5. A provisional list of knowledge gaps and concerns The following list of knowledge gaps and concerns has emerged during this study. On research methodology 1. There is a need for studies on the implementation, methods, and sustainability of different educational innovations and measures both under optimal and realistic conditions. Moreover, the scaling up should be based on evidence from practice-based research. 2. There is also a need of systematic review and analysis of multidisciplinary and educational research in many fields. Moreover, such analysis should be used for allocation of research and development initiatives conducted as transdisciplinary research involving school staff, pupils/students, and parents. 3. Innovative models of practice-based transdisciplinary research need to be developed, implemented, and sustained in order to facilitate research and development (R&D) and policy and implementation (P&I) within the school systems in the Nordic countries. 4. There is a need for scientific knowledge, practical knowledge, and practical wisdom to guide further development of the school systems at different levels in the Nordic countries. On the Nordic school systems 5. The changes in development of the school systems in the Nordic countries offer opportunities for comparative research and quasi-experimental studies related to most policy issues discussed in Introduction 2. 6. Development of a strategy for educational policy renewal should include pilot studies where implementation, effects, and sustainability are evaluated by advanced research