North American Clean Energy January/February 2023 Issue

Page 44

Under Pressure A homeowner’s guide to easing stress on the grid and their wallets Pg. 8 Covering Your Assets Transforming project data into solar gold Pg. 10 Better Wind Energy Flows Maintaining a stable supply of power to the grid Pg. 16 Stop Landfilling Batteries How to build near-zero-waste energy storage Pg. 32 Getting There from Here Transportation decisions for renewable energy projects Pg. 44 Plus Show-in-Print Features: • Intersolar North America & Energy Storage North America Pg. 98 • RE+ Northeast Pg. 112 • ACP O&M and Safety Conference 2023 Pg. 26 Pg. 30 Pg. 18 VOLUME 17 | ISSUE 1 2023 2023 BUYERS GUIDE SOLAR Pg. 45





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On our cover… The 1.37MW MPEI 2 project in Fraser, Colorado, was designed, supplied, and built by RP Construction Services in partnership with Interconnection Systems Inc. and Mountain Parks Electric Inc. (Photo by RP Construction Services.) RP Construction Services /// 25 Wind product spotlight: Safety & Fall Protection Taking Autonomous Inspection to New Heights 12 2023 Solar Buyers Guide The Wesson Group 56 Show-in-print: Intersolar North America & Energy Storage North America 101 When Will Energy Storage Reach Its Full Potential? 34 8 Top story 10 Wind power 22 Wind product spotlight: Safety & Fall Protection 24 Wind spotlight: Training 26 Show-in-print: ACP O&M and Safety Conference 2023 28 Energy storage 44 Energy efficiency 45 2023 Solar Buyers Guide 98 Show-in-print: Intersolar North America & Energy Storage North America 112 Show-in-print: RE+ Northeast 114 Events calendar & advertisers list CONTENTS Under Pressure A homeowner’s guide to easing stress on the grid and their wallets Pg. Covering Your Assets Transforming project data into solar gold Pg. 10 Better Wind Energy Flows Maintaining a stable supply of power to the grid Pg. 16 Stop Landfilling Batteries How to build near-zero-waste energy storage Getting There from Here Transportation decisions for renewable energy projects Pg. Plus Show-in-Print Features: Intersolar North America & Energy Storage North America Pg. 98 RE+ Northeast ACP O&M and Safety Conference 2023 Pg. Pg. 30 Pg. 18 2023 BUYERS GUIDE SOLAR Pg. 45 8 Under Pressure A homeoner's guide to easing stress on the grid and their wallets 10 Covering Your Assets Transforming project data into solar gold 12 Taking Autonomous Inspection to New Heights 14 Rooting Out Blade Damage 16 Better Wind Energy Flows Maintaining a stable supply of power to the grid 18 Mid-Sized Wind Turbines are Finding Their Niche 22 Wind product spotlight: Safety & Fall Protection 24 Wind spotlight: Training 26 Show-in-print: ACP O&M and Safety Conference 2023 28 When It's Time To Change How the ERCOT grid is moving toward larger scale renewable energy integration 30 Driving the US EV Revolution 32 Stop Landfilling Batteries How to build near-zero-waste energy storage 34 When Will Energy Storage Reach Its Full Potential? 36 Boosting ROI for PV-Cell-Plus-Battery Storage 38 Keeping the Lights On as Extreme Weather Threats Rise 40 A Beginner's Guide to EV Charging 44 Getting There from Here Transportation decisions for renewable energy projects 45 2023 Solar Buyers Guide 98 Show-in-print: Intersolar North America & Energy Storage North America 112 Show-in-print: RE+ Northeast DEPARTMENTS
Energy storage product: DENIOS 4 2023 JANUARY • FEBRUARY ///
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What scared you when you were a kid? Airplane crashes and sharks were big for me. I didn’t really care about watching the news; it was boring, and (usually) not immediately applicable to my daily life. Like most children, I took my major cues from the adults around me. Now, we are the adults giving the cues, and, if you ask any kid, we’re not doing a very good job.

Beyond the horror of 9/11 and all of the fears that event spawned, children continue to suffer from pandemic lockdown, the effects of which we won’t fully understand for decades. We know this: Our kids are stressed, and we’re not helping.

Climate panic may be the straw that breaks their backs.1

It’s possible to strive to improve the world for our children without instilling terror of an end-of-days scenario. Not every situation merits a superlative. As the invasive tendrils of today’s media continue to chip away at childhood, we may better serve our posterity by exercising some perspective. There’s a certain level of hubris involved in believing that we can have a lasting effect on an entity for which our existence lasts the equivalence of the blink of an eye.

Most of us consider ourselves stewards of the earth. This planet, however, was around long before we arrived, and will likely continue to spin with or without us. It may help ease everyone’s fears if we can lend a little perspective to the climate. Greening our surrounding can absolutely make our lives better, but those who dare to be brutally honest with themselves recognize that we have little control over our surroundings.

When we say we want to save the earth and make it a better place, we may not be seeing the big picture. I’m talking huge, zoom out to the Pillars of Creation picture. Remember the Exxon Valdez? Today, more than 30 years since that tanker ran aground in Alaska, researchers have discovered2 no measurable adverse effect on sea otters and harlequin ducks, which serve as reliable barometers of the health of that ecosystem. In 2015, NOAA featured a post by Dalina Thrift-Viveros3, a chemist with its Office of Response and Restoration, detailing “at least seven species of bacteria” in the ocean that have a voracious appetite for oil. In 2018, researchers estimated4 that the Ganges River (which has been flowing through India since 2000 BC) was “one of the ten river systems in the world that carried 93% of the plastic that ends up in the ocean from rivers alone…untreated sewage accounted for 75% of its filth.” And yet, as of 20225, with nearly 625 million people living near its basin, the Ganges River is now “80% clean, the best she has been in the last century.” This comes as no surprise to many Hindis, whose sacred text refers to the river as a goddess with the healing power of water. How incredible our earth must be that, after decades of people dumping disgusting garbage into it, the Ganges still supports life.

Mauna Loa’s recent eruption, its first since 1984, vomited massive amounts of carbon dioxide into the air. Given that the NOAA has a monitoring station right there, it’s not

surprising that its scientists have concluded that worldwide CO2 levels are the highest in recorded history. Then I read further: “The carbon dioxide levels measured were not affected by the eruption of Hawaiian volcanoes… the station is situated far enough from active volcanoes that measurements are not distorted, and occasional plumes of carbon dioxide are removed from the data.”7 If we’re not counting the CO2 thrown up by volcanic eruptions, what is our end goal? Are we trying to figure out how much carbon dioxide is created by humans as opposed to what the earth naturally emits? Is that even possible?

Climate scientists cite the industrial revolution for boosting the carbon dioxide over the past 800,000 years. Think how brief a moment, in planetary time, we’re talking about here. The earth is 4.5 billion years old. As far as it’s concerned, 800,000 years is the equivalent of the value of 1 Bitcoin to $1USD: 0.0177…… barely anything at all. They also claim that carbon dioxide is as high today as it was 400 million years ago. But wait – humans didn’t exist 400 million years ago. How can our carbon dioxide levels be as high as 400 million years ago, but our oceans are nearly 80 feet lower, and our mean temperature is down some 7 degrees Fahrenheit? I’m no scientist, but I don’t think ocean levels are due to us doing anything right or wrong; that might just be the earth doing its thing.

While it’s important for us to support the newest policies and plan ahead as best we can, keep in mind that the easiest guarantee any politician can make is for an outcome long after they’ll be around to take the blame.

“Time is a beautiful thing.”

1 2 production_and_bottom_water_deoxygenation_in_the_North_Sea

3 4 5



Renewable energy, but not at the cost of extinction

A tiny Nevada toad at the center of a legal battle over a geothermal power project has officially been declared an endangered species, after U.S. wildlife officials temporarily listed it on a rarely used emergency basis last spring. Other threats to the toad include groundwater pumping, agriculture, climate change, disease and predation from bullfrogs. The temporary listing in April marked only the second time in 20 years the agency had taken such emergency action. Environmentalists who first petitioned for the listing in 2017 filed a lawsuit in January to block construction of the geothermal power plant on the edge of the wetlands where the toad lives about 100 miles east of Reno, the only place it's known to exist on earth. Officials for the Reno-based developer, Ormat Technology, said the service's decision was “not unexpected” given the emergency listing in April. In recent months, the company has been working with the agency and the U.S. Bureau of Land Management to modify the project to increase mitigation for the toad and reduce any threat to its survival. The lawsuit over the original plan to build two power plants capable of producing 60MW of electricity is currently before U.S. District Judge Robert Jones in Reno. It's already has made one trip to the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which refused in August to grant a temporary injunction blocking construction of the power plant the bureau approved in December 2021. But just hours after that ruling, Ormat announced it had agreed to temporarily suspend all work on the project until next year. Then in late October, the bureau and Ormat asked the judge to put the case on hold while Ormat submitted a new plan to build just one geothermal plant, at least for now, that would produce only 12MW of power.

Ormat Technologies ///



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Under Pressure A homeowner’s guide to easing stress on the grid and their wallets

Spurred by rapid industrialization after a great world war, the U.S. electrical grid is regarded as one of the great engineering feats of our time. Its inception involved the development and interconnection of countless miles of transmission lines, power plants, and transformers. This all happened back in the 1920s. A century later, our grid’s stability is compromised due to much-needed upgrades, adoption of new forms of energy generation and storage, and the impacts of severe weather driven by a changing climate.

Weather alert

As the planet warms, severe heat waves occur more often, which increases water evaporation that can lead to devastating droughts. All of that additional moisture in the atmosphere can also make storms more severe. Climate and weather-related disasters have increased five-fold over the past 50 years. A look back at some of the events of 2022 provides plenty of examples.

In addition to leaving thousands of people living without power and not knowing when the lights will turn back on, these natural disasters are incredibly expensive. Extreme weather cost U.S. taxpayers $145 billion in 2021, and that number is expected to grow yearly.

To add insult to injury, we’re only putting more pressure on our strained grid. Extreme heatwaves and freezes drive up demand for air conditioning and heat. Also, while our transition to electric vehicles will help cut carbon emissions, it will require much more electricity. Our grid is not strong enough to reliably supply all the necessary additional power, and grid operators are failing to plan accordingly. With no end in sight, Americans face more outages and higher electricity bills. However, changing electrical infrastructure provides opportunities for homeowners to mitigate these challenges by gaining control over their energy use.

A proactive approach

Traditionally, homeowners could rely on the grid for affordable, resilient power from their local utility, at a fairly flat and affordable rate. That is changing. The power industry often uses the term “behind the meter” to indicate the point at which the grid ends at your home’s electric meter. Your utility uses this meter to measure how much power you consume per billing cycle. However, with the advent of things like residential solar, energy storage systems, and “smart” appliances (such as refrigerators or thermostats) connected to the internet, the grid now extends well into your home. You are not only pulling electricity from, but also pushing electricity onto the grid; this makes you an active player. It also provides opportunities for you to understand and control your energy production and use, which ensures greater power reliability and lower costs — all while helping to strengthen and decarbonize our nation’s grid.

Step one: Define your needs and wants

Rather than going out and buying a home solar system right off the bat, it’s important to first think about your needs. Are you looking for power reliability, lower energy bills, or both? Are you seeking to decrease your carbon footprint? Are you in a geographic region where natural disasters or outages are common? Is electricity expensive in your

city? It’s also worth considering what appliances you want to keep powered - and for how long - should a grid outage occur.

Step two: Assess your local landscape

Next, do some research to learn more about your local utility and how it operates. For example, what are its rules for installing a grid-connected solar array or battery storage? What programs and incentives are available? Does your utility offer smart meters to understand and control your energy use?

Here are a few terms to keep in mind:

• Net metering: Some utilities allow you to sell your extra solar energy back to them for a credit on your meter, so you’re only charged for your “net” energy use. This can reduce your electric bill, while the additional power helps utilities service other customers.

• Time-of-Use rates: Electricity costs more when demand is high. Some utilities provide rate information for

different times (time-of-use rates), allowing you to shift your energy use to periods of lower demand. This can help you save money while enabling grid operators to balance supply and demand better.

• Demand response: In some parts of the country, where the grid is most constrained during peak hours, utilities and grid operators are willing to pay homeowners to reduce their energy consumption for a limited period of time. Signing up for a demand response program (with your flexible energy management system or “smart” appliances) may help you save money. In addition, your solar and energy storage can be aggregated into a “virtual power plant” or VPP. In this case, your battery may be called on to discharge into the grid during peak hours; you can make extra money from this service.


• Federal tax credits: Incentives (i.e., tax credits) are available for homeowners who install alternative energy equipment or make other energy efficiency upgrades, including water heaters or windows. Many states offer additional incentives for even more savings.

Step three: Determine your right fit

Once you understand your energy wants and needs, as well as local utility regulations and programs, you can use this information to drive your decisions about the best solution for you.

For example, installing solar on your home in an area that allows net metering, employing smart meters, and abiding by time-of-use information (like doing laundry when demand is lower) can help manage your electricity costs.

While your grid-connected solar array will go down during outages due to electrical shock risk, adding a small battery or generator can help keep your lights on, and most critical appliances running. Some smart home devices can even let you pick and choose your power priorities.

Facing reality

The reality is the grid is becoming more unreliable. Severe weather will continue, and electricity demand will increase. As the world tries to reduce carbon emissions to combat the effects of climate change, there is an excellent opportunity for utilities and homeowners to work together to achieve mutual benefits.

Today’s technologies are more available and affordable than ever. They enable you to adjust your behaviors and achieve greater control as you monitor

and manage energy usage, reliability, and cost in your own personal grid setup. While the thought of the next record-setting heatwave or hurricane can be frightening, smarter homes and power grids can ease the burden. We face many challenges in this new world, but we also have the information, tools, and power to improve it.

Alex Bazhinov is Founder and President of Lumin, which helps homeowners control their home’s microgrid to enhance and protect their investment in energy storage, participate in Demand Response Programs, or manage their energy in real-time to avoid costly service upgrades when adding Electric Vehicle chargers, or switching to electric appliances.

Lumin ///


Covering Your Assets Transforming project data into solar gold

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) is expected to lead to the development of up to 550GW of new clean power by the end of the decade – yet, there are fears that the wind and solar industries will not take sufficient steps to properly protect these new assets from fire.

A preliminary assessment by American Clean Power (ACP) concluded that the IRA would create somewhere in the region of 525 to 550 gigawatts of new clean power by 2030. Should this target be achieved, it would mean that solar, wind, and energy storage would account for approximately 40 percent of US electricity by the end of the decade. It's difficult to underestimate the dramatic impact the act will have on the renewables landscape in the US. ACP has referred to the IRA as the “single largest investment in renewable power in the history of this country, and the largest investment in climate action to date.”

What the IRA Means

From a developer’s perspective, a key aspect of the new legislation is the extension of the investment tax credit (ITC) and production tax credit (PTC) for clean energy projects until 2024. From that date on, these will transition to a technology-neutral tax credit, which will remain in force until 2032, or when electric-sector emissions fall to 75 percent of 2022 levels, whichever is later.

From the perspective of wind, before the enactment of the Inflation Reduction Act, the Section 45 production tax credit (PTC) for wind projects was available only to facilities that began construction before January 1, 2022. The IRA extends the Section 45 PTC to wind projects that begin construction before the end of 2024.

By how much will installations increase?

The expectation is that the introduction of the IRA will mean that deployments of renewables in the US will rocket to more than three times their current levels. The ACP said, “With stable policies in place, we expect annual wind, solar, and energy storage capacity installations to grow to over 90 GW by the end of the decade, more than tripling the 28 GW installed in 2021.”

The risk of fire

With US renewables deployment set to soar, it’s crucial that steps are taken to protect new wind, solar, and energy storage assets from fire. In the race to advance renewables projects, speed could come at the expense of safety. There is evidence to suggest that the renewables industries are failing to conduct effective fire risk


assessments. Even more concerning is the likelihood that they may be significantly underestimating the problem.

To take the example of the wind industry –companies operating in the sector are under no obligation to conduct a fire risk assessment. (According to research by the UK’s BRE National Solar Centre, it would appear that solar farm fires are also underreported; as a result, the risk is underestimated).

Industries must act now to tackle fire risk

Taking steps to address fire risk at wind and solar farms will provide numerous benefits. They include:

• On site personnel will be provided with more protection.

• Wind and solar assets will be better protected and less likely to suffer damage.

• There will be a financial benefit with a reduction of costs related to the repair and replacement of damaged wind turbines and critical solar farm components - replacing an individual turbine damaged by fire is becoming increasingly expensive, costing up to $9 million, and there could be 12-18 months of expected revenue loss and down time while replacement parts are being sourced.

• Better protection against fire has the potential to reduce insurance costs – it is possible that insurers could adjust rates if renewables installations include fire suppression measures. For example:

o The risk of wildfires breaking out in the surrounding area will be reduced.

o You will be taking steps that will help protect the reputation of your company, as well as the wider renewables industry.

Fires at wind and solar farms pose a significant danger to life, and could potentially cause millions of dollars of damage. Despite these major risks, the renewables industry has been worryingly slow in responding to this issue. It is crucial to take steps today to understand the level of fire risk at your wind or solar farm, before it is too late.

Ross Paznokas is the Global Business Development Manager – Clean Energy for Firetrace International, a global organization supporting renewable energy with suppression systems custom built for each client’s unique application.

Firetrace ///

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The multibillion-dollar tax credit from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) is set to unlock a new level of growth in wind power. Some energy consultants go so far as to estimate installed capacity to double by 2030. That begs the question - do we have what it takes to handle the challenges that accompany this kind of growth?

The short answer is yes, but with an asterisk.

Here’s what we mean.

Turbine inspections are limited, in large part, due to cost and logistical constraints. The need for an O&M solution that gives way to regular inspections will only grow stronger as turbine installations kick into a higher gear. Fortunately, there’s a new piece of technology turning out to be a tried-and-true way of letting operators conduct checkups on the fly.

Enter miniaturization.

By turning off-the-shelf commercial products into autonomous drones with the power of AI, miniaturization is paving the path to a future where standalone checkups are thrown into the mix alongside regular inspections.

Humble Beginnings

Before diving straight in, let’s take a step back and look at how we even got to the point where Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles (UAVs) became a coveted piece of equipment for streamlining O&M workflows.

Taking Autonomous Inspection to New Heights

As recently as a decade ago, drones had yet to make their way into the energy infrastructure domain. Today, a large number of wind farms rely on UAVs to keep the turbines spinning, and the question of tapping into drone technology has evolved from “if” to “when.”

Given that drone-based inspection reduces lost revenue from prolonged downtime by 90 percent — and spares technicians from throwing themselves in a spot where their lives are hanging by a rope — the fast rise of drone inspection might look like a preordained outcome.

At first, no one saw drone tech as the future. The idea of using UAVs for O&M purposes seemed rather far-fetched. The typical climate in which turbines are installed seemed too harsh. Worse, much of the success hinged on the dexterity of the pilots, whose skill level dictated the quality of aerial images.

The strides made by drone inspection didn’t materialize out of thin air. Only after years of grueling trial and error are we seeing highly autonomous AI-powered drones handle the work with minimal human supervision.

How It All Came About

Miniaturization is no different. This new level of technology is set to spearhead the next generation of O&M. It’s a culmination of rigorous R&D led by forward-thinking service providers, all of whom have rallied around a common cause of clearing the roadblocks that hold wind farms back from conducting inspections more than once or twice a year.

The easiest way to think about these roadblocks is in three broad categories:

1. Shortage of skilled pilots. A shallow talent pool makes it challenging to carry out inspections in due course.

2. Cost. The number of resources that go into procuring the equipment and enlisting outside help tends to outweigh ground-based inspections.

3. Logistical constraints. Strict shipping standards, burdensome pre-approval paperwork, unfavorable regulations, and the like, may lead to further delays.

All three factors point to one thing – industrial-grade UAVs. Had it been any other professional camera drone, none of these would’ve presented an issue.

Take photographers and YouTubers, for example. They use drones for their content all the time. What we don’t see are bottlenecks of any sort hindering their creative process. Many of them simply go on Amazon to snap up a drone, and maybe some extra batteries, skim through the manual, then start shooting.

What if, instead of focusing on manufacturing heavy-duty drones with cheaper, lighter materials, our industry worked out a solution that empowers these off-the shelf drones to do the work?

Inspecting Outside the Box

It didn’t take long for miniaturization to take off.

Ad hoc inspections became an everyday thing. Whenever site managers spotted a need for a checkup, they did so on the day of with an off-the-shelf product they bought from the nearest hardware store.

This alone wouldn’t have been as impressive if the site managers had prior experience flying drones. But none of them did. All it took to perform the inspections was a day of training to nail down the ins and outs of the software.

The best part? None of the day-old pilots seemed fazed by the chances of a potential crash. Knowing that the biggest liability looming over their heads is a tiny nick, everyone performed at their best from the get-go, without letting nerves get in the way.

The availability of ready-made drones, their ease of use, and the minimized risk of property damage all came together to let wind farm technicians bypass the operational hurdles that had long been in their way of conducting routine inspections.

The Future of Autonomous Drone Inspection

The benefits that come with the ability to check up on the assets at will are pretty much self-explanatory. But here’s a simple way to look at it.

Turbines wear and tear with everyday use. While full-fledged inspections are valuable in their own right, looking over assets once or twice a year is nowhere sufficient to stay up to speed on the state of the turbines.

By internalizing miniaturization into O&M workflows, you can prevent minor defects from snowballing into bigger problems, while setting the stage for a future where predictive maintenance helps keep turbines in tip-top shape all year round.

Jay Choi is the co-founder and CEO of Nearthlab, a provider of autonomous drone solutions for blade inspections. Jay brought together his prowess in aerospace engineering, and years of experience as a plant engineer, to redefine the industrial inspection landscape through the use of UAVs. His efforts culminated under the auspices of Nearthlab, which has grown to be a trusted service provider to wind farms around the world since its launch in 2015.

Nearthlab ///

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Rooting Out Blade Damage

Thanks to unique composite and manufacturing practices, longer and lighter blade structures deliver increased energy generation. These advances also make them more vulnerable to structural damage than designs of the past.

The most highly-loaded zone of any turbine blade is called the “root zone”. With blades now measuring over 300 feet in length and weighing many tons, that root zone is especially susceptible to damage from cracking and delamination, as well as other types of damage.

Lost profitability through catastrophic failure

If not detected and remedied quickly, root zone damage will propagate rapidly; this can lead to catastrophic failure, resulting in lost productivity and the potential for millions of dollars in blade replacement. Even worse, unchecked damage that begins in the blade can end up forcing replacement of the entire turbine.

It is now widely accepted that periodic visual inspections alone aren’t enough to protect productivity and profitability. The common practice of an annual blade inspection leaves operators flying blind between scheduled check-ups, increasing the vulnerability of blade integrity.

The challenges of traditional inspection methods

The economy of traditional blade inspection methods for an entire fleet of turbines doesn’t always stack up against the limitations of resources and budgets. Not only are visual inspections time consuming, but they often demand levels of people power not readily available in the sector today.

• Drone inspections provide comprehensive data reports, but the resources required to review and analyze this information is another drain on human resources, and can render the data meaningless if left untapped.

• Robotic inspections are an emerging technology that may prove useful for targeted investigations. However, they may be too costly for routine inspections.

• Rope access inspections present significant safety risks that leave operators exposed to liability and work health safety issues.

The practice of continuous monitoring has emerged as an economical method of pin pointing issues, while utilizing limited resources to target inspections as soon as they’re required.

Continuous blade monitoring gaining momentum

Continuous blade monitoring is experiencing rapid uptake due to its proven success in providing real-time insights that prevent damage from developing to catastrophic levels.

The US Department of Energy recognized the potential of continuous sound-based monitoring systems by awarding $1.4million to Associate Professor Murat Inalpolat, a mechanical engineer from the University of Massachusetts Lowell, to investigate how acoustic blade monitoring could detect blade damage the moment it occurs. Also awarded to the study was $1.1million by the National Science Foundation, the university’s WindSTAR Center, and the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center.

The funding was used to develop a low cost, robust, and reliable system that uses acoustic technology to continually measure the condition and safety of turbine blades, allowing operators to schedule an appropriate and targeted maintenance response. The 2021 WindSTAR annual report concluded that Professor Inalpolat’s project had successfully shown the feasibility of the proposed technique in the laboratory and in the field.

Continuous acoustic monitoring – how does it work?

A continuous acoustic blade surface monitor measures and analyzes changes in the sound generated by tip and mid-span blade damage from hazards such as lightning, ice build-up, splits, holes, and erosion.

A surface blade monitor attaches to the turbine and receives sound from the blades via the microphone in the monitor. The sounds are then processed through different algorithms to identify changes in the frequency response. The data is then sent to a cloud-based system for analysis and generation of a blade conditions report.

The in-blade solution

Rather than being mounted on the outside of the turbine tower, an in-blade monitor, (like the one developed by Professor Inalpolat) is fitted inside the blade’s structural cavity. It uses sound emission to detect root zone structural damage.

Cracks and delamination in the first third (root zone) of the blade make a sound as they are loaded and unloaded, or as the forces fluctuate. Sounds are also made as cracks propagate. An in-blade monitor listens for these sounds, which are audible inside the blade, and alerts operators to the defect, all in real time.

By increasing maintenance efficiencies, and mitigating catastrophic damage costs, the innovation of 24/7/365 blade monitoring is set to save the wind industry millions of dollars.

Angela Krcmar is Chief Revenue Officer at Ping, which helps wind farm owners and operators improve wind turbine blade performance, optimize maintenance, and save on unnecessary costs and risks.

Ping ///

14 2023 JANUARY • FEBRUARY ///
Wind farm operators across the globe agree that, while providing improved efficiencies to the wind industry, optimized wind turbine blade design presents unique challenges in operations and maintenance.
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North American Clean Energy 15 The names of corporations, organizations, products, services and logos herein are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Yokogawa Electric Corporation or their respective holders.

Better Wind Energy Flows Maintaining a stable supply of power to the grid

Wind power and distributed energy resources are linked to electricity delivery systems, or used for off-grid functions, to serve local energy demands or support local networks. Power ranges from 15 kw to 100 kw, depending on whether the need is residential, collegiate, or commercial. Wind power assets can be collectively owned and operated, or run by a single utility entity. Despite the ability to enhance energy resiliency, quality and consistency of those assets has been an issue. Technology and smart energy management systems, however, can smooth out the flow of resources, loads, and demands.

Quality and Consistency

A major challenge in the renewable wind power industry is maintaining a stable electricity supply to the grid under varying conditions. Wind farms are subject to significant and fast disturbances to the grid, where traditional baseload generators cannot respond quickly; output often varies more than 40 percent from one minute to the next. In an idealized, greenfield wind power generation system, energy storage (typically employing battery arrays) could manage the power variation. A modern digital control system would consist of an integrated power monitoring and control system, and a battery control system, tracking the real-time power generation and managing the charging and discharging of the battery system. This would ensure a stable supply of power to the grid. However, most operators today find themselves managing multiple power generation technologies, often over widely distributed geographical areas. While a combination of intermittent sources with traditional fossil fuel-powered generation would appear to present an ideal solution to fluctuations, managing the distributed resources quickly becomes complex.

Operators of traditional power generation find management of renewable intermittencies throughout the grid to be a new and unfamiliar issue. In wind farms, there is inertia in spinning generation and limitations in droop control. Operators managing solar and wind generation note that there could be a significant loss of output in seconds, which affects energy regionally, and power quality locally. A solar photovoltaic (PV) system can transition from full power to 30 percent output in a matter of seconds.

Given today’s energy production and storage systems, the terms “behind the meter” (BTM) and “in front of the meter” (FTM) have emerged. BTM refers to a user’s energy production and storage system; it is on the user’s side of the electric company’s meter. FTM is on the grid side of the meter.

Behind the meter, user/operators must manage peak demand, optimize timeof-use benefits, and deal with inaccurate forecasts and controls, all of which impact their exports to the grid. In front of the meter, operators manage their service power quality and costs to mitigate problems. Due to this dynamic two-way power flow, network capacity management may need significant capital investments.

Digital Technologies for Energy Resource Management

Today’s digital transformation technology gives grid operators the control they need to manage unlimited renewables and distributed energy resources. This allows them to provide safe and reliable power while enabling entities as diverse as utilities, campuses, and communities to achieve their clean energy goals.

Key emerging technologies include distributed energy resource management systems (DERMS), microgrid control, and renewable power plant control. A DERMS manages renewable energy assets, coordinating distributed resources such as power generation and storage, both FTM and BTM alongside traditional grid components. The microgrid controller locally manages renewable energy assets, coordinating both FTM and BTM alongside traditional grid components. The renewable power plant controller can maximize the efficiency and production of any combination of FTM and utility-scale renewable energy assets.

A DERMS helps utilities control the increase in renewable energy assets, batteries, and electric vehicles. It coordinates both front-of-the-meter (FTM) and behind-the-meter (BTM) distributed energy resources (DERs) – alongside traditional grid components – on a single network, using an integrated software platform that controls the dynamic twoway flow of energy. Operators can balance simultaneous resource, load, demand, and network constraints while enabling a 100 percent renewable grid.

A DERMS can remotely communicate with and control a combination of FTM and BTM DERS quickly and securely. It compensates for load changes by coordinating utility-owned assets alongside customer-owned assets across the grid.

The DERMS mitigates intermittency and coordination challenges by optimizing the energy mix of all DERs under its purview. It facilitates direct control of DERs, and can create a marketplace for DER participation. It also perceives the system as a whole. It identifies opportunities to shape, shift, and balance power across the whole system rather than solely at the point of generation or demand.

Today’s microgrid controller is actually software that is hardware agnostic. It works with existing assets to improve equipment efficiency, thus reducing or eliminating the need for expensive infrastructure upgrades. Its primary task is to maintain reliable, renewable power during any type of expected or unexpected grid event - without sacrificing power quality or consistency.

The renewable power plant controller is tasked with maximizing return-oninvestment (ROI) by unifying solar, wind, and energy storage assets under a single platform. It independently controls real and reactive power as measured at the point of interconnection (POI) to support participation in energy markets and ancillary service products. It also integrates and autonomously adjusts to demand response program and peak-load energy shifting parameters.

Fully automating FTM and BTM microgrids provides the maximum overall benefits for energy consumers. It supports co-optimizing FTM and BTM microgrids and multiple supervisory or hierarchical nested architectural schemes. It allows for islanding and non-islanding gridtied capabilities, as well as fully islanded systems to support the main grid. Today’s DERMS are capable of performing dispatch functions based on local measurements or in response to a utility signal. They are scalable and allow for phased integration, both physically and financially. Ultimately, they support an energy transition to fully sustainable power generation.

Figure 1: Wind power generation is subject to significant, real-time fluctuations. Figure 3: An automated DERMS manages components behind the meter (BTM) and in front of the meter (FTM). Figure 2: A solar PV system can transition from full power to a third of the output in a matter of seconds. Kevin Finnan is Advisor, Market Intelligence and Strategy at Yokogawa, a worldwide provider of Industrial Automation and Test and Measurement solutions. Yokogawa ///
16 2023 JANUARY • FEBRUARY /// (510) 278-2212
POWER SYSTEMS Midsize wind turbines. Remanufactured Vestas 90, 108, 120, 225, 500 kW in stock.

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North American Clean Energy 17

Mid-Sized Wind Turbines are Finding Their Niche

Modern high tech wind turbines come in all sizes, from small turbines that charge batteries on a sailboat, to the offshore giants in the world’s oceans. When it comes to microgrids, however, it turns out that midsized wind turbines — 80 to 100 ft tall — are a perfect fit. These turbines have been designed for microgrids. They also offer a longer, 30-year life span. One of the keys to their offering is the ability to get permits without the need for excessive regulations, such as FAA approval. Mid-sized turbines operate effectively at moderate wind speeds, and are computer controlled for optimum power production with electronic braking.

Wind power has a long history in our country, first helping supply the power to pump water for crops and cattle as the American Pioneers pushed westward towards California. Railroads installed thousands of windmills to provide water for their steam engines. When electricity came along, its cost was relatively cheap compared to what was needed to operate windmills. As a result, little effort was made to modernize the remaining windmills, and they gradually became extinct. Today, we are seeing the results of the ever-increasing cost of electricity; growers in California are paying thousands of dollars a month just to pump water to their crops. Throw EV charging into the mix, and we end up with an even bigger problem that is screaming for a solution.

Issues with the grid, and the need for more power to charge the volume of EV cars coming on board, are creating a need for additional renewable energy. Right now, the main choices for renewable energy are solar, or solar for microgrids. Modern wind turbines tend to complement solar in the production of renewable energy. From a design point of view, the power generated by wind turbines requires a smaller footprint compared to the space needed by solar panels to generate an equivalent amount of power. One mid-sized 30 kW wind turbine equals 240 solar panels with a 16 ft by 16 ft footprint. On projects that have a limited amount of space, installing several of these turbines can achieve the same power as a much larger solar farm. For sites like large wineries, it

would eliminate the need for acres and acres of solar panels on ground that could be used for crops. For microgrids, it allows more space for items like batteries and fuel cell operations. Although these wind turbines may not suffice as the only source of power, they are the perfect choice to complement solar in achieving maximum output from renewable energy sources. Microgrid sites can now be rated by the average wind speed. NREL has developed extensive data on wind speeds in the US at various hub heights, which quickly identifies sites with the highest potential value. The gains from wind power can be monetized and put into a formula to determine the optimal number of turbines and solar panels for each location. This not only adds to the sustainability of microgrids, but it also allows more flexibility to power items like electrolyzers for hydrogen production. Power production at night (when solar is no longer available) can allow for better charging of batteries, and even reduce the need for more batteries.

18 2023 JANUARY • FEBRUARY ///

High performing grease

Chesterton has created a new grease specifically suited to electric motor bearings subjected to extreme load, water, heat, speed, and corrosive conditions. 638 EMG is made with Chesterton’s QBT (Quiet Bearing Technology) for extending the electric motor’s bearing life. 638 EMG contains performance additives that improve load-bearing, water washout, corrosion, thermal and shear performance of the product without damaging the electric motor windings. 638 EMG has been shown to be compatible with most OEM specified shear stable Polyurea or Lithium complex thickened electric motor greases. For correct selection of grease for electric motor bearings, 638 EMG comes in two base oil viscosities of 100 cSt and 46 cSt to provide excellent lubrication and protection. 638 EMG comes in 400gm cartridges, 18kg pails, and Chesterton’s automatic dispensers, Lubri-Cup.

A.W. Chesterton Company ///

These mid-sized wind turbines are not overly intrusive; reaching just the height of treetops, they do not kill birds or bats. They simply are another piece of the renewable energy puzzle, helping create todays microgrids by allowing them to utilize as much available power as possible, in lieu of fossil fuels. They also qualify for most US Federal rebate programs, including many state incentives like the California SGIP Program.

America is woefully behind in utilizing small and midsized wind turbines. Too much attention has been paid to the 500 ft tall utility scale turbines and their effects. There are ample rebate programs that, when combined, can pay for a major chunk of the cost for a small or mid-sized wind turbine. The positives far outweigh the negatives when it comes to including mid-sized (30kw) wind turbines in microgrids. Unlike utility sized turbines, these mid-sized turbines do not have complicated transmissions that require extensive maintenance. They benefit from a single shaft and fixed blades that work effectively at moderate wind speeds. Together with solar, mid-sized (30 kW) wind turbines smooth out the power production over the course of a year, and are an ideal tool for helping the US achieve its goals for renewable energy.

Frank Micone is the Founder of Air Voltaics, a distributor of small and mid-size wind turbines for microgrid, nanogrid, commercial, and residential projects. His goal is to encourage organizations to rely on wind power to maximize ROI and reduce their carbon footprint.

Air Voltaics

North American Clean Energy 19 Don’t be let down by a lift. Installation and preventative maintenance by IUEC elevator mechanics will keep your elevators moving SAFELY and more EFFICIENTLY. We have more than 675 elevator companies ready to serve your elevator lift needs. Contact us today. Carisa Barrett 410 -701-2206 Vance Ayres 540-490-0476

Improve wire connections to screw and push-in terminals

IDEC Corporation has released a complete product line of S3TL series ferrules, wire strippers, crimpers, and screwdrivers. The IDEC S3TL ferrule product line includes various sizes accommodating wire gauges from AWG 26 to AWG 8, each with one or two wires, depending on part number. Each ferrule incorporates an electrically insulated cover, which is color-coded using the Weidmüller standard, for easy recognition by installers. The ferrules are UL 486F certified when used together with S3TL series crimping tools. For optimal and efficient installation, IDEC offers two wire strippers (6-10AWG and 10-28AWG ranges), three crimping tools (6-10AWG, 10-24AWG, and 12-30AWG ranges), and three insulated screwdrivers (60mm, 75mm, and 100MM shaft lengths). The strippers and crimpers are ergonomically designed for comfortable function with minimal required force. Crimping tools include a ratchet function that does not release until the connection is fully completed, ensuring work quality by eliminating errors and avoiding crimp faults. Screwdrivers are IEC60900:2004 and VDE certified with insulation of up to 1000Vac and 1500Vdc, providing safe user protection against electrical shock.

IDEC Corporation ///

Damage progression tech

Sulzer Schmid has launched its latest 3DX Damage Progression module designed to track damages and monitor how they develop over time. By comparing the evolution of blade damages from one inspection campaign to another, the new module enables blade experts to make informed decisions for maintenance and repairs. The new 3DX Damage Progression module allows users to compare damages which have been recorded during previous inspections with new inspection data. Thanks to the user-friendly interface, the progression of a damage is displayed in a time series of recorded inspections, so that it can be easily evaluated. In this way, leading-edge erosion for example, can be closely monitored and its evolution tracked in a so-called “damage chain”. The rich inspection data is used to accurately identify, localize, measure, and classify damages. This means that for each subsequent inspection it is always possible to find the exact location and history of any damage, review, and evaluate its evolution. This makes the planning of repair campaigns more efficient, saving downtime and optimizing blade repair budgets. Being able to compare inspection data with historical data also facilitates the quality assessment of repairs. This additional module is available on the proprietary browser-based 3DX Blade Platform, which integrates all the inspection information in one place, providing an overview of the blade health of the entire fleet of wind turbines.

Sulzer & Schmid Laboratories AG ///

Product suite providing increased insight into land resources

LandGate Corp. has released the PowerTools Suite which brings together large troves of data, property listings, landowner information, and filtering capabilities that will profoundly change the way developers and land real estate agents source and evaluate land. PowerCRM is a tool that leverages LandGate’s solar, wind, oil and gas, mining, and other databases to improve the process of identifying and tracking leads for developable land. Once parcels are identified, the SaaS (software-as-a-service) product allows team members across acquisition teams to easily track the progress of these potential investments, serving as a centralized dashboard for professionals across the entire investment process. Through a LandGate partnership with CoreLogic, PowerParcels allows users to export complete ownership contact information for each parcel identified in PowerCRM, making it easy to contact landowners and close a land sale, renewable royalty sale, carbon offset transaction or land resource lease. PowerData gives users access to the full range of data and analytics relating to land uses and resources across the country. Users can access information about substations, distribution lines, transmission lines with voltage, max capacity, available capacity, as well as interconnection queue data including operator and location. PowerLeads enables developers, operators, and investors to engage specifically with the active listings on the LandGate site, which pulls listings and leads from MLS listings and from all LandGate-subscribed land real estate agents.

LandGate ///


Wind, Solar, Energy Storage Tech—HEICO Fastening Systems has precise, proven and reliable solutions to ensure critical bolted joints stay secured under dynamic loads, thermal extremes, high vibration environments and tight spaces.

20 2023 JANUARY • FEBRUARY /// • 888.822.5661 • Hickory, NC HEICO-TEC®
Tension Nuts HEICO-LOCK® Wedge Lock Washers

Fast curing, structural composite resin for wind blade repair

Sika Corporation announces the introduction of the SikaBiresin CR910 Blade Repair system. SikaBiresin CR910 Blade Repair is an epoxy resin system designed for repairing highperformance fiber-reinforced composite structures. SikaBiresin CR910, combined with hardeners SikaBiresin CH910-1 and CH910-2, is used specifically for production or onsite repair of wind turbine blades. From lightning strikes to leading edge erosion, SikaBiresin CR910 Blade Repair can repair severe, structural wind blade damage and is easily applied with a brush or roller. As Sika’s next-generation wind blade repair resin system, SikaBiresin CR910 Blade Repair will serve as the successor to Sikadur Blade Repair Kits. The new system offers good fiber impregnation and nondraining properties, fast strength buildup, and is crystallization-resistant for use at low temperatures. SikaBiresin CR910 is available with 2-hardener options for process flexibility, SikaBiresin CH9101: 45-minute pot life; and SikaBiresin CH910-2: 180-minute pot life.

SIKA Corporation


Next generation onshore wind turbine

GE Renewable Energy’s Sierra is its newest onshore wind turbine platform designed specifically for the North America region. The 3.0-3.4MW turbine features a 140m rotor and is offered with a variety of hub heights, including a <500ft option. Sierra also includes GE’s twopiece blade, designed to improve logistics, installation, and serviceability.

GE Renewable Energy ///

Never Misaligned.

Hands-free tool tether system

The Quick-Switch Tool Transfer Station from Guardian is a highly portable and easily installed storage solution that features five permanently attached Quick-Switch Docks and two D-ring connection points for storing multiple tools securely. Quick-Switch Docks offer 100% tool connection during tool transfer to eliminate the possibility of dropped tools. Constructed from durable ballistic nylon for extended service life, the Quick-Switch Tool Transfer Station attaches securely to a variety of structures, using extra-strength hook and loop material. The deep front pocket keeps tools contained and ready for use between multiple users. When not in use, simply fold the Quick-Switch Tool Transfer Station in half to securely store or transport tools to the next jobsite.

Guardian ///

Improve torque access to critical industries

Snap-on Industrial offers a wide range of reaction arms to integrate with manual, cordless, and pneumatic torque multipliers. Reaction arms work by directing all torque forces back to the adjacent fasteners or structure, eliminating unintentional rotation of the torque multiplier during operation. Custombuilt reaction arms and sets can also be designed for an exact torque application.

and manufacturer of model VDH/GSMI combined 34.5 kV vacuum circuit breaker and high speed, mechanically interlocked grounding switch (aka “grounding breaker ”),

North American Clean Energy 21
EMA Electromechanics is the designer a unique and patented system specifically designed for switching and grounding of and feeder circuits. wind solar +1 325 235-8000 16 Industrial Dr, Sweetwater, TX 79556 www
34 5 kV Vacuum Circuit Breaker and High Speed Grounding Switch for Wind Power Substations
Industrial ///
Tackle turbine generator alignment efficiently with solutions for all OEM wind turbine models. Learn more about Acoem’s wind alignment tools: The Reliability Partner With our custom-built wind turbine fixtures, measuring and correcting misalignment is a breeze. GE™ | Siemens™ | Gamesa™ | Vestas™ | Acciona™ | Suzlon™ | Mitsubishi™ Specialized shaft alignment fixtures available for:

Safety & Fall Protection


According to the National Safety Council, falls are one of the leading causes of deaths in the workplace. Perhaps more than any other type of workers out there, those who erect and maintain wind turbines are exposed to some of the most serious, and potentially fatal, fall hazards. With many turbines reaching heights of well over 100 feet tall, wind farms are only growing upwards in many cases, and exposure to high winds can make work at high elevations even more hazardous. Here we highlight some of the latest in safety and fall protection equipment—a must for the growing industry.

TeSuCon Technical Support & Consultancy

Product: The Evacuator

Application: Fireproof collective escapes and emergency descent solution

Description: Designed to save the lives of those working at altitudes ranging up to 984ft (300m), the Evacuator is a fast, simple, and easy-to-use (click and go) fireproof collective escape and emergency descent solution. Fireproof units are customized for each turbine model and can be installed inside or outside of the nacelle, onshore or offshore. Emergency descent is fully-automatic and mechanically controlled at a speed of 3.3ft/ sec (1m/sec), without use of electricity. Units are compact and easy to maintain.

Key Features:

• Fireproof units are 3182°F (1750°C) for 30 minutes or 2192°F (1200°C) for 90 minutes;

• Suitable for onshore or offshore applications;

• Certified in compliance with ANSI Z359, CSA Z259


SKYLOTEC North America, LP


Application: Ladder Climbing Safety

Description: The new SKYLOTEC CLAW vertical fall arrest cable sleeve is designed to fit 3/8" and 5/16" diameter wire rope and travels smoothly up and down while providing fall arrest when needed. Weighing only 2.2lbs, the stainless steel CLAW is durable and incorporates redundant safety features reducing the risk of improper installation. The CLAW is independently tested to meet ANSI Z359.16, ANSI A14.3-08, CSA 2259.2.5-17, and OSHA requirements.

Key Features:

• Smooth travel up and down the vertical system;

• Replaceable shock absorbing pack;

• Anti-gravity locking system;

• Combinable with all types of chest D-rings;

• Two handed operation for increased safety.

3S Lift

Product: TF-R Guide Rail Fall Protection System with SL-R60S Fall Arrester

Application: Ladder climbing safety

Description: Made from high-strength aluminum alloy that is resistant to acid, alkali, and corrosion, the 3S Lift Guide Rail Fall Protection System TF-R is suitable even for harsh conditions. The Fall Arrester SL-R60S runs smoothly along the ladder-mounted safety guide rail and engages automatically in the event of a fall. To dampen the impact when falling, it features two energy absorbers. Equipped with a secondary locking mechanism in addition to the primary one, the SL-R60S provides an added level of safety. The intuitive anti-inversion design of the Fall Arrester only allows installation in one direction, preventing operator error. The TR-F and SL-R60S comply with ANSI and CAN/CSA standards.

Tech Safety Lines, Inc.

Product: SRK-15, self-rescue kit

Application: Descent Device

Description: The SRK-15 is used for the selfrescue and evacuation of any worker at height. This CE and ANSI certified self-rescue kit has been field tested for over a decade and is used in multiple industries globally. The SRK-15 micro self-rescue kit assures an independent, immediate, and adaptable evacuation and selfrescue capability. Tech Safety Lines’ unique escape and Self-Rescue Kit, utilizes high heat aramid fiber rope with a tensile strength exceeding 6700lbs. (3045kg). The service life of the rope is 10 years. The Descender (MCD-G) has a dual braking system, both an active brake, and a passive brake. The SRK-15 is certified for up to 590ft (180m).

22 2023 JANUARY • FEBRUARY ///



Application: Fall arrester rope grab

Description: ANSI certified version of the BACK-UP fall arrester. Safe and simple to use with only one hand. BACKUP follows the operator in both directions and stops the possible falling. Shifting the button on lock mode, it can also be used as a positioning device or a normal locking device. BACK-UP supports strong stress in a semi-dynamic way, avoiding the shocking effects on the ropes caused by the traditional self-locking devices with toothed cams. Connector included.

Key Features:

• Lightweight and easy to use;

• Works on an 11mm lifeline;

• Two modes: up/down and positioning;

• Made in Italy.

Power Climber Wind

Product: IBEX

Application: Turbine climb assist

Description: The IBEX climb assist from Power Climber Wind sets the standard for performance, safety, and ease of installation in any new or existing turbine. Its intelligent control system delivers a comfortable and responsive climb. Using a continuous closed feedback loop, the IBEX instantaneously adjusts to changes in climbing speed or direction, allowing for a safe, smooth, and confident climb. With more than 70 years of performing productively at height, Power Climber Wind designs products that, like IBEX, drive low total cost of ownership and user satisfaction.

Blåkläder LLC

Product: 3492 FR Hoodie

Application: FR garments for the renewable energy sector

Description: The 3492 FR Hoodie from Blåkläder workwear combines quality materials and new technologies and is not only comfortable but also protective in harsh environments. This piece of gear will keep wearers comfortable and protected with its 17cal/cm2, CAT 2 rating. Their FR garments are designed and manufactured with functionality, durability, and sustainability in mind at all times. From materials to fit and aesthetics, everything is designed with intention and purpose.


Product: DBI-SALA ExoFit X300 Harness

Application: Designed for the wind industry

Description: Designed especially for the wind industry, 3M’s featured DBI-SALA ExoFit X300 harness comes equipped with a front D-ring for climbing, side D-rings, and a seat sling for comfortable positioning at height. The auto-locking, quick-connect buckles and automatic stand-up dorsal D-ring help keep the user safe at heights.

Pigeon Mountain Industries

Product: 11mm PMI Extreme Pro (G) Rope with UNICORE

Application: Fall protection, rope rescue, confined space, rope access, tower work

Description: PMI Extreme Pro (G)

Rope with Unicore technology is a strong polyester kernmantle rope. Unicore technology creates the bond between sheath and core. This bond ensures sheath slippage is nearly zero, even when the sheath is entirely cut circumferentially. This rope allows the technician to pass either a cut or torn sheath area, whether descending or ascending since the sheath cannot bunch to create an impasse.

THRIVE Workwear

Product: THRIVE Workwear - apparel

Application: Wind Industry/FR Apparel

Description: Thrive Workwear's protective work apparel has been providing solutions to the wind industry for over 10 years. Their line-up of clothing includes Flame Resistant work pants, FR work shirts, FR base layers, and FR outerwear designed specifically for wind technicians and construction workers. Their work pants feature full-time knee protection built-in with patented SQUISH pad technology.


Product: 360° Roof Anchor

Application: Fall Protection Anchor

Description: The 360° Roof Anchor is a temporary and reusable fall protectionanchor point, offering a full 360° working radius. Built for use on wood roofs and installs in seconds with the fasteners provided. Meets OSHA 1926.502, 1910.140 requirements.

The EvacuatorTM

• Evacuate within 10 seconds

• Fast & simple; just click & go

• Compact & affordable

• Fireproof, 3182 °F for 30 minutes

• Fully automatic, no electricity required

• 1m/sec controlled descent

• Pre-installed or retrofitted

• Max weight per cable is 621 lbs ( 2 cables in each Evacuator)

• ANSI Z359, CSA Z259

Contact us: info@tesucon com

T: 519 -885-9021

www.tesucon com

North American Clean Energy 23



The wind energy industry is developing more projects than ever and needs a skilled and qualified workforce to produce America’s clean wind power. Workers and technicians may need specialized training to succeed and advance in their careers. Check out some of the training opportunities, professional certifications, workshops, and events offered across the country and online.


Acoem USA

SKYLOTEC North America L.P.

Training program: GWO, Milan, Deus

Hours: 8am - 5pm Mon-Fri

Location: Onsite

Number of participants: 12

Certifications: GWO

Course description: SKYLOTEC offers GWO BST training shall enable participants to support and care for themselves and others working in the industry by possessing the knowledge and skills of first aid, working at heights, manual handling, fire awareness, sea survival, and in case of an emergency, to be able to evacuate, rescue, and provide appropriate first aid to casualties. SKYLOTEC also offers Milan and Deus descent device evacuation and rescue training.

Key Features:

• GWO Basic Safety Training;

• Milan evacuation and rescue training;

• Deus evacuations and safety training.

Key Features:

• All lasers, demonstrators, equipment, and manuals provided;

• Taught by expert trainers with decades of maintenance experience on all types of industrial equipment;

• Significant hands-on training time;

• Instruction in all aspects of shaft alignment tools and methods

• Using dial indicators, using laser alignment systems, pre-alignment, offset and angularity, tolerances, and the Verti-Zontal Compound Move.

FMTC Safety USA, Inc.

Training program: GWO Basic Safety Training (Initial and Refresher)

Hours: 5 days

Location: Classroom, e-learning

Number of participants: 12

Certifications: GWO First Aid, GWO Manual Handling, GWO Fire Awareness, GWO Working at Heights, GWO Sea Survival

Course description: The GWO Basic Safety Course is an offshore course aimed at people working in the wind industry. This GWO Basic Safety Course is a course where the participants get acquainted with the risks and dangers of working in the offshore wind industry.

Training program: Shaft Alignment

Best Practices

Hours: 12 hours

Location: Both classroom and onsite

Number of participants: 9

Certifications: Certificate of Completion

Course description: In this class students are taught faster and more efficient shaft alignment methods. The class covers all aspects of the alignment process, such as prealignment steps, couplings, various alignment tools (both dials and lasers), thermal growth, shims, and more. Their shaft alignment trainers are also prepared, with their years of experience and knowledge, to answer specific shaft alignment questions. This class also includes significant hands-on training time to truly learn the practical and accurate shaft alignment methods.

Eurofins TestOil

Training program: Oil Analysis

Hours: 24

Location: All locations available

Number of participants: 20

Certifications: Classes cover requirements for the following certification exams: STLE CLS, OMA-I or ICML MLT-I & MLA-

Course description: Whether new to oil analysis and lubrication or a seasoned professional Eurofins TestOil has two courses available. The Comprehensive Oil Analysis class is designed for people of all levels of involvement in their lubrication program to build their knowledge. The CLS Exam Prep course is designed for people with at least three years of experience in lubrication wanting to challenge themselves and prove their knowledge. Both classes give practical knowledge attendees can bring back to the field.

24 2023 JANUARY • FEBRUARY /// Contact us today for more information about our Windblade Repair courses +1.775.827.6568
High Quality Repairs in Just 5-Days R-5 Composite Windblade Repair R-15 Advanced Composite Windblade Repair Aerospace Methods Applied to Windblade Repairs

Northwest Renewable Energy Institute

Training program: Wind Turbine and Telecom Technician Training

Hours: 6 months

Classroom/Online/Onsite: Hybrid (classroom and online)

Number of participants: 25

Certifications: Diploma and course specific certifications

Course description: Students at NWREI receive current wind turbine training. Their green energy training program teaches students the technical skills necessary to service, repair, and maintain a wide range of wind energy machinery and equipment. Over 6 months, students will learn rigging, torque & tensioning, AC/DC electrical systems, hydraulics, computerized data collection, antenna installation, weatherproofing, and more. Throughout the program, students utilize hands-on training on-site with real equipment. Graduates of this program will be fully prepared for jobs in the wind power industry and qualified for entry-level positions as wind turbine and telecom technicians.

Abaris Training Resources, Inc.

Training program: Composite Windblade


Hours: 72 hours

Location: Classroom and workshop, at Abaris’ facility or customer location

Number of participants: 12

Certifications: GWO Certification, CCTWindblade Repair (ACMA) qualifying course

Course description: 10-day course for field technicians, supervisors, inspectors, or others seeking competency in composite windblade repair, including materials, methods, and techniques in accordance with GWO standards.

Key Features:

• A GWO certified composite blade repair course available in North America;

• Bringing aerospace experience to wind blade repairs;

• Classes held at Abaris or customer location.



DEUS ONE is the world‘s first personal, fully automated evacuation device The lightweight and compact set can be worn directly on the users body Pre-assembled individual parts make DEUS ONE intuitive and ready-to-use

• Simple hands-free controlled descent

• Fire retardant 5.9 mm rope

• Ready-to-use "Clip & Go" design

• 15 year Seal Pac protection

• Descents up to 200 meters

Nouvelle Hauteur | New Heights

Training program: GWO | Working at Heights | SPRAT | First Aid | Wind Turbine


Hours: 8 - 40 hours depending on course

Location: On-site, client site

Number of participants: 6 - 12 depending on course

Certifications: GWO, SPRAT 1, 2, and 3, Working at Heights, WAH Ontario

Course description: With over 30 years of safety experience, Nouvelle Hauteur offers an extensive suite of courses for workers in the wind energy industry. As a GWO-certified training provider, they teach wind industry best practices around safety, access, and rescue. They have a large indoor training center, with various towers and other structures designed to simulate environments that workers will encounter on the jobsite. They also provide their courses at client sites throughout Canada. deus-one/

North American Clean Energy 25
SKYLOTEC North America LP - email: - (303)544-2120


March 1st-3rd , 2023

Marriott World Center

Orlando, FL


ACP’s Operations, Maintenance and Safety Conference is the place where industry leaders, experts and external stakeholders meet to discuss the latest health and safety, operations and maintenance, training and development, and quality assurance conversations that will be critical as we prepare for this expansive future of the clean energy workforce.

East access for repair and maintenance

The SKYLOTEC ACX power ascender is used, among other things, to allow technicians easy access for repair and maintenance. The ACX considerably simplifies access inside structures and makes expensive elevators, climb assist systems, or lifting platforms unnecessary. The ACX is rated to carry a person and their equipment up to 440lbs and has a speed of up to 78ft/ min. Countless rescue scenarios and material handling are also possible with the ACX. The ACX can also be controlled by a second person on the ground using a remote control up to a range of 492ft.


Main bearing grease

Tribol GR SW 680 -1 is the latest Castrol grease specifically formulated for the protection of wind turbine main bearings. Tribol has significantly less micropitting and low friction coefficient, demonstrated bearing life extension, and low operating temperatures. It has been successfully tested for compatibility with most major greases, making conversion easy during maintenance and the normal purging of existing grease. Compatibility tests with existing grease are also available. Tribol GR SW 680-1 meets or exceeds OEM requirements and is available from Castrol’s local U.S. inventory, reducing cost and providing supply protection.


Custom designed metal graphite brush grades

Helwig Carbon offers aftermarket upgrades to increase performance and reduce maintenance of wind generator brushes and holders. Their metal graphite brush grades are custom designed for specific environments to maximize brush life for power and grounding rings. Technicians appreciate time-saving improvements like the Helwig Quick Disconnect terminals, adjustable brush boxes, replaceable spring assemblies, and easy installation. Helwig Carbon also provides Bearing Protection Kits and lightning protection solutions. Their engineering team will supply the best engineered solution for any wind needs.

Helwig Carbon

Predictive maintenance solutions

ONYX Insight’s condition monitoring services provide users with regular advanced monitoring and diagnostics of drive trains, towers, rotors, and generators using multiple data points (including vibration, SCADA, and oil to name a few). Hardware agnostic and benchmarked against 10,000+ turbines including 23 OEMs it provides a clear view to avoid costly unexpected failures. Users receive detailed reports on potential faults, likely timeframes, and recommendations on how to manage them. If ONYX Insight’s team spots a rapidly developing fault, they will contact their customer as soon as the defect is spotted with suggested next actionable steps.

ONYX Insight


Tool tethering products

From tool lanyards and tieoff points to holsters and pouches, Dakota Riggers stocks a full selection of 3M tool tethering products. With the recent publication of the ANSI/SEA 121-2018 Dropped Objects Standard, fall protection for tools is quickly becoming a necessity in the wind industry in order to protect those working below.

Dakota Riggers

High power energy conversion

AmePower is a technology company specializing in high power energy conversion. They provide customized and cost effective solutions in new design, retrofit, modernizations, and repowering of converters for the renewable energy industry including wind, solar, energy storage, and mass transportation. Operating in Miami, Florida from their 44,000sq/ft facility, they provide efficient and reliable solutions that minimize or eliminate any repair cycle. AmePower

Enhanced reliability in electric pitch control systems

The Richardson Electronics, Ltd. ULTRA3000 Pitch Energy Module is an ultracapacitor based plug-and-play replacement for batteries within 20 and 30Nm pitch systems. With over 35,000 in the field, the ULTRA3000 provides reliability in retrofitted electric pitch control systems. With over 1 million chargedischarge cycles, ultracapacitor pitch energy modules can provide 15 plus years of reliable operation without maintenance.

Richardson Electronics

Features just some of the companies and technologies attendees will see at this year’s show.
26 2023 JANUARY • FEBRUARY ///
Harness the Power of Data with AcraDyne's Gen IV Platform

Secure bolted solutions

Nord-Lock created the original wedgelocking washer technology that secures bolted joints, even when exposed to severe vibration and dynamic loads. It’s impossible for them to loosen unintentionally. All their washers are laser marked to enable full traceability down to the first assembly. Their Superbolt LoadSensing Tensioner and Load-Sensing Flexnut feature a design with built-in sensors that automatically measure and communicate preload values and enable seamless remote monitoring. Boltight hydraulic tensioners are tried and tested as a tensioning solution for the wind industry. Their Boltight Electric Pump features a remote operation pendant while their Boltight Intelligent Electric Pump improves accuracy and traceability by capturing and storing data. Their hydraulic foundation tensioners are reliable, easy to use, and have both a maximum stroke indicator and an extra durable gearbox where applicable.

Nord-Lock Group

Automated monitoring and weather analysis

Indji Systems is an online software service provider for the solar and wind energy industry. Their Indji Watch product provides awareness of significant weather events that endanger employees and disrupt operations. Indji Watch enables informed decisions through intelligent monitoring of assets, accurate alerts, post lightning analysis, and highresolution model forecasts. Indji Systems’ Plan of Day/Week dashboard gives users the ability to easily identify rapidly changing weather at-a-glance, allowing them to be more proactive in mitigating potential impacts to their operation and employee safety. From a system-wide overview to individual assets, Indji Watch ensures users have a picture of how the weather will impact their operations, allowing them to drive efficiencies, improve outcomes, lower costs, and increase safety.

Indji Systems

Blade servicing tool

AcraDyne HT DC Angle

Nutrunner is a compact tool for servicing wind-turbine blades which allows access to blade bolts that cannot be easily accessed by other continuous drive tools. The 360° swivel gearcase allows for precise placement of the tool reaction bar against reactive surfaces. A dual-lever option avoids accidental tool start and provides additional safety by providing Two-Hand No Tie Down tool operation. The AcraDyne HT DC angle nutrunner can fasten blade bolts efficiently and accurately. In a field test where pitchbearing bolts were tightened, the fastening speed increased by 500% when compared to hydraulic tools. The customer was able to tighten all 200 pitchbearing bolts in 1-1/4 hours.




Silver graphite brushes are used to conduct induced shaft currents to ground to protect the pitch motor bearings from premature failure and costly replacement. Helwig Carbon engineered a special solution for this application that has become OEM approved and installed throughout the world.

Bearing Protection Kits (BPK) on your wind pitch motor will mean longer motor life, less downtime, and fewer up-tower repairs.

Call (800) 962-4851 for your quote today!

Customizable SCADA analytics

Bachmann's Wind Power SCADA is a customizable, easy-to-use solution that helps manage wind farms. Maximum flexibility ensures rapid implementation, ease of operation, and the possibility to expand the installation efficiently. Users can prioritize the information they want to see and achieve the security levels required to keep data and assets safe. Live data from different farms and turbines can be compared to support detailed analysis, including power curve, wind distribution, energy production, and switch counters in the form of graphs and/or tables. Bachmann’s Wind Power SCADA is based on pure web technology, allowing for a wide range of devices; a browser is all that's needed to access secure, extensive, and detailed information on an entire fleet.

Bachmann Electronic

North American Clean Energy 27

When it’s Time to Change

How the ERCOT grid is moving toward larger scale renewable energy integration

The Energy Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) electricity grid has had many challenges over the last few years. From the heat waves that cause year-over-year increasing demand and extreme peaks, to cold snap winter storms that cause unstable electricity supply and tens of billions of dollars in damages, the grid (which had been purposefully islanded off from other neighboring grids) has become strained.

Texas already has deep penetration of wind and solar generation. As more solar and wind resources are added, its grid will face even more intermittency problems, as an increasing percentage of total generation fluctuates with cloud cover and wind speed. Adding to these woes is local congestion that stymies the grid’s ability to further adapt to increases in renewable generation. Growth in electricity demand, from electrification of transportation and heating, population growth, and a higher need for cooling, will add yet more strain.

This is not a unique problem: while Texas is already experiencing these challenges, other states and countries are not far behind. As renewables adoption expands across the globe, electricity grids that had been developed to rely on a very different kind of generation resource – one that has a steady, consistent output with long ramp up and down times – will need to adapt and change. With this transition, energy storage will play an increasingly more critical role.

Since the Texas electricity grid is an island, i.e., the grid operator cannot depend on generation from other states to meet peak demand, the state must look for local solutions. For spikes in demand for electricity, the old solution used to be adding peaker plants (typically run on gas, oil, or even diesel), or adding capacity at thermal generation plants (such as those burning natural gas), and building new transmission lines to connect everything together. All of these solutions are costly, and can take a decade to develop, design, and install. Peaker plants in particular, are difficult to economically justify; given their high initial costs, maintenance costs, fuel supply cost, and dependency, their cost per kWh generated becomes prohibitively expensive. ERCOT, just like the rest of the United States, is looking to strategically located energy storage projects to provide a solution: Increase available electricity during peak times; smooth out intermittency from solar and wind; and ease grid congestion.

Project location is the first critical consideration. Installing energy storage projects close to load — high-demand areas such as population centers — gives the electricity grid and ratepayers a reprieve from expensive transmission line construction. With a small footprint required (such as multiple 50 MW energy storage plants around a city), storage projects can be close enough to provide critical support

where and when it’s needed.

Intelligent project hardware layout and design, scoping, and selection help ensure grid resilience. In today’s battery storage projects, distributed and parallelized design keeps any one installation operational, even if one battery rack or inverter must be taken out of service for maintenance or outage. This redundancy provides much-needed stability for services and electricity supply.

As weather patterns become more unpredictable, and the possibility of flooding increases across the nation, physical system installation becomes another critical consideration. For example, during a rainstorm or hurricane event, when electricity outages are more likely (and have a more destabilizing impact on the community), a much-needed battery energy storage system cannot provide value if it’s sitting in two feet of floodwater. Consequently, a calculation must be made on the current and future flood risk of any given site to ensure the highest availability of a system; even if risers or other mitigation measures increase construction costs up front, they ensure system availability for the long run.

Winter events can be a grid-destabilizing event when power plants fail, as was evidenced during the devastating Arctic blast in February 2021 that resulted in electricity outages across much of Texas. Energy storage can decrease the likelihood of such a catastrophic outage. When power plants go offline, grid frequency begins to drop from the standard 60Hz benchmark. If the deviation is not corrected quickly enough at sub-second order, a section of the grid will collapse. This leads to blackouts, power disruptions, and can even cause damage to customers’ electronics and motors. If power plants are going offline, distributed energy storage installations could provide distributed frequency stabilization support that keeps a local problem from becoming a regional one.

Installing the necessary hardware for the power plant is the starting point of leveraging energy storage as a solution to grid challenges. Developing intelligent, adaptable control system software that can manage and monitor the storage assets is the next step. Response time, fault management, and tracking are all important aspects of any storage power plant software. Power Plant Control (PPC) software and energy storage systems as whole must be able to respond at grid speeds, which are typically well under a second (under ¼ second, in ERCOT’s case). PPCs must also be able to re-

balance the plant in the case of any one component failure, respond and perform stabilization functions (i.e., frequency and voltage regulation) to fully realize the value of the energy storage system, and have room to grow for future grid needs. PPCs must also operate on redundant hardware to ensure no loss of system control, should any one module malfunction. Careful planning in software design and redundancy in the programmable logic hardware help support high availability times for PPCs, ensuring systems are available when called upon.

Looking ahead, storage system integrators and power plant software developers will need to add functionality to learn and understand the grid system operation under very different conditions, and be prepared through dispatch prediction and demand forecasting. Specifically, predictive algorithms for weather that forecast wind and solar production, which can then be used to dispatch storage systems at critical times, will be crucial for grid operations.

In addition to the build out of traditional lithium ion 1-, 2-, and 4-hour storage in ERCOT, nationally, and worldwide, grids will see more and different kinds of battery technology, including long-term storage. Integrating these technologies, including new production from US battery storage factories, will be integral to creating competitive solutions to the growing challenges from increasing demand due to electrification, increase in population, and an aging transmission infrastructure.

Ray Saka is the Vice President of Sales, Services and Product Management at IHI Terrasun, Daria Mark is the Marketing Manager at IHI Terrasun, and Chris McKissack is the CEO of Glidepath Power Solutions.

IHI Terrasun ///

Glidepath Power Solutions ///

28 2023 JANUARY • FEBRUARY ///

Driving the US EV Revolution

As the transportation sector continues to be a leading emitter of greenhouse emissions, the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) is expected to play a critical role in reaching the goal of net zero by 2050.

A recent industry report forecast that 50 percent of all new vehicle sales will be EVs by 2030 in the United States. Additionally, the US vehicle market hit 5 percent of new vehicle sales of EVs in 2022, which is a pivotal point in demonstrating mass adoption. One major barrier to EV uptake in most regions, however, is the fact that there are currently too few charging stations within range of destinations such as public areas, work, or home. A significant increase in EV use cannot be achieved without both the average vehicle range leaping higher, and increasing charging station density of both public and private sites.

Funding the EV transformation

In one of the most momentous steps in the electrification of the transportation industry, the Biden-Harris administration recently pledged to build a national network of 500,000 EV chargers along highways and in communities by 2030. This was followed by the announcement that Congress had approved Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Deployment Plans for all 50 States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico — ahead of schedule — under the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program, in a bid to advance to a more publicly accessible EV network. This ambitious program marks a crucial transition point, with the federal government laying the groundwork to ultimately allow critical work relating to EV infrastructure to take place. The approval has created USD$5 billion of NEVI program funding, available from FY22 and FY26, to support the delivery of a reliable, convenient, and affordable network of public EV fast chargers for Americans. NEVI funding can be used for projects directly relating to the charging of a vehicle, including upgrading existing infrastructure, operation and maintenance costs of charging stations, on-site generation and storage, and workforce development activities. To compliment the NEVI funding, the federal government has allocated $2.5 billion through the Discretionary Grants program to help fill in gaps of infrastructure along corridors and communities throughout the United States.

While these funding mechanisms are critical elements in reducing emissions in the United States, and supporting the growing market of EVs, there remain several additional factors to consider in evaluating how to capitalize on, and ensure the EV revolution achieves the economic, environmental, and equity goals towards which the country strives.


Assessing the market

Utilities play a critical role in driving EV adoption in the United States. For example, leveraging the batteries inside EVs can assist in load management, load dispatchability, and energy resiliency for the grid and utility customers.

Industry professionals have collaborated with various utilities to evaluate the success of programming and a data-driven approach to deploying investment and education to both residential and commercial non-residential sectors. This includes assessing program progress, as well as analyzing station utilization trends and evaluating a discount rate pilot for direct current fast charging station hosts. Utilities can also work with regulators to share customer insights from EV adoption, providing access to EV charging data to identify when and where charging is happening. This insight can shape further opportunities for utilities to access rate-based transportation electrification funding, and target the areas of greatest need.

It is also critical to ensure the EV evolution is planned strategically and equitably so no communities are left behind. The US administration’s Justice 40 initiative will support this effort, with a promise that at least 40 percent of federal climate investments go directly to frontline communities most affected by poverty and pollution.

EVs are generally priced higher than their combustion counterparts, which is a contributing factor to why many Americans have not made the switch (despite lower running costs and available incentives). By ensuring an equitable and publicly accessible EV charging infrastructure network, and encouraging private ownership, the market will be free to mature to where it can create scale advantages for original equipment manufacturers to reduce upfront costs.

The recent funding, coupled with the real desire to achieve a net zero future, means the next five to 10 years will offer significant opportunities for the United States’ EV market. However, this will require the public and private sectors to collaborate closely to learn, grow, and advance the sector into one that drives transformational change.

J.R. Killigrew is Business Development

Lead for Electric Vehicles at DNV. DNV supports industry and clients to take advantage of the value stream and opportunities within the EV revolution.

DNV ///

Energy independence and green power inventory management

Lion Energy has launched LionESS which enables customers to store virtually any type of renewable power generated (solar, wind, hydro, and thermal), as well non-renewable sources (utility grid and generators). The result is an inventory of stored energy from a variety of power sources that can be managed and maximized for the most economical, eco-friendly usage possible. By utilizing LionESS, customers can deploy approaches to energy use such as peak energy shaving, energy shift-time of use, energy backup power, energy arbitrage functions, and critical-start.

Lion Energy ///

North American Clean Energy 31 TRUSTED PARTNER ON THE GEMINI SOLAR + STORAGE PROJECT 690 MWAC SOLAR + 1.4 GWH STORAGE INTEGRATION SOFTWARE SERVICES MA 232 MWh 37 projects Ontario 81 MWh 10 projects MD 12 MWh 4 projects NY 76 MWh 9 projects NC 11 MWh Japan 3 MWh TX 68 MWh NV 1 4 GWh 1 project

Stop Landfilling Batteries How to build near-zero-waste energy storage

We can’t build a sustainable economy with single-lifespan batteries filling more garbage dumps. Yet today, 19 of every 20 lithium-ion batteries go directly to the trash. There’s no perfect battery, but there is a chasm between different batteries’ waste footprints. We must do better.

As we advance toward a zero-waste, zero-carbon society, it’s time to ask questions about our batteries:

• Why are some batteries landfilled 95 percent of the time, while others are recycled at 99 percent?

• How can we reduce waste toward zero?

• Are we close to viable battery repurposing?

• How can we decrease our dependency on virgin-mined materials, and unethical and fragile supply chains?

• Which battery manufacturing techniques and technologies truly slash waste? In this first of a two-part series, you’ll discover the answers to these questions, along with battery selection strategies that lower your costs and footprint – and increase your supply chain resiliency and energy independence.

Zero-Waste matters

Batteries are everywhere, powering everything from small appliances and homes, to commercial buildings, EVs (forklifts, short-distance vehicles, cars, and trucks), and entire cities’ power grids. Storage is critical to address renewable energy’s intermittency.

Near-zero-waste batteries start with R&D and environmentally friendlier manufacturing. They “Restart” with fully recyclable products made from previously recycled materials, forming a closed loop that perpetually reduces our waste and protects our natural resources.

But the “green” energy storage market is littered with… well, litter. Whether you’re turning back the dial on climate change, hedging against energy price hikes, or protecting your energy supply chain - battery waste hurts our environment and your bottom line.

Lithium-ion and LFP repurposing:

Repurposing offers a theoretical second life for spent lithium-ion batteries; the concept is compelling, but it’s still being tested in laboratories.

Several factors explain why lithium-ion second-life applications aren't going mainstream anytime soon:

• Lack of infrastructure: There's no universal system for collecting spent lithium-ion batteries, let alone repurposing them. Collection and storage are complicated by fire risks.

• Varying battery chemistries: A wide range of electrode chemistries, formats, sizes, and manufacturing differences complicates repurposing. Moreover, all batteries operate in diverse conditions, and experience variable wear and discharge levels.

• Lack of standards for repurposing: It’s challenging to calculate batteries’ State of Health (SoH) and determine how much capacity remains. This increases the risk for resellers and battery buyers.

• Difficult to assemble battery banks: Companies aren’t sure how batteries will last or perform compared to one another. It’s also burdensome to rehabilitate, test, market, and warranty products and full systems in that scenario. Research labs, NGOs, and private companies are working hard to overcome hurdles to lithium-ion and LFP repurposing. Effective repurposing will require new collection systems, technologies, business models, and regulations proven in the real world. Without all of those things, spent lithium-based batteries are just waste.

Reducing waste and preserving resources

Recycling has been around for centuries. Experts agree that the Edo Period in Japan (16031867) was particularly advanced. Back then, recycling (and repurposing) made the most of the few goods and materials available.

Today, recycling is popular for new reasons: there are more than five times as many humans on Earth (compared to 1867), and we consume far more resources per person. Modern recycling mitigates social and environmental costs (and CO2 emissions). Recycling also ensures we have enough raw materials to continue living abundantly.

Recycled or landfilled: Where do batteries go when they die?

The more recyclable a product is, the less waste and virgin mining – and the less waste in the supply chain. While all batteries should be recycled or properly disposed of, some aren’t.

According to the US Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) “Advancing Sustainable Materials Management,” lead-acid and AGM batteries are more recycled than aluminum cans (99 percent), most of which (99.3 percent) is recovered in the form of the raw materials needed to build new batteries.

By contrast, only 5 percent of li-ion batteries are partially down-cycled (0 to 60 percent recovery, turned into lower-value materials). Materials for today’s li-ion batteries are almost entirely virgin-mined — this is often a manufacturing requirement. Additionally, that cobalt, copper, lithium, and nickel often come from the DRC, Indonesia, Russia, and other countries with reduced environmental and labor oversight.

Why is there a Battery Recycling Gap?

AGM and flooded lead-acid recycling are automated, simple, and profitable; raw materials are easily extracted and valuable, resold to build new batteries. And nearly 100 percent of AGM and flooded batteries are collected, supported by a national recycling infrastructure, the battery industry, and strong government regulations.

By contrast, lithium-ion and LFP batteries face complex financial, technological, and legislative challenges to recycling. Disassembly requires trained technicians, making widespread recycling cost-prohibitive. Recycling for LI and LFP is often unprofitable (e.g., virgin lithium is 6X cheaper than recycled lithium). There’s no nationwide recycling infrastructure or legislation for LI and LFP batteries. And according to Chemical and Engineering News, “... because researchers have made only modest progress improving recyclability, relatively few Li-ion batteries end up being recycled.”

Preserving nonrenewable resources

According to the US Department of Energy, there is “currently a vast recycling supply chain collects, stores, transports, recycles, and re-introduces more than 99% of lead back into the lead-acid battery supply chain.”

Unfortunately, battery chemistries that aren’t yet recycled or recyclable will turn into millions of tons of hazardous waste and water pollution, and require unnecessary mining.

Mining only works if there’s something to mine. According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, “In 2019, the global production of cobalt, nickel, and manganese each exceeded 2 percent of today’s total reserves (e.g., a 50-year supply for current reserves and demand) and of lithium and graphite, less than 1 percent.” While new deposits and extraction methods may come, “Reserves that are more difficult to extract, however, could exacerbate the negative impacts of mining.”

32 2023 JANUARY • FEBRUARY ///

Demand for these materials is growing rapidly. By 2030, experts predict there will be 14.5 million EVs, 14.5X more than in 2020. By 2035, most of today’s EV and hybrid batteries are expected to be at end of life.

There's a limited amount of these natural resources. These are supposed to last the rest of human life on Earth – not get single-used to death in our lifetimes. That’s why universal battery recycling is critical.

How to close the Recycling Gap

Recycling creates good jobs, lowers pollution, and reduces virgin mining of conflict minerals. Our industry must push for full recycling of all batteries. That includes designing li-ion batteries for easy recycling; labeling all batteries with their chemical components; and creating a national recycling infrastructure for li-ion and other emerging batteries. Our government, NGOs, and the private sector must invest in R&D and the rollout of promising recycling technologies for lithium-based batteries. And all of us need to push for a ban on battery landfilling. We need to build the foundation for zerowaste now. Because if and when largescale li-ion recycling is viable, it will still take years to engineer, permit, and build new recycling plants.

What’s next:

Of course, landfilled batteries aren’t the only form of waste. A product’s waste footprint starts upstream. And in Part Two, you’ll discover how material selection, energy usage, manufacturing, and even engineering are all critical to reducing battery waste.

After all, we can’t fix the climate crisis - or ensure long-term energy independence - if our solution starts with virgin mining and ends in a landfill.

John Connell is Vice President - SLI Products Group at Crown Battery. A single location for engineering and manufacturing gives Crown Battery incredible efficiency and absolute quality control. From this location, we serve global battery markets through a sales force and service network strategically positioned in six continents and more than fifty countries.

Crown Battery ///

• US EPA, “Facts and Figures about Materials, Waste and Recycling” from

• Chemical & Engineering News, “It's time to get serious about recycling lithium-ion batteries” from materials/energy-storage/time-serious-recycling-lithium/97/i28

• Union of Concerned Scientists, “EV Battery Recycling” from Crown Battery //

North American Clean Energy 33
“... because researchers have made only modest progress improving recyclability, relatively few Li-ion batteries end up being recycled.”

When Will Energy Storage Reach Its Full Potential?

As our ability to capture and convert power has evolved, so too, has our ability to store it. Utility-scale Lithium-Ion batteries can store and release power on a scale that gives them value not only in market participation, but also in ensuring the reliability of our utility systems. Investors, utility providers, and customers alike could all stand to gain from the wider implementation of utility-scale energy storage.

The concept of grid scale battery-based energy storage was first introduced with Project Carina in 2008. The project consisted of two 1MW, 15-minute duration systems, for a total of 2MW, 15-minutes (or 1MW, 30 minutes). It was the first grid-connected Lithium-Ion energy storage project in the world.

The strategy has expanded in the years since, and there are now over 1,600 large-scale energy storage systems in operation worldwide. But the full value attainable from utility-scale energy storage is yet to be realized; policy silos the classification of storage devices for use in market participation or transmission reliability, but rarely for both.

Market Incentives

Though the Project Carina facility was designed only to increase system reliability, storage facilities can also offer the benefit of being able to charge when energy costs and demand are low. Energy can then be released when energy prices and demand are high. This kind of market participation creates an opportunity for investors to capitalize on the routine fluctuations of the utility market. The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), which serves approximately 90 percent of the state’s market, has provided a strong market for energy storage market participation. With increased demand on Texas’s grid, the retirement of conventional generators, and the rise in intermittent renewable energy coming onto the grid, the volatile Texas utility market is a prime domain for energy storage investors.

Markets also provide battery owners with incentives to draw energy from the system at times when system stability is needed, helping to maintain the stability of the grid. In some cases, battery owners can collect a fee for storing energy in case it’s needed for an emergency, though this is typically reserved for more sophisticated markets where processes are carefully measured to create policy that funds the services, and provides rewards to offset the use of the battery for other purposes.

Reliability of Service

In addition to market participation, the energy industry recognizes that utility scale batteries can, in certain circumstances, help defer the need to build additional transmission. When electricity usage grows in a region, transmission planners predict when a transmission line could become overloaded. This process might show 2-4 times per year, when peak usage is greater than the transmission line’s capacity. While the traditional response would be to construct a new transmission line, there are situations where the issue could be better met with an energy storage system.

Transmission can be challenging, costly, and time consuming to route through urban environments. Batteries have a smaller footprint, and can be a very cost-effective way to offset transmission. In these scenarios, installing a utility-scale battery – rather than building a new transmission line – could save ratepayers money and time by releasing energy during those 2-4 days of peak load.

Stackable Value

The stackable value of utility-scale storage is not a new concept. Simply put, the cost of a storage asset is constant, as is the value that it can provide in both market incentives and reliability benefits. By contributing supplemental power to meet extreme demand and offset transmission, energy storage offers consumers more reliable access to power. And by creating the opportunity to conserve and release energy based on market conditions, it offers battery owners and investors revenue through market participation. Often referred to as “stackable value,” this combination of factors makes the incorporation of utility-scale energy storage into energy projects very advantageous.

Organized markets, such as Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) and individual utilities, have tried to simultaneously capture both the market and reliability benefits of energy storage. The California Independent System Operator (CAISO) is a strong supporter of stackable value, and has interest in batteries that provide both reliability and market participation. CAISO and the California Public Utilities Commission have actively worked to allow battery owners to achieve the full stackable value of storage projects, and may be one of the markets that pioneers such a policy perspective.

One major challenge to realizing full stackable value is that market participation policy is often firewalled from policy designed for reliability assets. For example, transmission is often owned as a regulated asset and paid for by customers. These assets are often firewalled from the risk-andreward behavior found in assets used for market participation. When it comes to rules for reliability and rules for risk, utility-scale storage can provide value in both scenarios.

Changes in Utility-Scale Storage Policy

One obstacle to utility-scale energy storage reaching its full potential arises from orders and interpretations enacted by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). Up until 2020, requests to qualify storage facilities as transmission facilities had been handled on a case-by-case basis. A tariff provision filed by the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) seeks to change that by allowing storage to be treated as a transmission resource.

34 2023 JANUARY • FEBRUARY ///

MISO’s proposal would allow the storage device’s cost to be recovered through cost-based transmission rates, a concept that’s gaining support from other Independent System Operators (ISOs) and RTOs across the country. Also gaining support is the “dualuse” designation for energy storage facilities. Dual-use refers to an energy storage device’s ability to capture its full stackable value and offer services both in the energy marketplace and in transmission reliability. For dual-use to function effectively, there would need to be metrics and controls in place to assure the device would be able to provide transmission or reliability services when needed. There would also need to be regulation to assure that power supplied from storage devices is priced competitively for the benefit of ratepayers. There is still much unrealized potential for utility-scale energy storage. It’s up to policy makers and industry leaders to bridge the split in the value of battery ownership. By effectively and safely removing the firewall between reliability and market participation, and allowing for a wider implementation of storage systems, battery owners could not only maximize revenue, but help strengthen and stabilize the grid as well. Ultimately, this effort would lower utility bills while efficiently improving our energy infrastructure.

Steve Drew is the Vice President of Market Strategy at Redeux Energy, a utility-scale solar and storage development company that transforms greenfield, brownfield, and industrial lands into renewable power infrastructure.

Redeux ///

Simple and inexpensive home energy storage system

Renogy’s Lycan Power Box PRO, is a simple and inexpensive way for homeowners to upgrade their grid-tied systems to time-shift solar power and provide renewable energy backup during power outages. The Lycan Power Box PRO is a quick-ship, roll-up home battery that can be easily added to an existing rooftop solar system, usually in a few hours or less. With its rugged industrial design, the Lycan Power Box can be placed indoors or out and is transportable for use away from home. The entry-level Lycan Power Box PRO offers 4.8kWh of energy storage and is expandable to 19.2kWh. It has an on-board 5000W inverter with maximum solar input of 5500W. The Lycan also can function as a standalone, residential back-up battery for homes without solar.

Renogy ///

North American Clean Energy 35

Boosting ROI for PV-CellPlus-Battery Storage

By 2050, global energy demand is slated to grow by 47 percent. Thanks to their competitive costs, scalability, and newly associated Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) tax incentives, alternative energy systems that merge photovoltaic (PV) cells and PV storage batteries are “rising star” technologies in this market scenario. Combining solar panel projects with battery storage solutions not only provides improved energy efficiency, it also unlocks new revenue opportunities by commercializing available solar energy storage flexibility.

The on-site optimization of these systems is a critical factor in achieving project success, and planning is essential. Identifying the complex environmental and engineering challenges of a given physical site early on enables smart considerations and realistic financial models that optimize a project for the best rate of return. Incorporating a commitment to “safety by design” should also be a project priority. This kind of assurance includes equipment design, construction, lifting points for major equipment, site ergonomics during equipment installation, and any off-site construction of modular pieces. A successful project is a safe one. Below is an overview of the key phases and considerations of any PV plus Battery Storage Project.

Development Phase

Stakeholder influence is high, and cost of change is low. Planning by creating a use case for early modeling is critical to getting the numbers right. Modeling various use cases and revenue streams help to determine the correct inputs for the financial plan before an offer is submitted, regarding a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), Request for Proposal (RFP), or any other form of offtake agreement. Although the newly passed IRA has extended and redefined investment tax credits (ITCs) and production tax credits (PTCs) for solar projects, including stand-alone, guidance is currently unclear as to how these credits can be combined for the highest possible ROI. For now, the best strategy is to build base case assumptions and evaluate financial models on the site’s specific configurations and demands. The first step in identifying specific project assumptions is to determine who the target customer will be. Will the energy be used for customer services, utilities, or independent system operator/regional transmission organization services (ISO/RTO)? This question becomes trickier with the new IRA stand-alone PV storage tax credit, because the site can be built in a more complex environment (close to a major substation or node on the grid, near a city-center site, near an environmentally challenged area, adjacent to an existing or retiring fossil fuel asset, and/or any other kind of buildingbased area). Any one of these locations can present additional issues, such as environmental exclusions, noise receptors, easements, or National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 855 Standard requirements.

Another basic decision to be made is whether the project should be AC or DC coupled. This depends on a number of factors: interconnection restrictions, frequency regulation, demand response, non-spinning reserve, and environmental considerations, such as microclimates (i.e., ramp rate control).

Challenges like these can change initial site considerations and financial models. It’s critical, therefore, for early identification of permitting and environmental restrictions to determine “what will fit” the project’s buildable area and desired capacity.

Preconstruction Phase

Project costs are starting to rise, and stakeholder influence is declining.

The priority is to define a clear division of responsibility among the battery storage supplier, the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) managers, the site owner, the transmission supplier, and the due diligence officer. Each of these project members must be coordinating with and talking to one another on an ongoing basis. An ideal set of activities for the project includes managing the RFP process, providing the necessary engineering support, and factoring in lead times with the overall project schedule, to set the project up for success in the final Construction/Commissioning Phase.

At this stage, it’s essential to understand how much lead time is required and how much of the RFP design package is necessary to start procuring project materials (particularly those with long lead times). A common misconception is that a full 60 percent of the design is needed to start the process. This is not accurate. In

fact, for much of this equipment, as little as 10 percent of the design can be enough to generate high level specifications to secure a manufacturing slot, especially for transformers.

It’s imperative that the batteries are guaranteed by the manufacturer to operate throughout their useful life in extreme environmental conditions (i.e., variations of temperature, humidity, air quality, noise level, and intensity of light). This protects the revenue stream and provides grid reliability for target customers.

Another consideration is whether to have a fully integrated solution (the supplier provides both the battery and inverter in a turn-key package), or opt for self-integration (all components are purchased separately, and a software company is hired to integrate the various pieces). There are pros and cons to either choice from a risk and cost standpoint; it all depends on the specific site’s use case, as well as the buying power of project management.

Heat rate (“round trip efficiency” in battery terms) and energy availability are crucial in the day-ahead market for traditional thermal plants. Several ISO markets — including Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland Interconnection (PMJ), California Independent System Operator Corp. (CAISO), and Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) — either offer or plan to implement more dispatch incentives based on an asset’s availability and efficiency. As PV energy is often used to off-set electricity rates and/or provide energy during outages, planning for efficiency and the ability to respond to grid outages are additional considerations for solar cell plus battery storage systems.

Construction/Commissioning Phase

The cost of change is high, and staffing levels are dropping as the end of the project nears.

What’s important in this phase is to follow the defined division of responsibility for project members, as well as hold suppliers and contractors to their agreements. The most critical step at this point in the project is going from Mechanical Completion (planning and getting the materials on site) to Substantial Completion (actually putting the materials together on site, and turning the project on).

Though construction can be pretty straightforward, the proper labelling of equipment (cables, conduits, meters, etc.) can help site operators troubleshoot later on. Once the project breaker is closed and the inverters/battery components are “hot commissioning,” the clock is ticking to get to commercial operation. Troubleshooting usually occurs if things do not operate as they were intended to per the contract.

The last step is performance testing to ensure the equipment purchased meets all contractual obligations. Effective planning during development and pre-construction phase is the best recipe for end of project success.

Enertis Applus+ ///

Matthew Towery, BSME, PE, PMP, is a Senior Manager of Energy Storage at Enertis Applus+, which provides technical consulting, engineering, testing, and quality control services to developers, owners, financial entities, equity investors, and contractors.
36 2023 JANUARY • FEBRUARY ///

Keeping the Lights on as Extreme Weather Threats Rise

Installers turn to battery storage to increase resiliency, mitigate risk

Global warming and a decades old, frail electrical grid infrastructure have led to a rise in the severe impact of climate events. It’s a perfect storm, and one that has caused the number of power outages associated with weather-related issues in the U.S. to double in the past two decades.

Blackouts are not only inconvenient, they can be harmful, even deadly — especially for the elderly, those that rely on electricity for medical needs, and other vulnerable populations; even brownouts can be life-threatening.

As installers help homeowners navigate options to keep the lights on amidst extreme weather, they are turning to innovations in residential energy storage to meet much needed resiliency.

A hierarchy of backup power options

Homeowners have options when it comes to mitigating the impact of outages due to severe weather.

Traditional generator-powered backup systems offer relief, but with a major limitation: The fossil fuel they depend on may not be available or accessible immediately following a disaster.

Solar is a viable alternative, but also has its limitations during power outages. Grid-tied PV systems don’t produce electricity when the grid goes down, or at night.

Energy storage systems (ESS) are the most resilient solution for homeowners seeking relief from weatherrelated outages. In its 2021 Annual Installer Survey, EnergySage found that two out of three installer survey respondents said that emergency backup power is the primary driver of consumer interest in energy storage.

Solar plus storage: Innovation delivers greater resiliency & mitigation

PV coupled with battery storage systems have inherent advantages over generators during power outages. They don't emit nasty odors like fossil fuels, they don’t make loud noises like gas-powered generators, and they don’t pollute the environment.

They also simplify power restoration. Unlike generators that need to be restarted, residential solar batteries offer black-start capabilities. And, if the battery becomes drained during an outage, the system will automatically be restored when the sun comes up.

Today’s innovative and feature-rich residential ESS are far more resilient than their predecessors.

Battery systems make a difference

A properly sized PV and ESS that enables energy economizing can sustain life-as-normal, no matter how long an outage lasts.

Traditionally, battery systems were made up of multiple external components – each bringing failure risks during bad weather. Current technology integrates all components in one container, which dramatically lessens the potential of failure in extreme conditions such as flooding and fire. By fully integrating components, installers don’t face the daunting challenge of integrating parts from different manufacturers.

The type of battery also makes a difference. Because they contain different chemistries, lithium iron phosphate batteries are more stable and last longer during extreme weather events than their lithium-ion counterparts. Batteries that are sourced from tier one manufacturers also benefit from more stringent quality control.

Another consideration is DC versus AC coupling. DC batteries need solar PV inverters to work. If the inverter is compromised during an outage, the DC back-up battery system will be compromised. AC coupled batteries, on the other hand, have the inverter integrated, eliminating a critical potential point of failure.

Multi-battery systems also outperform single units in extreme weather scenarios by increasing system redundancy. If one inverter fails in a single battery system, the whole home is at risk. If one unit fails in a multi-battery system, the homeowner can continue to power the entire system.

When the power goes out, some systems make the switch to battery backup faster than others, offering greater degrees of continuity. This transition can be so quick that the homeowner doesn’t realize an outage happened.

Finally, warranties are an indication of the quality of the battery, and the manufacturer’s commitment to stand behind it. While the industry standard is ten years, some manufacturers back up their products with 12-year warranties.

Smart systems economize energy, automate processes

The most intelligent systems available today are whole-home solutions designed with energy economizing in mind. They have smart circuits that enable homeowners to manage larger loads - like EV chargers or high-capacity refrigeratorsand automatically control power or cut off supply according to backup priority. This ensures the homeowners’ top-priority loads last as long as needed. Intelligent circuits can also be used to

38 2023 JANUARY • FEBRUARY /// MORE POWER. LEOCH® 48V LIFEPO4 BATTERIES Size Your Next Energy Storage Application with LEOCH® LFELI Series: LEOCH® BATTERY CORPORATION 20322 Valencia Circle, Lake Forest, CA 92630 1.949.588.5853 Reliable Power Solutions +

solids and liquids. An IP 67 rating is crucial if fixtures are being used in dusty or wet environments.

Gary Lam is the general manager of FranklinWH. His expertise spans market adoption across PV, energy storage, and inverter technologies, with a focus on optimizing system performance and returns across residential, C&I, and utility sectors. The Franklin Home Power system is a complete energy management solution that integrates solar, battery, grid, and generator power sources to optimize safety, reliability, and efficiency for residential customers.

North American Clean Energy 39 NEW PRODUCTS! Visit us at Intersolar in booth 1150. #7 -13511 Crestwood Place, Richmond, BC, V6V 2E9, Canada + 1.778.776.3288 Unlock the full potential of Discover Lithium Batteries by enabling the BMS to optimize and dynamically manage the charging configurations of inverter-chargers. A robust lithium solution for residential off-grid solar and tiny home power applications. A powerful lithium energy storage system for residential off-grid solar and whole home backup power.

A Beginner’s Guide to EV Charging

According to a recent study, over half of consumers looking to buy a car in the next year plan to purchase some form of an electric vehicle (EV).

To keep pace with rising EV adoption, charging infrastructure must rapidly expand. Businesses are taking note; they see this rapid adoption of EVs - and the subsequent charging needs - as an opportunity to attract new customers while promoting sustainability.

Few companies, however, have the necessary expertise. By following the steps below, companies can gain an overview of the process. Some will attempt the entire project in-house, others will outsource one or two steps, and others will turn to third parties able to handle the whole process.

10 steps to implementing commercial EV charging

1. Look for federal, state, and local incentives

Federal, state, and local governments are championing EV charging by providing significant incentives. These include the Federal EV Charger Tax Credit (which offers a credit equal to 30 percent of the project cost for business), state rebates such as Maryland’s ESVE Rebate (which offers up to $4,000 per charger, while funds last), and even rebates from individual utility

companies. Best of all, companies can reap the benefits by applying for rebates at all three of these levels concurrently.

There can even be a net negative cost to implement EV charging, after government incentives are factored in. Therefore, it’s essential to look for all available opportunities. Navigating this process can be complicated; many companies will partner with EV charging consultants from the beginning of their adoption journey to ensure they’re maximizing available savings.

Timing is crucial. Those aiming to implement EV charging in Q4 of 2022 want to ensure they do so before any funds expire at the end of the year. Those whose timelines extend into 2023 should start as soon as possible in the New Year to get funding before the money runs out.

2. Set a budget

Any successful business venture requires a budget. EV charging is no exception. To streamline the process, bring all relevant stakeholders to the table early on. Implementation will require cooperation between the C-Suite and operational personnel, the latter of whom may be more aware of easily overlooked costs. Budget planning is another place where outside experts can help.

3. Calculate the number of chargers needed

All signs point to EVs continuing to rise in popularity. When calculating the number of chargers needed, it’s best to think of both current and future needs. Many businesses today are converting 5-10 percent of parking spaces to EV charging spaces. Other companies want to take advantage of incentives while they’re available, and are converting even more spaces.

One key factor in calculating the number of chargers needed is whether or not the chargers will be available to the public, or only to employees, residents, or patrons. Some businesses go for a mix of the two, making some chargers private and others public. If companies choose to make chargers publicly available, it’s vital to have enough chargers for patrons as well. Failing to do so can turn EV charging from an attractive amenity to a frustration, as demand increases.

4. To monetize or not to monetize?

One of the most critical questions businesses need to ask is whether to position EV charging as an amenity or a direct income source. As an amenity, companies can use EV chargers to attract new employees, residents, or customers. For instance, a mall might install level 2 chargers as an amenity. These chargers provide, on average, 40-65 miles of range per hour. At this speed, EV drivers are more likely to shop while their car charges.

Other businesses view EV chargers as ROI generators, and will charge customers to use them. This is especially common with DC Fast Chargers, which will recharge most EVs to 80 percent in only 30 minutes. In essence, these are the gas stations of the future.

5. Select a manufacturer

A company’s budget and its choice to monetize will have a direct impact on which manufacturer will be best for them. Some EV charger manufacturers specialize in monetized chargers, while others are better suited for chargers that function as amenities. In many cases, manufacturers cannot keep up with their high volume of inbound sales requests, and turn to third-party resellers to help manage leads. Businesses partnering with EV charging consultants for other steps can also benefit from their

40 2023 JANUARY • FEBRUARY ///

services here. In this case, choosing a consultant with reseller agreements with various leading manufacturers will provide more options when it’s time to purchase.

6. Assess power infrastructure

Most existing facilities were not made with EV charging in mind. Because of this, power infrastructure upgrades may be necessary. Companies can hire electricians to perform this assessment; an EV charging consultant might also offer this service. Assessing the power infrastructure will determine whether or not the current power grid can handle the increased load.

7. Gain regulatory approval

It used to be that just about anyone could install EV chargers without oversight. Now, however, there are major regulatory requirements. First, companies need to apply for permits with the relevant local government agency. Then, they must obtain engineering drawings for the chargers. Finally, depending on the size of the facility, companies may need to go through a planning study with a parking planner to confirm the traffic pattern.

8. Receive a quote

Having gone through the necessary steps, an EV charging consultant will have enough information to provide a full quote for the project. End-to-end consultants with experience in sales, installation, and maintenance should be able to do all of the above in about a week. Completing this entire process in-house could, however, take much longer. 9.


In most cases, the installation will require working with electrical contractors. However, some EV consultants can also provide installation support, serving as general contractors. This offers further peace of mind, knowing that those installing the chargers have extensive experience with the unique challenges of EV charger installation - a skill in short supply.

10. Monitor uptime

Once EV chargers have been installed, all that is left is monitoring them for maintenance. Most chargers require IT connectivity, which is the most common reason for downtime. When chargers go down, companies have three options: contact the manufacturer; try to solve it in-house; or (if they’ve used a thirdparty consultant) the consultants can proactively monitor up-time and remedy the issues remotely. If necessary, they can dispatch repair teams to fix any problems.

Driving a greener future

Sustainability has gone from a corporate buzzword to a consumer demand. Now businesses can meet their sustainability goals and increase customer satisfaction

by installing EV chargers. Fifty percent of all drivers want EV chargers where they eat, sleep, work, play, and shop. That number will only go up. Currently, governments are incentivizing EV charging for early adopters, but such funding may not always be available. If your business is considering EV charging, the time to act is now.

Rich McNulty is the CEO of Blue Whale EV, an advisory and service organization to the EV charging community. He and his company help commercial and government clients through the entire EV charging adoption journey - from education, to sales, installation, and ongoing maintenance. Rich comes to the EV charging industry after more than 30 years in the electrical contracting industry. In 2017, he founded Critical Peake Services, a licensed Commercial Electrical Contractor, and has served as its CEO since 2017.

Blue Whale EV ///

North American Clean Energy 41 REGISTER FOR THE CONFERENCE AT s o la r st or age moun tai n west.c o m TH E CL O S E ST C ON FERE NC E TO TH E S U N P OWERED B Y F E B 27 - MAR 1 , 202 3 DE NV ER , C OLO RAD O Contact Jason Henderson at for exhibit and sponsorship oppor tunities. APP R OX I M AT E LY 68 % OF ATT E N DEE S IN F LU E N CE BUYIN G DEC I S I O N S . SE CU RE TH E GRE AT ES T O PPO RTUNIT Y TO E N ERG IZ E YO U R BUSINESS ! SAVE 10% WITH PROMO CODE M TN WE ST 1 0

Seamless whole home energy storage system

Canadian Solar Inc.’s EP Cube is a lightweight and sleek all-in-one residential energy storage solution which is scalable and customizable from 9.9kWh to 19.9kWh capacities. Its all-in-one design with hybrid inverter and stackable battery modules, requires minimal wall space. It is lightweight and easy to install, featuring allinclusive components and self-configuration for fast commissioning, and works with both new and retrofit, AC and DC-coupled PV systems. Up to six EP Cube units can be connected in parallel to deliver up to 119.9kWh of storage and 45.6kW output, which powers the average home with high-surge-current appliances and AC units. The EP Cube’s 6.25'' thin design requires minimal space and is fully compatible with indoor or outdoor installation thanks to its NEMA 4X rated resistance to dust and moisture. Each EP Cube battery module weighs less than 70lbs, which makes it simple to install and less costly to transport. The EP Cube is customizable to individual needs due to its modular approach. In addition, the energy storage system incorporates the Smart Gateway, an intelligent technology platform that enables automatic and seamless energy transfers for on- or off-grid use without user disruption. The EP Cube app allows for easy, real-time energy production and consumption monitoring. Homeowners have access to home energy management and over-the-air (OTA) software update services. Installers use the app to set up and troubleshoot systems.

Canadian Solar Inc. ///

Lithium-ion battery charging and storage cabinets

DENIOS introduces new Ion-Charge 90 storage containers designed specifically for lithium-ion battery charging and storage. With 90 minutes of fire resistance from outside to inside (type 90 / type tested in accordance with EN 14470-1) and for more than 90 minutes fire resistance for fires from inside to outside, these purpose-built containers protect against fire hazards due to thermal runaway, deep discharge, mechanical deformation, or chemical reaction. DENIOS Lithium-Ion Battery Charging and Storage Units are suitable for manufacturers, dealers, and distributors incorporating Li-ion batteries into their products, as well as facilities using them. The cabinets are equipped with a transport base to ensure fast transportation. Once the cabinet is outside of the building at a safe location, rescue personnel can identify any further measures necessary. Each unit features solidly welded construction for a long service life with a triple hinge door, safety elements assembled outside the storage compartment for increased protection against corrosion, scratch- and impact-resistance, and an easy to clean surface. Lockable doors with a permanent self-closing function keep the contents safe from unauthorized personnel. Sockets for connecting chargers are included as are perforated shelves which help to dissipate heat build-up during the charging process. A collection sump located at the bottom of the cabinet is designed to catch any leakage which may occur from burning batteries.


Maximize revenue of utility-scale energy storage

UL Solutions released HOMER Front, a licensable web-based software platform for designing and optimizing complex utility-scale energy storage systems — whether standalone or in combination with solar or wind energy. Equipped with robust battery dispatch modeling and an intuitive user interface, HOMER Front performs technical and economic analysis that helps developers maximize the revenue of their energy storage or hybrid project. The software allows users to test and analyze wind, solar, and battery project size, architecture, and technology rapidly. In conjunction, HOMER Front users can optimize battery augmentation strategies for participating in energy and capacity markets and meeting off-take agreement requirements. Important value streams for U.S. and global markets that rely on energy wholesale, capacity markets, and power purchase agreements, including California Independent System Operator (CAISO) and Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), are modeled in the software. HOMER Front is built on the HOMER software platform. As HOMER software’s first web-based application, HOMER Front eliminates the need for download and installation, enabling use on any operating system by global teams and increasing computational power.

UL Solutions ///

Residential energy storage solution

Qcells’ Q.HOME CORE is the newest generation energy storage system from Qcells, and it integrates a solar inverter (Q.VOLT) with a modular, scalable battery system (Q.SAVE) and backup interface (Q.HOME Hub). Q.HOME CORE is backed by Qcells’ inclusive 10-year product warranty on all components and customer support. Qcells’ Q.HOME CORE provides a complete energy solution and inclusive warranty from one brand; a flexible, scalable design that enables a wide range of storage capacities to suit a homeowner’s electricity needs; up to 200A whole home backup; standard integrated revenue grade metering; simplified installation and commissioning; compact design and sleek appeal; and integrated PLC rapid shutdown. The Q.HOME CORE pairs with Qcells modules including the Q.PEAK DUO BLK ML-G10+ and Q.TRON BLK M-G2+ for a full suite of clean energy solutions for any residence.

Qcells ///


Swivel plate battery base

KiloVault’s new HAB Dual Cart Kit supports 2 HAB, 7.5kWh LiFePO4 v4 batteries in one portable, sturdy base. The new cart with robust castor wheels enables the Lithium batteries to be compactly installed in pairs with ease, and now users are not limited to just wall mounting the batteries.

KiloVault ///

Backup power solutions

Schneider Electric’s Backup Control Switch (BCS) for customers in the USA and Puerto Rico, provides easy and flexible solar and battery storage solutions for whole-home and partial-home backup. The BCS is compatible with the XW Pro inverters from Schneider Electric, and automatically disconnects from the grid in the event of a power outage, allowing the solar and storage system to provide backup power to the home. The new Backup Control Switch (BCS) from Schneider Electric offers homeowners and installers flexibility when wiring a home for backup power while minimizing rewiring costs. While the XW Pro inverters include an integrated 60A transfer relay, the BCS provides flexibility for up to 200A of backup loads as well as optional configuration for service entrance applications. It is compatible with up to 4 XW Pro inverters, delivering up to 27kW continuous and 48kW peak backup power capability for 120/240V panels. The BCS is fully integrated with XW Pro hybrid inverters and accessories such as MPPT charge controllers and Insight Energy Management from Schneider Electric.

Schneider Electric ///

Modular whole home solar battery system

The Aura Hybrid Home Battery System from Renogy has been designed for maximum value and flexibility, the stackable system starts as small as 5kWh but is expandable all the way up to 60kWh for commercial applications. The Aura battery system is compatible with solar inverters from a number of manufacturers and can be added to existing home solar arrays or installed with new rooftop solar systems. Aura is a 48V system and can be fully controlled on a Renogy smart phone app. The Aura system features an elegant design and a 10-year warranty. It’s designed for simple installation in five easy steps.

Renogy ///

North American Clean Energy 43

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, in 2021, there were over 1,350 energy storage projects operating across the globe – 40 percent of which are here in the United States. We can expect to see that number grow, thanks to recent incentives passed by the government to encourage more renewable energy solutions across the country. States such as California, Texas, Hawaii, and New York, make up for a majority of the most recent active energy projects, but there has been significant push for new developments in various regions of the country as the U.S. gets closer to adopting renewable energy.

As companies move forward with planning for future projects, a crucial component to those projects will be transporting the product to the development site in an efficient, reliable, and transparent manner. Just like other commodities the U.S. purchases, a majority of products for energy projects are imported from overseas. As we have seen over the last several years, the global supply chain has suffered from severe challenges and delays that significantly impact the price and timing of cargo coming into the U.S. Demand for trucking and warehouse services have been at an all-time high, with limited availability. Despite domestic truck capacity freeing up in many lanes — moving cargo out of the ocean terminals and inland — rail terminals still struggle. The sheer amount of goods sitting idle at ocean ports and rail terminals forced a halt to developments across the nation.

For companies still in the development stages of their clean energy projects, selecting the right logistics provider (to get the right components to the right place) can save time, money, and a great deal of irritation.

Getting There from Here Transportation decisions for renewable energy projects

Procuring Qualified Transportation Providers

A critical concern for choosing a potential transportation partner is to be sure they understand your requirements, and have the necessary coverage and expertise to meet those requirements. A transportation provider should also have the flexibility to provide solutions when situations arise at installation sites. Is the company certified to handle high value, overweight, oversized, and potentially hazardous cargo? Does the company provide full service domestic transportation like vans, flats, and specialized equipment? Can the transportation entity assist with import containers by providing intact container drayage to the site, or by providing a drayage/container transload into over the road equipment to longer distant locations? There are a lot of variables that go into developments, and it’s important to make sure all bases are covered.

Where do you hold the cargo when there are delays?

Warehousing, particularly with imported products, can be an important part in the supply chain for renewable cargo. Weather, job site preparations/delays, and a surplus of inbound product can create long-term delays that may require various material (batteries, inverters, cables, mounts, or other parts) to be stored for the duration of the issue at hand. Regardless of the type of installation, there are many different components and items needed for energy projects that potentially must be stored. Look for a provider with available warehouse space in multiple locations to assist with inbound needs, as well as facilities that have the equipment that can handle specialized, overweight, and oversized cargo.

Multi-Modal Solutions and Adaptability

In addition to ensuring your logistics provider has the means to transport your cargo, confirm that they have the experience in the domestic movement of product as it relates to your industry. You should also look to a logistics provider with the flexibility to offer multiple solutions, as well as the ability to provide multiple modes of transportation, and effective and on-time communications. A background and understanding of the needs, expectations, and considerations required for the movement of renewable cargo can be the difference between your product showing up on time and in good condition, or arriving late and improperly loaded. An experienced provider can adapt to market changes, and has the necessary knowledge to inform you about market conditions. Look for a company that provides reliability, consistency, and transparency in all that they perform, and you will find a company that helps bring peace of mind within your supply chain.

These are just a few tips as you move through the process of reviewing and developing relationships with logistics providers. Your products are of the highest quality; they require outstanding quality transportation and a team with the knowledge and expertise to get your materials where they need to go, and in a timely manner. Doing your research on the front end will prevent unnecessary headaches and issues down the road.

Sean Magness is an Account Executive with Cornerstone Systems based in Portsmouth, Va. He has 11 years of experience in the transportation industry, and has worked closely with renewable energy companies and manufacturers of all kinds on the domestic transportation of renewable cargo. He can be reached at

Cornerstone Systems ///

2023 JANUARY • FEBRUARY /// 44



Adhesives, Sealants, Tapes & Pastes

Aluminum Extrusion & Metal Fabrication

Architects | Builders


Balance-of-Systems (BoS)

Battery | Energy Storage

Business Community

Cathodic Protection

Community Solar

Components | Electrical Protection

Consultants | Business &

Environmental Consultants

Contractors | EPC

Data Acquistion

Education | Research Development

Electrical Insulation

Electrical Wire, Cable, & Connectors


Enclosures | Combiner Boxes

Energy Management Systems

Energy Monitoring

Energy Storage System

Engineering | Operations & Maintenance (O&M)

Equipment Manufacturer

Financial Services

Floating Solar


Ground Covering

Ground Screws | Anchors


Legal Services


Managed Connectivity





Oil Containment | Spill Prevention

Performance Monitoring

Portable Solar

Power Engineering & Consulting

Power Transformers

PV Cleaning Systems

PV Distributors

PV Installers

PV Manufacturers & Equipment

Racking & Mounting Systems

Rapid Shutdown Systems

Residential or Small Office Solar/PV

Roll Forming


Safety Work Apparel

Sheet Metal | Machining


Site Assessment & Forecasting

Software Supplier

Solar Distributor

Solar Fasteners

Solar Hot Water Distributors

Solar Integration

Solar Radiometer Calibration

Solar Recycling

Solar Support Structures & Carport Systems

Solar Thermal Manufacturing & Equipment



Test & Measurement

Testing & Certification | Testing Chambers


Tracking Systems


Transportation | Logistics

Utility Scale Solar | PV

Vegetation Management

Wire Management

Image provided by: ECG Solar; Anamosa, IA; Panasonic Elite Installer Panasonic ///
North American Clean Energy 45

Adhesives, Sealants, Tapes & Pastes

Backsheets The Griff Network


Novagard provides electronics-grade sealants, conformal coatings, potting compounds, and thermal interface management materials for solar and battery manufacturers. Technologies include alcohol cure, UV cure, and UV/alkoxy dual cure. Their custom formulation lab is available to tailor products to a customer’s requirements and demanding applications. For solar installers, Novagard offers a full line of silicone and hybrid adhesive sealants and gunnable, pourable, and trowel-able roof repair materials for composition shingle roofs, commercial flat roofs, or metal roofs. ISO 9001:2015 (QMS with Design), IATF 16949:2016 (QMS with Design). Certified WBE.

Aluminum Extrusion & Metal Fabrication

The Griff Network's solar backsheets are high quality and durable. They carry a wide range of film products designed to protect solar panels. Some of their backsheet varieties include single fluoropolymers, double fluoropolymers, and non-fluoropolymers. Backsheets from Griff help protect panels from UV, moisture, and weather. Their backsheets are tested by quality control technicians for conformity and peel strength. With custom options available, their research and development team is ready to create a solution to any product challenges.

Balance-of-Systems (BoS)

Heyco Products, Corp.

Heyco provides solutions that keep connections liquid tight in solar installations. Heyco’s line of Solar Mastheads recently expanded to include #6AWG cables in addition to #8AWG and #10AWG. The new sizes are available in 1¼'' NPT, 1½'' NPT, and 2'' NPT, and can accommodate anywhere from 5 to 8 #6AWG cables. The unique skinned-over technology allows for flexibility out in the field, allowing an installer to use as many or as few holes while still remaining liquid tight.

Alexandria Industries

Alexandria Industries produces custom components for a range of markets and applications. It uses advanced manufacturing technology and a skilled workforce to create extruded aluminum products, precision machining, heatsinks, finishing, plastic injection and foam molding, welding, and assemblies for customers.

Architects | Builders

Aesthetic Green Power Corp.

Aesthetic Green Power is a North American builder of integrated PV. Their Sunslates roof product is a Class A roof that provides solar electric plus thermal energy. Their TallSlates are designed to integrate with natural slate. They specialize in custom solar products for facades or canopies. Their book, Building Integrated Photovoltaic Thermal System, is available through Elsevier Press.

EPEC Solutions, Inc.

EPEC Solutions, Inc. is a supplier of low voltage AC equipment for string inverter commercial and utility scale solar plants. Their expanding product line now includes UL 891 switchboards for AC combiners and AC recombiners through 800VAC, auxiliary power centers, LV metering, and complete power block skidded solutions. They work closely with most AC string inverter and MV transformer manufacturers at the design level to provide their customers with the latest solar specific innovations.

Shoals Technologies Group

The BLA (Big Lead Assembly) takes all the complexity out of wiring a solar field. Using their latest in-line fuse and wire manufacturing technology, they offer a site free of traditional DC string combiners. With the BLA, the entire load is combined into a single pair of aluminum conductors running from the sub-array to the inverter. The BLA is an aboveground aluminum trunk system that combines the functionality of cable assemblies, combiner boxes, and fusing all into one. This free air de-rated system eliminates the need for standard combiner boxes, messy multiple conductor string wires, cable trays, trenching, and field crimping. Factory manufactured and quality guaranteed.

ACE Battery Co., Ltd.

EnerGuard, ACE's LiFePO4 battery for residential energy storage, is designed to help households store and use energy more efficiently. Based on the intelligent lithium-ion technology, it provides a long service life with high efficiency, safety, and reliability. Advantages include an optimized cycle life more than 6000, usable energy up to 100%, and smart temperature control. It is constructed for harsh environments with IP65, water and dust proof, along with a long warranty. Moreover, it is compatible with all major inverter brands, and ACE provides battery / inverter packages as well.


Aggreko’s fully integrated, plug-and-play battery storage solutions ensure maximum system effectiveness and efficiency. They have been optimized across every component to deliver system performance, minimize operating costs, and shrink a carbon footprint. Aggreko offers solutions to power a microgrid, add reliability to a hybrid system, and to optimize business cases through smart energy management. The Y.Cube is a ready-to-install energy storage system.

Atlantic Clean Energy Supply (ACES)

ACES is the North American authorized sales and marketing partner of the Solax residential Battery Energy Storage System (BESS). A Series BESS can offer a flexible combination from 7kW 5kWh to 32kW 80kWh. ACES also offers commercial BESS by using leading power equipment and LFP cell products. ACES also offers Tier I solar panels, inverters, racking, and tracking systems as well as traditional lead-carbon batteries.

2023 SOLAR BUYERS GUIDE Battery | Energy Storage
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sol t ec . c o m

Bioenno Power

Based in Santa Ana, California, Bioenno Power offers lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) batteries for various solar and industrial applications. The company's "BLF-" series offers a 10-year service life, 1/4 the weight of SLA batteries, and built in circuitry that balances/equalizes cells, protects against overcharging, overdischarge, overcurrent, and overvoltage.


ESS Z is a modular, robust 54.75V lithiumion battery for both on-grid and off-grid applications. Scalable from (1) 7.1kWh (usable) to (12) units at 85.2kWh, this battery can store/shift excess PV system generation and provide whole-home energy backup. With maximum discharge power of 18kW and constant discharge current up to 195A, or 300A (3 sec.), the ESS Z is a workhorse for large loads such as HVAC compressors. BMZ also offers high-voltage batteries with both NMC and LFP cells scaling from 7.5kWh (usable) to 22.28kWh in a compact housing or outdoor-rated (IP65) cabinet that holds the battery modules and compatible 1-phase and 3-phase hybrid inverters. BMZ products feature Germanengineering and over 25 years of leadership in lithium-ion battery manufacturing.

Crown Battery

Crown Renewable Batteries are an innovative array of responsible battery energy storage products, including their popular 2CRP1200 model which has capacity up to 55.9kWh (48VDC) for best available performance and ROI, is flexible and easy to handle, configure, deployable for new or existing systems and resilient in extreme operating temperatures, and earthfriendly being 99% recyclable. Crown can supply grid-connected with back-up power, off-grid, or custom storage applications.

Fortress Power

The Fortress Power Guardian is a gateway device that connects Fortress Power Batteries to the cloud. Paired with the companion app, the Guardian will automatically discover connected Fortress Power batteries. This enables battery-level monitoring of key values such as state of charge, voltage, current, and battery temperature as well as fast and accurate technical support. Users can remotely update battery firmware, submit support tickets, chat live with technical support, complete warranty submissions, and securely share installation and monitoring data directly with support engineers, right from the companion app.

LEOCH Battery Corporation

LEOCH 48V LFELI Series, Lithium Iron Phosphate (LIFEPO4) batteries offer exceptional cycling performance of 10,000 cycles @ 50% DOD, 3500 cycles @ 100% DOD, and can be put into parallel for 48VDC, 1600AH capacity. These batteries are equipped with a built-in Battery Management System (BMS) and optional LCD screen for hassle-free maintenance.

Lithium Power, Inc.

Darfon America Corp.

The H7 is part of Darfon’s outdoor-rated energy storage solution. The H7 is a hybrid inverter that can support loads of up to 7.6kW and is to be used in conjunction with the B15, a 15.36kWh high-voltage LFP battery. The H7 can be installed in a new DC-coupled PV system, replace an existing string inverter or be AC-coupled to an existing PV system. To facilitate a smooth installation process, it is transformerless and has breakers, disconnect switches, and generator support circuitry. The Darfon H7 also comes with an external wireless display, so the system can be controlled and monitored from inside the home.

Dragonfly Energy & Battle Born Batteries

Dragonfly Energy and Battle Born Batteries offer lithium-ion deep cycle batteries. A safe, long-lasting green energy storage solution, these batteries are suitable drop-in replacements for lead-acid and are backed by an in-house team of Technical Sales Specialists and headquartered in the USA.

FranklinWH Energy Storage, Inc.

Designed to meet the energy management and battery backup needs of the entire home, the Franklin Home Power (FHP) solution is comprised of two core integrated components: the aGate X, an intelligent panel that can control energy from the grid, solar, battery, or generator, and the aPower X, a robust, high-capacity AC-coupled battery. A unique differentiator of the FHP is its Smart Circuits, allowing homeowners to optimize energy consumption by controlling and monitoring the consumption of three circuits on-demand, based on their priorities and needs, all from the convenience of the FranklinWH app.

Invinity Energy Systems

Invinity's 230kWh VS3 battery is non-flammable and incorporates safe-by-design construction. The high throughput, unlimited-cycling system provides the operational freedom to maximize ROI. Their 25-year lifespan matches solar and wind assets. Invinity designs and manufactures true utility-grade energy storage for grid-scale, C&I, and microgrid applications.

ESS-500-48 is a lithium-ion rechargeable NMC battery pack. Designed for telecom UPS and other mission critical applications, the back-up battery comes with built-in safety protections, gas gauge, cell and pack balancing, as well as communication. Various communication protocols are available such as CANBus, SMBus, Bluetooth, and more. Around 60 parameters of battery information can be delivered live or saved in the battery's history data log. The battery pack is designed to meet UN, UL, and IEC certification requirements.

Lithium Werks

LFP Nanophosphate 18650 and 26650 power cells, for Power.Safety.Life energy storage applications. Suited for critical UPS battery back-up, frequency regulation, and high-rate discharges, while mitigating the risk of a thermo event. Lithium Werks cells have a wide temperature range, fast-charging, and high cycle life. Both the 18650 and the 26650 possess a strong cylindrical cell design.

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Small Components. Big Impact.

Your Bankable Partner

Our more than 25 years of experience and impressive track record in connecting complex photovoltaic (PV) systems worldwide enable us to create long-term value. With quality product solutions and services for eBoS (electrical Balance of Systems) applications in PV plants, we make your project reliable and efficient. Individually tailored to your needs, we provide you with everything you need for a successful collaboration as your partner of choice.

The MC4 family of PV connectors are rated up to 1500 V UL, 95 A, and are available for 14 through 6 AWG cable configurations. Visit our website for a complete product portfolio, including in-line fuses UL rated up to 1500 V, to 30 A.

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Mango Power

Mango Power Union is a large-capacity (6.9kWh), high power output battery (4000Wac and 350Wdc) modular power station with a heavy-duty home base and a smaller, detachable unit at the top. With its 19 ports, it can safely be removed anytime through patented mLink technology and taken on road trips. Up to 10 of them can be stacked together into a micro-grid, providing up to 69kWh. Its in-built PV inverter makes it easy to charge by solar panels, power grid, or others. Mango charges to 80% in just 1.5 hours and 100% in 2.5 hours.

Rolls Battery Engineering

Designed for true drop-in replacement in standard BCI sizing, Rolls new R-Series 12V and 24V LFP lithium models offer a maintenance-free and lightweight flooded and SLA alternative with fast charge/ discharge capability, built-in BMS with operating protections, up to 4x series and 4x parallel connectivity for 48V system configuration and exceptional cycle life (>6000 cycles @ 80% DOD, >3000 cycles @ 100% DOD), backed by a 3-year full replacement manufacturer warranty.

U.S. Battery Manufacturing

U.S. Battery Manufacturing has been building flooded lead acid batteries since 1926 and manufactures deep cycle batteries specifically for many industries, worldwide. The company’s RE Series batteries are designed to provide high peak capacity, long cycle life, and reliability for use in industrial or residential renewable energy applications. RE Series batteries utilize the company’s XC2 formulation and Diamond Plate Technology to create an efficient battery plate, delivering high watt-hours per liter and watt-hours per kilogram.


MK Battery

MK Battery introduces the DEKA Duration

DD5300, a 48V, 5300Wh battery module utilizing Lithium Iron Phosphate Technology. Tested and validated, and branded with the DEKA name from East Penn Manufacturing Co., this modular design allows for either wall mount or floor mount installation and is stackable up to eight modules high. Stocked in the U.S., the DD5300 is a universal module that has a programmable BMS, Dual usage, for low voltage and high voltage applications. Low voltage; 48V, 5.3kWh to 556.5kWh, high voltage; 200 to 1000V, 21.2kWh to 763kWh. Remote monitoring and firmware updates are just one click away on any smart phone, utilizing a proprietary app.

SCHURTER’S Reflowable Thermal Switch, RTS, includes two variations with tripping temperatures of >175°C and >210°C. Available with or without shunt, the RTS protects power semiconductors by reliably and precisely interrupting a circuit at a pre-defined temperature. Measuring only 6.6mm x 8.8mm, the RTS protects against thermal runaway while it sustains operating currents up to 130A at voltages up to 60VDC. Breaking capacity is up to 400A at 24VDC. Reflow solderable up to 260°C. Mechanically armed by depressing the top, which also makes the status clearly visible. The high reliability of the RTS makes it well-suited for applications involving high ambient temperatures.

Stem, Inc.

Stem can help solar developers, EPCs, electrical contractors, and installers tap into the energy storage experience, battery technology expertise, and support needed for successful storage projects. Through the Stem Channel Partner Program, work with industry professionals to deliver more value and services that complement both behind-the-meter and front-of-meter projects.

Business Community EnergyBin

EnergyBin is an online business community for the world’s PV professionals to collaborate, buy and sell new and used solar equipment, and share market intelligence. Over 90% of equipment for sale is new and under warranty. Buyers can send RFQs to members to receive multiple quotes. Sellers can position inventory in front of new buyers. Members can network with industry professionals for business opportunities. Solar companies from across the supply chain are members of EnergyBin. The B2B exchange is a subscription-based service and does not charge transaction fees.

LP Hoying, LLC

LP Hoying solar power supplies are used in the cathodic protection industry and are used worldwide for the protection of assets including solar and wind turbine bases, oil and natural gas well casings, pipelines, and associated infrastructure. They are available with cathodic protection current ranges from zero to 50A (more in specialized cases) and the associated voltage levels necessary to provide this current. The controls can be configured to provide constant voltage, constant current, or automatic potential control depending upon the application. Their systems come with all components needed for installation, and are easily assembled in the field.

Community Solar Solar on Earth

Solar On Earth (SOE) is a full-service customer acquisition company serving the community solar industry. SOE delivers quality subscribers, providing customer education, support, and onboarding services that increase retention rates. Solar On Earth’s mission is to broaden the adoption of solar energy and its benefits to everyone and as of 2022, has helped over 13,000 subscribers and filled over 400MW for Community Solar projects across ten states.

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Components | Electrical Protection

Allied Industrial Marketing, Inc.

Allied Industrial Marketing provides power quality products and filters for renewable energy inverters, such as L-C-L filters, sine wave filters, along with line and load reactors, harmonic filters, power factor controllers, and power factor correction.

B&J USA, Inc.

B&J-USA (Benedict) DC Solar Disconnect Switches provide safe and reliable switching for photovoltaic systems. Offered in NEMA 4X and IP66 enclosures, LS series switches provide for an efficient and long-lasting PV system. Additional features include knife-action and arc extinguishing technology, and a patented doublelock operator. Available in a variety of switching programs to accommodate one or multiple PV strings and up to 85A. UL listed, and CE approved


Silicone encapsulants and sealants offer environmentally-friendly and long-term protection to meet the demands of solar panel and junction box applications. CHT USA offers a series of silicone elastomers featuring optically clear, non-yellowing, corrosion and UV resistant properties which enable silicones to outperform many organics. Thermally conductive grades are available and designed for efficient heat management, including UL listed grades for flame retardancy. Additionally, silicones with primerless adhesion are offered for convenient bonding to a variety of substrates.

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The c3controls product portfolio of 15 million+ configurations includes push buttons, pilot lights, miniature circuit breakers, relays, contactors, disconnect switches, and much more. UL 489 and UL 1077 MCBs carry a 277VAC / 60VDC rating all the way to 63A for B, C, and D curve ratings. c3controls provides the OEM with durable, well-designed components for all energy management applications including electric vehicle infrastructure, solar, and energy storage systems. c3controls also has a full UL 508A panel shop. Vertically integrated and based in the USA, c3controls offers supply chain efficiency with a same-day shipping guarantee. All products carry a lifetime warranty.

North American Clean Energy 51
Get your demo today at Scan the QR code using your sma phone camera

Clark Rubber & Plastic

Clark Rubber & Plastic is a custom manufacturer of UL extruded and molded rubber and plastic components used in the solar industry. Clark Rubber & Plastic develops and manufactures custom rubber and plastic quality components such as clamp inserts, grommets, rub strips, and fastening applications.

EMA Electromechanics, Inc.

EMA is the designer and manufacturer of the Grounding Breaker. An unique equipment, designed to switch and ground storage energy, wind and solar collection circuits. It provides safety, TOV mitigation, IGBT protection, CAPEX, and OPEX savings. It increases grid reliability helping to differentiate internal and external faults to the power plants, ensuring engineers the ability to set generators to trip if the fault is inside the plant or ride through (PRC-024) if the fault is outside. EMA offers PDCs, 38kV and 15kV vacuum grounding breakers and conventional circuit breakers for indoor switchgear and outdoor application.


The Littelfuse SPXV series 1500Vdc solar string fuse protects photovoltaic installations from overloads and short circuits to minimize damage to solar panels. They offer up to 60A protection for increased flexibility. The full range, fast-acting fuse eliminates low-overload faults. The SPXV fuse fits into the LFXV15 series fuse block and dead-front cover that offers a ventilated design to keep fuse running cooler, even at high ambient temperatures and current ratings, to increase fuse longevity.

Electrical Consultants, Inc.

Electrical Consultants Inc. (ECI) is a power delivery engineering firm which brings power delivery services through 500kV to their clients. ECI provides services including overhead and underground transmission engineering, substation and switchyard design, industrial power systems design, land survey and construction staking, right-of-way services, environmental planning, project management, construction management, and procurement services to utilities.


Day Ahead Instrumentation (DAI)

Day Ahead Instrumentation’s low voltage protection solutions replace pole mounted reclosers at an affordable price. Standard Trip-only relays work with any shunt trip device. Trip/Close, Return to Service models are available for use with motorized breakers and are utility compliant and test switch ready with integrated 8-hour DC UPS. Powered by SEL: 751 standard, all relay models available. UL 508A listing available. Day Ahead Instrumentation provides turnkey multifunction relays and RTUs for interconnection requirements for utility scale and C&I applications. Assemblies configurable for DTT, MPLS, or SCADA interface with wired, fiber, or wireless coms.

KG Technologies

KG Technologies, Inc. provides switching solutions for energy management applications offering high-quality latching relays, current transformers, HVDC contactors, and smart circuit breakers. They have product knowledge of energy management devices as well as the expertise to assist in their customers' product development. By customizing and integrating switching and measuring components with in-house solutions, they can help reduce components and shorten the supply chain.

Techspan is an independently owned distributer of CSA approved electrical and automotive products, providing these products to the Canadian market for the last 30 years. Their Fusetek line includes a wide range of solar fuses and fuse holders, as well as the IMO solar product line. They carry a substantial inventory to provide fast, reliable delivery for their customers.

Consulting Services | Business & Environmental Consultants


CLS protects their customers’ investment by providing the expertise and quality land services their clean energy project deserves. They work with landowners, landowner coalitions, and regulatory agencies and can rapidly mobilize and demobilize staff to meet the changing needs of a project. Their land services include Siting and Site Engagement, Landowner Outreach, Lease and Waiver Acquisition, Marketable and Mineral Title, Permitting and Construction Support, Utility Coordination and Interconnect Agreements, Development and Construction Payments and Reconciliation, and Risk Analysis and Due Diligence for BTAs and PPAs.

Lemoine Landman Services, Inc.

Lemoine Landman Services, Inc. provides land and right-of-way acquisition, title abstraction and curative, and due diligence services for greenfield and brownfield projects in the renewable energy and fossil fuels industries.

Schlesinger Consulting

Schlesinger Consulting provides electrical engineering services related to wind and photovoltaic projects, specifically related to the protection of those systems from the effects of lightning and high energy transients.

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Black & McDonald

Black & McDonald is an integrated, multi-trade service provider that safely delivers high-quality construction, facilities management, and technical solutions to government, institutional, and industry clients.

TerraPro Solutions

TerraPro Solutions provides high-level end-to-end risk analysis and risk mitigation expertise in the development and implementation of renewable energy projects. Their business case includes technical viability, environmental impact, and long-term financial soundness. With the development of a detailed decision-making matrix, the potential that risk factors will be overlooked is significantly diminished. Their focus is on vigilant due diligence to ensure the success and resilience of every project.

Contractors | EPC

Asahi America

Asahi/America’s non-metallic piping options can help to optimize any battery manufacturing process. Asahi offers an extensive line of products across a spectrum of materials, including PP, PE, PVDF, and PP-RCT, designed to meet the demanding HVAC, chiller, or ventilation designs. Asahi/America's thermoplastic valve and piping products are complete systems that are engineered to last, providing value over the lifetime of a laboratory or manufacturing setting.

Beta Engineering

With over 45 years of experience, Beta Engineering designs and builds substations, switchyards, transmission lines, gas-insulated switchgear (GIS) projects, and flexible alternating current transmission systems (FACTS). Beta offers several solutions, including Agile by Beta, which leverages factory-built substations to fast-track construction and reduce cost.

North American Clean Energy 53

Blattner Company

Blattner is a diversified renewable energy contractor providing expertise and collaborative construction solutions nationwide. Blattner Company is the parent company of Blattner Energy and D.H. Blattner & Sons, of which all are members of Quanta Services. Building on more than a century of innovation, the Blattner Family of Companies provides complete engineering, procurement, and construction services for utility-scale solar, wind, energy storage, and power delivery projects with project management and self-performance of all major work activities.

Brent Scarbrough & Company (BSC)

Brent Scarbrough & Company (BSC), established in 1985, is 100% employee-owned turnkey heavy civil site contractor headquartered in Newnan, GA with a presence in industrial, commercial, mixed use, healthcare, residential, and energy markets. Providing construction services to


Ellingson has five decades of environmental solutions experience, serving general contractors, municipalities, and utility service providers with trenchless pipe installation. Their services include, but aren’t limited to horizontal directional drilling, plowing and trenching, collection and treatment of wastewater, pipe ramming, pipe bursting, and slip lining.

Hypower, LLC

Hypower is a utility-scale self-performing BOS/EPC solar contractor based out of Fort Lauderdale, FL. The company works nationally, currently licensed in over 30 states. Hypower has over 800MW of experience in the solar industry focused solely on ground-mount projects over 20MW.

Invaleon Solar

Invaleon Solar is a national solar developer EPC headquartered in Haverhill, MA. Invaleon develops nationwide and has developed and installed more than 150+MW to date. Invaleon applies innovative design solutions for commercial distributed generation and utility solar photovoltaic installations. Their diverse in-house team of engineers, financial planners, utility experts, and fully licensed electricians have a wealth of experience in designing, building, and operating solar PV installations.

Green Source EPC, LLC

Green Source EPC is a provider of solar energy for commercial developments in North America. Green Source EPC works with customers from design through installation to produce custom efficient solar projects. With its self-performing capabilities, Green Source EPC accelerates the design, engineering, procurement, and construction timelines to improve quality and eliminate multi-sourcing challenges.

LightWave Solar

LightWave Solar provides solar EPC and O&M services to businesses, municipalities, and local power companies across the Midsouth and beyond. LightWave designs and builds custom PV plus energy storage systems ranging from

MBA Energy & Industrial, LLC

MBA Energy & Industrial is an industrial general contractor who specializes in constructing new buildings for energy related projects. MBA has built over 70 buildings for the renewable industry over the last 5 years. Most of MBA’s buildings are design/build in nature, but they are capable of build-to-print projects as well. MBA’s current resume stretches nationwide and includes O&M buildings, warehouses, large enclosures, battery storage, terminals, substation buildings, large offices, and many other types of facilities. The in-house team of architects and engineers help clients through the design process and offer a variety of options when it comes to MBA projects. The company also offers free conceptual designs, budgetary pricing, and consultation on building planning.

ability to deliver on time, every time.

New Dawn Energy Solutions New Dawn Energy Solutions is an energy Rosendin Electric Rosendin Renewable Energy Group brings its experience and capabilities as a diversified union electrical contractor to its role as an established full-service solar EPC, having installed over 5GW of solar across the US. With a portfolio of projects ranging from 500kW to more than 720MW and utilizing various technologies across rooftop, canopy, and tracker ground-mount installations. This group also provides in-house full-service design-build solutions for medium voltage collection systems, turnkey power substations, long haul transmission installations, and battery energy storage for all types of renewable energy projects nationwide. Simple. Solid. Sustainable. • Specified for Use With IronRidge, SnapNrack and Other Leading Racking Systems • First Building Code Certified Screw Foundation System in The U.S. • Year-Round Installation • No Concrete & No Excavation • Environmentally Friendly • Immediately Loadable • Cost Effective

Data Acquisition

Electrical Insulation

Stronghold Engineering, Inc.

Stronghold Engineering, Inc. (SEI) provides services in design build, construction, and O&M of large solar array projects, solar carports, rooftop systems, ground mounted systems, and landfill ballasted systems. As well as providing extensive work with STEM to install battery projects across Southern California, they are a turnkey solar and battery developer, installer, and O&M provider. They also work with EV charging installation and O&M.


DEWESoft has developed data-acquisition solutions to perform measurements both accurately and efficiently. DEWESoft has an array of products as well as specifically developed software that cater to all power measurement requirements such as the power quality, direct and diffuse solar radiation data, as well as converter and overall efficiency to name a few. All their equipment and testing criteria follows international standards such as the IEC-61000-4-30 Class A.

The Wesson Group

The Wesson Group, LLC is a full-service renewable energy company specializing in BOP and EPC project delivery in the Northeast US. With over two decades experience and over 2GW capacity, the principals of TWG have constructed more than 24 wind projects in five states and two countries, as well as utility-scale solar projects in New York. Their project experience offers insight into unique issues associated with renewable energy projects including union participation, highly varied geotech, environmental compliance in highly regulated and wet states, and multiple OEM’s onsite.

Education | Research Development

GRT Genesis

GRT Genesis is a Canadian-owned supplier of a wide variety of high performance mechanical- and electrical-grade laminated sheets, tubes, rods, pultruded shapes, punched and machined parts in numerous critical applications and market segments. GRT is a global provider of motor slot wedges, ripple-spring spacers, coil blocks and shims, rotor and armature insulation, pole collars, panels, barriers, bus supports, trays, standoffs, coverboards, and many other components in powergen, transformers and switchgear, steelmaking, pulp and paper, solar, windpower, transit, and heavy machinery markets both in North America and globally.

Electrical Wire, Cable, & Connectors

American Wire Group

American Wire Group (AWG) is a global supplier of wire and cable to the solar, wind, and utility industries. Specific to the solar power industry, AWG offers PV, power, control, transmission, and fiber optic cables. Handling large, utility-scale, as well as smaller, residential projects, AWG offers a variety of products to meet wire and cable needs, including the following: 15kV to 35kV TR-XLPE/EPR; ACSR/AAAC/AAC; PV AL cable; bare copper, aluminum, or copper clad steel; static/guy wire; OPGW; and related hardware.

Cameron Wire & Cable, LLC

Cameron Connect provides UL 4703 PV 1kV/2kV (aluminum and copper) cables, DLO copper cables, and UL 1072 MV cables. Cameron offers affordable pricing and high performance cables for all applications and will customize the cable package, offering cut-to-length or bulk cables, accessories, labels, and lugs supplied in kits. Cameron also offers inventory management and will warehouse planned goods at no charge, and provides same-day shipping to satisfy tight job deadlines.

Powering America

Powering America’s team, consisting of craftspersons who are members of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and their signatory contractors, including those who are members of the National Electrical Contractors Association, can help design highly efficient, even “Zero Net”, construction projects, perform energy audits, and ensure the right electrical systems are installed, so customers can lower their energy costs and quickly recover their investments.


4SProducts is a manufacturer of telecom and energy cables as well as galvanized strand. 4S manufactures cables for the renewable sector such as UL and TUV-rated solar-type cables in a wide range of sizes and applications. 4S solar cables are rated RHH/RHW-2 as per UL44, UL4703 and UL854 standards.


Copperweld developed Sunray PV wire to be affordable copper PV wire, and also energy efficient when upsized. Additionally, it is up to 20% lighter than traditional copper PV wire when upsized. This weight reduction decreases the amount of pulling tension, resistance, and effort required to transport and install the wire saving time and money.

56 2023 JANUARY • FEBRUARY ///

Why microinverters?


Module-level MPPT and monitoring

Only shaded panels underperform

Zero risk: max. 60V DC input voltage

Natural rapid shutdown

String Inverter

One MPPT per panel string

Overall output drop due to shading

Risky: 600V high DC input voltage

Rapid shutdown device needed

10–30% higher power generation

Failure rate < 0.18%

IP67 rating for challenging conditions

Easy to install, just plug and play

Little O&M costs

25 years warranty

USA-based warehouse, fast delivery

CEC peak efficiency 96.7%

Publicly listed company

On the AVL List of Loanpal, Mosaic,

North American Clean Energy 57

Priority Wire & Cable

Priority Wire & Cable stocks a large inventory of aluminum DC feeder cables PV 2KV, 4 AWG thru 1000 MCM, plus 8 and 10 AWG copper 2KV string wire in black, white, red, and green. They have supplied wire to over 15GW of projects and can assist in eliminating unexpected costs, and reducing lead time, waste, and labor.

Stäubli Electrical Connectors

More than 25 years of experience and experience in connecting complex photovoltaic (PV) systems worldwide enables Stäubli Electrical Connectors to create long-term value. With quality product solutions and services for eBoS (electrical Balance of Systems) applications in PV plants, they make projects reliable and efficient. Individually tailored to their customers’ needs, they provide all the required elements for any sized project. The MC4 family of PV connectors are rated up to 1500V UL, 70A, and are available for 14 through 8 AWG cable configurations. Their product portfolio also includes in-line fuses UL rated up to 1500V, to 30A.


Enclosures | Combiner Boxes

EZ Solar

The mission at EZ SOLAR is to make solar simpler with innovative products that are high quality, installer friendly, and cost effective. Made from advanced durable polycarbonate, EZ Solar rooftop junction boxes are designed to last for life. With three patented layers of water protection, and two weep holes for breathability, and a 25-year warranty, installers and homeowners can rest assured there will be no leaking. There are three different models to choose from to get just the right box for each install. Compatible with composite shingle and tile roofs.

Prysmian Group

Prysmian Group‘s cables are helping businesses in the solar industry convert renewable and sustainably-sourced energy opportunities into reality. Prysmian is driving innovation in the solar industry, helping renewable industry partners deliver projects with benefits for the future of the world and their businesses. Prysmian‘s SunGen UL 4703 suite of (PV) products effectively and efficiently connect solar panels and concentrated solar power technologies while withstanding the harsh operating environments of solar power application.

Nel Hydrogen

Nel Hydrogen manufacturers Alkaline and Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) water electrolysers, producing from 0.27 Nm3 to 19,400 Nm3 of H2 per hour. Units can be grouped together into electrolyser plants for even larger production rates. Electrolysers are used to store excess electricity from renewable resources in the H2 bond. The H2 can then be sold to industry (converting curtailed power to cash), or burned in a turbine or run through a fuel cell to put the stored energy onto the grid during periods of low generation or peak demand. Due to their fast response times the PEM electrolysers are also used by renewable energy plants to balance the power the plant puts onto the grid.

Fibox Enclosures

Fibox provides UL listed, NEMA-rated non-metallic polycarbonate enclosures. Designed for the challenges of the renewable energy industry, Fibox enclosures are water-tight and UV resistant. Lightweight rust-free polycarbonate offers high impact resistance. Sized from 2'' x 2'' x 2'' to 32'' x 24'' x 12'' in a variety of cover configurations and colors.


Maysteel fabricates custom renewable energy enclosures for energy storage, battery storage, generators, solar inverters, and more. Maysteel provides buildable designs that can quickly and easily scale, fabrication support for changes in demand, and enclosures that meet rigorous standards, including NEMA 3R and NEMA 4 standards.


STEGO’s CS 028 fan heater prevents the formation of condensation and provides an evenly distributed interior air temperature in enclosure cabinets. The heaters are connected using internal terminal connectors. The heater design minimizes the surface temperatures on the accessible side surfaces of the housing, and its small size makes them suitable for use in enclosures where space is at a premium.


Trachte, LLC manufactures modular, prefabricated substation control buildings and electrical equipment enclosures for electric utility and renewable energy applications. Trachte’s customer substation buildings are constructed for clients’ requirements and site location with the electrical, HVAC, service equipment, cable tray, and grounding, etc. preinstalled prior to shipping.

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Energy Management Systems

Ageto Energy

The Ageto ARC Microgrid Controller is a robust, reliable, and highly flexible control solution designed to amplify the value of energy resources in three-phase behind-the-meter and off-grid microgrid installations. The ARC controller acts as the single interface for the entire system, providing autonomous system control and optimization, data collection and visualization, alarm handling, and countless other features designed to ease the operation and maintenance of these complex and high investment systems. The microgrid experts at Ageto are committed partners calling on decades of storage and generator experience to exceed project expectations.

BorgWarner (formerly Rhombus Energy Solutions)

Next-generation, bi-directional electric vehicle DC fast charging systems, high-efficiency power conversion systems, and energy management system (EMS) software for vehicle-to-grid (V2G) capable electric vehicle fleet charging.

Discover Battery

TLYNK II Communications Gateway is a powerful tool to unlock the full power of electronic batteries. It serves as a communications bridge, programmable relay controller, and an insightful window into the battery management system of all Discover Battery's LiFePO4 energy storage solutions. LYNK II enables and establishes closed-loop communications with all major brands of power electronics to provide dynamic charging, real-time visibility through remote cloud monitoring, and historical battery data, and it enables firmware and feature updates providing homeowners with the full benefit of Discover's storage advances throughout the battery’s service life.

Continental Control Systems

As a member of Socomec Group, Continental Control Systems designs and manufactures metering devices, current transformers, and custom energy measurement, including the Wattnode line of power and energy meters. The WattNode Wide-Range meter is an economical high-accuracy metering solution with a small footprint and providing ease of installation.

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IHI Terrasun Solutions

Terrasun’s proprietary software provides Power Plant Controls (PPC), reporting, monitoring, performance analytics, and service diagnostic tools so users can run their storage installation with ease and reliability. Their software can manage solar installations in a DC-coupled configuration or standalone storage setup with multi-day programming, full SCADA HMI, and customizable data access. Their systems run on Rockwell Automation’s Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) platform and qualify for ERCOT, CAISO, MISO, and other ISO markets.


Sense Solar is installed in the home's electrical panel and connected to the solar system to enable users to see real-time energy use and solar production. Sense can also detect and track many of the different appliances in the home to show what is consuming electricity, how much it’s costing, and when it turns on or off. Homeowners can see how much electricity they consume from solar or the grid, excess electricity sold back to the utility, and exactly how much of their home is powered by the solar system.

Energy Storage System

Blue Planet Energy

Briggs & Stratton Energy Solutions

The SimpliPHI Energy Storage System (ESS) is vertically integrated with modular components to scale power and energy capacity independently. Increase power output to satisfy higher electrical loads with the SimpliPHI 6kW Inverter with dual MPPT and increase energy capacity for longer runtimes during outages with the SimpliPHI 4.9kWh Battery. The EnergyTrak control and monitoring system provides customized solutions with a simple but sophisticated Mobile App that optimizes efficiencies and cost savings for indoor/outdoor, AC/ DC coupled, on/ off-grid installations. The SimpliPHI ESS is IP 65 rated, certified to UL 1741 and 1973, is UL 9540A fire-safety tested, and scalable from 6kW to 54kW and 4.9kWh to 358.56kWh.

Shaanxi Dyness Renewable Energy Group Co., Ltd

Dyness is a battery manufacture headquartered in China. They specialize in grid-tied and off-grid LFP battery solutions for residential applications. Their battery products are produced in accordance with international standards, and have obtained CEC, CE, IEC, EMC, ROHS, and other certificates.

Energy Monitoring


Eaton smart breakers combine the expected protective features with the intelligence needed to enable smarter energy decisions and more flexible energy systems for homes, apartments, buildings, the grid, and more. Delivering new capabilities that optimize energy use including the ability to monitor energy habits with revenuegrade metering, simplify the safe integration of renewables, reduce energy costs and control energy use, and integrate with existing infrastructure and smart home systems.

Blue Planet Energy’s Blue Ion LX is a grid-optional energy storage solution that integrates with a range of renewable and traditional energy sources to power businesses, critical infrastructure, and global resilience projects. When paired with solar PV, a Blue Ion LX microgrid can operate independent of, or in conjunction with, the utility grid. Built in the USA with non-toxic lithium ferrous phosphate (LFP) battery chemistry, the Blue Ion LX integrates energy storage, system intelligence, and site controls in a ruggedized enclosure. Blue Ion LX includes a 15-year performance warranty, pre-tested and pre-configured battery inverter, is UL9540a listed, and expandable in 32kWh increments. Blue Planet Energy supports the Blue Ion LX with support services including project design and sales, installation and commissioning, and O&M.

Electriq Power

The PowerPod 2 is a part of Electriq Power’s family of smart home energy storage systems designed to capture and store solar power, save on electricity costs, and protect against power outages. The system, a home battery paired with an inverter, offers high power output and the flexibility of three different capacity ratings: 10kWh, 15kWh, and 20kWh, to meet every homeowner’s energy storage needs. The cobalt-free PowerPod 2 builds upon existing LFP battery technology and utilizes intelligent energy storage software enabling the system to cycle through several operating modes, allowing users to manage their energy usage and consumption for optimized performance.

Electrochaea Corporation

Electrochaea’s grid scale power-to-gas methanation process stores renewable power in synthetic methane. Co-located renewable power, biogas source, and archaea enables long duration energy storage and decarbonizes the gas infrastructure.

e-On Batteries, Inc.

Founded in Dallas, Texas in 2015, e-On Batteries provides lithium-based battery energy storage. They design, assemble, and integrate Smart Battery Energy Storage Systems (SmartBess) with a focus on long-term reliability and safety throughout the United States and beyond. Their systems combine a proprietary Battery Management System(BMS) and UL1973 listed, 9540A tested LiFePo4 modules which can be scaled and networked for applications in behind-the-meter microgrid, electric vehicle charging, data centers, and in-front of the meter utility-scale energy storage ranging from 9.8kWh residential Genesis units to their 8.5MWh MegaBlock configurations.

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The Mojave Lithium Energy Storage System enables robust, reliable energy storage for virtually any situation. The advanced system features a footprint of just two square feet, suitable for applications with limited space. Engineered with safety and dependability in mind, the Mojave Lithium Energy Storage System is Underwriter Laboratories (UL) 1973 and UL 9540 Listed.

Generac Power Systems

The Generac PWRgenerator, designed and manufactured in the USA, recharges the PWRcell Battery to keep homes powered for the long term when the grid is down. It connects directly to the PWRcell inverter, creating a residential nano-grid and allowing a home to be fully energy independent. During the day, solar panels provide power to the home and the excess can charge the battery. During the night, the battery discharges and if it reaches 30% state of charge, PWRgenerator will turn on and fully charge the battery in about 1 hour. Additionally, PWRgenerator is designed to be extremely quiet and fuel efficient, running on either natural gas or LP.

Moment Energy

Moment Energy provides clean, affordable, and reliable energy storage systems (ESS) by repurposing retired electric vehicle (EV) batteries. Moment Energy's ESS helps with peak shaving for on-grid, commercial customers, which helps them reduce energy costs. Moment Energy's ESS enables off-grid sites to lower diesel generator use and install solar or wind power systems. It is possible to reduce diesel consumption by up to 40% with Moment Energy's ESS, even without the availability of renewables. Their solutions stack with 48kWh building blocks to accommodate any sizing needs.


MPINarada offers stationary energy storage solutions using 3rd generation Narada designed and manufactured LFP cells and modules integrated into both standard and custom solution offerings. These systems provide an integrated solution (cabinet, rack, containerized system) or individual units (cells, modules, racks) for third party or on-site integration. MPINarada has Project Managers throughout the USA and Service Technicians in the USA and Canada. MPINarada has developed training, operation, and service programs that will allow key stakeholder personnel to fully adopt MPINarada product offerings into their existing operations.

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Outback Power

Outback Power celebrates 20 years as a designer and manufacturer of residential energy storage systems. The NEW Mojave Inverter, with ESS Lithium battery provides homeowners with energy management features include time of use, peak shaving, solar self-consumption, reliable backup power for critical loads, and a 10-year warranty. The 8KW Mojave inverter can be matched to the Mojave 14.8kWh lithiumion battery, or EnerSys lead acid battery or select 3rd party UL9540 lithium solution. The Mojave can also be used with a generator and offers communications for Virtual Power Plant (VPP) applications. The Mojave is AC Coupled and can work with most 3rd party solar inverters and microinverters.


The 5K-1P is a single-phase inverter suitable for a smaller home, RV, cabin, or other dwelling. This unit is stackable, works with large solar inputs, and is cost-effective. This is a powerful, but simple unit, and it retains their engineering support, dependable reliability, and a solid warranty.

Engineering | Operations & Maintenance (O&M)

NEO Virtus Engineering

NEO Virtus Engineering offers PSS/E and PSCAD models for utility or regional operator DG interconnection applications. They develop and test project-specific stability models using PSS/E and PSCAD for DG systems for generic inverter model customizations. NEO provides modeling for MV AC collection systems and major power equipment against ideal single machine infinite bus (SMIB) grid models or against regional/site specific utility networks models. Their models are fully tested to incorporate all regional requirements for protection, ride-through, and real/reactive power controls. NEO Virtus has provided modeling support to many clients for Clustered Studies, Congested Areas Studies, Affected System Operator (ASO) Studies, and for T&D ISO level Small Generator Interconnection requests such as Benchmark Analysis.

Electric Power Engineers

Paladin Power, Inc.

Paladin Power energy storage system (ESS) is an all-in-one home battery and hybrid inverter solution that is completely off-grid, low cost, easy to install, and can power all circuits in a home plus EVs. Everything is organized into one enclosure, including batteries, inverters, and connections.

Paladin ESS is SGIP approved in California, including UL 1741, ETL, CEC, IEEE 1541. Paladin can be used for residential, farms, EVs, and commercial applications and is available with a 20-year warranty.

Electric Power Engineers is a global power system engineering and consulting firm. EPE’s capabilities and services cover the full spectrum of transmission, distribution, generation, and technology needs from key client groups. EPE’s expertise and skillsets span utility engineering, grid and resource integration, reliability and compliance, and software and grid analytics. They tailor their services to ensure each project’s success.


GreenLancer is an online marketplace for solar installers to purchase permit drawings, engineering wet stamps, and other services from a network of certified design and engineering firms. The platform is built for speed with a seamless, standardized customer experience, and quality designs. Installers sign up for free and shop a catalog of services at prices that fit their needs, allowing them to budget, plan, and grow their business far into the future.

POWER Engineers, Inc.

POWER Engineers provides engineering and environmental solutions for clean energy buyers in a huge variety of industries, from power delivery and generation to food and beverage and manufacturing. Their team assists their clients, starting with system studies and interconnect support all the way through construction management.

T&M Associates

T&M Associates provides full services for energy clients, including environmental, engineering, and construction services to develop efficient, cost-effective solutions. Their team has extensive experience with design/bid/build and engineer/procure/construct (EPC) delivery methods for public and private sector projects, including PV, battery storage, microgrids, EV charging, and integrating energy systems into power grids. Services include preliminary assessment, financial analysis, civil, structural, mechanical, and electrical engineering, environmental resource studies and impact assessment, land use planning, permitting, project and construction support, and financial incentive sssistance.

Tropenas Company

Offering engineering services for utilityscale solar and storage, Tropenas Company provides turnkey electrical and civil permit packages. With 4+GW of interconnection applications and designs, their multi-state local engineers will lead any portion of a solar project. Designed blending contractor field experience with value engineering, Tropenas’ designs incorporate and clearly communicate lean solutions, enabling fast installation and long durability, improving profitability. Example offerings: stamped electrical and civil permit drawings, independent engineering, medium voltage, and substation design.

Westlake Consultants, Inc.

Westlake Consultants supports the solar and wind industries with civil engineering, land survey and land use planning for site development, installation of solar arrays, high-tech manufacturing sites, and battery storage facilities. Westlake's energy team works throughout the US offering due diligence/feasibility studies, drainage studies, transportation planning assistance, civil site design, and permitting assistance. They offer a full array of survey services including field survey, ALTA, and construction survey. Their experience with difficult sites and knowledge of construction economics enables them to support clients throughout project development.

Westwood Professional Services

Whether a project is 1MW or 1GW, Westwood’s full-service team is ready to guide it smoothly from site selection through performance verification for utilityscale, distributed generation, industrial, and commercial industries. From their 25 offices throughout the US, they’ve permitted, designed, and surveyed large and complex solar projects across the country.

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Environmental Consultants | Business Services


Vermeer offers a complete portfolio of equipment and support solutions from land clearing and utility installation work to facility construction. Vermeer brush and whole tree chippers, tub grinders, and horizontal grinders are used to clear land. Vermeer trenchers, plows, and horizontal directional drills are used widely for electrical wiring and connecting solar farms to the grid. For installing piles, the Vermeer pile driver lineup includes lightweight, remotecontrolled machines that can move from pile to pile accurately and efficiently, as well as more robust models with added hammering power and seated operator’s stations.

UHG Consulting

UHG’s services include: SBA 504 green loan energy analysis, UHG offers this service for businesses wanting to secure loans through the SBA 504 Green loan program by going solar go or investing in energy reduction measures; LEED certification, UHG can manage any facet of a LEED project; Energy benchmarking, UHG creates and manages ENERGYSTAR portfolio's for buildings to ensure legal requirements are filled accurately, completely, and on schedule; and energy storage, UHG can design, consult, and implement battery storage solutions for small to large stationary storage needs.

Equipment Manufacturer Premier Truck Rental

Premier Truck Rental’s Trixplexing Cable Wrapper is made to triplex MV cables on solar farms, wrapping 2 miles of cable per hour using twine. This unit eliminates the need for zip ties to bundle the cable, as well as is self-propelled and requires no additional power sources other than being pulled behind a trailer. When paired with a Fairlead to guide triplexed cable into a ditch and an RL5RTWF Five Reel Wind Farm Trailer to haul the reels, users can save both time and money when working on an installation job.

Sun Xtender

Sun Xtender renewable energy storage batteries for off-grid and grid tied systems for communication towers, pumping stations, constructions signs, residential and business, remote electrification. Sun Xtender is continuously developing battery technology to meet advancing renewable energy needs using Deep Cycle unique high density plate and grid design with PolyGuard protection for superior reliability, power, and extended cycle life. Sun Xtender Batteries are manufactured by Concorde Battery Corporation under an ISO 9001 + AS9100 Quality Management System. All Sun Xtender batteries ship Hazmat Exempt by land, sea, and air.

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Financial Services

Floating Solar

CleanView Capital, LLC

CleanView Capital is an equipment finance company specializing in making ownership of solar affordable and profitable for commercial and industrial companies nationwide. The Clean Energy Ownership Program uses a traditional equipment operating lease with attractive purchase options to create an affordable path to ownership at a reduced price. The program appeals to S Corps and LLCs that cannot directly benefit from a federal income tax credit as well as private and public companies seeking to optimize value and avoid budget constraints. Transactions from $100,000 to $10 Million. The program’s lessor is a federally regulated bank with more than $80 billion of assets.

Ciel & Terre USA, Inc.

The floating solar platform, Hydrelio, enables PV panels to be installed on large water bodies such as drinking water reservoirs, quarry lakes, irrigation ponds, or even tailing ponds. It is a simple and affordable alternative to groundmounted solar systems. Hydrelio is particularly suitable for energy and water-intensive industries which can't afford to lose either land or water. Wineries, dairy or fish farms, mining companies, wastewater treatment plants, irrigation districts, and water agencies are examples of organizations benefiting from the synergy this technology creates between sun and water.

Hazelett Marine

Hazelett Marine is a provider for designing, building, and installing mooring/anchoring solutions for floating solar arrays for over 30 years. Hazelett Marine is skilled in dealing with high speed winds, large waves, strong currents, and large water variations. With multiple partnerships throughout the industry, Hazelett Marine can assist projects become reality with turnkey floating solar solutions.


GreenSky, a Goldman Sachs Company, provides access to increased buying power and financing plans for qualified customers. GreenSky’s loan program is an easy, paperless, point-of-purchase payment solution that can help support a customer’s desire for clean, sustainable energy to power their home. Loans originated by Goldman Sachs Bank USA, Salt Lake City Branch. NMLS#208156.

Totora FPV

Totora provides turnkey floating solar solutions utilizing major international brands for projects seeking to install photovoltaics on water. Totora has experience scoping, designing, and installing floating arrays on ponds, reservoirs, water treatment plants, dams, cooling ponds, and can design for any body of water. Totora utilizes technology including floats from Kyoraku, mooring solutions from Hazelett Marine, anchors from Mooring Systems, stationary storage from Kronus Engineering, and project management from UHG Consulting, Totora's product solutions have been installed in hundreds of projects throughout the world. Projects can be designed to meet Made in USA standards.

Foundations Concast, Inc.

Concast provides a wide array of precast concrete and polymer products to their North American customers while upholding rigorous high-quality standards. Their support staff helps with all engineering, ordering, and shipping inquiries. Concast has been serving the precast field since 1969, and specializes in products for the electrical industry such as trench, pads, and boxes.

Presto Geosystems

TorcSill Foundations, LLC

TorcSill design-build Helical Pile Steel foundations for energy generation, storage, and delivery. Less expensive than concrete, no cure time, and no spoils allows for overall project schedule compression.

Ground Covering

The GEOWEB Soil Stabilization System is a cost-effective and versatile way to construct access roads one time for foundation construction, solar farm component delivery, and maintenance access. The GEOWEB access road system’s inherent strength, through the confinement of infill, virtually eliminates the need to maintain and reconstruct roads subjected to heavy traffic. GEOWEB geocells drastically reduce required cross-sections because the 3D system delivers increased strength to non-cohesive soils such as sand and recycled concrete/asphalt.

Ground Screws | Anchors

Beckett Solar Energy

Sprayed on the ground, Terra Pave Top-Seal Albedo products are 100% eco-friendly liquid soil stabilizers that permanently bind and transform the ground into a concrete-pavement-like-layer.

Top Seal White Albedo achieves the albedo of snow (0.81), and delivers ~15% more from bifacial panels. Developed by University of Texas at Austin, the product has recently been named Finalist in NREL’s American Made Solar Prize.

American Earth Anchors

American Earth Anchors introduces the PE46-Hex8 to their line of penetrator earth anchors. The Hex8 has been field tested to 9,000lbs. of downward pressure and up to 14,000lbs. of pullout strength, and was designed to fit a 2" schedule 40 pipe, making it an option for solar panel ground mount racking. The Hex8 can save time and money by replacing concrete footings providing the advantage of no digging, no forms, no pouring, no waiting, and easy leveling by screwing up or down. American Earth Anchors can also make custom brackets for any pipe size.

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WORD Rock Drills

The WORD Rock Drill SS Series Skid Steer Attachment is a solution for wind turbine grounding rod and foundation installations. Built for versatility, this drilling attachment can tackle tough soil conditions for a variety of applications and easily attaches to an existing skid steer. With user-friendly operating controls, these units can be operated by crew members or drillers at all levels of experience. WORD Rock Drills provides complementary drill training with each new machine purchase.

American Ground Screw

AGS products are easy and affordable to install, are code compliant, and widely available through most solar products distributors. American Ground Screw products can be used for any pipe, tube, or C and H pile systems.

Infra-Metals Co.

With a wide range of products and services, Infra-Metals is a structural steel service providers in the United States. They tailor their distribution centers to meet the needs of the regions they supply, and provide high quality materials and service promptly and economically. Their nventory features products ranging from beams and tubes to sheets, channels, and expanded metal, and their processing capabilities include cutting and drilling to blasting and painting.


MarkingPenDepot sells UV resistant paint pens and torque sealant for visual inspection of fasteners and other fittings. MPDX paint markers dry in 30 seconds and have UV resistance for up 22 years. Other brands include Dykem, Markal, and The Pumper.

North American Clean Energy 65 AFFINITY ENERGY 11900 Sam Roper Dr. Charlotte, NC 28269 AMERICA’S MOST TRUSTED INTEGRATION EXPERT 4+ GW 2+ GW 1+ GW AFFINITY ENERGY renewable energy projects power & energy projects pv solar & battery energy storage projects

Inverters COTEK

COTEK offers five series of pure, sine-wave inverter and inverter chargers for off-grid and backup applications designed to meet the needs of the solar industry. COTEK inverter models range from 200W-4000W with a DC input of 12V, 24V, or 48V. The new SC and SL series of bi-directional inverter chargers come equipped with 5 operating modes and advanced features such as power sharing and current limiting. COTEK also offers standalone inverter and battery charger options through the SP, SD and CX series.


The patented AC assisted off-grid CyboInverters are suitable for building battery-less off-grid solar systems for EV charging. The system can start and run heavy loads 24/7 with consistent performance to take major loads off the grid to save electricity. Having 4-input channels with panel-level MPPT and can support up to 450W panels, CyboInverters are patented, UL-1741 certified, NEMA-6 rated, and made in the USA.


Ingeteam’s Full Skid Power Station is a UL 9540 and UL 1741 SA compliant medium voltage turnkey solution which integrates all the devices required for a system of up to 7.650MVA into a single skid platform. Available with INGECON SUN PV inverters or INGECON SUN STORAGE battery inverters, this compact, customizable station is reliable, easy to transport and install, and offers a flexible design which can fit up to two inverters on one skid. Combining Ingeteam’s expertise in the power conversion field (+75GW supplied worldwide) with plant control technology, and monitoring solutions, its highly efficient electronic conversion, and protection devices allow for efficiency values of up to 98.9%.

Sinexcel, Inc.

The modular 1500Vdc Bi-directional Storage Inverter Cabinet is compatible with various battery and can work with 600 to 1500VDC battery string to connect 400/480/600/690/800VAC grid, applying in both C&I and utility applications. The NEMA 3R/IP54 cabinet, which supports up to 8 power modules to get power range from 125kW to 1.7MW, can be used with Sinexcel 1500VDC/DC converter to support PV input.

CPS America

The CPS 250/275kW 3-phase string inverter brings the many advantages of high-power string inverters to utility-scale applications. Each 250/275kW inverter offers full power output up to 42°C and is available with either 36 fused or 24 unfused string inputs. String inverters minimize fault impact and simplify O&M. The CPS 250/275kW string inverter is part of a larger integrated solution for largescale solar sites from CPS America.

Hoymiles Power Electronics, Inc.

Hoymiles 4-in-1 microinverter is a cost-effective module-level solar solution, and can support up to 4 panels at once and maximize the PV production of an installation. With a maximum DC voltage of 60V, Hoymiles microinverter is a PV Rapid Shutdown Equipment and conforms with NEC-2017 and NEC-2020 Article 690.12, and CEC-2021 Sec 64-218. It features easy plug-and-play installation, Reactive Power Control, compliant with CA Rule 2, compliant with U.S. NEC-2017 and NEC-2020 690.12 rapid shutdown, and external antenna for strong communication with DTU, and high reliability with its NEMA 6 (IP67) enclosure and 6000V surge protection.

MidNite Solar, Inc.

The new Rosie Inverter/Charger is an addition to the family of MidNite Solar Inverters. The Rosie is a versatile inverter/charger and suitable for medium renewable energy systems. The Rosie is a true sine wave inverter/charger that provides 120 or 120/240VAC output at 7000/48VDC. The Rosie uses quiet forced air cooling over heat-sink fins and transformer compartment. Included are auto gen start, battery temp sensor, remote battery voltage sensor, canbus communications, and more. The Rosie will be available first quarter of 2023.

Power Electronics

Power Electronics manufactures solar inverters for photovoltaic plants with its two main headquarters in Valencia, Spain and Phoenix, AZ. Their new generation of Freemaq PCSM is compatible with all battery technologies and with any type of storage application and has a power rating of up to 4200kVA. The Freemaq DC/DC converter is compatible with high-capacity BESS and communicates directly with the Freesun HEM solar inverter, allowing the operation of the hybrid installation to be optimized.

SMA America

The Sunny Tripower X is the latest in commercial solar energy generation and the new centerpiece of the SMA Energy System Business. As a comprehensive solution, the integrated System Manager enables complete energy management from one platform while combining current technology into one device. This single-source design ensures small to medium-sized businesses can accommodate future energy management and needs.

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SMA America

At the heart of the SMA Energy System Home is the new Sunny Boy Smart Energy hybrid inverter. Coming to market in 2023, this new system enables both immediate energy use and storage in one single device, with three modular backup options that deliver reliable electricity. With its high-speed battery charging capabilities to its easy installation and handling, this newest offering will provide a capable, flexible solution that empowers homeowners to take control of their energy.


The S5-GC(75-100)K-US is a powerful three-phase inverter, making it a suitable PV string inverter for large commercial rooftop or ground mount PV projects. The product features 10 independent MPPTs with very wide full-power operating ranges that can work efficiently with both 600Vdc and 1000Vdc PV arrays. String current up to 16A accommodates new high-power and bi-facial PV modules. Easy-to-use online O&M tools make O&M intelligent and convenient. Optimized DC&AC interconnection will reduce the cost of system cables. Enclosures rated to IP66 protection grade can be installed in the harshest environmental conditions.

Legal Services


The S-Series features advanced safety features such as SolarEdge Sense Connect, a technology that detects temperature increase at the connector level, stopping power flow before an arc can occur. Also featuring SafeDC, which enables PV systems’ DC voltage to be automatically reduced to touch-safe levels in grid failures or when the inverter is shut down. Through the Rapid Shutdown feature conductors can be discharged to safe voltage levels in just 30 seconds. Providing 99.5% efficiency and supporting two high power, high input current PV modules, the S-Series lowers Levelized Cost of Energy thanks to high yield and enables long and powerful strings.

McCauley Lyman LLC

McCauley Lyman is a transactional law firm dedicated to helping businesses grow and thrive in the renewable energy arena. They help their clients negotiate contracts, obtain permits, acquire real estate, arrange financings, and purchase and sell energy-related businesses and their assets. By leveraging their network of resources and decades of experience in the industry, they are able to provide representation while maintaining a close eye on costs. They give practical advice, have good judgment, and play well with others.

Lighting SEPCO - Solar Electric Power Company

SEPCO is an environmentally conscious company that manufactures solar LED lighting and off-grid solar power systems. Their solar LED lighting systems help users save as much as 75% on energy costs, reduce their carbon footprint, and never worry about blackouts. Their solar lighting and power systems have a variety of uses, such as providing illumination to streets, roadways, parking lots, pathways, area and security, signs, billboards, transit systems, and much more. Their solar lighting systems are robust, reliable, and user-friendly.

North American Clean Energy 67 Increase your capabilities. Reduce your bottom line. With Paige, it’s possible. Your wind and solar projects need engineering support from early stages through completion and innovative, application-driven products that go the distance without breaking the bank. With customized solutions, faster lead times, and cables designed for maximum efficiency, Paige is able to connect you to more. Value engineering Utility-scale solar In-stock inventory Find out more at or call (908) 837-0322 PAIGE REnewable NACE Vertical Ad V1-FINAL.indd 1 10/8/22 12:11 PM

Managed Connectivity OptConnect

neo2 is the next evolution in OptConnect’s fully managed cellular connectivity for the Internet of Things. neo2 is high-speed, has wide coverage, and high connectivity power. neo2 is a compact LTE Category 4 multi-carrier cellular router suited for kiosks, micro markets, digital signs, and other applications that require high-speed connectivity and the peace of mind of redundant carrier connections.

Marketing Best Company

Best Company is a word of mouth marketing platform for generating referral business from current customers. Businesses can build and customize a profile to get their company in front of customers on a review site. Reviews can be generated from customers by email, text, and phone. Review campaigns can be customized and reviews can be responded to as they come in. Reviews, video testimonials, and earned badges can be used to social proof the brand. Best Company provides a complete word of mouth marketing system all in one platform.

Microgrids UL Solutions

UL Solutions HOMER software optimizes the value of a microgrid, hybrid power, or energy storage system, whether the system is standalone, grid-connected, behind- or front-of-the-meter. Products include HOMER Pro for determining the least-cost solution for standalone microgrids; HOMER Grid for designing behind-the-meter, grid-connected systems that save on electricity bills, reduce peak loads, and lower carbon footprints; and HOMER Front to maximize project IRR in utilityscale hybrid systems.



NEP’s BDM800 is a two PV panel microinverter providing 800WAC and supporting two modules up to 1200WDC. Rule 21 ready and CEC listed. Residential and Commercial 208VAC applications. Shipping today via national distributors.


Aptos Solar Technology

The high-performance MAC-800 dual unit microinverter is engineered for maximum AC power output when paired with Aptos Solar Technology’s high-power solar panels. The MAC-800 is built for simple system integration and is compatible with third- party devices. The MAC-800 is equipped and ready for system monitoring and trend tracking through Aptos Solar Technology’s cloud based software.

Aptos Solar Technology

Aptos DNA Split Cell Series uses advanced selective emitter PERC technology with thin film layers to improve heat tolerance, increase photon capture, minimize resistive loss, and use 5% more of the available active area for optimal power performance. Aptos panels outperform IEC standards and come with a 30-year extended warranty.

Boviet Solar

Vega Series Bifacial PV modules are designed with technology in mind, made from robust product components, under stringent quality control steps, and high-tech manufacturing processes. PERC, half-cut, multi-busbar, and large cell designs enables these PV modules to provide high power and reliable, dependable system performance under different installation requirements, difficult weather, or environmental conditions, whether for a residential, commercial, industrial, or utility-scale project.

68 2023 JANUARY • FEBRUARY ///


LONGi Hi-MO5 features optimized gallium-doped M10 standard silicon wafers (182mm) to produce a P-Type Mono PERC module with low LID, increased attenuation, and power performance well as long-term reliability. Hi-MO 5 adopts “Smart Soldering,” which uses integrated segmented soldering ribbons that maximize light capture and connect cells with reduced gap distance and reduce the tensile stress of the cell.

Panasonic Corporation of North America


PowerShingle by Nucor is a solar panel technology with a water-shed design to keep everything below clean and dry. PowerShingle eliminates the need for costly sub-roofing and its bifacial design gathers sunlight from both sides, providing a steady supply of clean, affordable solar energy backed by a 25-year warranty.

Panasonic Eco Systems North America, a Division of Panasonic Corporation of North America, unveiled their new line of all-black compact EverVolt solar modules, developed with performance, accessibility, flexibility, and pleasing aesthetics in mind. The new HK Black Series panels, with half-cut cells and heterojunction technology with gapless connections, offer the most powerful modules in the company’s portfolio. The EverVolt HK Black Series modules have efficiency ratings of up to 22.2%, allowing homeowners to utilize high levels of power production while using less roof space. Homeowners can benefit from greater energy production throughout the day, including on the hottest days in the warmest climates, due to the modules’ temperature coefficient of 0.26%/°C. With low annual degradation rates, the Panasonic panels are expected to provide power output of at least 92% in the 25th year after installation. The EverVolt solar modules are covered under Panasonic’s EverVolt AllGuard All System Warranty when purchased with EverVolt Battery Storage System, which covers solar panels and battery storage when bundled together.

Solar Utility Pro: The complete 1500V PV testing solution

REC Group

With an innovative gapless cell layout, the REC Alpha Pure Series reaches 410Wp, alongside its elegant appearance and lead-free construction. Utilizing an advanced cell technology, half-cut heterojunction cells in a gapless layout, the REC Alpha Pure delivers up to 410Wp. The Alpha Pure offers a high power density, helping homeowners and businesses benefit from optimum use of space and even higher savings on energy bills. The new REC Alpha Pure Series is eligible for the premium REC ProTrust warranty package, which offers up to 25 years coverage on product, performance, and labor, with guaranteed power of at least 92% in year 25 of operation. Thanks to a temperature coefficient of -0.26 %/°C, the REC Alpha Pure offers high performance in both mild and hot conditions. A strong frame gives extra protection against extreme weather events and allows the REC Alpha to withstand snow loads of 7000Pa.

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North American Clean Energy 69
The Solar Utility Pro from Seaward takes PV testing to the next level with its market leading 1500V / 40A testing capabilities.
• Tests up to 1500V / 40A systems

RECOM Technologies

RECOM Technologies Panther series are based on the mono PERC cell, using half-cut technology available in mono and bifacial glass modules with full black, silver/black frame with white backsheet. With module efficiency up to 21.09%, committing they will produce no less than 85.04% of their nominal power in the 25th year after the warranty start date. Designed with harmony Panther Black modules sleekness and blackness blend within a modern home’s architecture. RECOM’s power plants are certified to ISO 9001 and 14001 standards, and Panther series is fully certified to IEC61215 and 61730 standards. Panther series is also certified to withstand extreme wind testing [2400Pa] and snow loads [5400Pa).

Silfab Solar, Inc.

The Silfab Elite (410 BG) is the latest addition to Silfab Solar’s Elite series utilizing back-contact metal wrap through technology and proprietary integrated cell design delivering optimal performance, high efficiency, durability, and reliability in all weather conditions. Exclusively manufactured in the USA and designed for the North American market, the triple black design is aesthetically pleasing for all residential applications and is backed by a 25-year product and 30-year performance warranty.

Solvari Solar

Ulbrich Specialty Wire Products

Solaria Corporation

Solaria’s PowerX Performance Series solar panel uses a next-generation M10-based cell platform to deliver high efficiency, power and performance for reliable, durable energy. Sleek all-black design with barely visible wires makes PowerX an attractive, accessible panel. High power density means generation of more energy from the same area. 20%+ efficiency ensures high power density and 400W per panel means fewer panels on roof. With an innovative cell layout, the entire surface generates power and dead spots and failure points are eliminated. PowerX offers enhanced low-light performance for power from dawn-to-dusk and a 25-year power, parts, and labor warranty.

Solvari SR is an all-in-one solar module that offers a quick install. Simply lift the module to the roof, screw it down, and plug it in. All fasteners, flashing, electronics, and wiring are integrated with the module. Installers appreciate the low labor, overhead, and inventory management costs, as well as the safety of spending less time on the roof. Solvari SR won the DOE’s American Made Solar Prize and the California Energy Commission CalSEED innovation award.

Ulbrich Solar Technologies’ Reflective Ready Ribbon (RRR) is a power enhancing solution for multi-bus-bar solar cell manufacturing, offering a power increase of up to 0.8%. This added energy is generated by a special diffuse-reflecting flux coating that gives modules an extra power boost. Ulbrich also offers a fully black PV module solution designed to blend with the dark color of a solar cell after the stringing process known as Black Ready Ribbon (BRR). Both products eliminate the use of liquid flux in an automated cell-stringing process and enable a plug-and-play process integration, simplifying the process, and removing all costs associated with buying, storing, and using liquid flux.

Oil Containment | Spill Prevention

Star Solar

Sleek, powerful, and reliable modules by Star offer technology and aesthetics without a premium mark-up. They carefully source their components to ensure reliable, on-time delivery. Star features all-black modules available in 400W and 440W power outputs, suitable for residential and commercial installations. They offer a 25-year product, 25-year power warranty. American-owned and based in Los Angeles, California, Star is a womanowned solar module producer.

Solidification Products International, Inc. (SPI)

SPI has variety of products designed for wind and solar applications such as their Petro-Plug, Petro-Pipes, the Pump Thru Barrier (Oil Water Separators), Sealed XR-5 Containment Liners and more. One of their newest innovations is the SPI Oil Containment Shield which is an oil containment application for small to mid-sized transformers with a capacity of under 750 gallons. Each SPI product has been designed to allow rainwater to drain while completely filtering out all hydrocarbons, vegetable oils, natural ester oils that are soy based, and fuel sheen to non-detectable levels. In the event of a major spill, SPI-Oil Containment Systems will totally shut down and prevent all flow from discharging. It will then back the spill into the containment area preventing an environmental release. SPI products are currently being used at wind and solar farm operations around the world.


Performance Monitoring

Apogee Instruments

Apogee Instruments’ new SP-722-SS Modbus

Albedometer features ISO 9060:2018 Class C pyranometers with accuracy comparable to Class A models at a fraction of the price. Designed as a low-cost, high-quality alternative to expensive glass-dome albedometers, it’s suitable for monitoring bifacial panel performance via digital RS485 / Modbus. Other sensors include silicon-cell and Class C thermopile pyranometers, back-of-panel temperature sensors, aspirated ambient air temperature monitors, and photosynthetic light sensors for monitoring the light levels of the vegetation growing under panels. Sensors come in many different output options for maximum compatibility with different systems.


Cachelan is a solar monitoring solutions company that provides SCADA and DAS systems to help with O&M and Asset Management of solar and storage portfolios via their SolarVu platform. Manage portfolios of residential, commercial/industrial, and utility sized projects in one place. Receive high fidelity alerts of equipment issues and connect weather sensors, meters, site cameras. Easily compare inverter and string level performance. Cachelan interfaces with all major inverter and equipment manufacturers, and design to minimize their customer’s cost.

Dynamic Ratings

Dynamic Ratings’ condition monitors reduce risk of failure by increasing situational awareness. Their monitors evaluate electrical assets (switchgear, transformers, circuit breakers, and more) and measure their performance to make sure everything is working properly. If something looks out of place, an alarm will provide a notification of the problem. This improves site uptime and generation availability.

EKO Instruments

The NEW MS-80SH pyranometer from EKO comes with an integrated, user-controlled, solid-state dome heating system and low power consumption for an ISO 9060:2018 and IEC 61724-1:2021 Class A compliant sensor, using less than <1.4W when on. Designed for active dew and frost resistance, the fast-response and spectrally flat MS-80SH with Level A EMI/EMC electronic surge filters, 5-year recalibration interval, and internal diagnostic sensors for remote visibility over internal temperature, humidity, tilt, and roll angle is suitable for applications in areas prone to dew, frost, and variable weather conditions. Made in Japan EKO Instruments are deployed throughout the US, helping PV projects achieve accurate yields and fast ROI through user-focused solutions and an uncompromising commitment to quality, reliability, and precision.

HuksefluxUSA, Inc.

The digital SR30 Secondary Standard pyranometer features an internal maintenance-free heated ventilation system. The circulation of heated air flow between the inner and outer domes suppresses the formation of dew and frost on the pyranometer optic. With < 2.1 Watts max power consumption, SR30 delivers a high level of performance and data availability. Critical sensor data, including irradiance, sensor serial number, and calibration data, are all available via RS485 RTU / Modbus connection. The sealed desiccant cartridge free design with internal ventilation translates into reduced sensor maintenance and cost of ownership.

North American Clean Energy 71

Power Engineering and Consulting

OTT HydroMet

The WS50PV is an affordable, compact all-in-one weather sensor measuring critical parameters for commercial and industrial PV monitoring. Equipped with a suite of professional measuring sensors, the WS50PV can handle air temperature, relative humidity, barometric pressure, wind direction, and wind speed in one efficient housing to simplify mounting. Add an external temperature or rain sensor to the single-wire digital Modbus interface for fast and easy integration.

Solar Data Systems (Solar-Log North America)

The Solar-Log Base is an inverter-neutral energy monitoring, controlling, and management device, compatible with over 100 different brands of inverters, meters, storage systems, weather sensors, and more. As a result, users can monitor, control, and manage all of their plants from one single software platform, reduce solar plant downtime with accurate performance data, and save time and money for the solar PV investment.


ASSET Engineering


The PVMet 500 delivers a customizable, multi-point monitoring solution that provides reliable energy management on any solar project. Choose up to three Irradiance Sensors and three Back-of-Panel Temperature Sensors along with three standard sensor options and an optional Ultra Sonic Anemometer, Mini Aervane, or Rain Gauge. Simple to install on any solar project, the PVMet 500 connects to Modbus RTU Communication with an ethernet TCP option available. Ships fully assembled and factory calibrated.

WAGO Corporation

WAGO’s new Edge Devices combine the duality of today’s smart connected world. They provide real time analytics at the edge of the network combined with a high level of determinism for plant floor control. These devices have low latency control with the capability of exchanging contextualized data with Cloud-based service applications. The Edge Controller can run high speed and complex applications using its quad-core processor and Linux-based real time operating system supporting IIoT protocols such as MQTT, OPC UA, and Sparkplug. Control engineers and software developers can leverage the Edge Computer’s openness to operate their edge of network applications.

Yokogawa’s Renewable Energy Data and Intelligence (REDI) SCADA Overlay solution is an OEM supplier-agnostic system to collect process data from an entire renewable power generation portfolio. It greatly simplifies integration and operation of widely-distributed, disparate solar, wind, and battery storage assets. The Cloudbased or on-premise environment securely shares information via advanced analytics, standard KPI dashboards, and reports with maintenance personnel, management, and relevant partners, anytime, anywhere. The standard user interface simplifies training, optimizes work processes, and empowers asset managers. Broad scalability simplifies integration of new assets.

Portable Solar Wagan Tech

Wagan Tech manufactures an array of solar utilized products including self-contained solar lighting, solar portable power supplies, and power inverters.

Established in 2000, ASSET Engineering is a consulting firm specializing in power system design and analysis. Their team is anchored by veteran power system engineers and a growing team of control system professional engineers. They provide specialized electrical engineering solutions, protection and control systems, EPC, and project management services. Their clients include utility companies, independent power producers, and large industrial and institutional power users.

Power Transformers

MVA Power

MVA Power is a distributor, manufacturer, and supplier who provides quick delivery and short lead times. Focusing in electrical power and clean energy, and providing service and products ranging from cable to transformers to hardware, their team of engineers specialize in the detailed design and manufacturing of transmission, distribution, substation, telecommunications, and light rail transit structures as well as the supply of medium and high voltage equipment.

PV Cleaning Systems BladeRanger

PLECO is a light, fully autonomous, waterless solar panel cleaning robot. PLECO robots are designed to maximize electricity yields while at the same time providing a human-safe and cost-optimized solution for the specific challenges facing rooftop and commercial solar panel installations. PLECO users get close to 100% output efficiency thanks to anytime autonomous cleaning even with challenging topologies, 45o sloping roofs, and inhospitable climates and working conditions. PLECO robots can deliver up to 500kW coverage per day, just press “go”, there are no operators or joystick needed.

72 2023 JANUARY • FEBRUARY /// THE RACK THAT’S READY WHEN MOTHER NATURE ATTACKS SNAP, SLIDE & SECURE ® SNAP, SLIDE & SECURE ® ® ® ® SNAP, SLIDE & SECURE ® by Pre-assembled components make assembly a snap! Adapts to work on a variety of roofs 860-773-4150

Buffalo Turbine

Buffalo Turbine can easily and affordably clear solar panels and get them working efficiently again. Their powerful double stacked and single hydraulic machines remove snow, increasing the efficiency of solar panels all year long. This touchless system never puts panels at risk of damage or scratching.

Mr. LongArm, Inc.

Mr. LongArm solar cleaning extension handles and accessories simplify the task of solar panel cleaning and do not require an energy source to operate. These products require little training, allow agility to maneuver in space-restricted areas, leave no additional carbon footprint, are inexpensive, and are made in the USA. Their deluxe solar panel cleaning kit, Model #1005, contains everything needed to get the job done. The kit includes their ProCurve cleaning system as well as their HydraSoar flow-thru extension pole and soft brush. Mr. LongArm, Inc. is the inventor and US manufacturer of extension poles, attachments, and accessories.

Premier Water Cleaning Systems

Introducing a solar panel cleaning trailer system which includes a feed tank, a new high pressure spot free water combo unit, and the efficient Sola-Tecs Brush system. The unit provides on-demand mineral free water to ensure thorough cleaning at a low cost. Some of the features of the system include a remote capable of operating at up to 300ft away, a clutch driven high pressure pump, a reverse osmosis system, and a manageable 1/4" hose. Tank sizes are available from 300gal to 1600gal. Cleaning panels with a tank trailer means water is always available and users can clean longer throughout the day due to the water in the trailer warming up and reducing thermal shock.

SolarCleano SARL

The SolarCleano B1 is the largest solar panel cleaning robot developed by SolarCleano thus far. It is completely autonomous and is capable of both wet and dry cleaning. It is a next-generation solution to ground-based large-scale power plants, featuring a cleaning capacity with or without water up to 2MW per hour using a 4m brush. SolarCleano B1 uses artificial intelligence to detect potential energy losses of solar panels and it uses global navigation satellite systems that provide highly accurate positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) services, even in the middle of deserts, where the largest solar plants are foreseen to be.

A Mowing Crew That Works Like A Machine.

Washpanel Srl

Washpanel is an Italian company that has designed and produced PV plants washing technologies since 2010. It provides a range of 10 different robots for plants such as solar parks, roofs, carports, greenhouses, and agriculture farms.The key product offered by the company is SERIE “EVO” machine which is a portable semi-automatic robot. It represents a solution for the tracker market and can be used both in wet and dry modes, depending on the needs. Two operators are needed to clean 1.5MW/ day per robot. This machine helps keep the panels efficient and reduces maintenance costs (NPV impact). Washpanel robots are awarded with a TUV certification which ensures the machines cause no damages to the panels.

For most utility-scale solar facilities, the rising cost of vegetation management is the top budget item. Now there’s a solution to this growing problem. The Renubot is designed by solar O&M professionals specifically for vegetation management on these locations. It’s rugged, reliable and remains onsite with oversight. Let’s discuss how Renubot can solve your problem.

North American Clean Energy 73

PV Distributors

SOLON Corporation

PV Manufacturers & Equipment

SIBA Fuses


RENVU’s free Solar Design & Quote Tool allows users to design and quote a full residential PV system with the ability to dynamically configure and compare prices for a variety of system design options with Tier 1 PV Modules, Enphase, Sol-Ark, Fortress Power, HomeGrid Energy, IronRidge, and many more brands. Their team has an engineering background allowing them to go in-depth on any project, whether small DIY residential or large commercial installations.

PV Installers

SOLON Corporation is a commercial solar and energy storage construction company delivering turnkey solar power projects including carport canopy, superstructure, rooftop, and groundmount systems, as well as battery storage solutions. SOLON's in-house personnel handle all aspects of a solar project, including project development, design and engineering, financing, construction, and ongoing operation.

Vision Engraving & Routing Systems

Aplus Energy Co., Ltd.

Aplus Corrugated metal solar panels with the solar directly infused with the metal are lightweight, provide roof strength, and can easily be installed on existing buildings. A single 81'' x 33'' Corrugated Metal Solar Panel is rated at 300W. This corrugated metal solar panel has been tested and certified for residential and commercial use.

For solar applications, SIBA's Photovoltaic (PV), fuses offer ultimate circuit protection and are available in up to 1500Vdc PV and are UL Listed. SIBA’s semiconductor fuses have global certifications. Ultra-Rapid fuses are utilized in Power Conversion, Thyristors, Rectifiers, UPS, Traction Applications, SCR’s (Silicon Controlled Rectifiers/Semiconductor Controlled Rectifiers) Inverters, Converters, Traction Substations, DC Common Buses, and Reduced Voltage Starters, Drives, both AC and DC rated. Their new line of “Full Range” UL DC-rated fuses up to 1100VDC for UL DC Drives, offered exclusively by SIBA.

Atlasta Solar Center

Atlasta Solar Center has been serving the Western Slope of Colorado for 43 years. They help people become aware of their energy usage by locking in their cost of energy for any amount of years. By doing so, they save customers money and create an energy conscientious community.

Vision’s engraving and routing systems provide a variety of solar-related tags, plates, and signage. Made in the USA since 1983, Vision offers precision machines in a variety of sizes, from small desktop-sized engravers up to 4ft x 8ft router/ engravers. Unlike laser engravers, their rotary systems are environmentally friendly and do not release harmful fumes. Engrave UV-rated plastic, coated, and uncoated metals for indoor or outdoor use. Vision’s machines are low maintenance and are backed by a support team based in Phoenix AZ. Vision’s engraving software is easy to use and comes with many advanced features.

Kurdex Corporation

Kurdex is a supplier of large area vacuum deposition and etch equipment for R&D, pilot, and high volume manufacturing (HVM). Products include sputtering, evaporation, PECVD, spatial ALD, ARC-CVD and plasma etch tools. Standard and custom systems configured for in-line, cluster, and R2R with full automation. Substrate sizes up to 2300MM rigid or flex, wafers, glass sheets, or roll of flexible materials. They also offer an applications lab for contract coating services, DOE, and technology development.

Smartech International

Smartech supplies German-made laminator diaphragms and PTFE sheet materials for any type of laminator. Both the EVA-resistant Lamibran and Steinbach solid silicone diaphragms offer consistently high cycle-life. PTFE materials are available in a wide variety of thicknesses and optional anti-static properties.

LI-COR Biosciences

LI-COR is a solar radiation measurement provider. For solar resource assessment, LI-COR’s LI-200 Pyranometer is a cost-effective alternative which compares with first class thermopile-type pyranometers. The newly redesigned LI-200R features a robust case that’s designed to efficiently shed water. It also includes a modular, removable base and cable which allows the sensor to be removed for recalibration without affecting existing mounting architecture. This makes the sensor a solution for PV efficiency measuring systems with an extensive network of cables, that would otherwise make sensor removal difficult.

74 2023 JANUARY • FEBRUARY ///

Racking & Mounting Systems

AceClamp by PMC Industries, Inc.


AceClamp is a manufacturer of precisionengineered snow retention and solar mounting systems. It also manufacturers its own High-Velocity Hurricane Zone Racking System for the solar industry. Its most recent innovation is called Solar Snap. It is an adaptive, easy-to-install racking system built to withstand harsh weather conditions and winds up to Cat 4. Designed to work with any of AceClamp's metal roof clamps, it's a solution for SSMR, Island Style Cement Cover Board Roofing, and Single-Ply. Fully assembled components make for an easy-to-use, fast-installing product. The unique crossplatform design adapts to all roof types, resulting in less inventory to maintain.


AEROCOMPACT was founded in 2014 and designs, engineers, and manufactures flat roof, ground mount, and metal roof solar mounting solutions. Their racking systems are compact, aerodynamic, and easy to install. They provide intelligent racking solutions for challenging site conditions, such as high wind/snow loads or, if required, a highly distributed ballasted ground mount solution for landfill or brownfield projects. Along with the mounting components, their proprietary design tool, AEROTOOL, allows solar systems to be planned quickly and easily, considering all structural requirements. Their aerodynamically optimized PV mounting solutions are patent-protected and offer safety and mechanical stability. All mounting solutions are backed by a 25-year product warranty.

APA Solar Racking

APA's TITAN Duo racking system is a great alternative for project sites with high refusal risk or rocky subsurface conditions. Its dual post foundation uses ground screws to mitigate risk and frost heave concerns. The TITAN racking's 3-rail asymmetrical design is great for bifacial modules and rolls well with topography. It also has a low part count per MW and integrated wire management in its E/W rails. Their unique Gravity Clip is used in their TITAN Duo system and expedites module installation by up to 30%, saving installers time and money. APA's TITAN Duo is a robust solution for commercial and utility scale sites with difficult soil conditions.

Allied Tube & Conduit provides in-line galvanized steel tube to assist with solar racking and tracking. Their Gatorshield is strong and has a reduced weight, with advanced corrosion protection and formability. Gatorshield also complies with UL2703. To ensure precision, they offer prototype and fabrication services. Allied is able to provide small and large O.D. sizes with heavy gauge, meet and exceed tube strength requirements, tool up for new profiles to meet customer specific needs, swage tube to help build a solar array, and various types of tube fabrication.

The Holy Grail

Atkore Allied Tube & Conduit
North American Clean Energy 75
and Steel Solar offers for license and sale exciting 2P single-axis
Patented simplest steel/steel
, roun d
and sloped purlins
off correctly. Add to that our “Holy Grail Drive” to realize 32% savings on your tracker in each of Cap ex, E PC, and O&M.
tracker technology that delivers the maximum reduction ever in steel, complication, cost and risk.
torque tube
start things


The new patent pending DynoRaxx DynoGrip Evolution mounting system for flat roofs is a tool-less, snap-in-place locking module clamp that works universally on all framed modules. The system is cost competitive, 100% tool-less, fast and straightforward to install, and manufactured in high quality fiberglass and stainless steel. They also offer the DynoBond module to module grounding solution.


The RockIt system conforms to UL 2703 and is a rail-less racking system for use on a variety of roof types including composition shingle, tile (flat, S, and W), and metal roofs. Designed in conjunction with solar installers, the RockIt System quickly and easily installs with the use of just a single tool. The ClickFit System conforms to UL 2703 is a fast installing rail-based system. Their newly enhanced ClickFit L-Foot features a pre-installed rail bolt that, along with the Click-In rail assembly, allows the ClickFit rails to be set and clamped securely in place. For tile, composition shingle, and metal roofs.

Full Tilt

Full Tilt, developed by BCI, is an optimized fixed tilt racking solution designed to meet the installation challenges of any job site. Coupled with manufacturer direct pricing and design flexibility, Full Tilt can accommodate any module size and offers several key design features which include self-aligning Longhorn panel rails and cinch clip compatibility along with the option to install modules in the flat position. In addition, structurally independent tables are self-squaring, eliminating the need for adjustment and increasing compatibility with steep terrains.

Magerack Corporation

MageFoot Rail-less Mounting Kit is a simple and low-cost rail-less solar mounting system for composite shingle roofs. It has only two parts, mounting foot and mid or end clamp. Mounting foot is a deck-mount bracket with a butyl sealing gasket on the bottom. It can be attached to the roof deck with four mounting screws or to structural elements such as a rafter with two lag screws. The mid clamp has integrated bonding capability to bond two adjacent solar modules when tightened. The universal end clamp fits all framed solar modules. It reduces mounting components, offers a low shipping cost, saves installation time and cost and is aesthetically pleasing.

Polar Racking

Polar Racking has three solar mounting solutions that are easy to install and designed to last. The Axsus Sol-X Single Axis Tracker delivers high performance in steep and challenging terrain with a terrain-following of up to +/-10% and adaptable table lengths. It has few and simple components that make installation efficient. The CORE fixed tilt ground mount solar racking will withstand hurricaneforce winds and heavy snow loading. The Polar SHIELD solar carport is highly configurable to suit any size and shape space. All product lines are backed by warranties and supported by in-house engineering and installation services.

Power Structures, LLC

KB Racking

Aerogrid is a grid-based flat roof racking system that is designed for a high load rating in snow load regions. Offered in 5° and 10° tilt variations, the snap-in components

OMG Roofing Products

OMG’s line of PowerGrip Roof Mounts offers several options for securing solar arrays, and other equipment, to commercial roofs. The PowerGrip Plus uses a heat welded TPO or PVC membrane flashing. The PowerGrip Universal 7 and 11 roof mounts use two redundant water blocking methods and they do not require installation with heat welded membrane to be watertight. More importantly, OMG Roofing Products has a depth of knowledge about commercial roofing, as well as relationships with most of the major roofing systems manufacturers. OMG can advise solar installers about all things related to the roof, helping the installer avoid common pitfalls when using rooftop attachments.

Power-Structures Solar Awning Brackets provide an easy and aesthetic way to construct a solar panel awning off the sides of buildings. Their certified TIG welded aluminum brackets are engineered and guaranteed for the life of the system. Awnings not only provide power, they shade windows from the intense summer sun, cutting heat gain and AC bills. Their awning system comes ready to mount on the wall. Use any solar racking product across their sturdy brackets.

PowerField Energy

The PowerRack is a simple solar mounting solution. The PowerRack system has been purposefully engineered for quick installation and virtually unlimited scalability. PowerRack allows a solar array to be installed almost anywhere, with almost any standard size solar panel. PowerRack’s patented locking technology ensures that the array stands up to the elements until the installers decide to move it.

RPM ROLLFORMED METAL PRODUCTS 877-665-7655 YOUR GO TO TEAM • Forming Steel-Stainless-Aluminum-Copper-Brass • Custom Profiles and Standard Shapes for Solar Racking • Take Advantage of the Strong US Dollar


Solar installation is quick and convenient with direct-attach. PVKIT 2.0 utilizes clamps or brackets and a grab system to marry the module to the built-in rails. Lower the weight of the entire system, reduce logistics and shipping hassles, off and on the roof, while saving significantly in install time and labor. The S-5! PVKIT 2.0 comes pre-assembled, requiring only a single tool to install the S-5! clamp and PVKIT. Featuring aggressive bonding teeth for better grounding, this UL 2703 listed solar module mounting solution requires fewer lugs/ground wires, helping customers save time and money when flush mounting.


NA, Inc.

The Schletter Group is a manufacturer of solar mounting systems. They develop and manufacture, in North America, mounting solutions made of aluminum and steel for rooftop, ground-mount, and tracker.

Solar Installation Machines, LLC

Solar Installation Machines, LLC develops semi-autonomous machines under the brand name Modulator for installing large-scale groundmount solar systems. The prototype of the first machine, Modulator Uno, is currently under construction. It is fully electric and is compatible with Sollega’s FR510 ballasted racking solution.


Connections International

Solar Connections International’s adjustable rib attachment solution comes pre-kitted and includes all accessories needed to make the installation go as smooth as possible. Not only can this product adjust in width from .75" - 3.00" but it’s also a cost effective option. An L-Foot can be easily attached for a rail install or use their patented, UL 2703/1703 Solar Connection Kit which is a fully rail-less solution. Each of their PowerWings come with pre-applied EPDM gaskets so there is no extra work for the installers to make a water tight seal.

Solar Mounts, LLC

Low-Profile Tubular Carports with a Truss design. Available in T, Y , A, and L Frames. Custom long spans also available. Their standard design with a 27ft post to post span, 14ft minimum ground clearance, and universal mounting brackets allow for quick lead times.

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North American Clean Energy 77

Solar Pile International

Solar Pile International introduces the Solar X-Blade Pile (SXBP). The SXBP installs at shallow depths, suitable for frost heave and reactive zones. It penetrates hard soils and cobble to eliminate pre-drilling.

Solar Stack

Solar Stack’s 10 degree Tilt Kit is now available. Like all of Solar Stack’s products, their 10 degree Tilt Kit does not require roof penetrations. Instead, mounts are attached to the roof membrane with a spray polyurethane foam adhesive. When compared to ballast systems the racking load on average is reduced by 95%. With a Miami-Dade NOA and HVHZ approval (High Velocity Hurricane Zone) Solar Stack meets the strictest building codes in North America.


Z-Lite is a self-ballasted flat roof solution. Using all recyclable materials and almost no GHG emitting concrete, Z-Lite is a lightweight (4 psf) flat roof solar solution. Z-Lite’s self-ballasted design allows installers to minimize onsite waste, labor, roof load, carbon emission, and ultimately, cost.

SunModo Corp.

SunModo introduces the SMR Pitched Roof System, a pitched roof mounting system, representing new racking technology. Optimized design makes the SMR Rails not only light but also strong. With fast and easy Pop-On Clamps and L-Foot adaptors, professional installers can mount, adjust, and secure PV panels with a single tool. The SMR System is a solution for rafter or deck, portrait or landscape solar installations.


SolarStrap is a rooftop solar panel mounting technology that enables projects to be installed on standard lightweight rooftop structures and other rooftops not suitable for ballast or penetrations. The patented design is ICC ESR-rated and employs heat-welding technology to secure the racking framework. The technology allows for rapid installation, compatibility with a variety of roof surfaces, reduces additional project expenses, and increases roof lifespan. SolarStrap has been used on more than 300MW of commercial and industrial rooftop applications on over 200 projects nationwide.

Tamarack Solar Products

Tamarack Solar offers a low-cost, easy-toinstall, robust solution for roof-mounted solar applications. A channel-based rail provides for quick and easy wire management, and tool-free splices support shorter rail lengths for easy shipping, stocking, and handling on the roof.

Tamarack's 5050 Module Clamp functions as both a mid- and end-clamp. One clamp is all that is needed to stock. Alternatively, the Channel End Clamp provides premium aesthetics. Tamarack also offers a full line of ground and pole mount solutions.


FR510-6 Ballasted Ground Mount Racking requires no assembly, and is quick to manufacture, ship, stage, and install. GCR of 72-80%, minimal ground preparation required (aggregate and weed barrier), reduced environmental impact, minimal geotechnical engineering required, full engineering support, design flexibility, and ability to provide wet stamp in all 50 states. Low wind and ballast requirements (5,6, and 10dg tilt options) 6" and 8" leading edge height, non-corrosive, non conductive polymer engineered for extreme conditions. This is a solution for brownfields, landfill, gravel, concrete, and asphalt surfaces (low-pitch <7 dg). UL 2703 Listed and Injection Molded in USA with a 25-year warranty.

TerraGen Solar

TerraGen Solar’s Elevated Green Roof Racking System makes it easy to incorporate solar into a green roof design. Designed to utilize soil for ballasting with no attachments, the system requires limited supports and bases, saving cost and installation time.

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Unirac, Inc.

A strong attachment for every flat roof. This flashless attachment saves time and money by eliminating the need for heat welding to the roofing material. It’s compatible with all flat roof materials and comes kitted with everything needed to secure the attachment. Unirac’s FlashLoc RM is a lightweight, durable, powder-coated cast aluminum roof attachment solution that provides fast, easy installation, and helps save labor costs.

Contractors Building Supply, Inc. (dba CBS Solar)

CBS Solar, a Michigan based solar company, introduces its new efficient solar tracking system as the next great evolution of small scale residential solar. Their easy to install, single axis tracking system has a TS GPS algorithm controller, integrated AC inversion system, and special Nano coating to increase snow and particle shedding and improve efficiency. It withstands 100mph winds while producing more power and offering a small foot print. This simple, affordable, and scalable tracking system is tested and ready for almost any residential application. B to B only.

Roll Forming

Zilla Corporation

Zilla's patented Double Stud XL Flashing Assembly attaches directly to sheathing while also providing the option for structural members if necessary. Without having to locate structure, the Zilla Double Stud XL eliminates the need for installation prep work, standardizes design and installation processes, achieves speed and flexibility in the field, and makes it possible to complete more projects in less time at less cost. Zilla Double Stud XL is compatible with Zilla flush mount systems or any solar mounting system to help drive better bottom line results.

Rapid Shutdown Systems

RPM Rollformed Metal Products

RPM Rollformed Metal Products is a supplier of custom steel or aluminum profiles for photovoltaic mounting systems. Their capabilities are pre-punched, secondary ops, custom packaging, embossing, assembly, or any other feature to customize a program, product, and delivery options. Their ISO9001:2015 facility has produced over 25 million pounds of custom steel for solar racking with zero client rejections. RPM provides a cost-effective solution for any custom tracker, fixed, or ballasted racking system.

Samson Roll Formed Products Co.


RSD-Plus is an NEC-2017 and NEC-2020 compliant device. Single and Dual PV module RSD in one device enables low cost, PV level thermal shutdown enables even greater safety protection. Configured DC cables and connectors to match the PV connector brand and lowers AHJ rejection risks. Optional PV data monitoring available.

Samson Roll Formed Products Co produces channels used by the solar industry as brackets, photovoltaic array supports and solar panel framing/trim, including a parabolic shaped channel, the main component in compound parabolic collectors, as well as custom shapes. Samson was founded in 1946 and is located in the Chicago metro area in a 200,000sq/ft facility housing approximately forty roll form lines and an array of ancillary equipment to provide stamping, bending, assembly, parting, in-house design, and production of pre-notch, pre-punch tooling, as value-added services. Samson holds ISO9001:2015 Certification.

MBA Energy & Industrial is an industrial construction firm that specializes in providing various new facilities for energy-related projects. MBA has built over 70 buildings for the renewable industry in the last five years and can provide complete coverage of your project. MBA’s current resume stretches across 22 states and includes O&M buildings, warehouses, large enclosures, battery storage, terminals, substation buildings, large offices, and many other facilities. Most MBA buildings are design/build in nature, but the company is also capable of buildto-print projects. The in-house team of architects and engineers helps clients through the design process and offers various options for their respective projects. MBA also provides free conceptual designs, budgetary pricing, and consultation on building planning. Please don’t go through the design process alone; lean on our expertise. Contact MBA today.

Residential or Small Office PV
North American Clean Energy 79

Safety Kong USA, LLC

Made in Italy, the KONG BACK-UP ANSI/ ASSE Z359.15-2014 is an ANSI certified version Back-Up fall arrester. Safe and simple to use with only one hand. The KONG BACK-UP is a fall arrester that follows the operator in both directions. Shifting the special button to lock mode, the BACK-UP can be used as a positioning device. The KONG BACK-UP supports the strongest stress in a semi dynamic way, avoiding the shock effects on the rope caused by traditional self-locking devices with toothed cams. Connector/lanyard included.

Metal Plus, LLC

The Ultimate Bracket (for wooden planks), Big Boy Bracket (for aluminum planks), and Roofer's Helper were specifically designed to act as scaffolding on steep standing seam metal roofs without damaging any part of the roof. They were designed to be easy and efficient for the contractor to engage and disengage while setting up on the roof or moving them from one place to another. The Universal Safety Anchor is designed to clamp on and off easily to standing seam metal roof without damaging the seam. It can be done in less than a minute, while keeping the contractor safely and securely attached to the roof while they work.

National Metal Industries

PDS Winged Privacy Slats for chain link fence are a solution for increased privacy. With the quality and durability of their standard slats plus unique "wings" for extra screening and security, these slats are self-locking, no channels are needed. Suitable for privacy of solar farms. Approximately 90% wind load and privacy factor based on wire/mesh used and stretch tension. Customer is responsible for ensuring sufficient structural support for additional wind load.

PV Labels

PV Labels now offers an 85-piece 2020 NEC Requirement (ANSI 535.4) Label Pack. This will help the homeownerinstaller or contractor fulfill final inspection requirements with ease. PV Labels’ NEC Packs are premium labels manufactured to withstand the most demanding outdoor environments. They offer high quality vinyl and reflective materials. When paired with outdoor rated, UV resistant lamination, users can be assured their high resolution, screen-printed labels will last through any environmental demands. 2020 NEC Packs are in stock and ready to ship same day.

SKYLOTEC North America, L.P.

Headquartered in Denver, CO, SKYLOTEC North America LP supplies customers with fall protection, access, and rescue solutions. Brands include SKYLOTEC, CT (Climbing Technologies), ActSafe, and Anthron. SKYLOTEC’s Skysafe Pro shock absorbing lanyard covers both 6ft and 12ft performance requirements in one product. This increases safety, eliminates the need for two different shock absorbing lanyards, simplifies employee training, and improves the bottom line. The patented energy-absorbing lanyard with flex arms covers a user weighing from 110lbs. (50kg) to 310lbs. (141kg) and reduces the impact force to less than 6kN with a maximum fall arrest distance of 60'' (1.75m). In the event of a fall, sewn-in RESCUE LOOPS enable the victim to be lifted with a rescue device, relieving strain on the carabiner and facilitating the rescue. Available in four different versions with various carabiner combinations: I-rope, Y-rope, tieback I-rope, and tieback Y-rope.

Safety Rail Company

Safety Rail Company (SRC) provides OSHA-compliant fall-protection solutions for all facilities, from simple projects to multisite jobs. Their primary product, the SRC360 Mobile Rail, is a versatile, free-standing system that acts as a barrier between the workers and the fall hazard. This system works with flat-roof solar panel installs, which pose a fall hazard when positioned near the roof’s edge, and can be setup during panel install or left up for permanent protection. SRC also offers site installation and rental programs.


The Solmetric Module Lift transports PV modules to a roof safely, quickly, and cost effectively. Used for years by residential solar Installers, it attaches to an existing Werner or Louisville fiberglass extension ladder with a pulley mounted on the top rung. No engines or motors to deal with. Sets up in 5 minutes by one person. An operator pulls the rope and the module slides along the ladder rails. Ramps allow the module to slide over steps in the ladder rails. The brake prevents the module from sliding back down the ladder. An operator at the top removes the module and releases the brake to lower the hook.

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Blaklader is a Swedish workwear company that has been designing and manufacturing functional, durable, and sustainable work clothing since 1959. The 1612 FR Visibility Pant is the beginning of an entirely new line of Hi-vis FR gear from Blaklader Workwear. Rated CAT 2, 70E, 11cal/cm2, this trusted pant design is not only safe, but boasts features like multiple pockets, durable materials, triple stitching, and kneepad pockets for their foam kneepad inserts. It's a classic FR pant with some added visibility.

Sheet Metal | Machining

EPOCS Manufacturing, Inc.

Located in Longmont, CO, EPOCS Manufacturing Inc. is a 30,000sq.ft. precision sheet metal and CNC machining fabrication facility also offering in house powder coating, silk screening, and assembly. With over 40 years of experience, they provide competitive volume production and rapid prototyping of sheet metal and machined parts to a variety of industries.


Site Assessment & Forecasting Burnham Nationwide, Inc.

The BurnhamEYE Documentation and Inspection app thoroughly documents residential solar and battery storage installations. This data can then be reviewed by a QC team or the Burnham QC team for a 3rd party inspection, allowing installation deficiencies to be caught before they become problems. Structured, consistent reports are also generated.

Calvada Surveying

Calvada Surveying (Calvada) is a provider of professional land surveying services throughout the Western United States. With over 30 years of experience, they are licensed in CA, NV, AZ, CO, UT, OR, and WA. They offer a wide range of land survey services from conversional land survey, aerial and photogrammetry, high definition scanning and 3D modeling, and drone (UAV) services. For the renewable energy industry, Calvada has provided land survey services that include ALTA surveys, topographic surveys, construction staking, legal descriptions, aerial surveys, and other mapping services.

KiloNewton, LLC

KiloNewton’s custom solar siting software provides a desktop assessment of complex terrain. With analyzing factors including tracker compatibility, grading costs, and terrain-based energy losses, they can help select what parcels to build on, or micro-site within a parcel to eliminate the most costly areas.

Tech Products, Inc.

Tech Products, Inc. provides signs, tags, and markers for wind farms. The Everlast brand has been used by on shore and off shore for safety signage. Its unique design makes it impervious to salt spray, UV abuse, and extreme temperature changes. Three-D cable markers are suitable for marking electrical cable and underground conduit. Their line marker brand lets all land owners know where cable is buried and protects it from being disturbed.

Software Supplier


PowerTrack, AlsoEnergy’s flagship application that is now on Stem’s Athena platform, is the all-in-one application to meet the needs of commissioning, monitoring, optimizing, and controlling a clean energy portfolio or fleet. Backed by depth of data for high-quality analytics, the insights from PowerTrack enables intelligent decision making, leading to improved financial and energy performance.

Safety Work Apparel
North American Clean Energy 81

Anderson Optimization

Anderson Optimization is a renewable siting and grid modeling software that delivers fast and accurate results. They have nationwide coverage, so users can move into a new market the same day and have a consistent process for siting no matter where they are. Whether users need to turnaround an RFP next week or are moving into a new market for the long-term, they can provide all the data needed for renewable energy siting in one place. All key layers needed for effective renewable siting come pre-loaded and ready to use.

Blu Banyan

Blu Banyan’s SolarSuccess is a cloud-based business management software specifically designed for residential, commercial, and utility-scale solar installers and developers who have outgrown their existing mix of incompatible applications, and are seeking an integrated solution that includes solar-specific accounting, sales, CRM, project management, inventory, and team collaboration functionality. SolarSuccess is customizable with optional integrations for field service, distributor inventory, monitoring, dialers, weather forecasting, training tools, and more. It enables solar businesses to accelerate soft cost reduction and increase profitability on projects.

ENACT Systems, Inc.

ENACT offers a two-sided software platform for solar and energy storage projects. ENACT ENVISION is used by developers and installers to remotely design complete solar and storage solutions, as well as finalize contracts and track execution. ENACT ENGAGE is used by end-customers to track financial savings, energy usage, and predict their future outcomes. The platform is used in 23 countries by thousands of users, with over $1.5B of projects annually.

Fronius USA, LLC

Aurora Solar

Aurora Solar’s cloud-based solar platform transforms the process of designing, selling, and delivering projects. Aurora powers almost 100,000 solar projects weekly. Aurora’s measurements are equivalent to those taken on-site and are accepted by all major rebate authorities and financiers. Remote measurements save time and trips to the site, and their design guardrails prevent users from promising a system that won’t pass inspection. Aurora has helped solar companies reduce overall installation soft costs by 35%. With Aurora’s complete cloud-based solar platform, teams can work from a single project view. That means less gets lost in translation between hand-offs. It’s a fast, streamlined way to work that lays the foundation to personalize a customers' experience.


Demand IQ helps residential solar providers increase sales and automate the customer acquisition process using conversational AI. Its white-label-ready virtual solar consultant instantly calculates solar panel systems size and pricing information using satellite data so shoppers can get easy, transparent savings estimates from any solar provider’s website. Demand IQ empowers solar providers with the software tools to build and scale profitable internal customer acquisition programs. The tool offers homeowners instant solar education to capture and improve lead quality by providing 24/7 self-service lead qualification, appointment setting, and utility bill sharing to improve call center efficiency.

The Fronius Solar.SOS app is an online troubleshooting tool for Fronius installers. Access installation and operation instructions, troubleshoot and resolve technical issues, create cases, manage one or multiple accounts, all from one app. Simply log in with a Fronius USA account, enter the inverter’s serial number or state code, and access all service callouts, receive notifications, status updates about the case, and more. For assistance with open cases, users may contact Fronius’ support team with the chat function.


geothinQ is a Geographic Information System (GIS) platform that powers smart, data-driven real estate decisions for land development professionals and property stakeholders. Backed by robust land mapping technology, geothinQ provides on-demand access to property data across the country including environmental, demographic, and topographic information. The platform creates a fast and visual land evaluation process resulting in sustainable projects that produce a positive ROI for developers.

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PcVue Solutions

PcVue Inc. the North America affiliate of ARC Informatique, provides an advanced, highly flexible, and scalable HMI and SCADA software platform for automation solutions that are easy to configure, quick to deploy, and have a low total cost of ownership. PcVue has a service oriented proactive collaborative approach to meeting automation and industrial control system cyber security requirements for their end users, value added resellers, OEM, or system integrators. Their software is used as the foundation for automation, monitoring, and control in energy production and distribution for wind, solar, and hydroelectric.

Indji Systems

Indji Watch for solar operations provides advanced notice of significant events, including high winds, damaging hail, and wildfires, so users can prepare and mitigate the overall impact to their solar operations. Hail and wind outlooks from the Storm Prediction Center give up to a 24-hour notice of threat areas and Indji Watch high impact weather alerts provide the critical information needed to make a stow decision before impact. Alerts are sent when wildfires breach a predefined distance threshold for the site, giving more time to get employees to safety and take mitigative actions to reduce the impact, and daily updates continue for active fires.

Loveland Innovations

IMGING streamlines solar planning and design with automated drone data collection, giving users CAD-ready 3D models, shading data, detailed horizon reports, and other essentials after a short flight, making the design process easy.


OpenSolar is a global solar software technology company that created a free-of-charge solar design, sales, and management platform. Used in over 130+ countries, the software provides custom and flexible solar design accuracy, interactive custom proposals, and end-to-end tools to manage and grow a solar business all in one place.


The Superbolt Load-Sensing Tensioner offers remote monitoring and a live reading of data — all with extreme accuracy. Looking for more flexibility? Our Superbolt Load-Sensing Flexnut offers the same monitoring system but can be used in conjunction with any tightening method.

Our Boltight Intelligent Electric Pump (IEP) is an electrically driven smart pump, with data gathering capabilities, improved accuracy of operation and traceability for modern hydraulic bolt tensioning operations and can be paired with our Boltight Hydraulic Tensioners

North American Clean Energy 83
Anytime, Anywhere: Monitor Preload the Smart Way Nord-Lock Group Tel.: +1 412 279 1149 Email: © Copyright 2022 Nord-Lock Group. NORD-LOCK, SUPERBOLT, BOLTIGHT and EXPANDER SYSTEM are trademarks owned by different companies within the Nord-Lock Group. All other logos, trademarks, registered trademarks or service marks used herein are the property of the Nord-Lock Group. All rights reserved.

Peak Power

Peak Synergy is a software-as-a-service platform that uses advanced artificial intelligence to optimize the operation of energy assets at commercial and industrial facilities. The platform provides information on grid conditions in real-time and notifications for coincident peak and high demand hours. The platform also provides information on the carbon intensity of the electricity being used. If onsite batteries and EVs are deployed, Peak Synergy manages these energy assets to meet sustainability goals and participate in complicated demand response and energy market programs. Customers are able to generate revenue quickly, and lower their overall operational costs.


PXiSE helps utilities, developers, and building owners manage the increasingly complex requirements of the electrical power grid.

PXiSE’s Distributed Energy Resource Management System manages an increase of distributed renewable assets by coordinating them alongside traditional grid components on a single network. PXiSE’s Microgrid Controller helps manage generation and storage assets and electrical loads by independently balancing real and reactive power, dispatching resources without sacrificing grid stability. PXiSE’s Power Plant Controller helps maximize the efficiency of any combination of renewable energy assets including solar, wind, and energy storage by providing automated control.

Solar Distributor


RenuLogix provides a cloud-based platform to renewable energy companies, including solar companies, to help them increase their revenue and lower their costs while saving the planet for all.

Valentin Software

PV*SOL premium 2023 is a dynamic simulation program with 3D visualization and detailed shading analysis for the design of photovoltaic systems and can be used to professionally design and plan all types of renewable energy supply using photovoltaics. There are new features for checking the configuration between PV modules and inverters. Among others, PV*SOL premium 2023 has introduced a check of the maximum short-circuit current for the inverters. This value can now be saved in the database. The configuration verification ensures that the inverter’s maximum short-circuit current is not exceeded.Additional features are monthly consumption values can be provided with daily load profiles, performing two simulation steps in parallel for shaded 3D systems, and SolarAnywhere as an additional climate data provider. It is also possible in PV*SOL premium 2023 to import the electricity consumption of a heat pump system from the sister program GeoT*SOL as a load profile. This allows the degree of self-sufficiency of a building to be precisely determined for the power supply.


NEFIN’s innovative approach offers bespoke carbon neutral technologies and financing solutions to large corporations and MNC clients worldwide. As a one-stop turnkey renewable energy project management provider, their services include: advisory and consultancy, technology deployment with safety standards and performance, O&M services, project financing, asset management for system optimization and automated ESG reporting, energy storage systems, and renewable energy certifications.

Solar Fasteners

HPS Sentinel™ Solar Duty transformers are designed for the renewable energy industry where voltage adjustments are necessary between the solar generation system and the utility service. They meet or exceed DOE 2016 & NRCan 2019 efficiency standards.

HPS is also a major supplier of key electrical components used in renewable energy infrastructure including low and medium voltage transformers, grounding transformers and current limiting reactors.

HEICO Fastening Systems

The HEICO-LOCK wedge lock washer ensures the durability of BOS components over the 25-30 year lifecycle of an installation, even under the most severe wind and environmental conditions. They are reusable and allow for future upgrades, without requiring costly and fragile tools or damaging component surfaces. HEICO has recently completed a solar assembly bolted-joint comparative performance report, available upon request.

Marine Fasteners

For more than 35 years, Marine Fasteners has provided customers with stainless steel fasteners and value-added customer service. Marine has a full line of 304 and 316 bolts, socket products, screws, nuts, washers, pins, and other exotic fasteners. They offer multiple secondary processes and stock a proprietary line of chrome-plated inventory. Their multiple stocking locations provide nationwide coverage to insure on-time delivery.

Socomec NAM Solar Solutions As a member o Socomec Group, Cont nenta Cont o Sys ems designs and manu actures meter ng dev ces, current trans ormers and custom energy measuremen Socomec and CCS offer a w de range of ow-vo tage e ectr ca equ pment des gned and su tab e for so ar app ca ions nc ud ng power meter ng & mon tor ng power sw tch ng and energy sto age D s c o v e r C C S & S o c o m e c s o u t o n s a S N A B o o t h 9 4 5 www socomec us UNSYS HE L g S W N d W d R & DIR D BOX P wer Me e n S RCO MOT DC & DC E S Powe w h ng 84 2023 JANUARY • FEBRUARY ///

Sherex Fastening Systems

Sherex Fastening Solutions is a manufacturer of fastening products for a variety of different industries. In the solar industry, Sherex product lines of rivet nuts and wedge-locking washers are used on racking systems for efficient assemblies, to strengthen attachment points, and to prevent loosening due to vibration. Hexogonal rivet nuts and knurled, round-body rivet nuts are used in racking systems because of their strength and ease of installation. Sherex's Disc-Lock and TEC Series product lines of wedgelocking washers and nuts are critical in keeping joints secure, preventing them from loosening due to weather and vibration.

Nord-Lock Group

Nord-Lock wedge-locking washers secure bolted joints, even when exposed to severe vibration and dynamic loads. It’s impossible for these products to loosen unintentionally due to the wedge created underneath the bolt head and nut. All of their washers are laser marked with the Nord-Lock brand name, control number, and a type code to ensure customers receive genuine Nord-Lock washers with full traceability down to the first assembly.

SANLIN Fastener, Inc.

SANLIN Fastener designs, samples, tools, and manufactures bolts, nuts, and screws in a variety of materials, in metric and standard sizes. SANLIN has expanded its product line to offer solar energy solutions, providing clips for racking. Their US branch located in NY is committed to serving the North American market with high quality, competitively priced, standard, and specialized fastener products.

North American Clean Energy 85 888.825.3432 | CanDuit™ Contain piping and conduit with no scratching, corrosion or damage to your metal roof. Pipe Clamps Available in 14 sizes w/ a pipe outer diameter from 20 mm to 117 mm Standing seam & exposed-fastened compatible

Solar Hot Water Distributors

SunWize Power & Battery, LLC


The SunHopper-D from GreenPWR is modernizing solar hot water systems. Coming later this year, the SunHopper inverter includes a learning algorithm which monitors usage, weather conditions, electricity rates, and installation parameters to minimize energy cost to the homeowner while providing a reliable hot water source using backup electricity or fossil fuels. The SunHopper uses a dedicated PV array and wires to off-the-shelf electric immersion storage water heaters to make installation simple and reduces energy consumption by as much at 80%. The SunHopper also supports off-grid installations to provide a simple renewable water heating system.

Comprehensive Landman Services for Renewables and Fossil Fuels Projects

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• Land + Right of Way Acquisition

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241 Hwy. 43, Independence, LA 70443

Brian R. Lemoine, CPL (President)

O: 985.748.5544 M: 504.430.0073

Solahart Industries, Pty, Ltd.

Solahart has had a presence in the USA for more than 40 years. Authorized Solahart Distributors promote, sell, and install the Solahart Thermosyphon Solar Water heater designed for freeze and hard water conditions. Solahart is OG300 Certified for the Federal ITC Tax rebate. The low profile Solahart is easy to install and low maintenance with no pumps or controllers required. Solahart is suitable for pre-heating tankless gas water heaters and heat pumps for additional energy savings. Solahart takes up minimal space on a residential roof and provides high energy output. Solahart is suitable for HUD or SASH housing. New dealers are required.

Solar Integration

Southern States, LLC

Southern States LLC is committed to increasing utility systems reliability by delivering next generation switching, automation, and protection solutions. The TranSwitcher vacuum switching device, is a cost effective and reliable switching device that will reduce or eliminate rapid voltage change events by minimizing inrush currents when connecting solar generation to the grid.

SunWize provides pre-designed and fully customized systems which can be stand-alone or hybrid solar, and are designed to meet any load and site requirements. Their Power Ready Express Systems are ready off-the-shelf and designed for quick fulfillment, making purchasing resilient remote power quick and easy. Additionally, they design and manufacture standard and customized enclosures, solar mounts, and solar modules. These are available as stand-alone products or as part of a complete power system.

Solar Radiometer Calibration

ISO-CAL North America, LLC

ISO-CAL North America is an ISO/ IEC 17025:2005 accredited calibration laboratory specialized in the calibration of solar radiometers: including UV, visible light, solar, and far infrared sensors. Services include indoor and outdoor WRR, WISG, or NIST traceable primary and secondary reference calibration, depending on calibration method and sensor model type.

Solar Recycling

We Recycle Solar

We Recycle Solar provides lifecycle management for photovoltaic devices. They bring decades of expertise in asset recovery and electronics recycling to the solar industry. We Recycle Solar is a single-source disposal provider for excess, recalled, and end-of-life solar products.

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Solar Support Structures & Carport Systems

Baja Carports

Baja Carports designs, engineers, and installs prefabricated solar steel carports nationwide. They engineer to specific design criteria (from 20lbs. live load to 175mph wind to 90lb snow load) to meet customers unique project requirements, providing a cost effective layout utilizing different steel products, cold form steel, 3 plate, hot rolled wide flange, etc. Their in-house project team of engineers, project management, certified installation crews self-perform all aspect of solar steel carport construction to deliver from initial design to project execution. They work nationwide.

BLIKIR Carports

BLIKIR Residential Solar Carports are made of US-sourced galvanized steel and can carry up to 24 panels. They are easy to install with high wind and snow load capacities and can be painted in almost any color to match the project specifications. These carports are delivered on two pallets anywhere in the US.

DCE Solar

With ground and roof-top systems, DCE Solar provides solutions for commercial and utilityscale projects. The newest products from DCE Solar, DCE Carport Solutions, are designed by architects and engineers with 100+ MW of design experience to deliver on performance and structural needs. As with all DCE products, DCE Services offers turn-key installations, including engineering, foundations, structural assembly, module, and complete electrical for all carport solutions. The Heavy Gauge Carport Solution features high clearances, wide column spacing, integrated wire management, tapered beams, and high-quality structural materials and coatings.

North American Clean Energy 87 | 1.336.584.6700 GROUND SCREWS? HELICAL ANCHORS? REFUSAL HOLES? Rock Drilling Attachments Get the Job Done. Booth #2136 Feb. 14-16, 2023/ Long Beach, CA

Solar Thermal Manufacturing & Equipment

Alternate Energy Technologies (AET)

Delta Steel, Inc.

Delta Steel was founded in 1963 and serves the carbon structural steel market. Delta serves a diverse group of industries in seventeen states and in many countries outside the United States. They have strategically located facilities and offer an extensive inventory, their own processing equipment, and provide on-time delivery.

Orion Carports & EV Structures, Inc.

Orion Carports & EV Structures Inc. designs, engineers, and installs commercial solar carports and EV structures. Available as single cantilever (L-Shape) or double cantilever (T Shape), they offer structures that are capable of mounting most types of solar modules. Their box steel design is compatible with any parking lot to meet any solar system needs. Made from high grade G90 galvanized steel, their carport structures are designed to ensure compliance with building codes. Their carports are designed to suit site conditions with columns every 18ft for two car spaces or 27ft for three car spaces with tilt options of 0° - 5° - 10°.

Kinetic Solar Kinetic Solar’s Seasonally Adjustable

Ground Mount brings versatility and strength while also being economical and fast to install. Each module section is balanced to make seasonal adjustments simple; no heavy lifting or tracking system costs are required. A seasonal adjustment can increase yearly production of up to 14%. Standard tilt angles include 20°, 45°, and 60°. The ground mount can also be tabled for easy installation. The ground mount is built with pre-galvanized and hot-dip galvanized steel, and its A-frames are collapsible for ease of transportation. It is designed to withstand 1kPa of wind and 2.5kPa of snow, making it suitable for most environmental conditions.

Scarlet Solar

A carport and a tracker, TiltPort is a rethink of the solar carport concept. TiltPort is prefabricated, Plug’n Play, code compliant, panel agnostic, and installed in hours. Designed for large commercial deployments, TiltPort provides high solar production for a low cost, and adds appeals to commercial sites. In California since 2016, a standard TiltPort tracking +30/-30 azimuth 0, produces up to 2032KwH/Kw per year. EV charging and other options are now available.

AET manufactures flat-plate, solar thermal collectors. The MorningStar Series "Flat Plate" Solar Thermal Collectors are designed to meet the needs of any system from 30 to 50,000 gallons for use in hot water, space heating, air conditioning, and industrial process heating systems. Available in six (6) models to accommodate varying gross area projects. MS-Series Collectors are recognized for their high performance, structural integrity and patented mounting systems, the MSC Series collectors have been designed for use in harsh climates with corrosive elements or coastal climates.

Chromagen Hot Water Solutions

A global solar water heater pioneer that develops and manufactures advanced hot-water, energysaving solutions, including solar water tanks, solar water collectors, connecting kits and accessories. Founded sixty years ago, Chromagen Hot Water Solutions provides solutions for worldwide projects including single family homes, multistory apartment buildings, hotels, hospitals, and industrial plants. Chromagen collectors with selective paint and sputtering absorbers options are certified for OG-100 by SRCC.


SunEarth manufactures the Empire and Thermoray series liquid flat plate solar thermal (hot water) collectors. The Empire series provides quality, performance, durability, and value.The ThermoRay Series has a sleek appearance, high performance, versatility, ease of installation, and rugged field-tested durability. The SunBurst, all copper absorber plate, is the heart of the SunEarth Empire Series flat plate collectors. SunEarth’s tough and versatile SolarStrut and RexRack mounting hardware provides an engineered solution for all standard residential and commercial mounting applications.

ZIRCAR Refractory Composites, Inc.

ZIRCAR Refractory Composites, Inc., produces a line of advanced high performance ceramic-ceramic composite materials and related products.Their materials are used around the world in demanding thermal, structural, and electrical insulating applications ranging in temperatures from 1112°F (600°C) to 3992°F (2200°C). Silica Board RSLE-57 is used as solar thermal shielding in solar tower installations. RSLE-57 is stable in exterior freeze thaw and heat cycling. RSLE-57 is used in concentrated solar sterling engine as protection shielding. RSLE-57 is used as solar thermal shielding in solar tower installations. RSLE-57 is stable in exterior freeze thaw and heat cycling.

Solar-Plus Storage

Affinity Energy

Affinity Energy is an open control systems integrator with over 1GW in utility-scale and BESS projects deployed and a national portfolio of over 800 power automation projects completed. They regularly work with mission critical facilities, distributed generation plants, energy companies, engineering firms, and construction contractors who seek open, turnkey systems for power management and energy optimization. Their experienced engineers design, build, implement, and support controls, instrumentation, and monitoring systems, during the design and/or build phases of a new construction or retrofit project for utilityscale solar farms, data centers, central energy plants, and manufacturing companies.

88 2023 JANUARY • FEBRUARY ///


EPEC Solutions

To meet the unique challenges of the solar industry, EPEC developed an LV switchboard family from the ground up. A family consisting of UL 891 switchboards 400A to 4000A, 480VAC through 800VAC. EPEC’s solar specific features include thermal engineering to eliminate nuisance tripping (standard gloss white paint, oversized bus, utilization of electronic trip MCCBs), direct connection with MV transformers (typically saving over 10k in installation cost), and 800VAC UL certification with molded case circuit breakers.

Test & Measurement

GEOWEB® Geocells


Economical & Low-Maintenance Access Roads

The GEOWEB 3D Soil Stabilization System is the most cost-effective and versatile way to construct access roads ONE TIME for foundation construction, solar farm component delivery, and maintenance access.

• Virtually Maintenance-Free

• Utilize On-Site Fill

• Drastically Reduced Cross-Section


Fluke Corporation

The Fluke 393 FC CAT III 1500 V True-RMS Clamp Meter is a tool for solar PV professionals who work in high voltage DC environments, featuring a thin jaw that allows it to access cables in crowded combiner boxes and other tight spaces. The 393 FC measures up to 1500VDC, 1000VAC, and up to 999.9ADC or AC, and the included iFlex flexible current probe extends AC current measurement up to 2500A. The clamp meter is IP54 rated and was designed to keep users safe in potentially dangerous high-voltage electrical environments, withstanding a wide range of outdoor weather conditions and some rough tumbles that are inevitable in the field.

North American Clean Energy 89

Testing & Certification | Testing Chambers

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TÜV Rheinland of North America, Inc.

TÜV Rheinland provides testing and supply chain management services for the solar industry. With over 35 years of experience, TÜV Rheinland offers a global presence, industry expertise, and a wide-range of comprehensive services to address the challenges of the solar market. These services include testing and certification of PV modules and components, supply chain management, and independent engineering for PV power plants, supporting the PV power plant value chain. TÜV Rheinland maintains a global network of laboratories in all major solar hubs.


Heyco Heavy Duty Lockit P Clamp

Available in three different sizes to accommodate a variety of cables ranging from 1 5 to 3 in diameter Unique design allows for installation of Heavy Duty Lockit P Clamps to be independent of cable installation while release feature allows for ser viceability or field maintenance

Heyco Edge Clips

Heyco Edge Clips provide high panel retention forces while req low inser tion forces Ideal soluti for applications where holes are not available or temperatures are too extr for adhesive solutions

Heyco®-Tite Solar Masthead® II Liquid Tight Cordgrips

Now accommodates #6 AWG cables! T unique, skinned-over technology allows installers to use the same par t for multiple applications/cable configurations while remaining liquid tight

Heyco®-Tite Cordgrips for Enphase Q Cable

Heyco now offers 1/2˝ NPT and 3/4˝ NPT cordgrips compatible with the Enphase Q Cable Use the 1/2˝ NPT for just 1 Enphase Q Cable or the 3/4 NPT for 2 Enphase Q Cables PLUS a #8 solid Grounding cable

Heyco® HEYClip™ SunRunner®

Double-compression design holds from (1) 12 gauge USE-2 to (2) 8 AWG cables up to 8,3 mm OD

w/UV protected vinyl jacket and stainless steel crimp sleeve, 8 (203 mm) to 20 (508 mm) lengths

ETI Energy Tools, LLC


Now for #6 AWG!

ETI Energy Tools, LLC specializes in industrial tools and safety equipment. Their goal is to provide their customers with a supplier that simplifies the ordering process, and has knowledge of the tooling and equipment needed to perform the O&M and repairs, as well as the necessary equipment to keep their technicians safe and compliant with today’s industry standards.

McCann Equipment, Ltd.

McCann Equipment Ltd. is a multi-branch Canadian industrial tool distributor, specializing in the sale, service, and rental of torque and tensioning products. Their services include the repair, calibration, and certification of torque tools (manual, electric, pneumatic, hydraulic), transducers, and testers. Additionally, they certify air pressure gauges and hydraulic gauges as well as tension calibration testers (Skidmore). Each of the company’s branch offices is ISO 17025 accredited. The scope and accreditation for each is available on their website.

Port Industries

Hydramaxx and Mastenbroek trenchers and plows are designed for one pass installation of electrical cable, conduit, ground wire, and caution tape. Port Industries has the equipment, guide arms, and lay boxes to meet any collection systems specific requirements. Port Industries works closely with their renewable energy customers to develop the best guide and lay box designs, considering the specific requirements for cable spacing and backfill/ compaction. Rental machines are also available.

Slick Tools, LLC

Slick Tools offers a complete solar critter guard solution based on durable wire mesh C- and L-channels. Wire mesh is formed into durable, structural channels on-site and tucked between rooftop PV array and roof to form a secure and discreet pest barrier. The system allows solar modules to be removed and serviced without disturbing the fence. Slick Tools distributes tools, including a proprietary mesh forming tool and staple guns, materials, including wire mesh and the innovative CritterBlok attachment clip, and training for technicians and salespeople.

Laser Tools Co., Inc

Laser Tools Co., Inc.’s SE-10 and SE-50 Solar Energy Installation Systems are used to align the support pylons that hold the mounted solar panels. Used to survey and align multi-acre power distribution fields, the leveling adapters hold the green laser that attaches to the top of the king pylon and shoots a laser reference line over the top of the pylons for fast alignment during installation. This positions each pylon inline in order to support the solar panels. The SE-10 Solar Energy installation System includes the AP1000 Leveling Adapter Plate with a vertical micrometer and horizontal azimuth adjustment for precise laser beam alignment over 500ft. The SE-50 Solar Energy Installation System is includes a locking feature for stable laser dot alignment over 300ft. The SE-10 and SE-50 Solar Energy Installation Systems are battery operated, eye safe, and include a hard-shell carrying case, so they are portable, field rugged, and tested. These alignment laser systems are manufactured world-wide for large scale, solar field and PV panel installations.

Solar Tools

The Solar Panel Caddy improves the efficiency of manually lifting and carrying solar modules around the job site. It features a gravity-fed grip and provides evenly dispersed pressure on modules when lifted. Using this tool allows for an ergonomic lift, reduced strain on the body, decreased risk of dropped panels, and the effortless movement of each panel by only one installer. Reduced labor hours provides a more efficient install.

90 2023 JANUARY • FEBRUARY /// w w w . h e y c o . c o m “Stay Connected with Heyco” Power Components Box 517 • Toms River, NJ 08754 • P: 732-286-4336 • F: 732-244-8843 For FREE samples or product literature, call toll free 1-800-526-4182, or visit heyco com HEYCO® Wire Management Solutions for Solar Installers & Integrators... Heyco® Solar Products Warranty Visit www heyco com for information about Heyco’s 20 Year Limited Warranty on our solar products Heyco® SunBundler® Stainless Steel Wire Cable Ties Aircraft grade 302/304 stainless wire


WEH designs and manufactures high-quality nozzles, breakaways, receptacles, filters, and check valves for hydrogen refueling and has become a partner to the automotive industry in this technology. Safety, ease of operation, and the well-executed design make WEH H2 products a solution for manufacturers for H2 filling stations and fuel cell vehicles worldwide.

Tracking Systems


IDEEMATEC’s Horizon L:TEC one-in-portrait offers a zero loss bifacial, tracker solution. IDEEMATEC

L:TEC 1P trackers are designed to withstand extreme weather conditions by pairing the locking mechanism with their signature decoupled drive technology. Each table can be installed at an angle of up to 20° from the previous table, eliminating the need for complex grading works. L:TEC comes with a 15-year system warranty for structural and mechanical components as standard. With limited parts, L:TEC 1P simplifies the installation process, expands project lifespan, and delivers maintenance costs savings.

Array Technologies, Inc.

Array is a renewable energy company providing utility-scale solar tracking solutions. Focusing on reliability, ease of installation, extreme weather risk mitigation, and fewer components, they deliver project returns and value to developers and EPCs. Their flagship product, DuraTrack, is a reliable and efficient solution for utility-scale projects. Array's global reach, locally focused sourcing solutions, and business practices now include the STI H-250 and their newest tracker, OmniTrack.

Nevados Engineering

With their core product, the All Terrain Tracker (ATT), Nevados can adapt to all natural terrain environments, whether flat, sloped, or rolling, without the need for grading. Their proprietary controls solutions allow for individual row, and even string, level optimization, generating efficiencies in overall system cost and energy production. Their TRACE software solutions make it possible for developers to accurately model production on non-flat terrain.

DEGER Canada, Inc.

DEGER is a manufacturer with a large product portfolio of single and dual-axis solar tracking systems. Their market position is based on Maximum Light Detection (MLD) technology. The MLD-sensor constantly aligns the connected solar modules to the point that achieves a 42.9% greater yield on average than fixed systems.

OMCO Solar

OMCO Origin Factory-Direct Trackers are designed for quick, easy, and safe installation, and less trackers per MW. That means less controllers and motors per MW, which means low tracker cost, low commissioning cost, and low operations and maintenance costs. Their design is rooted in more than 9.5GW of solar experience. The OMCO Origin Tracker, optimized for bifacial modules with a 2-in-landscape design, delivers high energy production. Engineered to meet the energy yield demands of utilityscale solar, Origin offers an open-back design, uniform back side irradiance, and a high ratio of tracker height to chord.

North American Clean Energy 91

Solar FlexRack

Solar FlexRack’s reliable TDP 2.0 Solar Tracker with BalanceTrac bundles an advanced tracker design with full, top-tier engineering and project support services to safeguard solar projects and portfolios from unexpected costs. An easy tracker to install, TDP 2.0 features smart backtracking to reduce row shading and maximize energy yields; rotational range of 110° (± 55°); and 10% slope tolerance to reduce civil work and project costs.

Stracker Solar

Strackers are elevated dual-axis tracking systems delivering technology and performance. Their 28-module arrays accurately follow the sun all day with a minimum 14ft ground clearance at all times. The high-efficiency and robust Strackers safely shade parking lots, agricultural/industrial operations, and school yards while generating clean solar energy. UL 3703 listed.


The Sunfolding TopoTrack solves solar tracking on variable terrain without flattening the land or piling up project costs. The TopoTrack is configured to virtually eliminate grading within the array, by gliding over grades and gullies, easing around site constraints, and preserving vegetation so full control of design and construction can be taken at the site. TopoTrack features short rows and has two posts, two actuators, and two purlins. Each mechanically independent row provides up to 20° of variation between trackers, allowing projects to go anywhere.


Maddox Transformer

Maddox produces and stocks high quality fully reconditioned and new transformers. They stock popular voltages and units commonly used in renewable applications including wye-wye dry type units for rooftop inverters, grounding transformers, and solar duty padmounts with electrostatic shields for large solar fields. Maddox has what renewables companies need to get their solar and wind projects done on time.

Sun and Steel Solar


America, LLC

SFOne is the 1P single-axis tracker with a double row by Soltec. This tracker combines the mechanical simplicity with the expertise of Soltec for more than 17 years. Specially designed for larger 72 and 78 cell modules, this tracker is self-powered thanks to its dedicated module, with traduces into a

Sun and Steel Solar offers single axis trackers with one leveraged slew drive providing holding power at every post, without driveshafts, air hoses, transmissions, or other complications. They have 3 patents for their simple bearing, round torque tube and sloped purlins. Two pull-rods laying on the floor inside their round torque tube, with cables coming out their patented bearings, out a lever arm, and to the post for low risk, cost, and use of steel. There is no dangerous exposure

Acutran Transformers

For more than 35 years, Acutran is an engineering solutions company providing specialty grounding transformers and reactors for the solar, wind, and hydro markets. Acutran serves as a custom transformer building partner from concept to completion, solving tough voltage transformational challenges in some of

RESA Power

RESA Power provides services to support customized power needs including system setup and critical ongoing maintenance. On-site or in the shop, RESA Power NETA Certified Technicians work to ensure the reliability and safety of transformers and electrical equipment. A sampling of their green services includes substation acceptance testing and commissioning, substation NERC/FERC testing and reporting, tower/inverter pad ground grid resistance testing, transformer oil testing laboratory and portal, new and used transformer sales, emergency transformer rentals, power systems troubleshooting and more.

YOUR UTILITY PERMITS LV PROTECTION SWITCH AND SAVE! Day Ahead Instrumentation provides turnkey multifunction relays and RTUs for interconnection requirements for utility scale and C&I applications. Assemblies configurable for DTT, MPLS, or SCADA interface with wired, fiber, or wireless coms. Call 978-501-3455 or email for a quote.

Transportation | Logistics

RP Construction Services, Inc.

RP Construction Services, Inc. (RPCS) provides turnkey design, structural engineering, procurement/supply, mechanical installation, and specialty services to EPCs, developers, and municipal utilities. RPCS is a single-axis solar tracker expert with projects simply and seamlessly executed in more than 40 U.S. states and Canada.

Cornerstone Systems

Cornerstone Systems provides international and domestic freight, container drayage, transloading/warehousing, truck, LTL, intermodal, railcar, specialized shipments, and job site delivery. Qualifications and certifications include GSA Approved Carrier, DOD Approved Carrier, Hazmat Certified, SmartWay Certified, and member of Transportation Intermediaries Association, Transportation & Logistics Council, and the American Trucking Association. A+ Rating with the Better Business Bureau.

MARCH 27-30, 2023

St. Charles, MO

Stay Ahead of the Competition:

Learn the Skills to Master the Latest Technical Trends, Innovations, and Information in the PV Industry

NABCEP Board Certified Professionals can obtain as many as 20.5 hours of continuing education units needed to recertify. PV Associates can obtain 18 continuing education units needed to renew. Noncertified renewable energy professionals seeking to advance their career can earn up to 18 hours towards becoming NABCEP Board Certified by attending the CE Conference.

Logisticus Group

Logisticus Group controls and operates multiple facilities across the country, can secure, up-fit, and manage operations and staff. Service specialties for ongoing and/or planned commercial solar and wind projects include standard/industrial warehousing, lay-downs, and warehouse management technologies with a multitude of options tailor-made to the needs of each customer and project. In addition to the offerings above, Logisticus also offers offloads/reloads; transports to project sites; tracks transport vehicles and inventory through the proprietary technology system (LTS), and much more.

Utility Scale Solar | PV Qcells North America

Qcells offers solar modules for residential, commercial and industrial (C&I), and utility applications. They also provide energy storage solutions that can be paired with modules for a complete system. Qcells invests in U.S. manufacturing with solar products assembled at their Dalton, GA factory.

The conference will include:

• Three days of in-depth technical training from the most respected experts in the industry

• The latest technical training from select manufacturers

• Full day PV and the NEC course options

• Amazing networking opportunities with seasoned and knowledgeable PV professionals

• All meals and entertainment included in the price of registration

Join us in St. Charles, MO for three intensive days of PV training, education and networking. To find out more, or register for the conference, visit:

Vegetation Management | Reforestation

FlightTurf, LLC

FlightTurf sells grass seed to plant beneath solar arrays to provide a low maintenance alternative to any other type of underlayment. This saves on maintenance budgets and provides for efficient energy results from the arrays. Return on investment typically within 12-24 months. Sold in the US and Canada.

Williams Forestry & Associates

Williams Forestry & Associates have been providing quality reforestation services since 1979. They specialize in reforestation projects for the energy sector including solar screening, vegetative buffers/landscaping, and ROW reforestation. Their company offers custom warranties to meet their customer's needs with hassle free implementation. They are well equipped with the right technical expertise, strict quality control, and the work force to get the job done as planned and on time. Williams Forestry and Associates have planted over 500 million trees to date.

Renu Robotics

Renu Robotics helps O&M providers, asset owners, and solar and energy facilities conduct vegetation management with their Renubot. The Renubot can mow day or night, is rugged, reliable, and significantly cuts vegetation management costs and carbon emissions. It replenishes its battery in its Recharge Pod that protects it from changing climate conditions. The autonomous vehicles are supported by Mission Control, which oversees operations, collects secured and encrypted data, and provides continuous reporting to customers.


AerosUSA’s high performance cable protection systems protect wiring in harsh environments such as solar and outdoor installations. New UL Listed / UL 1660 Conduits are used where ANSI 356, NFPA 70, and NEC Codes apply. These UL94VO conduits and fittings are flexible, lightweight, and are self-extinguishing and flame retardant. They can also be coupled with their new splitable frame Cable Entry System to make the installation of pre-terminated cables and conduits efficient and cost effective. These splitable frames include integrated gaskets, are NEMA 4 / 4X rated, and accept a variety of cable grommets depending on the cable OD.

CAB Solar

The Cable Management with Integrated Grounding System by CAB Solar is manufactured in the USA by persons with disabilities at the Cambria County Association for the Blind and Handicapped. The custom-designed hangers offer the simplicity of the Integrated Grounding System as messenger wire acts as the EGC and GEC. Installation of this reliable system is quick, simple, and straightforward. The multi-carrier styles safely support and separate large bundles of cables in tracker, ballasted, and fixed tilt projects. CAB Solar products are durable, manufactured from galvanized, high-tensile strength spring steel, and 100% coated with thick, flame retardant, high dielectric grade, UV stabilized Plastisol.

Wire Management
94 2023 JANUARY • FEBRUARY ///
Did you know that OMCO Solar uses 100% Domestic Steel and Iron which is required by the IRA for the 10% ITC Adder? Visit us Here to Learn More about our Choice Racking Solution
Our Choice fixed-tilt racking solution uses 100% American steel and iron for all roll formed structural members - which means our partners and customers could benefit from the ITC adder for domestic content.


Panduit solar energy solutions provide robust end-to-end solutions that offer maximum reliability, productivity, and safety. The Panduit Solar Wire Hangers are easy to install, very durable, and can be reused should future maintenance of the cable runs be needed. Solar Wire Hangers are designed to hang from a pre-drilled hole in a solar panel and accommodate up to eight 8-gauge PV wires. Made of 304 stainless steel, these wire hangers are suitable for PV cable management in solar construction. The hangers are cULus listed to UL1565, which is key to meeting installation requirements.

Gripple, Inc.

Gripple’s Cable Routing (CR) System is a free-air cable management solution for solar farms. Above ground cables are easy to manage, maintain, and help users avoid any geotechnical issues. Gripple side-loading CR Hangers have a 66lb load rating, steel plate reinforcement, swing gate, messenger grip, data holder, UV resistance, and 30+ year design life. Single Hangers have a capacity up to 290 #10 cables, and are suitable for stringing east-west cables. Double Hangers have a capacity up to 1,170 #10 cables, and are used for large scale projects or being stacked as part of a modular system.


Solar tracker-specific ratchet clamps are tailor made for routing cables along Nextracker and Array Technologies torque tubes. Based on their patented Ratchet P-Clamp platform, they fit two of the most commonly installed trackers today. Clamps attach tool-lessly with one hand, making them easy and fast to install. Ratchet mechanism makes them adjustable; 3 clamps fit bundle diameters from 0.25" to 2.0". Reopen for servicing by inserting a flat-blade screwdriver. Pre-install on cables or trackers to save time in the field. Extra cable tie saddle for extended wire routing options. Made of robust impactresistant and UV stable materials.

Nelco Products, Inc.

Nelco's unique panel fastening solutions such as UV resistant cable ties, edge clips, and stainless steel cable ties are designed to withstand outdoor applications and harsh environments.

North American Clean Energy 95


The Panduit UV Resistant Corrugated Loom Tubing (CLT) is available to route and protect wire and cabling in an outdoor environment directly at the solar panel. Made of polypropylene material, the CLT contains inhibitors to resist breakdown due to UV exposure. The UV Resistant Corrugated Loom Tubing is slit to allow for easy installation and can be installed with a variety of solar system solutions from Panduit.


The Panduit Metal Solar Edge Clips are made of stainless steel and designed to withstand the UV environment. For managing lead wires coming off each PV module, Panduit MEC-family clips are a solution. Easy to insert on panel frames, the clips bite and lock in place for a clip that will not move once installed. The improved installation efficiency allows MEC100-series clips to be installed on the panel prior to shipment to avoid the clip becoming disengaged or preventing panels from lying flat. Built for harsh environments, these clips are highly durable and suitable for PV cable management in solar construction. The versatility of these clips includes the option for 1 to 2 PV wires for routing wires parallel or perpendicular. The 4-wire version clips provide an option for routing up to 4 wires parallel with reference to the solar panel frame.


Mechanical and chemical attributes of the weather resistant Nylon 612 Cable Ties provide resistance to UV rays and chemical attack when exposed to various concentrations of salts, hydrocarbons, chlorinated hydrocarbons bases, and acid rain. Nylon 612 ties offer up to 20 years of weathering life expectancy and resistance to zinc chlorides and diluted acids. Used for wire management on galvanized surfaces and frames, Nylon 612 Cable Ties are suitable for outdoor applications where temperatures range from -76°F (-60°C) up to 194°F (90°C). The one-piece design with locking wedge provides low thread force for easy and reliable installation. This feature improves productivity and reduces operator fatigue.


This deck-mounted solution features a 7/8” tall EPDM cylinder and install screw. Installers use this in combination with their preferred shoulder clips for supporting conduit anywhere on the rooftop. Mount on asphalt shingle, TPO, or EPDM roofs in 5 seconds or less, no sealant required. Simply drive the mounting screw through the shoulder clip and EPDM block until the block is compressed. Torque-driven compression seen in their Conduit Mount is called BoltSeal and is the same patented sealing technology used in their QB2 mount.

SoftPaw PV

SoftPaw is a module integrated wire management device that makes wire clips and zip ties obsolete. Being part of the solar panel’s frame wall, SoftPaw eliminates maintenance costs and reliability issues typically associated with wire management solutions. The module’s leads come preloaded into SoftPaw at typical use locations eliminating wire management in most cases. SoftPaw is sized to manage all cables within the array including those from the j-box, optimizer, microinverter, and homeruns at a cost equivalent to a few clips.

96 2023 JANUARY • FEBRUARY /// Cambria County Association for the Blind and Handicapped Patented Solar Cable Management System with Integrated Grounding Patent Protected Visit us at Booth #1219 Products Proudly Manufactured by Persons with Disabilities (814) 472-5077

• UL certified 480Vac through 800Vac

• 800A through 4000A (Main Breaker & Main Lug Options)

• Direct bus connection to MV Transformer

• No nuisance tripping! Electronic trip breakers on main & all feeders

• Reduce cable sizing! 100% rated MCCBs

• Compact! Main Breaker & up to 30 feeders in 90” x 60” x 36”

North American Clean Energy 97


February 14th -16 th , 2023

Long Beach Convention Center

Long Beach, CA


Intersolar North America and Energy Storage North America return to Long Beach, CA, connecting installers, developers, utilities, technology providers, policy makers, and key stakeholders from around the world to advance the clean energy transition.

Features just some of the companies and technologies attendees will see at this year’s show.

Whole-home solar backup

The Sol-Ark 15K is a solution for solar whole-home backup. A single 15K unit outputs 15kW of AC power (30kW peak) to help homeowners and business owners eliminate any overloads. A 200A UPS transfer switch allows this inverter to integrate easily with the main service panel. If more power is needed, users can run twelve (12) of these inverters in parallel, providing an AC output of 180kW. Sol-Ark hybrid inverters can use any 48V battery chemistry and are also generator (240V) agnostic. With three MPPTs at 26A (500V) each, users can run up to 19.5kW and six strings of solar with a 15K unit. The installation location is flexible as the housing is NEMA 3R outdoor-rated.


Booth 1337

Improving PV’s structural rigidity

Gripple’s PV Solar Bracing Kit is an out-of-the-box solution designed for ground-mounted solar arrays. The kit uses tensioned cable to improve the overall structural rigidity of the solar frame, while vastly reducing the amount of steel required. This improves the solar panels’ ability to withstand active forces such as strong winds, storms, earthquakes, and temperature expansion/contraction. The kit includes a length of preferruled zinc aluminum coated cable for corrosion resistance, protective tubing for the cable (if necessary) to protect the structure, and a locking fastener made of corrosion resistant pressure die cast zinc alloy.

Gripple Inc.

Booth 2231

Powerful battery in a small footprint

The PowerBlock from e-On packs 532kWh into a small footprint making it suitable for industrial or commercial applications. The PowerBlock offers NFPA 855 Compliance, UL 1973 cell/module/UL 9540A cell/module/ system, 532kWh, nominal voltage 1331VDC, rated depth of discharge 90%, pre-integrated thermal and off-gas detection with onboard fire suppression, scalable to 8.5MWh (up to 16 units in parallel connection), 5ft x 7ft footprint per 532kWh PowerBlock, delivered sssembled and wired, place with skylift rated for 14,000lbs (no crane required), available allocations for 2023 project delivery.

e-On Batteries, Inc.

Booth 831

Versatile drilling machine

The WORD Skid Steer Attachment is suitable for the installation of helical anchors and ground screws or pre-drilling a solar site. The WORD Skid Steer Attachment is a versatile machine that will get the job done. Equipped with a unique motor mounting system, this one drill provides the capability to be successful in a variety of soil conditions and racking systems. Additionally, operated with a two man crew, the easy-to-use controls and maneuverability of the skid steer make this a solution for high productivity in commercial solar installations.

WORD International, Inc.

Booth 2136

American made dualglass modules

PowerShingle from Nucor is a solar panel technology with an innovative water-shed design to keep everything below clean and dry. PowerShingle eliminates the need for costly sub-roofing typically required to weatherproof conventional solar systems. PowerShingle’s bifacial design gathers sunlight from both sides, providing a steady supply of clean, affordable solar energy. PowerShingle is backed by a 25-year warranty.

Nucor Corporation

Booth 1417

Ground-mounted solar mounting solution

The PowerRack is a simple solar mounting solution. The PowerRack system has been purposefully engineered for quick installation and virtually unlimited scalability. PowerRack allows a solar array to be installed almost anywhere, with almost any standard size solar panel. PowerRack’s patented locking technology ensures the array stands up to the elements until the installers decide to move it.

PowerField Energy

Booth 2023

98 2023 JANUARY • FEBRUARY /// Ensure your PV installation is operating optimally with the SMFT-1000 ALL-IN-ONE solar PV testing kit for I-V curve tracing and PV system performance analysis. ©2023 Fluke Corporation. 220827-en Visit Fluke at Intersolar North America (ISNA) booth # 1941

Home improvement financing

Energy Loan Network provides solar and energy efficiency home improvement financing for residential customers.

Energy Loan Network

Booth 737

Small-scale PLC

WAGO’s new Compact Controller

100 is a small-scale PLC with a wide variety of remote I/O for use in smaller applications. This PLC can interface with industrial devices using protocols such as MODBUS TCP/ UDP, EtherNet/IP, or EtherCAT with the two on board EtherNet ports. The flexibility of the two Ethernet ports allows for the use of a switch or two unique IP addresses, with one port for field devices and the other for SCADA or Cloud services. The CC100 uses Codesys 3.5, allowing users to program in one or more of the IEC 61131-3 compatible languages and utilize the controller’s builtin Web Server to develop HTML 5 visualizations at no additional charge. Engineered for OEMs, IIOT digitization projects, and building automation applications, this easy to use device is cost effective for small, but demanding applications.

WAGO Corporation

Booth 1045

Stainless steel and alloy steel fasteners

Sanlin Fastener offers threaded inserts, standard and unique bolt products, screw thread inserts, selflocking thread systems, torque tool solutions, and drawn-arc welding systems. Stainless steel and carbon steel hex bolts, hex flange bolts, and U bolts are used extensively in the solar panels and solar industry. These bolts are most suitable for these panels and provide a long life to the equipment. Stainless steel and alloy steel bolts are often used in solar industry, and they are used in plain condition. They are also used in various kinds of finishing like, hot dip galvanized, Magni, and Geomet.

Sanlin Fastener

Booth 1816

Powering today and tomorrow, Panduit is the leader in global supply chain and engineering guidance you need to design and build best-in-class solar, wind, and electrical vehicle supply equipment products. Our renewable energy electrical infrastructure solutions play a vital role in in the world’s top production facilities. Panduit rigorously tests products to ensure outstanding performance in high wind and high vibration operations, under intense UV exposure, in extreme temperatures, and in the presence of corrosive agents. As we transition to a world of electrified products, energy distribution must be modernized, upgraded, and integrated with innovative infrastructure to support our changing demands.

As a leading provider of Balance of System (BOS) components for the solar industry, Panduit’s broad portfolio offers 75% of a BOS, which covers more ground than any other manufacturer. Combine this with direct access to expert consultants and strategic R&D investments that maximize efficiencies and decrease the total cost of ownership across the entire project.

Partner with Panduit to bring the most innovative solutions to the market.

Cost effective and versatile access road construction

GEOWEB Geocells for a Better Built Infrastructure. Build economical and low-maintenance access roads. The GEOWEB 3D Soil Stabilization System is a cost-effective and versatile way to construct access roads one time for foundation construction, solar farm component delivery, and maintenance access. The GEOWEB access road system’s inherent strength through the confinement of infill virtually eliminates the need to maintain and reconstruct roads subjected to heavy traffic. The GEOWEB geocells drastically reduce the need for gravel on a project because the 3D system delivers increased strength to non-cohesive soils such as sand and gravel. Construct strong access roads on sites with abundant sand and limited gravel resources using available sand as infill for the GEOWEB system.

Presto Geosystems

Booth 2033

High performance energy storage systems

Briggs & Stratton and SimpliPhi Power come together to form Briggs & Stratton Energy Solutions, providing energy independence and peace of mind. The SimpliPHI Energy Storage System (ESS) is a customizable and safety-tested system (UL 9540A firesafety tested). The SimpliPHI 6kW Hybrid Inverter with integrated dual MPPT works seamlessly with the SimpliPHI 4.9 Battery and EnergyTrak monitoring and control system with Mobile App to deliver an efficient, scalable, easy-to-use backup or primary power system available for homes and businesses

Briggs & Stratton Energy Solutions

Booth 837

2-in-1 microinverter

Hoymiles 2-in-1 microinverter can connect up to 2 panels at once and maximize the PV production of an installation. With a maximum DC voltage of 60V, Hoymiles microinverter is a PV Rapid Shutdown Equipment and conforms with NEC-2017 and NEC-2020 Article 690.12 and CEC-2021 Sec 64-218. Two models listed are equipped with reactive power control and can meet the requirements of IEEE 1547, UL 1741, and CA Rule 21. It features easy plug-and-play installation, Reactive Power Control, an external antenna for strong communication with DTU; and high reliability with its NEMA 6 (IP67) enclosure and 6000V surge protection.

Hoymiles Power Electronics, Inc.

Booth 149

Innovative solar mounting solutions

This deck-mounted solution features a 7/8” tall EPDM Cylinder and Install Screw. Installers use this in combination with their preferred shoulder clips for supporting conduit anywhere on the rooftop. Mount on asphalt shingle, TPO, or EPDM roofs in 5 seconds or less, no sealant required. Simply drive the mounting screw through the shoulder clip and EPDM block until the block is compressed. Torque-driven compression seen in their Conduit Mount is called BoltSeal and is the same patented sealing technology used in their QB2 mount.


Booth 1741

Solar cable management

The Cable Management with Integrated Grounding System by CAB Solar is manufactured in the USA by persons with disabilities at the Cambria County Association for the Blind and Handicapped. The custom-designed hangers offer the simplicity of the Integrated Grounding System as messenger wire acts as the EGC and GEC. Installation of this reliable system is quick, simple, and straightforward. The multi-carrier styles safely support and separate large bundles of cables in tracker, ballasted, and fixed tilt projects. CAB Solar Products are durable, manufactured from galvanized, high-tensile strength spring steel, and 100% coated with thick, flame retardant, high dielectric grade, UV stabilized Plastisol.

CAB Solar

Booth 1219

International and domestic logistics services

Cornerstone Systems is a full service nationwide transportation provider that coordinates and provides delivery service for the solar and renewable industry all across North America. Services include container drayage, transloading/ warehousing, FTL trucking, flatbed, LTL, intermodal, railcar, specialized shipments, and job site delivery.

Qualifications and certifications include GSA approved carrier, DOD approved carrier, Hazmat certified, SmartWay certified, and member of Transportation Intermediaries Association, Transportation & Logistics Council, and the American Trucking Association. A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau.

Cornerstone Systems

Booth 1562

Intersolar North America 2023
100 2023 JANUARY • FEBRUARY ///

Efficient ground-mount solar farm cleaners

The original KSolara FK2/FK3 series, and the all new California models are designed to clean any groundmount solar system quickly with low water usage, low labor requirements, and low cost. All of these units hang on the top edge of the panels and clean side to side. The original FK2/ FK3 series units have two counter rotating brushes which allows the units to clean twice in one pass and makes the unit float on the panels without any wheels or any directional preference. The all new California model uses a single brush to reduce weight and is modular. The single brush pulls in one direction, so the user holds it from going too fast one direction and pushes it the other direction. The modular design allows it to clean any size system.

Premier Water Cleaning


Booth 1847

USA-made solar tracker and racking solutions

OMCO Solar’s Origin Bifacial Tracker features an open-back, 2-inlandscape design, which offers over 20% more back side production to meet utility-scale demands for increased energy yield. Both Origin and OMCO's CHOICE Factory-Direct

Mounting Solutions are domestically manufactured with high-strength roll-formed steel. OMCO Solar offers short shipping times due to four strategically located U.S. plants.

OMCO Solar

Booth 1637

Zero penetration sloped roof solution

Using patented counterbalance technology Z-Rack is a universal sloped roof racking solution. Allowing systems to lay flush on any roof type, Z-Rack requires no penetrations for installation and shaves install time down for projects of any scale.


Booth 362

Energy Efficient

Lower resistance when compared to equivalent ampacity copper PV wire

Easy to Use

Lighter weight than traditional copper PV wire



North American Clean Energy 101
Copperweld Sunray ™ Copper-Clad Aluminum (CCA) PV Wire Learn More Copper where it counts™ Contact us for sales and info: 615-377-4200
cost than traditional copper PV wire
to Install
with connectors and terminations rated for copper (NEC compliant) The most energy-efficient, cost-efficient PV wire on the market!

Rail-less mounting system

The RockIt system conforms to UL 2703 and is a rail-less racking system for use on a variety of roof types including composition shingle, tile (flat, S, and W), and metal roofs. Designed in conjunction with solar installers, the RockIt System quickly and easily installs with the use of just a single tool.


Booth 1560

Global power system engineering and consulting

EPE offers solar developer and generation owner consulting services from project management to interconnection and integration to regulatory compliance. Their team of engineers and consultants offer combined utility, regulatory, and power generation experience in renewables engineering support and studies.

Electric Power Engineers (EPE)

Booth 955

Maintenance-free and lightweight batteries

Designed for true drop-in replacement in a standard BCI Grp 31 case size, Rolls R12-150LFP lithium model offers a maintenancefree and lightweight flooded and SLA alternative with fast charge/ discharge capability, 150 Amp-Hour rated capacity, built-in BMS with operating protections, up to 4x series and 4x parallel connectivity for 48V system configuration, and exceptional cycle life (>6000 cycles @ 80% DOD, >3000 cycles @ 100% DOD), backed by a 3-year full replacement manufacturer warranty.

Rolls Battery Engineering

Booth 1141

Reliable PV connectors

The new branch connector completes the MC4-Evo 2 product series as an important element extension to the DC 1500V portfolio. Within the eBOS cabling solutions for PV systems its end use will enable combinations of two strings in parallel. With this dualrated DC 1500V branch connector, customers can use the identical product to serve UL and IEC markets. Furthermore, the Stäubli MC4-Evo 2 branch connector fits DC 1000V and DC 1500V applications. With its Original MC4 mating face this branch connector is intermateable with Stäubli’s Original MC4 and MC4-Evo 2 PV connectors and cable couplers

Stäubli Electrical Connectors, Inc.

Booth 1445

Bimetallic super-metal wire

Copperweld has been providing bimetallic wire in North America for over 100 years. Their Copper-Clad Aluminum (CCA) and Copper-Clad Steel (CCS) wire products combine the attributes of both metals to create bimetallic super-metals. With a wide range of applications and benefits, their wire products help maximize project goals from cost savings to energy efficiency to strength. Their CCA Sunray PV wire is an energy and cost efficient PV wire.


Booth 1427

Fast and accurate proposals

Aurora’s solar design and proposal platform puts the power of data and technology in the hands of every solar professional to streamline sales and eliminate change orders. Aurora’s Sales Mode gives sales teams access to 3D design accuracy in an interactive, tablet-friendly format. From just an address and electric bill, Sales Mode enables solar professionals to assess the site’s solar potential, design the optimal PV system, apply for financing, generate contracts, and more.

Aurora Solar

Booth 259

Intersolar North America 2023 DESIGN | MANUFACTURING | INSTALLATION Ground Mounts | Roof Mounts | Carports Solar Structures made Simple Solar Mounts LCC 100% USA Steel Patents pending on industry changing products Request a quote today! | | (844) 757 - 7225 300 Woolley Drive, Marshall, Michigan 49068
102 2023 JANUARY • FEBRUARY ///

Direct-attach mounting components

Solar installation is quick and convenient with direct-attach. PVKIT 2.0 utilizes clamps or brackets and a grab system to marry the module to the built-in rails. Lower the weight of the entire system, reduce logistics and shipping hassles, off and on the roof, while saving significantly in install time and labor. The S-5!

Solar racking for all applications

Solar Mounts LLC is a one-stopshop for all solar racking needs, including carports, ground mounts, and ballasted roof mounts. Carport racking consists of L, T, Y, and A-frames, as well as custom long span carports. Solar Mounts LLC has a patented adjustable bolt down ground mount, as well as a standard

Three-phase utilityscale inverters

Solis’ three-phase utility-scale inverter, the Solis-(125-255)K-EHV5G-US, is a 1500VDC PV string inverter that has 9 MPPT (125K) or 12 independent MPPTs (185 and 255K) with high-rated DC inputs that support "Y" type connection in DC side, up to 30A per DC input. The maximum string input current

Versatile and compatible ground screw solutions

American Ground Screw solutions effectively anchor solar arrays without concrete footings or deep foundations. Their system of ground screws are adaptable to any terrain and racking system, and are compatible with all static and tracking photovoltaic systems.


The dawn of a new way in utility-scale solar! With PICS, finally string inverter project CAPEX is on par with the cost of central inverters technology. Plus, capitalize on the superior long-term O&M advantages that string inverters installations provide.

Introducing the EPEC PICS ‘virtual central’ product family:

• 660Vac to 800Vac balance of system technology

• PICS 500 (500kW) & PICS 1000 (1000kW) – UL 1741 group certified ‘virtual central’ distributed inverter stations

• Certified for use with multiple UL 1741 string inverter brands

• Power block sizes of up to 5MW (65kAIC @ 800Vac)

• Available completely factory integrated: PICS rack, combiner, cable, & inverters arrive completely assembled for plug and play installation

• Or, purchase the PICS combiner and follow prescribed cable size, type and length for self perform installation

North American Clean Energy 103 PICS 1000
Typical PICS Toplogy 4MVA Power Block
PICS 500

Pre-fabricated solar support systems

Baja Carports designs, engineers, and installs prefabricated solar steel carports nationwide. They engineer to specific design criteria (from 20lbs. live load to 175mph wind to 90lb snow load) to meet customers unique project requirements, providing a cost effective layout utilizing different steel products, cold form steel, 3 plate, hot rolled wide flange, etc. Their in-house project team of engineers, project management, and certified installation crews self-perform all aspects of solar steel carport construction to deliver from initial design to project execution. They work nationwide.

Baja Carports

Booth 1831

Racking solutions for all projects and soil types

Two of APA Solar Racking systems are the TITAN and Ready Rack systems. APA’s TITAN pile system uses a single driven pile and has adjustable hole patterns for in-thefield adjustments. With its 3-rail asymmetrical design and low part count per MW, the TITAN is a pile system solution for installers. A second option that is a cost competitive alternative to a pile approach is the Ready Rack system with helical foundations. Helicals give the added benefit of managing loose and sandy soils and are suitable for sites where driven piles are untenable due to low skin friction. APA’s Ready Rack system is a cost effective alternative that comes standard with helicals, or can be swapped out with ground screws or a ballast foundation.

APA Solar Racking (APA)

Booth 1517

Virtual central distributed inverter stations

The EPEC PICS product offering now makes string inverter technology affordable for large utility scale plants. The PICS 500 (.5MW) and PICS 1000 (1MW) are “virtual central” distributed inverter stations certified for use with multiple UL 1741 string inverter brands (output voltages from 660Vac to 800Vac). Available completely factory integrated: PICS rack, combiner, cable, and inverters arrive completely assembled for plug and play installation or purchase only the PICS AC combiners and follow a prescribed cable size, type, and length for self-perform inverter cluster installation. Up to (5) 1MW PICS units can be tied to one MV transformer, allowing for up to 5MW power block size. With the PICS product line developers and EPCs can now reap the O&M benefits of string inverter technology for large scale installations.

EPEC Solutions

Booth 2237

Turnkey energy storage solution

The eSpire 233 is Fortress Power’s Fully Integrated Turnkey Commercial and Industrial Energy Storage solution. The eSpire 233 uses Tier 1 Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) chemistry for a high level of safety, thermal stability, and reliability and is expandable to 3.5MWH capacity. The fully integrated, pre-configured system reduces on-site installation time, includes inverter(s), battery trays, racks, BMS, microgrid controller, HVAC, fire suppression, isolation transformer, and outdoor rated enclosure. The unique liquid cooling system optimizes the battery thermal performance by 3 times, which extends the battery lifespan. Their smart microgrid energy management solution (EMS) allows for utility grid services (demand response), off-grid applications, and fleet management of an entire portfolio of systems, all while optimizing the flow of energy between the DER to maximize efficiency towards savings on the utility rate.

Fortress Power

Booth 1237

Intersolar North America 2023
104 2023 JANUARY • FEBRUARY ///

Versatile filter fan

The Filter Fan Plus series encompasses air-flap technology on the air outlet side, reaching an high degree of airflow. Its easy installation uses a unique ratchet mechanism and provides safe and secure mounting while guaranteeing a tight seal. There are two systems available, the FPI, intake, or the FPO system, outtake. The FPI system is where a filter fan in the lower part of the enclosure draws clean, cool air into the enclosure (airflow direction "In"). In the FPO system, the filter fan will be in the upper area of the enclosure to draw warm air out of the enclosure (airflow direction "Out"). The Filter Fan Plus series may also be used outdoors with appropriate protective measures or when equipped with weatherproof accessories.


Booth 2252

Specialized test and measurement equipment

Seaward has been supplying specialized photovoltaic test and measurement equipment to the global market for many years. The wide range of test equipment is portable, ergonomic, reliable, and designed to increase safety, accuracy, and efficiency. Seaward can provide the complete package of technology needed to support users in the field. Seawards’ products are designed and manufactured in their facility in the United Kingdom.


Booth 306

Fast installing conduit support

OMG Roofing Products PipeGuard Mini is a fast installing residential conduit support. This non-penetrating model installs in 2 seconds without fumbling with nuts, bolts, and tools. OMG also offers a line of clamp/strut conduit supports for commercial roofs.

OMG Roofing Products

COMPLETE SUPPLIER FOR ALL TYPES OF SOLAR PANEL CLEANING EQUIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES Sola-Tecs C Series Brush •Uses up to 40% less water than other available alternatives •Cleans faster and can be customized to work on almost any site KSolara FK2/FK3 •Faster cleaning of ground mount systems •Cleans a range of panel sizes configurations •Less labor and water to clean panels (530)407-7927 |
North American Clean Energy 105 CUT INSTALLATION TIME IN HALF E474752 Makers of Z-Rack benefits: Zero penetrations
down install time No fossil fuels Become dealer: ZSolarSolutions com (763) 489-1611 UL2703 listed Wind and seismic tested to ASCE COMPACT PANEL S ze 9 A module Current compat ble w th MLPE rec Alpha Pure-R SERIES Product Specifications experience performance wp 420 20.2 w ft2 EL GIBLE LEAD-FREE rohs cOMPL ANT 21.8% Eff c ency

Renewable intertie solution

Southern States provides solutions specifically designed to solve challenging switching issues facing the transmission and utility markets. The Transwitcher was created in response to the need for improved switching and protection of transformers. It is a renewable intertie solution designed specifically to accomplish this challenge. Its unique design makes it suited for distribution systems that intertie with solar farms as well as other distributed energy resources.

Southern States, LLC

Booth 659

Wire and cable solutions

For over 60 years, Paige has helped the world connect with wire and cable solutions. Paige specializes in application-driven products, engineering value added solutions for complex environments. With an operating presence in more than 100 countries and seven North American locations, Paige has the reach to handle complex jobs and warehousing space to inventory their customer’s stock.

Paige Renewable Energy

Booth 2110

Converting solar energy into clean methane

Electrochaea offers a new powerto-gas (P2G) product called BioCat Methane. P2G begins with Electrochaea converting solar energy into clean hydrogen through electrolysis. This clean hydrogen and CO2 are then converted by the patented biocatalyst into BioCat Methane that is capable of gas grid distribution. Electrochaea's proprietary energy solution accelerates decarbonization of the gas grid and allows for the efficient and nearly unlimited storage of intermittent renewable energy for future use. By implementing P2G, developers can produce additional revenue streams from their solar plus storage investments and will differentiate themselves by offering long duration storage not possible with current battery technologies. The BioCat Methane P2G solution provides a platform for developers and investors to take advantage of several new tax credits in the recently passed Inflation Reduction Act while creating an investment in the hydrogen economy.


Booth 1358

Renewable energy solutions

Panduit physical infrastructure expertise plays a role in renewable energy production facilities around the globe. Over the last decade, Panduit has partnered with EPCs and solar installers on PV installations totaling more than 5GW of capacity. The combination of engineering and manufacturing expertise provides customers a full portfolio of solutions that is broad and deep, covering up to 75% of a typical photovoltaic (PV) installation electrical BOS.


Booth 1954

Grid control software for utilities and C&I

PXiSE Energy Solutions enables utilities, campuses, and communities to reach their clean energy goals by giving grid operators the control they need to manage growing renewables and distributed energy resources, while providing safe and reliable power. The company offers three core products: Microgrid Controller, DERMS, and Renewable Power Plant Controller.

PXiSE Energy Solutions

Booth 471

Intersolar North America 2023
106 2023 JANUARY • FEBRUARY ///

Power monitoring and switching solutions

As a member of Socomec Group, Continental Control Systems designs and manufactures metering devices, current transformers and custom energy measurement solutions suitable for commercial, industrial and residential applications. Socomec and CCS can offer a wide range of low-voltage electrical equipment, including power monitoring and switching solutions designed for solar applications.


Booth 945

High performing data availability

The Hukseflux SRA30-M2-D1 ISO 9060 spectrally flat Class-A digital albedometer features a maintenancefree internal ventilation system which circulates heated air between the sensor inner and outer domes, suppressing dew and frost deposition on the sensor optics. The SRA30M2-D1 albedometer is suited for solar resource assessment campaigns and utility scale bifacial PV systems performance monitoring. Standard SRA30-M2-D1 features include digital tilt, humidity, pressure, and case temperature sensor readouts. All critical sensor data, including sensor serial number and calibration data, are all available via RS485 RTU / Modbus polling. The sealed maintenance-free housing and internal ventilation system design result in minimal ownership cost over the life of the sensor. Local ISO/IEC 17025 accredited calibration support is also available.

Hukseflux USA, Inc.

Booth 2145

Metal roof mount attachments

Solar Connections International is a provider of roof mount attachments for metal roofs, including standing seam, corrugated, and R-Panel/Ag style metal roof panels. An L-Foot can be easily attached for a rail install or use their patented, UL 2703/1703 Solar Connection Kit which is a fully rail-less solution.

Solar Connections International

Booth 1540

North American Clean Energy 107

Single-SKU solar array

Solvari SR is an all-in-one solar panel for installation on asphalt shingle roofs that ships ready-to-install. The module is pre-engineered and includes onboard all the mounts, hardware, flashing, power electronics, and wire management needed to install the panel and complete the array. No additional components are required no matter the arrays size or complexity. Just screw them down and electrically connect them. Solvari SR installs fast, allowing companies to install more MW with the same resources. In addition, due to the simplicity of the install, solar training is no longer a requirement expanding the available labor pool. Solvari SR also reduces back office resources and operational requirements by practically eliminating inventory management, inventory loss, system design, BOM generation, installation tools, and warehouse space. It even simplifies the sales process, increasing sales conversions, and lowering customer acquisition costs.

Solvari Solar

Booth 2450


Simple to install

High performing, low weight module

With high-power density innovations, the new REC Alpha Pure-R marks another advancement of the REC Alpha family. Featuring heterojunction (HJT) cells in a G12 format, the Pure-R delivers power output of up to 430Wp, while keeping the module under 50lbs. This makes the Pure-R suitable for residential installations where space is limited but still requires high power output, small size, low weight, and easy handling. The new Alpha Pure-R features 80 half-cut HJT cells in a gapless cell layout which ensures an elegant, full black appearance. Advanced cell connection technology improves current flow and eliminates invasive soldering, resulting in the high efficiency and long-lasting performance. The low temperature coefficient keeps the solar panel running efficiently on hot days. REC’s 30mm frame with two support bars makes the panel robust enough to withstand heavy snow and wind loads. Like its predecessor, the REC Alpha Pure, the Pure-R is lead-free and RoHS compliant for less environmental impact.

REC Group

Booth 1503

Solar options at an accessible price point

Adding to Panasonic’s suite of modules made with heterojunction cell technology, the new Black Series modules provide eco-conscious homeowners with a greater range of solar options at an accessible price point. Panasonic’s new Black Series modules, made with half-cut cells, have module efficiency of up to 22.2% and power output of at least 92% after 25 years. The new models are covered under Panasonic’s EverVolt AllGuard All System Warranty when purchased with EverVolt Battery Storage System which covers solar panels and battery storage when bundled together.

Panasonic Eco Systems

North America

Booth 1331

I-V curve tracer for strings of high efficiency modules

Solmetric announces the new PVA-1500HE PV Analyzer I-V curve tracer. Measuring strings of high efficiency modules requires care for accurate results and to properly handle the in-rush current associated with the capacitance of these kinds of modules. The “HE” stands for “high efficiency” because the PVA1500HE is specifically designed for measuring single or harnessed strings of high efficiency modules up to 1500V and up to a full 30A. And, of course, the PVA-1500HE has the high measurement throughput and thermal capacity of all Solmetric curve tracers.


Booth 2058

Intersolar North America 2023 | 385.202.4150
108 2023 JANUARY • FEBRUARY ///

FEB. 14-16, 2023



52 Total Listings


Gain Forward-Looking Insights

Explore the integral role solar + storage play in transformation during conference sessions; get technical training during pre-conference workshops; hear real-world applications during presentations at The Hub expo hall theater

Meet with the Right People

Build and strengthen your professional network before #isnaesna23 using our new matchmaking platform and onsite during the WRISE Networking Breakfast, Casino Night party, and exhibit hall happy hours

Discover Leading Products and Solutions

Meet and do business with 300+ exhibitors in our sold-out exhibit hall and new outdoor exhibit space, including Fluence, BayWa r.e., Power Electronics, ABB Inc., Shoals, PowerFlex, ESS Inc., and many more

Have Fun

Cheer on solar + storage installer teams from across North America as they compete for a $10,000 cash prize during the live Solar Games competition

North American Clean Energy 109
REGISTER NOW Register now to get 20% off the #isnaesna23 conference program or your free expo hall pass.
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High functioning rooftop junction box

EZ Solar’s high functioning rooftop junction box is designed specifically for tile roofs. The JB-2 integrates with most Flat, Spanish, and W-Shaped tiles. The innovative box design allows the box to securely fasten to the roof deck. Made from advanced durable polycarbonate, EZ Solar’s JB-2 are designed to last for life, with no leaking. Finally, a cost-effective, high functioning rooftop junction box for tile. Fast and simple to install with a 25-year warranty.

EZ Solar

Booth 1946

Turnkey engineering, fabrication, and construction

From concept to as-built, TorcSill’s turnkey engineering, fabrication, and construction approach is suited for the challenges faced by the renewables industry. In addition to the value-added through its vertical integration, TorcSill’s modular helical pile foundations offer its customers

Safety, reliability, and energy independence for homes

Franklin Home Power (FHP) is a whole-home energy management system integrating solar, battery, grid, and generator power sources and managing them to optimize home energy supply. The FHP is designed for simplicity and is easy to install, maintain, and operate. The heart of the FHP system is two components: aGate X and aPower X. The aGate X is an intelligent home energy management center that integrates solar, battery, grid, and generator power sources and manages them to optimize consistent energy supply and provide rapid backup in case of grid outages. The aPower X is a 13.6kWh AC-coupled battery with a builtin inverter that automatically transfers between DC and AC current. It uses safe LFP (Lithium Iron Phosphate) cells.


Booth 723

Advanced lithium batteries and ESS

Maximizing the potential of flat roof solar projects, RM10 EVO is designed to increase module density by up to 20%. Improved functionality, strength, and reliability of the module clamps make simplicity with power possible. Additionally, RM10 EVO is a suitable racking system to use when paired with bi-facial modules.

Discover Battery introduces the ELEMENT Energy Storage System. ELEMENT ESS features 100Ah / 5.12kWh 48V nominal 19'' (3U) rack mount battery modules with or without integrated heating for cold-weather sites. Discover’s high-current Gen4 BMS powers inductive loads and energizes transformer-based inverters with 3C peak power and 1C continuous discharge while enabling ultrafast, 1C dynamic charging. ELEMENT systems are easy to specify, quick to install, and simple to permit. The modules are safety certified to UL1973, UL9540 BESS, UL9540A ,and IEC62619 for rapid permitting with all major brands of power electronics. Discover’s Element ESS offers two enclosure type, a pre-assembled indoor/outdoor enclosure with integrated DC bussing for 30kWh of storage in a slim profile, or an economical Quick Stack racking option for towered configuration to 30kWh. Discover continues its advanced closed-loop communication integration with all major brands of power electronics utilizing the all-new LYNK II Gateway for straightforward commissioning, monitoring, and diagnostics with LYNK ACCESS software.

Discover Battery

Booth 1151

Intersolar North America 2023
Unirac Booth 1903 110 2023 JANUARY • FEBRUARY /// CONTACT US NFI-Hanger GROUND MOUNT WIRE MANAGEMENT 233A South Street Hopkinton, MA 01748 For FREE product samples, please reach out to Vin Marino or 844-856-1276 844-856-1276 Most cost-effective ground mount wire management option on the market! Now available in 2 sizes to best suit your needs Load rated to 50 pounds Opening/Closing function means NO NEED TO EVER REPLACE Round material = no sharp edges ever coming in contact with cables

Join conversations with industry buyers, suppliers, distributors, consultants, and more to explore solutions, exchange ideas, and discover new technologies.


- 23,


February 22nd -23rd , 2023

Westin Boston Seaport District

Boston, MA


RE+ Northeast is powered by the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA). RE+ Northeast was designed to serve and advance the solar+storage market by bringing together buyers and suppliers in solar and energy storage to explore business solutions, new technologies, policy initiatives, and other market factors. This event focuses on creating an environment that fosters the exchange of ideas, knowledge, and expertise for furthering solar and energy storage development in the northeast United States. All proceeds from RE+ Northeast support the expansion of the solar energy industry through SEIA and SEPA’s year-round research and education activities, and SEIA’s extensive advocacy efforts.

Features just some of the companies and technologies attendees will see at this year’s show.

Commercial roof mounts with no membrane welding

OMG offers a full line of PowerGrip

Roof Mounts for securing solar arrays (and other equipment) to commercial roofs. Their PowerGrip Universal 7 and PowerGrip

Universal 11 products are very strong and can be used on any commercial roof, including coated single-ply roofs. They do not require membrane welding for a secure, watertight installation. In addition to products that perform, OMG Roofing Products has a depth of knowledge about commercial roofing, as well as relationships with most of the major roofing systems manufacturers. OMG can advise solar installers about all things related to the roof, helping the installer avoid common pitfalls when using rooftop attachments.

OMG Roofing Products

Dual post racking system

APA’s TITAN Duo dual post system with ground screws was designed specifically for markets with topography and rocky soils. The system features telescoping posts to adjust for topography and has liberal slope tolerances. Rock screws mitigate foundation risk and are designed to combat frost heave. Pre-drilling, if necessary, is done with standard equipment and can streamline the installation. The asymmetrical 3-rail design is suitable for bifacial modules and is 2 High Portrait to maximize split cell module production. The TITAN Duo has a low part count per MW, integrated wire management, and a patented gravity clip that reduces module install time by 30%. The TITAN hardware is also available with a single driven pile.

APA Solar Racking (APA)

Under panel cable management

The CAB Solar Torque Tube Hangers are designed to quickly snap on torque tubes or fixed tilt structures. They are easy to install and simplify under panel cable management. Torque Tube Hangers are suitable for bifacial paneling. CAB Solar Products are durable, manufactured from galvanized, high-tensile strength spring steel, and coated with thick, flame retardant, high dielectric grade, UV stabilized Plastisol. CAB Solar Products are manufactured in the USA by persons with disabilities at the Cambria County Association for the Blind and Handicapped.

Whole home power hub

With Solis’ new Residential Storage Hybrid Inverter S6-EH1P(3.8-11.4) K-H-US, they are able to offer a wholehome solution power hub to provide power to a home even during an outage. The S6 (Series 6) hybrid energy storage inverter is the latest Solis US model certified to IEEE 1547-2018, UL 1741 SA and SB, and SunSpec Modbus, thus providing economical, zero-carbon power for an all-weather, high-efficiency PV string inverter.


Low cost, low voltage distribution level interconnections

Day-Ahead Instrumentation provides protective relays and operating shunt trip devices, which can provide utility compliant detection and interruption on the low voltage side. Use of motorized breakers can enable autorestoration. Telemetry is available. All of the bells and whistles of a modern substation can exist in an enclosure no bigger than an under-the-counter refrigerator. All of the technology that keeps utility reliability in the high nines is available to distributed energy resources on the low voltage side. Compliance for the utilities, UL listing for the AHJ.

Day Ahead Instrumentation

Time saving mounting solutions

Skip the rafters and mount anywhere on the roof with QuickBOLT’s Deck Mount. Install in 20 seconds with only 4 screws, no pre-drilling necessary. This top mount solution is the right fit for installers that want more flexibility in their array. Pair this mount with QB2, where the rafter can’t be used, or mount the entire array direct-to-deck. The base of the mount is backed with silicone and is secured to the roof with stainless steel screws pre-assembled with Umbrella Washers for superior holding and water protection. The L-Foot is built into the mount and comes with all hardware needed at a competitive price. The Deck Mount comes with their 25-year manufacturer's warranty.


Solar 112 2023 JANUARY • FEBRUARY /// Stop by and see us at RE+ Northeast 70 Inwood Road, Suite One Rocky Hill, CT 06067 Tel: (860) 760-4897 New 800VAC Fused Power Disconnect
latest solution for use with the new higher efficiency inverters. Built to NEC standards with a UL508A label. Featured Product

Rail-based mounting system

The ClickFit System conforms to UL 2703 is a fast installing rail-based system. Their newly enhanced ClickFit L-Foot features a pre-installed rail bolt that, along with the Click-In rail assembly, allows the ClickFit rails to be set and clamped securely in place. For tile, composition shingle, and metal roofs.


Energy freedom for homeowners

The Franklin Home Power (FHP) system is designed for the energy freedom of homeowners. It consists of two components: aGate X and aPower X. The aGate X acts as a power distribution center and energy management device. The aPower X device contains a DC to AC bi-directional inverter and LFP batteries. The FHP system can be charged by a renewable generation source during the day and supply power to the household load at night. The FHP system will also allow for backup and emergency power supply capabilities, which enables and optimizes self-consumption and provides backup power when the grid goes down. Homeowners can remotely monitor and control their home energy by using a cloudbased FranklinWH mobile app with advanced data security.


Smart, whole home backup

The Fortress Power High-Voltage ESS consists of the Arrow high-voltage battery, Allure Energy Panel, and a high-voltage battery inverter to comprise a singular solution for smart, whole-home backup. The sealed, ultra-thin Arrow High Voltage (HV) Battery is a Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) product allowing for 6000+ life cycles and protecting against dust, water, and humidity. It contains built-in active heating and cooling systems to accommodate hot and cold weather environments. The form factor is thin and stackable, intended for both wall and floor mounting while improving transportation logistics and installation speed. The Allure Energy Panel combines critical features necessary for whole-home backup including 200A pass-through, grid transfer switch, and smart load management. Located between the home and the electric grid, the Allure contains an energy distribution panel for combining AC + DC coupled solar and battery inverters, EV chargers, and gas generators, as well as 12-load control circuits.

Fortress Power

Cable management and clips

OneMonroe Titan is a solar BOS stocking distributor that carries millions of cable management products like clip assembly, ties, wraps, tubing, and cord grips from brands like Nine Fasteners, Wiley, Heyco, and HellermannTyton. OneMonroe also offers custom clips that can be manufactured to exact specifications. If it is not in stock, OneMonroe Titan works with manufacturers and distributors all over the US and Internationally to ensure access to products like edge clips, outdoor cable ties, solar ties, convoluted tubing, SS cable ties, plastic zip tie clips, and metal bundle strap ties at competitive prices.

OneMonroe Titan

Making solar simple

Designed with the installer in mind, EZ Solar rooftop junction boxes utilize the latest technology and materials to make installation fast and easy with high quality, innovative products at a low price. The JB-1.XL comes with Din Rail pre-installed, and with 200 cubic inches, this box gives solar installers plenty of room for larger installs. EZ Solar combines construction and manufacturing backgrounds to bring common sense products to the solar market.

EZ Solar

PV modelling support

NEO Virtus Engineering offers PSS/E, PSCAD, and ASPEN models for utility or regional operator DG interconnection applications and procedures. NEO provides modeling for MV AC collection systems impedance calculations and major power equipment against ideal single machine infinite bus (SMIB) grid models or against regional/ site specific utility networks models. Project-specific aggregated models integrate the generic inverter model directly to the actual site model configured from the one line. Models are fully tested to incorporate all regional, inverter manufacturer, and owner requirements including protection requirements, ride-through settings, and real/reactive power controls. NEO Virtus has provided modeling support to many clients for Clustered Studies, Congested Areas Studies, Affected System Operator (ASO) Studies, and for T&D ISO level Small Generator Interconnection requests such as Benchmark Analysis. Models have been built and submitted to National Grid, Eversource, ERCOT, ISO New England, Luma Energy, RI Energy, and FRCC.

NEO Virtus Engineering

Carbon steel, alloy steel, and stainless steel nuts

Sanlin Fastener produces carbon steel, alloy steel and stainless steel hex nuts, heavy hex nuts, hex flange nuts, lock nuts, in grades like 5, 8, 10, 2H, A, B, C, and SS304, SS316, etc.They can supply hex nuts in M3- M30 for metric threads and 6#- 1 1/2 diameter for inch threads. They supply nuts according to standards like ISO 4032, ISO 4034, DIN 6915, ANSI B 18.2.2, ASME B 18.2.2, DIN 934, BS 1083, ASTM A563, or upon customer request. They carry their ISO9001, IS16949, ISO14001, ISO4500, and CE Certificate quality management system and ERP management system to improve management efficiency. And they use advanced production equipment and test equipment to control product quality, like proof load testing, Rockwell hardness, Brinell hardness, direct reading spectrum, Salt spray test machine, Thickness meter and metallurgical micro-Vickers hardness, carburizing and decarburizing microscopes, etc. These are precision nuts for use with infrastructure and aerospace, automobiles, windmills, solar industry, and buildings in high humidity areas.

Sanlin Fastener

Custom power distribution equipment

ASG builds custom power distribution and automation equipment for UL508A. They collaborate with their clients to create design/build solutions. The new ASG 800VAC, 400A Nema 4X Fused Disconnect Switch is used with hi-efficiency inverters. They also offer SOCOMEC's new 2000A, 1500VDC SIRCO MOT DC electrically operated load break disconnect. Their operation has accommodated one-off systems and production runs, servicing fortune 200 customers since 2000. ASG
North American Clean Energy 113



11-13 12th Annual Solar Installer Conference

Devens Common Center – Devens, MA;

18-23 Community Solar Power Summit

Bahia Resort Hotel – San Diego, CA;

19 Community Solar’s Time to Shine

Bahia Resort Hotel – San Diego, CA & Virtual;

24-25 Projects & Money

Royal Sonesta New Orleans – New Orleans, LA;


08-10 Solar Power Africa

Cape Town International Convention Center – Cape Town, SA;

14-16 Intersolar North America (ISNA)

Long Beach Convention Center – Long Beach, CA;

14-16 Energy Storage North America (ESNA) Long Beach Convention Center – Long Beach, CA;

22-23 RE+ Northeast

Westin Boston Seaport District – Boston, MA;

27-01 Solar Power Energy Storage Mountain West Hilton Denver City Center Hotel and Conference Center – Denver, CO;


01-03 ACP O&M and Safety Conference Marriott World Center – Orlando, FL;

07-09 International Roofing Expo

Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center – Dallas, TX;

12-15 Solar + Wind Finance & Investment Arizona Biltmore, a Waldorf Astoria Resort – Phoenix, AZ;

28-29 RE+ Northern California TBD – Sacramenta, CA;


05-06 RE+ Texas

JW Marriott Austin – Austin, TX;

10-11 IEEE PES Grid Edge Technologies San Diego Convention Center – San Diego, CA;

26-28 Solar + Storage Mexico Expo Guadalajara – Poliforum León, Guanajuato;


01-03 Midwest Solar Expo

The Westin Chicago Lombard Hotel – Chicago, IL;

10-11 Solar + Storage Espana

World Trade Center Barcelona – Barcelona, Spain;

17-18 RE+ Southeast Georgia World Congress Cneter – Atlanta, GA;

22-24 CLEANPOWER Conference & Exhibition 2023

Ernest N. Morial Convention Center – New Orleans, LA;


26-27 RE+ Mid-Atlantic TBD – Philadelphia, PA;

Send us your clean energy show and event listings. Email information to the editor at
ADVERTISERS’ WEBSITE DIRECTORY ADVERTISERS’ WEBSITE DIRECTORY Page Company Website 24 Abaris 72 ACE Clamp 21 Acoem 26 AcraDyne 71 Acutran 65 Affinity Energy 87 Allied Tube & Conduit 17 American Clean Power 55 American Ground Screw 3 APA 112 ASG 51 Aurora Solar 13 Bachmann Electronic Corp 5 Baja Carports 44 Bioenno Power 91 Black & McDonald IBC Blattner Energy 104 Briggs & Stratton | SimliPhi Power 96 CAB Products 86 Competitive Advantage 84 Continential Control Systems - Socomec 101 Copperweld Bimetallics, LLC 77 Cornerstone Systems 83 Crown Battery 92 Day Ahead Instrumentation, LLC 12 Detect OBC DEWESoft, LLC 39 Discover Battery 18 Dynamic Ratings 29 e-On Batteries 106 Electric Power Engineers 19 Elevator Industry Work Preservation Fund 21 EMA Electromechanics 97 & 103 Epec Solutions, Inc. 108 EZ Solar 98 Fluke Solar 42 Fortress Power 41 FranklinWH Energy Storage Inc. 106 Ginlong Technologies 78 GRT Genesis Inc. 16 Halus Power Systems 84 Hammond Power Solutions 20 Heico Fasteners 27 Helwig Carbon 90 Heyco 57 Hoymiles Power 59 HuksefluxUSA Inc 31 IHI Terrasun Solutions, Inc. 74 Indji Systens 54 Infra Metals 63 Ingeteam 109 Intersolar North America 59 ISO-CAL North America 82 Kinetic Solar 14 KK Windsolutions 22 Kong 78 Laser Tools Inc 86 Lemoine Landman Services 38 LEOCH BATTERY 93 Marine Fasteners 79 MBA Energy & Industrial 11 Mistras 95 MK Battery 93 NABCEP 33 Nel Hydrogen 83 Nord-Lock 7 Nucor Corporation 94 OMCO Solar 61 OMG Roofing Products 110 OneMonroe Titan - Nine Fasteners 10 Onyx InSight 68 Orion Carports 67 Paige Renewable Energy 37 Paladin Power 99 Panduit 70 PCVue Inc 81 PowerField Energy 105 Premier Water Cleaning Systems 89 Presto Geosystems IFC PV Labels 53 QuickBOLT 111 RE+ 105 REC Americas 9 Reef Industries 73 Renu Robotics Corp 35 Rolls Battery 76 RPM Rollformed Metal Products 85 S-5! 94 Sanlin Fastener 69 Seaward 68 Sense 43 Sinexcel 25 SKYLOTEC North America LP 107 Sol-Ark 91 Solar Connections International 102 Solar Mounts 41 Solar Power and Energy Storage Mountain West 105 SolarPod 85 Solmetric 47 Soltec 107 Solvari Solar 89 Southern States LLC 49 Staubli 80 STEGO, Inc 75 Sun & Steel Solar 23 TeSuCon 20 The Wesson Group 100 TorcSill 107 Unirac 87 Word Rock Drills 15 Yokogawa 114 2023 JANUARY • FEBRUARY ///
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