North American Clean Energy May/June 2024

Page 8





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CONTENTS Pg. 102 Pg. 57 Protecting the Renewable Grid Against Extreme Weather Pg. Inspecting Inside and Out for Blade Hazards Pg. Running Hot and Cold Hydrogen fuel cells pass the test Pg. Navigating Sensitive Environments for Solar Construction Pg. SEE OUR AD ON PAGE 9 Plus Show-in-Print Features: CLEANPOWER 2024 Pg. RE+ Texas Pg. 80 IEEE PES T&D Conference & Exposition 8 Protecting the Renewable Grid Against Extreme Weather 12 Mapping a New Atlas for Ocean Wind 14 Crisis-Ready Fleet Management Maximizing resilience through strategic rentals 16 Inspecting Inside and Out for Blade Hazards 18 Safeguarding Wind Against Power Outages 20 Securing a Workforce for America's Offshore Wind Future 22 Harnessing the Power of Floating Offshore Wind 24 On-site Generation of Wind Energy is Key to Recovery After Extreme Weather Events 30 Wind product spotlight: Software 36 Wind product spotlight: Lighting 38 Show-in-print: CLEANPOWER 2024 52 Clean energy service spotlight: Project developers & epc 56 PV in the Age of Climate Readiness 58 After the Storm A plan to minimize damage and speed solar restoration 60 Weathering the Terrible Twos How wind combined with hail or overcast gang up on solar trackers 62 Designing Substation Control Buildings for Rough Conditions 64 Water Scarcity May Hinder Global Solar 66 Navigating Sensitive Environments for Solar Construction 68 Shining a Spotlight on Solar Panel Manufacturing 70 Don’t Jeopardize Your Title Identifying owners of mineral rights beneath your solar project 80 Show-in-print: RE+ Texas 83 Solar & ES product spotlight: Batteries & energy storage systems 96 Supercharging Battery Energy Storage Infrastructure 98 Got Power? ESS offers a solution to increasing extreme weather 100 Embracing New Fire Safety Standards for BESS 102 Fire Risk May Threaten Energy Storage Boom 104 Securing Our Energy Infrastructure with Microgrids 106 Energy storage product spotlight: EV Charging 108 Show-in-print: IEEE PES T&D Conference & Exposition 112 Running Hot and Cold Hydrogen fuel cells pass the test 8 Top story 12 Wind power 30 Wind product spotlight: Software 36 Wind product spotlight: Lighting 38 Show-in-print: CLEANPOWER 2024 52 Clean energy service spotlight: Project developers & EPC 56 Solar energy 80 Show-in-print: RE+ Texas 83 Solar & energy storage product spotlight: Battery & energy storage systems 96 Energy storage 106 Energy storage product spotlight: EV charging 108 Show-in-print: IEEE PES T&D Conference & Exposition 112 Hydrogen 114 Events calendar & advertisers list
On our cover… Some of the steepest slopes covered in solar and snow in the northeast. The 5.95MW West Brookfield project in Ware, MA was designed and installed by Terrasmart using their ground screw foundation and fixed tilt racking system to contend with extremely rocky and hilly terrain for project developer Nautilus Solar. Terrasmart /// 4 2024 MAY • JUNE /// North American Clean Energy (USPS 1370) is publishing bi-monthly and distributed free by Action Media Ltd. Periodicals postage paid at Effingham, IL. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to North American Clean Energy at 3012 S. Banker St., Suite 1, Effingham, IL 62401. Subscription updates can be made at North American Clean Energy accepts no responsibility or liability for reported claims made by manufacturers and/or distributors of products of services; the views and opinions expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of North American Clean Energy. No portion of this publication may be reproduced without the permission of the publishers.
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255 NEWPORT DRIVE, SUITE 336 PORT MOODY, B.C. V3H 5H1 Phone: (604) 461-6223 2024 MAY•JUNE VOLUME 18 | ISSUE 3 @nacleanenergy /north-american-clean-energy FOLLOW US ON Harnessing the Power of Floating Offshore Wind 22 Wind product spotlight: 34 84 product spotlight: Battery & energy storage systems After the Storm A plan to minimize damage and speed solar restoration 58 Embracing New Fire Safety Standards for BESS 100 46 Show-in-print: CLEANPOWER 2024
DESIGNED | ENGINEERED | SUPPLIED | INSTALLED 1.800.366.9600 : baȷ : ewf@baȷ Design-Build Since 1981 • Built better in the USA for over 40 years by our own unmatched baȷa-Certified Construction Teams • Fully integrated solutions with in-house baȷa Engineers for faster, easier projects • Pre-Fabricated Framing Systems with Bolted Connections – No field welding • Snow Loads from 20psf to 100psf –Wind Speed rated to 170MPH • Over 40MW built per year VISIT US IN BOOTH #106 AT RE+ TEXAS - MAY 14-15 - HOUSTON, TX

you stand outside in utter silence, rendered mute in awe of brilliant and sparkling snowcovered mountains rising from pristine water. Blue is everywhere. You find yourself holding your breath and staring all around you, trying to capture the memory of that moment, knowing that what you’re seeing can never be accurately conveyed from a picture.

We don’t belong there. Antarctica is meant only for the whales and penguins and sea birds and krill, and other creatures that thrive in an environment meant for them.

Many conservationists promote the idea that we are all stewards of the environment. Nowhere does that ring truer than when you find yourself a visitor to the last unspoiled frontier. Mere interlopers, we have to maintain painstakingly detailed care and vigilance so as not to introduce any pollutants from our outside world. The Antarctic Treaty has promoted this idea since it entered into force in 1961. Although 12 countries initially signed it in 1959, the treaty currently counts 56 countries among its parties. It’s quite an achievement: “Recognizing that it is in the interest of all mankind that Antarctica shall continue forever to be used exclusively for peaceful purposes and shall not become the scene or object of international discord.”

Can you think of anywhere else on earth where that language would hold water? Granted, it helps that the deeper you go into Antarctica, the less compatible the conditions become for human life. Yet, 29 countries have established 70 permanent research posts around the continent, with the United States staking the absolute south pole.

The International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators (IIATO) began in 1991 as a collaborative effort to rebrand all visitors as environmental ambassadors. It became the ultimate pack-it-in/pack-it-out guide to establish strict protocols throughout the tourism industry to safeguard the south pole region from contamination. Oddly, just being there made me feel like our ship was one giant contaminant. Still, the first time we rounded a bend and saw people standing on a snowy slope, I was outraged. How dare those trespassers ruin our view. (“Pot calling kettle, come in kettle.”) They turned out to be researchers and scientists, which were peppered among various points as we traveled along the Antarctic peninsula. I couldn’t fault them, seeing as how a good portion of our ship’s staff were on board as either resident or visiting researchers, all sharing information with colleagues on other ships and science stations around the world to track the health of the region. Two lanky and seasoned men from California were hitching a ride to count penguins. It seemed like the kind of dream job that you know deep down you could never dedicate your life to doing, but someone has to. This is especially important given the heightened risk of bird flu. Most worrisome to our bird counting friends and their colleagues is the very real possibility of infecting protected

or isolated avian species. Apparently, avian influenza has already killed scores of penguins and threatens many more colonies. Did I care that one of our onboard wildlife experts confidently pegged penguins as possibly one of the dumbest animals on the planet? Or that she half-joked that it was no wonder they were at the very bottom of the Antarctic food chain? No, I did not. All I saw, after the velcro fasteners on our outerwear were carefully inspected for seeds and contaminants, and our knee-high waterproof boots were thoroughly scrubbed and sanitized before climbing into the heavy duty zodiacs that ferried us to the “landing” (where we hopped into 12 inches of water and waded toward the rocky beach), was a bunch of unbelievably adorable, noisy, ungainly, and smelly penguins waddling along their little “highways”, regularly face planting before righting themselves like nothing happened. While I admired the leopard seal we saw earlier that was in a food coma on a blood-stained ice floe, likely after having feasted on one of these little guys, there’s something about penguins that always elicits a collective “Awwww!” It was suddenly clear why no children were allowed on our expedition — the impulse to touch these animals (and everything we saw) was so strong, yet we could only look, and even that had to be at a minimum distance of 5 meters. We were prohibited from placing anything on the ground but the soles of our sterilized boots: no kneeling, no lying down, not even our belongings could make contact with the surface. We were interlopers who posed a lethal risk to these clueless creatures. If there’s one thing we humans do well, it’s pollute. Even with the best intentions, any move we make in the name of discovery or aid, or simply existing, will result in some form of waste. This made the trip seem a little less shiny; the 600 or so departures from Ushuaia this year will carry more than 100,000 tourists to Antarctica. When I asked the chief engineer how much fuel the ship needed, he told me they burn through 85,000 gallons of diesel per trip. What about alternative fuels? “Nah,” he said, “this is a state-of-the-art vessel, we emit minimum noise and disruption to the waters around us. Besides, for now, diesel is the best we got.”

“Penguins mate for life. Which doesn't really surprise me that much, because they all look exactly alike. It's not like they're gonna meet a better-looking penguin one day.”

Meg 6 2024 MAY • JUNE ///

See how steel made from recycled materials is decarbonizing o shore wind production.

Protecting the Renewable Grid Against Extreme Weather

In the last five years, North America has experienced a significant increase in severe weather events that have impacted power grids. In Canada, Alberta's electric system operator issued 17 provincial grid alerts since 2021, due to extreme weather conditions, compared to just four between 2017 and 2020. Similarly, the United States has seen a doubling of power outages tied to severe weather, from about 50 annually in the early 2000s, to over 100 annually on average in recent years. Notably, 2021 saw 20 separate billion-dollar weather and climate-related disasters, including winter storms, wildfires, floods, tornado outbreaks, and tropical cyclones. These events highlight the vulnerability of power systems to climate change related extreme weather, underscoring the need for enhanced grid resilience and reliability.

weatherization, preparations, and inspection for incoming weather events, as well as annual training and record keeping attesting that you have completed the tasks for inspections. Owners should ensure that the operations and maintenance (O&M) providers are prepared to meet the requirements for the region.

Don’t forget the areas often overlooked in an emergency response plan, including hurricane preparedness, water shortage, pandemic and epidemic, and restoration of service, and ensure all site personnel are familiar with and trained on required protocols. While there is often no specified regulatory oversight when sites are being constructed, it is noteworthy to consider putting an emergency preparedness plan in place that meets the regulatory requirements.

Different countries, states, and provinces need to meet local regulatory requirements. Texas facilities, for example, are subject to the Public Utility Commission of Texas, and must have a program that considers the site’s critical components. Critical components are defined as, “Any component of a resource or transmission facility that is susceptible to fail as a result of a weather emergency, the occurrence of which failure is likely to significantly hinder the ability of the resource or transmission facility to function as intended or, for a resource, is likely to lead to a trip, derate of more than five percent of the capacity represented in the resource’s seasonal net maximum sustainable rating or of the

streamlined execution

Traditional power generators typically have one operator/owner compliance department, whereas renewable energy providers may have several involved parties, including owners, EPCs, and operators. Coordination and communication between these parties are key, especially if you are in the commissioning phase or development. The O&M team is eventually going to be taking on any kind of emergency response or weatherization, but they are unlikely to be around in the development stage, so it’s important to have all the information available in a digital platform where they can see the emergency response plan, site details, inventory, and what has been done and where.

Constant weather monitoring is a must. Knowing the timing and direction of an approaching severe weather system is vital to ensure a facility is best protected against the elements while optimizing power generation pre- and post-event. Renewable management platforms can feed weather data right into the operational process so managers can make data-driven decisions at the right time.

Be prepared for inspection

Owners can expect regulators to come on-site for inspection. Some regional regulators are using these visits to learn more about what is applicable to inverter-based resources. First on any regulator’s list

maintenance equipment workflow, see what was done and by whom, as well as comment, review, and approve work orders. This trail can feed directly into a compliance console, allowing stakeholders to see the status of compliance and confirm the absence of reportable incidents with a few clicks.

Being compliant can also help save millions of dollars by reducing damage and ensuring that facilities continue to produce expected power and supply the grid, both during and after severe weather events. Most regulators stress the importance of training, maintenance, and documentation, and want to see evidence that this is being done.

Take stock after the event

The resilience of the power grid against such extreme weather conditions remains a critical concern as climate change continues to exacerbate the severity and frequency of these disasters. It is important to document lessons learned after a significant weather event has occurred. No event will be the same, so recording as much information as possible and having it digitally accessible for historical analysis will help to better prepare for the next event.

Loggan Purpura is Senior Manager of Compliance for Radian Generation, a global provider of services and products to help manage the assets of renewable facilities.

Radian Generation ///

2024 MAY • JUNE /// 8
© 2024 Briggs & Stratton, LLC.

Mapping a New Atlas for Offshore Wind

A key challenge in the offshore wind industry is the assessment of the resource, essential throughout the different stages of a development project, from screening of areas of interest, to optimization of wind farm layouts to account for spatial heterogeneities and wake losses.

Floating lidars have been established since 2023, with the University of Maine collaborating on the first deployed unit. This enhances the array of solutions available, extending from core expertise in processing raw satellite observations to numerical modeling of the atmosphere, for the benefits to renewable energy stakeholders seeking integrated options.

Regulated by international standards, methods are usually based on a combination of mesoscale modeling on large areas, and offshore short-term observations at a single location. However, an important level of uncertainty about the actual offshore wind resource remains, particularly in coastal areas where the environmental conditions are complex. Offshore blowing winds, gravity waves, etc., induced by orography effects from the coast and thermal impacts in the land-sea atmospheric transition, result in strong airsea and land-sea interactions. These are known to be challenging conditions to capture (with one or two lidars) and to model, even at high resolution.

Offshore assessment from space

Spaceborne synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) observations can be used to capture complex air-sea and land-sea interactions in off- and near-shore locations.

SAR provides observations of the Earth surface in almost all-weather conditions, night and day, regardless of the cloud cover. Over the ocean, SAR measures the sea surface roughness, i.e., the surface backscattered signal of the centimeter-scale waves related to surface wind stress that react quickly

to air-sea interactions. Other phenomena can sign on the backscattered signal at the sea surface: (i) bright targets (e.g. ships or wind turbines), (ii) marine pollution, rain cells that need special filtering as they are not related to wind, and (iii) atmospheric phenomena in altitude (e.g. convective cells, gravity waves, etc.). Wind farm-induced effects on the atmospheric flow such as single or superposed wakes, far wake, or blockage upstream can also have a signature on the backscattered signal. An example of a standard 1-km resolution surface wind field retrieval from a Sentinel-1A SAR image off the East of England is displayed in Figure 1 (left). Thanks to our enhanced processing algorithms, the SAR signal is cleaned from artefacts and results in the 500-m resolution surface wind field in Figure 1 (right). An additional in-house recalibration is performed based on a machine-learning algorithm trained on 22,000 buoys measurements from the National Data Buoy Center. This leads to a reduced surface wind bias from –0.57m/s to 0.01m/s and a reduced standard deviation from –1.25m/s to 0.85m/s all around the world.

Satellite and in-situ observations, modeling, and machine learning

To address altitudes relevant to offshore wind projects (40m to 300m), a vertical extrapolation of the SAR surface wind is needed. While current international guidelines recommend the use of power or logarithmic law in absence of measurements in altitude, such empirical formulae need to be calibrated, and are not representative of the complex environmental conditions occurring nearshore. The increasing use of high-resolution mesoscale modeling brings some insight, but still lacks accuracy due to physical parametrization, grid resolution of a few kilometers, and filtering of the numerical schemes.

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Figure 1: Surface wind speed retrieval from Sentinel-1A SAR observation on 202402-04 with standard processing (no bright target filtering, 1-km resolution, left) and enhanced processing (filtering, 500-m resolution).

In order to alleviate the abovementioned drawbacks of standardized methods, especially in coastal areas or in locations with few measurements, a new product is derived and relies on the complementary synergies between high-resolution satellite observations, in-situ data, and mesoscale modeling. A machine-learning algorithm is trained on ten lidars in the North Sea to learn the relationship between SAR surface wind speed and vertical profiles from in-situ measurements and stability-related features from a mesoscale model. The final outputs are enhanced wind atlases at a 500-m resolution, from a 20-year database of satellite observations and the derivation of Weibull parameters.

The first stage of the product development focused on Europe, with publications of validation work in peer-reviewed scientific journals and SAR-extrapolated wind speeds provided as data to bidders of two calls for tenders (floating and bottom-fixed) in France. The accuracy is less than 3 percent in terms of wind power density, and less than 4 percent in terms of gross annual energy production. An extensive validation has recently been performed against lidar measurements in the US, China, and other locations in Europe. Figure 2 shows the boxplots of absolute bias relative to the mean in-situ wind speed (left), the correlation (R2, middle) and the root-meansquare error (RMSE, right) of the SARextrapolated wind speeds at 100m at six locations in the US, three locations in China, and 19 locations in Europe, from 1km to 102km offshore. For comparison purposes, the performance of opensource high-resolution (2-3km) mesoscale models from research and meteorological centers is displayed (dashed boxplots) alongside the SAR results (plained boxplots). The SARderived extrapolation outperforms the mesoscale models in all areas, especially in the US, with median biases less than 2 percent, correlation higher than 0.92 and RMSE less than 1.35m/s. This shows the ability of the SAR-extrapolation algorithm to deal with a broad range of wind regimes in locations different than in the training dataset.


The 20-year database of SAR observations of the surface wind field at a 500-m resolution over >250km areas from three European satellites (ENVISAT and Sentinel-1A and –1B) is an invaluable source of data for offshore site characterization. Offshore wind atlases are derived over Europe, the US, and in Asia-Pacific. They are available before lidar installation or in complement of measurement

campaigns. Combined with standardized processes, it allows to significantly reduce the cost of assessment of offshore wind projects.

In addition to inflow characterization, SAR observations are also a unique way to observe wind speed deficit by existing wind plants due to blockage or wake effects.

Mauricio Fragoso is Director of Energy at CLS, and Marie Cathelain is a CLS offshore wind expert. With over 30 years in Metocean data and satellite imagery expertise, CLS has been serving the maritime and energy sectors for the development of sustainable solutions.

CLS ///

13 North American Clean Energy

Crisis-Ready Fleet Management

Maximizing resilience through strategic rentals

In the realm of fleet management, the only certainty is uncertainty. From unexpected storms to traversing rough, remote terrains, businesses must be prepared to navigate extreme circumstances with agility and efficiency. Many wind farms are in remote locations spanning a vast, uneven terrain. Projects don’t halt based on unprecedented weather, so having the ability to mobilize resources promptly can mean the difference between smooth operations and costly disruptions. Fleet rentals play a strategic role in enhancing resilience and ensuring readiness when crises strike.

Planning for the unknown

3. Flexibility: Rentals can be easily returned once the job is done, providing businesses with greater flexibility and agility in resource management. Renewable development job lengths vary, as do the types of units needed for specific jobs. Having assets available for the duration of the job allows your crew the opportunity to get work done on time, and return units when they are no longer required or have active use.

4. Quality assurance: By opting for rentals, businesses can access brand-new trucks and trailers with each rental, ensuring optimal performance and reliability. Equipment rental houses do a multipoint inspection of all units before being transported.

Extreme weather events are inevitable, posing significant challenges to businesses reliant on fleet operations. Yet, with proactive planning, organizations can mitigate risks and minimize downtime. Instead of solely investing capital in assets for worst-case scenarios, fleet managers of renewables companies are turning to rental solutions for greater flexibility and cost-effectiveness. By embracing unit rentals, businesses can access niche equipment on-demand when it's needed most.

Tailored for success

When disaster strikes, the demand for specialized equipment substantially increases. Whether it's restoring power in isolated areas or navigating the rough terrain of wind farms, having the right tools on hand is critical for effective response efforts. You may not require these units for day-to-day operations, but in these highstakes scenarios, specialized fleet rentals with custom upfits can pair need with speed and onsite efficiency. When incorporating essential accessories like generators, work lights, front bumpers winches, and fuel tanks, these customized trucks are specifically designed to meet the unique needs of storm recovery operations surrounding power restoration with wind farms. By taking advantage of tailored upfits, fleet managers gain the freedom to adapt units quickly and efficiently, ensuring maximum readiness in the face of adverse conditions.

Benefits of renting

Renting your fleet isn't just a short-term fix—it's a strategic investment in long-term resilience. Here are eleven reasons why businesses should consider fleet rentals in their mix:

1. Affordability: Renting offers a cost-effective alternative to buying, allowing businesses to pay a fixed cost for specific units as needed. If specialized assets are required to cross rough terrain, renting these niche pieces of equipment will save money by allowing organizations to pay a monthly fee rather than purchase the equipment outright.

2. Personalized customization: With rental solutions, customized upfits are installed for you to increase productivity, eliminating the hassle of manual installations. Each renewable project requires different accessories, so fully customizing your fleet rentals with upfits for the job at hand will minimize your downtime while having an optimized fleet. Whether you are selecting the site for the farm, constructing the turbines, or maintaining the windmills, each development phase of a wind farm project requires unique upfits.

5. Damage protection: Wind farm projects can lead to damaged units due to the size and weight of project equipment. Rental providers often offer unit protection plans and preventative maintenance programs, safeguarding businesses against unexpected costs and downtime. These plans help with routine vehicle maintenance and save you on the backend with returning units with damage.

6. Nationwide service network: Rental partnerships provide access to a network of service locations across the country, ensuring timely repairs and support wherever operations may take you.

7. Minimal commitment: Unlike purchasing, renting entails minimal long-term commitment, allowing businesses to scale resources up or down as needed without being tied to capex investment or depreciation. Many rental houses require a 1-month minimum rental agreement. Due to the varying project duration of wind farm development jobs, having a flexible rental agreement creates space to extend the contract length as needed.

8. Environmental sustainability: Fleet rentals offer an eco-friendly option, as they reduce the need for companies to maintain a large fleet of vehicles that may not be consistently utilized. By renting vehicles when necessary and having additional custom units at hand for when a storm strikes, businesses can minimize their carbon footprint.

9. Enhanced scalability: Unexpected weather can strike at any moment. In times of sudden growth or unexpected demands, renting work trucks allows companies to scale their fleet quickly and efficiently without the long lead times associated with purchasing vehicles. This agility enables organizations to capitalize on opportunities without being hindered by outside production limitations.

10. Access to advanced technology: Rental fleets often feature the latest advancements in vehicle technology, such as telematics systems. Businesses can benefit from these innovations when renting without the upfront costs often associated when purchasing units.

11. Improved cash flow: Renting eliminates the need for large upfront investments in fleet assets, preserving capital for other strategic initiatives. Additionally, fixed monthly rental payments provide predictable expenses, making financial planning more streamlined.

In an era defined by uncertainty, the ability to adapt and respond swiftly is paramount for business resilience. By prioritizing fleet preparedness and embracing rental solutions for wind energy project sites, organizations can enhance their ability to weather storms with confidence.

From specialized equipment to nationwide support networks, the benefits of fleet rentals extend far beyond mere convenience. They represent a strategic initiative for businesses seeking to thrive in an unpredictable world. So, when the next storm looms on the horizon, remember to plan, prepare, and prevail with strategic fleet rentals.

Andy DeLaGarza is the Upper Midwest Territory Manager for Premier Truck Rental, a commercial fleet truck rental company that can fill in the demand gaps within your fleet management. Andy can be reached at

Premier Truck Rental ///

14 2024 MAY • JUNE ///

Reliability When It Matters Most

Cutting-Edge Blade Monitoring Technology

Edge-to-Edge Intelligence

Introducing Sensoria™ – the new 24/7/365 blade monitor that helps you maximize blade performance and reliability.

Sensoria™ remotely detects, reports, and visualizes blade damages, giving you Edge-to-Edge Intelligence on your blade integrity anytime, anywhere.


North American Clean Energy 15
Copyright © 2023 MISTRAS Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Blade Data View Site Data View Fleet Data View

Inspecting Inside and Out for Blade Hazards

Image data from visual inspections is nearly always the starting point for planning a blade maintenance campaign. Historically, external visual inspections of the outside of the blades have been the dominant dataset because they are less expensive to collect; no one needs to climb the tower to gather images of the blades. Ground-based cameras were initially employed, which then gave way to drones and automation that increased both the quality of images and the efficiency of collecting those images.

Recently, however, we have seen a significant increase in requests for internal blade inspections, despite the extra cost involved in collection. Why the recent increase? What types of problems does each inspection type detect? How should customers think about using them in managing their fleet?

Internal inspections come in more shapes and sizes because the process already involves sending people up the tower. Some are done entirely manually by having the technician crawl into the blade with a flashlight and a camera. Others involve using manually operated robots (including drones) to assist in data collection. Internal inspections often go beyond visually documenting the inside of the blade, and include tasks like checking the lightning protection system cables and doing tapping or other non-destructive testing on suspicious spots inside the blade.

What problems is each process useful for detecting? Erosion of the leading edge is an easy one, as this problem starts from the outside of the blade and works its way in; an external visual inspection is the obvious choice for identifying these problems. Similarly, lightning strikes generally happen near the tip of the blade where getting an internal view can be nearly impossible. Since the outside of the blade features receptors that can be visually inspected for damage, an external visual inspection is generally the first tool for detecting lightning strikes (a test of the lightning protection system, or LPS, is another valuable diagnostic). Laminate cracks, however, are a crossover problem. While they can be spotted from either an external inspection or an internal one, cracks on the inside can often be detected sooner since the surfaces are not painted, and early laminate stress can be seen in the form of whitish areas.

Internal inspections are where most structural problems will be best assessed. Large stress cracks will show up in the laminate and can corroborate things seen from the outside. Bond line failures around the sheer webs and spar caps, as well as any problems with the root structure (connecting root bolts, etc.) are identified through an internal inspection. The LPS down conductor cable is also accessible from inside the blade, and sometimes there is obvious visual damage related to lightning flash overs from the laminate.

A few final observations before moving to suggestions on using these tools: Most of the structural problems detected from the inside will require expensive repairs, so the earlier they are detected, the better. Problems like laminate cracks are usually visible from the inside before they can be seen on the outside. External inspections can be enhanced using thermal sensing to reveal problems in bond lines, but managing the

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heat source is tricky so reliable results can be tough to produce.

How, then, to decide on using these tools? Cost is certainly a major factor – internal inspections can be five times more expensive per wind turbine than external inspections. If the assets are approaching the end of their warranty period, an external inspection can be a cost-effective way to document their condition at transfer. If the blade models on site are known to have structural problems, internal inspections will be much better at detecting those and, as mentioned before, the earlier those are detected the better. If previous external inspections have revealed cracks in the exterior of the blades, those should all be further investigated via internal inspections. Collecting accurate distance-tothe-root information will allow an internal inspection to provide further insight into suspicious cracks seen from the outside.

At the end of the day, what’s most important is adopting a datadriven approach to getting the most from a finite blade maintenance budget. High-quality data consistently collected is the cornerstone of this approach. For visual inspections, image resolution, lighting, and focus, and accurate measurements of defect size and location from the root of the blade can be the difference between a maintenance campaign that accomplishes its objectives on time and budget, and one that rapidly falls behind when repair teams discover something unexpected when they arrive to do their work.


Safeguarding Wind Against Power Outages

The unprecedented twin challenges of ensuring secure and affordable energy supplies and meeting climate targets have propelled wind power development into an extraordinary new phase of ever-faster growth. After a challenging year, the global wind market is ready to bounce back in 2024. Experts predict that 680 GW of new capacity will be added in the next five years.

Also, the increasing demand for renewable energy has resulted in manufacturers increasing the wind turbine dimensions and capacity, which implies the installation of increasingly larger blades and towers that are significantly more sensitive to adverse weather conditions — posing a greater risk for major component damage. Stresses can be reduced by aligning the rotor to track the incoming wind. During extreme weather conditions, power outages can happen suddenly.

In this regard, the existing power backup solutions are based on a generator with a reciprocating engine (genset). Although the genset machine is capable of starting autonomously and supplying hard loads for a long time, it starts working a few seconds after a failure, exposing the system to costly damage. Summarizing, this technology presents low efficiency, as well as low commitment to sustainability.

In this context, battery-based yaw backup system products are a sustainable solution which ensures an instant response in hazardous weather conditions to reduce the mechanical stresses of the wind turbine through fast feeding of the yaw system, thus keeping the components safe and avoiding financial losses. Furthermore, the battery-based yaw backup system also provides an emergency electric power source to support essential loads such as control, communications, and thermal, among other systems.

The battery-based yaw backup system’s technology is based on an electrical storage system which is capable of reacting immediately in the hardest conditions of voltage drops, as well as adapting its operation to demanded energy. The system comprises a power conversion system (PCS) and a unique battery energy storage system (BESS).

This innovative technology provides the power required to control the yaw systems, protecting the structural integrity of the wind turbine during a power failure. This helps the wind sector overcome challenges in terms of security, sustainability, and efficiency.

Benefits at a glance

• Improves wind turbine performance in hostile conditions.

• Ensures a safe and reliable operation.

• Reduces maintenance costs and longer plant life, resulting in productivity growth.

• Enables early profits through the high Return on Investment.

• Prevents great damages on wind turbines and other assets resulting in serious consequences for the energy sector and financial losses.

• Avoids the use of diesel generators, except as a last resort in emergency situations.

• Contributes to the massive penetration of wind energy into the grid to enable the clean energy transition.

• Offers real-time operation monitoring and control, including alarm event captures.

System overview

Battery-based yaw backup system products are designed to ensure power supply in case of grid losses. The system is a key element for safeguarding the reliability and availability


of wind turbine farms, specifically the yaw system and other single-phase critical loads that constitute each wind turbine. These products are adapted to the standards of each country or the application requirements.

Battery-based yaw backup system products are characterized by their great capability to be customizable, allowing configuration according to the desired power converter topology and load type.

The power converter systems are configured using a unique conversion line that works as both a rectifier and an inverter. Alternatively, they can include a back-to-back converter to connect the DC bus at any voltage and frequency input.

On the other hand, they can also incorporate a DC/DC converter to

18 2024 MAY • JUNE ///
truly sustainable recycling solution for wind turbine blades

improve the battery operating voltage, and thus overcome battery voltage limitations.

Regarding the output configuration, they are capable of supplying three-phase loads (3p and 3p+N). Additionally, they can incorporate single-phase loads (1p+N).

The systems use advanced modulation techniques to synthesize any type of voltage or current waveform to the output, leveraging the fastswitching speed of the IGBTs controlled by the converter control unit.

Power conversion system

The main objective of the power conversion system (PCS) is to transform the continuous energy of the batteries into alternating current to supply the system loads. It is materialized as a cabinet which is composed of a Power Stack in charge of adapting the energy, a harmonic filter to improve the signal quality, protections against shortcircuits and over-voltages, and a general control device (CCU). Furthermore, it is configured to respect demanded grid codes and keep the batteries healthy in a good term.

Energy storage system (ESS)

The energy storage system (ESS) is in charge of basic tasks of battery control and maintainability to guarantee the health and efficiency of the storage system. The battery cells are assembled with LFP technology (lithium iron phosphate), which is characterized for its high energy density. This type of cell provides great durability in the long term. Besides, the device has a compact design for easy future upgrades thanks to its form factor and cell dimensions.

The architecture of the ESS control is divided into three levels. The most basic module in the structure is the BMS, which is connected to each battery — there will be as many BMS units as the number of batteries. Subsequently, all BMS units are governed by a power distribution unit (PDU) which

is responsible for obtaining voltage and temperature measurements, among other tasks. At the highest level of the hierarchy is the battery administration unit (BAU), which acts as a gateway between PCS and ESS. In this connection, the BAU manages the sending and receiving of data with the PDU, as well as being responsible for the main connection between the CCU and the BAU.

Alberto Barcia is Global Commercial Director for Converters & Controls at Ingeteam, a team made up of more than 4,500 people present in 21 countries, who believe that there is a better way of generating, transporting, storing, and consuming energy more efficiently and sustainably.

Ingeteam ///

Figure 2: Yaw Backup System (YBS) architecture
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Securing a Workforce for Americaʼs Offshore Wind Future

America’s seas are changing. Our first commercial-scale projects now stand with turbines towering over the water, providing electricity to communities and tens of thousands of homes across the East Coast. This burgeoning industry promises a cleaner future, reduced reliance on fossil fuels, and a surge in domestic energy production. However, unlocking its potential hinges on developing a skilled workforce ready to design, build, and maintain these massive wind farms.

Federal researchers estimate that anywhere from 15,000 to 58,000 full time workers would be required each year to ramp up worker supply. Many of these jobs are highly skilled or require specialized training, creating uncertainty regarding whether we will hit the target. Our ability to address these challenges and build a workforce for the offshore wind industry will determine not only our ability to meet our goals, but also how much benefit our local communities see from the proliferation of renewable energy.

The good news is the U.S. already has a thriving existing workforce quickly gaining experience as the first projects move through construction into operation and maintenance. There are marshalling ports with electrical workers and fabricators completing components, dockworkers and harbor personnel moving components, production workers manufacturing, assembling, and welding critical components for towers and transition pieces, and vessel operators moving components and people offshore to installation sites. Already, with just two projects under construction, thousands of workers are building offshore wind farms or actively participating in the supporting supply chain. And the federal government has approved five more projects, with dozens more in the queue.

Just a glance tells a story. At the Port of Providence, 160 people assembled advanced foundation components for South Fork Wind and the soon to begin Revolution Wind Project. In Western New York, a manufacturing facility added 100 workers to manufacture and assemble components for anode cages and other secondary structural steel components. And over 100 onshore workers performed the onshore electrical work to connect South Fork Wind to the electrical grid.

Workers with experience in the U.S. are even being tapped to meet global workforce demand. In fact, two-dozen U.S. pile drivers spent the winter working on a project in Europe. With the industry anticipated to need tens of thousands of workers in the next decade in the U.S. alone, global demand is rising simultaneously. This gives workers just getting started a big advantage, because they have the added potential to find work both domestically and abroad.

Despite these gains, however, there are still significant gaps to address, including a lack of understanding that the opportunity exists. Many potential workers remain

20 2024 MAY • JUNE ///

unaware of the breadth and variety of well-paying careers available in offshore wind. This lack of education about the industry, along with the substantial training needed, translates into a shortage of skilled labor, which threatens to halt wind’s momentum.

The seeds of a future workforce must be sown early. Introducing offshore wind into curriculums, particularly in coastal communities, can spark interest in young students. Interactive programs and field trips to operational wind farms can cement the industry in the minds of our youth, fostering a generation excited about clean energy careers. In a bid to meet this need, Rhode Island recently established the Nation’s first Offshore Wind Energy High School Certification program in 2018.

However, the challenges we face extend beyond mere awareness — we need to scale to meet demand in an efficient and predictable manner. Existing workforce education and training programs should be adapted to incorporate offshore-specific knowledge. Courses in wind turbine technology, marine operations, and specialized safety protocols can equip prospective workers with the foundational knowledge necessary to enter the industry. Government funding can also play a critical role in supporting the development of a skilled and diverse offshore wind workforce. Grants can be allocated to create specialized training programs, expand apprenticeship opportunities, and promote diversity and inclusion initiatives within the industry.

Promoting diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) within the offshore wind workforce is essential for long-term success. Companies and workforce development organizations should connect with communities that have been left out of past energy projects, and work with them to develop inclusive training programs. Funding can support programs that encourage women, minorities, veterans, and individuals with disabilities to pursue careers in offshore wind. A diverse workforce brings a wider range of perspectives and experiences to the table, helping to foster innovation and problem-solving.

For experienced workers in related fields, transitioning to the offshore wind industry can offer a new and exciting career path. Developing specialized transition programs can bridge the skill gap, allowing experienced workers from sectors like oil and gas, or even traditional wind energy, to smoothly transition into offshore wind careers.

As is the case in the broader offshore wind industry, collaboration across organizations will be critical to building a strong offshore wind workforce, particularly between industry leaders and educational institutions. By fostering ongoing dialogue, training programs can be tailored to meet the specific needs of the industry, and ensure graduates possess the necessary skills to hit the ground running upon entering the workforce.

Addressing the current knowledge gap and fostering a diverse and skilled workforce can unlock the true potential of offshore wind energy, and propel the nation towards a cleaner, more secure energy future powered by Americans working quality jobs.

Ross is Vice President of Supply Chain Development and Research at Oceantic Network, a member-based organization dedicated to growing the offshore wind and ocean renewable industries and their supply chains.

Ross Gould is Vice President of Supply Chain Development and Research at Oceantic Network, a member-based organization dedicated to growing the offshore wind and other ocean renewable industries and their supply chains.

Oceantic Network ///

North American Clean Energy 21 V i s i t o u r b o o t h a t RE+ Discover what sets us apart from other providers at b o o t h 22091

Harnessing the Power of Floating Offshore Wind

The US offshore wind sector has entered 2024 with cautious optimism as the industry shakes off negativity from last year, ready to apply learnings from a challenging 2023 to the year ahead. There are already key projects in the pipeline, including the Revolution wind project expected to start construction in the spring, and the commercial CVOW project expected to start construction in May.

Joining the United States, Canada has recently announced their plans to develop wind off the coasts of Newfoundland and Labrador. With several offshore wind areas in waters too deep for fixed-bottom technology, floating wind has emerged as the technology developers are evaluating for their projects. Floating wind allows access to the US West Coast for offshore wind development and greater wind resources farther off the East Coast.

A recent report forecasts that, by 2050, 17 percent of all accumulated offshore wind installed capacity globally will be floating offshore wind. This means that approximately 270 GW of floating offshore wind will be installed in the next 30 years. This will require around 18,000 turbines, each mounted on top of floating units weighing more than 5,000 tons, and secured with so many mooring lines that if they were tied end-to-end, they would more than wrap around the world.

While the sector presents significant opportunities, it also comes with a range of new challenges as developers consider projects further offshore in deeper waters. This growing market is still in its relative infancy; for floating offshore wind to achieve its full potential, it must overcome a number of challenges, including technical, commercial, and societal.

Driving standardization to support reduced LCOE

As a relatively new technology with few operational turbines, the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) for floating offshore wind remains very high. For this technology to scale faster, it is paramount that the LCOE be reduced as much and as quickly as possible. The global average LCOE for floating offshore wind is predicted to fall 75 percent by 2050. This drop will depend on factors like cumulative installed capacity, economies of scale, and serial manufacturing, with reductions in the cost of floating structures and turbines being the main contributors. LCOE will vary significantly between global regions. Wind farm size increase will be a key driver of LCOE reduction, as moving from pilot to commercial sized wind farms allows for scaling effects and standardization, which again will become a key enabler for industrialization, further driving cost reduction post 2030.

More than 50 floating wind concepts are currently under development. While innovation is required to push performance, reduce weight, withstand harsh environmental conditions, and allow efficient operations, the wide range of concepts can also represent a barrier for the cost reduction needed in the industry to eventually attract subsidy-free investment. The number of different fabrication approaches can make it difficult for the supply chain to provide efficient fabrication facilities and standardize their logistics and processes.

One way the industry can tackle the challenges of expanding application, scale, and reducing costs without compromising safety, is through Joint Industry Projects (JIP’s) that aim to bring standardization across the floating offshore wind industry.

Floating wind farms, further from shore in deeper waters, will require floating substations with development of dynamic cables with higher voltage and power levels than currently available, as well as electrical equipment such as transformers and switchgear. One JIP is aimed at aligning best practice and closing the gaps in available substation standards to enable the scaling of floating offshore wind. Phase 1 has just been completed and confirmed the feasibility of floating offshore substations and export cables, identifying technology gaps and highlighting the maturity of AC solutions compared to DC. For Phase 2, new participants are called in to join the project, which will contribute to the 2024 update of industry standards for offshore substations and dynamic high-voltage export cables.

Another JIP focuses on mooring and cables. The growing floating offshore wind industry will require innovative solutions for floating structures, mooring arrangements, cable solutions, and materials. Mooring and cable equipment is a key cost driver within floating wind. A key task of the JIP is to provide new and valuable insights on load and capacity of these critical components; the recommendations will form the basis for tomorrow’s design requirements.

Finally, a recently launched JIP aims to optimize requirements for concrete floaters specifically tailored for floating offshore wind farms. Concrete floaters are a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to steel floaters, particularly for larger turbine sizes. An alternative to steel, concrete engages a larger part of the supply chain in floating wind.

Ocean stakeholder collaboration

As offshore wind picks up pace, the demand for ocean space will also increase. It is essential that this expansion takes place in a safe, equitable, and sustainable manner. Therefore, it is critical that ocean stakeholders build strong working foundations. One way this is being facilitated is with a three-year scenario building project that

WIND POWER 22 2024 MAY • JUNE ///

The project will focus on establishing a common knowledge base among ocean stakeholders, enabling them to identify synergies, resolve conflicts, and negotiate winwin solutions while safeguarding ocean health. The Utsira Nord floating offshore wind licensing area in Norway will act as one of the case studies in the development of the toolbox. The toolbox will be developed in a way that allows for scaling and adaptation to different regions and international settings, including the North American market.

Future marine spatial planning processes will increasingly need to emphasize coexistence with nature and other human activities. A toolbox will help offshore field developers and operators gain a competitive advantage by more quickly understanding how future competition for space will influence their overall risks and opportunities in relation to other ocean users, as well as the marine ecosystem. It will support strategic planning and stakeholder dialogues in connection with offshore field developments, marine spatial planning, and ecosystem management.

As part of the project, partners will seek to capture the impact ocean industries have on each other and the environment, as well as the cumulative effects from all industries combined. The goal is to contribute to trust and transparency in stakeholder dialogues in the early stages of project planning. Offshore wind developers can take advantage of new methods to plan for coexistence by taking a collaborative approach to accounting for the impact of future uncertainty on nature

not conflicting with fishing banks.

Supporting a clean energy future

To reach ambitious floating offshore wind targets, the industry must accelerate commercialization while managing risks related to cost, technical novelty, acceptance by other ocean stakeholders, and environmental impacts.

In the next five years, we expect continued technology development in floating wind to reduce cost, scale production, and broaden applicability.

As an increasing number of floating wind turbines come into operation, the industry will learn more about day-to-day operations, wind turbine performance, and events such as major component replacement. Those learnings will undoubtedly spur new developments, and play an important role in the transition to a cleaner energy supply.

Sigurd Solheim Pettersen is Senior Researcher, Bente Pretlove is Program Director, Ocean Space program, Group Research and Development, and Kristin Nergaard Berg is Technical Lead, Floating Offshore Wind, Energy Systems at DNV.

DNV ///



Silver graphite brushes are used to conduct induced shaft currents to ground to protect the pitch motor bearings from premature failure and costly replacement. Helwig Carbon engineered a special solution for this application that has become OEM approved and installed throughout the world.

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North American Clean Energy 23

On-site Generation of Wind Energy is Key to Recovery After Extreme Weather Events

When thinking of renewable energy sources, you most likely picture solar panels or massive wind turbines, churning out energy to reduce the strain on electric grids and helping towns and businesses meet lofty sustainability goals. However, when an extreme weather event occurs, these solutions alone are often not able to support recovery or restoration of power due to cloud cover, rain, flooding, excessive heat, heavy snow, or damage by debris.

Snowstorms, hurricanes, and heatwaves wreak havoc on the grid, creating nightmares for essential facilities like large warehouses, distribution and data centers, factories, and airports, all of which rely on heavy and uninterrupted power loads to sustain operations. The repercussions of power outages, brownouts, or loss of climate


Extreme weather significantly impacts the power generation infrastructure, causing disruptions in electricity supply, rate escalations, limitations on and soaring costs of insurance coverage, damage to the infrastructure, and physical hazards. Considering the aging nature of our existing transmission systems, the need to diversify on-site back-up power alternatives has become more

The risk of outages not only affects other sources of remote or back-up power like diesel, propane, and coal, but these sources are not clean and sustainable solutions. In rethinking their approach to clean energy resilience, experts are prioritizing diversification of energy sources, infrastructure, and distribution, focusing more on maximizing on-site generation.

fall and winter, offering a perfect complement to solar energy. One way to lessen the stress on national grids is to produce what you consume to keep your properties active in rain, snow and other adverse weather. Along with solar, wind energy helps site owners have a balanced load and be more independent of the grid. Innovation in the renewable energy sector has led us to harness the power of wind for scalable, on-site generation by individual users. These units are growing in popularity and efficiency, especially in remote locations and areas where the increasing intensity of storms has escalated power outages on aging grids (and solar alone is not a viable, year-round option).

This clean energy distributed power alternative is being adopted by a growing number of companies with large manufacturing facilities and warehouses such as ecommerce, logistics, automakers, and airport terminals that require a heavy power supply — in place of traditional carbon-based fuels typically used for back-up power generation.

There have been numerous attempts to integrate wind harvesting technology into the built environment, but none without its challenges. Traditional wind turbines have been limited by environmental and visual impact constraints in the built environment. Even a smaller scale traditional wind turbine doesn’t sufficiently mitigate these legacy challenges.

As companies seek to mitigate climate change and control the input and output of energy at their facilities, experts explored ways that wind harvesting units can be deployed on buildings for individual use with the development of quieter, motionless, and more efficient wind harvesting units suitable for single buildings.

On-site solar is limited by available solar resources, and subject to seasonal and daily variations (bright summers, cloudy days, dark winters). Solar energy is typically produced mid-day and not at night or during inclement weather. Innovation in wind generation technology is creating a large opportunity to maximize on-site power as either an integrated system with solar and battery storage, or a stand-alone system where solar is not suitable. Wind harvesting units generally produce more electricity in the late afternoon and nighttime, and during the

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On-site power supply will become more critical to counter the more frequent, extreme weather conditions we expect to see in the future. A disruption to a single power plant during an extreme weather event would have dire consequences for a large area. However, buildings operating with their own supply of power via a wind harvesting unit coupled with solar, would be able to enhance operations by both saving on the power they consume during normal conditions, and protecting them from grid outages caused by these growing numbers of intense weather events.

In 2021 and 2022, we watched as Europe worked its way through a challenging energy crisis, where oil, coal, and power prices surged, stretching resources. Further, Europe depended on deliveries of coal and oil from Russia, which was disrupted by the country’s ongoing tensions with Ukraine. In coal-reliant South Africa, residents experience brownouts for hours each day as aging coal plants are prone to breakdowns, and new energy generation facilities are yet to be built. Companies in the Netherlands have gone back to utilizing diesel generators as backups because the national grid cannot supply the needed power any longer.

As a society, how do we solve the challenge of our reliance on electricity and carbon-based fuels? Building centralized power plants requires major and costly investments in the global grid. The world is seeing the electrification of everything – from handheld devices, cars, trucks, and even whole buildings, which means our demand for electricity will continue to increase, putting more strain on the grid. Extreme weather conditions coupled with the uptick in demand for electricity is pushing the limit of what grids can supply. Given the escalating frequency of extreme weather events around the globe, it’s more important than ever to seek alternative methods of energy production.

Development of new on-site power generation systems are highly necessary to adopt and strategically implement. Distributed resources are the new frontier. New innovations are required to drive the scalability of the energy transition and establish the level of resilience necessary based on the dramatic impacts of extreme weather.

Claus Lønborg is Managing Director at Aeromine Technologies, which helps building portfolio owners and companies reduce CO2 emissions by deploying local wind energy systems to the commercial and industrial real estate segment.

Aeromine Technologies ///

is optimized for onshore sites, it complements Polytech’s original LEP offering, ELLE, which is a DNV-certified LEP solution suitable for both offshore and tougher onshore sites.

Polytech ///

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Induction preheater for offshore wind tower and foundation manufacturers

Curve-shaped PEMA Skycoil offers high-precision heating performance for welding heavy tubular workpieces up to 49ft (15m) in diameter. Developed in collaboration with the global green tech company, ENRX, the PEMA Skycoil offers precision and efficiency. Designed to heat materials up to 6.3in (160mm) thick, commonly used in wind tower monopiles, this preheater is an energy-efficient solution.

Pemamek ///

North American Clean Energy 25 At the
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Ergonomic and flexible bolt tightening

High-performance delivering up to 8.000Nm//5900ft-lb with a possible App control, GPS, WiFi, and documentation feature. These are available with configuration of a “power Line” or “docu-Line”. They deliver an ergonomic and flexible design. Global use without frequency or voltage restriction. Tool stops automatically when one of the triggers is released. Also available as an 90° angle version. Ensures reliable and accurate bolt tightening with maximum safety measures.

Plarad ///

Towering comfort with total mobility

Global height safety company Guardian has launched its new B7Comfort Tower Climbing Harness in the U.S. and other regions following OSHA/ANSI regulations. This innovative harness represents the newest addition to Guardian's portfolio of 360-degree height safety solutions. Designed for tower climbers and those who work at height for extended periods, the B7-Comfort Tower Climbing Harness features an integrated hip O-Ring design, a robust sub-pelvic strap, and a replaceable aluminum-based adjustable seat sling. The B7-Comfort Tower Climbing Harness was engineered for mobility, climbability, and comfort when working at height all day.

Guardian Fall

reliably transport their impact tools on the jobsite. The 25-Piece Heavy-Duty

Storage comes with an assortment of tools and is suitable for work in many industries. The set includes 17-piece socket set with Snap-on Flank Drive power; 3/4" drive universal joint; 3"-, 7"-, and 10"- 3/4" drive extensions; cordless impact wrench set; sturdy allweather resistant case with collapsible colored tool control foam to securely

The new Portable Heavy-Duty Impact Sets from Snap-on Industrial provide
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Economical, environmentally friendly hydraulic fluid

Renewable Lubricants’ ultimately biodegradable Bio-Fleet Hydraulic Fluids perform like synthetics but are economical enough for frequent oil change environments due to contaminants. These formulations meet or exceed common performance protocols including Vickers M-2950-S, Vickers 1-286-5, U.S. Steel 126, and U.S. Steel 127. Anti-wear performance meets requirements for Vickers 35VQ-25 and V-104C (ASTM D-2882) vane pumps stand tests and exceeds DIN 51524 Part 2 and 3 (HLP/HVLP) load stage 10 that is recommended for vane, piston, and gear pumps. Highly inhibited against moisture and rusting in both fresh and sea water, they are suitable for hydraulic equipment operating outside where high moisture and dusty environments are prominent. Formulated to perform in hydraulic systems that require AntiWear (AW), anti-rust, anti-oxidation, anti-foam, and demulsibility properties. These hydraulic fluids are available in ISO 22, ISO 32, ISO 46, and ISO 68 weights to suit a wide range of fleet, marine, and industrial applications such as vane, piston, and gear pumps. Bio-Fleet Hydraulic Fluids meet EPA 21013 Vessel General Permit (VGP) guidelines for Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants (EALs) and should be used in hydraulic systems where low toxicity, biodegradability, and non-bioaccumulation properties are required.

Renewable Lubricants, Inc. ///

Affordable protection that fits and feels great

Brass Knuckle Luna is simple, classic, ANSI-rated protective eyewear that appeals to both men and women for anything from heavy construction to office and warehouse work. Luna is low-cost protective eyewear designed to be sleek and compact with longwearing, compliance-inspiring comfort. Ultralight and weighing less than an ounce, Luna’s 100% polycarbonate construction includes wraparound one-piece lens styling that hugs the face while helping to improve optical quality and impact protection. It includes a molded nosepiece, integrated side protection, standard anti-fog protection, and is available in two lens shades, clear or smoke. Additional certifications and characteristics include abrasion, chemical, and UV resistance that meets industry test requirements ANSI Z87.1+, EN166UV, CSA Z94.3, and CE EN 166. The clear lens allows 91% light transmission without changing or distorting vision or colors. The smoke lens provides all-over tint for normal outdoor conditions and 18% light transmission. The highgloss rimless design features a translucent temple in frost or smoke and a sleek shape that follows facial contours while providing excellent optical quality. A molded nosepiece and halo temple provide a secure and comfortable fit. Luna’s tough 100% polycarbonate construction offers impact resistance and blocks 99.9% of the sun’s ultraviolet rays.

Brass Knuckle


High capacity, versatile hauling

The 48ft-long XL Specialized Trailers’ XL Knight 80 MFG has an overall capacity of 80,000lb and a concentrated capacity of 70,000lb in 16ft. The trailer offers 29ft of main deck loading space and a loaded deck height of 18" for versatile hauling. The mechanical, full-width gooseneck, also known as the double drop, provides versatile hauling across the USA and Canada, encompassing popular specs and options into a competitive offering. The XL Knight 80 MFG offers many new standard features. The detachable gooseneck features front connection plates with three height settings for added adaptability over various terrains. The front of the main deck can go up or down 1.5", for a total of a 3" variance. The raise and lower valve in the rear allows for an adjustment of 1.5". The Colas-plus raise and lower valve is customer-friendly with its large and durable handle. The Knight trailer has improved aesthetics with an aluminum logo decal at the front and MicroNova clearance lights. A battery backup with a four-way plug enables the lights to stay on even when the trailer is disconnected from the truck. The new trailer also features a convenient front storage area to stow chains or other materials. Swingout outriggers can be added to the main deck for hauling over-width loads. A 2ft x 2ft cutout in the rear transition provides additional space for equipment such as draw bars on tractors. The two-axle wheel area is prepped to accommodate a third axle if needed.

XL Specialized



Slip-on, athletic work shoes

New for Spring ‘24, KEEN Utility’s Arvada Shift is designed for jobs requiring constant movement and standing for long hours. With an elastic-equipped slip-on fit for easy transitions into work mode, this work sneaker is a blend of athletic-level cushioning and style. Highlights include a lightweight, compression-resisting KEEN.ReGEN midsole that returns 50% more energy than standard EVA foam, and a sneaker-like ultra-breathable mesh upper to keep feet cool. At the same time, the Arvada Shift does not sacrifice when it comes to safety offering asymmetrical carbon-fiber safety toes that are unobtrusive and 15% lighter than steel, and an EH-rated oil-and-slipresistant rubber outsole provides dependable footing. Combining energy-returning jobsite performance and convenience for the modern worker, the Arvada Shift will be available for both men and women in several colorways as well as an ESD option.

KEEN Utility ///

28 2024 MAY • JUNE ///

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Wind-specific software systems have the ability to help users improve accuracy, maintain control, manage performance, and streamline their operations. Here, we highlight some of the software options available for the wind market today...

PcVue, Inc.

Product name: PCVue Solutions

Application: Commercial

Software category: Operations, energy management

Description: PcVue is used for direct and remote control of renewable energy generation. High application creation, duplication, and deployment enable control, display events and alarms, and view trends and historical analysis. Available on any computer or mobile device.

Key Features:

• Monitor and control any kind of power systems;

• Connect heterogeneous and distributed assets;

• Centralize data remote control, dispatching, and reporting;

• Save time and cost with a flexible and scalable open platform that adapts to system changes;

• Take advantage of the latest mobile technologies.

Clir Renewables

Product name: Clir

Application: Commercial

Software category: Renewable energy intelligence platform

Description: Clir is a renewable energy platform that aggregates millions of data points and compares KPIs to peer and industry benchmarks to improve oversight, provide deep insights, and help optimize revenue. Combining 250GW of advanced AI that is designed, built, and supported by decades of renewable energy expertise, Clir offers stakeholders the ability to leverage portfolio, peer, and industry data to drive actionable optimization and risk mitigation roadmaps.


Product name: DSPTCH

Application: Utility scale wind, solar, battery, EV, crane, logistics field service management, prevailing wage, apprenticeship compliance

Software category: Operations, maintenance

Description: With 1.3MM+ mapped roads and industry assets, DSPTCH provides a safe and easy way to get to any wind, solar, battery, EV, sub-station, met tower, etc in the US, Canada, and Mexico. Additionally, DSPTCH’s turnkey site safety, prevailing wage, apprenticeship tracking, forms, jobs, scheduling, timekeeping, and navigation capabilities provide a single pane of glass to manage operations across internal and external resources.

30 2024 MAY • JUNE ///






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ONYX Insight

Product name: fleetMONITOR

Application: Wind, renewables

Software category: Operations, maintenance

Description: Using the fleetMONITOR web application, monitoring engineers can diagnose reliability problems quickly and effectively analyzing data from vibration condition monitoring hardware, including temperature, particle counters, and lubrication data. With users and rotating machinery monitored worldwide, fleetMONITOR saves money and improves O&M planning.

Key Features:

• Flexible cloud-based software platform;

• Interface with existing CMS hardware and IT systems;

• Detect failures early and improve efficiency with powerful punchlists;

• Compatible with all OEM CMS/ SCADA/lubrication data types, including route-based inspection data collected (via API).


Product name: 4C Offshore Market Intelligence

Application: Commercial

Software category: Market research

Description: TGS offshore wind marketing intelligence, powered by 4C Offshore, provides access to a wide breadth and depth of data across the offshore wind industry. Users can stay informed with market intelligence covering the global offshore wind sector, and can transform the data with a diverse range of contextual information and powerful analysis tools. Information is delivered when it’s needed, in the detail and format needed through reports, statistics, webinars, charts, and interactive maps accessed via the 4C Offshore web app.

Key Features:

• One subscription for all market intelligence needs;

• Data is empowered through complementary information, tools, and insights;

• On-demand market research tailored to the user’s needs;

• Strategic advantage is provided with market insight;

• Access to industry experts.


Product name: eologix-ping blade health monitoring solutions

Application: Wind energy

Software category: Operations, maintenance, condition monitoring

Description: eologix-ping enhances the wind industry’s operational efficiency by providing continuous blade health monitoring. Their sensor technology is designed to detect damage to the rotor blades, lightning strikes, and ice formation, among other things. These retrofitfriendly sensor systems facilitate on-the-spot measurements directly on the rotor blade surfaces and acoustic measurements inside the blades or on the turbines. This versatile technology is compatible with wind turbines of all types, locations, and life cycle stages, empowering wind farm operators to achieve operational excellence with their wind turbines.

Product name: Ovation Green


Application: Utility-scale

Software category: Operations, energy management, training, maintenance

Description: Emerson offers a comprehensive and cost-effective solution for retrofitting wind turbines. Their retrofit solution upgrades both the control and electrical systems so that it meets the latest local and industry standards. Emerson retrofits include advanced control algorithms and intelligent SCADA solutions to improve annual energy production, heighten turbine availability, and provide remote access. Their experience across more than 40 different wind turbine generator designs provides a safe and simple upgrade path for regaining the maximum performance within wind turbines.

Emerson Wind Turbine
32 2024 MAY • JUNE /// FOR MORE INFORMATION WindAware, a cutting-edge software solution for managing, organizing, and retaining vital, wind asset information minimizing costly equipment failure for wind turbine assets

Transect, Inc.

Product name: Transect

Application: Utility-scale renewable development

Software category: Site Assessment

Description: Transect delivers a site assessment platform that enables renewable energy developers to discover high-quality renewable energy sites in minutes. Transect aggregates an array of data sources, supporting project workflows with immediate access to valuable insights about environmental concerns, permit requirements, topography, transmission infrastructure, and more. With Transect, project developers can focus resources on prime sites, avoid costly risks, and quickly and confidently move projects forward.

Key Features:

• Find the best sites fast with filters on an expansive list of criteria;


Product name: Sensoria Insights Data Portal

Application: Wind blade integrity management

Software category: Operations

Description: The Sensoria Insights data portal is a user-friendly solution that helps generate actionable, Edge-to-Edge Intelligence from offshore and onshore blade integrity data. As the Sensoria 24/7/365 wind blade monitor remotely detects blade integrity issues through sensors installed on the blades, the monitor immediately sends integrity data to the Sensoria Insights portal for access and analysis. Through data portal, operators and engineers are given access to real-time and historical blade condition data, with the flexibility to view data for a single blade, a full wind farm, or an entire turbine fleet.

Key Features:

• Mobile access capabilities;

Indji Systems

Product name: Indji Watch

Application: Commercial

Software category: Operations

Description: Designed for wind and solar farm operations, Indji Watch provides awareness of significant weather events that endanger employees, disrupt operations, and impact profit. The intuitive interface allows users to monitor weather events and threats specific to their wind or solar operation in real-time, on their desktop or mobile device, enabling them to make quick, intelligent decisions. Indji Watch uses NOAA high-resolution models and lightning prediction tools to assist in day-to-day operations and maintenance scheduling. The daily reports and Lightning Fault Analyst enables users to save time and money by finding damage early.

• Increase confidence with accurate, upto-date data;

• Build a pipeline of high-quality greenfield sites;

• Flag and confirm environmental risks early in the development process;

• Augment environmental assessments with guidance from a team of environmental experts.


Product name: SCADA and SCADA Retrofit

Application: Commercial

Software category: Operations, SCADA

Description: SCADA and SCADA Retrofit solutions reduce downtime and boost efficiency, and are suitable for new projects or system upgrades. Common issues such as errors, inadequate data, aging hardware, or expansion challenges can be managed with these cost-effective, vendor-neutral options. GANEX provides comprehensive services from design to commissioning, optimizing SCADA for peak performance.

• Filterable blade site and condition status;

• Damage trending across site(s) and specific blades;

• RAG (red-amber-green color) status indicating blade condition;

• Damage characterization, severity, and location down to a single blade.

North American Clean Energy 33 PCVUESOLUTIONS.COM

Dynamic Ratings

Product name: ConnectGrid Smart Infrastructure Solutions

Application: Commercial

Software category: System design, operations

Description: The Dynamic Ratings ConnectGrid Smart Infrastructure Solution (SIS) is an agile technology stack that enhances connectivity to grid edge assets for better management. Tailor the system to meet varying security, scalability, and availability requirements. Many options are available in architecture and communication technology. The distribution system (electric power grid) represents a large interconnected machine. The ConnectGrid Smart Infrastructure Solution is suitable for distributed assets. This IoT platform manages big data, machine to machine communications and provides sophisticated analytics.

Key Features:

• Keep the public safe;

• Keep the lights on with better management;

• Reduce cost while increasing performance;

• Enable the low carbon transition.


Product name: WindAware

Application: Commercial

Software category: Operations, energy management, maintenance

Description: WindAware is a software solution used for managing performance and inspection data for wind farm assets. WindAware provides organized, readily available up-to-date equipment data to optimize asset performance and equipment reliability. WindAware APM monitoring software solution. Used for managing performance and inspection data for wind farm assets. WindAware provides organized, readily available upto-date records management to improve self-service operations capabilities.

Key Features:

• Real time monitoring and historical data;

• Early fault detection system and temperature anomaly detection;

• Automatic report generation system (day/month/year);

• Summary tables (e.g. generation, availability, and failures).


Product name: PowerTools for Wind

Application: Commercial

Software category: Data, site sourcing, evaluation

Description: This platform delivers actionable deals, quality wind energy data, and site analysis solutions.

MR Control Systems International, Inc.

Product name: Sinolta

Application: Commercial

Software category: management, operation, optimization

Description: MR Control Systems provides Realtime Monitoring and Control solutions which typically include integration of both SCADA and IoT technologies.

34 2024 MAY • JUNE /// Discover the world’s first Blade Root Connection Monitoring System Field-tested & proven on over 3,000 blades Get up to 12 months ahead of issues

Discover and Assess Project Sites in Minutes

Find parcels faster using an expansive list of criteria

Pinpoint environmental risks earlier in the development process

Streamline the permitting process

WIND SPOTLIGHT: TRAINING North American Clean Energy 35

The marking and lighting of wind turbines is primarily intended to provide high visibility and to assist pilots identify and avoid the structures. The FAA recommends wind turbines be lit with red or white lights which flash simultaneously. Listed below are some of the options available on the market today...

DeTect, Inc.

Product Name: Aircraft Detection Lighting Systems (ADLS)

Effective intensity: High

Horizontal coverage: 20 miles

Vertical beam: 10 miles

Operating voltage: 110/220VC, 60/30A

Overvoltage protection: UPS backup

Frequency: Radar

Power consumption: 10 to 20 days, 24-7

Operating temperature: Operates in extreme temperatures

Cable/Connection: TCPIP

Warranty: Yes

Key Features:

• Long range detection provides great safety margin;

• Advanced solid-state Doppler radar technology;

• Meets or exceeds all FAA, Transport Canada, CASA (Australia), and European requirements;

• Fully compatible with all SCADA systems and turbines.

Resolux Group

Product Name: CE/UL FT 2X11 LED.ST EM

Effective intensity: 2950lm

Expected LED life: 50,000 hours

Input voltage: 100V to 277V

Operating voltage: 100V to 277V

Overvoltage protection: Yes

Frequency: 50Hz, 60Hz

Power consumption: 0,27A @ 120V; 0,14A @ 230V

Operating temperature: 23°F to 113°F (-5°C to 45°C) Low temperature version available

Weight: 5lb (2.3kg)

Dimensions: 26" x 5.5" x 4" (66cm x 14cm x 10cm)

Cable/Connection: Up to 2 pcs. 4x14AWG cables / 4x2.5mm2

Warranty: 2-year warranty

Ratings/Certifications: IP65

At Resolux Group we pride ourselves on working with our customers to drive solutions that help them achieve their goals and objectives.

This is accomplished through our expertise in consolidating, assembling, and bringing together di erent components, commodities and resources into one e cient and cohesive solution. we call it ONE-STOP-SOLUTION

The many reasons to Choose the Resolux Kitting Solution are:

» Cost Savings

» Improved Cash flow

» Standardization

» Reduced Inventories

» Improved Efficiencies

» Improved Demand Control

Key Features:

• Energy efficient LED technology delivers bright illumination while consuming minimal power;

• Durable design ensures consistent lighting quality over an extended period;

• Automatically switches to emergency mode, providing adequate illumination to guide occupants to safety;

• Compliance with CE/UL standards;

• Flexible mounting options allow for easy installation in various settings.

» Enhanced Customer/Supplier Collaboration

» Supply Chain Risk Mitigation

» Competitive Advantage

Resolux Group - Your one-stop supplier. Scan here to learn more

SPX Aids to Navigation (AtoN)

Product Name: FTS 350i-2

Effective intensity: 2,000 ± 25% ECD

Horizontal coverage: 90 or 120 horizontal

Vertical beam: 3 to 7 vertical

Expected LED life: 10 years

Input voltage: 120Vac to 240Vac

Operating voltage: 24Vdc

Overvoltage protection: 20kA

Frequency: 50-60Hz

Power consumption: 6W

Operating temperature: -40°F to 131°F (-40°C to 55°C)

Weight: 2.9lb (1.3kg)

Dimensions: 4.40" x 9.43" (112mm x 240mm)

Cable/Connection: With 50ft of 5 or 10 conductor cable

Warranty: 5-year warranty

Ratings/Certifications: FAA L-864

certified, ICAO Type B, CAR 621

36 2024 MAY • JUNE ///
Forward at every turn
#CastrolForward Discover how Castrol® advanced products and expert teams can help you achieve your productivity goals and drive efficiency across your wind turbine operations. See us at CLEANPOWER booth 3341 © 2024 Castrol Limited


May 6 th -9 th , 2024 Minneapolis Convention Center Minneapolis, MN

CLEANPOWER unites policymakers, experts, and corporate leaders at this pivotal time of industry growth. The most knowledgeable minds in clean energy join ACP’s CLEANPOWER event to chart the future of this powerful industry and discuss the opportunities ahead. CLEANPOWER grows businesses by gathering key decision makers and stakeholders across the wind, solar, storage, hydrogen, and transmission industries for discussion, deal making, networking, and a whole lot of fun.

38kV vacuum circuit breaker OEM

EMA Electromechanics has designed and manufactured the high-speed Grounding Breaker, a technology created to mitigate islanding over voltage in solar or storage energy MV circuits. In solar/BESS applications, during a line-to-ground fault or a load rejection, the MV circuit might be islanded with the inverters connected for some cycle of wave in order to commit to the voltage ride-through (NERC PRC-024). Inverter’s islanding detection method (IDM) might mis-operate and remain generating for some cycles. At risk are cable insulation and surge-arresters. The high-speed grounding breaker is a fast and clear signal to all inverters shut down at the same time (avoids unnecessary ride-through) and is a reliable TOV protection. EMA offers 38kV vacuum grounding breakers and conventional circuit breakers for outdoor applications.

EMA Electromechanics Inc. Booth 1428

Blade and turbine integrity

MISTRAS Group helps keep blades spinning with an integrated portfolio of online monitoring, inspection, maintenance, and access solutions, including Sensoria, the 24/7/365 wind blade monitor. MISTRAS helps ensure turbine integrity by offering a full suite of nondestructive testing (NDT) inspection solutions, maintenance and light mechanical services, and rope and drone access capabilities to enable at-height structures to be inspected and maintained efficiently.


Booth 1427

Heavy-duty work made light and easy

Plarad’s battery-powered pump provides ease of service work on bolting connections. This highperformance pump provides up to 800 bar/11,600 psi for hydraulic torque tools, delivering up to 150.000Nm//11,000 ft-lb. A set of 3 exchangeable batteries for 170 bolts of AF 2.3/16" / M36, and is lightweight at 22lb (10kg) including batteries. It has a supplied wireless remote, low noise 70dB, and works

Energy storage HVACs and air-cooled chillers

Bergstrom’s thermal management systems help keep batteries in a narrow temperature range to improve the overall performance and cycle life of a battery energy storage system. Bergstrom offers energy storage HVACs with a cooling capacity beginning at 4.5kW and above and air-cooled chillers (for liquid-cooled batteries) at 8kW, 15kW, 20kW, and 40kW, covering a wide range of commercial & industrial, and utility scale applications. The units feature advanced hardware drive, intelligent control algorithm, and service orientation. With core components designed and manufactured in-house, the systems offer built-in reliability. Bergstrom can also provide custom engineered solutions driven by customers’ timeline.

Bergstrom Inc.

Booth 1908

SHOW IN PRINT Features just some of the companies and technologies attendees will see at this year’s show.
38 2024 MAY • JUNE ///

American-Led O shore Wind Development

As one of the only U.S.-based o shore wind developers in the world, energyRe is leading the way to America’s next energy frontier.

Global bearing distributor

Industrial construction with IRA compliance

Midpoint Bearing, an EIS company, is a distributor of bearings and renewable energy materials with mechanical engineering experience. Midpoint Bearing analyzes failures in the field and adapts engineering capabilities to lower customer’s cost of energy and extend component life in wind turbine gearboxes, generators, main shafts, pitch and yaw bearings and drives, and asymmetric bearings. Midpoint represents global bearing manufacturers including Schaeffler Group (FAG/INA), SKF (Kaydon/Lincoln/SKF Sealing Solutions), Koyo (JTEKT), Liebherr, NTN, among others. Through the EIS fabrication portfolio, Midpoint and EIS are committed to leveraging experience and expertise to extend products, technologies, and solutions into solar and renewable energy markets.

Midpoint Bearings Booth 1728


MBA Energy & Industrial is an industrial construction firm that constructs various new facilities for energy-related projects. With 100+ facilities built in the renewable industry across 22 states, their portfolio includes O&M buildings, warehouses, large enclosures, battery storage, terminals, substation buildings, large offices, gas gathering facilities, H2 and N2 facilities, RNG facilities, compressor buildings, and more. Specializing in design/ build projects, they also provide build-to-print endeavors. Their architects and engineers provide options and budgetary pricing, ensuring a seamless process. They prioritize Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) compliance, maximizing tax benefits for their clients by aligning projects with IRA guidelines and eliminating guesswork, including working with prevailing wage and apprenticeship requirements that will be necessary for IRA projects.

MBA Energy & Industrial Booth 3440

Seven connectionfriendly digital module types

Bachmann introduces seven different types of intelligent I/O interfaces for the M100 system. This means that the M100 system can optimally meet diverse requirements for digital signal transmission. Visually, a 2D-QR code on the display panel is noted at first glance. The 2D-QR code can be scanned with any commercially available smartphone or tablet or with industrial scanners. Device designation, part number, and serial number are immediately displayed. Then a webLink to an extensive information system enables one-click access to data sheet, wiring diagram, user manual, or other information concerning the module.

Bachmann electronic GmbH Booth 1220

Tension and torque bolting solutions

Enhanced reliability in electric pitch control systems

The Richardson Electronics’ ULTRA3000 Pitch Energy Module (PEM) is a reliable ultracapacitorbased plug and play replacement for batteries within wind turbine pitch systems. Ultracapacitors have the ability to deliver quick bursts of power in a short time frame, helpful for emergency pitching in a wind turbine generator (WTG).

Richardson Electronics Booth 1416

ITH Bolting Technology manufactures bolting tools and systems for thread sizes as small as M16 up to M510 and larger, including standard products and custom designs engineered based on customer needs. The full scope of tools includes hydraulic bolt tensioners, hydraulic torque wrenches, and torque multipliers ranging from electric, pneumatic, and battery driven. ITH offers standard bolting system packages including tools and fasteners, and the maintenance-free bolting system which specifically includes ITH bolt tensioners and IHF tension fasteners.

ITH Bolting Technology Booth 3140

40 2024 MAY • JUNE /// (510) 278-2212 HALUS POWER SYSTEMS Midsize wind turbines. Remanufactured Vestas 90, 108, 120, 225, 500 kW in stock.
USA750j-4 -1500 HD Image Quality 3.9mm diameter 1.5m or 3m Length responsive joystick articulation heavy duty storage case LIGHTWEIGHT & ERGONOMIC CONTACT US FOR A DEMO OR QUOTE TODAY! Dual Camera

Power quality metering and event analysis

Introducing the DIRIS A-100 / A-200, Socomec’s latest product for power quality monitoring. Engineered, developed, and built in the USA, this UL 600V Power Quality Meter has been designed to reconcile performance and simplicity. Compatible with their RJ12 smart current sensors for accuracy and ease of commissioning, the DIRIS A-100 / A-200 also supports third-party 333 mV CTs. With a focus on universality, the DIRIS A-100 / A-200 simplifies the entire process from ordering to wiring, setup, and EMS integration.

Socomec Booth 3416

Wire and cable solutions

American Wire Group (AWG) offers a one-stop shopping for their customers. AWG specializes in providing wire and cable solutions for use in wind, solar, and other renewable energy applications. The renewable energy sector relies on the wind and solar wire and cable products including communication cables, control cables, grounding conductor cables, medium voltage cables, photovoltaic cables, power cables, transmission cables, hardware and accessories, and preinstalled HDPE duct cables. They support projects through their full lifecycle, from initial conception and development through global sourcing, production, delivery, and ongoing maintenance and service.

American Wire Group (AWG)

Booth 1448

Design and consulting services

Olsson is a nationally recognized engineering firm that crafts expert solutions and designs aimed at improving communities. They offer design and consulting services in planning and design, engineering, field services, environmental, and technology.


Booth 3147

Based in Neodesha, KS, Renewable Concepts provides nationwide rapid-deployment technical workforce solutions to help address the changing demands of the renewable energy industry

Our seasoned service teams have worked the full spectrum of wind services projects—from development and planning to final turnover and project management services Renewable Concepts’ service lines currently include General Services, Large Correctives, Welding Services, Engineering, and Fabrication

North American Clean Energy 41 RENEWABLE CONCEPTS | 1402 Main St. | Neodesha, KS, 66757 |

Repair application for various weather conditions

Elevator safety and training

Advanced EMS platform

ALEXIT BladeRep Profile Filler 7R and 7B, are optimized to deliver high performance in various climate zones, from 41°F to 104°F (5°C to 40°C) exterior temperature. This allows for flexibility when planning blade repairs as well as quick adaption to changing weather conditions. This new product generation includes fast drying for timely sanding, excellent drag and spread properties, as well as supporting rain erosion resistance in combination with Mankiewicz’s Leading Edge Protection (LEP) systems. Specifically designed for repair applications, the easy cartridge and static mixer combination increases operator efficiency and reduces working times. No additional mixing is necessary, resulting in zero mixing errors and increased process safety. The two different color codes on both label and the product itself support simple identification according to temperature range.

Mankiewicz Coatings

Booth 1314

Highly-trained mechanics from the International Union of Elevator Constructors (IUEC) will not only keep wind tower elevator equipment running, they will do it efficiently, and above all else, safely. Their affiliated companies maintain offshore and land-based wind turbine elevators across North America. Their mechanics know their way around elevators and wind technology equipment inside and out, and they do it all, including installation, modernization, retrofitting, maintenance, repair, and jurisdiction compliance inspection. The training they receive during their 4+ year USDOL-registered apprenticeship was developed with an intense focus on safety. And because of their expertise with this equipment, IUEC mechanics sit on the ASME A17.8/CSA B44.8 code committees that write the building codes for wind turbine tower elevators.

Elevator Industry Work Preservation Fund

Booth 1247

Versatile inspection camera

The Wohler VIS 250 is a service camera for the inspection of pipes, ductwork, dryer vents, and many other applications. The VIS 250 service camera enables users to easily analyze inside pipes of 1.5" diameter and larger with no power outlet required. Compact by design and powered by a rechargeable battery, this complete camera set is contained in a durable and compact case. The camera head features a powerful, integrated light to allow users to precisely analyze damage in waste water pipes and inspect downpipes as well as flue gas lines. The large 7" color screen makes it easy to quickly identify issues within the inspection area. Users can document the inspection with video or pictures with just a push of a button. This is a user-friendly and versatile inspection camera designed for a wide range of inspections.

USA Borescopes Booth 530

FlexGen’s recent launch of HybridOS v11 improves the reliability of utility-scale battery storage. This energy management system platform delivers an intelligent, clean UI/ UX and expands user’s capabilities, allowing them to better manage and extract value from their assets. A sleek and intuitive design system allows for quick access to vital information, seamless navigation, quick decision-making, and easy troubleshooting. Schedule events well into the future, set trigger conditions, and manage recurring events effortlessly. Optimize performance by regulating reactive power. Comply with grid agreements, avoid charges, and control power generation. Ensure system stability and safety with centralized control over reactive power flow at the Point of Interconnection.


Booth 2935

One-stop supply chain for wind turbines

Resolux Group prepares tailor-made deliveries, ready to be installed in all onshore and offshore wind turbines. Resolux Group builds offshore structures and supplies a large scope of quality components, including light systems, electrical kits, mechanical parts, and various kit sets. In addition, Resolux Group also offers so-called kitting solutions, bringing together multiple suppliers under one roof, making the process efficient and reducing the resource consumption of their customers. As part of the American Gexpro Services, they can supply globally, locally, with solid customer solutions for all turbine manufacturers, tower builders, nacelle, and blade providers, and wind park maintenance, both onshore and offshore.

Resolux Group

Booth 2128A

42 2024 MAY • JUNE /// LEARN MORE AT: join us at May 6-9, 2024 | Minneapolis, MN | Minneapolis Convention Center VISIT OUr Booth #1946

Renewable energy solutions

Whether you need a system for wind blade production or repairs, contact us today to learn how Mankiewicz can provide your complete coatings solutions.

RESA Power offers specialized services to support the renewable energy market and power a more sustainable future. RESA Power's NETA Certified Technicians ensure the reliability and safety of critical electrical equipment that supports renewable energy sources. They provide services and power systems solutions including but not limited to tower/inverter pad ground grid resistance testing, pad mount transformer acceptance testing, transformer oil testing, energization support and switching, power system troubleshooting, emergency transformer rentals, and more. They also offer services in testing and commissioning substation equipment to ensure it is operating safely and efficiently as well as provide substation NERC/FERC testing and reporting essential for regulatory compliance.

RESA Power

Booth 1234

OEM-approved shaft grounding solution

Helwig Carbon offers an OEMapproved shaft grounding solution for main shaft bearings. This kit utilizes a proprietary silver graphite brush to instantly ground any damaging currents, static discharges, or lightning strikes. The innovative design and ready-made bracket provide easy installation in the field. Helwig engineers and tech team provide uptower support and solutions.

Helwig Carbon Booth 3136

Location and infrastructure aimed at clean energy

More than a dozen solar power companies have established utility scale operations across the state of Louisiana as it transitions to cleaner energy. Louisiana’s location on the Gulf of Mexico and existing workforce, infrastructure, and expertise are also suited for offshore wind development. The state’s highly diversified agribusiness sector has joined the global energy supply chain by converting timber and sugarcane waste to pellets burned as renewable fuel. Legacy oil and gas companies are investing in clean energy research and exploring new ways to leverage Louisiana’s geology and infrastructure through biofuel and hydrogen energy innovation. In addition to producing cleaner energy, the state is encouraging investment to reduce existing emissions. Some of the largest carbon capture and sequestration projects in the world are slated for Louisiana.

Louisiana Economic Development

Booth 1454

Protection for wind turbine main bearings

Castrol Tribol GR SW series greases are designed for demanding performance and viscosity requirements of major OEMs. In independent performance testing, Tribol GR SW 680-1 demonstrated significant main bearing wear protection. It’s also compatible with most manufacturers, making converting easy. Tribol GR SW greases are in stock and ready to ship.

Castrol Booth 2928

Site assessment platform

Transect delivers a site assessment platform that enables renewable energy developers to discover highquality renewable energy sites in minutes. Transect aggregates an array of data sources, supporting project workflows with immediate access to valuable insights about environmental concerns, permit requirements, topography, transmission infrastructure, and more. With Transect, project developers can focus resources on prime sites, avoid costly risks, and quickly and confidently move projects forward.


Booth 3514

44 2024 MAY • JUNE /// North America: +1 (843) 654 7755 Europe: +49 (0) 40 / 75 10 30
MW_third.indd 1 10/18/2018 11:23:36 AM

Test and measurement solutions

Transcat provides fast, quality, accredited calibration services with laboratory locations across North America and true national Mobile Onsite coverage. Transcat offers a large inventory of new test and measurement equipment with new instrument calibration available to ensure immediate use.

Transcat Booth 3340 North American Clean Energy 45 • • TF: 800.342.7215 • Tel: 945.455.3050

American made dualglass modules

Easy access for repair and maintenance

Operations and maintenance services

AC for equipment shelters

PowerShingle from Nucor is a solar panel technology with an innovative water-shed design to keep everything below clean and dry. PowerShingle eliminates the need for costly sub-roofing typically required to weatherproof conventional solar systems. PowerShingle’s bifacial design gathers sunlight from both sides, providing a steady supply of clean, affordable solar energy. PowerShingle is backed by a 25-year warranty.

Nucor Corporation Booth 3456

The SKYLOTEC ACX power ascender is used, among other things, to allow technicians easy access for repair and maintenance. The ACX considerably simplifies access inside structures and makes expensive elevators, climb assist systems, or lifting platforms unnecessary. The ACX is rated to carry a person and their equipment up to 440lbs and has a speed of up to 78ft/min. Countless rescue scenarios and material handling are also possible with the ACX. The ACX can also be controlled by a second person on the ground using a remote control up to a range of 492ft.


Booth 3333

Spark Power services and supports over 6500MW of renewable energy assets across the U.S. and Canada. Their experience with over 4GW of solar assets and 1GW of BESS systems enables them to deliver a complete suite of services to maximize production and protect the ongoing value and life of projects. Their capabilities span the full range of expertise required to engineer, operate, and maintain renewable power generation assets. Their NERC compliant remote monitoring center in Dallas, TX supports 24/7 asset monitoring and technician dispatch, minimizing the downtime of the assets.

Spark Power Booth 1862

Marvair and ICE air conditioners are used to cool electronic and mechanical equipment shelters used in energy storage. Due to the high internal heat load, these shelters require cooling even when outside temperatures are 60°F (15°C) and below. Marvair and ICE air conditioners have the necessary controls and components for operation during these temperatures. Marvair and ICE air conditioners are installed on the exterior of the building, no interior space is required. Two openings in the wall allow for the conditioned (supply) air to be discharged into the building and for the indoor air to return to the air conditioner.

Marvair and ICE; Brands of AirX Climate Solutions Booth 3159

TAKKION is an independent service provider of logistics, O&M, and technical repair and remanufacturing services to the renewable energy industry. With a large network of people and assets across North America, TAKKION is positioned to support and optimize the growth and lifecycle of renewable energy. Their brands, TP&L, GSS, RENEW, and AIRWAY, work together to deliver quality, performance, and efficiency for their customers.

Booth 1946

Operation, repair, maintenance, logistics, transportation, BOP/ EPC
46 2024 MAY • JUNE /// The Patented Above-Ground Cable Management System with Integrated Grounding. Patent Protected:

Highly reliable pitch slip rings

Mersen manufactures a wide range of pitch slip rings for common onshore and off-shore wind turbine platforms. Mersen pitch slip rings integrate carbon brush, capacitive signal transmission, and fiber optic systems for high reliability, long life, and minimal maintenance requirements. Supported turbine models include GE 1.X (ESS & Non-ESS), GE 2.X, GE 3.X, GE 5.X, Gamesa 8.X, Gamesa 9.X, Senvion 2MW, Senvion 2MW CCV, Senvion 3MW, and Suzlon S88.


Booth 1628

Wind energy generation and service

Based in Neodesha, KS, Renewable Concepts provides nationwide rapid deployment technical workforce solutions to help address the changing demands of the renewable energy industry. Their service teams have worked the full spectrum of wind services projects, from initial development and planning to final turnover and project management services.

Renewable Concepts’ service lines currently include General Services, Large Correctives, Welding Services, Engineering, and Fabrication.

Renewable Concepts

Booth: 634

Wind turbine slip ring solutions

BGB provides wind turbine slip ring solutions in over 77 countries worldwide. Their offerings include, Hub and Pitch Control units for GE, Vestas, and Siemens Gamesa together with Fiber Optic Rotary Joints and other slip ring and brush holder technologies. Alongside the OEM products BGB’s O&M service and repairs offer slip ring solutions to all turbines worldwide.

BGB Technology, Inc. Booth 648

BLADEcontrol® Condition Monitoring for Wind Turbine Blades

• Extend service life of the

• Minimize unplanned downtime

• Optimize turbine efficiency and yield

• Increase revenue

North American Clean Energy 47 Higher availability, optimum efficiency and maximum profitability
BLADEcontrol® offers the benefit of early detection and monitoring of blade damage from cracks, web separation, bonding defects, pitch errors, load imbalances and weather events
Increase turbine
Learn more: Visit us at CLEANPOWER Booth 1128!

High capacity wind farm development

Under panel cable management

Radar Solutions for Wind Energy Projects

Kansas is among the top states for wind energy, with over 8200MW in operating wind farms and additional projects under advanced development. Renewable energy provides 46% of the electricity generation in Kansas. Offering significant solar potential as well, Kansas is a Top 10 state for sunny days. Their central location provides convenient access to the North American wind corridor and solar development region, offering an advantageous operating environment for developers, equipment manufacturers, logistics operations, and related service providers. The Kansas Department of Commerce is the primary point of contact to assist companies in learning about the state’s renewable energy sector and finding the ideal site for their operations.

Kansas Department of Commerce

Booth 3227

Low power backup system

A cost-effective battery solution, designed to reduce long-term operating costs of servicing 3kVA UPS systems by up to 57%. The 3kVA Lithium Battery Module is a core part of KK Wind Solutions’ low power backup system, ensuring reliable and sustainable backup for wind turbine controls. The improved lithium battery module replaces lead-acid battery modules and removes the environmental downsides of old lead-acid batteries, while increasing the operational lifetime. The battery module is form-fit-function with the KK LeadAcid Battery Module and includes cables and manuals for seamless replacement.

KK Wind Solutions

Booth 2239

CAB Solar Torque Tube Hangers are designed to quickly snap on torque tubes or fixed tilt structures. They are easy to install and simplify under panel cable management. Torque Tube Hangers are suitable for bifacial paneling. CAB Solar Products are durable, manufactured from galvanized, high-tensile strength spring steel, and coated with a thick, flame retardant, high dielectric grade, UV stabilized Plastisol. CAB Solar Products are manufactured in the USA by persons with disabilities at the Cambria County Association for the Blind and Handicapped.

CAB Solar

Booth 3114

BESS Safety

VIGILEX ENERGY protection solutions are passive products with a specific design that integrates the environmental and technical constraints of BESS. The DUAL-VENT is a double action product with NFPA 68 and 69 certification. The first action of the dualvent is gas venting, the product opens sideways when gas is detected inside a container. The second action of the dualvent is explosion evacuation, in fact this dual-vent is equipped with an explosion panel to release the overpressure.


Booth 1737

Solar tracking services

FTC Solar has teamed up with AUI Partners, a solar EPC company, to provide a comprehensive solution for the Distributed Generation market. Combining FTC’s 1p and 2p tracker technology with AUI’s full EPC services, clients can benefit from reduced construction times and increased energy yield.

FTC Solar

Booth 3248, M-3556

48 2024 MAY • JUNE ///
Bird Monitoring & Mitigation Systems (BMMS) Offices in: Florida • California • Hawaii • Canada • United Kingdom Poland • South Korea Over 800 Systems Delivered Worldwide Since 2003 Aircraft Detection Lighting Systems (ADLS) Vessel Traffic Monitoring Systems (VTMS) Wind Turbine Radar Interference Mitigation Radars (WTIM) Beyond VisualLine-of-Sight Systems (BVLOS) Meet DeTect, Inc. at Booth 1214 Cleanpower - Minneapolis

Electrification and demand flexibility

Electric Power Engineers, LLC (EPE) helps clients address complex engineering and grid modeling challenges, bridge gaps, and design and develop the grid of the future. They bring decades of experience designing, planning, and implementing demand flexibility, distributed energy resources (DERs), and transportation and building electrification programs. With comprehensive services, proprietary solutions, and deep technical and utility operations knowledge, they deliver expertise and results by treating each project as their own.

Electric Power Engineers, LLC (EPE) Booth 719

Site-optimized leading edge protection

ELLE Onshore is Polytech's newest leading edge protection (LEP) solution optimized specifically for onshore conditions. ELLE Onshore is made to last more than a decade at most onshore sites, while maximizing aerodynamics thanks to its chamfered edges and 300mm width. The three-part liner and center marking ensure easy installation both during manufacturing and on site (using basket or rope). ELLE Onshore complements Polytech’s original LEP offering, ELLE, which is installed on more than 55,000 blades worldwide and is verified by DNV.

Polytech Booth 2238

Recycling wind turbine blades

REGEN Fiber recycles end-of-life and damaged wind turbine blades as well as manufacturing scrap from new blades in a clean, mechanical process which involves no burning, heat, or chemicals. Blades get new life as fibers that strengthen and reinforce concrete and asphalt, creating a circular economy when used in energy industry construction. Their fibers offer a fully recycled alternative to traditional fibers made from virgin materials and have been shown to shorten project time, cut costs, and reduce labor.

REGEN Fiber Booth 655

All-inclusive service solution

One year ago, ZF Wind Power announced Thrive, an all-inclusive service concept that guarantees continuous availability for their partners. Thrive is enabled by digital solutions and it offers worldwide field repair, workshop services, spare parts management, partner training, and a gearbox pool. It’s a global concept, with a regional and customized approach. Thrive’s worldwide service is guaranteed by strong and experienced local service centers and regional teams.

ZF Wind Power Booth 3348

North American Clean Energy 49

Wind turbine blade repair products

Fibre Glast provides products for wind turbine blade repair that help minimize asset downtime, saving both time and money.

In stock products include Bergolin, Sika, Sunrez, Saertex, and Westlake. Fibre Glast is ISO-certified and provides certifications with every shipment, and same day shipping when ordered by 2:30pm ET.

Fibre Glast Developments Corporation, LLC

Booth 3053

Synthetic lubricant solutions

AMSOIL manufactures synthetic lubricants for all types of wind turbine, industrial gear, on-road and heavy-duty off-road applications, and sophisticated additives and filtration systems. AMSOIL products are cost-effective choices for prolonging equipment life, reducing maintenance, and increasing performance.


Booth 928

Intelligent blade condition monitoring

We know energy.

We’re “America’s Energy Corridor” for petrochemicals and LNG exports. Now, offshore wind and inland infrastructure mean Lake Charles is ideal for green energy opportunities.

Location. Experience.

The Port’s on-site facilities, turning basin, and available space on the Industrial Canal are ready for development as a world-class green energy center— from receiving components to manufacturing them.

We’re a wind energy area.

A Gulf of Mexico site south of the Port of Lake Charles is a federally designated wind energy area (WEA). With adaptations for waves and wind loading, the area can be an ideal location for wind power.

Weidmuller USA’s BLADEcontrol rotor blade monitoring system has been successfully used to increase the energy yield and monitor the structural health of wind turbines for 20 years. This intelligent solution for blade condition monitoring measures the vibration response inside the blade to detect performance and structural-related issues such as aerodynamic imbalances, trailing edge cracks, delamination or bonding defects, blade bearing damage, and blade tip damage caused by such factors as lightning strikes or ice accumulation. Additionally, wind park managers can unlock turbine insights using BLADEcontrol’s web-based visualization and analysis suite, WebVis. The overview dashboard on WebVis highlights single turbine and fleetwide diagnostics to help identify anomalous behavior, minimize unplanned downtime and maximize productivity. The advantages of BLADEcontrol with WebVis include increased turbine availability, extended service life of the rotor blades, reduced downtime, ability to plan repairs, optimum turbine efficiency, optimized operation and extended service life, and measurable increase in revenue.


Booth 1128

The Port of Lake Charles is the No. 12 deepwater port in the United States, offering ship channel access and extensive inland infrastructure. LAKE CHARLES, LA, USA
50 2024 MAY • JUNE ///
Electric Vehicle Charging Planned maintenance, dedicated asset monitoring, and round-the-clock support.
We are exhibiting at CLEANPOWER 2024 in Minneapolis, MN from May 6-9! Visit us Booth #1862

Fully integrated, scalable AC-coupled energy storage system

JinkoSolar’s EAGLE CS is a fully integrated, scalable, turnkey ACcoupled energy storage system for C&I and utility. The EAGLE CS utilizes Li-Ion LFP battery technology that comes with a BMS, liquid or air cooling, fire suppression, and available off-gas detection. With sizes ranging from 344kWh modular racks to 3440kWh in a 20ft container, the BESS is paired with PCS’s all backed by JinkoSolar as a single point of contact for contracting, delivery, and service.

JinkoSolar (U.S.) Inc.

Booth 2607

Wind and solar resource management

NRG Systems provides wind and solar resource measurement and intelligence. Their hardware, software, and related services empower developers to make informed decisions and improve efficiency at all stages of project development. The company’s offerings include turnkey solutions for accurate and reliable preand post-construction resource measurement of utility-scale wind and solar projects, the NRG Bat Deterrent System for effectively reducing bat fatalities at wind turbines while maintaining clean energy production, and NRG Cloud, a user-friendly data management platform for retrieving, storing, sharing, and checking the accuracy of data generated by NRG solutions.

NRG Systems

Booth 1140

Washers and tensioners for the wind industry

HEICO-LOCK Wedge Lock Washers and HEICO-TEC mechanical tensioners are used throughout the wind energy category. HEICO’s wedge lock washers ensure bolts maintain proper tension against intense loosening influences. The HEICO-TEC tensioning system is used for securing larger bolts and are safe, fast, and suitable for tight spaces. Additionally, HEICO-TEC tensioners improve bolt elasticity, lowering the impacts of dynamic stress, and contribute to the lifespan of any wind application.

HEICO Fastening Systems

Booth 1740

Safety, control, and comfort

Power Climber Wind designs and manufactures reliable Turbine Service Lifts, improving technician safety, productivity, and retention. With fully-integrated engineering and manufacturing teams, combined with global service, support, and spare parts, Power Climber Wind makes it easy to do business. Custom-engineered solutions, on-site training and support, and installation services are also available. For more than 25 years, Power Climber Wind has been providing safety and productivity through engineering, manufacturing, and service.

Power Climber Wind

Booth 1619



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North American Clean Energy 51
SKYLOTEC North America LP - email: - (303)544-2120

Project Developers & EPC

Building a large scale renewable energy facility can be a daunting task, so finding the right team to provide all the necessary tools to complete the project is imperative. From planning, engineering, logistics, construction, to testing and commissioning, these companies can provide everything you need to get your renewable energy project up and running successfully.

Pfister Energy, Inc.

Industries served: Solar, energy storage

Regions served: USA (NJ, NY, PA, CT, MD, Northeast Coast)

Primary service: Solar EPC, Project Management, Project Development

MW installed: 700MW

Certifications/Associations: SEIA, US

Green Build Council, NABCEP-certified, MSEIA, American Solar Energy Society

Additional services offered:

• Project financing;

• Energy efficiency.

Canandaigua Solar Array Location: Canandaigua, NY Size: 4.1MW

John Hopkins University Location: Baltimore, MD Size: 2.0MW Pep Boys Location: Chester, NY Size: 2.5MW

Brent Scarbrough & Co

Industries served: Energy storage

Regions served: Southeast

Primary service: Full turnkey heavy civil site contractor

Additional services offered:

• Clearing and grubbing;

• Earthwork and sediment basin contractor;

• Road and drainage construction.


Industries served: Solar Regions served: USA, Canada

Primary service: EPC Services Operations and Management

MW installed: 250MW

Certifications/Associations: CanRea, Solar Alberta, CGCIC, SEIA, NYSEIA, Solar Nova Scotia

Burns & McDonnell

Industries served: Solar, wind, energy storage

Regions served: USA, Canada

Primary service: Integrated EPC selfperform construction interconnection support

MW installed: 15GW solar design, development, and construction. 3GWh BESS construction

Rosendin Electric

Industries served: Solar, wind, energy storage

Regions served: USA

Primary service: Solar: turnkey EPC provider; Wind: subcontractor for substation, collection, and T-Line; BESS: general contractor

MW installed: 6.2+GW


solar, 27+GW wind, 4+GW BESS
CALSSA, EEI, SEIA 52 2024 MAY • JUNE ///
Featured Projects: Spotsylvania Location: Size: 625MW Water Strider Solar Location: Size: 80MW Skip Jack Solar Location: Size: 225 MW Featured Projects:

Tropenas Company

Industries served: Solar, wind, energy storage

Regions served: USA

Primary service: Electrical and civil engineering utility-scale solar and storage substation design

MW installed: 5393MW

Five-S Group

Industries served: Solar

Regions served: USA

Primary service: Turnkey site civil construction, underground civil, storm water drainage, pilings installation

Certifications/Associations: ABC, AGC, ASA, TACA, SAME Association Member

RP Construction Services (RPCS)

Industries served: Solar

Regions served: USA, Canada

Qcells USA Corp.

Industries served: Solar

Regions served: USA

Primary service: EPC, development, module sales

MW installed: 1700MW

Certifications/Associations: SEIA

Blattner Company

Industries served: Solar, wind, energy storage

Regions served: USA

Pivot Energy

Industries served: Solar

Regions served: USA

Primary service: Commercial solar, utilityscale solar, carport systems

Certifications/Associations: Certified B-Corp

Clean Energy Associates

Industries served: Solar, energy storage, green hydrogen

Regions served: Global

Primary service: Design/structural engineering, supply/procurement, mechanical installation

MW installed: 4767MW

Certifications/Associations: SEIA Member, ASES Member

Michels Corporation

Industries served: Solar, wind, energy storage

Regions served: USA, Canada

Primoris Renewable Energy

Industries served: Solar, energy storage

Regions served: USA

Primary service: EPC

MW installed: 4637MW

Certifications/Associations: SEIA, COSSA

CJR Renewables

Industries served: Solar, wind, energy storage

Regions served: USA

Primary service: Utility-scale engineering, procurement, and construction

MW installed: 64,360MW

Primary service: End-to-end designbuild solutions for solar, wind, and battery energy storage systems (BESS); trenchless offshore, landfall and onshore construction; EPC power transmission, distribution, and substation construction services.

Primary service: Quality assurance, site inspections, supply chain consulting

Primary service: EPC, BoS, BoP

North American Clean Energy 53

Location: Santa Barbara County, CA Size: 95MW, 26 turbines

Rafter J Industries, LLC

Industries served: Solar, wind, heavy highway, oil & gas

Regions served: USA

Primary service: Civil construction, land clearing, grading, excavation

Additional services offered:

• Equipment rentals;

• Heavy haul trucking;

• Concrete.

Solar Location: Macon County, GA Size: 100MW, 360acres

Amadeus Wind Location: Fisher County, TX Size: 250MW, 96 turbines

The Wesson Group, LLC

Industries served: Solar, wind, repower, decommissioning

Regions served: Northeast USA

Primary service: EPC, BOP, BOS renewable energy construction services, preconstruction

MW installed: >2200MW

Certifications/Associations: AGC, SEIA, ISN, American Clean Power

Additional services offered:

• Article 94C permit approval support;

• Project development budgeting and scheduling support;

• Project success

Aegis Renewable Energy

Industries served: Solar, energy storage

Regions served: Northern USA

Primary service: Full commercial and utility scale solar and energy storage; EPC services; O&M services

MW installed: 42MW

Stronghold Engineering, Inc.

Industries served: Solar, energy storage

Regions served: USA

Primary service: Project management, installation, operations and maintenance

Certifications/Associations: MBE, WBE

Ipsun Solar

Industries served: Solar, energy storage

Regions served: Virginia, Maryland, Washington D.C.

Primary service: Full EPC, all in-house for residential, C&I, storage MW installed: 6.42MW

Certifications/Associations: NABCEP, SEIA, MDV-SEIA

T&M Associates

Industries served: Solar, wind, energy storage, demand response, EV charging, microgrid, IOU’s, energy conservation

Regions served: USA

Primary service: Environmental permitting services, professional engineering, incentive coordination for energy related programs

MW installed: 1000MW

Certifications/Associations: Licensed to provide professional engineering services in most of US

54 2024 MAY • JUNE ///
Location: New York
Featured Projects: Location:
York Size: 122MW
York Size: 106MW Utility-scale solar
Featured Projects: Strauss Wind Stagecoach

PV in the Age of Climate Readiness

The new frontier of solar adaptability requires the right groundmount systems for today’s extreme weather and terrain.

Climate readiness is the new normal in utility-scale PV. EPCs, developers, and asset owners facing complex projects must assess ground-mount solutions designed specifically for the harshest weather. More than performance in heavy snow, deep freeze, and high winds, climate readiness requires intelligent systems to keep solar assets safe during weather events while generating peak production all year.

But it's not just weather challenges. Today’s PV systems must go on less-than-ideal sites, with steep or uneven terrain and unforgiving soils. Many may ask how to guarantee foundation reliability on such sites, and ensure seamless connections with racking and tracking systems. Also, how do EPCs and developers contain installation risks while optimizing long-term O&M? Overcoming these challenges shapes the future of climate readiness for utility-scale PV.

Whether it's a system on a Caribbean reef, a hilly and rocky site in the Northeast, or a single-axis tracker (SAT) system in high winds, racking solutions that push innovation’s boundaries offer unique advantages.

Making solar possible in paradise

The 4-MW solar and 10-MWH storage microgrid on the idyllic Bahamian island of Chub Cay required strategic planning and creative solutions. Caribbean businesses struggle with exorbitant electricity prices, poor reliability, and polluting diesel-powered generators. Because solar costs less than half of conventional power, a private resort on Chub Cay chose to install a self-sustaining solar microgrid with battery storage.

Above ground, the corrosive marine environment and expected hurricane wind speeds required specialized foundation and racking systems capable of withstanding extreme conditions. The situation was equally unfriendly underground, where coral and solid limestone soils made traditional pile foundations impossible. Ground-mount foundations required 5,700 pounds of tension capacity, which meant that ground screws were the only viable option to penetrate the island’s solid oolite limestone. A screw with a custom spiral thread allowed a lower embedment depth for a faster and more costeffective installation. The alternative (driven piles in costly concrete foundations) simply wouldn’t work, either structurally or financially.

Managing risk also was a key consideration. Ground screw foundations eliminate refusal risk. Using a fixed racking system that could integrate seamlessly with the ground screw foundations was an important requirement. The high-strength steel, low-tilt racks offered a customized system able to tolerate hurricane-force winds up to 185 mph and gusts up to 210 mph, with a specialized module frame mounting for extra durability.

Despite being the largest solar plant in The Bahamas and one of the largest grid-forming systems, the microgrid was built and commissioned without delays in eight months.

Contouring the steepest slopes

When a community solar project needed a tracking system for a 6.5-MW project on a mountainous site in Maine, it involved considering varying elements of risk. With a state average snowfall of 50 to 80 inches, weather was a key influencer in selecting and designing a solar tracking system.

Rocky and frost-susceptible soil made ground screws the only viable foundation option, eliminating refusal risks and ensuring against frost heave despite the 50-inch frost depths.

Precipitous slopes throughout the rocky landscape presented another challenge altogether. A highly flexible SAT conformed to the undulating terrain with a leading 20 percent grade tolerance. Using project feasibility software helped optimize the SAT to generate 4.3 percent more energy than an alternative tracker with a 15 percent slope tolerance, and 4.7 percent more than a 10 percent slope-tolerant system. Because of this field adjustability, site grading costs were substantially reduced while maximizing the land’s higher yield potential. The result was a 7.1MW capacity potential without grading; the other options offered 5.9 MWs (15 percent SAT) and 4.6 MWs (10 percent SAT) without grading.

There are a few ground-screw-adapted SATs on the market. When assessing options, developers should consider the interface between the tracker and the foundation. An adaptable A-frame structure and telescoping screw extensions deliver bestin-class vertical adjustability of up to 36 inches to overcome undulating topography, significantly reducing grading requirements.

Weathering extreme wind with a 1P SAT

A 3-MW community solar project in Illinois chose a new 1P tracker for its value-engineered, windresilient design and ease of installation. Proprietary engineering tools were used to determine site-specific wind and snow loads, ensuring an optimized system. Through its resilient design, the 1P was deployed to withstand the 105-mph wind load in Illinois. Over 10,000 wind coefficient values were processed alongside an average of 63 different load combinations. This allowed engineers to accurately calculate the peak load combinations across the site based on terrain, topography, and location. With real-time feedback, this automated process helped

56 2024 MAY • JUNE ///

To achieve aerodynamic stability, the engineering team spent more than 700 hours conducting wind tunnel testing with a leading third-party testing laboratory, optimizing the balance of wing length, stiffness, and damping. This analysis determined the best stow strategy for the 1P system: a zerodegree angle to reduce static and dynamic wind forces, with dampers to ensure aeroelastic stability.

Ensuring tracker performance with advanced real-time software

For asset owners requiring the highest level of performance from their tracker systems, intelligent software can increase energy yield, protect assets in inclement weather, and minimize downtime.

Look for systems that maneuver each tracker row to limit shading, maintaining optimum exposure and production to maximize project efficiency and value. Systems that include a weather station, network controller, and one row box per tracker row work together to provide real-time performance data.

Bringing it all together with one integrated partner

When dealing with tough weather during construction, or simply integrating fixed-tilt or SAT systems with different foundations, it’s best for the manufacturer to also lead the mechanical installation.

A 61-MW data center campus project in the Nevada desert near Reno illustrates this point. After previous efforts failed to drive a pile system into the site’s rocky terrain, it took employing and integrated a survey, design and engineering, manufacturing, and complete mechanical installation offering to finally expedite the project’s construction schedule. In the end, three rock-drill machines secured ground screws, assembled and positioned the legs, and installed the fixed-tilt racking system quickly and efficiently.

Ameer Abuhamdeh is an Innovation Engineer of product development for Terrasmart. Ameer’s unique ability to integrate his creativity and analytical skills, paired with hundreds of hours spent in wind tunnel and product testing, have produced innovative solutions for Terrasmart’s ground mount systems team.

Ameer has a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Cincinnati. His education, experience, and collaborative approach has showcased his passion in wanting to create a more sustainable future for all.

Terrasmart ///

North American Clean Energy 57 407 Hand Bendable Solar Snake Tray® Roof Top, Ground Mount and Car Park Installations 801 Solar Mega Snake® Ground Mount, Brown Field and Roof Top Installations Snake-Loc String and Feeder Cable Hanger Messenger Wire Installations
Solar Snake Max XL™ - Utility Ground Mount, Battery Storage and EV Installations YEARS 28 |Made in the USA Snake Tray® products are covered by one or more of the following patents:#5839702, #5953870, #6019323, #6347493, #6361000, #6449912, #6460812, #6463704, #6637165, #6637704, #6926236, #7168212, #7959019, #8622679, #8783628, #8985530, #8985530 B2, #9074707, #10225947, #10225947 B2, #10666029, #10666029 B2, #10944355 B2, #11271519 B2, #20180313469 A1, #20180317336 A1, #20190229507, #2020030461, #20200403390, #20210126445 A1, #20210194419 A1, #20210336430 A1, #20220112969, #20220221174. Foreign Patents: Australia #737813, #748160, #749488, #776643, #776644. Canada #2251732, #2319624, #2303081, #2396792. Japan #3723224. Mexico #204995, #229386, #220889. Europe #1012938, #1012937. Other Patents Pending. CALL 800-308-6788 TO DISCUSS YOUR NEXT PROJECT LET THE PHYSICS OF SOLAR SNAKE MAX XL™ HELP YOU HARNESS MORE ENERGY AND MONEY FROM THE SUN! Maintains NEC 310.15 code compliant cable separation which can yield up to 30-watt hours per meter more energy than bundled or trenched cables. No trenching or derating of cables. Accommodates cables ranging from 350 - 1250 Kcmil. c ean-energy-may-jun-2024-magazine-ad indd 1 clean-energy-may-jun-2024-magazine-ad.indd 1 4/4/2024 3:06:41 PM PM
Cable Management for Solar

After the Storm

A plan to minimize damage and speed solar restoration

2023 set a new record for the number of weather disasters surpassing $1 Billion in damage. Utility-scale solar will face increasing vulnerabilities as the industry grows amid continued catastrophic events. Owners and asset managers can minimize risks from two directions: a strategic plan to prevent losses, and an effective approach to speeding recovery.

• Evaluate Alternatives

Owners and investors are often shocked at the cost of restoring damaged solar plants, including the capital cost of restoration and lost revenue from downtime. Outdated and hard-to-find replacement equipment, racking redesign, and reconfiguration due to evolving changes in form factor and electrical characteristics of PV panels, the degree of experience and/or availability in the workforce, and long lead times — all of these contribute to protracted and costly restoration timelines. Planning ahead becomes even more critical as insurance companies assess their own exposure in light of weather disasters that lead to skyrocketing premiums and reduced coverage. The result? A greater burden of risk is falling on asset owners.

Proactive planning – an underutilized tool

Globally, for every $100 spent on weather disaster recovery aid in 2010-2018, as little as $0.47 was allocated to mitigating disaster risk . Switching the focus from after-the-fact rebuilding to proactive prevention can protect against unnecessary lost

Key to any recovery plan is a threshold for determining when a PV module is broken and should be replaced. While it seems like a simple evaluation, there are complexities involved; modules may not indicate obvious or damage visible to the naked eye. A preventative framework should include tests to determine and measure module efficacy. Recovery planning must also factor in the availability of replacement panels. Older plants may have obsolete modules that are no longer available in the market, with limited options to match the form factor of the current products. This impacts the design of the tracker system used, along with other potential issues that cause a wide range of challenges and delays during the recovery process.

• Select Solutions

Choosing final strategies entails agreements among


Weathering the Terrible Twos

How wind combined with hail or overcast gang up on solar trackers

If someone someday writes a history of the solar tracker industry, the author will surely tell of creativity and hard work by thousands of engineers and scientists, over many years, to make trackers more impervious to extreme weather, while also pushing cost down and energy production up.

It’s fun and gratifying to be part of that team – an international collective who have mostly never met each other.

(And I’ve always taken pride when telling my kids about my work!)

The weather aspect of this story is complicated – developing hardware and software to enable trackers to withstand extreme conditions including wind, overcast, cold, snow, and hail. But what’s really complicated is two or more weather events happening at the same time.

And when you put large numbers of trackers – up to 10,000 or more at a single site – into operation for 30 or 40 years or longer, it’s inevitable that whatever can happen, will happen. This complicates both the structural design and the functionality requirements (the software) immensely.

The objective is to protect both the trackers, and whichever modules are chosen by the system designers, 24/7/365, under any combination of weather conditions reasonably likely for the 30 to 40-year life of the solar power plant.

For example, you may reasonably expect wind and hail. Wind alone is a complex matter. Steady wind poses one kind of risk, wind gusts another, and changes in wind direction require more intelligence from the tracker control system. Some trackers are prone to “galloping” – periodic twisting of the tracker in response to gusts – and require solutions to minimize that risk. Most tracker control systems deal with wind by going to a wind stow position when the steady wind exceeds a given speed, or if three-second gusts exceed a higher threshold. The best wind stow position may change depending on conditions such as the direction of the wind. It is also common for a tracker’s range of motion – such as 120 degrees, from 60 degrees east of horizontal to 60 degrees west of horizontal – to be reduced gradually as the wind rises toward that steady wind threshold. The challenge is even more complicated when wind is combined with another weather event, such as snow or hail.

Hail in particular poses a challenge, since minimizing wind risk generally means facing the modules into the wind, while hail risk is minimized by facing the modules away from the wind. Tracker angles chosen to minimize risk of damage in high winds vary from 0 degrees – that is, horizontal – to 30 degrees. Both modules and trackers are strongest when the front of each module is facing into the wind, so ultrasonic anemometers have a big advantage as they report not only wind speed but also wind direction.

In the event of large hailstones in low wind, the hail stones tend to fall nearly vertical. Small hailstones in high wind will fall up to 30 degrees from vertical. In other words, tracker angles which minimize wind risk put the modules nearly perpendicular to the trajectory of the hailstones, and more-or-less maximize hail risk. Similarly, the angle which minimizes hail risk – modules at high tilt and facing away from the wind – maximizes wind risk.

When both hail and high winds occur at the same time – which is common in much of the continental US – sophisticated methods are needed to minimize the total risk.

Short-term wind and hail forecasts, along with local real-time wind speed and direction data, can enable effective risk mitigation strategies. If a tracker control system gets the data it needs from those wind and hail forecasts, and gets that information at the right time (typically 15 to 30 minutes in advance of the hail), and if the control system has software which takes into account weather data and the capabilities of the tracker (including range of motion and motor speed), then both wind risk and hail risk can be minimized — generally without additional hardware cost.

Some market reports indicate that Texas was the biggest solar state in 2023, and likely to be the biggest again this year. Texas gets more hail than almost any other state. So, a focus on wind and hail is timely and will help owner/operators to get insurance at lower cost.

60 2024 MAY • JUNE /// THE RACK THAT’S READY WHEN MOTHER NATURE ATTACKS SNAP, SLIDE & SECURE ® SNAP, SLIDE & SECURE ® ® ® SNAP, SLIDE & SECURE by Pre-assembled components make assembly a snap! Adapts to work on a variety of roofs 860-773-4150
Figure 1: Wind risk is lower on the left tracker, but hail risk is lower on the right tracker.

This wind/hail risk mitigation strategy is an emerging and value-adding feature of advanced tracker control systems.

Another odd couple is wind and overcast.

In overcast conditions (not passing clouds) energy production can be improved by not tracking the sun. Irradiance in these circumstances comes not from a single part of the sky (the sun) but from a diffuse cloud layer.

Tracking the sun does not increase production. In fact, it can even reduce production, because at angles far from horizontal, the modules are not exposed to the whole sky. Highest energy production in overcast conditions comes from exposing each module to the whole sky, even as gray as it is. In this case, production can be increased by putting the modules at an angle nearly horizontal.

But some trackers – and some modules – can be at risk at tilts near to horizontal; some trackers experience “flutter” at such low tilt angles, even at low wind speeds. The need to avoid very low angles for an extended period of time may require software to maximize production while keeping the modules at a slightly higher angle (but still close to horizontal) and then return to tracking as soon as there is visible sun.

Someday, somebody ought to write another chapter in the solar tracker history. (But no matter how good it is, I probably won’t be able to get my kids to read it.)

Simple. Solid. Sustainable.

• Specified for use with leading pipe and pile-based racking and tracker systems

The design of the tracker structure can make these challenges easier by reducing or eliminating some of the problem modes. For example, a tracker structure may not be vulnerable to flutter or galloping due to correct balancing of factors such as friction and torsional strength.

• Specified for use with leading pipe and pile-based racking and tracker systems

• First building code certified screw foundation system in the U.S.

• First building code certified screw foundation system in the U.S.

• Year-round installation

The more failure modes a structure has, the more sophistication is required in the software, and the more risks there are when some unlikely combination of weather states occurs. Note that the complexity added by the risk of two or more weather conditions occurring at the same time imposes added testing requirements –everything that could pose a problem must be checked!

• Year-round installation

• No concrete & no excavation

• No concrete & no excavation

• Environmentally conscious

• Environmentally conscious

• Immediately loadable

• Immediately loadable

• Cost effective

• Cost effective

Utility scale customers increasingly expect trackers to be proof against even those unlikely series of events that fall within a location’s climate profiles. Fortunately, tracker suppliers are stepping up to meet that expectation.

Matt Kesler is Director of Solar Technology at OMCO Solar. Built on 8 decades of steel manufacturing, OMCO Solar has delivered 10.5 GW of factory-direct, high-quality solar mounting structures nationwide. OMCO Solar /// Figure 2: Overcast conditions mean highest production at horizontal tilt, posing wind risks for some trackers. Visit
Simple. Solid. Sustainable.
us at RE+ Texas Booth 213

power distribution centers, and data center interconnection.

Prefabricated buildings are typically engineered based on customer specifications, state regulatory codes, and requirements, and are engineered to mitigate risk from environmental factors and extreme weather conditions. Here are 10 factors companies must consider when designing a prefabricated substation control building.

1. Location: Control buildings should be situated close to the substation equipment, and in an area that is safe and accessible for all personnel. The location should also consider any zoning or land-use regulations that may apply, as well as the location’s geography. If the final site location is a coastal or dusty environment, building manufacturers can apply a special protection package to the exterior wall and roof sheeting to mitigate the effects of harsh climate conditions while protecting the building and extending its use.

2. Environmental considerations: The control building should be designed to withstand local weather conditions, including wind, snow, rain, seismic, and temperature extremes. Manufacturers utilize high-grade steel in the construction of prefabricated buildings to

Designing Substation Control Buildings for Rough Conditions

enhance structural integrity. Steel is durable, long-lasting, entirely recyclable, and makes for a costeffective solution. It can also be modified easily, paving the way for even greener infrastructure. Control buildings contain sensitive equipment and data, so security considerations must remain a priority when designing a control building. This may include access control systems, surveillance systems, and other security measures to prevent unauthorized access. Some building manufacturers offer additional security shielding for ballistics, electromagnetic pulse (EMP), and fire resistance.

4. Size: The size of the control building should reflect the size of the substation and the amount of control and electrical equipment that needs to be protected. It should be large enough to accommodate all necessary equipment and provide adequate space for personnel to comfortably move around and complete tasks. The size of the building should also comply with the National Electrical Code requirements for clearance and egress. Consult your local jurisdiction for more information.

5. Electrical and mechanical requirements: The control building should be designed to provide adequate electrical and mechanical systems to support the substation equipment. This may include power and lighting systems, HVAC systems, fire suppression systems, and customer provided equipment such as relay racks, control and monitoring equipment, or switchgear. HVAC systems are sized to the interior and exterior environment of each building — calculations are completed based on the building dimensions, interior equipment installed, and the final geographic location.

6. Proper insulation and sealing: Ensure buildings are well-insulated and sealed to prevent water infiltration, air leakage, and heat loss during extreme weather events. This helps maintain comfortable interior conditions and prevents damage to the building envelope. A standard 2:12 roof pitch, for example, allows for adequate water run-off and snow shedding when compared to flat or minimally sloped roof designs.

7. Maintenance: Prefabricated buildings can be designed with an exterior or interior steel sheeting that includes a maintenance-free Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) resin coating. Spraying or dip coating this thin layer of PVDF material to the sheeting’s surface provides protection against environmental factors such as UV radiation, moisture, and corrosive chemicals. PVDF coating enhances the durability of the metal sheeting contributing to the overall structural integrity of the building.

8. Future expansion: The control building should be designed to allow for future expansion as the substation grows and new equipment is added. This is especially important as new solar fields come online and connect to the grid.

9. Regulatory requirements: Before design can begin, make sure to research all regulatory requirements that apply to the design and construction of the control building. Requirements include compliance with local building codes, national safety standards, and environmental regulations. Upon completion, all control buildings should receive professionally engineered and stamped structural drawings and calculations.

10. Adopt green building practices: Incorporate sustainable design principles into building projects, where applicable, to mitigate the long-term impacts of climate change and extreme weather events. This includes utilizing energy-efficient materials, renewable energy sources, and green infrastructure solutions.

The design of a prefabricated substation control building involves careful consideration of factors such as location, environmental conditions, security, size, and regulatory requirements. Manufacturers that utilize high-grade steel and advanced engineering techniques can ensure structural integrity and resilience to extreme weather events. Implementing proper insulation, maintenance practices, and green building principles can further enhance the durability and sustainability of these essential infrastructure components.

United States power industry.

Trachte ///

Laura Longston is the Marketing Coordinator at Trachte, which engineers and manufactures customized control buildings for the
62 2024 MAY • JUNE ///

Water Scarcity May Hinder Global Solar

With the energy transition now officially in the fast lane, solar energy will soon represent the backbone of the global energy system. Already, solar is on track to make up more than half of global electricity generation by 2050, with more than 510 GW added in 2023 alone. This surging demand is rapidly transforming economies, underpinned by the growing need for robust manufacturing capacity.

manufacturers to massively cut down on uptake and treatment waste while reducing climate liability.

As the race to build domestic supply chains heats up, manufacturers everywhere are facing a new challenge: the need to efficiently manage and conserve water to protect local communities and the environment. It’s an issue that hasn’t attracted significant mainstream concern — yet — but as water-intensive photovoltaic (PV) manufacturing continues ramping up and countries become increasingly prone to climate-fueled droughts, water scarcity could pose a real threat to production.

The good news is that manufacturers have the chance to proactively mitigate concerns by implementing up- and downstream water management processes and technologies, which are now broadly available and highly cost-effective, providing a means of reaching sustainability targets.

Manufacturing fever goes global

Few industries can claim a success story like solar PV, with annual manufacturing capacity expected to hit more than 1,000 GW in 2024 — an unprecedented boom in just a few years. For now, the overwhelming majority of solar manufacturing occurs in China, including over 80 percent of all polysilicon, wafer, cell, and module development. Other countries, however, are quickly ramping up their own industries, eager to ensure economic competitiveness and shore up their domestic supply chains

Regions all across the world, including Europe, North America, South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, have begun prioritizing PV supply chain diversification, with many passing legislation to stimulate domestic growth. One report even found that a few countries have reached cost parity with Chinese solar manufacturers, showcasing how quickly the global market is diversifying. At the same time, 2023 was just named the hottest year on record, putting growing pressure on the world’s freshwater supply at a time when manufacturers are looking to accelerate their operations and increase their water uptake.

While some countries will face more severe droughts and water shortages due to climatic differences, all will face a level of disruption. Rising temperatures, paired with increased manufacturing activity and growing populations, is a recipe for water scarcity. And since industrial use is deprioritized when freshwater is hard to come by, this will inevitably lead to expensive shutdowns for solar manufacturers bound by inefficient water uptake and treatment processes.

Ultrapure water, for instance, is essential for cleaning and etching PV systems (which enhances solar cell efficiency), but this generates substantial wastewater volumes in the form of reverse-osmosis reject and ion exchange regeneration brines. Simultaneously, the manufacturing process of solar PV electrical contacts and wiring requires the use of metals, with aluminum, copper, and silver being particularly important. To eliminate impurities during processing, cleaning solvents like nitric or hydrochloric acid are employed. The resulting wastewaters are highly acidic and contain residues that demand treatment. Having the right equipment and systems in place to do so effectively can make a world of difference in manufacturers’ ability to navigate water restrictions.

Impetus for water conservation

Manufacturing commercially available solar PV, regardless of brand or panel efficiency, requires significant water volumes; it’s used for etching, cleaning, and cooling, among other purposes. Solar manufacturers also have wastewater discharges that need to be carefully managed and reduced (another waterintensive process) to comply with stringent regulatory requirements and prevent environmental contamination. Water recovery for secondary and tertiary usage is, therefore, critical to enable

Fighting climate change is at the heart of what the solar sector does, but it’s critical that manufacturers and other stakeholders not lose sight of other challenges. As one of the basic necessities for life on Earth, freshwater demands careful management, especially by heavy industrial users. Maximizing water conservation and reducing necessary discharges will ultimately benefit solar manufacturers, allowing them to get ahead of impending regulations, and ensure reliable production that can meet the demands of today’s ambitious developers. The time is now for the solar sector to embrace water conservation.

Prakash Govindan is Co-Founder and Chief Operating Office of Gradiant, which helps customers minimize their water footprint by reducing water consumption, reclaiming valuable resources, and renewing wastewater so it can be returned to nature.

Gradiant ///
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Navigating Sensitive Environments for Solar Construction

he global shift towards clean energy — exemplified by the widespread adoption of solar power — is not only a beacon of hope for a sustainable future, but also comes with heightened expectations for responsible project execution. From the initial planning stages to the completion of every solar construction site, a commitment to environmental stewardship is essential. This commitment becomes even more crucial when dealing with particularly sensitive environments which require special measures to minimize ecological impact. Understanding these environments and proactively addressing the potential challenges they pose are critical components of successful solar construction planning and execution.

Sensitive environments impacting solar construction

Solar construction companies find themselves at the forefront of environmental responsibility, especially in areas with heightened ecological sensitivity. Several environmental challenges may arise when

In the pursuit of solar energy, companies may encounter the need to protect endangered species or delicate ecosystems. Mitigation measures could include refraining from using certain herbicides, relocating plants or animals, avoiding specific areas, suspending operations during critical seasons, and implementing various protective measures. This stresses the delicate balance required to harmonize solar development with existing ecosystems.

National and regional regulations impose minimum requirements for environmental protection, with a special emphasis on sensitive areas like wetlands. Additional regulations may vary based on the type of land and ownership status. Solar installations on public lands come with their own set of guidelines and restrictions, adding an extra layer of complexity to

Altering the ecosystem

Large-scale solar installations bring about both visual changes and significant environmental transformations. The introduction of shade, redirection of water flow, and other alterations can impact local growing conditions. If the construction access route involves traversing wetlands, pastures, or farmland, the responsibility for full restoration post-project completion may fall on the solar construction company. However, with foresight and careful planning, the impact can be mitigated.

Solar installations have the potential to disrupt both habitats and migration corridors through the installation of fencing or other structures. Such disruptions can have longlasting effects on plant and animal populations by interfering with mating processes or the transportation of seeds. Balancing the needs of solar construction with the preservation of these critical corridors is a delicate task that requires strategic planning.

Effective strategies for navigating sensitive environments

Fortunately, there are practical and effective strategies to mitigate the challenges associated with solar construction in particularly sensitive environments. These strategies go beyond mere compliance with regulations, and embody a proactive commitment to environmental preservation.

Preserve biodiversity

Local ecosystems, often unnoticed by the naked eye, play a crucial role in supporting countless native species. Understanding and protecting these ecosystems are essential for a thriving environment. Measures such as preventing the transfer of invasive species and planting pollinator-friendly native species can help mitigate disruption and contribute to a healthier ecosystem.

Maintain wildlife habitats

Implementing wildlife-friendly fencing, thoughtfully positioning solar panels, and considering migration corridors during installation are key tactics to minimize disruption. Preserving as much existing vegetation as possible and restoring any

66 2024 MAY • JUNE /// 717-609-1102 | Wholesale Pricing, Retail Accessibility – Your Gateway to Savings. Solar Combiners, Disconnects, Panels, Racking & More MFG360Solar_2024 Solar Buyers Guide Ad_7.5x3.25.indd 1 12/1/2023 1:11:39 PM

disrupted areas with native species not only safeguards wildlife habitats, but also fosters long-term sustainability.

Protect water quality

The implementation of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is crucial to defining and implementing measures for reducing erosion and runoff. Strategies such as fencing, drainage systems, bales, and other tactics help keep waterways clean. Recognizing that the SWPPP is a living document that must be regularly updated ensures ongoing protection of water quality.

Collaborate with experienced site access providers

Engaging companies with extensive experience in managing clearing requirements and executing largescale civil construction is necessary for successful utility-scale solar projects. While many providers may claim that they are able to handle a project due to their possession of construction equipment, the unique challenges of solar sites require specialized knowledge. A qualified site access partner with experience in navigating solar construction in sensitive environments can bring a strategy that minimizes impact and complies with regulatory requirements.

Collaborating with experienced site access providers not only ensures the work is done right the first time, but also reduces the likelihood of incurring penalties or fines. Such a partner will bring extensive experience from various large-scale utility projects, having encountered and effectively addressed a diverse range of challenges. With a trustworthy site access partner, navigating regulatory requirements becomes seamless, assuring collaboration with qualified crews that can handle common scenarios. The production of clean energy through solar power is not just about harnessing the sun's rays, it’s also about treading lightly on the Earth.

Sustainable solar construction demands a comprehensive understanding of the environments in which projects exist, as well as providing a commitment to proactive measures that go beyond

regulatory compliance. By implementing effective strategies to preserve biodiversity, maintain wildlife habitats, and protect water quality, and collaborating with experienced site access providers, the solar industry can contribute significantly to a greener and cleaner future. Each solar construction project becomes an opportunity to demonstrate that responsible environmental stewardship can coexist with the quest for clean energy, ensuring a harmonious balance between human progress and ecological preservation.

Mike Choi is Vice President of Renewables at BLUROC, which makes sure construction projects can access tough, inhospitable terrain.


Shining a Spotlight on Solar Panel Manufacturing

Since the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act nearly two years ago, U.S. solar panel makers navigate a promising market amid production, legal, and investment considerations

Nearly two years after U.S. President Joe Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law, it is time to take stock of the scope of the major climate and energy initiative and its provisions for solar panel manufacturers in the United States.

The White House is being bullish on the new law, saying “Outside groups estimate the Inflation Reduction Act’s clean energy and climate provisions have created more than 170,000 clean energy jobs already, companies have announced over $110 billion in clean energy manufacturing investments in the last year alone.”

But it is also important to dig deeper and address some of the questions and issues surrounding solar panel production.

the IRA — such as tax credits — are benefiting U.S solar panel manufacturers, and offer a glimpse into the next phase of solar panel production in the U.S.

Overseas production

At this moment, anyone producing panels outside of China faces an uphill battle. The U.S. has a moratorium in place until June with Chinese-made modules circumventing U.S. import duties. By contrast, European producers of solar modules are doomed to disappear due to the overwhelming stocking of low-priced Chinese modules without restrictions.

U.S. solar companies face other hurdles. Solar panel makers in Asia planning to export panels or even some raw materials to the States must provide a full traceability report showing their sources of polysilicon are not from the Xinjiang region in China, where the U.S. government says there are forced labor camps. That puts an added layer of pressure on U.S. companies to perform due diligence.

At the same time, there are some common misconceptions about solar panel production in China. The thinking is that, because they are cheap, the panels must be of poor quality. The truth is that the most advanced solar modules do, indeed, come from China, which has an indisputably long lead in the industry.

Additionally, virtually no solar manufacturing machinery is produced in the United States, as most of it comes from China, and a few companies in Germany and Italy.

While these factors may seem to be stacked against U.S. solar makers, there is actually good news on the horizon. Chinese products will face higher taxes when their

Learn More: CASE STUDY: Utility Implements New Technology to Support Grid Modernization Source: NREL
68 2024 MAY • JUNE ///

moratorium is reversed in June. That means that any Chinese modules that are made overseas and brought to the U.S. will cost much more than those made in the States. That will help to boost the local industry for solar panel manufacturers.

Benefits of the IRA provisions

Just as the White House has signaled, the main benefit of the IRA is that a new solar industry has spawned across the United States. New job opportunities exist for thousands of Americans in new, clean technologies that will continue to evolve — due largely to the provisions afforded to U.S. solar panel makers under the new law.

For instance, the IRA has a provision known as “Section 45X,” which is a tax credit for businesses that manufacture and sell energy components. To qualify for the 45X production tax credit (PTC), U.S. makers need to sell their production to non-related clients based in the U.S.

Solar makers can either cash or trade their tax credits set at 7 cents on the watt. Thus, a 1-gigawatt factory can theoretically generate a non-taxable $70 million per year on the tax credits alone. These tax credits will impact the production of solar panels in the U.S. We are seeing a huge flow of investment in the industry, which will increase competition and help to pull the prices down, thereby leveling the field. To wit, the past year has seen an uptick in announcements of new factories across the nation.

Developers can also integrate upstream as they seek to secure the supply of their needed modules, and finance these acquisitions with the tax credits themselves.

What’s next?

The remainder of 2024 and beyond looks promising for U.S.-based solar panel manufacturers from a production and investment perspective. In terms of solar panel production, solar panel makers will likely increase the sourcing of raw materials from local suppliers. In fact, most new entrants into solar panel manufacturing foresee this; they’re already investing heavily in integrated operations to secure the sourcing of solar cells instead of importing them (and facing possible confiscations at customs checkpoints).

As these new integrated solar panel manufacturers begin to operate and expand, the cost of producing modules in the U.S. will inevitably begin to decline.

Also watch for local manufacturers to begin shifting to the more efficient N-Type solar cell, referring to the “negative” carriers of the electric charge in the materials. Why? Most cell manufacturers — including the cell machinery manufacturers in China — have aggressively begun the transition to N-Type cells. With this, some processes within the manufacturing will also begin to change.

Finally, investors will continue to aim to understand the dynamics of the PTC, which is a key to boosting investments into the solar panel manufacturing sector. The IRS rules with respect to the cash treatment are not completely clear, leading to an increase in the trading of these tax credits. The tax credits can provide healthy, shortterm returns to investors helping to motivate larger funds to back these investors, thus increasing the number and amount of financing opportunities for the industry at large.

Ultimately, the solar panel manufacturing market in the United States is growing and has great promise. But it will also be critical for manufacturers to effectively navigate the maze of production, legal, and investment issues as the industry evolves in the coming months.

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Don’t Jeopardize Your Title

Identifying owners of mineral rights beneath your solar project

What’s underneath the surface of the land that you plan to develop and who owns it? Identifying owners of mineral rights is critical for utility-scale solar energy projects, especially in regions where these rights are legally separable from surface rights. This refers to the severance of underground mineral rights from the surface rights of the property. Mineral rights can include natural gas, oil, coal, or any other types of minerals found beneath the surface of the land. Owners of these rights have the legal authority to mine, exploit, or produce the minerals beneath the surface. Importantly, these rights can be sold or leased separately from the land itself, leading to situations where surface rights and mineral rights have different owners.

In a “worst case” scenario, a recent ruling by a federal judge ordered the removal of an 84-turbine, 150-megawatt wind farm for encroaching on the Osage Nation’s tribal mineral rights. The court ruling came after the Interior Department sued the company for failing to get a mining approval for the project, which may cost the company more than half a billion dollars.

Preliminary research

It’s always a good idea to develop a cordial relationship with landowners. They are likely to have the best knowledge of the ground and what is under it. While their understanding of the legal history may not be perfect, they generally have valuable background information.

Land and mineral rights transactions are recorded at the county assessor and clerk’s offices. Many counties now offer online databases, but in-person visits may be necessary. State geological surveys and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) can also help identify regions with potential mineral deposits and areas where mineral rights might be actively leased or sold.

Due diligence and title search

Mineral coverage is an ALTA endorsement offered by the title insurance company. It is typically required by lenders or investors as an addition to their policy, so it’s critical to get the title insurance company involved as early as possible to strategize what they may need to issue this endorsement. Typical considerations may include whether there are any active wells or mines in the area, whether there are any active leases given by the mineral owners, and whether the developer intends to leave part of the project area open to protect the mineral owner’s right to exploration. It is important to note that, in many states, mineral owners are the dominant estate holder and have the right to enter the surface of the land and use it to access the minerals.

Trace the history of mineral rights ownership, looking for deeds, leases, wills, and court records that mention mineral rights, noting any divisions or retainments. When faced with complex mineral rights ownership issues, it may be beneficial to hire a professional landman or a title attorney. They possess the skills and knowledge to navigate the intricate landscape of ownership records, interpret legal documents, and identify

the rightful owners. The goal is to establish a chain of title — a sequence of historical documents reflecting the transfer of mineral rights through time. Laws governing mineral rights can vary significantly by state, with some states granting more privileges to mineral rights owners than others. Familiarize yourself with pertinent federal and state legislation that may influence your project.

Negotiating with mineral rights owners

Many landowners have a clear understanding of the mineral rights associated with their property. By engaging in a dialogue with the landowners, you can gain insights into the ownership structure and their expectations. It is important to develop trust so that you can explore lease agreements that align with their interests as well as the goals of the project.

Compensation for mineral rights owners can come in many forms, including upfront payments, royalties, or a combination thereof. Be prepared to discuss how your renewable energy project aligns with environmental sustainability goals, potentially mitigating concerns from mineral rights owners about the impact of development on the land. Legal counsel specializing in mineral rights can help craft agreements that protect the interests of all involved.

Recording as protection

To eliminate as many title issues as possible, the developer should record memoranda of site control as early as possible. In most states, the person with the most superior rights is the person who has recorded first. The act of recording a document

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protects the rights of everyone who is a party to that agreement. Recording a document puts the world on notice, in the public record, of the rights contained therein. Signing a contract with a landowner protects the developers interests with that landowner. Most importantly, recording a contract or a memorandum protects the developer’s, interests against any other developer or landowner who may come along and want to purchase or lease the property. The person who records their interest first is described as having priority over people who record later in time.

coverage for the usual transactions encountered by title insurance carriers. There are several ALTA endorsements which specifically pertain to renewable energy projects and closings.

Final thoughts

Identifying and negotiating with owners of mineral rights is a complex process that requires due diligence, legal knowledge, and strategic negotiation skills. When armed with a willingness to find mutually beneficial solutions, project developers can build cooperative relationships with mineral rights owners, paving the way for successful utility-scale project development.

Jillian Ballard is Director of Projects, Sr. Counsel at TerraPro Solutions. Jillian is an experienced title and real estate attorney, specializing in renewable energy development. She has built and directed land and title teams on the developer side, and has a keen understanding of the needs of all parties involved including title insurance companies, surveyors, lenders, and investors. She is a skilled negotiator and a creative problem solver. Jillian graduated with a JD from the University of Louisville, and a Bachelor of Arts from Vanderbilt University in German Language and Literature. You can reach her at jballard@terraprosolutions.

TerraPro Solutions

Dual-row solar tracker

Array Technologies has recently introduced new enhancements to the Array STI H250 solar tracker. One of the most notable upgrades is the new driveline motion transmission system, providing a more precise and efficient tracking experience with enhanced flexibility. The latest Array STI H250 presents features such as a reduced

North American Clean Energy 71 Power Up Your Solar Game Boost jobsite productivity with efficient I-V curve tracing The Fluke PVA-1500 Series I-V Curve Tracer Scan to Learn more

Powerful ground-mount solution

SolarEdge Technologies’ high-power, three-phase SolarEdge 330kW Inverter and its complementing H1300 Power Optimizer are for community solar, agri-PV, and small-to-medium scale ground mount utility PV applications. The SolarEdge 330kW Inverter lends itself both to distributed and centralized location topology, in which large-scale 330kW inverters can be installed in a central location while also providing SolarEdge’s benefits of Module Level Power Electronics (MLPE), that include more energy for improved ROI, design flexibility, advanced safety solutions, as well as module-level monitoring. SolarEdge’s new inverter and dedicated Power Optimizer solution is designed to help lower the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) by yielding more energy production over the system’s lifetime through 99% inverter efficiency, 200% DC-oversizing and an integrated PID rectifier. A lower LCOE can be achieved by reducing Balance of System (BoS) costs by up to 50% with fewer and longer strings. With the majority of site issues traditionally occurring in the DC array, SolarEdge’s technology provides continuous and granular visibility to achieve high uptime and low operation and maintenance costs. With the design flexibility to overcome module mismatch and shading losses on uneven and irregular terrains, the solution is well-suited for the rapidly growing community solar market. For developers, this presents more options for finding and utilizing sites that qualify for IRA

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Supporting performance and efficiency

Fronius' Repowering Tool enables solar installers to offer their customers string inverter retrofit options, regardless of the inverter brand used in the original system. Whether residential or commercial, it’s possible to repower and modernize dated, out-of-warranty, or orphaned systems with Fronius inverters. Solar installers can use this tool free of charge via smartphone, tablet, or PC to select the current inverter brand and model and find a Fronius replacement, comparison information and datasheets instantly. The Fronius Repowering Tool makes it easy for solar installers to maximize the performance of their customers' PV system and get it back to running at full capacity.

Fronius Repowering Tool //

Portable and scalable custom micro-grid solutions

Solar powered portable micro grid solutions that provide output ranges from single phase 110V to 3-phase 480V. These can be provided with optional wind and multi-fuel generators. This new product is heavy duty and can be delivered and set-up anywhere within minutes for immediate charging using their container roll-off frame system. These units are scaleable based on charging requirements and can be custom built to fit any needs.

X3 Energy /
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• UL 891 certified SWBD 660-800VAC

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North American Clean Energy 73

Reliable energy storage

U.S. Battery Mfg. Co.’s ESSENTIAL Li line of Lithium-Ion, deep-cycle batteries will soon be available in a BCI Group size 24 12V and a high capacity 48V. Both offer high capacity and reliability for use in energy storage from solar systems, providing reliable power when needed. With a 100Ah capacity, the US 12VG24 features built-in carrying handles, making it a suitable option for

Optimum use of parking space

as required up to a maximum length of 50m. The foundation options are flexible and space-saving.The posts can be mounted on drilled concrete piles as a sleeve foundation, minimizing the impact on existing parking areas and is suitable for projects on existing parking spaces. Alternatively, concrete anchors can be used on a strip foundation which is made using flat concrete anchors that are placed on a strip foundation. This is a cost-effective solution, especially for new parking areas. In both cases, the foundation is flush with the ground so there is no obstacle for parked vehicles. The system can be configured with a range of additional options such as rain protection, rain gutters, and drains, lighting or advertising spaces as well as various solutions for cable management and inverter mounting. Schletter offers a static calculation for the SunRide with stability verification in accordance with the applicable national standards as well as a 10-year guarantee.

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Substation acceptance testing & commissioning.

Substation NERC/FERC testing & reporting.

Tower/inverter pad ground grid resistance testing.

Padmount transformer acceptance testing.

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Power system troubleshooting. And more...

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High efficiency, simple recycling

REC Group’s new REC Alpha Pure 2 with up to 430Wp in a compact format offers US homeowners and businesses a high efficiency of up to 22.2%. Production has started at REC’s Industry 4.0 fab in Singapore and first shipments will reach the US market in May 2024. The new REC Alpha Pure 2 Series features 132 half-cut HJT cells in a gapless cell layout for improved power density and aesthetics. REC’s panels are lead-free and RoHS compliant, simplifying the recycling after the panel’s end of life and eliminating

Automated PV-proposal generation

Enact, an all-in-one cloud platform, offers remote solar design using high-resolution satellite imagery and generates rapid proposals with detailed pricing, energy, and finance analytics. 3D modelling helps PV installers grow their sales pipeline quickly and enable a seamless project management. The new software allows auto height detection of roof height, and obstacles such as surrounding trees. This streamlines the planning process making it smooth and precise, and helps installers optimize shading analysis by identifying roof panels with poor solar-access values. Moreover, Enact proposals equip installers with hourly simulations of solar and storage charging cycles and strategies. Enact also accelerates the contract signing process through custom

Next-generation multicircuit meter

Socomec introduces the DIRIS MCM48, the next-generation multi-circuit meter for retrofit and sub-metering applications. The DIRIS MCM-48 is a revenue-grade networked energy and power sub-meter with 48 individual current sensor inputs, allowing users to monitor up to (16) three-phase circuits or a combination of threephase, two-phase, and single-phase circuits. It has been designed with mechanical, electrical, and software features that will appeal to those seeking a simplified approach to installation and setup of energy management applications all while providing durability. It supports 333mV and Socomec Rogowski rope-style current sensors, suitable for retrofit applications. When associated with the Socomec RF interfaces, DIRIS MCM-48 power meters from different locations throughout a facility can communicate their measurements wirelessly to a central Hub, which significantly reduces installation and wiring time. Its advantages include increased safety, industrial design, easy installation, smart CT-correct algorithm, and wireless communication. Compliant with UL 61010-1, CSA-C22.2 No 610101-12, ANSI C12.1 Class 0.2.

Socomec ///

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Permanent roof anchor for rooftop solar installers

Solar Tools USA introduces their anchor design which allows for secure lagging while leaving it permanently in place. The anchor boasts a forged steel D-ring, robust stainless steel lags, an adhesive membrane backing ensuring a water-tight seal, and a digital system utilizing QR codes for inspection logging and tracking. With a rating that meets or exceeds ANSI's 5000lb requirement, this anchor is designed for longevity, facilitating future maintenance, cleaning, and roof repairs. Tailored for asphalt shingle applications.

Solar Tools USA ///

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Above-the-neck cooling accessories

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Heyco®-Tite Solar Masthead® II Liquid Tight Cordgrips

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Heyco®-Tite Cordgrips for Enphase Q Cable

Heyco now offers 1/2 NPT and 3/4 NPT cordgrips compatible with the Enphase Q Cable Use the 1/2˝ NPT for just 1 Enphase Q Cable or the 3/4 NPT for 2 Enphase Q Cables PLUS a #8 solid Grounding cable

Heyco® HEYClip™ SunRunner® and New Short Flange* SunRunner

Double-compression design holds either 1 or 2 cables ranging from 20˝ - 30˝ (5,1 mm - 7,6 mm) each in diameter *Minimum flange depth requirement of only 10 mm holds as tight as our popular SunRunner series

to 44 (1118 mm) lengths

STUDSON released a chemical-free cooling helmet liner with a nape cover and a cooling towel designed to shield wearers from harmful sun rays and sweltering heat, simply activated with water. Developed with Mission, the helmet liner with attached nape cover and cooling towel feature long-lasting, chemical-free cooling technology with UPF-50 sun protection. Workers simply wet the garments with water thoroughly, wring out excess water, then snap or wave them to activate, helping workers stay cooler for up to 2 hours per rinse. The accessories are also machine washable and are composed of 92% polyester and 8% Spandex. These accessories are suited to be worn with the STUDSON SHK-1 and the SHK-1 Full-Brim safety helmets. The SHK-1 Full Brim option also provides greater protection from the elements.


Utility-scale solar testing

Fluke Corp. has launched the PVA-1500 Series I-V curve tracer, designed to empower utility-scale solar technicians with speed, accuracy, and streamlined testing operations for effective service and maintenance. This tool addresses the critical need for efficient and reliable PV array testing, ultimately optimizing performance and maximizing ROI. The PVA-1500 I-V curve tracers feature fast and efficient measurements, accurate measurements for high-efficiency panels, intuitive operation, and enhanced workflow. The PVA-1500 series empowers utility-scale solar testing technicians to optimize PV array performance for maximum energy production, minimize downtime and ensure system health for long-term reliability, and maximize return on investment through efficient operations and informed decision-making.


78 2024 MAY • JUNE /// The World’s Most Trusted Ground Anchors
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Stainless Steel Wire Cable Ties Aircraft grade 302/304 stainless wire w/UV protected vinyl jacket and stainless steel crimp sleeve, 4 (102
#6 AWG! 3490
Heyco_NA 3.5x10_Layout 1 7/31/23 12:51 PM Page 1

Direct-to-deck mounting process for rooftop solar installations

SnapNrack launched its new AnchorFoot roof attachment and DeckAnchor fasteners to be used in conjunction with the company’s Ultra Rail mounting system. SnapNrack’s AnchorFoot utilizes SnapNrack’s new SpeedSeal+ Technology which features an 0.2" thick butyl peel-and-stick pad that ships pre-installed. Its design eliminates the need for additional sealant, simplifying the installation process and saving both customers and installers time. DeckAnchor reduces the number of fasteners in half for direct-to-deck mounting while maintaining capability for rafter mounting. DeckAnchor fasteners feature a wide thread design to securely grip wood decks and reduce the potential for overtightening. They also maintain the SnapNrack tradition of a single-tool install with a ½" hex head. AnchorFoot and DeckAnchor are both TAS-100 certified by Intertek for wind-driven rain.

SnapNrack ///

Non-metallic, low profile enclosures

Stahlin Enclosures’ PolySlim low-profile polycarbonate enclosures are designed for OEMs and installers and accommodate existing panel designs, eliminate unneeded depth and material, optimize installations, and save space and cost. The low-profile design of PolySlim makes these enclosures suitable for use on building exteriors and in tight spaces. They reliably protect equipment in non-hazardous industrial and commercial applications where space is a premium, and safeguard network components such as routers and switches in harsh conditions. PolySlim enclosures are well-suited for electrical control, wireless communications, measurement, monitoring, and security applications with minimal-depth equipment. PolySlim polycarbonate enclosures are available in seven sizes and can be configured as a hinged/screw cover or a hinged/ latched cover. High-impact rated yet lightweight for ease-of-installation, PolySlim enclosures feature a nonmetallic hinge that does not penetrate the inside of the enclosure. Thick, robust, smooth side wall construction eliminates side wall flexing and maximizes fitting mounting space. The low-profile design meets aesthetic requirements when mounting in visible areas on or inside buildings. Molded-in mounting feet with added mounting cross and holes, and added embosses in the back for DIN rail mounting, provide ease-of-installation and reduce costly onsite modification. PolySlim includes inhibitors that provide protection from UV degradation. An ABS Back panel option is available to optimize wireless signal transmission. Latch options include fully non-metallic or stainless steel. Cover options are available in clear or opaque. Larger sizes are compatible with the new Stahlin SolarShield HMI Cover. PolySlim polycarbonate enclosures provide an Operating Temperature Rating of -40°F to 248°F (-40°C to 120°C) and an Outdoor UV Exposure (UL 746C) (f1) rating. Resin has passed tests for UV exposure and water immersion. Additional ratings include cULus per file #E319779 Type 1, 3R, 4, 4X, 6P*, 12 as well as UL50, UL50e, UL508A and IEC 60529: UL Listed per file #E362920 IP66, IP68*. Certifications and Compliance include: cULus, CE, REACH, and RoHS.

Stahlin Enclosures ///

Simple and secure wire transitions

The Zilla Electrical XL Flashing Assembly provides a simple, fully flashed, waterproof way to securely pass wiring between the outside and inside of a composition shingle roof. Users can attach a combiner box, junction box, conduit body, or any other transitional component compatible with the 1-1/4" O.D. and 1" I.D. NPSM threads of the aluminum adapter. With a 25-year limited warranty, the patented low-profile design and three-step installation process provide security and waterproof protection. US-Made to high quality standards by Zilla Corporation. The Zilla Electrical XL Flashing Assembly includes a base plate with four mounting screws, a flashing, and an adapter with two EPDM washers conveniently packaged in boxes of ten units to simplify procurement, warehousing, staging, and installation.

Zilla Corporation ///

Reliable energy storage

Solar power battery for multi-family homes Sunnova Energy International, Inc. and FranklinWH Energy Storage Inc. offer a 208V compliant battery. The FranklinWH 120/208V battery is outof-the-box compliant with 208V singlephase applications, fulfills California’s JA12 requirements, and is fully protected by Sunnova’s 25-year service coverage. FranklinWH solutions enhance energy management for homeowners by intelligently integrating multiple energy sources; solar, battery, generator, and grid power to optimize the safety, reliability, and efficiency of home energy. The 208V aPower battery offers a 13.6kWh capacity and four aPowers may be linked in parallel for a total of 54.5kWh per aGate intelligent power management controller. Multiple aGates may be used to provide control for individual units and blocks of units for focused storage and power supply that provide security and stability for each household.

Sunnova /// FranklinWH ///

MBA is an industrial building contractor who specializes in renewable/energy related projects. Our diverse portfolio includes O&M Buildings, battery storage buildings, H2 and N2 facilities, warehouses, RNG facilities, compressor buildings, and more. MBA completed over 40 buildings in 20 different states in 2023, and 60% of those projects involved repeat clients. MBA is familiar and able to meet Inflation Reduction Act Compliance, local labor compliance, and union labor compliance. MBA provides a service that clients can trust to meet quality, safety, and budget expectations throughout the entire country.

North American Clean Energy 79


May 14th -15th , 2025 George R. Brown Convention Center Houston, TX

Featuring two days of exhibition, a robust education schedule, and networking opportunities, attendees at RE+ Texas will hear from visionary leaders on what’s next for the Texas clean energy market and help to propel their business to the next level.

Efficient, reliable and durable solar panel

The AXIblackperfect 440Wp solar panel has advanced technology, offers high efficiency, durability, and reliability, and is a suitable choice for both residential and commercial use. Its sleek design and black aesthetics blend well with any architecture, making it an attractive addition to any building. The AXIblackperfect 440Wp solar panel’s eco-friendly features help reduce the carbon footprint.


Booth 604

Transforming parking lots into sustainable solutions

baja Construction has 40+ years in the carport industry and provides solutions in all phases of solar and standard carport design, engineering, and installation. Their ability to customize solar projects allows their customers to provide highly versatile assets to their end users. All baja projects are tailored to optimize specific structural objectives for commercial, municipal, and residential developments.

baja Carports

Booth 106

Standing seam solar mount

QuickBOLT offers a wide range of solar mounts for every roof. Their newest standing seam solution, The Throne, has pre-assembled L-Feet and set screws that speed up installation. This mount features a cross-knurled grip plate to enhance pull-out resistance and prevent the set screws from damaging the roof.

QuickBOLT Booth 903

Tracker for challenging soils

APA’s A-Frame 2.0 is a tracker interface for SAT sites with challenging soils utilizing ground screws or helical foundations. The 2.0 design is tooled up for high volume production at a cost-effective price point and integrates seamlessly with top SAT manufacturers. The A-Frame mitigates foundation risk and frost heave concerns. APA offers USA ground screws or helicals, making the A-Frame a 100% domestic content compliant product.

APA Solar Racking

Booth 103

Three-phase microinverter

The new three-phase HMT-20004T-208-NA microinverters are tailored for high-powered PV modules and will supercharge commercial and industrial PV applications across North America. The peak output power of up to 2000VA and a maximum DC input current of up to 16A ensure energy conversion efficiency.

Hoymiles Power Electronics, Inc. Booth 207

Flexible solar + storage solutions

Solis S6 Hybrid and SolisHub can provide partial and whole home backup, as well as more yearly savings. Seamlessly integrate with a wide range of batteries, EV chargers, and generators, and customize system size to ensure a costeffective layout. Plus, easily connect to SolisCloud for remote system monitoring and management, and cut down on unnecessary truck rolls. Finally, to keep site revenue going, upgrade Solis solutions anytime to provide more energy as customer needs evolve.


Booth 608

Versatile drilling machine

WORD Rock Drills provides solar solutions for tough groundconditions. Built for versatility, the WORD SS Series Skid Steer Attachment can be optimized for pre-drilling, helical piles, and ground screw installation. A user-friendly machine suitable for operatorsat all levels, the WORD Skid Steer Attachment will help increase efficiency and optimize project results.

WORD International, Inc.

Booth 605

Construction site access

BLUROC brings a culture of confidence and resourcefulness to every solar energy project they serve. Tackling challenging site access projects, BLUROC’s team has decades of experience with solution-oriented, safe practices to properly assess a project, estimate, and recommend a go-forward site access custom-tailored approach. BLUROC provides solutions from civil and mechanical work to meeting compliance regulations, and post-project restoration.

BLUROC Booth 908

IN PRINT Features just some of the companies and technologies attendees will see at this year’s show.
80 2024 MAY • JUNE ///

Simple, solid, sustainable ground mount foundations

American Ground Screw (AGS) solutions effectively anchor solar arrays without concrete footings or deep foundations. Compatible with most ground mount fixed-tilt racking systems, trackers, and battery storage systems, AGS ground screws are adaptable to any terrain, require narrower pre-drill in rock or rocky soils, and lighter install equipment than helical and driven piles. AGS is a building-code compliant (ICC) screw foundation system and has an Environmental Product Declaration (ASTM). AGS delivers container quantities direct to site, and LTL shipments from its large and diverse inventory of ground screw products, and installation equipmentfrom its two distribution centers in Iowa and Texas. AGS makes ground screws a simple, solid, and sustainable foundation solution for ground mount solar projects of all sizes.

American Ground Screw

Booth 213

Strong and conductive cable management

CAB Solar’s Above-Ground Cable Management with Integrated Grounding is manufactured in the USA by persons with disabilities at the Cambria County Association for the Blind and Handicapped. This system uses a specially engineered grounding messenger wire strong enough to provide support functionality and evaluated to be conductive enough to serve as an Equipment Grounding Conductor (EGC) and a Grounding Electrode Conductor (GEC). The messenger wire includes #1, #2, and #3 Equivalent Options. CAB’s Integrated Grounding System meets NEC and IEEE standards, and is ETL Safety listed by Intertek to UL 2703. CAB Solar’s above-ground cable management solution for the solar industry offers simplicity of design, ease of installation, and cost-effectiveness.

CAB Solar Booth 708

Easy-to-install, powerful battery

Briggs & Stratton introduces the SimpliPHI 6.6 Battery, an energy storage solution with a 10-year warranty. This battery has an installation time of less than 5 minutes. Stack 3 units effortlessly to unlock nearly 20kWh of compact capacity. Scale up to 6 stacks for 119.7kWh of energy. Use for back-up power, time-of-use utility savings, solar+storage, or off-grid power. Engineered for ease of installation, the SimpliPHI 6.6 features RapidStak connectors that simply click into place, eliminating the need for tedious wiring or DIP switches. And it's outdoorrated, so no additional cabinets are needed. Backed by Briggs & Stratton and designed to integrate seamlessly with Sol-Ark inverters.

Briggs & Stratton

Booth 313

Making solar simple

EZ Solar's mission is to make solar simple with products that are high-quality, installer-friendly, and cost-effective. They offer junction boxes for every installation including asphalt/composite shingles, tile roofs, and a universal rail-mounted box that works with any rail. EZ Solar has also launched CableLoc, a new tool-free wire management solution that is built to last the life of the asset with a stainless-steel core and round polymer jacket making it gentle on wires, all while being easy to use with its fastening and slack storage mechanisms. All EZ Solar products are backed up with a 25-year warranty.

EZ Solar Booth 408
North American Clean Energy 81

Lightweight, no-drill junction box

The 0599 SolaDeck is a lightweight, no drill solar junction box.

Manufactured in the USA of galvanized steel with a powder coated finish, the 0599 SolaDeck has knockouts in the left, right, and bottom sidewalls to speed up installation and eliminate drilling. The slotted cover locks into place with one set screw and comes with a factory installed din rail and ground bar. SolaDeck junction boxes are backed by a lifetime warranty with a 20-year history to back it up.

SolaDeck Booth 807

800Vac, UL 891 main breaker switchboard

EPEC Solutions recently announced a new product, an 800Vac UL 891 switchboard with a main breaker. Since overcurrent protection is required for the conductors on the secondary side of the transformer per NEC 240.4(F), a switchboard with a main breaker is an important addition to UL 891 switchboards utilized for AC collection.This new product now allows for solar developers and EPC’s to take full advantage of new inverter technology and be fully compliant with the NEC code requirements.

EPEC Solutions Booth 318

Durable and simple-toinstall junction box

Introducing SOLOBOX COMP, where durability meets the simplicity of a rapid, one-screw installation process. This junction box offers a butyl-sealed, watertight design and integrated flashing, providing penetration protection. Its overlapping lip adds an extra layer of weather safety. Designed for convenience, the hinged, removable lid ensures easy access for both installation and maintenance, streamlining the solar setup. The SOLOBOX COMP, includes their Shed & Seal Flashing for a seamless, secure, and costeffective solar experience. Unirac Booth 307

Versatile commercial hybrid inverter

The Sol-Ark 60K-3P-480V is a versatile commercial hybrid inverter that delivers the reliability, scalability, and energy resilience demanded by modern business and industrial operations. Featuring a flexible and modular design, it allows for easy expansion to meet growing energy needs, scaling from 30kW up to 600kW. The 60K supports both AC and DC coupling, enabling seamless integration with existing PV systems and new solar arrays, as well as offering multivoltage compatibility with both 208Vac and 480Vac systems. The Sol-Ark 60K provides ultra-fast 5ms transfer to backup power during grid outages, ensuring uninterrupted business operations. Additionally, with its simple programming, advanced controls, and real-time monitoring, achieving optimal system performance and efficient fleet management is straightforward. The Sol-Ark 60K-3P-480V includes a standard 10-year warranty.

Sustainability products distributor

Wesco partners with providers of sustainability products and solutions, including manufacturers of solar photovoltaic modules, inverters, racking, balance of systems (BOS), and energy storage. Their partnerships combined with their distribution network ensures customers have the right products when they’re needed to quickly scale to meet the demands of the marketplace.

Wesco Booth 914


Booth 320

1P single-axis tracker

SFONE is the 1P single-axis tracker by Soltec. This tracker combines mechanical simplicity with Soltec’s over 20 years’ experience. Specially designed for larger 72 and 78 cell modules. This tracker is self-powered thanks to its dedicated module, which results into a low costoperational power supply.

Soltec Booth 906

RE+ Texas 2024
82 2024 MAY • JUNE ///

Batteries & Energy Storage Systems

The energy storage market is growing larger by the year and will soon enable renewables to become a mainstream source of power. A reliable battery is a key component to any efficient and sustainable renewable energy system. Here are some of the more popular choices in the industry today…

Socomec, Inc.


Description: SUNSYS HES L is a scalable outdoor energy storage system designed for both on-grid and off-grid applications. It is available in a variety of configurations, to provide the system size for a range of project requirements. It supports dedicated applications such as optimization of photovoltaics with self-consumption, peak shaving, backup power, and EV charging infrastructure.

Chemistry: Lithium-ion

Voltage: 480VAC (3ph+N) ±20%

Energy: From 186kWh to 1116kWh

Peak power: From 50kVA to 550kVA

Cycle life: 8000 cycles

Operating temperature range: -4°F to 113°F (-20°C to 45°C)

Dimensions: Configuration dependent

Weight: Configuration dependent

Key Features:

• High safety standards;

• Fast and safe installation;

• Extreme scalability;

• Combines quality technologies.

Warranty: 15-year warranty

Certifications: UL 9540, UL 9540A, NFPA 855, 68, IEEE 1547, UL 1741, UL 1973

Key Features:


Product: BLUETTI AC500 + B300S Home Battery Backup

Description: An AC500 with a 5000W inverter accepts up to 6 B300S expansion batteries, boosting its capacity to 18,432Wh maximum, enough to get through a severe power outage.

Chemistry: Lead-acid

Capacity: 60Ah to 360Ah @ 20hr rate

Voltage: 100Vac to 120Vac

Energy: 3072kWh to 18,432kWh

Peak power: 10,000W

Cycle life: >3500 cycles

Operating temperature range: -4°F to 104°F (-20°C to 40°C)

Dimensions: 20.5" x 12.8" x 41.1" (520mm x 325mm x 358mm)

Weight: 66.2lb (30kg)

Warranty: 4-year warranty

Certifications: UL

• 5000W rated power (10,000W surge);

• Expandable capacity From 3072Wh to 18,432Wh;

• LiFePO4 battery With 3500+ life cycles to 80%;

• Smart APP control (WiFi and Bluetooth connection);

• 24/7 UPS home backup.

ENGINEERED TO LAST LONGER Delivers 3,000+ Cycles EXTENDED WARRANTY 4 Year Protection ® MOBILE APP ENABLED Allows users to connect to the battery with the mobile app, downloadable on most smart devices. SCAN ME SCAN ME US 12VG24 100Ah PUTTING THE US IN TRUST SINCE 1926 USBattery_424.indd 1 4/8/24 3:01 PM

Sinexcel, Inc.

Product: The modular 1500Vdc Bidirectional

Description: Sinexcel‘s modular 1500Vdc

Storage-only Power Block, offers up to 2 power modules for a power range of 150kW to 430kW. Packed with a built-in aux power and DC panel, the NEMA 3R/ IP54 cabinet is compatible with various batteries. It efficiently operates with 8001500Vdc battery string, connecting to 480/550/600/690Vac grids. Suitable for C&l and utility applications and complex operational conditions.

Chemistry: Lead acid, lithium-ion

Voltage: 1000Vdc to 1500Vdc; 690Vac

Energy: Up to 240kWh

Peak power: 215kW to 1.72MW

Cycle life: ≥3000 cycles

Key Features:

• Modular design with up to 8 modules;

• Reliable, flexible, and compatible;

• Global grid certified and listed;

• Outdoor NEMA3R cabinet;

• Grid-support function built-in PSCAD/Power Factory model VSG Support.

Operating temperature range: -4°F to 140°F (-20°C to 60°C) derating over 122°F (50°C)

Dimensions: 87" x 85" x 51" (2200mm x 2160mm x 1300mm)

Warranty: 3-year warranty, can be extended

Certifications: EN50549-2, VDE4110, VDE4120,G99, IEC62477, IEC61000, IEC62109, UL1741, IEE1547, CSA C22.2

Key Features:

• Provides reliable backup power during grid outages, ensuring business continuity and minimizing downtime;

• Allows businesses to sell unused energy back to the grid;

• Includes a built-in aerosol fire suppression system in both the module and cabinet;

• Permits easy expansion from 40kWh up to 9.6MWh.

Crown Battery Manufacturing Company

Product: 6CRP430

Description: The 6-Volt 6CRP430 rugged construction manufactured in a highly automated production process delivers electrical efficiency and durability. The low maintenance design ensures reduced preventative maintenance frequency, lower service costs, and best-available user ROI

Chemistry: Lead-acid

Capacity: 430Ah @ 20hr rate

Voltage: 6V

Energy: 2.85kWh (100hr) 2.50kWh (20 hr)

Cycle life: 525 cycles @ 100% DoD; 2100 cycles @ 30% DoD

Operating temperature range: -40°F to 120°F (-40°C to 49°C)

Dimensions: 12.38" x 7.19" x 16.13" (31.4cm x 18.3cm x 41cm)

Weight: 122lb (55.3kg)

Certifications: Conforms with BCI and IEC Test Standards

LG Energy Solution

Product: enblock S

Description: With LG enblock S, energy capacity and power can easily be built up as needed. S stands for stackable. Modules can be stacked from 3 (S10, 10.6kWh) up to 5 (S17, 17.7kWh).

Chemistry: NCM

Capacity: 71Ah @ 20hr rate

Voltage: 420Vdc to 450Vdc (charge), 350Vdc to 410Vdc (discharge)

Energy: 10.6kWh, 14.1kWh, 17.7kWh

Peak power: 7kW, 9kW, 11kW

Operating temperature range: 14°F to 122°F (-10°C to 50°C) charge; -4°F to 122°F (-20°C to 50°C) discharge

Dimensions: 13.8" x 21.1" x 33.6" (351mm x 535mm x 854mm); 41.3" (1050mm); 49" (1246mm)

Weight: 266.5lb (121kg), 343.6lb (156kg), 420.7lb (191kg)

Warranty: 10-years global warranty @70% Certifications: Cell: UL1642, IEC62619; Pack: CE, RCM, UL1973, IEC62619, UL9540A


Product: Energy Storage Vessel

Description: Based on NASA technology, EnerVenue Energy Storage Vessels feature a lifespan exceeding 30,000 cycles, eliminating the need for augmentation or oversizing. It can reliably operate in 2- to 12-hours systems in a wide ambient temperature range without robust HVAC and it poses no risk of thermal runaway.

Chemistry: Metal-hydrogen

Capacity: Rocklin

Voltage: 23Vdc to 30Vdc across full range of SOC (0-100%)

Energy: 3kWh

Peak power: 1.5kW

Cycle life: 30,000 cycles

Operating temperature range: 14°F to 113°F (-10°C to 45°C)

Dimensions: 6.6" x 70.9" (168mm x 1800mm)

Weight: 136lb (62kg)

Warranty: 3- to 20-year warranty

Certifications: UL9540A, UL1973, CE


Product: L3 Series LimitLess Lithium HV 60

Description: The L3 Limitless Lithium battery energy storage system (BESS) delivers scalability, reliability, and energy resilience for commercial and industrial operations. Designed for Sol-Ark’s 30k-208V and 60K-480V hybrid inverters, the L3 battery series is suitable for large shopping centers, busy manufacturing plants, data centers, or electric vehicle charging stations.

Chemistry: Lithium-ion

Capacity: 60kwh cabinet options

Voltage: 250Vdc to 700Vdc, 208Vac, 480Vac

Energy: 61.44kWh

Peak power: 60kWac

Cycle life: 196.2mWh per cabinet

Operating temperature range: -4°F to 122°F (-20°C to 50°C)

Dimensions: 23" x 23" x 86" (58cm x 58cm x 218cm)

Weight: 1705lb (773kg)

Warranty: 10-year warranty

Certifications: UL9540, UL9540(a), UL1973, CEC, SGIP, UN38.3, FCC Prop 65

Fortress Power

Product: eSpire Mini

Description: The eSpire Mini Energy storage system is a fully integrated, pre-configured turnkey solution for large residential and light commercial projects. The eSpire Mini has numerous applications such as microgrid, backup, off-grid peak shaving, time of use, self supply, demand response, and Virtual Power Plant (VPP)

Chemistry: Lithium-ion

Capacity: 280Ah

Voltage: 3Ph 208/480Vac @60Hz

Energy: 81kWh to 266kWh

Peak Power: 30kW to 90kW

Cycle life: 6000 cycles

Operating temperature range: -22°F to 131°F (-30°C to 55°C)

Dimensions: 47.2" x 82.7" x 92.5" (120cm x 210cm x 235cm)

Weight: Up to 5253.5lb (2383kg)

Warranty: 10-year warranty

Certifications: UL1973, UL9540(A), UL1741-SB, IEEE-1547, IEEE-519, (UL9540, CEC, SGIP pending)

84 2024 MAY • JUNE ///

Lion Energy

Product: Lion Safari Portable Solar Generator

Description: With 3000W capacity, this versatile portable generator has power for virtually anything that can be plugged into a standard wall outlet. For emergencies, at work, home, or adventures, the Lion Safari is a reliable portable power companion.

Chemistry: Lithium-ion, lithium iron phosphate

Capacity: American Fork

Voltage: 24V

Energy: 1.6kWh

Peak power: 6000kW

Cycle life: 3500+ cycles

Operating temperature range: 2°F to 131°F (-17°C to 55°C)

Dimensions: 20" x 13.3" x 13.3" (50.8cm x 34cm x 34cm)

Weight: 57lb (25.8kg)

Warranty: 5-year warranty

Product: ROYPOW residential energy storage system

RoyPow (USA) Technology Co., Ltd.

Description: The ROYPOW residential energy storage system is an all-new solution for achieving home energy independence. The residential ESS can provide power to more home appliances in an outage or during peak time of use (TOU) hours, providing substantial savings on utility bills, while maintaining core strengths such as electrical freedom, smart controls that are APP-based, and safety, making energy independence and resilience readily accessible to all.

Chemistry: LiFePO4

Capacity: 100Ah @ 20hr rate (nominal capacity)

Voltage: 102.4V to 409.6V (2 to 8 batteries)

Energy: 10kWh to 40kWh

Peak power (kW): 10kW to 15kW (nominal inverter power)

Cycle life: >6000 cycles

Operating temperature range: -4°F to 131°F (-20°C to 55°C; >45°C derating)

Dimensions: 33" x 8" x 32" x 270*N) (845mm x 200mm x (815mm+270*N) N=2 to 8 batteries

Weight: 117lb*N (53kg*N) N=2 to 8 batteries + 121lb (55kg) inverter

Warranty: 10-year warranty

Certifications: UL9540, UL9540A, UL1973, FCC, UN38.3, IEEE 1547, IEEE 1547.1, UL1741, UL1741 CRD, UL1741SB, UL1699B, UL991, IEEE 2030.5, HECO

SRD-V2.0, C22.2, CEC, FCC Part 15, ICES003 Issue 7

HomeGrid: Powered by Lithion

Product: Stack'd Series

Description: The HomeGrid Stack'd Series is a high-powered, modular, easy-to-install solution. Engineered to fit diverse energy storage needs, this system can scale from small emergency backups to whole home and industrial scale projects with ease.

Chemistry: Lithium-ion

Capacity: 200Ah to 800Ah @ 20hr rate

48V Energy: 9.6kWh to 38.4kWh

Peak power: 14.4kW to 24kW

Operating temperature range: 14°F to 122°F (-10°C to 50°C)

Dimensions: 29" x 15.75" x 25.25" to 56.75" (74cm x 40cm x 64cm to 144cm)

Weight: 304lb to 952lb (137.9kg to 431.8kg)

Warranty: 10-year warranty


9540a, CEC, SGIP, OGPe

Power your home during an outage with stored energy. Keep your appliances safe and running. Sustainable clean energy storage with solar power.

Find out more:

UL 1973, UN 38.3, UL 9540, UL
UL 1642,
North American Clean Energy 85 POWER UP. SOLAR ENERGY AT

LEOCH Battery Corporation

Product: LEOCH LFeLi-48100EM

Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4)


Description: LEOCH 48V LFeLi Series LiFePO4 batteries come equipped with a built-in Battery Management System (BMS) and optional LCD screen for hassle-free maintenance. These batteries can be put into parallel for 48VDC, 1600Ah capacity.

Chemistry: Lithium Iron Phosphate

Capacity: 100Ah @ 20hr rate

Voltage: 48V

Key Features:

• 20-year design life and up to 3500 cycles at 100% DoD;

• Extreme temperature range -4°F to 140°F (-20°C to 60°C);

• System monitoring of voltage, current, and temperature and built in protection against over-charge, overdischarge, and over-temperature;

• Advanced BMS communication protocols Modbus, CAN bus, RS232, and RS485 (SNMP optional);

• Supports parallel connection up to 16 modules.


Energy: 4.8kWh

Peak power: 100A

Cycle life: ≥3500 @ 100% DoD

Operating temperature range: -4°F to 140°F (-20°C to 60°C)

Dimensions: 17.4" x 17.7" x 5.2"

(44.2cm x 45cm x 13.2cm)

Weight: 94.8lb (43kg)

Warranty: 5-year full replacement

limited warranty

Certifications: IEC62619, CE, UN38.3

Product: 30kVA and 60kVA Battery Storage

Description: Aggreko’s 30kVA and 60kVA energy storage systems are all-in-one rental solutions that can be easily plugged into an existing power system, providing immediate and cost-efficient energy storage for any number of commercial and industrial applications.

Chemistry: Lithium-ion

Voltage: +/- %15

Energy: 65kWh and 120kWh

Dimensions: 30kVA: 44" x 57" x 59" (112cm x 145cm x 150cm); 60kVA:

88.5" x 51" x 81" (225cm x 130cm x 206cm)

Weight: 30kVA: 3000lb (1361kg); 60kVA: 5950lb (2699kg)

Key Features:

• Take power wherever the truck goes;

• Easy to install and remove in minutes;

• Charge PPS by solar, AC, or DC;

• Tonneau cover comes in different sizes, compatible with most truck models;

• Available portable solar panel arrays can be used if battery is away from the truck.

Shenzhen WKSP Power Technology Co., Ltd

Product: Solar Tonneau Cover, Pickup Truck Power System

Description: WKSP’s complete off grid

Pickup Truck Power System, the Solar Tonneau bed cover, is tied to their 2400W lithium Portable Power Station that is secured in the truck bed. The Power System works whether driving down a country road or parked in the driveway.

Chemistry: Lithium-ion

Capacity: 51.2V, 36Ah, 1843.2Wh

Voltage: 20.5V (solar tonneau cover); 51.2V (battery)

Energy: 1.843kWh

Peak power: 4.8kW Solar input, 420W max.

Cycle life: 3000 cycles

Operating temperature range: 14°F to 104°F (-10°C to 40°C

Dimensions: 77.6" x 66" x 1.1" (1971mm × 1674mm × 28mm) solar tonneau cover; 17" x 12" x 11.2" (430mm × 300mm × 287mm) battery

Weight: 88.2lb (40kg) solar tonneau cover; 57.32lb (26kg) battery

Warranty: 12-month warranty

Certifications: FCC-SDOC, FCC-ID, UL2743-ETL, CP65, CEC, DOW, UN38.3

Generac Power Systems

Product: PWRcell Solar Battery Storage System

Description: The PWRcell Solar Battery Storage System features a NEMA 3R battery cabinet, a 7.6kW single phase inverter, and advanced load management from PWRmanager. PWRcell’s modular design allows the system to range from 9kWh to 18kWh capacity in a single battery cabinet, while PWRmanager extends battery duration even further.

Chemistry: Lithium-ion

Voltage: 360Vdc to 420Vdc Energy: 9kWh to 18kWh

Peak power: 4.5kW to 9kW

Operating temperature range: 14°F to 122°F (-10°C to 50°C)

Dimensions: 22" x 10" x 68" (56cm x 25cm x 173cm)

Weight: 280lb to 445lb (127kg to 202kg) (≤75lb component weight)

Warranty: 10-year, 7.56MWh warranty

Jinko Solar

Product: EAGLE CS

Description: JinkoSolar’s EAGLE CS is a fully integrated, scalable, turnkey AC-coupled energy storage system for C&I and utility. The EAGLE CS utilizes Li-Ion LFP battery technology that comes with a BMS, liquid or air cooling TMS, fire suppression, and available off-gas detection.

Chemistry: Lithium-ion

Capacity: 280Ah @ 0.5°C rate

Voltage: 1075.2V to 1382.4V

Energy: 3440kWh

Peak power: Project dependent

Cycle life: 10,000 cycles

Operating temperature range: -4°F to 122°F (-20°C to 50°C)

Dimensions: 238.5" x 95.98" x 114.02" (6058mm × 2438mm × 2896mm)

Weight: <7826lb (<3500kg)

Warranty: 20-year warranty

Certifications: UL9540A, UL1973, UN38.3, UN3536

86 2024 MAY • JUNE /// L3 Series LimitLess Lithium™ : The Most Efficient, Flexible, Scalable, and Cost Effective Solution to Battery Energy Storage

Voltage: 12V, 36V, 48V, 80V

Operating temperature range: 77°F (25°C)

Dimensions: Based on customer request

Weight: Based on customer request

Warranty: 5-year dealer warranty; 3-year full warranty, 2-year pro-rated warranty

Invinity Energy Systems

Product: Vanadium Flow Batteries

Description: The VS3-022 uses vanadium redox flow technology to store energy in an aqueous solution that never degrades, is non-flammable, and requires little maintenance and upkeep.

Chemistry: Flow

Voltage: 1000Vdc to 1550Vdc Energy: 230kWh

Peak power: 78kW

Cycle life: 20,000 cycles

Operating temperature range: 25°F to 110°F (-5°C to 45°C)

Dimensions: 19.87' x 8.042' x 7.87' (6.05m x 2.45m x 2.7m)

Weight: 54,200lb (24,584kg)

Warranty: Up to 20-year warranty

30kWh, up to six battery packs per system; 180kWh, up to six systems in parallel

6kW, up to six battery packs per system; 36kW, up to six systems in parallel

Operating temperature range: -4°F to 131°F (-20°C to 55°C)

10-year warranty

Certifications: CSA Group, UL 9540, UL 9540A, UL 1741, UL

Indoors or outdoors, the AES RACKMOUNT Slimline Enclosure is economical, installs fast and offers the smallest footprint for 30k kWh of low-voltage energy storage. Parallel up to six enclosures for 180 kWh in closed-loop configuration. Slimline Enclosures come pre-assembled with a DC bus bar and battery cables and hosts up to six AES RACKMOUNT Battery Modules.

Unlock the full potential of Discover Lithium batteries with LYNK II

Communication Gateway by enabling the BMS to optimize and dynamically manage the charging configurations of hybrid inverter-chargers in a closed-loop configuration - Schneider, Victron, Sol-Ark, SMA, Studer.

North American Clean Energy 87 #7 -13511 Crestwood Place, Richmond, BC, V6V 2E9, Canada + 1.778.776.3288
energy storage systems for residential off-grid solar, microgrid and whole home backup power.
necessary to use Discover products effectively
growing your business and highlight what you do best: Install Solar + Energy Storage. LYNK PORT CONNECTIVITY
Our program is designed to provide the tools

RCT Power

Product: RCT Power CESS 900 US

Description: RCT Power CESS 900 US is a 4-in-1 commercial energy storage solution. With the ability to transform into 4 different configurations, this versatile product is designed for small to medium scale solar plus energy storage projects. Its scalability ensures seamless integration into larger projects. The all-in-one solution comes with an internal ATS and fire suppression system.

Chemistry: LiFePO4

Voltage: 680Vdc to 950Vdc, 480Vac (-15%±10%)

Energy: 932kWh

Cycle life: ≥6000 times @ 77ºF ±3.6ºF 0.5P charge / discharge energy retention 80% SOH

Operating temperature range: -13°F to 122°F (-25°C to 50°C)

Dimensions: 118" x 102" x 96" (300cm x 259cm x 244cm)

Key Features:

• AC coupled energy storage system;

• Auto backup power for grid outages;

• 4-in-1 solution;

• EMS integrated;

• Liquid cooling.

Battle Born Batteries

Product: 270Ah 12V LiFePO4 Deep Cycle

GC3 Battery

Description: Built in a form factor with versatility in mind, the 270Ah 12V Gamechanger is a lithium power solution. Its tall, narrow design and ability to be mounted in any orientation allows for installation anywhere in a system.

Chemistry: Lithium-ion

Capacity: 270Ah @20hr rate

Voltage: 12V

Cycle life: 3000 to 5000 deep discharge cycles

Operating temperature range: -4°F to 135°F (-20°C to 57.2°C)

Dimensions: 22.83" x 7.09" x 13.15" (58cm x 18cm x 33.4cm)

Weight: 80.8lb (37kg)

Warranty: 10-year warranty

Certifications: UN38.3, UL/CSA-62133-2, IP65, UN3480

Weight: 24,000lb (10,886kg)

Warranty: 10-year warranty

Certifications: UL1973, UN38.3, UL60730-2, UL9540A, UL9540, NFPA 69, UL 1741 Supplement SB - 3rd Edition, UL 1741 Supplement SA - 3rd Edition, SunSpec compliant, California Rule 21 compliant, IEEE2030.5, IEEE1547-2018, IEEE1547.12020, OpenADR

Key Features:

• Established and safe Lithium-Ion Phosphate technology;

• Modular for less space, lighter weight, and scalability;

• Dual usage low and high voltage applications;

• Wall mount or stackable floor mount modules;

• Remote smart phone monitoring with proprietary app.

Adon Renewables

Product: Adon PowerBox

Description: Adon PowerBox offers highvoltage battery storage with advanced LFP chemistry, ensuring reliable power for commercial, industrial, and utility-scale applications. It's available as a DC block from 532kWh to 5MWh and an All-in-One AC cabinet at 266kWh, suitable for on- or off-grid microgrids. Adon EMS is included for efficiency and safety.

Chemistry: LFP

Energy: 2.5MWh

Cycle life: >5000 cycles

Operating temperature range: 50°F to 104°F (10°C to 40°C)

Dimensions: 20' x 8' x 9.5' (6m x 2.4m x 2.9m)

Weight: 60,000lb (27,216kg)

Warranty: 10-year extendible warranty

Certifications: UL9540, UL9540A, UL1973, IEC62477-1, IEC62040-1, IEC62619, CE LVD, CE EMC, UN38.3

Yaskawa Solectria Solar

Product: DC-Coupled Storage System (PVS-500)

Description: Yaskawa Solectria Solar’s PVS500 provides a robust and reliable utility-scale DC-coupled energy storage system. A Solectria PVS DC-Coupled Energy Storage System comes with Solectria XGI 1500 inverters, a Heila Edge Plant Master Controller, and a bi-directional Dynapower DPS 500 DC/DC converter. Having the energy storage and the PV array on the same inverter allows this DC-coupled system to put the excessive PV production in storage and discharge to the grid at select times and conditions to maximize the value of the system. Chemistry: Battery agnostic Voltage: 860Vdc to 1450Vdc Energy: Battery agnostic Peak power: 500kW Operating temperature range: -40°F to 140°F (-40°C to 60°C)

Dimensions: 58.8" x 168" x 81.8" (1494mm x 4267mm x 2078mm)

Weight: 3500lb (1588kg)

Warranty: 5-year warranty

Certifications: CA Rule 21, HI 14H, UL 1741SA

MK Battery

Product: Deka Duration DD5300 LFP

Description: MK Battery introduces the Deka Duration DD5300, a 48V, 5300Wh battery module utilizing Lithium-Ion technology. This modular design allows for either wall or floor mount installation and is stackable up to eight modules high. This universal module has a programmable BMS, Dual usage, for low voltage and high voltage applications.

Chemistry: Lithium-Ion Phosphate (LFP)

Capacity: 100Ah @ 20hr rate

Voltage: 48V

Energy: 5.3kWh

Peak power: 5.3kW

Cycle life: >7000 cycles

Operating temperature range: 14°F to 104°F (-10°C to 40°C)

Dimensions: 23.3" x 18.5" x 6.4" (59.2cm x 47cm x 16.3cm)

Weight: 126.3lb (57.3kg)

Warranty: 10-year warranty

Certifications: UL 1973, UL 9540A, IEC62619, CE UN38.3

Electriq Power

Product: PowerPod 2

Description: Electriq Power’s PowerPod 2 is an integrated residential energy storage system designed to store and manage solar power. The system offers a power output of 7.6kW and has a roundtrip efficiency of 96.6%. It is available in three sizes, offering flexibility to the homeowners.

Chemistry: LiFePO4

Capacity: 20kWh (83.33Ah), 15kWh (62.5Ah), 10kWh (41.6Ah)

Voltage: 102.4Vdc to 204.8Vdc nominal

Energy: 10kWh, 15kWh, and 20kWh

Peak power: 7.6Kw

Cycle life: 6000 cycles

Operating temperature range: -4°F to 131°F (-20°C to 55°C)

Dimensions: Battery: 60" x 50" x 9" (152.4cm x 127cm x 23cm) Inverter: 18" x 33.7" x 7" (46cm x 86cm x 18cm)

Weight: 530lb (240kg), 725lb (329kg), 925lb (420kg)

Warranty: 10-year warranty

Certifications: UL1741 SA (CA Rule 21), UL9540, UL9540A, HECO Rule 14, IEEE 1547, IEEE 1547.1, CSA 22.2

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Product: Containerized Battery Energy Storage

Description: EVESCO’s 5ft, 10ft, and 20ft all-in-one containerized energy storage systems are designed to be Plug & Play solutions, manufactured, preconfigured, commissioned, and tested at their production facilities. This results in minimal on-site impact and almost instant operation.

Chemistry: Lithium-ion

Voltage: Voltage ranges can vary depending on installation and load type

Energy: 64kWh to 2212kWh

Peak power: 50kW to 2000kW

Cycle life: 6000 cycles at 32.9°F (0.5°C)

AIMS Power

Product: Lithium Battery

Description: The 24V or 48V lithium power packed battery delivers large amounts of power and doesn't have any memory problems. Stackable and includes RS485 and CAN ports.

Chemistry: Lithium-ion

Capacity: 400Ah @ 20hr rate

Voltage: 24V 400A or 48V 200A

Cycle life: 4000 cycles

Dimensions: 32" x 21" x 7" (81cm x 53cm x 18cm)

Weight: 150lb (68kg)


Product: Orion

Description: Dyness Orion series is an all-in-one system with safe performance and flexible capacity. Equipped with an external HM inverter, it helps users to realize power sufficiency.

Chemistry: Lithium-ion

Capacity: 52Ah @ 20hr rate

Voltage: 192V, 288V, 384V

Energy: 9.98kWh, 14.98kWh, 19.97kWh

Peak power: 7.68kW, 11.52kW, 15.36kW

Warranty: 5-year warranty

Cycle life: 10,000 cycles

Operating temperature range: 14°F to 122°F (-10°C to 50°C)

Dimensions: 6.5" × 21.2" × 24.3" (16.5cm x 53.9cm x 61.7cm)

Weight: 127.9lb (58kg)

Warranty: 10-year warranty

Certifications: UN38.3, UL1973, UL9540A, UL9540


Rolls Battery offers reliable deep cycle lead-acid and custom designed LiFePO4 lithium batteries in the widest range of voltage and capacity options avalable for residential and commercial applications

S-Series 12V & 24V drop-in LFP batteries feature an integrated display & controls, external fuse access, heating for low temperature operation, and Bluetooth connectivity to Rolls LFP Dashboard App.

Duracell Power Center

Product: Max Hybrid

Description: Duracell Power Center’s Hybrid Storage System is a versatile home energy solution that is easy to install and loaded with features including a generator input, 200A whole home backup, and multiple time-of-use modes.

Chemistry: Lithium iron phosphate

Voltage: 48V

Energy: 15kWh to 40kWh

Peak power: 15kW

Dimensions: Modular

Weight: Modular

Warranty: 12-year power controls

warranty, 10-year battery warranty

Certifications: UL1741SB, CA Rule 21

Choose from the wide range of Rolls deep cycle flooded lead-acid batteries, AGM & GEL VRLA options, or LFP lithium solutions for your off-grid and backup energy storage applications.

North American Clean Energy 89

Key Features:

• Parallel up to 180kWh;

• Closed-loop communication;

• High-current BMS;

• Field serviceable;

• Optional self-heating.

Discover Energy Systems



Battery Modules are an easy-to-install energy storage system for off-grid solar and whole-home backup power installations. Mount up to six battery modules with AES RACKMOUNT Quick Stack Rack and parallel up to six battery modules with a single prewired battery combiner. Install the battery modules outdoors with AES RACKMOUNT Slimline Enclosure.

Chemistry: Lithium-ion

Capacity: 100Ah @ 1hr rate

Voltage: 51.2V, 48V nominal

Energy: 5.12kWh

Operating temperature range: 1.4°F to 125.6°F (-17°C to 52°C )

Dimensions: 19.6" x 17.3" x 5.3" (497mm x 439mm x 133.5mm)

Weight: 97lb (44kg)

Warranty: 10-year warranty or 30MWh total energy throughput

Certifications: UL1973, UL9540a, UL9540 DC ESS Subassembly (inside the Slimline Enclosure), UN 38.3, IEC 62619

Lithium Werks

Product: LFP Nanophosphate lithium cells

Description: 18650 and 26650 LFP Nanophosphate power cells, for power, safety, and life applications like UPS and frequency regulation. Offers high-rate discharges, inherent safety, fast-charging, with long cycle life.

Chemistry: Lithium-ion

Capacity: 1.1Ah and 2.5Ah @ 20hr rate

Voltage: 3.3Vdc /cell

Energy: 3.6Wh and 8.25Wh cells

Cycle life: > 4000 cycles at 1C/1C, 100% DoD

Operating temperature range: -22°F to 140°F (-30°C to 60°C)

Dimensions: 3.9" x 5.9" x 2.5" (9.9cm x 15cm x 6.4cm)

Weight: 1.46oz and 2.68oz (41.5g and 76g)

Certifications: UL, IATF, RoHS, IEC, REACH, ISO

Canadian Solar

Product: EP Cube Energy Storage Solution

Description: Canadian Solar’s EP Cube is a lightweight, all-in-one residential energy storage solution. Also available in Time-of-Use (ToU) optimized model.

Chemistry: Lithium iron phosphate

Voltage: 240V

Energy: 9.9kWh to 119.9kWh

Peak power: 11.4MVA

Key Features:

• 19” (482mm) 4U case design;

• Up to 15 parallel connectivity;

• Optional Rolls LFP ESS modular cabinet for up to 8x units;

• PC Connectivity;

• UL 1973.

Phasegreen Technology Inc.

Product: PhG-ESS-5~20L-S Series

Description: PhaseGreen, ESS is designed with a commitment to safety and innovation.

Chemistry: Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4)

Capacity: 100Ah to 400Ah @ 20hr rate

Voltage: 51.2V

Energy: 5kWh to 20kWh

Peak power: 5kW to 10kW

Cycle life: 6000 cycles

Operating temperature range: -4°F to 122°F (-20°C to 50°C)

Dimensions: 22.6" x 23.5" x 7.4" to 22.6" x 60.7" x 7.4" (573mm x 597mm x 189m to 573mm x 1542mm x 189mm)

Weight: 143lb to 474lb (65kg to 215kg)

Warranty: 10-year warranty

Certifications: UL9540, CEC listed, UL1973, UL1642

Operating temperature range: 14°F to 122°F (-10°C to 50°C)

Warranty: 10-year warranty or 6000 cycles, whichever comes first, up to >80% capacity

Certifications: UL 1699B, UL 1741-SB, IEEE 1547, IEEE 1547-1, IEEE 2030.5, UL 1998, UL 1642, UL 1973, UL 9540, UL 9540A, UN 38.3, UL 60730-1 ANNEX H, FCC Part 15 (Class B), IEEE 693-2005 (high)

Rolls Battery Engineering

Product: S48-100LFP ESS

Description: Rolls S48-100LFP ESS

model offers a fully integrated 48V 5.12kWh energy storage solution with built-in LCD screen and controls. Scalable up to 15 parallel units, this model features CAN bus and PC connectivity, secondary protections in a rack-mount 19" 4U case design.

Optional custom modular cabinet allows up to 8-unit installation.

Chemistry: Lithium-ion

Capacity: 100Ah

Voltage: 48V

Energy: 5.12kWh

Cycle life: 6000 cycles @ 80% DoD

Operating temperature range: -4°F to 149°F (-20°C to 65°C)

Dimensions: 19.8" x 19.1" x 6.8" (502mm x 485mm x 173mm)

Weight: 111.3lb (50.5kg)

Warranty: 3-year warranty

Certifications: UL1973

Natron Energy

Product: Natron Blue Pack Critical Power Battery

Description: Designed for data center critical power backup and more, Natron's sodium-ion technology offers safe, reliable, high-power on demand.

Chemistry: Solid state

Capacity: 26.5Ah

Voltage: 48Vdc

Energy: 1.3kWh

Peak power: 35kW

Cycle life: >50,000 cycles

Operating temperature range: -4°F to 113°F (-20°C to 45°C)

Dimensions: 9.9" x 10.6" x 37.5" (253mm x 270mm x 950mm)

Weight: 165lb (75kg)

Certifications: UL9540A 'Champion' rated nonflammable with no thermal runway under any condition

SolaX Power

Product: Hybrid Inverter and ESS

Description: SolaX Power designs and manufactures hybrid inverters and batteries in a modular format. They can operate with and without backup and can operate in off-grid mode.

Chemistry: Lithium-ion

Capacity: 100Ah @ 20hr rate

Voltage: 204V

Energy: 20kWh

Peak power: 7.6kW

Cycle life: 6000 cycles

Operating temperature range: -13°F to 140°F (-25°C to 60°C)

Warranty: 12-year warranty

Certifications: UN38.3, UL1973, UL9540, UL9540A,UL1741, UL1741 SA, CSA - C22.2 No. 107.1-01

90 2024 MAY • JUNE ///


Product: Franklin Home Power (FHP)

Description: The aGate is an intelligent home energy management center that integrates solar, battery, grid, and generator power sources and manages them to optimize energy supply, providing rapid backup in case of grid outages. The aPower is a 13.6kWh AC-coupled battery. It uses safe LFP cells and up to 15 aPower batteries can be stacked.

Chemistry: Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP)

Capacity: 280Ah @ 20hr rate

Voltage: 120V / 240V, 60Hz

Energy: 13.6kWh

Peak power: 10kW

Cycle life: 43mWh throughput

Operating temperature range: -4°F to 122°F (-20°C to 50°C)

Dimensions: aPower X: 45.3" × 29.5" × 11.4" (1150mm × 750mm × 290 mm); aGate X: 31.5" × 21.7" × 6.3" (800 × 550 × 160 mm)

Weight: 408lb (185kg)

Warranty: 12-year warranty

Certifications: UL1741 PCS, UL 673, UL 869A3, UL 9163, CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 107.116, AC156, OSHPD, IEEE 693-2005 (high), California Proposition 65, RoHS Directive 2011 / EU, FCC Part 15 Class B, ICES 003, UL 9540, UL 1741SA, UL 1741SB, UL 1973, UL 9540A, IEEE 1547, IEEE 1547.1, UN 38.3

Qcells North America

Product: Q.HOME CORE

Description: The Q.HOME CORE H3S/ H7S energy storage solution offers scalable storage capacity from 10kWh up to 20kWh and comes in a modular design for easy and fast installation. In event of grid outage, the system is capable of utilizing 100% of the inverter’s power rating to backup the chosen loads of the home. Remote monitoring using the Q.HOME web portal or Q.HOME ESS mobile app is included.

Chemistry: Lithium-ion

Capacity: 5Ah @ 20hr rate

Voltage: 102.4V to 204.8V

Energy: 5.5kWh to 11.1kWh

Cycle life: Approx. 6000 cycles

Operating temperature range: Battery system: 32°F to 127.4°F (0°C to 53°C); Inverter and HUB: -13°F to 140°F (-25°C to 60°C)

Dimensions: 33.5" x 6" x 49" to 72" ( 85cm x 15cm x 124cm to 183cm)

Weight: 335lb to 573lb (152kg to 260kg)

Warranty: 12-year warranty, extendable to 15-year

Certifications: UN38.3, UL 1973, UL 9540, UL 9540A for wall and floor mounting, UL 1741 SA/SB, UL 1741 PCS CRD, IEEE 1547 2018, FCC Part 15 Class B, ANSI C12.20, NEC 690.12


Product: Meter Home

Description: Made in USA. Established in 2020 with manufacturing based in Tualatin, OR, Meter Home ESS units can be dispatched individually or aggregated as a network. The Self-monitoring system sends signals back to their engineers daily to ensure it is 100% running with no errors.

Chemistry: LFP

Capacity: 280Ah @ 20hr rate

Voltage: 3.2V

Energy: 14.3kWh

Peak power: 11kW

Cycle life: 8000 cycles

Operating temperature range: 59°F to 95°F (15°C to 35°C)

Dimensions: 38.5" x 34.6" x 8.4" (98cm x 88cm x 21cm)

Weight: 320lb (145kg)

Warranty: 10-year warranty

Certifications: UL60730, UL1973, UL9540, UN38.3

Ingeteam, Inc.

Product: INGECON SUN STORAGE 3Power U HV C Series

Description: The INGECON SUN STORAGE 3Power U HV C Series is a three-phase bidirectional storage inverter that can be used in grid-connected and stand-alone systems. This 1500V battery inverter achieves a power density of 499 kW/m3, as it provides up to 3928kVA in just one power stack. It is suitable for 1500V battery energy storage systems at utility scale.

Chemistry: Lead acid, Lithium-ion, Flow

Capacity: 67,140Ah @ 20hr rate

Voltage: 854V to 1500V

Peak power: 3928kW

Operating temperature range: -4°F to 140°F (-20°C to 60°C)

Dimensions: 137.8" x 41.4" x 87.2"

Weight: 6173lb (2800kg)

Warranty: 5-year warranty

Certifications: UL1741, FCC Part 15, IEEE C37.90.1, IEEE C37.90.2, CSA22.2 No107

Lockheed Martin

Product: GridStar Flow

Description: Developed in the U.S. by Lockheed Martin, GridStar Flow is a redox flow battery designed with technology to advance clean energy goals, grid resilience, energy affordability, and sustainability for utility, commercial, Department of Defense, and other federal energy applications

Chemistry: Redox flow


Clean Energy Production and Infrastructure Applications.

Thermal Management

• Enclosure and electrical cooling

• Active or passive options

Liquid Cooling

• Water chillers with precise temp control

• Air/Water Heat Exchangers

Audible & Visual Alarms

• For alarm, warning & indication events

• Protect people and processes


Solutions for:

• Charging

• Energy Storage

• Wind Energy

• Inverter Systems

• Mobile Power Generators

• Power Plant Electronics

North American Clean Energy 91

Briggs & Stratton Energy Solutions

Product: SimpliPhi 6.6 Battery

Description: The SimpliPHI 6.6 Battery is engineered for home and built for installers. Installed in under 5 minutes, the SimpliPHI 6.6 features RapidStak connectors that click into place, eliminating the need for wiring or DIP switches.

Chemistry: Lithium-ion

Capacity: 130Ah @ 20 hr rate

Voltage: 51.2Vdc

Energy: 6.65kWh

Peak power: 3.33kW

Cycle life: 4500 cycles @ 100% DoD, 6000 cycles at 80% DoDD @ 0.75 charge/discharge rate

Operating temperature range: -4°F to 131°F (-20°C to 55°C)

Dimensions: 6.7" x 28.6" x 17.3" (170mm x 725mm x 440mm)

Weight: 140lb (63.3kg)

Warranty: 10-year warranty

Certifications: UL 9540 Edition 3, UL 9540A, UL1973, UL 1998 + 991, UN 38.3, UN 3480, IEC62619

Key Features:

• Self-guiding RapidStak connectors allow a stack of 3 to be installed in under 5 minutes;

• Installation requires fewer tools and accessories, and less cost with no wires, no DIP switches, no complications;

• Designed for maximum versatility, each battery delivers 6.65kWh. Stack 3 for 19.95kWh in a compact footprint. Scale up to 6 stacks for 119.7kWh of energy;

• IP65 rating supports all weather conditions for both indoor or outdoor installations. No cabinets needed. Ground or wall mount;

• Designed to integrate with Sol-Ark and other inverters, as well as their SimpliPHI Inverter, offering flexibility and fast commissioning.

U.S. Battery

Product: US RE L-16XC2

Description: Design optimized for maximum performance and life in stationary (non-vehicular) applications, including solar power and renewable energy installations, the OSP battery design and insulating DEFENDER “moss shields” increases life expectancy and performance.

Chemistry: Flooded lead acid

Capacity: 401Ah @ 20hr rate

Voltage: 6V

Energy: 2.41kWh

Cycle life: 675 cycles at 80% DoD, and 1150 cycles at 50% DoD

Operating temperature range: 0°F to 120°F (-17°C to 49°C)

Dimensions: 11.875" x 7.125" x 16.75"

(30.2cm x 18.1cm x 42.5cm)

Weight: 114lb (51.7kg)

Warranty: 5-year warranty

Key Features:

• OSP outside positive plate;

• Higher peak capacity and increased initial capacity;

• Lower acquisition and per-cycle cost than lithium ion, nickel metal hydride, or other rechargeable battery systems.

Univix Power Solutions

Product: The Bank

Description: The Bank is a complete energy storage device that provides power for on-demand use. With a powerful inverter, 20.6kwh of storage, built-in MPPT charge controllers, and remote monitoring, The Bank is a ready to go all-inone solution. This product is easy to install, with an electric drive that makes transport simple and easy. Chemistry: Carbon

Capacity: Laconia

Voltage: 48V

Energy: 20.6kWh

Peak power: 12W

Operating temperature range: 32°F to 104°F (0°C to 40°C)

Dimensions: 49.5" x 29.5" x 36.5" (125.7cm x 74.9cm x 92.7cm)

Weight: 898lb (407kg)

Warranty: 10-year limited warranty

Dimensions: 173" x 165" x 51" (440cm x 420cm x 130.5cm)

Weight: 99lb (45kg)

Warranty: 10-year warranty

Certifications: CE, IEC62619, UN38.3, UL1973, UL9540A, RoHS

Sun Xtender Batteries

Product: Deep Cycle AGM Renewable Energy Batteries

Description: Sun Xtender is a sealed lead acid AGM Deep Cycle Technology renewable energy storage battery. Sun Xtender has a model for off-grid or grid tied systems of any footprint or power requirements. 100% recyclable, the Sun Xtender Battery is built to military specifications in the U.S.A. Ships HazMat Exempt via land, sea, or air. No thermal runaway characteristics. Chemistry: Lead acid

Capacity: 37Ah - 1329Ah@ 24hr rate

Voltage: 2V, 6V, 12V

Cycle life: Customizable

Operating temperature range: -40°F to 158°F (-40°C to 70°C)

Certifications: UL Recognized

92 2024 MAY • JUNE /// MORE POWER. LEOCH® 48V LITHIUM BATTERIES Size Your Next ESS Application with LEOCH ® LiFePO4 Batteries: LEOCH ® BATTERY CORPORATION 20322 Valencia Circle Lake Forest, CA 92630 +1.949 588 5853

LG Electronics USA

Product: LG ESS Home 8

Description: The LG ESS Home 8 is an allin-one, AC coupled energy storage system designed for residential use. It features an Li-ion battery with 7.5kW inverter for easy installation and microgrid interconnect device (MID) smart energy box for fast commissioning. It delivers high performance and is designed with installers in mind, making it a reliable and safe choice for homeowners.

Chemistry: Lithium-ion NMC

Voltage: 406.56V nominal dc

Energy: 14.4kWh useable

Power: 7.5kW continuous

Peak power: 9.0kVA (10s)

Operating temperature range:

Discharging: 32°F to 95°F (0°C to 35°C); Charging: 32°F to 91.4°F (0°C to 33°C)

Dimensions: 27.5" x 49.6" x 8.1" (70cm x 126cm x 21cm)

Weight: 359lb (163kg) Home 8; 55lb (25kg) SE Box


Product: Panasonic EVERVOLT Home

Battery System & SmartBox

Description: The Panasonic EVERVOLT Home Battery System integrates a lithium iron battery and hybrid inverter to generate and provide up to 72kWh of usable storage capacity for whole-home power.

Chemistry: Lithium ferrite phosphate

Capacity: 18.0kWh

Voltage: 204.8V

Energy: 20.0kWh

Peak power: 9.19kW

Cycle life: 6000 cycles

Operating temperature range: -13°F to 140°F (-25°C to 60°C)

Dimensions: 33.5" x 73.4" x 5.8" (850mm x 1863mm x 148mm)

Weight: 583lb (264.5kg)

Warranty: 12-year product, performance, and labor warranty

Warranty: 10-year warranty; battery 70% @ 10-years

Certifications: UL9540, Tested to UL9540A by UL, IEEE1547, 1547.1, UL1741, UL1741SA, CA Rule21, UL1741, C22.2 No.107.1-16, UL1642, UL1973

Certifications: UL1741, UL1741 SA, UL1699B, CSA - C22.2 No. 107.1-01, Canadian AFCI according to T.I.L. M-07, UN38.3, UL1973, UL9540, UL9540A


Product: BMZ Power4Home

Description: BMZ Power4Home is German engineered and U.S. manufactured with a slim, elegant NEMA 3R enclosure and a modular, plug and play design. With two to eight 3.3kWh (usable) LFP modules, two-channel safety architecture, and heating system, it’s easy to install and upgradable within 2 years.

Chemistry: Lithium-ion

Capacity: 65Ah @ 20hr rate

Voltage: 96V to 461V

Energy: 6.7kWh to 26.7kWh (useable)

Peak power: 5.2kW to 20.7kW

Cycle life: 6000 cycles to 80%

Operating temperature range: -4°F to 140°F (-20°C to 60°C)

Dimensions: 32.9" x 23.3" x 6.5" (896mm x 591mm x 164mm)

Weight: All components <66lb (<30kg) in modular, plug and play design

Warranty: 10-year warranty, extendible to 15- or 20-years

Certifications: UL 9540-2023, 3rd. Ed. DCOnly, UL 1973-2022

Enershare Tech Co., Ltd.

Product: Enershare Power Core 1.0 Series

Description: High voltage stackable module, Battery Core up to 6 towers in parallel, Power Core up to 5 modules in series, Energy Core up to 8 modules in series for a maximum capacity of 82.8kWh and 158.4kWh.

Chemistry: Lithium-ion

Capacity: 25Ah @ 20hr rate

Voltage: 307.2V

Energy: 8.28kWh

Pylon Technologies Co., Ltd.

Product: US5000 Residential BESS

Description: US5000 is the latest Pylontech 48V LFP battery with high current strike endurance, dual active protection, remote upgrade feature, widely internal compatibility up to 16 modules per single string, and flexible DIY installation with standard 19" brackets/ rack/cabinet.

Chemistry: Lithium-ion

Capacity: 100Ah

Voltage: 48V

Energy: 4.8kWh

Peak power: Max. continuous 100A

101~120@15min, 121~200@15sec

Cycle life: 6000+ cycles

Operating temperature range: 14°F to 122°F (-10°C to 50°C)

Dimensions: 17.4" x 16.5" x 6.3" (442mm x 420mm x 161mm)

Weight: 39.7lb (18kg)

Warranty: 10-year warranty

Certifications: UL1973, UL9540A, IEC62619, IEC63056, ICE61000-6-2/3, UN38.3

Peak power: 6.48kW to 8.76kW

Cycle life: 6000

Operating temperature range: 14°F to 131°F (-10°C to 55°C)

Dimensions: 31.5" x 25.6" x 10.2" (800 x 650 x 260mm)

Weight: 276lb (125kg) 3 modules

Warranty: 10-year warranty

Certifications: UKCA, IEC62619, CE, UN38.3

North American Clean Energy 93 Contac t Marv air Today for Pricing & Availability | mar | mar | (404) 403-7771 AW-ESS750H 25,500 BTUh (7.47 kW ) Air Cooled Chiller for Liquid Cooled Batterie s Air Cooled Chiller for Liquid Cooled Batteries Energy Efficient Variable Speed Compressor Precise Battery Temperature Control Ease of Installation and Operation NA_CleanEnergy_May-June_2023.indd 1 4/12/23 9:40 AM

EG4 Electronics, LLC

Product: EG4 PowerPro All Weather ESS

Description: Their UL9540 certified systems are configurable with (1-2) 18kPV Hybrid Inverters and (1-3) 280Ah WallMount AW Batteries. With a maximum range of 18kW-36kW usable PV input, 12kW-24kW continuous AC output and 14.3kWh-42.9kWh energy storage capacity, these options provide customers with solutions for critical loads through to whole home backup.

Chemistry: Lithium iron phosphate

Capacity: 280Ah per battery

Voltage: 48V

Energy: 14.3kWh per battery

Peak power: 15.5kW (5 min) per inverter

Cycle life: 8000 cycles at 80% DoD

Operating temperature range: -13°F to 140°F (-25°C to 60°C)

Dimensions: 11.2" x 24.1" x 78" (284mm x 612mm x 1981mm)

Weight: 443lb (200.9kg)

Warranty: 10-year warranty

Certifications: UL9540, UL9540A, UL1741SB

Bioenno Power

Product: BLF- Series of LiFePO4 Batteries

Description: Bioenno Power LiFePO4

batteries provide up to 3000 charge cycle, 10 to 12 year service life, and are lightweight.

Chemistry: LiFePO4

Capacity: 6000Ah @ 20Ah rate

Voltage: 12V

Energy: 72kWh

Peak power: 72kW

Cycle life: 3000 cycles

Operating temperature range: 160°F (71°C)

Warranty: 5-year warranty

Certifications: UN38.3, UL1642

Key Features:

• 2000 to 3000 charge life cycles;

• Built in circuit protection against overcharging, overdischarge, overcurrent, and overvoltage;

• Lightweight;

• Up to 70% less total cost of ownership;

• 95% Depth of Discharge.

Geneverse Energy Inc.

Product: Geneverse PowerPillar

Description: The Geneverse PowerPillar is an energy storage system that works with or without solar, scalable to meet needs up to 60kWh. Innovative design coupled with builtin features and components reduce upfront and installation costs for homeowners and installers, making PowerPillar a cost-efficient option for maximum ROI.

Chemistry: Lithium Iron Phosphate

Capacity: Scalable design ranges between 208Ah to 1250Ah

Voltage: 51.2V

Energy: Scalable design ranges between 10kWh to 60kWh

Peak power: 8kW

Cycle life: 6000 cycles (25°C, 0.5°C / 0.5°C, 90% DoD, 70% EOL)

Operating temperature range: 59°F to 86°F (15°C to 30°C)

Dimensions: 35.9" x 22.6" x 7.4" (912mm × 573mm × 189mm); 48.3" x 22.6" x 7.4" (1227mm × 573mm × 189mm); 60.7" x 22.6" x 7.4" (1542mm × 573mm × 189mm)

Weight: 254lb (115kg); 364lb (165kg); 474lb (215kg)

Warranty: 12-year warranty

Certifications: IEC62619, CE, UL1973, FCC, UL9540A, UL9540

Sineng Electric Co.,

Product: EH-3450/4000-HAUD-34.5

Description: Sineng's EH3450/4000-HA-UD-34.5 MV turnkey station consists of two EH-1725/2000-HA-UD-US central PCS units. Its modular design of key components streamlines maintenance procedures, improving system availability. The incorporation of phase change heat dissipation technology, NEMA TYPE 3R protection design, and black start capability ensures its long-term stability and reliability.

Capacity: >300Ah @ 20hr rate

Voltage: 1000Vdc to 1500Vdc


Product: Moduly Nødz & Moduly Hubz

Description: Moduly offers their Distributed Energy Resource Management System (DERMS) platform called Moduly Hubz, for residential and commercial users. They centralize energy consumption, production, and storage into one ecosystem by integrating smart thermostats, electric vehicle chargers, solar panels, and a storage solution, Moduly Nødz. For utilities, scaled deployment of Moduly Nødz represents a virtual power plant to balance the grid in a clean, reliable, and cost-effective manner. Moduly reduces peak energy consumption, Co2 emissions while increasing energy security with a plug & play home battery storage solution.

Chemistry: Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4)

Capacity: 96Ah @ 20hr rate

Voltage: 25.6V

Energy: 2.4kWh

Peak power: 4kW

Cycle life: 2000 cycles >80% DoD

Operating temperature range: -4°F to 113°F (-20°C to 45°C)

Dimensions: 22" x 7" x 8.6" (56.5cm x 18cm x 22cm)

Weight: 50.3lb (23kg)

Warranty: 10-year warranty

Certifications: UL1973, UL1642


Product: AXIstorage Li SV1

Description: High-performance lithium-ionenergy storage for residential, e-mobility, and commercial applications

Chemistry: Lithium-ion

Capacity: Logan Township

Voltage: 144V to 336V

Energy: 10.1kWh to 23.6kWh

Operating temperature range: 32°F to 122°F (0°C to 50°C)

Dimensions: 24" x 28" x 15" to 24" x 54" x 15" (600mm x 700mm x 380mm to 600mm x 1380mm x 380mm)

Weight: 269lb to 586lb (122kg to 266kg)

Warranty: 10-year warranty

Certifications: UL, IEC, UN38.3

American Energy Storage Innovations (AESI)

Product: TeraStor

Description: All-in-one, energy-dense TeraStor is factory-integrated and tested, arriving on-site and ready for commissioning in less than six hours. With a low number of install connections, the self-powered, selfcooled, and self-managed unit reduces onsite installation and O&M costs. TeraStor's architecture reduces the number of parts and potential points of failure.

Chemistry: Lithium-ion, LFP

Capacity: 7.9MWh ac CP/4 and 7.7MWh ac CP/2

Voltage: 740Vac 2-phase

Energy: 7900kWh dischargeable energy at the low voltage interconnect

Peak power: 3600kW

Cycle life: 20-year use with daily cycles of 100% depth of discharge

Operating temperature range: -22F to 122F (-30C to 50C), cold weather package available

Dimensions: 27' x 12.5' x 8.2' (8.2m x 3.8m x 2.5m)

Weight: <45,000lb (<20,412kg) per quarter block

Warranty: 5-year warranty and preventative maintenance, extendable to 20-years

Certifications: UL 9540, UL 9540A, UL 1973, IEC 60529

94 2024 MAY • JUNE ///

Outdoor Energy Storage Systems

Offered in a variety of sizes and features for on-grid and off-grid applications, both the SUNSYS HES L from 50 kVA / 186 kWh to 550 kVA / 1116 kWh, and our SUNSYS HES XXL, from 1 MVA / 2 MWh to 6 MVA / 26 MWh, are designed for use in the Commercial & Industrial applications, such as photovoltaics selfconsumption, peak shaving, EV charging infrastructure reinforcement, backup power, genset optimization, and others. The system is compliant with all North American UL standards associated with complete Energy Storage Systems and Equipment.

North American Clean Energy 95
L 50 kVA / 186 kWh to 550 kVA / 1116 kWh SUNSYS
2 MWh to 6 MVA
26 MWh

Supercharging Battery Energy Storage Infrastructure

The global power industry is changing rapidly. First and foremost, utilities are seeing increased public pressure from consumers to source their energy via more renewable methods. Yet business and industry are also exerting more pressure for change as they manage their scope 2 and 3 emissions to meet increasingly ambitious net zero goals.

The rise in variable generation, such as solar and wind, has heightened the need for utility-scale battery energy storage to help mitigate the effects of intermittent power production and maintain grid stability. Battery storage facilities can act as a load by absorbing excess generation. They can also smooth out system operation by supplying power boosts to support voltage, frequency, and peak demand needs.

Owners and operators of these assets are often perfectly positioned to take advantage of fluctuating energy markets, but only when their operations empower them to be nimble. Such operations require the comprehensive visibility and easy control provided by fit-for-purpose green energy management solutions, with integrated asset management and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) software.

Increased complexity of managing I/O

One of the primary factors that gives utility operators pause as they pursue battery storage projects is the perceived complexity of the shift from a very operational technology (OT)-centered infrastructure, to a more information technology (IT)-focused one. While a traditional power generation automation project had dozens of cabinets where engineers wired in transmitters and other field devices, renewable automation projects are more IT-based, with many datalink connections via Ethernet or fiber optics. I/O are often addressed as IP devices, and gather data using industry-standard protocols.

This shift from hard I/O to soft I/O typically results in a less tangible I/O base, resulting in hundreds or thousands of I/O points across the system. While more power capacity means more capability, it also means far more communication points.

The I/O generated by individual battery cells or modules is managed by an OEM battery management system (BMS), and DC to AC voltage conversion is handled by the power conversion system (PCS or inverter), typically provided by a different OEM. Depending on site configuration — a single unit representing a collection of similar battery modules, a plant consisting

of multiple units, or units or plants connected to renewable generation like solar — the breadth of equipmentgenerated I/O that needs to be managed by operations could be overwhelming, which could result in inefficient support of daily energy storage site operations.

Moreover, with the intricacies of the modern supply chain, there is no guarantee that every piece of equipment will be sourced from the same manufacturer. Ultimately, a site could very easily end up with numerous BMS and PCS installations from a variety of OEMs — which escalates when more storage is added to a fleet — increasing operational complexity.

As operators try to manage their daily tasks (how many batteries are at full capacity, how many have faults or alarms, how many are in automatic versus manual control), they will need to be trained to operate and support multiple systems. This will require extra time and cost to navigate different interfaces for the same issues, while introducing delays to what are often time-critical tasks.

A single solution for unified control

The organizations having the most success establishing, maintaining, and optimizing battery storage operations are bringing all their systems together into an integrated solution, with a single dashboard for a clear and comprehensive view of operations. These implementations rely on field-proven and fit-for-purpose green energy management solutions based on SCADA software created by automation suppliers with decades of experience in both the automation and energy industries (Figure 1).

The best energy management systems aggregate all the battery storage I/O into a central point, and they use one intuitive dashboard to provide clear operational visibility and control of hundreds or thousands of devices and I/O. Plant staff have continuous access to aggregated data for efficient operation and troubleshooting of their battery systems from the same location, without jumping between operating environments.

Using built-for-purpose battery energy management solutions with SCADA software not only saves time by eliminating the need for operators to travel to one or multiple battery energy

2: Providing a unified view of contextualized, real-time operational data with purpose-built asset management and SCADA software improves situational awareness, helping operators to isolate critical information more quickly and to make better, safer decisions.

sites, it also helps enforce consistency and repeatability of operations. Operations and maintenance staff can be trained on one system and know that their skills will apply to every piece of equipment, regardless of OEM. They also gain access to broad, reliable, comprehensive customer support to help them navigate the complexities of aggregating a wide array of disparate systems. When organizations select proven, experience-backed energy and asset management software, they are also more likely to be able to control additional assets (wind, solar, hydro, and even fossil-fuel sites) alongside their battery energy storage. This increased flexibility makes it easier to bring multiple critical systems together into a remote operations center, where the organization’s best and most experienced personnel can more efficiently manage a wider array of fleet-wide assets (Figure 2).

A foundation for a greener future

Battery storage is a new frontier for many utilities venturing into the renewables sector; there are often many unknowns. While a wide variety of energy management and SCADA solutions for battery storage exist, the most effective solutions across the lifecycle of a company’s equipment will be those built from the ground up by an automation solutions provider with deep expertise in energy generation.

Not only will such solutions be easier to install, configure, manage, and maintain, they will also be designed with the capability for expanded operations, making it easier to use to efficiently monitor all the energy storage and generation assets the organization owns or may acquire. The full access to data, clear operational visibility, and intuitive control provided by an integrated green energy and asset management solution can be the foundation for decades of safe, efficient, and profitable operation.

Anthony LaMantia is senior engineer at Emerson, where he oversees implementation of renewable solution projects, and helps to lead the digital transformation of power industry customers. He is responsible for the successful execution of automation projects for renewable assets, with a focus on solar PV and battery energy storage. Anthony received a Bachelor of Science from the University of Pittsburgh in Applied Mathematics.

Emerson ///

Figure Figure 1: Implementing an integrated, field-proven energy management system that seamlessly aggregates and moves data from the field to the enterprise provides a foundation for longterm safe, efficient, and profitable operations.
96 2024 MAY • JUNE ///

Got Power?

ESS offers a solution to increasing extreme weather

The summer of 2023 was the hottest in recorded history, hitting the United States with disproportionate force. A climatology report by PBS explained that the terrain in and surrounding the U.S. contributes to powerful competing air masses that result in extreme weather, inflamed by the fact that many of the major population centers in the country have been built near climate propellants like the ocean.

Though extreme climate events have increased, municipal infrastructures have not been updated to address the effects of worsening weather, which leaves U.S. homes and their owners vulnerable to the ravages of the elements. Nearly 70 percent of homeowners experienced a power outage during 2023, interrupting access to home appliances, lighting, charge for cellphones and other communication devices, and internet use. Grid-dependent homeowners faced with an outage had no choice but to wait for the utility company to resolve the issue in order to restore power.

Freedom from weather-related outages

As extreme weather increases, the option to relinquish grid-dependency and enjoy uninterrupted power grows more alluring. Energy storage systems (ESS) provide a way to store power for the home. Like a battery, residential ESS gather energy that can be used in an outage or during peak consumption times when energy prices spike. ESS can be installed on a floor or mounted to a wall, and are often kept out of sight in a basement or garage. Homeowners can choose the number of units in their ESS to tailor its performance to the size and desired energy needs of their home.

A shared and often weather-strained power grid means rising blackouts, brownouts, and outages that take away access to essential appliances people rely on for health, comfort, and safety. Homeowners with ESS, however, have an additional resource available to them during an outage; they can simply pull stored energy from their ESS to power certain home appliances.

In the case of an extended outage, the power stored in an ESS can be used for longer periods of time by only powering essential appliances like refrigerators or medical devices. ESS that are connected to rooftop solar panels can be recharged on sunny days to extend their power capacity during long outages. Energy independence mitigates the hazards and fears associated with losing power by giving homeowners more control over the power in their homes.

Solar panel or grid coupling options

Many homeowners have already invested in rooftop solar panels to minimize their reliance on the grid. While solar panels can help homeowners reduce and control their electric bills; instead of shoveling hundreds of dollars to the utility every month, adding an ESS increases their energy reliability. By storing energy from PV panels, the ESS ensures an additional source of power for the home so appliances can effectively operate day and night.

Yet for homeowners who do not have rooftop solar panels, ESS remains an equally viable option: ESS can connect to the grid and store grid-generated power, so when the entire neighborhood or town is experiencing a blackout, homes with ESS can stay powered on. During dangerous weather events, many ESS can be controlled from a mobile app to enable homeowners with ESS installed outdoors to operate the device from the safety of their homes.


Like solar panels, residential ESS require an upfront investment, which may be eligible for an offset by state-specific incentive programs or The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) credits, or, in some states, both. Homeowners may qualify for up to a 30 percent investment tax credit for home energy storage installation — which covers both the cost of the storage

system and installation fees — until 2033. Previously, only homeowners with both an ESS and rooftop solar panels could qualify for this tax credit, but newer regulations allow those with and without rooftop solar panels to apply for the tax credit, making home ESS more widely accessible and affordable under the IRA. Several states offer their own additional ESS incentives, including California, New York, Florida, Ohio, Texas, Colorado, and several more. These state-specific incentives range from property tax exemptions, to sales tax exemptions, to rebate programs that earn homeowners credits (which can be cashed) based on the amount of energy their ESS produces. Many resources are available to homeowners to assist them in determining which incentives may apply to them, including their ESS installer. Another way to offset costs is to use ESS to power homes during peak consumption times. After charging during lower usage periods when power prices are more stable, many ESS can utilize a self-consumption mode during peak usage periods, saving homeowners money by using their own stored power instead of paying the higher costs associated with high usage times.

Extreme weather events are intensifying, as is the climate’s impact on the grid. A residential energy storage system provides a dependable solution for homeowners looking for energy independence. Energy storage empowers all types of homeowners to take control of their energy costs and reliability, so when the grid goes down they’ve got power, even when their neighbors don’t.

Industry veteran Jim Brown leads residential ESS business development in the United States for LG Electronics. LG Electronics ///

98 2024 MAY • JUNE ///

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Embracing New Fire Safety Standards for BESS

On April 19, 2019, a thermal runaway event took place in a battery energy storage unit (ESS) located within a building in Surprise, Arizona. The ESS was provided with fire detection and fire suppression, which both activated. Approximately five hours after arriving on the scene, the responding fire department opened a door on the ESS, and a deflagration event occurred, severely injuring four firefighters. The event was a catalyst for the need for updated fire safety standards, including increasing fire department awareness of the hazards of an ESS, as the ESS was reportedly installed in compliance with applicable codes and standards at the time of its commissioning.

Just four months after this incident, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) debuted the first edition of NFPA 855, Standard for the Installation of Stationary Energy Storage Systems. The release of NFPA 855 was a three-year effort to address fire safety concerns related to ESS installation and operation. Since the release of NFPA 855, the model building and fire codes in the United States have also been updated to address these same concerns.

Whenever new regulations are issued, there is always a concern that these standards could be detrimental to business operations. The current edition of NFPA 855 applies to the “design, construction, installation, commissioning, operation, maintenance, and decommissioning of stationary energy storage systems (ESS), including mobile and portable ESS installed in a stationary situation” to provide “the minimum requirements for mitigating the hazards associated with ESS” . While NFPA 855 is a fire safety standard to protect people, property, and the environment from a thermal event, compliance with NFPA 855 can also have a positive effect on operational mission continuity. The key to NFPA 855 is to engage qualified professionals and the fire department early in the site development process.

Typically, there is a three year or more lag between the development of codes and standards like the International Fire Code and NFPA 855; many jurisdictions in the U.S. have not yet adopted the most current editions of these fire safety standards. Developers may be aware of these codes and standards or, more importantly, that the current editions provide more guidance on proper site location and interface with the responding fire department. Not understanding that these standards exist (or their requirements) can not only delay commissioning and start-up, but also require modifications of the installed ESS.

A key focus of the fire safety standards has to do with preventing “thermal runaway.” This is when the temperature of a battery cell increases uncontrollably which can result in a fire, explosion, or flammable and toxic gas evolution if not properly mitigated. Numerous media stories have shown the effects of thermal runaway in batteries for e-mobility devices (e-bikes, e-scooters, and similar). Thermal events in e-mobility devices, particularly when occurring inside a building, have resulted in significant fires, injuries, and deaths.

NFPA 855 includes the development and review of items such as:

• Emergency planning and training

• Hazard mitigation analysis (HMA)

• Combustible storage

• Equipment

• Installation

• Smoke and fire detection

• Explosion Control

• Fire control and suppression

Successful implementation of NFPA 855 begins with the selection of the battery ESS. As technology continues to change and improve, battery ESS are constantly evolving with battery chemistry, energy storage capacity, energy storage management systems, and safety features. Some battery ESS have internal fire safety features such as hazardous gas venting, smoke detection, fire suppression, or specialized engineered solutions, while others may need these systems provided independently from the battery ESS.

Fires in battery ESS units, however, are very rare. According to the BESS Failure Event Database maintained by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), there have only been 16 documented battery ESS failure events in the U.S. in the five years since the Surprise, Arizona event. While this number is higher than fire safety professionals would prefer, proper planning can limit the effect of a thermal event on the public and responding fire department.

Planning at procurement

Early in the project planning process, developers and integrators work together to determine the overall

Determining the need for these fire safety features starts with fire testing of the battery ESS. Most battery ESS units are now required by NFPA 855 and model fire codes to be listed to UL 9540, Energy Storage Systems and Equipment . While there is an allowance in NFPA 855 for a field evaluation to be performed for nonlisted ESS, UL 9540 requirements provide valuable information related to how the battery ESS reacts in a thermal event. As part of the site development process, a hazard mitigation analysis (HMA) should be performed that reviews the results of the UL 9540A testing and applies that information to the individual battery ESS, adjacent units, and the overall site. The HMA is an analysis that looks at the consequences of a variety of failure modes, including thermal runaway. The HMA will assist in siting of the battery ESS to protect exposures on the site by determining the minimum distance from items such as public walkways, lot lines, important structures,

100 2024 MAY • JUNE ///
Photo Credit: Santa Barbara County Fire Department

Rugged battery connectors

Battery connectors from Weidmuller USA for BESS applications are engineered to handle high currents, allowing for efficient energy transfer and reduced power losses; designed to withstand harsh environmental conditions; are user-friendly with mechanisms that prevent accidental disconnections; contact made of copper alloy finished with silver and approved according to UL 4128 to warrant the best electrical contact with more than 100 operations of mechanical connection and disconnection (without load); on the wiring side, options for conductor crosssections from 10mm² to 95mm²; on the mating part, a busbar where the conductor can be easily connected on the device by means of a cable lug; color coded connectors (orange = positive; black = negative) on both the connector and the mated busbar connection; connectors are key coded on both sides to alleviate the possibility of user error; and a locking mechanism to fasten the plug and the socket.

Weidmuller USA ///

and/or mitigating factors, and adjusting for them early in the site development process, is key to a successful permit issuance and timely commissioning and approval by the local fire department. Developing the HMA late in the construction process can result in the installation/provision of significant mitigating factors (installation of fire-resistive walls, field evaluation of the battery ESS, addition of fire detection/fire suppression systems) after the battery ESS is installed on-site. This can easily delay project commissioning and start-up.

Final thoughts

While NFPA 855 and associated fire codes and standards can appear to cause additional headaches and costs for energy storage site developers and integrators, it saves you later. Early understanding and implementation of these regulations increase interaction and understanding with the responding fire department, which can result in successful project commissioning and startup. If a thermal event were to occur, implementation of the HMA can result in limited downtime and any effect on adjacent equipment at the project site, as the event may be contained to a single energy storage unit.

Bowman ///

BESS Exterior Fire Detection System Control Panel
Doug Fisher is the Principal Fire Protection Engineer at Bowman.
North American Clean Energy 101

Fire Risk May Threaten Energy Storage Boom

As the world accelerates its transition to renewable energy sources, the deployment of energy storage solutions has surged to meet the demands of this ongoing transformation. Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) capacity is likely to quintuple between 2023 and 2030, reaching a cumulative 411GW, as battery technology becomes indispensable for grid stability and reliability.

With this surge, however, comes a pressing need to mitigate the fire risks associated with BESS. Effectively managing the fluctuations in renewable electricity generation on the power grid is vital as fossil fuels are phased out; the scale of growth needed to meet net-zero targets underscore the critical importance of ensuring the safety and reliability of BESS infrastructure.

As the industry grows, so does the fire risk

Lithium-ion batteries are the most common and preferred choice for grid-scale storage systems, based on cost and energy density considerations. This market dominance, however, comes at a price – these batteries post a significant fire risk. With demand growing 30 percent annually up until 2030, the number of BESS fires is set to go up exponentially. To make matters worse, a recent survey found that 26 percent of battery storage systems have fire detection and suppression issues, while 18 percent also had issues with the thermal management system.

The fire risk is not simply a question of mitigating damage to the BESS asset. Smoke from thermal runaway in lithium-ion batteries is not just flammable, but toxic. With the expansion of energy storage in the next decade, this poses a serious danger if the system is installed near a dense or heavily populated area. Central to mitigating this threat is ensuring not only that the batteries themselves cause a fire, but also that fires starting around other components in the BESS asset do not spread to the battery rack.

Current fire

suppression solutions don’t go far enough

Currently, industry recommendations prioritize the implementation of water deluge protection systems in all BESS projects. While these systems play a crucial role in providing cooling and fire suppression, they fall short of preventing catastrophic events such as thermal runaway. They also fail to adequately protect all components within a battery asset. To address these shortcomings, the industry must pivot towards prioritizing comprehensive protection for the entire BESS asset.

Safeguarding all components of a BESS asset is paramount, as this significantly reduces the risk of fire propagation from electrical cabinets to batteries a problem that has occurred on other renewable energy assets with the same equipment (such as wind turbines). These components also represent 40 percent of the total asset cost, amounting to up to $500,000. By implementing protection measures for electrical cabinets and incorporating total flood protection for battery racks, the industry can not only reduce the risk of fires spreading between components, but also minimize reliance on "last resort" deluge systems, which are often activated after a fire has already escalated.

Financial impact of fires necessitates upgrading fire suppression solutions

The financial implications of fire incidents on BESS assets are substantial, with developers, owners, or operators facing potential costs of up to $2 million. These costs include the catastrophic loss of assets and revenue depletion resulting from up to 1.5 years' worth of downtime. Further costs can continue to stack up following a BESS fire, including increased insurance premiums, environmental damage, and reputational harm to businesses and industries. In contrast, the cost of fitting or retrofitting comprehensive fire suppression solutions represents only a fraction of these potential losses.

The industry must also address the growing issue of false activations in fire suppression systems, which carry a substantial financial cost. False activations can reach costs of up to $900,000, posing significant challenges in terms of clean-up efforts and downtime when utilizing aerosol or water deluge solutions. Mitigating the risk of false activations is essential not only to minimize financial losses, but also to maintain operational efficiency, grid stability, and reliability.

Further responsibilities for developers

The potential for increased fire incidents poses broader implications for the BESS industry. Public opposition to BESS projects could intensify, further complicating industry growth and hindering progress towards renewable energy goals. To mitigate these risks, developers must actively engage with local authorities, fire, and rescue services, establishing communication channels and fostering collaborative partnerships to enhance fire safety protocols and emergency response capabilities.

The increasing recognition of the importance of energy storage is attracting a diverse range of participants. Concurrently, the projects themselves are evolving and installations are becoming larger and more complex. In this dynamic landscape, clear and transparent communication is essential for effective risk management. As projects expand and become more intricate, the dissemination of relevant information and best practices to mitigate potential risks effectively must be prioritized. Collaboration and knowledgesharing among industry participants, regulatory bodies, and research institutions are crucial to foster a culture of safety and resilience in the evolving energy storage sector. In conclusion, as the global energy transition gains momentum, addressing the fire risks associated with Battery Energy Storage Systems is paramount. By prioritizing comprehensive fire suppression solutions, engaging with all relevant participants, and

Brian Cashion is Director of Engineering at Firetrace International, which provides bespoke solutions for suppressing fires in the renewable energy industry.

Firetrace International ///

102 2024 MAY • JUNE ///

Securing Our Energy Infrastructure with Microgrids

The impacts of climate change are becoming increasingly more apparent as communities around the world experience extreme weather events. From hurricanes and floods to droughts and wildfires, these types of events can have profound negatives effects on our energy infrastructure. This is a major challenge that will only continue to grow as the frequency — and severity — of these extreme weather events increases.

So, how can we protect our grid systems and promote energy security for those who need it? One good answer is implementing microgrids.

What are microgrids?

Microgrids are what they sound like: A small, selfsustaining local energy grid that exists within the

larger grid system. A grid consists of power sources, users, wire connections, and a system to control everything. Microgrids consist of all that, they are just a smaller version of it. However, a defining element of a microgrid is its ability to connect and disconnect from the larger grid. This proves helpful during outages related to extreme weather events or system failures that can cause blackouts or brownouts.

Microgrids are becoming increasingly popular in achieving energy security because they provide power to customers during grid outages. They are also a growing segment of the energy transition, and represent the shift from centralized power towards more localized and distributed generation solutions. The aim? To protect communities, provide resiliency, and, in some cases, enable the transition to cleaner forms of energy.

Another great thing about microgrids is how they can pull power from distributed energy resources (a combination of different power sources). For example, a microgrid can have a baseload generation of electricity from traditional fossil-fuel sources. It can also include solar panels, wind turbines, and hydroelectric facilities. Furthermore, it can have battery energy storage systems to gather renewable energy when it’s generated, and discharge the energy when it’s needed. As we look to the future, microgrids may be able to utilize alternative energy solutions like hydrogen and small modular reactors. This makes them an attractive option for communities looking for energy security and making efforts to decarbonize.

grid at all. Off-grid communities must generate power themselves. Traditionally, this has only been possible with fossil fuel resources. But microgrid solutions are increasingly enabling these communities to integrate renewables, which reduce their dependence on fossil fuels.

The second key benefit concerns essential services. Microgrids can provide resiliency for essential electrical systems such as those used by hospitals, data centers, and more. These institutions need to have power to operate 24/7, which is especially true during extreme weather events. There is a high-value proposition for these types of facilities to implement their own microgrids. If people are hurt or injured during a hurricane, for example, we need our hospitals to function in order to treat people in need. Furthermore, we need to make sure our communications systems are up and running during these events so emergency response teams can coordinate with each other — and the community — to achieve the best and safest outcomes.

It's clear that microgrids can benefit communities in need of solutions for energy security. To get a better perspective, let’s look at an example of what can happen when they don’t have one.

Who can benefit from microgrids?

Everyone can benefit from microgrids, but they are especially useful in a couple of key settings. The first is rural and remote communities, which are generally serviced by long power lines that are vulnerable to disruption, if they are connected to the larger

A case study in Texas

In February 2021, Winter Storm Uri swept through the southern United States. It had a profound impact on the state of Texas, causing record snowfall and low temperatures in the state that wasn’t necessarily prepared for the severity. This is because the grid there was not designed for these types of conditions. The result? A crisis of energy supply and demand. During the winter storm, Texans were forced to turn up their thermostats to keep from freezing. Unfortunately, while the demand for electricity to heat homes was increasing, the ability to produce

104 2024 MAY • JUNE /// SUSTAINABLE EV CHARGING | Fastest Deployed No Electrical Work No Construction

that electricity was waning; oil and gas pipelines froze, wind farms were iced over, and even nuclear power plants were taken offline due to the frigid conditions. This resulted in several challenges for communities in Texas. More than 3.5 million Texans experienced power outages, leaving people without electricity to keep the lights on, heat their homes, or charge devices to keep in touch with loved ones and the local authorities. These power outages had knock-on impacts. Freezing temperatures and power disruptions affected water treatment facilities, which led to boil water notifications warning local residents to boil their water before drinking it to make sure it wasn’t contaminated. Power outages also strained fuel supplies as people collected fuel to run generators or were forced to stay warm in their cars. There were also food challenges as people were unable to cook their food or keep it fresh in the refrigerator.

Strategically deployed microgrids could have increased the resiliency for these communities. Not only could have safeguarded the water systems, but they could have ensured emergency facilities remained online, minimizing the impact to public transportation and safety.

Driving energy security with microgrids

As extreme weather events continue to grow in both quantity and severity, we need to prepare for the new normal. One of the best ways to do that is by protecting our power infrastructure. Microgrids can help us do that in a more resilient and sustainable way. Plus, they can help communities to diversify their energy sources and integrate renewables like wind, solar, hydropower, and more.

Microgrids should be increasingly more common as we drive the energy transition forward. Achievable for users big and small, microgrids are particularly effective in rural and remote communities. By adopting this sustainable energy solution, we can help to keep the lights (and heat!) on during extreme weather events.

Dane LaBonte is Business Development Analyst, Mike Voll is Principal, Sector Lead Smart Technologies, and Tony Zavanelli is Principal, Energy at Stantec. Stantec plans, designs, delivers and manages the development and infrastructure needed to support the creation of sustainable, healthy, and prosperous communities.

Stantec ///

Unlock up to 20% more BESS capacity utilization

FlexGen’s advanced analytics software platform, HybridOS Analyze provides Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) sites with real-time analytics and 24/7 remote monitoring, allowing operators to proactively evaluate equipment condition, maximize system availability, and gives insights for optimal productivity from energy storage assets. HybridOS Analyze works as a stand-alone software solution with any energy management software and any BESS systems. Added system insights can maximize the value of energy storage to the grid and increase system capacity utilization by as much as 20%. FlexGen's HybridOS Analyze will not only increase the performance of the system but will also allow for asset owners to make better decisions on how and when to perform augmentation services.


Electric vehicle charging station test adapter

The Fluke FEV100 offers a comprehensive solution for testing the safety and performance of type 1, level 1, or level 2 electric vehicle AC charging stations (EVSEs). This test adapter accurately simulates the presence of an electric vehicle, enabling users to conduct thorough tests in conjunction with compatible instruments like digital multimeters or oscilloscopes. Whether verifying proper function post-installation, conducting routine maintenance checks, or troubleshooting issues with charge delivery, the FEV100 ensures reliable results. Its built-in safety features, including GFCI trip tests and PE grounding protection pre-tests, mitigate risks of electric shock, and ensure user protection. With the ability to perform various tests such as ground fault checks, insulation testing, and voltage measurements, all within a single adapter, the FEV100 offers simplicity and convenience while seamlessly integrating with the Fluke ecosystem of test and measurement tools. This eliminates the need to bring an electric vehicle onsite for troubleshooting, streamlining performance, and maintenance testing processes.

Fluke Corporation ///

North American Clean Energy 105 L E A R N M O R E A B O U T U S :

EV Charging

Key Features:

• Direct current coupled solar energy storage charging solution;

• Higher cycling efficiency by 5% compared to alternating current coupling;

• Aligns with VPP scheduling to alleviate power supply pressure;

• Modular design allows for flexible power variations;

• Single unit capable of reaching 150kW power, eligible for California subsidies.


Product: Electric Vehicle

Charging Stations

Application: Residential, commercial

AC input: 208Vac to 240Vac

Maximum output current per connector: 40A

Maximum output power per connector: 9.6kW

Connectors: SAE J1772

Cable length: 18ft, 25ft (5.8m, 7.62m)

External enclosure: NEMA


Dimensions: 11" x 7.5" x 3.2"

Protection: UV protected display

User interface: Display screen

Status indicator: Yes

Communications: OCPP 1.6, WiFi, LTE, RFID, Ethernet

Operating temperature: -22°F to 122°F (-30°C to 50°C)

Humidity: 0% to 95%

Certificates and compliance:

UL/cUL Listed, SAE J1772, UL 2594, UL 355, CSA, EVOREEL, ETL/cETL

EV chargers are a necessity for EV owners. Without a gas tank to fill up, EV’s get their fuel from electric chargers. There are different levels of EV chargers and in this product spotlight, we highlight some of the available options on the market today...

Sinexcel, Inc.

Product: S90+DCDCFC Solution

Application: Commercial

AC input: 480Vac

Maximum output current per connector: 350A

Maximum output power per connector: 180kW

Connectors: CCS1, NACS

Cable length: 20ft (6m)

External enclosure: IP54

Dimensions: 51" x 94" x 28" (1300mm x 2400mm x 700mm)

Protection: Temperature protection, grid monitoring (OVP/UVP, OFP/UFP), EPO, grid

reverse sequence, island protection, fan/ relay fault, overload protection, AC short circuit protection, IP54

User interface: Display screen

Status indicator: Yes

Communications: CAN, RS485, network port

Operating temperature: -4°F to 131°F

(-20°C to 55°C); de-rating over 113°F (45°C)

Humidity: 0 to 95%


Product: Green Motion DC Fast Chargers

Application: Commercial

Power input: 50kW to 150kW

Maximum output current per connector: 125A to 300A

Connectors: 1 or 2

Cable length: 25ft (7.62m)

External enclosure: NEMA 3R

outdoor rated enclosure

Dimensions: 72" x 33" x 31"

Protection: UV protected display

User interface: 7" touch screen display

Status indicator: LED charging

status indicators, touch screen display

Communications: Ethernet, cellular

Authentification: RFID, QR code

Operating temperature: -31°F to 122°F (-35°C to 50°C)

Certificates and compliance: CPP 1.6J, UL 2202, UL 2231, IEC 60068-2-11, ISO/IEC 15118 ("Plug and Charge" portion only), DIN 70121 (SAE J2847/2), SAE J1772

Key Features:

• Rapidly deployed;

• No construction;

• Off-grid; no electrical work;

• Charge during grid outages;

• Drive on Sunshine.


Product: PowerCharge Pro-Lightning EV Charging Station Application: Commercial

Maximum output current per connector: 32A or 40A

Maximum output power per connector: 7.6kW 9.6kW

Connectors: SAE J1772

Cable length: 18ft (2.43m)

External enclosure: NEMA 4

InCharge Energy

Product: ICE-22 V2X on JC Premium Pedestal

Application: Commercial

AC input: 400/480Vac, 3L+PE; 0-43A

Maximum output current per connector: 73.3A

Maximum output power per connector: 22kW

Connectors: CCS1

Cable length: 16.4ft (5m)

External enclosure:Hot galvanized steel, plastic facade, tempered glass screen

Dimensions: 12.38" x 24" x 25.63"

Protection: IP55/K10, NEMA 3R


Product: CCS-C80C EV Charging Column

Application: Commercial

AC input: 208/240Vac, 60Hz single phase

Maximum output current per connector: 80A

Maximum output power per connector: 19.2kW

Connectors: SAE J1772

Cable length: 25ft. (7.62m)

External enclosure: Cold roll steel

Dimensions: 69" x 15.75" x 6.42"

Protection: Charge Circuit Interrupting Device (CCID)

Status indicator: Standard multi-color LED indicators

Beam Global

Product: EV ARC Sustainable EV Charging System

Application: Commercial

AC input: Off-grid: 100% powered by renewable energy

Maximum output current per connector: Off-grid: can charge during power outages

Maximum output power per connector: 5.76kW

Connectors: J1772, NACS

Cable length: 18ft (5.5m)

Dimensions: 8ft x 7.5ft (5.5m x 2.3m) fits in a standard parking spot

User interface: Display screen, mobile app

Status indicator: Yes

Communications: 4G, WiFi, RFID

Operating temperature: -4°F to 122°F (-20°C to 50°C)

Certificates and compliance: UL 9540

Pending, UL 1973, UL 1703, UL 2231, UL 2594

Dimensions: 14.74" x 13.43" x 60"

Status indicator: Standard color LED

Communications: Wi-Fi or LTE/CDMA/GSM

Authentification: OCPP1.6J

Operating temperature: -22°F to 122°F (-30°C to 50°C)

Certificates and compliance: UL 354962, UL 50, UL 991, UL 1449, UL 1998, UL 2231, UL 2594, Energy Star #E354962

User interface: 7" LCD touch screen

Status indicator: Yes

Communications: OCPP 1.6J

Authentification: RFID, mobile app payment, plug and charge (free vend)

Operating temperature: -40°F to 158°F (-40°C to 70°C)

Humidity: 95%

Certificates and compliance: UL 2202, CSA 22.2, UL 1741 SA/SB, UL 9741, IEEE 1547, J2847/2, IEC 61851-23:2014, IEC 61000-6-3:2020

Communications: LAN, LAN 10/100 RFID Reader, ISO15693, 14443A/b Wide Area Network, 4G LTE (optional)

Authentification: RFID, application-based driver


Operating temperature: -22°F to 122°F (-30°C to 50°C)

Humidity: Up to 85% @ 122°F (50°C) noncondensing

Certificates and compliance: UL 2594, UL 2231, UL1998, UL991

106 2024 MAY • JUNE ///


Product: DC Fast Charging System (Dispenser and PCS)

Application: Commercial

AC input: 480V - 3 phase

Maximum output current per connector: 200A

Maximum output power per connector: 60kW or 125kW

Connectors: CCS

Cable length: 25ft (up to 8m)

External enclosure: NEMA 3R

Dimensions: 16" x 23" x 75" (40.6cm x 58.4cm x 190.5cm), custom sizes available

Protection: Insulation monitor

User interface: VectorStat

Status indicator: Standard multi-color LED or LCD touchscreen

Communications: Wifi or Ethernet

Authentification: OCPP1.6J and VectorStat

Operating temperature: -4°F to 113°F (-20°C to 45°C)

Humidity: 0% to 95% (non-condensing)

Certificates and compliance: UL 2202, UL 2231, CSA22.2, IEEE 1547.1, UL1741-SA

Blink Charging

Product: Series 8 Level 2 EV Charging Station

Application: Commercial

Pion Power

Product: Flex-AC EV Charger

Application: Residential

AC input: 120V to 240V

Maximum output current per connector: 32A/40A

Maximum output power per connector: 7.6kW/9.6kW

Connectors: SAE J1772

AC input: Level II: 80A; Line 1, Line 2, and GND (no neutral)

Maximum output current per connector: 240Vac@80A

Maximum output power per connector: 19.2kW@240V

Connectors: SAE J1772

Cable length: 18ft (5.5m) standard, 25ft (7.6m) optional

External enclosure: Aluminum, NEMA 3R outdoor-rated

Dimensions: 24" x 7.4" x 9"

Protection: Safety, ground fault circuit interrupt: 20mA CCID with auto retry (every 15 seconds), surge protection: 6kV@3000A

User interface: 4.3" color LCD, 480 x 272

Status indicator: High visibility, multicolor visual status indication

Communications: Cellular 4G LTE

Authentification: Apple/Android app, RFID, NFC, automated phone system, credit card reader

Operating temperature: -22°F to 122°F (-30°C to 50°C) ambient

Humidity: Up to 95% non-condensing

Certificates and compliance: UL22311, 2231-2, UL2594, NEC Article 625, FCC Part 15 Class A, CTEP

Storage-only Power Bloc

External enclosure: NEMA 4 (IP 66)

Dimensions: 16.73" x 15.94" x 6.7"

Protection: Overvoltage, undervoltage, overheating, overcurrent, leakage, grounding, lightning, fire and flame, waterproof, dust proof, antistatic protection

User interface: LED indicator

Communications: Wifi, hotspot

Operating temperature: -22°F to 122°F (-30°C to 50°C)

Humidity: 5%~95% without condensation


DCDC Converter

Multiple MPPT: 1/2/4 00kW-750kW per cabinet

orage Inverter




kW- 1 72MW per cabinet


Grid-tied and off-grid

compliance: CSA C22.2 NO. 280, CSA C22.2 NO. 281.1, CSA C22.2 NO. 281.2, FCC, Energy Star Inc solutions@sinexcel us www sinexcel us Rated Configure Compatible Flexible Power & Capacity Utility Grid Licensed Global Certified
EMA3R 00-1500Vdc
1500Vdc C&I and T&D Modular Energy Storage & Micro-grid Solutions ®
k Parallel on both DC and AC sides Individual Power Module □ Built-in
Power & DC panel □ 480/550/600/690Vac □ 800-1500Vdc □ Work
c □
Complex Operation Conditions
with independent battery
Grid-tied and off-grid


May 6 th -9 th , 2024 Anaheim Convention Center Anaheim, CA

The time is now to unlock the power of the industry and solve the world’s most urgent challenges. At the 2024 IEEE PES T&D Conference and Exposition, find the expertise and next-gen innovations needed to accelerate the future and make tomorrow’s grid today’s reality. The technology is here. The funding is here. Now it’s time to start moving the industry forward — faster.

Design of utility and industrial electrical systems

Olsson specializes in utility and industrial electrical systems. Their engineers and technicians design new electrical systems as well as conduct system studies/ evaluations, develop cost analyses, and support construction to provide purposeful solutions for their clients. They offer a wide array of value-added services that can take a project from conception to completion, including surveying services, route evaluations, geotechnical studies, line designs, and construction monitoring and testing. These solutions have helped substation, transmission, and distribution developers and owners provide efficient, flexible, and reliable systems for their customers and communities at competitive rates for more than 50 years.

Olsson Booth 3564

Sectionalizing cabinets for wind farm collection systems

The ND-683054-MG-PA71-X-X is Nordic’s

“Workhorse” for three phase 2, 3 and 4 pt. 35kV 600A deadbreak sectionalizing cabinets for wind farm collection systems. Nordic can supply and install up three, 3 or 4 pt. 35kV 600A junctions from various manufacturers with U-straps if requested by the customer. Rust free fiberglass construction and stainless-steel hardware. PA71 mounting plate has six movable above parking stands to park stand-offs or feed throughs. Nordic recommends the optional CSB-6830 cable support bracket system for holding cables in place and cable clamps. 18" or 36" high extensions available for cables requiring a greater cable bending radii.

Nordic Fiberglass Inc. Booth 6941

Renewable energy system studies

Intelligent NRG Solutions LLC provides an extensive array of studies including steadystate, dynamics, TOV, TRV, NERC-PRC/MOD/FAC, arc flash, harmonics, load flow, power injection, electromagnetic transient, and feasibility. Their LGIA interconnection applications span all US ISO markets, from NE-ISO to CAISO and everywhere in between. Their services include generic and user-defined power plant controller models, model benchmarking, and expertise in PSCAD, PSSE, PSLF, ETAP, and ASPEN modeling. Proficiency in PSCAD modeling, backed by their automation software, ensures swift, precise, and cost-effective solutions.

Intelligent NRG Solutions, LLC

Booth 2468

Peak performance with cost savings

The MULTILAM flexo type ML-CUX by Stäubli is a two-component MULTILAM for challenging high-power contact solutions. Its design unites electrical and mechanical properties resulting in a high current-carrying capacity combined with high flexibility and easy assembly even in plugs and sockets with large diameter. A wide spring deflection based on a stretching principle allows high tolerances and misalignment and offers pivotal advantages for the use and fabrication of contact solutions. The ML-CUX fulfills customer requirements regarding compactness, high power density, and reduction of Total Costs of Ownership (TCO). It guarantees long-lasting, reliable, and low-loss energy transfer.

Stäubli Electrical Connectors, Inc.

Booth 6931

Specially designed fuses for wind energy applications

SIBA introduces new DIN fuses for motor and wind application. R-Rated fuses are available in 7.2kV up to 12R, with Temperature Limiter Sensor Unit in standard DIN 442mm style. They’re tested and certified by an independent international lab to ANSI/IEEE C37.41 standards, plus 6% rated voltage (7.62) and are tested at I1=80kAIR RMS symmetrical. SIBA’s SSK fuses in the switch-fuse combination can replace expensive circuit breakers and can be used on transformers rated up to 3,150KVA. Their SSKtype fuse maintains the minimum breaking current at low power dissipation and is specially designed for wind energy applications.

SIBA Fuses

Booth 4751

Features just some of the companies and technologies attendees will see at this year’s show.

Hardware for in-vehicle and lab applications

145kV Live Tank Circuit Breaker OEM

Grid edge asset management

Electrical equipment and services

DEWESoft offers a full suite of hardware for in-vehicle and lab applications. Scalable from 1 to 1000’s of channels, their instruments are small USB and EtherCat devices, stand-alone battery-powered systems, rack-mounted configurations, and ruggedized field-ready solutions. Powered by DEWESoft X software, they acquire and control many multidomain test sets that include analog in/out, digital in/out, video, CAN, FlexRay, XCP, GPS, and more.

DEWESoft Booth 3091

EMA Electromechanics has designed and manufactures the 145kV HVCB, a high-voltage circuit breaker, live tank breaker type that uses SF6 as insulating gas. Despite the live tank breaker design not allowing bushing CTs installation, the circuit breaker functionality is the same as a dead tank circuit breaker. EMA 145kV HVCB allows attached CTs or disconnectswitch in the same metal structure. Live tank breakers are used world wide and its delivery time and cost are advantages to speed up projects.

EMA Electromechanics Inc. Booth 2641

Transformers for renewable energy

Shihlin Electric provides power transformers, distribution transformers, and EV chargers to the renewable energy industry.

Shihlin Electric USA Booth 6355

The Dynamic Ratings ConnectGrid Smart Infrastructure Solution (SIS) is an agile technology stack that enhances connectivity to grid edge assets for better management. The system can be tailored to meet varying security, scalability, and availability requirements. Many options are available in architecture and communication technology. ConnectGrid Smart Infrastructure Solutions are suitable for distributed assets. This IoT platform manages big data, machine to machine communications, and provides sophisticated analytics.

Dynamic Ratings

Booth 4238

Fast shipping wire and cable solutions

Electrical Consultants Inc. (ECI) was incorporated in 1985. For almost 40 years, their in-house portfolio of services, including overhead and underground transmission engineering, substation and switchyard design, industrial power systems design, land survey and construction staking, right-of-way services, environmental planning, project management, construction management, and procurement services have provided a key resource for hundreds of utilities. ECI brings extensive experience in power delivery services through 500kV to their clients.

Electrical Consultants, Inc. (ECI) Booth 6210

T&D planning services

AWG specializes in wire, cable, hardware, accessories, and equipment solutions for the power utility market. They provide wire and cable products including PowerGuard medium voltage power cables, bare aluminum conductors, substation control cables, static wire/ guy wire, overhead service drop, AerialGuard tree wire or spacer cable systems, URD cables, OPGW, and more. AWG supports the market with warehouses nationwide that will ship in days, not weeks.

American Wire Group (AWG) Booth 4831

At Electric Power Engineers, LLC (EPE), they are passionate about delivering solutions for integrated transmission and distribution (T&D) planning and operations. With a steadfast commitment to innovation, reliability, and sustainability, they empower utilities to navigate the evolving energy landscape and seize the opportunities presented by distributed energy resources (DERs). EPE offers a wide range of T&D planning services including economic studies, grid planning, hosting capacity, impact studies, load forecasting, transmission planning, resiliency, and reliability.

Electric Power Engineers, LLC Booth 3160

IEEE PES T&D Conference & Exposition 2024
110 2024 MAY • JUNE ///

Dynamic electrical solutions

RESA Power offers a myriad of solutions from electrical testing and diagnostics to maintenance and repair. Their services encompass acceptance testing, engineering studies, and emergency response, ensuring smooth operations even during critical situations. RESA Power specializes in transformer services, providing assembly, troubleshooting, oil processing, and lab testing. They provide power system solutions, including switchboard manufacturing (UL 891 Certified), MCC bucket refurbishment, switchgear remanufacturing, and breaker retrofits. Their inventory includes vintage and late-model LV and MV switchgear. For specialty distribution needs, RESA Power offers equipment from all major manufacturers, temporary power solutions, custom design services, and the ability to purchase surplus or used equipment.

RESA Power

Booth 2557

Transformers for renewable projects

Maddox has thousands of new and reconditioned transformers in popular voltages and configurations for renewable applications including wyewye dry-type units for rooftop inverters, grounding transformers, and solar duty padmounts with electrostatic shields for large solar fields. Their transformers are in stock and ready to ship.

Maddox Transformer

Booth 5475

Renewable energy identification products

Tech Products, Inc. is a global source for quality identification products for the renewable energy industry including, cable tags, tower (aerial) markers, and signs. Their products range from adhesive transformer labels to long-lasting substation signs following all of the latest ANSI, OSHA, and NESC standards.

Tech Products, Inc.

Booth 3028

Post and panel security wall system

Confidently secure valuable energy assets with TruFireWalls and Defender walls. Oldcastle Infrastructure walls are a choice for enterprise owners, operators, and contractors seeking robust solutions for fire containment and ballistic/incursion/ debris protection. They specialize in safeguarding critical energy facilities, utilities, data centers, and battery electric storage sites with products that protect to industry standards and beyond.

Oldcastle Infrastructure

Booth 2961

Pre-assembled secure buildings

Trachte’s prefabricated buildings support solar, wind, and battery energy storage systems through substation interconnection. Trachte buildings are designed per customer specifications, state regulatory codes and requirements, and are engineered to mitigate risk from environmental and extreme weather conditions.


Booth 2941

Carbon backfill products

LORESCO International is a company of professional engineers and corrosion specialists. They specialize in the development and manufacture of conductive carbon backfills specifically designed for applications in the cathodic protection and electrical grounding fields. LORESCO International began under the name C. E. (Cathodic Engineering) Equipment Company in 1950.


Booth 4376

North American Clean Energy 111

Running Hot and Cold

Hydrogen fuel cells pass the test

As industrial operations look for opportunities to decrease their carbon emissions, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and batteryelectric vehicles have emerged as potential solutions. These power options generate zero carbon emissions at the tailpipe, and are available for a growing range of vehicle types. They also meet new emissions requirements for industrial vehicles. However, for fleet managers, there are other key factors to consider when determining which solution is the right fit to power their operations. Industrial equipment often has to operate in extreme temperature conditions, either due to climate or the operating environment. Fleet managers need to know whether vehicles will perform under conditions with extreme heat or cold.

Recent studies show that hydrogen fuel cells outperform battery-electric vehicles (BEVs) under severe temperature conditions. For operations in locations that regularly see subzero temperatures or temperatures over 100°F, this can have a significant impact on productivity and efficiency. Certain industries such as mining, shipping and ports, and material handling, can also offer unique operating environments with excessive heat or extreme cold. Underground mining can generate heat at the job site, which leads to high-temperature environments. Materials handling in cold storage facilities can require forklifts and other vehicles to operate in below-freezing temperatures. Shipping and port operations are located across the globe, from the Equator to the Arctic, and require vehicles that can maintain a high workload across a range of climates and temperatures. For both high-heat and sub-freezing environments, hydrogen fuel cells have demonstrated superior performance compared to battery-electric vehicles.

One study by hydrogen researchers in Bangladesh found that Proton-Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFC) performed with greater efficiency in high-heat situations. The study not only concluded that optimum operating temperature results in the highest performance, high-temperature conditions, it will also “increase the performance and efficiency, power production, voltage, leakage current, but decreases mass crossover and durability” of hydrogen fuel cells. This demonstrates that hydrogen fuel cells are a viable option for equipment that needs to operate in extreme heat due to location or job site environment, as they maintain or increase efficiency as temperatures increase. The performance of hydrogen fuel cells far outweighs any slight decrease in durability, providing overall reliable power in high-heat operations.

Additional research and development of polymer fuel cells has expanded the capabilities of these vehicles to operate in higher temperatures. While previous iterations of these fuel cells required large radiators and other cooling systems to maintain optimal operating temperature, new developments by researchers at Los Alamos National Laboratory allow polymer fuel cells to operate at 80-100°C, reducing the overall power system size and weight. This is especially important for transportation and trucking vehicles where vehicle weight has a large impact on efficiency and profitability. The lower-weight fuel cells allow long-haul trucks to gain the range and performance benefits of hydrogen fuel without adding significant weight.

Many work sites operate under extremely cold temperatures. To determine which power system performed best in these conditions, Cleveland State University conducted a study in partnership with eight transit agencies. The study tracked the performance of battery-electric and hydrogen fuel cell buses in sub-freezing temperatures, measuring their performance when shifting from ambient temperatures of 50-60°F to 22-32°F. While both power systems saw a decrease in overall performance, the battery-electric buses had a significantly greater drop. Buses with electric batteries suffered a 32.1 percent drop in efficiency and a 37.8 percent drop in range. Hydrogen fuel cell buses performed better, with only a 28.6 percent drop of efficiency and range decrease of 23.1 percent.

Perhaps the most extreme temperature scenarios for hydrogen fuel cells can be observed in NASA’s current and future fuel cell applications. Hydrogen fuel cells have been in use on NASA missions since the 1960s. From the icy planet of Neptune to

locations as it provides operations with greater flexibility in their vehicle capabilities. Fleet managers do not need to worry about their operations pausing if optimal temperature ranges are not met. Vehicles can continue powering work no matter the climate or job site temperature conditions.

For operations and fleet managers looking for effective ways to transition their fleets to zero-emission vehicles, hydrogen is a viable option that provides peace of mind. Hydrogen fuel cells’ ability to support productivity and uptime goals, in addition to sustainability goals, makes them a logical selection across industries, locations, and operating conditions. To support the broader adoption of hydrogen fuel cells and other hydrogen fuel technology, hydrogen fuel generation and its distribution infrastructure will need to expand to ensure broad access to this lower-emission energy solution.

Carly Demanett is representing OneH2, which focuses on creating a fuel generation and distribution ecosystem tailored to hydrogen as a high-pressure transportation fuel.

OneH2 ///


• Salam M. A, Habib M. S, Arefin P, Ahmed K, Uddin M. S, Hossain T, Papri N. Effect of Temperature on the Performance Factors and Durability of Proton Exchange Membrane of Hydrogen Fuel Cell: A Narrative Review. Mat. Sci. Res. India; 17(2). Available from:



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