Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, Tiradentes Ave, Plaza Naco, Suite 203 Tel: 809-616-1970, Fax: 809-412-5286 Email: masstech@dr.com, WEB: www.yuma-del-mar.com MontrĂŠal, Canada, 3773 Cote Vertu, Suite 350, Tel: 514-333-4848, Fax: 514-333-4838
Yuma del Mar Project -THE WIND-
A FANTASTIC OPTION FOR YUMA DEL MAR The persians built the first known wind mills 250 years before Christ, several mills are still in existence to this day. The introduction of fossil fuel energy and electricity replaced the wind energy. Now after many centuries we are reconsidering wind power. When we disregard fossil fuel and nuclear fusion, wind energy can be considered one of the most important sources of energy on earth. With new technology it is possible to produce and store this energy more efficiently. Wind turbines would compress air and be stored in man made or in natural underground cavities adequately transformed. The stored compressed air will propel an impeller coupled to an alternator which will generate the electrical energy. The energy Society of YUMA, will be instituted and will take charge of the entire project, . This company will establish the energy needs, present and future, as well as sources of alternative power if needed. It will diversify its commercial activities without endangering nor interfering with its main obligation, that of supplying a reliable source of energy efficiently and economically. It will seek its financial stability from the following principles: We have imagined: " THE MILL OF THE ART " with the theme "ART IS LIFE", that all forms of arts, of culture, of traditions are part of our every day life. In modern urban development ART takes a role of prime importance especially in more affluent societies. For this reason we further imagined the idea that every mill can represent a foreign country of Europe or Asia where wind power was the former important source of energy. Each mill will represent, the culture, the arts, the technologies, the traditions of a country which will sponsor a mill.
Prepared by: Masstech Dominicana, S.A.
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Yuma del Mar Project -THE WIND-
The mill will be a museum, a place of exhibition and for our necessity it must produce 1 megawatt of electricity. Each mill will be a centre of culture a centre of influence, for trade and commerce. A centre for entertainment where inter-social activities will take great value. More than just plain mills to produce energy, with their sponsors they will influence the surrounding development, a special zoning to promote art and entertainment for all ages will be provided. A multi-cultural exchange center will evolve, a unique feature that will attract both the sponsors and future residents and visitors. An asset in our marketing program, promoting the urban advantages of our project. The following illustration depicts the general aspects of these mills in relation to the surrounding areas and buildings. Architectural styles of the sponsoring countries would be welcome so as to add distinction and enhance the feeling of the multi-cultural vocation of the area. The elevation of this terrain lends itself well to the efficiency of the mills and the view it will offer to the many people who will want to walk the ridge by day or by night. The walkway, by day, will offer a spectacular view of the bay of YUMA, the marina, the parks and the whole village, we can also see as far as the Island of Saona 13 km away. At night the illuminated pools, the coloured fountains, the streets, as well as various parks with their illuminations will offer an interesting sight. The slender YUMA bridge with its big “Y� and its lighted cables of ever changing colours will be seen. The walkway itself offering lighted signs of shops, restaurants and bistros of all kinds will animate the passer-by. Music from different nations and destinations will enhance the ambience. Beauty, climate, peaceful feelings, all the necessary elements to contribute to a healthy and satisfied community.
Prepared by: Masstech Dominicana, S.A.
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Yuma del Mar Project -THE WIND-
RELIABLE ENERGY SUPPLY The Yuma Project must meet it's electrical requirements using naturally occurring, renewable energy supplies. The installation, maintenance and operational costs should be as low as possible so as to provide the residents the energy required at reasonable price. Various possibilities exist to supply the energy needs of the community. The country is expanding its electrical supply network and is available nearby. It would be conceivable to hook-up to this source. However, we can not claim to have an ecological project if we draw power from an electrical supply produced from fossil fuels. Therefore it is our intention to be self sufficient. Amongst the energy production alternatives considered the following are herein discussed: WIND POWER With new technology it is possible to produce and store this energy more efficiently. The elevation of the terrain lends itself well to the efficiency of the mills, a high plateau at the rear of the land limit, about 1 Km from and running parallel to the sea shore would assure an unobstructed air flow while at the same time the location of the wind mills would not obstruct the view of the sea. Preliminary studies for producing wind turbines of 1 megawatts has been done. These turbines would be vertical conical impellers of 40' in diameter by 10' high. They would be coupled to multistage compressors and would continuously compress air at 50 atmosphere pressure at variable speeds under any wind velocities. They would be self speed regulated, as well as hurricane safe. The compressed air would be stored in man made underground reservoirs or in aquifers if and when deemed ecologically possible, or in existing underground cavities adequately transformed. The stored compressed air would drive a turbine coupled to an alternator which would generate the electrical energy at constant revolutions and voltage. At time of little wind conditions natural gas engines coupled to compressors would maintain reservoir pressure.
Prepared by: Masstech Dominicana, S.A.
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Yuma del Mar Project -THE WIND-
20 such wind mills would be built progressively as the population and the demand for power increases. Funding for these mills would be achieved by the selling of franchises to sponsoring countries (see introduction, pages 1 & 2 "The Wind" detailing the socio-cultural aspect of the mills and franchising program). SOLAR POWER Another technology under consideration to help and diversify the production of electrical power is the use of solar power. It has been successfully implemented in various projects and under many technical variations. This technology is no longer considered "New". It has matured slowly in the past 20 years. Our idea of its utilisation is as follows: We would install solar panels on Villa and commercial building roofs or other non obtrusive locations. These solar panels distributed throughout the entire project would produce electricity that would be fed directly into the community distribution grid. There would be no stocking of electricity in each location. This avoids the complexity associated with locating storage batteries in homes throughout the city. Eliminating the cost of maintaining and disposing of storage batteries that are in themselves toxic and pollution contributors. This form of bi-directional electrical delivery and metering has the advantage of self regulation. About 25% to 35% of the residential electrical power can be produced from the distributed solar system. This concept also encourages reduction of consumption since the metering system is structured in a way as to give credit at higher value than the purchase price for electricity produced from the individual contributors to the city grid. Since this city is to be partly a tourist and leisure destination, an estimated 20% of rotating vacancy in most single family dwellings will result that the solar systems would be producing and delivering 100% of their output when the occupants are absent. The concept would help achieve self sufficiency and economy. DISTRIBUTION An underground electrical distribution grid will be installed, no overhead cables will be permitted. As well, all electrical apparatus such as protection, switchgear and transformers shall be buried.
Prepared by: Masstech Dominicana, S.A.
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Yuma del Mar Project -THE WIND-
OPERATION The energy society of Yuma (a separate commercial body) will be formed and will be responsible to produce and distribute the energy. This company will establish the energy needs, present and future, as well as sources of alternative power if needed. To reduce the electrical requirements, natural gas would be used for residential, hotel and commercial cooking and heating. Underground piping would distribute the gas throughout the community. ENERGY PROGRAM DIAGRAM
Prepared by: Masstech Dominicana, S.A.
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