Tiger Talk By: Ella Endorf
December 2011-January 2012
2011 - A Year to Remember
Horseback riding, birthdays, field trips, Christmas, and even sleeping in are some of the favorites of students and staff at NBE. These are what people loved in 2011 and are looking forward to in 2012. Josie Spiker and Jaxon Wietfeld are both looking forward to their birthdays in 2012, but Josie liked horseback riding in Ponca, while Jaxon found summer break to be his favorite part of 2011. Both are third graders. Sydney Emanuel and Jenna Jennings, both second graders, are like two peas in a pod with their 2011 favorite being the field trip
and looking forward to a fabulous Christmas in 2012. Let’s hope they aren’t let down in their hopes. Adam Limbach’s favorite part of 2011 was the door decoration and is also looking forward to his birthday in 2012. Fourth graders, Cole Johnson and Julia Knapp, had very different viewpoints on their favorites. Julia loved sleeping in, while Cole enjoyed vacation in general. Cole is looking forward to Christmas, but Julia can’t wait to see the ball drop on New Year’s Eve. Some of our staff had input too..... Rick Hobza, one our great
janitors, feels that he was just glad to have such a great 2011, and for his hopes for 2012, he stated simply, “peace and quiet” with a smile. Mrs. Voss, one of many substitutes for NBE enjoyed what she does often, subbing. She is looking forward to traveling in 2012. The final staff input is from Pat Peters, our secretary, who enjoyed visiting Kentucky and can’t wait for summer vacation. All in all, everyone has something they loved about 2011 and hope for in 2012, so, keep your fingers crossed that these really will be.... years to remember.
Celebrating the Holidays Throughout The United States
By: Emerson Peters One of the many fun activities the third graders have done this year was a letter exchange. With the letter exchange, each class was given about 30 addresses from all around the United States to send holiday letters to. Mrs. Mehaffey plotted out the origins of the letters on a large map so everyone could see where the letters where going and who they were writing to. Mrs. Ferguson did a project on a the Google Earth to show her class. I asked Breckin Peters what he liked about the letter exchange and he said, “I really liked the letter exchange. It was fun to meet new kids from different cities-- different states, actually.” He added “One funny thing was we sent letters to kids all over the country and we got a lot of letters and Christmas cards back from the eastern part of the country, like Massachusetts, and we only got one back from the west coast, in California, I think. It was a lot of fun!” All the third graders agreed the letter exchange was a fun experience. Sounds like a lot of fun, keep up the good work third graders!!!
Winter In Nebraska
By: Lauren Emanuel Winter? Is it winter? How does one tell when it is 60 degrees? The winter of 2011 certainly does not resemble a typical winter of Nebraska’s past. Thermometers showing frigid temperatures, trees trimmed with snow, children on sleds, and people bundled like eskimos trying to keep warm are visions of winters past. Short sleeves, light jackets, children playing outside, no snow, people wearing flip flops, and warmer temperatures are a common sight this winter. When asked which winter is preferred, the answers varied. Some liked past winters with sledding and snow. Tanner Wietfeld liked last winter more, but he said, “I liked this winter because the snow was not as high so it was more fun to play in.” When John Emanuel was asked he said, ”This winter, because you can do more outside.” In Nebraska, winters can change drastically from one day to the next. If you do not like the weather today, just wait to see what tomorrow brings you may like it better!
Catherine Vyhlidal, Brittany Kifer, and Lauren Kohl along with the rest of the first graders who didn’t need their coats for recess. It was 61 degrees that day. Two days later the temperatures didn’t get above freezing.
And the Winner Is...
By: Emma Kavan Our paper has a name!! Carter Richardson, Third Grade, won the newspaper name contest for the elementary school: Tiger Talk. He was chosen out of three other kids who picked that name. The grand prize was a Nebraska Husker blanket! All of the teachers helped with the voting. They rounded the entries down to 20 different names, then they rounded it down to five names. The newspaper staff then picked a favorite of the five names. Tiger Talk was the most favored out of the five, so the new North Bend Elementary Newspaper name is Tiger Talk.
Dribble, dribble, swish!
By: Faith Taylor Basketball season is in full swing. Fifth grade coach Amy Taylor enjoys watching the girls improve throughout the season. Her favorite part is watching the girls run “killers” and remembering when she had to do them. She hopes the girls enjoy basketball and to continue playing ball. Madeline Christensen’s favorite part of basketball is playing with her team. One of the boys’ coaches is Dan Endorf who coaches the third and fourth grade. His favorite part of coaching is having fun with the kids. They improved on dribbling because they start practice with 25 minutes of dribbling.The boys’ favorite part is having snacks before practice. Dan said that he is thankful for the parents who help. Austin Taylor said his favorite part was having fun with the other players. Both teams are looking forward to playing in the North Bend Optimist tournament. Let’s go Tigers!
Here Comes Christmas...
By: Kiley Allgood Busy Busy! Tigers after tigers were getting ready to celebrate the Christmas holidays before heading off to break for exactly 14 days. The kindergarten class put on a show singing Christmas carols. After that jolly program left carols stuck in my head, the first through third grade rode in on their horses getting ready for the big corral in the desert. Who knew such little kids could have that big of voices and a knack for acting! The fourth grade kicked off their break with a little fun in the gym, chanting one after anothers’ names encouraging them to unwrap a Hershey kiss with mittens on. What a sight! Then we have fifth and sixth graders who were full of holiday spirit when they left the school for break. Starting off their break with memories of caroling, movies, and the heartfelt gifts exchanged at the gift exchange. Hope break was as good as the kickoff!
Class News
Chase Ruzicka (5th) helps Hannah Johnson (1st) write her letter to Santa as part of a class sharing activity.
Kindergarteners joined the first and second grade to celebrate the 100th day of school. Each classroom had a different activity that had to do with 100, and all classes rotated around to each room. Mrs. Dorcey’s class has been collecting nonperishable food items, in hopes to get 100 items. They were at 75 after just 4 days. During the month of December, the first grade class had lots of fun. For example, they wrote letters to Santa. They wrote what they wanted, what they would leave for Santa to eat, and also the reindeer food. They also decorated their door like a gingerbread house. “ In my opinion, I thought that the door 1st grade decorated was amazing.” Trevor Nelson wrote. Also, the first grade made reindeer food. I bet the reindeer loved it. And last, they made lots of art projects. Walking the halls, I saw many beautiful angels cut out of paper hanging on the walls. Way to go first grade.--Trevor Nelson
It is time for the second grade dinosaur reports! They also dug for fossils and made an imprint of a shell. In Math they learned about two-place subtraction with regrouping (and still remembering how to do two-place addition). They are starting a unit about seasons, day & night, and space. Check out the second grade silhouettes in the hallways. This holiday season has been full of fun for the third grade class. A few of the things they have did were; go to the hospital for a field trip, build gingerbread houses, put on an awesome Christmas program, and had a letter exchange. They also made snowmen door hangers, and shared some of them with the residents of Birchwood Manor. They then read them poems about snow. --Emerson Peters Fourth grade classes decorated the Pioneer Cemetery at the golf course at Christmas time. They have been practicing their writing skills in preparation for the NE Statewide 4th Grade Writing Assessment this week. Malcolm X and Willa Cather were just two of the famous Nebraskans to”visit” the fourth grade classrooms this past month when students researched and then presented their reports in costume. Fifth graders have their thinkers on. In Math they are doing input and output graphs and are dividing with 2 digits. In reading they talk about their fun
books and how to compare and contrast. Both fifth and sixth grades had a writing marathon. They are using helping words to write fiction stories. In Science they are learning the different parts of the earth. They made a model of the earth that was cut in half so they could see the different layers. In Social Studies they are learning how the Revolutionary War began and compared the times back then to today. -- Faith Taylor Through December and January the sixth grader did some very fun things over the span of two months. One special thing they did was making Christmas carpets for their parents. Another thing they did (just like all the other classrooms) were decorating doors for either Mrs. Wiebold or Mrs. Sterup. Their doors were amazing. They also thought that Christmas caroling to the local businesses was quite an adventure. -- Mackenzie Brabec
By: Trevor Nelson
Book Corner
By: Emma Kavan
Geography Bee Finalists: Front: Colton Mitties, Sean Mullally, Abby Post, Cody Pospisil, Kaitlyn Bjorklund. Back: Justin Mensik, Brock Ray, Zander Gibney, Emma Kavan, Ella Endorf, Mackenzie Brabec.
Where In The World Is...
By: Abby Post
Do you know where the Mississippi river begins? Where it ends? You may hear a question like this if you participated in the Geography Bee at school. A Geography Bee is where you answer geography questions. If you get enough correct, you will go on to the next round. Students in the fourth through sixth grade participated in this during their library classes. There were eleven finalist this year. Eight sixth graders: Ella Endorf, Kaitlynn Bjorklund, Mackenzie Brabec, Emma Kavan, Justin Mensik, Colton Mittes, Sean Mullally, and Brock Ray; one fifth grader: Zander Gibney, and two fourth graders: Cody Pospisil, and Abby Post. All were tested again in a final round, but of course had more difficult questions. In the final round, there were five rounds that the eleven finalists had to survive through. The top three placers in the school were Colton Mitties (third place) Sean Mullally (second place), and the champion, Brock Ray. Brock had to complete a qualifying test after the school Geography Bee. If his score ranks in the top 100 in the state of Nebraska, he will get the chance to compete in the Nebraska Geography Bee to be held in Omaha on March 31, 2012.
Gift-Wrapped Doors
By: Hannah Murray
The holiday spirit brought a lot of decorated doors at North Bend Central Elementary. There were only two winners.They were Mr. Brower’s room and Mrs.Streff’s room. All the rooms were amazing but the judges could only choose two rooms. They gave each room a tiger to keep until the next all-school contest.
One of the many book series on the rage is the Percy Jackson and the Olympians by Rick Riordan. This series depicts the many journeys of a boy named Percy Jackson who thought his father ran away before he was born. Percy then learns that he is a Demi - god (half god, half human), and even more wierd Percy learns that his father is the Greek God of the Sea, Posiedon. With the help of many friends, Percy does many things that a normal kid couldn’t even dream of doing. If you are looking for an adventurous read with a humorous twist to it, then the Percy Jackson series are the books for you.
Angels We Have Heard...
By: Mackenzie Brabec On December 21 the sixth graders went around to the all the local businesses Christmas caroling. They dressed in their warmest clothes only to find out that it really wasn’t that cold. But it was worth it to find that some lucky groups would get suckers, beef jerky, candy bars, or a cookie. They were grouped into three different groups with about seven boys and girls in each group. Mrs. Krivolavek, Mrs. Amison, and Mrs. Ziettlow accompanied the groups. After the hour outside going from store to store they all piled into the bus and returned to the elementary building. When they got there, hot chocolate was waiting for them by the door. They all looked like they had fun, which they did.
Did you know...
The third grade made origami cranes for “Cranestorm”. They will be sending these to Nebraska Association for Brain Injuries and they will be making a giant crane out of them to be in the capitol during March “Brain Awareness Month” and to Kearney for the sandhill crane migration.