The skin I`m in
This work is named, The Skin I`m in, and is photographed by Mary Rozzi,. Chantelle Winnie is modelling. This work is editorial, it tells the story of the model: “Not perfect is perfect�. It is all about her and her story, everything else is very minimal. The overall style of this photo serie is very clean and minimal, which is typical for an editoral. It is not about the selling anything, not the clothes, not a lifestyle. It is about telling a story, and that is what is being done here.
Louboutin campaign
This campaign is photographed by Sofia et Mauro for Chistian Louboutin. This work is editorial. It is a series of photographs which is not focused on selling a product or a lifestyle, but on telling a story. The overall theme is diversity. It is minimal, whimsical and clean. It is focused more on the people telling the story rather then side issues. The campaign shows that there is a shoe for everyone, no matter what their background or skintone is. Shoes are no longer focust on making them for Western people, but for all people.
Katie grand styling
Left up: The photographs from instagram are more spontaneous and are not styled. They are taken in the moment.
Left Bottom: The advertorial photographs are more styled than the instagram pictures. It isn`t as much focused on selling a product, more on selling a lifestyle.
Right: The editorial photographs are minimal and styled. It is a serie of photographs with an overall theme. The background is minimal so the photograph is focused on the person telling the a story.
mary rozzi | brand
On the left you see some of the work of Mary Rozzi, her style is very minimal and feminin. On the right you see a campaign of La Perla, also shot by Rozzi. You see the same characteristics, minimal and feminin. Yet she had to adapt herself to the brand, this is why the work for La Perla is more decadent and sexy, while still being clean and simple.
Brand analyses la perla Tagline: Makers of fine lingerie USP: Beautiful designs, exceptional fabrics and trims, superb fit, comfort and quality Segment: Women who prefers style and comfort Target group: Women form the upper middle class Positioning: Luxurious and fashionable brand
Personality: Italian heritage, feminin Attributes: Craftsmanship, comfort, high quality Values: Style can be comfortable Benefits: Timeless, high quality Essence: Italian craftsmanship, luxury, fashionable, comfortable
Comparing the brand DNA to the campaign, you can see the similarities. The photographs are very feminin and have an Italian vibe. Also the women in the campaign seem form the upper middle class, which is the target group of La Perla.
1. World’s leading luxury lingerie brand
1.Limited presence in Americas and the
2.unique combination of perfect fit and
emerging global economies
comfort along with beautiful design
2.Limited target segment as there is
3. Entry into India by having tie-up
only one product line and positioned
with Murjani group
as luxury products
4. Good media coverage and branding 5. Have a presence in over 25 countries and major presence in all European nations
SWOT Opportunities
1.Distribution in underwear and linge-
1.Other local high
rie specialty stores
quality and prestigious brands
2.Specific demand of new brands in
2. Brands that have exclusive stores in
the premium underwear segments
most countries
3.Expansion of business in emerging
3. Difficult to expand globally as different
culture in different countries
The series Human constists of five beautiful photographs of people, all with different cultural backgrounds. The aim of this projects is to show, despite cultural differences, we are all the same, we are human.
Photographed by Noortje van Warmerdam. This work is editorial. It tells the story, written above. The series is all about the people photographed. The whole setting is very clean and minimal. The pictures are black and white, to make it even more minimalistic. Nothing but the people themselves are shown in the pictures, so the focus is, in its entirety, on the story told.
Eclectic | Punk | Gothic | Rock | Minimalistic | Romantic | Colorful | Print | Grunge | Sexy | Chic
Research on streetstyle. When walking on the streets you see so many people, and they all have different styles. From really eclectic, colorful too very chic and minimalistic styles. Above are some keywords. You can get so much inspiration from the streets. Even some trends started on the street, like punk, and worked their way up to the catwalk. This is called bubble up. Trickle down is when trends come off the catwalk and then are worn on the streets. Then the designer creates the trend. With bubble up, the people on the streets determine what is in style and what will be a trend. This way the normal people on the streets have a lot more influence on fashion than they might realize. And definitely now, when social media and fashion blogging are so big, we are gaining a lot more power on fashion trends.
Leigh bowery
Leigh Bowery was an artist and fashion designer. Most known as a clubpromoter, he also presented few fashioncollections during fashion weeek. He is recognisable by his extravaganze and over-thetop creations. (Pictures via Pinterest)
He uses make-up to let facial features seem extreme. This combined with od atributes and bold colour choices makes his work very interesting to look at.
fashion campaigns
The H&M and Victoria Secret campaigns both show that you should be yourself, comfortable in your own skin. No matter what size you are, no matter what style you wear. (Left page)
Zara created a genderless collection, with pieces wearable for both men and women. They make the divistion man-women less important, and see them as equal. (Right page)
Both campaigns focus on being who you are while being equal to eachother. No one is better then someone else, they just have a different character, they are beautiful in their own way.
research foam
From left to right, photographed by: August Saunder, Anton Corbijn, Malick Sidibe. All of these black and white photographs really show the personality of the person. The background of each picture is really simple, this way the focus is on the person. By the way the people are dressed and by their accesories their identity is really shown.
Bill Cunningham
Bill Cunningham was the first street style photographer. He turned fashion photography into his own branch of cultural anthropology on the streets of New York, chronicling an era’s ever-changing social scene for The New York Times by training his busily observant lens on what people wore — stylishly, flamboyantly or just plain sensibly. (source: New York Times)
I sportted the trends on the streets before they even hit the catwalk. The trends he saw on the streets inspired designers and so ended up on catwalks, this is also known as bubble up. This is opposite to “trickle down”, when trends come from the catwalk.
Artists on diversity
Lorna Simpson
By using all different colours in her work and keeping the faces natural and simple, she shows the different personalities of people. The red symbolising passion, the blue calmth. I think it is a really nice way of showing who people are and what their character is.
She used two different techniques. First she took photos, some of them natural, others black and white. Then she printed them so she could cut them out, stick them on colored paper. So she could fo over it with watercolors. Which gives this great effect, shown in the pictures.
Artists on diversity
Barbara Kruger
Barbara Kruger focusses a lot on feminism and body image. As a woman you are supposed to be perfect, this brings a lot of insecurities with it. Barbara Kurger shows these issues with strong quotes and imagery. This way she hopes to reach people and make woman all around the world less conscious of themselves.
Artists on diversity
Egon Schiele
Egon Schiele shows the human body in different forms, which makes his work really interesting, He uses charcoal, paint, and pencils for his work.
Inspirational photos
Inspiration Black & White
The contradiction between black and white is really visable in these picture and is empored by that most of the photographs are taken in black and white. Backgrounds are really minimalistic so the focus is on the people themselves.
Inspirational photos
Inspiration Body Image
These photographs really show how we are obsessed with size and measurememts and having to look perfect. The photographs of the three women show that you are beautiful, even when you weigh a little more. Size doens`t matter, as long as you are comforatable in your own skin. Also here all pictures are really minimalistic and taken in black and white, so the focus is on the people themselves.
Inspirational photos
Inspiration Gender
You see more and more that the line between male and female starts to fade. We are equal to each other. I think it is very interesting that women start dressing more masculin, this shows strength, and that men start dressing more elagant, not having to show their dominance.
Inspirational photos
Inspiration Props
The way they used the mirror really gives a extra dimension to the photograph. The photograph on this page by Tim Walker is so whimsical, because of all the pastels, flowers and other props
Inspirational photos
Inspiration Accesories
The boxingcloves really show the emporement of women. With accesories you can show parts of someones personality and enlarge a message.
Inspirational photos
Inspiration Make-up
The texture in the makeup gives the photograph an extra dimension. The gold make-up is a great contrast on the dark skin and gives the photograph something magical.
Erwin olaf
In his art photography he often puts the conventions of fashion photography into the service of beautifully complex, often existentially terse portraiture. His emphasis is on precision in all of the visual elements: painterly lighting, flawless hair and make-up, settings that create an allure of serenity, but these highly stylised, polished depictions always have a subtext, addressing social issues, societal taboos and gender politics.
What I love about this photo serie, is that every thing is in white. By different textures and darker accents he defines forms. This is something that inspires me for my photoshoot.
Inspirational photos
Inspiration Culture
With different attributes you can enhance the story that the photograph tells. By adding traditionall clothes or even just jewelry you can clearify culture and identity.
Inspirational photos
Inspiration from Books
Love the way different, unconventional materials are chosen, the metalics on the left page give a powerful feel and the huge amount of tule gives a super soft feel. These extremes are nice to combine.
Research editing
Combining 2D and 3D gives great photographs. Using watercolors and paper, creating flowers on photographs, results in these entirely new pictures. After editing these on the computer, the images look really dynamic.
Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Moroe was and still is a great icon. Everyone adored her. She had great style and wasn`t afraid to show her feminety. Marilyn started of as a character that she played, but then she started to do Marilyn in daily life and so transeformed entirely into Marilyn Monroe.
What I love about Marilyn is that she wasn`t afraid to show herself of. For the time that she lived in that wasn`t very common. Women were more modest, Marilyn did the oposite of that. She was kind of a feminist, she did whatever she pleased and didn`t let men decide what to do or wear.
Eugenio recuenco
Photographed by Eugenio Recuenco for Nina Ricci. Love all the white in this picture, with the accent of pink, pulling the attention towards the perfume. (Left page)
Photographed by Eugenio Recuenco for Loewe. Inspired by the use of air, he created this photograph. I love the way he did that, it creates a lot of drama. (Right page)
Both of them are very mysterious and whimsecal. The photos on the left accomplish this by the outof-focus background, this gives the mystical touch. The right photo does this by te amount of drama of the fabric in the wind, which creates the shape of a flower.
inspired by monet
Inspired by Monet`s beautiful feminin paintings. We selected a flowy, feminin dress. We accesorised it with an umbrella. Then used one of Monet his paintings as backdrop. I made the photograph black and white to make it more minimal.
Mario testino
Alta Moda by Mario Testino. This project portraits Peruvian people wearing traditional clothing. Love the embroidery and all detail. Their clothing really shows who these people are. Without it you wouldn`t know anything about these people. This shows the importance of clothing and style, it shows who you are.
House of marseille
Left page, top, by Dana Lixenberg. Love the way she captured the girl. The minimalistic aproach really works, it creates the focus on the girl.
Left page, bottom, by Viviane Sassen, love all the colour and print combined. Makes a verry vibrant and interesting picture.
Right page, by Hellen van Meene. Love the different textures and the lighting of the photograph. The use of natural light from one side makes a really interesting picture.
Advanced style
Advanced style documentairy, Iris Apfel. “To have style you have to know who you are. What you can carry, what you’re comfortable with, what you can afford, what makes you happy.” She really shows that you van have style and look good at any age.
Albino campaign
Project Porcelain Beauty photographed by Yulia Taits. Love the way she photographed these people, very natural and unedited. Love all the white, very minimal and simplistic.
White T assignment
Assignment 1: Use only a white T and style it for instagram whitout using other clothing.
I hang the shirt on a simple hanger and styled it with a fine neckles. I kept everything very clean and minimal.
Assignment 2: Create an editorial for a fictional brand (Valerie) by using a white T.
We kept everything very minimal and natural. Using only black and whites. We styled the shirt in different ways, with a coat, rolled up sleeve, turtle neck and tank top. We made one piece of clothing very versitile.
Neutrals Black/white
White T Glasses Coat Small jewelry
Simple yet Beautiful Great quality pieces
Neutral background White
Blonde girl
Neutral Simple Minimal
Less is more
All white inspiration
Love the use of different textures to create an interesting dynamic. Also the dark make-up accents make the photograph more interesting.
Art inspiration
I love the minimalism and the geometric shapes. Love all the white and structure in the painting. These artworks prove that you don`t need much to create something interesting. Geometric shapes, texture or a simple pen line is enough.
french Accesories
The french style is very minimal and romantic. There is often use of lace or flowers. I love the idea of a lace choker.
African Accesories
African jewelry is often very big. Also they use a lot of gold and colour, sometimes with a print.
Spanish Accesories
You see big pieces of jewelry, dark reds and crosses. Also I love the dramatic veil.
British Accesories
The overall style is very classic. They use lots of classic jewelry pieces, often with pearls.
Asian Accesories
The jewelry is very fine and detailed, lots of gold and pearls. Only the best materials.
Designer inspiration
Love the simplicity and minimalism of Celine and Filippa K. The blank backgrounds, the neutral colours and make-up, and also the clothing is kept very minimal in basic colours, made of beautiful materials.
Portrait inspiration
Love the simplicity of the photographs, the black and white, the minimalism, this creates a clear focus on the person. By concealing part of the face, it becomes more mysterious
Own concept
White Neutrals Black/white Neutrals
White T jewelry All white Glasses Coat Veil Small jewelry Fan
Celine Celine
Simple yet Beautiful Great quality pieces Simple yet beautiful
Filippa K
Minimalism Blank canvas
Blank Canvas
People from different Blonde girl backgrounds: Asian
Neutral background White Neutral, white background
African European
Neutral Simple All White makeup Minimal Dark lipstick
Less is more Blank canvas We are all the same, we are all human Defined by culture, family and religion
cALLSHEET Blank Canvas Photoshoot
lank anvas
7 January, 2017
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10:00 AM
quoditatem volorent di doloressit unt, imos a dest, senihit explabo. Arum facescient ad assint et, sa quostiat ellorentur suntisim reinatur aut voloreicil id qui velit ent lit abore aliquiandam quatem aut eostenihit ulliqui uodit modit rehendunt vent et eos restrum
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Project concept The series “Blank Canvas� constists of six photographs of people, all with different cultural backgrounds. The aim of this project is to show, despite cultural differences, we are all the same, we are human. We all start out as a blank canvas and are influenced by culture, family, religion and beliefs.
Muntstraat 202, Lisserboek
Public transport
Models Name
Arrival time
11.00 AM
12.00 AM
13.00 PM
14.30 PM
15.30 PM
10.00 AM
Photographer, Stylist, Make-up and Model
Face chart
Aged 14-30 Opionated
Readers iD M Target Audience Strong personality Critical
Critical view on society Interesting
Magazine Client
Diversity Bold
Final six
blank canvas A project by Noortje van Warmerdam 19 January 2017 People are obsessed with belonging to the right group. But what they don`t realize is that we are all the same, we are all human. And that is a pretty good group to belong to. We all start out as a blank canvas, an unwritten page. During our lives we are influenced by culture, family, religion and friends. These factors decide who we become and what our canvasses will look like. Through this project I wanted to show that no matter from what culture, from what background, we are all the same, a blank canvas ready to be written on.
Photography, Styling & Make-up by Noortje van Warmerdam, Model Maria Nzambe
Photography by Marieke van Warmerdam, Styling, Make-up & Model by Noortje van Warmerdam
Photography, Styling & Make-up by Noortje van Warmerdam, Model Debby van Zessen
Photography, Styling & Make-up by Noortje van Warmerdam, Model Marieke van Warmerdam
“we are all the same, we are all human�