Rare Earth Elements from Coal Ash

Road to 2030
A sustainable solutions for the energy transition Pg. 8 Creating a New Standard for

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baȷa’s both the TEE Post and the Semi/Full Cantilever. Solar Support Structures allows for a clear and unobstructed space with no supporting columns or posts intruding the parking area. The improved functionality provides a more open space concept for parking and versatility with the added value of having ample clearance for door openings.
This robust design utilizes larger foundation and framing members G90 galvanized cold formed steel
The Plate2Plate design allows for fast and ease of installation utilizing only four bolted assembly main beam to column connection without the need special testing equipment, third-party testing lab, and special inspections. This versatile design is a cost-effective money saving and time alternate solution than traditional installation and design methods.

While not quite as iconic as “you think you fell from a coconut tree?”, the phrase “go play on some garbage” may soon end up being a lot more relatable. Thanks to a recent $15 Million grant from the Land and Water Conservation fund, 142 acres of terraced land formerly recognized as the historic San Gabriel Valley dump –the nation’s second-largest landfill – will be transformed into a multi-use “destination”. Plans for this park began in 2016, when local communities and businesses joined with Los Angeles county to create a public space that “incorporates nature, art, recreation, education and sustainable technologies, while remaining flexible in order to adapt to changes in the landscape over time.” As the county’s first park in more than three decades, Puente Hills Landfill Park’s “(g)reen design will be incorporated into buildings and landscapes, and park operations will promote the use of renewable energy, reuse and reduction of waste, minimal water use, and multi-modal transportation.” What a wonderfully ironic aim: to produce the least amount of trash atop a gargantuan garbage pit. Given the volume of refuse collected at the site (4 million tons a year), if you resided in Los Angeles County between 1956 and 2013, there’s a good chance something you threw away ended up here. When it comes to trash, California is a trailblazer; Fresno opened the nation’s first refuse landfill in 1937, the oversight of which was a bit loose if you put any stock in stories of pigs being used to graze and grade the heaps of municipal garbage deposited there. Despite the initial efforts to clean up our communities, early waste management was pretty much left to local jurisdictions until Congress passed the Solid Waste Disposal Act of 1965, in an effort to improve nationwide waste disposal methods.
Such is the price of progress. More technological and material advancements for society meant more advertising and more packaging. This booster shot to our consumerism translated into more disposable goods. In other words, a lot more trash. Along with a crying Indian on the freeway and the first Earth Day, the 1970s also debuted a comprehensive scientific breakdown of the breakdown of our garbage: In 1973, plant scientist Graham Farquhar and engineer Frank A. Rovers published a landmark study on the various phases of decomposition within our nation’s growing landfills. In addition to detailing the chemistry behind the stench, the report coined the term for a less obviously noxious pollutant: “leachate”. As rainfall seeps through the layers of garbage, it picks up all sorts of contaminants that hitch a ride down through the ground soil and deep into water tables. Yes, leachate is as gross as it sounds.
To address these foul findings, the 1965 Solid Waste Disposal Act was amended in 1976 as the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, which provided for the “promulgation of guidelines for solid waste collection, transport, separation, recovery, and disposal practices and systems”. In other words, a garbage dump could no longer be just a hole in the ground that gets covered up when it’s reached capacity. Creating a sustainable and legal county landfill now takes years of design and planning by teams of engineers and scientists. Choosing a site alone involves weighing variables like visual impacts, flood plains, and wildlife, as well as less conspicuous factors like accessibility for dump trucks, and steering clear of airports (trash attracts birds, which can be a deadly hazard for planes). Remember, too, that landfills aren’t just about digging into the ground, but planning to build up as well. Engineers must calculate the area needed for the number of years that site will accumulate trash. To avoid contaminating the soil, the bottom liner of the landfill must be an impermeable membrane, often reinforced with compacted clay soil. Plans must incorporate a leachate drain to safely collect the runoff, so the rain doesn’t produce a horrible
lake of floating muck. Accounting for the gaseous emissions is not so much a matter of smell as it is safety; methane is a common byproduct of landfills, so plumbing the site should allow for the safe offtake of gasses to avoid hazardous buildup.
Let’s say you successfully finance and build a landfill. You regularly test the site, compact and manage the layers of refuse, and adhere to all regulations governing the operation of a landfill until you just can’t accept any more garbage. Time to close up shop? Not yet –you’re still on the hook for maintaining the site for another 30 years after you shut it all down. This is when the work gets really interesting, however, because all those pipes you built to release dangerous gasses can help you recoup some of the cost of keeping tabs on the buried garbage. Captured methane is a valuable landfill gas (LFG) that can be put to great use for the community. In fact, “63 percent of currently operational LFG energy projects in the United States generate electricity” that power nearby homes and businesses.
The power, too, of the landfill’s aesthetic value cannot be underrated. Within a few years, trendy parents in Puente Hills will be introducing their children to the detritus of their ancestors reimagined as a veritable parkland Eden. This green space will stand proudly among landfills across the country that have met a similar fate, including Fresh Kills Park in New York, Balloon Park in Albuquerque, Rogers Park Golf Course in Tampa, and Mount Trashmore in Virginia Beach. With hundreds of acres of rolling hills built from decades of society’s garbage, it would seem that, contrary to Hollywood’s Wall-E vision of towering cubes of humanity’s debris, our future purple mountains’ majesty will be sculpted from artfully-engineered trash heaps.

“You mean there are actually people who will pay good money for garbage?”
– Mr. Burns
1 https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/STATUTE-90/pdf/ STATUTE-90-Pg2795.pdf
2 https://www.epa.gov/rcra/history-resourceconservation-and-recovery-act-rcra
3 https://puentehillslandfillpark.org

bags made
with certified postconsumer recycled material
Revolution’s Dailygood Bags are eco-friendly heavy duty trash bags made for everyday household use. Dailygood trash bags are a sustainable solution for homes because they are made with as much as 97% post-consumer recycled plastic resin (PCR), resulting in lower environmental impacts. Dailygood Bags come in two bag sizes (13gal and 30gal) and were originally designed for commercial use, which makes them heavy duty and durable, tested to hold up to 90lb. The convenient drawstring closure allows for easy removal and disposal, and ensures a secure fit on standard household trash cans. The products, made in America at local Revolution facilities, have received third-party certification by SCS Global Services, verifying the quality and consistency of its recycled materials. Revolution also had SCS conduct an independent Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to measure the specific environmental impact of the bags. Results included 53% less depletion of non-renewable energy resources/fossil fuels such as crude oil; global climate change emissions lowered by 37%; decreased human exposure to ground level ozone and fine particulate matter such as smog by 31%, and soot by 50%; reduces impacts to regional acidification by 12%, ocean warming by 31%, and ocean acidification by 51%. Revolution has multiple recycling facilities where the plastic is transported, sorted, processed, recycled, and turned into its certified PCR resin, which is used to manufacture plastic film products including Dailygood Bags. The vertically integrated process allows the company to ensure the quality of its PCR and its trash bags. The company’s fleet of collection vehicles and Push for Pick Up mobile app allows it to locate used plastic film, to ensure Revolution can efficiently collect the material once it's been used.

Rare Earth Elements from Coal Ash A sustainable solution for the energy transition
by Brendan Bishop
Transitioning away from a fossil fuel-based society will drastically increase demand for metals used in clean energy technologies. As a result, many of these metals, including nickel, cobalt, graphite, lithium, copper, and the rare earth elements (REE), are being designated as “critical minerals.” The REE are among the most important of the critical minerals, required in wind turbines, electric vehicles, high tech applications, and defense technologies. Currently, production is from either hard-rock ore deposits or ion-adsorption clays. With China producing ~60 percent and processing ~90 percent of the global REE supply, global supply chains are at risk.
Due to their necessity in clean energy technologies, REE demand is forecast to increase dramatically in the coming decades, potentially leading to a supply gap. If we want to meet stated climate change goals, more REE will need to be produced. Unfortunately, current REE sources are fraught with numerous environmental, social, and governance (ESG) concerns, and are among the most energy intensive metals to produce, requiring significant processing. Rising demand, coupled with domestic supply and ESG concerns, have led to interest in new sources of REE.
Coal fly ash, a fine powder produced during coal combustion for electricity generation, is emerging as a promising source of REE. Coal fly ash is generated in massive quantities around the world, often stored in landfills or ash ponds, and can leach heavy metals into the environment. Recovering REE from fly ash can help solve three issues:
1. Remediating a waste product;
2. Securing a more sustainable source of these metals; and
3. Allaying domestic supply concerns, as coal waste is more widespread globally than ore deposits.

A significant roadblock in using fly ash as a source of REE, is that an environmentally friendly, economic process to extract the REE has yet to be developed. This requires additional characterization of the fly ash to figure out the best way to get the REE out. A recent study in Environmental Science & Technology from the University of Regina in Saskatchewan, used advanced techniques including X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES), and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy at the Canadian Light Source synchrotron. The goal of the research was to determine the speciation and chemical occurrence
of REE in the fly ash. They analyzed yttrium, one of the REE, to reveal whether it was encased in a specific mineral phase within the fly ash or dispersed throughout the ash particle. This technical analysis is critical because the ease of extracting REEs depends on the specific chemical forms they take in these materials. The findings were promising, as yttrium were found to exist in specific phosphate and silicate mineral phases which were incorporated into the fly ash particle. Since the phosphate mineral xenotime is a main ore mineral of REE, it is possible that an existing process could be modified for fly ash. Importantly, it was also found that combustion does not significantly alter the form of the REE, which means a future process to get REE from fly ash may also be used for coal.
Experts conducting the study emphasize that the research is still in its early stages. Several technical challenges remain before widespread adoption of REE extraction from fly ash is feasible, and more work is needed to characterize the ashes.
Developing efficient, low-cost recovery processes is one such challenge, as current methods may not be economically viable at a large scale. However, the initial findings provide a strong case for further research and investment in this area.
By focusing on improving the recovery of REE from fly ash, countries that previously relied on importing these critical metals from other nations could instead turn to their own waste streams to meet domestic demand. Moreover, the extraction of REE from coal waste aligns with broader efforts to establish a circular economy, where waste products are repurposed rather than discarded. This strategy also helps address a key obstacle in the transition to renewable energy – the environmental and social costs of mining.
As the clean energy transition accelerates, the demand for REE and other metals will only continue to grow. To avoid supply chain disruptions and environmental degradation, innovative solutions like extracting REE from coal ash will need to be explored and refined. This research offers a glimpse into a future where even the byproducts of our past reliance on fossil fuels can play a vital role in building a sustainable energy system.
Brendan Bishop is getting his PhD in Geology at the University of Regina. He can be reached at: bab495@uregina.ca Analysis of the referenced study was performed by Canadian Light Source.
Canadian Light Source /// www.lightsource.ca

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Capture Rays and Competitive Advantage
by James Fraser
Digitalization is a critical strategy for competitiveness in the era of rapidly expanding solar generation.
There can be little doubt that the power generation industry is changing at a pace the world has never seen. Much of this change is a result of the rise of renewables –solar energy in particular – that are rapidly expanding to meet a global demand for electrification, while reducing carbon emissions. As consumers add an increasing number of electronic devices to their daily lives, the automobile industry rapidly transitions to electric vehicles, and individuals and governments call for more sustainable solutions, the need for solar generation continues to grow (Figure 1).
Meeting those needs on a large scale means finding new ways to operate. The traditional utility model of individual power and distribution sites staffed with a deep bench of on-site expert personnel is changing. New methodologies favor a model of distributed energy resources that result in utilities and independent power producers managing expansive fleets of assets that span cities, states, and even countries. Efficiently and effectively managing those geographically dispersed assets is difficult. As a result, forward-thinking companies are evolving by digitalizing their operations, empowering their personnel to change complexity into opportunity.

Evolution requires new strategies
The earliest solar production was far less complex than today’s operations, as concentrated solar was more akin to traditional generation. Producers used solar collectors, instead of fossil fuels, to produce steam that turned turbines. Concentrated solar sites could produce substantial energy to contribute to the grid; because a turbine was still at the heart of operation, they had inertia and excitation to support grid stability.
In parallel, early solar PV farms were nearly analog operations. Typically, producers would put as many megawatts (MW) on the grid as possible at a fixed voltage schedule and power factor, because the increase in energy was not significant to grid support compared to fossil-fuel generation.
Today, however, as the cost of PV solar has gone down, the number, size, and scope of solar farms has increased dramatically. In some states, solar can account for up to 30 percent of generation, which means solar energy operators need dynamic control strategies – including curtailment, power system stabilization, variability management, and more – to prevent brownouts and surges. To address these and other issues, today’s teams need purpose-built software and algorithm-based digital control to respond quickly to grid needs.
Ready to report
More complex control is not the only responsibility of modern solar operators. As suppliers build and acquire assets, creating bigger portfolios, regulatory agencies like the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) are taking notice, and adjusting

requirements for reporting accordingly. Perhaps the best example is the anticipated requirements change for NERC’s Generating Availability Data System (GADS) reporting. In 2024, only solar plants with a total installed capacity of 100 MW or more are required to submit GADS reports. However, on January 1, 2025, any solar plant with a total installed capacity of 20 MW or more will be included in the requirement as well. While that is a big adjustment, there is no assurance it will stop there in the future.
GADS reporting is not as simple for solar producers as it is for traditional power generation facilities. Where a large traditional utility might have 300 generating resources throughout the entire company, some solar farms may have dozens of central inverters, or even hundreds of string inverters at a single site, to incorporate into plant reports. Moreover, each traditional utility site likely has many personnel onsite 24x7, some of whom might even be specifically responsible for sending select data to corporate for NERC reporting. In contrast, most large solar farms are not staffed, so the vast amount of support data for NERC reporting must be collected and classified by personnel offsite. The amount of work increases significantly as more solar farms are added to a portfolio (Figure 2).
In such a situation, digitalization is essential for efficient, effective operation. Remote teams need an automated system to collect, classify, and automatically generate GADS reporting information. Instead of requiring an operator to collect data from multiple assets and manually generate reports, SCADA systems with built-in GADS reporting automatically associate NERC codes to classify events as they occur, making it easy to pull the events into reports.

Figure 2: Renewable portfolio growth comes with ever-increasing complexity. Applying a single, unified asset management and SCADA solution decreases complexity, enabling owners and operators to see more data, save on maintenance costs, and produce more energy.
Figure 1: To help meet the increasing demand for electrification and decarbonization, renewable energy, particularly solar and battery storage, is rapidly growing worldwide, including in North America. Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration (Nov./Dec. 2024).
Figure 3: Renewable-specific SCADA software with built-in GADS reporting automates the collection, classification, and generation of report information resulting in more efficient, effective operations.
For example, if a 100 MW site only needs to curtail output to 25 MW on a given day, the control system will turn assets off and automatically log the change as an economic outage. Or, if a technician takes an inverter offline for cleaning and repair, the system will automatically log the change as a maintenance outage (Figure 3).
Complexity drives

James Fraser has almost 25 years of automation experience in the power industry. As Vice President of Renewables, James is responsible for leading the continued development and execution of Emerson’s renewable strategy. His focus is driving the global growth of Emerson’s expanding renewable capabilities through the increased sales of software and automation technologies of the Ovation Green Suite of solutions and quality implementation of users’ clean energy portfolios including wind, solar, hydro and energy storage projects. James has a bachelor’s degree in Control Systems Engineering from the University of Sheffield, and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Cranfield.

What’s Your Exit?
Incorporating a responsible decommissioning strategy into solar development plans
by Zach Wald
Renewable energy developments are on the rise, projected to grow 17 percent by the end of 2024. As more solar projects enter development and break ground, developers must think ahead to ensure plans are in place to sustainably and responsibly break down projects at the end of their lifecycles. Decommissioning is an increasingly scrutinized process in the renewable development space. Establishing a decommissioning playbook, including monitoring regulatory shifts, understanding key roles and responsibilities, and creating opportunities for community collaboration, will help set developers up for success from a project’s beginning to end.
Navigating the final phase of a solar project lifecycle
Solar developments can effectively contribute to renewable energy generation for several decades. However, as technology advances and systems age, decommissioning becomes an essential final phase in the lifecycle.
As the solar photovoltaic (PV) market expands, the number of discarded panels will also increase. According to the United States EPA, the U.S. is projected to have up to one million tons of solar panel waste by 2030. By 2050, the country is expected to have the second-highest total of end-of-life panels globally, reaching an estimated 10 million tons.
Decommissioning involves the removal of solar panels and related infrastructure at the end of a project’s life. It ensures that the site is restored to its original condition or repurposed appropriately, mitigating environmental impacts, and complying with regulatory requirements. Effective decommissioning includes responsibly disposing of and recycling solar components, contributing to the project's overall sustainability. How a developer designs a decommissioning process to address end-of-life panels depends on each individual organization’s approach, community input, and local and federal regulations.
Assessing the decommissioning regulatory landscape
Increased regulatory scrutiny at the state level, including more stringent regulations on end-of-life solar project management, highlights the growing importance of responsible decommissioning. These regulations aim to ensure that decommissioning is carried out responsibly to minimize environmental impacts and safeguard public health.
Current regulations typically require developers to create comprehensive decommissioning plans and allocate financial resources to cover related costs. These plans often include specific guidelines for the removal and disposal of solar panels, recycling of materials, and restoration of the site to its original condition. As regulations evolve, there is an increasing emphasis on transparency and accountability from solar developers regarding project plans, including clear timelines, detailed

procedures for decommissioning, and the financial mechanisms in place to manage these processes. This heightened focus helps mitigate potential liabilities and ensures that decommissioning is conducted responsibly and effectively, safeguarding both the environment and community interests.
The solar industry faces unique challenges related to recycling and end-of-life management. According to energy.gov, more than 85 percent of a solar photovoltaic (PV) module is made of materials we already know how to recycle, like aluminum and glass. Yet the adoption of recycling solar panel materials is still relatively low, and is not viewed as cost effective. As technology advances, new materials and designs will emerge, necessitating ongoing adjustments to decommissioning practices. Addressing these challenges means developers will need to prioritize cross-industry collaboration, and pay close attention to evolving regulations.
Identifying key decommissioning roles and responsibilities
Developers play an active role in the decommissioning process, including creating comprehensive plans that detail procedures, timelines, and cost estimates. They must ensure adequate financial security to cover these costs, thereby mitigating potential risks and liabilities. A well-structured decommissioning plan ensures compliance with local regulations, and should address the removal and disposal of solar components and site restoration. By proactively planning for decommissioning, developers can minimize disruptions and enhance the overall success of the project.
Local county and city officials also have crucial responsibilities in overseeing and enforcing decommissioning regulations. Officials implement local ordinances that ensure developers adhere to regulatory standards. Collaboration between developers and local officials helps create and enforce effective decommissioning practices that align with community interests and regulatory requirements.
Creating opportunities for community collaboration in decommissioning planning
Collaboration with local communities is an investment in a smooth future decommissioning process. Engaging with residents and stakeholders helps ensure that decommissioning plans align with community needs and expectations. Building strong relationships between developers and communities fosters trust and facilitates successful project transitions.
Community involvement in decommissioning planning can take various forms, including public consultations, feedback sessions, and partnerships with local organizations. Incorporating community input into decommissioning strategies means developers can address concerns, manage expectations, and promote a sense of shared responsibility for the project’s impact on the local environment.
Understanding potential obstacles
Decommissioning can present several challenges for developers, including financial and logistical considerations. Subjective restoration requirements and tight timelines can complicate the process, requiring careful planning and management. Risk mitigation strategies, such as establishing contingency plans and maintaining transparent communication with stakeholders, are essential for addressing these challenges.
Decommissioning is a critical phase in the lifecycle of solar projects, with significant implications on environmental sustainability and community well-being. Proactive planning, adherence to regulatory standards, and collaboration with local communities are essential for successful decommissioning. As the renewable energy sector continues to evolve, ongoing dialogue and improvements in decommissioning practices will play a key role in supporting sustainable solar energy development.
Zach Wald is Director, Project Management at Vesper Energy, which develops, builds, owns and operates renewable energy facilities across the United States.
Vesper Energy /// vesperenergy.com

Helping Solar Weather All Situations
by Vincent Ambrose

Around the world, the summer of 2024 was the hottest on record. States such as Arizona and California experienced record-breaking temperatures, while parts of Texas dealt with the flooding and power outages caused by Hurricane Beryl. Although the worst of summer is behind us, the winter months aren’t without their share of extreme weather events. Dangerously low temperatures, heavy snow, and ice storms can impact the energy grid, causing potentially life-threatening outages at a time when residents need power the most.
The threat and real impact of extreme weather is one of the top drivers pushing forward the adoption of residential solar plus storage; experts forecast a 45 percent growth this year in these types of installations.
Keeping solar running
A recent survey of 1,000 U.S. consumers found that 80 percent of respondents are concerned about extreme weather events causing a disruption to their power supply. These concerns aren’t without merit. This summer, three million Texans lost power due to Hurricane Beryl. At the same time, many Texas communities were under a heat advisory, leaving vulnerable residents with no access to power in a dangerous position.
Even if a homeowner has solar panels, many don’t realize (until it is too late) that they cannot power a home during a blackout unless the system is equipped with home battery backup or a specialized inverter designed for that purpose. Even less intelligent batteries that aren’t embedded in home energy management systems can have limitations during prolonged blackouts.

Imagine a scenario where solar energy might provide power during the day, but it stops at night and the stored battery power is fully consumed. Many people don’t realize that some stored energy is required to bring the solar panels back online the next day. An intelligent home energy management system can plan for this with a Black Start function. In this instance, some reserve power will always be available, and the home energy management system will check the solar system for production. When there is enough energy being produced, the system will automatically reconnect solar and provide the generated power.
One homeowner in Fort Meyers, Florida, experienced the benefits of solar plus battery energy storage system (BESS) first-hand when Hurricane Ian hit in 2022. The strong winds and flooding impacted the grid, causing widespread power outages for days. Even after this man’s battery storage unit was halfway under water and the waters receded, the system still worked in conjunction with the energy from his solar panels to power his home when he needed it the most. Not only has he found his battery and solar solution useful in providing energy security amid extreme weather, but he has also realized energy independence with this system.
Year-round savings
Solar power systems and battery energy storage solutions are indeed investments that homeowners should thoroughly educate themselves on before making a purchase. However, once homeowners realize their cost savings compared to relying fully on the grid, they will see that these solutions ultimately pay for themselves, especially in a time of use (TOU) market.

Under TOU rates, the pricing is typically divided into peak (when demand is the highest, and so is the cost of electricity), off-peak (when demand is the lowest, and so is the cost of electricity), and sometimes shoulder periods that are transitional periods between peak and off-peak: the price of electricity falls lower than peak prices, but higher than offpeak prices. The goal of this pricing structure is to discourage residents from using power when demand is the highest (peak hours), to take pressure off the grid.

Late afternoon to early evening, typically between 4 p.m. and 9 p.m., is when peak hours occur under TOU pricing structures. However, this does not align with peak solar production, which tends to fall between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., the hours when an array receives the most direct sunlight.
Residents who live in an area with a TOU pricing structure would see immediate energy savings with solar plus BESS, as they can use their solar panels to generate power for free, store it, and then discharge the battery – either consuming the energy or selling it back to the utility – during high-priced peak hours. This is a win-win for the homeowner who can generate the most savings, and the utility company that receives the energy when it needs it most.

California’s implementation of TOU pricing structures and NBT (NEM 3.0) to further incentivize the adoptions of battery storage with solar systems is well documented. However, TOU pricing is becoming popular across the country. While this TOU can be found in many states, Massachusetts and Michigan stand out as recently having started to expand these types of programs to help balance energy load to further stabilize their power grids. The popularity of TOU is only expected to grow.
Looking ahead
It is expected that weather events will become more extreme and frequent over the coming years, causing residents to experience increased outages due to poor grid infrastructure. This, combined with the increasing economic case for solar plus storage, will continue to cement it as the standard industry practice and propel adoption forward.

Seamless Synergy
NextGen dual photo-voltaic/photo-thermal (PVT) energy systems
by Garth Schultz and Mark Cerasuolo
panel architecture for dual-stream energy generation meets advanced engineered plastics for thermal energy storage. While that might seem like a lot to unpack in a single statement, the two concepts couldn’t be more complementary.
It’s been over 80 years since MIT demonstrated the first viable photo-thermal solarheated home; some two generations later, photo-voltaic solar electricity became commercially viable. Along with both of these solar energy innovations came the natural “next step” of combining them into a single energy stream and collection system, and, by doing so, maximizing the potential energy harvest from the sun.
While that sounds simple, it was a challenge for earlier materials and technologies. As a result, solar PV for electrical generation and solar thermal for hot water production continued down their separate system paths. And, since both solar PV and solar thermal systems took up considerable space to implement, they were almost always an either/or decision – especially on a rooftop, where you had room for one or the other, but not both.
The exception, and first step, was the PVT (solar electricity plus thermal) collector, with potential to maximize the use of rooftop space, or any dedicated area, by producing both heat and electricity from a single device. Originally a somewhat cobbled-together approach, these panels usually consisted of a standard PV module fixed to a fin-and-

1: The core components of a next-generation PVT (combined solar PV and solar thermal) glazed panel. The outer shell is manufactured using a glass-reinforced plastic material and injected with a high-temperature rated PUR foam made by BASF, with the liquid flow channels for heat collection molded into the enclosure’s surface itself (above left). This eliminates the older fin-andtube collection method, A PV-generating insert (above right) is encapsulated in the shell as well, on the front. Because the molded-in channels both collect solar heat and cool the PV layer they support, this hybrid panel architecture is even more efficient at generating electricity. (courtesy PowerPanel)

2: A comparison between a typical PV-only array (left, grey) and PVT array (right, blue). Both generate nearly identical PV output: approximately 800 Watts DC. The addition of solar thermal collection built-in gives the PVT array over 4 times the power density of the PV array alone – 855 Watts/m2 vs. 198 Watts /m2 – with only a third increase in surface area.
tube thermal capture device, in an unglazed assembly. As such, they had lower power density than either PV or PT panels of the same size by themselves, with the best peak combined thermal efficiency between 30-50 percent (depending on the heating application). Nevertheless, by 2020 there were over 25,000 such systems operating globally, often augmented with heat pumps to raise their overall lower efficiency.
Needed: a new generation of dual energy stream panels
Recent advances in materials and manufacturing technology have made it possible to more thoroughly integrate solar thermal collection with solar electricity generation. Glazed, sealed shells made from glass-reinforced blow mold materials can accommodate high-temperature foam injected inside them, with the heat-collecting liquid channels molded right into the surface. These molded enclosures can also easily accept an “encapsulated” PV insert on the front (see Figure 1).
This newer design represents a significant improvement over the fin-and-tube heat collectors strapped to the back of a PV panel commonly used in the past. The result? A true hybrid PVT panel that’s more efficient and effective at capturing the sun’s energy from two solar streams. In a typical system incorporating these next-gen PVT panels, an array of them might have a third more surface area – but its peak power density will be over four times greater than that of a PV array alone, and over 80 percent efficient at capturing the sun’s energy, as compared to the less than 25 percent efficiency of PV alone (see Figure 2).
As a result, the real-estate “footprint” of a new-technology PVT hybrid solar energy system is used much more effectively, which is especially welcome in installations taking up valuable rooftop space. Also important for achieving sustainability goals, a system using the newer PVT hybrid panels can achieve four times greater decarbonization over a system using PV panels alone.
Advanced thermoplastics improve thermal energy storage
A complementary PVT development in materials features engineered plastics being used for hot water tank construction, over steel and steel glass-lined conventional types. One such material, Expanded Polypropylene foam (EPP), while much lighter in weight than steel, has up to twice the insulation capability over conventional tanks, as well as superior impact and chemical resistance. That is especially critical in PVT systems installed in regions dependent on reverse-osmosis (RO) water from desalinization plants, including the Pacific, Caribbean, and the Middle East. Because RO water is much harder and more corrosive on steel, these new engineered plastic tanks are a superior alternative.

Figure 3: An example of a next-generation PVT system installed on the rooftop of a resort, with an array of 20 dual energy stream PVT modules using the latest manufacturing and materials technologies including encapsulated PV inserts and molded flow channel construction. The system’s combined peak energy output is over 15kW (solar PV plus solar thermal), from a footprint that’s less than 200 sq. ft. The PV generated enables the system to function as its own self-contained “power plant” to run the water and heat pumps, heat exchangers, and other devices that comprise a hot water production and delivery system. Such a system can supply an entire commercial facility with enough “net zero” hot water to meet its entire needs. A bank of 8 on-board storage batteries and a charging system ensure operation 24/7. (courtesy PowerPanel)

Figure 4: 350-gallon thermal storage tanks made entirely from advanced thermoplastics, in this case Expanded Polypropylene foam (EPP). Such a tank is much lighter than steel and has superior corrosion resistance. It also has superior insulation capabilities, losing just 2°C / 3.6°F of heat over a 24-hour period. Because the plastic comes in sections, the tank’s pieces can easily be carried up stairways and down narrow hallways for final assembly, making it extremely costeffective to install on-site, at ground level or rooftop. (courtesy PowerPanel)
The new generation of PVT panels and new developments in thermal tank materials are ideally matched for each other when used in a complete system (Figure 3), where the increased output of the PVT panels is fully captured and maximized by the improved thermal storage capabilities of the tank. Expect to see an expanded presence of PVT in commercial and residential applications, as developers and installers become fully aware of the advantages of dual-stream solar energy harvesting from a single source.
Garth Schultz is President at RG Resource Technologies Inc./PowerPanel, which specializes in designing, manufacturing, and distributing systems that seamlessly integrate solar and thermal technologies. Mark Cerasuolo is with Siena Marketing LLC (former Morningstar Corp. & OutBack Power Technologies).
PowerPanel /// www.powerpanel.com

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Energy Transformation with IEEE 1547-2018 Compliance
by Charlie Norz, Rob Via, Chris Dunlap, and Barry Nelson
Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) are decentralized energy sources and systems located near the point of consumption. These resources can generate, store, or manage energy, as well as operate independently or in coordination with the central grid. They play a crucial role in enhancing grid resilience, promoting renewable energy integration and enabling more efficient energy management.
Examples of DERs:
• Solar Photovoltaics (PV): Solar panels convert sunlight directly into electricity. They are one of the most common forms of DERs due to their scalability and decreasing costs.
• Energy Storage Systems (ESS): Batteries and other storage technologies store excess energy generated by DERs for later use, improving grid stability and enabling load shifting.
• Microgrids: Microgrids are localized energy systems that can operate independently from the main grid or connect to it as needed. They often incorporate multiple DERs, such as solar PV, wind turbines, and energy storage to provide reliable power to a specific area or community.
• Fuel Cells: Fuel cells generate electricity through electrochemical reactions, typically using hydrogen as a fuel source. They are clean and efficient, and can serve as both a primary power source and a backup during grid outages.

• Biogas Digesters: These systems convert organic waste, such as agricultural residues or sewage, into biogas, which can be used for electricity generation or heating. Biogas digesters provide a sustainable way to manage waste while producing renewable energy.

Benefits of DERs
The integration of DERs into modern energy systems is essential for building a more sustainable, resilient, and efficient energy infrastructure that meets the evolving needs of society while addressing environmental challenges. These DERs reduce reliance on centralized generation and transmission infrastructure, making the grid less susceptible to disruptions caused by natural disasters, cyberattacks, or equipment failures. Distributed generation and energy storage can provide backup power during emergencies, ensuring continuity of critical services.
DERs allow for improved energy efficiency, enabling localized generation and consumption of energy, therefore reducing transmission and distribution losses associated with transporting electricity over long distances. They can provide additional tools for managing grid operations and maintaining system stability. Through advanced control and communication technologies, DERs have several uses, including frequency regulation, voltage support, and grid balancing.
Understanding IEEE 1547
By establishing technical requirements for interconnection, operation, and performance standards of DERs, it helps mitigate potential risks, enhances grid stability, and promotes the widespread adoption of clean and renewable energy technologies.
IEEE 1547 originated from the growing need to establish standardized requirements for the interconnection of DERs with electric power systems. As renewable energy technologies like solar photovoltaics (PV) and small-scale generators became more prevalent, there was a lack of uniformity in the technical specifications and interconnection processes across different regions and jurisdictions. Recognizing the importance of addressing these challenges to facilitate the integration of DERs into the grid, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) initiated the development of IEEE 1547.
First published in 2003, the standard underwent rigorous review and consensus-building processes within IEEE's working groups and committees, ensuring that it represents the collective expertise and consensus of the stakeholders involved. Since that time, there have been subsequent revisions and updates to reflect advancements in technology, regulatory requirements, and industry best practices.
Today, IEEE 1547 serves as a widely recognized and adopted standard for DER interconnection worldwide, providing a framework for ensuring safety, reliability, and grid compatibility of distributed generation resources. Its origin underscores the importance of collaboration and standardization in enabling the seamless integration of renewable energy and distributed generation into modern electric power systems.
IEEE 1547 is made up of 11 clauses that address various aspects of the interconnection and operation of DERs with electric power systems. These clauses collectively provide a comprehensive framework for the safe, reliable, and efficient integration of distributed energy resources into modern electric power systems, ensuring grid stability, quality of service, and interoperability among different types of DERs.
Clauses 1-4 define the scope, reference, definitions of key terms and concepts as well as specific technical requirements and procedures for the connection of DERs, which includes voltage and frequency requirements along with grid support functions. Clause 5 specifically discusses reactive power and voltage/power control.
Clause 6 of IEEE 1547 focuses on establishing operational requirements and standards that DERs must adhere to during their integration with the electric power system. Clauses 7-9
deal primarily with inverters and their operational and protection requirements along with performance testing, with Clause 10 emphasizing safety considerations throughout the interconnection process. Finally, Clause 11 specifies requirements for communication interfaces and control functionalities to facilitate coordination between DERs and grid operators, and enable grid support functions.
IEEE 1547 outlines testing procedures and requirements for certifying compliance with the standard. Performance testing may involve assessing the DER's behavior under various operating conditions, including normal operation, grid disturbances, and fault scenarios. Testing may also verify the functionality and effectiveness of protection schemes, communication interfaces, and grid support functions. Compliance with performance testing requirements is essential to demonstrate that DERs can safely and reliably interconnect with electric power systems, while meeting specified technical specifications and performance criteria.
There are multiple trends for DER integration according to this interconnection and interoperability standard, IEEE1547. As we have experienced over multiple years, these standards are constantly improving over time as the market needs and technical requirements are better defined. At the time of this writing, the IEEE1547-2018 standard has been updated to IEEE1547-2022 and is going through the adoption phase. In addition, more states, corporations, and municipalities have established firm carbon reduction goals which require a faster-paced implementation of renewable energy, including battery energy storage systems. Over the coming years, we will see utilities and aggregators take on a greater role managing third-party DER assets with the creation of ancillary services markets for which the utility/aggregator and asset owner will be compensated, accordingly. The rapidly expanding EV infrastructure will create additional challenges and market opportunities for multiple entities participating in this rapidly evolving new energy landscape.
Charlie Norz is Director of Product Management – Automation, Rob Via is Sr. Sales and Applications Engineer – Energy, Chris Dunlap is Industry Manager – Energy, and Barry Nelson is Public Relations Coordinator at Wago, which provides solutions for electrical interconnections, interface electronics, and automation technology.
Wago /// www.wago.com

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The Logistics of Residential Retrofitting for Solar Energy
by Daniel E. Chartock
As clean energy adoption continues to grow, the logistics of retrofitting existing buildings for solar energy have become an important topic for homeowners looking to reduce their carbon footprint and capitalize on financial incentives. Retrofitting, the process of upgrading existing homes to integrate solar energy systems, offers a path toward sustainability. It also presents unique logistical challenges. With an influx of policies like the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) encouraging green transitions, now is the perfect time for homeowners to consider solar energy and whole-home decarbonization retrofits. However, understanding the complexities of retrofitting is key to a successful and cost-effective installation.
Understanding the challenges
Retrofitting a home for solar energy is far more than simply installing panels on the roof. There are several challenges homeowners need to be aware of, primarily related to the building’s existing structure and the availability of qualified contractors and parts.
1. Building age and structural considerations: Many homes were designed with something other than solar energy in mind. For older buildings, retrofitting may require reinforcement of roofs or electrical upgrades to handle the additional load from solar panels and inverters. An assessment of the building’s infrastructure is a crucial first step in determining its solar readiness. Homes with older wiring or weakened structural components may require significant upgrades, adding to the complexity and cost of the retrofit.
2. Qualified contractors: The availability of skilled contractors is another key challenge. Solar retrofits require expertise across multiple disciplines, from electrical work to roof installations. Homeowners should work with certified professionals who have experience in both the installation of solar panels, and the potential structural reinforcements or adjustments that may be necessary. The importance

of finding experienced contractors cannot be overstated – poor installation can lead to system inefficiencies, or even damage to the home.
3. Supply chain and parts availability: As the demand for solar energy systems grows, supply chain issues can create delays in obtaining the quality parts necessary. Solar panels, inverters, and energy storage solutions are in high demand, and shortages can stall projects. Ensuring that all components are available before starting the retrofit process can help avoid disruptions and ensure the project stays on schedule.
Navigating financial incentives
One of the key reasons now is the ideal time for retrofitting is the abundance of financial incentives available. The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) has made it significantly more affordable for homeowners to invest in solar energy systems. Homeowners can take advantage of a 30 percent federal tax credit on solar installations; depending on the state and local jurisdiction, additional incentives like rebates, grants, or utility credits may apply. The IRA, combined with local initiatives, has opened the door for many homeowners to make the switch to solar with far less upfront cost. This opportunity has also spurred innovation in financing options, such as solar loans and leases, allowing homeowners to spread the cost over time while immediately enjoying the benefits of reduced energy bills.
While solar retrofitting can be expensive upfront, the return on investment (ROI) is typicallyrealized within 5-10 years, thanks to the significant reduction in energy costs. In some cases, depending on the region, homeowners can even sell excess energy back to the grid to further offset costs. Additionally, the long-term benefits of reduced reliance on fossil fuels and a lower carbon footprint make retrofitting an attractive option for environmentally conscious homeowners.
Commercial vs. residential retrofits

While this article focuses on residential retrofits, it is worth noting that the logistical challenges for commercial solar retrofits can vary significantly. Commercial buildings often have larger, more complex energy needs, and the installation process may require different permits and approvals. Additionally, the ROI for commercial projects may be quicker, depending on the size of the system and local incentives, as businesses can often offset larger energy costs. Further, certain jurisdictions, like Denver, have enacted ordinances and a timeline for buildings to decarbonize and reduce their footprint.
For homeowners, however, the focus should remain on choosing a solution that maximizes the available incentives and balances long-term sustainability with cost considerations. Homeowners who start with solar can eventually explore additional renewable energy solutions, such as geothermal systems, for a more comprehensive green energy strategy.
Timelines and expectations
When considering a solar retrofit, it is important to set realistic expectations about timelines and the scope of the project. For a straightforward solar installation, the process can be completed in as little as a few days to a couple of weeks, depending on the availability of contractors, parts, and local permits.
However, if additional renewable energy solutions are included, such as geothermal systems, the timeline may extend to several months. This is because geothermal systems require excavation and other significant modifications to the property. While this adds to the complexity of the project, it also helps to provide a more complete decarbonization and deeper reduction in energy costs. As a result of the IRA, more incentives are being offered to make the switch to geothermal. By setting clear expectations, homeowners can ensure a smoother experience and avoid potential frustrations during the installation process.
The future of solar retrofitting
Looking ahead, the future of solar retrofitting is poised to become more accessible and affordable. Advances in technology are making solar panels more efficient, while policies such as the IRA are driving down the cost of installations. Furthermore, as supply chain challenges ease and the availability of skilled contractors improves, we can expect the process of retrofitting homes for solar energy to become simpler and more streamlined. For homeowners considering making the switch to solar energy, now is an ideal time. The financial incentives available through the IRA, combined with the environmental and long-term cost benefits, make solar retrofitting a logical choice for anyone looking to invest in a sustainable future.
Daniel E. Chartock is Chief Growth Officer and EVP of Operations of GeoSolar Technologies Inc., a company that specializes in retrofitting homes with energy systems using solar and geothermal sources for improved energy efficiency and greater independence from the grid. GeoSolar Technologies Inc. /// www.geosolarplus.com
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Helping California Solar Recover from
by Mike Grenier
It’s no secret that California is the nucleus of the solar industry in the United States, with the country’s largest market generating over 30 percent of the state’s electricity, supporting tens of thousands of jobs. The state took an early and large lead in distributed solar compared to others. This was not by luck; policymakers in Sacramento have long been aggressive advocates of solar power. A significant driver of California’s rapid solar adoption was a user-friendly net metering policy (first established in 1995) that treated solar energy exports and grid imports as equal in value. The simplicity of this policy made it easy for homeowners and businesses to understand how distributed solar on their buildings was a smart financial investment.
Today the state has nearly 49 gigawatts of total solar power installed. Of that, about one third – nearly 15 gigawatts – is distributed solar installed on 1.8 million homes and businesses. This stands in stark contrast to the next largest overall solar market, Texas, where over 32 GW has been deployed, but residential installations are estimated to be fewer than 300,000. In short, net metering did what it was intended to do: drive California’s distributed solar market to its leadership position.
New net metering policy brings new realities
Recent policy changes, however, have dramatically altered the economics for solar in California. The latest iteration of net metering, known as NEM 3 (or Net Billing), decoupled the value of exports and imports. The value of solar exports (when a
California's distributed solar market to its leadership position.

Source: California Distributed Generation Statistics

California residential export compensation values (for non-CARE customers)

building produces more than it uses) has been reduced by ~70 percent, on average. It’s even more complicated than that: the value of exports also changes every hour of the year. During most hours, exports are only worth pennies. But there are a few hours, during the evenings in late summer, when exported power is worth 2 to 3 times more than imports.
This drastic change in export values dramatically reduced the payback period for solar, and the additional complexity of real-time pricing resulted in confusion and uncertainty for those considering solar. For the thousands whose livelihoods depend on installing new systems, these changes appear as a direct threat to their businesses and employment.
Time-of-Use rates
NEM 3 is not the only challenge facing the Golden State’s solar industry. California’s utilities and the CPUC have continued to advance time-of-use (TOU) rates and demand charges as the best tool for encouraging shifts when people use power. Unfortunately, recent changes to TOU structures also impact solar owners. Now more than ever, TOU rates skyrocket in the evening, just when solar energy drops off, while during the day, when solar is most productive, the rates are at their lowest. This provides little benefit for residents and businesses with solar, as the result is cheap grid energy at times when solar generation is high. Meanwhile, there’s little that solar can do to reduce demand charges – the peak load for most buildings occurs in the early morning or late afternoon, when solar production is low.
Many in California perceived NEM 3 as making solar far more expensive, since exports to the grid would be nearly worthless while TOU rates meant they could not avoid the high cost of grid energy. However, with a perspective adjustment in how homeowners and businesses perceive solar, the country’s largest solar market can yet be saved.

Source: Elexity
Source: CALSSA
Building Energy Load – Solar Only
Benefitting from the right tools
Energy storage would seem to be a natural solution for solar to make economic sense again for private building owners. But it is important to note that traditionally storage has not been a significant part of California’s distributed solar equation. Before NEM 3 and the new TOU rates, there was not a major financial benefit to be gained by adding energy storage in homes and businesses. Though California has, by some distance, the largest installed base of energy storage in the country, this has been due to massive amounts of utility-scale storage. Utilities see the benefit in storage for resiliency, to defer substantial grid upgrades, and to avoid having to curtail solar production. Indeed, as of September 2024, nearly 84 percent of the state’s storage capacity comes from utility installations, according to the California Energy Commission.
The benefits of storage for homes and businesses have been less clear with high solar export dividends, but now the equation has shifted. On-site energy storage paired with intelligent energy management software can be a boon for residential and commercial solar in the NEM 3 landscape. The combination of storage and software to manage energy usage enables customers to take advantage of TOU rates and lower their demand charges, in ways not possible with solar alone. Working in concert with storage and solar assets, an intelligent EMS will direct energy to the battery during lower TOU grid rates, then push energy to the building from storage when grid energy is expensive in the evening – coinciding with a dropoff in solar production. The software’s load control capabilities, meanwhile, can lower demand charges up to 40 percent by shaving peaks caused by HVAC systems and EV chargers.
In optimizing solar usage, a storage + EMS solution makes distributed solar a net-positive investment – even under NEM 3 rules. Building owners wary of the cost of storage will benefit from the IRA and other incentives which, combined with the falling cost of batteries, are making energy storage increasingly affordable. By installing energy storage and load control software, residents and businesses can see a return on their distributed energy system investment within five years. Building owners can even shave a couple of years off that term if they use their storage + EMS to take part in California’s grid services programs that pay for load reduction and grid support. They can also participate in CAISO’s wholesale energy market to make money from their distributed assets.
NEM 3 doesn’t have to be the death of California solar
Generous net metering incentives may have helped build the country’s largest solar market, but it will not be a factor in the state’s continued solar growth. That does not have to spell the end of solar in California. By pairing their solar with storage and load control EMS, homeowners and businesses will still see major returns on their energy investment, even with NEM 3 in place. Commercial and residential solar may no longer make sense on their own in California, but with storage and load control, they simply join the rest of us who get by with a little help from our friends.
Mike Grenier is President of Elexity, Inc., developer of an EMS platform that includes a mobile and web-based building energy management app that remotely coordinates and optimizes batteries, climate control systems, EV chargers, and solar; tracks and analyzes utility bills; and reports on building performance scores and emissions.
Elexity, Inc. /// www.elexity.io


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Solar Gardens on Farmland A financial breakthrough for farmers
by Scott Aaronson, JD

When you spend most of your time talking to farmers and folks in rural America, the biggest thing you’ll learn is this: It is harder than ever to be a farmer. In a business with already razor thin margins, equipment and supplies have significantly increased in price due to inflation, while over supply has caused prices of crops to hit 5-year lows.
Not only is renewable energy greener, more efficient, and better for the world, the deals available to offer farmers for leasing their land for solar are significantly better than for farming that land – often equating to 3 to 5 times what they are making from farming the land themselves. In many instances, after the project is built, the farmer can even get paid additional amounts of money to take care of the land through grazing or other agricultural activities. Generally, the developer also pays for any tax increases and any type of maintenance of the panels.
Beyond income
The financial advantages of solar gardens are clear, but the benefits extend far beyond a paycheck. Solar gardens help promote clean energy by reducing reliance on fossil fuels and lowering greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, these distributed generation (DG) projects help provide localized power and increase reliability in the power grid.
Building solar often requires significant upgrades to the local lines and substations to handle the power that is now locally generated. This means that every time a distribution level solar project comes online, the grid becomes more reliable. Localized power also means fewer chances of a power outage from events that could be happening hundreds of miles away.

From an environmental perspective, solar gardens also contribute to the health of the land. Many projects incorporate environmentally friendly practices, such as planting pollinatorfriendly vegetation around the solar panels. These plants support biodiversity and help maintain healthy soils, offering an ecological boost to the land while it's being used for energy generation. Alternatively, projects can incorporate agrivoltaics or agricultural activities under the panels, like grazing. Further, solar gardens help the land rest from the normal herbicides and pesticides used in traditional farming.

Farmers who lease their land for solar often find that it helps preserve the agricultural use of their property. By entering long-term leases with solar developers, they can avoid selling their land for commercial or residential development, ensuring that it remains productive for generations to come.
Dispelling myths
Unfortunately, local government meetings are full of people talking about how they believe that solar and other renewable energy sources are actually bad for the environment; that because of the manufacturing process of the panels, that solar isn’t really green. This couldn’t be further from the truth. While energy has historically been a dirty business, solar is incredibly clean. It’s good for the environment, good for the farmer, and good for the land. While it is clean compared to practically any type of other development, it is especially necessary when you review the alternatives.
Coal plants are by far the worst for the environment. An average coal plant produces more waste per day than a solar facility produces it in its entire lifetime. A 500 MW plant can produce around 500 tons of coal ash per day. It also produces an almost equal amount to that in carbon dioxide emissions, along with sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, mercury, and other toxic chemicals.
Natural gas facilities are much better than coal, but for that same 500 MW of capacity, they produce over 250,000 metric tons of CO2 per year. They also leak methane gas, which can be dangerous. Natural gas

Versatile racking or rail mounts
The all-new Quarter-Turn Mount #3 style (QTM-3) products from Heyco are specifically engineered to seamlessly integrate with Ironridge and Unirac solar racking systems. These versatile mounts are compatible with any 3/8" T-Slot racking or rail system from various manufacturers, offering flexibility and convenience. Installation is easy, simply apply by hand and give a quick twist of 90° for a secure friction fit swivel hold, ensuring maximum stability and pull-out retention. When it comes time for adjustments or repositioning, a simple twist is all it takes to release the mount for routing and relocation. The Helios QTM-3 cable management system is capable of accommodating up to two cables, each ranging from 0.230" to 0.315" in diameter. Installation is made easy with the simple application of fingertip pressure. The design of this system ensures high axial retention with one cable, and even greater retention when both cable bays are filled.
Heyco /// www.heyco.com

explosions are significant concerns.
Nuclear power produces few emissions, but generates radioactive waste. Nuclear plants also pose significant risks, requiring evacuation plans of 50 to 100 miles should something go wrong. They are also expensive to build.
Solar produces no byproducts and has zero emissions. The panels last for 25 years, and are 80–90 percent recyclable. With costs of panels coming down, solar is significantly less expensive. Additionally, as more players enter the domestic supply chain and recycling markets, the solar industry with strengthen its circular ecosystem.
Simple.Solid. Sustainable.
A bright future for farmers and communities
Solar gardens are reshaping the agricultural landscape, providing farmers with a steady, long-term income stream far beyond what they could traditionally earn from crops. In addition to the financial advantages, these solar projects promote renewable energy, reduce environmental impact, and contribute to local energy independence. They also help preserve farmland for future generations by ensuring that the land remains productive and profitable.
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• Year-round installation
As more farmers explore the benefits of solar gardening, they are finding that it offers a new and exciting way to make the most of their land. In a time of increasing climate uncertainty and financial strain, solar gardens are a game-changer for farmers and their communities, providing both economic and environmental sustainability for the future.
• Year-round installation
• No concrete & no excavation
• No concrete & no excavation
• Environmentally conscious
• Environmentally conscious
• Immediately loadable
• Immediately loadable
• Cost effective
• Cost effective
Aaronson, JD is Attorney and CEO at Demeter Land Development, which works with farmers to lease land for community solar gardens.
Demeter Land Development
/// demeter.land

The Evolution of Solar ITC Transfers
by Bill DeLong
The transition to renewable energy in North America is accelerating, driven by advances in technology, government policy, and innovative financing solutions. One such solution, made possible by recent changes to the federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC), is the transferability of solar ITCs. This development offers solar project developers a new avenue for financing, attracting a wider range of investors and opening up opportunities for more projects to come online. With the solar energy sector poised for significant growth, the ability to transfer ITCs stands to play a critical role in shaping the future of renewable energy finance.
Understanding the solar ITC
Imagine the solar industry as a vast orchard of fruit-bearing trees, with each tree representing a potential project. Traditionally, only those with the right tools – in this case, tax equity investors – could harvest the fruit (Investment Tax Credits, or ITCs), leaving many ripe opportunities out of reach for less-equipped developers. But with the introduction of ITC transferability, it's as if the orchard gates have been flung open, allowing more people to enter, pick the fruit, and trade it for cash. This new system democratizes access to these financial incentives, allowing a wider variety of participants to benefit from solar’s growing landscape.
Since 2006, the ITC has been a key driver of solar project finance, offering a tax credit based on a percentage of project costs, initially set at 30 percent. This reduced upfront financial burdens for developers and spurred solar growth across the U.S. However, it primarily benefited developers with tax liabilities or access to tax equity investors, creating a barrier for smaller projects. The 2022 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) changed this by allowing developers to transfer ITCs to third-party investors. This new flexibility opens up financing options for a broader range of solar projects, bypassing complex tax equity structures.
The mechanics of ITC transfers
At its core, the ITC transfer process involves two key parties: the solar developer and the third-party investor. The developer generates ITCs by completing a qualifying solar project. Instead of applying those credits to reduce their own tax liabilities, the developer now has the freedom to transfer them to an investor in exchange for immediate capital. The investor, in turn, uses the ITCs to offset their tax obligations. For developers, the primary advantage of this arrangement is access to liquid capital without the need for a traditional tax equity partnership. This immediate infusion of cash allows developers to reinvest in new projects, expand their operations, or shore up their balance sheets. Additionally, by separating the ITC from other elements of project financing, developers gain more flexibility in how they structure deals. For investors, the allure of ITC transfers lies in the opportunity to reduce their tax burdens while supporting clean energy initiatives. This can be particularly attractive

for private investors or corporations that may not have previously considered participating in solar financing, but are now able to do so without taking on the operational risks associated with direct project ownership.
Benefits and opportunities for the industry
The ability to transfer ITCs is a game changer for the solar industry, particularly for developers who may have struggled to compete for tax equity investment. Now, developers can offer ITCs to a broader pool of investors, making it easier to close deals and secure financing for projects that may have otherwise been stalled.
This newfound flexibility can also enhance the scalability of solar projects. By monetizing ITCs more efficiently, developers are better positioned to finance larger portfolios of projects, or engage in multi-year development strategies that span different tax periods. This is especially important in the context of the expanding role of distributed generation, where numerous smaller projects across multiple states are becoming increasingly prevalent.
The road ahead
The market for ITC transfers is still relatively new, and the mechanics of such transactions are evolving. Developers and investors alike need to be mindful of compliance issues, including accurate project documentation and adherence to IRS guidelines. A misstep in structuring a deal could result in the disqualification of the tax credits, leading to financial and reputational repercussions.

Additionally, the pool of investors interested in purchasing ITCs may be limited in the early stages of this market. Over time, as awareness grows and more transactions are completed successfully, the pool of buyers will likely expand. However, developers should be prepared for the possibility that it may take some time for the market to reach full maturity.
Nevertheless, the introduction of ITC transferability is a significant step forward for the solar industry, offering a flexible and scalable financing mechanism that
can help bring more projects to fruition. By enabling developers to monetize their tax credits without relying solely on traditional tax equity investors, ITC transfers democratize access to capital and open up new possibilities to build the clean energy future. Bill DeLong is Chief Financial Officer at Aspen Power, which

Stylish, lightweight safety eyewear
Pyramex’s newest addition to its line of quality and affordable safety glasses, the PMXSPEC, is engineered to provide comfort plus protection all in a sleek, stylish design workers will want to wear while on the job. The PMXSPEC glasses keep eyes well protected without compromising comfort or good looks. The new PMXSPEC safety glasses are designed with comfort in mind, making them suitable for extended wear on the job. The glasses are lightweight, plus they offer wearers a customizable fit, incorporating an adjustable soft rubber nose piece and non-slip temple grips that helps them stay securely in place even in harsh conditions. Its panoramic wraparound lens enhances the field of vision, which is vital in busy work environments where peripheral awareness is key to staying safe. The oversized lenses shield eyes from wind, dust, and debris and are treated with anti-fog properties, ensuring clear, fogfree visibility even in extreme conditions. Built tough to meet ANSI/ ISEA Z87.1-2020 standards and SEI certified to CAN/CSA Z94.3-20 high impact standards, the PMXSPEC safety glasses provide robust protection against impacts and harmful UV rays, making them a dependable choice for professionals across various industries. The new PMXSPEC glasses are available in three lens/frame color variations including a Matte BlackBlue frame with Blue Mirror lens, a Shiny Black frame with Spectrum Mirror frame, and a Matte Black-Green frame with Green Mirror lens.
Pyramex Safety /// pyramex.com

New service responds to hail risk for solar PV
DNV has launched a new service to provide solar photovoltaic developers actionable, verified assessments of large hail risk across North America. DNV has partnered with Jupiter Intelligence to leverage its climate science for a robust statistical approach to evaluating hail risk due to climate change. Recent research on hail patterns indicates that over the last several decades severe hail events are shifting northward in the central and eastern U.S., areas with a high density of installed solar PV. DNV’s new service aims to help the solar industry understand actual hail risk now and over the course of project lifetimes, up to 30 years into the future. It will provide the probability of a hail event for a specific location within the contiguous U.S. as well as the probability of the size of the hail itself, enabling project owners and developers to better anticipate and mitigate risks to their projects. By providing precise, forward-looking data, DNV's new service empowers solar developers and project owners to make informed decisions that protect their investments and ensure long-term viability.
DNV /// www.dnv.com

Crimping machine with electric-powered drive
Weidmuller USA’s PowerCrimper Vario is a semi-automated machine with a purely electrical-powered drive for high process flexibility and security in applications that require durable crimping connections. The PowerCrimper Vario includes a pure electrical drive, no foot switch is required. Various inserts are available for insulated connectors from 0.5 to 6mm2 (AWG 20-10) or for wire end ferrules 6 to 16mm2 (AWG 10-6). This machine enables a force-saving crimping process with short cycle times (approx. 1.0s). The LED display provides maximum ease of service featuring a simple, intuitive, and user-friendly operation with compact design and finger safety. The crimping procedure starts when protective cover is closed, and the product offers a high level of flexibility in combination with PowerStripper 6.0/16.0.
Weidmuller USA /// www.weidmuller.com

Hazard Control on Buildings with PV
by Glenn Woodruff
UL 3741 was published in late 2020, and is now referenced in both the 2020 and 2023 National Electric Code (NEC) 690.12 B (2) as a PV Hazard Control System (PVHCS), another option to comply with rapid shutdown requirements on buildings with PV. The Photovoltaic Hazard Control System (PVHCS) listing allows systems to be designed up to 1000V without the need for module-level power electronics (MLPE).
Maintaining firefighter safety is part and parcel to the UL 3741 Safety Standard and is verified by the certification and testing requirements. Systems Listed to UL 3741 undergo rigorous testing to ensure they meet the requirements of the Standard, which is to reduce shock hazards in the case of firefighter interactions. This ensures that the equipment is safe under these abnormal conditions, enhancing overall safety during rescue or fire suppression efforts.
Cost savings
Racking Systems Listed to UL 3741 and approved with select string inverters that incorporate rapid shutdown, as mentioned, mitigate the need for MLPE. System costs can be dramatically reduced in a UL 3741 compliant design, saving on materials, installation time, and future O&M costs.
Using a string inverter rather than MLPE not only provides several cents per watt savings, but also cuts the number of cable connectors in half; fewer connections mean fewer points of failure. Additionally, polymeric-based ballast systems are becoming increasingly popular as they have fewer exposed metal edges, reducing the risk of weardamage that could cause a ground fault. Minimizing exposed conductive parts and wiring are also key to a good UL 3741 design.
Safer solar
Underwriter’s Laboratories (UL) is a Standards development organization responsible for developing and writing U.S. Safety Standards. Certification for UL 3741 systems is done by nationally recognized testing laboratories (NRTL).

The below gives additional context and guidance on system design:
Rapid shutdown of PV on commercial buildings
In the 2020 National Electric Code (NEC), “Rapid Shutdown” inside the array boundary has been updated to include “PV Hazard Control Systems (PVHCS)” as a method to comply with Rapid Shutdown requirements.
NEC 690.12 requires that all PV arrays installed on or in buildings shall include rapid shutdown functions to reduce shock hazard for Fire Fighters (FF) in accordance with 690.12(A) through (D):
A. Controlled Conductors
1. PV system DC circuits
2. Inverter output circuits originating from inverters located within array boundary
B. Controlled Limits
1. Outside Array Boundary: ≤30V within 30 seconds
2. Inside Array Boundary:
i. Listed PV Hazard Control System (UL 3741)
ii. ≤80V within 30 seconds after rapid shutdown initiation
iii. PV array without exposed wiring methods or conductive parts
C. Initiation devices
1. Initiation device(s) shall initiate the rapid shutdown function of the PV system
D. Equipment
1. Equipment that performs rapid shutdown functions other than initiation devices, such as listed disconnect switches, circuit breakers, or control switches.

The simplest installation method to comply with NEC690.12 (B)(2) is to employ a UL 3741 system within a contiguous array — with one or more co-located inverters. All inverter DC input circuits must be within the 1ft array boundary (Case 1). Installations where sub-arrays are required and cannot be included within the 1ft array boundary can comply by alternative options (Case 4).
Rapid shutdown of PV on residential buildings
PVHCS listed to 600V are now available for residential flush mount systems. In such a design, unless co-located with the array, all inverter and/or energy storage input circuits (DC) outside of the PV array boundary will require the use of String Isolation Devices (SID) to de-energize circuits leaving the array boundary per 690.12(B)(1) after initiation (DC disconnect, AC breaker or AC disconnect). Inverter and/or energy storage output circuits (AC) are outside of the array boundary and meet the 690.12(B)(1) requirement after initiation (AC breaker or AC disconnect). The case studies shown illustrate design parameters.
In conclusion, UL 3741 plays a pivotal role in advancing safety and cost-efficiency in photovoltaic (PV) systems on buildings. By allowing for the design of PV systems up to 1000V (600V Residential) without requiring module-level power electronics (MLPE), it provides an alternative approach to meeting NEC rapid shutdown requirements while reducing overall system costs. The rigorous testing and certification of systems under UL 3741 ensure that these systems meet high safety standards, particularly in emergency situations, thereby safeguarding both firefighters and buildings. The flexibility offered by UL 3741 compliant designs also streamlines installation and maintenance, enhancing both the reliability and long-term performance of PV systems. As the solar industry continues to grow, UL 3741 stands as a critical standard for creating safer, more efficient solar installations on buildings.
Glenn Woodruff is an Associate Product Marketing Manager with IronRidge, which designs and manufactures structural hardware for residential and commercial solar systems. Prior to his current position, Glenn represented IronRidge and Quick Mount PV for 6 years as the Territory Sales Manager for the Southeastern United States, and Caribbean. He resides in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida with his partner, Lori, son Anderson, and two dogs, Elvira and Otis.
IronRidge /// www.ironridge.com

New USA residential hybrid inverter
The Fronius GEN24 Plus has all the features of its predecessor but now integrates the ability to connect to a battery system. This hybrid inverter allows users to store excess solar energy and use it when needed, increasing the overall self-sufficiency of the home. The Fronius GEN24 Plus also offers two backup power options, ensuring that critical appliances remain operational even during power outages. The Fronius GEN24 Plus allows users to choose between a basic backup power supply with PV-Point. PV-Point connects to a dedicated, GFCI protected, backup outlet to supply a wide range of household items such as phone chargers or WIFI routers. The essential backup option, enabled by the micro-grid interconnect device Fronius Essential Load Backup Unit, ensures that homes will continue to be powered at full inverter output in the event of a grid failure, provided there is sufficient solar production or battery supply power. To fully utilize the hybrid capabilities of the Fronius GEN24 Plus, Fronius has partnered with BYD to ensure seamless compatibility with the BYD Battery-Box Premium HVM US. Available in capacities from 11.0 to 19.3kWh, the BYD BatteryBox Premium HVM US is designed for easy installation and robust performance. The battery's LFP cell chemistry ensures long-term reliability and safety. The Fronius GEN24 Plus is equipped with the Dynamic Peak Manager, a shading management algorithm that ensures high energy yield even when some of the solar panels are shaded. This feature optimizes performance at the string level, eliminating the need for additional module-level optimizers. In addition, the GEN24 Plus features Active Cooling Technology, a system that increases performance and durability by efficiently cooling the power electronics. The Fronius GEN24 was designed with the future in mind. With the Fronius UP.storage software update, available on November 18, 2024, existing Fronius GEN24 inverters can be easily upgraded to the Fronius GEN24 Plus. This upgrade transforms them into hybrid inverters that can be connected to a battery system. This upgrade process is straightforward and allows customers to expand their PV systems without having to replace existing hardware. Fronius UP.storage is available through the Fronius Solar.web application, making it easy to keep PV systems up to date with the latest technology.
Fronius /// www.fronius.com

Solar’s Risk Takers
Danger for installers skyrocket with demand
by Joe Brandel
The clean energy transition is advancing rapidly, with renewables projected to become the largest source of global electricity generated by 2025. Solar photovoltaic (PV) and wind energy will account for 95 percent of this expansion1. With increased demand for solar energy and solar arrays, however, comes increased safety hazards for solar installers, including slips, trips and falls, electrical hazards, extreme weather, and burns.
Understanding the jobsite risks
Similar to roofers, solar installation workers are vulnerable to the highest rates of fatal falls in the construction industry. In fact, between 2020 and 2021, roofing fatalities increased by 15 percent, along with the rise in solar installations2. From 2011 to 2019, 650 PV installers were injured while on the job. Those dangers will only go up: the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics expects solar array installation jobs to grow 51 percent by 20293.
Ranked number four on the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) list of most dangerous fields of work, the construction industry is especially prone to falling objects, and slips, trips, and falls. One of the biggest dangers resulting from these accidents is traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), which can have life-altering and even deadly repercussions. According to the CDC, there were 214,110 TBI-related hospitalizations in 2020, and 69,473 TBI-related deaths in 20214
This is a huge issue for the solar industry and construction sector in particular, as it has more TBIs than any other industry5. These accidents are so deadly because when workers fall and hit their heads, the impact is likely to take

place at an angle, which can put the brain at risk of rotational motion. The brain is much more sensitive to rotational motion than linear motion; it can cause severe brain damage or possibly death6. As a result, when rotational motion is a factor, even impacts to the head that may seem light can lead to harmful brain injuries. It is imperative that construction workers installing solar panels receive the proper education about the risks they face on the job, and how to properly protect themselves.

It is critical that these workers are aware of their exposure to the myriad fall hazards from their close proximity to roof ledges and elevated surfaces, as well as working on scaffolds and ladders. In addition, solar installations are usually still done in bad weather where water or ice can lead to increased slip and trip hazards7
Residential rooftops often pose a greater risk than industrial rooftops due to steeper slopes and lack of fall protection options. Residential roofs usually offer very limited fall protection options since it is not ideal to attach fall protection anchors and/or guardrails to a residential roof without the owner’s permission. Commercial roof owners usually allow for the use of fall protection anchors, guardrail systems, or mobile anchor points8
Current industry construction safety standards
Due to the dangerous nature of installing rooftop solar panels, OSHA has specific fall protection requirements for their construction vs. their maintenance, which

is covered under general industry requirements. PV installers working more than six feet above the ground must be protected by falls from one of the following three methods: Guardrail systems, safety net systems, or personal fall arrest systems9

Proper head protection
While OSHA requires head protection to be worn by employees working in areas where they are at risk for head injuries from impact, falling objects, or electric shocks and burns10, a standard helmet does not account for rotational motion. The ubiquitous and traditional hard hat was introduced over 100 years ago; it only protects the wearer on the top of the head, not against rotational motion.
It is critical that workers use proper head protection on the job. When choosing a safety helmet, it is important that helmet wearers consider a helmet equipped with a rotational motion mitigating system. This system should allow the material inside the helmet to move and slide relative to the worker’s head, with the intention of redirecting the rotational motion away from the head to reduce the risk of severe injury.
Solar installers face a number of risks on the job on a regular basis. The first step to improving safety begins with education on the jobsite hazards, including TBIs and rotational motion, and how to implement the best safety measures to reduce head injuries.

Biodegradable flux for the solar industry
With the new SOLAR-FLUX EO-S-023, flux specialist Emil Otto is further expanding its portfolio of fluxes for the manufacture of solar modules. The new water-based flux with a solids content of 2% has been specially developed for soldering solar modules, tabber, and stringer material as well as for connecting cells. The NO Clean-Flux, which is also VOC-free, is based on a halide-, resins- and rosin-free formulation. SOLAR-FLUX EO-S-023 is also available as a concentrate and, as a water-based flux, is biodegradable. It is therefore not a hazardous material and can be transported, handled, or stored in the conventional way with reduced volume. The ease of storage in particular is a significant added value.
Emil Otto /// emilotto.com
Joe Brandel is Business Development Manager for North America Industrial Safety Market at Mips, focused on helmetbased safety. He has been in the construction and industrial safety business for over twenty years. Specializing in head protection, hand protection, fall protection, and other personal protective equipment, Joe has provided training for large and small companies throughout the Midwest. He has also provided solutions for a variety of industries, which have not only helped reduce costs, but most importantly, created safer working environments for employees.
Mips /// mipsprotection.com

1 https://www.iea.org/news/massiveexpansion-of-renewable-power-opensdoor-to-achieving-global-tripling-goalset-at-cop28
2 https://www.nextbigfuture. com/2021/07/2020-fatalities-for-usroofers-increased-15-as-solar-roofinstallations-increase.html
3 https://www.workplacepub.com/ workplace-safety/construction/solarpv-installation-safety/
4 https://www.cdc.gov/traumaticbrain-injury/data-research/index.html
5 https://blogs.cdc.gov/niosh-scienceblog/2022/11/10/construction-helmets/
6 Kleiven, S (2007). “Predictors for traumatic brain injuries evaluated through accident reconstructions,” Stapp Car Crash J, vol. 51, pp. 81–114, Oct. 2007.
7 https://simplifiedsafety.com/blog/ solar-installation-safety/?srsltid=AfmB OorsKFyTzIQS1NRJ8BHzaU1spVAoLqi hNSlH8MwXYRXO8zrEpM4k
8 https://simplifiedsafety.com/blog/ solar-installation-safety/?srsltid=AfmB OorsKFyTzIQS1NRJ8BHzaU1spVAoLqi hNSlH8MwXYRXO8zrEpM4k
9 https://www.osha.gov/green-jobs/ solar/falls
10 https://www.osha.gov/sites/default/ files/publications/safety_helmet_shib. pdf

Amedical facility in Gaithersburg, Maryland, aimed to install a solar array to reduce energy costs and lower greenhouse gas emissions. However, the proposed installation site featured steep slopes, creating significant challenges for supporting the solar array. Without proper soil stabilization, the project faced the risk of structural failure, environmental degradation, and increased costs.
Installing solar on difficult terrain
The steep terrain posed severe challenges for installing a stable solar array. Without a reliable retaining wall or soil stabilization solution, the slopes would remain vulnerable to erosion, soil movement, and potential landslides. These risks could lead to panel misalignment, structural instability, and frequent maintenance issues, ultimately reducing the efficiency and lifespan of the solar array. Moreover, soil erosion on such sites can cause sediment runoff, contributing to environmental damage, increased water management issues, and regulatory noncompliance. Unstable slopes could also endanger nearby infrastructure, requiring costly repairs and disrupting the facility’s operations. Addressing these terrain challenges was essential to ensure the long-term success and safety of the solar project.
Innovative solution: geocell-based system
To mitigate these risks, project stakeholders selected a geocell-based soft-armored retaining wall system, a versatile and sustainable solution designed to stabilize steep slopes and prevent soil erosion.
Stabilizing Solar Geocell retaining walls
by Cory Schneider
In this project, the geocell retaining wall system allowed the use of on-site fill, eliminating the need for costly soil removal and reducing the project’s environmental footprint. The interconnected panels of the geocell system provided structural stability, supporting the solar array installation. By using existing soil for infill, the system minimized costs and environmental impact, while secure connections between geocell sections ensured a robust and permanent assembly, simplifying installation and reducing construction time.
The retaining wall was infilled with nutrient-rich topsoil in the front cells, encouraging vegetation growth, further stabilizing the slopes and helping the wall blend aesthetically with the landscape. Proper drainage was achieved through a perforated pipe behind the wall, preventing water pressure buildup and enhancing the wall’s long-term stability.

and increasing the need for sediment control measures. The lack of stability might also lead to significant safety concerns, potentially threatening the facility’s infrastructure and requiring emergency remediation efforts.

The absence of a stabilization system could result in higher long-term costs, including increased maintenance and potential penalties for environmental damage. These consequences underscore the importance of implementing an effective retaining wall solution to ensure the project's success and sustainability.
Benefits of retaining walls
The geocell retaining wall system provided an effective and environmentally responsible solution for the solar array installation. By utilizing on-site soil, it minimized the need for additional materials and transportation, reducing both costs and environmental impact. The vegetated retaining wall stabilized the slopes and seamlessly blended into the existing landscape, enhancing the site's overall aesthetic. This approach ensured long-term stability
with difficult terrains, providing a replicable model for future solar installations.
Project outcome
The project was completed successfully, resulting in a stable, vegetated retaining wall that supports the solar array and integrates naturally with the landscape. By addressing the terrain challenges with a geocell system, the project met all requirements without disrupting the facility’s operations, setting a standard for future sustainable construction projects on challenging sites.
Cory Schneider is Business Development Manager at Presto Geosystems, which offers sustainable soil stabilization solutions for solar installations.

American built work boot
New for Fall ‘24, KEEN Utility introduces the Liberty, an American Built work boot with jobsite-classic looks, featuring thoroughly modern comfort and safety. With a workday enhancing fit, product highlights include a Luftcell air-infused midsole for all-day support wearers can feel, streamlined carbon-fiber safety toe, and comfort from the first wear. KEEN.FUSION construction forms a lasting bond between the upper and sole for a blend of durability and flexibility. The 6" upper, built with extra-thick leather from LWG- certified tanneries, combines high quality with a planet-friendly supply chain. With a heritage of innovation, KEEN Utility’s Liberty is currently available in a waterproof version for men.
KEEN Utility /// www.keenfootwear.com

Accurately design, plan, and validate solar projects
EagleView and Aurora Solar announced availability of EagleView Powered models through the Aurora Solar Platform to improve the capacity of solar professionals to drive design accuracy, deliver fast project timelines, and improve the homeowner experience. Through integration of EagleView’s

Avoiding Costly Main Panel Upgrades
by Naveen Tera
Around 20-30 percent of solar installations are impacted by main panel limitations. NEC’s 120% rule often necessitates expensive main panel upgrades, potentially costing $2,000 to $5,000 or more with labor, permitting, and additional electrical work. In some jurisdictions, panel upgrades aren't even an option.

120% Rule – to protect overloading busbars
The National Electric Code (NEC) 705.12(B)(2), or the “120% rule,” ensures safe solar power system operation by preventing overloads and electrical fires. It restricts the combined current from all power sources to 120 percent of the busbar rating,
limiting the amount of solar which can be added to a system. In the above illustration, a 200A main panel breaker and 200A busbar would be allowed to accommodate 240A of combined continuous inverter output rating and main breaker size (120 percent of 200) under the 120% rule. This
“I have room for more solar power, and my energy needs changed over the last couple of years with added EVs. Battery storage is cheaper now, and I want to harvest more solar and store for my self consumption. Why would 120% restrict me from installing such as a smaller 32A system?”
– Mark C, a homeowner
allows for a 40A PV source back-fed breaker or 32A (40/1.25) continuous PV source, meaning a typical 200A panel cannot support more than 32A of continuous PV source. However, many modern residential systems exceed this due to increased energy demands from EVs, larger solar systems, and the need to maximize solar with batteries. So, how can we add more solar to the existing breaker panels?
120% rule is Complex
and Expensive
Most installations use one or more of the following options to meet the 120% rule:
1. Upgrade the main service panel with an increased busbar rating
2. Downsizing the main breaker

3. Derate the PV inverter
4. Supply side (line side) tap or feeder tap Options 1 and 4 increase solar capacity but come with high installation, labor, and material costs. Options 2 and 3 downsize the system to meet the limit.
None of these four options is ideal for homeowners wanting to add more solar.
• Downgrading the main service breaker is not always possible as your AHJ may ask you to redo the house's load calculations according
Informational Note:
To ensure a safety margin, the continuous rating of the busbar should be set at 80% of the busbar value. For example, a 200A panel should have a continuous busbar rating of 160A. 160A is often called the PCS's “set point.”
Figure 1: A typical 200A electrical panel with PV source (32A) to meet the NEC 705.12(B)(3)(2), a.k.a. the 120% rule

Solar panels for U.S. commercial and industrial markets
The REC Alpha Pro M Series represents REC's sixth innovation based on its Alpha HJT technology. In light of dynamic electricity costs and increasingly stringent environmental, social, and governance (ESG) regulations, such as the SEC climate disclosures in the U.S.A., the new REC Alpha Pro M solar panel empowers businesses and investors to meet their carbon emissions reduction targets more effectively while benefiting from energy cost savings. With an efficiency of 22.5%, a performance warranty of at least 92% in year 25, and a high temperature coefficient, the REC Alpha Pro M Series offers system owners return on investment and long-lasting peace of mind, even in hot climate conditions.
REC Group /// regroup.com

to NEC 220. Reducing your main breaker size would imply that you are reducing the loads from the original service entrance calculations while at the same time proposing to increase the loads with the powerful battery charger that is part of the new solar inverter.
• There is a high chance that the customer will back off from his solar contract if faced with a proposal to upgrade main panel, as the added labor and cost is upwards of $5,000 for the new panel.
• Installations in California may not be possible for supply-side tap because in California both meter and main panel are in a single box, called “meter main panel”, and you can’t access supply side to tap the inverters.
• You are hobbling your inverter by derating them to meet the 32A limitation on the 200A.
PCS (Power Control System) is a new way to surpass 120% rule
Fortunately, the 2020 NEC introduced a new rule to surpass the 120 percent limit. NEC 705.13 allows Power Control Systems (PCS) to provide overcurrent protection for the busbar instead of relying solely on breakers, enabling larger PV systems to connect to the busbar as long as the PCS limits the back-fed current. In NEC 2023, PCS is redefined as Energy Management Systems (EMS) with the same function of limiting busbar current.
How does a PCS help avoid
main panel upgrade?
The PCS actively monitors and controls the current on the busbars without violating the 120% rule or incurring expensive panel upgrades. PCS uses its internal and external CTs to measure the grid current and removes the inverter contribution to the busbar current if it detects a busbar overload.
Final Note: PCS is the way to go!!
PCS is a significant innovation in residential solar, providing a smarter, more flexible approach to managing solar energy integration. It enhances safety, compliance, and efficiency while reducing costs, making solar more accessible and financially attractive for homeowners. By controlling power flow, PCS addresses many barriers to solar adoption, making it a cornerstone for the future of residential solar.
Naveen Tera, Director of Compliance Engineering at EG4, oversees the adherence of products to regulatory and industry standards. His expertise ensures that EG4’s solutions meet all necessary compliance requirements while maintaining high quality and safety. Naveen holds MSEE and Executive MBA degrees.
EG4 Electronics /// eg4electronics.com

PV Module & Top Rail Clips
Compatibility: Perfect for newer panels with shorter frames or frames without a traditional edge.
Innovation: Designed to accommodate both the homerun cable and PV wire effortlessly.
Compliance: Non-metallic options for latest UL 3741 standard.

Bundling Solutions

Unmatched Reliability: Many of our bundling solutions are covered under Heyco’s 20 Year Solar Warranty and are designed to last the life of the system.
Effortless Installation: No special tools are required –Heyco’s SunBundlers are installed with pliers that the installer would already have on them.
Exceptional Compatibility: Heyco continues to innovate and stay compatible with the newest technology in the market.

Liquid Tight Cordgrips

Versatility: Heyco’s Skinned Over Cordgrips allows for maximum flexibility in the field. Skinned Over technology allows cordgrips to remain liquid tight even if every hole is not populated with a cable.
Compatibility: Number of solutions available to cover various wire types, sizes, and shapes.
Reliability: Our Heyco cordgrips are also designed to last the life of the system.

Figure 2: PCS controlled 200A breaker panel with 150A PV source, without needing to upgrade the main panel

Regular maintenance of solar farms and solar panels can dramatically improve energy output. It goes without saying, soiled solar panels can’t produce as much energy as clean ones and it is just as important to keep the land under the panels maintained as well. Developing a cleaning and maintenance schedule for your site will increase plant efficiency, here are some companies who can help in that endeavor.

Premier Water Cleaning Systems
Service/Product: KSolara FK2+/FK3+
Description: The KSolara FK2 and FK3 series solar panel cleaning units are designed to clean a wide range of ground mount solar farm installations. The FK2/ FK3 units use two counter rotating brushes to float on the panels and clean better than other solutions
Industries served: Ground-mount, trackers
Key Features:
• Fast cleaning up to 1000 panels per hour;
• Low water usage;
• Cleans multiple sizes of installations;
• Cleans tracker systems;
• Easy to operate. www.premsc.com

Service/Product: Seed, erosion control, establishment aids
Description: Millborn has been serving the reclamation space for nearly 40 years. With an extensive product lineup and outstanding logistics, they can provide all the seed, establishment tools, and erosion control materials needed.
Industries served: Renewable energy, agriculture, reclamation
Key Features:
• 1200+ products in stock and ready to ship;
• Experts in seed, erosion control, and establishment aids;
• Native species and local ecotypes available for all areas.

Service/Product: Cleaning Robots
Description: A supplier of solar cleaning robots, Solar-LIT has a global accumulated capacity of over 18GW for solar cleaning robots, helping solar plants maintain optimal power generation.
Industries served: PV panel cleaning www.solar-lit.com

Mr. LongArm, Inc.
Service/Product: Solar Panel Cleaning Tools
Description: Mr. LongArm’s Solar Panel Cleaning Kit, Model #1017, contains the tools needed to easily clean difficult to access solar panels. The kit features both the ProDesign cleaning tools and HydraSoar water-fed pole and soft brush. Quality since 1958.
Industries served: Solar panel cleaning, window cleaning www.mrlongarm.com

Using the correct tools helps to ensure a safe, efficient, and high performing solar installation. Hand tools, power tools, installation equipment, and safety equipment are all necessary for a successful solar project. In this feature, we highlight some of the solar tools available on the market today...

Fluke Corporation
Product: Fluke 283 FC/PV Digital Multimeter and Wireless Current Clamp
Product Category: Safety, electrical testing
Description: The Fluke 283 FC digital multimeter and a283 FC TrueRMS wireless current clamp, for solar technicians, provide accurate and reliable results up to 1500V in a variety of environments, including utility-scale solar arrays.
Key Features:

Milwaukee Tool
Product: M18 FUEL Controlled Torque
Impact Wrench with TORQUE-SENSE
Product Category: Installation
Description: M18 FUEL CTIW are torque-repeatable impact wrenches. Developed and tested for the solar industry, utility-scale solar projects get customizable reporting for confident installation leading to a 3X faster install process.
Key Features:

Solar Tools USA
Product: Solar Panel Hanger
Product Category: Installation
Description: The Solar Panel Hanger is a multi-tool providing an efficient method for staging, wiring, leveling, and mounting a solar array. Reduce labor and improve install time and accuracy with this tool. Compatible with all major brands of racking. USA Made.

November 7 th -8th , 2024
Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk Chicago, IL

100% domestic USA steel racking
Solar Mounts LLC is a commercial and utility scale solar racking manufacturer. All of their products are made in Michigan, with 100% Domestic USA steel. Their product line ranges from solar carports, post driven ground mounts, ballasted roof mounts, and an all-new solar walkway. Offering quick lead times and competitive pricing, Solar Mounts is a one-stop-shop for commercial and utility scale solar racking, from design, manufacturing, and mechanical installation.
Solar Mounts LLC
Booth A402

Backup power for homes
The Anker SOLIX X1 Home Energy Solution is a new addition to Anker's home energy lineup, providing backup power for homes. The X1's ultra-slim design fits seamlessly into any home decor, offering intuitive interaction through sleek aesthetics. The X1’s modular design allows up to six battery packs per system (30kWh/6kW) or up to six systems in parallel (180kWh/36kW). The X1’s independent battery pack operation increases attainable energy by 3-5%. In blackouts, the X1 swiftly switches to off-grid mode less than 15ms to ensure no disruption of the homeowner’s life. The X1 also operates in extreme temperatures (-4ºF to 131ºF).
Anker www.anker.com
Booth B617
RE+ Midwest is a forum for professionals dedicated to the integration of solar, storage, and additional renewable energy assets like wind energy and electric vehicle infrastructure in the region. Join conversations with industry buyers, suppliers, distributors, consultants, and more to explore solutions, exchange ideas, and discover new technologies.

The 0599 SolaDeck is a lightweight, no drill solar junction box. Manufactured in the USA of galvanized steel with a powder coated finish, the 0599 SolaDeck has knockouts in the left, right, and bottom sidewalls to speed up installation and eliminate drilling. The slotted cover locks into place with one set screw and comes with a factory installed din rail and ground bar. SolaDeck junction boxes are backed by a lifetime warranty with a 20-year history to back it up.
SolaDeck www.soladeck.com
Booth B908

Full service nationwide transport provider
Cornerstone Systems is a full service nationwide transportation provider that services the entire USA, working out of all ocean ports and in-land rail terminals and providing container drayage, transloading, warehousing, intermodal, LTL, FTL, on-site logistics, flatbed, rail intermodal, project delivery, and HAZMAT services. Their team is experienced in coordinating deliveries to solar and renewable energy job sites all across the US. They handle the entire domestic transport from the US port of entry to the final destination.
Cornerstone Systems, Inc www.cornerstone-systems.com Booth B813

Modular power distribution switchboard
Designed for the numerous demands of battery energy storage systems, solar, data centers, and EV charging applications, this product offers flexibility and scalability. The Modular Switchboard features M-T-M or Genset configurations and supports direct bus or cable connections to medium voltage transformers. This switchboard meets rapidly evolving needs of the energy landscape by its capability to integrate into a wide range of energy distribution setups.
EPEC Solutions
Booth A512

Cost effective and scalable solar
The S6 is compatible with several battery brands, as well as Rapid Shutdown and MLPE options, ensuring an open ecosystem for flexible and safe UL3714 listed solutions to fit the needs of any customer or rooftop. The SolisHub reduces the need for additional external boxes, creating a seamless and resilient system, and can be easily connected to SolisCloud for remote system monitoring, shut down, and management, limiting unnecessary truck rolls.
Solis solisinverters.com
Booth B201-2
Lightweight, no-drill junction box

Powerful groundmount solution
SolarEdge Technologies’ high-power, three-phase SolarEdge 330kW Inverter and its complementing H1300 Power Optimizer are for community solar, agri-PV, and smallto-medium scale ground mount utility PV applications. The SolarEdge 330kW Inverter lends itself both to distributed and centralized location topology, in which large-scale 330kW inverters can be installed in a central location while also providing SolarEdge’s benefits of MLPE, that include more energy for improved ROI, design flexibility, advanced safety solutions, as well as modulelevel monitoring. SolarEdge’s new inverter and dedicated Power Optimizer solution is designed to help lower the LCOE by yielding more energy production over the system’s lifetime through 99% inverter efficiency, 200% DC-oversizing and an integrated PID rectifier.
SolarEdge solaredge.com Booth A308

Versatile and fastinstalling roof mounting system
SunModo introduces NanoRack which solves the rail-free headaches of precise measuring and complex wire management. Assemble it on the ground, and it aligns itself on the roof. 3-hour install start-to-finish.
SunModo Corp.
Booth B706

Field-replaceable components
Due to its intelligent design and the engineering considerations given to serviceability, the SOLECTRIA XGI 1500 can be safely and easily serviced in the field. The SOLECTRIA XGI 1500-166 SERIES, SPARE PARTS
KIT provides a complete set of the field-replaceable components most likely to need replacement. Most part replacements can be completed in just 10 to 40 minutes and is backed up with a 3-day service training. In the context of warranty replacements, a certified technician is authorized to perform part replacements once approved by their technical service team. Yaskawa Solectria Solar, in turn, promptly provides the replacement part. This streamlined process reduces wait times associated with shipping parts to the site, with potential same-day resolution for any issues.
Yaskawa Solectria Solar www.yaskawa.com/solectria-replus Booth B1008

Continuous row racking design
APA’s TITAN Duo dual post system with ground screws was designed specifically for projects with glacial till, dense soils, and rock. The system features telescoping posts to adjust for topography and has liberal slope tolerances. Rock screws mitigate foundation risk and are designed to combat frost heave. Pre-drilling, if necessary, is done with standard equipment and can streamline the installation. The racking is a continuous row design to optimize every layout and owners will appreciate the aesthetics. It offers ease of stringing and integrated wire management. APA provides turnkey mechanical installation with a large fleet of equipment. The TITAN hardware is also available with a single driven pile.
APA Solar www.apasolar.com
Booth B905

Highly productive solar installation
The new WORD SS Lite Skid Steer Attachment utilizes key features of their standard Skid Steer mounted rock drill to provide a custom solution for solar racking installation. A manufacturer of drilling solutions for the solar industry and beyond, the WORD Rock Drills SS Lite solar installation attachments are built to increase the ground mount installation speed. The SS Lite is adaptable to a wide range of ground screw and helical ground mount systems to fit project needs. Additionally, operated with a twoman crew, the easy-to-use controls of the drill in combination with the maneuverability of the skid steer make this a solution for high productivity for solar installation.
WORD International, Inc. www.wordrockdrills.com Booth B509

Versatile drilling machine
WORD Rock Drills provides solar solutions for tough ground conditions. Built for versatility, the WORD SS Series Skid Steer Attachment can be optimized for pre-drilling, helical piles, and ground screw installation. A user-friendly machine suitable for operators at all levels, the WORD Skid Steer Attachment will help increase efficiency and optimize project results.
WORD International, Inc
Booth 102
November 14th -15th , 2024 Orlando Hilton Orlando, FL re-plus.events/florida
Discover the power of Florida’s solar and energy storage industries during this event. Engage with experts and industry leaders who will share their knowledge and insights through compelling education sessions. Plus, explore a diverse range of exhibitors, showcasing the latest advancements in clean energy.

Fast, leak-proof installation
The Split-Top Butyl Deck Mount is designed for fast and leak-proof installations on asphalt, EPDM, and TPO roofs. This mount features an open channel rail system that uses saddle mounts or allows for easy drop-in rail insertion. The butyl base ensures secure water protection and quick placement, while the stainless steel T-foot provides easy leveling and rail adjustment. Each mount comes with 5/16" x 2 1/2" stainless steel hex lag screws with sealing washers for a secure fit.

Accurate, reliable, and repeatable digital multimeter
The Fluke 283 FC Digital Multimeter and a283 FC True-RMS Wireless Current Clamp are suitable for DC environments up to 1500V, including utility-scale solar arrays, wind power, railways, and data centers. Its CAT III 1500VDC safety-rated accessories, including MC4 test leads and TL175-HV CAT III 1500V/CAT IV 1000V rated test leads, provide reliable and connections for testing voltage, millivoltage, resistance, continuity, and capacitance. The multimeter features a bright backlit LCD screen and illuminated keypad, making it easy to work in various lighting conditions. The magnetic hanging kit frees up hands, and the custom carrying case protects the investment. The Fluke 283 FC/PV includes CAT III 1500VDC safety-rated accessories for working confidently in higher voltage environments without compromising safety. With its engineering precision, this digital multimeter is a go-to tool for accurate, reliable, and repeatable results for DC applications up to 1500V.
Booth 112

Clear, unobstructed parking area
Baja Plate2Plate Solar Support offers design advantages and flexibility available in both the TEE Post and the Semi/Full Cantilever. Solar Support Structures allows for a clear and unobstructed space with no supporting columns or posts intruding the parking area. The improved functionality provides an open space concept for parking and versatility with the added value of having ample clearance for door openings. This design utilizes large foundation and framing members G90 galvanized cold formed steel members, for flexibility, maximized space spans, and added durability rust free with minor maintenance. The plate2plate design allows for fast and ease of installation utilizing four bolted assembly main beam to column connection without the need to perform field welding, additional multi bolted assembly and plates, any special testing equipment, third-party testing lab, and special inspections. This versatile design is a cost-effective money saving and time alternate solution.
www.bajacarports.com Booth 403

Efficient, reliable and durable solar panel
The AXIblackperfect 440Wp solar panel has advanced technology, offers high efficiency, durability, and reliability, and is a suitable choice for both residential and commercial use. Its sleek design and black aesthetics blend well with any architecture, making it an attractive addition to any building. The AXIblackperfect 440Wp solar panel’s eco-friendly features help reduce the carbon footprint.
Booth 206


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BBA /// www.bbaconsultants.com
Adhesives, Sealants & Surface Treatments
Anchor Bolts | Fastening Systems
Blade | Tower Manufacturer & Repair
Brake Pads
Cable Management
Cable, Wire & Conduit
Component Supplier
Condition Monitoring
Construction Products & Services |
EPC Contractor
Consulting Services
Cranes | Hydraulic Equipment | Aerial Devices
Data Acquisition
Economic Wind Development Region
Education | Training | Research Development
Electrical Equipment & Services | Power Generation
Electrical Insulation
Electronic Component | Service Repairs
Electronics Contract Manufacturing
Energy Storage | Grid Connection
Erosion Control
Fire Suppression
Gearboxes | Manufacturing, Services & Repairs
Generators | Maintenance & Repair Services
IT/OT Integrator
Legal Services
Load Monitoring
Met Towers
Operations and Maintenance (O&M)
Performance Analytics & Optimization
Power Transformers
Remote Monitoring
Rental Equipment
Rescue & Safety Training
Safety Equipment | Fall Protection
Safety Work Apparel
Signs, Tags, & Markers
Slip Rings
Software Supplier
Steel Plate Supplier
Testing | Inspection Services
Tower Foundations
Transportation | Logistics
Wind Assessment | Forecasting
Wind Turbine Mfg
Yaw, Pitch & Blade Sensors
Adhesives, Sealants & Surface Treatments

Belzona 5721 is a 2-component, high-performance coating, specifically formulated for protecting the leading edge of wind turbine blades from erosion and impact damage. This system is designed for in-situ applications and can easily be applied by brush in a single coat. Together with its low-temperature cure technology, Belzona 5721 can maximize available maintenance opportunities and ensure the turbine’s fast return to service. Key benefits include erosion protection against rain and debris, a design specifically tailored for LEP, strong adhesion to glass-reinforced plastic (GRP), a minimized curing time of just half an hour, even at temperatures as low as 5°C (41°F), and UV protection.

Hontek Corporation
Hontek ReNew LEP rain/sand erosion protection coatings have been successfully used in field repairs and RePower programs on numerous onshore and offshore wind farms in Europe and North America. The LEP coatings are suitable for platforms, rope access, and OEM production floors. The coatings work well in 10% to 99% relative humidity, reducing downtime cost with a productive repair season. Hontek coatings have long pot life, high rain erosion resistance, and forgiving application process, minimizing human errors, resulting in high quality, long lasting blade life. www.hontek.com

ALEXIT BladeRep LEP10 is a specifically designed, one-layer system, for long-term protection of the rotor blade leading edge. Excellent abrasion and erosion resistance along with a high flexibility characterize this two-component, solventfree polyurethane product. bladerep.com

Socomore products are designed to improve processes, performance, safety, and environmental impact while reducing operational costs. Their products are used for maintenance processes including solvent or water-based cleaning, paint stripping, corrosion protection, adhesion promotion, coating, surface treatment, and non-destructive testing. store-us.socomore.com

Boltight, Inc.
Boltight wind industry equipment is tried and tested as a reliable tensioning solution for critical joints on offshore and onshore wind turbines and associated structures. The quality of Boltight products ensures continued performance throughout high-cycle usage, without the need for frequent maintenance and repair. Engineered for many applications on OEM turbines, these tools are used around the world. www.nord-lock.com/boltight

Gala Precision Engineering Ltd.
Gala Precision Engineering specializes in design and manufacturing of precision components like high tensile fasteners, disc and strip springs, coil and spiral springs, and wedge lock washers. These products are manufactured as per global standards like German DIN standards and can be customized to meet customer specific requirements. www.galagroup.com

HEICO Fastening Systems
HEICO-LOCK Wedge Lock Washers and HEICO-TEC mechanical tensioners are used throughout the wind energy category. HEICO’s wedge lock washers ensure bolts maintain proper tension against intense loosening influences. The HEICO-TEC tensioning system is used for securing larger bolts and are safe, fast, and suitable for tight spaces. Additionally, HEICO-TEC tensioners improve bolt elasticity, lowering the impacts of dynamic stress, and contribute to the lifespan of any wind application. www.heico-lock.us

MarkingPenDepot sells UV resistant paint pens and torque sealant for visual inspection of fasteners and other fittings. MPDX paint markers dry in 30 seconds and have UV resistance for up 22 years. Other brands include Dykem, Markal, and The Pumper. www.markingpendepot.com

Nord-Lock, Inc.
Nord-Lock created wedge-locking technology that secures bolted joints, even when exposed to severe vibration and dynamic loads. Their products do not loosen unintentionally due to the wedge created underneath the bolt head and nut. All of their washers are laser marked with the Nord-Lock brand name, control number, and a type code to ensure that their customers receive genuine Nord-Lock washers and enables full traceability down to the first assembly. www.nord-lock.com

Sherex Fastening Solutions
Sherex Fastening Solutions is a manufacturer of fasteners for a variety of different industries, including renewable energy. Sherex manufactures rivet nuts, clinch nuts, rivet nut studs, a wide range of threaded inserts, and wedge-locking washers and nuts through its Disc-Lock and TEC Series product lines. Both Disc-Lock and TEC Series wedge-locking products protect joints from loosening in high vibration and high load applications. Sherex's wedge-locking solutions include washers, nuts, and bolts, and are used in a variety of applications in the renewable energy industry. www.sherex.com
Anchor Bolts | Fastening

The Solution Group Holdings, LLC
TSG Holdings focuses on specialty fastener products and services to blueprint drawings and specifications servicing OEMs in the agricultural, energy, heavy truck, industrial, mining, and transportation industries. TSG Holdings offers product development discussions, pre-production samples, customized fasteners with critical dimensions and tight tolerances, surface finishes with high salt spray and specified (CoF) coefficient of friction requirements, and thread lock features to required torque values. Upon request product will be provided from factories with a high-level accreditation of IATF 16949 and AS9100, or an (EMS) environmental management systems of ISO 14001. solutiongroupholdings.com

Utility Composites, Inc.
Raptor Composite Fasteners are used for securing core materials in wind blade manufacturing. Raptor fasteners compliment applications that are using fiberglass mat, RTM, VARTM, and any other composites application. Raptor Fasteners will not corrode or delaminate. Interfacial bonding is strong. They are easily applied, and can come in specific colors, so they can easily be seen when securing core materials in wind blade construction. www.raptornails.com

Gearbox bearings, blade (pitch) bearings, and main bearings in stock. Malloy has a large inventory of drivetrain bearings for much of North America’s wind turbine fleet. Upgraded gearbox bearings to address debris and WEC initiated failures. Upgraded main bearings to address peeling initiated failures. Upgraded blade bearings to address cage failures and outer ring cracking failure modes. www.malloywind.com

Midpoint Bearing
Midpoint Bearing is a distributor of bearings and power transmission materials in the wind generation equipment repair industry. Midpoint helps lower the cost of energy by offering solutions designed to extend component life by analyzing failures in the field and utilizing manufacturer engineering capabilities to provide upgraded solutions for wind turbine main shaft bearings, gearbox bearings, generator bearings, pitch & yaw bearings, and drives. Their ceramic and hybrid-coated bearings decrease the probability of fluting and arching. With strategic manufacturer/distributor relationships, Midpoint empowers wind farm operators to maintain their equipment to ensure continued uptime. midpoint.eis-inc.com
Blade | Tower Manufacturer & Repair

Flex Wind
Flex Wind offers blade repair services, as well as drive train repair starting in Q2, 2025. www.flex-wind.com

Superior Wind Energy
Superior Wind Energy performs cat 1 to cat 5 blade repairs, up-tower bolting, and interior and exterior turbine cleaning. Their team has combined experience of over 50 years and their goal is to simply provide quality service for a reasonable price. www.superiorbladerepair.com
Brake Pads

Energy Wind
Platinum Energy Wind, a division of Platinum Driveline, USA, is the distributor of Miba Frictec Austria for North America and Canada. They offer the Miba MD550 sinter brake pads, available from their local warehouse in Missouri. This setup ensures customers benefit from swift delivery and flexibility.
Cable Management

The VelociWrapper is an MV cable triplexing solution that is fast, uses affordable materials, and wraps cables tightly and consistently without damaging the cables. Self-powered and self-operating, the machine requires no external power connections, has no motors, and is rotated by the wrap being pulled through a patented pulley system. www.velociwrapper.com

AerosUSA is a wire and cable protection supplier to the wind industry among others. Their global manufacturing capabilities provide a wide array of products that have been produced to adhere to high quality standards and offer peak performance and reliability. Of particular importance to the wind industry would be their High-Performance Cable Protection System of flexible conduits and one-piece conduit fittings. Another important product family to consider are Cable Glands. They have a wide range of cable glands available that are cost-effective and reliable.

American Wire Group (AWG) American Wire Group (AWG) offers a one-stop shopping for their customers. AWG specializes in providing wire and cable solutions for use in wind, solar, and other renewable energy applications. The renewable energy sector relies on the wind and solar wire and cable products including communication cables, control cables, grounding conductor cables, medium voltage cables, photovoltaic cables, power cables, transmission cables, hardware and accessories, and pre-installed HDPE duct cables. They support projects through their full lifecycle, from initial conception and development through global sourcing, production, delivery, and ongoing maintenance and service.

Concast, Inc.
Concast provides product solutions and supplies their clients with precast concrete materials in a timely manner, while still upholding high quality standards. They have specialized in precast concrete products for the electrical industry since 1969. Their product line includes trench, pull boxes, handholes, vaults, box pads, and flat pads. www.concastinc.com

HELUKABEL offers cable solutions for on and offshore wind turbines from rotor tip to tower base, as well as for the infrastructure cabling of wind farms. Their product range includes low- and medium-voltage copper or aluminum cables, torsion-rated cables, data and network technology, pre-assembled fiber optic cables, individual connection and interconnection technology, and other accessories for the cable network within the tower. HELUKABEL cables are rigorously tested to UL, CSA, and other international standards to ensure their durability to withstand a variety of harsh environmental factors, including humidity, vibration, extreme temperatures, oil exposure, electromagnetic interference, and more.

Paige Renewable Energy
Paige Renewable Energy has been a provider of wire and cable solutions for over 60 years. Paige offers 35kV, 2kV, 600V PV, hybrid aluminum/wire cables, and more. With expertise in overmolding and redundant North American factories, Paige offers overmolded harnesses, string extenders, and jumpers. All orders can be custom labeled, prefabricated, kitted, and bundled with coordinated shipping and delivery, for a truly plug and play installation. www.paigerenewableenergy.com

Richardson Electronics
The Richardson Electronics, Ltd. ULTRA3000 Pitch Energy Module is an ultracapacitor based plug-and-play replacement for batteries within 20 and 30Nm pitch systems. With over 35,000 in the field, the ULTRA3000 provides reliability in retrofitted electric pitch control systems. With over 1 million charge-discharge cycles, ultracapacitor pitch energy modules can provide 15 plus years of reliable operation without maintenance.
Component Supplier

Bal Seal Engineering
Bal Seal Engineering designs and produces sealing, connecting, conducting, and EMI shielding solutions that improve the performance and reliability of equipment used in wind, solar power, and other alternative energy production. Their solutions enable engineers to prolong service life, reduce maintenance, protect precision components, design more compact, efficient electrical connectors, and ensure consistent current/signal transmission. Their consultative engineering services streamline the design process, improving speed to market. Their products include the Bal Seal spring-energized seal, the Bal Spring canted coil spring, and the Bal Contact electrical contact. www.balseal.com

CEJN North America
Quick coupling solutions for wind include UltraFlow couplings for effective liquid cooling of IGBT systems, and ultra high-pressure (UHP) solutions, up to up to 58000 PSI/4000 bar/400 MPa. CEJN’s safe and reliable UHP product solutions for manufacturing, installation, maintenance, and operation of wind turbines include high-pressure couplings, hoses, pumps, stainless steel needle valves, pressure gauges, and more. www.cejn.com

Continental Fan Manufacturing, Inc.
Continental Fan provides fans and blowers for nacelle ventilation, GCU (generator control unit) cooling, and tower ventilation. Their ventilation applications include axial fans for high air volumes and low pressures, centrifugal blowers for higher-pressure applications, or TMK motorized impellers for ventilating electric cabinets. www.continentalfan.com

Ingeteam, Inc.
Ingeteam is an independent solution provider for OEMs, utilities, and asset owners, committed to providing high-quality power converters (DFIG and full power topologies, in low and medium voltage), Indar generators (DFIG, SCIG, and PMG technology), control cabinets and SCADA systems. Also committed to supporting its customers through the life of these products in all ways possible, such as supplying spare parts, repairs of equipment manufactured both with proprietary technology and from third parties (multibrand), providing technical assistance (both remote and onsite), fleet supervision, life extension, and training services. Ingeteam is a global technology and service partner located in the US. www.ingeteam.com

Littelfuse sensing, monitoring, and circuit protection products help keep turbines turning. Their circuit protection products such as arc-flash relays, high-speed/semiconductor fuses, and surge protective devices keep wind turbines operating and improve safety by protecting them from arc-fault, overcurrent, and transient overvoltage damage. In addition, their sensing products enhance system efficiencies by monitoring temperature and identifying faults. By minimizing downtime, Littelfuse products reduce operating costs and maximize output. www.littelfuse.com/renewableenergy

Oglaend System a group company of Hilti Hilti and its group company, Oglaend System develop, engineer, and manufacture cable management solutions for substations, foundations, and towers. Hilti and Oglaend System deliver products that help reduce time and cost of installation, as well as help increase quality and consistency of the cable management solution. The portfolio includes corrosion resistant cable trays, ladders, supports, cleats, and accessories. www.oglaend-system.com

Polytech A/S
ELLE Onshore is an easy-to-apply leading edge protection optimized for onshore environments. Developed based on decades of material expertise and hands-on field experience, ELLE Onshore simplifies leading protection, providing ease of application, lasting durability - calculated according to DNV-RP-0573, and minimized aerodynamic disturbance on onshore wind turbines. ELLE Onshore is designed as a continuous, 33m roll with a three-part liner and center marking. The liners make installation easy and fast. polytech.com

SAB North America
SAB industrial flexible, continuous flex, and torsion cables are designed to withstand a variety of harsh environmental factors, including abrasion, humidity, vibration, extreme temperatures, oil exposure, and electromagnetic interference. SAB’s TR 600 is a WTTC rated, Oil Res I & II rated cable for use in the drip loop in the tower and nacelle of wind turbines. CC 600 is a flexible UL/CSA rated oil resistant control cable which can be used between the Yaw drives, cabinet, gear box, and generator in the nacelle. Their liquid tight, impact resistant cord grips can be used to secure and shield the cable connections. SAB can design a custom/hybrid cable to meet exact project requirements. www.sabcable.com

Schaltbau North America
Schaltbau North America, an international supplier of safety-relevant electromechanical components since 1929, develops and manufactures contactors, plugs, and switching systems with a focus on DC technology. These products work across industry applications, including high-voltage battery management systems for electric vehicles, charging stations, and battery test stands. The DC technology is embedded in their newest production facility, enabling significant contribution to energy savings. schaltbau.com

Solon Manufacturing Company
Solon Manufacturing Co. designs and manufactures Belleville springs and washers for industrial bolting and electrical connections, preventing failures from reduced bolt load, embedment relaxation, differential thermal expansion, thermal cycling, bolt yield, or vibration. Solon Belleville washers can reduce preload loss by 5x or more, significantly lowering the risk of failure.

Condition Monitoring

AP Sensing
AP Sensing delivers a holistic power cable condition monitoring solution that enables operation of the power grid at a high, safe ampacity level and leads to informed decisions, reduced outage times, and operational cost savings. Their Distributed Fiber Optic Temperature and Acoustic Sensing technologies (DTS and DAS) monitor the entire power cable infrastructure and enable network performance optimization. System capabilities include hotspot and cable fault detection and location, operational status monitoring, condition assessments, Real Time Thermal Rating (RTTR/ DCR), thermal profiling, depth of burial monitoring for subsea cables, and ThirdParty Interference monitoring. www.apsensing.com

Dynamic Ratings
Dynamic Ratings offers a range of transformer, circuit breaker, and switchgear monitors to meet a project’s needs. Monitors range from simple to complex starting with their basic electronic temperature monitor all the way to their enterprise comprehensive monitoring system. www.dynamicratings.com

EOLOGIX-PING ensures the optimal performance and increases the efficiency of wind turbines worldwide with innovative sensor technologies for continuous blade monitoring. This technology is designed to detect blade damage, lightning strikes, and icing, among other things. The retrofit-friendly sensor systems facilitate on-thespot measurements directly on the rotor blade surfaces and acoustic measurement inside the blades or on the turbines. They are compatible with all turbine types, locations, and life cycle stages and are already in use on over 2000 turbines in 27 countries. www.eologix-ping.com

Eurofins TestOil
With more than 30 years of experience in the oil analysis industry, Eurofins TestOil focuses exclusively on assisting industrial facilities with reducing maintenance costs and avoiding unexpected downtime through oil and fuel analysis program implementation. Eurofins TestOil has added Vibration and Thermography Analysis and Acoustic Monitoring to its Field Services portfolio making it a full-service reliability maintenance provider. Eurofins TestOil can diagnose oil-related issues in equipment such as turbines, hydraulics, gearboxes, pumps, compressors, and diesel generators, and provide customers with same-day turnaround on routine oil analysis testing. www.testoil.com

KK Wind Solutions
TCM is a condition monitoring solution that identifies emerging faults and damages in core wind turbine components, including the drive train, gearbox, generator, main bearing, and much more. By detecting high-precision vibrations, users can predict turbine health and improve operational decisions that help reduce turbine downtime and costly repairs. A core feature of TCM is its diagnostics tool that provides a powerful analysis engine, supporting the accuracy of monitoring and maintenance workflows. With a cyber-secure setup, users can safely keep up-to-date on a turbine’s health anytime and anywhere. www.kkwindsolutions.com

LUDECAwind systems are intended both for installation and for continuous maintenance work in the field. Their EASY-LASER systems are specially configured with functionality and hardware suited for wind turbines. No matter the manufacturer, coupling, or turbine type, EASY-LASER XT-series makes generator-togearbox alignment inside any nacelle easy. Their EASY-LASER E-series E910/E915 is suitable for measuring flatness and parallelism on tower flanges regardless of diameter, as well as for solving flange deformation and blades problems. www.ludecawind.com

Poseidon Systems
The Poseidon Systems Trident DM4500 is an inductive wear debris sensor and provides early detection of mechanical failure within an asset. Wear debris can detect early-stage planet bearing failures and can rapidly identify degradation due to failure, which is typically an undetected fault, allowing for immediate cost-saving actions. Poseidon Systems solutions enable proactive maintenance by catching conditions before they cause damage.

Weidmuller USA has introduced BOLTcontrol, a monitoring system that detects broken bolts or studs in the blade root that connects to the hub and alerts operators immediately. With BOLTcontrol, broken bolts are held securely in place with detection plates, which prevents consequential damage that would result if the pieces fell into the hub and ricocheted as it rotated. By continuously monitoring the rotor blade bolts, BOLTcontrol minimizes downtime, reduces repair costs, and ensures the safe uninterrupted operation of the turbine. Primary benefits include prevention of damage by holding broken bolts securely in place to avoid damage to the hub and components. BOLTcontrol improves safety at the turbine site and reduces the climbs needed for repairs. It is safe and economical, reducing downtimes and controls O&M costs by continuously monitoring the blade bolts and can be customized to many different turbine types. www.weidmuller.com
Products & Services | EPC Contractor

As a tier 1, utility-scale engineering, procurement, and construction company, Blattner has built 25% of the U.S.'s utilityscale wind, solar, and energy storage capacity. With projects in more than 30 states, Blattner’s nearly 9000 employees continue to bring to life significant and ambitious projects in the USA. www.blattnercompany.com

Five-S Group
Five-S Group provides diversified renewable energy project site development services including mass earthmoving and mass material supply. Their fleet of over 300 equipment pieces allows them to provide for any project site preparation needs. This includes clearing and grubbing, mass excavation and embankment, drainage, soil stabilization, building of access roads, silt fencing, laydown yards, and more. The material supply services from their material sources allows them to provide impervious and select fill, sand, clay, and various aggregates. They are in control of their material sources which allows them to provide a competitive schedule through ambition, innovation, and efficiency. www.fsgrp.com

MBA Energy & Industrial, LLC
MBA Energy & Industrial is an industrial construction firm that constructs facilities for energy-related projects. With 100+ facilities built in the renewable industry across 22 states, their portfolio includes O&M buildings, warehouses, large enclosures, battery storage, terminals, substation buildings, offices, gas gathering facilities, H2 and N2 facilities, RNG facilities, compressor buildings, and more. While they specialize in design/build, they also provide build-to-print endeavors. Their architects and engineers provide options and budgetary pricing, ensuring a seamless process. MBA can also meet requirements for IRA compliance, union labor, blast resistant measures, acoustical needs, climate controlled, and other industrial tasks. www.mba-nrg.com

Mid America Trenchers
Mid America Trenchers meet wind energy cable and pipe installation needs through Buckeye Trenchers and Link Plows. Companies renting their equipment see the improvements in operator comfort and maintenance ability to provide high quality machines. Buckeye Trenchers have delivered the durability required for tough wind energy jobs for the past 20 years. Their self-contained Link 430-DL is rugged to get through any soil type, making the job easy and offers the right-sized equipment to meet wind energy installation needs. www.buckeyetrenchers.com

Multi Machine, Inc.
The Prinoth Panther T14R is a tracked dump truck that can rotate 360° and carry over 15 tons. It has a high speed and high payload for a crawler carrier. These units perform in muddy environments and projects requiring low ground pressure. These machines are available for rental or sale and can be shipped anywhere in the United States. www.multimachineinc.com

Nor Cal Carpenters Union
The Nor Cal Carpenters Union represents 37,000 highly skilled carpenters, millwrights, pile drivers, and related crafts workers. For over 140 years their members have built North American projects including decades of complex clean energy builds. With 21 local hiring halls, 4 training centers, and partnerships with thousands of contractors and developers, they will ensure a developer has the local workforce needed to deliver wind and renewable projects on time and under budget. www.nccrc.org

Pro Storm Shelters
Pro Storm Shelters’ team can install an above-ground tornado shelter in just 2 hours without requiring concrete pads or digging. Exceeding FEMA standards, their steel-reinforced, precast concrete shelters provide protection against severe weather. Pro Storm Shelters offers a convenient solution that guarantees safety with a 6-8 week delivery time. Their shelters withstand EF4 tornadoes, providing peace of mind and safety to workforces and assets during extreme weather conditions. www.prostormshelters.com

Rafter J Industries, LLC
Rafter J’s Construction Division provides heavy civil construction, mass excavation, foundations, and concrete services to clients across the US with focus on large scale infrastructure projects specializing in renewable, oil and gas, and mining. Rafter J provides heavy equipment rentals to customers servicing considerable projects with equipment deployment of no less than three months. In addition, Rafter J’s Rental Division provides ancillary services, such as consumable parts and dedicated on site mechanics who monitor and continuously maintain the equipment ensuring reliability and eliminating downtime. www.rafterjindustries.com

The Wesson Group
The Wesson Group, LLC is a full-service renewable energy company specializing in BOP and EPC project delivery in the Northeast US. Their renewable energy experience exceeds 2.0GW of capacity. Their diverse project experience offers insight into unique issues in renewable energy projects (union participation, highly varied geotech, environmental compliance in highly regulated and wet states, multiple OEM’s onsite). They provide safe projects, economical construction budgets, and a schedule driven approach to constructability, ensuring the project milestones are met. www.thewessongrp.com

United Rentals
Matting Solutions, the newest division of United Rentals, enhances construction projects with ground protection services. These solutions provide stability, access, and support across various conditions, ensuring projects are safe, efficient, and within budget. Ground protection mats create a stable work structure, reduce ground pressure on rugged terrain, establish temporary roadways, and protect the environment. Located across North America, Matting Solutions experts recommend mats for projects and offer services such as delivery, installation, removal, site preparation, SWPPP support, and civil services. unitedrentals.com
Consulting Services

CLS helps renewable energy clients capture the land resources needed to power the country. They work with landowners, landowner coalitions, and regulatory agencies and can rapidly mobilize and demobilize staff to meet the changing needs of a project. CLS’s land services include routing and siting analysis, landowner outreach, lease and waiver acquisition, marketable and mineral title, surveying, cultural resources, permitting and construction support, utility coordination and interconnect agreements, development and construction payments and reconciliation, and risk analysis and due diligence for BTAs and PPAs. Nationwide locations. www.contractlandstaff.com

Electrical Consultants, Inc.
ECI provides comprehensive power interconnection services through 765kV to wind power developers across the United States. In operation since 1985, ECI offers extensive electrical design services to power wind projects, including substations and switchyards, transmission and distribution lines, and energy storage systems. Their in-house resources also provide ancillary services to make interconnection and storage projects the most efficient they can be, from right-ofway and land services, to environmental and regulatory permitting, communication and SCADA designs. www.eciusa.com

Enertis Applus+

Lemoine Landman Services, Inc. (LLS)
LLS provides comprehensive landman services for energy projects including wind, solar, thermal, battery storage, data centers, natural gas, and oil. LLS performs all land related functions including site origination, land and ROW acquisition, title abstracting and curative, agency permitting, and mapping. lemoineland.com

Mott MacDonald

Incorporating the capabilities of Barlovento Applus+, their wind group acquired in 2023, global engineering consultancy Enertis Applus+ offers independent, technical, valueadded services for all stages of onshore and offshore wind projects. With 25 years of experience, their wind expertise includes site assessments, feasibility studies, wind resource measurement campaigns/analysis, financial technical due diligence, owner’s engineering, construction supervision, quality control/ assurance, and wind turbine testing. With IEC-17025 accreditation and MEASNET membership, they are a global authority on wind turbine testing. Their services mitigate risk and maximize wind project profitability. www.enertisapplus.com
Mott MacDonald brings their clients over 25 years of experience in wind energy projects, combining full-service technical skills with commercial awareness and regulatory, market, and permitting expertise. They support their clients throughout the entire project lifecycle to realize both onshore and offshore opportunities worldwide. mottmac.com

NV5 Geospatial
NV5’s broad spectrum of capabilities, from development through operations for both onshore and offshore, with specific expertise in the power and utilities industry, enables developers to collect many critical services under a single MSA, making for efficient contracting and bundled pricing opportunities. NV5 has its marine headquarters based in North Carolina and engineering offices throughout the Eastern seaboard, making opportunities for local content available in all offshore markets. With the latest edition of the 73’ R/V Shackleford to the fleet, NV5 provides offshore surveying technology in one vessel. nv5geospatial.com

TerraPro Solutions
TerraPro Solutions provides site feasibility, fatal flaw analysis, title curative, and in-depth audits of contracts, leases, and land control. They continually assess and mitigate risk, to ensure that all legal requirements and project milestones are met. www.terraprosolutions.com

CNC Foundations
CNC Foundations provides strategic solutions for geotechnical construction projects, including aggregate piers (vibratory stone columns) and rigid inclusions for ground improvement. CNC Foundations has experience designing and installing ground improvement systems and has completed over 20 wind farm projects and 300+ turbines across the United States. CNC Foundations has the equipment and personnel to design, mobilize, and perform installation to meet project requirements. cncfoundations.com

Harbinger Land
Harbinger Land provides complete land services for transmission, utility, wind, solar, battery storage, oil and gas, and highway projects across the United States. Their veteran team leverages advanced technology to assist with site and right of way acquisition, title research and curative, and data processing. www.harbingerland.com

Michels is an international energy and infrastructure contractor providing turnkey engineering and execution packages from inter-array cables (IAC) through connection to the power grid. Michels offers trenchless (Direct Pipe, HDD, microtunneling, and auger boring), marine (diving, dredging, surveys, cable laying, and pull-in), electrical (subsea and underground transmission and distribution lines, ties-ins, substation and vault construction, communication ducts), and engineering services (alternative delivery contracting, trenchless design, stamped drawings, permitting), along with other scopes of work, including IAC pull-in operations and IAC termination and testing (T&T) services.
Cranes | Hydraulic Equipment | Aerial Devices

Bishop Lifting Products, Inc.
Bishop Lifting Products designs and fabricates below-the-hook lifting devices for wind energy components including universal nacelle lifting beams, J-hooks for lifting tower sections, counter balanced lifting beams, blade lifters and cradles, twin-path extra CoverMax slings, swivel hoist rings, and Crosby rigging hardware for wire rope and chain. www.lifting.com

Liebherr USA, Co.
The LR 1700-1.0 combines the benefits of the low-cost transport of 600-ton class crawler cranes with the performance of 750-ton class lattice boom cranes. The LR 1700-1.0 was designed on the basis of the dimensions of the LR 1600/2, but with more lifting capacity. The LR 1700-1.0 static structure has been completely redesigned to deliver up to 15% more lifting capacity. The structural steelwork for the crawler carriers has been made particularly robust and the size of the rollers increased to minimize wear when moving on the crawler travel gear. The 4-way drive for the travel gear is standard. The modern derrick system has V-frame, VarioTray, and the new “M-Wagon” modular ballast trailer. www.liebherr.com
Data Acquisition


DEWESoft creates tools for troubleshooting, commissioning, and R&D on both the mechanical and electrical side of wind generation. www.dewesoft.com

LandGate is a platform delivering actionable deals, quality wind energy data, and site analysis solutions. Offering advanced electric infrastructure data, topography, financial modeling, and more to aid in wind project site selection efforts. LandGate also provides active wind property leads, direct from willing landowners. www.landgate.com/wind-data

TGS provides comprehensive support for the offshore wind industry across all phases of the wind development lifecycle. Their offerings include tools such as the 4C Offshore dashboard and app for market intelligence, subsea cable consulting for infrastructure insights, and wind and metocean measurements to inform decision making ahead of lease rounds. They also deliver data analytics platforms to assess real-world returns from lease areas, seismic data acquisition to mitigate subsurface risks, and operational data management solutions designed to optimize offshore wind investments.
Economic Wind Development Region

Louisiana Economic Development
Louisiana is ready to harness offshore wind potential with waves of advanced manufacturing, research and development, and tech innovations. The state’s location on the Gulf of Mexico makes it a natural fit for offshore wind, offering shallow waters with moderate average wave heights. The federal government selected the first two areas for offshore wind development in the Gulf of Mexico in 2022, clearing the way for offshore wind turbines south of Lake Charles. Louisiana has a well-established industrial infrastructure and provides dock space needed to handle incoming goods.
Education | Training | Research Development

Abaris Training Resources, Inc.
Abaris offers basic and advanced windblade repair courses that maximize student competency, enabling them to conduct structural repairs in the field. The two courses can be taken consecutively or separately depending upon the student’s schedule. The basic course addresses structural skin and core repairs as well as leading edge erosion. The advanced course covers larger and more complex repairs to tips, spars, and trailing edges. They offer this training to individuals or groups at their Reno, NV facility, or can provide onsite training at the customer’s location for the field team.

Danish Wind Power Academy
Remote Operation Center (ROC) training is a class designed specifically to provide a broad overview and awareness of wind turbine technology, and the functionality associated wind turbine systems and sub-systems, specifically those systems associated with, and affected by, remote operation and control. This class can be developed into a workshop for organizations who have not yet developed their remote operations strategy, or who are at an early stage of development, with a focus on current remote operations best practices.

RTC’s training hub in Iowa provides a strong focus on safety and excellence and offers a comprehensive suite of GWO and Tech Safety Lines accredited courses with their partners. In addition offering their own Rescue Training, Working at Heights, First Aid/CPR, and more. Collaborating with Iowa Lakes Community College in Estherville, IA, and serving the Iowa area, RTC ensures training and certifications for professionals. RTC offers sessions at their two locations in Saint Ansgar, IA, and Estherville, IA, or onsite. www.rtc-usa.com
Electrical Equipment & Services | Power Generation

EDE Electric Motor Testing

The All-New MA3 Analyzer technology with EDE test clamps provides comprehensive electrical tests for generators and motors. It’s suitable for up-tower electric maintenance and repair work, as well as service shop, coil rewind, QC, and AC/DC troubleshooting activities. With dual removable batteries, its size, weight, and rugged case allow for easy field service use. MA3 provides automatic DLRO resistance, impedance, inductance, Meg-ohm, DC-Step Voltage, and Surge tests, as well as several additional options. With a large 10.2" touch screen for viewing on-board database results, technicians receive easy-to-interpret data analysis. All new wireless results transfer to PrintcomG2 reporting software makes reporting simple and quick. www.edeinst.com

Electrical Reliability Services (ERS)
ERS’ nationwide network of NETA certified engineers, technicians, and service professionals provide comprehensive electrical power system lifecycle services to a variety of industries including utilities, data centers, renewable energy, healthcare, and industrial. Services include maintenance testing, engineering services, building commissioning, acceptance testing, DC power services, and disaster preparedness planning. Additionally, ERS’ knowledgeable and experienced Training Services team teaches specialized coursework that addresses industrial compliance standards and provides the knowledge necessary to maintain safe, compliant, and productive workplaces. ers.vertiv.com

Vermeer Corporation
Inland and offshore wind farms are the future of the renewable energy market and Vermeer builds the equipment needed to connect wind turbines to the grid. A comprehensive range of horizontal directional drills (HDDs) can perform everything from short, shallow crossings to challenging bores from the shoreline to the ocean floor. For open-cut utility installation jobs, Vermeer vibratory plows and trenchers deliver a quick and efficient performance in varying ground conditions. And, when a wind energy site needs to be cleared before erecting new wind turbines, Vermeer horizontal grinders, tub grinders, and whole tree chippers can clear the way.
Electrical Insulation

Pittsburgh Electrical Insulation
Pittsburgh Electrical Insulation (PEI) is a manufacturer, converter, and distributor of electrical insulation materials focused on the OEM and service industries associated with motor, generator, and transformer production and repair. Celebrating over 75 years of continuous operation, PEI remains a cost-efficient, customer focused company, dedicated to the supply of electrical insulation materials, IEEE, and UL components, systems, and supplies for new power generation technology or for an unplanned outage on existing equipment. PEI maintains a brand name inventory of high-performance materials, both rigid and flexible, which can be converted to customer requirements with short lead times. www.peipittsburgh.com

Nel Hydrogen
Nel Hydrogen manufacturers Alkaline and Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) water electrolysers, which, when connected to a source of renewable energy, produce Green Hydrogen at scale. Alkaline cell stacks come in 2.3MW blocks and PEM units are available in either 10MW cell stack modules or as 1.25MW and 2.5MW containerized systems. They can be grouped together into electrolyser plants for larger production rates at the MW and GW levels. The hydrogen can then be sold to industry, burned in a turbine, or run through a fuel cell to put the stored energy onto the grid during periods of low generation or peak demand. PEM electrolysers are also used by renewable energy plants to balance the power put onto the grid.
Electronic Component | Service Repairs

and expertise that extend the lifetime of wind turbines. They deliver services to help improve wind turbine performance and extend the lifetime of the fleet. As a global service company, their specialized service engineers and technicians are ready to provide support with retrofit and upgrades, spare parts and repairs,
KK Wind Solutions

Elevator Industry Work Preservation Fund
Mechanics from the International Union of Elevator Constructors (IUEC) keep wind tower elevator equipment running efficiently and safely. Their affiliated companies maintain offshore and land-based wind turbine elevators across North America. Their mechanics are able to work around elevators and wind technology equipment inside and out, including installation, modernization, retrofitting, maintenance, repair, and jurisdiction compliance inspection. The training they receive during their 4+ year USDOLregistered apprenticeship was developed with an intense focus on safety. IUEC mechanics sit on the ASME A17.8/CSA
B44.8 code committees that write building codes for wind turbine tower elevators. www.elevatorinfo.org

Fibox Enclosures
Fibox provides UL listed, NEMA-rated non-metallic polycarbonate enclosures. Designed for the challenges of the renewable energy industry, Fibox enclosures are watertight and UV resistant. Lightweight rust-free polycarbonate offers high impact resistance.
Sized from 2'' x 2'' x 2'' to 32'' x 24'' x 12'' in a variety of cover configurations and colors. www.fiboxusa.com

Nordic Fiberglass Inc.
The ND-683054-MG-PA71-X-X is Nordic’s “Workhorse” for three phase 2, 3 and 4 pt. 35kV 600A deadbreak sectionalizing cabinets for wind farm collection systems. Nordic can supply and install up three, 3 or 4 pt. 35kV 600A junctions from various manufacturers with U-straps if requested by the customer. Rust free fiberglass construction and stainless-steel hardware. PA71 mounting plate has six movable above parking stands to park stand-offs or feed throughs. Nordic recommends the optional CSB-6830 cable support bracket system for holding cables in place and cable clamps. 18" or 36" high extensions available for cables requiring a greater cable bending radii. www.nordicfiberglass.com

Trachte provides pre-assembled buildings to keep crucial equipment safe. Trachte buildings are available with extra security features like exterior wall ballistics protection, up to UL 752, Level-8). UL-rated bullet-resistant materials can be added to Trachte’s structural-steel framework while maintaining energy efficiency, thermal performance, and resistance to water intrusions. Trachte also offers hurricane and tornado hardening, fire-resistant construction, and EMP resistance. www.trachteusa.com
Energy Storage | Grid Connection

AGIC Energy
AGIC Energy provides a variety of battery storage solutions from stackable, wall, and rack mount 5kWh and inverters to 1.5mWh container battery solutions with integrated inverters, cooling, and fire suppression systems. They also offer a full line of DC powered devices designed to reduce energy consumption. www.agicenergy.com

The ACX power ascender allows for battery operated portable ascent and descent.

SIRIUS is our first selflocking descender specially designed for all kinds of rope-based access and rescue.
The IGNITE SKYFIZZ harness is an extremely comfortable and lightweight general use harness.

Smooth running Vertical Cable Sleeve for 3/8 & 5/16 inch diameter wire ropes.

SKYLOTEC offers you a highly innovative and functional range of fall protection, rope access and rescue equipment. The IGNITE PROTON WIND harness features a light-weight design built for durability and comfort. The SKYSAFE PRO FLEX lanyards eliminate the need for two different lanyards. The LORYPRO and ERGOGRIP positioning lanyards allow you to work hands free with complete adjustability. These product are ideal for work at height in the wind energy, telecommunications, and electrical utilities industries. For more information please email us at ordersna@skylotec.de. skylotec.com

Bachmann electronic GmbH
Bachmann electronic launched an enhanced version of its GMP232 grid measurement and grid protection module. With a frequency measurement accuracy of ≤ 1 mHz and maximum deviation of 0.1 % for measuring current and voltage, the GMP232/ x2 meets the rigorous requirements of grid operators. Bachmann has reworked the isolation concept, to simultaneously measure and protect large low-voltage generators or critical load feeders with both high accuracy and high cost-efficiency. The GMP 232/x2 supports rated voltages up to the medium-voltage limit value of 1000V. Operators benefit from a 45% increase in power transmission capacity compared to the 690V variant. www.bachmann.info

e-On Batteries, Inc.
e-On Batteries, a Fort Worth, TX area supplier with national scope, is a developer of lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) based energy storage systems with a focus on product safety. The company’s UL 1973 listed and CEC approved and listed modules are engineered as scalable building blocks to enable larger systems, and its 19" rack-mounted modular systems are easily configured from 12.8kWh residential systems to 4.8MWh container-based systems and more. With over 20 million deployed calls and zero catastrophic failures, combined with cell-level BMS monitoring and control systems, expert engineering liaison and certified installers, e-On Batteries provides full value to their customers. www.e-onbatteries.com

Enershare Tech Co., Ltd.
Enershare has upgraded their BESS to the third generation. Capacity up to 1000KW/1MWH. Supports parallel connection and customizable capacity based on the electricity consumption. Up to 1C charging/discharging rate for saving/releasing more power quickly. No grid-connection worries. Their products have comprehensive certificates and can be used for on or off-grid applications. Customize grid frequency regulation service with response time <200ms. As a manufacturer, OEM/ODM is basic. www.enershare.cn

LEOCH Energy Corporation
LEOCH 48V LFELI Series, Lithium Iron Phosphate (LIFEPO4) batteries offer exceptional cycling performance of 10,000 cycles @ 50% DOD, 3500 cycles @ 100% DOD, and can be put into parallel for 48VDC, 1600AH capacity. These batteries are equipped with a built-in Battery Management System (BMS) and optional LCD screen for hassle-free maintenance. leochlithium.us

Acentech provides expertise in the evaluation, measurement, and mitigation of noise and vibration in the siting, permitting, design, and construction of energy-generating and transmission facilities. Their experience allows for the determination of potential noise impacts, and recommendations for mitigation on a proactive, cost-effective basis. They provide wind farm noise measurements, modeling, data analysis, as well as litigation, expert testimony, and public engagement support. They also work with equipment manufacturers to determine source sound levels, and can provide noise and vibration control recommendations for equipment noise reduction. www.acentech.com

Advanced Cooling Technologies (ACT)
ACT’s Loop Thermosyphon is a passive, gravity-driven cooling system for critical wind turbine components such as gearboxes, generators, and electronics. It handles 100W to 100,000W of waste heat in a closed loop, where the working fluid evaporates in the nacelle, moves to a cooler condenser, releases heat, and returns as liquid. This customizable, maintenance-free solution prevents overheating, extends equipment lifespan, and reduces energy consumption. With no mechanical components and minimal environmental impact, ACT’s Loop Thermosyphon offers a reliable, cost-effective cooling solution for wind turbines. www.1-act.com

BBA has been delivering a comprehensive range of consulting engineering services for over 40 years. Today, their engineering, environmental, and commissioning experts collaborate to swiftly and precisely identify the needs of industrial and institutional clients. Their services include technical, financial, environmental, and interconnection studies, detailed engineering, performance and reliability optimization, NERC compliance, as well as pre-operational testing and commissioning. www.bbaconsultants.com

Electric Power Engineers
Electric Power Engineers is a global power system engineering and consulting firm. EPE's capabilities and services cover the full spectrum of transmission, distribution, generation, and technology needs from key client groups including wind developers and owners. EPE's engineers and consultants provide support from concept to commissioning to compliance. They tailor their service to ensure each project's success. www.epeconsulting.com

EMA Electromechanics, Inc.
EMA is the designer and manufacturer of the outdoor Grounding Breaker aka VDH/GSMI. This equipment is designed to switch and ground wind/solar/e-storage collection circuits. It provides safety, TOV mitigation, and cost savings on CAPEX and OPEX. It replaces other circuit breakers and the associated grounding transformers. EMA now offers the new AIGS grounding breaker in a switchgear, for indoor substations. Shelter and PDC’s are also available. www.emaelectromechanics.com

Olsson is a nationally recognized engineering firm that crafts expert solutions and designs aimed at improving communities. They offer design and consulting services in planning and design, engineering, field services, environmental, and technology. www.olsson.com

The Floating Wind Technology Co.
The Floating Wind Technology Company provides engineering services and solutions for both onshore and offshore wind. From rotor and control design to coupled aero-hydro-servoelastic analyses, design and verification of support structures, and anchor design. floatingwindtech.com

Westlake Consultants, Inc.
For 25 years Westlake has supported renewable energy by providing civil engineering, land surveying, and land use planning for solar, wind, and battery storage facilities. Their energy team works throughout the US and their experience with difficult sites and knowledge of construction economics enables them to support clients throughout project development. www.westlakeconsultants.com

Westwood Professional Services
With 190GW+ of supported wind energy since 1997, Westwood has worked on challenging wind projects across the USA. Westwood is a full-service provider, including environmental, permitting, civil engineering, electrical engineering, energy storage, geotechnical and structural engineering, T&D engineering, substation engineering, land surveying, aerial mapping, and construction support. www.westwoodps.com
Environmental Consultants & Business Services

Berger Geosciences (B-geO)
Berger Geosciences’ (B-geO) tailored marine survey solutions are designed to meet the unique challenges of the marine environment. Ensure projects are environmentally sound and compliant with their marine survey management services. From environmental impact assessments to detailed site surveys, they provide the data needed to make informed decisions and drive sustainable energy solutions. Harness the power of the ocean with their marine survey management services for offshore wind projects. www.b-geo.com

Profile Products
Profile Products’ environmentally friendly Flexterra High Performance-Flexible Growth Medium is a hydraulically applied solution for erosion control and revegetation that saves users time, money, and ensures regulatory compliance. The engineered solution is field tested to provide 99.9% effective erosion control and deliver fast vegetation establishment. With 100% biodegradable interlocking fibers, users meet environmental requirements to ensure the valuable land and soil remains healthy and productive. www.profileevs.com

Hy-Pro Filtration

Hy-Pro improves the reliability of hydraulic and lube oil assets with their filter elements and contamination solutions equipment. Their products stop equipment failures and downtime, driving more efficient production, and eliminate the waste and environmental impact caused by contamination-related premature fluid disposal. More specifically, preventing gearbox and braking system failures in wind turbines. They aim to eliminate industrial fluid contamination and all difficulties related to it.
Fire Suppression

Stat-X Fire Suppression
Stat-X aerosol fire suppression is a versatile and cost-effective solution for renewable energy fire protection. Each sealed, stainless steel generator contains a solid, stable, and specially formulated fire suppression compound. When a fire occurs, the Stat-X generator activates, producing and releasing an advanced aerosol fire suppression agent. Agent fills the protected enclosed space and chemically interrupts the combustion process. Fire is suppressed, and the micron-sized agent particles remain suspended to help prevent possible re-flash.
Gearboxes | Manufacturing, Services & Repairs

Helwig Carbon
Helwig Carbon offers OEM-approved shaft grounding solutions to protect wind turbine generators’ main shaft bearings. This kit utilizes a silver graphite brush to instantly ground any damaging currents, static discharges, or lightning strikes. The kits are maintenance free and have a long life. The design and ready-made bracket provide easy installation in the field. Helwig engineers and tech team provide up-tower support and solutions.
Generators | Maintenance & Repair Services

Integrated Power Services
IPS provides dedicated wind repair services, on-site support, and distribution across North America. They work with wind power OEMs, owners, and operators, using processes to increase reliability and minimize downtime. IPS maintains a consistent standard for safety, quality, service, and repair procedures in everything they do, from generator unit exchange to in-shop repair, to up-tower and balance of plant services. www.ips.us
Legal Services

Advanced Power Alliance

An advanced energy trade association in ERCOT, the Southwest Power Pool (SPP), and the Southeastern United States, Advanced Power Alliance is working to help America’s expanding energy economy. In legislative and regulatory arenas, their team of experts is a voice of the clean energy industries, creating market opportunities for wind, solar, energy storage, hydrogen, and more.

Steptoe & Johnson

Steptoe & Johnson’s Renewable Energy Team provides a full range of services across the renewable energy spectrum, including wind, solar, biomass, hydroelectric, and cogeneration projects. Their attorneys assist with project development, site acquisition, financing, permitting, compliance, negotiating power purchase, and other commercial agreements. Team members advise clients on renewable energy credits, tax incentives, and energy efficiency and savings transactions. Their team members have a wide range of business, government, and legal experience that they bring to develop practical, efficient solutions to suit each client’s needs.

DeTect, Inc.
DeTect developed the HARRIER Aircraft Detection Lighting Systems (ADLS) for automatic lighting activation of aviation obstructions such as wind farm turbines, high voltage transmission lines, and communication towers. The HARRIER ADLS provides continuous 360° radar surveillance of the airspace, automatically issuing signals to activate obstruction lighting when aircraft are detected at a defined outer perimeter. The FAA Performance Assessment Report on HARRIER ADLS states that the system met the performance requirements identified in Chapter 14 of AC 70/7460-1M and is published on the FAA Website. HARRIER is also fully compatible with all SCADA systems and turbines and is a widely deployed system with installations the US, Canada, and Europe. www.detect-inc.com
Load Monitoring

Copper State Bolt & Nut
Load Monitoring Fastener (LMF+) wireless fastener tension monitoring system provides continuous monitoring of tension during and after assembly. User-defined tolerances offer in service alerts. Real-time, precise, and easy to read digital tension values can be read with any IOS phone or tablet. Data may also be sent to the Cloud for remote processing. Condition monitoring for optimized performance and predictive maintenance. LMF+ is used where critical fasteners (M20-M100) need to be monitored for accurate tension. Suitable for installation and retorque. Date and time certified installation tension with a simple push of a button. www.copperstate.com

Eilon Engineering Weighing Systems, Ltd.
Eilon Engineering dynamometers and crane scales are being used in the construction, testing, and maintenance of wind turbines, mainly for overload prevention, proof load tests, installation, and guide wires tension control. Their wireless technology makes the Ron Crane Scales the suitable choice for wind turbine uses. They feature long battery life, compact dimensions, and high safety features like fatigue rated load cells, 90° between shackle holes, and are made of high quality aerospace steel. Eilon Engineering solutions have the ability to show real time load map of simultaneous measurements. www.eilonengineering.com

AMSOIL Industrial
AMSOIL Industrial Synthetic XDP 460 Grease uses a calcium sulfonate thickener for improved wear-protection properties. It is also compatible with other marketed products, reducing incompatibility and costly changeover concerns. It works well in large slow-speed bearings with high loads and in the moisture-laden environments that many industrial applications are subjected to. It is a suitable choice for pitch and yaw bearings and other industrial applications that call for an NLGI #1.5 consistency grade. www.amsoilindustrial.com

Castrol gear oils, bearing greases, and hydraulic fluids incorporate innovative lubricant technology to provide a high level of performance and protection for wind turbines. As a result, using Castrol Optigear gear oils help maximize an asset’s return on investment by improving the reliability of gearboxes, consuming less power, and protecting components from damage. Castrol Tribol grease range with MicrofluxTrans Plastic Deformation (MFT-PD) technology provides high resistance to surface fatigue, pitting, spalling, and scuffing in turbine main bearings. The result is not only increased protection and low maintenance, but decreased energy and total lubricant costs as well.

FUCHS Lubricants Co.
FUCHS offers a wide range of high-performance lubrication solutions and cleaners for all areas of the wind turbine including pitch and yaw bearings, pitch and yaw gear teeth and drives, hydraulic systems, generator bearings, main bearings and gearboxes, and balance of plant. Their specialty lubricants are globally available and hold numerous key OEM approvals. These lubricants help reduce wear on equipment, increasing the lifetime of hardware and components thereby significantly lowering maintenance effort and costs. www.fuchs.com
Met Towers

ColdSnap Towers
ColdSnap provides premium fleetwide Met Tower maintenance. This involves instrument and cable replacements, FAA lighting, power supplies, communications, safety systems, lightning protection, and full retro-fits. Also the leasing of Lidars and Remote Power Supplies. They provide thorough photo and written documentation, and are fully vetted with ISN. www.coldsnaptowers.com

CONSERTEK USA designs, manufactures, and supplies high-quality support booms and accessories for anemometric instruments, ensuring efficiency and reliability. Their support booms are engineered to fit all tower types and accommodate a wide range of commonly used instruments, ensuring precise measurements. All their booms and accessories meet the latest IEC 61400 standards. Consertek builds data acquisition systems (DAS) and enclosures for data loggers in-house. These enclosures include a data logger, power supply, batteries, communication, and measurement peripherals, adhering to CSA and UL standards. Their autonomous power systems combine solar panels, smart chargers, and a DC backup for continuous power in any situation. Consertek is the Canadian authorized distributor of Adolf Thies GmbH & Co. KG and EKO instruments. www.consertek.com

Tower Systems, Inc.

Tower Systems, Inc. (TSI) has been providing products and services to capture meteorological data for nearly five decades. TSI manufactures the TS Elevator System that will raise or lower meteorological instrumentation on a permanent tower without the need for a climber. TSI does turnkey installation of all types of meteorological towers and has installed hundreds of towers throughout the United States and the world. Services include tower foundation installation, tower installation, tower lighting system supply, installation and repair, met boom supply and installation, met instrumentation supply and

ALA Industries, Ltd.
ALA Industries represents Yuken Kogyo, Co., Ltd, a Japanese manufacturer of hydraulic components. They offer a specifically designed hydro-electric proportional control valve designed for service and repair of wind turbine pitch control systems.

Asahi/America’s non-metallic piping options can help to optimize any manufacturing process. Asahi offers an extensive line of products across a spectrum of materials, including PP, PE, and PVDF, designed to meet the demanding corrosive applications. Asahi/America's thermoplastic valve and piping products are complete systems that are engineered to last, providing value over the lifetime of a laboratory or manufacturing setting. Overall, Asahi/America products offer a low cost of ownership with a high return on investment.

BHI Energy is an independent service provider, offering wind turbine maintenance, inspection and repair to OEMs, utilities, wind developers, and independent power producers across North America. Their preventative, scheduled, and emergent maintenance services include blade repair, uptower work, warranty support, construction and commissioning, project management, and labor augmentation. They meet customer demands for trained and skilled labor with access to a workforce of experienced craft, technical, and professional personnel. BHI has a comprehensive Wind Training Center and offers blade training and certification.

Fibre Glast Developments Corp., LLC
Fibre Glast provides products for wind turbine blade repair that help minimize asset downtime, saving both time and money. In stock products include Bergolin, Sika, Sunrez, Saertex, and Westlake. Fibre Glast is ISO-certified and provides certifications with every shipment, and same day shipping when ordered by 2:30pm ET. fiberglast.com

The Bolt Mount Ratchet Clamp is available with an integrated metal bushing to allow for high-torque fastening in heavy duty applications. Their adjustable clamp mechanism reduces clamp inventory headaches. If bundle maintenance is needed, the clamp can be reopened without unmounting and can be reclosed. PA66HIRHSUV material stands up to impact, high temperatures, and UV exposure. www.hellermanntyton.us

Precision Brand Products, Inc.
With the assistance of a certified collegiate Wind Energy & Turbine Technology program, Precision Brand Products has created the lightweight Up-Tower Shim Assortment to safely and efficiently transport slotted generator alignment shims up to the nacelle. Its high-visibility orange bag has a double closing system to eliminate spillage, and is equipped with a heavy-duty ring to hang it open for easy access. It contains four popular thicknesses of stainless steel slotted shims with unique, color-coded tabs for quick identification making it easy to inventory your shims on the ground before climbing. The kit includes eight (8) .5mm, 1mm, and 1.25mm, and four (4) 2mm shims for a total of 28. www.precisionbrand.com

RESA Power

RESA Power offers reliable power systems services to the renewable energy industry. With certified technicians and a commitment to reliability and safety, RESA Power provides a range of high-quality services including ground grid resistance testing, transformer fluid testing, energization support, troubleshooting, emergency transformer rentals, and more. RESA Power also offers testing and commissioning of substation equipment to ensure safe and efficient operation. They also provide essential substation NERC/FERC testing and reporting, ensuring regulatory compliance. With over 50 offices in the U.S. and Canada, RESA Power provides critical power services across North America. www.resapower.com

Weather Guard Lightning Tech
StrikeTape acts as a guide for lightning strikes, sending them into the existing LPS to avoid damages that create punctures, delaminations, split edges, and structural damages to wind turbine blades. StrikeTape is installed on the exterior surface of the blades, usually near the tip with specifically engineered processes and consumables. Installation only takes about 15-20 minutes per blade and protects the wind turbine for years to come.

Performance Analytics & Optimization

WindESCo, Inc.
Developed by the domain and analytics expertise of WindESCo and their partner, ABB, Converter Pulse not only offers visibility into data that was previously considered to be black boxes, providing insight into the health of the converter and electrical systems, but also supports solutions to move operating points to improve component and turbine reliability. Additionally, WindESCo's Generator Pulse focuses on detecting failures with high accuracy with 1-2 months lead time in detecting impending failures of generator bearings and a number of electrical faults. www.windesco.com

MVA Power can deliver products quickly with short lead times. With over 30 years of service, they focus on electrical power and clean energy, providing products ranging from cable to transformers to hardware. They specialize in the detailed design and manufacturing of transmission, distribution, substation, telecommunications, and light rail transit structures as well as the supply of medium and high voltage equipment. www.mvapower.com

Pennsylvania Transformer Technology, LLC. Pennsylvania Transformer Technology, LLC (PTT), a Quanta Services company, is a manufacturer of oil-filled power transformers and produces a total range of transformer sizes from 500kVA through 600MVA for renewables, electric utility, and industrial customers. Since 1929, PTT has been designing and building a variety of core-form transformer configurations including 34.5kV generator step-up, padmount distribution, 345kV and large OLTC autotransformers, zig-zag, grounding, shunt reactor, mobile, and three-phase voltage regulating transformers. www.patransformer.com
Remote Monitoring

Ohio Carbon Industries, Inc.
The i-BRUSH system utilizes integrated sensors in the carbon brush, linking to an external control unit, which enables maintenance staff to check brush conditions at anytime, anywhere. Technicians can monitor brush wear, temperature, humidity, voltage drop, and current distribution. All grades of carbon brushes are available with this i-BRUSH design. Operating conditions are uploaded to the cloud and can be displayed on any smart device or PC. When one of the monitored values deviates outside a given framework an alarm is initiated. With knowledge of remaining brush life, the future maintenance can easily be planned to secure uptime. Suitable for onshore as well as offshore wind industry applications. www.ohiocarbon.com

Superbolt, Inc.
The Superbolt Load-Sensing Tensioner (LST) and Load-Sensing Flexnut (LSF) feature a design with built-in sensors that automatically measure and communicate preload values. The Superbolt LST and LSF allow for seamless remote monitoring. www.nord-lock/superbolt

Enhance automation control with WAGO’s 750/753 Remote I/O modules. Maximum flexibility, 16 fieldbus options, and interoperability with high level PLCs are just a few of the benefits achieved when choosing from over 500 simple and complex WAGO I/O cards. Allow for easy data acquisition from almost any signal and perform cost-effective system upgrades for energy monitoring, IO-Link masters, and proportional valve control.
Rental Equipment

Truck Rental (PTR) At PTR, they understand the unique demands of wind projects and offer a range of rent-ready units tailored to meet those needs. Their fleet includes Class 2 to Class 7 flatbeds, suitable for transporting various equipment. For handling triplex MV cables and large reels, their Triplexing Cable Wrappers and Multi-Reel Trailers provide reliable solutions, ensuring seamless operations on-site. Their Open and Enclosed Service Bodies are designed to keep equipment organized and easily accessible, streamlining the workflow and reducing downtime. www.rentptr.com

AmePower is a Florida based engineering company offering solutions to reliably repair, overhaul, or modernize any wind turbine converter by adding current technology without compromising any of the OEM’s FIT/FORM/FUNCTION specifications. www.amepower.com/wind-power
MVA Power

Dakota Riggers
From tool lanyards and tie-off points to holsters and pouches, Dakota Riggers stocks a full selection of 3M tool tethering products. With the recent publication of the ANSI/SEA 121-2018 Dropped Objects Standard, fall protection for tools is quickly becoming a necessity in the wind industry in order to protect those working below. www.dakotariggers.com

The Carbon FT-One Tower is a full-body harness designed for tower climbers. Crafted for comfort and durability, this harness’ carbon fiber seat combines lightweight ease with strength. Featuring the MDS magnetic deployment system that allows quick and single-handed stowing and deployment, and a 420lb weight capacity, this harness offers reliable support. Designed for maximum mobility and comfort, the Carbon FT-One Tower ensures a seamless experience in extreme vertical environments.

Gibb Group, LLC
Gibb Group provides high quality PPE and safety products, premium distribution, and a value for money service all backed by professional and technical knowledge. They offer a full rental package, various tooling solutions, medical equipment, and the Eurieca qualification for advanced medical training for offshore wind.

Grace Connected Safety
Grace Worker Worn Pendants monitor the safety of a worker with manual panic alarm button, motion sensing, fall detection, and suspension trauma prevention. For remote and mobile operations, Grace Cloud Connect is subscription-based monitoring and alerting portal providing anywhereanytime safety monitoring. Grace satellite and cell Gateways and Grace worker-worn GPS Pendants and Grace Cloud Connect web-portal are used to assign and schedule an organization’s own monitoring attendant, automated check-in, and active map status. A worker in distress can be located from a map-link SMS-text, email notification, and text-voice telephone call sent from Grace Cloud Connect to assigned contacts. www.graceconnectedsafety.com

FROG ANSI is certified according to the ANSI Z359.12-19 standard. This directional connector enables quick and safe connection due to the automatic gate closure system. It closes automatically upon contact with the anchor point. Sling with a length of 120mm with a reinforced loop, equipped with NFC chip for traceability. High quality product completely developed and made in Italy. www.kongusa.com

Pigeon Mountain Industries
PMI Extreme Pro (G) Rope with Unicore technology is a polyester kernmantle rope. Unicore technology creates a strong bond between sheath and core. This bond ensures sheath slippage is nearly zero, even when the sheath is entirely cut circumferentially. This rope allows the technician to pass either a cut or torn sheath area, whether descending or ascending, since the sheath cannot bunch to create an impasse. www.pmirope.com

The SKYLOTEC ACX power ascender is used, among other things, to allow technicians easy access for repair and maintenance. The ACX considerably simplifies access inside structures and makes expensive elevators, climb assist systems, or lifting platforms unnecessary. The ACX is rated to carry a person and their equipment up to 440lbs and has a speed of up to 78ft/ min. Countless rescue scenarios and material handling are also possible with the ACX. The ACX can also be controlled by a second person on the ground using a remote control up to a range of 492ft. www.skylotec.com
SHM –Structural Health Monitoring
Lasting fitness – turbine monitoring from head to toe.
Long-term performance
Minimize the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) and maximize yields – all while extending turbine lifecycles (LTE)
Digital twins
Predict the impact of new functions and improvements without interrupting operations
Investment security
A key building block for strategic decision making and the successful, long-term operation of turbines and wind parks


Tech Safety Lines, Inc.
The SRK-15, certified to 210m (689ft), is used for self-rescue and evacuation of any worker at height. This CE and ANSI certified self-rescue kit has been field tested for over two decades and is used in multiple industries globally. The SRK-15 micro self-rescue kit assures an independent, immediate, and adaptable evacuation and self-rescue capability. Tech Safety Lines’ unique escape and Self-Rescue Kit, utilizes high heat aramid fiber rope with a tensile strength exceeding 6700lb (3045kg). The rope has an extensive chemical resistance from low pH to high pH. The service life of the rope is 10 years. The Military Compact Descender (MCD) has a dual braking system, with both an active brake and a passive brake. ANSI/ASSP Z359.9-2021, EN341: 2011/2D.
Safety Work Apparel

GME Supply Company
GME Supply distributes safety and productivity gear including customizable FR uniforms, safety gear, hand and power tools, fall protection, lifting and rigging, radios, headlamps, PPE, consumables, and more. www.gme.com

KEEN Utility
New for Fall ‘24, KEEN Utility’s Overton is a modern work sneaker built with a wide toe and snug heel for a workday-enhancing fit. The Overton boasts an athletic-level KEEN.ReGEN cushioning that provides up to 50% energy return with every step, lightweight carbon-fiber safety toes to provide protection without holding the wearer back, and a slip-resistant, EH-rated rubber outsole for dependable footing on hard surfaces. A versatile, throwback-inspired work shoe, the Overton is available for men and women in several collar heights and colorways. www.keenfootwear.com

Designed for the trades, STUDSON’s Type II safety helmets integrate head protection components primarily used in action sports helmets. The ANSI/ISEA Z89.1 certified helmets feature Koroyd welded tube technology that protects against impacts from all angles. An embedded TwiceMe NFC chip embedded into every helmet makes emergency information available by the tap of a smartphone. studson.com

Thrive Workwear
Thrive Workwear's protective work apparel has been providing solutions to the wind industry for nearly 10 years. Their line-up of clothing includes Flame Resistant work pants, FR work shirts, FR base layers, and FR outerwear designed specifically for wind technicians and construction workers. Their work pants feature full-time knee protection built-in with patented SQUISH pad technology. www.thriveworkwear.com
Signs, Tags, & Markers

Products, Inc.
Tech Products offers Everlast cable markers and FasTTag miniature markers for marking Electrical Cable, FO Cable, Hoses, and more. www.techproducts.com
Slip Rings

Software Supplier Emerson
Optimize renewable energy asset operations with Ovation Green, a reliable and robust portfolio of purpose-built renewables software and automation solutions. The Ovation Green portfolio leverages their Ovation automation platform, deep power industry, and energy expertise to provide simplified renewables automation that helps power producers confidently navigate the ever-growing sustainable energy economy.
Emerson’s Ovation Green renewable portfolio provides a secure, purpose-built digital automation foundation with multi-asset and multi-vendor interoperability. Their data-drive solution provides actionable intelligence to increase availability and reduce costs.

Indji Systems
Indji Systems delivers situational awareness solutions focusing on identifying weather hazards that disrupt solar and wind operations. Plan of Day/Week dashboards help users quickly identify rapidly changing weather, allowing them to be more proactive, mitigating potential impacts to their operation and employee safety. Asset specific forecasts provide early notice for planning, safety, and asset decisions. Thresholds for lightning, high winds, icing, hail, wildfires, and other environmental hazards can be set to alert users via text or email if those thresholds will be exceeded.

BGB Technology, Inc.
BGB's designed Siemens 2.3MW Pitch
Slip Ring with zero maintenance and 100m revolutions, and durable GE 1X/2X Pitch
Slip Ring with optional fiber optic rotary joint (FORJ) offer reliable communication and data transfer and reduce the frequency of up-tower climbs. In addition to offering a full slip ring repair service and original equipment including aftermarket brushes, BGB also supplies numerous affordable aftermarket solutions as well as being a key supplier to Vestas for over 25 years. www.bgbinnovation.com

Parse AI
Parse AI helps title research agents with completing their title research quickly and accurately. A title agent can search Parse courthouse databases or upload documents acquired elsewhere, process them, and produce runsheets, title chains, and ownership reports in a matter of minutes. Once these are produced, a title agent can review and edit the information to ensure it's complete and accurate. This helps contract title agents and service companies to provide title reports and commitments to clients more quickly and efficiently. Users can simply sign up and use the platform on a pay-as-you-go basis. No subscription required.

PcVue Solutions
PcVue Inc. the North America affiliate of ARC Informatique, provides an advanced, highly flexible, and scalable HMI and SCADA software platform for automation solutions that are easy to configure, quick to deploy, and have a low total cost of ownership. PcVue has a service oriented proactive collaborative approach to meeting automation and industrial control system cyber security requirements for their end users, value added resellers, OEM, or system integrators. Their software is used as the foundation for automation, monitoring, and control in energy production and distribution for wind, solar, and hydroelectric.

Radian Generation
Radian Generation offers software and services to support wind generation developers and owners. With the Radian Digital platform, organizations can streamline land management and automate landowner payment calculations, optimize project development activities with tools for tracking progress, managing budgets, financial modeling, and use powerful data analytics to achieve optimal financial performance goals. With Radian Digital, renewable stakeholders have access to real-time information from one single source, providing them with the ability to make data driven decisions unified across all their teams. www.radiangen.com

SCADA International
The OneView Portfolio SCADA combines each specific site’s Park SCADA system and transforms them into a unified system that can be managed from the headquarter remote control center. With this independent secondlevel SCADA solution, users can monitor, analyze, and control their entire renewable portfolio of wind, solar, and hydro plants in only one system while working with high-quality, normalized data and saving time and resources. The aggregated system enables third-party access, and is designed to give ownership of all data to the asset owner, allowing for more secure operations. All data is located on the customer’s server, giving the owner full control of user access and rights.
Steel Plate Supplier

Leeco Steel

Leeco Steel is a North American steel plate distributer to the wind tower industry. Leeco is a supply specialist with over 20 years' experience in helping wind fabricators large and small navigate the industry’s unique steel needs. Common grades Leeco supplies are S355 JO/J2/K2/NL/ML and S420 NL/ML in thicknesses ranging from 8MM to >101.6MM. Every order includes accurate, digital paperwork and can also include Scope 3 reporting details. www.leecosteel.com/wind
Testing | Inspection Services


MISTRAS Group is a provider of wind energy inspection and maintenance services, with an integrated portfolio of non-destructive testing (NDT) services and proprietary technologies, 24/7/365 online monitoring, maintenance and repair solutions, and rope and drone access for at-height access. With solutions for wind turbine rotor blades, towers, nacelles, bearings, transformers, and more, MISTRAS’ asset protection solutions for wind energy components help to minimize downtime, enhance reliability, maximize safety, and enable more informed maintenance decisions. wind.mistrasgroup.com

Saf-T-Gard International, Inc.
The Voltgard Test Lab provides full-service testing and recertification, at both AC and DC voltages, of a wide array of rubber insulating products. All inspection and testing conducted by the Voltgard Test Lab are performed in strict accordance with applicable ASTM specifications. www.saftgard.com

Sicame Group
Sicame North America's mobile test lab features testing capabilities complete with equipment calibration abilities. www.sicame-north-america.com

Whether you need a system for wind blade production or repairs, contact us today to learn how Mankiewicz can provide your complete coatings solutions.

AcraDyne’s Gen IV Critical Bolting Platform is an advanced bolting/tool system. HT Series tools from AcraDyne are electric, high-torque bolting tools that provide accuracy, speed, and safety. The iEC controller/tool system measures traceable, dynamic torque directly at the square drive. The built-in transducer ensures accurate torque values. The Gen IV platform provides an additional level of operator safety and ergonomics when combined with AcraDyne’s Dual-Lever or Angle HT Nutrunners. AcraDyne’s HT tools deliver high speeds in torque ranges 50 – 17,000Nm. The ergonomic, robust design includes five handle configurations. These tools are designed and assembled in the USA. www.acradyne.com

Atlas Copco
Atlas Copco’s electric torque tool, the Revo HA, offers speed, precision, and reliability in critical applications. With high-accuracy torque control, it ensures every fastener in wind turbine assemblies meets exact specifications. Its ergonomic design supports prolonged use in demanding environments, while smart data capture exports integrate into quality control systems. The Revo HA is built to withstand the rigors of wind turbine maintenance and assembly, providing the precision and intelligence needed for consistent, high-quality results in this demanding industry.

Greenlee | HD Electric

ITH Bolting Technology
ITH is a company focused on tension and torque bolting solutions for all stages of the wind turbine life cycle from factory, transport, construction, and O&M. The O&M line of tooling features their lightweight and compact Micro-MAX pump in battery-powered or corded 110V remote versions. This pump is compatible with their tensioners and torque wrenches (DRS/DKS) to provide a simple and flexible solution for service crews. Additional battery-powered pump options are available for dual-line hydraulic torque wrenches type CX/D-Flex. ITH offers a full range of tension and torque tooling to meet the varying needs of customers. www.ith.com

McCann Equipment, Ltd.
McCann Equipment Ltd. is a multi-branch Canadian industrial tool distributor, specializing in the sale, service, and rental of torque and tensioning products. Their services include the repair, calibration, and certification of torque tools (manual, electric, pneumatic, hydraulic), transducers, and testers. Additionally, they certify air pressure gauges and hydraulic gauges as well as tension calibration testers (Skidmore). ISO 17025 accredited. www.torquetools.com

Milwaukee Tool
The M18 FUEL Controlled Torque Impact Wrench with TORQUE-SENSE technology delivers repeatable torque, enabling fast installation. With a torque range of 50-250 ft/lb, this solution adapts to jobsite variances for consistent results. Integrated with ONE-KEY, users are provided jobsite visibility, tool tracking, and detailed fastening reports. Features like LED feedback, customizable torque settings, and POWERSTATE motors maximize efficiency, while REDLINK PLUS intelligence and REDLITHIUM batteries enhance productivity across the jobsite. www.milwaukeetool.com

Norwolf Tool Works, Inc.
Norwolf offers a full range of manual and hydraulic hand tools for any and all bolting applications. The Norwolf Missing Link torque multiplier fits into tightly confined areas and is used in the wind industry for generator feet and yaw pucks. www.norwolf.com

PATRIOT Renewables, Inc.
Greenlee / HD Electric's high voltage test and measurement products are a comprehensive range of products for testing electrical apparatus including Voltage Detectors, Analog and Digital Voltmeters and Phasers, Voltage Indicating Phasers, Ammeters, Capacitor Testers and Transformer Testers, Underground Cable Fault Testers, Ammeters, Digital Voltage Indicators, Proximity Voltage Detectors, Stray Voltage Detectors, LOOKOUT Voltage Detection Network, V-Watch Personal Voltage Detectors. greenlee.com
PATRIOT Renewables provides application specific solutions including sales, rental, repair, and calibration of cordless, and corded hydraulic torque and tension equipment, manual torque wrenches, pressure gauges, hoses and other accessories. They are an authorized sales and service distributor for all TRACTEL products including De-Rope and Climb Assist. They are located in Oklahoma City and service the Americas and worldwide markets. They also offer ultrasonic data recording equipment for construction and maintenance bolting record requirements. www.patriotind.com

Stahlwille Tools, LLC
Stahlwille offers torque wrenches with no coil-spring design, no need to return to zero after use. These tools can be adjusted without disassembly during calibration. By pushing down the lever in the handle and sliding the scale button, the torque setting can be changed with ease. The QuickRelease safety lock secures the insert tools, while at the same time enables them to be changed quickly, the inadvertent release is no longer a risk. Available with multiple choices of inserts, ratchet, crow foot, ring, and specialty options. www.stahlwille-americas.com

WORD Rock Drills
The WORD Rock Drill SS Series Skid Steer Attachment is a solution for wind turbine grounding rod and foundation installations. Built for versatility, this drilling attachment can tackle tough soil conditions for a variety of applications and easily attaches to an existing skid steer. With user-friendly operating controls, these units can be operated by crew members or drillers at all levels of experience. WORD Rock Drills provides complementary drill training with each new machine purchase. www.wordrockdrills.com

NTC Wind Energy
NTC Wind Energy provides foundation anchor bolt caps and bolt tensioning products. ntcwind.com

Williams Form Engineering Corp.
Williams Form Engineering Corporation has been providing threaded steel bars and accessories for rock anchors, soil anchors, high capacity concrete anchors, micropiles, tie rods, tiebacks, strand anchors, hollow bar anchors, post tensioning systems, and concrete forming hardware systems in the construction industry for over 100 years. Each wind tower supported by a Williams foundation anchor bolt can be relied upon throughout the life of the turbine. www.williamsform.com
Transportation | Logistics

Anderson Trucking Service, Inc (ATS)
ATS, a worldwide transportation and project management provider, executes the many logistical elements of multifaceted and often multimodal energy projects. ATS also specializes in the physical transport of the oversized and over-dimensional loads that come with them. Having safely moved more than 215,000 wind components since 2003, ATS currently provides transportation solutions for approximately one-third of North America’s wind projects annually. With 70 years of experience in the transportation industry, ATS is a third generation family-owned company headquartered in St. Cloud, Minnesota. www.atsinc.com

Doleco USA, Inc.
Doleco USA provides a full range of products in the areas of lifting equipment, slings, ropes, and load securing technologies. They produce a wide range of steel, textile, or composite products. On request, they will design and produce custom-made lifting solutions. www.doleco-usa.com

Duluth Cargo Connect
Located in North America's furthest-inland seaport, Duluth Cargo Connect is a congestionfree multimodal logistics hub with decades of experience handling wind energy cargo by sea, road, and rail. www.duluthcargo.com

Golden Bridge International, Inc.
Golden Bridge is an international logistics service transportation provider. They specialize in air freight, ocean freight, trucking, and customs brokerage. They are project cargo specialists and work with many EPC's and project sites providing managed transportation solutions. www.goldenbridge-intl.com

Port Milwaukee
Positioned on the western shores of Lake Michigan and strategically located in the industrial center of the US. Access to international markets via the St. Lawrence Seaway system and the Gulf of Mexico via the Mississippi River inland system. Specializing in breakbulk and project cargo handling, the port offers 16 seaway-max docks, 330,000 sq. ft. of covered warehouse space, 30,000 sq. ft. of which is climate-controlled and approximately 35 acres of laydown space. www.portmilwaukee.com

Port of Brownsville
The Port of Brownsville provides solutions for the movement of wind energy components, and has logistical capabilities and a strategic location along the U.S.-Mexico border. As a large U.S. land-owning port, the Port of Brownsville is capable of receiving, storing, and moving massive components for the wind energy industry, including large windmill blades imported to the U.S. The port’s specialized equipment and skilled workforce are experienced in handling the oversize cargo for transport by vessel, barge, rail, and truck with ease across North America and beyond. www.portofbrownsville.com

Port of Lake Charles
The Port of Lake Charles, Louisiana, the #10 U.S. port as measured by tonnage, offers global shipping services for breakbulk, bulk, specialty, and project cargo of all sizes and weights via its intermodal City Docks and Bulk Terminal facilities. The 400ft-wide, 40ft-deep Calcasieu Ship Channel is a direct route to and from the central Gulf of Mexico. Also, the 40ft-deep Industrial Canal has a 1400ft-by-1400ft turning basin and offers 60 acres of land, a site for a potential wind power marshaling port and a wind power manufacturing facility. www.portlc.com

Port of Vancouver USA
To support transportation of wind energy components, the port has two Liebherr mobile harbor cranes that can lift 140-MT each and 210-MT in tandem, a multipurpose crane with 51-MT capacity, and crane operators certified in tandem and engineered lifts. Stevedoring equipment includes trailers and reach-stackers to efficiently move cargo. They have over 100 acres of laydown space and their completed rail expansion project triples capacity and increases velocity on the mainline. www.portvanusa.com

TAKKION is a family of companies dedicated to streamlining processes for renewable energy organizations, seamlessly working together every step of the way throughout North America. Services include operations and repair, maintenance, fixed site logistics, construction services, cranes and rigging, transportation, and electrical. Their services include remanufacturing, up-tower heavy mechanical repair, major corrective exchanges, full scope O&M, remote monitoring, blade inspections and repairs, fluid exchanges, and borescope inspections. They also offer technical staffing, operations, and maintenance for utility-scale wind energy, solar, and battery storage projects, as well as reliable, safe, efficient, and effective heavy haul transportation of oversized and overweight loads, installation, storage, and maintenance of wind and solar energy components. www.takkion.com
Wind Assessment | Forecasting

Instrumentation Icetek, Inc.
The IC-1 detect and quantify ice formation events by measuring various meteorological characteristics necessary to obtain a comprehensive understanding of icing events. Installed on the nacelle of a wind turbine or meteorological masts, their sensor enables operators to better manage their assets by guiding their decisions based on real-time data. It can be used to trigger blade heating systems or as a decision-making aid for alternative operational strategies, to minimize production losses caused by ice accumulation. www.icetek.ca

Vaisala provides a suite of weather and measurement solutions to wind and solar energy companies, from the accurate WindCube lidar suite to weather forecasting and historical data, lightning data, and weather sensors and stations. They provide the actionable intelligence needed to maximize output, performance, profitability, and safety at every project stage. Vaisala provides sales and technical consultation, service, and support across the globe. www.vaisala.com/reneewable-energy

Goldwind's GWH 182-6.2/7.2MW Medium Speed Permanent Magnet wind turbine, featuring a permanent magnet synchronous generator and a full-scale converter. The MSPM platform inherits nearly 91% of the same supply chain as Goldwind's PMDD generators. The latest MSPM wind turbine series offers customers more opportunities to build projects in complex wind regimes without compromising on long-term performance. www.goldwind.com

Halus Power Systems
Midsized Vestas wind turbines from 90kW to 500kW are available from Halus Power Systems. In their remanufacturing process, there is no mechanical part on the turbine, including the transmission, that is not fully disassembled and rebuilt. Each wind turbine has hundreds of new parts installed, with many parts purchased from Vestas directly, which ensures the original manufacturer specifications are met. The original relay-based controllers are replaced with modern, microprocessor-based control systems, with options for remote monitoring and control systems. Other options include cold weather packages, multiple tower options, and crane-less installations for remote sites.

Marmen has contributed to the growth and development of the wind industry since 2002. With their plants in Trois-Rivières and Matane in Québec and Brandon in South Dakota in the United States, they serve the Canadian and US markets. Marmen can produce wind towers of any size. Their expertise includes fabrication of wind towers, blasting, metallization and painting, assembly of internal components, and nacelle assembly. www.marmeninc.com/en
Yaw, Pitch, Blade Drives, and Sensors

Moog, Inc.
Moog offers wind turbine pitch slip rings and rotary unions for many global wind turbine manufacturers. Costly downtime is eliminated by using fiber brushes and robust mechanical components in the slip ring design. Moog’s replacement solutions provide reliable transmission of power and data signals from the nacelle to the control system for the rotary blades. The ring/brush contact technology offers a maintenance free solution for over 100 million revolutions with field-demonstrated performance. Moog also offers slip rings for blade heating, with anti-icing and de-icing capabilities, which can be retrofitted onto many established wind turbine models in harsh areas.
Wind Turbine Manufacturer
Goldwind Americas
JANUARY 14-15, 2025
Join conversations with industry buyers, suppliers, distributors, consultants, and more to explore solutions, exchange ideas, and discover new technologies .
Grid Expansion Will Accelerate Renewable Energy Adoption
by Scott Moore

Power grids are fundamental to the energy supply for commercial and residential electricity. There is growing energy demand around the world, and more renewable energy sources are being built all the time. Unfortunately, many existing grids and transmission networks are not equipped to handle these changes. In this article, we’ll look at some of the challenges facing power grid systems today, and the importance of expanding and modernizing them.
Expansion is critical
It has been estimated that the combination of a growing economy and the push toward renewable energy will lead to as much as a 40 percent increase in energy demand by 2030, and double by 2050.
In addition to increased capacity, grids and transmission networks will need to accommodate new energy from renewable sources, such as solar and wind, along with traditional coal-based energy. This drives further investment in renewable energy, and makes it possible to store and deliver solar- and wind-generated electricity to remote areas.
To facilitate this transition, energy systems will require expanded power grids that are more reliable and efficient than what is currently in operation.
Challenges faced by grid operators
Aging grid infrastructure poses significant challenges as the demand for reliable and resilient energy continues to grow. Many of the power grids in operation today were designed decades ago, and are increasingly prone to failures, inefficiencies, and vulnerabilities. These outdated systems struggle to integrate newer energy sources which are rapidly becoming more prominent. The current grid is also not designed to meet the power demand from multiple energy sources. At this time, many North American-based wind projects are facing installation delays as they await connection to the existing power grid. To remedy this, grid systems need increased physical capacity to maintain stable voltage and reliable supply to meet demands and changing conditions in real-time.
Renewable energy sources are intermittent: photovoltaic (PV) cells cannot gather solar energy at night or on overcast days, and wind changes direction and intensity, which impacts turbines. This means grid and transmission systems must be able to balance power from multiple sources to maintain a stable supply at all times.
Modernizing the grid to handle distributed solar generation is essential for ensuring stability, efficiency,

and sustainability in the face of rising renewable energy adoption. Without updates, aging grids may hinder the full potential of solar energy, limiting its contribution to a cleaner, more resilient energy future.
Integrating adequate storage solutions, such as battery energy storage systems (BESS) to hold an excess of generated energy for later distribution, will be critical to consistent energy supply. Grid operators also need the ability to model grid and power transmission systems, including the potential effects of weather, climate, equipment failure, and supply and demand. This allows for data-driven decision-making in critical situations, and for general infrastructure planning.
Investment to achieve net-zero
For the US to accommodate current and future energy transition initiatives and meet growing demand, grid infrastructure development will be critical. It is estimated that grid investment needs to nearly double by 2030 – to over $600 billion USD per year – to meet climate goals.
Historically, the United States’ investment in electrical grids has grown from $63 billion in 2016 to $89 billion in 2022. Since the 2021 passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), an additional $13.3 billion has been made available for grid infrastructure improvements.
Solar energy is critical to the United States’ transition toward a cleaner future. It is an abundant and renewable resource that will become an even bigger part of grid once the aging infrastructure is updated and expanded. Wire and cable are particularly crucial for grid expansion as they provide the essential infrastructure
for transmitting electricity over long distances, ensuring reliable power distribution, and supporting the growth of renewable energy sources, thereby enabling a more resilient and sustainable energy grid. For the greatest return on investment and best odds of reaching net-zero emissions, grid investment has to be comprehensive, including:
• Grid hardware, cables, wires, and equipment
• Energy storage equipment, including battery systems
• Data management tools to estimate grid capacity and model the effect of energy demand
• Procedures and equipment to streamline and standardize connections to integrate renewables
• Secure supply chains
• Skilled workers for jobs on lines, grids, and construction, as well as professionals with expertise in power engineering and planning
Benefits of expanding transmission lines
Expanding transmission lines increases power distribution, bringing energy to remote areas efficiently. It also bolsters renewable energy integration by connecting more solar and wind farms with grids and storage. The more renewable energy sources can be put to use, the more incentive there is to build them. Advantages of expanding transmission lines include:
• Reducing or levelling off power costs across larger geographic areas
• Upgrading and replacing aging or suboptimal wire and cable
• Broadening access to clean energy
• Faster ROI on renewable energy infrastructure
• Reduced risk of outages Expanding the power grid is essential to accelerating renewable energy adoption as it enables the integration of diverse energy sources and enhances grid resilience. By enhancing and modernizing the current power grid, we can support a sustainable transition to a cleaner future, and ensure that the growing demand for energy is met with efficiency, while reducing our carbon footprint and driving the global shift towards renewable energy.
Scott Moore is at American Wire Group, which maintains an extensive inventory of wire and cable products utilized in the power transmission & distribution, substation, solar, wind, battery energy storage (BESS), and electric vehicle (EV) hydrogenpowered vehicle infrastructure markets across the country.
AWG /// www.buyawg.com

Intelligent management device
FranklinWH Energy Storage Inc.'s next generation aGate features easy installation and wiring, a generator module, and commissioning with Bluetooth to avoid internet interruption. Enhanced black start capabilities and an efficient low-power mode make it a suitable solution in backup power situations. Two aPowers can now also be connected to the aGate via a quad breaker, eliminating the need for a combiner box.
FranklinWH Energy Storage /// www.franklinwh.com

Lithium energy storage systems for residential off-grid solar, microgrid and whole home
backup power.
AES RACKMOUNT ESS Battery Modules install rapidly and are easy to configure for Off-Grid Solar, Whole-Home Backup Power and Microgrid projects. In minutes, quickly stack mount up to six Battery Modules with the Quick Stack Rack and parallel up to six Battery Modules with a single prewired Battery Combiner. Parallel up to 36 batteries (180 kWh) in closed-loop communication.
Indoors or outdoors, the AES RACKMOUNT Slimline Enclosure is economical, installs fast and offers the smallest footprint for 30 kWh of low-voltage energy storage. Parallel up to six enclosures for 180 kWh in closed-loop configuration. Slimline Enclosures come pre-assembled with a DC bus bar and battery cables and hosts up to six AES RACKMOUNT Battery Modules.

Unlock the full potential of Discover Lithium batteries with LYNK II Communication Gateway by enabling the BMS to optimize and dynamically manage the charging configurations of hybrid inverter-chargers in a closed-loop configuration - Schneider, Victron, Sol-Ark, SMA, Studer.
Our program is designed to provide the tools necessary to use Bloom products effectively while growing your
Formerly Discover Energy Systems
Four Factors that Make Behind-theMeter Battery Storage Financeable
by Asad Ahmed
Financing behind-the-meter (demand-side) battery projects has always been challenging for commercial and industrial customers. Projects are capital-intensive, which creates a very high hurdle for companies and facility owners to clear. Strategic investors like independent power producers and infrastructure funds can bridge the gap, but many are more likely to put funding towards front-of-the-meter (utility-side) battery storage projects, due to their larger size and their similarity to solar and wind projects.
The climate crisis has a massive effect on the sources and amount of electricity we use. Demand is growing as manufacturing and transportation move towards full electrification. There's an urgent need for these electricity resources to be clean, but low-emission renewables are unpredictable in their output compared to fossil fuels. Energy storage can fill in the gap on both the utility and demand side, with demandside storage enabling consumers to strengthen resiliency through grid services. Companies that provide these services earn benefits in on-bill savings, and potentially earn revenue from grid services.
There's been a marked increase in companies that want a battery energy storage project on their site. Many battery developers have attempted to make behindthe-meter (BTM) projects work. Despite the offer of a financed solution, many developers struggle to generate the returns required to pay for the project. Instead, these companies end up pivoting to relatively less complex front-of-the-meter (FTM) or solar projects.
Following are four factors that need to be in place to make these projects financeable and profitable.
1. Favorable market conditions - regional incentives, programs, and policies
2. Suitable site host specifications - required energy usage profile, creditworthiness, and physical criteria
3. Development and permitting expertise - ability to navigate bureaucracy
4. Scalable battery operation capabilities - consistent delivery of returns
With an estimate of $100B worth of deployable CAPEX for these projects, the key is to de-risk the investments as much as possible.
Favorable market conditions
Commercial and industrial BTM installations in the U.S. are expected to grow from 1 GW to 3.5 GW between 2024-28. The forecast for Canada is ~0.3 GW by 2028 in Ontario, the biggest market.
While battery prices are decreasing, these projects can still run into the low millions. Federal incentives like the Inflation Reduction Act provide tax credits that reduce some

costs. State and grid-level programs provide even better profitability. These can be found in Ontario (Canada), Massachusetts, New York, Connecticut, California, Illinois, and New Jersey. Location is the most crucial consideration.
Suitable site host conditions
Not all facilities are suitable for large-scale battery projects. Sites that qualify have heavy and consistent load demand with high peak usage, like large commercial and industrial buildings. A BTM battery changes the timing of a facility’s consumption on the electricity grid, often adjusting for the high peaks while keeping the overall load consistent. This consistency needs to be present for the run of the project, usually 1520 years. For this reason, it's vital to build consistent load demand into the contract. This can be a big ask, but it's made up for by the fact that the projects can come at no cost to the site host. The strategic investors finance construction and operation, taking a share of the on-bill savings and revenue generated through grid services.
Development and permitting expertise
Anyone who has any experience or done any research into battery energy storage systems will have encountered the concept of interconnection queues. In most places in North America, the critical path runs through getting connected to the grid. The risk of a project taking months or years to break ground is a very real prospect. Companies that have access to development and permitting expertise can cut through red tape quicker and optimize project planning. This means the project can start generating value sooner.
Conversely, the construction risk is quite low compared to other typical infrastructure projects. A battery storage system is a containerized solution that's connected to the facility and utility meter. While there are physical site requirements (having space around the battery for fire safety) or limiting environmental factors (proximity to water), it's relatively straightforward.
Scalable and intelligent battery operation capabilities
The value that a battery generates relies on operating it for grid services, primarily demand response. Success in demand response requires the ability to predict peak
Battery energy storage site in Westchester, NY
demand on the grid. This isn't the only service that generates revenue. To capture these returns, the battery must be ready to operate for the most profitable value stream at any time. It's not good enough to have automated software that responds to grid signals, because the grid patterns are volatile due to climate change, electrification, and the proliferation of demand-side systems. Human intelligence is required to complement machine learning with superior forecasting abilities.
Financiers need to source companies that can deliver expert forecasting with high accuracy and optimization performance to maximize energy savings and incentive program revenues, to generate strong investment returns.
Reduce risk and optimize returns
The ability to finance any project boils down to reducing risk at the outset and ensuring profitability for its lifetime. This requires a strong ecosystem of specialists working together. Energy markets experts can identify and provide forecasts on the favorability of regions to site a project. Engineers assess the facility’s physical and electrical conditions and energy load usage for suitability. Permitting and development professionals ensure the project can be implemented within a reasonable timeframe. A battery operator with a good track record of optimizing for value streams and forecasting peak loads/grid events can secure the profitability of the project for its lifetime. Combining expertise across the valuechain, from origination to operations, can provide the maximum value and lowest risk to financiers looking to diversify their portfolios with BTM energy storage asset class.

Asad Ahmed is leading strategic transactions at Peak Power, a Canadian cleantech company making it profitable for large energy users to pursue net zero by integrating battery energy storage systems. Asad is a seasoned financing and corporate development professional, with a passion for clean energy technology. He has spent the past years driving strategic growth, optimizing global operations, and championing decarbonization initiatives in the renewables space. Asad has spearheaded funding transactions totaling $250M+, including an IPO, and led various acquisitions from origination to close. He employs a holistic approach, combining robust analysis and problem-solving to advance sustainable financial solutions. Asad holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering and an MBA from Ivey Business School.
Peak Power /// peakpowerenergy.com
Since 1959, Rolls Battery Engineering has been manufacturing premium deep cycle lead-acid batteries in Nova Scotia.

Serving Renewable Energy markets around the world for decades, the Rolls brand is well-recognized as an industry leader in product quality and performance.
Rolls continues to be the first choice of installers and DIY homeowners looking for high quality, dependable and affordable energy storage solutions.

Rise of the Data Connoisseur
Leveraging advanced weather forecasting for the clean energy transition
by Matt Stein

At every recent energy industry event, the highlight reel echoes the same three themes: the clean energy transition is underway, climate change and weather volatility are now constants, and AI is reshaping how we live and work while increasing energy demand.
Weather forecasting is at the intersection of these shifts, playing a pivotal role in the energy sector’s adaptation and evolution. In this article, we’ll explore how advanced forecasting is integral to these changes and what it unlocks for the industry.
As the clean energy transition accelerates – Europe is tracking towards sourcing 42.5 percent of its energy from power from wind, solar, and hydropower by 2030, and is aiming for climate neutrality by 2050 (source: European Environment Agency), with North America close behind – the grid has become more weather-dependent.
Historically, weather primarily governed demand; now it also governs supply. No one knows this better than the readers of this publication. Predicting solar insolation, cloud cover, 100m hub-height wind speeds, hydro flows, and precipitation is more crucial than ever. Accurate forecasts allow renewable asset decision-makers to effectively schedule maintenance, dispatch hydro, plan and estimate generation across portfolios, manage vegetation, hedge prices, model battery state of health curves, and more. In summary, reliable weather forecasts across all time horizons – real-time, day-ahead, S2S (subseasonal-to-seasonal), and long-term climate predictions – are essential for operating, planning, and expanding renewable energy assets.

The second shift – climate change accompanied by increased weather volatility –adds complexity to the forecasting challenge. Traditional climatological forecasting, which relies on historical averages, is becoming less relevant. Summers are generally hotter, and winters generally more erratic. As variability increases, rigorously calibrated probabilistic forecasts are increasingly critical, with attention to the tails of the distribution to understand extreme weather. This is where data best practices prove indispensable. For a deeper dive, check out a recent US Climate and Variability (US CLIVAR) panel on data best practices in weather forecasting.
In tandem with these shifts, AI and Machine Learning (ML) are unlocking new frontiers in weather forecasting. New foundational weather models, trained on massive datasets, are evolving to support diverse geospatial applications. Forecast emulators are rapidly improving their ability to forecast the forecast. On the S2S time horizon, purpose-built machine learning models are uncovering new, often non-linear teleconnections – involving variables like sea surface salinity – along with more established ones. Across all timeframes, forecasting skill is improving at a remarkable pace. As these industry dynamics unfold, new roles and skills
are emerging. One of the most valuable, yet challenging roles to leverage well, is the data connoisseur.
Data connoisseur is not an actual title you can find on LinkedIn (Quantitative Analyst and Data Scientist are the actual job titles, among others) but rather a term that captures the qualities that these individuals exude.
Data connoisseurs are experts, often with PhDs, who appreciate the meticulous care required to create excellent data. They value accuracy, reliability, and strong methodologies, fostering confidence in decisionmaking. These specialists are essential to effectively deploying data within large energy organizations, and they are increasingly in demand.
A recent study highlighted that commodity trading cash flows nearly doubled from 2018-2021, but many firms struggled to adapt to the growing
Figure 1: Narrative-driven forecast users review generalized weather forecast maps like this one for decision-making.
Figure 2: Data connoisseurs prioritize data accuracy and reliability, and value probabilistic forecasts with transparent skill scores for data-driven decision-making.
challenges, including weatherdriven fluctuations. The report cited outdated technology and a shortage of commercial talent skilled in data-driven methodologies as key barriers. Read: Data connoisseurs are in high demand.
One critical aspect of a data connoisseur’s role is understanding and evaluating forecast accuracy and confidence. When forecasting the weather, transparent and data-driven providers measure forecast skill, offering metrics like Continuous Ranked Probability Score (CRPS), which evaluates both accuracy (how close the forecast is to the actual outcome) and precision (how confident the prediction is). This is akin to the Mean Average Error (MAE), but tailored to probabilistic forecasts.
Reliability is another hallmark of effective weather forecasting. For instance, if a forecast predicts a 60 percent chance of extreme drought, but historically, only 40 percent of those predictions materialized, the model is statistically overconfident. Adjusting probabilities based on real outcomes enhances reliability, enabling decisionmakers to operate, plan, and develop energy assets with confidence.
Let’s consider an example: a probabilistic subseasonal solar insolation forecast for week 3, initiated in early June 2024, as summer heat is arriving. Several models, including NOAA’s GEFS, ECMWF, and private vendors, offer predictions at this horizon. A narrativedriven user might glance at the forecast maps (Figure 1) and then make decisions – power and gas trading decisions, solar asset management decisions, or price risk hedging. In contrast, a data connoisseur demands confidence in every pixel before taking action. They ingest the forecast via API, perhaps converting it from sun to power output using an SDK, and then integrate the probabilistic distribution – along with CRPS scores – into a decision model tailored to their specific thresholds and business objectives (Figure 2).
The takeaway? In the age of AI, data connoisseurs will thrive. Meteorologists who resist the advancements of AI and ML risk falling behind. Pairing reliable, calibrated forecasts with the right decisionsupport tooling is the key to navigating the clean energy transition amidst the unfolding effects of climate change.

Balance energy capacity
Control the balance of available energy to charge electric vehicles with WAGO’s Dynamic Load Management system. This system uses a set of rules that balances energy capacity between electrical grid power, renewable energy, consumed electricity, and the number of vehicles charged. Configuration can be set through a web page, so no programming is required. The Dynamic Load Management System connects directly to multiple vendor’s charging stations using OCCP communications as well as with energy meters using MODBUS RTU.
WAGO Corporation /// www.wago.us
Matt Stein is CEO and co-Founder of Salient. Salient’s expert forecasts and analytics provide the data and state-of-the-art methodologies that help industries work smarter.

Investing in U.S.-Based Zinc Battery Manufacturing Lowers Supply Chain Risk
by Michael Burz
Diversified, safe, and domestically-produced energy storage is vital for a sustainable and secure future. North America must look beyond lithium and invest in alternate chemistries that complement existing batteries and provide alternatives for grid-scale, microgrids, and home stationary energy storage systems. New, advanced zinc batteries can play a pivotal role in this shift.
The case for zinc in energy storage
Energy storage manufacturers want to decrease reliance on overseas supply chains dominated by China and other politically unfriendly countries, especially for processed materials and battery components made with lithium and cobalt. Zinc is abundant and already safely mined in the United States, most notably at one of the world's largest zinc mines, the Red Dog Mine in Alaska.
Zinc-based batteries are a cost-effective alternative for stationary energy storage, providing advantages over both lithium-ion and lead-acid batteries. Compared to lithium-ion, zinc batteries don't carry the same fire risk, use low-cost, non-toxic, and widely available materials, can be economically recycled, and have a wider operating temperature range.
Zinc batteries are powerful and can be a drop-in replacement for lead-acid batteries. Depending on the manufacturer, they deliver energy densities of 60–130Wh/kg without resorting to bulky and complex flow systems. These higher capacities make zinc batteries competitive for grid energy storage.
And here’s the bonus: they can be produced in the same factories as leadacid batteries, with minor equipment upgrades.
Why lithium may not be the best choice for stationary storage
Lithium-ion batteries have gained dominance due to their high energy density, which is critical in the automotive sector. Integrators who work with them understand that energy density is effectively lowered by the systems required to mitigate their inherent fire risk: Battery Management Systems (BMS), active cooling, and fire protection systems. These systems drive up costs and complexity, rendering them less suitable for stationary energy storage, where community acceptance, reliability, and cost are more important than weight and size.
Recent fires at grid-scale energy storage sites have led to increasing community resistance to deploying large lithium-ion battery systems,

especially in populated areas.

Additionally, fires at production facilities mean that lithium gigafactories face increasing opposition from local communities concerned about safety.
To date, however, the non-lithium offerings tend to be flow batteries, with significantly lower energy density and higher maintenance requirements due to their mechanical systems.
Lead-acid: still here but outmatched Lead-acid batteries are no longer considered a serious option for stationary energy storage, except for a few small off-grid applications.
Advanced Glass Mat (AGM) technology has increased energy density to 40–50Wh/kg, compared to older flooded lead-acid batteries’ 20–30Wh/kg. Lead-acid still dominates the market for vehicle starting, lights, and ignition (SLI) batteries; however, even the best lead-acid batteries fall short for stationary energy storage due to their relatively low energy density and shorter lifespan.
The advantage lead acid does have, however, is a large and robust American manufacturing infrastructure. It is not concentrated overseas because the batteries are heavy and relatively cheap, and America is already home to global brands and many smaller regional players.
With minor upgrades, these existing factories could be repurposed to make advanced zinc-based batteries. Not only would this allow

the existing workforce to be quickly redeployed to meet growing demand, it would also bolster the domestic battery supply chain, reducing reliance on imports.
A diversified battery ecosystem
The battery industry is at a crossroads. Today, lithiumion batteries dominate. As demand for energy storage balloons, however, relying too heavily on a single chemistry exposes the industry to risk.
As we saw in the solar industry, concentrating the production of key materials – like polysilicon, more than half of which is produced in China – led to political risk, supply chain bottlenecks, and price volatility. A battery industry that sees lithium-based batteries as the one-size-fits-all solution will be similarly vulnerable. Despite an expected strong rise in demand for batterygrade lithium through at least 2030, U.S.-based lithium extraction is not keeping pace. On the other end of the equation, lithium battery manufacturing capacity may overshoot the need.
While lithium-based technologies have a place, especially in the high-end EV market, there’s a

growing recognition that no single chemistry is best for all use cases. A diversified battery ecosystem lets stationary energy storage developers choose the battery chemistry that best matches a project's risk, energy, and cost constraints.
Advances in zinc batteries and other aqueous chemistries
The new Aqueous Battery Consortium, a Department of Energy-funded project led by Stanford University and the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, is exploring ways to make large, powerful, and environmentally sustainable batteries using water-based electrolytes and abundant materials. The group focuses on developing safe, high-density, cost-effective aqueous batteries for gridscale energy storage. Battery chemistries that use aqueous electrolytes include nickel, zinc, manganese, bromine, and iron-based systems.
The consortium is working to overcome traditional challenges associated with aqueous batteries, including corrosion and low energy density. Some battery companies have already solved those issues for zinc, one using a technology developed by the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory that’s named as one of its top 25 technologies for the next quarter century.
Conclusion: zinc as a key to the future of stationary energy storage
The energy storage industry must embrace a more diverse range of battery technologies, especially for stationary applications. With their inherent safety, availability, and cost advantages, zinc batteries will offer a compelling alternative to lithium-ion as production scales up. As the demand for stationary energy storage grows, zinc-based batteries and other aqueous chemistries could play a critical role in ensuring the reliability, safety, and sustainability of our energy future. By leveraging the U.S.'s plentiful supply of zinc and established network of lead-acid battery factories, the country is well-positioned to take the lead in this next wave of energy storage innovation.
Michael Burz is CEO and founder of Enzinc. Engineers at Enzinc operate from a state-of-the-art Product Development Center at the University of California, Berkeley’s Richmond Field Station, to bring battery solutions to the market.
Enzinc /// enzinc.com

Advanced energy storage for solar systems
Emaldo’s Emaldo Power Store is a powerful and versatile energy storage system designed to enhance both new and existing solar installations. The Emaldo Power Store includes a 10.8kW hybrid inverter which integrates the inverter with expandable batteries, offering scalable energy storage for homes and businesses. The Emaldo Power Store (sold separately) stores solar electricity for use whenever it’s needed and offers optional backup power for critical appliances. With Energenie AI technology, the system automatically buys electricity at the lowest prices and uses this electricity during peak pricing hours, helping users save on energy costs. The Emaldo system balances the electrical grid and passively generates revenue, with monthly payouts delivered directly to the consumer. Installers also benefit from a percentage of all grid balancing revenue from their installations. The Emaldo Power Store can be easily retrofitted to existing solar installations, making it compatible with any inverter. The system is equipped with Bluetooth and 4G connectivity for seamless wireless integration. Homeowners can monitor their energy production and consumption in real-time with the Emaldo app, available on Android and iOS. For those with greater energy demands, the Emaldo Battery Expansion Cabinet allows users to add up to 25.6kWh of battery storage, with the option to expand up to 143.36kWh by daisy-chaining multiple cabinets. Installers can access to the Emaldo Power Suite, a comprehensive online platform that streamlines the installation process, provides product training, and offers ongoing support, including marketing resources. The dedicated Emaldo installer app also makes commissioning and managing installations easy.
Emaldo /// emaldo.com

Remote asset control
Emerson’s Rosemount 802 Wireless Multi-Discrete Input or Output Transmitter has eight discrete input/output (I/O) channels, each one configurable as an input or an output. WirelessHART capability allows the transmitter to connect to a wireless gateway, which can in turn link to a host via a wired connection. This allows the host to monitor and control assets remotely over a WirelessHART network. The new Rosemount 802 transmitter is a WirelessHART-enabled remote I/O transmitter with flexible configuration and ease of deployment via wireless connectivity. The wireless capabilities of the Rosemount 802 reduce the costs associated with monitoring and controlling field-installed assets which require time-consuming field visits from technicians or a hardwired connection. The Rosemount 802 functions offers eight I/O channels, each one configurable as a discrete input or output. Power options include 10V30V direct current external line power or an Emerson SmartPower module. The latter option requires no wiring, provides up to eight years of maintenance-free operation, and can be quickly and easily replaced in the field. The Rosemount 802 transmitter is certified according to ATEX Zone 2 Intrinsically Safe, USA Division 2 Non-Incendive and Zone 2 Intrinsically Safe, Canada Division 2 NonIncendive and Zone 2 Intrinsically Safe, and IECEx Zone 2 Intrinsically Safe. The device enclosure is rated according to NEMA 4X and IP66.
Emerson /// emerson.com

Road to 2030
How businesses will fuel the growth of EV charging
by Bassem Ammouri

The United States is racing towards an electric future, with its goal of 50 percent electric vehicle (EV) sales by 2030 rapidly coming into view. This ambitious target has driven a dramatic expansion in public charging infrastructure, more than doubling since 2021 to over 192,000 stations nationwide. With the 2030 deadline looming, the pace of charger installations may not keep up with rising demand, posing an important question and significant opportunity: What fundamental shifts will scale the EV charging ecosystem in the coming years, and how can forward-thinking stakeholders position themselves to thrive in this rapidly evolving landscape?
Entrepreneurs take charge
The diversity of EV charging locations offers businesses unique engagement opportunities, inspiring forwardthinking restaurants, malls, and entertainment venues to install charging stations that transform wait times into incremental revenue. Despite this, widespread adoption is still lagging. A survey of 75 retail and fast-food chains revealed that only 1 percent of 270,000 locations offered EV charging. Availability varies widely by sector, with EV charging present at just one in 14 big-box stores, one in 15 grocery stores, and one in 40 department stores.
This trend, however, is on the precipice of a paradigm shift. As the benefits become increasingly apparent, more businesses will begin to view charging stations not as risky investments, but as strategic assets. This evolution will drive proactive adoption, with companies deploying charging infrastructure as essential amenities and

Boosting brand loyalty
To fully realize the strategic value of EV charging, many organizations are exploring its integration into existing customer engagement and retention strategies, including loyalty programs. Today, the average U.S. consumer participates in 16.6 loyalty programs that earn points, discounts, and exclusive perks, fostering brand preference and encouraging repeat business. With the loyalty landscape becoming more competitive, companies are expanding their strategies beyond simple rewards to create more engaging customer experiences.
One notable trend in this evolution is the rise of cross-industry partnerships, which allow businesses to offer a broader range of benefits and touchpoints. For instance, hotel customers can earn points when they use services for rides or deliveries to that hotel chain. Even gas stations are adopting this model, where customers can earn points on grocery purchases that convert into fuel discounts at participating gas stations. These partnerships enhance the value proposition for consumers while creating new avenues for businesses to interact with their customers.
As EVs gain prominence, integrating charging networks into loyalty programs will become a natural next step for forward-thinking businesses. Credit card companies have been quick to capitalize on this trend, with many providers extending their gas rewards rate to include EV charging stations. This integration transcends marketing tactics by addressing consumers' growing desire for deeper connections; research indicates that six out of ten consumers report more positive experiences when relationships go beyond simple transactions.
Through these integrations, businesses can also demonstrate their commitment to sustainability – a growing priority for younger consumers. By 2030, Gen Z and Millennials will hold the majority of purchasing power in the U.S., and are 27 percent more likely than their elders to buy from brands they believe care about sustainability. By making EV charging a central part of shopping, dining, or

entertainment, businesses create win-win scenarios: consumers enjoy seamless experiences while businesses boost engagement, loyalty, and brand image.
Navigation apps elevate the charging experience
The future of navigation apps in the EV ecosystem is also promising. Today, these apps go beyond locating charging stations, offering details like plug types, charging times, real-time availability, and speeds, helping to reduce range anxiety and streamline the charging process for drivers. As they advance, navigation apps will introduce even more sophisticated features tailored to EV drivers' needs, enhancing convenience and creating new business opportunities.
One such innovation is the integration of amenity suggestions during charging stops. Recent research indicates that one in five drivers seek retail and restaurant amenities near service stations while their vehicle charges. As such, navigation apps can form strategic partnerships with local businesses to offer curated suggestions for nearby establishments.
Another notable feature is the ability to reserve charging stations. This functionality has already begun to roll out to address a critical pain point identified in a recent study: 20 percent of EV users have left charging stations without charging due to long wait times. By enabling reservations, these apps enhance the user experience and provide businesses with valuable insights into station usage and demand, facilitating more effective network optimization and expansion.
Infrastructure to strategic asset
As more EVs hit the road, charging infrastructure will evolve from a convenient amenity to a critical part of consumer lifestyles and corporate strategies. Businesses that treat EV charging as a strategic asset can gain a competitive edge, boost customer engagement, foster loyalty, and create new revenue streams. Success in this electric shift depends on collaboration between automakers, charging operators, businesses, and tech companies to create a seamless and user-friendly EV ecosystem. The resulting network effects will accelerate the transition to sustainable transportation, further reshaping the relationship between consumers, businesses, and energy infrastructure for a more connected, eco-friendly future.
Bassem Ammouri is COO of EV Connect, which provides software, management, and other resources for other EV charging networks.
EV Connect /// www.evconnect.com

Dexterity, grip, and touchscreen compatibility
Brass Knuckle SmartCut BKCRT201 gloves have dexterity, grip, medium cut protection, and touchscreen compatibility. Special touchscreen fingertips allow for the use of touchscreen devices while providing all the safety and durability needed on the job. In addition to their touchscreen capability, these are medium-duty gloves for applications requiring cut resistance and dexterity. The ultra-high molecularweight polyethylene fiber offers ANSI cut resistance level 2 protection, and the thin, 13-gauge material facilitates dexterity. Gripping is further enhavnced by a nonsticky polyurethane (PU) coating on the palm and fingers, which also enhances puncture protection and abrasion resistance. All without adding bulk, reducing touch sensitivity, or negatively impacting touchscreen compatibility. In addition, the glove’s uncoated back and wrist improve ventilation. A seamless and stretchable full knit wrist provides a snug fit and prevents dirt, debris, and cold from getting inside the glove. Color-coded cuffs easily indicate glove size.
Brass Knuckle /// www.brassknuckleprotection.com

Plugging the Gap
How fuel retailers can boost the U.S. EV charging infrastructure
by Om Shankar

Amidst further charging infrastructure funding announcements and renewed sales growth for battery electric vehicles, the US market is making encouraging steps to level-up electric vehicle adoption. Impending emissions targets for vehicle OEMs, not to mention the critical need for fleets to decarbonize, make this mission more urgent than ever before.
Our work is hindered by roadblocks. As we look to supercharge the electric transition, it’s clear that markets around the world are falling behind in their goals for expanding public charging infrastructure. The status quo in the U.S. is a stark reminder of the progress that needs to be made. It may be the second-largest market for electric vehicles globally, but the latest figures show that there are under 200,000 publicly available charging ports across the country. For context, it’s estimated that the nation would need over a million more by 2030 – a 550 percent increase on what we have available today.
At current rates of infrastructure installation, the industry simply won’t be able to facilitate the transition to electrification sufficiently. Smart solutions are needed; everything from unlocking more funding and feasible financing options for CPOs, to handling local energy-grid limitations effectively.
There are other factors at play, however, that need to be considered. As electric-

vehicle uptake increases and EV-driving becomes the norm, the charging experience needs to change. Even now, drivers’ expectations of what’s available at their local charging station are changing; they want an experience that’s as easy as filling up with gas, with equally seamless facilities. Current public charging stations don’t always match these expectations: the lighting might not be good, they might not be easily located, and they might not offer the amenities consumers want to fill the charging time. For a significant cohort of drivers without sufficient home-charging facilities, omissions like these can prove to be a deal-breaker.
While transition to electric mobility is about necessity, equally important is creating a convenient experience for drivers. When taking both of these sides of the coin into account, it’s clear that there is a huge opportunity for fuel retailers to plug the gap; they are located close to major transit routes, offer a familiar experience to drivers, and provide the necessary amenities. This vast potential is starting to be realized, with 68 percent of National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) funding applications being won by fuel retailers.
Of course, it’s critical to also recognize the challenges that fuel retailers face in this transition – presenting blockers to effective service, and to building a business-case for reliable and profitable EV charging. In a recent survey of fuel retailers, common concerns included price competition (89 percent), keeping pace with changing technology (86 percent), and maintaining service levels (82 percent). Meanwhile, high investment costs (40 percent), uncertain ROI (29 percent), and complicated installations (28 percent) were the most common barriers among retailers who have yet to invest in charging.
To help fuel retailers realize their incredible potential and facilitate a successful transition, the industry needs to ensure that the right support and technical expertise is readily available.
For example, at the outset, these retailers not only need to know how to determine the quantity of chargers they install, but also how to assess their local energy-

Enhanced security, supply chain resilience, and performance
FlexGen’s US-based Battery Management System (BMS) is designed, developed, and delivered in Durham, North Carolina, USA. This US-based BMS offers fortified cybersecurity measures and complete control over the software stack, ensuring the highest levels of protection for critical energy infrastructure. FlexGen's BMS is engineered explicitly for block-level and site-level control, optimizing the performance and reliability of large-scale energy storage systems. FlexGen provides its customers with service and performance, ensuring safety, reliability, and resiliency in all operating environments. With its Remote Operations Center and Battery Innovation Lab, FlexGen provides management, monitoring, and energy storage optimizations for energy storage assets.
FlexGen Power Systems, Inc. /// www.flexgen.com
grid capacity to calculate the most efficient model for their offering.
This feeds into the need to make the whole enterprise profitable; retailers need dependable chargers, maintenance, and servicing to maximize charger uptime. They also need to identify new and intelligent revenue streams to build a robust business-case. That comes from integrating the whole charging and retail ecosystem – building a fully endto-end, ‘watts-to-wheels’ journey. A model such as this gives retailers the opportunity to enhance revenue via carbon credits, selling stored energy back to the grid, and effectively monetizing the longer dwell times seen with EV charging by encouraging customers into the C-store.
The gap in electric-vehicle charging infrastructure may well be a critical challenge for the automotive industry to solve, but it also provides an exciting opportunity to reimagine charging and fuel retail for a new era. By helping fuel retailers evolve and make a successful, profitable transition to electrification, the industry can unlock an invaluable opportunity to supercharge infrastructure installation, and ensure it’s a fit for purpose in a clean-mobility future.
Om Shankar is Vice President and General Manager at Konect, a turnkey EV charging solution by Gilbarco.
/// www.gilbarco.com

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Creating a New Standard in LH2-Refueling Performance and Safety
by Felipe Machado
It’s a fact of life in industrial processing that, in order to accomplish “good” things, you must sometimes have to work with potentially “bad” things. Such is the case with liquid hydrogen, or LH2. As the industrial world continues to look for new ways to move away from the use of traditional fossil fuels to power vehicles and industrial processes, a number of alternatives have begun to rise to the fore.
For the most part, this quest to expand the energy pool via “green” clean energy alternatives is being driven by Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives aimed at reducing the high carbon footprint, greenhouse gas emissions, and ozone depletion potential that are implicit in fossil-fuel usage, which many argue are at the forefront of global climate change.
While propane and liquid natural gas have traditionally been the most popular amongst the new wave of clean energy fuels (with Europe, China and India leading the way), hydrogen has begun to gain additional attention and momentum as another promising alternative. In fact, in 2021 the U.S. Department of Energy announced the creation of the Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs program offering $7 billion in grants to companies that would like to develop more hydrogen liquefaction plants, with many traditional oil-and-gas producers showing interest in expanding their horizons into the LH2 universe.
In late 2023, seven hub-projects were selected for funding through the program, shaping a network of new liquefaction facilities that will eventually span the country from the Mid-Atlantic to Pacific Northwest, and the Gulf Coast to Upper Midwest. But the challenges that are inherent in the dispensing of LH2 must be overcome before the fuel can assume a prominent place in the world’s motor-fuel pool.
To that end, enterprising companies are looking for ways to optimize the dispensing of LH2 in terms of efficiency, reliability – and safety –through the development of innovative dispensing technologies, all while making the refueling process for the consumer as similar and familiar to that of the traditional service station as possible.
The Challenge
While LH2 can theoretically be used to power all motor vehicles, its capabilities make it a top choice as a reliable and efficient fuel for use in long-haul vehicles such as transport trucks, planes, barges, and ships. However, getting the fuel from Point A to Point B in the supply chain, and in the massive amounts in which it is needed, can be problematic. While LH2 possesses great potential for growth as an energy source (buoyed by its carbon-neutral status and environmentally sensitive emissions of water and air), the volatile nature of LH2 can make it
challenging to harvest, refine, transport, dispense, and consume. This makes ensuring safety for the handler and environment Job No. 1 along its production and supply chain.
With a working temperature of -423ºF (-253ºC) that is close to absolute zero, or -460ºF (-273ºC), LH2 is one of the most challenging cryogenic gases. This means that the equipment used to dispense LH2 must contain massive amounts of thermal insulation in the dispensing nozzle to prevent huge ambient losses in volume from evaporation as the fuel is being dispensed.
Another phenomenon with LH2 nozzles is the occurrence of hydrogen embrittlement. It’s a physical fact that all metals will be detrimentally affected at some level by hydrogen, with the level of exposure helping to determine if any embrittlement will occur. If a metal does experience hydrogen embrittlement, it can result in noteworthy losses in tensile strength, ductility, and fracture toughness, along with accelerated fatigue-crack growth. When the level of embrittlement reaches a critical point, the result can be catastrophic failure of LH2-containing components.
To lessen the risk that hydrogen embrittlement will take place in an LH2-dispensing nozzle, metals that are more resistant to hydrogen embrittlement should be used, such as high-quality stainless-steel grades. Sealing on moving parts is another area where precision in material selection and engineering must be optimized in order to ensure a safe refueling solution.
Many common elastomers are not suitable for use with cryogenic substances. The recommended seal type is one constructed from polychlorotrifluoroethylene, or PCTFE. PCTFE stands out in cryogenic service because of its high tensile strength and good thermal characteristics. This combination of exceptional physical characteristics and stability at ultra-low temperatures make PCTFE an ideal choice for equipment used in LH2 dispensing. Additionally, the nozzle must be constructed so that there is no chance that leakage will occur. If a leak does happen, the nozzle’s operation must be able to be instantly halted in order to prevent a potentially dangerous scenario from developing. On top of that, the nozzle must possess automated flow-control capabilities that

enable the operator to be physically situated at a safe distance as the refueling process takes place.
One final operational concern with LH2 is the potential for the buildup of condensed liquid air on the nozzle during a refueling activity. This condensed liquid air is extremely combustible liquid oxygen. Therefore, the LH2-dispensing system must be jacketed and have an extremely high vacuum in order to keep the outer surfaces at ambient temperature so there can be no buildup of liquid air.

The Solution
Recognizing the challenges that are the hallmark of LH2 handling –ensuring safety in every instance – companies that specialize in the development of systems and components for use with clean energy alternative fuels, such as LH2, have put on their thinking caps to find solutions to these challenges.
One notable development has been the creation of a fueling nozzle that is designed to be a robust LH2 transfer and dispensing solution that can replicate a safe and reliable traditional diesel-like handling and dispensing experience for the consumer.
This next-generation nozzle offers the following features and benefits:
• Unique design that diminishes complexity in LH2 dispensing
• Built-in leak-detection capability
• Automated fuel control that enables the operator to remain in a remote location during the refueling process
• Three-stage thermal-isolated method of operation that optimizes efficiency and performance
• Jacketing that meets the low-temperature handling requirements of LH2 and resists the dangerous buildup of liquid air
• Lighter weight for easier handling
These features and benefits, along with the safety-inducing operational capabilities, make the nozzle very intuitive to use. The removal of any ambiguity in its handling or operation also allows the sellers of LH2 to create a dispensing process that mimics the “culture” of traditional vehicle fueling, which can help ease any concerns the consumer may have when dispensing an unfamiliar fuel.
There’s no getting around it, the clean energy future is coming. In order to optimize its potential from a production, supply, financial, and safety aspect, it must be outfitted with equipment and systems that are able to meet the unique handling characteristics of the growing roster of clean energy fuels. In that vein, LH2 stands poised to assume an elevated role in the nation’s motor-fuel pool, especially as it relates to the fueling of large vehicles.
Producers and suppliers of LH2 must be fully aware of the “bad” characteristics that are fundamental to its handling and dispensing, so they can realize the “good” that can come from its use. Suppliers to the clean energy market have taken a positive step forward in that quest with the development of new technologies for an optimized, mainstream and inherently safe LH2-refueling operation.
Felipe Machado is the Senior Director of Commercial, Product, and Marketing for Hydrogen and Cryogenics for OPW Clean Energy Solutions, a company formed in December 2021 when OPW acquired both ACME Cryogenics and RegO Products. Since then, the company has continued to expand its reach as a supplier of clean energy fluid-handling equipment and systems with the acquisitions in 2024 of Demaco, Marshall Excelsior Company (MEC), and SPS Cryogenics/Special Gas Systems (SPS-SGS). Felipe can be reached at: felipe.sperdutimachado@opwces.com
OPW Clean Energy Solutions /// opwces.com

Valves for the hydrogen economy
CIRCOR International, Inc.’s high pressure primary isolation valves and pressure control technologies have been used to enable the supply of hydrogen to hydrogen fueling stations. When a supplier of Hydrogen Trailers required valves qualified in accordance with the latest European Transportable Pressure Equipment Directive, a requirement for all valves used to isolate transportable hydrogen storage modules, CIRCOR’s engineers provided a solution in the ASV Series Pneumatically Actuated Stop Valve. This valve is based on CIRCOR’s reliable balanced valve concept but includes sealing technologies capable of performing across the range of pressures temperatures and leak rates required. Standard and custom engineered fluid- and gashandling solutions from CIRCOR support a wide range of mission critical applications and are essential for the reliable and safe operation of all types of industrial hydrogen systems.
CIRCOR International, Inc. /// www.circor.com

Hydrogen market analysis tool
Key Hydrogen’s H2 Advantage incorporates proprietary mapping datasets with a powerful visual mapping software to create global geospatial maps that will give a clear competitive advantage to energy companies and investors seeking guidance on feedstock availability, off-taker opportunities, and the best hydrogen location analytics to maximize project profitability. The H2 Advantage Platform allows users to analyze asset portfolios for optimal hydrogen transition, and highlights the best financial return locations and nearby offtake opportunities. Hydrogen developers can get a global view of the hydrogen landscape, pinpointing ideal development locations and infrastructure insights. It also emphasizes renewable power options for projects with additionality requirements. Financial advisors can navigate the hydrogen market, assess potential offtake opportunities, and estimate derivative cash flows. From site selection for demos and pilots to asset management for system monitoring and growth, The H2 Advantage scales with users’ growth trajectory.
Key Hydrogen /// www.keyhydrogen.com

High-pressure tube trailers for hydrogen delivery
North Carolina-based OneH2, Inc.’s new cylinder technology for 931 bar high-pressure hydrogen tube trailers is a culmination of several years of development and investment, and operates under a unique special permit issued by the U.S. Department of Transport for use on roads. The new 931 bar design allows for direct fills of higher-pressure, 700 bar automotive and heavy vehicle applications, making hydrogen-fueled transport much more economical. By transporting hydrogen gas at higher pressures, OneH2 bypasses the extra processing normally required by other delivery methods. 931 bar trailers consist of various combinations of high-pressure cylinders packaged together. Each cylinder can hold up to 60lb gross (27kg) of gaseous hydrogen at 931 bar pressure, which is close to three times that of the cylinder technology OneH2 previously used. Trailers can be configured with various capacities. With a maximum configuration of up to 18 cylinders, a single trailer can hold up to 1071lb (486kg) of automotive, fuel-cell grade, hydrogen. If on-site space is an issue, OneH2 offers smaller trailer configurations, down to 6 cylinders, 353lb (160kg) promoting better maneuverability in tighter environments. To ensure maximum utilization of onboard hydrogen, OneH2 uses a cascading function, allowing each cylinder to act as its own cascading bank. The trailer also includes key features that optimize performance and safety, such as onboard hydrogen gas sensors, on-tank actuator valves for isolation, telemetry to report the status of the trailer on-road, safety interlocks, and a temperature and pressure relief device (TPRD) for each tank. The trailer’s cylinders are designed and tested in accordance with international standards that provide specifications for the design, construction, and testing of type IV composite cylinders. OneH2 also offers 931 bar Mobile Fuelers using the same cylinder technology. The refueler includes an onboarded dispensing system for both 350 bar and 700 bar pressure, turning the trailer into a portable fueling station. This mobile and portable refueling station allows customers to receive hydrogen at any location and immediately refuel vehicles, with minimal to no investment in on-site equipment and reducing permitting and construction headaches.
OneH2 /// www.oneh2.com
07-08 RE+ Midwest
Sheraton Grand Riverwalk Chicago – Chicago, IL; re-plus.events/midwest
ABS 5th Annual Offshore Wind Forum
Hotel Monteleone – New Orleans, LA; absinfo.eagle.org
RE+ Florida
Orlando Hilton – Orlando, FL; re-plus.events/florida
Intersolar North America and Energy Storage North America Texas
Austin Marriott Downtown – Austin, TX; www.intersolar.us/texas/
RE+ Charge H2
Arch, Seattle Convention Center – Seattle WA; re-plus.events/charge-h2
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Panaman Convention Center – Panama City, Panama; re-plus.events/centroamerica
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TBD – San Diego, CA; pes-gridedge.org
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MARCH 2025
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Page Company Website
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