DEMAND RESPONSE IN THE NORDIC ELECTRICITY MARKET GREEN GROWTH THE NORDIC WAY Green growth is a key priority for Nordic co-operation in the coming years. “The Nordic Region – leading in green growth” is the Nordic Prime Ministers’ shared green growth initiative under the auspices of the Nordic Council of Ministers. The green growth initiative is a vision based on the joint utilization of Nordic strengths in a number of areas including the electricity market. The projects described here are part of this effort, involving the following Councils of Ministers: Energy, Trade See more at or read the web magazine “Green Growth the Nordic Way” at
The Nordic Electricity Market Group has commissioned a report on demand response in the Nordic electricity market. The study will analyse the necessity of and potential for demand response from end users and identify concrete measures that can be taken in order to increase utilisation of demand response in the market.
increase the potential and applicability of flexible demand response can further strengthen the Nordic electricity market to the benefit of Nordic consumers and producers. The report will place emphasis on the role of the consumer and new smart services, as well as the interplay between the Nordic electricity market and other energy markets.
AIM AND OUTCOME Demand response includes a variety of response types and may have a positive effect on many parts of the electricity system. Consumers can use demand response to react to fluctuations in electricity production and price levels. This becomes especially important when higher shares of electricity from variable renewable sources of energy, such as wind, solar and intermittent hydropower, are to be integrated in the electricity mix. As such, demand response may contribute to resource efficiency, security of supply and stabilisation of the electricity grid, while lowering price peaks and delaying costly grid extensions.
TIME LINE The project started in August 2013 and will be concluded in the autumn of 2014.
The Nordic countries are currently cooperating on demand response actions, but new and more robust measures to
PARTNERS THEMA Consulting Group. CONTACT Filip Ehrle Elveling, Coordinator of the Nordic Electricity Market Group, Nordic Energy Research, Kristine Fiksen, THEMA Consulting Group,
GREEN GROWTH THE NORDIC WAY “The Nordic Region – leading in green growth” is the Nordic Prime Ministers’ shared green growth initiative under the auspices of the Nordic Council of Ministers. Green growth is a key priority for Nordic co-operation in the next few years and Nordic partnerships in this field has the potential to create a larger regional market, give a political lead in the EU, improve joint infrastructures and provide critical mass for future developments. The Nordic Prime Ministers’ green growth initiative is a vision based on the joint utilization of Nordic strengths in a number of areas including: • Energy efficiency and climate • Waste treatment and food waste • Sustainable building and ecodesign • Investment in innovation and research • Green public procurement and green investments This exhibition highlights aims and results from the following projects under “The Nordic Region – leading in green growth”: 1. Developing Nordic test centres for green solutions 2. Working together on education, training and research for green growth 3. Promoting flexible consumption of electricity 4. Working together on green-technology norms and standards 5. Working together on green procurement in the public sector 6. Developing techniques and methods for waste treatment 7. Promoting the integration of environmental and climate considerations into development aid 8. Co-ordinating and improving funding for green investment and companies. You can read articles on the individual projects at More info at
THE NORDIC REGION – leading in green growth