different problems, and to understand the role and opportunities of the educational sector to contribute to change. Here many different types of research are required, both broad and deep studies, longitudinal case and cohort studies, experimental and quasiexperimental studies, several different theoretical and subject-based perspectives, critical approaches as well as syntheses and metaanalyses, research reviews and interdisciplinary studies’ (p. 8). In their proposal to the Swedish government,23 the Committee for Educational Sciences in the VR also suggested that additional resources are needed for strategic initiatives within the following research themes: Development of democracy in Sweden and the world; Increasing variations in school performance; Teachers’ working situation and future recruitment; and Learning in a digitised world: handling everyday life and competences for the future.
Clearing houses and brokerage units One challenge is to close the gap in the knowledge available and the application of knowledge within the school system. A recent initiative in Sweden is of interest in this context. Organisations with similar missions exist in all Nordic countries. The Swedish Institute for Educational Research (Skolforskningsinstitut; SKOLFORSK) was established in January 2015 with the task to compile practice-oriented school research. The institute is responsible for systematically assessing and disseminating research findings that can contribute to increased knowledge about scientifically well-founded and effective methods and procedures in the school system. 24 The specific tasks recommended for this institute include to:
‘ensure the quality of the systematic research reviews and of the research initiated,
monitor the authenticity of translations, original interpretations, and findings,
develop new forms of systematic knowledge analyses – forms that better meet the needs of Swedish teachers and
Forskning och skola i samverkan – kartläggningar av forskningsresultat med relevans för praktiskt arbete i skolväsendet (2015) [Research and schools in collaboration – surveys of research results of relevance for practical work in schools]. Stockholm: Vetenskapsrådet. https://www.vr.se/download/18.2412c5311624176023d25ad2/1555424743747/Forskning-och-skola-isamverkan_VR_2015.pdf 17