6 kw Solar Concentrator
Normand Masse Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 2006 normandmasse@hotmail.com
6 kw Solar Concentrator We have acquired the design for the fabrication of small parabolic solar concentrator capable of generating a peak power of 20,000 Btu thermal power (equiv. 6 kW electric). This technology transfer includes all plans, photos, parts lists, assembly details, instructions and the international right of use for this technology. Its origin dates back from late 1970’s research culminating when in 1980 a full functioning model was put in service. Use has been documented until 1987. Based on proven technology, this design differs significantly from other designs available today. The designers objective at the time was to produce a solar concentrator that could be realized using simple technology and be able to be manufactured with readily available components anywhere. The unit was presented to several countries and manufacturers, but like most renewable energy systems presented at the time, was before their time. The US had no interest in localized - decentralized energy production and only the personal adventurers installed renewable energy systems in their homes and businesses. 25 years later, the situation is different and renewable energy is now widespread and this includes solar concentrators. According to our research, as previously mentioned the majority of the designers are focusing on high technology such as Dish w/Sterling, Rankine or Brayton engine combinations (10kw Sterling Engine costs $120,000!). Large companies are competing against each other to attain extremely high performances at the expense of simplicity and low cost. Further these solar concentrator designs are mainly for industrial and utility applications. Our objective is to finally bring to market an inexpensive solar heat generator to fulfill the needs of developing countries as well as developed countries. The technology and simple design is going to further benefit from low labor costs prevalent in the Dominican Republic resulting in a significant lower overall cost. Our anticipated retail cost for the concentrator is US$3,500, final installed cost in simple high temp hot water mode with tank, pumps and installation will be around US$6,000. Buyers payback on the hot water system based on offsetting conservative 36 kwhr/day at $0.12 per kW/hr will be 4 years (based on US southern climate year-round use) This technology with its current level of design has an approximate value of US$150,000 if you consider the time it has taken the original group to design, experiment, prototype and manufacture the first models. Page 1 of 6
6 kw Solar Concentrator
We have already begun analysis of base design available and without further complicating or increasing the overall cost have planned some changes to provide increased output. These changes are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Improved collector through increased wetted surfaces Increase overall diameter from 13 feet to 15 feet Use variable speed pumps Increase pipe diameter to permit increased flow and heat pickup at maximum sun exposure Use micro PLC controls for optimized heat supply and load management to extend hours of useable heat 6. Improve reflector life span Funding: The sum of $250,000 dollars is required to bring this product to market. The funds are to be used to: 1.0 Convert existing drawings to CAD 2.0 Contract thermodynamics consultant to review designs and recommend any changes prior to proceeding with fabrication. 3.0 Contract electrical engineer to modernize controls via use of programmable logic controller and implement its programming 4.0 Produce shop orders to local shops for components 5.0 Procure motors, gears chains, mirrors, etc. 6.0 Assemble unit in small rented shop 7.0 Purchase test equipment 8.0 Run testing during a few weeks to develop certifiable specifications and performance documentation as well as financial models to determine ROI for the end users (based on final costs, selling prices, performance results etc.) 9.0 Make necessary design and fabrication changes as result of testing 10.0Modify prototype 11.0Begin marketing plans and promotional materials 12.0Fabricate 4 more units 13.0Install 3 units at: 1 Dominican government building 1 at a commercial building 1 at a residential unit 14.0Keep 1 unit to send to foreign certification agencies (USA-France) 15.0Obtain local certification 16.0Obtain US certification 17.0Purchase shop equipment to begin regular production 18.0Purchase a base inventory. We will produce a product that will be flexible, economical, usable in 3-4 versions and be totally field Page 2 of 6
6 kw Solar Concentrator maintainable and repairable with use of common tools, and basic mechanical skills; ideal for remote locations. Areas of application: The system is suitable for applications such as domestic hot water, commercial laundry, commercial kitchens, car washes, industrial hot water. In air conditioning systems, the high water temperature produced make it useable with higher efficiency double effect absorption chillers. The high temperature can produce steam to be used with micro steam-turbines (such as Quasiturbine) for electricity generation. Eventually a northern climate version with a dome to include self defrost and deicing capabilities from wasted heat at the collector. We will produce a product that will be flexible, economical, usable in 3-4 versions and be totally field maintainable and repairable with use of common tools, and basic mechanical skills; ideal for remote locations. Occupying only 38 square feet, it is by far the most compact solution to energy production. Competing technologies: Solar flat plate thermal solar panels The main advantages of a solar concentrator over flat plate thermal solar panels are: much lower area requirements and much higher water temperature (steam can be produced). The normal flat plate thermal solar panels cannot reach high temperature for demanding hi-temp applications, they will adequately supply domestic hot water and preheat / complement energy requirements for industrial applications and are not recommended for air conditioning with absorption chillers (work only with single effect) as you need an enormous amount of space. Space required for similar capacity is 483 sq. ft!. The relatively low cost of these panels would place the cost of similar BTU capacity system at around US$9,000, but due to lack of tracking, morning and afternoon temperatures for the water is not high. Variations of this technology such as evacuated tubes and heat pipes offer better performance, reduced surface area requirements and increasing temperatures, but their higher costs (double) reduce their economical competitiveness. Solar Through Concentrators The main advantages of a solar concentrator over through concentrator thermal solar panels are: ½ the area requirements and double the water temperature. Currently the price of an equivalent system would occupy 152 sq. feet and cost about $9,000. However we must say that this technology is the closest amongst the competitors both in surface area, output temperature, cost and complexity. Actually our project can anticipate eventually producing these in the Dominican Republic after successfully deploying the first product. (It would be aimed at commercial and industrial users. Page 3 of 6
6 kw Solar Concentrator
Photovoltaic solar panels The main advantages of a solar concentrator over Photovoltaic solar panels are: lower area requirements and possibility to generate heat directly in addition to being able to convert to electricity. This makes the system suitable in water only applications such as domestic water, commercial laundry, commercial kitchens. The high temperature can produce steam to be used with micro steam-turbines for electricity generation. Photovoltaic solar panels are expensive and must be imported. The roof space required for same power output system with Photovoltaics is 500 sq. ft. that is 10 foot wide x 50 foot long, the cost for the PV panels is US$30,000, with no tracking their power output varies during the day, adding sun tracking mounts will add another $5,000. Wind Turbines: The main advantages of a solar concentrator over Wind Turbines are: More compact and simpler installation, lower noise levels, suitable for urban installation (not at all possible with wind turbines) and possibility to generate heat directly in addition to being able to convert to electricity. This makes the system suitable in water only applications such as domestic water, commercial laundry, commercial kitchens. The high temperature can produce steam to be used with micro steam-turbines for electricity generation. Wind Turbines are expensive (US$20-25 thousand dollars for similar capacity system) and must be imported, their installation are complex and can require the use of a crane (with non tilt-up mast) Solar Concentrator Market: First production is intended for the Dominican Republic, quickly we hope to export to the US and are interested in the French isles in the Caribbean as they benefit from French Renewable Energy acquisition programs and credits much like the US. Once the unit is on the market place, it is our intention to franchise fabrication rights to international manufacturers or contractors in the field of renewable energy (except where direct sales make better business sense) or enter into joint venture agreements with transfer of technology. Dominican Republic energy situation: With the residential price of electricity is at US$0.26 kW hr, one of the highest in Latin America. The whole country is suffering greatly from its high cost and unreliable availability (less than 70%). Almost every home (family of annual income of US$500/month) has an inverter or gas combustion generator as back-up. Every business (from small hair salon to hotel, commercial plaza, industrial manufacturer) has an inverter or diesel generator back-up to assure they can stay in business! The city of Santo Domingo is therefore highly polluted from all the emissions from the back-up generators. The country’s electrical generation deficit results a rationing of power throughout the country one sector at a time. People have to schedule their work around the “scheduled blackouts�. The government has NO solution in sight despite their efforts (privatization of production plants and distribution network they owned until 1998 or the buy-back of the recently privatized energy distributors last year, or the subsidies to poor areas Page 4 of 6
6 kw Solar Concentrator currently this deficit is over $500 million dollars). A few wind projects have been announced, but deploying these will take time and require new distribution lines.... The immediate future (3-5 years) is not bright. Marketing edge for the DR: LEASING! over 3 years at 18% per year would make the monthly payment for the owner lower than the monthly utility cost for the same energy. This would assure our sales objectives since at the time of writing the country has no end-user renewable energy subsidy program. That is if we have access to supplemental capital for leasing purposes. With the extreme high electricity cost in the DR of US$0.26 per kW hr, payback is achieved in an amazing 18 months! Income possibilities (gross profit on sales): Based on cost of product: US$2,000, Export sales to energy contractors US$2,750, Retail sales in the Dominican Republic US$3,500. (This price is not a turn-key system - only the solar concentrator) a full system for hot water use only may cost $5,000 installed. Local Market: 100 first year - direct installed - no intermediaries $1,500 x 100 = $150,000 Export US: 125 first year $750 x 125 = $93,750 Export Caribbean Island: 50 first year (limited because of $750 x 25 = $18,750) Total = $262,500 first year (fixed costs and capital repayment not deducted) Production: This is for a production of a total of 250 units, approximately 1.2 units per day requiring 80 man hours of fabrication and assembly work. To achieve this a team of 12 direct workers is required. Installation crew and sales of complementary accessories for Dominican market are extra source of income (will not be detailed at this time) To double the production, the initial 12 man crew will also have to be doubled (although streamlined fabrication techniques could save unit production time as progressively implemented) Conclusion: The renewable energy developments are mainly in the hands of a 100 or so large corporations in developed countries around the world with priorities set at the utility scale product, or for mass production through hi-technology (i.e.: photovoltaics) Developing countries will profit from these technologies as long as the large manufacturers and international financing are involved, but at a high cost of balance of payments, little employment and technological advancement. This project is beneficial to the country in which it is established by providing an affordable small scale modular decentralized solution at an affordable cost to the acute problem of lack of energy and extreme Page 5 of 6
6 kw Solar Concentrator high cost of available energy. The product’s low cost make it attractive for developing countries as well as it provides better payback periods. For the new manufacturer it will provide solid profits and a very wide market both in this country and abroad to assure steady growth. For the investors, the small capital investment required should be returned within 2 years. Author: Normand Masse Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 2006 normandmasse@hotmail.com
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