North American Clean Energy September/October 2023 Issue

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Recharting How Cities

Say NO to Cheap Condition Monitoring

A Powerful Pair

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Quinn Stuart


Jill Walters

Meg Lugaric


Chris Van Boeyen SALES

Quinn Stuart

Don McIntosh

Keaton Spence

Ben Mitchell



Alison Bell

Closing the Renewable Energy Knowledge Gap

We would have little or no access to PV systems, energy storage, or EV chargers without the combined efforts of code officials and first responders, as well as product suppliers, engineers, and other industry professionals. Each group makes essential contributions to market growth. It’s important that these groups understand each other’s perspectives. A shared understanding among clean energy stakeholders is the way to safely and equitably accelerate deployment of new technologies.

If you’re a contractor, or just about anyone else in the industry, put yourself in the code official’s shoes for a second. The building department in your community is starting to receive permit applications for a new type of energy storage system that you haven’t seen before. You will want to find out if this system and its components satisfy the requirements of relevant safety standards, such as UL 9540, and test standards like UL 9540A. Does the 2021 edition of the International Residential Code require certification according to these standards? A new edition of the UL 9540 standard was published this year. How does the new, third edition compare to the second edition?

Across the country, thousands of code officials are running building departments of all sizes, processing all sorts of project applications: structural, plumbing, electrical, you name it. Many lack easy access to current knowledge about renewable energy codes and standards for energy

storage systems and other systems. Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC) and Sustainable Energy Action Committee (SEAC), both led by skillful trainers and experts on renewable energy codes and standards, help fill the knowledge gap. Energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies are harnessing billions of investment dollars to improve community resilience, fueled by the Inflation Reduction Act. This means solar, energy storage, and electric vehicle (EV) charging will become the norm, rather than the exception. Now more than ever, first responders and code officials need up-to-date information on how to protect their communities and contribute to safe deployment of distributed energy resources (DERs).

As communities incorporate DERs, just about everyone needs to know how to work with them.

The Clean Energy Clearinghouse, part of the U.S. Department of Energy-funded EMPOWERED program, offers free educational resources breaking down common questions on solar, energy storage, high-performance buildings, EV charging equipment, and permitting and inspection. National experts create and vet these resources. Contractors, building officials, first responders, and others in the field can also get continuing education unit (CEU) courses from industry-recognized sources, including International Code Council and the National Fire Protection Association, at IREC’s Clean Energy Training website.

“Clean Energy Training is detailed, organized, and very helpful in my work,” says Liam Ehrenzweig, a building inspector in New Hampshire. “I reference course material from Clean Energy Training prior to each inspection, and really appreciate the content I have received—for free.”

On the fourth Thursday of every month, SEAC hosts an online, accessible general meeting where attendees discuss updates on renewable energy codes and trainings, the latest activities of SEAC working groups, and engage in live presentations from industry experts. Recent presentations covered code development changes affecting the 2027 International Codes and power control systems, and the National Electrical Code. See the event calendar on SEAC’s Get Involved webpage for how to join the next meeting.

For a more hands-on role in developing solutions for solar, energy storage, and more, join one of SEAC’s eleven working groups. Collaborate with industry experts to resolve key barriers affecting the deployment and use of clean energy.

DERs have the power to make dramatic improvements in our lives. Timely and accurate information can help ensure that these technologies are safe and effective.

Matthew Hirsch is a communications consultant for Sustainable Energy Action Committee and owner of TerraCurrent

Sustainable Energy Action Committee ///

Sustainable 3D-printed homes

Eco Material Technologies and Hive 3D have come together to construct 3D-printed homes utilizing near zero carbon cement as part of The Casitas @ The Halles, a collection of homes ranging from 400-900sq/ft featuring studio, single-bedroom, and two-bedroom models in Round Top, TX. Utilizing Eco Material’s near zero carbon, long-lasting, and durable cement called PozzoCEM Vite, Hive’s 3D-printed houses offer a sustainable, cost-efficient, and affordable housing solution to future residents of The Casitas @ The Halles. Previously, Hive 3D successfully printed a 3150sq/ft home using Eco Material’s near zero carbon cement, called PozzoSlag, at low replacement levels. PozzoCEM Vite and PozzoSlag enhance the strength, impermeability, and durability of concrete with near-zero emissions. PozzoSlag replaces 50% of the portland cement in concrete and has been used in roads and bridges in Texas for over a decade. The PozzCEM Vite used as part of the construction at The Casitas @ The Halles is one of the next generations of Green Cement products and replaces 100% of portland cement in concrete, has 92% lower emissions, and sets in just 2 -3 minutes, allowing rapid printing of sustainable homes. In addition to the environmental advantages of the material, Hive 3D and Eco Materials have worked together to create a system to mix Eco Material’s cement replacement products with locally-sourced aggregates onsite using modified commercial mixing equipment. This allows Hive 3D to produce printable material at a low cost, and subsequently build houses for less than they could be built by traditional means.

Eco Material Technologies ///

Hive 3D ///

Saxon Capital Group, Inc. announced the appointment of Aicon Yachts, manufactured in Italy, as distributor for Energy Glass Solar, an energy producing glazing for yachts in the 66' to 100' range. Energy Glass is an addition to any product that has substantial glass. Aicon's modern and heavily glass laden yachts will have the ability to produce electricity through its large glass portholes and windows, storing it in on-board batteries for use while docked in a harbor or anchored at sea.

Energy Glass Solar ///

Energy collecting glass for yachts


As North America’s most diversified steel and steel products company, Nucor is committed to delivering quality, on-time reliability, and sustainability to the renewable energy market. Our Energy Solutions team is your partner in optimizing the design and installation of your next solar and wind projects.

Let’s work together to make your next project a success.

Safeguarding Our Grid

It started as Edison Electric Light in the 1880s, providing power to Manhattan and New Jersey. Over the years, it grew into the nationwide electric grid we know today as the North American Power Transmission Grid. This grid is comprised of three major and two minor interconnections, which provide reliable electric power to nearly 400 million people in the U.S. and Canada.

Like all technologies, electronic transmission and distribution (T&D) has evolved over the years. It began as a one-way grid, where large, central generation plants created electric power and distributed it to users over a mostly mechanically wired network. With a small number of power generation locations, this system created an infrastructure with simple, straightforward technology. It also gave the electric utility complete control over the entire grid, making it easier for them to manage the required power at any given time. (Figure 1: One-way electric grid, Department of Energy, Office of Energy Policy and Systems Analysis, 2016)

With the growth of renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, and storage, T&D evolved into a two-way grid, where generation plants—otherwise known as distributed energy resources (DERs)—became smaller and more prolific; power was both generated and consumed by users. This increased the complexity of the electric grid, requiring utilities to monitor a greater number of DERs. More importantly, it enabled communication with all of them to adjust power needs as required. (Figure 2: Two-way electric grid, Department of Energy, Office of Energy Policy and Systems Analysis, 2016)

This new two-way grid also added an additional layer of complexity in the form of digital communication, which was needed to coordinate the movement of electric power throughout the network and manage overall power demand. This higher complexity also made the electric transmission grid more vulnerable to cyberattacks, as it required continuous data communication both internally and via the Internet. Cyber activities developed for the Internet could be modified and targeted at the electric grid. Examples of such electric grid cyberattacks already exist, including the December 2015 cyberattack on the eastern Ukraine power grid, resulting in the loss of power to over 200,000 residents.

In the U.S., both state and federal levels have recognized that the cybersecurity threat to the electric grid is real. In recent years, federal laws and executive orders designed to improve protection against cyber threats have been passed. For example, in May 2021, President Biden signed an executive order outlining a framework to improve the nation’s cybersecurity. In March 2022, he signed the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2022, which included the Cyber Incident Reporting for Critical Infrastructure Act. Federal

agencies created rules to unify efforts to combat cyber-attacks. Furthermore, portions of funds from the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 are earmarked for cybersecurity improvements to critical infrastructure, including the electric grid.

What actions are being taken to improve the electric grid’s resiliency to cybersecurity threats? The first thing to know is there are several organizations active in this area, which in part include the following:

• Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)

• North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC)

• Department of Energy (DOE), including its laboratories

• National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

• SunSpec Alliance (industry association)

• Underwriter’s Laboratory (UL)

A key area of focus of these organizations has centered on the harmonization and adoption of industry standards. DNP3 and IEEE 61850 are good examples. These standards govern the communication protocols of power systems at electrical substations. DNP3 is the traditional standard in the U.S., with versions dating back several decades. IEEE 61850 is the newer international standard, with additional support for digital communication between assets within and between electric facilities. This standard is increasingly migrating into the U.S. electrical grid. Both standards are well-supported by manufacturers in the electric T&D industry. Also addressing cybersecurity is Reliability Standard CIP-003-9. This update, proposed by NERC and approved by FERC in March 2023, directly addresses cybersecurity for devices interconnected in any way with the electric grid.

Finally, there is the IEEE 1547 standard, which is a series of rules and test procedures for interconnection and interoperability between DERs and the electric grid. Tucked into this standard is IEEE 1547-3, which is a guidance document for cybersecurity between DERs and the electric grid. FERC Order 2222, approved in late 2020 and published in April 2021, included language requiring state and federal parity on cybersecurity and equipment standards. In other words, FERC required that the federal and state entities involved with electric T&D harmonize around one common methodology or standard. The Order also referenced IEEE 1547-2018 (amended in 2020),

which set into motion the U.S. states harmonizing around it as a requirement for any products or devices connected to the electric grid. As of March 2023, several states have adopted IEEE 1547. (Figure 3, IEEE Standard 1547-2018 – Status of Adoption across the U.S., presented by IEEE via EPRI) Additional states are anticipated to adopt this standard by the end of 2023. Compliance with the IEEE 1547 standard can be accomplished via UL test standard UL 1741. This is especially important for products and devices that “cross the bridge” between the DER and a substation, such as a feed-in controller. As state utility regulatory boards continue to harmonize around this standard, it is anticipated that more industry products will comply with the UL or similar thirdparty test standards.

A strong cybersecurity methodology is critical to ensure the resiliency of the North American electric grid from unwanted attacks. Industry and government have recognized the threat, and are working together to mitigate it.

Jim Rundo is Business Development Manager - Solar, IMA-VMM Energy/ Electric Power Industry, for Phoenix Contact USA, which develops products for connecting, distributing, and controlling power and data flows.

Phoenix Contact USA ///

The IRA Effect

The 2022 passage of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) is big news in the renewable energy space, particularly for utility scale PV solar. This bill provides substantial new tax incentives for the production of renewable energy, including hydro power, geothermal, wind, and nuclear. However, the construction industry recognizes that utility scale solar is one of the best candidates to take advantage of these new incentives due to how quickly a new solar plant can be planned, permitted, and constructed.

The forecast for growth in the solar energy field was high before the IRA was passed, and that projection has only increased in light of the act. Total estimates vary, but something in the range of $300 billion will go to funding all renewable energy projects over the next ten years. The total size of the solar energy market is expected to triple in the next seven years, largely due to the IRA.

As a service provider to the companies developing utility scale solar projects, those involved in construction won’t receive tax incentives directly, but can expect to see their business grow as clients begin to pursue the various incentives. These experts can help their clients meet the requirements for these incentives, especially as they relate to labor compensation and apprenticeship program participation.

Tax incentives under the IRA include several categories that will contribute to the total amount of savings to the energy producer. These factors include paying prevailing wages to the workers building the projects, as well as using domestically-sourced materials like solar panels, piles, and racking. Building on a site that was previously used to produce energy from non-renewable sources like coal mines or oil fields will bring an additional credit.

Regarding the incentives for paying a prevailing wage, it’s important to choose a provider that’s a signatory to several trade unions in multiple states. When working within the Union framework, you can be confident that your construction partner will meet the prevailing wage goal. Look for companies with a robust and qualified apprenticeship program; the IRA incentivizes hiring apprentices, but they must be active in a qualified program, which is the typical setup for Union labor.

Construction contractors that work in open shop rely on third party labor providers and staffing agencies to find craft labor. The apprentice participation goal is new for most of these providers, but they have been reacting quickly to either start their own qualified programs or enroll their employees in existing programs.

One important consideration for the IRA is that the incentives only apply to projects that start producing renewable energy after January 1, 2025. Therefore, it appears that developers are holding off

on construction, so the projects are not completed before the qualifying date. Currently, it feels like the industry is in the calm before the storm—we know we will need to be ready as we get closer to 2025.

So, what are we seeing from the contractor’s perspective? Engineering, Procurement and Construction companies, and their clients, the developers and owners, are planning for unprecedented growth. Projects that were shelved

due to excessive development costs are coming back to life as the IRA incentives are factored in making marginal projects more viable. We are also seeing greater investment in and growth of domestic manufacturing for solar panels, wire, and fabricated steel components needed for trackers and support piles, which is a welcome development.

The market for solar power has been trending upward for 20 years now. In 2012, the largest solar power plant in the country was 170 MWac. Today, an average project is over 200 MWAC, with many projects reaching 450 MWac. Growth has been staggering, largely driven by falling component prices, particularly the modules (solar panels), the tax incentives, and the demand that power come from renewable sources. States and big corporations are setting huge goals and funding more projects. All the forces seem to be in alignment and point towards more renewables, more solar.

The IRA is providing a profound opportunity to our country. The choices and projects we make in the next ten years have the potential to launch us into a more electrified and sustainable energy future.

Lawrence Faulkner is Energy Division Chief Estimator at Granite Construction, which offers civil, structural, and mechanical construction services to utility scale solar and battery energy projects.

Granite Construction


Sustainable, origami solar lantern

SolarPuff-LS (Light Sensor) is a portable, lightweight (2.6oz) solar lantern, made with Tri-axial weave fabric sail cloth that folds flat and pops open into a 4.3" x 4.3" engineered bright LED cube. SolarPuff can be used for table lighting, camping lights, outdoor patio or hanging garden lights, reading lights, or emergency lighting. SolarPuff provides up to 12 hours of continuous light with only 8-10 hours of charging. Press the on/off button for 3 seconds to toggle between Manual mode or Light Sensor mode. In Light Sensor Mode, the light will turn on by itself at dusk and turn off by itself at dawn. SolarPuff is IP68 Waterproof Rated when open, environmentally friendly, non-toxic, and recyclable, with a Velcro handle that connects and hangs easily.

Solight ///


At Stryten Energy, we’re using real-world applications of vanadium redox flow battery technology for long-duration storage of renewable energy such as solar and wind. It’s just one way we’re helping power the U.S. transition to a clean energy future.

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Race to the Bottom Installation vs lifetime costs of your solar system

Solar investors are often focused more on the initial installation cost than lifetime production levels or ongoing operational and maintenance costs. While there may be initial one-time installation cost "savings", these are tradeoffs between lowering installation costs vs the lifetime costs of the system. Intelligently including additional up-front installation and equipment costs in the original design can improve the overall site cash flow by improving production, reducing downtime, and reducing maintenance costs. As always, it’s best to run a financial model of the system with realistic expectations for its expected useful life. In other words, the lowest initial cost is not always the best choice.

The industry as a whole must take responsibility for problems caused by the Race to the Bottom. There are many cases where the Engineering, Procurement, Construction (EPC) partner is pressured by the client or investors to reduce bid cost so as to not lose the bid. The same thing happens with manufacturers. We need to make sure co-workers, customers, lenders, manufacturers, vendors, EPC’s, and stakeholders understand the true financial impacts when an installation cost is reduced. Sometimes the upside outweighs the downside, but frequently it does not.


How often have you passed a PV site with trackers and seen all the trackers working perfectly? Unfortunately, this is not the norm. Trackers have moving parts that are controlled electronically and can have many failure modes. Breakdowns can occur in the control electronics or mechanical side of the system—the key to success is a good installation. Don’t try to reduce installation costs by shortening the length of the driven piles. The driven piles or screws must be placed in the precisely correct location, installed vertically, and embedded deep enough that they will not move laterally or vertically. This helps ensure the trackers will not bind or trip offline due to overcurrent in the drive motor. If there is not enough of the pile embedded in the ground, it may move. Be sure to understand the costs of replacing a failed gear drive or a driven pile that has moved. The costs for these repairs are high because it’s labor intensive. It’s better to invest a little more in a good installation rather than chasing problems during the lifetime of the system.

Having the expertise to set-up and troubleshoot tracker problems is a specialized skillset. The configuration must be properly completed by the installer or there will

be maintenance issues and lost production. When considering a tracker for a new installation, make sure the financial model includes lost production and additional maintenance costs, not just the promised upside in production.


Cabling can be direct burial, in conduit, or above ground on hangers. There are pros and cons with each. Direct burial is the cheapest for installation, but the most expensive for repairs, as it requires hand digging near other cables and driven piles. Additionally, the backfill must not contain sharp rocks; backfilling with sand will protect the cable from physical damage and allow better modeling of how heat will be dissipated. Cables in conduit have a higher initial cost,

but it’s much simpler to make repairs or replace a cable. Above ground cabling lowers initial costs, but exposes the cables to possible physical damage, sunlight, water, ice, etc. While it can be an obstacle for mowing, it’s good for heat dissipation.

Bipolar systems

Bipolar inverters are intended to increase the voltage input to the inverters so that current (amps) can be reduced to lower cabling power losses for a given cable size. However, this comes at a cost. Bipolar inverters trip offline if the positive and negative sides are not balanced. This can happen from a cloud passing overhead (that covers the positive or negative side of the array inputs), from connection or relay failures in the DC tie box that connects the DC inputs to the inverter, or even from a simple array ground fault. These often require a site visit with the associated costs.

Vegetation management

There are many choices for vegetation management. Once established, native grasses generally have low water usage, are durable, pollinator friendly, choke out other invasive plants, and grow low to the ground to keep shading low. This makes for low maintenance vegetation, but it’s expensive to establish and takes several years of careful management at the start. Once established, however, the maintenance costs drop significantly. Sheep can be a great option if the site is in an area with sheep farming and has fresh drinking water available. Mowing and herbicides can be effective, but expensive. Mowing can break PV modules by throwing rocks. Herbicides work well but may have environmental impacts or be prohibited. Be sure to also consider how overgrown vegetation may damage trackers, modules, cabling, switches, and electrical enclosures.

Erosion control

Sites that get substantial rains need good drainage. This can include drainage swales, recharge ponds, vegetation management, etc. At one site, costs were cut on a main road to lower the price in order to make the sale. Then, a heavy rain washed out the road and exposed direct burial medium voltage cables. This major erosion created a safety problem and high repair costs. In this case, the small initial “savings” turned out to be a fraction of the repairs required the first year. Additionally, the roadbed needed to be upgraded to what it would have been before those perceived savings. It’s best practice to always look at the risks and rewards for any cost cutting measures.

This is a cursory overview of common issues found on PV sites that could be improved with better design and better installation. This is not intended to be a comprehensive list, but a way to get everyone asking the right questions before designing and installing a new system.

Robert Morse is VP Technical Operations at Phoenix Renewable Services, Inc. (PRS) where he focuses on quality control and performance monitoring to reduce maintenance costs and increase production revenue. PRS maintains distributed solar assets for government / municipal, commercial / industrial, and grid-scale assets throughout Arizona, California, New Mexico, Nevada, and Texas. Robert plans, directs, and implements technical projects for PRS and fleet customers. He is a BSEE, MSEE, MBA, PMP, NABCEP Certified Installer, TX Master Electrician, CA C10 & C46 QP.

Phoenix Renewable Services ///

Renewable Energy Today

Granite Industrial offers civil, structural, and mechanical construction services to utility scale solar and battery energy storage projects. As the #4 ranked US solar installation subcontractor, our extensive resume of self-performing work makes Granite Industrial the subcontractor of choice for renewable energy projects throughout the country. 5

Trackers Tackle Tough Terrain

Gone are the days when single axis tracker solutions (SAT) are only used on large, open fields on soft ground. Today, you will find them all over the world, including northern cold climates and islands with heavy winds, which until very recently were not considered suitable tracker sites.

As the need increases to install solar on more challenging and variable terrain, SAT solar mounting systems suppliers have become more innovative with their solutions so they can be installed on sites that were previously unviable and maximize the energy yield.

However, not every tracker is suitable for highly variable terrain and robust enough to withstand the additional wind loading and other environmental stresses.

In this article, we will explore the design considerations for single axis trackers on variable terrain and challenging soil conditions that can impact the cost of the site and whether it may make financial sense to select a fixed tilt mounting solution.

Design Considerations for Heavy Wind Conditions

Wind loads can have a major impact on the electricity generated from a solar plant. This is specifically due to the wind stow mode designed to protect the solar racking and panels from damage caused by wind loading. Most single axis trackers have their wind stow mode set to an angle between 40 and 60 degrees. Depending on where the sun is positioned in the horizon, wind stow mode may significantly reduce the electricity generated during high winds. The drop can be especially dramatic when the sun shines on the opposite side from where the modules are facing during stow position.

To understand wind stow mode and why the priority is not maximizing electricity generation during high winds, you need to understand the impact of tortional galloping. In tracker designs with torque tubes, the flat position, ideal for electricity generation during high wind, subjects the torque tubes to loads that cause them to turn into a big spring, a phenomenon known as tortional galloping. Those loads can have catastrophic results to the entire structure and in the end be more costly than lost electricity generation. Yet, lost electricity generation from wind stow mode will consistently be at play with the torque tube tracker design.

Tracker manufacturers, with designs suited to windier locations, do not use torque tubes but rather purlins similar to those found in fixed tilt racking designs. These allow for flat position (0-degree tilt) during wind stow mode, which results in significantly greater solar energy production, even in the windiest conditions.

Why Grading is No Longer the Solution for Undulating Terrains

Increasingly, many land authorities are requiring that solar sites have zero grading on site to maintain the integrity of the soil and the environment to minimize the impact of solar installations on the surrounding habitat. This leaves developers with a choice between using a fixed tilt ground mounting solution, not developing the land, or selecting a tracker design that can be installed on undulating terrain. The first two scenarios result in less or unrealized revenue. The third scenario has several perfectly good options on the market if you understand how tracker design works.

Many tracker manufacturers are releasing new iterations of their product that accommodate greater slopes. Trackers with a table design rather than the torque tube design offer large slope tolerances when it comes to moving up and down slopes on sites. The table design adds greater flexibility between the tables giving more allowance to follow the natural lay of the land and keep the original condition of the grounds.

In contrast to the table design, designs using torque tubes require the ground under a single row to be flat for the length of the torque tube. Even on a 5 MWAC or smaller community solar site, the torque tube design will require extensive civil works amounting to tens of acres of grading. When that grading is scaled up to a larger 20+ MW site, the cost and the impact on the environment increases accordingly, and financial viability of the project decreases.

Aside from the cost of the project and its environmental impact, grading adds significant time to construction. In the short construction window found in the northern U.S. and Canada, the difference may be an additional year before a solar project reaches operational status.

In short, selecting a tracker with table design instead of torque tube allows developers to use more of each site to produce power, reducing development timeline and cost while keeping land authorities and neighbors much happier.

Hard frost susceptible grounds

We are seeing a huge increase in the number of sites on either hard ground and/or highly frost-susceptible soils. The recommended foundation types in these areas are often helical piles, ground screws, or round driven posts. Yet, the vast majority of tracker solutions on the market today are designed to accommodate C-channels or I beam foundations, which do not perform well in frost conditions.

Currently, what we see in these situations is the use of third-party adapters, which can double the number of piles required on these types of sites. This greatly increases the risk of refusals or of not meeting the design requirements. It also increases the cost of foundation installation. Moreover, since many of these adapters are designed by third parties, it greatly increases the complexity of figuring out the accountable party if there is a failure on site sometime in the future.

When building in these conditions, it is important to select a solution that is compatible with foundations recommended for the site conditions rather than a workaround, such as a foundation adaptor, which is often a hidden cost during the quoting process and increases complexity. As any engineer will tell you, designing solar foundations for the site conditions rather than forcing the product to work with the site will mitigate costs, install risk, and reduce long-term


Case Study: State Route 5

In 2023, Polar Racking was selected to design and supply its single-axis tracker, AXSUS Sol-X, to State Route 5, a 5.93 MWAC community solar project located in Oneida County, New York. The project’s location and the site conditions presented several challenges, including undulating terrain and cold weather stress from frost upheave and frost loads. The topography and subsurface conditions on the State Route 5 project site posed many difficulties in developing the design: the uneven terrain had significant slopes, which Polar Racking had to consider when installing the panels so that they were at the optimal angle to capture the most sunlight and optimize energy output. The subsurface conditions, such as soil type and drainage, also impacted the tracker foundation stability over time. The use of the AXSUS solar tracker proved to be essential to the success of the project because of the way the AXSUS directly addressed the challenges presented with the undulating terrain. The terrain-following feature of the AXSUS allowed for the solar panels to adjust to the topography of the site, ensuring that they remained at the optimal angle throughout the day to capture sunlight and maximize energy output. Additionally, the high tolerances, loading capacity, and constructability of the AXSUS Sol-X made it well-suited for the site’s challenging subsurface conditions, ensuring the stability and longevity of the State Route 5 solar project. Furthermore, weather-related challenges during construction were mitigated through offsite pre-assembly of the major tracker components, which is a unique feature of this type of SAT solution.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, designing solar installations on variable topography presents unique challenges that require careful consideration and planning. Certain single-axis solar trackers solutions can effectively overcome the undulating terrain while avoid grading costs. However, it is critical to carefully evaluate the site and choose the appropriate tracker, foundation design, and array layout that are tailored to the specific conditions of the site. It is essential to consider factors such as wind loads, frost risks, and soil conditions to ensure the safety and longevity of the solar installation.

With these design considerations in mind, implementing single-axis solar trackers for solar infrastructure on variable topography can generate sustainable energy production and contribute to a cleaner and greener future.

Vishal Lala is Managing Partner at Polar Racking, which designs, engineers, and manufactures PV mounting systems. The company has a diversified portfolio of ground-mount, rooftop, and carport products for commercial, and utility-scale markets.

Polar Racking ///

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Correct Maintenance to Protect Your Utility-Scale Solar Investment - and Achieve 20X ROI

Maintenance techniques

After performing electrical testing for over 70 utility-scale renewable energy projects in 17 states, tallying over 5GW of renewable energy (enough to power over 1M homes!), experts in the field have discovered which maintenance practices provide the highest ROI for utility-scale solar investments. Per dollar spent, the following five electrical tests and techniques represent the most effective practices for preventing outages and increasing production. These practices cover the majority of common equipment failure modes in the most efficient manner possible. All these techniques can be performed safely without requiring an outage at solar sites.

1. Online partial discharge survey

Partial discharge is a partial failure of medium or high voltage insulation. Over time, this can progress to complete failure, resulting in unplanned outages and equipment damage. Conducting an online partial discharge survey is highly recommended as the highest ROI technique, but often overlooked by many maintenance providers who lack the necessary knowledge to employ this sophisticated technology. Statistics indicate that up to 90 percent of all medium voltage equipment failures occur due to partial discharge activity. The good news is that partial failures produce signals that can be safely detected through a partial discharge test, while the electrical system remains in service. By safely connecting passive specialized split-core current sensors around the grounded MV cable concentric shields, experts can record electromagnetic

signals to detect and analyze dangerous partial discharge events in the MV terminations, cables, and transformer windings, as well as in the MV breaker or MV switchgear assembly in applicable equipment design.

2. Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA)

Many equipment designs incorporate fluid-filled transformers that are typically filled with FR3, a natural and environmentallyfriendly fluid. Since transformer fluid is used to provide insulation and cooling for the transformer windings, the condition of the fluid is critical to transformer health. By taking a small fluid sample and performing laboratory analysis of the gases contained in the sample, abnormal transformer conditions such as arcing, partial discharge, and overheating can be detected. This information can then be used to plan remediation before complete failure occurs.

3. Infrared thermography

Infrared cameras have been proven effective in detecting loose connections, which often contribute to a high percentage of conductor-related failures. Loose connections or overdutied components in inverters can lead to fires. In addition to detecting inverter connection issues, infrared technology can identify overheated connections in substation equipment. Not only are they safer for all involved (because they take the place of an on-site electrician), more recently, infrared inspections have become an efficient way to detect module problems such as open strings, damaged modules, and soiling. Using UAV drones to conduct module infrared inspections has been particularly effective in ensuring accurate condition assessment. Drones are also much faster—a maintenance electrician would need to drive all of the panels and scan them with a handheld instrument, adding time and expense.

4. Visual inspections

The value of simplicity should not be overlooked when it comes to maintaining electrical integrity. Visual inspections performed by qualified technicians play a crucial role in identifying various types of defects, ranging from abnormal transformer gauge indications to rodent ingress damage. Unfortunately, the importance of visual inspections is often taken for granted. To ensure the effectiveness of these inspections, it is essential to conduct them regularly, depending on specific equipment types. Additionally, checklists should be used to record and trend inspection results to provide a comprehensive overview of the equipment's condition. This practice helps in identifying any potential issues early on and allows time for prompt corrective actions.

5. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) surveys

Radio frequency interference (RFI) surveys provide a unique approach to detecting defects in substations. Similar to the principles of partial discharge surveys, RFI surveys focus on identifying radiated signals caused by insulation defects. Outdoor substation defects create radiated signals that are emitted into the air, much like a small radio transmitter. Specialized antenna-based analyzers are used to detect and analyze RFI signals associated with defects in various equipment, including outdoor cable terminations, insulators, instrument transformers, capacitors, circuit breakers, surge arresters, and power transformers. To ensure comprehensive defect detection, it is recommended to complement RFI surveys with ultrasonic camera techniques for surface defect pinpointing, and infrared techniques for detecting thermal problems. By integrating these technologies, a thorough and complete assessment of substation defects can be achieved.


The five techniques described above provide excellent coverage for the most common types of equipment failure modes. They do so safely and efficiently, are cost-effective, and do not require an outage. Implementing these practices will help avoid unplanned outages, prevent equipment damage, and maximize production at your utility-scale solar power plant. In the end, the return on investment of implementing a comprehensive program incorporating all of these methods usually exceeds 20X ROI.

Don A. Genutis is General Manager at HALCO, a RESA Power company. With over 35 years of experience in the power industry, Don is a true leader in electrical testing and a driving force in advancing no-outage testing techniques. He has authored 50 technical articles for NETA World, and has been featured in EC&M and Uptime magazines. In 2019, he published his book, "Partial Discharge & Other No-Outage Testing Methods," which summarizes his extensive work and findings. In 2023 HALCO Testing Services joined RESA Power.

RESA Power ///

Snow retention system

The new Drift Solar Snow Fence System from Rocky Mountain Snow Guards, Inc. will carefully handle the melting conditions of fallen snow. Designed specifically for snow retention below solar panel installations on shingle roofs, the 12" tall, 4-pipe aluminum Drift Solar snow retention system ensures no snow slips past the snow fence. It serves as a catch basin for snow. The system comes in Mill Finish Aluminum or Coated Aluminum. Suitable for both new roof and retrofit roof applications, the brackets must be bolted down to the roof support structure. Installation should be such that there is a minimum of 12" between the bottom of the solar panel and the snow fence tubes. The bracket can be flush at the eave with the tubing side facing down-slope (reversed installation compared to other snow fence installations). Five ½" x 3.5" lag bolts (not included) and the individually-sold Ice Screens must be installed with the Drift Solar snow fence system to impede the movement of snow between the tubing. Drift Solar 4-Pipe Fence-Style Snow Guard Bolt-Down Brackets are also available for end placements on the system.

Rocky Mountain Snow Guards, Inc. ///


Shining Light on Karst Landscapes

With solar energy development poised to continue an impressive growth trend, one question must be answered: Where will all the new arrays be installed?

“Anywhere but a karst landscape,” is the answer you’ll hear from solar developers, project owners, investors, and insurers. As a standard response, however, it should be reconsidered in light of the possibility of successful development on karst terrain. This can be achieved through a greater understanding of the landform, improved planning, and proper geotechnical investigations.

Highly common, rarely understood

Karst refers to land areas where geological features include undulating landscapes, settling, fissures, fractures, caves, and even sinkholes. Karst is frequently composed of soluble rock types such as limestone, gypsum, and dolomite. These subterranean rock formations also store groundwater that supplies about 40 percent of the drinking water in the United States. As a result, development on karst terrain often requires state and federal environmental permitting to help protect this critical resource.

Karst landscapes are present in all 50 states and, along with related pseudo-karst areas, comprise roughly 25 percent of the nation’s land mass, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

Considering the financial investment required for utility- and commercial-scale solar installations, project development on a karst formation certainly warrants caution. Any successful energy project must start with a solid foundation. Fortunately, a variety of geotechnical and geophysical methods can be deployed to help make that happen.

data necessary for design. This stage is marked by a more labor-intensive geophysical investigation, using either seismic refraction tomography or electrical resistivity tomography to capture imaging of subsurface structures in the areas of interest.

Additional ground truth investigation methods can be used in focus areas, which include the following:

• Soil borings with rock coring and laboratory testing

• Cone penetration testing (CPT) for areas lacking hard subgrade conditions

• Test pit explorations for shallow rock sites

Karst design and remediation

Once the investigation process is completed and the potential site risks are better defined, design strategies may be implemented.

Controlling groundwater at the site is essential to the design. Disturbing the natural drainage and affecting the recharge rate may upset the equilibrium of the area and accelerate the development of depressions. Positive drainage should be designed and maintained during construction, and best management practices should be used to reduce ponding water and sedimentation. Designs should also implement a 100-foot radius vegetative buffer zone from features identified by the subsurface investigation.

Subterranean investigations

It is important that subsurface investigations be tailored to the developer and investor stage-gate process. Like the investment process, the investigation should be designed to identify, define, and limit risks as the project advances.

The initial due diligence phase for a project located in a karst landscape begins with desktop evaluations using publicly available soil and geological information. During this stage, a high-level hydrological study is performed to understand the drainage patterns of the area. This step typically is used as an early-stage fatal flaw or cost-driver analysis for project planning.

Next, geology and geotechnical professionals conduct a field walk to examine the rocky outcroppings and depressions identified by desktop and hydrological studies. During this stage, a lessinvasive geophysical investigation, such as an electromagnetic survey, can be performed to gather data over a large area in a short amount of time. This type of survey uses electric current to detect dissimilar subsurface materials, identify potential hazards, and pinpoint key areas that can be investigated in greater depth using geotechnical and geophysical methods.

On reaching final stages of development, a full-scale geophysical and geotechnical investigation should be conducted. The goal is to target and understand the limits of the potential hazards while also gathering

Construction disturbance introduces the possibility of sinkhole formation. Developers can protect themselves by including a standard detail and estimated quantities for sinkhole remediation in the contract documents. The standard detail should include the necessary excavation and materials to construct a drain within the sinkhole consisting of graded fill material, filter fabric, and surficial fill soils.

Once construction is completed, scheduled maintenance of the facility should include a visual observation of the site for ponding water. The standard detail for sinkhole remediation should be a part of the operations manual, so that repair crews can be mobilized quickly should ponding be observed.

Site investigations, design techniques, and mitigation methods have been implemented to successfully construct roads, buildings, and other infrastructure on karst landscapes across the country. Renewable energy installations should be no different. Rather than eliminate a site from consideration for potential development, the presence of karst should be explored using a set of proven methods to identify the potential risks and rewards of an otherwise desirable project location.

John T. Henning, PE, leads an Olsson Field Operations team in Nebraska. An accomplished project manager, John has worked extensively in renewable energy, land development, and transportation, among other markets. Reach John at or 402-289-7220.

Olsson ///

Turnkey Solar Mounting Solutions

Our mission is to deliver the highest value to our clients at the lowest cost per kWh. With in-house engineering foundation and structural design, installation support, and solar racking products to meet even the most challenging conditions, we deliver turnkey solar mounting solutions that our clients choose again and again.

Driven Foundations for Trackers and Fixed Racks – W vs. C

n the first quarter of 2023, 6.1 gigawatts (GW) of new photovoltaics capacity were installed in the United States, with more than 80 percent of it on ground-mounted fixed racks or trackers. This required about 1.5 million foundations, including ground screws or poured concrete.

By far, the most common foundation type is posts or piles that are driven vertically into the ground. They are less expensive to manufacture and install than ground screws or “pour-in-place” foundations. Driven piles are normally referred to as either “W” (also known as “I” or “H” piles), or “C” (roll-formed).

W piles have two sides and a “web,” and the thickness of the web can be different from the thickness of the sides. W piles for solar racks and trackers are most common of the W6 family (height approximately 6 inches), and either 7 pounds per square foot (W6X7) or 9 pounds per square foot (W6X9). W piles are typically made of steel with yield strength about 50 ksi (thousand pounds per square inch).

A typical C pile is about 4.5 inches wide and 7.625 inches across, with “returns” about 1 inch. The thickness or gauge of the material in a C pile is uniform, typically between 0.100 inch and 0.150 inch. C piles can be made of steel with a higher yield strength, such as 80 ksi.

Both W and C types typically have holes or slots near one end to enable attachment of the structure.

Structural considerations

Because the section area of the two pile types is similar, they are approximately equally easy to drive into the ground.

C piles have a somewhat higher perimeter, which means a greater

surface area and greater resistance to uplift forces (they are harder to pull out of the ground once driven), which is a significant advantage.

C piles show a higher moment of inertia, which may make them more resistant to deflections. In some cases, this may mean reduced embedments (length of the post below ground), and thus lower cost.

C piles also show a higher section modulus, or greater resistance to bending. This means that in some circumstances, the section can be smaller and the cost per foot reduced.

The greatest risk to driven posts or piles in solar applications is buckling. A design’s strength against buckling can be evaluated by considering its radius of gyration, defined as the imaginary distance from the centroid, at which the region of the cross-section is imagined to be concentrated at a point to achieve the same moment of inertia. The two C pile designs shown have a radius of gyration approximately twice that of the W piles shown (in figure 2), indicating they will be at lower risk of buckling.

Figure 2: Structural parameters.


W piles must be forged at high temperature (a slow and energy-intensive process), then cut to length, with holes and slots cut in a secondary operation. Then they are hot dip galvanized, which is an expensive and environmentally challenging operation.

temperatures (a less energy and slots can be punched inline, and the piles can be cut to length inline. The steel is pre-galvanized, so no hot dip galvanization step is needed.

Site conditions and installation

While both W and C piles can be used in various soil types, they are usually not installed in rocky ground; ground screws or poured concrete are more successful in that scenario.

as thick caliche – where W piles drive better than C piles.

greater than about 20 percent, or 11 degrees.

drivers with similar heads to keep the piles straight as they are driven. Process time is also similar.

Number of piles needed

Whether a fixed rack or a tracker design, careful structural analysis of the entire system results in appropriate spans (horizontal distance between posts).

for C piles than for W piles due to a combination of the factors described above: perimeter, moment of inertia, section modulus, and radius of gyration. This may translate into fewer posts per megawatt (MW) and lower total cost for all the foundations required to build a solar power plant.

Best Practices in PV System Ground Fault Testing

Ground faults are common faults in PV systems. They manifest as an electrical connection between ground and one or more current-carrying conductors. Ground faults have many potential causes, but most result from improper installation or damaged components.

Ground-fault detection and interruption typically occur within the PV inverter, alerting the site owner to the fault’s presence. Locating the fault, however, is frequently challenging. This article will overview the field tests technicians can perform and tools for finding a ground fault in a PV array.

Safety considerations

When a ground-fault detector indicates a ground fault, unless extensive field testing shows otherwise, it is safe to assume that damage has occurred, repair is required, and there is an existing electrical hazard to the system. Technicians should proceed with utmost caution until they resolve the ground fault.

While the ground fault is active, it can energize the bonded metallic components that comprise the PV system. The risk of severe shock from direct contact with conductive components increases for high-voltage DC systems, such as utility-scale PV arrays, which operate at 1,500 Vdc. Technicians must use the proper personal protective equipment (PPE) based on the hazards present. At a minimum, this will include high-voltage gloves, eye protection, and, potentially, arc-flash clothing.

The presence of a ground fault not only creates a safety hazard for technicians but also for the equipment within the array. High-energy fault currents can spark fires and melt conductors,

which can cascade throughout the rest of the system. When the fault current exceeds what the equipment is rated to handle during normal operation, even small fault currents may be sufficient to damage the equipment.

Locating the problem

To find the ground fault location, technicians must be comfortable performing various tests. In order to isolate the fault, best practice is generally to start at the inverter level, then segment the system to narrow the tests to the combiner and eventually the string level. Performing the following tests helps to identify fault locations:

1. Visual Inspection. Damaged components causing a ground fault may be evident through a visual inspection. Taking the time to walk the site and visually inspect the system may provide a technician with a relatively quick identification of the problem.

2. Voltage Measurements. Once the string conductors are safely isolated, voltage measurements can be recorded and compared. Using a digital multimeter (DMM), technicians should measure voltage from positive to negative, positive to ground, and negative to ground. The readings will return different values, which the technician can use in conjunction with the open-circuit voltage of each module to locate the ground fault. This process is well documented and outlined in a field testing guide published by NREL.

3. Insulation Resistance Tests. If voltage measurements are inconclusive, insulation resistance tests can help locate a faulted circuit. A damaged conductor—from a weather event, long-term environmental exposure, or a hungry rodent—is among the most common causes of ground faults.

An insulation resistance tester or high-range ohmmeter applies a DC voltage across the conductor under test and injects a small current through it. The insulation resistance tester will then use Ohm’s Law to calculate the insulation resistance from the known voltage and current.

A good conductor will have very high resistance. Conversely, any conductor that is damaged and in contact with a grounded object will return a low resistance value. Below is a table of test voltages and minimum acceptable resistance values based on the system voltage as described by IEC 62446.

Among the most frustrating faults technicians may experience are intermittent ground faults. This type of fault commonly occurs after rainfall, when the inverter may detect a ground fault. When

the technician visits the site and performs the above tests, however, no conclusive fault is located, and when the inverter is reset, it operates without error.

A “wet insulation resistance test” is one way to track down the fault. As the name implies, the equipment is wetted with a water and surfactant (typically a detergent) solution. This process is outlined in IEC 62446 as one method used when necessary. The test requires careful segmentation of the array and methodical testing processes. Ground fault testing is not as simple as running a test and checking off results. Tracking down ground faults can be a tedious task. It involves an understanding of the output of several tests, along with some sleuthing and troubleshooting. Technicians must understand the safety risks, and use DMMs and insulation resistance testers to locate faults accurately and safely. The process must be approached methodically to avoid mistakes and time-consuming rework. Ground fault testing is a critical and worthwhile process to ensure the ongoing safety and reliability of PV systems.

Ryan Mayfield is the Founder of Mayfield Renewables, which brings together accomplished system designers, engineers, installers, and trainers to provide strategic support for new projects and products.

Ground faults are common in PV systems and present an electrical safety hazard. Technicians should have the tools, training, and protective equipment required to perform ground-fault tests in the field.
Lights or a display screen on the PV inverter will alert technicians when a ground fault is detected.

Overcoming Title Roadblocks for Successful Solar Project Closings - Part II

Without land, a project cannot be developed. That land may not be acquired and financed without clear title. Too often, closings and financing are held up due to uncured title matters, due to any number of hurdles. Title to a project area may never have been examined nor title insurance previously issued. Title to the land may be fractionalized due to marriage, divorce, death of historical title holders, and more. Depending upon the number and type of title issues to be addressed, the curative process may be lengthy. Many pieces must come together to ensure a smooth closing.

Landowners as a resource

The person with the best knowledge of the ground and the title is likely the landowners themselves. While their knowledge of the legal history of the property may not be perfect, they know the stories that make it come to life. The developer has also typically given the landowner financial incentives to help the project move forward within the terms of the site control. With

this understanding in their back pocket, one of the most helpful things a developer can do is to ask the landowner in-depth questions about the history of the land. Are there any mortgages on the property? How was the title received? Do they know of any outstanding mineral or other sub-surface interest rights, conservation’s easements, or other restrictive covenants that may have been placed on the land by them or a predecessor? Landowner’s answers to these questions can be invaluable throughout the due diligence and title searching process. To the extent possible, obtaining copies of any documents the landowner references will make life much easier for the developer and title insurance company.

Recording as protection

The next step for a developer is to record the memoranda of their site control as early as possible. Real estate is commonly referred to as a race to the courthouse — in most states, the person who has recorded first has the most superior rights. The

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act of recording a document protects the rights of everyone who is a party to that document. It puts the world on notice, in the public record, of the rights contained in that document. Signing a contract with a landowner protects the developers interests as against or with that landowner, but recording the contract (or a memorandum of it) protects the developers interests as against any other developer or landowner who may want to purchase or lease the property as well. Priority becomes very important in worst-case scenarios. For example, a piece of property the landowner had previously mortgaged is under site control for a solar project. Site control was recorded in June 2020, and the mortgage was recorded in April 2018. The landowner used his initial due diligence payment from the developer to pay his mortgage. While waiting for the project to kick off, however, they’ve slowly run out of money and stopped paying, prompting the mortgage lender to begin the foreclosure process. Foreclosure is a statutory process, governed by the state’s specific rules. Any interests created later in time than the mortgage are wiped out by foreclosure. The solar developer not only has a new landowner to deal with after the foreclosure process, but also the potential of no valid site control, and may have to start over from square one. The solution is a Subdordination, Nondisturbance, Attornment Agreement (SNDA) with the lender. The SNDA (also called a Lender’s Consent, or NDA) is an agreement entered into with the lender whereby the lender agrees to leave the developer’s site control interest in place in the event of default. In return, the developer agrees to pay their rents and other payments directly to the lender in the event the lender stops receiving payment

not be the same, and a special expert may need to be brought in. The mineral search will provide the developer with a Mineral Ownership Report that can be used as a type of roadmap for understanding the additional parties to the project.

Lucy-Pfister Ad.indd 1

Mineral Coverage is an ALTA endorsement offered by the title insurance company that is typically required by any lender or investor as an addition to their policy, so it’s critical to get the title insurance company involved as early as possible to strategize what they may need in order to issue this endorsement. Typical considerations may include whether there are any active wells or mines in the area, any active leases given by the mineral owners, and whether the developer intends to leave part of the project area open, to protect the mineral owner’s right to exploration. In many states, mineral owners are the dominant estate holder, and have the right to enter onto the surface and use it to access the minerals.

The title insurance company will typically work with the developer to get various documents executed by the additional parties. They may require an Affidavit of Non-Production, if there is no activity in the area, or a Surface Waiver, which asks the mineral owner not to disturb the renewable project on the surface. In states where there is mineral activity, the mineral owners, leaseholders, or operators typically understand the value of the rights they hold, and will require financial compensation to negotiate these terms. Developers should research mineral rights under their projects as early as possible, to plan and budget realistically.

Crossing agreements

Many of the exceptions listed in the title commitment will be easements granted to the various utility companies over the life of the parcel. Utility companies historically did not receive specific easements, and many old easement documents are blanket in nature. Similarly, many old utility companies have changed ownership and entities numerous times. Therefore, the surveyor of the project areas may not be able to show what was recorded. In conjunction with the surveyor reporting any lines, monuments, and tags shown in the field, they are required to call “811” (or the local dig line) to identify what utilities may be physically, locally involved with the project area. Simultaneously, part of the title curative process is reaching out to all utilities listed with recorded easements, and understanding where their lines are located. Should part of the project cross or encroach into an easement owned by the utility, permission must be given. Permission may look like a Crossing Agreement, a permit or license, or a Letter of No Objection. All must be sent to the title insurance company to request the exception which reflects that easement removed. The title insurance company may require that these agreements be recorded.


Preparation and attention to detail are critical in managing projects. The strategies presented here are the result

of many years of real-world problemsolving experience, laced with more than a few unexpected consequences. By carefully reviewing all pieces of the puzzle throughout the development process, you will minimize the risk of being blindsided during closing. Preparation lays the groundwork for seamless transactions.

Jillian Ballard is Director of Projects, Sr. Counsel at TerraPro Solutions. As an experienced title and real estate attorney specializing in renewable energy development, Jillian has built and directed land and title teams on the developer side. She has been a key part of numerous end-to-end utility scale renewable projects, and possesses a keen understanding of the needs of all parties involved, including title insurance companies, surveyors, lenders, and investors. She is a skilled negotiator and a creative problem solver. Jillian graduated with a JD from the University of Louisville, and a Bachelor of Arts from Vanderbilt University in German Language and Literature.

TerraPro Solutions ///

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Set Your Sights on NEC2026

Proposed changes to the next PV labeling requirements

It’s hard to believe, but changes to the National Electrical Code (NEC), or NFPA 70, have already begun for NEC2026, the next code cycle. Every three years, the code panel meets to discuss public input regarding a host of different ideas and topics that impact safety. This includes labeling, which is always a very important topic; labels communicate hazards and critical information that can impact safety and performance.

This year is no different. Individuals and organizations like the Solar Energies Industry Association (SEIA) lead a variety of task groups, working on everything from bifacial installation requirements to grounding and bonding, which includes ideas on how to improve safety labeling.

One task group is dedicated to reviewing solar-related safety labeling. This group specifically evaluates proposals—it either rejects an idea or works to build consensus. Those proposed changes are then discussed within the larger group. If there is enough agreement on a specific change, SEIA will draft a formal public input and submit it to the NEC for review.

Those public inputs (PI’s) will eventually be reviewed by the appropriate NEC code panel during the first draft meetings in 2024. Following are some of the labeling changes being discussed for the next code cycle.

1. Bifacial panel marking requirements. In the past, the only requirement for communicating voltage was to mark the maximum current. In article 690.8, the code indicates that the short circuit ratings (ISC) of the PV modules must be multiplied by 125 percent. The short circuit current is the highest current the solar panel cell can deliver without damage. But there are three ISC ratings for bifacial panels, so the question is: which one to use? The current code language does not specify. The code language in the NEC should harmonize with IEC/UL 61730-1 edition 3, which does specify the three types.

2. Voltage marking requirements. There is a similar discussion happening in article 690.7(D) that states that, when marking PV DC circuits, a label indicating the maximum DC voltage of a PV system (calculated per 690.7(A)) must be provided at one of the following locations: a. DC PV disconnecting means. b. PV system electronic power conversion equipment. c. DC distribution equipment associated with the PV system. It has been suggested that the word “maximum” should be changed to “nominal” because this is not a calculated value, but it must be greater than the value calculated in 690.7(A). The task group feels that the industry wants a voltage label that indicates the minimum

The current label as specified in Article 690.7. The intent is to change the word “maximum” to “nominal.”

equipment rating for modules, inverters, meters, etc., that must be greater than or equal to the maximum open circuit voltage (VOC) of the system.

It is believed that using the maximum value can result in misapplication of the field marked label and provide more actional information for both inspectors and technicians. Some have suggested the maximum voltage value should still be part of the permit package, but should not be a “field-marking” requirement.

3. Conductor colors. Finally, since we are talking about inconsistency in the code, there is some concern that the current code offers no consistency in the marking colors of conductors in articles 100, 200, and 690. An idea has been floated to develop a consistent description for marking grounded conductors. As an example, Articles 200.6(A) and 200.7 both specify that the insulation of grounded conductors have a continuous white or gray outer finish, or have three continuous white or gray stripes, while article 690.31(B)(2)(b) says that grounded conductors shall include an imprinted (+) or the word POSITIVE or POS durably marked on the insulation. Article 100 simply indicates that the definition for “functionally grounded” and “solidly grounded” conductors is not specific to PV systems.

The possible impact of this might be found in this example: On a multimode system with storage, PV circuit wiring is covered by article 690, but the remaining DC wiring (battery wiring, charge controller output circuit, etc.) falls under articles 706, 480 and 710, which do not make any specific distinction for functionality or solidly grounded conductor identification. That means the requirements covered under 200.6(A) and (B) and 200.7 would apply. If the code is

applied as it stands, it is possible to have two circuits with the exact same grounding configuration and wires that are identified differently entering the same device.

Again, and just to be clear, the points discussed in this article are not approved changes for NEC2026. These are some of the many ideas being proposed and discussed across the country. Most will never make it past the first round of reviews, but it is good to know that so many people are thinking about how to improve code language—and to what degree.

The next edition of the NEC can be found at The first draft report will be posted in July 2024.

Todd Fries is a product category manager of identification systems with HellermannTyton North America in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He is on CodeMaking Panel 4 of the NEC 2026, and is involved with the changes and additions discussed in this article.

HellermannTyton ///


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Solar Farm Erosion Protection is

Soil erosion poses significant challenges and risks throughout the life cycle of a solar farm, from construction to operation. Understanding the effects of erosion on solar projects is crucial for solar developments to start off on the right foot and stay functional throughout their lifespan. In this article, we will outline the implications of erosion on solar farms, and explore potential solutions to address these concerns.

The importance of erosion control

The frequency of high intensity storms has been increasing, emphasizing the need for effective erosion control measures in medium- to large-scale solar farm developments. Climate change is likely to lead to increased annual rainfall and subsequent erosion and runoff. Even areas with decreased rainfall may become more susceptible to erosion due to decreased biomass production. In short, the climate in many parts of the world is trending towards increased erosion, so it’s important to outfit your solar development accordingly.

In addition to environmental concerns, erosion also has financial and reputational implications for solar facilities. Local governments and the public are increasingly scrutinizing solar site aesthetics and environmental practices. Instances of damage caused by improper erosion control measures have resulted in lawsuits and settlements, highlighting the need for proper planning and implementation. Proactive erosion control can help prevent unnecessary repairs and maintenance, reduce environmental damage and subsequent fines, and beautify your project in the critical eyes of the public.

Erosion hotspots in the solar farm industry

1. Panel Drip Lines

One of the most common forms of erosion on a solar farm occurs along the “drip line” that forms where rainfall falls down the sloped side of the panels. This drip line poses a problem because it increases erosion very close to the panels. Drip line erosion can quickly make its way to the panel uprights, eventually compromising them, leading to unnecessary maintenance or repairs on their arrays. The

unfortunate reality is, the more unnecessary activity that occurs near the arrays such as maintenance, the greater chance of accidental damage and subsequent repairs.

2. Drainage Channels

Drainage channels are necessary to divert and redirect water so it doesn’t collect in crucial locations. A flooded array is a nightmare for solar farms. The challenge all too often is that these channels erode and sediment washes off the property. Properly outfitted drainage channels lose very little soil as water flows through them, safely redirecting and removing water without causing damage to your land. An improperly outfitted drainage channel is also at risk of spreading pollutants and violating SWPPP regulations, leading to heavy fines and poor public image.

3. Slopes

Slopes are becoming more common on solar developments due to the rapid proliferation of solar farms. Slopes are a common hotspot for erosion; as water flows down the slope, it collects sediment, soil, and pollutants. Without proper erosion control, rills begin to form on the slope, creating more paths for water to flow and exposing more surface area to erosion. Arrays mounted on sloping areas are at risk of erosion around pilings as well as accelerated dripline erosion.

4. Retention Ponds

Though we may only see small ripples on the surface of retention ponds, such forces can work surprisingly quickly to erode and destabilize shorelines. Erosion on pond banks can cause ponds to rapidly fill with sediment and lose their holding capacity. Furthermore, undercut, destabilized banks are unsafe for workers, especially if they are operating a vehicle or heavy equipment nearby. A protected retention pond shoreline will prevent expensive bank restoration later down the line, and will ensure that the land surrounding the pond remains useful and safe.

Selecting the right erosion control solution

Erosion control products make up a spectrum from heavier hard armor materials to lighter soft armor materials. Here we will go over just two ends of the spectrum.

Hard armor solutions

Hard armor solutions, such as rock riprap, provide immediate and generally reliable erosion protection in particularly erosionprone contexts. For example, hard armor is the standard for shoreline applications where heavy wave action is expected. Rock can be cheap, but that is highly dependent on the site’s proximity to the quarry and the whims of quarry owners. It’s not uncommon for transportation to be exorbitantly expensive for these heavy materials. Rock's weight and the uneven footing it provides can also make maintenance difficult and potentially hazardous. Mowing equipment and vehicles can easily throw rocks and damage the panels.

Soft armor solutions

Permanent Rolled erosion control products (RECPs) such as Turf Reinforcement Mats (TRMs), offer less equipment-intensive installation and maintenance compared to hard armor solutions. They are generally more cost-effective and easier to transport than rock, and are more people-friendly to walk on. Soft armor products are usually designed to work in tandem with vegetation to protect soil and filter pollutants. That means a greener, more natural look for your solar development, so locals will be more supportive of your endeavors. However, most TRMs offer very limited erosion protection when first installed. They also require a 6-12+ month vegetation grow-in period before reaching their maximum erosion resistance. For erosion-prone areas subject to significant water flow prior to vegetation establishment, a new type of permanent RECP, known as Instant Armor Mats, may be necessary. Instant Armor Mats utilize simulated turf to provide immediate erosion protection similar to rock riprap, and prevent washouts during heavy storms occurring soon after installation.

Finding the right balance

The range of erosion control measures is greater than the scope of this article. It may be prudent to utilize soft armor solutions near your arrays — like along the drip lines — and hard armor solutions elsewhere. Every piece of land is unique. When properly protected, a solar development will reliably generate clean energy throughout its lifespan and have a better chance of standing up to Mother Nature.

Tim Lancaster is Vice President Sales of InstaTurf, a division of GrassWorx, which offers effective soft armor alternatives to rock riprap and other hard armor systems for permanent erosion protection.

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Illinois Moves to Rein in County Restrictions on Renewable Energy Developments

Communities and states continue to set targets to decarbonize their economies and transition to clean power. In Illinois, for example, the declared goal is to rely on 100 percent clean energy by 2045. Getting to a sustainable energy future might not rely exclusively on renewable energy sources, but it is next to impossible to imagine a path without them.

Too often, however, communities and county governments can be averse to renewable energy developments in their own backyards. This has led to sometimes-extreme local restrictions on developments that effectively choke off projects before they can start. The constraints are such that they leave no remaining footprint in which to site projects.

Illinois legislators are fighting back, arguing that renewable developments are essential to meeting long-term energy portfolio goals as set out in the state’s Climate and Equitable Jobs Act. Early in 2023, the General Assembly passed HB4412, legislation designed to protect Illinois-based clean energy projects from the growing number of implicit, or outright local bans. Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed it into law in late January 2023. It could become a template for other states in pursuit of clean energy goals.

Drawing clear and consistent lines

The law prevents counties from enacting preemptive local ordinances that hinder the state’s efforts to decarbonize. It does so by establishing statewide standards for offsets and restrictions around utility-scale clean energy installations.

Some counties already had zoning ordinances in place, while others did not have any ordinances or standards. Under the new permitting law, each county still can set standards, but they cannot be stricter than the state mandates. Counties with tighter restrictions were also given 120 days to retract or reduce them to state-approved levels.

Why were these preemptive restrictions being enacted? Much of the pushback has come from the agricultural sector, objecting to taking or reducing land from production. Other community

members, who did not want development on their own property, may have objected to development on neighboring properties. Past efforts to constrain renewable energy projects have included requiring prohibitive setbacks from roads or boundaries, charging unreasonable fees, or declaring outright moratoriums. In response, the Illinois legislation:

• Mandates that county standards “may include all of the requirements specified … but may not include requirements for commercial wind energy facilities or commercial solar energy facilities that are more restrictive than specified.”

• Disallows setback distances from the boundary lines of participating properties for commercial clean energy facilities.

• Defines setback distance standards, such as:

o 150 feet from the nearest point on the outside wall of an occupied community building or dwelling on a nonparticipating property to the solar facility.

o 50 feet from the property line of nonparticipating properties. As a practical matter, these measures will loosen restrictions in some locations, while potentially introducing restrictions in others. Whereas counties previously had wide latitude in setting standards that had to be approved by the zoning board, the legislature found compelling reasons to establish guardrails through HB4412. Hopefully, this turn of events will establish a net benefit for renewable energy developers by clarifying their path to production.

In response to this law, developers have recently seen some counties quickly establishing new ordinances, imposing fees and requirements outside of their parameters that appear to be unreasonable. The language in the law does not define what “unreasonable” fees are, nor does it establish all permit requirements, allowing a degree of that flexibility to remain with local jurisdictions.

Ironically, the law is an instance of using governmental intervention (by overriding county standards) to prevent governmental intervention (through preemptive restrictions). It does not eliminate local participation in siting processes, which will


When it’s not required by a county, one low-cost add-on for developers that has been successful in improving public perception has been to offer to plant a vegetated screen—trees and/or shrubs, most often evergreens—along roadways. This screen acts as a natural barrier between participating and nonparticipating properties when building a solar installation. Additionally, offering to plant pollinator habitat along the boundary of the property has ecological, aesthetic, and public relations benefits for both the developer and the community.

still involve public hearings and permitting, but attempts to provide a level playing field for developers throughout the state.

A model for encouraging investment

With so many states counting on added renewable generation to help them meet their carbon reduction targets, restrictive local policies and development bans pose significant challenges. The Illinois model offers a promising solution that balances environmental and community concerns with the benefits of renewable energy projects by setting standards for all. Establishing clear, statewide standards should help attract the investment needed to achieve these states’ clean energy goals. Developers and their design partners will be able to input the consistent state standards into their siting models, helping streamline the planning process.

As the urgency of reducing carbon emissions intensifies, states from coast to coast can look to the Midwest for an example of a proactive approach that retains local involvement while mitigating tactics used to obstruct development projects.

Allison Chapin is a project manager at Burns & McDonnell. She has over 15 years of experience working on renewable projects. including solar, wind, and battery storage projects. She has assisted clients with implementing the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service’s Land-Based Wind Energy Guidelines, completing and managing desktop reviews — including Critical Issues Analysis Reports; preconstruction avian, bat, wetlands and cultural surveys; route analysis to avoid sensitive habitat; and zoning, stormwater, and wetland permitting — as well as compliance monitoring throughout construction, post-construction surveys, and restoration monitoring.

Burns & McDonnell ///

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Recharting How Cities Power Up

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Someday the savings will be old news. But for now, headlines are made when a city’s electricity comes entirely from renewable resources—even for a few hours—with power contributions, requirements, and networks managed successfully. Or when a town not only survives Hurricane Ian, but comes through without losing power. In that city’s case, solar power and a lot of pre-planning were the heroes. Individually, people have been saving 5 to 15 percent through sharing community solar panels, or farms.

The stories make the news, but the technology and the innovations are proven. Cities like Onslow in Australia and Martha’s Vineyard and Honolulu in the USA have all found solutions that are helping to create a more livable local and global environment.

Benefits of green city initiatives

A green city, eco city, or sustainable city prizes the environment as well as the lives of the people that reside there. The city recognizes that a healthy natural world balances and contributes to the inhabitants’ physical, economic, and social health and wellbeing.

A little over half of the earth’s population lives in cities, yet consumes 80 percent of the energy and generates over 60 percent of total greenhouse gases. Sounds dire, but it doesn’t have to be. Within problems lie opportunities. Renewable city initiatives—which exist today and are ever evolving—have the potential to completely reshape the face of sustainability as related to municipal energy systems. Economic returns to businesses and utilities are realities.

In 2021, Onslow, Australia moved to supplying energy generated by the sun. Upon implementation, individual consumers reported savings of over $1000 per month. Even so, cloud events require flexibility and planning, while fluctuations in the power demand present a dilemma. The power company beat the challenges through a flexible distributed energy resources (DER) management system that enables greater renewables integration across its utility territory. It’s a story about how a utility, businesses, and consumers work together to contribute to cleaner air, resiliency, and lower electricity bills.

Passing savings to customers

Thanks to the educational work done in earlier years, most societies today recognize the human impact on the earth and the value of environmental sustainability as it relates to the

reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

The World Economic Forum reports that, by replicating “the investment level of the 2009 US Recovery Act, the US could focus on implementing smart buildings and energy infrastructure, keeping energy costs low for consumers. Combining this with road transport electrification and deployment of electric heat pumps could” reduce CO2 emissions by an extra 110Mt through 2025. Important to note here is that demand optimization will be a key part of the solution.

The WEF goes on to say that if Europe leverages “digitalization and demand optimization for greater smart flexibility, and accelerates electrification through transition to e-mobility and decarbonized heating systems,” Europe could see $36B in cumulative human health benefits due to lower air pollutants through 2030. Again, this ability exists today.

Smart flexibility can be found in Onslow, Australia, where the utility sought to network power sources. They saw that integrating behind-the-meter customer DER assets would provide shared value for all stakeholders. They also recognized the error of some utility companies that limited the amount of intermittent renewable energy connected to their networks. Onslow’s utility company moved beyond this thinking

extra height if they include solar panels. In this city, solar power per capita is the highest in the US, with, on average, about a thousand watts of capacity per person. That works out to about three solar panels per person.

Environmental initiatives

This kind of innovative thinking around energy is not new. Renewable city initiatives have been in the works, and have been successful, for many years. Designers, engineers, and consumers innovate daily to positively impact generations to come. Technologies and techniques are being implemented in new ways. It’s up to each company to search for methods where they can use their ideas, and profit from them.

Mark Brown is Senior Global Utility Industry Principal and a member of the Yokogawa energy transition team. Yokogawa provides industrial automation and test and measurement solutions.

Yokogawa ///

Solar quoting tool

SumoQuote has launched their brand new Solar quoting system featuring EagleView TrueDesign as the premium design partner. SumoQuote Solar allows contractors to quote roofing and solar in one place.

SumoQuote Solar, an add-on to any paid subscription, enables roofing contractors to offer solar on every job, and the opportunity to double their company’s revenue without adding new leads. When used in conjunction with EagleView TrueDesign users can access install-ready PV designs based on available trustworthy data.

SumoQuote users who add Solar will get access to preferred report pricing when they use EagleView.

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Solar controller for efficient PV installations

With a new hardware and firmware design, the standby power consumption of PVH’s DBOX5 has been reduced by 75%, allowing it to increase autonomy. It also has an end-to-end cybersecurity system, providing maximum reliability in terms of endurance and security, and in-house manufacturing by PVH has allowed them to create a unique product while reducing its carbon footprint by 18%. The new generation of DBOX is designed to be durable and rugged. LTO batteries are capable of withstanding extreme weather conditions, and coupled with an integral, rugged design make the DBOX5 the most durable controller PVH has ever designed. The DBOX5 features the latest generation of LoRa radio transceivers, which provide increased connectivity range in solar plants of any size. This long-distance wireless communications system is a suitable choice for resisting interference from solar plant materials and devices. With an end-to-end cybersecurity system, it provides maximum reliability, resilience, and security. The DBOX5 operates with a revamped and simplified interface with fewer connectors, as well as a quick, convenient, and easy-to-install mounting system, which will save the user time and effort. The setup and installation process is performed by a simple and intuitive method through a new control App, available for both Android and iOS. This revamped interface meets NFC technology so that any user can exercise detailed local control and monitoring. PVH has obtained IEC62443-4-1 certification which reinforces the development of secure products. DBOX5 is a unique, self-contained product with a hardware-based security system that ensures only authorized software can run. The device stores cryptographic keys in a tamper-proof section.


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Efficient design and a high-yield performance are key factors in any solar energy project. Regardless of the project size - whether for a residential project, commercial building, or utility-scale application - selecting the right module is extremely important. To help you find the right choice for your solar project, we’ve highlighted some of the top contenders in the industry.

Warranty: Eligible for REC ProTrust 25-year product, performance, labor warranty

Key Features:

• Up to 430W, 22.3% efficiency;

• Environmentally friendly and leadfree;

• Exceptional performance in high heat;

• Guaranteed better durability;

• 92% warranted power at year 25.

REC Group

Product: REC Alpha Pure-R

Application: Residential

Maximum Power (Pmax): 430W

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 47.6V

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 6.88A

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 59.7V

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 7.24A

Module Efficiency: 22.3%

Operating Temperature: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Normal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT): 44°C ± 2°C

Max. System Voltage: 1000V

Power Tolerance: 0, +10W

Cell Type: Heterojunction (HJT)

Glass: 0.13" (3.2mm) solar glass with antireflective surface treatment in accordance with EN 12150

Frame: Anodized aluminum (black)

Weight: 47.4lb (21.5kg)

Dimensions: 68.01" x 44" x 2"; 20.77ft2 (1730mm x 1118mm x 30mm; 1.93 m2)

Max Load: +7000Pa (713kg/m²) front / -4000Pa (407kg/m²) rear

Tests/Certifications: IEC 61215:2016, IEC

61730:2016, UL 61730 IEC 62804 PID IEC 61701 Salt Mist IEC 62716 Ammonia Resistance UL 61730 Fire Type 2 IEC 62782 Dynamic Mechanical Load IEC 61215-2:2016 Hailstone (35mm) IEC 62321 Lead-free acc. to RoHS EU 863/2015 ISO 14001, ISO 9001, IEC 45001, IEC 62941

Key Features:

• Black/black for residential applications;

• High quality inputs for high quality results;

• Panels based on M6 cell architecture in Q4;

• Crossroads hires only 2nd chance citizens.

Green CHP

Crossroads Solar

Product: Residential Solar Panel

Application: Residential

Maximum Power (Pmax): 330W

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 34.8V

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 9.35A

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 41V

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 9.9A

Module Efficiency: 19%

Operating Temperature: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Max. System Voltage: 1500V

Power Tolerance: 3%

Cell Type: PERC 5 BB

Glass: 3.2mm

Frame: Aluminum anodized black 30mm x 40mm

Weight: 46.3lb (21kg)

Dimensions: 66.57" x 40" (1691mm x 1021mm)

Max Load: 5400Pa

Tests/Certifications: UL 61730, IEC 61215

Warranty: 10-year product warranty, 25-year performance warranty

Product: Renewable Combined Heat and Power (CHP)

Application: Residential, commercial, industrial, utility-scale Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 48.61V

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 9.16A

Module Efficiency: 89%

Normal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT): 45+/-2°C

Max. System Voltage: 39.86V

Power Tolerance: +/- 4%

Cell Type: Monocrystalline Glass: 3.2mm tempered Frame: Aluminum Weight: 110lb (50kg)

Dimensions: 78" x 39" x (3+0.9") (1970mm x 995mm x (85+22mm))

Tests/Certifications: PV 20. T 10

Lion Energy

Product: Lion 100W 12V Solar Panel

Application: Portable solar

Maximum Power (Pmax): 100W

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 18V

Cell Type: Monocrystalline

Glass: Airtight tempered glass

Frame: Double walled aluminum construction

Weight: 22lb (9.979kg)

Dimensions: 26.5" x 40" x 1" (unfolded);

26.5" x 20" x 1" (folded)

Warranty: 1-year warranty

SunWize Power & Battery

Product: SunWize SWPB-24-195W-C1D2

Solar Module

Application: Commercial, industrial

Maximum Power (Pmax): 195W

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 41.08V

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 4.74A

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 48.70V

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 5.03A

Module Efficiency: 18.9%

Operating Temperature: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Normal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT): 110.8°F (48.3°C)

Max. System Voltage: 600V

Power Tolerance: -0% to +3%

Cell Type: Monocrystalline

Frame: Aluminum

Weight: 30.7lb (14kg)

Dimensions: 59.6" x 26.8" x 1.97" (1515mm x 680mm x 50mm)

Tests/Certifications: UL 1703, Class 1

Division 2 Group A, B ,C, D

Warranty: 5-year material warranty, 20-year performance warranty

Product: NEG19RC.20

Application: Commercial, utility-scale

Maximum Power (Pmax): 600W

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 40.3V

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 48.4V

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 15.8A

Module Efficiency: 21.8%

Operating Temperature Range: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Normal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT): 43°C

Max. System Voltage: 1500Vdc

Power Tolerance: -0W / +5W

Cell Type: Monocrystalline 210Rmm N-type

Glass: 2.0mm high-transmission, AR coated, heat strengthened glass (front); 2.0mm heat strengthened glass, white grid glass (back)

Frame: 1.18" (30mm) anodized aluminium alloy

Weight: 74.3b (33.7kg)

Dimensions: 93.86" x 44.65" x 1.18" (2384mm × 1134mm × 30mm)

Max Load: Up to 5400Pa positive load, 2400Pa negative

Tests/Certifications: IEC61215, IEC61730, IEC61701, IEC62716, UL61730

Warranty: 12-year workmanship warranty, 30year power warranty

Allesun Industries, Inc.

Product: Solar cell, panel, system pack Application: Commercial, industrial, utility-scale, off-grid

Maximum Power (Pmax): 600W

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 45.2V

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 13.27A

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 54.10V

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 14.08A

Module Efficiency: 21.66%

Operating Temperature: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Normal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT): 5+-2°C

Max. System Voltage: 1500V

Power Tolerance: +%

Cell Type: Mono 182mm

Glass: Tempered glass

Frame: Anodized aluminum alloy

Weight: 68.34lb (31kg)

Dimensions: 961.8" x 446.4" x 13.8" (2443mm x 1134mm x 35mm)

Max Load: 1800Pa

Tests/Certifications: ETL(UL61730),

CEC(California Energy Commission) Listed

Warranty: 25- to 30-year power output

warranty (10-year off-grid), 10- to 15year workmanship warranty

Trina Solar

Warranty: 25-year product, performance, and labor warranty

Key Features:

• Swiss designed, German made;

• Available now in the US;

• Made in the US in 2025.

Meyer Burger

Product: Meyer Black 108

Application: Residential, commercial, industrial, utility-scale

Maximum Power (Pmax): 430W

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): TBD

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): TBD

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): TBD

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): TBD

Module Efficiency: 22.1%

Operating Temperature: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Normal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT): 44°C +/- 2°C

Max. System Voltage: 1000V

Power Tolerance: 0-5W

Cell Type: 108 half cut, mono n-Si, HJT with SWCT bifacial cell technology

Glass: 3.2mm tempered with ARC

Frame: Black anodized aluminum

Weight: TBD

Dimensions: 67.8" x 44.6" x 1.38" (1722mm x 1134mm x 35mm)

Max Load: +6000Pa / -4000Pa

Tests/Certifications: IEC/UL 61730, IEC 61215:2016, PID (IEC 62804), Salt mist (IEC 61701)

REC Group

Product: N-Peak 3 Black Series

Application: Residential

Maximum Power (Pmax): 400W

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 35.2V

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 8.59A

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 42.1V

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 9.2A

Module Efficiency: 20.3%

Operating Temperature: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Normal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT): 44.3°C ± 2°C

Max. System Voltage: 1000V

Cell Type: 132 half-cut mono c-Si n-type cells 6 strings of 22 cells in series

Glass: 0.13" (3.2mm) solar glass with anti-reflective surface treatment in accordance with EN 12150

Frame: Anodized aluminum (black) with silver support bars

Weight: 48lb (21.8kg)

Warranty: 20-year product

warranty, 25-year power warranty; eligible for ProTrust 25-year product/ power/labor warranty

Key Features:

• No lid;

• Strong frame, up to 7000Pa snow load;

• Mono N-type efficient C-SI technology.

Dimensions: 74.8" x 40.9" x 1.2"; 19.7 ft2 (1900mm x 1039mm x 30.5mm; 6m2)

Max Load: +7000Pa (146lb/ ft2 ) front / -4000Pa (83lb/ ft2) rear

Tests/Certifications: IEC 61215:2016, IEC 61730:2016, UL 61730 IEC 62804 PID IEC 61701 Salt Mist IEC 62716 Ammonia Resistance UL 61730 Fire Type Class 2 UL 790 Fire Class Type C IEC 62782 Dynamic Mechanical Load IEC 612152:2016 Hailstone (1.37in) ISO 14001, ISO 9001, IEC 45001, IEC 62941

Key Features:

• Patented DNA technology boosts power performance and module efficiency;

• Advanced split cell technology with 10 ultra-thin busbars allows for less resistance and more photon capture;

• Miami-Dade County wind load certified to withstand up to 5400Pa;

• 30-year product warranty, 30-year power performance warranty.

Warranty: 25-year power warranty

Key Features:

• Based on M10-182mm wafer, suitable choice for ultra-large power plants;

• Advanced module technology delivers superior module efficiency;

• Excellent outdoor power generation performance;

• High module quality ensures longterm reliability.

Aptos Solar Technology

Product: DNA-120-MF10-440W

Application: Residential, commercial Maximum Power (Pmax): 440W

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 33.72V

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 13.05A

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 41.02V

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 13.73A

Module Efficiency: 20.34%

Operating Temperature: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Normal Operating Cell

Temperature (NOCT): 45°C

Max. System Voltage: 25A

Power Tolerance: 0~+5W

Cell Type: Monocrystalline

Glass: 3.2mm antireflection coating, high transmission, low iron, tempered glass Frame: Anodized aluminum alloy

Weight: 52.9lb (24kg)

Dimensions: 75.11" x 44.6" x 1.4" (1908mm x 1134mm x 35mm)

Max Load: 5400Pa

Tests/Certifications: UL61730-1, UL61730-2, UL61215, IEC 61730-1, IEC 61730-2

Warranty: 30-year product warranty, 30-year power performance warranty

LONGi Solar

Product: Hi-MO 5, 54-cell

Application: Residential, commercial

Maximum Power (Pmax): 535W

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 41.5V

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 12.9A

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 49.35V

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 13.78A

Module Efficiency: 20.9%

Operating Temperature: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Normal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT): 45°C +/-2°C

Max. System Voltage: DC1500V (IEC/UL)

Power Tolerance: 0 ~ 3%

Cell Type: 144 (6x24)

Glass: Single glass, 3.2mm coated tempered glass

Frame: Anodized aluminum alloy frame

Weight: 60lb (27.2kg)

Dimensions: 88.8" x 44.6" x 1.4" (2256mm x 1133mm x 35mm)

Max Load: Front side 5400Pa; Rear side 2400Pa

Tests/Certifications: IEC 61215, IEC 61730, UL 61730, ISO9001:2015: ISO Quality Management System, ISO14001: 2015: ISO Environment Management System, ISO45001: 2018: Occupational Health and Safety, TS62941: Guideline for module design qualification and type approval

Key Features:

• Module efficiency of 22.2% allows maximum power production with less roof space;

• Fueled by high conversion efficiency and low degradation rate, power output of at least 92% is guaranteed after 25 years;

• Half-cut cells with heterojunction technology with gapcell connections to minimize electron loss, maximize conversion efficiency, and produce high power output;

• EVERVOLT solar panels produce more energy throughout the day even on hot days in warm climates with a 0.26%/˚C temperature coefficient;

• Improved performance and continuous power production in shaded areas for greater energy yields and output.

Key Features:

• American owned/American made;

• Fully certified to IEC and UL standards;

• Great workforce development program;

• Less than container quantities;

• M6 and G1 cell architectures are available.


Product: Panasonic EVERVOLT


Application: Residential

Maximum Power (Pmax): 410W

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 42.2V

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 9.72A

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 49.4V

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 10.42A

Module Efficiency: 22.2%

Operating Temperature: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Max. System Voltage: 1000V

Power Tolerance: 44°C (±2°C)

Cell Type: N-type

Weight: 45lb (20.5kg)

Dimensions: 71.7" x 40" x 1.2" (1821mm x 1016mm x 30 mm)

Max Load: 83.5psf, 4000Pa+ (wind); 146psf, 7000Pa+ (snow)

Tests/Certifications: IEC612152:2016 [Hailstone 35mm], Fire Type 2 [UL 61730], Salt Mist [IEC 61701], PID [IEC 62804], Ammonia Resistance [IEC 62716], Lead-free acc. to RoHS EU 863/2015 [IEC 62321]

Warranty: 25-year workmanship and linear power output warranty

Key Features:

• Patented DNA technology boosts power performance and module efficiency;

• Advanced split cell technology with 10 ultra-thin busbars allows for less resistance and more photon capture;

• Miami-Dade County wind load certified to withstand up to 5400Pa;

• 30-year product warranty, 30-year power performance warranty.

Aptos Solar Technology

Product: DNA-108-MF10-400W

Application: Residential, commercial

Maximum Power (Pmax): 400W

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 31.01V

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 12.9A

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 37.04V

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 13.79A Module Efficiency: 20.47%

Operating Temperature: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Normal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT): 45°C

Max. System Voltage: 25A

Power Tolerance: 0~+5W

Cell Type: Monocrystalline Glass: 3.2mm antireflection coating, high transmission, low iron, tempered glass Frame: Anodized aluminum alloy

Weight: 48.5lb (22kg)

Dimensions: 67.8" x 44.6" x 1.4" (1722mm x 1134mm x 35mm)

Max Load: 5400Pa

Tests/Certifications: UL61730-1, UL61730-2, UL61215, IEC 61730-1, IEC 61730-2

Warranty: 30-year product warranty, 30year power performance warranty

Crossroads Solar

Product: Crossroads 395 mono/bifacial Application: Commercial, industrial, agricultural

Maximum Power (Pmax): 395W

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 42.12V

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 9.69A

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 49.39V

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 10.27A

Module Efficiency: 19.2%

Operating Temperature: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Max. System Voltage: 1500V

Power Tolerance: 3%

Cell Type: PERC G1

Glass: 3.2mm ARC IowE

Frame: Anodized 40mm x 30mm

Weight: 48.5lb (22kg)

Dimensions: 79.2" x 40" (2011mm x 1021mm)

Max Load: 5400Pa

Tests/Certifications: UL 61730, IEC 61215

Warranty: 10-year product warranty, 25year performance warranty

Atlantic Clean Energy Supply, LLC (ACES)

Product: Solar Panel

Application: Residential, commercial, industrial, utility-scale

Maximum Power (Pmax): 380W

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 34.6V

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 10.99A

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 41.7V

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 11.98A

Module Efficiency: 20.9%

Operating Temperature Range: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Normal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT): 25°C

Max. System Voltage: 1500VDC

Power Tolerance: 0 / +5V

Cell Type: PERC

Glass: Tempered glass

Frame: Aluminum

Weight: 43lb (19.5kg)

Dimensions: 69.1" x 40.9" x 1.4" (1755mm x 1038mm x 35mm)

Max Load: 5400Pa

Tests/Certifications: UL, ETC

Warranty: 12-year quality warranty, 25year performance warranty

Rayzon Solar Pvt., Ltd.

Product: LLIOS RSG550WC (Dual-glass, bifacial)

Application: Residential, commercial, industrial, utility-scale

Maximum Power (Pmax): 550W

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 42.14V

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 13.07A

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 50.06V

Short-Circuit Current (Inc): 13.65A

Module Efficiency: 21.32%

Normal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT): 44.28 ± 2°C

Max. System Voltage: 1500V

Power Tolerance: 0/+5Wp

Cell Type: Mono PERC

Glass: 2mm each

Frame: 6005 - T6 grade, 35mm

Weight: 72.75lb (33kg)

Dimensions: 89.7" x 44.5" x 1.4" (2278mm x 1130mm x 35mm)

Max Load: 5400Pa (front), 2400Pa (back)

Tests/Certifications: IEC 61215, TS 62804, 61730-1&2, 61853, 62716, 61701, UL 61730, UL-CSA, BIS, CE, ALMM Listed and CEC (California) Listed

Warranty: 15-year product warranty, 30-year performance warranty


Product: Bifacial 550 Watt Monocrystalline Solar Panel

Application: Residential, commercial, industrial

Maximum Power (Pmax): 550W

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 41.97V

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 13.11A

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 49.95V

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 14.05A

Module Efficiency: 21.3%

Operating Temperature Range: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Normal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT): 45±2ºC

Max. System Voltage: 1500Vdc Power Tolerance: +/-5W

Cell Type: PERC Monocrystalline (7.2'' x 3.6'')

Glass: Tempered glass (0.13''; 3.2mm)

Frame: Anodized aluminum alloy

Weight: 58.4lb (26.5kg)

Dimensions: 89.7" x 44.6" x 1.4" (2279mm x 1134mm x 35mm)

Max Load: 5400Pa (front); 2400Pa (back)

Tests/Certifications: CE, EN IEC61730, EN IEC61215, cETLus, UL61730

Warranty: 25-year power output warranty, 10year material and workmanship warranty

Qcells North America


Application: Residential

Maximum Power (Pmax): 430W

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 33.2V

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 12.95A

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 38.7V

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 13.53A

Module Efficiency: 22.4%

Operating Temperature: NMOT: 109 ± 5.4°F (43 ± 3°C)

Normal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT): NMOT: 109 ± 5.4°F (43 ± 3°C)

Max. System Voltage: 1000V

Power Tolerance: +5W/-0W

Cell Type: 6 x 18 monocrystalline Q.ANTUM NEO solar half-cells

Glass: 0.13" (3.2mm) thermally pre-stressed glass with anti-reflection technology

Frame: Black anodized aluminum

Weight: 47.2lb (21.4kg)

Dimensions: 67.8" × 44.6" × 1.18" (1722mm × 1134mm × 30mm) including frame

Max Load: Max. test load push/pull: 5400Pa/3600Pa; Max. design load push/pull: 3600Pa/2400Pa

Tests/Certifications: IEC 61215:2016; IEC 61730:2016. Certified by TÜV Rheinland, UL1741; 2PfG 2795

Warranty: 25-year product warranty, 25-year linear performance warranty

Sonali Energees USA, LLC

Product: SS-M-440

Application: Residential, commercial, carports, solar farming, balconies, awnings, street lights, fences, canopies

Maximum Power (Pmax): 440W

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 34.5V

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 12.74A

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 41.2V

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 13.54A

Module Efficiency: 20.4%

Operating Temperature: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Normal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT): 800W/m2, 43± 2° C

Max. System Voltage: 1500V

Power Tolerance: 0 / +%

Glass: Monocrystalline tempered, low iron

Frame: Black anodized aluminum alloy

Weight: 52.91lb (24kg)

Dimensions: 75.2 x 44.65 x 1.38 (1910mm x 1134mm x 35mm)

Max Load: 3600Pa wind, 5400Pa mechanical

Tests/Certifications: MNRE, IEC 61215, 61730-1, 61730-2, 61701, UL 1703, UL 61730, ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004, 18001:2007

Warranty: 12-year product warranty, 10year up to 90%, next 15-year up to 80% performance warranty

Tests/Certifications: UL 61730, IEC 61701, IEC 62716 Level 1, Take-e-way, IEC 61215, IEC 61730, CE, CEC listed (US CA), FSEC (US FL), IEC 62941:2019 Photovoltaic module manufacturing quality system: ISO 9001:2015; Quality management system: ISO 14001:2015; Standards for environmental management system: ISO 45001:2018; International standards for occupational health and safety

Warranty: 25-year product warranty, 25-year linear power performance warranty

Key Features:

• Heavy snow load up to 8100Pa;

• Wind load up to 5000Pa;

• Suitable for use with Canadian Solar’s EP Cube Residential Battery System.

Canadian Solar

Product: HiKu6


Application: Residential

Maximum Power (Pmax): 400W

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 30.8V

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 12.99A

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 36.8V

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 13.85A

Module Efficiency: 20.5%

Operating Temperature: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Normal Operating Cell

Temperature (NOCT): 42 ± 3°C

Max. System Voltage: 1000V (IEC/ UL)

Power Tolerance: 0/+10W

Cell Type: Monocrystalline

Glass: 3.2mm tempered glass with antireflective coating

Frame: Anodized aluminum alloy

Weight: 49.4lb (22.4kg)

Dimensions: 67.8" x 44.6" x 1.38" (1172mm x 1134mm x 33mm)

Max Load: 8100Pa (snow), 5000Pa (wind)

Meyer Burger

Product: Meyer Burger Black

Application: Residential, commercial, industrial, utility-scale

Maximum Power (Pmax): 395W

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 39.2V

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 10.1A

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 44.7V

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 10.5A

Module Efficiency: 21.5%

Operating Temperature: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Normal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT): 44°C +/- 2°C

Max. System Voltage: 1000V

Power Tolerance: 0-5W

Cell Type: 120 half cut, mono n-Si, HJT with SWCT bifacial cell technology

Glass: 3.2mm tempered with ARC

Frame: Black anodized aluminum

Key Features:

• Designed in Switzerland, manufactured in Germany;

• Available in the USA;

• 100% free of toxic lead;

• Patented SmartWire Connection Technology;

• 70 years of history.

Weight: 43.4lb (19.7kg)

Dimensions: 69.6" x 41" x 1.38" (1767mm x 1041mm x 35mm)

Max Load: +6000Pa / -4000Pa

Tests/Certifications: IEC/UL 61730, IEC 61215:2016, PID (IEC 62804), Salt mist (IEC 61701)

Warranty: 25-year product, performance, and labor warranty

Auxin Solar

Product: AXN10M Series 540W

Application: Residential, commercial, industrial, utility-scale, rooftop

Maximum Power (Pmax): 540W

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 41.65V

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 12.97A

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 49.65V

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 13.85A

Module Efficiency: 20.9%

Operating Temperature: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Normal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT): 45°C

Max. System Voltage: 1500V

Power Tolerance: +3%

Cell Type: Mono or bifacial cells

Glass: 3.2mm

Frame: Anodized aluminum frame, silver and black Weight: 63.27lb (28.7kg)

Dimensions: 89.72" x 44.61" x 1.57" (2279mm x 1133mm x 40mm)

Max Load: 5400Pa (front), 2400Pa (rear)

Tests/Certifications: UL61730, UL1703 Fire Type 2, IEC61730PID, IEC62804 1000V, IEC61701, TCLP, Carbon Footprint

Warranty: 30-year power output warranty, 12-year product guarantee www.auxinsolar

Silfab Solar

Product: SILFAB PRIME NTC 430QD (N-type TOPCon)

Application: Residential

Maximum Power (Pmax): 430W

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 33.07V

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 13.01A

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 37.76V

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 13.81A

Module Efficiency: 22.1%

Operating Temperature Range: -40°F to

to 85°C)

Normal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT): 45°C

Max. System Voltage: 1000V

Power Tolerance: 0W to +10W

Cell Type: 108 Half cells - TOPCon (N-Type) Silicon solar cell 7.16" x 3.58"

Glass: 0.126" in high transmittance, tempered, antireflective coating

Frame: Black anodized aluminum

Weight: 46.3lb ± 0.4lb (21kg ± 0.2kg)

Dimensions: 67.8" x 44.6" x 1.37" (1721mm x 1133mm x 35mm)

Max Load: TBD

Tests/Certifications: UL 61215***, UL 61730*** , CSA C22.2#61730***, IEC 61215***, IEC 61730***, IEC 61701 (Salt Mist Corrosion), IEC 62716 (Ammonia Corrosion), CEC Listing***, UL Fire Rating: Type 2

Warranty: 25-year product warranty, 30-year linear performance warranty


Huck® Range Force™


With unmatched installation speed and force, the Huck RangeForce line of battery tooling offers the power and portability you need for fast, secure solar structure installation. There’s no hose to pull and no power source to fuel, allowing you to move through the job site easier, while saving you time and money.

HuckBolts® and Huck structural blind rivets can be secured in as little as 2 seconds with up to 10.9 PC strengths and 1,000 hours NSS performance. You can rest assured your solar installation will stay secure even in the harshest environments.

Warranty: 25-year product and performance warranty

Key Features:

• Guaranteed positive power tolerance;

• 100 % visual electroluminescence inspection;

• High quality junction box and original MC4 connectors.


Product: AXIblackpremium 400MH/108VB

Application: Residential, commercial

Maximum Power (Pmax): 400Wp

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 31.01V

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 12.9A

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 37.07V

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 13.79A

Module Efficiency: 20.48%

Operating Temperature: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Normal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT): 45°C +/-K

Max. System Voltage: 1500V

Power Tolerance: +5Wp

Cell Type: 108 monocrystalline high efficiency cells

Glass: 3.2mm hardened, low-reflection white glass Frame: 30mm all black aluminum frame

Weight: 47.4lb (21.5kg)

Dimensions: 67.8" x 44.65" x 1.38" (1722mm x 1134mm x 35mm)

Max Load: 5400Pa

Tests/Certifications: ETL (UL STD 61730)

Warranty: 25-year workmanship and linear power output warranty

Key Features:

Univix Power Solutions

Product: 200W 34.2V Flexible Solar Panel

Application: Residential

Maximum Power (Pmax): 200W

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 34.2V

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 5.84A

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 41V

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 6.14A

Module Efficiency: 23%

Max. System Voltage: 600V

Cell Type: Monocrystalline Glass: ETFE Film

Weight: 8lb (3.63kg)

Dimensions: 52" x 30.7" x 0.11" (1321mm x 780mm x 2.8mm)

Tests/Certifications: Waterproof IP67


Product: Panasonic EVERVOLT 370PK

Application: Residential

Maximum Power (Pmax): 370W

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 37.4V

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 41V

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 11.38A

Module Efficiency: 20.3%

Operating Temperature: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Normal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT): 44°C (±2°C)

Max. System Voltage: 1000V

Cell Type: N-type

Weight: 43lb (19.5kg)

Dimensions: 69.1" x 40.94" x 1.2" (1755mm x 1040mm x 30 mm)

Max Load: 83.5psf, 4000Pa+ (wind); 146psf, 7000Pa+ (snow)

Tests/Certifications: UL 61730, Hailstone 35mm [IEC61215-2:2016]; Fire Type 2 [UL61730]; Salt Mist [IEC 61701]; PID [IEC62804]; Ammonia Resistance [IEC62716]

• Module efficiency of 20.3% allows maximum power production with less roof space;

• Fueled by high conversion efficiency and low degradation rate, power output of at least 86% is guaranteed after 25 years;

• Half-cut cells with PERC technology minimizes electron loss, maximize conversion efficiency, and produces high power output;

Key Features:

• N-Type M10 wafer, TOPCon solar cell, high density interconnect technology.;

• Suitable for scenarios with high albedo, high temperature, limited land, and high labor cost;

• Low degradation, high bifaciality, and low temperature coefficient improve energy yield;

• High efficiency causes low LCOE and low BOS cost;

• Certified to withstand wind load (2400 Pascal) and snow load (5400 Pascal).

• EVERVOLT solar panels produce more energy throughout the day even on hot days in warm climates with a 0.34%/˚C temperature coefficient;

• Improved performance and continuous power production in shaded areas for greater energy yields and output.

Product: ET-N772TBHGL

Application: Commercial

Maximum Power (Pmax): 580W

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 42.87V

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 13.53A

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 51.57V

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 14.32A

Module Efficiency: 22.5%

Operating Temperature: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Normal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT): 45°C +/-2

Max. System Voltage: 1500Vdc Power Tolerance: 0% to +3%

Cell Type: N Type 182mm x 91mm (144 pcs)

Glass: 2mm

Frame: Anodized aluminum alloy

Weight: 70.5lb (32kg)

Dimensions: 89.7" x 44.6" x 1.3" (2278mm x 1134mm x 35mm)

Max Load: 5400Pa/2400Pa

Tests/Certifications: IEC61215, IEC61730, UL61215, UL61730

Warranty: 12-year material and workmanship warranty, 30-year linear power output warranty

EliTe Solar

Key Features:

• High module performance through Half-Cut technology and selected materials;

• Guaranteed positive power tolerance from 0-5Wp by individual measurement;

• 100 % visual electroluminescence inspection in production;

• High stability due to innovative frame design;

• High quality junction box and connector system.

Key Features:

• Bifacial technology enables additional energy harvesting from rear side(up to 25%);

• High module conversion efficiency benefit from half-cut cell structure (low resistance characteristic, less mismatch loss);

• Certified to withstand wind load (2400 Pascal) and snow load (5400 Pascal);

• Excellent Anti-PID performance guarantee limited power degradation for mass production;

• High salt mist and ammonia resistance.


Product: AXIbipremium 550MBT/144V

Application: Residential, commercial, industrial, utility-scale

Maximum Power (Pmax): 550Wp

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 41.96V

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 13.11A

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 49.90V

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 14A

Module Efficiency: 21.29%

Operating Temperature: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Normal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT): 45°C +/-K

Max. System Voltage: 1500V

Power Tolerance: +5Wp

Cell Type: 144 bifacial monocrystalline

Glass: 3.2mm hardened, low-reflection white glass

Frame: 35mm silver aluminum frame

Weight: 61.73lb (28kg) with frame

Dimensions: 89.68" x 44.64" x 1.38" (2278mm x 1134mm x 35mm)

Max Load: 2400Pa

Tests/Certifications: ETL (UL STD 61730)

Warranty: 15-year manufacturer’s warranty, 25-year performance guarantee

Key Features:

• Module power of 700W with 22.5% efficiency;

• Excellent anti-LeTID and anti-PID performance;

• Low power degradation and high energy yield;

• Low LCOE and system cost.

EliTe Solar

Product: ET-M772BHTW/TB

Application: Commercial

Maximum Power (Pmax): 555W

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 42.11V

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 13.18A

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 50.05V

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 14.07A

Module Efficiency: 21.5%

Operating Temperature: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Normal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT): 45°C +/-2

Max. System Voltage: 1500Vdc

Power Tolerance: 0% to +3%

Cell Type: PERC monocrystalline 182mm x 91mm (144 pcs)

Glass: 3.2mm AR coating tempered glass

Frame: Anodized aluminum alloy

Weight: 60.6lb (27.5kg)

Dimensions: 89.7" x 44.6" x 1.3" (2279mm x 1134mm x 33mm)

Max Load: 5400Pa/2400Pa

Tests/Certifications: IEC61215, IEC61730, UL61215, UL61730

Warranty: 12-year material and workmanship warranty, 30-year linear power output warranty

Warranty: 25-year power warranty

Key Features:

• Based on M10-182mm wafer, suitable choice for ultra-large power plants;

• Advanced module technology delivers superior module efficiency;

• Globally validated bifacial energy yield;

• High module quality ensures long-term reliability.

Canadian Solar

Product: TOPBiHiKu7 CS7N-700TB-AG

Application: Utility-scale

Maximum Power (Pmax): 700W

Module Efficiency: 22.5%

Operating Temperature: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Max. System Voltage: 1500V (IEC/UL)

Power Tolerance: 0/+10W

Cell Type: TOPCon cells

Glass: 2.0mm heat strengthened glass

Frame: Anodized aluminum alloy

Max Load: 5400Pa (snow), 2400Pa (wind)

Tests/Certifications: UL 61730, IEC 61701, IEC 62716, IEC 60068-2-68, IEC 61215, IEC 61730, CE, INMETRO, MCS, UKCA, CGC, CEC listed (US CA), FSEC (US FL), IEC 62941:2019

Photovoltaic module manufacturing quality system: ISO 9001:2015; Quality management system: ISO 14001:2015; Standards for environmental management system: ISO 45001:2018; International standards for occupational health and safety

Warranty: 12-year product warranty, 30-year linear power performance warranty

LONGi Solar

Product: Hi-MO 5, 72c bifacial

Application: Utility-scale

Maximum Power (Pmax): 530W

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 41.35V

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 12.82A

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 49.20V

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 13.71A

Module Efficiency: 21.5%

Operating Temperature: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Normal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT): 45°C +/-2°C

Max. System Voltage: DC1500V (IEC/UL)

Power Tolerance: 0 ~ 3%

Cell Type: 144 (6x24)

Glass: Dual glass, 2.0+2.0mm heat strengthened glass

Frame: Anodized aluminum alloy frame

Weight: 71.2lb (32.3kg)

Dimensions: 88.8" x 44.6" x 1.4" (2256mm x 1133mm x 35mm)

Max Load: Front side 5400Pa; Rear side 2400Pa

Tests/Certifications: IEC 61215, IEC 61730, UL 61730, ISO9001:2015: ISO Quality Management System, ISO14001: 2015: ISO Environment Management System, ISO45001: 2018: Occupational Health and Safety, TS62941: Guideline for module design qualification and type approval

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Architectural Solar

Key Features:

• Panels form a water shedding roof structure that can be installed over light gauge purlins;

• Bifacial panels allow light into the structure;

• Panels are manufactured in the USA;

• Panels are supplied with framing utilizing Nucor steel that is manufactured and fabricated in the USA.


Architectural solar is increasingly being used in the construction and renovation of commercial and residential buildings. Many options are available to supplement or fully provide the building’s electrical power including glass, tiles shingles, skylights, facades, and windows. Herein we highlight some of the architectural solar options on the market today…

Arka Energy

Product: PowerShingle Solar Structure

BIPV form: Shingled solar panel for pitched roofs

BIPV type: Bi-facial monocrystalline module

Power density (W/sqft): 17.48W/sf (panel),16.67W/sf (system in place)

Power (Pmax): 320W (frontside)

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 41.84V

Short Circuit Current (Isc): 10.52A

Max Power Voltage (Vmp): 33.47V

Max Power Current (Imp): 9.56A

Max length: 66.9" (1700mm)

Max width: 39.4" (1000mm)

Max thickness: 0.22" (5.6mm)

Weight: 49.8lb (22.6kg)

Transparency (Vlt): 12%

Customizable options: Spans of 20ft to +200ft possible

Certifications: UL

Warranty: 25-year warranty

Warranty: 25-year solar tile warranty

Key Features:

• Gazebo structure MS steel with zinc primer and powder coating;

• Up to 150mph wind protection, 40psf snow load, waterproofing protection;

• 22% cell efficiency;

• Available recessed light and power outlet;

• System monitoring on web and mobile apps.

Product: Power Gazebo

BIPV form: Solar powered gazebo

BIPV type: All black PV tiles with high efficiency 182mm solar cells

Power density (W/sqft): 15.6W/sqft

Power (Pmax): 2.46kWp to 4.31kWp (77Wp for the PV Tile and PowerGazebo of 2.46kWp to 4.31kWp)

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc):

length: 26' for the PowerGazebo; 3.67' for PV Tile

Max width: 12' for the PowerGazebo; 1.53' for PV Tile

Max thickness: NA for PowerGazebo; 0.31" for PV Tile

Weight: 22lbs for PV Tile

Transparency (Vlt): All black PV Tile

Customizable options: System area, tile layout, finishes, LED lights

Certifications: UL 61730, UL 61215, CEC Listed

GAF Energy

Product: Timberline Solar

BIPV form: Pitched roof

BIPV type: Crystalline silicon Power density (W/sqft): 14W

Power (Pmax): 46W +/-5%

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 10.9V +/-5%

Short Circuit Current (Isc): 5.40A +/-5%

Max Power Voltage (Vmp): 9.03V +/-5%

Max Power Current (Imp): 5.16A +/-5%

Max length: 64.25" (1632 mm)

Max width: 17.13" (435mm)

Max thickness: 1.02" (26mm)

Weight: 10lb (4.5kg)

Customizable options: Amount of energy shingles, color of surrounding asphalt shingles

Certifications: Fire Certification: UL 790

Class A; Wind Classification: ASTM D3161 Class F; Rapid Shutdown: Article 690.12 NEC, UL 3741; Module Certifications: UL 61730-1, UL 61730-2, BIPV System Certification: UL 7103; Impact Resistance: UL 2218 Class 1, ETL Listed PV Hazard Control 5022515

Warranty: 25-year warranty (energy shingles), 50-year warranty (asphalt shingles)

Aplus Energy Co., Ltd.

Product: Aplus Power Roof

BIPV form: Pitched roof

BIPV type: Crystalline silicon

Power density (W/sqft): 15W/sqft

Power (Pmax): 300W

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 32.8V

Short Circuit Current (Isc): 11.33A

Max Power Voltage (Vmp): 27.8V

Max Power Current (Imp): 10.79A

Max length: 84.64" (2150mm)

Max width: 34.25" (870mm)

Onyx Solar Energy S.L.

Product: BIPV Glass

BIPV form: Facade

BIPV type: Crystalline silicon

Power density (W/sqft): 11W

Power (Pmax): 773W

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 91V

Short Circuit Current (Isc): 9.09A

Max Power Voltage (Vmp): 76V

Max Power Current (Imp): 8.54A

Max length: 115" (2922mm)

Max width: 56.7" (1440mm)

Max thickness: 3.15" (80mm)

Weight: 34.2lb (15.5kg)

Transparency (Vlt): 32.8

Customizable options: Can customize to solar module and steel roofing all in one product

Certifications: UL, IEC

Warranty: Synchronized PV and roof warranty, 10-years limited warranty of 90% and 25-years limited warranty of 80% power output

Stellaris Corporation

Product Name: ClearPower BIPV

window components

BIPV Form: Curtain wall

BIPV Type: Crystalline silicon

Power Density (Watt/sqft):

14.5W/ft2 (155W/m2)

Power (Pmax): Depends on window size

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 32.0V

Short Circuit Current (Isc): Depends on window size

Max Power Voltage (Vmp): 25.3V

Max Power Current (Imp): Depends on window size

Max thickness: 5.4" (13.8mm)

Weight: 277.8lb (126kg)

Transparency (Vlt): 5%

Customizable options: 100%


Certifications: UL, IEC, MCS, UNEEN, ANSI Z97.1-2015, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, AENOR, IQNET Warranty: 80% output power value; after 10 years measured under standard conditions


Product Name: SunTegra Shingle

Solar Roofing System

BIPV Form: Solar shingle

BIPV Type: Crystalline silicon

Power Density (Watt/sqft): 15.9W

Power (Pmax): 114W

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 15.52V

Short Circuit Current (Isc): 9.68A

Max Power Voltage (Vmp): 12.78V

Max Power Current (Imp): 8.92A

Max Length: 52 5/8" (1336mm)

Max length: No limits

Max width: No limits

Max thickness: 0.24" to 0.35" (6 to 9 mm)

Weight: Depends on window size

Transparency (Vlt): Up to 88% depending on angle of incidence or viewing angle

Customizable options: can be made to fit virtually any size window

Certifications: Pending

Warranty: Pending

Max Width: 23 1/8" (58mm)

Max Thickness: 1.5" (38mm)

Weight: 18lb (8.2kg)

Transparency (Vlt) %: Opaque

Customizable Options: Can be offset by use of 1/2 or 1/4 dummy panel

Standards and/or certifications: UL1703, UL1897, UL 790, TAS-100-95

Warranty: 10-year product warranty, 25-year power warranty


Empowering the Future: Scaling Up & Scaling Smart

In the quest for a sustainable future, renewable energy stands at the forefront as a transformative force. Yokogawa’s integrated, forward-thinking analytics, automation, and measurement solutions can unlock a myriad of possibilities. Not only does renewable energy open up vast options for a sustainable world, but it also unfolds positive and lasting outcomes for the environment, society, and the economy alike.


RE+ 2023

September 19 th -22nd , 2023

Venetian Convention and Expo Center Las Vegas, NV

At RE+ 2023, connect with 27,000+ attendees and 1,100+ exhibiting companies, and experience an in-depth education program led by industry experts. All proceeds from RE+ events support the expansion of the energy industry through SEIA and SEPA’s year-round research and education activities, and extensive advocacy and advisory efforts. Their primary mission is to deliver on the missions of both SEIA and SEPA in a way that strengthens the industry domestically and globally, through networking and education, and by creating an energetic and engaging marketplace to connect buyers and suppliers.

Features just some of the companies and technologies attendees will see at this year’s show.

High power, low weight microinverter

Introducing the Q2000 microinverter from Sparq Systems, a Canadian developer of advanced microinverters. Connecting up to 4 PV modules, the Q2000 provides 2000W maximum output with a 97.5% maximum efficiency (97% CEC). Its modular AC cabling system allows for quick and customizable connections saving time and money. Installers will appreciate its small size and weighing only 7.3lb. Owners will appreciate its maximum energy harvesting, cloud based monitoring, 25-year design life, and increased safety from avoiding high voltage DC. Simply put, the Q2000 on a per watt rating offers a low microinverter cost, a high power output, a high power density, all at a low weight.

GPSI Solar

Booth 22089 – Spotlight Country - Canada

FTC Solar has teamed up with AUI Partners, a solar EPC company, to provide a comprehensive solution for the Distributed Generation market. Combining FTC’s 1p and 2p tracker technology with AUI’s full EPC services, clients can benefit from reduced construction times and increased energy yield. Now Quoting Distributed Generation Projects

Solar cable management

The Cable Management with Integrated Grounding System by CAB Solar is manufactured in the USA by persons with disabilities at the Cambria County Association for the Blind and Handicapped. The custom-designed hangers offer the simplicity of the Integrated Grounding System as messenger wire acts as the EGC and GEC. Installation of this reliable system is quick, simple, and straightforward. The multicarrier styles safely support and separate large bundles of cables in tracker, ballasted, and fixed tilt projects. CAB Solar Products are durable, manufactured from galvanized, hightensile strength spring steel, and coated with thick, flame retardant, high dielectric grade, UV stabilized Plastisol.

CAB Solar

Booth 7018 – Ballroom Fully

The Mango Power E uses the same, durable LFP battery cells as many EVs. These cells charge fast, last long, and are reliable. Even with up to five years' continuous use, charging, discharging, and recharging constantly, the Power E's battery cells will still perform as well as they did when brand new. By Integrating Mango Power ecosystem into a home’s circuit, homeowners are guaranteed power security and grid independence with a seamless, uninterrupted flow of electricity flow of electricity powering lights, refrigerators, computers, and any other essential devices.

Mango Power Booth 7231 – Ballroom

automated bird repellant

AVIX Autonomic is a fully automated laser bird repellent that keeps birds away 24/7. Birds perceive the moving laser light as a physical threat and flee immediately when the beam passes by. This solution can reduce bird nuisance by more than 70%. Bird habituation doesn’t occur. The system can be programmed and monitored through an iOS and Android app.

Bird Control Group

Booth 7401 – Ballroom

Electronic test tools and software

The Fluke Solar Multifunction Tester 1000 is an all-in-one test solution to verify PV system performance and safety. Designed for PV professionals that provide installation, commissioning, and maintenance services to systems that operate at 1000Vdc, the SMFT-1000 increases productivity by cutting down installation and documentation time.

Precise measurement products

DEWESoft has developed dataacquisition solutions to perform measurements both accurately and efficiently. DEWESoft has an array of products as well as specifically developed software that cater to all power measurement requirements such as the power quality, direct and diffuse solar radiation data, as well as converter and overall efficiency to name a few. All their equipment and testing criteria follow international standards such as the IEC-61000-4-30 Class A. DEWESoft’s portable power analyzers combine the functionality of a power analyzer, scope, FFT analyzer, data/transient logger, and power quality analyzer simultaneously, making them a tool for R&D, commissioning, compliance testing, low voltage ride through testing, or troubleshooting PV systems. All with zero annual, or reoccurring maintenance costs. – Ballroom

Full service nationwide transport provider

Cornerstone Systems is a full service nationwide transportation provider that services the entire USA, working out of all ocean ports and in-land rail terminals and providing container drayage, transloading, warehousing, intermodal, LTL, FTL, on-site logistics, flatbed, rail intermodal, project delivery, and HAZMAT services. Their team is experienced in coordinating deliveries to solar and renewable energy job sites all across the US. They handle the entire domestic transport from the US port of entry to the final destination.

Cornerstone Systems, Inc. Booth 7339 – Ballroom

Solar tracking and control solutions

PV Hardware (PVH) manufactures and supplies solar tracking and advanced control solutions for large solar projects worldwide, including Europe, Turkey, Australia, and Middle East. With a global market share close to 10%, PVH has supplied over 28GW in more than 300 projects across five continents. The company has two factories in Europe and Saudi Arabia, and has opened a third one in Houston, TX. Its in-house manufacturing capacity allows PVH to ensure supply and mitigate the risks of logistics and price variations in materials, offering cost-competitive solutions for any PV installation. With in-house pre-assembly of trackers and control parts, it offers quality and performance of all its products. PVH began its activity in the USA more than ten years ago. It has delivered hundreds of megawatts so far and continues to expand in North America. PVH

Booth 7521 – Ballroom

Global power system engineering and consulting

EPE offers developer and generation owner consulting services from project management to interconnection and integration to regulatory compliance. Their team of engineers and consultants offer combined utility, regulatory, and power generation experience in renewables engineering support and studies.

Electric Power Engineers (EPE)

Booth 7601 – Ballroom

40+ Years In Business with 200 GVA Capacity

One Owner/Management/One Factory

Serving 18% of the load of Las Vegas, NV

Serving 10% of the load of New York City

Serving 14% of the load of Dublin, Ireland

Simple solar mounting solution

The PowerRack is a simple solar mounting solution. The PowerRack system has been purposefully engineered for quick installation and virtually unlimited scalability. PowerRack allows a solar array to be installed almost anywhere, with almost any standard size solar panel. PowerRack’s locking technology ensures that the array stands up to the elements until the installers decide to move it.

PowerField Energy

Booth 7617 – Ballroom

Solar site erosion control

Flexterra HP-FGM is a costeffective, hydraulically applied solution for solar site erosion control and revegetation. Profile Products’ environmentally friendly Flexterra High PerformanceFlexible Growth Medium is a high performing engineered solution with 99.9% effective erosion control. Requiring minimal soil preparation, Flexterra delivers fast vegetation establishment to reduce panel temperature for high performance. With 100% biodegradable interlocking fibers, users meet environmental requirements to ensure the valuable land and soil remains healthy and productive.

Renewable energy legal solutions

Customizable multipoint monitoring solution

The PVMet 500 delivers a customizable, multi-point monitoring solution that provides reliable energy management on any solar project. Choose up to three Irradiance Sensors and three Back-of-Panel Temperature Sensors along with three standard sensor options and an optional Ultra Sonic Anemometer, Mini Aervane, or Rain Gauge. Simple to install on any solar project, the PVMet 500 connects to Modbus RTU Communication with an ethernet TCP option available. Ships fully assembled and factory calibrated.


Booth 7411 – Ballroom

Small-scale PLC

Steptoe & Johnson’s Renewable Energy Team provides a full range of services across the renewable energy spectrum, including wind, solar, biomass, hydroelectric, and cogeneration projects. Their attorneys assist with project development, site acquisition, financing, permitting, compliance, negotiating power purchase, and other commercial agreements. Team members advise clients on renewable energy credits, tax incentives, and energy efficiency and savings transactions. Their team members have a wide range of business, government, and legal experience that they bring to develop practical, efficient solutions to suit each client’s needs.

Steptoe & Johnson

Booth 7200 – Ballroom

WAGO’s new Compact Controller 100 is a small-scale PLC with a wide variety of remote I/O for use in smaller applications. This PLC can interface with industrial devices using protocols such as MODBUS TCP/ UDP, EtherNet/IP, or EtherCAT with the two on board EtherNet ports. The flexibility of the two Ethernet ports allows for the use of a switch or two unique IP addresses, with one port for field devices and the other for SCADA or Cloud services. The CC100 uses Codesys 3.5, allowing users to program in one or more of the IEC 61131-3 compatible languages and utilize the controller’s builtin Web Server to develop HTML 5 visualizations at no additional charge. Engineered for OEMs, IIOT digitization projects, and building automation applications, this easy to use device is cost effective for small, but demanding applications.

WAGO Corporation

Booth 7510 – Ballroom

Renewable energy solutions

Panduit physical infrastructure expertise plays a role in renewable energy production facilities around the globe. Over the last decade, Panduit has partnered with EPCs and solar installers on PV installations totaling more than 5GW of capacity. The combination of engineering and manufacturing expertise provides customers a full portfolio of solutions that is broad and deep, covering up to 75% of a typical photovoltaic (PV) installation electrical BOS.


Booth 7201 – Ballroom

Solar racking for all applications

Solar Mounts LLC is a one-stop-

Solar power performance bond provider

With over 30 years of experience and a network of 25+ surety markets and A (Excellent) rated insurance companies, Surety Bond Professionals offer contract performance and payment bonds for solar/energy contractors and other industries. We lock in low rates, secure large single and aggregate bond programs, and provide overall surety support. They provide EPC contract, decommissioning bonds, interconnection agreements, and power purchase agreements.

Surety Bond Professionals, Inc.

Booth 7112 – Ballroom

Specialized test and measurement equipment

Seaward has been supplying specialized photovoltaic test and measurement equipment to the global market for many years. The wide range of test equipment is portable, ergonomic, reliable, and designed to increase safety, accuracy, and efficiency. Seaward can provide the complete package of technology needed to support users in the field. Seawards’ products are designed and manufactured in their facility in the United Kingdom.


Booth 7700 – Ballroom

Terrain agnostic tracking solutions

With their core product, the All Terrain Tracker (ATT), Nevados can adapt to all natural terrain environments, whether flat, sloped, or rolling, without the need for grading. Their proprietary controls solutions allow for individual row, and even string, level optimization, generating efficiencies in overall system cost and energy production. Their TRACE software solutions make it possible for developers to accurately model production on non-flat terrain.


Booth 7113 – Ballroom

Made in the USA power transformers

Virginia-Georgia Transformer Corp designs and builds power transformers that are reliable and resilient, and offers a short lead time in North America for both Main Power and Pad Mount Transformers.

Virginia-Georgia Transformer Corp.

Booth 7005 – Ballroom

Thermal runaway protection

VIGILEX ENERGY protection solutions are passive products with a specific design that integrates the environmental and technical constraints of BESS. The DUAL-VENT is a double action product with NFPA 68 and 69 certification. The first action of the dual-vent is gas venting, the product opens sideways when gas is detected inside a container. The second action of the dual-vent is explosion evacuation, in fact this dualvent is equipped with an explosion panel to release the overpressure.


Booth 7839 – Ballroom

Solar procurement in the USA

The Megawatt Group connects forward-thinking, U.S.-based solar buyers with Tier-1 module manufacturers. They help EPCs streamline procurement and give overseas manufacturers a foothold in the US market.

The Megawatt Group

Booth 7929 – Ballroom

Solar shingle balances style, efficiency, and value

Solstice is a technologically advanced and reliable solar solution, delivering powerful solar energy production in sleek, low-profile shingle and panel roofing systems. Solstice Shingle seamlessly integrates with any asphalt shingles, and can produce about as much energy as conventional, rack-mounted solar panels without the bulky look.

Solstice Panel features stylish all-black solar panels that can be installed with either a new or existing asphalt shingle roof.


Booth 5543 – Ballroom

Pad-mounted transformer Pad-mounted transformer

XAs the No. 1 US-owned power transformer supplier for renewable energy projects in North the industry (28 – 32 weeks) for pad-mounted transformers from 500 kVA to 4,000 kVA.


Simplified integrated energy storage system

Briggs & Stratton Energy Solutions unveils its new Energy Storage System (ESS) Packages which offer installers a simplified, integrated solution that makes it easier to scale power and energy storage capacity to meet the requirements of any installation, whether that’s grid-tied, off-grid, or backup power.

Briggs & Stratton

Booth 5554 – ESI

Energy storage HVACs and air-cooled chillers

Bergstrom’s thermal management systems help keep batteries in a narrow temperature range to improve the overall performance and cycle life of a battery energy storage system. Bergstrom offers energy storage HVACs with a cooling capacity beginning at 4.5kW and above and air-cooled chillers (for liquid-cooled batteries) at 8kW, 15kW, 20kW, and 40kW, covering a wide range of commercial & industrial, and utility scale applications. The units feature advanced hardware drive, intelligent control algorithm, and service orientation. With core components designed and manufactured inhouse, the systems offer built-in reliability. Bergstrom can also provide custom engineered solutions driven by customers’ timeline.

Bergstrom Inc.

Booth 6224 – ESI

Versatile all-in-one system

Dyness Orion series is an all-in-one system with safe performance and flexible capacity. With expandable capacity from 9.9kWh to 19.9kWh, it supports whole home backup and essential backup. It can also realize full system monitoring and battery performance management by the Dyness app. The Orion system is suitable for different installations because of its modular combinations. Equipped with an external HM inverter, it helps users realize power sufficiency.

Booth 5125 – ESI

Power delivery services

Electrical Consultants Inc. (ECI) is a power delivery engineering firm which brings power delivery services through 500kV to their clients. ECI provides services including overhead and underground transmission engineering, substation and switchyard design, industrial power systems design, land survey and construction staking, right-of-way services, environmental planning, project management, construction management, and procurement services to utilities.

Electrical Consultants, Inc. (ECI) Booth 6030 – ESI

One-touch commissioning

FlexGen’s HybridOS offers intelligence, reliability, and efficiency in EMS. This software and digital controls provide an operating system with proprietary features including state of charge algorithm, state of health algorithm, digital twin, and performance index. These intelligent features help mitigate wear and tear, ensuring batteries endure for years with minimal maintenance, allowing FlexGen’s customers to understand site health at a glance. Every HybridOS is preconfigured and optimized in FlexGen’s Innovation Lab, in Durham, NC. This enables fast commissioning of new projects, and fast updates to existing sites. Fully configured, optimized, and tested servers reach the project site ready to start the batteries. This de-risks the highest risk phase of the project (commissioning), bringing the project online quickly.

Booth 6321 – ESI

Taking Charge When Planning and Executing Energy Storage Projects

One-source solutions partner reveals 3 considerations for project success

Already up nearly 300% in the past two years, the nation’s 10-GW utility-scale battery capacity is expected to grow tenfold to 95 GWs through 20351 For developers and asset owners evaluating battery energy storage systems (BESS), cost-effective reliability requires considering different approaches to balancing risks and returns.


Sizing projects for a 20-year asset life requires careful planning. Degradation must be top-ofmind from the beginning. Battery storage vendors provide degradation guarantees beginning at factory acceptance testing, so project and delivery timelines are critical. Having auxiliary power available when battery container delivery begins can help preserve equipment warranties and degradation guarantees.

Long-term degradation is more complex; utilityscale battery systems can degrade up to 40% over their lifetime. There are several considerations for designing an energy storage system to contend with this. One approach is to design for future augmentation, adding battery containers to maintain capacity as the system ages. Alternatively, the system can be designed with higher capacity initially to compensate for degradation. Overbuilding and augmentation are not mutually exclusive; a combined approach is practical. Another alternative is designing for near-term energy needs and factoring degradation affects into future resource plans without the complication of augmentation or costly overbuilding.


Designing for augmentation throughout the project’s lifecycle involves adding capacity as frequently as every three to five years. This means active construction near operating assets and integrating control systems, too. Developers and asset owners must factor in on-site space and spare balance-ofplant systems for these additions.

While an augmentation strategy means a lower initial CapEx, it can pose technical challenges and increase complexity down the road. While it’s hard to anticipate how future BESS designs will evolve, augmentation allows developers and asset owners to

take advantage of future technology improvements. Other considerations include evolving building and fire codes, how supply will impact system pricing, and what investment tax credit incentives might be available.


Installing more batteries upfront provides more capacity to meet system requirements through endof-life. Although it means a higher CapEx at the beginning, it provides a fully integrated system with consistent technology, eliminating the unknown of dynamic material costs and difficulties integrating legacy and future technologies. It also avoids compatibility issues between vintage, new batteries, inverters, and potential control system complications.

An overbuild strategy takes advantage of today’s tax credits, balancing a higher initial outlay over the project’s lifespan. Conversely, overbuilding increases equipment reliability risks.

Developers and asset owners might consider a hybrid approach to hedge the pros and cons of both with a slight overbuild upfront and fewer augmentations required.


For hybrid systems, the combined output of the solar and BESS must never exceed the interconnection limit or the maximum load of the main power transformer(s). System design and sizing considerations must factor in solar production modeled with the battery capacity

needed to meet daily peak demands and minimize solar curtailment.

It’s critical to ensure the hybrid system design considers the interconnection limitation for optimal sizing and is protected with a savvy control system that quickly responds to changing conditions to avoid non-compliance with the interconnection agreement.

Additionally, some plants may have more than one transformer, adding another layer of complexity. Consider transformer limitations, especially when equipment is taken out of service and load is critical.


Project execution challenges increase as more parties are involved. Consider a partner that provides EPC and O&M capabilities from early-stage design through end-of-life. A technology-agnostic EPC partner with PV and BESS capabilities can provide flexible solutions with seamless integration.

DEPCOM offers a full-scope, one-source solution to PV and BESS projects to streamline accountability and help customers limit risks associated with multiple party agreements. Our EPC and O&M teams work with industry OEMs to ensure continuity between design, construction, integration, and operation.

DEPCOM’s one-source solution builds mutually beneficial partnerships based on shared principles to deliver superior value for developers, owners, and the communities they serve.

1Tony Lenoir and Aude Marjolin, “Charging up on battery energy storage

High power, energy dense batteries

LEOCH 48V LFELI Series, Lithium Iron Phosphate (LIFEPO4) batteries offer exceptional cycling performance of 10,000 cycles @ 50% DOD, 3500 cycles @ 100% DOD, and can be put into parallel for 48VDC, 1600AH capacity. These batteries are equipped with a built-in Battery Management System (BMS) and optional LCD screen for hassle-free maintenance.

LEOCH Battery Corporation

Booth 6121 – ESI

Powerful battery in a small footprint

The PowerBlock from e-On packs 532kWh into a small footprint making it suitable for industrial or commercial applications. The PowerBlock offers NFPA 855 Compliance, UL 1973 cell/ module/UL 9540A cell/module/ system, 532kWh, nominal voltage 1331VDC, rated depth of discharge 90%, pre-integrated thermal and off-gas detection with onboard fire suppression, scalable to 8.5MWh (up to 16 units in parallel connection), 5ft x 7ft footprint per 532kWh PowerBlock, delivered sssembled and wired, place with skylift rated for 14,000lbs (no crane required), available allocations for 2023 project delivery.

e-On Batteries

Booth 6145 – ESI

Safe, smart power

Battle Born Batteries with Dragonfly IntelLigence deliver lithium battery communication technology, designed to give users the utmost confidence in their power system by providing access to monitoring, notification, performance, and safety tools. Featuring reliable connectivity via a Wireless Mesh Network, Battle Born Batteries power systems with Dragonfly IntelLigence can be monitored from anywhere via the Dragonfly Energy Mobile App. And with error detection and warning technology, users can be notified of critical information in real-time, also providing battery protection and optimization.

Battle Born Batteries

Booth 5945 – ESI

Advanced circuit protection

SIBA designs and manufactures advanced circuit protection fuses for a wide range of applications, such as BESS, PV, AC and DC semiconductor applications, Traction, AC, and new 1000VDC UL drives, Transformers: dry, under-oil, and overhead, capacitors, filter and harmonic banks, and their line of circuit level SMD and miniature fuses.

Battery storage cabinets and containers

Stationary energy storage specialist

HiTHIUM manufactures battery storage cabinets and containers based on its own LFP battery cells. The company offers its highperformance cells and liquid-cooled modules to other providers for use in their products. HiTHIUM’s 4MWh container, based on its own 300Ah cells, has extensive safety features and high energy density. The product achieves a low LCOS through >12,000 cycles, thanks to advances in material and process technologies, along with a maximum 2% capacity loss in the first 1000 cycles. The liquid cooling, providing high thermal stability, and multi-stage active fire protection increase the container’s safety. Founded in 2019, HiTHIUM is expanding its production capacity to 70GWh by end of 2023.


Booth 4521 – ESI

Rolls' new S-Series drop-in LFP lithium batteries offer a lightweight and maintenance-free alternative to traditional flooded and sealed leadacid models. With fast charge and discharge capability and a full suite of operating protections, the new 12V, 100Ah S12-100LFP model offers enhanced features and upgrades including a built-in display to easily confirm state-of-charge, voltage, connectivity and operating conditions, heating for cold weather operation, Bluetooth connectivity and external fuse access for easy maintenance and replacement, backed by a 5-year full replacement manufacturer warranty.

A Mowing Crew That Works Like A Machine.

For most utility-scale solar facilities, the rising cost of vegetation management is the top budget item.

Now there’s a solution to this growing problem. The Renubot is designed by solar O&M professionals specifically for vegetation management on these locations. It’s rugged, reliable and remains onsite with oversight. Let’s discuss how Renubot can solve your problem.

The New Standard in Large Scale Project Design

Single-phase hybrid inverter

Hoymiles’ brand-new single-phase hybrid inverter HYS-LV-USG1 series is an integral piece of equipment for solar backup power. Covering power class from 3.8kW to 11.5kW and made for both DC- and AC-coupled systems, the high-performance hybrid inverters are adaptable to a wide range of scenarios. When paired with batteries and generators, these inverters will help to power a home day and night. The seamless on-grid and off-grid switch provides peace of mind in case of any power outages. Compact and simple to install, the inverters can be easily integrated into any hybrid system. The series also features a DC/ AC ratio of 1.5, offering great price performance for users. The up-to-32A MPPT current provides compatibility with all mainstream PV modules, and it also offers 97.6% maximum efficiency.

Hoymiles Power Electronics

Booth 4121 – ESI

Whole home energy management solution

Ready-to-deploy home ESS

LG Electronics Home 8 Energy Storage System (ESS) is a whole home battery backup solution built with installers and their homeowner customers in mind. The ready-todeploy Home 8 features just one SKU and a modular assembly for fast installation. It can be AC-coupled or solar-powered, and is engineered with a grid-connected inverter, four battery modules, a Smart Energy Box with a 7'' touchscreen LCD with commissioning wizard for easy setup. Each Home 8 unit can store up to 14.4kWh of usable power, helping homeowners gain pure independence from the grid. Plus, installers can connect up to four units, bringing customers up to 57.6kWh of total backup power, all easily managed through the LG ThinQ app.

LG ESS Booth 4717 – ESI

Modular battery design

FranklinWH provides a whole home energy management solution with storage to meet household needs. It integrates solar, grid, battery storage, and generators and is compatible with all solar inverters. Within the system, the aGate is an intelligent power control panel while each aPower battery provides 13.6kWh storage with 5kW continuous power and 10kW peak power for 10 seconds. The aPower is AC-coupled and relies on LFP chemistry. Each aGate can manage up to 15 batteries for a totaling 204kWh of storage. The FranklinWH system provides real-time monitoring, energy source management, and time-of-use load shifting to enhance the ROI of solar systems. Fifteen-minute commissioning. 12-year warranty.


Booth 4525 – ESI

MK Battery introduces the DEKA Duration DD5300, a 48V, 5300Wh battery module utilizing Lithium Iron Phosphate Technology. Tested and validated, and branded with the DEKA name from East Penn Manufacturing Co., this modular design allows for either wall mount or floor mount installation and is stackable up to eight modules high. Stocked in the U.S., the DD5300 is a universal module that has a programmable BMS, dual usage, for low voltage and high voltage applications. Low voltage (48V, 5.3kWh, 212kWh). High voltage (150 to 1000V, 21.2kWh to 763kWh). Remote monitoring and firmware updates are just one click away on any smart phone, utilizing a proprietary app.

MK Battery

Booth 6035 – ESI

MW-class energy storage system

Socomec announces a new addition to its range of Energy Storage Systems. The Socomec SUNSYS HES XXL is a megawatt-class Energy Storage System, suitable for projects requiring power in the range of 1.5MW to 6MW, and energy in the range of 1.5MWh to 24MWh. Like all Socomec Energy Storage Systems, the SUNSYS HES XXL operates both on-grid and off-grid, combining the economic returns of on-grid operation with the ability to operate when the grid may be down. Similar to its smaller siblings, the SUNSYS HES L and SUNSYS HES XL, the new SUNSYS HES XXL integrates converters and batteries into one unified system, using Socomec's own specialized hardware and microgrid control software. The Lithium Iron Phosphate battery system is provided by battery manufacturer, CATL.

Socomec Booth 4113 – ESI

Expandable modular home energy storage

Panasonic’s new EVERVOLT Home Battery System and SmartBox allow users to grow their business with battery power. Customers will stay powered-up during outages, slash or eliminate energy bills, shrink their carbon footprint, and be more energy independent. EVERVOLT and SmartBox offer an expandable modular design to meet growing energy needs and are configurable with three cabinet sizes: 9kWh, 13.5kWh, 18kWh; up to four units can be stacked for up to 72kWh of usable power; installers have flexible AC- and DC-coupled options to retrofit with new or existing PV systems; and homeowners are protected with a complete 12-year warranty from Panasonic.

Panasonic Eco Systems North America Booth 4125 – ESI

Storage to increase self-consumption

The German brand RCT Power provides flexible DC coupled, all-inone solutions that offer low payback time for new solar installations under NEM3.0. The modular system can be upgraded and adapted to fit users’ requirements. It works with safe and environmentally friendly LiFePO4 battery cells. The integrated RCT Power Switch interacts with the DC hybrid inverter to provide energy to important consumers during a power failure. RCT Power’s hardware and software are developed internally. RCT Power, from its headquarters in Walnut Creek, California offers full onsite support, technical training, and fast support service.

RCT Power

Booth 5150 – ESI

Flat-roof racking solution for large solar panels

The COMPACTFLAT SN 2 has been designed to address challenges by offering a cost-effective solution with a high load-bearing capacity and resistance to extreme weather conditions. The system can be attached to flat roofs quickly and easily in just a few simple steps. It can now support solar panels up to 7ft 10in x 4ft 4in size. With the improved individual components, the racking system can be installed easily, saving both time and costs during assembly. To ensure their system meets all customers’ requirements, they will be introducing more variants of the SN 2 by the end of the year.

AEROCOMPACT, Inc. Booth 652 – Solar

Provides Superior Erosion Control

Requires Less Soil Preparation

Delivers Faster Vegetation Establishment to Reduce Panel Temperature for Optimal Performance

Versatile enclosure solutions

Fibox Enclosures has added three new sizes to the Instrument Protection Window series. These UL listed NEMA 4X rated HMI covers are now available in three new sizes to right-size any design needs and give secure access and a full view of the controls or components. Available sizes are 10" x 8" x 3.31",12" x 10" x 3.31",14" x 12" x 3.31",16" x 14" x 3.31", and 18" x 16" x 3.31". The IPW works with any underlying surface, providing a dry dust free environment once closed and secured. With an opaque or transparent cover, the IPW sports four locking options to accommodate user needs, and offers the following closures, Screw Cover, DIN- Key, Non-Locking Wing Nut, and a Traditional Key Lock.

Fibox Enclosures

Booth 130 – Solar

Bifacial solar panels

EliTe Solar’s new N-type TOPCon bifacial solar panels provide value for utility and distributed generation markets. EliTe Solar’s polysilicon, ingots, and wafers are sourced from Southeast Asia, providing bankability while mitigating import risk into the USA. The 144 halfcell design utilizes a large M10 cell format, delivering high power through high cell efficiency. The panels produce up to 580W from the front side, with an additional power boost to be realized from the backside bifaciality. TOPConbased panels offer efficiency, improved low-light production, and low annual degradation. This provides value to the customer, enabling a low LCOE and BOS cost. The dual glass design provides a rugged panel suitable for use in almost any environment. The panels come with a 12-year product material and workmanship warranty, and an extended 30-year performance guarantee.

EliTe Solar Booth 3738 – Solar

Autonomous pile driver

The RPD 35 is a fully autonomous pile driver for utility-scale solar that combines four critical steps, survey, distribution, pile driving, and as-builts, into a single robot. By outfitting modern excavators with an autonomous upgrade kit, innovative pile-carrying sleds, and a custom-engineered hammer, Built Robotics has designed a system that can hold up to 192 piles and drive up to five times faster than traditional means and methods, all while hitting stringent tolerances. With cloudbased software, contractors can operate and manage their robots remotely and automate pile driving tasks. The RPD 35 installs piles with varying cross sections from 8ft to 21ft long to remain compatible with tracker systems from leading manufacturers. Utilizing autonomy gives contractors the edge in their projects and restores schedule certainty to keep up with the demands required for the solar boom.

Built Robotics

Booth 25112 – Sands Level 1

Cable routing for ground-mounted systems

Gripple’s CableSmart system for ground-mounted solar arrays offers fast, above-ground cable routing, and is easy to install, easy to manage, and easy to maintain on-site without the need to dig costly and invasive trenches. Above ground cable routing helps avoid any underground geotechnical issues, as well as minimize disturbance to the environment and surrounding ecosystems. Suitable for single-axis trackers and fixed-tilt arrays, CableSmart hangers have a capacity of up to 290 #10 cables (single hanger) or 1,170 #10 cables (double hanger), a load rating of 66lb per hanger, and a design life of 30+ years. Made of black UV stabilized polycarbonate with steel plate reinforcement, the design allows for fast side loading of cables with an easy-to-secure side gate. In addition, Gripple’s Messenger Kit is an easy catenary system to install, with no tools required.

Gripple Booth 349 – Solar

Unique asymmetrical dual post system

APA’s TITAN Duo dual post system with ground screws was designed specifically for projects with glacial till, dense soils, and rock. The system features telescoping posts to adjust for topography and has liberal slope tolerances. Rock screws mitigate foundation risk and are designed to combat frost heave. Pre-drilling, if necessary, is done with standard equipment and can streamline the installation. The racking is a continuous row design to optimize every layout and owners will appreciate the aesthetics. It is an installers’ choice for ease of stringing and has integrated wire management. APA provides turnkey mechanical installation with a large fleet of equipment. The TITAN hardware is also available with a single driven pile.

APA Solar Racking (APA)

Booth 2935 – Solar

Parking lots transformed into sustainable solar energy

baja designs, engineers, and installs prefabricated solar steel carports nationwide. baja engineers to specific design criteria (from 20lb live load to 175mph wind to 90lb snow load) to meet customers unique project requirements, providing a costeffective layout utilizing different steel products, cold form steel, 3 plate, hot rolled wide flange, etc. baja's in-house project team of engineers, project managers, and certified installation crews selfperform all aspects of solar steel carport construction to deliver from initial design to project execution. baja works nationwide.


Booth 3716 – Solar

Flexible, powerful inverter

Solis is excited to introduce several brand-new additions to their line of inverter and energy storage products. Flexible and economical whole-home backup is easy with the new Solis Hub and S6 Hybrid PV and energy storage inverter solution which offers a wide range of applications, customizable sizing, EV + generator integration, easy installation, and comprehensive monitoring with the SolisCloud app. Other new products include C&I energy storage solutions and a 1500V Utility-scale inverter.


Booth 4130 – ESI

Residential BESS

Pylontech Force H3, is a battery energy storage solution engineered to redefine power requirements. With a 97% depth of density, it optimizes energy storage while maintaining a compact footprint. Experience rapid 1C Continuous Charging/ Discharging C Rate, ensuring efficient power transfers for uninterrupted performance. Equipped with unit level UL9540A certification for safety, users will also benefit from its 8000+ long cycle life, ensuring dependable service for years to come.


Booth 4921 – ESI

Solar Pile Driving Equipment --

The highest quality, most dependable pile drivers on the market, available for immediate delivery in limited quantities. We have both GAYK pile driver models and…

Introducing the DOYLE Rambo 500. Designed from scratch, exclusively for the solar construction industry, the Rambo 500 has been thoroughly field tested and fine-tuned over the last several years, and we have to say, for once, it really is “almost as good as a GAYK”. It’s easily transportable, it can install a 20-foot post, it carries a limited one-year warranty, and its back up parts and supplies are inventoried and available in our facility in the U.S.

Call us today for details and pricing: ( 520 ) 244 - 3535 www gayk nor t h amer ica com

Low-cost and versatile mounting system

Combining strength and flexibility with AeroGrid to unlock the grid-based design. AeroGrid is a green-zone clamping system that offers more panels per area and less racking per panel which makes it a low-cost and versatile mounting system. The solution offers customizable row spacing, universal panel compatibility, and galvanized steel components.

KB Racking

Booth 1975 – Solar

Sensors Supporting The Energy Transition...

The latest Hukseflux SR30-M2-D1 Class-A digital pyranometer delivers unmatched performance, while offering more standard value-added features than any other competing pyranometer in its class.

SR30-M2-D1 employs an internal low power maintenance-free ventilation system with heating. Additional features include pollable tilt, temperature, internal humidity, and temperature compensated irradiance signal registers.

The SR30-M2-D1 pyranometer also features enhanced onboard surge protection.


and fastinstalling roof

mounting system

SunModo is proud to introduce the new Metal Roof Family, MRB, and NanoBit. MRB is a versatile metal roof attachment, specially designed to work for metal roof profiles and provides easy metal roof installation. Designed to work for both comp shingle and metal roofs, NanoBit is a fast-installing roof mount. Both products are High-Velocity Hurricane Zone Approved, Passed TAS 100 (a) Wind-Driven Rain Test. They can be paired with SunModo’s SMR system.

SunModo Corp.

Booth 535 – Solar

Making solar simple

Designed with the installer in mind, EZ Solar junction boxes make installation fast and easy with highquality, innovative products at a low price. The JB-1.XL includes a din rail, a 5-port ground bar, and 200 cubic inches of space to give installers plenty of room for larger installs. Made from high quality materials, EZ Solar junction boxes are built to last for life, are NEMA 3R rated, tested to UL1741 standards, and come with a 25-year warranty.

EZ Solar

Booth 12019 – Sands Level 1

If you can dream it, we can do it.

Our focus is utility-scale solar power, wind power, and battery storage applications, but our mission is providing you with valuable engineering resources and substantial savings.

With Paige, it’s possible.

Value engineering

From early project stages through completion

PnP solutions For a simpler installation

In-stock inventory

>$20M of 35kV, 2kV, fiber and more

Aesthetic, effective erosion control

InstaTurf products provide soil protection along sloping panel drip lines, around array pilings, in drainage swales, and other erosion-prone areas on solar farms. Delivering immediate to longterm erosion protection on par with large rock, InstaTurf products are a vegetative alternative to riprap and concrete armoring on solar installations across the U.S. InstaTurf is cost-effective and can be installed without heavy equipment by a small crew with minimal training. Maintenance is easy by simply mowing or grazing over the product to maintain it like any other vegetated area. InstaTurf helps keep solar farms in compliance with stormwater regulations by preventing excess sediment generation and runoff onto neighboring properties or waterbodies. InstaTurf has an instantly grassed-in look that will appeal to locals.


Booth 23005 – Sands Level 1

Self-flashing roof mounts

OMG offers a full line of PowerGrip roof mounts to secure solar arrays to a variety of residential & commercial roofs. The newest PowerGrip, the Universal 7, requires no membrane flashing, pourable sealer or fluid applied flashing. Features and benefits include redundant water blocking systems; compatible with TPO, PVC, KEE, EPDM, coated single-ply, Mod Bit, BUR, and PUF (sprayed polyurethane foam) roofs; compatible with roofs that can’t accept a membrane flashing; transfers zero compressive forces to the roof assembly, making it suitable for roof assemblies that cannot handle weight, such as PUF roofs and roofs with mineral wool insulation, and roofs subject to high snow load; and a unique feature that resists moment (overturning) forces, making it suited for parapet walls as well as sawtooth, barrel, and other roofs with higher slope.

OMG Roofing Products

Booth 4168 – Solar

Mounting and flashing systems

AIRE is a carefully-engineered, ergonomic solution for pitched roofs that honors both speed and precision. Each component in the IronRidge Aire Flush Mount System has been designed to enforce a quality installation that stands up to the rain, wind, and snow forces it will battle during its decades-long lifespan. Working hand-in-glove with installers has driven innovations like Slide-and-Glide rails, Twist-andClick hardware, and other physiofriendly movements. AIRE includes an NEC-compliant cable tray. The Halo Ultra Grip or HUG is a flashing system that requires no pilot holes, no sealant, and no shimming. A simplified installation experience with a 3-tier flashing system, HUG is the latest QuickMount attachment to join their suite of solar mounts. All their products are fully-certified, codecompliant, listed to UL 2703, and backed by a 25-year warranty.


Booth 1754 – Solar

Aesthetic, high power module

LONGi’s new Hi-MO 5, 54-cell module delivers high power generation performance and high module efficiency with an aesthetic appearance for rooftop distributed generation projects. The new module comes with a power boost at more than 400W per module, allowing installers to reduce system costs. The modules use the same larger cell technology found in LONGi’s HiMO 5 modules designed for utility scale. The Hi-MO 5, 54-cell comes in an all-black design, as well as black with a white backsheet with a 12-year warranty for materials and processing and a 25-year warranty for extra linear output. This module is compatible with mainstream smart module-level power electronics (MLPE) devices such as Enphase microinverters and Solar Edge optimizers. Customers looking for a more rugged module with added resiliency from the glass-glass design and 30-year warranty will benefit from the power boost in the bifacial module option.


Booth 2102 – Solar

Made in the USA cable management products

Snake Tray’s Solar Cable Management solutions for commercial and utility grade solar, battery, or EV installations includes Solar Snake Max XL, a trenchless cable management system for cables from 350-1250 Kcmil. The NEC 310.15 cable separation allows the cables to operate efficiently to yield up to 30-watt hours per meter. Easy snap together components offer a quick installation. Solar Snake Tray hand bendable cable tray for roof tops, car parks, and ground mounts provide a “lobster trap” design to quickly secure cables. Solar Mega Snake is a solution for high-capacity solar cable runs on rooftops. Snake Tray’s selection of Snake-Loc cable hangers securely latch onto messenger wire to manage cables quickly and cost effectively. All Snake Tray products are made in the USA.

Snake Tray

Booth 452 – Solar

Solar tracking services

FTC Solar has teamed up with AUI Partners, a solar EPC company, to provide a comprehensive solution for the Distributed Generation market. Combining FTC’s 1p and 2p tracker technology with AUI’s full EPC services, clients can benefit from reduced construction times and increased energy yield.

FTC Solar

Booth 3511 – Solar

Solar warning labels

PV Labels now offers an 88-piece 2023NEC Requirement Label Pack. This will help the homeownerinstaller or contractor fulfill final inspection requirements with ease. PV Labels’ NEC Packs are premium labels manufactured to withstand demanding outdoor environments. They offer high quality vinyl and reflective materials. When paired with outdoor rated, UV resistant lamination, users can be assured their high resolution, screen-printed labels will last through any environmental demands. 2023 NEC Packs are in stock and ready to ship same day.

PV Labels

Booth 133 – Solar

Efficient, reliable and durable solar panel

The AXIblackbipremium 400 Wp solar panel has advanced technology, offers high efficiency, durability, and reliability, and is a suitable choice for both residential and commercial use. Its sleek design and black aesthetics blend well with any architecture, making it an attractive addition to any building. The AXIblackbipremium 400 Wp solar panel’s eco-friendly features help reduce the carbon footprint.

Bimetallic super-metal wire

Copperweld has been providing bimetallic wire in North America for over 100 years. Their Copper-Clad Aluminum (CCA) and Copper-Clad Steel (CCS) wire products combine the attributes of two metals to create bimetallic super-metals. With a wide range of applications and benefits, their wire products help maximize project goals, offering cost savings, energy efficiency, and strength. Their CCA Sunray PV wire is an energyefficient and cost-efficient PV wire.


Booth 4173 – Solar

Stainless steel fasteners

Marine Fasteners is a supplier of stainless steel and non-ferrous fasteners, in U.S. and metric threads. They stock a full line of 304 and 316, Magni 565, Delta-Protekt, hotdip galvanized, and their very own chrome plating line. Stocking well over $24 million worth of fasteners in nationwide locations, with another $4-6 million on order every day, they maintain customer requirements in stock. If not, their sales staff, with over 700 years of combined fastener experience, can supply competitive parts or custom manufacture to meet their customer’s delivery needs.

Marine Fasteners

Booth 5962 – Solar

800Vac, UL 891 main breaker switchboard

EPEC Solutions recently announced a new product, an 800Vac UL 891 switchboard with a main breaker. Since overcurrent protection is required for the conductors on the secondary side of the transformer per NEC 240.4(F), a switchboard with a main breaker is an important addition to UL 891 switchboards utilized for AC collection. This new product now allows for solar developers and EPC’s to take full advantage of new inverter technology and be fully compliant with the NEC code requirements.

EPEC Solutions

Booth 138 – Solar

Mechanical solar tubing

Lock Joint Tube, manufactures their mechanical solar tubing at tube mills that can hold extremely tight tolerances. LJT manufactures a complete line of solar mechanical tube and fence tubing to secure solar facilities. LJT has over 350 different OD’s to choose from and can roll up to 52ft lengths. They offer a wide variety of coatings from HRPO, galvanized, and their signature galvanized clear coat, Lock-On-Galv. LJT's pre-galvanized coil, allows the same amount of galvanized coverage on the inside as well as the outside of the tube. Also, LJT’s Lock-OnGalv clear coat helps protect their customer’s investment in the field.

Lock Joint Tube

Booth 5659 – Solar

Oil containment products for wind and solar applications

SPI has a variety of products designed for wind and solar applications such as Petro-Plugs, Petro-Pipes, gravity fed PetroBarriers, Pump-Thru Barrier (Oil Water Separators), StormWater PetroBarriers, SPI "Sealed" and Portable Containment Liners and more. One of their newest innovations is the SPI Oil Containment Shield which is an oil containment application for small to mid-sized transformers with a capacity of under 750 gallons. Each SPI product has been designed to allow rainwater to drain while completely filtering out all hydrocarbons, vegetables oils, natural ester oils that are soy based, and fuel sheen to non-detectable levels. In the event of a major spill, SPI Oil Containment Systems will totally shut down and prevent all flow from discharging. It will then back the spill into the containment area preventing an environmental release. SPI products are currently being used at wind and solar farm operations around the world.

Solidification Products International, Inc. (SPI)

Booth 4368 – Solar

Integrated flashing system

UltraGrip Technology is an integrated flashing system that utilizes flexible foam to flash the roof and is utilized on EcoFasten’s RockIt Smart Slide and ClickFit Smart Foot products. This patent-pending technology is a non-metal flashing solution that eliminates the need to pry up shingle courses in order to install traditional flashing.


Booth 1452 – Solar

1P single-axis tracker

SFONE is the 1P single-axis tracker by Soltec. This tracker combines mechanical simplicity with Soltec’s over 20 years’ experience. Specially designed for larger 72 and 78 cell modules. This tracker is self-powered thanks to its dedicated module, which results into a low costoperational power supply.


Booth 1630 – Solar

We carry

• batteries

• inverters

• racking and flashings

• solar modules

• balance of system

Look to your local Sonepar distributor for energy storage system design, jobsite project management, direct pay financing options, streamlined invoicing, and a single point of contact nationwide.

Complete Solar Solutions for Installers

End-to-end solar platform

From sales and operations to financing and plan sets, Aurora's end-to-end platform has everything needed to sell, design, and install more solar.

Aurora Solar

Booth 2955 – Solar

Efficient ground-mount solar farm cleaners

Solar performance monitoring and turnkey DAS

The original KSolara FK2/FK3 series, and the all new California models are designed to clean any groundmount solar system quickly with low water usage, low labor requirements, and low cost. All of these units hang on the top edge of the panels and clean side to side. The original FK2/ FK3 series units have two counter rotating brushes which allows the units to clean twice in one pass and makes the unit float on the panels without any wheels or any directional preference. The all new California model uses a single brush to reduce weight and is modular. The single brush pulls in one direction, so the user holds it from going too fast one direction and pushes it the other direction. The modular design allows it to clean any size system.

Premier Water Cleaning Systems

Booth 4274 – Solar

Next Wave Energy Monitoring is a renewable energy performance monitoring and data analytics platform designed by power quality engineers to deliver substantive energy vitals to solar asset owners. The platform offers anomaly detection/alerts, mobile device access, performance trending, troubleshooting capabilities, customized and automated reporting, and distinct user profiles for highly technical and non-technical endusers. To complement its renewable energy platform, Next Wave offers turnkey Data Acquisition System (“DAS”) hardware solutions. The hardware is built at Next Wave’s ISO 9001 facility in the US and delivered with an 8-year warranty.

Next Wave Energy Monitoring

Booth 6375 – Solar

US manufacturer of solar trackers and fixed-tilt solutions

OMCO Solar's OMCO Origin OneIn-Portrait and Two-In-Landscape Bifacial Trackers are primarily constructed of galvanized steel and cast aluminum. A balanced design allows for accurate targeting and reduced energy consumption. Both Origin Trackers and OMCO Choice Factory-Direct mounting solutions are domestically manufactured, all roll-formed parts are 100% US steel. OMCO Solar provides short leads times with five strategically located US manufacturing plants.

OMCO Solar

Booth 3453 – Solar

energy storage and renewable power generation

nVent HOFFMAN has a range of enclosures, cable protection, and climate control solutions. They make it easy to develop innovative, robust, scalable, and reliable systems suited for this industry's demanding and evolving electrical protection applications. nVent ERICO and nVent ERIFLEX specialize in providing high-quality, easy-to-install, and cost-effective connection solutions for the industry. These solutions are designed to ensure efficient energy transfer, environmental safety, and overall electrical safety.


Booth 5770 – Solar

Cable clips for 4 cables

Heyco Products Corp. is pleased to announce the release of our HEYClip SunRunner 2x2 Cable Clip. Their new 2x2 clip allows for tidy wire management within the PV module frame. The new 2x2 clip also works on newer solar panel frames with smaller flange widths (down to 10mm). Holds up to 4 cables of the same diameter ranging from .26" (6.6mm) to .33" (8.4mm) in diameter.

Heyco Products Corp.

Booth 5273 – Solar

C&I inverter

Sungrow's advanced C&I inverter, the SG200HX-US. This solution is designed to elevate solar power systems to new heights of productivity and efficiency, ensuring smooth and stable grid interaction with grid support capabilities. The Q at night function enables the inverter to supply reactive power during lowload periods. With the inverter’s 12 MPPTs, optimal efficiency of up to 98.7% is ensured.

Sungrow USA Corporation

Booth 2530 – Solar

Solar bolts, nuts, and screws

SANLIN Fastener designs, samples, tools, and manufactures bolts, nuts, and screws in a variety of materials, in metric and standard sizes. SANLIN has expanded its product line to offer solar energy solutions, providing clips for racking. Their US branch located in NY is committed to serving the North American market with high quality, competitively priced, standard, and specialized fastener products.

SANLIN Fastener, Inc.


Prefab control buildings and enclosures

Trachte specializes in renewable energy building applications that keep critical energy equipment safe. Applications include collector station controls, interconnect substations, SCADA enclosures, communications buildings, and switchgear enclosures. Buildings are pre-engineered, expandable, and come with house electrical preinstalled and tested.

Trachte, LLC

Booth 6168 – Solar

• Specified for Use With IronRidge and Other Leading Racking Systems.

• Specified for Use With IronRidge and Other Leading Racking Systems.

• First Building Code Certified Screw Foundation System in The U.S.

• First Building Code Certified Screw Foundation System in The U.S.

• Year-Round Installation

• Year-Round Installation

• No Concrete & No Excavation

• No Concrete & No Excavation

• Environmentally Friendly

• Environmentally Friendly

pre-drill in rock or rocky soils

• Immediately Loadable

• Immediately Loadable

• Installed with lighter equipment than helical or driven piles

• Less site prep and no excavation

• Cost Effective Simple. Solid. Sustainable.

• Year-round installation and weather independent

• First Ground Screw Foundation Product with Environmental Product Description (ASTM)

• Environmentally Friendly

• Cost Effective

• Specified for Use With IronRidge and Other Leading Racking Systems.

• End of life recyclable

• First Building Code Certified Screw Foundation System in The U.S.

• Year-Round Installation

• No Concrete & No Excavation

Integrated solar business management software

SolarSuccess by Blu Banyan is a cloud-based business management software designed to meet the specific operational needs of residential, commercial, and utility-scale solar installers and developers. SolarSuccess integrated solar business management software provides complete oversight on cash flow, sales, costs, profitability, project status, inventory, updates and alerts, and other functions key to a solar installer’s success.

Blu Banyan

Booth 2272 – Digital Solutions

Introducing the NEW PV150+

Comprehensive weather station

Vaisala’s solutions help users master the impact of weather on their solar power plant. Their weather measurement technologies and data services for evolving solar industry include the new Vaisala Automatic Weather Station AWS810 Solar Edition. Vaisala AWS810 Solar Edition combines high-quality measurements, data collection, and connectivity so users can monitor the impact of weather and improve every stage of the solar power plant’s performance.


Booth 24007 – Sands Level 1

Turnkey solar mounting solutions

Polar Racking’s Axsus Sol-X delivers high performance in variable terrain and is a single axis tracker compatible with any foundation type without the need for an adaptor, including ballasted foundations. Highly compatible and with a terrain following of +/- 10%, the Axsus SAT can be installed on many sites and in challenging conditions. Installed across North America, Polar Racking’s solar mounting solutions have streamlined designs with fewer components that make installation easy and efficient. In addition to the SAT, Polar Racking offers a fixed tilt ground mount, CORE, and a solar carport, SHIELD. Polar Racking provides in-house engineering, foundation, and structural design, installation support, and solar racking products to meet challenging sites.

Polar Racking

Booth 1546 – Solar

Stäubli Electrical Connectors

Booth 2143

Simple wire management

Zilla's Electrical Passthroughs provide a versatile, dependable, and lowcost way to make wire transitions on composite shingle roofs, siding, and metal roofs. They are available in two sizes and allow for the simple and secure installation of combiner boxes, j-boxes, conduit bodies, and other compatible transitional components. The sleek, low-profile design uses the installation method of attachment first, flashing second, and an O-Ring seal third, providing three waterproof protection layers with no shingle cutting. Zilla Solar Mounting Passthroughs are made in the USA and have a 25-year limited warranty.

Zilla Corporation

Booth 1448 – Solar

Featuring up to 470Wp, 22.6% efficiency, and 92% warranted power output at year 25, REC brings its highest power rooftop panel ever to the US. With this latest innovation in the Alpha product series, first introduced in 2019, REC continues to master its advanced heterojunction technology (HJT) to maximize

Energy Storage System batteries offer bankable performance and feature a High Current BMS with up to 3C peak power along with lightning fast 1C continuous charge and discharge rates. Parallel up to twenty batteries for 148 kWh of capacity.

Unlock the full potential of a Discover Lithium ESS battery by enabling the BMS to optimize and dynamically manage the charging configurations of hybrid inverter-chargers in a closed-loop configuration - Schneider, Victron, Sol-Ark, SMA, Studer.

One stop shop for solar

Fortune Energy is a nationwide wholesale distributor of top-tier solar products, which they provide from their warehouses, staffed by full-time employee. Since their inception in 2009, they have helped clients secure materials for thousands of turn-key solar PV systems comprised of quality equipment from manufacturers at competitive pricing and terms. They are committed to offering a selection of solar panels, inverters, racking, and batteries. Fortune Energy

• From a 200-watt panel for RVs and Marine applications to 395 bifacial panels, we have a range of panels for a range of applications

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Comprehensive Landman Services for Renewables and Fossil Fuels Projects

• Utility + Community Solar

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• Title Abstraction, Curative + Due Diligence

• Government Agency Permitting

• GIS Mapping 241 Hwy. 43, Independence, LA 70443 Brian R. Lemoine, CPL (President) O: 985.748.5544 M: 504.430.0073

Electrical power system management

Electrical Reliability Services (ERS) provides comprehensive electrical testing, maintenance, and engineering services to a variety of industries including utilities, data centers, renewable energy, healthcare, and industrial. ERS’ nationwide network of NETA certified engineers, technicians, and service professionals apply their experience and expertise to ensure compliance and safety for every renewable energy project. Changing industry standards, such as NFPA 70B’s recent evolution from a recommended practice to a standard, prompted ERS to develop materials that explain key revisions and how they impact electrical maintenance programs for renewable energy projects. Similarly, NFPA 70E sets standards for the safety training of associates based upon the relative risks of their roles. ERS offers specialized training services that provide users with the knowledge necessary to maintain a safe and compliant workplace.

ERS - Electrical Reliability Services

Pre-configured turkey solution

The eSpire Mini Energy storage system is a fully integrated, preconfigured turnkey solution for large residential and light commercial projects (3Ph 208/480Vac @60Hz). The eSpire Mini has numerous applications such as microgrid, backup, off-grid peak shaving, time of use, self supply, demand response, and Virtual Power Plant (VPP). With AC and DC Coupling options, indoor and outdoor installation, and scalable capacity from 81-266kWh per unit, the eSpire Mini is suitable for many projects.

Fortress Power

Booth 3764 – Smart Energy

Stronger uplift with fewer penetrations

Install is easy with QuickBOLT’s Butyl Bottom Deck Mount. This mount utilizes a Peel-and-Place installation method. Just peel the paper and firmly press into position. Only 4 screws are needed to mount direct to deck or to the rafter, minimizing the impact on the roof. Self-tapping screws are included and come preassembled with EPDM backed Sealing Washers for strong holding and water protection. The pullout ratings will keep the array secure when deck mounting (843lb) or rafter mounting (3228lb). Users benefit from the flexibility to choose how to install this mount, with no additional SKUs required. QuickBOLT mounts are backed by testing, a 25-year manufacturer's warranty, and 11 years of over-theshingle mounts on the roof.


Booth 343 – Solar

Intelligent generator control

Bachmann's park controller provides simple configuration and intelligent control for a wide range of energy generators and is certified to VDE-AR-N 4110/4120. For use at the point of common coupling, the controller communicates with energy generators such as wind turbines, photovoltaic installations, or storage systems, along with energy suppliers or direct marketers.

Bachmann electronic GmbH

Booth 7129 – Sands Level 2



Integrated whole home solution

Phasegreen whole home solution offers an integrated package of an inverter, battery storage system, and an EV charger, providing sustainable and efficient energy management for residential properties. Benefits include energy independence, cost savings, reduced carbon emissions, peak load management, and convenient EV charging. By investing in Phasegreen, homeowners are prepared for future energy trends and advancements in renewable technology, empowering them to make environmentally conscious choices and optimize their energy consumption for a sustainable future. Phasegreen Technology, Inc.

Booth 4269

Reconditioned and new transformers

Transformers for renewable projects in stock and ready to ship. Maddox has thousands of new and reconditioned transformers in popular voltages and configurations for renewable applications including wye-wye dry-type units for rooftop inverters, grounding transformers, and solar duty padmounts with electrostatic shields for large solar fields.

Maddox Transformer

High-speed grounding breaker

EMA Electromechanics has designed and manufactures the high-speed Grounding Breaker. A technology created to mitigate islanding overvoltage solar or storage energy MV circuits. In solar/BESS applications, during a line-to-ground fault or a load rejection, the MV circuit might be islanded with the inverters connected for some cycle of wave in order to commit to the voltage ride-through (NERC PRC024). Inverter’s islanding detection method (IDM) might mis-operate and remain generating for some cycles. At risk are cable insulation and surge-arresters. The high-speed grounding breaker is a fast and clear signal to all inverters shut down at the same time which avoids unnecessary ride-through and is reliable TOV protection. EMA offers 38kV vacuum grounding breakers and conventional circuit breakers for outdoor applications.

Booth 2559 – Smart Energy All-in-one

EMA Electromechanics Inc.

Booth 2570 – Smart Energy

Solvari SR is an all-in-one solar module that offers a quick install. Simply lift the module to the roof, screw it down, and plug it in. All fasteners, flashing, electronics, and wiring are integrated with the module. Installers appreciate the low labor, overhead, and inventory management costs, as well as the safety of spending less time on the roof. Solvari SR won the DOE’s American Made Solar Prize and the California Energy Commission CalSEED innovation award.

Solvari Solar

Booth 18019 – Startups

Environmentally friendly-made engraving machines

Vision Engraving & Routing Systems builds quality, precision machines offered at cost effective pricing. Vision’s rotary systems do not release harmful fumes or require an air filtration system when engraving, making them environmentally friendly. They offer small desktop sized engraving machines on up to 4ft x 8ft router/engravers. Users can make PV tags, plates, labels, solar placards, OSHA-compliant signs, metal tags, and more.

Vision Engraving & Routing Systems

Booth 6166 – Solar

US made utility-scale string inverters

SOLECTRIA XGI 1500-250 Series

“American Made” Inverters provide solutions for ground-mounted utility-scale PV systems with models available for service connections at 600Vac and 480Vac. Featuring SiC technology, high power, and high efficiency, these string inverters are suitable for the utility-scale market.

Yaskawa Solectria Solar

Booth 925 – Solar

25-year old service provider

For the past 25 years, Unirac has evolved into a comprehensive service provider, offering development and support to their clients.


Booth 3752 – Solar

Wire and cable solutions

For over 60 years, Paige has helped the world connect with wire and cable solutions. Paige specializes in application-driven products, engineering value added solutions for complex environments. With an operating presence in more than 100 countries and seven North American locations, Paige has the reach to handle complex jobs and warehousing space to inventory their customer’s stock.

Paige Renewable Energy

Booth 5765 – Solar

Renewable energy transformers

HPS offers HPS Sentinel Solar Duty transformers for the renewable energy industry. These transformers are available for applications where voltage adjustments are necessary between solar generation system and the utility service. HPS Sentinel solar duty transformers are intended for bi-directional use in utility-interactive generation systems where power may flow to or from the grid.

Hammond Power Solutions (HPS) Booth 4963 – EV


RESA Power's NETA Certified Technicians ensure the reliability and safety of critical electrical equipment supporting renewable energy sources. They are committed to providing high quality services and power systems solutions including but not limited to tower/inverter pad ground grid resistance testing, pad mount transformer acceptance testing, transformer oil testing, energization support and switching, power system troubleshooting, emergency transformer rentals, and more. They also offer services in testing and commissioning substation equipment to ensure it is operating safely and efficiently as well as provide substation NERC/ FERC testing and reporting essential for regulatory compliance.

RESA Power Booth 3575 – Smart Energy

vegetation control

Renu Robotics helps O&M providers, asset managers, and solar and energy facilities conduct vegetation management with the Renubot. It can mow day or night, is rugged, reliable, and significantly cuts vegetation management costs and carbon emissions. The Renubot replenishes its battery in the Recharge Pod that protects it from changing climate conditions. The Renubots are supported by Mission Control, which oversees operations, collects secured and encrypted data, and provides continuous reporting to customers.

Agnostic integrated solutions

Terrasmart’s offering includes ground screws and adjustable racking, and spans across multiple foundation types, ground mount racking, canopy systems, project optimization software, and eBOS solutions. Combined with turnkey design, engineering, and installation services, they provide integrated agnostic solutions

Battery energy storage cabinet

The Sinexcel 1500V Storage-only Power Block, supported 400/480/600/690/800Vac and 600 - 1500Vdc, could be used for flexible scenarios in most applications for both front-ofmeter and behind-the-meter markets. The NEMA3R/IP54 cabinet consists of the 125 - 500kW power conversion system and an auxiliary power supply for the independent outdoor battery cabinet. It can be configured independently or in parallel to meet the specific needs of each customer in C&I and utility applications.

Sinexcel Booth 2759 – Smart Energy

Green hydrogen

Nel Hydrogen manufacturers Alkaline and Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) water electrolysers, which when connected to a source of renewable energy, produce from 0.27 Nm3 to 19,400 Nm3 of Green Hydrogen per hour. Units can be grouped together into electrolyser plants for even larger production rates. Electrolysers are used to store excess energy (electricity) from renewable resources in the H2 bond. The hydrogen can then be sold to industry (converting curtailed power to cash), or burned in a turbine or run through a fuel cell to put the stored energy onto the grid during periods of low generation or peak demand. Due to their fast response times the PEM electrolysers are also used by renewable energy plants to balance the power put onto the grid.

American Helios Constructors, LLC (AHC) is a full-service EPC and BOS contractor serving the utility scale solar market. Their corporate offices are in Baltimore, MD with staff throughout the US to support their project needs. They provide construction services and are primarily focused on supporting project developers and DOD/ Federal renewable projects. Together with their sister company, Tennessee Valley Infrastructure Group, Inc., which provides wind construction services, they have completed over 30 projects and 1GW of installed capacity of various sized wind and solar projects.

Rackmount battery modules

Discover Energy Systems introduces the AES RACKMOUNT Energy Storage System. AES RACKMOUNT features 100Ah / 5.12kWh 48V nominal 19'' (3U) rackmount battery modules with or without integrated heating for cold-weather sites. Discover’s high-current Gen4 BMS powers inductive loads and energizes transformer-based inverters with 2.2C peak power and 1C continuous discharge while enabling ultra-fast, 1C dynamic charging. AES RACKMOUNT systems are easy to specify, quick to install, and simple to permit. The modules are safety certified to UL1973, UL9540 BESS, UL9540A, and IEC62619 for rapid permitting with all major brands of power electronics. Discover’s AES RACKMOUNT offers two enclosure types, a preassembled enclosure with integrated DC bussing for 30kWh of storage in a slim profile, or an economical Quick Stack racking option for towered configuration to 30kWh. Discover continues its advanced closed-loop communication integration with all major brands of power electronics utilizing the all-new LYNK II Gateway for straightforward commissioning, monitoring, and diagnostics with LYNK ACCESS software.

Discover Energy Systems

Booth 2972 – Smart Energy

High quality solar pile drivers

The Doyle Rambo 500 is designed specifically for the solar construction industry. The Doyle machine accepts a 20ft post and is available with NASKU GPS automation. Gayk carries all supplies, parts, and accessories for it in their U.S. facility. Doyles are available for immediate delivery.

High-performance, dual-unit microinverter

The MAC-800 is a high-performance, dual-unit microinverter. Designed for optimal pairing with Aptos solar panels, the MAC-800 is compatible with 108, 120, and 144 cell PV panels and upgraded for streamlined integration. The MAC-800 is equipped and ready for system monitoring and trend tracking through Aptos Solar Technology’s cloud based software.

Aptos Solar Technology

Booth 3768 – Smart Energy

Strong and environmentally friendly module frames

Origami Solar’s steel solar module frame is backwards compatible with current module assembly and installation methods, which reduces environmental impact, lowering costs, and utilizing domestic steel ecosystems eliminates supply chain constraints. Made with precision roll formed steel, Origami Solar’s solution meets or exceeds all of the industry UL and IEC standards for loading, corrosion, continuity, and many other critical elements. Under extreme loading, both downward and upward, the Origami steel frames are strong and provide protection against cell cracks and glass breakage.

Origami Solar

Booth 18025 – Startups

All-in-one scaleable platform

Sol-Ark’s all-in-one platform scales up to 1.5MW grid-tie/720kW backup with native 208V and 480V options. Their 30K-3P-208V and 60K-3P-480V hybrid inverters help commercial and industrial organizations reduce energy costs, protect data and essential loads, combine onsite renewables and EV charging stations, and ensure uninterrupted operations. Their new DC optimizers and stackable SL-14 load controller bring system controls to MySolArk Monitoring Platform, maximize demand/NEM3/VPP savings, enable uniform fleet across residential and commercial, and meet project compliance requirements.


Booth 4459 – Solar

provides diagnostic and technical services for underground power cable systems, utilizing AIbased Factory Grade technology to take the complexity out of site commissioning as well as testing and maintenance services to extend cable system useful life. Their services increase their clients’ asset reliability and longevity, helping to eliminate unplanned outages, boost safety metrics, and improve bottom lines. Booth 4263 – Solar

High performing data availability

The Hukseflux SRA30-M2-D1 ISO 9060 spectrally flat Class-A digital albedometer features a maintenancefree internal ventilation system which circulates heated air between the sensor inner and outer domes, suppressing dew and frost deposition on the sensor optics. The SRA30M2-D1 albedometer is suited for solar resource assessment campaigns and utility scale bifacial PV systems performance monitoring. Standard SRA30-M2-D1 features include digital tilt, humidity, pressure, and case temperature sensor readouts. All critical sensor data, including sensor serial number and calibration data, are all available via RS485 RTU / Modbus polling. The sealed maintenancefree housing and internal ventilation system design result in minimal ownership cost over the life of the sensor. Local ISO/IEC 17025 accredited calibration support is also available.

Hukseflux USA, Inc.

Booth 3063 – Smart Energy

Ground-mount solar racking system

American made dual-glass modules

PowerShingle from Nucor is a solar panel technology with an innovative watershed design to keep everything below clean and dry. PowerShingle eliminates the need for costly sub-roofing typically required to weatherproof conventional solar systems. PowerShingle’s bifacial design gathers sunlight from both sides, providing a steady supply of clean, affordable solar energy. PowerShingle is backed by a 25-year warranty.

Nucor Corporation

FULL TILT, developed by BCI, is an optimized fixed tilt racking solution designed to meet the installation challenges of any job site. The FULL TILT racking system offers flexibility, adjustability, and a combination of specifically designed features to ease and accelerate installation, including LONGHORN module rails that selfalign modules with locating notches and rail shape, independent selfsquaring tables, structural features that eliminate manual lifting of beams, suitability for multiple module fastening methods including the ARaymond PowAR Cinch clip, and the ability to install components and modules in the flat position.

Full Tilt


DCDC Converter

Complete solutions for solar installers

Sonepar carries solar products for installers, including batteries, inverters, racking and flashings, and solar modules. Plus, they offer design support for energy storage systems, jobsite project management, direct pay financing options, and streamlined invoicing. They cover all 50 states, with a single point of contact for customers nationwide.

Sonepar Booth 15090


Zero Penetrations Roof Agnostic Reduce Install Time No Fossil Fuels

UL2703 Listed Wind and seismic tested to ASCE


Automated structural engineering for

iRooFA, is Instant Roof Framing Analysis for residential solar projects. Stick frame, truss, IBC / CBC 5%, and seismic analysis. iRooFA has an easyto-use online data input with graphic interface. Their database includes PV modules, inverters, and racking products. They check plans for codes, wind / snow, structural, and electrical. AutoCAD integration. Automatically BOM’s. Post installation affidavits and state construction permits.

Component level rapid shutdown device

Designed with Intelligence, the BFS-21/22 component level rapid shutdown device provides swift and precise disconnection capabilities in emergency situations, effectively mitigating potential risks. Leveraging the power of PLC communication technology, this product offers rapid switching, reliability, low power consumption, and cost-effectiveness, thereby ensuring the secure operation of PV systems. The series has successfully obtained UL and SunSpec certifications and caters to a diverse range of PV systems. The device will perform in harsh environments and provides longevity and low maintenance costs.

Realtime monitoring and management

OptConnect neo2 dura features dual carrier failover with high speed LTE connectivity for solar and renewable energy IoT applications that require greater bandwidth for real-time monitoring and management. All of this is backed by OptConnect's fully managed services to ensure the solar equipment has a high level of uptime to remote monitoring platforms.


Booth 28118 – Sands Level 1

All-in-one residential ESS

Paladin Power energy storage system (ESS) is an all-in-one residential battery and hybrid inverter solution that is designed to be on or off grid, low cost, easy to install, and can power all circuits in a home plus EVs. Paladin is an NEM 3.0 solution for solar installers. Scalable inverters to 21KW and stackable batteries from 24KW to 96KW all in the same cabinet without having to add additional equipment or components. Everything, including batteries, inverters, and connections are enclosed in one system making it easy to install. Paladin ESS is SGIP approved in California including UL 1741, ETL, CEC, IEEE 1541, and UL 9540a. Paladin can be used for residential, commercial, EVs, farms, and more. Paladin Power ESS comes with a 20-year warranty and is approved with popular lenders for B2C. It gets better; Paladin has a unique logistics and delivery system that can provide for delivery of the unit to your end user customer when the contractor is ready for installation.

Paladin Power, Inc.

Sunlight to energy

Vroom Solar’s solar-direct technology converts sunlight to usable 1600 to 3000 DC-watts power. Like an automatic transmission, power is cycled through four (4) standard AC outlets, based on available energy and load draw. Have portable power during daylight hours, add any battery for overnight usage. Eligible for Solar and Made-in-USA end user tax credits.

Vroom Solar

Booth 21118 – Sands Level 1


Real-time Data Collection

Connect to the cloud and access applications quickly with WAGO’s Edge Devices. They have the ability to provide detailed data analytics and plant floor control at the same time, increasing efficiency and reducing downtime. In today’s digital society, the Edge Controller and Computer are truly the duality of today’s smart connected world.

Your advantages:

• Easy integration into existing systems

• High computing power and scalable storage

• Compact and low-maintenance edge-devices

Supporting social stability and reintegration with solar

Crossroads Solar manufactures fully certified (61730/61215) modules for the residential, commercial, and agricultural PV markets. They are an American owned company, making Made in the US qualified panels, and with a workforce development mission that hires only 2nd chance citizens. Their modules are high quality and they have production schedules in weeks rather than months.

Crossroads Solar

Booth 21118 – Sands Level 1

Responsible battery energy storage products

Crown Renewable Batteries are an innovative array of responsible battery energy storage products, including their popular 2CRP1200 model which has capacity up to 55.9kWh (48VDC) for best available performance and ROI, is flexible and easy to handle, configure, deployable for new or existing systems and resilient in extreme operating temperatures, and earth-friendly being 99% recyclable. Crown can supply grid-connected with back-up power, off-grid, or custom storage applications.

Crown Battery

Booth 5548 – ESI

Lifestyle solar power solutions

Arka Energy Inc. a San Franciscobased climate technology company specializing in lifestyle solar solutions, presents its flagship products, the PowerGazebo and PowerPatio, which offer outdoor living experiences, combining solar efficiency with attractive aesthetics. The PowerGazebo and PowerPatio enhance rooftop solar installations, maximizing PV generation, and adding value to homes. These provide extended outdoor living space, boosting home value, and offering energy savings alongside Investment Tax Credit (ITC) incentives.

Arka Energy, Inc.

Booth 26118 – Sands Level 1

Sierra 3 port bidirectional (AC/AC/DC) converter line is available in a number of voltage and power ratings. These hot-swappable modules can be paralleled to build systems from 1kW to 1.5MW.

is a 3 port bidirectional (AC/DC/DC) converter which easily interconnects to various power sources to offer high performance and energy savings.

Laser leveling adaptors for solar installation

Laser Tools Co., Inc.’s SE-10 and SE50 Solar Energy Installation Systems are used to align the support pylons that hold the mounted solar panels. Used to survey and align multi-acre power distribution fields, the leveling adapters hold the green laser that attaches to the top of the king pylon and shoots a laser reference line over the top of the pylons for fast alignment during installation. This positions each pylon inline in order to support the solar panels. The SE10 Solar Energy Installation System includes the AP1000 Leveling Adapter Plate with a vertical micrometer and horizontal azimuth adjustment for precise laser beam alignment over 500ft. The SE-50 Solar Energy Installation System is includes a locking feature for stable laser dot alignment over 300ft. The SE-10 and SE-50 Solar Energy Installation Systems are battery operated, eye safe, and include a hard-shell carrying case, so they are portable, field rugged, and tested. These alignment laser systems are manufactured world-wide for large scale, solar field and PV panel installations.

Laser Tools Co., Inc

Booth 24003 – Sands Level 1

and a


With an intelligent Battery Management System (BMS) and reliable Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) battery pack, EP900 provides performance regardless of the cold or hot weather.


Booth 20074 – Sands Level 1

Hydrogen ecosystem solutions

Yokogawa's solutions for the hydrogen ecosystem focus on renewable power, microgrids, and DERMS. Yokogawa provides a comprehensive suite of offerings for the hydrogen ecosystem. Their PXiSE team can discuss grid controls for highly distributed and renewable grids.


Booth 14039 – Hydrogen + Fuel Cells

Renewable energy solutions

Aggreko integrates technological advancements like automatic load control systems with alternative fuels and expert engineering solutions. Their range of energy transition services enables customers to set the pace for the grid’s evolution, and meet their deadlines. They bring renewable energy projects online fast, efficiently, and with a reduced carbon footprint.


Booth 20113 – Sands Level 1

Custom power distribution equipment

ASG services the alternative energy markets with electrical design and manufacturing product solutions. Now offering 1500Vdc UL98B enclosed switches / switchgear for solar and battery storage projects.


Booth 14004 – Sands Level 1

Wire and cable solutions

American Wire Group (AWG) offers a one-stop shopping for their customers. AWG specializes in providing wire and cable solutions for use in wind, solar, and other renewable energy applications. The renewable energy sector relies on the wind and solar wire and cable products including communication cables, control cables, grounding conductor cables, medium voltage cables, photovoltaic cables, power cables, transmission cables, hardware and accessories, and pre-installed HDPE duct cables. They support projects through their full lifecycle, from initial conception and development through global sourcing, production, delivery, and ongoing maintenance and service.

American Wire Group (AWG)

Booth 4959 – EV

Universal sloped roof racking system

Using counterbalance technology Z-Rack is a universal sloped roof racking solution. Allowing systems to lay flush, Z-Rack requires zero penetration for installation and shaves install time down for projects of any scale. Z-Rack can be placed on all roof materials, shingle, metal, tile, and wood. 100% recyclable and durable materials make the Z-Rack solution versatile. Keeping to the mission of SolarPod to be simple and modular, the roof solution provides a flexible and cost-effective solution. Z-Rack is approved to wind speeds of 170mph, wind and seismic tested to ASCE, and UL 2703 listed.

Booth 19109 – Sands Level 1

Turnkey engineering, fabrication, and construction

From concept to as-built, TorcSill’s turnkey engineering, fabrication, and construction approach is suited for the challenges faced by the renewables industry. In addition to the value-added through its vertical integration, TorcSill’s modular helical pile foundations offer its customers countless advantages throughout the project development and execution processes, such as no spoils or vibrations, a sustainable footprint, and schedule compression.


Booth 21014 – Sands Level 1

Improving what can’t be seen

North American Solar Scan aims to enable the simple prioritization of costly issues, through visibility into asset conditions, and the losses associated. With straightforward three-letter ratings that offer at-aglance visibility into asset health, users can confidently prioritize maintenance and avoid futile pursuits of minor issues with minimal ROI. Plus, the reports are available today. Enjoy immediate, affordable, and simplified solutions through the North American Solar Scan.


Booth 27112 – Sands Level 1

Deep insights into renewables

Rystad Energy, an independent firm specializing in energy research and business intelligence, has been a key player in the energy industry since 2004. The firm offers a broad range of services to global clients, including comprehensive data, tools, analytics, and consultancy services. These services span across various energy sectors, from shale to solar and commodity markets to CO2 emissions, as well as oil and gas exploration and energy transition. Rystad Energy's offerings are designed to cater to the diverse needs of analysts, managers, and executives. The firm assists their clients with business development, portfolio strategy, market trend analysis, benchmarking, and competitor assessments. In the renewable energy sector, Rystad Energy offers detailed data tools for solar, wind, hydrogen, and energy storage. These include aspects such as utility-scale projects, cost dynamics, production assets, and GIS capacity. The firm also provides an in-depth analysis of the renewable sector's supply chain, ensuring clients have a comprehensive understanding of the market.

Rystad Energy

Booth 7528 – Ballroom

Wiring solutions provider

As a wiring solution provider, Voltage LLC, based in Chapel Hill, NC, provides a streamlined and costefficient experience for their partners. Voltage’s ecosystem of wiring solutions span from engineering design services through to customized products and closing the loop with their VR/3D training support. Voltage Reality provides significant savings by allowing the on-site crew to visualize installation before setting boots on the ground.

Voltage, LLC

Booth 943 – Sands Level 2

Versatile drilling machine

The WORD Skid Steer Attachment is suitable for the installation of helical anchors and ground screws or pre-drilling a solar site. The WORD Skid Steer Attachment is a versatile machine that will get the job done. Equipped with a unique motor mounting system, this one drill provides the capability to be successful in a variety of soil conditions and racking systems. Additionally, operated with a two man crew, the easy-to-use controls and maneuverability of the skid steer make this a solution for high productivity in commercial solar installations.

WORD International, Inc.

Booth 4165 – Solar

Battery health and performance software

By combining cutting-edge artificial intelligence with deep knowledge of batteries, ACCURE Battery Intelligence brings clarity to energy storage systems. This cloud-based predictive analytics software simplifies the complexity of battery data and delivers enhanced performance, safety, and reliability.

ACCURE Battery Intelligence

Booth 15100 – Sands Level 1

Digital twin for utilityscale solar

Enurgen presents their DUET platform solution for design, optimization, operation, maintenance, and long-term asset management of utility-scale solar power plants. Their DUET bifacial software enables model to asset agreement within 1%. DUET provides novel ways to optimize energy production yields by employing a 3D view factor methodology with complex shading algorithms, therefore incorporating the influence of racking structure on bifacial gain. The unique behavior of the DUET software engine allows the establishment of the model beyond the design and planning phase to create physics-based digital twins, delivering end-to-end value over the 25-year operation of a plant.


Booth 13030 – Startups

Join conversations with industry buyers, suppliers, distributors, consultants, and more to explore solutions, exchange ideas, and discover new technologies.

Design and consulting services

Olsson is a nationally recognized engineering firm that crafts expert solutions and designs aimed at improving communities. They offer design and consulting services in planning and design, engineering, field services, environmental, and technology.


Booth 11086 – Sands Level 1

Bidirectional converter

Stabiliti 30C3 is a 3-port bidirectional (AC/DC/DC) converter which easily interconnects to various power sources to offer high performance. Stabiliti 30C3 allows users to configure for peak shaving, energy arbitrage, and microgrid. As PV and batteries are the most expensive part of a complete system installation, Stabiliti 30C3 lowers the total system cost with its internal high frequency galvanic isolation, and almost doubles the life of batteries and PVs by protecting them from grid transients.

CE+T America

Booth 24097 – Sands Level 1

Commercial AC combiners

The new generation of commercial AC combiners is based on a platform that delivers maximum reliability with little to no maintenance, designed specifically to reduce thermal derating and avoid nuisance trips. Working hand in hand with all popular commercial string inverters, making them user-friendly and safe. The simple layout can be rapidly multiplied, particularly with large commercial rooftop systems. Installation flexibility is achieved with the ability to mount horizontally or vertically. Fuses can be ordered separately.

Pacific Coast Wire & Cable

Booth 15057 – Sands Level 1

Large transformer factory with short lead times

JSHP Transformer is a family-owned private company. Their product line includes power transformers, shunt reactors, pad mounted distribution transformers, and cast-resin dry type transformers. JSHP has an average fabrication time of 2 months. JSHP guarantees quality, quick delivery, and economics.

JSHP Transformer

Booth 14126 – Sands Level 1

AC for equipment shelters

Marvair and ICE air conditioners are used to cool electronic and mechanical equipment shelters used in energy storage. Due to the high internal heat load, these shelters require cooling even when outside temperatures are 60°F (15°C) and below. Marvair and ICE air conditioners have the necessary controls and components for operation during these temperatures. Marvair and ICE air conditioners are installed on the exterior of the building, no interior space is required. Two openings in the wall allow for the conditioned (supply) air to be discharged into the building and for the indoor air to return to the air conditioner.

Marvair and ICE Divisions of Airxcel

Booth 21119 – Sands Level 1

Unified racking and ballast

SunBallast has developed a cost effective, durable, and intuitive racking for solar on flat roofs and ground mounts. They've united racking and ballast in a single construction grade concrete block. It gives the tilt angle as well as enough weight to withstand all kinds of wind, snow, and seismic loads according to the IBC, ASCE, and SEAOC codes. This racking is available in an EW or South facing configuration. All products are made in USA.

SunBallast USA

Booth 23011 – Sands Level 1

Solar monitoring service

Solar Data Systems, Inc. is a North American Solar Monitoring as a Service (SolarMaaS) company.

SolarMaaS allows PV plant owners, installers, developers, O&M providers, and investors to have a singular, competent, and experienced source for solar monitoring, visualization, evaluation, troubleshooting, and control. Solar Data Systems, also known as SolarLog North America, avails its users to an array of tools and services to be applied for residential, C&I, and utility projects. Its suite of offerings includes hardware-agnostic hardware (data loggers, display systems, meters, analyzers), accessories, software, as well as comprehensive services for protecting the PV investment.

Solar Data Systems, Inc.

Booth 24093 – Sands Level 1

Energy Efficient

Lower resistance when compared to equivalent ampacity copper PV wire

Easy to Use

Lighter weight than traditional copper PV wire

Cost Efficient

Lower cost than traditional copper PV wire

Easy to Install

Compatible with connectors and terminations rated for copper (NEC compliant)


Rapid shutdown solution

As part of Hoymiles rapid shutdown solution for the PV system, HRSD-2C can be connected with two modules. It meets NEC 2017, NEC 2020, UL 1741, and SunSpec Rapid Shutdown requirements, guaranteeing PV system safety. When installed with and receiving a "permission to operate" signal from Hoymiles Transmitter, HRSD starts proper operation of the PV system. In case of emergency, the PV system would enter module-level rapid shutdown mode by simply disconnecting the AC power of the transmitter or using an external initiator.

Hoymiles Power Electronics


October 18th -19 th , 2023 Broward County Convention Center Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Discover the power of Florida’s solar and energy storage industries during this groundbreaking event! Engage with renowned experts and industry leaders who will share their knowledge and insights through compelling education sessions. Plus, explore a diverse range of exhibitors, showcasing the latest advancements in clean energy. RE+ Florida will also feature Caribbean-based education for companies interested in learning how to break into the Caribbean market.

Features just some of the companies and technologies attendees will see at this year’s show.

Residential BESS

Pylon Technologies’ Pelio 5.12kWh provides high energy density in about 0.1sqm footprint for 20kWh of BESS installation. The high efficiency 4kw co ntinuous/6.1KW@15min/10.2KW@15s ec is available for unit module. Benefit from the modular design concept, it is expandable up to 20pcs (5.12Kwh per module, scalable up to 104kWh) of installation capacity per system. Pelio can be flexible and installed by wall-mount or floor-mount concept in either indoor or outdoor environment. Users can monitor 24/7 with their Intelligent Monitoring Platform. Certified to UL9540A, UL1973, IEC62619, and IEC63056/CE with the purpose of top safety.

Pylon Technologies

Bifacial efficiency and power output

Introducing the AXITEC AXIbipremium 550W bifacial solar module. With its bifacial technology, it absorbs sunlight from both sides, maximizing efficiency and power output up to 25% more power. This module offers performance and durability, ensuring optimal energy production for solar projects.


Modular power station

Mango Power Union is a large-capacity (6.9kWh), high power output battery (4000Wac and 350Wdc) modular power station with a heavy-duty home base and a smaller, detachable unit at the top. With its 19 ports, it can safely be removed anytime through patented mLink technology and taken on road trips. Up to 10 of them can be stacked together into a micro-grid, providing up to 69kWh. Its inbuilt PV inverter makes it easy to charge by solar panels, power grid, or others. Mango charges to 80% in just 1.5 hours and 100% in 2.5 hours.

Mango Power

High performing solar technology

Now available in the USA, Meyer Burger cells and modules are made in Germany and designed in Switzerland. They consist of 120-M6 half-cut heterojunction cells, measure 70" x 41" (1767mm x 1041mm), and weigh approximately 45lb. With a power output up to 400Wp, these modules are available in black or white. Including patented SmartWire Connection Technology (SWCT), and a low-temperature coefficient, the company also offers a 25-year product, performance, and labor warranty. Meyer Burger is an established 70-year old company which has been involved in the solar industry for 40 years.

Meyer Burger

Whole home energy management system

Franklin Home Power is a wholehome energy management system with storage. The heart of the FHP system are the aGate, aPower, and the FranklinWH App. The aGate is an intelligent home energy management panel that integrates solar, battery storage, grid, and generator power sources and manages them to provide a consistent, robust, and balanced energy supply for the home. The aPower is a 13.6kWh AC-coupled battery with a built-in inverter. It uses safe LFP cells and each aGate can stack up to fifteen aPower batteries for a total of 204kWh storage. The FranklinWH App runs on Android and iOS, supporting homeowners and installers. Commission can take less than 15 minutes, while homeowners can monitor and manage their systems any time, from anywhere.


Energy storage solutions

nVent HOFFMAN offers a wide range of battery storage solutions on both the DC side and AC side. Their solutions help to improve energy efficiency, provide end-user safety, reduce installation time, add resilience, and protect missioncritical systems. They make it easy to develop robust, scalable, reliable, and safe systems suited for energy storage demanding and evolving electrical protection applications.

nVent Hoffman

Making solar simple

EZ Solar’s mission is to make solar simple with innovative products that are high-quality, installer-friendly, and cost-effective. They have products for every installation; asphalt/composite shingles, tile roofs, and a universal rail-mounted box that works with any rail. Made from high quality materials, EZ Solar junction boxes are built to last for life, are NEMA 3R rated, tested to UL1741 standards, and come with a 25-year warranty.

EZ Solar

Online portal for solar installers

PZSE’s new online solar portal caters to residential solar installers nationwide. This service allows users to submit projects directly to the engineering team, bypassing lengthy email chains while also acting as an easy-to-use project management and tracking tool. The Portal’s engineering services currently include residential certification letters (IEBC), full structural calculations, and electrical stamps along with seamless API integration. When logging in, users can expect to see a new interface, improved search functionality, updated billing and transparency, and new user features for improved turnaround time. The PZSE Portal is easy to use and it’s free to sign up.

PZSE Structural Engineers

Whole home all-in-one solution

The Fortress Power Envy True 12 is a whole-home, all-in-one 12kW inverter solution. Paired with the Fortress Power eFlex 5.4kWh, the eVault MAX 18.5kWh or LFP-10 MAX batteries, the Envy features a 200A AC passthrough providing up to 12kW (50A @ 240V) of whole-home backup power. The Envy features a built-in generator input with AC/DC coupling, on- and off-grid capabilities, plus a 3 MPPT output allowing for a maximum of 21kW PV array. The Envy is equipped with a built-in APsmart Module Level Rapid Shutdown Transmitter and Button, along with Pre-built AC and DC breakers allowing for fast installation and commissioning. Their online monitoring app can be used to access the system from anywhere.

Fortress Power

Reliable energy generation and storage

Introducing LG Electronics Home 8 residential ESS, a reliable, complete energy generation and storage solution that reduces dependency on the electrical grid, phases out any type of fueled generators, offsets peak shifts, and is environmentally and economically friendly. This is a ready-to-deploy, all-in-one system with PCS + built-in CT Sensor and smart energy box. A 7” touch-screen HMI and Installer Setup Wizard reduces commissioning time. Users can connect 4-units for up to 57.6kWh of total storage. Home 8 ESS provides in-depth system performance and data analysis via EnerVu software and is 9540/9640A fire certified by UL directly, UL1741SA, UL1741SB(TBD), NEMA Type 3R in a 7.5kW AC-coupled design.

LG Electronics Energy Storage Systems

Mounting and flashing systems

AIRE is a carefully-engineered, ergonomic solution for pitched roofs that honors both speed and precision. Each component in the IronRidge Aire Flush Mount System has been designed to enforce a quality installation that stands up to the rain, wind, and snow forces it will battle during its decades-long lifespan. Working hand-in-glove with installers has driven innovations like Slide-andGlide rails, Twist-and-Click hardware, and other physio-friendly movements. AIRE includes an NEC-compliant cable tray. The Halo Ultra Grip or HUG is a flashing system that requires no pilot holes, no sealant, and no shimming. A simplified installation experience with a 3-tier flashing system, HUG is the latest QuickMount attachment to join their suite of solar mounts. All their products are fully-certified, code-compliant, listed to UL 2703, and backed by a 25-year warranty.


Time saving metal mount

QuickBOLT’s newest metal mount for standing seams comes with an integrated stainless-steel L-Foot and Set Screws for stronger mounting. The Screws come pre-assembled with the L-Foot. The mount includes a Grip Plate with cross-knurling that provides extra grip. This enhances pull-out resistance and prevents the Set Screws from damaging the roof.


Say NO to Cheap Condition Monitoring

The implementation of a Condition Monitoring System (CMS) to measure wind turbine health is no longer an optional extra. In many cases, particularly the offshore sector, CMS with Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is mandatory—and the benefits are crystal clear. An effective CMS improves the efficiency of turbine maintenance, helps avoid major failures and downtime, and facilitates operating permit extension based on actual plant data, increasing the operational lifetime of an installation.

Typically, a wind farm can expect ROI from a CMS within 3 years of implementation. However, there are significant variations in quality on the current CMS solutions market. Unfortunately, procurement teams often fail to correctly estimate the total cost of ownership and select the cheapest system, which will eventually cost far more than its higher-quality competitors. As the saying goes: “Buy it cheap, buy it twice.”

Traditionally, CMS was focused on monitoring the health of the drivetrain. As installations grow, however, blade health monitoring is becoming essential, as is SHM for monitoring the condition of tower and foundations, particularly offshore. The current cost of a basic, 8-channel CMS with transducers lies in the range of $3,000 to $8,000 per turbine. Installation (including lost generation during installation) will be about $2,000 per turbine. These are the upfront costs that wind turbine owners and operators can be certain of. But what about the hidden costs?

Poor quality = hardware failures

In the language of condition monitoring, we generally refer to failure rate in failures per hundred item years. So, with 8 sensors on a 50-turbine wind farm, with a 20-year lifetime, the total runtime is 8000 sensor years. If a high-quality CMS

delivers a failure rate of 1 per 100 sensor years, and a low-quality CMS delivers 2 per 100 sensor years, that low-quality CMS will fail an additional 80 times over the total installation lifetime.

Repairing a sensor is relatively simple, but still requires a visit from a technician, new hardware, and travel time—the costs of which can quickly escalate. If the total cost per failure is around $300, then this puts the price of 80 additional, onshore repairs at $24,000—for offshore installations, this could increase tenfold.

Don’t forget the cost of potential missed failures that could occur during downtime. While the sensor is out of action, no data will be recorded, which could lead to complications further down the line.

Poor quality = inaccuracy

An indirect cost of a low-quality CMS solution is lower monitoring accuracy. An advanced CMS may offer 1 percent better availability and greater storage capacity in the case of a communications loss. This could lead to a 1 percent improvement in fault detection. Typically, we see faults on 10 percent of turbines per year, of differing severities. So, on our 50-turbine wind farm, with its 20year lifetime, we would expect to detect 100 faults throughout the lifetime of the park.

The savings associated with fault detection vary dramatically according to failure type and follow-on impact, but these can range from $1000 to $100,000. If we assume an average saving of $20,000 per fault, which equates to a saving of $1000 per turbine, then missing just one such event could have major financial consequences for the wind park.

Monitoring service


Some load monitoring sensors transmit data that can be instantly captured by the wind park controller system, making it immediately available to all corresponding monitoring and SCADA systems. Let’s take a strain measurement/IPC sensor as an example. There are low-cost models available on the market that, upon installation, require an expensive software module (around $4000) to connect to the controller module. Despite appearing initially as a low-cost sensor, the hidden costs of sensor integration massively inflate the price of such budget equipment, not to mention the additional costs of more complicated start-up and troubleshooting. Despite the major financial potential impact from a predictive approach to maintenance (enabled by an effective CMS solution), many owners and operators still do not see CMS as a critical operational component of their wind park. When a CMS performs well, the potential cost savings are enormous, but if it does not perform (is inaccurate and requires regular maintenance and repairs), then it quickly becomes a cost driver, and operators lose trust in the entire process.

The better the monitoring equipment, the lower the associated monitoring efforts, and the lower the cost of monitoring. If the monitoring fee for a low-cost CMS solution equates to €1000 annually, and the monitoring fee for a higher-quality solution equates to €500, the result over the 20-year lifetime of a wind installation is a cost difference of €10,000—much more than the original cost of the “expensive” CMS hardware. The advanced capabilities of the more expensive system have a significant downward impact on the total cost of ownership.

Own monitoring

Lifetime warranties go some way to reassuring owners and operators that they are investing in a good CMS, but the hardware costs are one of the smallest parts of the hidden cost equation. The major hidden costs are due to maintenance visits to replace faulty hardware (especially offshore), missed failures during downtime, poor quality monitoring, expensive monitoring services, data processing, and networking.

Right from the start, investing in a higherquality CMS with a lifetime guarantee will almost certainly save money over the total lifetime of an installation.

What if you have an inhouse condition monitoring team? System quality also makes a major difference here. Again, the advanced capabilities of a better CMS solution reduce the amount of postprocessing and deliver clearer, more accurate results that are easier to interpret and lead to quicker responses to an imminent failure. This is especially true for high-quality CMS with processoriented diagnostic software.

Data processing

David Futter is the Head of Condition Monitoring Consultancy—an independent technical advisory service under the Bachmann Group—and a BINDT Vibration Analysis Cat IV practitioner and Approved Training Coordinator. He is a committee member of the BSI GME21/5 and GME21/7 as well as a member of the BINDT Vibration Analysis Expert Group. Katy Huckle is a Marketing Manager at Bachmann electronic, specializing in Condition Monitoring. She holds an MBA from the HSG St Gallen in Switzerland. Bachmann ///

Low quality sensors may not have the capability or usable range necessary for wind turbines. This is not only in the low frequency region, but also at the high frequency part of the signal. Sampling at 10kHz is routinely used for envelope analysis—not only on the high-speed part of the machine, but also for slow rotating components requiring identification of impacting to enable diagnosis. However, some transducers (especially those based on MEMS) have a response limited to less than 5kHz, making them unsuitable for wind turbine monitoring. The consequential impact of undetected rotor bearing damage due to inferior, low-cost sensor technology can far exceed the minimal savings of a cheap CMS.

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Maximizing Turbine Health

The synergy of electrical signature analysis and vibration monitoring

In the modern industrial landscape, the smooth functioning of assets is critical for operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Unplanned downtime due to asset failures can result in significant financial losses and production setbacks. Therefore, proactive maintenance strategies that predict asset health and prevent failures are paramount.

One powerful technique gaining widespread recognition in this regard is Electrical Signature Analysis (ESA). This article explores the benefits of ESA, and how its synergy with Vibration Monitoring can improve asset health assessments to help ensure reliable operations.

Understanding Electrical Signature Analysis (ESA)

Electrical Signature Analysis involves monitoring the electrical current and voltage waveforms of rotating machinery. It is based on the principle that different faults in machinery generate unique electrical signatures. By analyzing these signatures, maintenance teams can detect early signs of degradation such as imbalances, misalignments, and mechanical wear, enabling timely intervention.

Early fault detection: ESA can identify faults at their incipient stages, allowing maintenance personnel to address issues before they escalate into critical failures. This proactive approach reduces unscheduled downtime and enhances asset reliability.

Non-intrusive: ESA is a non-intrusive technique, meaning it does not require physical contact with the asset being monitored. This aspect simplifies data collection and eliminates the need for equipment shutdowns during the monitoring process.

Cost-effectiveness: By detecting impending failures early, ESA helps organizations optimize maintenance schedules and avoid costly emergency repairs. This results in significant cost savings over time.

Understanding Vibration Monitoring

Vibration Monitoring is a technique that measures the mechanical vibrations of machinery and equipment. These vibrations can indicate mechanical faults like misalignments, unbalanced components, and bearing defects, which are common causes of asset degradation.

Real-time monitoring: Vibration Monitoring systems can provide real-time data, allowing maintenance teams to react promptly to abnormal vibrations and prevent further damage or potential failures.

Long-term health trend analysis: By continuously monitoring vibrations over time, maintenance professionals can analyze trends and identify patterns indicative of gradual degradation, enabling proactive maintenance planning.

Benefits of ESA

While both ESA and Vibration Monitoring are valuable asset health assessment techniques, ESA is becoming widely adopted as the preferred monitoring solution for a growing number of critical asset health related situations: Comprehensive early fault detection: ESA can identify a broad range of issues, including electrical and mechanical faults, at their early stages, whereas Vibration Monitoring primarily focuses on mechanical anomalies. ESA captures electrical imbalances, rotor defects, and insulation issues, providing a comprehensive picture of asset health. Non-dependence on RPM: Vibration Monitoring relies heavily on knowing the asset's rotational speed (RPM) to interpret vibration data accurately. However, in situations where RPM data is unavailable or unreliable, ESA remains unaffected and continues to provide meaningful insights.

Inherent sensitivity to electrical issues: ESA is specifically designed to detect electrical anomalies such as winding faults and insulation deterioration, which are not directly measurable by Vibration Monitoring. Identifying these electrical issues is crucial for preventing failures and ensuring the longevity of electrical assets.

Detecting inductive heating: ESA can detect inductive heating caused by imbalanced electrical loads or mechanical issues, which can lead to premature asset degradation.

Gregory R. Wolfe
Figure 1: Asset Health Monitoring System (shown at top right) installed in Wind Turbine Nacelle

Potential cost savings: ESA's ability to detect electrical imbalances and anomalies can lead to significant cost savings by optimizing power consumption and reducing unnecessary wear and tear on mechanical components.

Leveraging your existing Vibration Monitoring investment

Implementing ESA on assets in which Vibration Monitoring is already carried out can provide even greater benefits: Enhanced fault diagnosis: Combining ESA and Vibration Monitoring provides a more profound insight into asset health. For instance, while ESA may identify electrical imbalances in a motor, Vibration Monitoring can reveal misalignment issues, enabling more accurate fault diagnosis.

Reduced false alarms: Integrating data from both techniques minimizes the likelihood of false alarms, as crossvalidation helps filter out noise and confirms fault conditions.

Early warning system: The integration creates an early warning system that alerts maintenance teams to potential issues well in advance. This proactive approach mitigates the risk of critical failures, safeguarding operational continuity. Condition-based maintenance: ESA and Vibration Monitoring data can be fed into predictive maintenance systems, facilitating condition-based maintenance schedules. This shift from reactive to proactive maintenance optimizes resource allocation and reduces operational disruptions.

Real-world success stories

Numerous industries have already embraced the power of integrating ESA and Vibration Monitoring, experiencing remarkable benefits:

• Power Generation, including wind generation, have significantly reduced downtime by integrating these techniques, ensuring continuous electricity supply to consumers.

• Manufacturing: Manufacturing facilities have reported increased asset reliability and reduced maintenance costs, leading to improved productivity and profitability.

• Transportation: Integrating ESA and Vibration Monitoring in the transportation sector has increased the lifespan of critical assets such as trains and airplanes, ensuring passenger safety and operational efficiency.

The combination of Electrical Signature Analysis and Vibration Monitoring is a potent strategy for validating asset health and optimizing maintenance practices. The synergy of these two techniques empowers maintenance teams to detect faults early, reduce downtime, and enhance asset reliability. Embracing this integrated approach can position organizations for sustained success in today's competitive industrial landscape. By investing in predictive maintenance technologies like ESA and Vibration Monitoring, companies can pave the way for a more efficient, cost-effective, and reliable future.

Gregory R. Wolfe is President and CEO of Fischer Block, Inc., which uses AI to maximize asset performance through neural network learning.

Fischer Block ///


Figure 2: Existing Vibration Sensor, installed on Wind Turbine Generator. Can be used to validate results of ESA asset health assessments.

Used wind turbine filters hold a wealth of information that just may end up saving individual components, or even the entire turbine. All too often, the filter is discarded during maintenance and never examined. This means some very critical information that traditional oil analysis won’t pick up is lost.

It’s best practice to routinely send filters out for analysis at every changeout, but in between, there are indicators that the filter may need to be analyzed. These include:

• High differential pressure within the filter

• More wear metals in the fluid

• Increasing vibration analysis values, etc.

The only particles that can be analyzed in traditional oil analysis are those that are circulating in the oil (smaller than the filter size) or that are promptly discharged in the oil before filtering. Because filters are getting finer and finer in order to generate increasingly longer lifecycles, 95 percent of the wear debris that may offer helpful information about the state of the gearbox is trapped in the filter and never makes it into an oil sample.

This is where Filter Debris Analysis (FDA) comes in. Although some businesses have been taking advantage of FDA for decades,

Don’t Throw Out Those Used Oil Filters

Information that could prevent costly downtime is hiding inside

the wind energy industry is just starting to adopt it—part of the reason for this reticence is the logistical challenge of removing the filter. However, even during routine changeout, the filter is typically thrown out, which results in the loss of a very important aspect of the machine condition picture. The detection and monitoring of wear particles are main goals of FDA. Metallic particles that are not detected in the fluid during oil analysis will likely be revealed through FDA. This will provide an early indication of machine wear to reveal the type of wear occurring as well as its severity. Metal particles are produced as a result of friction that occurs between equipment components. FDA facilitates identification of the precise components exhibiting excessive wear and will gauge the seriousness of the issue by evaluating the

We know energy.

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We’re a wind energy area.

A Gulf of Mexico site south of the Port of Lake Charles is a federally designated wind energy area (WEA). With adaptations for waves and wind loading, the area can be an ideal location for wind power.

size, shape, and composition of these particles. This information aids in prioritizing maintenance tasks such as changing out worn parts or modifying lubrication procedures. In some cases, it also helps identify the need to have a spare on hand.

Additionally, FDA enables the discovery of contaminants that might have entered the oil system from outside sources. Dirt, sand, water, or even the aftereffects of prior maintenance projects are examples of these contaminants. Armed with this information, along with the types and quantities of these contaminants, maintenance teams can then find probable cause and take corrective action to stop additional ingress. This is especially important with wind turbines, where even tiny particles can result in serious harm.

The FDA test equipment is a selfcontained unit that uses an automated filter washing procedure to remove all inorganic particles from the filter with repeatability and reproducibility. The procedure involves placing the used filter in the system wash chamber, where fluid and compressed air are combined

The Port of Lake Charles is the No. 12

to clean the filter of all particles. The wash liquid that contains the filter debris is collected and the results are examined.

FDA analysis identifies the metals present in the filter. The end user can then use this information (along with information about the metallurgy of the various components of the equipment) to help determine which components are generating the wear. This allows accurate scheduling of maintenance to help avert any catastrophic failures. The potential for cost savings is very high.

In short, FDA will:

• Detect component failure early enough to remediate the cause

• Provide a link between elemental analysis and particle count

• Determine particle size, type, and wear mechanism

• Facilitate root cause analysis

• Serve as a guide for taking action FDA may detect something serious that requires further investigation, such as a significant amount of organic material. At that point, the lab may recommend Material Identification Analysis (MIA) to pinpoint the problem and facilitate prompt action.

MIA is an in-depth investigation designed to identify the root cause of a problem, or the origin of foreign material. The analysis involves various analytical and sample preparation techniques to assess the origin of the foreign material and provide recommendations for resolution.

Mary Messuti is the President of Eurofins TestOil, Inc. located in Strongsville, Ohio. She holds a BS in Industrial Engineering from West Virginia University and an MS in Operations Management from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in NY. She holds a certificate in Investment Banking from NYU, as well as various other accreditations such as MLTI, PMP and SHRM-SCP certification. She has a passion for Reliability Engineering and Asset Management. Mary has over 25 years of experience in both laboratory management and heavy industrial/ aerospace manufacturing environments.

Eurofins TestOil, Inc.


New trailer options

XL Specialized Trailers has new options for the XL Guardian 110 Hydraulic Detachable Gooseneck (HDG) trailer, a standardized construction trailer, including an 18" loaded deck height version and 60" axle spacing option. Operators can adjust the height of the deck for diverse loads with a 5-position variable ride height in the neck and manual ride height in the rear. The new 60" axle spacing option will be available on both the 18" and 22" deck heights. When this option is selected, the main deck will shift to 25ft to keep the 53ft overall length. This 60" option also meets various customer demands and accommodates axle laws in the western U.S. and Canada.

XL Specialized Trailers ///

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Why Monitoring Blade Bearings is Crucial

Pressing real-world issues are faced by wind turbine operators. Among them, the integrity of wind turbine bolted connections at the blade bearing stands out as a critical concern. The role of condition monitoring systems for blade bearings (CMBB) emerges as a pivotal solution in addressing this challenge. A primary focus has been on providing solutions for the aftermarket, particularly in monitoring blades, and detecting faults in blade bearings. The goal has been to support O&M departments in reducing costs, minimizing operational downtime, and decreasing the requirement for labor-intensive manual inspections.

Bolt integrity

Maintaining the integrity of bolted connections is essential for the safe and efficient operation of wind turbines. As these structures endure harsh onshore and offshore environments, any bolted connection failure, such as cracks or loosening, significantly jeopardizes the safety and performance of the entire turbine system. Additionally, these critical connections can also present safety hazards to nearby communities, especially if the turbines are situated close to roads or populated areas. Ensuring that bolted joints remain properly tightened and maintain the correct preload throughout a turbine's lifetime is one of the major challenges in the wind industry. Environmental factors like vibration, fatigue, corrosion — along with the high loading the bearing experiences during the life of the turbine — can weaken the reliability of these connections over time. With approximately 25,000 bolts in a single turbine, the most crucial connections can be found in the blade bearings and tower segment bolts. A weak connection in the blade bearing, for instance, could lead to the blade disengaging from the turbine and falling, potentially resulting in catastrophic consequences.

Importance of CMBB

There have been confirmed incidents in the wind industry where blades have disengaged and fallen due to weak bolted joints and cracks in the blade bearings. It was evident that a comprehensive solution was urgently required. This is where CMBB technology comes to the forefront as an innovative automated damage detection system. With its capability to continuously monitor blade bearing health relating to cracks and loosening of the nuts, it provides indications of potential failures at a very early stage.

As failures in blade bearings can occur as early as 2 to 3 years after the turbine starts to operate, swift remediation is required for maintaining an efficient operation. Common failure modes include cracking of rings and hardware. Additionally, the loosening of the bolt and nut connection could result in the bolt falling out of the bore. If a blade bearing crack spreads from the bearing surface into the nut, causing it to crack with a minimum expansion of 2mm, current CMBB systems can automatically detect the broken nut and alert the pitch system to initiate a controlled and safe shut down.

Other CMBB systems are under development, incorporating detection plates or preload force monitoring devices with ultrasound for blade bearing bolt connection monitoring. These are cost-effective solutions, with the nut crack detection upgraded to a more robust design that is IP68 rated, UL, and TUV certified. This product enhancement allows it to withstand diverse environmental conditions, and enables wind farm operators to embrace a proactive maintenance approach by supplying data on which blade bearing to change.

Prior to the introduction of automated CMBB systems, inspecting blade bearings and the bolted connections necessitated labor-intensive and time-

significant cost and time savings for wind farm operators. With demanding operational goals at wind sites and blade risks increasing, physical inspections have become increasingly challenging. By extending the inspection service interval from 3 months to 6 months, this system significantly cuts service and maintenance costs. Avoiding blade liberation is critical, as a blade loss can generate financial setbacks exceeding $500,000. Anticipatory condition monitoring empowers O&M departments to assess risks, efficiently plan maintenance, and make well-informed decisions.

Installing an advanced monitoring system like CMBB is a compelling decision for wind farm owners and operators of any turbine type, as it can lead to thousands of dollars in maintenance savings and improved turbine efficiency. Contributing to cost savings on maintenance, the hardware sensor components are designed with magnets for easy installation with minimal wiring, streamlining the installation process for added convenience. An additional noteworthy aspect of the upgraded CMBB nut sensor technology is

consuming manual inspections every few months. However, with the availability of this new technology, asset owners can substantially reduce inspection costs and reduce unplanned downtime by detecting early cracks and loose connections.

The expansion of digitization in renewable energy is undeniable. With Industry 4.0, Industrial IoT, data analytics, and AI leading the way, monitoring techniques are advancing at a rapid pace. Because of this, the focus has shifted from traditional drive train sensor placement to other critical areas, such as sensor placement in the front of the turbine, in the hub, blade bearing, and blades. Upgraded CMBB nut crack detection technology also features an LED indicator that enables technicians to quickly identify damaged blade bearings, further streamlining maintenance efforts. With this technology, wind farm operators can detect early warning signs of impending blade bearing failure.

Top benefits of implementing CMBB technology

Beyond preventing blade loss, the success stories of CMBB technology encompass

its compatibility with older evaluation boxes in the field. In cases where a CMBB system is already in place, sensors can be upgraded while continuing to utilize the existing evaluation boxes, resulting in further cost savings. CMBB systems can be installed at the turbine production facility or retrofitted on any turbine type in the field.

Looking ahead to the future of wind farm operations, whether onshore or offshore, there is a strong case for considering the implementation of a CMBB system as nearly obligatory to ensure a safe and highly efficient work environment. Remote monitoring of blades and blade bearings is crucial, and the undeniable savings in maintenance costs while prioritizing technician safety are evident reasons to embrace this technology.

Scott Sattler is Business Development Manager – Wind at Weidmüller USA, which manufactures components and customized solutions that reduce downtimes and increase yield.

Weidmüller USA


When undetected, blade bearing failure can result in blade liberation, which can be very costly and time-consuming to repair.
A Detection Plate on the outer ring of the blade bearing monitors loose and broken bolts and keeps bolts from falling out.

Automatic Transfer Switches

Ensuring safety, reliability, and minimal downtime

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An Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) is a means of transferring power between a primary electrical power source and an alternative source (such as a generator) in the event of power failure. Automatic Transfer Switches are critical for the smooth, consistent operation of facilities like hospitals and factories that require near-constant uptime. While Manual Transfer Switches require an operator and pose a variety of safety and time management concerns, an ATS can sense critical shifts in electrical power — such as the loss of the power source, or when the voltage and frequency vary from a preset limit — and automatically transfer power to the alternate source. Additionally, an ATS can detect when power is restored in the primary source, then retransfer the load back.


Tried and true design and construction is crucial to ensure the safety, reliability, and minimal downtime of an ATS. This article will focus on Open-Transition Transfer Switches, where the switch breaks connection with one power source before making connection with another (also known as “break-before-make” design). One notable benefit for Open-Transition Transfer Switches over Closed-Transition Power Sources are External Manual Operators (EMOs), which are only available with the former. The EMO provides unparalleled ease of operation and safety measures not available in Closed-Transition Transfer Switches. EMOs allow you to transfer switches safely if automatic transfer is not available, such as during a technological malfunction or controller failure, minimizing arc flare concerns.

Design and Construction of Switching Mechanism

For the safest and most consistently reliable manual transfer, three general requirements must be met: a fast transfer of power, protection against the danger of arc flashes, and protection against contact erosions. High quality materials and segmented ATS contact designs are an investment in durability and reliability, and ensure your switching mechanisms withstand the test of time.

Fast transfer of power

As with any technological component, there are occasional automatic circuitry or programming failures. When this occurs, a manual transfer of power is necessary; an expedient one will ensure limited downtime in the facility the transfer switch is servicing. With some ATS designs, cabinet doors must be opened to perform manual transfers of the switch. Some even have a disable switch inside the enclosure, which must be accessed to disconnect the automatic controls. Recent safety requirements say that the ATS is to be disconnected from the two power sources in order for manual transfers to be performed safely. This extra step adds more time to the transfer process. It also requires additional training to ensure the safety of operators throughout. Optimum open transfer switches are equipped with EMO (external manual operator) capability, allowing you to operate the switch through the cabinet door. This effectively eliminates the need to open the door to perform a manual transfer, thereby cutting down on steps to the transfer of power and ensuring speed in these crucial moments.

Protection against arc flashes

Arc flash safety procedures require the cabinet door to stay closed. Not only do External Manual Operators ensure this safety measure is met, but materials differences can further cut down on potential for arc flash danger.

Many transfer switches use electromagnetic solenoids that are directly linked to switching contacts. If an operator sticks a transfer handle into a solenoid, the contacts open and close at the speed of the operator’s hand motions. The slower the motion, the higher the arc flash danger. On the other hand, EMO’s drive a gear box, which, in turn, drive an over-center mechanism that operates with an action similar to a mouse trap. The opening and closing speed of the contact does not change depending on operator motion. This design affords you an additional layer of safety, offering consistent speed and pressure for the opening and closing of the contacts.

The right materials

Look for switching contacts that are machined (not cast, forged, or stamped) from solid extruded copper, ideally with tungsten arcing tips. Linkages crafted from sturdy anodized steel rods machined (not stamped or riveted) and bus bars made from solid copper ensure smooth, safe function. A microprocessor that offers comprehensive control of the switch can be incorporated into building management systems, a central office display, or web-enabled, making it fully integrable to existing processes. Clear signifiers can eliminate complicated diagnostic procedures, and allow operators to act quickly in the event of a power emergency. An EMO provides a simple means for manual operation capability. EMOs are necessary when the Automatic Transfer System fails, or when completing ATS inspections. Ensuring the enclosure door remains closed means safer operation and protection from arc flash injury, reducing need for additional safety protocols and training, and cutting facility downtime.


Automatic Transfer Systems are critically important components of facility infrastructure. Under normal operation, they are a fast, safe, and reliable means of keeping facilities running smoothly. When designed and built with quality in mind, they are robust and resilient to corrosion. Safety and enhanced operational features offer an additional layer of reliability for fast, easy, and safe manual operation when necessary.

John Stark is Marketing Communications Supervisor at Russelectric, A Siemens Business that provides high-integrity power control solutions for mission critical applications in the healthcare, information technology, telecommunication, water treatment, and renewable energy markets.

RTS-03: A 3 cycle rated, Dual Operation, Open Transition Transfer Switch

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A Powerful Pair

How hydrogen-fueled drones can support offshore wind

Drones are becoming more popular than ever for examining infrastructure of all kinds, and can be extremely useful in monitoring hard-to-reach infrastructure. Remote controlled or autonomous drones equipped with cameras and sensors can help alert utilities of potential problems like damaged components or parts that have stopped functioning. It's a lot cheaper, faster, and safer than having workers conduct inspections.

But offshore wind farms, some of the world’s hardest-to-reach energy infrastructure, have been slower to adopt drones. With nothing to block breezes, offshore wind turbines can be an especially productive source of renewable energy. Unfortunately, their remote location means that getting to them to prevent problems can be a challenge, even for drones.

Inspection drones for this offshore infrastructure need to be especially powerful, as they often need to fly significant distances and battle high winds. Given that most standard commercial drones can fly for no more than 45 minutes to an hour, farm operators would need a fleet of drones in order to undertake a serious inspection. Almost as soon as they send a drone out, it would need to navigate its way back to base to be replaced by another drone—making such inspections quite inefficient.

One emerging solution for keeping drones aloft long enough to inspect what are often hundreds of turbines in a farm is hydrogen power. Drones that use hydrogen instead of batteries can fly further, faster, and longer—as long as three or four hours. This extra flying time allows them to conduct indepth, serious inspections without running out of power and without the need to call them back as quickly. They can also carry much heavier payloads if needed.


Anytime, Anywhere: Monitor Preload the Smart Way

The Superbolt Load-Sensing Tensioner offers remote monitoring and a live reading of data — all with extreme accuracy. Looking for more flexibility? Our Superbolt Load-Sensing Flexnut offers the same monitoring system but can be used in conjunction with any tightening method.

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Hydrogen drones are a fitting solution for offshore wind farms because they, too, use clean energy. Without the need for batteries (which rely on minerals that are often in short supply, are attained through harsh mining processes, and pose a challenge when it comes to disposal), drones powered by hydrogen offer a more sustainable option for wind farm maintenance. Produced from water, hydrogen emits no carbon when used as energy, making its greenhouse gas emissions near zero. Hydrogen use can also be less expensive than batteries when looking at life cycle economics; batteries have limited life and may require replacement. Boosted by new production and distribution initiatives backed by the Department of Energy and other policymakers, hydrogen is set to grow as a power source, opening the way for wider use, including integrating it into the operations and maintenance of offshore infrastructure.

A complex task

To keep wind farms operating efficiently, inspectors—human or drone—need to examine elements like towers, which can crack or corrode; blades, which can sustain damage from salt water or lightning; hubs, which can sustain

loose connections due to the wear and tear; and the generator housing (nacelle assemblies) which can short out. Ironically, all these components are also subject to wind damage, particularly during heavy gusts. Inspections are usually conducted several times a year but could be more frequent if equipment is subjected to extreme weather. Manual inspections usually require between three to six hours per turbine, making such inspections very expensive.

And then there's the safety factor. Inspectors need to climb high on scaffolding in order to reach a turbine's main components, where they face risks like falling, injury from moving parts, and even burns and electrocution. In addition, offshore wind farms tend to be far from shore, making longdistance drone inspection impractical, if not impossible.

It's for these reasons that many operators use batterypowered drones only as a second-tier inspection tool, relying more on the traditional, in-person methods of inspecting wind farms—a process that requires a lot more money, time, and effort than drone inspections.

Benefits of hydrogen-powered drones

Hydrogen-based drones can improve things considerably. If a long-flying hydrogen-powered inspection drone finds a problem on a turbine, it can use sensors and cameras to transmit the location back to operators, who can then dispatch another drone with the necessary parts that can be installed by staff who will know exactly where to go and what to do to fix the problem. And, by scoping out specific safety and weather conditions on site, drones can help a repair crew prepare for any possible risks before heading out.

A good analogy is to think of a drone as a low-cost, autonomous helicopter. It can accomplish a mission at a fraction

of the cost and time it would take to send a crew to do the same task. While hydrogen-based drones already have a robust flytime, the technology exists to enable them to fly for even longer. If a drone is equipped with a portable electrolyzer that uses electricity to generate hydrogen from moisture in the air, it could theoretically stay aloft indefinitely. This will likely become more common in the near future, providing yet another advantage to hydrogen-powered drones.

Drones have proven their worth as inspection and monitoring tools in a wide variety of areas—but they are perhaps more important for offshore wind farm inspections than for any other industry. The distance, complicated setup, expense, sheer number of assets, and danger involved in inspecting offshore wind farms makes drones the only practical, safe, and economically viable inspection solution. We are starting to see more use and pilot projects involving battery-powered autonomous drones and offshore wind farms, often being launched from ships. With the adoption of hydrogen-powered drones, there will be even more options for inspections launched from shore, helping the production of offshore wind energy become even more efficient, green, and sustainable.

Bentzion Levinson is Founder and CEO of Heven Drones, which manufactures end-to-end actionable drones that provide the cutting-edge performance, customization, and stability needed to accomplish any mission.

Heven Drones ///

Lessons Learned

The first case of heavy maintenance on floating wind

The Kincardine floating wind farm, located off the east coast of Scotland, was a landmark development: the first commercial-scale project of its kind in the UK sector. Therefore, it has been closely watched by the industry throughout its installation. With two of the turbines now having gone through heavy maintenance, it has also provided valuable lessons into the O&M processes of floating wind projects.

In late May, the second floating wind turbine from the five-turbine development arrived in the port of Massvlakte, Rotterdam, for maintenance. An Anchor Handling Tug Supply (AHTS)vessel was used to deliver the KIN-02 turbine two weeks after a Platform Supply Vessel (PSV) and AHTS had worked to disconnect the turbine from the wind farm site. The towing vessel became the third vessel used in the operation.

This is not the first turbine disconnected from the site and towed for maintenance. In the summer of 2022, KIN-03 became the world’s first-ever floating wind turbine that required heavy maintenance (i.e. being disconnected and towed for repair). It was also towed from Scotland to Massvlakte.

Each of these operations has provided valuable lessons for the ever-watchful industry in how to navigate the complexities of heavy maintenance in floating wind as the market segment grows.

The heavy maintenance process

When one of Kincardine’s five floating 9.5 MW turbines (KIN-03) suffered a technical failure in May 2022, a major technical component needed to be replaced. The heavy maintenance strategy selected by the developer and the offshore contractors consisted in disconnecting and towing the turbine and its floater to Rotterdam for maintenance, followed by a return tow and re-connection. All of the infrastructure, such as crane and tower access, remained at the quay following the construction phase. (Note, the following analysis only covers KIN-03, as details of the second turbine operation are not yet available).

Comparing the net vessel days for both the maintenance and the installation campaigns at this project highlights how using a dedicated marine spread can positively impact operations.

For this first-ever operation, a total of 17.2 net vessel days were required during turbine reconnection—only a slight increase on the 14.6 net vessel days that were required for the first hook-up operation performed during the initial installation in 2021. However, it exceeds the average of eight net vessel days during installation. The marine spread used in the heavy maintenance operation differed from that used during installation. Due to this, it did not benefit from the learning curve and experience gained throughout the initial installation, which ultimately led to the lower average vessel days.

The array cable re-connection operation encountered a similar effect. The process was performed by one AHTS that spent 10 net vessel days on the operation. This compares to the installation campaign, where the array cable second-end pull-in lasted a maximum of 23.7 hours using a cable layer.

Overall, the turbine shutdown duration can be broken up as 14 days at the quay for maintenance, 52 days from turbine disconnection to turbine reconnection, and 94 days from disconnection to the end of post-reconnection activities.

What developers should keep in mind for heavy maintenance operations

This analysis has uncovered two main lessons developers should consider when planning a floating wind project: the need to identify an appropriate O&M port, and to guarantee that a secure fleet is available.

• Identification of the O&M port

Floating wind O&M operations require a port with both sufficient room and a deepwater quay. The port must also be equipped with a heavy crane with sufficient tip height to accommodate large floaters and reach turbine elevation. Distance to the wind farm should also be taken into account, as shorter distances will reduce towing time and, therefore, minimize transit and non-productive turbine time.

During the heavy maintenance period for KIN-03 and KIN-02, the selected quay (which had also been utilized in the initial installation phase of the wind farm project), was already busy as a marshalling area for other North Sea projects. This complicated the schedule significantly, as the availability of the quay and its facilities had to be navigated alongside these other projects. This highlights the importance of abundant quay availability both for installation (long-term planning) and maintenance that may be needed on short notice.

• A secure fleet

At the time of the first turbine’s maintenance program (June 2022), the North Sea AHTS market was in an exceptional situation: the largest bollard pull AHTS units contracted at over $200,000 a day, the highest rate in over a decade.

During this time, the spot market was close to selling out due to mediumterm commitments, alongside the demand for high bollard pull vessels for the installation phase at a Norwegian floating wind farm project. The Norwegian project required the use of four AHTS above a 200t bollard pull. With spot rates ranging from $63,000 to $210,000 for the vessels contracted for Kincardine’s maintenance, the total cost of the marine spread used in the first repair campaign was more than $4 million.

Developers should therefore consider the need to structure maintenance contracts with AHTS companies, either through frame agreements or long-term charters, to decrease their exposure to spot market day rates as the market tightens in the future.

While these lessons are relevant for floating wind developers now, new players are looking towards alternative heavy O&M maintenance options for the future. Two crane concepts are especially relevant in this instance. The first method is for a crane to be included in the turbine nacelle to be able to directly lift the component which requires repair from the floater, as is currently seen on onshore turbines. This method is already employed in onshore turbines and could be applicable for offshore. The second method is self-elevating cranes with several such solutions already in development.

The heavy maintenance operations conducted on floating turbines at the Kincardine wind farm have provided invaluable insights for industry players, especially developers. The complex process of disconnecting and towing turbines for repairs highlights the need for meticulous planning and exploration of alternative maintenance strategies, some of which are already in the pipeline. As the industry evolves, careful consideration of ports, and securing fleet contracts, will be crucial in driving efficient and costeffective O&M practices for the floating wind market.

Sarah McLean is Market Research Analyst at Spinergie, a maritime technology company specializing in emission, vessel performance, and operation optimization.

Spinergie ///


DEUS ONE is the world‘s first personal, fully automated evacuation device The lightweight and compact set can be worn directly on the users body Pre-assembled individual parts make DEUS ONE intuitive and ready-to-use

• Simple hands-free controlled descent

• Fire retardant 5.9 mm rope

• Ready-to-use "Clip & Go" design

• 15 year Seal Pac protection

• Descents up to 200 meters deus-one/

Load monitoring technology

The new application accessory for the SPC4 Fastener System will further allow field users to port and aggregate fastener health data from any SPC4 to an Android device and store it in a configurable array set up by the customer. After a simple setup and calibration, users can configure the app with their specific equipment and site details to monitor target clamp load during both fastener installations and routine inspection. This improved load monitoring method allows end users to pinpoint problems, optimize installation time, reduce downtime, and share data with key stakeholders at any time.

Valley Forge & Bolt Mfg. Co. ///

Heavy duty but not heavyweight workboot

Built to thrive on tough job-sites, KEEN Utility’s Camden work boot provides rugged capability without weighing wearers down. Product highlights include a full grain barnyard resistant leather upper, KEEN.DRY waterproof, breathable membrane, as well as a 360° Goodyear welt and air-infused Luftcell midsole to give an ultra-stable and all-day comfortable work platform. Safety features include asymmetrical carbon-fiber safety toes that are unobtrusive and 15% lighter than steel, an EH-rated oil- and slipresistant rubber outsole, and a 90° heel to provide secure footing and stability while doing work on ladders, poles, and other structures. Heavy duty, but not heavy weight, the Camden is available for men in several colorways and collar heights.

KEEN Utility ///

High-quality, Americanmade screwdrivers

Wright now offers a revamped line of highquality, American-made screwdrivers designed for professional tradesmen. Featuring rugged handles with a tri-lobe design for maximum strength and torque transfer, these screwdrivers provide highstrength blades and precision machined tips for reliable fastener engagement. With an ergonomic design and manufactured from tempered, high-alloy steel with rustpreventive, these screwdrivers are made to handle tough jobs. The new screwdrivers are available in Cabinet-Tip design, Phillips head, round, and square-shank styles. The screwdrivers can be ordered individually or from six different sets ranging from five to 10 pieces per set.

Wright ///

Fire resistive cables

Prysmian Group’s fire resistive Lifeline RC90 cable is now available in Canada. Officially receiving its ULC-S139 listing, Lifeline RC90 fire resistive cables are designed to mitigate the devastating effects of fire and are equipped with unique, ceramifiable silicone technology to allow vital communication and power systems to remain operational during extreme fire conditions. Lifeline RC90 fire resistive cables are listed under FHIT7.51 and 51A on UL’s Online Directory and are now available for immediate implementation across the country and within a variety of industries, including healthcare facilities, transportation networks, commercial buildings, and more.

Prysmian Group North America ///

Powerful battery-powered torque wrench

RAD Torque Systems has launched a battery-powered torque wrench series capable of torquing up to 11,000 ft/ lb/15,000Nm, the B-RAD Xtreme (B-RAD X). The B-RAD X has a sleek white design and rubber grip, a new high-performance motor, and its various features, including a brushless DC motor for added durability and accuracy, redesigned anti-fatigue trigger switch with IP rating, standard handguard for added operator protection, two-hand start options to prevent hand injuries, battery latch lock to protect batteries from falling, and a digital screen. The B-RAD Xtreme has two patents pending in the U.S. One for mechanical technology and one for electronic technology.

RAD Torque Systems ///

Cranes & Heavy Lift

From rough terrains to great heights, the equipment needed to get the job done safely and efficiently at a wind power construction site must be tough and durable. Here are some of the latest cranes and heavy lift options available today.

Leavitt Cranes

Brand: Kroll

Model: K1650L

Max hook height: 589ft (179.5m)

Max capacity: 135t (297,000lb)

Available attachments: Yes

Lampson International

Brand: Manitowoc

Model: 16000

Max boom length: 310ft (94.5m)

Max capacity: 440USt

Available attachments:

• Luffing jib;

• Fixed jib;

• Wind attachment.

Liebherr USA, Co.

Brand: Liebherr

Model: LR 1700-1.0

Max boom length: 541ft (165m)

Max capacity: 770USt (700t)

Available attachments:

• Luffing jib;

• Fixed wind jib;

• Derrick;

• Ballast wagon;

• Vario ballast tray;

• V-frame.

Zoomlion Heavy Industry NA, Inc.

Brand: Zoomlion

Model: T600-32R

Max boom length: 279ft (85m)

Max capacity: 70,548lb (35t)

Available attachments:

• Anti-collision system;

• Self-climbing capabilities.

Additional features:

• Anti-collision system;

• Self-climbing capabilities.

Modulift UK, Ltd.

Product: Modular spreader beams, lifting beams, spreader frames, and custom design and manufacture

Description: Modulift is a supplier and manufacturer of modular spreader beams, lifting beams, spreader frames, and other belowthe-hook lifting equipment. The Modulift range of spreader beams has capacity from 2t to 5000t with spans up to 330ft (100m) and DNV type approval up to 2000t. Next-day delivery is available via their global distribution network. They also offer a full engineering design service for custom projects with 3D design and FEA analysis.

Transportation & Logistics

With all of the equipment, carriers, size, and specialized handling requirements, getting all of the right turbine components to the right project sites for construction can be a challenge in the wind industry. Safety and efficiency are important keys to ensuring projects and timelines run smoothly. Here we focus on some of the top Transportation & Logistics companies in the industry that provide the specialized services required for getting all of those wind power parts, components, and machinery where they need to be for a successful wind farm.

Transportation Partners & Logistics

Services: TP&L provides comprehensive transportation and logistics management services, including transportation management, quality management, distribution services, and product maintenance to the renewable energy and industrial sectors across North America

Location/Logistics: Alabama, Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming

Key Features:

• Supporting rail, truck, crane, rigging, and distribution centers, TP&L's team of inhouse engineers are top-load certified for any logistics and transportation needs;

• From port to pad, TP&L delivers economically, safely, and on time by managing every step of the supply chain;

• Serving a variety of OEM's, project developers, and supply companies, TP&L's services can be introduced anywhere along a supply chain;

• TP&L's focus is largely on quality and they continually evaluate every step of the process to ensure high quality results and high satisfaction.

Emmert International

Services: Engineered transportation and rigging services specializing in wind components, both on and off highway

Min/Max Loads/Tonnage: 50T to 5000T

Location/Logistics: USA

Qualifications/Certifications: SO 9001, 14001 and 45001 Certified

Port of Longview

Services: Breakbulk cargo handling port, secure indoor and outdoor storage, 9 marine terminals, and customized services.

Min/Max Loads/Tonnage: 140 MT tandum lift

Location/Logistics: The Port's strategic location as a full-service operating port on the Columbia River in Washington State, a program of unique cargo services, an outstanding workforce, and fully equipped marine facilities make it an efficient and reliable terminalhandling facility.

Port of Brownsville

Services: Deepwater seaport directly on the U.S./Mexico border

Min/Max Loads/Tonnage: The Port of Brownsville handles a wide variety of cargo including steel products, project cargo, liquid, break bulk, and dry bulk commodities.

Location/Logistics: Opened in 1936, at the southernmost tip of Texas and connected to the Gulf of Mexico by a 17-mile-long ship channel, the Port of Brownsville is a large land-owning public port authority, with approximately 40,000 acres.

Qualifications/Certifications: With the infrastructure and knowledge to handle international cargo, they facilitate the efficient movement of goods across North America and beyond.

Key Features:

• 13 general cargo docks;

• More than 3 million sq/ft. of open storage;

• 65 acres of purpose-built facilities to accommodate heavy point-load bearing cargo;

• Capability to receive/ship wind energy components via vessel, barge, truck, and rail.

Duluth Cargo Connect

Services: Duluth Cargo Connect provides seamless cargo handling, storage, distribution, and transportation logistics services for breakbulk, heavy-lift, and other project cargoes moving in and out of North America's heartland via the Port of Duluth.

Min/Max Loads/Tonnage: No minimum or maximum.

Qualifications/Certifications: 2019

Heavy Lift Port/Terminal Operator of the Year, two-time winner of the Railroad Industrial Clearance Association Port of the Year Award in recognition for heavy lift performance, BNSF Premier Transload Facility.

Port of Stockton

Services: The Port of Stockton offers flexible solutions to the renewable industry. On-dock rail, two Liebherr mobile harbor cranes (144M/T capacity each), laydown space, and gates that are open 24/7

Min/Max Loads/Tonnage: The Port of Stockton has handled a wide variety of renewable energy shipments. It offers services for breakbulk and heavy lift shipments both large and small. The Port of Stockton offers unique and flexible solutions for critical logistical issues.

Location/Logistics: Located in the extended San Francisco Bay Area, the Port of Stockton provides instant access to less congested highways including I-5, CA-99, and CA-4, and is an hour away from I-80. The Port is served by both the BNSF and the UP railroads.

Qualifications/Certifications: The Port of Stockton has been in operation since 1933 and handles a variety of cargo for dozens of clients.

Port of Vancouver USA

Services: The Port of Vancouver USA specializes in handling wind energy cargo. It provides the equipment, facilities, space, trucking clearances, and labor needed to safely and efficiently move projects of any size through the facility.

Min/Max loads/tonnage: Two Liebherr mobile harbor cranes can operate at any breakbulk berth and have a lifting capacity of 140 metric tons each; 210 metric tons together. Terminal 2 offers a Paceco crane with a 51-metric-ton capacity and a 115-foot outreach.

Location/Logistics: 106 river miles from the Pacific Ocean on the Columbia River. The BNSF Railway, Union Pacific Railroad, Canadian National Railroad, and Canadian Pacific Railroad have direct unit train access from mainline corridors. Primary freight arterials of the U.S. Interstate Highway network run north, east, and south.

Qualifications/Certifications: Port of Vancouver USA has handled wind energy components for over 20 years. Long-term relationships with their customers have helped them develop the port’s facilities and make investments in the right equipment and training to respond to the modern challenges of moving all wind energy components.

Port of Lake Charles

Services: No. 13 U.S.deep-draft port. Channel to Gulf, marine terminal, stevedoring

Min/Max Loads/Tonnage: Unlimited

Location/Logistics: Lake Charles, Louisiana, USA / Port, Calcasieu Ship Channel

Qualifications/Certifications: Coast Guard, LED, Port Rail

Key Features:

• The nation’s No. 12 deepwater port district, as measured by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers tonnage statistics;

• Connects to the central Gulf of Mexico via the Calcasieu Ship Channel, a 68-mile long, deep-draft commercial waterway;

• The port district owns the City Docks, a general cargo terminal, three bulk terminals, Industrial Canal property, and Industrial Park East property.

Port Milwaukee

Services: Breakbulk and project cargo

Min/Max Loads/Tonnage: Maximum capacity 300t

Location/Logistics: Positioned on the western shores of Lake Michigan and strategically located in the industrial center of the US. Access to international markets via the St. Lawrence Seaway system and the Gulf of Mexico via the Mississippi River inland system. Specializing in breakbulk and project cargo handling, the port offers 16 seaway-max docks, 330,000sq/ft of covered warehouse space, 30,000sq/ft of which is climatecontrolled and approximately 35 acres of laydown space.

Qualifications/Certifications: Green Marine

XL Specialized Trailers

Services: Design and manufacture of engineered and customized trailers, heavy haul transportation


Services: ATS is an asset-based carrier for wind energy transportation.

Min/Max Loads/Tonnage: Can do loads up to 155,000lbs for assets, and significantly more with brokerage.

Location/Logistics: Continental US, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Canada

Qualifications/Certifications: 15+ years' experience in wind. Have executed hundreds of projects.

Services: CN provides shipping by rail and logistics services to get wind energy components to their destination safely and damage-free. They work with connecting carriers to design efficient routes throughout North America.

Min/Max Loads/Tonnage: Weight limits vary by equipment used

Location/Logistics: North America

A.P. Moller - Maersk

Services: Solution design, special cargo transportation, project management services

Min/Max Loads/Tonnage: Unlimited

Location/Logistics: Domestic USA and international movements

Qualifications/Certifications: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO45001


Safety work apparel

GME is an outfitter of safety and productivity gear for North America’s workers including technicians working on wind turbines and in the renewable energy sector at large. Their Gear Experts will help workers find the gear they need to get the job done. With distribution centers across North America, they are within 2 days standard shipping of 99% of the US and ship products the same day as ordered (orders placed before 6pm EST) for in-stock items so there are no delays. Their PRO and Gearcor platforms help make purchasing across a distributed team easy and efficient, especially with their special boot and apparel programs. Plus, their Team-1 Academy and SafetyLMS teams offer technician preferred training, GWO certification, and more.


October 3rd -4th , 2023

Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

Wind represents a generational opportunity to create jobs and bolster the economy. Offshore wind is an abundant clean energy solution for large population centers looking to source more of their power from clean sources, and falling costs make it increasingly economical. Offshore wind is a once-in-a-generation opportunity and its momentum forward continues leading into ACP’s Offshore WINDPOWER Conference & Exhibition this fall. The event has cultivated a dedicated and thriving global community of top developers and experts. As more steel goes in the water, this event will only continue to grow in value and scope.

Elevator safety and training

Highly-trained mechanics from the International Union of Elevator Constructors (IUEC) will not only keep wind tower elevator equipment running, they will do it efficiently, and above all else, safely. Their affiliated companies maintain offshore and land-based wind turbine elevators across North America. Their mechanics know their way around elevators and wind technology equipment inside and out, and they do it all, including installation, modernization, retrofitting, maintenance, repair, and jurisdiction compliance inspection. The training they receive during their 4+ year USDOL-registered apprenticeship was developed with an intense focus on safety. And because of their expertise with this equipment, IUEC mechanics sit on the ASME A17.8/ CSA B44.8 code committees that write the building codes for wind turbine tower elevators.

Elevator Industry Work Preservation Fund

WT advanced condition monitoring system

The waveiQ Predictive Analytics platform with integrated miniature field sensors comprises a wind turbine performance and health monitoring system. This design combines vibration, temperature, and high-resolution electrical signature analysis, in one compact system, providing a holistic approach to wind turbine asset management and performance/health monitoring. Now engineers can see, on a continuous basis, the inter-relationships between electrical and mechanical subsystem performance, enabling confidence in health assessments and earlier detection of WT problems. The waveiQ system is completely designed and manufactured in the USA and is easy to install. Industrystandard data formats make it easy to integrate into 3rd party systems or used as a stand-alone platform. Compatibility with 3rd party sensors also enables users to leverage existing sensor fleets, gaining all the benefits of the wave iQ Predictive Analytics platform, while preserving existing monitoring investments.

Fischer Block

Bird and bat radar systems

DeTect specializes in delivery, integration, and support of advanced radar Bird Monitoring and Mitigation systems (BMMS) for both onshore and offshore wind energy projects. DeTect has delivered over 500 radar systems worldwide which are used by developers, owners, operators, and environmental consultants for bird and bat surveys, mortality risk assessment, operational monitoring, and real-time risk mitigation. DeTect’s MERLIN BMMS integrates with a wind farm’s SCADA network to create a real-time risk mitigation system for bird or bat mortality. DeTect also developed the HARRIER Aircraft Detection Lighting Systems (ADLS) for automatic obstruction lighting activation at wind farms.


Wind energy solutions

Bachmann’s Wind Turbine Retrofit solutions include replacement of complete turbine controls, SCADA, Condition Monitoring, and Grid Monitoring and Protection, which provides a means to update older turbines in a fleet for more efficient operation with a focus on cyber security. Bachmann’s Smart Power Plant Controller (SPPC) provides optimum control and dispatching of hybrid power plants, such as those combining energy storage with solar and/or wind energy production. Bachmann electronic GmbH

Secure bolted solutions

Nord-Lock Group’s product range meets the tough requirements of wind turbine operators. They are suitable for securing bolted joints in wind turbines that must be able to withstand enormous pressures under extreme conditions. NordLock washers protect bolts from loosening due to vibration and dynamic loads, using tension instead of friction, thus reducing the risk of production failures or property damage. Superbolt tensioners replace conventional nuts and bolts and increase the lifespan of bolted joints, while requiring only hand tools to tighten the joints. They are used in the drivetrain, before and after the gearbox, at the housing and footing screws, all of which are continuously subjected to great forces. Boltight hydraulic tools offer reliable and precise pre-tensioning for all critical bolt connections, both for construction and maintenance. Applications include tower-field connections, as well as frames, bearings, foundations, and rotor blades.

Nord-Lock Group

Tension and torque bolting solutions

ITH Bolting Technology manufactures bolting tools and systems for thread sizes as small as M16 up to M510 and larger, including standard products and custom designs engineered based on customer needs. The full scope of tools includes hydraulic bolt tensioners, hydraulic torque wrenches, and torque multipliers ranging from electric, pneumatic, and battery driven. ITH offers standard bolting system packages including tools and fasteners, and the maintenance-free bolting system which specifically includes ITH bolt tensioners and IHF tension fasteners.

ITH Bolting Technology

Offshore, onshore, worldwide wind measurement

The WindCube lidar suite provides comprehensiveness and value. There is a WindCube lidar for all phases and types of wind farm projects, both onshore and offshore. Plus, Vaisala’s robust suite of complementary solutions give users the actionable intelligence needed to maximize output, performance, profitability, and safety at every project stage, from weather forecasting and historical data, to lightning data solutions, and weather sensors and stations.


FFRA and ERCOT Ready the Texas Grid

The energy industry in Texas is a dominant force, both in terms of consumption and production. With the state's unique grid management system overseen by the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), battery storage developers and operators in Texas must adapt to its peculiarities. As ERCOT focuses on immediate power delivery, energy management systems (EMS) play a crucial role in enabling rapid response times for grid stabilization. These systems provide operators with the tools to optimize their energy storage assets and participate in ancillary markets efficiently. This article explores the significance of EMS operating systems in addressing the challenges faced by ERCOT and ensuring readiness for the Texas power grid.

Rapid market expansion

ERCOT’s battery storage market growth can be attributed to several factors. First, ERCOT's focus on enhancing grid stability, especially after the power crisis in 2021, has emphasized the need for flexible and rapid response resources. Battery storage systems offer fast response times and can inject power into the grid within milliseconds, making them ideal for supporting grid stability during peak demand periods.

Second, the growing penetration of renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar, has increased the need for energy storage solutions to address the intermittency of these sources. Battery storage systems can store excess energy during periods of high generation and discharge it when demand is high, effectively balancing the grid and optimizing renewable energy utilization.

Lastly, advancements in battery technology coupled with decreasing costs have made energy storage systems more economically viable. This has attracted investments that have spurred the deployment of battery storage projects in ERCOT, contributing to the market's rapid growth.

Overall, the ERCOT battery storage market is witnessing significant expansion due to its critical role in grid stability, renewable energy integration, and the increasing costeffectiveness of battery storage systems.


Following the power crisis of February 2021, ERCOT recognized the need to update its ancillary services market to prepare for periods of increased demand while supporting renewable energy integration. The Fast Frequency Response Advancement (FFRA) project was introduced to enhance grid stability and resilience. FFRA includes the implementation of primary frequency response, fast frequency regulation service, and fast frequency response markets. These markets require quick-responding energy resources, making energy storage systems with advanced operating systems and digital controls crucial for participation.

The implementation timeline for FFRA requirements is an important consideration for battery storage developers and operators. ERCOT has outlined plans to introduce the new ancillary services markets (including FFRA) in a phased manner. In order to capitalize on the opportunities presented by the evolving Texas power grid, it is crucial for energy storage systems to align with the timeline and ensure compliance with the FFRA requirements.

Need for Speed

EMS are vital in enabling energy storage systems to participate in ERCOT's ancillary markets, including the fast frequency response market. These systems offer advanced control algorithms and real-time monitoring capabilities, allowing operators to optimize the charging and discharging of energy storage assets with remarkable speed and accuracy. By analyzing grid conditions, energy demand, and market signals, energy management systems ensure that energy storage systems respond rapidly to frequency changes and supply electricity when needed.

In addition to their speed, EMS enable operators to maximize the value of their energy storage assets. By implementing intelligent algorithms and forecasting techniques, these systems can optimize energy storage utilization, predict energy market prices, and strategically dispatch stored energy to maximize revenue streams. Energy management systems also facilitate seamless integration of renewable energy sources, allowing operators to leverage the full potential of their wind and solar installations.

Under FFRA, the fast frequency response market necessitates energy storage resources that can respond within 30 cycles of a request for power. This rapid response time is critical for maintaining grid stability during sudden changes in supply and demand. Battery storage systems equipped with efficient energy management systems (EMS) are capable of meeting these strict requirements, ensuring seamless participation in the fast frequency response market.


Navigating ERCOT's unique grid management system can be complex, but energy management systems provide operators with the necessary tools and capabilities to streamline their operations and ensure readiness for the Texas power grid. These systems enable operators to participate in ERCOT's ancillary markets, including the fast frequency response market, by delivering rapid response times and optimized energy utilization.

As ERCOT undergoes changes to adapt to future grid demands and facilitate renewable energy integration, EMS become increasingly crucial for achieving grid stability and maximizing the value of energy storage assets. By utilizing advanced algorithms, realtime monitoring, and forecasting techniques, operators can respond swiftly to frequency changes, support grid stability, and capitalize on market opportunities.

With intelligent, updated energy management systems, operators in Texas can confidently navigate the complexities of ERCOT's grid management system to unlock the full potential of their energy storage assets. Updated operating systems and digital controls provide the necessary foundation for efficient energy storage operations, optimal revenue generation, and the seamless integration of renewable energy sources. As the Texas power grid continues to evolve, EMS will play an integral role in ensuring its reliability, resilience, and readiness for the challenges of the future.

Brandon Montagne is Vice President of Marketing at FlexGen Power Systems, Inc., which designs and operates the software platform enabling today's energy transition.

FlexGen Power Systems ///


High Voltage Energy Storage System

Combining a High-Voltage ba ery and inverter with a Smart Energy Panel, the Fortress Power Avalon

HV ESS is truly an all-inone, whole-home backup system.

• Manage system from mobile app

• Scalable up to 58.8kWh with an ultra-thin, stackable, design

• 4 MPPTs for maximum e iciency (max 18.24 kW PV array)

• AC or DC Coupled with 200A passthrough & grid transfer switch

• Smart load management to control up to 12 circuits

• Integrated module level rapid shutdown transmi er

HV Ba ery & BMS
HV Hybrid Inveter
Smart Energy Panel

Battery Analytics Impacts BESS Performance and Profitability

The energy storage industry is at a transition point.

As market growth accelerates, an increasing number of stakeholders are managing large fleets of batteries for the first time. Plus, subspecialty vendors are scaling to help owners get greater value from these batteries. As with most shifts in maturing markets, however, growing pains are common. With batteries, operational complexity due to electro-chemical considerations, coupled with the challenge of managing outliers among millions of batteries in growing portfolios — sometimes result in incidents, unplanned expenses, and lost revenue.

The management challenge, for both experienced hands and newcomers alike, is about achieving the desired outcomes of BESS while controlling for the range of operating risks. With large-scale storage, operational risks arrive from many angles: outliers in battery cell quality; errors in system installation; faulty state estimations among Battery Management Systems (BMS); and a lack of best practices.

As the industry matures, it is becoming clear that deep insights from battery data result in safer and more profitable systems.

Data plays a critical role

Batteries generate high volumes of data; the information it contains can be tremendously valuable when modern software is applied. Within every BESS, the BMS ensures that the batteries operate within certain operational bounds. This simple

logic chip continuously governs voltage, current, and temperature. Every day, the BMS creates thousands and thousands of data points for each individual battery.

While BMSs have limitations, the data hold a significance extending well beyond basic onsite purposes. By combining BMS data with cutting-edge analytics techniques that leverage the power of the cloud, a comprehensive understanding of the battery's health and internal processes can be attained. A hybrid approach of physics-based models, machine learning and artificial intelligence, and other advanced statistical techniques are providing new value to today’s operators. This powerful combination of technologies enables precise predictions of the battery's current states and future performance with high degrees of accuracy.

Yet, when it comes to battery data, a lacking in awareness of these digital capabilities is leading many BESS owners and operators to leave value on the table. When asked about what they are doing with their battery data, the typical response is: “Not much.” These missed opportunities in managing battery assets are resulting in preventable incidents, foregone revenues, and higher-than-expected operating expenses.

Cloud-based battery analytics can answer several pressing questions for operators and asset managers:

• Is a dangerous situation imminent?

Analytics can track and predict critical cell, pack, and system conditions. Many thermal runaway events can be detected weeks or even months in advance. It enables a proactive (rather than reactive) approach to safety.

• Is the battery performing at the expected capacity?

Downtime and underperformance result in significant financial losses. If your BMS is underrepresenting the battery’s State of Charge (SOC), money is left on the table. This is compounded as other factors, such as accelerated aging, may occur from suboptimal asset utilization.

• Will the battery reach its anticipated lifetime?

By understanding the drivers and impacts of battery aging, it’s possible to identify the most suitable countermeasures to minimize degradation. This gives operators insights into augmentation strategies, degradation costs per cycle, and terminal value considerations on the investment.

Small changes in how you treat your battery today can significantly impact what happens in ten to fifteen years. Numerous safety, performance, and accelerated aging issues can be tracked across use cases, battery technologies, and environments. In fact, a recent independent study by U.S. national laboratories identified variance among O&M actions and high rates of warranty claims for systems that are not very old.1

The role of analytics with BESS commissioning

The commissioning phase of BESS is an acute problem for many stakeholders. It plays a critical role in determining asset performance. Unfortunately, it can also be a source of delays, disputes, and potential underperformance in the future.

While all batteries require continuous monitoring, the first three to four years of BESS lives are particularly prone to failures, and many issues begin during commissioning. Public data compiled by EPRI illustrates a bathtub curve of problems (Figure 1). These findings are unsurprising, even considering many issues go unreported. When BESS issues are left unaddressed, problems can also accelerate in non-linear ways — issues with battery cell quality, BMS failures, and SOC errors result in imbalanced racks. Owners and operators who have the tools in-hand to utilize their battery data during the commissioning process can proactively avoid delivery delays, underperformance issues, and prolonged discussions with contractors regarding potential claims. Once the site acceptance is completed, continuous battery monitoring minimizes operational risks, and ensures optimal asset performance throughout the year.

Battery storage is unique

Some stakeholders approach the management of BESS assets like other energy assets. While some lessons are transferrable, this approach does have limitations. BESS assets are unique among power generation technologies. Batteries have a level of operational

Figure 1

complexity unlike other assets, due partly to dynamic electro-chemical states among millions of batteries in large portfolios.

Batteries also have a broad range of use cases and differing management practices that change asset performance. For instance, batteries can be used across large geographies as distributed assets, or bulk power systems interconnected to transmission systems. They operate as both generator and as a source of flexible demand. They can also sit idle, awaiting dispatch and charge signals while charging and discharging at different rates to achieve specified outcomes. And that’s just the beginning.

Large-scale storage portfolios contain millions of battery cells. The overall safety and performance of these systems are defined by small numbers of the weakest cells, which vary over time. In recent cases, battery fires have started from just one cell.2 Complexity is further compounded by the extensive array of manufacturers, diverse battery chemistries available, and the frequent introduction of new battery generations approximately every 18 months. Moreover, navigating through convoluted warranties

and modified performance contracts can adds more confusion.

No battery cell is identical or completely safe, even among cells produced on the same manufacturing lines. Use cases and environmental conditions vary considerably, further affecting BESS risk profiles. All factors indicate the need for specialized tools to manage these critical assets. Battery analytics is revolutionizing the management of large-scale storage systems, which are an important and transformative force in the industry. Market leaders have recognized the immense value of independent, third-party battery analytics providers. Data analytics empower BESS asset owners with the insights to make better business decisions, reduce risk, and increase profitability.

Ted L. James is Head of Americas at ACCURE Battery Intelligence, a predictive analytics software provider that is helping companies reduce risk, enhance performance, and maximize the business value of their energy storage assets.

ACCURE Battery Intelligence

1 2022 Sandia/NREL Report

2 2019 APS fire

Extended warranty for stationary battery storage

EnerVenue’s Capacity Assurance is a simple and straightforward extended warranty for stationary batteries. With Capacity Assurance, EnerVenue customers can now further control risk and backstop their investments, gaining a 20-year/20,000-cycle warranty extension at no less than 88% capacity. This straightforward extended warranty covers a project while it’s in its most critical payback phase and is offered with no hidden exclusions and simple operating terms. With assurance of 88% capacity over 20 years, Capacity Assurance terms are designed to align with customers' needs by supporting the long-term lifecycles of typical energy storage projects.

Figure 2

Next-Gen Lithium Batteries to Advance Clean Energy Goals

Vehicle electrification will play a key role in helping us achieve the ambitious goal of carbon-neutral emissions by 2050. With incumbent energy storage technologies, range anxiety, limited fast-charge capability, and cost have been barriers to mass adoption of electric vehicles (EVs). EV owners don’t want to feel uncertain of whether they’ll be able to make it to the next charge station to “fill up,” wait too long to recharge, avoid peak-time surcharges, or experience unreliable hardware. Lithium-metal batteries (LMBs) are showing much promise in overcoming all these challenges.


While lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) have been instrumental in driving the EV revolution, their reliance on graphite anodes presents several limitations when it comes to delivering a favorable user experience. Customers often complain of range anxiety— having to charge too often—and limited fast-charge capability. They seek a refuelingtype experience like that of conventional gasoline vehicles. Moreover, the high cost of LIBs has also hampered their widespread adoption. Overcoming these obstacles will require a paradigm shift from graphite to lithium-metal anodes, making LMBs an emerging and highly promising solution.

liquid electrolyte.

Lithium-Metal Batteries

Researchers are actively investigating LMB technology as a potential holy grail for the EV industry. With roughly tenfold-higher specific capacity on offer, lithium-metal anodes can safely unlock a 40 percent increase in battery energy density that will mitigate range anxiety from EVs. While the concept of utilizing lithium-metal anodes in place of graphite isn’t new, the challenges so far have been mostly associated with safety and longevity when cycling that lithium-metal anode. If a lithium-metal anode is cycled

Battery analytics across the battery

in a conventional cell configuration, it tends to quickly grow dendrites, which are one-dimensional needle-like structures of metallic lithium that can pierce the separator and short-circuit the battery. These dendrites result in either unwanted safety incidents or, in the best case, inadequate cycle life as required by automakers and consumers.

One simple and scalable approach under development to replace graphite anodes with lithium-metal involves implementing ultra-thin, nanoporous polymer coatings on conventional polyethylene separators used in LIBs, with the polymer coating interfacing the lithium-metal anode. These nanoporous coatings help reduce the surface area of lithium electrodeposition by altering lithium coordination and its transport at the electrode surface. They also maintain a tight interface at the electrode, which enables a uniform two-dimensional plating of the lithium across the entire electrode surface, versus one-dimensional growth that often results in the formation of dendrites. Moreover, the coated separators (Figure 1) can be roll-to-roll manufactured in high volume, making them entirely drop-in compatible with established LIB manufacturing infrastructure. Not only does this significantly derisk the supply chain, but it also offers a faster path to market.

In addition, limited fast-charging performance has long been the Achilles Heel of conventional LIBs, particularly at sub-zero temperatures or states of charge exceeding ~80 percent. Uneven deposition of lithium stemming from the slightest of overpotentials at conventional graphite anodes results in its dendritic growth, thereby creating short circuits within a battery (leading to premature failures or unwanted safety incidents). If uniform plating and stripping of the lithium-metal can be accomplished at the electrode surface, LMBs can deliver significant fast-charge performance improvements, even at colder temperatures, and while maintaining a high level of safety.


Customer demand for more model variety is pulling LMBs into the market; the true value of smaller and lighter LMBs is in the design optionality they enable for EV manufacturers. This ultimately unlocks more EV choices for consumers. When the battery can be smaller and lighter, vehicles may be designed the same way with greater range, or they may be redesigned to save space, improve aesthetics, or lower cost, while offering a similar range to a LIB-powered EV today. A Gigafactory-compatible LMB solution that unlocks a 40 percent increase in energy throughput, with existing LIB manufacturing infrastructure, offers considerable cost savings that can be passed on to end users. Early demonstrations have successfully showcased considerable energy density and fast-charge improvements in LMBs utilizing separator coatings. This ongoing development towards energy-dense commercial LMBs (Figure 2) promises to offer many benefits for e-Mobility applications.


Fully electrified automotive powertrains hold immense potential as the world moves towards a carbon-neutral future. The development and widespread deployment of nextgeneration LMBs can overcome the pain points experienced by EV manufacturers and consumers alike—addressing range anxiety and the need to charge an EV quickly and at cost parity with today’s gasoline-powered vehicles. Combined with renewable energy generation, improved charging infrastructure, and supportive policies and regulations at the state and federal level, LMBs can drive the mass adoption of EVs, significantly reducing carbon emissions and fostering sustainable transportation systems. The ongoing innovations and advancements in LMB technology hold much promise toward achieving clean energy goals and accelerating the global transition to all-electric mobility.

Salil Soman is VP, Business Development at Sepion Technologies. He has more than 20 years of experience across multiple battery technologies and has spent several years in key engineering management positions at BASF Corporation (formerly Ovonic Battery Company) and Robert Bosch Battery Systems, the largest tier-1 supplier to major automotive manufacturers worldwide. He holds a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of Massachusetts and an MBA in Technology Management from the University of Colorado.

Sepion Technologies ///

Figure 2: Sepion Technologies’ Separators and Lithium-Metal Battery Cells in Pouch Format.
Figure 1: Single layer representation of a conventional lithium-ion cell compared to a lithium-metal cell with Sepion’s coated separator and

The Copper Crunch

Solving the copper supply problems facing green energy

“Another delay…what do you mean another delay?”

This complaint is commonly heard in factories across North America. Copper is essential in making the crucial components required to ensure the generation, distribution, and storage of green, sustainable electricity. Yet, production schedule delays are common thanks to the strained supply chain of copper components. Let’s examine what has caused this situation and, more importantly, what we can do to further our mutual goal of the green and renewable electrification of our economy.

A perfect storm

Beginning with shutdowns from the pandemic, supply chains continue to be strained. When manufacturing shut down, supply capacity was greatly reduced. To reduce supply chain risk, many companies are re-shoring their manufacturing to North America, but capacity ramp-up is hampered by labor shortages and rising capital costs from increasing interest rates.

At the same time as capacity is restricted, demand is increasing; “…electrification is projected to increase annual copper demand to 36.6 million metric tons by 2031”. This is in part due to the Inflation Reduction Act. “The IRA directs nearly $400 billion in federal funding to clean energy, with the goal of substantially lowering the nation’s carbon emissions by the end of this decade”.

The result is long lead times for copper parts and components. Clearly, it is not business as usual. If we continue to use old tactics, supply problems will continue for the foreseeable future. This is the case for both prototyping and for production. It’s time to take a different approach to supplying copper parts to those manufacturing ways of production, distribution, and storage of renewable electricity.

The new model: cooperation over competition

The traditional role of the purchasing manager was finding potential suppliers and then choosing the one charging the lowest price. When there was plenty of capacity (due to globalization and the cost advantages of lower labor costs offshore), this model served to lower costs. Competition on price alone exposed companies to higher risk.

The new world requires cooperation, not cutthroat competition. There are several reasons this is valuable for risk management, product quality, and long-term pricing. Today’s purchasing manager must look for partners rather than suppliers, and cooperation rather than competition. Here’s why.

Engineering support

Design engineers aim for efficacy. They know what they want the component to do, how it fits into the product, and how to make sure it works. Their focus is not on the machine, but rather what it does. Manufacturing engineers look at the same parts and components, but from a different angle. The manufacturing engineer focuses on how that part is made as well as what it does. Manufacturing engineers often suggest ways of doing things differently so that they are not just effective, but easy to produce. Changing configurations, reducing contact points, and even changing metal compositions improve manufacturing efficiency without changing the effectiveness. For example, reducing manual processes for those which can be mechanized; throwing labor at a part may have worked when parts were outsourced to Asia, but good design reduces labour costs.

Good suppliers are partners. Bringing the design and manufacturing teams together earlier in the design process results in products which not only meet all the specifications but are more efficiently manufactured. Truly a win-win situation.

Modern equipment

Copper fabrication goes back thousands of years to the Bronze Age. Today’s industry is more technologically advanced and efficient than ever. Improved software, programmable high-speed equipment, and automation, including robotics, dominate our industry. These advances make it possible for medium-sized copper fabricators to meet the growing copper requirements required by clean energy. This includes more accuracy, increased power density, and complex parts in bussing assemblies common in energy, production, distribution, and storage systems. From advanced fiber laser cutting to CNC machines, these fabricators meet these challenges. They also have an edge in labor efficiency, time to market, and improved manufacturable designs. Yes…the famed ‘Mittlestand’ does exist right here in North America.

Shared information

In a partnership, information is more easily shared. Informing your supply partners with changes, forecasts, and schedules on a regular basis helps with planning throughout the supply chain. Information helps both production scheduling, and even inventory levels. Having suppliers within North America changes the time-to-delivery dynamic,

ensuring both partners achieve their financial goals.

The new way of doing things is all about trust. Let’s be honest, NDAs are fine, but we need to find trusted supply partners to develop the kinds of supply we require as copper parts and components surge in our cleaner, greener, low carbon world.

New challenges call for different tactics, strategies, and mindsets. In order to get to the green electrification we all want, firms that are innovative, nimble, and creative become essential to all parts of the supply chain. The medium-sized copper fabricators across North America are ready for the challenge.


Bill Erichson is a consultant for Cobotix Copper, which supplies copper to the power industry, including EV chargers and microgrid systems. Cobotix Copper

New Legislation Points Toward Speedier Builds for Battery Storage Projects

Image 1: The need for BESS is increasing across the US, making streamlining permits essential to meet demand. Credit: iStock

Tucked into the federal legislation passed in early June was a provision that should be of interest to those of us focusing on large battery energy storage system (“BESS”) projects.

The Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023, signed by President Joe Biden on June 3, included language that streamlines the permitting process for large energy storage projects. As with other types of renewable energy projects, permitting is one of the bottlenecks that slow down development of a BESS sites. The June debt ceiling deal seeks to speed things up by allowing such projects to be covered under an earlier act, the Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act of 2015. The FAST Act contains provisions for streamlining the permitting process for a range of construction types. The June debt ceiling legislation ordered that “energy storage” now be among those projects covered in the FAST Act.

The change puts more pressure on permitting agencies to move things along. They don't have an indefinite amount of time to linger while a development languishes.

There are of course, stipulations. Projects must be subject to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and “likely to require a total investment of more than $200 million.” While the NEPA part is welcome — who wouldn't want a faster process there? — the $200 million condition aligns more with larger projects. Few BESS projects ever exceed that level.

But it does confirm which way the winds are blowing in Washington. More support is coming. Political leaders have gotten the message: Permitting backlogs are one of the biggest impediments to renewable energy deployment today.

Demand for BESS is rising in California, the Southwest, Texas and more recently, the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic regions of the U.S. The streamlining of permits for BESS projects would alleviate bottlenecks that have slowed progress, with implications for society as a whole given the now well-agreed urgency behind deploying renewable energy and energy storage at a wide scale.

Streamlining beyond permits

Speed is the all-important thing on everyone's minds, as developers of BESS sites well know. Smart developers stay on top of their schedule in a number of key ways. These methods should prove all the more valuable in light of the growing political acknowledgment over permitting.

They fall under two broad categories: design and communication.

Design ahead for tight scheduling

Start with design. BESS developers prefer to locate their sites near power plants or substations. A typical BESS structure comprises a number of storage containers packed with batteries. The stacked containers are connected as a unit to the grid.

That sounds simple enough, but there's plenty of room to tighten things up.

• Aim to conduct preliminary and final design simultaneously. During the gap between preliminary design and final design, too often crews sit on their hands while everyone awaits feedback from government agencies, local officials, or developers themselves. But the gap can be narrowed quite a bit based on past experience and anticipating all potential outcomes. Do the research. Understand the AHJ, the utilities, and all aspects of the approval process simultaneously. The potential to anticipate demands increases if any of the parties have worked together before. It's worth noting a subtle (and frequently overlooked) point here: Just because one builder or developer has previously worked with the same developer or builder, doesn't mean they worked with the same people. A gold mine of institutional knowledge may be hiding in the shadows. Talk to the crews with the experience.

Image 3: Developing infrastructure designs that facilitate faster construction speeds up project completion. Credit: Bowman

Don't assume the same solutions in one place will work in another. Get involved with the utility early on, and meet with their people in person.

• Similarly, the local fire marshal’s interests and requirements can vary from town to town and county to county. Fire protection requirements are not standardized across jurisdictions. Meet with fire and code officials early to avoid surprises.

Thinking and planning ahead helps create the speed you need to capitalize in this market

Dan Swayze is Executive Vice President of Energy Services at Bowman, an engineering services firm delivering infrastructure solutions to customers who own, develop, and maintain the built environment. Dan has over 25 years of experience in consulting engineering, having served in a number of leadership roles related to renewable energy and energy efficiency. He currently works with Bowman's full-service BESS team to support developers who have aggressive implementation schedules.

Bowman ///

You Can’t Get To Green Without Copper

As a renewable energy OEM, fabricated copper components are critical for the reliable and efficient power conversion systems you provide for your customers.

We understand copper. Cobotix Copper is your trusted partner for high quality components. Our team of experienced machinists, fabricators, project managers, and engineers bring the expertise to support our customers copper needs. Our rapid response prototype group helps you bring new products to market quickly. Our highly automated production systems, and sophisticated copper fabrication equipment solves the time to market supply chain issues plaguing the industry.

We share your vision of a greener and cleaner world through increased electrification, and we are ready to collaborate with you to make it happen.

The Key to High-Efficiency EV Batteries is Silicon Anode Innovation

Lithium-ion batteries have become well known in the cleantech industry as the enabler of electrification and EV adoption. In an automotive industry brought to great heights by the ingenuity and industrious nature of the United States, the challenge before us relies on that ingenuity, specifically with regards to the battery.

The US lacks the raw materials needed to make the lithium ion batteries. Cost-wise, the battery is the biggest part of an EV, posing serious consequences for EV adoption. While the adoption of EVs in the US has steadily risen over the years, if it is going to accelerate to a level that matches or even exceeds other nations, scientists need to innovate around EV battery chemistry to give automakers the promising tools they need to compete on a global scale.

Moving forward: Why silicon?

EV battery technology must become better, stronger, and more durable, if it hopes to meet the growing demand and mitigate the concerns of hesitant consumers around EV adoption. Right now, many potential consumers are worried about the following:

1. Not getting much mileage out of a single battery charge (especially while a shortage of public charging units is a concern).

2. Being stuck at a charging station for extended periods of time while they wait for their car to be ready to hit the road again.

3. Having to replace their EV’s costly battery every few years.

This is where silicon steps in.

For years, graphite has served as the anode material in most, if not all lithium-ion batteries. However, silicon can contain up to ten times the charge capacity as their graphite counterparts, creating significant opportunities for anodes that contain at least some (if not all) silicon. While this sounds like a fantastic breakthrough, most companies are only able to incorporate ~5-10 percent silicon in their anodes due to a combination of pulverization and build-up of wasteful byproducts.

Given the 10X potential, even being able to add small additional amounts of silicon can have a profound effect on the capacity of the overall battery. If the challenges of pulverization and build-up of waste products can be addressed, silicon would be the best choice for lithium-ion battery use.

Nano-sized particles: The innovation we need

Much of the pulverization and byproduct issues with silicon stem directly from the expansion/contraction cycle they go through during charging/discharging. This is due directly to the Solid-Electrolyte-Interphase (SEI) that forms on the surface of the anode. In the case of silicon, the SEI that forms can be substantial and quite brittle. In most cases, when the anode material contracts during discharge, the SEI layer breaks off in pieces and floats in the electrolyte, no longer contributing to the performance. The more this happens, the more lithium is consumed, and the faster the battery degrades.

Researchers have found that using smaller and smaller electrode particles greatly minimizes or excludes this effect. In fact, those using less than 150nm particles stand the best chance for success.

There are two ways to create these nanoparticles through chemistry: top-down or bottom-up. Top-down chemistry processes generally include the ball-milling of mined silicon, and often produces particles with irregular shapes in a very non-uniform size distribution. In contrast, a bottom-up chemistry process starts with the chemical building blocks of silicon-based material, and chemical reactions are performed to build the final desired anode product. This allows very tight control over the size distribution and resultant shape of the nanoparticle, giving scientists the ability to perfectly manipulate the size and shape to more effectively perform within a battery setting. These silicon nanoparticles allow for far less pulverization and byproduct build-up, which then allows battery scientists to pump the anode up with more silicon beyond the previously-limiting 5-10 percent threshold.

This all results in a higher-efficiency, higher-performance EV battery that will last longer on a single charge, charge faster when power gets low, and overall live longer than the current industry standard so consumers will be able to go longer between EV battery replacements.

Silicon nanoparticles are the true key to unlocking the next generation of lithiumion batteries that will quell these ongoing consumer anxieties around EV adoption.

Impact of the Inflation Reduction Act & beyond

The recent passing of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) is poised to have a profound and positive impact on the advancements in silicon anode technology. This landmark legislation enables American companies to access unprecedented levels of investment, unlocking new opportunities for growth and innovation.

With the IRA in place, the potential for the development of silicon anode technology is bound to skyrocket. This will not only bolster the companies spearheading these breakthroughs, but also drive greater integration of cleantech and other emerging technologies.

Moreover, the act's incentives for domestic manufacturing are likely to lure automakers into relocating production to the United States. The substantial financial support provided to the domestic supply chain, and the provisions for tax breaks on EV battery manufacturing companies, are set to accelerate the growth of the EV industry and fuel its adoption across the nation. While the full scope and longevity of the IRA's impact are yet to unfold, it is expected to significantly contribute to the overall health of the industry and, importantly, reduce the United States' reliance on China for critical materials essential in EV battery manufacturing.

The IRA marks a turning point in the trajectory of silicon anode technology. By fostering an environment conducive to research, development, and production, it promises to redefine America's role in the clean energy landscape — and holds the potential to transform the way we power our vehicles and mitigate environmental challenges on a global scale.

Bringing it all together

Creating the next generation of lithium-ion batteries is not as simple as getting a group of talented scientists together to inject some extra silicon into existing batteries. It’s going to take a continuing and coordinated effort between many of these scientists along with the aid of the national government, giving them the tools, funds and incentives necessary to continue their research, develop new innovations, and bring them to market at a pace and price that works for the greatest number of consumers as possible.

Michelle Tokarz is VP of Partnerships & Development at The Coretec Group, which engineers silicon to improve life and power tomorrow’s EV, cleantech, and emerging technology markets.

The Coretec Group ///

The electrification of demand and supply-side renewable energy infrastructure, like battery energy storage systems (BESS), has designers and installers constantly innovating to save space in electrical enclosures. The goal is to optimize efficiency and functionality, while reducing the physical footprint of these critical components. Several strategies are being employed to achieve this goal, including the use of more compact battery technologies, the integration of power electronics directly into battery modules, and the use of higher voltage systems to reduce current flow (allowing for the use of smaller conductors and components).

Making Compact Power Connections in Electrical Enclosures

Another strategy, the optimization of electrical connections, has designers paying close attention to conductor layout within electrical panels and cabinets to ensure the most efficient use of space. Space-efficient designs can not only reduce the cost of materials required for enclosures, but also transportation and installation expenses. Moreover, minimizing these requirements can lead to better space utilization for the integration of additional components such as remote diagnostic equipment.

Cable/lug and rigid busbar arrangements are customary for making dependable, cost-effective electrical connections in many types of applications; recently however, designer and installers have been taking note of a different method that is more compact and flexible, offers low smoke and halogen-free properties in the event of a fire, and reduces installation time: flexible busbar.

Flexible busbar has a core structure consisting of multiple thin strips or rods of conductive material (typically copper or aluminum) that are braided, layered, or laminated together.

This design allows the bar to be easily bent into various configurations, making it a versatile solution for connecting critical components — transformers, switchboards, generators, uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) — in confined spaces. Take, for instance, a flexible busbar that is formed from layers of thin electrolytic copper insulated with a high-resistance, self-extinguishing thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) or silicone compound. The insulating sleeve is then grooved on the inner surface, reducing the contact surface with the laminates to less than 20 percent. As the inside of the jacket is ribbed, there is less surface area for the copper laminates to adhere to, resulting

in a smoother transition when folding, bending, and twisting.

Flexible busbar offers a range of potential benefits in electrical enclosures for BESS units as well as for solar combiner boxes and inverters, EV charging stations and utility substations, and transmission and distribution assets, and other renewable energy applications. Benefits include:

• Space Savings

On average, flexible busbar takes up less room than comparable cable. Compared to a 500-kcmil wire length, for example, an equivalent 3x24 flexible busbar solution represents a roughly 70 percent cross-section savings, where 500 kcmil = 253.35 mm2 and 3x24 busbar = 72 mm2. Reductions will vary depending on the specific product and ampacity utilized; however, these savings can be significant in place of rigid power connections.

• High Current-Carrying Capacity

Most flexible busbar is designed to carry high currents safely, as its low resistance allows for efficient current flow with less risk of overheating.

• Minimized Voltage Drop

Traditional busbar can introduce some level of voltage drop and impedance due to its length and resistance level. In contrast, flexible busbar tends to offer lower resistance and a shorter, more direct path for current flow, resulting in reduced voltage drop.

• Reduced Mechanical Stress Resistance to mechanical stresses and vibrations is also improved by busbar that is flexible and does not use lugs to make connections. These conductors can connect to the front access terminals of breakers without any additional accessories such as angular connectors, spreaders, ring terminal connectors, or extenders.

Flexible busbar is smaller and more flexible than comparable cable based on ampacity. It can be bent, folded and twisted, improving assembly time, shortening connections and decreasing its footprint.

• Less Risk of Faults

By minimizing the number of connections required in an enclosure, a flexible busbar arrangement can also reduce the risk of faulty connections due to there being fewer potential failure points.

• Enhanced Customization

Saving space in electrical enclosures allows for more efficient scalability and future expansion of the battery storage system. As energy demands grow, additional components can be integrated into the existing setup without requiring significant modifications or new enclosures.

• Simplified Installation

Flexible busbar is relatively easy to cut, bend, and connect. Maintenance and troubleshooting become more manageable due to the orderly arrangement and easy accessibility of flexible busbars. Note that flexible busbar should be properly insulated as to produce a relatively low smoke opacity with no corrosive gases generated, in accordance with ISO 5659-2, IEC 61034-2 and UL 2885, all of which are concerned with the measurement of the smoke density generated from burning materials. Insulation jacketing should exhibit low smoke, halogen-free, and flameretardant (LSHFFR) qualities, making it suitable for use in enclosed spaces.

Traditional cable/lug connections and fixed, rigid busbar are commonly used in electrical installations, but can

pose challenges in terms of space utilization. With advancements in materials and manufacturing processes, flexible busbar has emerged as an efficient alternative. The market offers a diverse range of solutions to address the growing need for space-saving options in electrical panels and enclosures. This need is motivated by a combination of factors including installation flexibility, enhanced energy density, cost efficiency, safety, regulatory compliance, and scalability. By addressing these considerations, designers can develop more versatile and practical solutions to meet the evolving needs of the energy storage industry.

Dave Dong is the Director of Vertical Growth in North America at nVent, a global electrical connection and protection solutions leader. With over 10 years of experience in the electrical industry, Dave specializes in battery energy storage systems (BESS), e-mobility and renewables markets. He is passionate about developing partnerships with customers to drive innovation and deliver value-added solutions.

nVent ERIFLEX ///

DC/DC converter

The new generation of Freemaq DC/DC converters is compatible with very high-capacity BESS and communicates directly with the Freesun HEM solar inverter, allowing the operation of the hybrid installation to be optimized. With the DC-coupled energy storage system, the excess energy from the PV plant can be stored in the Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) and then delivered when needed.

Power Electronics ///

Energy ecosystem provides increased reliability and performance


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SMA America’s Home Energy Solution includes the Sunny Boy Smart Energy (SBSE) hybrid inverter, SMA Energy Meter, optional Backup Secure, the SMA 360° app, SMA ShadeFix, and the SMA Energy app. At the heart is the new Sunny Boy Smart Energy hybrid inverter. This 2-in-1 hybrid inverter can be equipped with SMA’s Backup Secure and provides a flexible solution that empowers homeowners to generate solar power and power key appliances when the grid is down. The SMA Home Energy Solution can grow with a household's needs, starting with a PV-only system and storage added later. The DCcoupled battery design with 200% DC to AC oversizing capabilities, along with three MPPTs, empowers designers and installers with flexibility, as this solution only requires adding PV sizing to the main service panel. Included in the solution is an Integrated System Manager, which allows management and monitoring of up to 4 inverters, energy meter, and batteries. Also included is SMA ShadeFix, a technology that optimizes PV system energy production in every situation, especially in complex array designs, and when solar panels are shaded. For installers, the Home Energy Solution is easy to handle, install, and commission, with a slim design, and single-bolt wiring access. The intuitive SMA 360° app gives an easy way to plan, commission, monitor, and service systems. The app enables a single entry of customer and consumption data, which allows for visualization of energy balances and potential savings. Up-to-date technical data is available, and systems may be monitored in realtime, easing service and potential system downtimes from a mobile device. This SMA 360° app plus the Sunny Portal powered by ennexOS and SMA Smart Connected work together to put control and peace of mind directly into the hands of the installer and the homeowner. The simplicity of the system was engineered for safety, certified to both UL standards and NEC 2023/2020 code, in addition to featuring SMA ShadeFix, SMA ArcFix, and ground fault protection.

SMA America

Bi-directional DC-coupled EV charger

SolarEdge Technologies’ new Bi-Directional DC EV Charger enables solar-powered Vehicle-to-Home (V2H) and Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) functionalities. The charger allows charging the EV directly from PV with no AC-to-DC power conversions, fast charging of up to 24kW by simultaneously drawing electricity from the PV array, the home battery, and the grid, bypassing the home’s AC infrastructure and the limitations of the car’s onboard EV charger, and charging the EV with excess PV, leveraging the SolarEdge inverters DC to AC oversizing (up to 200%). In addition, SolarEdge’s ONE energy optimization system offers enhanced savings by applying smart algorithms to calculate dynamic utility prices and autonomously charge and discharge the EV battery. This will enable homeowners to receive payments from their electricity supplier during demand response events, by discharging their stored EV battery power back to the grid (V2G). In addition, the EV battery can function as a large home battery storage solution of up to 50kWh, both on and off grid, enabling homeowners to use their EV to back up their homes for extended periods during an outage (V2H). The Charger is compatible with both 400V and 800V EV powertrains via a standard CSS connector.

SolarEdge Technologies ///

Nano-silicon product for Li-ion cell manufacturers

Ionic Mineral Technologies’ (Ionic MT), Generation 1 Ionisil nano-silicon product for Li-ion cell manufacturers is a dropin solution for lithium-ion batteries that delivers high energy density and fast charging capabilities, making it suitable for use in electric vehicles (EVs) and other applications requiring high-performance batteries. Ionisil is a technology that enables lithium-ion cell manufacturers to achieve high energy densities and fast charging times. Ionic Mineral Technologies' Ionisil nano-silicon material is derived from their own halloysite deposits in Utah and manufactured in-state, offering a domestic solution to next-generation, highcapacity battery materials. The Ionic MT proprietary, continuous manufacturing process is a lowcarbon footprint process for producing battery materials.

Ionic Mineral Technologies (Ionic MT) ///

New materials create safer, quieter EVs

Ascend Performance Materials has developed two materials for electric vehicles that improve safety and passenger comfort. The company’s Starflam X-Protect and Vydyne AVS tackle two unique challenges automakers face when developing their EV platforms. Starflam X-Protect is a flame-retardant nylon 66 that withstands exposure to 1100°C direct flame for 15 minutes, surpassing standard flame-retardant materials and aluminum tested in accordance with SAE AS5127 (a test originally designed for aerospace applications). Ascend’s team of e-mobility application development engineers and polymer scientists created a novel solution to dampen noise, vibration and harshness in EVs, which produce vibrations at 10 times the frequency of internal combustion engine vehicles. Vydyne AVS is a new engineered material effective at damping high-frequency vibrations from noise sources like motors and compressors, which translates into an 80% reduction in cabin sound pressure.

Ascend Performance Materials ///

How nVent HOFFMAN Advances Energy Storage

With high-quality solutions and decades of industry expertise, we understand the needs and challenges of OEM’s, system integrators, and installers operating in the Energy Storage & Renewable Power Generation industries.


High voltage smart energy storage solution

The Avalon High Voltage Energy Storage system is the newest innovation from Fortress Power, combining a high-voltage battery and hybrid inverter with a smart energy panel. The Avalon HV Energy Storage System can be AC or DC Coupled with 200A pass-through and is scalable up to 58.8kWh for both indoor and outdoor installations. The system offers comprehensive management capabilities through a smart, user-friendly mobile app, allowing users to oversee the entire system effortlessly. The Avalon HV ESS is truly an all-in-one, wholehome backup system.

Fortress Power


October 23rd -25th , 2023

BMO Center Calgary, AB

Electricity Transformation Canada will bring together energy professionals from converging sectors: wind energy, solar energy, and energy storage, to network, collaborate, and grow their businesses. Electricity Transformation Canada (ETC) is developed by the Canadian Renewable Energy Association (CanREA), which represents the voice of wind energy, solar energy, and energy storage in Canada, in partnership with the Italian Mexican Exhibition Group, and RE+ Events. These entities support a shared vision of innovation and collaboration in Canada’s renewable energy industry are key to future success and prosperity.

Features just some of the companies and technologies attendees will see at this year’s show.

Solar PV mounting systems

hb solar International delivers solar PV mounting systems on their Total Roof Platform. Engineered rails interface with all types of roof types and include all connection hardware. Integrated bonding/grounding clamps, thermal expansion detail, and wind tunnel testing ensure that each rooftop system is built for safety and designed for the efficiency minded installer. hb solar has delivered in excess of 300MWp of mounting systems to over 1000 projects across North America. A surprise launch is planned for Energy Transformation Canada. SKYRACK Ballasted (SRB) mounting will be featured, along with their newest shingle roof SKYMOUNT line.

hb solar

Safety and productivity gear

GME is an outfitter of safety and productivity gear for North America’s workers including lineman working on power lines. Their Gear Experts will help workers find the gear they need to get the job done. With distribution centers across North America, they are within 2 days standard shipping of 99% of the US and ship products the same day as ordered (orders placed before 6pm EST) for in-stock items so there are no delays. Their PRO and Gearcor platforms help make purchasing across a distributed team easy and efficient, especially with their special boot and FR apparel programs. Plus, their Team-1 Academy and SafetyLMS teams offer training customized to every team’s needs including several courses available online.


Cost efficient 4-in-1 microinverter

Hoymiles 4-in-1 microinverter HMS-2000C supports up to 4 panels at once, providing substantial cost savings for installers. All of these models listed are connected to an intelligent monitoring system to track individual modules’ performance over time and offer superior energy production. The new Sub-1G wireless solution enables stable communication under various environmental conditions.

Hoymiles Power Electronics

Customizable flat roof system

TerraGen Solar’s TGR Dual Tilt flat roof system focuses on optimizing the roof space for maximum density without sacrificing the module support or warranty. The system is customizable to any desired tilt angle, peak spacing, and valley spacing for optimal production, density, access, and installation efficiency. The fully rail-based system offers variability that enables design flexibility to overcome building constraints.

TerraGen Solar

Solar mounting sheathing attachment

Zilla's Double Stud XL Flashing Assembly attaches directly to sheathing with the option for structural attachment if necessary. The Zilla Double Stud XL standardizes design and installation processes, provides speed and flexibility in the field, and eliminates the risk of failure due to thermal expansion, contraction, and wind and snow forces inherent in non-flashed mounting systems. In addition, Zilla Double Stud XL features the original installation method of attachment first, flashing second, and waterproof seal third creating a practical and dependable foundation on composite shingle roofs. Made in the USA, the Zilla Double Stud XL is compatible with other solar mounting systems and is purpose-built to drive performance and ensure the long-term durability of installations.

Zilla Corporation

Protection for wind turbine main bearings

Castrol Tribol GR SW series greases are designed for demanding performance and viscosity requirements of major OEMs. In independent performance testing, Tribol GR SW 680-1 demonstrated significant main bearing wear protection. It’s also compatible with most manufacturers, making converting easy. Tribol GR SW greases are in stock and ready to ship.


Ground screw products and installation equipment

American Ground Screw (AGS) is a North American distributor of ground screw products and installation equipment for the solar and construction markets. AGS has nearly 20 years of ground screw manufacturing experience and a committed, US-based sales and customer service team. This gives AGS the production capacity, service, and diversity of experience to supply residential, commercial, and utilityscale solar customers with both products that satisfy global certification standards (ICC, TUV, EN, EPD) and effective service all the way through installation. Whether for ground mount fixed-tilt racking systems, trackers, battery storage systems, or EV chargers, AGS has a solution. Beyond its current ability to deliver container quantities direct from its factories, and LTL shipments from its headquarters in Des Moines, IA, AGS is looking to partner with solar products distributors, developers, installers, and EPCs to expand its products’ availability to better serve Canada’s residential and commercial solar markets.

American Ground Screw (AGS)

EPC products and services

CONSERTEK provides complete EPC products and services in the renewable energy sector for all meteorological analysis projects, including engineering, procurement, construction, instrumentation, and commissioning of MET Towers throughout Canada. In addition, CONSERTEK provides inspection and maintenance services on any MET Towers as per TIA-222 standards. CONSERTEK manufactures support booms and accessories, and instrumentation cabinets for wind farms to their clients’ specific needs in North America. The cabinets are designed and assembled by CONSERTEK’s technicians. The logger program is in-lab pre-tested. The supports booms are compliant with the latest edition of IEC 61400. Consertek is an authorized distributor of Sabre Towers and Poles products as well as THIES CLIMA measurement products in Canada.


Vacuum circuit breaker

EMA Electromechanics has designed and manufactures the high-speed Grounding Breaker. A technology created to mitigate TOV on wind, solar, or storage energy MV circuits. In solar applications, during a line-to-ground fault or a load rejection, the MV circuit might be islanded with the inverters connected for some cycle of wave in order to commit to the voltage ridethrough (NERC PRC-024). Inverter’s islanding detection method (IDM) might not be fast enough to differentiate a MV circuit islanding than a voltage excursion at POI (generation remains connected for some cycles). The high-speed grounding breaker is a fast and clear signal to all inverters shut down at the same time which avoids unnecessary ride-through and is reliable TOV protection. EMA offers 38kV vacuum grounding breakers and conventional circuit breakers for outdoor applications.

EMA Electromechanics Inc.

Sheathing roof mounting system

This Flashing Kit comes with four 2'' self-drilling screws and can be mounted on the OSB Roof Sheathing (7/16'' min.). This Flashing can be mounted at 48'' centers with snow loads and wind loads of up to 5.4KPa and 2.4KPa respectively. The raised channel provides a place for sealant application on the underside while also diverting water off the top of the flashing. Made from lightweight, malleable aluminum, the flashing can easily be formed around gables or troughs. The textured, powder-coated flashing blends well with all asphalt roofs. The baseplates can be secured to the roof with up to four self-drilling screws and have a separate blind stud on top for L-Bracket attachment, eliminating the through-holes that may cause water leakage and lead to dry rot. It easily slides under shingles during installation.

Kinetic Solar Racking and Mounting, Inc

Powerful three-phase inverter

The powerful 75-100kW three-phase inverter is suitable for large commercial rooftop or ground mount PV projects. The product features 10 independent MPPTs with wide full-power operating ranges that can work efficiently with both 600Vdc and 1000Vdc PV arrays. String current up to 16A accommodates new high-power and bifacial PV modules. Easy-to-use online O&M tools make O&M intelligent and convenient. Enclosures rated to IP66 protection grade can be installed in harsh environmental conditions.


Wind blade monitor

Sensoria is a remote 24/7/365 wind blade monitor that helps maximize uptime and performance for offshore and onshore blades. Sensoria utilized advanced acoustic emission (AE) technology to remotely detect defects, visualizes blade integrity through the Sensoria Insights data portal, and offers optional inspection and maintenance support services through Sensoria Dispatch. Able to detect wind turbine damages earlier than traditional methods, Sensoria provides the Edge-to-Edge Intelligence wind turbines blades need. Sensoria

Strong and durable cable hangers

CAB Solar is proud to offer S-Hooks for project sites. CAB S-Hooks are safe, strong, and durable in extreme conditions. They are manufactured from steel for strength in load handling and are coated with a high dielectric grade PVC plastisol which is UV and corrosion resistant, flame retardant, and will not deteriorate or mar surfaces or cables. CAB S-Hooks are a solution for many job site safety hazards and are easy to install. They are suitable for permanent or temporary applications. CAB S-Hooks are manufactured in the USA by persons with disabilities at the Cambria County Association for the Blind and Handicapped.

CAB Solar

11-14 RE+



The Venetian Convention and Expo Center – Las Vegas, NV;

26-28 The Utility Expo

Kentucky Expo Center – Louisville, KY;

27-28 Hydrogen Technology Expo Europe

Messe Bremen – Bremen, Germany;


02-03 Clean Energy Investment Summit

JW Marriott Houston by the Galleria – Houston, TX;

03-04 Offshore WINDPOWER 2023

Hynes Convention Center – Boston, MA;

04-05 Tax Incentives 2023: Optimizing Post-IRA Opportunities

JW Marriott Houston by the Galleria – Houston, TX;

18-19 RE+ Florida

TBD – Ft Lauderdale, FL;

23-25 Electricity Transformation Canada

BMO Center – Calgary, AB;


07-08 Mountain West Renewables

Sheraton Salt Lake City Hotel – Salt Lake City, UT;

14-15 RE+ Midwest

Palmer House Hilton – Chicago, IL;


17-19 Intersolar North America

San Diego Convention Center – San Diego, CA;

17-19 Energy Storage North America

San Diego Convention Center – San Diego, CA;

22-23 RE+ Hawaii

Alohilani Resort Waikiki Beach – Honolulu, HI;

29-30 IEEE Electrical Energy Storage Applications and Technologies (EESAT 2024) DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel San Diego - Mission Valley – San Diego, CA;


07-09 Solar Power Africa

TBD – Cape Town, South Africa;

13-14 RE+ Northeast

Boston Convention Center – Boston, MA;

21-23 ACP Operations, Maintenance & Safety Conference Gaslamp Quarter – San Diego, CA;

MARCH 2024

12-13 RE+ Northern California Santa Clara Convention Center – Santa Clara CA;

APRIL 2024

17-18 RE+ Southeast Georgia World Congress Center – Atlanta GA;

17-19 Solar +


Guadalajara – Guadalajara, Mexico;

us your clean energy show and event listings. Email information to the editor at

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