Editorial for rebel without a cause

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“The rebel boy” by Paul Estankona Fashion Portfolio - Nora Madariaga - Fashion marketing & communication, Level 6, 2017/18 Visual Arts CWK2 - Chiara Legittimo, Gina Ripoll and Anna Row - 975 words



Red jacket: Abercrombie & Fitch Jeans and T-shirt: Levis


Red jersey: Zara Jeans: Levis Socks: Kappa Shoes: Joseph Cheaney and Sons

Rebel Without a Cause A c h a l l e n g i n g d r a m a o f t h e 5 0 ’s j u v e n i l e v i o l e n c e

Red jacket: Abercrombie & Fitch Jeans and T-shirt: Levis Socks: Kappa Shoes: Joseph Cheaney and Sons

Coat: Massimo Dutti Jeans: Levis

Model: Paul Estankona Photographer: Esti Alonso Make up artist: Lucia Etxebarria

Leather jacket: Harley Davidson Sleveless t-shirt: Polo Ralph Lauren Jeans: Levis Socks: Calzedonia

Rebel Without a Cause (1955) This document aims to explain the previous photographic work based on the movie “Rebel Without a Cause” (1955) by Nicholas Ray, which accurately reflected the rebellion of the American 50’s youth. Hence, I have decided to follow a creative process that has helped me to achieve a variety of different images with a strong meaning and a powerful message. The concept behind the editorial is directly attached to the rebellion and lack of identity of Jim Stark, an adolescent that wants to find himself in a society represented by traditional and oppressive values. The fact of feeling lonely, misunderstood and lost, drives the protagonist to act against the authority and be rebel. Thus, every photography has been consciously taken to strengthen this idea. Especially, I have focused on the use of objects that embrace the notion of rebelliousness and have a negative connotation, such as cigarettes and alcohol. Nevertheless, in order to convey a much more powerful message, I have considered the importance of showing edgy corporal and face expressions as well as choosing an appropriate styling that matches with the fashion of the 50’s youth. On the one hand, the model has tried to adopt an ‘effortlessly cool’ attitude typical of the protagonist. Apart from the pose, I have emphasised his eyes with make-up, trying to make them look more tired, since they give a crucial information to the reader, and in this case, his way of looking claims his general disorientation in life.

On the other hand, according to the style, I have chosen different outfits that apparently seem to be minimal, but due to the bold attitude of the model, have become a strong tool to communicate the concept of the editorial. It has been primordial to wear the model with the iconic outfit of Jim Stark: Levis jeans combined with the white T-shirt and completed with the red bomber, which in the fifties became widely adopted by adolescents, and it represented a generation that wanted to change the old and insincere values of a post-war society. Nevertheless, in order to obtain a richer editorial, I incorporated typical pieces of the fifties youth that strengthen the idea of rebellion: for instance, rolled-up jeans and sleeveless t-shirts. Finally, I wanted to include an elegant look, in this case, a long black coat that gave me the chance to make a more serious photo, but still very connected to the main idea, due to the bad-boy and careless pose of the model. In terms of technical aspects, I wanted to play with high-, low, and eye-level shots, that gave me the opportunity to achieve photos from different perspectives. Furthermore, with the objective of strengthening the idea of a lost and misunderstood character, in some of the pictures, I have lowered the speed of the camera in order to achieve blurred photos. The obtained movement reveals the feeling of a person that is trying to experiment, move, grow and find an identity. In addition, I have tried to emphasise the importance of colours. That is why, I have combined both, warmer and stronger colours with colder ones. Firstly, the red colour has been key since it

has a strong meaning in the film: rebellion, seduction, daring and death. However, implementing other tones such as blue and white, has helped to obtain a balanced, rich and especial editorial.

before, so I could have been more relaxed in the last days, and secondly, allowing my mind to flow, and enjoy experimenting new ideas in order to broaden my creativity.

Also, with the intention of achieving a complete result, we have included different camera shots: from full and medium shots, to give more information of the environment and clothing, to closeups that enables to the reader to feel more attached to the model and understand his emotions.

Last but not least, it is primordial to highlight that this editorial will be done for Dazed and Confused Magazine, since I strongly believe that it totally matches not only with the style, but also with the values and the idea that wants to be conveyed. Furthermore, Dazed represents an alternative style and its addressed to the youth, and, so was the movie “Rebel without a cause� in the fifties. What it is also interesting is that this magazine explores and goes further than just fashion and covers other fields including film, music, lifestyle, and culture, which are directly connected to the iconic I am referring to.

To finish with the technical explanations, I have considered very helpful as well as useful to edit the pictures with Lightroom, since it facilitates the individual to obtain a better and more professional result. According to the location, I decided to do the shooting in an industrial area as there were many options to find colourful backgrounds, old walls and other characteristics that fit with the style of the editorial. Moreover, the atmosphere was quiet and I had the idea of using music of that decade so the model could entered the mood in an easier way, which was a good choice. Even though early in the morning the weather was foggy, I took advantage of it and took photos with a grey background that added mystery and made the model look much more interest. Luckily, after that, the sun appeared and the light was perfect, since we finished the shooting before 11 a.m. Nevertheless, for the next time, I will try to improve some aspects that have difficulty my work: firstly, finding a photographer and a model

Bibliography Bazner, D. (2018). Film Inspiration: ‘Rebel Without a Cause’. [online] GQ. Available at: https://www.gq.com/story/film-inspiration-rebel-without-a-cause [Accessed 30 Jan. 2018]. En.wikipedia.org. (2018). Rebel Without a Cause. [online] Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebel_Without_a_Cause [Accessed 30 Jan. 2018]. Google.es. (2018). £dazed and confused magazine editorial inside - Google Search. [online] Available at: https://www.google.es/ search?biw=1440&bih=740&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=X9pwWrHIKsP8UPWjlYAK&q=£dazed+and+confused+magazine+editorial+inside&oq=£dazed+and+confused+magazine+editorial+inside&gs_ l=psy-ab.3...433024.433776.0.433888. 1c.1.64.psy-ab..0.0.0....0.MLNn-PeqGis [Accessed 30 Jan. 2018]. Philosophy in Film. (2018). Cinematography and Style in Rebel Without a Cause. [online] Available at: https://philosophyinfilm.com/2017/01/11/cinematography-and-style-in-rebel-without-a-cause/ [Accessed 30 Jan. 2018]. The Hollywood Reporter. (2018). ‘Rebel Without a Cause’: THR’s 1955 Review. [online] Available at: https://www.hollywoodreporter. com/review/rebel-a-cause-1955-film-review-940868 [Accessed 30 Jan. 2018].

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