The Art of Data

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Creativity and Empowering Communities through The Art of Data September 6 - September 29, 2023 • The Forum at Slover Library
DATA Transformed: THEARTOFDATA Unleashing


On behalf of the Mayor and City Council, we invite you to experience a captivating art exhibit where talented local artists transform the city of Norfolk’s public data into honest, transparent, and beautiful creations. This exhibit will provide insight into both what encourages and what concerns our residents. The art will also demonstrate how data can drive meaningful conversations about ways to improve our city.

This dynamic and community-focused exhibit seeks to inspire residents to learn more about public data, even those residents who may normally hesitate to engage with local government. The goal is that attendees gain a fresh perspective on the power of data in our city.

We look forward to sharing this exciting exhibit with you! Enjoy!

Scan this code to find out about Norfolk’s Open Data Portal


Davila Assomo

My name is Davila Assomo. I am a multimedia artist and a model. I was born in Cameroon, but I’ve been in America for most of my life. I started painting when I was five and I did that for a long period of time but lately I’ve been more interested in photography and creative direction. I’ve been doing a lot of photo shoots and making a lot of visual art.

Art Description: The data set that I chose was the Tree Planting Program data set. The subject of my work is hundreds of different green dots congregating together organically around white negative space. I wanted to create a piece that was visually appealing and that you could also run your fingers over and it will feel almost like braille. I picked the topic because deforestation is a very serious problem that we’re facing and it’s beautiful that we have programs like these that can help repopulate plant species in Hampton Roads.


Davila Assomo

nationality : Born in Cameroon, American

year born : 1997

title : Evergreen

medium : Acrylic on canvas with glaze

dimensions : 35” x 35”

data set : Tree Planting Program

Commissioned by CivicLabNORFOLK, for the Art of Data 2023
Commissioned by CivicLabNORFOLK, for the Art of Data 2023

Elijah 3WO

// ‘Pixel Trees’ was created with 128 lines of code. The artwork connects to the City of Norfolk Open Data Portal to retrieve the database from the Tree Planting Program data set; then connects to the AI DALLE-2 that draws unique leaf illustrations for each tree species; to render a matrix of motion graphics on $this display showcasing all the trees planted on the city ordered from NW to SE coordinates.

// While AI can now execute prompts to create unique drawings, I wondered if it actually has a creative vein. My experiments showed me that it was built on the image of its Creator and, like us, it tries, it fails, it learns, and, suddenly, it gets to creative sparks. From using flaming leaves to draw a ‘Prairie Fire Crabapple’; to placing Queen Elizabeth’s face within a maple leaf; or literally painting purple leaves for the ‘Purple Leaf Plum’, it really surprised me with creativity. Deus_Ex_Machina() />.

View the digital art here

Elijah 3WO

nationality : Brazil

year born : 1986

title : Pixel Trees

medium : Digital Art, <html>{css}.js

data set : Tree Planting Program

Commissioned by CivicLabNORFOLK, for the Art of Data 2023

Darnell Jordan Babe Dukes

As a member of reality, one of my personal responsibilities as an artist, is is to provide illumination to the inconspicuous aspects of our realm.

Pictures are worth a thousand words, but a feeling is worth only the most meaningful of thoughts. In the initial creation of this piece, I was exploring the darkness of the vibrant “feminine and masculine” energies.

Displaying different levels of existence in the same confinement, you can see the story here from many perspectives.

For me, the Art of Data showed me the truth of my own work. The Foster Care dataset chose me because I, like most of us, exist in an atmosphere dominated by ignorance.

nationality : American

year born : 1991

title : Alone/Together

medium : Acrylic on canvas

dimensions : 24” x 36”

data set : Foster Care

We only live to receive some form of light and revelation. Never giving it a single thought in my youth, I’ve learned over my years that I have family from the foster care system, close friends, and even a young woman who needs the system.

I’ve learned through observing the beauty of reunion, the long lasting anxiety in a person, and the cold indifference of circumstance, that we are all indeed, alone/together.

Darnell Jordan Babe Dukes
9 Commissioned by CivicLabNORFOLK, for the Art of Data 2023

Christopher Kozak

The Norfolk Open Data Portal holds a wealth of information, covering various topics from child adoption rates to police activities. While exploring the data, memories of the Covid lockdown surfaced, evoking feelings of confinement and the need for solace. For me, taking walks with my dog and young son became a refuge, allowing me to immerse myself in the healing elements of nature. The Tree Planting Program in Norfolk diligently records its volunteer efforts, benefiting the environment and wildlife while enhancing the city’s aesthetic appeal. Delving into the data, I discovered an increasing number of trees planted annually, sparking curiosity about their trajectory during and beyond the lockdown. My artistic expression captures this dataset through a bar graph and a canvas adorned with moss, symbolizing the future and inviting viewers to reconnect with nature. As Cicero once said, “Art is born of the observation and investigation of nature.”

nationality : American

year born : 1985

title : Mother Nature

dimensions : 6’ x 3’ x 2”

medium : Mixed Media

data set : Tree Planting Program

Art of Data 2023 10

Devon Lawrence

My artistic journey commenced with a single triumphant moment, a thirdgrade art contest victory that ignited a lifelong passion within me. Since that defining experience, my heart and soul have been devoted to the realm of artistic creation. With an unwavering determination, I embarked on a path toward becoming a professional artist, driven by an insatiable thirst to explore the boundless possibilities of self-expression. While my academic journey led me to a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, my evolution as an artist is rooted in self-discovery and an insatiable appetite for exploration. My foray into the enchanting world of watercolors came from within, a self-taught pursuit that allowed me to transcend conventional boundaries and embrace the fluidity and vibrancy of the medium. The influence of David Mack’s mesmerizing watercolor mixed media art during my formative years in high school and college greatly shaped my artistic sensibilities, propelling me toward a unique and captivating artistic style.

Artwork Description: In “Hopeful Transformation”, the color palette employed in this piece is purposeful. The presence of light orange and yellow watercolors infuses the artwork with a radiant warmth. These hues stand as a beacon of positivity, representing the transformative influence of services on individuals and their surroundings. Symbolizing the hope and illumination that mental health and support services bring to people’s lives. The juxtaposition of the ethereal floating figures against the grounded male figure underlines the concept of connection and intervention. It suggests that these services transcend the realm of the tangible, reaching out to offer a lifeline of assistance and solace.

In “A Glimmer of Tomorrow”, vibrant watercolors take center stage, with a striking emphasis on the radiant Quinacridone Gold pigment. These carefully chosen hues not only infuse the artwork with warmth and richness but also serve as symbolic vessels for the unwavering hope that illuminates even the most arduous circumstances. The inspiration for this poignant piece stems from a desire to explore the complex emotions and experiences associated with the foster care system. The artwork attempts to capture the delicate balance between uncertainty and optimism that often characterizes the lives of children within the system.


Hopeful Transformation

Devon Lawrence

nationality : American

title 1: Hopeful Transformation

title 2: A Glimmer of Tomorrow

medium : Watercolor

dimensions : 10 " x 14 "

data sets : Mental Health and Support Services, Foster Care System

Commissioned by CivicLabNORFOLK, for the Art of Data 2023 A Glimmer of Tomorrow

Shalina Mitchell

Shalina Mitchell studied painting and printmaking at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia.

“My work revolves around human related studies and requires basic understanding of human circumstances and vulnerability in portrait paintings. During the foundation studies about the human body and philosophy, I found I was more interested in humans and the environment itself. To me, fine art is the best form to observe people, interpret by personal philosophy, and express the aesthetics through visual messages. It also determines my efforts to engage with the subliminal, and a rigorous search of truth. I produce paintings that address issues of identity in addition to inclusion, desuetude and struggle. Additionally, I experience this process as a series of investigations and discoveries from my surroundings.”

Artwork Description: Commissioned by CivicLabNORFOLK for “Art of Data 2022-23,” this artwork depicts a harmonious global effort in cleaning and restoration. Diverse individuals collaborate across the world, symbolizing collective responsibility for a cleaner world. The data set was picked for international coastal cleanup, to emphasize cleaning up our oceans. It is one of the most important steps we can take to fight anthropogenic climate change. Added elements into the water such as plastic bags and major corporations boxes to further show that our consumerism is affecting the environment in a negative way. The vision captures the impact of individual actions on a global scale through intricate details and colors. The artwork illustrates the power of unity in preserving the environment.


Shalina Mitchell

nationality : American

year born : 1996

title : Unity Beyond Grime: Global Restoration

medium : Oil on Canvas

dimensions : 48 x 60

data set : International Coastal Clean-Up

the Art of Data 2023 15
Commissioned by CivicLabNORFOLK, for

Natalie Sidner

Words really can’t encapsulate my passion for sea glass.

It’s taken me ten years to collect the sampling of pieces you see in this artwork. Ten years ago — almost to the day — I attended a sea glass festival held in Virginia Beach. I was familiar with the subject before that point, but only intellectually. Never before had I walked into a room where so many vendors were selling jewelry made from sea glass. I was hooked. Henceforth, I developed a love affair with this unique phenomenon. It’s almost as if I had no choice in the matter; the glass compelled me. I began using Google Maps (yay technology!) on satellite mode and zooming in to look at various swaths of shoreline around Hampton Roads. I would decide on a spot and then spend all kinds of time and effort traveling to these various places. It was extremely hit or miss; sometimes I would find not a single piece of glass. I did this enough times — again, compelled by something I couldn’t explain — that I finally found success. Evidently, circa the 1940s, there were some dumps up one or more rivers which feed into the Chesapeake, and all I needed to do was find the spots downstream. And ever since, I have been making countless trips out there, at low tide of course, to cull the treasures I seek.

Artwork Description: When it comes to NorfolkOpenData and The Art of Data project, I couldn’t be more enthusiastic about representing the International Coastal Cleanup. As you’re probably aware, sea glass is essentially garbage. It’s the broken, discarded pieces of things we threw away, as a society, 50, 60, or 90 years ago — and the Earth, in her distinguished preeminence and perfection, has very, very gradually turned it into what we now find on the ground and use to make jewelry and other forms of art. It’s the epitome of trash-into-treasure. At the same time, however, it silently calls us to remember our place here and retain an awareness of the trash we throw into the world around us.

When I was at the University of Virginia in the late 90s, I contracted Lyme disease but didn’t know it. (Indeed, Lyme is a result of my love for being outdoors.) The ailment, untreated, evolved into a chronic condition, and it has impacted every area of my life for the last 25 years. If it weren’t for the support of my family, I wouldn’t have made it.

Sea glass, and the hunt to find it, is truly therapy for me. It has become emblematic of both the Earth’s compassion for us as a human race and my own personal journey through illness.


nationality : American

year born : 1979

title : The Alchemy of Coastal Trash

medium : Sea Glass

dimensions : 33” x 27” x 1”

data set : International Coastal Cleanup

Commissioned by CivicLabNORFOLK, for the Art of Data 2023 Natalie Sidner

Shelley Strimaitis

Artwork Description: This piece is inspired by the struggles of children in foster care waiting for their forever family. The wave pattern shows the number of children in Norfolk waiting for adoption with the small crests representing those that have been adopted.

Artist Story: I first learned to crochet in 2nd grade. I was inspired by my grandfather, who learned to crochet while in quarantine early in his life. He battled Alzheimer’s when I was young, and maintained his ability to create fiber art even after he lost the ability to speak. Some of the few memories I have of that time involve watching him quietly create beautiful afghans. I have always loved the way that fiber art allows for physical interaction with the final pieces and for an artist to create something that can be used in everyday life.


Shelley Strimaitis

nationality : American

year born : 1995

title : Reaching for Family

medium : Fiber - miscellaneous

dimensions : 40” x 84”

data set : Adoption and Foster Care

19 Commissioned by CivicLabNORFOLK, for the Art of Data 2023

Lanier Williams

As an artist and an art teacher in the Norfolk Public Schools, I have grown fascinated in the last decade with the evolving impact of digital tools on the creative work of innovators and artistic designers. I have integrated and made varying use of three technologies in my own classroom: Stop Motion Animation, 3D printing and VR technology. Students create animated stories with iPad apps, design forms with the 3D printer to incorporate into their artwork and explore the meta-verse with the Oculus Quest VR goggles.

I visited my first Maker Space about a decade ago. That moment of first seeing the creative ambience of such a space made an indelible impression on me. With the advent of STEM, later to be rebranded STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) programs in the school systems, I was inspired.

I was no longer simply an art teacher…I was a teacher determined to bring those 21st century design skills to my visual art space. DESIGN became my favorite word.

Artwork Description: I started this piece in December 2022. I named it, “Entering the Creative Spaces: Slover.” I researched the dataset located on the City of Norfolk Open Data portal to visualize the usage of the four studios. I have included original and final versions of my project and my concept sketchbook. I used 3D printing and Stop Motion Animation to create the project.

On the front side of the display I used 3D prints to represent the four studio spaces found in the Slover library: the Maker Space featuring a 3D printer, the Production Studio featuring a video camera, the Design Studio represented by a MacBook Pro laptop, and the Sound Studio represented by a guitar.

On the back side of the display I created foam core models of tablets and cellphones, poster board models of hands and 3D printed human figures. The varying size of the cell phones and tablets, and the varying number of printed figures gives viewers an immediate sense of how often these spaces have been used.


Two things were done to make my piece more interactive for viewers.

First, my concept sketchbook is included. Visitors are encouraged to open it, glance at the drawings and notes inside of concept development for my display and write impressions they would like to share of the display in the back of sketchbook. Second, on the backside of the display, the visitor will see a hand holding a scan code. Scan the code with your phone to view a Stop Motion video about data art.

Lanier Williams

nationality : American

title : Entering the Creative Spaces: Slover

medium : Mixed-media

dimensions : Assemblage, 30" x 20" x 15". Sketch book, 7" x 10"

data set : Slover Library Creative Studios

Commissioned by CivicLabNORFOLK, for the Art of Data 2023




DATA Transformed: DATAOFARTTHE Unleashing Creativity and Empowering Communities through The Art of Data City of Norfolk 810 Union Street Norfolk, VA 23510 Phone: 757-664-6510 OPENDATA

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