VOLUME 01_Academic Portfolio_2018

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Portfolio Academic Volume

Noorhan Mustafa Hanafi (Freelance Architect/Part-time Assitant Lecturer)

Contents Urban And Landscape community development

● Academic ● Workshops ● Reports ● Conferences

Academic Urban Studies and Researches

Categories Academic Year Architecture, Urban design, Housing, Landscape & Community development

● Scientific Researches. ● Masters ● Pre-Masters. ● Bachelor Year ● Pre-Masters

Scientific Researches Urban Design, Planning, Community Development Studies

● “Olympic Games: A Sustainable Design Assessment For Host Location” / ArchCairo08_2019

Summary & Abstract When a city decides to make a bid, all its concerns is much more captivated by the urban transformation impact on the city whether it's a positive or a negative one. As a result, a range of factors, if not well-organized and taken into consideration in the strategic development plans of the host cities, may be a burden on the city. Site selection for the event is considered one of the main critical decisions taken by a city to assure the possibility of the host of the Games by the city. Therefore, the paper reviews several case studies that proved its success in location choice under the delivery of sustainable urban design and strategic planning for the host city. Also, it attempts to mention the main urban design elements affected by the preparation process. Consequently, an urban design sustainable assessment is developed highlighting both the main urban design factors affected due to the host of the Olympic Games and, the main sustainable key factors affected by the urban changes on site.

Masters Urban Design, Planning, Community Development Studies

Summary & Abstract The aim of the thesis was to explore the sustainable urban transformation and planning management for a city, focusing on how Mega events specially the Olympic Games could act as a tool for sustainable development in different aspects; socially, environmentally, economically and governmental. The research also addresses how cities can benefit from hosting the Games in a way that causes less damage to the city with maximum benefit. Literature review and case studies are the main sources of information for the study.

Case studies are discussed by conducting a developed logical research framework as an analytical guideline approach showing the relation of urban development of the city staging the Games and the development of the city towards sustainable developed one. The research adopts deals with three main case studies, Beijing Olympics 2008, London Olympics 2012 and Rio Olympics 2016 to show different development impacts in the host cities.

Finally, the thesis ends with recommendations on ways the Olympic Games assist city development on the long run.

Logical Research Framework

Pre-Masters Urban Design, Planning, Community Development Studies

� “Olympic Games: Impacts of Host Cities Sustainable Development"

The Impact of Political Changes on Cairo Morphological Investigation

Academic Pre-Masters Research Course: Architecture Department, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University

Summary & Abstract Successive and divergent economic political regimes expanded our knowledge of the dynamic relationship bet. Having this said, the group research work investigates the political effect and its implementation on the urban shape of the mother city Cairo, which is resembled and shown through the urban morphological changes of the city reflecting different political stages that formed and influenced it. It will also discuss the city urban morphology thoughts and its achievements and how can a political system affect genuinely in all the fields of life in communities including city political decision planning, community thinking, economic changes and even the morphological components of the city. The study demonstrates the ideological regime directions of four different dominant political groups that shaped the city, Cairo, then comes the aim of the research to discuss the different concepts of politics and its urban design and their relation to the way and methods of shaping the city towards achieving the suitable urban environments for the community according to political and thinking time.

Cairo Political Timeline

Urban Morphological Thinking_ Structure and History Timeline Analysis of Cairo

Bachelor Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, Community Development Studies

● Graduation Project _ Justice City ’12 ● Khan El Helmya ‘11

Graduation Project _ Justice City ’12 Joint Urban Design Workshop


Form Generation

Project Design

Project Design

Khan El Helmya ‘11 Urban Design & Community Development Course

Concept and Strategy

Main Concept

Alternative Design 1

Alternative Design 2

Architecture Investigation & Raising the Facades of the Current Situation


Categories Urban And Landscape community development

● ElDarrassa_Cairo_Sep. ‘12 ● International Landscape Workshop Málaga_ July ’11

El Darrassa_Cairo_September ‘12 Joint Urban Design Workshop

Urban Design In Historic Context Al-Darrassa German – Middle East Coorperation For Urban Design and Development Fund By: DAAD

Joint Workshop:

About ●

Workshop Subject The workshop was concerned with the urban design and development strategies for new intraurban quarters in the context of the historic city in the Islamic/Arabic cities. Participating Universities Aleppo University, American University of Beirut, Damascus University, Cairo University & BTU, Cottbus, Germany. Role Participated as a Student Researcher for one of fivefocus groups. Participated in preparing the 3D maket and video Model for the workshop presentation. Participated in the preparation of the cover of the workshop booklet. Group Research Subject “Integration of Archaeological Remains and Institutional Buildings as Initials For Renewal Process”

Logic Thinking_ Seeds as metaphor process, proposal and Results

Logic Thinking_ The WALL as institutional Connector Rehabilitation Areas 3D Work and idea By: Noorhan Mustafa

International Landscape Workshop Málaga_ July’11

International Landscape Workshop Málaga_ July’11 Spain – Landscape and Urban Design and Development Statement.

About ●

Workshop Subject The workshop was concerned with the development and landscape design thinking of the urban Banks of the Malaga only channel of water the Paisaje. Participating Universities Rome University, Seville University, Rabat University, Valencia, Paris, Milan, Pamplona, Cairo University & Malaga and Granada from Spain. Role Participated as a Student Researcher for one of fiveinternational groups. Participated in preparing the 3D and idea of urban design thinking of the Stadium and the channel end zone open Space. Group English Speaker for the final presentation of the project. Group Research Objective Guadalmedina- “Urban Densities: Identity of the Channel”

Design Thinking_ The Stadium Urban Space _ Access to the Roof Garden

Design Thinking_ River Platform_Sea Auditorium

Reports Professional Work_ Associated Consultants

● Al-Alamein New City-

Materials Urban Design, Planning And Community Development

Strategic Report

● Al-Alamein New City – Conceptual Planning

● Regeneration of Public Spaces

Al-Alamein New City- Strategic Report

Al-Alamein New CityStrategic Report Ministry of Housing, Utilities and Urban Communities & GOPP Role: Team Leader Report Editor Urban Design and Landscape Report Preparation_Vol.3 Language: Arabic

Cities in general and new in particular are the urban centres that are supposed to provide the environment living conditions for which appropriate living conditions are achieved over generations, this is becoming increasingly important and the design of cities from A perspective appropriate to environmental characteristics and human characteristics that achieve national goals regional and local communities and become A focal point for housing innovative ideas that contribute investment and status in the continuity and development of life in the city in the form contribute to sustainability. In general, sustainable development is aimed at achieving rational use of different resources, and promote integration and create flexible societies enjoy good health conditions, and take account of considerations climate change, as well as optimal use for liquid and solid wastes. These targets are targets the master plan seeks to plan the new Al Alamein city achieve. Strategic Report Representing the New strategic Development plans adopted by the government aiming to initiate a sustainable new coastal city the

Al-Alamein New City (ANC).

Sustainable Urban Design_ Aims and Objectives

Al-Alamein New City- Conceptual Planning

Al-Alamein New CityConceptual Planning UN-Habitat Role: Report Editor Urban Design Researcher Participated in the Development of the Sustainable Neighbourhood Design and Principles Language: English

This report is concerned with the conceptualization of Al Alamein New City (ANC). This stage is the foundation of the city development ideas until 2032, proposing a unique and enforceable vision for designing new cities in Egypt. The Project team carried out a methodology based on the division of this first stage into several steps, formulated in three main modules, namely: A holistic assessment of the current situation of the city within its regional context, ending with the proposed vision Development of scenarios relying on the existing potential and economic drivers. Delivering the conceptual plan as an output of alternatives analysis, in this part the base unit relevant to the 5 principles will be developed departing from a bottom-up approach in designing a new city

Al-Alamein New City (ANC).

Sustainable Urban Neighbourhood _ Design and Principles

Sustainable Urban Neighbourhood _ Design and Principles 5 PRINCIPLES supporting the 3 key features of sustainable neighborhoods and cities: compact, integrated, connected*

Objectives of the five principles: In spporting the sustainable neighborhoods, the five principles seek to: 1. Promote high density urban growth, alleviate urban sprawl and maximize land efficiency. 2. Promote sustainable, diversified, socially equal and thriving communities in economically viable ways. 3. Encourage walkable neighborhoods and reduce car dependency. 4. Optimize use of land and provide an interconnected network of streets which facilitate safe, efficient and pleasant walking, cycling and driving. 5. Foster local employment, local production and local consumption. 6. Provide a variety of lot sizes and housing types to cater for the divers housing needs of the community, at densities which can ultimately support the provision of local services.

Regeneration of Public Spaces in Central Cairo Progress Reports_ 2 & 3

Regeneration of Public Spaces in Central Cairo Joint Research Project with IRD Case Study: Al-Alfy Street Principal investigator – Egypt: Dr/ Sahar Attia (CUFE) Principal investigator - France: Dr/ Galila El Kadi (IRD) Role: Researcher and Coordinator

Language: English

The Reports summarizes related studies and activities carried on since February 2014, the date of the second report submission of the research project: “Regenerating public space in Central Cairo� (MIDAN). The document consists mainly of a description to the work process, and an explanation to the methodology adopted to deliver the content of the study. The document includes relevant surveys; reviews, documentation, brainstorming sessions, workshops, etc. that could enable the team to conduct the pilot project as a preparation stage to develop a toolkit for participatory approach suitable for the regenerating the public space (WP5), which has been carried on and developed in the final report.

Conferences Volunter and Preparation Feeds

International Conference Cairo University Role: Brochure and Banner Design

Contacts Information

Address: 2A End of Faisal St., Haram, Giza, Egypt. Telephone: 01113332846 email: eng.noorhanhanafi@gmail.com

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