A Better Way to Test Grease Consistency The use of a stress rheometer has proven to be not only acceptable but a preferred method of monitoring the consistency of new and in-service grease.
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Remedies for a Bad Maintenance Culture Until you fix the culture issue, you cannot rise to the lofty state of excellence in maintenance and reliability.
Our readers offer advice on a host of lubrication-related issues, including tips on improving bearing life and minimizing air entrainment in hydraulic fluids.
How to Equip Lube Techs for Success
Why Communication is Key for a Successful Lubrication Program Communication is one aspect of the improvement process that it would be extremely difficult to have in excess. However, ineffective communication has the ability to derail any improvement project.
Do your lubrication technicians have the necessary tools to perform their jobs successfully? From standard items like grease guns and personal protective equipment to uncommon devices such as oil color comparators and particle counters, find out which tools a world-class lubrication program should have on hand.
Wages Holding Steady as Lubrication Workforce Gets Younger The latest results from Machinery Lubrication’s annual salary survey reveal some interesting insights into the lubrication industry, as compensation rates appear to have remained steady over the past 12 months while the average age of the workforce has dropped.
Why Laboratory Personnel Should Be Certified
Limit and warning levels from elemental spectrometric analysis serve as indicators of the amount of foreign particles in used oil that is tolerable as well as when the altered lubricant must be changed. However, it is not easy to specify these warning levels.
Editorial Features
The certification of laboratory-based personnel is essential in supporting quality lab systems, as some accreditations do not guarantee technical accuracy.
Establishing Elemental Limit Values for Motor Oils
September-October 2015
The Ins and Outs of Lubricant Storage Regulations Usually it isn’t until after a major oil spill or accidental discharge that an organization learns about government regulations and then takes action to conform to them. However, you can prepare for these situations before they arise by knowing what the regulations are and whether they apply to your plant.
Maintenance and Reliabilit y
J im F itch | N oria C orporation
REMEDIES for a Bad Maintenance CULTURE
ou may not be surprised to know that most companies need a culture intervention — something like a 12-step program. This column will discuss behavioral issues that are often at the core of a culture of neglect and mediocracy. It borrows much from management science and leadership principles. Over the years, we have had hundreds of conversations on this topic with individuals working in the field of maintenance and reliability. Some come from organizations infected with culture problems, while others represent businesses that have emerged from a successful transformation. Then there are those organizations that achieved transformation but regressed to their bad habits and past addictive practices.
Of course, the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. Past behavior establishes reputation, which many people use to judge others. You can judge culture in a similar way to help predict future maintenance and reliability performance. Behavior, values and decisions are all components of employee engagement. Engagement sharply impacts individual and business performance. A positive, nurturing maintenance culture is a critical plant asset. Consider that when people do good work, they feel good about themselves and their job. When people do bad work, they feel bad about themselves and their job. Feeling bad is a serious morale problem that multiplies and spreads. The simple solution is to enable people to do good work that is recognized and celebrated. This is both problem and solution. Culture drives behavior. Behavior influences quality of work. Quality work is fundamental to plant reliability and the cost of reliability. Why do we care? Reliability fosters job security and builds shareholder value. Bad culture is dysfunctional and sparks a chain of despair for all stakeholders. No amount of expertise in lubrication and machine reliability will overcome the destructive aftermath caused by rotten maintenance culture. It has inertia that over time becomes increasingly difficult to change. Good culture has inertia, too. It fuels a
chain of reinforcing successes. Small successes beget larger and more sustainable successes. Creating a good culture starts and ends at the top, at the leadership level. When good leaders are in charge, everyone wins. When bad leaders are in charge, the culture becomes negative/ hostile/stagnant, and everyone loses. Good culture also emerges from management’s aspiration for improvement and the inherent desire to do good work. It relates to skills, tools, work plans and machine readiness. So how do you create an environment that fosters good culture?
Signs of a Bad Maintenance Culture Breakdown maintenance and bad maintenance culture go hand-in-hand. Constantly reacting to machine failure demotivates maintenance staff. In such cases the plant’s machines control the work schedule, not the other way around. This reminds me of the phrase, “People don’t quit their jobs; they quit their bosses.” Employees quit because they aren’t properly managed or leadership hasn’t created an appropriate organizational culture. Regardless, good culture is the remedy for most things. Machine reliability is a behavioral science, cascading down from management to the plant floor. Years of root cause analysis (RCA) has confirmed that bearings don’t just die; they’re murdered. They are
Lubrication PUBLISHER Mike Ramsey -
killed by people who don’t know how or don’t care to prevent these failures. Good culture changes behavior and enables reliability. It doesn’t take long to recognize the signs of bad maintenance culture, although the profile of this culture can vary considerably. The culture profile might be characterized by indifference, blame, tension between operations and maintenance, frustration/anger, distrust, pessimism, high staff turnover, waste of time/resources, excessive human errors, aging work-order backlog, frequent unscheduled maintenance events, crises and unprofitability.
formation challenge. To get you started, I’ve done some research and have listed the pillars of good maintenance culture below.
1. The Right People
We’ve all heard that employees are a company’s most valuable asset. This is true, but only when the right people are in the right jobs. Incompetent or poorly matched people working in maintenance positions can present sizeable operational and cultural risks rather than being productive assets. Select, nurture and inspire the right people to build a prosperous maintenance culture.
8 Remedies for a Bad Culture
2. Job Skills and Know-how
Management and leadership both define and catalyze the culture of an organization, good or bad. Even bad culture that is rooted in high institutional inertia can be changed. This change may be more difficult and even somewhat disruptive, but it is far from impossible. Still, nothing happens without an unwavering management commitment to create a sustainable foundation for change. Do you think culture is something that keeps your plant manager awake at night? Maybe he doesn’t know how it’s impacting the company’s bottom line. Managers who understand and see plant reliability as a means to plant profitability have the desire to inspire and support culture initiatives that build charged-up and prosperous maintenance teams. Stopping the management revolving door is also important. The role of management on group behavior and culture has been the subject of countless books and publications. It relates to team building, engaged team members, empowerment, communication, goal setting, defining mission/vision/values and so much more. You can’t cheerlead your way into sustained cultural transformation, nor can you manage by memo. Two excellent books for managers are Good to Great by Jim Collins and Verne Harnish’s Scaling Up: How a Few Companies Make It ... and Why the Rest Don’t (Mastering the Rockefeller Habits 2.0). Another way to find wisdom is to study the success of others. What are the common threads of a successful maintenance culture? There are several, and most aren’t specific to maintenance but are foundational to any operating organization. Because of this, you can leverage the experiences of numerous teams that have successfully tackled the culture trans-
As previously mentioned, when people do good work, they feel good about themselves and their job. People want to do the right things right the first time and every time. However, many people suffer from unconscious incompetency. In other words, they are unaware or in denial of the level of their incompetency. Others are fully aware that their skills are desperately lacking. A prosperous plant culture is a learning culture. Education, when effective, takes people out of their comfort zone. It not only builds intellectual capital but over time fosters a behavioral desire to do the right things right every time. It also builds team loyalty and dedication to achieving business goals. People learn differently, so don’t assume knowledge is only acquired in a classroom. Certification instills pride and should be the capstone to each learning stage by providing visible recognition of skill competency. Next, create an environment of standardized work, also known as procedure-based maintenance. This takes the guesswork out of the thousands of maintenance tasks that must be routinely and periodically performed. These shouldn’t be just any old procedures and often are not even those found in machine service manuals. Instead, they should be refreshed with modern concepts in lubrication and maintenance. Seek the help you need to get these procedures right.
3. The Tools Much new technology has entered the world of lubrication and machine maintenance in recent years. As the old-timers are retiring, so must many of their tools. Today’s maintenance toolbox should not just be used for repair and
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Jason Sowards -
TECHNICAL WRITERS Jeremy Wright - Wes Cash - Alejandro Meza - Bennett Fitch - Loren Green - Michael Brown - Garrett Bapp - CREATIVE DIRECTOR Ryan Kiker - GRAPHIC ARTISTS Terry Kellam - Josh Couch - Patrick Clark - Greg Rex - ADVERTISING SALES Tim Davidson - 800-597-5460, ext. 224 MEDIA PRODUCTION MANAGER Ally Katz - CORRESPONDENCE You may address articles, case studies, special requests and other correspondence to: Editor-in-chief MACHINERY LUBRICATION Noria Corporation 1328 E. 43rd Court • Tulsa, Oklahoma 74105 Phone: 918-749-1400 Fax: 918-746-0925 Email address:
MACHINERY LUBRICATION Volume 15 - Issue 5 September-October 2015 (USPS 021-695) is published bimonthly by Noria Corporation, 1328 E. 43rd Court, Tulsa, OK 74105-4124. Periodicals postage paid at Tulsa, OK and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes and form 3579 to MACHINERY LUBRICATION, P.O. BOX 47702, Plymouth, MN 55447-0401. Canada Post International Publications Mail Product (Canadian Distribution) Publications Mail Agreement #40612608. Send returns (Canada) to BleuChip International, P.O. Box 25542, London, Ontario, N6C 6B2. SUBSCRIBER SERVICES: The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any subscription. Send subscription orders, change of address and all subscription-related correspondence to: Noria Corporation, P.O. Box 47702, Plymouth, MN 55447. 800-869-6882 or Fax: 866-658-6156. Copyright © 2015 Noria Corporation. Noria, Machinery Lubrication and associated logos are trademarks of Noria Corporation. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission of Noria Corporation is prohibited. Machinery Lubrication is an independently produced publication of Noria Corporation. Noria Corporation reserves the right, with respect to submissions, to revise, republish and authorize its readers to use the tips and articles submitted for personal and commercial use. The opinions of those interviewed and those who write articles for this magazine are not necessarily shared by Noria Corporation. CONTENT NOTICE: The recommendations and information provided in Machinery Lubrication and its related information properties do not purport to address all of the safety concerns that may exist. It is the responsibility of the user to follow appropriate safety and health practices. Further, Noria does not make any representations, warranties, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, completeness or suitability of the information or recommendations provided herewith. Noria shall not be liable for any injuries, loss of profits, business, goodwill, data, interruption of business, nor for incidental or consequential merchantability or fitness of purpose, or damages related to the use of information or recommendations provided.
September - October 2015
corrective measures. It should also contain tools and devices that inspect and control conditions that might lead to failure or are incipient symptoms of failure. These include inspection tools, condition monitoring instruments, contamination control devices and much more. As mentioned, an extremely good starting point would be education and creating a culture of strategic training instead of just-in-time (reactive) learning. Training programs that present modern and technology-based concepts in lubrication and maintenance will also detail the tools that enable them. With education and tools comes pride in one’s work and profession. This is a precursor to good maintenance culture, so don’t skimp.
4. Machine Readiness In addition to a change in your skills and toolbox, you will need to change your machinery. You must ready your equipment for wellness and maintainability. Even today’s new machines won’t be equipped with the ancillary hardware to enable quality lubrication and maintenance. Many machine modifications are often required. These include hardware and accessories related to inspection, safety, sampling, oil analysis, contamination control, oil handling, instrumentation and lubricant application. Effective training programs will describe what changes are needed and why.
5. Planning, Scheduling and General Organization In maintenance, there is a need for good workweek control. The whack-a-mole approach to maintenance workday scheduling is destructive and costly. Activities need rhythm with few surprises. While this requires proper planning and scheduling, it also demands a built-in early warning system. You can’t plan and schedule corrective action if you can’t proactively see the need. As mentioned, an organization plagued by chronic unscheduled maintenance is an organization that is suffering from bad maintenance culture. Condition monitoring includes both proactive maintenance and predictive maintenance. Proactive maintenance sees and responds to failure root causes long before 4 |
September - October 2015 |
Consequences of Periodic PM Forgetfulness Lubrication requires constant attention. Vigilance is perhaps a better word. It’s easy to forget the things you are not motivated to do, yet rarely do you forget those activities you are passionate about and desire to do. We are all driven by instinct to seek out the things we enjoy or that give us a gratifying reward. Because it’s hard to find happiness in performing most routine maintenance tasks, it is not uncommon for many of them to become periodically forgotten or perpetually postponed. Much of this is actually “conscious forgetfulness,” similar to procrastinating. Why does this happen? It is most likely due to a lack of rigor, which is the result of a lack of structure, measurement and incentive. Delinquent preventive maintenance (PM) can become habit-forming, leading to even more delinquency and a general cavalier attitude among maintenance workers toward punctuality and work quality. This “mañana mentality” or constant procrastination can lead to a destructive downward spiral. Common symptoms relating to lubrication include widely fluctuating oil levels, inspections that don’t get performed or reported, filters and breathers that don’t get changed on time, oil samples that never get taken or are collected improperly, oil that is not changed on time, and bearings that don’t receive a timely shot of fresh grease. Periodically forgetting to perform lubrication and other maintenance tasks is equivalent to periodically accepting preventable failures. You can and should do better.
a repair is needed. A good maintenance culture is a proactive maintenance culture. Make breakdown events a rare exception. Predictive maintenance is a companion to proactive maintenance. It sees and responds to failure symptoms, the earlier the better. Just as it is best to catch disease early, so too is it important to catch faults and impending machine failure early. Thankfully, technology is available to allow machine condition monitoring at a very high level. When it is well-executed, reactive maintenance is transformed to planned maintenance. This will help get work orders into compliance and reduce or eliminate the backlog of aging work orders. See the
sidebar on the consequences of periodic PM forgetfulness.
6. Measurement When you measure, you are communicating what is important. Likewise, those things that are not measured are assumed to be unimportant. Beware of what you don’t measure. People subconsciously work the metric. They know how they are being evaluated and respond in their work behavior accordingly. Constant performance measurement, reporting and course corrections are signs of a good maintenance culture. Measurement should come in many forms and at many different levels, including lagging indicators, leading indicators, macro indicators and micro indicators. Macro indicators are more holistic (the forest), providing a big picture view of plant reliability. General asset utilization numbers, such as overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), are good examples of macro metrics. Micro indicators see the trees and the weeds. They look at failure causes and symptoms. Machine vibration overalls and lubricant cleanliness levels would be examples of micro metrics. Many of these performance indicators will report what just happened (lagging indicators), while others report what is going to happen (leading indicators). See Figure 1 on page 6.
7. Motivation and Desire
LAGGING (What just happened)
LEADING (What is going to happen)
Maintenance workers are more than just arms and legs performing a mindless task. They are productive knowledge workers who not only can carry out the job plan but also can create, innovate and improve the quality and efficiency of the work performed. Empowerment amplifies a company’s intellectual capital by stimulating the minds of its employees. When employees can act on their thoughts and opinions, they instill
MICRO (Trees) Particle count Viscosity Elemental analysis Varnish potential Moisture analysis Oxidation stability Wear debris analysis Thermography Vibration analysis Acoustics
MACRO (Forest) Contamination control compliance Fluid properties compliance PM compliance Percent planned maintenance Uptime/downtime Overtime hours
Figure 2. Example of a yield stress test
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Fixing Overtime Pay as a Counter-incentive to Machine Reliability Overtime pay is often viewed as a counter-incentive to reliability. That is, the more reliability, the less overtime pay (needed to repair machines). However, you can flip this around to achieve a novel proactive overtime strategy. For example, at the beginning of the work year, maintenance workers are given 500 hours of proactive overtime pay. The workers get paid for the overtime regardless, but there’s an interesting catch. They have to work the 500 extra hours only if needed to keep machines operating. They now are stakeholders (like stockholders) in reliability and are motivated to do everything possible to keep machines running so they don’t have to work the overtime. The company benefits from high asset utilization and lower repair bills. The maintenance workers benefit from overtime pay for hours they don’t actually have to work. There are likely other ways to achieve similar shared benefit when machines are vigilantly maintained. You cannot force people to be motivated, but you can give them many positive incentives. Remember, we generally do only those things we enjoy or that reward us.
can earn between now and next Tuesday. Investment is a long-term strategy that cultivates a productive culture.
The Denial Syndrome
pride in their work and are the most productive. This is the definition of engagement. Recognition and reward are also important to culture. Many companies fail to properly recognize and reward employees who have excelled at creating value. Time and again, we see lube techs at the low end of the pay scale. Some companies enter the cycle of despair by hiring low-skilled workers and paying them accordingly. Too often companies use demeaning job titles such as calling a lubrication technician an “oiler.” An oil can is an oiler. It is an object that performs a mechanical and repetitive task. A lube tech is a thinking human being who has mastered the skills needed to perform his job and whose impact on a machine/team/organization is conveyed as important. There are also many nonmonetary types of rewards. Companies that fail to celebrate when they don’t have broken machines to fix lose out on this culture-strengthening opportunity. See the sidebar on how to stop overtime pay as a counter-incentive to machine reliability.
The root of maintenance culture problems is often a culprit called denial. When confronted with maintenance and lubrication issues, organizations tend to move away from the denial problem in stages. Following are common management thoughts that characterize these four stages: Denial — Ignore it. Pretend you don’t have a problem. Hope it will go away. Rationalization — It’s for others. We’re doing fine. We have a good program. Lip Service — Let’s create a study group to see what we might do. Who else is doing it? Let’s do a survey. Panic — Urgent, we’re behind! We’ve got to catch up! We’ve got to change everything now! Maintenance culture transformation is no easy task. Take ownership of your program by beginning the process of dismantling bad maintenance culture and replacing it with the pillars described above. Create a shared vision of what you are trying to achieve. What will it look like? How will the company benefit? How will team members benefit? Until you fix the culture issue, you cannot rise to the lofty state of excellence in maintenance and reliability.
8. Investment
About the Author
Organizations that are lean to the extreme harm their maintenance culture. Many who work in the lubrication and maintenance field have the mindset that there is always enough time and money to fix a problem but never enough time or money to prevent it. At the core of the problem is procuring cheap oil, cheap filters and cheap people instead of buying the proper tools, lubrication accessories, software and instruments. Too often companies, especially publicly traded ones, are driven by the desire to see how much money they
Jim Fitch has a wealth of “in the trenches” experience in lubrication, oil analysis, tribology and machinery failure investigations. Over the past two decades, he has presented hundreds of courses on these subjects. Jim has published more than 200 technical articles, papers and publications. He serves as a U.S. delegate to the ISO tribology and oil analysis working group. Since 2002, he has been director and board member of the International Council for Machinery Lubrication. He is the CEO and a co-founder of Noria Corporation. Contact Jim at
September - October 2015 |
SYNXTREME HD SERIES GREASES If you’re still using conventional petroleum-based greases, you’re missing out on the many benefits of Lubriplate SynXtreme Synthetic Greases. They provide a level of performance and versatility we could only dream about just a few years ago. Engineered to provide superior performance throughout a wide range of applications and conditions, these super multi-purpose greases can help you significantly reduce, consolidate and simplify your grease inventory. In fact, they may be the only greases you’ll ever need.
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Lubrication Programs
FROM THE FIELD J eremy W right | N oria C orporation
Why Communication is KEY for a SUCCESSFUL Lubrication Program
fter years of traveling the globe designing and implementing best-practice lubrication programs for some of the largest manufacturing and processing facilities, I started making a list of the important qualities from projects that were considered major successes. One attribute that always seemed to appear at the top of the list was communication. As an outside contractor, I can only influence so many things at these facilities. The way in which a viscosity calculation is performed or the decision on how to store lubricants is relatively the same at most every plant, and I can easily make recommendations according to best practices. However, I found myself asking why some companies are able to take these recommendations and make huge strides often within just a few weeks of implementation, while others seem to drag on for months or maybe even years.
of lubrication professionals say there are poor lines of communication between the front-line workers at their plant and management, based on a recent poll at
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September - October 2015
One commonality I discovered was that every plant that achieved a fast implementation and a quick return on investment had great communication and a culture that thrived on that communication. Most of these organizations had a standard operating procedure for this type of communication. The interaction was almost always face to face and rarely done through videos, publications, large meetings or an electronic billboard in the breakroom. Although these are all great communication methods, they lack the punch needed to convey the importance of these projects and only involve one-way communication, leaving a lot to be desired in terms of giving both parties a voice in the conversation. When implementing change, such as when designing or redesigning a lubrication or reliability program, people need to know why the change is being made and how it will affect them.
The Question of Why Understanding the need for change is the first step in creating new behaviors within a facility. If you assume that business processes will change as a result of
your lubrication or reliability initiative, then you must assume that behaviors, which are driven by habits and rituals, will also need to change. To drive behavioral change, you must communicate the need for change as it relates first to the overall business and second to those involved. If you expect your team to demonstrate the new values of your business through their own behaviors, then they must understand why. This is not the “how.” Conveying how is simple. The why is a much harder conversation to have and is usually driven by underlying business needs that are not always easy to convey. This conversation should focus on how the change will affect the individual and why the change is necessary in the first place. Countless studies indicate that when communicating the business need for change, the most effective communicator in an organization is the CEO. However, the same studies also reveal that when it comes to front-line team members, they prefer to have the why conversation with their direct supervisors because they feel more connected and comfortable with them.
ML The first part of this communication process should prepare the facility for transformation or change. These conversations should include why the change is necessary, the plan or process for change and the role each individual will play, as well as any objections, which is where the two-way communication occurs. It’s important for the messages and conversations to be consistent. Everyone on the leadership team must have an excellent understanding of the project. Some people may try to discredit the improvement process or challenge leadership’s commitment if they receive mixed messages. Make sure you and your peers are aligned, and don’t be afraid to use a script. It’s not so much the presentation quality but rather the content of the communication that is key. People will recognize the position of the individual within the organization, e.g., the senior manager or their direct supervisor, and will tune into the message being delivered, not the delivery method. Start by identifying the topics of your communication and then the target audience for each topic. This can be done by examining the groups of people impacted by the changes. Next, select the preferred media for each topic, keeping in mind that the best communication method is face to face from a direct supervisor. Training is a major contributor to answering the question of why. I have been asked many times to be the catalyst for change through education. It’s quite remarkable how easy this is. Instead of just telling the audience that changes are coming and how the changes will affect them, I like to first teach them about the subject matter. I let them come up with their own solutions and help drive them to the same conclusions about change that have already been made by upper management. This process is so predictable that in almost every instance the response has been, “That makes perfect sense. Why haven’t we always been doing it that way?” Communication is one aspect of the improvement process that it would be extremely difficult to have in excess. However, ineffective communication has the ability to derail any improvement project. Be diligent in your communica-
tion planning and message. With the correct culture and process in place, you should never hear the words “failure to communicate” as a root cause for program or project failure.
instructor for Noria’s Machinery Lubrication I and II training courses. He is a certified maintenance reliability professional through the Society for Maintenance and Reliability Professionals, and holds Machine Lubricant Analyst Level III and Machine Lubrication Technician About the Author Level II certifications through the International Jeremy Wright is the vice president of technical Council for Machinery Lubrication. Contact services for Noria Corporation. He serves as a Jeremy at to learn how senior technical consultant for Lubrication Noria can help you implement a world-class Program Development projects and as a senior Hydraulic new_Layout 1 8/25/2015 3:22 PM lubrication Page 1 program.
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A Better Way to Test Grease Consistency By Bryan Johnson, A rizona Public Service
Grease is a complex material that can be manufactured using dramatically different base oil viscosities and thickener types. Variations in soap content and composition can be expected as grease batches are made. Grease testing is primarily performed to support quality assurance and marketing of new grease products. Cone penetration is considered the most important of the laboratory-performed tests. While this ASTM test method provides a measure of grease consistency or stiffness, it is not well-suited for used grease, as it requires a large sample, which precludes its use for in-service testing. Alternative tests to cone penetration have been developed in which 10 |
September - October 2015
touch is utilized to characterize grease stiffness, but these test methods typically are crude and do not lend themselves to accurate results or trend analysis. However, other options that involve the use of stress rheometers have proven to be not only acceptable but preferred for monitoring the consistency of new and in-service grease.
Problems with Cone Penetration The cone penetration method employs a weighted cone that is dropped into a fixedsize volume of grease for a defined time period. The depth that the cone is able to penetrate the grease is used to rate the grease’s consistency with a scale developed
by the National Lubricating Grease Institute (NLGI). This test utilizes three different cup and cone sizes. The cups vary from a large (full scale) size of about 290 milliliters (ml) to a small size of 3.8 ml (one-quarter scale). The cup size determines the amount of grease required to conduct a test. Test samples obtained from field sources are generally much smaller than would be required for a cone penetration test. Many sumps in field-lubricated applications contain less total grease than the cup volume of 290 ml, which is the minimum quantity needed for the full-scale test. Even a volume of 3.8 ml (one-quarter scale) is still greater than the majority of samples obtained from the field. Since more grease is needed to conduct a penetration test
depths were then compared and plotted. It is clear that the change in surface area in contact with the grease is non-linear. 1/4 Scale Cone Area 360 300 Cone Area mm2
than is generally available, this test methodology is clearly a poor choice for an in-service or condition monitoring test. The cone penetration test can be performed in a worked or unworked condition. The intent is to test the grease samples with a similar level of pre-conditioning for a more consistent result. The common pre-conditioning of a worked cone penetration sample test is to be sheared for 60 strokes. However, this pre-conditioning practice is only intended for new greases. In-service grease receives no pre-conditioning prior to machine operation; the machine simply starts. The reporting method used for the cone penetration test is also very crude, and the results can be misleading. The NLGI numbering system appears to be linear (0, 1, 2, 3, etc.), but the grease consistency changes are not linear. For example, it would be reasonable to assume that an NLGI 4 grease would be twice as stiff as an NLGI 2 and four times as stiff as an NLGI 1. However, this is not the case. Figure 1 was developed by determining the surface area in contact with the grease for increasing depths of the cone. These
250 200
· Series1
150 100 50 0 0
Measured Penetration
Figure 1. Cone area change with increasing depth
Use of the NLGI scale permits tremendous product variation, which becomes more pronounced with stiffer greases. This allows the producer a huge manufacturing margin in the product’s
September - October 2015
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logical properties within a given NLGI grade. The NLGI scale also provides gaps in the numbered measurements. These gaps are very large when considered in units of stress (pascals). For example, a grease defined as NLGI 2 can be manufactured at either end of the scale. The extremes, when compared in stress measurements, have differences in stiffness of 175 percent from the high to low end of the NLGI 2 grade. The range in pascals for the gap between the NLGI 3 and 4 greases is the same as the total range from the soft end of NLGI 00 through to the midpoint NLGI 2 (see Table 1). These gaps can be a bit of a minefield, and confusion is likely for those not familiar with the non-liner nature of the NLGI measuring system.
Using a Rheometer A rheometer is an instrument capable of measuring the physical properties of a grease by varying or holding constant an applied load, a temperature and an oscillatory shear. It is successfully used in many industries with a broad variety of applications. A rheometer also requires minimal quantities of test material when compared to cone penetration, with typical grease test volumes of 0.4 to 0.25 ml. Use of a rheometer to test grease samples is very limited within the grease industry. While a rheometer measurement is likely to be unfamiliar to many, it can be reported in accepted scientific units (pascals) and in a manner that does not include gaps.
Yield Stress Test The yield stress test is useful when comparing rheometer-derived data to cone penetration. This test produces a stress that ramps up from very low to high at an increasing rate. It plots a data point at even time increments. As the test runs, each successive data point plots in a near vertical pattern as long as the material is primarily elastic and in a more horizontal orientation when it becomes fluid and flows. The intercept/line fit from the flatter sloped portion of the plot to the Y axis is used to determine the yield stress. This measurement represents the stress at which the grease shifts from being a more elastic material to more of a fluid under the prescribed test conditions (Figure 2). Temperature can significantly influence the results of a yield
September - October 2015
stress test, which makes temperature control vital. This is accomplished with a heat sink at the instrument. Some rheological tests are designed to take hours or days to complete. These lengthy tests can be expected to yield precise results but are not practical for most in-service grease samples within a production testing environment. The ideal production test 2500.0
0.0 0.0
Rate[s ] -1
Figure 2. Example of a yield stress test
would be one that provides a reasonably accurate test result and has a short test duration. The yield stress test results shown in Figure 2 were obtained by performing a series of tests to include a stress and frequency sweep within a common test sequence, with the yield stress test performed last. The tests chosen prior to the yield stress test were useful in determining the grease’s characteristics. Some pre-conditioning of each grease sample resulted from the test sequence used. The initial sample was placed on a 25-millimeter flat plate and lowered to a typical 1-millimeter gap distance. The grease was then trimmed to ensure an even edge with no undercutting of the sample. Upon completion of each test within the sequence, the head was automatically lowered by software within the instrument to ensure contact between the fixture and no undercutting of the sample. The sample edge was not trimmed between tests within the sequence. The settings for gap reduction used to lower the head were the same for each sample.
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A short dwell or recovery time of less than a minute was allowed between each test within the sequence. Use of a multiple test sequence enabled each grease sample to be tested in a similar
manner and with a similar level of pre-conditioning. The test that produced consistent pre-conditioning was a frequency sweep test, which was set to run for approximately seven minutes. The entire sample testing took only a few minutes longer. The yield stress rheometer test required less than a minute of the overall test time to complete.
Test Data
Lithium 12 Hydroxystearate
A population of 54 new or used field samples were tested using both the one-quarter-scale cone penetration method and the yield stress rheometer test. This population consisted of six different types of new greases including a polyurea, lithium complex, calcium complex, and clay and calcium sulfonate. In-service used grease samples included clay- and calcium-complex-thickened greases. Two of the samples tested were provided by NLGI to help determine cone penetration values from a group of collaborators. The material type of these samples was unknown. All grease samples were treated as unworked, with the only pre-conditioning being the process of obtaining the test sample from the bulk grease and placing it into the cup. No efforts were made to determine the level of working that the used samples received while in the field. The cone was dropped into each sample three times, and the average measured test value was reported. The tests were conducted at a laboratory ambient temperature, which was typically at 22-24 degrees C. When compared to rheometer-generated data, the non-linear aspect of the NLGI scale is clearly seen in Figure 3. Figure 4 shows samples measured by both methods and how the points correlated. The rheometer measurements are compared to the NLGI scale in Table 1. Note that the gaps between the defined consistency ranges become progressively larger with the stiffer greases.
Calcium Sulfonate
Figure 3. Comparison of NLGI and rheometer scales
Table 1. Comparison of rheometer-generated consistency to the NLGI scale
Table 2. Repeatability of data from the yield stress test
To determine instrument and test sequence repeatability, three grease types were used in the test sequence, with multiple runs performed on each grease. The source of the grease was a single container for each type. The grease types tested included lithium 12 hydroxystearate, calcium sulfonate and clay-thickened greases. The test results are provided in Table 2. The clay- and lithium-thickened greases had a deviation of approximately 15 percent from the mean, while the third grease had a deviation of about 5 percent. The repeatability of the instrument was not stated. The differences found in repeatability are expected to be larger from in-service grease than from grease originating from a single batch of fresh grease. The non-linear aspect of the NLGI scale can be seen in the overlays shown in Figure 4. Grease with consistencies above grade 4 as measured by NLGI were not found in machines. The accuracy of the equation for data beyond NLGI 4 is unknown.
Other Applications Figure 4. Correlation of raw test data from cone penetration and a rheometer
September - October 2015
Not only can a rheometer be used to replace an arguably outdated industry test and with less sample and mess than cone penetration, but it can also be utilized with a variety of test methods to learn more about a grease.
Table 3. Comparison of “same” greases
As mentioned previously, variations within a grease manufacturer’s product label can and do occur. These are captured as part of a manufacturing tolerance, which includes instrument accuracy, and in the case of cone penetration, a range defined by the NLGI scale. However, the cone penetration test is limited and cannot be expected to determine if a product manufactured by a different process and under a single manufacturer’s label is truly the same or if significant fundamental differences may exist. A recent study compared simple lithium grease manufactured from the same starting materials but with different manufacturing processes. The grease samples came from batches made with either a Stratco contactor or a kettle. These greases were manufactured as equivalents and compared well through several tests. Both were given an NLGI 2 classification. Samples from these greases were then measured using rheometer techniques and a common rheometer test method defined as a frequency sweep. This method applies a constant stress between a fixed lower plate and an oscillating upper plate, beginning at 0.1 radians per second and ramping up to 100 radians per second at a constant temperature of 30 degrees C. The grease in this test is evaluated in a dynamic environment, and its response measured. The samples from the kettle and contactor were tested for yield stress, cone penetration and frequency sweep. The data obtained is
Figure 5. Frequency sweep of similar greases with different manufacturing processes
shown in Table 3. It should be noted that these samples are the same according to the NLGI scale but vary by nearly 25 percent based on the yield stress rheometer test. Although described as similar, the greases tested in a very different manner. Under the defined test conditions, one grease appeared to have almost twice the elastic strength of the other grease. The magnitude of the G stresses measured for each grease was so different that an argument could be made that the greases were not the same and might be best suited for different applications. Without a discriminating test, the potential exists that these greases could be packaged under the same label. Indeed, this is likely to occur. In conclusion, a rheometer has proven to be capable of providing data similar to cone penetration with better accuracy and test results in accepted scientific units. This avoids the use of a seemingly arbitrary scale that could easily cause users to make incorrect assumptions about a grease. In addition, rheometer testing can be performed with a very small sample, which is an important consideration when condition monitoring based on used grease samples is the objective.
NOW ON MACHINERYLUBRICATION.COM FIND MORE GREAT ARTICLES AND CONTENT FROM Machinery Lubrication magazine online. From Web exclusives and industry news to videos, white papers, buyer’s guides and more, everything that relates to machinery lubrication is available now on
How to Change a Base Oil’s Viscosity To get base oils with specific viscosities, different fractions or base stocks are mixed together in different ratios. The addition of various additives will have an impact on the fluid’s final viscosity. Check out this article on the ML site to understand how some additives such as pour-point depressants and viscosity index improvers can be added specifically for the purpose of adjusting the viscosity of the finished lubricant at specific temperatures.
find out what can happen when too much viscosity is added as well as the dangers of applying too much grease and oil.
Best Method for Receiving Turbine Oil necessary steps to ensure your program supports your reliability strategies.
Controlling Contamination in Dusty Environments In harsh environments, one of the most cost-effective measures is to make every attempt possible to seal the equipment. Remember, the cost of excluding a gram of dirt is often stated as being one-tenth the cost of removing it later. Learn how this can be achieved through the use of several accessories by reading this article on the ML site.
The preferred method for receiving oil will be different from one location to the next and is completely situational, depending on volume, storage considerations, supplier availability and other factors. Read this article on the ML site to become aware of the risks or concerns of each method so you can make the best decision for your particular application.
FEATURED WHITE PAPERS is the place to turn for white papers on a host of lubrication-related topics. Here’s a sampling of the latest white papers that are currently available for download:
Implementing World-Class Oil Analysis The oil in your machines is talking, but are you listening? While many organizations have an oil analysis program in place, most do not take full advantage of the valuable information it can provide. Access this 2-minute, 37-second video to discover the importance of implementing a worldclass oil analysis program as well as the
45% 16 |
September - October 2015
Dangers of Using the Wrong Lubricant Viscosity and Volume Energy is often wasted due to the misapplication of lubricants. A common problem is mismatching the lubricant viscosity to the machine’s requirements. Access this 1-minute, 24-second video to
of lubrication professionals use funnels for topping up machines at their plant, according to a recent survey at
• Benefits and Challenges of Remote Condition Monitoring Technology • Hydraulic Particle Counter Sample Preparation • How to Extend Equipment Life with Cleaner Lubricants • 5-Step Shaft Alignment Procedure Check out the full list of white papers by visiting and clicking on the “White Papers” link.
TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE THIS MONTH, MACHINERY LUBRICATION CONTINUES ITS “TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE” SECTION in which we focus on a group of questions from Noria’s Practice Exam for Level I Machine Lubrication Technician and Machine Lubricant Analyst. The answers are located at the bottom of this page. The complete 126-question practice test with expanded answers is available at
1. After some possible initial change, as oil ages, the viscosity of an aging oil generally:
A) Trends down B) Trends up C) Stays very flat D) Oscillates both up and down E) None of the above
2. Vacuum samplers are needed:
A) On low-pressure lines B) From unpressurized sumps C) From pressure lines D) Answers A and B E) All of the above
3. Which of the following contributes to poor quality and unreliable oil analysis data?
A) Sampling from drain ports B) Sampling from cold systems C) Sampling after an oil change D) Sampling after a major top-up volume of oil has been added E) All of the above
3. E Sampling from drain ports makes the sample unrepresentative because all contaminants and wear metal tend to settle in the bottom of the reservoir. Thus, the sample will not represent the condition of the oil near the lubricated components. When the system is cold, water and other contaminants tend to separate from the oil. Sampling after an oil change or major top-up does not add value, as the oil analysis can be expected to reveal good results or at least highly diluted data.
2. D Vacuum samplers are needed when there is not enough pressure to push oil to the sample bottle. Examples include return lines and unpressurized sumps. Answers 1. B As oil ages, a series of chemical reactions occurs within the oil, including oxidation and volatilization. Because the viscosity of the oil is directly related to the size of the molecules, any degree of oxidation and volatilization will result in an increase in the viscosity.
HOLDING STEADY WAGES AS LUBRICATION WORKFORCE GETS YOUNGER The latest results from Machinery Lubrication’s annual salary survey reveal some interesting insights into the lubrication industry. The online survey, which polled lubrication professionals living in the United States, indicates that compensation rates have remained steady over the past 12 months, with only a slight decline of 1 percent. The average salary in 2015 was $78,112. The highest reported income was $225,000, while the lowest was $24,000. Benefits such as health insurance, 401(k) and profit sharing were also static over previous years. Although fewer professionals received bonuses in 2015, raises were quite prevalent, as nearly three-fourths of all respondents reported an increase. However, most saw their salaries rise by just 1 to 5 percent. $60,000 to $79,000
$80,000 to $99,000
$40,000 to $59,000
The average salary of % % % respondents 40,000 to $60,000 to $100,000% to $59,000: $79,000 $100,000 to % % was $78,112. $124,000 % $125,000 to More than than $124,000: The average salary of respondents was $78,112. The highest was $225,000, while the lowest was $24,000. $150,000 $150,000: 27% Less $40,000: The highest 28% 21% 16% was $225,000, 2% 4% 2% while the lowest was What is your current annual salary? $24,000.
More than $150,000
$100,000 to $124,000
$125,000 to $150,000
Less than $40,000
What is your current annual salary? The average salary of respondents was $78,112. The highest was $225,000, while the lowest was $24,000.
The average salary of respondents was $78,112. The highest was $225,000, while the lowest was $24,000.
Yes 73%
No 27%
Have you received a raise in the past year?
How does your salary this year compare to lastHow year? Increased 1-5% Yes 57% Increased No 6-10%
43% Increased more than 10%
does your salary this year compare to last year?
Increased 1-5%
Increased 6-10%
2% 21%
Increased more than 10%
September - October 2015
6% 2%
2% 2%
Stayed the same Decreased 1-5% Decreased 6-10%
18 |
Stayed the same
Did you Decreased 1-5% receive a Decreased 6-10% bonus in the past year?
“Any raise or just keeping your Yes Did you receive a 57% job, if it’sNo any bonus good, in is fair the past year? 43% compensation these days.”
2% 2%
AGE AND EXPERIENCE The average age of survey respondents dropped to 48, which marked the lowest number in five years. Workers in their 30s and 60s reported the highest salaries, while those in their 20s predictably had the lowest incomes. The number of years that lubrication professionals have worked for their current employer also declined from an average of 15 years in 2014 to 12 in 2015. However, this did not seem to affect compensation rates, as those respondents with less than five years of experience on the job earned just as much if not more than their colleagues with longer tenures.
What is yourWhat age?is your age? What is your age?
Are you male or female?
8% 19%
20-29 19% 30-39
Are you male female? Are you male or or female?
19% 22%
30-39 40-49 22%
40-49 50-59
50-59 Over 60
4% 4% 4%
37% 37%
37% 14%
The average salary for men was $77,785, $ 79,818. while the women’s average salary was The average salary for men was $77,785, $ The average salary for men was 77,785, while the women’s average salary was $79,818.
14% Over 60
The youngest survey participant was 20, and the oldest was 78.
ver 60
96% % % 9696
while the women’s average salary was $79,818.
The youngest survey participant was 20, and the oldest was 78.
The youngest survey participant was 20, and the oldest was 78.
Tenure a
Tenure a
Age and Average Salary
Tenure a
Age and Average Salary
Age and Average Salary
Are you male or female?
How many years have you worked for your current employer?
“My work responsibilities and oversight Less than 5 years of functions 5-10 years 80,905 76,487 Less than 5 years 5-10 years have increased 80,905 76,487 my last5-10 years Lesssince than 5 years $ $ 80,905 76,487 raise.” $
20-29 years old 20-29 $ 70,795 years old
30-39 years old 30-39 $ 80,297 years old
96 70,795
29% 40-4926%
% 2350-59
Over 60 years old years old $ 50-59 $ Over 60 78,215 years years old More than84,236 11-20 years old
years old 40-49 $ 73,920 years oldyears Less than 5-10
5 years $
78,21520 years $84,236
Respondents who have worked more than
40-49 for men was $77,785, 50-59 Over from 60 2014. 20-29 The average salary30-39 20 years for their current employer dropped 9 percent years old years old years old years salary old was $79,818.years old while the women’s average
ur age?
Tenure and Average Are youSalary male or female?
Less than 5 years $
5-10 years $
% 4years 11-20
How many years have you worked for your current employer?
% More96 than 20 years $
The average salary for men was $77,785, The longest tenure reported waswomen’s 44 years. while the average salary was $79,818.
r 60 s old
Less than 5 years
5-10 years
September - October 2015 |
11-20 years
22% More than 20 years
Respondents who have worked more than 20 years for their current employer dropped 9 percent from 2014.
t was 20, and the oldest was 78. 236
Tenure and Average Salary
ML EDUCATION AND CERTIFICATION PAY OFF Lubrication professionals appear to be acquiring more education, as for the first time in five years, survey respondents with bachelor’s degrees were in the majority. This additional education also seems to be influencing salary rates. Workers with a bachelor’s degree earned $20,000 a year more on average than those with just a high-school diploma and those who have some college credits but no degree. In addition, respondents with at least one professional certification earned almost 10 percent more per year. The certifications that survey participants most often listed as being paid more for were the International Council for Machinery Lubrication’s Machine Lubricant Analyst (MLA) Level I, II and III certifications as well as the Machine Lubrication Technician (MLT) Level I and II certifications. What Whatis isthe thehighest highestlevel levelof ofschool schoolyou youhave have completed completed or or the the highest highest degree degree you you have have received? received? What is the highest level of school you have completed or the highest degree you have received?
What is the highest level of school you have completed or the highest degree you have received?
Bachelor’s degree
Some college but no degree
Some college but no degree
30% Some college but no degree
Bachelor’s degree
s degree
Associate degree
Some college but no degree
Graduate degree
Some college but no degree
Bachelor’s degree
Graduate degree
ICML Level I Machine Lubrication Technician (MLT I)
90,285 $
degree 90,285
$ Graduate
ICML Level II Machine Lubricant Analyst (MLA II)
Geography was another critical component in respondents’ compensation rates. While the Midwest recorded the most responses, it was the Southwest region that reported the highest average salary at more than $88,000 annually, which was nearly $15,000 a year more on average than their colleagues in the Midwest and Northeast. Workers in the Northeast registered the lowest average salary at just more than $72,000 per year.
ICML Level II Machine Lubric Analyst (MLA II)
In which region do you live?
ICML Level I Machine Lubric Analyst (MLA I)
ICML Level I Machine Lubricant Analyst (MLA I)
Graduate degree
$ Bachelor’s 74,682degree
Bachelor’s degree Associate degree
Associate degree
ICML Level I % Machine Lubrica Technician (MLT
Associate degree Some college but no degree
What professional certifications do you hold? 18%
Education and Average Education Level Level and Average Salary Salary
What professional certificat certifications do you h
Graduate degree
Graduate degree
High-school diploma High-school diploma Education Level and Average Salary
High-school diploma
Associate degree
Associate degree
High-school diploma
High-school diploma
High-school diploma
ICML Level II Machine Lubric Technician (ML
3% 3%
ICML Level II Machine Lubrication Technician (MLT II)
ICML Level III Machine Lubricant Analyst (MLA III)
ICML Level III Machine Lubric Analyst (MLA II
Average Salary by Region Southwest: $88,787 Southeast: $78,104 Northwest: $75,495 Midwest: $73,741 Northeast: $72,166
September - October 2015
| 21
COMPANY SIZE AND JOB TITLE Survey participants included workers from several large companies such as International Paper, Weyerhaeuser, Conagra, Alcoa, Holcim, Agrium and BP. Lubrication professionals in these larger companies (with more than 100 employees) earned nearly 10 percent more than their counterparts in smaller organizations. Maintenance/reliability manager was the most common job title among survey respondents, followed by engineer, lubrication technician, mechanic and reliability engineer. Maintenance managers and reliability engineers earned among the highest salaries on average at nearly $100,000, while mechanics and lubrication technicians reported much less at only $85,000 and $53,500, respectively. What is the total number of employees at your facility?
What is your job title? Maintenance/Reliability Manager
50 or less
16% 251-500
More than 1,000
Reliability Engineer
Job Title and Average Salary Maintenance/Reliability Manager
The average was 658 employees. The largest facility had 20,000 workers.
Describe the primary business activity of your facility:
Misc. Manufacturing
41-49 hours 50-59 hours 60-69 hours More than 70 hours
Maintenance Planner
Lubrication Technician
Hours Worked and Average Salary
40 hours
9% 6%
Less than 40 hours
Fabricated Metals
Reliability Engineer 12%
Food Processing
Maintenance Planner 2%
Petroleum Products
Lubrication Technician
Power Generation
65,000 $ 71,705 $ 75,052 $ 88,498 $ 99,500 $ 114,000
On average, how many hours do you work each week?
Less than 40
70 or more
EXPECTATIONS FOR 2016 Almost two-thirds of survey participants expect their salary to increase in the coming year, and 80 percent believe their job is secure. However, most do not expect their companies to add lubrication-related jobs in 2016, although they also do not anticipate any lubrication jobs being lost. When asked what changes they would like to see at their plant in the coming year, many respondents cited newer equipment, better maintenance practices and more technical training for plant personnel. “We have management buy-in, but if the mechanics don’t believe in the process, the tasks will not be completed correctly,” wrote one respondent. Manpower reductions, cutbacks and a lack of leadership were the greatest concerns among survey participants. “As we lose people, we lose product knowledge, which may ultimately end up in the hands of our competitors,” noted another respondent. Job satisfaction levels were lower in 2015, with more than one-third of lubrication professionals saying they are not fairly compensated. Lack of management support, lack of recognition, and hours and workload were the things respondents disliked most about their jobs, while challenge and stimulation, work environment/culture, and salary and benefits were the factors most contributing to job satisfaction.
How do you expect your salary to change in the next year? 64%
Stay the same
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
What factor most contributes to satisfaction with your job? Challenge and stimulation
43% 20%
Work environment/culture
Salary and benefits Career/professional development
What do you dislike about your job? Lack of management support
38% 29%
Lack of recognition Hours and workload
“Fewer breakdowns.”
Salary and benefits
“More lube techs.”
Work environment
Commute and traveling
“Hire qualified personnel.” What is your greatest concern heading into 2016? “Lack of technical knowledge of personnel.” “The price of oil.” “Increased workload and not enough staff.” |
“Better change management infrastructure and adherence as well as better planning.”
September - October 2015
How satisfied are you with your job?
What changes would you like to see at your plant in the coming year?
Do you believe you are compensated fairly?
Yes 80%
No 20%
Do you consider your job secure?
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Limit Values Motor Oils
Establishing Elemental for
B y Steffen Bots, Oelcheck Limit and warning levels from elemental spectrometric analysis serve as indicators of the amount of foreign particles found in used oil that is still tolerable or, when compared with fresh oil, indicate when the altered lubricant must be changed. Values well above tolerable wear levels can also indicate an acute damage process. However, it is not easy to specify these warning levels. Hardly any engine or equipment manufacturer defines limit levels for used oil. This is because the operating conditions and times are too specific, and the origins of the foreign particles found in the oil are too diverse. Consequently, determining these factors is one of the essential tasks of every oil analysis. After all, the type, quantity and (to a certain extent) the size of the particles provide valuable information about wear, contaminants and the additives in the oil. When warning and limit levels are used for the diagnosis of a specific oil specimen, the interactions between the values and other criteria should also be taken into
Cylinder block, cylinder head, timing wheels and timing chains, valves, valve tappets and guides, crankshaft, camshaft, rocker arm shaft, piston pins, roller bearings (with chromium), oil pump; rare in residues of ferrocene, a fuel additive for soot reduction; distinguishing between corrosion and wear based on the PQ index
Piston rings, crankshaft bearings, piston pins, exhaust valves, gaskets, guide bushes, chrome-plated parts and gears; Fe, Al and Cr are usually found in combination with Si in engines because dust causes the most piston (Al), piston ring (Cr) and cylinder (Fe) wear
Tin (Sn)
Often together with lead (Babbitt bearings) or copper; running surfaces of connecting-rod bearings, rocker arm shaft and piston pin bearings, solder (consisting of lead and tin) in soldered radiator joints; constituent of some synthetic base oils, additives in fire-resistant fluids
Aluminum (Al)
Primarily from pistons, oil pump housings, oil coolers, torque converter parts, turbocharger, guide bushes, plain bearings, cylinder blocks of all-aluminum engines (together with silicon) and dust containing bauxite (aluminum oxide)
Nickel (Ni)
Alloy constituent of exhaust valves, valve guides, turbochargers, high-strength gears and turbine blades; instead of being galvanized or chrome-plated, parts such as filter components may be nickel-plated; constituent of heavy oil (together with vanadium)
Copper (Cu)
Main constituent of brass and bronze; as wear metal from oil pumps, connecting-rod bearings, piston pin bearings, rocker arm shaft bearings, bronze worm gears, and sintered brake and clutch discs; resulting from the corrosion of oil coolers, piping and seals
Lead (Pb)
Usually in combination with tin and/or copper; connecting-rod bearings, nearly all running surfaces of plain bearings and soldered joints in combination with tin
Molybdenum (Mo)
4–20 Up to 500 in fresh oil
Contained in transmission synchronizer rings, piston rings and heat-resistant steels; component of an antioxidant and friction modifier additive package in modern synthetic multigrade oils and gear oils; rarely as MoS2 oil additives
Iron (Fe)
Chromium (Cr)
Table 1. Wear elements
26 |
September - October 2015
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account. A variety of factors play a role here, including the engine manufacturer, the engine type, the type of fuel used, the oil volume, the motor oil type, the service life of the motor oil, and any top-up quantities (makeup oil). The operating conditions can also vary markedly from one situation to the next. After all, the engine of a heavy construction machine operates under different conditions than the same engine of a truck traveling long distances on a highway at uniform speed. However, all of these engines have one thing in common: their motor oil contains a lot of valuable information about the oil itself as well as the state of the engine. For example, the microscopic particles suspended in the oil provide an indication of the amount of wear of the corresponding parts or components. Elements such as sodium, potassium or silicon indicate contamination by road salt, hard water, glycol antifreeze or dust. Comparing the amount of organometallic additive elements (such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, sulfur or boron) in the used oil to fresh oil provides an indication of changes to the oil, such as additive depletion or possibly the mixing of different types of oils. Inductively coupled plasma (ICP) elemental analysis can be used to determine more than 30 different elements in motor oils. In addition to the presence of the elements, atomic emission spectroscopy (AES) by ICP can be used to determine the concentrations of the elements. Laboratories routinely determine the following elements and values as part of motor oil testing and list them in the lab report: iron, chromium, tin, aluminum, nickel, copper, lead, calcium, magnesium, boron, zinc, phosphorus, barium, molybdenum, sulfur, silicon, sodium and potassium. In some cases, other elements are also determined, such as silver, vanadium, tungsten or ceramic elements like cerium and beryllium, which are rarely present in motor oils. They are only listed in the lab report if they are actually proven to be present or if the customer specifically requests this. Tables 1-3 show the possible causes for the presence of the elements found in oil, i.e., whether they are related to contaminants, wear or additives. Various factors must be taken into account when interpreting a lab report and the values of the elements found in the oil. Naturally, it is not sufficient to simply report the elements and 28
September - October 2015
Silicon (Si)
15–30 Up to 15 in fresh oil
Intake air dust, anti-foam additive in motor oil, worn seals containing silicone, residues of silicone greases (also in oil sampling syringes), worn aluminum alloys (aluminum engines)
Potassium (K)
Additive in aqueous media such as glycol antifreeze or cooling water; mineral salt in road salt or tap water
Sodium (Na)
5–30 Up to 800 in fresh oil
Additive in glycol antifreeze or cooling water; road salt, tap water, wastewater or salty air; additive components in some motor oils as a substitute for calcium or magnesium compounds; thickener in lubricating greases
Lithium (Li)
Constituent of multi-purpose greases (thickener); indication of contamination by grease or assembly pastes
Antimony (Sb)
Present in some lubricating greases as an EP additive in the form of antimony oxide; in connection with lead or tin in bearing alloys of plain bearings
Silver (Ag)
Silver-plated running surfaces of highly loaded plain bearings, such as in locomotive engines; silver solder residues; silver is attacked by additive systems containing zinc
Tungsten (W)
Rare in engine construction; alloy constituent for increasing hardness and corrosion resistance
Titanium (Ti)
Oil level indicator (float); alloy constituent in springs and valves; from ceramic components; as white titanium oxide in plastics and paints; marker additive in motor oils
Vanadium (V)
As a constituent of chrome-vanadium steel alloys in valves and valve springs; like nickel, it is a constituent of petroleum; blow-by product when ship engines are operated with heavy oil fuels
Beryllium (Be)
Cube valves and valve seats; sintered bearings, constituents of sintered ceramic components or in jet engine oils; prohibited in F-1 engines
Cadmium (Cd)
Components of plain bearings exposed to corrosion; sometimes also deep red pigments in plastics and paints
Cobalt (Co)
Possibly from components of turbines or from roller bearing alloys in connection with iron
Manganese (Mn)
Alloying element, usually with iron; steel used in valves, roller bearings, gears or shafts; contaminant in manganese mines (with Si); very rarely additives containing manganese
Tantalum (Ta)
Only found in oil as a constituent of ceramic components
Cerium (Ce)
Only found in oil as a constituent of ceramic components
Zirconium (Zr)
Only found in oil as a constituent of ceramic components
Table 2. Contaminants
their quantities. In order to assess the measured values, you must know whether the individual elements indicate contamination, wear or changes to the additives. However, these values are also interrelated to a certain extent. The relative proportion of various wear elements provides an indication of the affected machine parts or components, for example. Further, it is important to know how long it has taken for the oil to become enriched with specific wear elements since the last oil change. The operating time of the overall system or the running time of the engine, the oil volume relative to the engine power, and the top-up amounts must also be considered when analyzing or diagnosing warning levels. In order to reliably assess the values determined for the used oil and their relationship to each other and to other factors, it is necessary to have a suitably large volume of data and analytical expertise. However, additive elements and base oil types can differ considerably depending on the type of oil used, so it is necessary to set suitably broad warning levels. Specific warning levels can only be defined for a specific oil type. The warning and limit levels listed in Tables 1-3 for wear elements, contaminants and additives are based on a semi-synthetic motor oil (SAE 10W-40) in a modern diesel engine with an oil volume of approximately 25 to 50 liters, using fuel compliant with EN 590 (containing 5 percent fatty acid methyl esters), and with an oil service life of approximately 500 operating hours or a mileage of approximately 47,000 miles. The basic rule is that warning levels must be set lower for greater oil volume, shorter oil service life, lower engine speed and lighter load conditions. However, the stated values are distinctly dependent on the oil manufacturer, the correct engine type, the service life of the oil charge, the oil volume and the top-up quantities (if any).
Warning levels must be set lower for greater oil volume, shorter oil service life, lower engine speed and lighter load conditions. UPPER WARNING LEVEL
Oil additive, detergent oil additive; improves cleaning and dispersion capacity as well as heat resistance; occasionally calcium-containing dust from building sites, lubricating grease constituent, or from cooling water or tap water containing calcium
Magnesium (Mg)
Oil additive; improves the corrosion protection, thermal stability and dispersion capacity of motor oils; increases the alkali reserve (BN); alloy constituent of engine blocks; hardening agent in hard tap water or salt water
Boron (B)
Improves engine cleanliness as an oil additive; borates are constituents of cooler antifreeze and corrosion protection media
Zinc (Zn)
Up to 2,000 in fresh oil
Improves wear protection as an oil additive; zinc-plated components such as filter support cores, threaded fittings, paints containing zinc and vulcanized synthetic materials
Phosphorus (P)
Oil additive in almost all types of oil; used to improve EP characteristics and reduce wear; has an anti-corrosion and anti-bacterial effect; reduces friction; renders metal surfaces chemically inert
Barium (Ba)
Usually not an additive in motor oils; for improving EP characteristics; friction modifier in ATFs; in the form of barium-complex soap; a constituent of greases and assembly pastes
Constituent of base oils based on mineral oil; for this reason, it is present in almost all oils, but in widely varying amounts; along with phosphorus, sulfur is also a constituent of almost all additive packages for wear and corrosion protection, and is often found in connection with calcium and zinc
Calcium (Ca)
Sulfur (S)
Table 3. Additives
September - October 2015
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ATTEND. LEARN. APPLY. Professionals attending the 17th annual Reliable Plant Conference & Exhibition come from dozens of different machinery-centric industries, but last year’s conference survey results indicate they all had one important thing in common: they learned something new. Reliable Plant goes beyond just presenting new ideas; it gives you strategies for rallying colleagues and management behind these new ideas so they can be implemented for visible improvement. Seventy-six percent of surveyed conference attendees said they were able to make changes in their workplace within three months. The most common reason cited was that their changes and ideas “made sense” to management and staff. Some are already seeing results. The process of “attend, learn, apply” is the reason Reliable Plant exists. The 150,000-squarefoot exhibit hall, receptions and sessions facilitate the kind of learning and networking that will benefit and inspire attendees long after they leave.
Ready to join the elite group of speakers at our event?
There’s still time to contribute your case studies, personal expertise and innovative ideas to our conference agenda. Share your insight and submit your abstract to or online at by Monday, November 16, 2015.
See you in Louisville!
“We were successful in implementing changes because our lubrication was much cleaner and more people understood why the changes had been made.” - ATTENDEE SURVEY RESPONSE
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Arrival and departure ground transportation between airport and hotel
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A self-guided tour of six villages representing Tonga, Tahiti, Fiji, Aotearoa (Maori New Zealand), Samoa and Rapa Nui (Easter Island)
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Reserved seating at evening show, “Ha: Breath of Life” featuring traditional music and fire dancing
For more information visit
2 0 1 6
NEW FOR 2016:
LEADERSHIP & FUNDAMENTALS CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS Whatever your expectations for Reliable Plant, you are guaranteed to learn something new - 100 percent of our 2015 attendees did. Why not make the most of your experience by enrolling in one of our two new certificate programs. Enrollment in either of the Leadership or Fundamentals programs will include:
Full-conference registration
Pre-conference workshop
Access to the VIP lounge
Noria books bundle
Commemorative plaque
Certificate of completion
Reliable Plant’s leadership program will put you in key sessions that will explain how to tackle problem areas and identify solutions so you can build a world-class lubrication/reliability program.
If you’re new in the field or feel your understanding could use some updating, Reliable Plant’s fundamentals program will cover the basics of lubrication and reliability to put your career on the fast track.
Topics include: • Creating discontent: keep staff from settling for “good enough”
Topics include: • Machine modifications to improve safety and reliability
• Building trust and overcoming resistance
• The different types of field inspections
• Stop leaking money: know where to look for quick wins
• Working smarter; making the most of your efforts
• Setting a direction for programs and molding tasks around it
• The importance of proper lubricant sampling and oil analysis to reliability goals
• Determining if your key performance indicators are too optimistic or pessimistic • Implementing the accountability ripple effect; change your approach to change their approach
100% of attendees at last year’s show said they learned something new among all the products and services in the exhibit hall.
• How to protect machinery through contamination control • Why preventive maintenance will not solve your reliability problems
91% of attendees said the learning sessions’ content and topics were important to their company.
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HOST HOTEL Hyatt Regency Louisville
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Reserve Your Room by March 14, 2016
Single or double occupancy: $169 Call the hotel at 502-581-1234 Be sure to provide the group code: RELIABLE PLANT 2016 Make all hotel reservation changes or cancellations directly with the Hyatt Visit for a shortcut to the hotel registration site
Cancellations must be in writing and postmarked by March 1, 2016. All cancellations received after this date are subject to a $75 administrative fee, but you will also receive a $75 coupon good for use against the cost of a Noria training or conference. If you don’t cancel and you don’t attend, you will be charged the full registration fee. However, a company may substitute one attendee for another, without penalty. Written notice prior to the event is required for substitute attendees. | 800.597.5460 | 1328 East 43rd Court | Tulsa, OK 74105
2 0 1 6
ALL-PURPOSE LUBRICANT The B’laster Corporation’s new and improved formulation of its all-purpose lubricant has more than 1,000 uses and applications. The lubricant displaces and repels moisture and is ideal for drying wet or submerged machinery and equipment such as engines, spark plugs, wires, power tools and electric motors. The high-performance formula also reduces friction and noise, and helps prevent rust and corrosion. It is available in an 8-ounce aerosol can or a 1-gallon pour can. B’laster Corporation 800-858-6605
KINEMATIC VISCOMETER The new automated CAV 4.2 dual-bath kinematic viscometer from Cannon Instrument Co. is designed to enhance productivity, reduce costs and improve data quality for laboratories requiring ASTM D445 precision. The CAV 4.2 has dual independent baths that allow simultaneous testing at two different temperatures. Two independent sample handlers ensure reliable, unattended processing of up to 24 tests per hour within the viscosity range of 0.5 to 10,000 millimeters squared per second. The self-contained, benchtop instrument boasts a smaller footprint than similar dual-bath viscometers to conserve lab space. Cannon Instrument Co. 800-676-6232
WIRE ROPE GREASE AUTOMATIC LUBRICATION PUMPS The new series of injector-based automatic lubrication pumps from Graco offers a solution where high output and fast lubrication cycles are needed to lubricate equipment while it’s working. The new LubePro pumps are most commonly employed to lubricate machines used in food and beverage processing and packaging, glass manufacturing, tire production, injection molding, paper production and other industrial manufacturing and production applications. Three models are available with factory-installed lowlevel detection. The A900 and A1900 are designed for oil applications, while the A2600 is built for grease applications. Graco 844-241-9504
September - October 2015
Environmental Lubricants Manufacturing’s new biobased, aluminum-complex wire rope grease offers adhesion and resistance to water washout while meeting national and international standards for biodegradability and toxicity. Derived from the company’s aluminum-complex food-grade greases, which are NSF registered, the new wire rope grease is Vessel General Permit (VGP) compliant and comes in NLGI grades 0 and 1. The grease is available in pails, drums or larger containers. Environmental Lubricants Manufacturing 319-824-5203
ONSITE OIL ANALYSIS SYSTEM Spectro Scientific’s new MiniLab 53 onsite oil analysis system combines multiple tests in one unit to monitor lubricant chemistry, contamination and machinery wear. Designed for use by industrial plant personnel, the MiniLab 53 provides machine wear data and trend analyses, enabling users to make immediate, condition-based decisions. In analyzing fluid chemistry, the FluidScan IR technology measures acid number, base number, soot, oxidation, nitration and sulfation. The system also provides kinematic viscosity measurements at 40 degrees C, and directly images wear particle silhouettes and counts. Spectro Scientific 978-486-0123
HIGH-PRESSURE FILTERS The new line of high-pressure filter assemblies from Swift-JB International features stainless-steel construction for both filter housings and elements. With working pressures up to 20,000 psi (1,378 bar), these filters are intended for extreme environments such as those found in the offshore oil industry, chemical processing, hydraulics, power generation, automotive and other demanding applications. The FJV-3 Series high-pressure filters use porous metal-felt filter elements that employ filter media of thin filaments of non-woven stainless steel, making them ideal for highly corrosive, highly viscous or radioactive applications. Swift-JB International 281-227-0298
OIL DRUM PALLETIZER The new Model 82AGT pouring palletizer from Morse makes it easy to move, palletize and pour a plastic, steel or fiber oil drum. The geared tilt feature allows operators to rotate drums 360 degrees end-over-end and lock horizontally to dispense. The stable V-shaped base lets you place drums at pallet corners and tilt/ pour at up to 26 inches high without the risks of manually handling heavy drums. The palletizer is also available with power-lift raising and a tilt brake, which automatically prevents out-of-control rotation of heavy, unbalanced drums. Morse 315-437-8475
SYNTHETIC MOTOR OIL Valvoline’s new synthetic motor oil is intended to protect high-mileage vehicles from engine breakdowns. Formulated with a full synthetic base oil and a premium chemistry to stand up to extreme temperatures, the Full Synthetic High Mileage motor oil is designed to flow when the engine is cool and maintain its protection barrier as engine temperatures rise. The oil’s antioxidant additives help to reduce oil viscosity breakdown to prevent sludge and deposit formation. The advanced anti-wear additives also stay in the oil longer for protection against friction and wear. Valvoline 800-832-6825
September - October 2015
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Misanchuk, Koch Embracing Change in Lubrication Practices After 18 years of shift work at the Koch Fertilizer facility in Manitoba, Canada, Todd Misanchuk decided that a change was needed when the lubrication technician position became available at the plant. Once he started performing lubrication tasks, he soon discovered that he truly enjoyed what he was doing and that the different machines around the plant required specific lubricants and attention. This was a completely new field for Misanchuk, but he embraced the change and the challenge. Misanchuk was given the opportunity to receive the education he needed and was encouraged to continue to forge a path to success.
Q: What types of training have you taken to get to your current position? A: I studied Noria’s online machinery lubrication courses before I transferred into my new job. I then took a four-day training course offered by my oil analysis lab that included a one-day course on how to use the oil analysis database as well as three days on oil analysis and machinery lubrication principles and best practices. I have also attended the Reliable Plant conference the past two years and a three-day lubrication refresher course as part of my recertification requirement. Q: What professional certifications have you attained? A: I hold Level I Machine Lubrication Technician (MLT) and Level II Machine Lubricant Analyst (MLA) certifications from the International Council for Machinery Lubrication (ICML). I also hold a Power Engineering Fourth Class certificate and a certificate in management skills. Q: Are you planning to obtain additional training or achieve higher certifications? A: I am interested in attaining the MLT II 36 |
September - October 2015
and MLA III certifications. I will also become certified and develop a program for ultrasonic technology later this year. This will be the newest technology to be introduced at our facility and will enhance our reliability department along with our vibration analysis. Q: What is a normal work day like for you? A: A normal work day always starts with safety first by attending a toolbox safety meeting with our mechanical department. Then our rotating equipment reliability group will meet to discuss any safety or mechanical issues that need to be addressed. The rest of the day is used to perform predictive maintenance (PdM) scheduled tasks, which include lubrication inspections, mechanical integrity routes, and maintenance tasks such as scheduled oil changes and oil filter and desiccant breather changes. Other tasks involve collecting oil samples, analyzing results and acting upon any deficiencies that have been detected. I also find time to manage the lubrication survey for our rotating equipment, control inventory levels and set up lubrication-related PMs.
Name Todd Misanchuk
Age 51
Job Title Machinery Lubrication Technician and Analyst
Company Koch Fertilizer
Location Manitoba, Canada
Length of Service 25 years
Q: What is the amount and range of equipment you help service through lubrication/oil analysis tasks? A: We average 50 oil samples a month at our facility. I help service air compressors, carbon-dioxide compressors, high-pressure ammonia pumps, turbo machinery, process pumps, gearboxes, conveyor belts, shaker screens, rotating drums, blowers and electric motors. Q: On what lubrication-related projects are you currently working? A: I am working on a large project to improve the cleanliness of our incoming oil. It started with a complete housecleaning of the lube room. I have had the walls painted and the floor coated to reduce the dust. The next step is to start using high-efficiency oil filtration pumps with particle counters to clean up our incoming oil to a specific ISO code before introducing it into our machinery. I have started working with our oil filter distributor to audit our machinery to establish ISO cleanliness specifications and improve our filtering, air and water ingression, and best sampling practices. The next phase is to upgrade all of our machinery oil filters to high-efficient filters
lubrication program is a vital part of our overall reliability vision to maintain viable and sustainable success for our facility.
in order to help maintain the oil cleanliness. I also have plans to implement a bulk oil storage and delivery system for our carbon-dioxide compressors. Q: What have been some of the biggest project successes in which you’ve played a part? A: I have introduced better oil and flammable product storage cabinets along with the use of color-coded transfer containers for our different oils. This includes matching tags on the oil-filling totes and related equipment. I have also introduced cleartube, color-coded grease guns and changed grease suppliers to consolidate the main greases used at the plant from six down to three. In addition, I have shifted our oil change strategy with our larger equipment from time-based oil changes to condition-based oil changes that are dependent upon oil analysis. Q: How does your company view machinery lubrication in terms of importance and overall business strategy? A: My company understands that there is a great need for a detailed lubrication program and has given me the latitude to develop and implement many of the lubrication strategies I have learned. It has been proven numerous times that machinery failures can be predicted or mitigated with early detection of wear particles and contamination through oil analysis. Our
Q: What do you see as some of the more important trends taking place in the lubrication and oil analysis field? A: I feel that tribology has been the runt of the litter for many years. Most companies do not have a dedicated or even certified lubrication specialist at their facility. Education, training and recognition are the keys to the future. Contamination control is also critical to maintain reliability, and many manufacturers are stepping up to provide the best defense against this. Q: What has made your company decide to put more emphasis on machinery lubrication? A: After a few machinery failures at our facility, my company has realized that machinery lubrication is needed to ensure reliability. Lubricants rarely fail. The damage usually occurs because of contamination, water or heat. I have developed or improved our program in nearly every aspect thanks to the support and confidence of my supervisors. By proving how a well-maintained and executed lubrication program can increase reliability at our facility, my company is now expanding its machinery lubrication strategies to our other facilities.
Be Featured in the Next ‘Get to Know’ Section WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE FEATURED IN THE NEXT “GET TO KNOW” section or know someone who should be profiled in an upcoming issue of Machinery Lubrication magazine? Nominate yourself or fellow lubrication professionals by emailing a photo and contact information to
Extreme conditions call for superior performance. Our new ANDEROL® 5000 PLUS EP Synthetic Gear Oil series is formulated to provide high micropitting resistance and protection under extreme conditions, giving you superior performance compared to conventional oils. Chemtura
Anderol Specialty Lubricants, a division of Chemtura Corporation 973.887.7410 Ext. 1104
Summit’s Syngear Synthetic Gear Oils are formulated using the latest technology to have excellent oxidation, thermal stability, extended drain intervals, increased wear protection, longer lube life and less downtime. Call today! Summit Industrial Products 1.800.749.5823
Fundamentals of Machinery Lubrication provides more than 24 hours of foundational training on best practices for machinery lubrication and oil sampling. It lays the groundwork for establishing a world-class lubrication program and is a Level I certification prep course. This online training format allows 24/7, anywhere accessibility. Noria Corporation 800-597-5460
September - October 2015
Combustion Technologies offers many options of filtration carts for hydraulic, engine oil, diesel fuel storage, gearboxes and more. Mine sites, power generation, manufacturing plants, gas plants and fuel storage keep their equipment running smoothly and their fluids clean longer for a great return on investment. Combustion Technologies USA 866-680-3055
The Ultraprobe® 15,000 Touch is an entire ultrasound CbM laboratory that fits in the palm of your hand. Multiple touch screens provide: on-board spectral analysis, IR thermometer, camera, laser pointer, tachometer and more … UE Systems, Inc. 800-223-1325
Monitor and protect gearboxes and reservoirs with Checkfluid’s new 6-bolt breather flange. The ABA series combines a 1” breather port for a desiccant breather with a port for an LT sample tube. Two ports are also available for a moisture-temperature sensor, level checking or venting. Quick on-the-fly installation. Amazing protection. Checkfluid, Inc. 866-652-8728
This DVD includes instructive videos and animations to give viewers a better understanding of electric motor bearings and how to lubricate them properly. Noria Corporation 800-597-5460
Monitor lubrication flow with variable-area flow meters designed for specific ISO lubes. HART protocol and mechanical switch backup are options. Simple low-maintenance design gives years of reliable service. Universal Flow Monitors, Inc 888-569-3090
New for lubricating food manufacturing equipment, LE’s H1 Quincal Syn FG Grease features synthetic base oil & calcium sulfonate complex thickener. It is especially effective on bearings operating in a warm, moist environment. Lubrication Engineers, Inc. 800-537-7683
Translucent new oil is visually assumed to be clean but many times contains more contamination than the existing oil being replaced. Find out why, plus the critical proactive maintenance step to assure the new oil is clean. Harvard Corporation 800-523-1327
EE36 transmitters enable the accurate measurement and continuous monitoring of moisture in oils. Maintenance work can be undertaken as required and on time, while expensive repairs and long downtimes are avoided. Transmitters are certified in accordance with Germanischer Lloyd (GL) regulations. E+E Elektronik 124 Grove Street Ste. 225 Franklin, MA 02038
Portable, Powerful Vibration Analysis - FFT Vibration plus shock pulse, IR temperature, laser tachometer, electronic stethoscope, voice recording and more, plus user friendly software. Leonova Diamond and Emerald, perfect for any industry. SPM Instruments 800-505-5636 or 541-687-6869
DuPont™ Krytox® greases and oils are chemically inert and insoluble in common solvents. Temperature range (-103º to 800º F). Compatible with plastics, rubber, ceramics and metals. Nonflammable, oxygen compatible, no silicones or hydrocarbons. H-1/H-2 food grades available. Miller-Stephenson Chemical Company, Inc 203-743-4447
The MiniLab 53 is the next generation on-site site oil analysis system for industrial machinery. The system delivers comprehensive on-site oil analysis, providing immediate actionable results that save time and reduce costs for equipment operators and maintainers. Spectro Scientific Inc. product/minilab-53/ 978-486-0123
THE “LUBE-TIPS” SECTION OF MACHINERY LUBRICATION MAGAZINE FEATURES INNOVATIVE ideas submitted by our readers. Additional tips can be found in our Lube-Tips email newsletter. If you have a tip to share, email it to us at To receive the Lube-Tips newsletter, subscribe now at
Remove Buildup and Improve Bearing Life When vibration analysis is indicating that the lube schedule has become inadequate, it can mean there is a buildup of thickener in the bearing housing. If regreasing does not reduce vibration energy levels, it is time to isolate the equipment, clean out the old grease and repack. You will see a significant decrease in energy levels, which will greatly increase bearing life.
fluid may also overflow. Eventually, higher temperatures and increased exposure to air can lead to oil oxidation, which results in sludge, varnish and corrosive byproducts.
Temperature as a Bearing Lubrication Indicator When a properly packed bearing starts up, there will be an initial rise in the temperature while the grease disperses throughout the bearing and housing before falling off to a steady operating temperature. If the temperature does not drop, then there is too much grease in the bearing or there is a problem with the bearing fit.
Simple Technique for Inspecting Oil Sump Bottoms Over time, debris can collect at the bottom of an oil sump. An easy and inexpensive way to determine the condition of a tank bottom on turbine packages is to use a 1/2-inch PVC pipe that is long enough to reach the bottom of the sump. Glue a collar on one end with a piece of clear Lexan glued into it. Position the pipe close to the bottom and insert a borescope. It works like wearing a diver’s mask underwater, allowing you to clearly see the debris and then document its condition.
Easy Grease Test Uncovers Bearing Issues Use Quick Couplers to Prevent Contamination When changing or topping off an oil supply system with a filter cart, consider using quick couplers to ensure a clean exchange of fluid. Have a “dummy” connection on the cart to fasten to the fill hose when not in use. This will help keep the hose-end coupling clean and prevent contamination. Also, ensure that the coupler on the machine has a cover to prevent contamination.
Minimizing Air Entrainment in Hydraulic Fluids Return lines into hydraulic reservoirs should be larger than the intake line and generally be positioned below the surface of the oil to minimize air entrainment. Locate the return line as far away from the suction as possible to allow the oil as much residence time as possible. If this is not possible, install a baffle or weir between the suction and discharge lines. One suggestion to improve oil flow in the reservoir is to cut the return line at an angle so that it directs flow back toward the tank wall.
Critical Advice for Filling Gearboxes Underfilling a gearbox sump obviously can result in a lack of lubrication, but overfilling may be equally destructive. It can cause the oil to overheat as well as produce foam and air entrainment. The 40 |
September - October 2015 |
Here is a simple onsite test for checking bearing condition with grease ferrous debris analysis. When the equipment is available, obtain a small grease sample from the bearing and dissolve it with a solvent in a small, clear oil sampling bottle. If you have multiple bearings, try to use the same amount of grease and solvent for each. After the grease is dissolved into a liquid, tape a small, round button magnet to the outside of the bottle. Tilt the bottle at an angle so the liquid flows up toward the cap on top of the magnet. After 30 minutes, stand the bottle straight up so the liquid flows back down and let the ferrous debris dry inside the bottle with the magnet still attached. After it dries, remove the magnet and you can see if there is any ferrous metal. You can use this method with multiple samples in order to determine if one bearing is wearing faster than others.
Storage and Handling
Contamination Control
Maintaining Lube Rooms
Wear Particles and Faults
Essential Field Inspections
Training Where You
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Houston, TX November 10 – 12, 2015
Phoenix, AZ December 1 – 3, 2015
For more information, visit
Did you know most maintenance programs achieve only 10 percent of the benefits available from oil analysis?
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Lubrication Programs
LESSONS IN LUBRICATION B ennett F itch | N oria C orporation
re you a lubrication technician (lube tech), oiler or lubricator? Are you responsible for performing lubrication tasks for your company, such as topping up machines with oil, regreasing bearings or even determining if a machine might have a potential health issue? If so, you have a direct influence on how lubricated machines are maintained. But are you equipped with the right tools and skills to perform this job effectively? The following tools of the trade are what world-class lubrication programs have readily available.
Essentials for Machine/ Lubricant Inspections One of the most important jobs for any lube tech is making smart inspections, and specific tools will be required for this task to be done correctly. A quality flashlight is a simple but essential tool that can be used to inspect the lubricant through a sight glass, level gauge or bottom sediment and water (BS&W) bowl. A strong flashlight not only will enable you to verify the oil level but also to visually analyze the fluid for solid contamination, wear debris, water, color change or other unusual signs. The design of the sight glass plays a
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September - October 2015
role as well. The best option is a protruding (3-D) design that allows the flashlight to illuminate from one side of the glass to the other. It is also crucial that the flashlight shine through without a significant amount of refracted light. Various types of flashlights and optical viewing aids may be able to provide other advantages for machine and lubricant inspections. These include a blue-light LED flashlight, a laser pointer, a borescope, a quality camera with a flash, an oil color gauge, pipettes, a telescoping magnet, a telescoping mirror and a spatula to inspect grease consistency. Being able to view the oil in a machine through a sight glass is necessary because it’s not practical to take frequent oil samples in most cases. When a sample is collected, it is imperative to examine the oil in the bottle to quickly determine if any action should be taken. Of course, there are many ways to inspect an oil sample other than through a visual inspection. Measuring the temperature of the machinery can be very useful in indicating potential issues. If a machine
does not already have an oil temperature monitor, a simple temperature gun or thermal camera can provide a quick reading. This should be part of the machine’s inspection route, especially for critical assets or those with a history of overheating.
Effective Oil Sampling and Quick Oil Analysis Taking a representative oil sample requires specific sampling hardware and tools, including a vacuum sampler, plastic
68% of lubrication technicians do not have the necessary tools to perform their jobs effectively, according to a recent survey at
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Don’t miss the opportunity to share your stories of success and achievement. Manufacturing and plant professionals from around the globe attend the 17th Annual Reliable Plant Conference and Exhibition to benchmark best practices, see and learn about the latest technologies, and make new contacts. Noria is continually seeking speakers with interesting case studies, personal expertise and new ideas to contribute to these programs. Send abstracts and program ideas to
Speaking at Noria events provides a number of benefits: • Benchmark and gauge your performance against peers and competitors • Build your company’s name recognition, visibility and image • Gain increased status and credibility within the industry
Reliable Plant Conference & Exhibition | April 5–7, 2016 | Louisville, KY |
tubing, certified clean bottles, sample bottle labels, a sample probe adapter, zip-lock bags, a lint-free cloth and a written procedure. Once the sample is obtained, a quick visual inspection of the lubricant should be performed by the lube tech. Shining a strong laser through the oil will illuminate small particles and any evidence of entrained air or emulsified water. After the initial visual inspection, the oil sample should be kept still for an hour or more. Another visual inspection can then be made to shed light on any water separation or particle accumulation at the bottom. A magnet may also be utilized to determine if the particles are ferrous in nature, which likely would indicate wear debris. While oil samples will need to be sent to a well-equipped laboratory, it is beneficial to have certain types of instruments onsite for quick oil analysis. The most common onsite instruments are a
Filter Cart Applications POWER FLUSH — This involves reducing the oil level in the tank or sump and flowing oil at a high velocity across the bottom to push out low-lying sediment. WAND FLUSH — A wand is attached to one of the cart hoses and is used first to discharge at high pressure (kicking up adherent debris). Then the flow is reversed, and the wand vacuums the sediment. TRANSFER CART — Oil is transferred from a storage container (tote, drum, etc.) to the machine’s lube compartment. CLEANING STORED LUBES — In this application, the cart multipasses fluid out of and back into the drum or tote to draw down contamination.
patch test kit with a comparator, a viscometer, a particle counter, a hot plate with a dimmer switch, a magnet for quick ferrous-density inspection, a Schiff’s reagent test, a laser light for debris inspection, acid and base number test kits, and portable water testers.
Contamination Control and Lubricant Application Tools A well-designed lube room will incorporate special tools for promoting contamination control even before the oil reaches the machine. These include sealable and refillable top-up containers, grease guns dedicated to a single lubricant, a parts-cleaning station, posted procedures for all lubrication tasks, cleaning tools, and identification labels for all devices in contact with oil. A filter cart is another valuable tool for contamination control. It can be used in a number of ways, which are detailed in the sidebar on the right.
Safety Equipment and Training Safety equipment could be considered a lube tech’s most important tools. The standard personal protection equipment includes earplugs, safety glasses, hard hats, steel-toe boots and special clothing to protect against potential hazards. Depending on the job, other safety items may be necessary, such as gloves, breathing masks, etc. Safety training is another common requirement for any plant activity including lubrication. However, for lube techs, the training 44 |
September - October 2015
SYSTEM DRAIN — Sump and reservoir drains will wash out debris better if the waste oil is pumped out as opposed to simply flowing out by gravity. LINE FLUSH — Remote lines and components often need to be partitioned to enable flushing. This can be done easily with a filter cart. HOSE CLEANING — Before new hoses are installed on a machine, they can be flushed of debris using a filter cart. OFF-LINE FILTRATION — Filter carts can be mounted permanently to a machine to supplement filtration. REPAIRS AND EQUIPMENT REBUILD FLUSHING — After machines are serviced, they need to be flushed thoroughly before they are returned to service. FLUSHING DURING EQUIPMENT COMMISSIONING — New machines have original fabrication debris and dirt that have ingressed during transport and storage.
ML Machinery Lubrication Reference Guide Packed with useful checklists, look-up tables, charts and illustrations, the Machinery Lubrication Reference Guide is designed to make information easily accessible where you need it – in the field, on your desk or in your pocket. Lube techs can use it as a handy on-the-job reference or as a study aid for certification exams. For more information, visit the Noria Bookstore at
should go beyond just safety. Machine maintenance, whether it is proactive, predictive or preventive, can be complicated. Lubrication training should be obtained and based on the tasks that will be performed. This type of training often results in beneficial certifications, such as the Machine Lubrication Technician (MLT) and Machine Lubricant Analyst (MLA) certifications from the International Council for Machinery Lubrication (ICML).
Other Tools Multi-tools or shop tools like a torque wrench are basic essentials for any technician. Even utilizing a toolbelt can provide conveniences that will improve job performance. Regardless of your title, if you are not equipped with the proper tools to perform your job effectively, it is time you considered making an investment.
About the Author Bennett Fitch is a technical consultant with Noria Corporation. He is a mechanical engineer who holds a Machine Lubricant Analyst (MLA) Level III certification and a Machine Lubrication Technician (MLT) Level II certification through the International Council for Machinery Lubrication (ICML). Contact Bennett at
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-related books. For a complete listing of books of interest to lubrication professionals, check out the Bookstore at
Machinery Condition Monitoring: Principles and Practices
In-Service Lubricant and Machine Analysis, Diagnostics, and Prognostics
Author: Amiya Ranjan Mohanty Providing the working principles behind the important elements of machines as well as the techniques to understand their conditions, this book presents every available method of machine fault detection. It draws on the author’s more than two decades of experience with machinery condition monitoring and consulting while introducing the practicing engineer to the techniques used to effectively detect and diagnose faults in machines.
Author: ASTM International This compilation of the Journal of ASTM International (JAI) contains papers presented at a symposium on in-service lubricant and machine analysis, diagnostics and prognostics held Dec. 8, 2010, in Jacksonville, Florida. It includes recent developments in online oil condition monitoring sensors and alignment with ASTM methods and practices, an overview of progress and new developments in FTIR lubricant condition monitoring methodology, guidelines for alarm limits and trend analysis, and more.
Integrated Reliability: Condition Monitoring and Maintenance of Equipment Author: John Osarenren This book incorporates reliable engineering and mathematical modeling to help you move toward sustainable development in reliability condition monitoring and maintenance. It introduces a cost-effective integrated reliability growth monitor, integrated reliability degradation monitor, technological inheritance coefficient sensors, and a maintenance tool that supplies real-time information for predicting and preventing potential failures of manufacturing processes and equipment.
Best Practices for Lubricant Storage and Handling Training Video Format: DVD Publisher: Noria Corporation Squeezing maximum life out of lubricants and extending machine life start with putting a healthy, clean lubricant into the machine. In this training video, you’ll learn the very best practices for new oil storage and handling, as well as procedures you can implement right away for managing lubricants from delivery to dispensing and filling the machine.
For descriptions, complete table of contents and excerpts from these and other lubrication-related books, and to order online, visit: or call 1-800-597-5460, ext. 204
September - October 2015
Reliable Plant 2015 Conference Proceedings Format: CD-ROM Publisher: Noria Corporation If you missed the learning sessions at Reliable Plant 2015, you can still get the conference proceedings on CD-ROM. It includes the papers and presentations in PDF format from nearly every educational session. The real-world case studies at Reliable Plant 2015 were full of practical, experience-based information and tools for lubrication and reliability programs.
Home Sweet Home Poster Publisher: Noria Corporation This poster shows the best practices for proper reservoir management. Hang it to send a clear message that proper care for lubricants and hydraulic fluids is critical. The 17-by-11-inch laminated poster offers 10 bulleted tips such as tightly seal clean-out covers and hatches, and wipe down level gauges, sight glasses and BS&W bowls for easy inspection.
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Evonik is one of the world’s leading specialty chemicals companies. We are looking at the earliest possible date at our Darmstadt site for an
Industrial Lubricants Applications Manager
Responsibilities • Establish contacts to wind- & industrial gear oil end users • Identify opportunities for Evonik gear oil technology in industrial markets • Organize & execute field trials with industrial partners • OEM liaison management at industrial machine OEMs such as wind turbine manufacturers • Train Evonik organization on industrial gear oil market requirements and technical needs • Close and regular exchange with Technical Service- & OEM team / joint visits at gear OEMs possible • Support marketing team in converting field data into effective marketing tools Requirements • Engineer or other successfully completed technical degree • Experienced industrial gear expert with deep knowledge about gearbox lubrication • Led projects with industrial equipment end users or was responsible for field service • More than 5 years experience from a lubricant company (Technical Service, Aftermarket Service), an industrial machine company, e.g. a wind turbine company with responsabilities to the drive train (not wind turbine- or blade construction) or a machine or wind turbine operation & maintenance company with insight to lubrication & gears • Travel flexibility and willingness to be flexible to align with operations & maintenance of industrial equipment (servicing can happen 24/7) and occasionally site activity around wind turbine operations • Fluent in spoken and written English Your application To ensure the fastest process of your application and to protect the environment, please apply online via our career page: Please address your application to Kerstin Wilch. If you have any questions regarding the application process, please contact our Recruiting-Center Team at +49 800 2386645 or +49 201 177 4200. VACANCY REFERENCE NUMBER 6803
Oil Analysis
WHY LABORATORY Personnel Should Be CERTIFIED B y Suzy Hitchcock, ICML The certification of laboratory- based personnel is essential in supporting quality lab systems, as some accreditations do not guarantee technical accuracy. Most lab systems are designed to ensure repeatability of the process, data, product, etc., but repeatability is not necessarily accuracy. Accuracy in the oil analysis field generally has two dimensions: test results and interpretation. Laboratories require accuracy in both. Lab accreditation typically only addresses the test method in terms of accuracy and repeatability. Accuracy of interpretation involves the certification of individual analysts’ skills, not of the lab’s quality management system. This falls under the auspices of ISO standards for personnel qualification and assessment. The certification of analysts can be divided into two categories: laboratory analysts, who are usually in an external lab, and field analysts, who are typically at a plant. Both must work together to determine the condition of assets and the rates of deterioration. The key differences are primarily the test method knowledge of the laboratory-based analyst versus the asset failure knowledge of the plant-based analyst. Both knowledge bases are required for accurate oil analysis, which is why individuals from each category should be certified. The International Council for Machinery Lubrication (ICML) provides certification of analysts in both fields. The organization has always advocated the need for separate certification programs for laboratory-based analysts from those designed for fieldbased personnel. 48 |
September - October 2015
ICML’s Laboratory Lubricant Analyst (LLA) Committee assembled a group of lab managers and did extensive work to define and standardize the sets of skills needed for laboratory practitioners around the world. The group expanded the original LLA certification to a threetier program with specific qualifications. The categories were developed for laboratory technicians (level I), laboratory analysts (level II) and senior laboratory analysts or lab managers (level III). LLA candidates are required to have a minimum of one, two or three years of experience for levels I, II and III, respectively. A minimum of 24, 48 and 80 hours of cumulative training on the body of knowledge for the chosen level is also a prerequisite. Subject areas for LLA I include sample handling and preparation, lubricant health monitoring, reagent management and instrument calibration. At this level, practitioners are expected to be able to perform simple tasks related to the handling and testing of machinery lubricant samples in a laboratory setting according to established procedures. LLA II candidates receive more training hours in lubricant health monitoring, including testing for wrong or mixed lubricants, the various forms of contamination (water, glycol, soot, fuel, air, particle, etc.), wear particle (debris) monitoring and analysis, data interpretation, quality control, and lubricant functions and failure modes. LLA III candidates must obtain additional training in wear particle (debris) monitoring and analysis, data interpreta-
tion, quality control, and lubricant functions and failure modes. Besides these topics, the training covers sensorial inspections, environmental effects on results, alternate technology data correlation and personnel training. ICML’s programs form the basis of the current ISO personnel certification standards. As the accreditation of quality management systems (QMS) expands to include asset management, it is interesting to note that the latest series of ISO asset management standards requires personnel to be competent in the necessary knowledge and skills. Knowledge management continues to be a key area in this new standard series. Essentially all quality management systems require personnel to be deemed competent in the tasks they undertake, and this extends to suppliers. Given the mandatory requirement for continual improvement within any QMS, oil analysis will become increasingly important in the delivery of effective asset management programs.
Storage and Handling
Contamination Control
Maintaining Lube Rooms
Wear Particles and Faults
Essential Field Inspections
Training Where You
Need It. Upcoming Training Courses
Houston, TX November 10 – 12, 2015
Phoenix, AZ December 1 – 3, 2015
For more information, visit
Did you know most maintenance programs achieve only 10 percent of the benefits available from oil analysis?
Noria’s machinery lubrication and oil analysis training courses offer something for all levels of expertise, from beginners to experienced technicians and engineers. Enroll today to learn precision lubrication skills for maximizing machine reliability.
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ICML’s certification programs. ICML offers certification in the areas of oil analysis and machinery lubrication. The following is a list of recently certified professionals in the area of machinery lubrication who have attained their status as a certified Machine Lubricant Analyst (MLA), Machine Lubrication Technician (MLT) or Laboratory Lubricant Analyst (LLA). Adel Alexander Daza Garcia, MLT I Francisco de Jesus Blanco Melendez, MLT I Luis Angel Porto Hernandez, MLT I Manlio Patron Antequera, MLT I Rajen Lavingia, MLA I
Rose Amoy, MLA II Goodyear Favio Rodriguez Tejeda, MLA I
Altair Jesus David Herrera Gomez, MLA II Roberto Carlos Alvarez Alvarez, MLA II
Hemlock Semiconductor Corp. Tom Bagley, MLA I
Acuren Steven Van Dulmen, MLA I
Astellas Pharma Chris Maxwell, MLT I Dell Klugas, MLT I Glenn Smallwood, MLT I
Holcim Brandon Davis, MLA I George Wimberley, MLA I Lyman Nichols, MLA I Nazareth Cuevas, MLA I Reb Galla, MLA II
Alcoa Joshua Dobbins, MLT I Juston Flynn, MLT I
Biomax S.A. Wbeimar Cabrera Leyton, MLT I
A.W. Chesterton David Roberts, MLT I
Burckhardt Compression Ricardo Cruz, MLA I
Need to take an exam? ICML regularly holds exam sessions throughout the United States and the world. Upcoming dates and locations for ICML exams can be found at
LLA I L aboratory Lubricant A nalyst Level I MLA I M achine Lubricant A nalyst Level I
CRE Philippines Tiffany Reyes, MLA II
JD Irving Ryan Bernier, MLT I
E&J Gallo Winery Arian Lopez, MLT I
Kanden Plant Corp. Takumi Kago, MLA II Tsuyoshi Uramatsu, MLA II Yasuhiro Okabe, MLA II Yuji Mizukami, MLA I
Eggborough Power Roy Yates, MLA I Energy Development Corp. Mary Ann Torres, MLA II
Freeport McMoran Mark Apodaca II, MLA I
MLA III M achine Lubricant A nalyst Level III MLT I M achine Lubrication Technician Level I MLT II M achine Lubrication Technician Level II September - October 2015
Ingenio Oscar Javier Lara Zapata, MLT I
ExxonMobil Richard Fourd, MLT I
MLA II M achine Lubricant A nalyst Level II
Huber Engineered Woods Bryan Jackman, MLA I Chad Tuttle, MLT I
Cleco Power Corp. James McCrory, MLA I
Ecopetrol Cesar Ivan Noriega Jaimes, MLT I
ICML Certifications
Ken Ehler, MLT I Klinton Mann, MLT I Laura Benbrooks, MLT I Robert Davis, MLT I
Georgia Pacific Andy Haddox, MLT I Edward Cotton, MLT I Jeffrey Savage, MLT I Larry Hadley, MLT I Matthew Rigsby, MLT I Mitch Ledkins, MLT I Mitchell Evans, MLT I Steven Lambert, MLT I Steven Puchner, MLT I Timothy Mixon, MLT I GNPower Mariveles Coal Plant
Koch Industries Charles Wenz, MLA I Mega Representaciones Alan Raul Beteta Beteta, MLT I Alex Rodrigo Lazoriga Sandoval, MLT I Carlos Antonio Flores Salvatierra, MLT I Daniel Zenon Chuquillanqui Suasnabar, MLT I Elizabeth Flor Cosi Mamani, MLT I Gean Pierre Segura Campos, MLT I Javier Hubert Terrel Jimenez, MLT I Jesus Lopez Andrade, MLT I Jimmy Zuta Samame, MLT I Jose Antonio Cavero Chumpen, MLT I Juan Antonio Vela Vasquez, MLT I Luis Gustavo Solis Broncano, MLA I Maicol Jhonatan Ferro
Cubillas, MLT I Martos Moreno Rosales, MLT I Miriam Esther Gallardo Ruiz, MLA I Nancy Paucar Nunez, MLT I Paul Duran Vilcahuaman, MLT I Paul Randy Porras Campos, MLT II Pedro Moises Duany Aguedo, MLT I Rosa Margarita Diestra Pinedo, MLA I Santos Junior Hipolito Sandoval, MLT I Saul Eden Paye De la Cruz, MLA I Vicky Magaly Tito Zuniga, MLA I Victor Hugo Mogollon Boulangger, MLT I William Ever Siesquen Inga, MLT I Yohn Antony Salinas Sanchez, MLA I
PTT Philippines Corp. Floyd Abian, MLA II Keith Joseph Catibog, MLA II
Mueller Industries Michael Whitt, MLT I
Sulzer Grayson Kenneth Walhood, MLT I
National Oilwell Varco Julian Zec, MLA I Nestle Inc. Basil Carey, MLT I Nordural Thordur Sigurbjartsson, MLA I Noria Corporation George Dymian Kritikos, MLT I Jack Stuck, MLT I Jaime Emilio Calvillo Medina, MLA II Timothy Davidson, MLA I NRG Energy Matthew Friar, MLA I Oklahoma Gas & Electric Services James Hillman, MLA I Oylex Lubricants Luis Eduardo Fernández Arreola, MLT I Petrolink USA Joseph Orcutt, MLA I Joshua Roberts, MLA I Prolub Allan Manuel Herrera Fonseca, MLA I & MLT I
Rivera Marketing and Services Dzhonatan Antonio Diaz Torres, MLT I Sapphire Power Tory Hingleton, MLA I Southern Company Andrew Riley, MLA I Christopher Harrison, MLA I Gene Jennings, MLA I James Vogler Jr., MLT I Joseph Seely Jr., MLA I Lee Coxwell, MLT I Lisa Sierens, MLA I Randy Cole, MLA I Steven Carden, MLA I
Tohoku Enterprise Co. Masatoshi Yabe, MLA II Total Lubrication Management Co. James Lester, MLT I Valero Energy Corp. Bryan Kasischke, MLT I Madison Williams, MLT I Verso Paper Cheryl Riley, MLT I Ricky Winebrenner, MLT I WestRock Austin Harvie, MLT I & MLT II Barney Phillips, MLT I Ben Gallegos, MLT I George “Joe” Phillips, MLT I & MLT II Mike Elliott, MLT II Ray Lopez, MLT I Richard Berg, MLT I Robert Weber, MLT I Terry Reneman, MLT I Weyerhaeuser Nathan Douglas Toney, MLT I
Global Training Calendar OCTOBER 2015
FUNDAMENTALS OF MACHINERY LUBRICATION Florence, Italy • October 14-16, 2015
PRACTICAL OIL ANALYSIS Dubai, U.A.E. • October 25-28, 2015
PRACTICAL OIL ANALYSIS Medellín, Colombia • October 27-29, 2015
HOW TO INTERPRET AN OIL ANALYSIS REPORT León, Guanajuato, México • October 19-23, 2015
MACHINERY LUBRICATION LEVEL I Orlando, FL • October 13 – 15, 2015
BEARING FAILURE ANALYSIS León, Guanajuato, México • October 19-23, 2015
ADVANCED OIL ANALYSIS Daegu, South Korea • October 12-15, 2015
MACHINERY LUBRICATION I Montreal, Québec, Canada • October 20-22, 2015
OIL ANALYSIS LEVEL II Orlando, FL • October 13 – 15, 2015
OIL ANALYSIS I Sao Paulo, Brazil • October 21-23, 2015
ICML certification testing is available for most of the courses listed. Visit for certification information and test dates.
MACHINERY LUBRICATION LEVEL I Houston, TX • November 10 – 12, 2015
ASK the EXPERTS “A recent article suggested that particles that are removed from oil reduce failure detection via oil analysis. I use an oil centrifuge on my personal Cummins engine installed in a pickup, and I use oil analysis at oil change intervals. What would happen if I sent the residue to a lab to be analyzed after cleaning the ‘stuff’ out?” It’s true that particles that are removed from oil will reduce the effectiveness of oil analysis to detect failure. Oil analysis cannot detect particles that aren’t there. Nevertheless, most particles that are removed by oil filters and centrifugal separators (or centrifuges) are too large to be seen by many oil analysis instruments such as spectrometers. Spectrometers are biased toward smaller particles in the range of 3 microns or less. This is much smaller than the majority of particles trapped by these filters or centrifuges, which typically are around 10 microns or larger. Therefore, the smaller (and just as significant) particles remain in the oil for analysis. However, larger particles that are trapped by filters or centrifuges are important as well and can be more closely associated with advanced wear. Filter debris analysis provides one possible method for this type of analysis. Several larger commercial laboratories offer this service where a swatch of contaminant-filled filter media can be analyzed. If a centrifuge is used in the engine, the
sediment inside can be gouged out and sent to the lab along with simple instructions for how it should be analyzed and information regarding its source. The best spectrometer in this case would be an X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometer, which is available at many larger commercial labs. Alternatively, the laboratory could use a solvent to break down the gouged sediment from the centrifuge and then transfer it through a membrane. This would trap the large particles on the surface of the membrane, which could then be analyzed through microscopic analysis or analytical ferrography. Of course, the majority of sediment and residue found within the centrifuge will be soot or sludge deposits and thus will lack vital oil properties such as dispersancy to be analyzed within the engine oil. This is important to understand because filter/ centrifuge debris will be limited to the characteristics of the contaminants, while oil analysis can provide information on the overall characteristics of the oil. Therefore,
it is necessary to analyze the oil as well as gather information on the concentration of oil additives and any changes to the base oil. Filtration is essential and should not be curbed for the sake of oil analysis. Failure detection via oil analysis is multifaceted. Particles trapped by filtration are only a slice of this process. Continuing to carry out oil analysis in cooperation with filter debris analysis may be the ideal solution for achieving effective analysis while maintaining your motor oil’s filtration.
“We think cavitation wear may be occurring in our hydraulic system but don’t know for sure. Is there a way to determine this?” Cavitation can be determined by three easy means of detection: abnormal noise, high fluid 52 |
September - October 2015 |
temperature and slow operation. Abnormal noise can be caused by two sources: aeration and cavitation. Aeration
is the more alarming of the two. Sometimes referred to as “hammering,” it occurs when air is entrained in the system. Large air
bubbles compress and decompress, resulting in a “banging” noise. In severe cases, this can lead to the failure of piping and equipment. It may also be confirmed by foaming and erratic operation of actuators. In the case of cavitation, the absolute pressure falls below the vapor pressure of the fluid, creating vapor cavities. These cavities will implode, which produces a knocking sound. This can be identified with vibration sensors or acoustical analysis equipment. At times, this may even be loud enough to be heard. The source of this noise is actually the implosion and subsequent micro-jet impinging on the surfaces of the system. Imagine a very small water jet cutting on the system surfaces. This constant impingement sounds similar to a growling or rattling in the system. High fluid temperature is the result of the compression of air and other entrained gases in the fluid, or when the fluid moves from a high-pressure to low-pressure area without performing useful work. This takes place when the fluid leaks past internal seals in a piston/cylinder arrangement or when there is an improperly adjusted relief valve. If the heat is not dissipated, it can have an effect on the fluid’s viscosity, which impacts the lubrication of the system and components, as well as causes other problems that increase the likelihood of further cavitation. Research has shown that the higher the viscosity, the lesser the impact and likelihood of cavitation. The inverse of this is also true; as the viscosity decreases, the likelihood of damage from cavitation increases. Slow operation and longer cycle times are usually the first indication that there is a problem. Remember that the operation of the system is based on flow. If there is a loss of speed in your actuators, there is likely a loss of flow somewhere in the system. This is generally caused by leakage,
such as from a ruptured hose, blown seals, leaking fittings, etc. These are fairly obvious and easy to correct. Internal leakage is much more difficult to identify but not impossible. When fluid moves from a high-pressure to low-pressure zone without doing work, heat is generated. This can be determined with infrared thermometers, sometimes in conjunction with flow meters.
In short, noise, temperature and cycle times are good indicators of cavitation in your hydraulic systems. As with everything else, early detection is the best way to prevent equipment failure and subsequent downtime. Be proactive and look for these indicators. Failure to do so can have a huge impact on the bottom line. If you have a question for one of Noria’s experts, email it to
L ubricant S torage and Handling
BACK PAGE BASICS G arrett B app | N oria C orporation
magine you’re going about your daily work routine and you receive a call that a gearbox has just discharged oil everywhere. You go into reactive mode. You haven’t arrived on the scene yet to assess the extent of the situation, but you have a general idea of what needs to be done — stop the equipment to prevent further damage and put down material to absorb the oil that has leaked out already. Next, you think about how to fix the equipment. Exactly how much oil has leaked out? How much oil was in the equipment? Did the oil reach a drain or water source? Do you have the proper tools and equipment to handle a situation like this? Do you need to notify your state’s department of natural resources? Could the situation have been prevented?
of plants do not provide secondary containment for bulk lubricant storage containers, based on a recent survey at
54 |
September - October 2015
Unfortunately, this is the reality many people face everyday when they report to work. At any time, an accident or machine failure could occur, discharging oil. The good news is you can prepare yourself and others for these situations before they arise. In some circumstances, government regulations may come into play. Therefore, it is important to know what these regulations are and if they apply to your plant.
OSHA and EPA Regulations According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), any container that can hold 55 gallons or more of lubricant is considered bulk lubricant storage. This means it is not necessary to count the storage volume for top-up containers, 5-gallon pails and even small equipment. However, you will need to concern your-
self with containers that have a capacity of 55 gallons or more, including gearboxes, reservoirs, hydraulic units, storage containers, etc. These capacities should be included in your total oil storage amounts when determining whether federal regulations apply. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) breaks down this accumulative amount into 1,320 gallons of above-ground storage and 42,000 gallons of underground storage. Facilities with accumulative amounts less than these volumes will not be required to have a Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) plan. Still, it is a good idea to put some provisions in place for accidental oil discharges. For plants with storage amounts greater than these OSHA standards, the first step should be to plan for an oil spill.
Usually it’s not until an incident occurs that you discover how unprepared your plant actually is. Preparing for an Oil Spill A written SPCC plan should address questions such as how will the facility prevent oil contamination to waterways and adjoining shorelines, as well as what practices and preparations will be used to prevent and respond to oil discharges. The EPA does not require the use of specific methods or equipment but allows individual organizations to decide which techniques are appropriate for them. However, plans should be in compliance with Good Engineering Practices (GEPs) and may need to be certified by a professional engineer. Providing secondary containment for bulk lubricant storage containers should also be considered. This may involve active or passive measures. Active measures are those that require a worker to put something into place before or while work is performed. This could be as simple as covering nearby drains or responding to a spill with a containment kit. Spill containment kits usually contain absorbent socks, mats, granules, disposal bags and nitrile gloves. These items can be lifesavers until further actions can be taken. Passive measures to oil containment consist of putting and leaving something in place, such as a retaining wall around a large tank or spill containment pallets under totes or drums. Secondary containment can be divided into two categories: general and specific. General requirements address the most likely discharges from storage and equipment. This would include spills of unknown volumes. Specific requirements target major container failures and focus on size and design. Although the EPA does not define a specific failure volume, it recommends 56 |
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documenting the volumes you choose. When designing your plan, both secondary containment categories may be employed. In certain cases where secondary containment is not practical, the EPA offers leniency. Additional measures may also be used as long as they are outlined in your plan. There are several other components of an SPCC plan, such as visual inspections, integrity testing, overfill protection, security measures, training and recordkeeping. A number of companies are available to help you develop your plan. You can also find more information by visiting the OSHA or EPA websites and searching for Title 40 CFR Part 112. Of course, be sure to check your local and state laws, which are usually more stringent than the federal regulations.
NFPA Regulations The Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) is not as stringent for most lubricant users because oils are considered Class IIIB liquids, which have a flash point equal to or greater than 200 degrees F. These flammable and combustible fluid regulations are broken into two classes based on the liquid’s flash point. Fluids with a flash point of 100 degrees F and above are considered combustible, while those with a flash point below 100 degrees F are considered flammable. These classes also have subcategories with additional limitations based on the flash point and boiling point. Because petroleum products typically have flash points at or above 200 degrees F, they generally are classified as Class IIIB combustible liquids. However, this does not mean that all oils are grouped into Class IIIB. You will need to read your safety data sheets to determine under which category your lubricant falls. OSHA does not regulate the Class IIIB group but makes suggestions for other classes that can be used for oil storage. The NFPA regulations also have provisions for the design, construction and capacity of storage cabinets. With so many cabinet options on the market, it can be confusing as to which type should be purchased. My advice is to choose the one that best suits your needs and is not too large, unless you know extra space will be required in the future.
4 Keys for Better Lubricant Storage 1. Develop Training Programs — A training program that notifies workers once and then gets lost in the daily shuffle will not be effective. These programs must be updated and include periodic training for personnel. 2. Purchase the Proper Equipment — How can you be prepared if you don’t have the right tools? Having the proper safety equipment can prevent disaster. 3. Use Visual Cues in the Field — Walk down key drains that can navigate to waterways, identify them appropriately and share this information with all plant personnel. 4. Listen to Personnel on the Plant Floor — These are the individuals who see the flaws within the systems they use every day. Listen to their suggestions and then take action.
The Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code also provides ventilation and storage requirements for storage rooms. If you are striving for world-class lubricant storage, this information can help you properly set up your lube room and modernize any outdated practices.
A Proactive Approach Even if these lubricant storage regulations do not apply to your facility, you should still take a proactive approach. Usually it’s not until an incident occurs that you discover how unprepared your plant actually is. Workers often stand around not doing the right thing or not knowing what to do. They may grab an absorbent boom or mat to keep oil from spreading, or apply kitty litter to soak up a spill. While it will be easy to see the deficiencies in your plan as you look back on the incident, it’s much better to prevent these spills in the first place.
About the Author Garrett Bapp is a technical consultant with Noria Corporation, focusing on machinery lubrication and maintenance in support of Noria’s Lubrication Program Development (LPD). He is a certified lubrication specialist through the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) and holds a Machine Lubrication Technician (MLT) Level I certification through the International Council for Machinery Lubrication (ICML). Contact Garrett at
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SOLUTIONS A Changing Workforce, a Challenge for Employers
There is no question that a significant demographic shift within the U.S. workforce population is at hand. A National Technical Assistance and Research (NTAR) Leadership Center report in 2012 estimated that 25 million baby boomers (40 percent of the U.S. labor force) will retire by 2020, taking with them decades of experience, expertise and understanding of company practices.
Creative solutions to this “brain drain” phenomenon are scarce, as they require companies to devote significant resources to workforce demographic analysis, accurate projections and hiring practices implemented quickly enough to pass on older workers’ expertise to younger colleagues before retirement. To compound the problem of impending retirement, major talent shortages have been ongoing for years. A 2012 survey of 1,300 U.S. employers listed skilled trades in its top 10 hardest-to-fill positions. This is where Noria Workforce Solutions comes in.
What is Noria Workforce Solutions? Noria Workforce Solutions (NWS) is a holistic approach to the complex problem of filling open positions that require skilled lubrication and oil analysis personnel. Noria technical consultants thoroughly observe and evaluate your facility’s lubrication practices to identify opportunities for improvement and set priorities for lubrication program development. Following the assessment, Noria trained and certified personnel arrive at your facility ready to work. A Noria technical consultant supervises the initial onsite onboarding, begins the lubrication program development, provides remote management and reporting, and visits periodically to ensure program success. At the end of the technician’s contract, you have the option to renew the contract or hire them long-term.
Vacancy Case Study Skilled trade staff shortfalls are only compounded by large numbers of retiring professionals. The numbers below were reported by one of Noria’s large manufacturing customers following a skilled trades evaluation for 2015-2016: • Project Support Staff – 11% vacant positions • Maintenance/Repair Personnel – 15% vacant positions • Retiring Staff – 18% anticipated vacant positions • TOTAL: 44% skilled trade personnel needed
Start with an Assessment It is important to start with a detailed gap analysis to identify the current state of the lubrication program and refer to analysis results moving forward. Noria has a patented, detailed benchmark assessment called Ascend™. NWS begins with this Ascend™ gap analysis so the customer, Noria program manager and incoming NWS personnel have a precise understanding of the work to be done to maximize reliability through lubrication excellence. The Ascend™ assessment spans three days and includes interviews with facility stakeholders, a facility tour, observations of lubrication practices and a report to management with hardware/procedure recommendations. This report helps facility management, Noria and the NWS staff prioritize tasks appropriately. Additionally, Noria technical consultants give other facility personnel a half-day training on lubrication awareness to ensure the program moves forward efficiently. This process is ISO 55000 compliant and based on Six Sigma methodology to bring your lubrication program to maximum efficiency and deliver significant return on investment.
SOLUTIONS Workforce Solutions Step by Step
As NWS is deployed at your facility, the implementation process – start to finish – will be carefully evaluated to address your lubrication needs as determined by the benchmark assessment. Below is a general outline of NWS phases.
• AscendTM Benchmark Assessment A Noria program manager will perform this project phase to provide a checklist and guidance on high-impact opportunities for the lubrication technician to complete.
• Lubricant Storage and Handling Design The program manager will perform this project phase to provide the new lubrication technician(s) a list of reception, storage and handling procedures to perform. • Engineering Design The lubrication technician or Noria technical team will survey all lubricated assets to collect current state information. From this data, the program manager will engineer a complete, optimized lubrication program • Implementation Hardware Selection and Procurement Based on the program manager’s designs, a list of implementation products needed for the new program will be assembled. This will include equipment for the lube room (lubricant testing, storage, decontamination and transfer to the machines) and asset modification hardware necessary to properly inspect, lubricate, eliminate contaminants and sample lubricants. • Implementation Hardware Installation The program manager will coordinate the installation and use of all hardware procured.
Implementation at a Glance This 12-month chart shows the average timeframe of each phase of the Workforce Solutions process and illustrates which steps happen simultaneously. The timeframe is subject to change based upon the customer’s unique situation or Ascend™ results.
1 2 Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ascend Lubrication Benchmark Assessment by Noria Program Manager
NWS Lubrication Technician Working Onsite
NWS Program Manager Onsite Supervision and Reporting
NWS Program Manager Remote KPI Reporting Lubricant Storage and Handling Design* - by Noria Program Manager Lubrication Engineering Design* by Noria Program Manager Lubricant Storage Hardware Implementation* by NWS Lubrication Technician Asset Hardware Implementation* by NWS Lubrication Technician
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4 1
The hardest segment of the workforce for employers to staff with talent is the skilled trades that are prevalent in manufacturing. -ManpowerGroup
SOLUTIONS One Source, Many Solutions
Cost-effective NWS is all-inclusive and competitive even compared to direct hiring. Lubrication Program Development Included Noria’s Ascend Lubrication Assessment will determine the current state of your lubrication program, identify gaps, and devise strategies and timelines to efficiently and cost effectively fill those gaps. Expertly Trained to Your Needs Noria lubrication technicians possess top-notch professionalism and skills relevant to your individual needs.
A Turnkey Solution With NWS, you can bypass the time-consuming, complicated task of recruitment and still gain well-vetted, skilled professionals who are ready to work at your facility the day they arrive. Noria Supervision and Support A dedicated Noria program manager will deliver monthly key performance indicator reports and make periodic onsite supervision and coaching visits. Noria's educational tools, knowledge warehouse and technical experts are available to your technician at all times.
In 2013, 18.6 % of skilled trade workers in the U.S. were between the ages of 55 and 64. - EMSI
Why is Noria the go-to? For more than 17 years, Noria has been the leader in lubrication training and development of world-class lubrication reliability programs. As a trusted partner and source of expertise, Noria has an expansive network of working professional relationships and is ideally positioned to provide you the skilled workers needed to efficiently implement and maintain excellent lubrication practices.
SOLUTIONS 800.597.5460 |
1328 East 43rd Court | Tulsa, Oklahoma 74105 | Phone: 800.597.5460 |