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The Historical English Society.
Brand Standards Manual June 8, 2008
I. Brand Introduction.....................3 Articulation......................4 Essence.............................5 Attributes.........................6 Community......................7 II. Guidelines Trademark........................11 Elements...........................12 Clear Zones......................13 Background Use................14 Incorrect Uses...................15 Color Palette.....................16-17 Typography.......................18-19 Support Graphics..............20-21 III. Applications Stationery System..............25 Brochure...........................26 Textbook..........................27 Website.............................28-29 Promotional Items............30-31 Educational Materials.......32-33 Environment.....................34-35
The Brand.
It is the year 2085. the English language has died out and been replaced by TXT. TXT has evolved from the shorthand slang language commonly used earlier in the century to send quick electronic messages via cell phones and computers. With the virtually unlimited accessibility of electronic message-sending devices, this language has broken out of its digital confines to infiltrate the realm of oral and printed communication. People speak only in letters and acronymns (for example: “OMG! NVM, BRB, IDUWURS, CUPPTS? etc.); typing has become more important than writing and many have never even learned to write; pencils, pens, and paper have become archaic and obsolete. While speaking and typing solely in letters and acronymns certainly saves time, it is incredibly confusing and often causes horrible miscommunication. One letter could stand for any amount of words and must be analyzed in the context of all the other letters surrounding it to form a complete thought. As a result, most people are not proficient in verbal communication, teamwork, or interpersonal skills, much less reading or writing. It has become increasingly difficult to maintain healthy relationships, whether family or friendship or romantic. The population is on a decline, and lonliness and depression are on the rise. But the notion that “faster is better� still prevails.
Through workshops, exhibits, and free public access to a large English library, The English Historical Society (THES) educates people of all ages in the writing, reading, speech, benefits and applications of traditional English. Workshops and classes will teach people all the logistics of using this much more practical language. An educational gallery exhibit will demonstrate that communication can be (and once was) much easier and a great life-enhancing skill. The presence of a large public library (now a thing of the past) will attract people to come learn on their own or to practice their new communication skills. By educating and training people in the use of English,THES motivates them to become more assertive, communicative, effective, expressive, and engaging in real-life interactions with people.
THES is a futuristic historical society dedicated to preserving the extremely endangered English language in the year 2085.
THES embodies communication, education, and interaction.
THES has branches in major cities across the former English-speaking world. Our community consists of TXT speakers in the year 2085. All ages will be targeted, but it is most important for children to learn English so that they may carry on the language throughout their lives and to future generations. Community also includes our gallery curators, educators, and librarians, all of whom are fluent in traditional English.
Trademark Guidelines.
The Trademark.
Our logotype always consists of capital letters to effectively communicate to our TXT speaking audience.
Thin white lines break up the ends of the T crossbar and stem, the H crossbar, the E, and the top and bottom curves of the S.
Larger gaps exist where the H and E meet.
There is always a period in our logotype.
Clear Zones.
x x
x x
The THES logotype must always be clear from other text or objects within one x-height of the logotype’s size for that particular application.
Background Use.
The THES logotype may not be displayed on a background that is the same color of any member of THES’s color palette.
Backgrounds darker in hue than Pantone 669 M should be avoided.
Backgrounds featuring a gradient are permissible as long as the darkest hue in the gradient is still lighter than Pantone 669 M.
Incorrect Uses.
The squares and gaps within the THES logotype should never be displaced or rearranged from their proper positions. No piece of our logotype should ever overlap another.
Never display the THES logotype at a size less than 0.5 inches in length. This size is approximately equivalent to 15-point size letterforms.
Color Palette.
PANTONE 669 M R 54 G 44 B 102
76 78 0 47
PANTONE 645 M R 103 G 153 B 200
55 24 0 9
PANTONE 164 M R 164 G 165 B 16
13 0 100 33
Color Use.
Use Pantone 645 M to color the T’s stem square the the S’s end squares.
Use Pantone 669 M to color the central parts of the letterforms.
Use Pantone 164 M to color the T’s crossbar square, the E’s squares, and the period.
Typography. Primary.
Helvetica Regular
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890
Use. Our Logotype Large statements
Helvetica Narrow
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890
Text of printed collateral Text within website Signage
Support Graphics.
Uses. THES’s support graphics add a new dimension to our brand. An abstracted image of book text speaks to our mission of English literacy. Variations of a square grid are layered over the image as reference to our logotype. The image can also be used in a circular shape or in a slighty expanded form. These support graphics are used as elements applied to our educational materials, architecture, clothing, stationery, brochures, and website. Our color palette is always maintained.
123 English Pkwy Chicago, IL 49871
To whom it may concern: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer ultricies augue ut lectus sagittis auctor. Quisque leo. Aliquam magna risus, feugiat quis, vehicula in, ornare vitae, metus. Duis volutpat velit quis velit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Duis nibh. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur commodo ligula vitae purus. Phasellus laoreet tempus nisi. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent tristique, est vitae euismod cursus, elit odio aliquam turpis, nec volutpat dui odio ac ante. Vivamus suscipit eros eget mi. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer ac mi. Vestibulum ornare ligula vitae arcu. 123 English Pkwy
Sincerely,Chicago, IL 49871
Nora merecicky
Nora Merecicky 27981 Marquette Blvd. North Olmsted, OH 44070
123 English Pkwy Chicago, IL 49871 440.212.1345 THES@eng.com
We use brochures as a means of outreach to the commnity and to educators.
THES is here to help you communicate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, Integer ultricies augue ut lectus sagittis auctor. Quisque leo. Aliquam magna risus, feugiat quis, vehicula in, ornare vitae, metus. Duis volutpat velit quis velit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, Integer ultricies augue ut lectus sagittis auctor. Quisque leo. Aliquam magna risus, feugiat quis, vehicula in, ornare vitae, metus. Duis volutpat velit quis velit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Duis nibh. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur commodo ligula vitae purus. Phasellus laoreet tempus nisi. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nasce ornare vitae, metus. Duis volutpat velit quis velit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Duis nibh. Sus
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, Integer ultricies augue ut lectus sagittis auctor. Quisque leo. Aliquam magna risus, feugiat quis, vehicula in, ornare vitae, metus. Duis volutpat velit quis velit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, Integer ultricies augue ut lectus sagittis auctor. Quisque leo. Aliquam magna risus.
CONTACT US: 123 English Pkwy Chicago, IL 49871 440.212.1345 THES@eng.com
THES textbooks are specially designed for any level of English learner.
The Historical English Society.
Home [H] About Us [AB] Schedule Classes [SC] Renew Books [RB] Virtual Gallery Tour [VGT] Contact Us [CU]
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The Historical English Society.
About Us.
The Historical English Society.
Home [H] About Us [AB] Schedule Classes [SC] Renew Books [RB] Virtual Gallery Tour [VGT] Contact Us [CU]
Welcome to The Historical English Society. augue ut lectus sagittis auctor. Quisque leo. Aliquam magna risus, feugiat quis, vehicula in, ornare vitae, metus. Duis volutpat velit quis velit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Duis nibh. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur commodo ligula vitae purus. Phasellus laoreet tempus nisi. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent tristique, est vitae euismod cursus, elit odio aliquam turpis, nec volutpat dui odio ac ante. Vivamus suscipit eros eget mi. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer ac mi. Vestibulum ornare ligula vitae arcu.
Contact Us. The Historical English Society.
Home [H] About Us [AB] Schedule Classes [SC] Renew Books [RB]
CONTACT US: 123 English Pkwy Chicago, IL 49871 440.212.1345 THES@eng.com
Virtual Gallery Tour [VGT] Contact Us [CU]
Educational Materials.
THES has built branches in major cities across the former English-speaking world. Each of our facilities houses a historical gallery space, classrooms, and an extensive library of antique books written in English. Our environment is clean, contemporary, and attractive in order to best serve our clients and learners.
Welcome to
This manual was created as part of the Graphic Design Junior Studio at Ohio University in Spring 2008. It was printed in full color on 61# double-sided matte paper, using the typefaces Sabon and Helvetica. Nora Merecicky June 9, 2008 ART 353: Graphic Design Junior Studio
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