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Table 7 : Summary of precedent study‟s findings

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4.6 Interview (Experts)

This section involved the findings of three expert‟s surfer. Finding one reveal the perception of a professional Malaysian Surfer who surf in Malaysia‟s beach, while the second findings interview is from a professional surfer who owns a Surf School and the final part of finding from a woman Malaysian Surfer who surf at her local beach.


I. Findings 1: A professional Malaysian Surfer who surf in Malaysia‟s beach

Table 8: Interview (Experts) findings 1

N Interview Questions Answers:

General information:

1. Gender: Male.

2. Age: I am 31 years old.

3. Surf community status: I am a professional surfer from Kuantan and a surf instructor for CheratingPoint Surf School.



6. 4 Do you live in Cherating? No, I live in Taman Tok Sira, Kuantan

5 What type of surfboard do you usually use for wave surfing? My favourite surf board is the long board surf board.

Issues of Wave surfing in Cherating, Kuantan

6 What month of the year do you always go for wave surfing? I surf for the whole year but the best time to surf in east coast is on December where the waves are high and suitable for professional surfer.

7 Are you satisfied with the wave height and I would say yes for monsoon season waves but no for the other

7. wavelength condition in Cherating? 8. As per your observation, is there any environmental damage of Cherating Beach since the location is

nearby Kuantan Port and Gebeng Industry? months.

Yes, there was one time when they were building a five star hotel just near the sea shore and the water was polluted.

And 2 years ago there was bauxite pollution in the Cherating sea but now everything is fine.


10. 9 How long will it takes for surf tournament

festival in Cherating? 1 What are the issues of

Wave surfing in your own opinion? Usually the tournament festival lasted for one week in monsoon


Surfers have their own ideologies. There are side that does not accept the modernisation such as they are not accepting artificial wave pool. They loves to surf and travel to every country to feel the beaches and the different experiences and feelings. This is a wonderful feeling that every surfer‟s searching for but it will cause a lot of money.

On the other side, we need the artificial wave pool, as Malaysia‟s wave is not suitable for practicing for international surfing standard. As for surf athletes, without the proper facilities for surfing, we could not practice and develop our skills as the same level as other country.

Spaces needed for wave surfing in Cherating.

1 11. As a surfer, what are the routine for you before and after surfing? Before: As for me and my friends, we love to hang out at the sea shore. When we are in the mood of surfing, we will go for shower at the school, changes our surf outfit and leaves our belonging there.


12. As per your observation, who are the crowds that attend

the surf tournament? We usually stay for a long time at the sea-shore since we are enjoying the view. Then we go back to the surf school, changes our clothes and ready for dinner at our friends restaurant.

The locals came but the most important is the sponsors are around. The surf tournament is like a gathering for Malaysian surfers including south east country. This is where youngsters gather and having fun

Technologies of artificial wave surfing in Cherating.

13. Which of the following best describe about the

bonding of you and wave surfing? It could not be describe. As you know, I was an extreme sport athlete before and could not get the satisfaction such as surfing. I would say, because it naturalness of the waves, the surrounding, you will feel close to god almighty and appreciates what is around you.

14. Do you go for any training surf school to learn the techniques of wave surfing? 15. How frequent do you go for wave surfing? Yes, I do. I went to SatuSuku Surf School. We are basically like a family here. SatuSuku is owned by Pahang royalty family and Cherating is known as a surfing spot in Malaysia.

As for me, I went for surfing every day since I am one of the instructor in CheratingPoint Surf School. But as for my own practice for tournament, I have to spend 1 month or 2 to practice in Bali, Indonesia.

16. Are you satisfied with the wave surfing facilities in Cherating? 17. Do you find it challenging to get a perfect wave height and I have to say, Malaysia is still have no updated facilities for surfing. I am not satisfied.

Yes. That is why I have to go to Bali, Indonesia and Phuket, Thailand for practicing my skills. They have proper facilities with international standard. On the monsoon season, I will be

wavelength to challenge your surfing abilities in the context of Malaysia beaches?

18. Will you go for wave surfing more often if the following is improved and added?

1. Artificial wave

machine to

increase wave

height and wavelength

2. A surf school

complete with international

surfing facilities for surf

education, surf tournament and

entertainment. back to Cherating, Tioman, Terengganu or Desaru for tournament.

I do. As a surf athlete, I really need those facilities and accommodation. This is because if we get government or ministry of sport support, we could possibly enter more international competitions; we could open more chances for youngster to make surfing as famous as football. Surfers could get more incomes and could contribute to the country.

With a proper education and facilities, we could produce skills surfer and this will open possibilities for sponsoring in Malaysia‟s surf scene. This will encourage public to watch and join us. It could possibly decrease the youth moral problem and promotes stress free.

3. A surf centre

that encourage public to enjoy and promotes surf sport in Malaysia

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