Together for safe, secure and sustainable aviation
The confidence of travellers Noise and local solutions Cyber security and digitalization ICAO in the future DENMARK
The confidence of travellers
An introduction of Mr. Samuli Vuokila, the Nordic candidate for the Council elections 11 - 13
Flying together through North European airspace 17 - 22
Collaboration is key to controlling air traffic noise
Cyber security and digitalization
14 - 16
NORDICAO Directors General: three question about ICAO
No country left behind We are all working for the future of aviation. Together we make sure the travelling public has trust in the air transport system. The cornerstones of their trust are safety, security and environmental sustainability. In addition, passengers expect that air transport services are punctual and reliable. For these goals we must work continuously and ambitiously at all levels. Creating trust in the air transport system requires a joint effort from all of us – the civil aviation authorities. This means making good use of the ICAO environment when searching for answers to our existing and future challenges. Finland, one of the seven NORDICAO rotation group States, has been a strong supporter of ICAO and continues to act in its spirit. The NORDICAO States are an aviation family with a long history. We are committed to working tirelessly in various international fora to achieve improvements that are always needed in the multi-faceted global civil aviation field. All seven NORDICAO countries are known as cooperative, capable and fair partners supporting the modernization of ICAO as well as the “No Country Left Behind” principle. Mr. Pekka Henttu Director General of Civil Aviation Finland
The confidence of travellers TEXT: PEKKA HENTTU
We are working in the service industry, in aviation. The travelling public has a lot of expectations related to safety, security, environmental sustainability, punctuality, reliability and so on. Failures in any of these elements will impact the confidence of travellers and ultimately their behaviour. Without confidence they will not be interested in using air transport services. And in the worst case they will avoid flying whenever possible. 3
“Without confidence, the travelling public will not be interested in using air transport services. In the worst case, they will avoid flying as far as possible.�
“The past years have been successful with respect to safety. Therefore, I would like to express my high appreciation of the safety work for everyone involved. I can also see the risk that safety is taken for granted, especially on the political level.” Mr. Pekka Henttu Director General of Civil Aviation Finland
We must ensure that we are continuously developing the methodology and performance of our safety activities throughout the whole aviation system. Starting with the design, manufacturing and certification of aviation products, and covering all the elements needed for using these products safely. The chain is as strong as its weakest link. New aviation technologies available today and tomorrow will provide huge opportunities but also challenges – especially in safety and security. No matter what solutions we adopt, it is not enough that they are at the same safety and security level
as the existing ones. The new solutions need to represent a higher level. In the grand scheme we should not accept one major accident for every 5.4 million flights. The ratio should be much better if we want to reinforce the confidence of the travelling public in the future. We must take full advantage of the benefits the new technologies bring. New technology will also have a key role in improving the efficiency of the ATM system at locally, regionally and globally. The efficiency improvement is necessary not only to reduce costs, but especially to enhance the environmental performance,
punctuality and reliability of the air transport system. These are also important building blocks of the confidence of the travelling public. Our industry has a lot of work ahead of us in safety, security, new technologies, emissions, and increasing the ATM capacity. Let’s keep the passengers in focus to meet their expectations, to ensure their confidence in the air transport system. To succeed we need to be more ambitious and work even more closely together, both with small and large ICAO states.
n vs silence 7
noise s e
Collaboration is key to controlling air traffic noise
Vicinity to an airport provides nearly any area with a versatile range of benefits. However, air traffic also changes the local environment. Thus, efforts must be made to, for example, reduce aircraft noise by various noise management methods. In Finland, aircraft noise is tackled through multi-channel collaboration. Key measures to reduce aircraft noise include replacing noisier plane types with quieter models, favouring lower-noise flight procedures, planning airspace use and paying attention to land use and zoning. Smooth collaboration with local actors also plays a major role. In Finland, and especially with respect to Helsinki Airport, aircraft noise management is addressed by a collaborative working group that brings together various actors. In addition to officials, the group includes representatives of aviation operators ranging from the airport to air navigation services, major airlines as well as municipal and regional actors, the Finnish Defence Forces and a number of ministries. Measures based on research results
The Helsinki Airport noise management group monitors exposure to aircraft noise and any changes therein by observing data generated by numerous indicators.
The findings are regularly summarised in annual reports that compile noise data provided by local municipalities and aviation operators. A more thorough monitoring report is prepared once every five years. “One of our objectives is to anticipate how the goals of noise management are expected to be reached in the future, and what measures different officials and other actors have made and will make to control aircraft noise and its harmful effects, using a balanced approach,” says the noise management group’s leader, Outi Ampuja, chief adviser at the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom. “However, the most valuable thing is that the collaboration group provides a platform for open and regular dialogue and exchange of information among different actors,” Ampuja adds. Buffer zone approach gains ground in municipalities Construction-related options represent a noteworthy method for managing aircraft noise. Some of Helsinki Airport’s nearby municipalities have voluntarily adopted the buffer zone approach, with specific regulations for sound insulation in new residential buildings located close to the noisy areas around the airport. The goal of the buffer zone approach is to prepare in advance for variations in runway traffic and the long-term growth of air traffic. “The monitoring group has enabled active and constructive discussions that aim at identifying good practices by sharing experiences,” Ampuja says. Information about aircraft noise exposure directly to the public It is highly important to provide information about aircraft noise and its 9
“Local experience should also be shared internationally on different forums. Efficient collaboration lays the foundation for successful noise management on all levels”
impacts, and the noise management group has paid particular attention to this task. “We have jointly produced a map service that enables anyone to examine areas exposed to aircraft noise as well as the zoning situation and plans concerning the construction of residential buildings. This information is essential for people who are planning to move to the area because aircraft noise differs from the noise of highway traffic, for example, as it is not constant and might go unnoticed when looking for an apartment,” Ampuja says. “We must actively monitor noise levels, as exposure to noise that exceeds risk limits may have many adverse health effects, for example by contributing to cardiovascular diseases. Last autumn, the World Health Organization WHO published new thresholds for noise, and they were increasingly strict for noise caused by air traffic,” Ampuja continues. More extensive utilisation of local experience Local experience and proven measures should be applied more extensively. Locally, aircraft noise affects the lives of individual persons. Alterations to air routes and other changes in the noise situation give rise to discussion in local communication channels, in the social media and meetings with neighbours. Nevertheless, solutions for managing aircraft noise can be found through efficient collaboration between various actors across administrative branches. “Local experience should also be shared internationally on different forums. Efficient collaboration lays the foundation for successful noise management on all levels,” Ampuja concludes.
Finland’s candidate for the council elections 2019
Mr. Samuli Vuokila
Together for safe, secure and sustainable aviation I emphasize that ICAO’s role in maintaining and promoting safe, secure and sustainable civil aviation in the world is of fundamental importance and I am proud to work on it. I see that in the future ICAO’s rulemaking function will need to evolve towards performance- and risk-based approach instead of the traditional prescriptive regulatory framework. This path has significant challenges, in particular as it relates to the varying oversight abilities of these kinds of rules. Implementation support and guidance play a very important role. This is a function which can be done on multiple levels and new initiatives to improve need to be sought in an attempt to raise the effective implementation of ICAO provisions. ICAO will benefit greatly on the increasing internal efficiency where member States play a key role both as facilitators and every now and
Mr. Samuli Vuokila in six phrases • Airline captain, 7500 flight hours, • Civil Aviation Authority, multiple positions since 2006, • Head of safety and quality assur ance in an airline management, • Member of ICAO Air Navigation Commission 2011 – 2014, • Chief Adviser to DGCA Finland, • Alternate Representative of Sweden on the Council of ICAO 2016 –
then, as role models. Sharing best practices is a very efficient way of international cooperation. Experience and examples of new ways of doing business are worth their weight in gold, everyone does not have to try to do things from the very beginning but benefit from the experience of others. I personally remain committed to support ICAO’s work in a collaborative, open minded fashion. The best results in all international activities are the ones where all have their opinions taken into account and the end result is acceptable to all. Global civil aviation is not possible without the cooperation of all actors working towards the same goal. This is where ICAO has its natural place, the home of International Civil Aviation. Mr. Samuli Vuokila
Cyber security and digitalization
View of safety and security Digitalization creates big opportunities, including safety and security improvements in the operational aviation environment. However, it also creates new threats and changes the existing risk landscape. Cyber security is one of the key enablers for sustainable digitalization in aviation.
In everyday life, cyber security often sounds like something problematic that may threaten our routines. We must be aware of it while using digital services, be cautious of messages or information that we get and take good care of all our digital devices – and be always aware that someone could use our information against us. Cyber security is something that is hard to understand or explain easily but it does affect our everyday lives in the current highly digitalized society. “It is true that cyber security can sound very specific but we do not have to mystify it. Working in cyber security is only hard work as any other work is”, says Tomi Salmenpää, who is a Finnish representative in many national and international groups in civil aviation cyber security. But cyber security has a certain characteristic that is worth noting: a holistic approach that is a key point in understanding cyber security functions on a large scale. In civil aviation, it means that its concerns are both civil aviation safety and security. In addition, it is a part of a comprehensive threat and risk management system in aviation.
ICAO works to further cyber security Cyber security is a part of ICAO’s everyday work to make civil aviation better and safer. A lot of good work has already been done in the global framework in ICAO, which has helped establish a great basis for the future work. However, cyber security could also contribute to other areas in aviation. “I have been wondering that perhaps the ICAO SARP and guidance material framework should be digitalized and cybertized. We have already so many good and useful practices in aviation safety and security that we could utilize in different levels. There is no need to invent the wheel again, rather improve it”, says Salmenpää. Relevant advance on cyber security in aviation is based on trust Cyber security in aviation needs a mechanism to increase trust and information sharing in the field of information security affecting civil aviation security and safety. In this text, Trust is the anticipation of one entity in the evaluation of the expected behavior of another entity. 12
Cyber security is a normal part of functions and it gives you the advantage of digitalization.
“We think that sharing information should be strongly encouraged and supported. Of course, that requires trust between partners or organizations who share the information”, points Salmenpää. Trust is the key word in cyber security and information sharing. Everything is based on trust and no one can be forced to share information even if it could be very useful to all. Information can be sanitized “The point is that you do not have to share all the information, only the relevant one in the aspect of aviation safety or security. We want to encourage the aviation sector to share meaningful information that is good for all of us”, Salmenpää continues. For example, a sophisticated and extensive phishing campaign against aviation stakeholders worldwide could be a first step before the actual attack takes place against the aviation sector. Recognizing this and sharing the relevant information to prevent things from esca13
lating could be very important to the whole aviation community. Organizations should realize the benefits they get by sharing their data with other organizations. Collaboration between relevant agencies and authorities in civil aviation and information security is essential to the development of cyber security in aviation. Cyber security could boost your digitalization Cyber security management should be implemented to the existing safety and security management in civil aviation. “I want to underline that cyber security is a normal part of functions and it gives you the advantage of digitalization. We have noticed that when we have evaluated risks in civil aviation from a cyber security point of view, it also gives a sense of proportion to analyze and understand risks. And at the same time we get more familiar with cyber security and could finally demystify it”, underlines Salmenpää.
Flying together through North European airspace Founded in 2012, the Borealis Alliance acts as a platform that enables its members to drive better performance for stakeholders through business collaboration. TEXT: Mr. Thorolfur Arnason, Director General, Icetra and
Mr. Asgeir Palsson, Director of Air Navigation Services, Isavia
We are stronger and better equipped to deal with any challenges and changes that the future may bring.
Founded in 2012, the Borealis Alliance acts as a platform that enables its members to drive better performance for stakeholders through business collaboration. Consisting of nine Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), (Avinor from Norway, ANS Finland from Finland, Irish Aviation Authority (IAA) from Ireland, Isavia from Iceland, Lennuliiklusteeninduse AS from Estonia, Latvijas Gaisa Satiksme from Latvia, LFV from Sweden, NATS from the UK, and Naviair from Denmark), the Alliance has made it possible for its members to work together towards mutually beneficial goals. The Borealis Alliance offices are located in Brussels, Belgium and the current Executive Director is Gwen Morgan from the IAA. Together, the Borealis Alliance members provide air traffic services to over 4 million flights per year. Given the large amount of shared traffic it is vital that the members can work effectively together. The Alliance provides the necessary framework for sharing information, tools, and data where the goal is to make a positive contribution to the operational and financial performance of its members. The work completed so far, within the Alliance, regarding Free Route Airspace is a step towards achieving one of the goals of the Single European Sky as well as meeting ICAO performance targets. The Benefits of Collaboration This 9 ANSP Alliance is of great benefit to all its members with one of its key aims being to examine possible collaborative projects between its members to enhance their services and to drive better performance for their stakeholders. A flexible collaborative approach is 15
emphasized within the Borealis Alliance which means that its members are free to choose which projects they wish to participate in while removing any unnecessary participatory limitations or restrictions. For Isavia, there is considerable advantage being a member of the Borealis Alliance, as the Alliance enables it to keep abreast of new developments in the field of aviation within Europe and collectively be more influential with relevant trade, regulatory and policy bodies in Europe. This is of significance to Isavia as it is situated within the ICAO-North Atlantic region and not within the ICAO-EUR and as such this cooperation also provides a sense of continuity between regional ICAO boundaries. The Borealis Alliance Board meets biannually to review the progress, ongoing projects and future direction of the Alliance. In addition to this, other meetings are held where representatives participate in more indepth discussions regarding current projects and target setting. Isavia Isavia handles the operation and development of all airports in Iceland and, furthermore, manages air traffic in the Icelandic control area that has a size of 5.4 million square kilometers, one of the largest in the world. Isavia has been a member of and active participant within the Borealis Alliance since it was formed in 2012. Currently, à sgeir Pålsson, Director of Isavia´s Air Navigation Division, is serving as Chairman of the Borealis Alliance Board until April 2020. Chairmanship within the Alliance rotates between members and lasts for 18 months.
The Borealis Alliance has enabled Isavia to take monumental steps in providing the best possible air navigation service available. One such step was taken on January 3 2019 when Isavia‘s Air Navigation Services implemented its final phase in the Borealis Alliance Free Route Airspace (FRA) Programme, thereby completing its Free Route Airspace (FRA) project. This was a big milestone for Isavia because when it is fully implemented, the Borealis Alliance FRA Programme will enable airline operators and business aviation customers to plan and take the most cost effective, fuel efficient and timely routes across the entire airspace managed by Borealis Alliance members saving time, money and fuel for its customers while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Exciting Times Ahead The rapid development of new aviation technology and personal flying gadgets brings with it new and unforeseen challenges for the air traffic management industry. For example, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), or drones, have become both more common and more powerful due to lower prices, making it easier for the public to buy and use such devices. Most of the time, drones are used simply for innocuous purposes and entertainment value, but sometimes their use can have negative consequences, whether intentional or not. The proliferation of these flying gadgets and their technological advancement means that they have become a real threat to air traffic in recent years, with one of the best recent examples being the drone incident at Gatwick Airport that took place in December of 2018. This single incident caused major disruptions to air
traffic, affecting approximately 140,000 passengers and 1,000 flights; the biggest disruption to air traffic in Europe since ash clouds from the Icelandic volcano EyjafjallajÜkull shut down air traffic in 2010. The Borealis Alliance believe that measures should be taken to avoid such disruptions and will discuss the possibility of working collaboratively on this topic, to prevent and respond to such costly and unfortunate events, at their upcoming Board meeting on March 6. Other collaborative work that the Alliance is examining is the work surrounding cyber security. In today´s technology-dependent and interconnected world, securing our aviation data and systems is of utmost importance. We adhere to high industry standards based on risk assessments made by the member organizations. The pooling of resources and know-how is one of the founding principles of the Borealis Alliance and this is how we will proceed in cyber security development. The Future Is Bright The cooperation of members from nine different countries in northern Europe in the field of airspace management is a shining example, both within the aviation sector as well as in other fields, of European and worldwide collaboration. There are many reasons for countries and organizations wanting and deciding to work together towards a common goal. The reason the members of the Borealis Alliance choose to work together is so that they can help to improve the way their airspace is managed, to the benefit of their organizations and their customers. United, we are stronger and better equipped to deal with any challenges and changes that the future may bring. 16
NORDICAO Directors General: question about ICAO We asked the Directors General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) in all NORDICAO countries three questions about the purpose, current state and future of ICAO. The answers we received analyse the organisation from multiple angles. Read more about the DGCAs’ views on ICAO’s key milestones and their visions about its future.
The most relevant accomplishment of ICAO? DENMARK Mr. Carsten Falk Hansen
2019 marks the 75th anniversary of ICAO. Looking back over the past 75 years two developments stand out. Firstly there has been a really significant increase in air traffic. Secondly the number of casualties has fallen drastically, even despite the rise in traffic. ICAO and its member states have played a significant role in achieving this remarkable result through an unwavering focus on standardization and regulation of civil aviation around the world. ESTONIA Mr. Rait Kalda
The most important accomplishment of ICAO is the establishment of unified standards and recommended practices, that are used as basement for the different ICAO members to work out their own aviation regulation and principles. FINLAND Mr. Pekka Henttu
Year 2019 marks the 75th anniversary of ICAO, 75 years of working together. The results overall are remarkable. Especially I would like to emphasis the huge progress on safety. Annex 19, GASP (Global Aviation Safety Plan) together with GANP (Global Air Navigation Plan) and the fresh GASeP (Global Aviation Security Plan) provide us concrete tools to meet the existing and future challenges at the global, regional and national level. I would also like to mention ICAO global environmental activities (CORSIA), which are, no doubt, relevant for the future of aviation. ICELAND Ms. Halla Sigrún Sigurðardóttir
ICAO greatest accomplishment is the solid basis for safety and security that has been established for the whole world. The safest mode of travel is flying as shown by the numbers. Aviation is a fundamental factor in the world´s economy and in the life of modern people, making the world and distances smaller. 17
Mr. Maris Gorodcovs Director General of Civil Aviation
Mr. Lars Kobberstad Director General of Civil Aviation
FINLAND Mr. Pekka Henttu Director General of Civil Aviation
Ms. Halla Sigrún Sigurðardóttir Director General of Civil Aviation (acting)
Mr. Gunnar Ljungberg Director General of Civil Aviation
Mr. Rait Kalda Director General of Civil Aviation
Mr. Carsten Falk Hansen Director General of Civil Aviation
LATVIA Mr. Maris Gorodcovs
The most relevant accomplishment of ICAO is the Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme Continuous Monitoring Approach (USOAP CMA). As of January 2013, USOAP CMA was fully launched and its various tools including electronical information system, mechanisms and guidance materials are constantly reviewed and it has helped member states to properly follow State’s level of implementation of ICAO’s safety-related Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) and associated procedures and guidance materials. The No Country Left Behind (NCLB) initiative highlights ICAO’s efforts to assist States in implementing ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs). Great accomplishments of ICAO are ICAO Global Plans for Aviation Safety (GASP), Air Navigation (GANP) and more recently Aviation Security (GASeP), which provide alignment of the objectives and strategies to assist ICAO’s Member States in responding to challenges of the Global aviation system growth. NORWAY Mr. Lars Kobberstad
ICAO and its member states have contributed to the development of civil aviation and aviation safety over many years. Naming only one accomplishment does not seem to fully acknowledge all ICAOs successes but for me, the adoption of Annex 13 to the Chicago Convention on aircraft accident and incident investigation – originally from April 1951 – was a big step towards making aviation safer. Obviously, a lot has happened since then but I consider it to be of paramount importance for the further development of aviation that we have common agreement about how to achieve continuous improvement in aviation safety. This means conducting investigations into all accidents and incidents and learning from them, in order to prevent recurrence. Cooperation, a sense of community and confidence in the authorities are important factors of success in the happiest place on earth, as demonstrated by the annual “battle of friendship” between the Nordic countries. Therefore, an important aspect of safety culture is to ensure that operators, as well as the general public, are fully confident that the aim of accident investigation is not to apportion blame or liability. This assurance has led to continuous improvement in reporting rates, making it possible to achieve steady improvements in aviation safety, and make full use of reports and statistics to exercise risk-based oversight. SWEDEN Mr. Gunnar Ljungberg
ICAO’s most relevant accomplishments is, in my opinion, CORSIA, the work on “no country left behind” and several safety enhancements such as ACAS, GPWS and other technological developments. 18
How can ICAO contribute further to the important themes of aviation? DENMARK Mr. Carsten Falk Hansen
ICAO is already contributing with global solutions to significant issues such as the environmental impact of aviation. The No Country Left Behind initiative is important in ensuring that global issues are tackled everywhere. Practical implementation of these global solutions, however, shows that regional approaches are important if the ambitious goals are to be met. It is therefore important that ICAO continues to support performance-based efforts to achieving these goals based on regional specificities of the risks and objectives involved. ESTONIA Mr. Rait Kalda
As worldwide organisation, ICAO can work towards mandatory implementation of its standards everywhere, as example Annex 5 defines SI units as primary units. Standard not implemented, still alternative units in use. Also ICAO can and should force quick usage of new technologies, definitely being technology leader in aviation industry. FINLAND Mr. Pekka Henttu
We and our industry have, and will have, a lot of simultaneous pressures; to continuously improve our safety and security performance, cut emissions, solve the increasing ATM capacity problems due to growth, adopt new technology and digitalization and manage new entrants in aviation. In order to tackle all those, we have to talk much more with our stakeholders, to keep ourselves fresh and updated. We have to work more dynamically and efficiently to improve our performance, both at the organizational and personal level. 19
Within ICAO we are looking for global solutions to significant aviation issues. To ensure the practical implementation of these global solutions, a performance-based approach in support of regional approaches might be one way to go. When doing so we can focus more on the regional specialties of threats. At the regional level it is much easier to set goals and to ensure their follow-up. ICELAND Ms. Halla Sigrún Sigurðardóttir
ICAO should continue to promote flight safety and security in aviation in a progressive way and remain devoted to the current and future challenges, such as environment. By providing the world with systematic toolbox of clear and structured approach for best practices and to make sure no country is left on its own. ICAO should continue to facilitate the discussions between divers player in the world of aviation and promote regional co-operation. LATVIA Mr. Maris Gorodcovs
It is necessary for all involved aviation stakeholders to work together to define and achieve aviation objectives in order to support the growth of safe and environmentally friendly aviation ensuring access to air transport for future generations. We as a member state of ICAO and of various regional organisations believe that ICAO could review its existing approach to these regional organisations in order to cater more from them directly instead of just relaying an input from individual member states. Underlining the importance of mitigating the climate impacts of international aviation, we strongly support and welcome the adoption of the the ICAO CORSIA and we acknowledge that ICAO has made substantial progress in achievements to implement the 2016 agreement by the ICAO Assembly to stabilize aviation emissions at 2020 levels. We are taking all necessary actions to ensure that CORSIA is implemented in our country properly and according to CORSIA SARPs. NORWAY Mr. Lars Kobberstad
One area of development in the years to come is the “green shift” – i.e. the introduction of electric and hybrid aircraft into commercial aviation, accompanied by greener fuel and smarter technology. More than 4 billion people travel by air annually. We cannot expect them to stop flying. On the contrary, we see that tourism in the far north, where we hide our reindeer and the Northern Lights, is growing. Facilitating this industry’s transport requirements cannot be allowed to compromise the nature they come to visit. The Nordic countries of NORDICAO are working actively, through several taskforces and committees, on the development of electric and hybrid aircraft and providing facilities for them. In addition, drones have come to stay. The ICAO community needs to facilitate safe integration of drones alongside traditional aviation, while taking the public interest fully into account. Nothing is as worldwide as the world wide web. Cyber security is a global challenge that demands our common attention. SWEDEN Mr. Gunnar Ljungberg
Future challenges lie primarily in the sustainable development of the air transport sector. ICAO must work with the states to further develop cooperation. This will involve a great deal of commitment to uniting states in future challenges such as security, safety, climate change, equality and fair competition.
ICAO in the future? DENMARK Mr. Carsten Falk Hansen
As a widely respected and truly global organization, ICAO will continue to play a fundamental role in the development of air navigation and aviation safety and security. But just as the aviation industry never stands still, ICAO cannot afford to stand still either. ICAO’s role in the future must continue to mirror the impact and trends of aviation, including environmental issues and the role of aviation in society. This includes gender equality in aviation as well as the ability of aviation to remain an attractive profession. Ultimately, ICAO’s future strength will depend on the will of its member states to support a transparent and cost-efficient future for the organization. ESTONIA Mr. Rait Kalda
ICAO role in aviation and in overall economy will definitely grow, with globalisation we need more focus on quick actions, quick data transfer etc. This can be only achieved when we are using and talking the same aviation standards and practices “language“ worldwide. The main concern might be automatization of aviation (new opportunities for ATM systems, unmanned aircraft for passenger and cargo flights, cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence etc). FINLAND Mr. Pekka Henttu
We have to convince the general public to ensure their acceptance for aviation. Global standards, implemented regionally, are a good basis to make sure that aviation remains acceptable and attractive. ICAO as an organization needs to be modernized. Then we must take a clear leadership in developing a sustainable, safe and secure aviation system, which can also gain the acceptance of our children. Whatever we are doing in ICAO – let’s do it in the spirit of No Country Left Behind. 21
ICELAND Ms. Halla Sigrún Sigurðardóttir
ICAO should aim to create a framework for aviation that gives enough space for innovation and new technology. ICAO should promote the use of new technology that can make aviation safe, secure and sustainable – all to the benefits of the passenger and the cargo. ICAO should continue its work towards sustainable aviation, taken in regard environmental challenges as well as economical. LATVIA Mr. Maris Gorodcovs
ICAO continues to be a leading aviation organization for the whole aviation industry across the globe. In doing so ICAO will work more through its regional offices, thus coming closer to the end users. Closer relationships are established between the ICAO regional offices and local member states regional organisations. NORWAY Mr. Lars Kobberstad
To small nations such as Norway and the other NORDICAO states, ICAO offers a global perspective on aviation where all can contribute. Both small and large nations contribute to, and receive benefits from, the cooperative organization that is ICAO. This cooperation is something we are looking forward to continuing. Even though Norway has a small population, aviation is one of the main national means of transport and we have achieved a high level of expertise on several fields. Examples of this are winter operations in beautiful but sometimes hostile nature, de-icing with engines running and snow clearance under extreme conditions. Norway and the other NORDICAO states are used to coping with extreme weather. For example, we led the way with new science and adapted regulation when the Icelandic volcanos erupted two years in a row, closing large parts of European airspace. The first year we were caught off-guard, but in the second year the problems were contained at a minor, local level. For the future of ICAO, we wish the voices of all states to continue to be equally valuable. The more knowledge we can all contribute, the better and more beneficial it will be for aviation safety. SWEDEN Mr. Gunnar Ljungberg
In order to continue to enable a safe and sustainable development of air transport, ICAO will have to evolve as an organization with the ability to face the challenges ahead with a proactive mind set. ICAO must encourage the industry and states to increase research and development in strategic areas such as digitalization, the development of sustainable fuels, electrically driven aircraft and modern thinking on gender equality. ICAO must also continue the work to include all states in this necessary development.
PUBLISHED BY: Traficom, Finnish Transport and Communication Agency DESIGN: Recommended PRINT: Edita Prima COVER PHOTO: Shutterstock
ICAO Council - Finland The Government of Finland has decided to present the candidature of Finland to the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), in part II, for the term 2019-2022, at the election to be held during the 40th Session of the ICAO Assembly in Montreal, from 24 September to 4 October 2019. Finland, as a Member State of ICAO, is fully committed to working tirelessly for the improvements that are always needed in the multifaceted field of global civil aviation where safety, security and environmental sustainability are essential elements for the trust of the travelling public. Finland is highly motivated to cooperate in taking the forthcoming improvements forward. A Nordic State has continuously held a seat on the ICAO Council since the first election in 1947. The candidature of Finland is based on a mutually agreed rotation scheme between the Member States of the Joint Nordic Delegation (NORDICAO; Estonia, Denmark, Iceland, Latvia, Norway and Sweden) to the ICAO. The rotation scheme is a significant demonstration of the cooperative nature in which the work of ICAO is developed. The European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) supports the candidature of Finland. Finland, together with the other members of the NORDICAO, maintain an active Nordic Delegation to the ICAO, which is a strong supporter of the organization as a specialized agency of the United Nations. The Member States of the NORDICAO are cooperative, capable and fair partners, supporting the modernization of the ICAO and the “No Country Left Behind� principle. Only by improving effective ways of working together can ICAO serve its Member States. Finland is motivated by the opportunities of cooperation towards the common good of all 193 ICAO Member States, both today and in the future. The Government of Finland would greatly appreciate your valuable support for its election to the Council of ICAO for the term 2019-2022.
Sanna Marin
Minister of Transport and Communications Finland