement • Facilitate intergovernmental coordination and ensure cooperative governance and integration of DENC plans, programmes, projects, tools and legislation into IDPs • Reliability to participate in Local, District and National Government Fora, • Compile DENC Action Plan and update progress on all relevant environmental matters raised • Provide hands on support to all municipalities in the N. Cape with their IDPs and sector plans • Compile and submit good quality reports related to: Fora attended, Environmental Implementation Plan, State of the Environment Outlook, Integrated Development Plans, Outcome 10, Programme of Action, Working Group 3 and others. Enquiries: Ms Raylene Nel 053 8077300/35 Mrs Elise Lameyer053 8077300/74
Requirements: A 3 year bachelor’s degree in law or equivalent qualification • 5 years investigations experience • 5 years supervisory experience • Excellent working knowledge of the National Environmental Management Act (107 of 1998) and Regulations, National Environment Management: Air Quality Act (39 of 2004), National Environment Management: Air Quality Act (59 of 2008) and Regulations and other related acts and regulations • Good managerial, report writing , organisational, administrative and financial management skills • Designation as an Environmental Management Inspector will be an added advantage • Possession of an unendorsed driver’s license • Applicant must be willing to travel long distances. Duties: • Manage the Environmental Enforcement Unit • Undertake investigations of complaints/transgressions in respect of environmental law contraventions • Coordinate the undertaking of criminal prosecutions with the SAPS and NPA • Plan and execute law enforcement operations • Ensure proper record keeping of Environmental Crime Statistics and compilation of relevant National and Provincial reports. Enquiries: Mr. OT Gaoraelwe, Tel: (053) 807 7437
Requirements: • 3-year tertiary qualification in Nature Conservation or equivalent degree in Natural Science • Good working knowledge of the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act (10 of 2004) and Regulations, National Environment Management: Protected Areas Act (57 of 2003), Northern Cape Conservation Act (9 of 2009) • Good report writing, organizational and administrative skills • Training and designation as an Environmental Management Inspector will be an added advantage • Computer literacy • Possession of an unendorsed driver’s license • Applicant must be willing to travel long distances Duties: • Perform administrative related functions • Conduct biodiversity related advisory services • Responsible for marking, tagging and micro- chipping of wild animal specimens • Provide inputs in relation to the processing and issuing of Biodiversity Permits • Render proactive and reactive Compliance Monitoring Enquiries: Mr L Muller, Tel: (027) 341 8360
CLOSING DATE: 10 JANUARY 2014 Applications must be forwarded to: The Department of Environment and Nature Conservation, Private Bag X6102, Kimberley 8301. Applications can also be hand delivered to the receptionist on the T-floor Metlife Towers “Post Office Building” Kimberley, marked for attention: Mr. V Fredericks NOTE: It is the Department’s intention to promote equity through the filling of posts, according to the set Employment Equity targets. To facilitate this process successfully, an indication of race, gender and disability status is required. Applications must be submitted on form Z83, obtainable from any Public Service department or on the internet at http://www.info.gov.za/documents/forms/employ.pdf and should be accompanied by a recently updated, comprehensive CV as well as certified copies of all qualification(s) [Matric certificate must also be attached] and ID-document and Driver’s licence [where applicable]. Non-RSA Citizens/Permanent Resident Permit Holders must attach a copy of his/her Permanent Residence Permit to his/her application. Should you be in possession of a foreign qualification, it must be accompanied by an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). No faxed or emailed applications will be considered. Failure to submit all the requested documents will result in the application not being considered. Correspondence will be limited to short listed candidates only. If you have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Suitable candidates will be subjected to a personnel suitability check (criminal record check, citizenship verification, financial/asset record check, qualification/study verification and previous employment verification). Successful candidates will also be subjected to the security clearance processes. Where applicable, candidates will be subjected to a skills/knowledge test. Successful candidates will be appointed on a probation period of twelve (12) months. The Department reserves the right not to make appointment(s) to the advertised post(s).
Requirements: • A 3-year Bachelor’s degree in environmental management or equivalent qualification • Good working knowledge of the National Environmental Management Act (107 of 1998) and Regulations, National Environment Management: Air Quality Act (39 of 2004), 2010 EIA Regulations and NEMA S24G administration • Good report writing, organizational and administrative skills • Computer literacy • Excellent investigative skills • Training and designation as an Environmental Management Inspector will be an added advantage • Possession of an unendorsed driver’s license • Applicant must be willing to travel long distances. Duties: • Undertaking of proactive and reactive compliance monitoring site inspections • Respond to public complaints of noncompliance with illegal developments, pollution and waste legislation • Provide support to local municipalities on regulation of waste management activities • Report and follow up on non-compliances picked up during compliance monitoring inspections. Enquiries: Ms T Tsimakwane, Tel: (053) 807 7440
Requirements: • A 3-year Bachelor’s degree in environmental management or equivalent qualification • Good working knowledge of the National Environmental Management Act (107 of 1998) and Regulations, National Environment Management: Air Quality Act (39 of 2004), 2010 EIA Regulations and NEMA S24G administration • Good report writing, organizational and administrative skills; Excellent investigative skills • Training and designation as an Environmental Management Inspector will be an added advantage • Computer literacy • Possession of an unendorsed driver’s license • Applicant must be willing to travel long distances. Duties: • Undertaking of site inspections and investigations • Drafting of legally sound Compliance Notices/Directives • Drafting of informed recommendations on NEMA S24G applications, more specifically the EIA review of unlawful activities • Plan, coordinate and undertake Compliance Monitoring activities. Enquiries: Ms T Tsimakwane. Tel: (053) 807 7440
SALARY: R252 144 – R304 587 PER ANNUM REFERENCE: FIN /01/12/2013 CENTRE: HEAD OFFICE, KIMBERLEY Requirements: Applicants must be in possession of a 3-year Diploma / equivalent qualification or Senior Certificate with 5 years Financial Accounting Experience in Government • Microsoft Word, Excel and Power Point, • Knowledge of BAS and Supply Chain Management Systems (LOGIS) • Excellent verbal and written com-
munication skills and the ability to work under pressure are a prerequisite • Knowledge of the PFMA, Treasury Regulations, Standard Chart of Accounts and all Financial prescripts and guidelines • Strong communication and listening abilities • People management skills • Computer literacy (MS office package, especially Excel) • Knowledge of Basic Accounting System (BAS) , PERSAL and LOGIS • Financial management • Performance management • Good analytical writing and reporting skills • Interpretation of financial data and transforming it into management reports • Knowledge and application of relevant legislation/policies • Good knowledge of the Standard Chart of Accounts (SCOA) • Knowledge of compilation of Annual Financial Statements • Personal attributes: • Strategic and visionary leadership, • Self-driven, Self-confident and innovative • Ability to work under pressure. Duties: Bank Reconciliations , miscellaneous payments and cashier functions • Administration of the bank account of the Department • Assist in the compilation of Annual Financial Statements • Revenue Management functions • Expenditure Management functions. (payments) • Ensure that the “end of financial year responsibilities” is met in accordance with prescripts • Ensure that ledger accounts always reflect favourable balances • Establish measures with a view to efficient financial management and record keeping • Ensure effective management of the Basic Accounting System • Ensure compliance with financial prescripts i.e. Public Finance Management Act, National Treasury Regulations, Provincial Treasury Instructions, Delegations and departmental policies • Interpret financial policy and provide accurate guidance and advice over a broad spectrum of financial matters • Draft circulars, submissions and memorandums with regard to all aspects of financial matters •Supervision of personnel and responsible for Staff Performance within the unit. ENQUIRIES: Ms K Mackay, tel. (053) 8077300
Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998, Skills Development Act 97 of 1998, Public Finance Management Act, Public Service Act 103 of 1994, amendments to these acts and Public Service Resolutions • Experience in negotiations, disciplinary hearings, conciliation and arbitration • Management skills and problem solving skills • Project management, research and analytical skills • Communication, , interpersonal skills and networking skills • Client orientation and customer focus • Knowledge of the PERSAL system • An unendorsed driver’s license. Duties: • Facilitate the implementation of high quality labour relations services to line functions and the Department • Facilitate the implementation of strategic, dynamic and proactive labour relations programmes • Ensure compliance with labour relations policy and framework and procedures • Promote sound labour relations within the department • Facilitate meetings between union representatives and Management • Conflict and dispute resolution • Case management in respect of individual and collective disputes • Co-ordination of individual and collective grievances • Interpretation of various labour statistics • Monitor and co-ordinate functions to collective bargaining • Represent the Department in conciliation and arbitration in the CCMA and the GPSSBC • Assist the Director: Human Resource Management in drafting of submissions and labour relations policy in the Department • Provide expert advice regarding labour relations issues, including disciplinary and grievance matters • Represent the Department on relevant forums. Enquiries Mr KJ v/d Westhuizen 053 807 7300 or kvdwesthuizen@ncpg.gov.za
Requirements: • An appropriate National diploma/ Degree in Financial Management with 2 years relevant experience • Good interpersonal, analytic thinking, negotiation, communication (verbal and written), • organizing and planning skills • Innovative thinking and creativity, • Computer literacy, • Knowledge of PFMA, Treasury Regulations, Public Sector Risk Management Framework • Public service Anti-corruption Strategy and Departmental anti-corruptions measures, Departmental policies and procedures, principles and practice of Enterprise Risk Management, Internal control and assurance, ERM concepts, framework and methodologies and Framework for managing Programme Performance Information • Ability to work individually and in a team, • Ability to work under pressure, • Selfdriven with problem solving, self-supervision and management skills. Duties: • Develop, implement and maintain an ERM framework and supporting policies and procedures • Develop and implement a strategic and annual ERM plan • Develop and implement risk assessment methodologies, models and systems • Assess and maintain the risk maturity profile • Facilitate the identification of risks utilising appropriate tools and techniques • Facilitate and coordinate the compilation of strategic and operational risk registers • Facilitate the development of risk response strategies (mitigation plans) • Coordinate the activities of the Departmental Risk Management Committee. Enquiries: Ms. BB Mashobao, tel. (053) 807 7300/08
DIRECTORATE: Human Resource Management SUB-DIRECTORATE: Labour Relations
SALARY: R 252 144 – R 304 587 PER ANNUM (LEVEL 9) REFERENCE: HRLR/01/2012 STATION: HEAD OFFICE- KIMBERLEY Requirements: •An appropriate degree / Three-year recognised National Diploma in Labour Law, Human Resources Management or Public Management or an equivalent qualification • 3-5 years’ experience in a similar position • Knowledge of labour relations legislative framework for the public service, including the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 , Basic Conditions of Employment Act of 1997,
SALARY: R 252 144 – R 304 587 PER ANNUM (LEVEL 9) REFERENCE: CORP/06/2013 - STATION: KIMBERLEY Requirements: • Degree/ diploma in communications, Journalism or Public Relations • Practical experience in a communications related environment between 3-5 years’ experience • Experience in the management of resources 2-3 years’ experience • Change Management • Knowledge on policy research, analysis and development • Planning and organizing • Retrieval of information on Internet and other databases • Finance (category C) • Time management • Legislation and policy applicable to the Public Service • National and provincial institutional framework • Interpretation • Creativity • Interpersonal skills • Analytical skills • Conflict resolution • Ability to communicate issues in a tactful manner • Well- develop report writing skills • Ability to work under pressure and adhere to deadlines • Supervisory Skills • Computer skills • Numeracy skills • Literacy skills • Influencing skills • Research methodology • Leadership skills • Commitment • Integrity • Professionalism • Loyal • Tactfulness • Accountability • Innovative • Objectivity Must be in possession of a valid driver's license (Code 08) and proven ability to drive; Must be able and willing to travel and work long hours including weekends and public holidays; Ability to work well under pressure and in a team. Duties: • Overall management of the Communications unit • Ensuring the implementation of the departmental communications strategy • Maintaining the website of the department. • Provide a media writing function for the Department (this includes; media invitations, media statements, fact sheets, briefing notes, articles for internal and external publications) in hard copy and electronically • Media monitoring and liaison • Ongoing analysis of the media environment. • Maintain regular contact with news organizations • Arranging of press conferences and scheduling of interviews with media (radio stations, newspapers, new media, television etc.) • Writing and researching of articles for newspapers and magazines • Regular liaison with public stakeholders, political and community organizations. • Research and draft speeches of the MEC • Assist with the organizing of events of the department, e.g. campaigns, national days and other public events • Marketing of the department and its services. • Conduct media research; draft media plans; assist with compilation of exit reports; Revise and update the media database; Manage audio recordings for media distribution • Branding of the department. Enquiries: Mr PR Mogotsi at (053) 807 7300
NOTE: It is the Department’s intention to promote equity through the filling of posts, according to the set Employment Equity targets. To facilitate this process successfully, an indication of race, gender and disability status is required. Applications must be submitted on form Z83, obtainable from any Public Service department or on the internet at http://www.info. gov.za/documents/forms/employ.pdf and should be accompanied by a recently updated, comprehensive CV as well as certified copies of all qualification(s) [Matric certificate must also be attached] and ID-document and Driver’s licence [where applicable]. Non-RSA Citizens/Permanent Resident Permit Holders must attach a copy of his/her Permanent Residence Permit to his/her application. Should you be in possession of a foreign qualification, it must be accompanied by an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). No faxed or emailed applications will be considered. Failure to submit all the requested documents will result in the application not being considered. Correspondence will be limited to short listed candidates only. If you have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Suitable candidates will be subjected to a personnel suitability check (criminal record check, citizenship verification, financial/asset record check, qualification/study verification and previous employment verification). Successful candidates will also be subjected to the security clearance processes. Where applicable, candidates will be subjected to a skills/knowledge test. Successful candidates will be appointed on a probation period of twelve (12) months. The Department reserves the right not to make appointment(s) to the advertised post(s).
Applications must be forwarded to: The Department of Environment and Nature Conservation, Private Bag X6102, Kimberley 8301. Applications can also be hand delivered to the receptionist on the T-floor Metlife Towers “Post Office Building” Kimberley, marked for attention: Mr. V Fredericks
Beste maat
PAAIE kruis weer ná vyf dekades. Johanna Fick (links) en Louisa de Beer wat in die 1950’s en 1960’s ’n straat van mekaar af op Kru gersdorp gewoon het, het mekaar vroeër vanjaar in Kimberley raak geloop. Foto: Ruan Bruwer
Ou skoolmaats ná 50 j. herenig Ruan Bruwer DIT was vanjaar net mooi 50 jaar sedert hulle mekaar laas op skool gesien het dat twee oud-Krugersdorpers mekaar heel toevallig weer in Kimberley opgespoor het. Johanna Fick en Louisa de Beer het amper 500 km van waar hulle ’n straat van mekaar af op Krugersdorp gewoon het, mekaar weer raakgeloop. Albei vroue het in die vroeë 1960’s saam aan die Hoërskool Jan de Klerk skoolgegaan. Hulle verskil ’n jaar in ouderdom. Johanna is by haar kerk se Kleipotklub wat voorbidding doen, betrokke en het op die spoor van ene Louisa de Beer gekom. “Ek het gebel en gehoor sy is nie tuis nie, sy kuier op Krugersdorp. Dadelik was ek nuuskierig, want ek kom mos ook van daar. Toe sy terug is, het ek weer gebel en uitgevra wat sy daar gaan maak het en wat haar verbintenis met Krugersdorp is,” het Johanna vertel. Baie van Louisa se familielede woon steeds daar. Sy en haar man woon die afgelope 31 jaar in die Diamantstad en Johanna sedert 2011.
EEN van die deel nemers in die glyrenkampi oenskap in Maart by Kimberley se glybaan, die Monstermob renbaan, was Dorné Britz van Boksburg. Hy het sy gelukbringer, die mak apie Pik ke, saamgebring. Pikke beur hulle op as dit nie so goed op die baan gegaan het nie, is gesê. Foto: Ruan Bruwer
“Daardie gesprek oor die telefoon het seker ’n uur en ’n half geduur. Hoe langer ons gesels het, hoe meer het ons tot die besef gekom ons ken mekaar eintlik, hoewel ons sedert skooldae geen kontak gehad het nie.” Louisa het gesê sy het Johanna nie op skool geken nie, maar het net van haar geweet. “Ons het later vasgestel ons het mekaar geken, nie persoonlik nie, maar wel van mekaar geweet. Dit was nou regtig lekker om daardie onthoupad te stap van ons kinderdae op Krugersdorp-Wes wat ’n lekker gebied was om in groot te word,” het Louisa gesê. Hulle het seker gemaak hulle kom by mekaar uit en sien mekaar sedertdien gereeld. Hulle stem saam Kimberley is beter as Krugersdorp. Hier is minder verkeer, dit is skoner en veiliger, maar het wel nie dieselfde aantal inkopiesentrums en koopkrag nie. Die twee meen verder mense behoort deesdae met die tegnologie beskikbaar en met iets soos Facebook nie meer soos hulle in die war te wees waar die ander een hom of haar sedert hul skooldae bevind nie.
Kry kosbare kolf pasella Ruan Bruwer HY wou maar net ’n handtekening gehad het, toe kry hy dit én ’n pasella. ’n Reuse-meevaller het Juan Valkenborgh in Januarie te beurt geval toe hy die aand ná die eendagwedstryd tussen Suid-Afrika en Nieu-Seeland by die huis gekom het met ’n krieketkolf waarmee hy nie krieket toe is nie. Die kolf se eienaar was vroeër die Kiwi Colin Munro. Juan, ’n krieketliefhebber, vertel hy het lank gespook om Munro se handtekening te kry. “Hy het op die grens veldwerk gedoen en ek moes lank vir ’n handtekening smeek, seker so vier of vyf keer voordat hy eindelik op my hoed geteken het. “Ná die wedstryd het ek vir die Proteas gewag om hul handtekeninge te kry toe hy (Munro) onverwags na my toe gestap kom en sy krieketkolf
aan my oorhandig. Hy het my seker as die outjie herken wat so vir sy handtekening gesmeek het. Hy het gesê: ‘Hier, dit is nou joune. Maak dit reg en jy kan dit gebruik’.” Juan sê hy het die aand by die huis dadelik sy ma gevra om oor Munro te Google en wou onder meer weet wat sy kolfgemiddeld is. Hy was nog meer beïndruk toe hy verneem Munro is eintlik ’n Suid-Afrikaner wat in 2002 na Nieu-Seeland verhuis het. Hulle het intussen uitgevind daardie kolf kan tot $340 (sowat R3 043) kos. “Ek wil graag met die kolf speel, maar my pa reken ek moet dit eerder raam. Die wilgerlat is goed ingeslaan.” Juan het net verleë gelag toe sy ma vertel het hy het die volgende oggend met die kolf langs hom in die bed en sy hoed op sy kop (met die handtekeninge op) wakker geword.
’n INGENOME Juan Valkenborgh met sy krieketkolf wat hy by die NieuSeelandse krieketspeler Colin Munro gekry het. Die kolf het ’n krakie of twee, maar verder skort nie veel daarmee nie. Foto: Ruan Bruwer
1845 1445
PLAFONISOLERING: THERMGUARD LITE NK. Koel in somer, warm in winter. SABS. Gratis kwotasies. 082 388 0307 of 053 832 9194.
HARTENBOS: NETJIESE AKKOMMODASIE. Heeljaar beskikbaar. Lae tariewe buite seisoen. Ook eiendom te koop. Skakel 083 236 1294 of 044 695 0682.
’n Bynaam sal jy kry Ruan Bruwer PARTY kinders kan nou eenmaal nie keer om hul ouers se byname te erf nie, al probeer hulle hoe hard om daardie name af te skud. As jy boonop byname soos Dagga of Spinnekop het, wel, dan sou jy seker graag eerder op jou geboortename genoem wil word, al is dit Bernardus Lambertus en Willem Jacobus (Dagga en Spinnekop se geboortename onderskeidelik). Op vanjaar se Cravenweek is Nardus Bosman en Willie van Aswegen wel deur die omroepers op hul name uitgeroep, maar op die veld is hulle deur hul spanmaats as Dagga en Spinnekop aangespreek. Dié name het hulle by hul pa’s geërf wat steeds só genoem word. Nardus se pa is Dagga Bosman en Willie se pa Spinnekop van Aswegen. Soms word hy Spider genoem. Van Aswegen se jonger seun, Conraad, heet Spinny. Dagga het vertel sy ouer broer was bekend as Zol en toe hy drie jaar ná Zol
op hoërskool kom (die Hoërskool Landboudal op Jacobsdal), het Hawie Bosman dadelik Dagga Bosman geword en ken mense hom drie dekades later steeds net op dié naam. “Ek rook nie eens nie. Ek drink, ja, maar jy kan maar vra, ek rook nie.” Van Aswegen, wat op hoërskool (die Hoërskool Christiana) ’n hekkie-atleet was, het sy naam gekry omdat hy vir sy skoolmaats soos ’n spinnekop gelyk het soos hy oor die hekkies gespring het. Sy regte naam is dieselfde as dié van sy oudste seun – Willie. Dagga en Spinnekop het in ’n tydperk gespeel toe vreemde byname vir spanmaats by die Griekwas hoogty gevier het. Daar was Viervoet (Liebenberg), Bok (Markram), Haas (van Zyl), Hakkies (Husselman), Duimpie (Theron), Scholla (Scholtz), Makwas (van der Walt), Chappy (van Vliet), Slang (Roux), Stompie (Fourie), Kraai (van Niekerk), Kriek (Erasmus), Wommers (Brown), Muis (Viviers), Biltong (Grobbelaar) en Vlakhaas (Ross).
Deel van Diamantstad VERBIND aan Diamantstad. Vier van die omroepers wat by die kitswedstryd in Janu arie tussen die Proteas en Kiwi’s op die Diamantovaal kommentaar vir hul uitsaaiers gelewer het, het verbintenisse met Kimberley. Van links is Graig Marais (Radio 2000), Boeta Dippenaar, Kepler Wessels en Deon Kruis (almal SuperSport). Marais het twee jaar (1992 en 1993) vir die Griekwas gespeel. Dippenaar is ’n boorling van Kimberley en sy ouers woon steeds hier. Wessels het twee seisoene (1998 tot 2000) sy loopbaan hier by die Griekwas afgesluit. Kruis het van 1996 tot 2004 sy provinsiale krieket hier gespeel en is deesdae ’n sakeman in Kimberley. Foto: Ruan Bruwer
Laat hom nie vang
VOLG in Pa se voetspore. Van links is Dagga Bosman (oudGriekwaflank), sy seun Nardus (flank van die Griekwas se Cravenweekspan), Willie van Aswegen (haker van die Griekwas se Cravenweekspan) en sy pa, Spinnekop van Aswegen (oudGriekwasenter). Foto: Ruan Bruwer
IN Kimberley se laerskoolweergawe van die Springbokke teen die All Blacks – die Laerskool Eureka teen die Laerskool Newton – in Mei het eersgenoemde in die o.13Arugby wedstryd swaar getrek. Veral die vinnige vleuel van Newton, Andries Jacobs, het net te veel spoed vir sy teenstanders gehad. Hy het twee keer in sy span se oorwinning van 575 gaan druk. Tiaan Esterhuyse, linkervleuel, was te laat om hom op pad na sy eerste drie grond toe te bring. Foto: Ruan Bruwer
Sport Die Diamantstad se koerant
Griekwas laat rekords spat DIE rekords het in Maart op Groblersdal die een ná die ander gespat namate die Griekwa-rugbyspan die rekordboeke herskryf het. Die Griekwas het met ’n telling van 124-5 met die nuweling in die Vodacombekerreeks, Limpopo, klaargespeel. Dit was in daardie stadium die
Tree-ee-ee-eek DIE Hoër Tegniese Skool (HTS) in Kimberley het in Maart die NoordKaap op die nasionale junior toutrekkam pioenskapsbyeenkoms in die 480 kgafdeling vir meisies verteenwoordig en letterlik soms swaar getrek. Foto: Ruan Bruwer
Kidson bids board farewell Ruan Bruwer APRIL saw the end of a 20-year era at the Griqualand West Cricket Board (GWCB). Brian Kidson, commercial director at Griquas, decided to leave the board. “Although this is the end of an era I am confident about the future of Griquas. I’m leaving Griquas in the best possible hands. I’m positive Griquas will grow from strength to strength. “I have no regrets and I’ve made the decision in my own best interest. “It was a difficult decision to make. I have great memories and I’m privileged to have made the friendships I have throughout the cricket family. I hope I have contributed to cricket in South Africa,” he said. He said there had been only four personnel members when he had started there in 1993, and of them only Sipho Mzimba, the groundsman, is still around. One of the major achievements highlighted by Kidson was the first day-night provincial match played at the Diamond Oval in 1996. Since then a number of international matches, including three World Cup encounters, has regularly been awarded to the grounds. Winning the Standard Bank Trophy in 1999 and how the cricket facilities have grown, as well as
FAMILIAR faces, but in new roles. Eugene Jacobs (left, new CEO of Ama teur Cricket at the Griqualand West Cricket Board) and JP Triegaardt (new lyappointed head coach). Photo: Ruan Bruwer the players they have produced for the national team, are also some of the best moments of his career. Kidson was a fine all-rounder in his day and played for Griquas between 1987 and 1990. He has a background of working in the financial sector. ) A couple of months later a new CEO and coach was announced. Eugene Jacobs was appointed as the CEO of Amateur Cricket and JP Triegaardt as the new coach. The popular and humble Jacobs,
a former teacher, said it had taken some convincing for him to accept the new title. “I’m very keen and excited for the challenge. I am fortunate to have a lot of support. “That is probably the most comforting fact – the very committed staff members we have. They are quality.” ) The Diamond Oval was the runner-up at Cricket South Africa’s prize-giving as the best cricket grounds in the country.
grootste sege nog in die 16 jaar van die reeks. Dit was ook Griekwas se grootste oorwinning in enige kompetisie en verbeter die 94-0 en 83-3 wat voorheen die span se rekordsege in onderskeidelik enige wedstryd en in die Vodacombekerreeks was. Die Griekwas het 20 keer gaan druk (’n spanrekord).