nomiwear look book

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The story of


nomi is a clothing company started by Normandie & Michon in Brooklyn, NY. Normandie has a passion for bold design, textiles and bright colors and had been looking for someone to collaborate with. Michon is a seamstress with a constant craving for bows and sequins. It’s a perfect match. Things we really care about: Sustainable Practices Fashion is fun, but it is also a huge responsibility to make sure that our world isn’t over run with an excess of textiles. We know that it is part of our job as creators to make sure that we are using materials that don’t hurt the environment and resisting the harmful effects of fast fashion markets. We also encourage our customers to use sustainable practices in shopping. Let’s love our world! Embracing Your Unique Identity We believe that you have a personality and a life that is totally unique to you and we want to celebrate that! Too tall and gangly? Short and stout? No such thing. We hope that you spend some time every day loving who you are and being totally true to you.

Our Process Because we are starting from scratch, we are currently printing our fabrics through We take pride in printing only what we need and working with a company that uses eco friendly materials and water based inks. We expect for our process to change as our business grows, but we promise to stay true to our ideals of contributing to a healthier fashion market and using the best resources that we have access to.

Photograph vy Stetson Gleave

Impeccable Craftsmanship and Integrity We are dedicated to giving you the best quality garment that you love to wear all day every day. Or at least ALOT. We believe in transparency, we believe in hard work and we believe in doing our best to make sure that you are feeling your best in your nomi wear. You can know that each piece you purchase is designed by us and hand made by the one and only Michon.

illustration by Normandie Luscher

Lemonade Shirt & Tie

Photograph vy Stetson Gleave

What do you do when life gives you lemons? You put on your lemonade shirt and you show life who’s boss. There’s a lot of issues in the world to worry about but it takes grit and passion to conquer them.

You’re a tough girl; put on your lemonade shirt and face the day with confidence. You got this.

Kona Cotton Fabric $100.00

Butterfly Shirt Dress

Our butterfly shirtdress is the perfect fusion of fashion and comfort.

Jersey Fabric $150.00

Photograph vy Brooke Morrill

Who rules the world? You already know. The Monarch reigns over her kingdom and flutters from adventure to venture. This butterfly is our symbol of empowerment, beauty and freedom. Basically it’s you.

Lily Box Shirt

Organic manic, tree hugging, nature loving much? Fashion is fun, but it is also a huge responsibility to make sure that our world isn’t over run with an excess of textiles.

Photograph vy Stetson Gleave

We know that it is part of our job as creators to make sure that we are using materials that don’t hurt the environment and resisting the harmful effects of fast fashion markets. We also encourage our customers to use sustainable practices in shopping. Let’s love our world.

Our Lily Box Shirt will put your mind at ease knowing that it’s sustainable and made just for you.

Kona Cotton Fabric $75.00

Ruby Bubble Skirt

Shine bright like the ruby you are in our bubble skirt.

Kona Cotton Fabric $300.00

Photograph vy Stetson Gleave

You’re a ruby inside and out, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! We believe that you have a personality and a life that is totally unique to you and we want to celebrate that! Too tall and gangly? Short and stout? No such thing. We hope that you spend some time every day loving who you are and being totally true to you.

Photograph vy Stetson Gleave

Photograph vy Brooke Morrill

Photograph vy Stetson Gleave

Photograph vy Stetson Gleave

nomi blog

nothing to wear

by Normandie Luscher

You know all of those clothing montages in like every teen movie ever? The ugly duckling gets a makeover, Cher swipes through her perfect high end wardrobe for that perfectly curated outfit and then mean girls telling each other how to dress. And then there’s the girl who has taken out every item she owns and throws herself amid the pile of clothes insisting that there’s nothing to wear. Yeah, I’ve been there. Clothing and fashion are a huge part of our culture. We use fashion to show something about ourselves, we see ads everywhere of the latest trends and we choose something to wear daily (I mean, most of us do). We interact with clothing in some way every day. At nomi we love clothing and fashion. It is SO fun and there are so many ways to play around and be creative and express yourself! And we love that.

illustration by Normandie Luscher

But, there’s definitely another side to fashion though. You might call it the ‘Mugatu’ side of fashion. Fashion isn’t all sparkles and seflies in the changing room mirror. American clothing often goes through a lengthy process and passes through many hands. It may start with designers in the U.S. but more often than not, clothing distributed in America was made over seas, sometimes/often in really terrible conditions for underpaid and exploited workers.

With the fast fashion trends, clothing is getting cheaper and cheaper and big companies are running out of corners to cut, which takes a toll on every aspect of the process, including our clothes and including the people who make them. Oh yeah, and including the earth! With the industry trying to slash prices and putting out clothing weekly, an item might go from the sales floor to the sales bin within weeks and will probably end up in a charity basket where it is unwanted and eventually thrown out altogether. Our dumps have been piling up with discarded clothing and it’s really starting to make a noticeable difference in our environment.

nomi blog

We know, it’s overwhelming and it’s hard to know what to do when you are one person and one person who loves clothes and a good sale. We understand, but at nomi we are taking the responsibility to create clothing in a better way and to slow down the trends of fashion mayhem. The first step is becoming aware. The second is embracing the fact that you can make a difference. We really believe that with our combined efforts we can make the world a better place for everyone. We believe the world can be a better place for the designers, the workers who make the clothing, for the consumer and also for the world itself. Stick around to find out more about how you can contribute to slowing down our fashion markets and creating a healthier way of being!

These Two Hands by Michon Christensen

As I was ironing tonight I was thinking about sustainability. I thought, ‘We don’t build buildings with the expectation that in 6 months we’ll tear them down and build new ones. We expect them to be so well designed that they’ll last for decades and still bring something new to the people they house. Why do we not expect the same thing from our clothing?’ We should be designing clothing that will bring something lasting to the fashion industry, not something that will be dated and useless in 6 months, or even 3. You can buy from a company where you hope the clothing is being made in healthy, safe environments, but you don’t know for sure or you can buy from us and know that a girl in New York stayed up late at night sewing that skirt just for you because she cares about you and the world. We all know that the $5 shirt that you kind of like actually costs you and the world more in the long run than the $300 skirt. The difference is that the $5 shirt isn’t an investment. It doesn’t take a lot of thought to buy a $5 shirt. You walk in the store, check the price tag, think ‘well it’s only $5 so I might as well get it’. Then it sits in your closet for a while, you wear it occasionally, then you get rid of it because you found some other $5 shirt. The $300 skirt takes more effort. It’s an investment. You put thought into that purchase, like how often will you wear it? What will you wear it with? How much do you love it? In the end, you either get it or you settle for something cheaper. But what you don’t realize is that the $300 skirt is actually cheaper in the long run because you’ll buy one, not ten, and you’ll use it until it’s literally falling to pieces (which will take a long time because it’s well made) because you invested in it. It’s your choice, but I think it’s pretty obvious what the right choice is ;) @nomiwear

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