Noopept: In-Depth Complete Review of the “Smart Drug” That Actually….Makes You Smart

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Noopept: In-Depth Complete Review of the “Smart Drug” That Actually….Makes You Smart Nootropics Information Feb 12 · 10 min read In-Depth, Progressive, and Updated Review & FAQ Summary: Noopept is one of the most potent nootropics available. It boosts overall cognition with a slight psychostimulatory e ect. E ects kick-in within minutes of consumption, making it a handy choice right when dealing with or getting to mentally-demanding tasks.

Introduction What is Noopept? Noopept is a nootropic that’s been receiving signi cant appreciation for quite some time. It has close links to the favorite racetam group of nootropics which are known for their exceptional bene ts on cognitive function as well as their neuroprotective qualities.

Its e ects kick-in almost instantly after consumptions which is one of the reasons behind its popularity. Many nootropics could take anywhere from one day to three months for their optimal e ect to take action. But when it comes to noopept, results are usually felt minutes after ingestion. It shares similar onset of action as somewhat related racetam phenylpiracetam. N-Phenylacetyl-L-prolylglycine ethyl ester is promoted as a nootropic and is a prodrug of cycloprolylglycine. Other names include the brand name Noopept, developmental code GVS111; proposed INN omberacetam. Its synthesis was rst reported in 1996.

Onset of action is the duration of time it takes for a drug’s e ects to come to prominence upon administration. With oral administration, it typically ranges anywhere from 20 minutes to over an hour, depending on the drug in question.


In Russia and a few of the surrounding countries, Noopept is prescribed for its nootropic qualities. The demand for it is dramatically rising and is currently retailing worldwide, amongst the best selling nootropics on the major vendor websites. It also acts similar to the way Piracetam does — however, it is said to be somewhere over 1,000 more potent. That is why people tend to reach desired e ect or outcome from as little as 10 mg and usually not exceeding 30 mg as total, per day. It smoothly settles itself onto the brain’s receptors. Even with a dose as small as 10mg, many report it to be quite comparable, and many (myself included) actually favor it over Piracetam. Noopept is also inexpensive comparing to other nootropics because of its high potency. Its e ectiveness and inexpensive price led to it being a classic, very popular, and in many case, a favorite, amongst the nootropic community.

Bene ts & E ects What is Noopept Used For? • Supporting Memory & Learning • O ers Neuroprotection & Promotes Longevity • Increases NGF (Nerve Growth Factor) & BDNF (BrainDerived Neurotrophic Factor) • Improves Association between Brain Hemispheres

Noopept Supports Memory & Learning Noopept primary interest is how it improves memory and ease the learning process. It helps in memory creation, with additional bene ts such as memory consolidation and speed of recall. Noopept helps the correct management of all sorts of stimuli as they are under process by the cerebellum, which permits better memory retrieval. In other terms, signal handling by our sensations is more smooth as they are carrying forward into our memory. Through the continued use of Noopept, individuals report information to be more easily digested and processed, giving them the availability to be ready-for-use in everyday activities. One might remember names, places; maybe a word chatted in contact, a tune thought to be forgotten, and such. Memory failures will diminish or to the least will be kept to a very minimum. (R)

Neuroprotection & Promoting Longevity Studies prove that noopept possesses excellent neuroprotective attributes. The stimulation of the neurons produced by the supplement blocks oxidative damage in the human brain. Many patients dealing with cognitive impairment can bene t from a consistent dosage of noopept to avoid further cognitive decline. (R)

Noopept Increases NGF and BDNF NGF (Nerve Growth Factor) is a protein in the body that is involved in the growth, preservation, and continuation of nerve

cells, including brain cells. Nerve growth factor is also deemed to be very important in neurogenesis; the body’s ability to generate new cells. By raising NGF levels in the cerebellum, it allows for new neural connections. The result indicates potentially improved mental skills in nearly all areas of cognition. (R) BDNF (Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor) is another protein in the body that has s role to the NGF mentioned above. BDNF is one of the most critical molecules that associate with memory, playing an essential role in both short and long-term memory formation. (R) (R)

Improves Association Between Brain Hemispheres Both the right and left hemispheres of the brain to have their localized functions. Through the use of noopept, each of those functions is developing through the synthesis of various memories, ideas, and stimuli. There are nuances among these functions that improve the way we think. That is why many people have claimed that their quality of life had a signi cant improvement when taking noopept on a regular basis.

Mechanism of Action

How Does Noopept Work? Noopept seems to be e ective — and longer lasting than Piracetam, due to its e ect on the NMDA receptors. It works in a similar way and has similar mechanisms as Piracetam, but at a much lower dosage — when it comes to whole brain function. The research available along with the anecdotal reports seem to strongly support this claim. Oral ingestion of Noopept results in a very rapid absorption and metabolism of Noopept, although the kinetics of metabolites (which are thought to be bioactive) is not yet known.

A true bioavailability study has not been conducted, although it appears that an oral dose is about the equivalent of one tenth an injected dose (10% bioavailability). Noopept users report results of improved clarity, better memory, and focus. More studies are undergoing to determine precisely how it provides those privileges to the brain. Studies on animals have shown that Noopept increased alpha/beta1 activity in all brain areas (R).

On Memory & Cognitive Decline Noopept seems to be especially e ective, and demonstrates the greatest bene ts to patients with mild cognitive decline. It is now undergoing clinical trials for the treatment of cognitive de ciency of post-traumatic origin and cerebrovascular cause. The cerebellum bene ts include antioxidant activity as well as anti-in ammatory qualities, along with repression of toxicity by the removal of excessive glutamate, and calcium. Similarly, blood rhythm and ow signi es further improvement. Two possible mechanisms of action for enhancing cognition are a sensitizing e ect on acetylcholine processes or induction of neurotrophin production, both of which theoretically enhance memory formation

Examine Noopept absorption is a process by the digestive system and succeeding to cross the blood-brain barrier readily. The brain utilizes it almost entirely, very little goes to waste. Noopept marks glutamate receptor sections where it chains with the glutamate and inhibit breakdown. Glutamate, being one of the most in uential neurotransmitters, supports and increases cognitive functioning. Noopept works fast once it is in the bloodstream, maximizing concentration following only 15 to 20 minutes. Anecdotal reports often recall the “sudden abundance of clarity and precision” delivered by the immediate advantage of added oxygen to the brain and enhanced glucose use. Furthermore, its frequently reported that it also improves eyesight and perception, expanding one’s awareness to his or her surroundings and perceiving colors and objects to be more alive, vibrant, and vivid.

Dosage How to Take Noopept? If you prefer to prolong the e ect throughout the day, take Noopept in three doses of 10mg, or two doses of 15mg, or just one dose of 30mg. • 10 mg — divide into three doses throughout the day • 15 mg — divide into two doses twice a day • 30 mg — one dose per day Remember: Do not exceed the 30mg Noopept dosage in one day — and ideally, no longer than 60 days cycle if taken everyday.

After that, allow yourself some time o before you start another cycle. Alternatively, you can take it on and o as needed. Experimenting is the best way to nd out what works for your own body. Given how fast the body metabolizes it, and due to its rather short half-life, it is best to take small doses multiple times a day instead of a large one at once; thereby prolonging the e ects. In the beginning, it is wise to start with the smallest e ective dose with careful observation, before progressing into a higher dose.

Noopept in Powder Form In powder form, take Noopept sublingually or as a drink with water. E ects will kick-in almost immediately. According to the label, take Noopept for 1.5 to 3 weeks and then, if necessary, to begin another cycle after a 1-month break. Alternatively, many users follow 56 days on and four days o . Do not take Noopept late in the evening as its energizing e ects may interfere with sleep. And furthermore; “To supplement Noopept, take 10–30 mg, once a day, for up to 56 days at a time. More research is needed to determine the optimal human dose for Noopept.” again, quoting Examine.

Noopept Nasal Spray Many people seem to discuss di erent mixtures to getting the most ideal ratio for a Noopept Nasal spray, but there isn’t any solid information that I could put on here. If you’re interested in user experiments and anecdotal experiences, there are a couple di erent threads you can nd by searching ‘Noopept Nasal’ on reddit nootropics subreddit here.

Side E ects What Are Noopept Side E ects?

Most frequently reported side e ects of Noopepts are: • Headache • Restlessness (or overstimulation) • Dizziness • Irritability These side e ects of Noopepts are mostly occurring when higher doses are consumed. Some studies suggest that it magni es the e ects of stimulants such as amphetamines, so caution is advisable for individuals using ADHD medication. I can personally advise that as well. I’ve felt that sense of overstimulation in a couple di erent occasion when taking a 30 mg dose of Noopept shortly after taking my ADHD medication. I now nd that a 15 mg dose works best for me whether once or twice per day.

Conclusion The bene ts of Noopept are numerous, but the best thing about it is that its e ects are cumulative. Noopept has quickly grown in demand and has earned its space within people’s nootropic stacks due to its impressive results, ease of small doses, and its reasonable, a ordable cost. Whether an expert nootropic user or merely getting to learn about it all, noopept is an excellent choice for an overall cognitive function boost.

User Experience Noopept. Probably the most potent memory and cognition enhancing nootropic I’ve tried besides Phenylpiracetam… noopept really makes a huge di erence for me in terms of mental clarity, memory recall, and uid thinking. I’ll be on this for life 100%

Faus1an on Reddit

My Personal Experience Noopept was amongst the very rst nootropics I got to try. I was taking it in a one dose of 30 mg in the early afternoon with 300mg of Alpha-GPC. I think it was the most e ective, and most profound feeling I ever got o a nootropic to this day. I really thought I hit the jackpot. I was able to sit throughout the day at work fully engaged and focused on my whatever I was working on, without any sort of complaining whatsoever. And that was at my corporate job, not at my home o ce. I was amazed by that. I had to see if it was in my head or if it had been really that e ective, and so I had both my best friend and my sister to try it out on di erent occasions — both of them ended up asking me to try it a few more times. My friend went on to buy her own while doing her nals at an international a airs academy programme and I never heard her talk so positively about any supplement or nootropic whatsoever the way she talked and liked Noopept. Unfortunately though, today, after quite a long time since I rst discovered it, it seems to have half the e ect it had on me back in the day even if I don’t take it for a month or so. But it makes complete since due to the similarities of other racetams that I supplement with frequently — mostly Aniracetam. But the feeling I experienced in the very rst few times of Noopept was something I had never felt with any other nootropic.

External & Useful Readings NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) Publications: • Piracetam • Phenylpiracetam • Coluracetam • Adra nil

Frequently Asked Questions What is Noopept? Noopept is a nootropic that’s been receiving signi cant appreciation for quite some time. It has close links to the favorite racetam group of nootropics which are known for their exceptional bene ts on cognitive function as well as their neuroprotective qualities.

How Does Noopept Work? Noopept marks glutamate receptor sections where it chains with the glutamate and inhibit breakdown. Glutamate, being one of the most in uential neurotransmitters, supports and increases cognitive functioning.

What Does Noopept Do? Noopept is a powerful Nootropic compound. It protects your brain from stresses and toxins (neuroprotection). It is great at improving cognitive performance and memory. Furthermore, it shields from degenerative brain disorder relating to aging.

How Long Does Noopept Take to Work? Noopept works fast once it is in the bloodstream, maximizing concentration following only 15 to 20 minutes. Its e ects kickin almost instantly after consumptions which is one of the reasons behind its popularity. Many nootropics could take anywhere from one day to three months for their optimal e ect to take action.

How to Take Noopept Tablets? • 10 mg — divide into three doses throughout the day • 15 mg — divide into two doses twice a day • 30 mg — one dose per day

If you prefer to prolong the e ect throughout the day, take Noopept in three doses of 10mg, or two doses of 15mg, or just one dose of 30mg.

How to Take Noopept Powder? In powder form, take Noopept sublingually or as a drink with water. E ects will kick-in almost immediately.

How to Take Noopept Sublingually? There’s no “right way” to do it. Place under tongue, close mouth and rest tongue gently on the Noopept. Just hold it there for a while. Once it’s mostly gone, swoosh it around a bit and swallow the rest. Try not to swallow the saliva that builds up in your mouth because then you are most likely swallowing some of the drug that hasn’t been absorbed yet.

What is Noopept Half-Life? The half-life of Noopept is dependent on the user. The duration of Noopept is around 3–6 hours. E ects of Noopept increase after using it for a few days.

Where to Buy Noopept? I have only bought Noopept from Nootropics Depot, so I can’t recommend or suggest any other vendor. If ND is an option for you, then get it from them. I tried it myself, and they are quire reputable. Updated: February 12, 2019 by Nootropics Information

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