Nordic Edge
Nordic Smart City Model Analysis of workshop reflections Best scenario on future Nordic Smart Cities
What do we take with us and what do we leave behind from 2020 and why? Word Clouds Most frequent words from the mural board
Method explained To identify possible themes in the data from the mural board, we ran a word frequency query in Nvivo. This produced a list of the most occurring words and a visualisation of this list in the shape of two word clouds. One is showing the most frequent words regarding what to bring to 2020 and another regarding what to leave behind in 2020. The biggest words in the clouds are the most frequent words used on the post-its written by the participants in the workshop. The smaller the word, the less frequent. Slide 5 and 7 describe what context the most frequent words occur in.
Less travel, lower pollution Smart cities not only referring Ruralization to cities but more widely "smart communities"
We become more independant, but less tolerantworking mostly remotly
Time to do "other things", volounteer work
Low cost shipments, just in time
supporting the continuation of rural settlements / reduced pressure on cities
More free time
Safe way of living
More time with family (local family)
indepency of the placework where
problem solving
High Efficiency
Possibility to attract people and talents globally (when fysical place is not an issue)
Unlimed economic Growth
work is not a place
Fast, widespread impact/change when needed
No need to travel
efficient life
You arewant in you many places quickly. human work without travel centered on
Everyone OWNS their own data.
Less co2 emissions from travel
More efficient processes
Afraid of other humans? Distrust? Unequal opportunities: some are tied to locations and some are not
Private data being shared DO AIs have emotional intelligence? isolated communities outside of cities
Restricted freedoms Surveilance capitalism
You don't spontaneously meet new people.
unequal Everythingdistrubution need sto be pola of work & income
reduces transport needs
Relying too heavily on technology in key operations
Market driven - fails to address levels of consumption
Mind overriding the body
less personal freedom
Empowering everyone no matter any disabilities
no need for commuting
AI becomes "smarter" than human intelligence What attracts people to city centers if there is no or very little work places?
community engagement seems high with emphasised public goals
Common goal
People stay in their own "bubbles" without real interaction
More relaxed work in parts of the society
High efficiency
There is a lot of risks
MyData or system data?
AI drives earth
Systems more imporant than humans
National governments still exist, that wages wars
Low tolerance and societal diversity
Politicians are managing "everything"
Too much expectation on public sector, depending on the economy of each municipality.
Thera are enemies of the system meaning it is not good for everyone.
uneven distribution of goods and responsibility creating discontentment uproar
Easy widespread impact
Who controls the government? no focus on the infrastructure (like AI) before but rather only on the soft value and security protection. we need the best from both worlds to make th work
struggle for resources and safety
Not using all resources and knowledge in the community, creating less trust and inclusion
Risk of political unrest
Sterile world
(too?) high level of individualism
Ownership to properties and assets may belong to a few
High level of selfdetermination for the privileged
You are inHarnessing charge collective intelligence opportunities to help those not able to take advantage of the freedom/individualism
Finding you niche community
K-wealth distribution
Freedom of opinion
Make your own future
Poosibilities for more small scale jobs and space independent possibilities for business
do it your self life
Public owned corporations
A lot of individual freedom
exciting to not know what the next thing is going to be
Everything Opportunity is possible to live out you full potential
You can easily shift focus move from one thing to another
you don't get bored
risk of getting a sub community falling outside the loose structured networks
Lack of belonging in the big picture
and what is not can be mixed up.
The market becomes government
Loss of collective culture, empathy, responsibility
Some win many loose
Loss of common values
endless opportunities for the rich and privileged
Opportunities for local solutions fitting to particular circumstances
entrepreneur friendly
Distributedness could make systems less vulnerable
Strong local cultures
pitting people lack of Life is against each social reduced to Week other for scarce systems and resources You are on safety netconnection functions to other Who takes your own people care of the Social unrest may occure if less wellness is unevenly what is real fortunate? distributed
Public health
technology supports social connections
Possibilitets for family gatherings across the world
Freedom to determine what you do and how (as an entrepreneur)
death of social market economy?
no safety network
Lack of time off, spare time may be scarce
Overachievers flourish
A few owns a lot Difficulty to impact societal threats
People are dependant on their own initiatives and efforts, and not many public initiatives in the business sector are taken. Less poosibilities for people lacking skills and education
survival of the fittest, no safety net for the weak
Virtual reality in too big role too much flexibility is creating control problms
Lower growth in echange for quality of life
Local shared value and growth
Easy to start things, not a community lot of formal mindset processes conservation mindset -
Possibility to combine different lifestyles e.g. farmwork and expert work
resources shared
Less world economic growth and solidarity
Intercultural and international exchange is more rare
better harmony with nature
Dependency on local crops and local weather threats can create famine
"Solutions" to market driven demand may only work if the resources are locally available
The commons in focus
A real working fluid democracy
lack of coordination, some things only work at larger scale
we are more
of support from Only works if Lack public sector and important politicians. Unequity everyone since many people liv in than them cities without possibilities buys in to to travel to beatiful spaces for recreation idea
Narrow sighted
Us and them mentality
poor collaboration on critacl global issues, such as climate change and pandemics
Difficult to travel
utopic on a larager scale
Strong national/regional cultures and identities
Creativity and meaningfulness diminishing?
does anyone want to live in this world
People might start building parallel world
Mono cultural
passive citizens
Putting humans at the centre
It is a competitive world (DM:)
Minorities at risk
What is the role of city level?
totalitarian control over citizens
Dugnadsånd: we're all in this together
The Nordic Model has a lot to offer
User-driven technology that supports well-being
Data analytics for accelerating the basis for social trust
New knowledge, science helps us see things in a new way
The word smart cities is missing the human factor - we need to include the people
People-centricity is not enough nature needs to be there too
Competition rules: how to simplify that to enable cocreation
Talking about separate industries - tech requires to broaden the perspective across sectors
Let's leave the slow bureaucracy behind and bring in the agile one
Doing less pilots or trials and instead look what others do sharing more
Starting with the tech when it should be other way around
Smart not only cities with money but rather about mentality
Discussion about climate change and if it's urgent or not
Not funding only new things but funding replications and scale ups
UN Goal 17: Collaboration for solutions
Rural cities as part of "smart city" development
Combining smart cities, citizen engagement and smart use of resources
Adding regions and (public) spaces to smart city concept
Democratic, public and shared spaces in all the Nordic countries - value of the Nordic model
Engaging people as part of the democracy value of the Nordic model
Looking what others hae done across borders and sharing practices
Trust and knowledge collection from stakeholders
Valuing culture more and using it as glue between different organisations
Open, sharing, caring smart leadership as a mentality
Nordics can be better at sharing and competence transfer than others
Other kinds of tools than just text/reports also visual means and arts
Low dependency on import
Finding belonging in a niche community
Efficient local governance
How can the Nordics lead if others cannot replicate because of a lack of finances?
Short implementation time for new ideas, rules, laws...
socialist calculation problem
Work for everybody
You can "make your own future" if your good enough
easy to manage the big picture
Collaboration before competition
Greater beaurocracy and slow progress in society
Its a machine
perhaps savings, but on the expence of quality of life for many
Feeling of clearness and security due to centralised governance
opportunity to live and work with similar minded people
Feels very despotic.
Energy efficient Difficult to challenge the networks or their knowledge
Cold - less human interaction
forcing environmental regulations necessary to maintain liveable climate and ecosystems
Dependent on good infrastructure
Life is becoming boring in long run
Lack of tech giants power over social engagement governments risk of 'decoupling' from community, culture,the common 'we'
easier to control distribution of resources when everyone has the same scheme
Possible to design good co-creation methods and tools to have a balance in powerstructures, and secure broad knowledge
reduces transport needs
Freedom within boundarys
Establish democratic & collaborative networks
We keep our identity and feeling of control
life is convenient
common values being lost
Hormone levels surveillance = Biopower
Ironies of automation
Isolation; lack of community
Less Friction
Less sickness
efficient and personalised services
little physical interaction between people
poor transparency of data rights
No need to meet or interact with Freedom of people movement physically
Own roots and local history play a big role
Inclusive society. Good for everyone
BeingParanoid surveilance local connected everywhere domcracy Human value nature and beyond tech in productivity harmony Localised world, not a global world. Polarized society, lack of understanding between social groups
Uncoordinated responses to global events
Local solutions to match the needs
New values high on the agenda
Health is a central value
closeness to nature
Poor organisation and waste
We know what we are doing but not what they are doing.
Substantial innovation
Sustainable, local lifestyle
Value of past knowledge
Do big cities exist?
The idea that the only alternative to economic growth is recession
Silo mindset
monotonous work (That can be automated or does not have meaning or purpose)
The idea of linear growth
Small world entering in local community
Is it possible to go on adventures or explore things outside one's own community?
friction nationalism/war /neotribalism/sectarianism
poverty and inequality
Donald T
Sense and feeling of belonging to a community
"war of tribes" Difficulty to acheive global impact when needed
We need to leave behind the use and throw away mentality
Both social and economic growth
We have started to think differently about growth
Working with a scale that can be testet
social safety net
Infrastructure policy
Be inspired by the Nordic Model of Equal Opportunities
Life cycle assessment
community control of resources
FN's Global Goals
meaningful workpurpose/mission
ecological devastation. the extractive model
corporate commercialisation of data
knowledge, culture, history
open source (open innovation, data, less vendor lock in)
personal control of data, potential modular divisions of data
Politcal instability
The growing gaps between rural/ central, rich/ poor
Conversation bubbles and silos
Values that are based on distributed power and societal value creation
Fake news
Eco chambers
Centralised systems of health
car centric cities
possibilities for citizen engagement in urban development
Risk taking and experimenting
bottom up forces
Risk taking, testing out new things, not only because we are forced to
from people to planet centricity
Using digital tools in a positive way
Market driving empowering citizens
Collaborate more
Continue the progress in public participation
What do we take with us from 2020 and why? Word frequency query
What do we take with us from 2020 and why? Word frequency query § Nordic § The Nordic Model: associated with a human-centered approach, public engagement, common good, inclusiveness, trust, democratic processes. § Smart § To be smart should involve rural areas and regenerative + sustainable solutions § Data § Personal control of data to build trust, transparency in use of data § Use of data analytics in terms of understanding democratic processes § Knowledge § Collaborating and sharing knowledge and learnings across boarders transferring from cities, regions to rural communities. § Open source principles in terms of data and learning. § Social § The smart city should include a social safety net and equal opportunities
What do we leave behind from 2020 and why? Word frequency query
What do we leave behind from 2020 and why? Word frequency query §
§ § §
§ §
Cities § The exclusion of rural and poor areas. We should have in mind that solutions also should be scalable to regions and countries which do not have the same resources and budget as the Nordic countries. Mentality § The throw-away mentality, money and “big city” mentality People § Cities forget the people and the people forget the planet Growth § Linear growth instead of societal values § The idea that the only alternative to economic growth is recession Others § Silo mindset, not thinking about others: a need to share across boarders Smart § Focus on technology instead of the common good and the human factor
Themes related to the most frequent words (visualized)
Public engagement and democratic spaces
Focus on money
Mentality Distributed power
Regional and rural solutions
Equal opportunities and common good
Throwaway mentality
Control of data builds trust Regenerative and sustainable
Data, knowledge
Exclude rural areas
Cities Silo mindset: not transferring solutions
Smart Cities forget people
People forget the planet Open source, innovation, sharing
Too much focus on linear growth
Overall themes and values Based discussions and mural board Method explained Based on the data from the mural board, the group discussions and the reflections from the workshop, we have identified seven central themes that represent what the participants consider most important to bring to 2020, and five central themes representing what they think should be left behind. Whereas the word cloud-analysis is based on raw data, these themes and the following explanations are also based on our interpretation of the participants’ discussions and plenary presentation. This led to seven overall themes
What do we bring (+) and what do we leave behind (-) in the present Smart City Model?
The gap between rural and urban, rich and poor
Smart Communities: including the rural regions
A planet centered perspective
Bottom up approaches and distributed power Personal control of data
Technology to support social economy
Silo mindset Collaboration and open source across boarders
Citizen engagement and empowerment
The idea of linear growth People centricity that forgets nature Putting technology before people
The seven overall themes explored & expanded Based on the input from the workshop discussions
Smart Communities including the rural regions “Smart City” seen as a self-limiting term: It excludes those living in rural areas. The smart city-goals of reducing cost and resource consumption, increasing contact between citizens, enterprises and government are universally applicable. Participants objected that regions and shared spaces should be added to the Smart City concept:
“We should not only talk about smart cities with money, but rather about a mentality and rural solutions to the smart city.”
Bottom up approach and distributed power The Nordic Model was praised for its human centered approach, for putting people first when developing high technology and sustainable solutions. Community and (grass root) organizations voices should systematically be incorporated throughout a smart cities project lifecycle.
Citizen engagement and empowerment Possibilities for citizens to be involved in urban development. Creating a frame for citizens to start their own initiatives that contribute to smart city goals.
Technology that supports the social economy Participants overall agreed that it is an important (and a very Nordic) value to do something for the common good. New technology should be user-driven and should be used to support citizen well-being.
A planet centered perspective Even though people centricity was praised, participants mentioned that we are at a point where the planet/nature need to be prioritized as well.
“People-centricity is not enough - nature needs to be there too�
Collaboration and open source across boarders Two levels: 1) collaboration between citizens, government and enterprises, 2) collaboration across boarders. We should not settle for developing smart solutions in the big cities, knowledge and approaches should be transferred and outsourced.
“We should look at what others do and transfer information, our own learnings and knowledge"
Personal control of data Personal control of data to build trust and create transparency in use of data