July Programs & Events

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m L i a F y parties!

NCPL... More than books!

Party time at the Library?!

You betcha!

Bring your family and friends! Play games, make crafts, and explore new stories!

1:00 P.M. EVERY WEDNESDAY July 6: Simcoe Branch July 13: Delhi Branch July 20: Waterford Branch July 27: Port Dover Branch August 3: Port Rowan Branch August 10: Delhi Branch August 17: Simcoe Branch

519-426-3506 Delhi Port Dover Port Rowan Simcoe Waterford

NCPL... More than books!

KRAFTERNOON FOR KIDS! Embrace your artistic side and get crafty with us! You will love exploring the many ways to express yourself. For kids ages 5-12 years July 7: Port Rowan Branch July 14: Simcoe Branch July 21: Port Dover Branch July 28: Waterford Branch August 4: Delhi Branch August 11: Waterford Branch August 18: Port Dover Branch

THURSDAYS 1:00 P.M. 519-426-3506 Delhi Port Dover Port Rowan Simcoe Waterford

NCPL... More than books!


We're so lucky to have our friends from Frontier College join us for community pop-up events! Join us and explore the parks in Norfolk while we engage in stories, activities, and games! No registration is required, just bring your friends!

Mondays at 10:30 a.m. July 4 - August 15 (excluding the civic holiday)

July 4 Courtland Lions Park 329 Main Street of Courtland July 11 Turkey Point Park 4 Turkey Point Road July 18 Langton Athletic Park 30 Albert Street, Langton

519-426-3506 Delhi Port Dover Port Rowan Simcoe Waterford

July 25 Thompson Memorial Park 17 Oakes Boulevard, Vittoria August 8 Waterford Lions Park 2 Mechanic St W, Waterford August 15 Wellington Park 50 Bonnie Drive, Simcoe

NCPL... More than books!

FITNESS FITNESS FUN! FUN! Friday, July 8 at 1:00 p.m.

Storyteller Dance Studio, 679 Norfolk St N, Simcoe Friday, July 15 at 1:00 p.m. Turkey Point Biking Eco Adventures,1730 Front Rd, St Williams Wednesday, July 20 at 10:30 a.m. Long Point Biosphere, 13 Old Cut Blvd, Port Rowan Thursday, July 28 at 7:45 p.m. Eco Adventures,1730 Front Rd, St Williams Option of a paid stargazing demonstration to follow Friday, August 5 at 1:00 p.m. Spectrum Gymnastics, 175 Robinson St, Simcoe Friday, August 12 at 1:00 p.m. Quance Park, 200 Talbot Rd, Delhi Sunday, August 14 at 10:30 a.m. Long Point Biosphere, 13 Old Cut Blvd, Port Rowan

519-426-3506 Delhi Port Dover Port Rowan Simcoe Waterford

Have fun with 1. Fitness 2. The Library 3. Community Organizations No registration required, just show up!

NCPL... More than books!

Maker Days! Here's a great opportunity to explore your ideas, ask questions, and be creative! Carly is here for maker fun! Learn about our MakerSpaces and open a world of limitless creativity for free! This program is geared to students ages 10-16 years old. Registration is required. All Maker Days start at

1:00 p.m. Wednesday, July 13 Port Dover Branch Tuesday, July 19 Simcoe Branch Wednesday, July 20 Port Rowan Branch Wednesday, July 27 Waterford Branch Tuesday, August 2 Simcoe Branch Wednesday, August 3 Delhi Branch Tuesday, August 16 Simcoe Branch

Check out the calendar on ncpl.ca for each weeks location!

519-426-3506 Delhi Port Dover Port Rowan Simcoe Waterford

NCPL... More than books!

Cursive Writing

Mondays at 1:00 p.m. at the Simcoe Branch Are you ready to learn cursive writing! Sign up for an instructor-led, in-person program! Ideal for ages 8 years and up who have mastered printing. Running July 4 to August 15, excluding the Civic Holiday

Keyboarding Mondays at 2:30 p.m. at the Simcoe Branch Keyboarding is a game-based curriculum for K-5 that helps students learn typing, general computer readiness, and digital citizenship. Running July 4 to August 15, excluding the Civic Holiday

Each program costs $25, payable at the circulation desk prior to the first lesson. To register, scan the QR code or go to ncpl.ca and click the Summer Celebration banner!

Simcoe Branch

46 Colborne Street S.

519-426-3506 ext. 5

NCPL... More than books!

Branches, our Library mascot, and NCPL staff will be at Whistling Gardens Ltd. where Playful Fox Productions is presenting

A Salute to Disney on Sit back and enjoy show-stopping numbers from legendary Disney musicals! Tickets for this event can be purchased through Whistling Gardens or online at bit.ly/pfpdisney

698 Concession 3 Wilsonville, ON N0E 1Z0

519-426-3506 Delhi Port Dover Port Rowan Simcoe Waterford

NCPL... More than books!

Delhi Branch Wednesdays, July 6 & August 3 Port Dover Branch Wednesdays, July 13 & August 10 Port Rowan Branch Wednesdays, July 20 & August 17 Simcoe Branch every Tuesday Waterford Branch Wednesdays, July 27 & August 24

We have new summer hours for Drop-In Tech Help! Stop by with your device and questions, Carly will be happy to help!

2 - 4 pm

519-426-3506 Delhi Port Dover Port Rowan Simcoe Waterford

NCPL... More than books!

Snacks for Snackers!

What do Bigfoot, mermaids, unicorns, and gnomes have in common? They love snacks! Out Snacks for Snackers this summer is inspired by the Mythical Meals book collection by Ruth Owen and Lucy will be sharing a new recipe each week!

519-426-3506 Delhi Port Dover Port Rowan Simcoe Waterford

NCPL... More than books!

July - August Schedule Stories, songs, crafts, & fun! Early literacy is important, and storytime is tailored to children ages 2-5 and their caregivers.

Delhi Branch Second & Fourth Tuesdays Port Dover Branch First & Third Fridays Port Rowan Branch Second & Fourth Saturdays Simcoe Branch Second & Fourth Fridays Waterford Branch First & Third Fridays All storytimes start at

10:30 a.m.

519-426-3506 Delhi Port Dover Port Rowan Simcoe Waterford

NCPL... More than books!

SPECIAL STORYTIME with Lacey Mendes Join Lacey Mendes as she shares her book, You'll Learn Soon, Radley Racoon, a story about support, encouragement, family, and uplifting those around you!

Tuesday, July 26 at 10:30 am at the Delhi Branch

Delhi Branch

192 Main Street of Delhi

519-426-3506 ext. 2

NCPL... More than books!


Margot L .Denommé

Meet our featured author for July, Margot L. Denommé! Margot practices criminal law in Toronto and has published two children's books: "Mommy, Am I Pretty?" and "Awesome, Inside + Out!" We invite you to watch our exclusive interview where she shares what inspired her to write and where this journey has taken her. To learn more, visit www.CelebrateYouInsideOut.com

519-426-3506 Delhi Port Dover Port Rowan Simcoe Waterford

NCPL... More than books!

Celebrate! It's a Day Camp!

Norfolk County has had Library Services for 150 Years and this week we're celebrating, day-camp style! Join us for fun and engaging "STREAM" activities (Science, Technology, Reading, Arts, Math), including planning a birthday bash for our mascot, Branches! Register at linktr.ee/ncplsummer or scan the QR code!

1:00 - 4:00 p.m. July 19, 20, 21 Simcoe Branch

s r a e Y 0 5 1

Please note: Camps are geared toward children ages 8 to 12 years old and cost $10 per child for the week. Each camp runs from 1:00 until 4:00 p.m. on the Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of the week. Registration caps at 10 participants and we will contact participants prior to the week of camp to confirm attendance and payment.

Simcoe Branch

46 Colborne Street S.

519-426-3506 ext. 5

NCPL... More than books!

It's the Year of the Garden! Join us for fun and engaging week of gardening and growing activities focused around "STREAM" Science, Technology, Reading, Arts, and Math! Register at linktr.ee/ncplsummer or scan the QR code!

1:00 - 4:00 p.m. July 26, 27, 28 Port Dover Branch Please note: Camps are geared toward children ages 8 to 12 years old and cost $10 per child for the week. Each camp runs from 1:00 until 4:00 p.m. on the Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of the week. Registration caps at 10 participants and we will contact participants prior to the week of camp to confirm attendance and payment.

519-426-3506 Port Dover Branch

713 St. George Street

519-426-3506 ext. 3

NCPL... More than books!

S A L H P ! S

You better not be afraid of getting wet, because this week we're having fun with water! ! Join us at the Waterford Branch on August 2, 3, 4 for fun and engaging "STREAM" (Science, Technology, Reading, Arts, Math) activities with and about you guessed it: water! Register at linktr.ee/ncplsummer or scan the QR code!

1:00 - 4:00 p.m. August 2, 3, 4 Waterford Branch Please note: Camps are geared toward children ages 8 to 12 years old and cost $10 per child for the week. Each camp runs from 1:00 until 4:00 p.m. on the Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of the week. Registration caps at 10 participants and we will contact participants prior to the week of camp to confirm attendance and payment.

Waterford Branch

15 Main Street S.

519-426-3506 ext. 6

NCPL... More than books!

GROSSOLOGY 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. August 9, 10, 11 Delhi Branch

Please note: Camps are geared toward children ages 8 to 12 years old and cost $10 per child for the week. Each camp runs from 1:00 until 4:00 p.m. on the Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of the week. Registration caps at 10 participants and we will contact participants prior to the week of camp to confirm attendance and payment.

Delhi Branch

192 Main Street of Delhi

519-426-3506 ext. 2

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