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REDUCING FOOD WASTE GREEN GROWTH THE NORDIC WAY Green growth is a key priority for Nordic co-operation in the coming years. “The Nordic Region – leading in green growth” is the Nordic Prime Ministers’ shared green growth initiative under the auspices of the Nordic Council of Ministers. The green growth initiative is a vision based on the joint utilization of Nordic strengths in a number of areas including food waste. The projects described here are part of this effort, involving the following Councils of Ministers: Fisheries and Aquaculture, Agriculture, Food and Forestry, along with Environment, Trade, Energy. See more at or read the web magazine “Green Growth the Nordic Way” at

A lot of edible food is thrown away in the Nordic countries, causing significant environmental impact that could have been avoided. The aim of this project is to contribute to reduced food waste while securing food safety. AIM AND OUTCOME There are 3 subprojects in the overall food waste initiative. Definitions & methods and primary production: • Common definitions, system boundaries and methodological approaches are needed when measuring food waste/losses and studying drivers of this waste. The project follows the work of the EU project FUSIONS and adapts it to Nordic conditions. Primary production is also included. • The project is testing a data collection method which is believed to work well for vegetables, namely a questionnaire for farmers in the Nordic countries on reasons for losses/waste of carrots and onions, and what happens to the lost/wasted products. Date labelling: Date labelling differs from country to country across the Nordic region. Inadequate labelling sometimes leads to consumers throwing away good food. The project will: • Map how date labels are determined by industry and retail trade in Nordic countries, through inquiry and in-depth interviews • Develop Q&A on how to apply the two types of date labelling: “use-by” and “best before”. This may function as a new basis for information to retail, food industry and consumers about date labelling Food banks and food redistribution: Large amounts of food from processing and retail shops in Nordic countries are wasted. Some of it is donated to and used by organisations through redistribution to people in need.

Food banks have been established in three Nordic countries, and the project aims to describe experiences and capacity of all types of food redistribution in Nordic countries. Main project deliveries: • Methods for evaluating food banks and food redistribution • Documentation of experiences of existing redistribution systems with regard to food waste prevention, potential regulatory barriers and economic/social benefits • Input on how food redistribution can be further developed in Nordic countries TIME LINE First period, August 2013 – July 2014 PARTNERS Aarhus University Denmark Agrifood Research Finland MTT Finnish Food Safety Authority Evira IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute Danish Veterinary and Food Administration Danish AgriFish Agency Norwegian Food Safety Authority Norwegian Institute of Food, Fisheries and Aquaculture Research Nofima Ostfold Research Norway PlanMiljø Denmark Swedish Board of Agriculture Swedish Environmental Protection Agency Swedish National Food Agency Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences SLU CONTACT Ingela Dahlin, SLV, +46 18 17 57 09

GREEN GROWTH THE NORDIC WAY “The Nordic Region – leading in green growth” is the Nordic Prime Ministers’ shared green growth initiative under the auspices of the Nordic Council of Ministers. Green growth is a key priority for Nordic co-operation in the next few years and Nordic partnerships in this field has the potential to create a larger regional market, give a political lead in the EU, improve joint infrastructures and provide critical mass for future developments. The Nordic Prime Ministers’ green growth initiative is a vision based on the joint utilization of Nordic strengths in a number of areas including: • Energy efficiency and climate • Waste treatment and food waste • Sustainable building and ecodesign • Investment in innovation and research • Green public procurement and green investments This exhibition highlights aims and results from the following projects under “The Nordic Region – leading in green growth”: 1. Developing Nordic test centres for green solutions 2. Working together on education, training and research for green growth 3. Promoting flexible consumption of electricity 4. Working together on green-technology norms and standards 5. Working together on green procurement in the public sector 6. Developing techniques and methods for waste treatment 7. Promoting the integration of environmental and climate considerations into development aid 8. Co-ordinating and improving funding for green investment and companies. You can read articles on the individual projects at More info at

THE NORDIC REGION – leading in green growth

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