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Home is where we eat, play, study, work and dream…and for the fi rst time ever, we invite you into the places where we carved out our own personal mini-sanctuaries while putting this issue together over the past few months. Because home may be where the heart is, but these days, it’s also so much more than that.

photos by ryan moser

amelia boldaji


Between writing, revising and reading, Amelia and her partner, Dan Lewis, also welcomed a newborn son this past August. Though it’s led to some sleepless nights, Oliver David Boldaji Lewis reigns supreme everywhere from the nursery to the living room – making Shel Silverstein’s The Giving Tree the most important book on their shelves.

helen furr

sales manager

With views like this, there’s virtually no need for a getaway. From helping her twin middle school-aged girls study to juggling a packed planner, there’s not much Helen can’t do on her back porch in Colington Harbour. Making appointments while watching the sunset? Check, and check. And transitioning from coff ee to cocktails? You got it.

cathy baldwin


There’s always a lot going on in the Baldwin household, and as mom, publisher and a recently inspired gardener/baker (thanks to the newfound at-home time), Cathy’s often at the epicenter of it all. So if you’re wondering where to fi nd her catching a quiet moment of refl ection, just check the alcove in her master bath. It might not seem like much, but it’s the perfect spot for daydreaming about future travels – and taking the odd phone call in peace.

dave rollins

art director

A little downtime isn’t always that much diff erent from being on the clock, and, for Dave, that means it’s all about putting the pieces together. Which isn’t to imply that jigsaw puzzles don’t help him unplug and relax – it’s just that fi nding the space for his classic, stuck-at-home hobby requires sharing the dining room table with family-time meals…and his kids’ school-issued Chromebooks.


Ashley Contristan 252-256-0344 ashleysellsobx@gmail.com ashleysellsobx.com

Susie Stanovesek 252-506-6800 stanovsek@gmail.com susiesellsobx.com Alex Miller 252-207-7080 alexsellsobx@kw.com alexmillerobx.com

Liz J. Holterhaus 252-202-2156 obx4sale@gmail.com obx4sale.com

Danielle Taylor 252-489-9185 danielle@sandbarliving.com sandbarliving.com Sarah Brown and BJ Neal 252-202-5279 bj@simplysalesobx.com simplysalesobx.com Lauren Nelson 252-207-6504 lauren4beach@gmail.com windwardgroupltd.kw.com

Ellen Heatwole 804-839-7064 sellnobx@gmail.com

Denise Graham: 252-202-2173 denisegraham@kw.com corollarealestate.com

Eddie Kavanaugh: 252-207-7773 eddie.kavanaugh@kw.com

Becky Reed 828-200-4291 beckyreed@kw.com beckyreedobx.kw.com Sarah VanLeeuwen 813-990-9193 sarahv@kw.com sarahvan.com


Kathleen Argiroff: 252-202-8147 kargiroff@gmail.com findobxhomes.com

Alex Argiroff: 252-202-8148 aargiroff@gmail.com

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