1 minute read

Celebrating the Land

Vernal Equinox


Spring and Autumn Equinox draw our attention to the rising and setting position of the sun. From anywhere in the world, except the North and South Pole, the sun will rise directly east and set directly west. At the Poles there is only one sunrise and sunset a year, these happening at Equinox. At the North Pole the land has been in darkness all winter, but finally around this time the sun will reappear above the horizon and remain in the sky all summer until setting at the Autumn Equinox. At the South Pole the reverse occurs.

Are we living in harmony and balance with our environment? In many ways we cannot avoid this, we are energetically linked to it, we cannot detach from the land we live on and our energies will entrain. The understanding of entrainment was first noted in 1666 by Christian Huygens who noticed that the pendulums on two clocks, set to swing at different rates, will slowly start swinging together and come into unison. It is believed this happens because there is an exchange of kinetic energy between the two which changes each slightly from their extremes, until the energies held by the two are matched and the exchange no longer occurs. The two objects reach zero exchange and are in unison.

The Seed of Life sacred geometry

The six petalled Seed of Life, which actually contains seven circles, is the base for the sacred Flower of Life geometric pattern. Sacred geometry refers to layout and design used in 'sacred' structures such as Egyptian temples, Christian churches and in religious art. On one level it recalls that God is said to have created the world in seven days and on another it is symbolic of the proportions of all that is created.

There are various steps to creating the pattern. Whichever route you take to achieve the full Seed of Life you have to start with a circle, add shapes until bringing the 7 circles together into the full 'flower'.

To bring a precision to the pattern it is easier to draw complete circles, intertwined, with compasses. However, a perfectly good one can be drawn fairly easily freehand using the stages shown below.

It is a simple step now to draw the last three circles and finish the Seed of Life.

It could be described as the Genesis pattern.

There are several other geometric shapes within the full Seed of Life, but particularly the interlocking Vesica Pisces and the Trinity aka Trefoil. You will also be able to superimpose squares, rectangles and triangles using points within the intersections of the circles. Whatever you find it is all based on the 6 fold symmetry.

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