ETHC 445 Massive Success /

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ETHC 445 Week 1 Quiz

For more classes visit 1. Which of the below behaviors are inappropriate in a course? 2. Ethics involves difficult dilemmas and politically charged issues and ideas; thus, the best way to ensure that my comments are taken in the way I mean them is to _____. 3. Posting in the course's threaded discussions is an essential element in our online, asynchronous classroom. Which of the following is not a possible element of quality posting? 4. Which of the following is the most appropriate response for a student to post to another student who has posted this: 5. Choose from the following choices the way in which collegiality is encouraged in our course


ETHC 445 Week 2 Assignment The Columnist and Pilot

For more classes visit ETHC 445 Week 2 Assignment The Columnist and Pilot


ETHC 445 Week 3 Homework Assignment

For more classes visit 1) The Mayor of a large city was given a free membership in an exclusive golf club by people who have received several city contracts. He also accepted gifts from organizations that have not done business with the City but might in the future. The gifts ranged from $200 tickets to professional sports events to designer watches and jewelry. 2) A college instructor is pursuing her doctorate in night school. To gain extra time for her own studies, she gives her students the same lectures, the same assignments, and the same examinations semester after semester without the slightest effort to improve them. 3) Todd and Edna have been married for three years. They have had serious personal problems. Edna is a heavy drinker, and Todd cannot

keep a job. Also, they have bickered and fought constantly since their marriage. Deciding that the way to overcome their problems is to have a child, they stop practicing birth control, and Edna becomes pregnant.


ETHC 445 Week 3 Quiz

For more classes visit 1. Inferring a claim based on data is deductive logic, but what happens when the inference circumvents logical reasoning? 2. A car salesman says this, in order to get you to buy a new car from him: "Buddy! You gotta buy this car. You've seen the commercials where Governor Ahnold is driving this car, haven't you? You want to be like him, right?" This type of faulty logic is an example of _____. 3. When you see a stranger coming toward you on the sidewalk, do you greet the person or not bother them? The previous example is an instance of which of the following choices? 4. All those old people are cheap. They never give me a fair tip when I park their cars in the valet parking lot.

What kind of fallacy is operating here? 5. If children cannot be executed for their crimes, why should we execute people with learning disabilities who have the mental capacity of children? What kind of fallacy is operating here?


ETHC 445 Week 4 Homework Assignment

For more classes visit ETHC 445 Week 4 Homework Assignment


ETHC 445 Week 5 Homework Assignment You Decide

For more classes visit ETHC 445 Week 5 Homework Assignment You Decide


ETHC 445 Week 6 Quiz

For more classes visit 1. A decision by the commanding officer (CO) to follow rules and procedures in this situation would be what kind of ethics? 2. A decision to get the injured seaman flown to the aircraft carrier for the good of all is an example of what kind of ethics? 3. If the CO's conscience was bothering him while making a decision, reading up on what ethicist would have made him aware of his thinking and deciding? 4. An excessive fear of not upsetting the carrier air group commander is indicative of which of the following?

5. If the CO follows a principle that relates to the first formulation of the categorical imperative, what is the proper term of Kant's that should be used? 6. A voice in one's head telling one what the right thing to do is 7. To ask, "What is the best possible outcome for my whole ship" is to apply what kind of ethics? 8. If the CO were to put concern for his personal reputation ahead of the needs of the injured sailor, what style of ethics would be operating? 9. For the CO to think about the greater happiness of the whole crew in this emergency situation involves the CO in what kind of ethics? 10. If the CO were to take a care-based approach to this emergency situation, what would he do?


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