YOUR 11-POINT PERFECT SALES FUNNEL CHECKLIST For Products by Matt Ackerson, CEO & Founder Whether you’re an affiliate marketer, SaaS business, info-preneur, or a start-up: if you’re tired of gimmicks and marketing hype that doesn’t give you the predictable profits and the freedom you desire, then you need a sales funnel to sell your product. This simple, proven checklist gives you the essential components to make a sales funnel that automatically converts strangers into buyers — while you sleep, relax, or just plain spend your time on something else! Let’s get started...
A quick letter of introduction: Hi there, My name is Matt, and I’m the founder of If you’re reading this, that means you took the initiative to opt-in to download this resource. It’s a good first step. Nice work! The next step is easy... Before we get to that, you might be wondering: “Who are you, Matt, and why should I trust the marketing advice you give me?” Fair question. Sure, I could answer this question by throwing a few facts at you, like: • and I have been regularly cited and featured in major publications like Forbes, Inc. Magazine, The Washington Post, Techcrunch and Entrepreneur Magazine. • We’ve built three profitable six-figure sales funnels for our own business and over two dozen for our clients in the past two years. • We’ve converted 37,000 email subscribers onto our email list and see over 32,000 visits to our site per month (and rising) from social media and search engines. • We haven’t spent a single dollar on paid ads to get here, nor have we taken investor money. The truth is, although I’m proud of those facts and stats, I’m no different from you. In fact, I’ve failed more times than I can count. I’ve had times where I was sitting on a pile of cash thinking I’d “made it.” Then six months later, it’d be snowing out and I’d be ignoring phone calls and “final notices” in the mail because I couldn’t afford the credit card bill, the rent… Or even the darn heating bill. I’ll be sharing some of those battle-hardened “war” stories and lessons learned in upcoming emails.
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Through all those early ups-and-downs, I gained wisdom about what it takes to succeed in business and in marketing. It taught me powerful lessons about how to create a sales funnel online. A working sales funnel will automatically convert customers and deposit money into your bank account daily... • So you never again have to worry why, worrying about the trickle of cash coming into your account. • You never again have to wonder why that “shiny” new tactic or tool isn’t converting and selling the way they said it would. Thanks to what I’ve learned, I’m able travel the world these days with my lovely girlfriend — from Colombia and Costa Rica, to Ireland (next month), and even to China and Russia.
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Today, I truly love my work, the freedom, and the free time... But it wouldn’t be possible had I not discovered exactly what works to get results. That brings us to the next step on your own path to success. It’s easy. You can get started learning the formula for success right now. Start by reading this resource. This checklist is deceptively simple, but it will raise questions like: • How do I do _______? • What is the best tool for __________? • What exactly should _______ and ________ look like? And so on… That’s why in the next seven days, I’ll send you (just a few) simple, bite-sized email lessons. Each lesson is about 300 words (takes three minutes to read). You may be surprised to learn that I even included a quick, two to five minute video in each lesson. That’s because I know you may prefer to watch rather than read. To wrap up, here’s my rock-solid guarantee to you... If you invest a tiny bit of time here, then you’re going to see that my teaching style is easy-to-follow and fast to get results. I designed it that way because I know you’re busy. And if I were in your shoes, that’s exactly what I’d want! It’s so simple, I think you’ll actually be amazed... So if your goal is to generate more leads/sales while feeling in command of your digital marketing destiny, then this free training is going to take you a few big steps forward on that journey. I look forward to sharing it all with you here and in the next email coming tomorrow. Always hustlin’, forever focused, Matt Ackerson Founder & CEO
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1. Start with what matters: creating a landing page for your core product offer. Then work backwards. Advanced upsells, downsells, cross-sells, and profit-maximizers come later… • Think about it though. Without a landing page1 — the foundational funnel element — to focus and speak to prospects, your site will be unable to effectively convert visits into sales. 2. Craft your tripwire: a low-dollar (not low-value) entry-level offer designed to entice email subscribers to convert to paid customers. • Tripwires aren’t just theory. At, we’re generating an extra $10,000 per year just from one simple tripwire. And that doesn’t even count revenue from upsells immediately following the tripwire. With the help of my training coming up, you’ll learn how to create your own profitable tripwire. 3. Develop a lead magnet that converts 30-50% of all visitors. Sound too good to be true? It’s easier than you think, but not always so obvious. • This resource that you’re reading right now is an example of a lead magnet. But how did I come up with the idea and know it would be good enough to convert over 7,000 people into email leads? Open my next email for the answer... 4. Add critical pages to create a trustworthy site. Contrary to what others would have you believe, people trust credible-looking websites, NOT funnels. A few of the pages I’m referring to include the about page, product pages, and, perhaps the most overlooked, __________ and _________ pages. • From 1999 to 2016, the Nielsen Norman Group’s research identified the factors that influence trustworthiness on websites. These include web connectivity, updated content, full disclosure, and quality design2. I’ll reveal what those two types of pages are in an upcoming email. 5. Make a hypothesis and set up an effective A/B test right out of the gate for your three offers: the core landing page offer, the lead magnet and the tripwire. • A/B testing is the difference between a lead magnet that converts 43 email leads and one that converts 10 over the same two-week period of time. If you didn’t do an A/B test, you’d be losing 33 email subscribers. That’s 798 subscribers over the course of a year! How do you ensure your testing earns those 43 email subs or better? Find out in email #3 coming your way...
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6. Choose the traffic source that will fuel your funnel. It’s the source that gets 3X more ROI compared to paid search ads3. What is it? Content marketing. Make the “vehicle” that’s going to drive potential email subscribers and buyers by creating your first piece of content. • To accomplish this, your content must connect with people who enter your funnel on a deeper level. They have to identify with it. Do this by knowing your ideal client better than they know themselves. 7. Minimize lost leads with automated follow-up messages that educate potential customers. This works because it nurtures email leads into becoming buyers when they are on the fence4. This means more sales and more profits. • Marketing automation works because it profits from the fact that a sale is made in stages or steps like the picture below5:
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8. Get your message in front of thousands of the right people by promoting that content without spamming or annoying people. Without effective promotion, few will see or find your site. This means you’ll miss out on the content’s potential and up to 5X higher conversion rates compared to other methods5. • There are a number of ways to do this, but only a few ways that are repeatable (i.e., no guesswork) and that will work for the long-term. You’ll get them in this training, coming up. 9. Track results to identify bottlenecks. • According to estimates from IBM6 (and some back-of-the-hand math on my part), the average human being produces 350,000,000 bytes of data every single day. Your business likely produces some multiple of that. The point is, as your business grows you need to know what data is worth tracking and what is not. It’s the difference between peace of mind and lost sales. 10. Lengthen the funnel to maximize the value of every email subscriber and every customer. • We’re talking about advanced marketing automation tactics including upsells, downsells, cross-sells, profit maximizers and more. This is where things get really fun... 11. Finally, when you’re all set up and you think there’s “not much” more you can do to grow, you’ll realize what you’ve actually built… It’s a machine that prints clicks and leads. It prints money. And using a proven funnel framework8 you can turn up the volume to predictably and consistently grow your profits from the funnel month after month. Cha-ching! • Once you have a solid funnel to stand on, you’ll probably want to keep growing it. Using a simple four-step framework, I’ll show you how businesses like yours can consistently start doubling your revenue on a quarterly, or even on a monthly basis. The sky’s the limit, quite literally... This checklist is just the appetizer. I’m about to give you the main course over the next few days. You’re going to get some “golden nuggets” that will transform your business and put more cash in your account. By the time we’re done, you’ll go from staring at your depressed bank account, and actually feeling a bit “empty” inside... To wondering — as you kick back with a confident smile — “Hm! I wonder how much we faster we can grow this month!” Keep an eye out for my next email coming soon…
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Sources cited: 1. Why Should I Use Landing Pages? (undated) 2. Harley, A. (2016, May 8) Trustworthiness in Web Design: 4 Credibility Factors 3. Kapost, (undated) Content Marketing ROI 4. The Ultimate List of Marketing Statistics (undated) 5. Crossing the Chaos: Managing Content Marketing Transformation (undated) 6. 10 Key Marketing Trends for 2017 (undated) 7. Reichfeld, F. (2000, July 10) The Economics of E-Loyalty 8. Ackerson, M. (2018, January 29) How to Systematically Double Your Business Month After
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Own the exact sales funnel diagrams from Neil Patel, Netflix, Wufoo, and 25 other highly successful businesses. If you build sales funnels to sell info products, drive affiliate sales, or traffic to your SaaS site, these “treasure maps” of funnels can shorten your build time by many weeks and save a lot of headaches... Get the Sales Funnel Diagram Pack
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