Fall 2020 North Central College Magazine

Page 23

First-gen programming through Cardinal First gains additional support A $100,000 grant from the Arthur Vining Davis Foundations will fund five new first-generation initiatives beginning in 2020-2021. These include expanded leadership development for Cardinal First Ambassadors (student leaders in the program); outreach to future firstgeneration college students at 10 Illinois area high schools; a series of educational webinars designed for parents of first-generation students; the inaugural Cardinal First Alumni Academy; and further development of first-gen students by faculty in discipline-specific groups. The funding will also go toward the hiring of a temporary, part-time coordinator for these initiatives. Director of First-Generation Programs Julie Carballo says this grant is the culmination of longtime goals to further expand Cardinal First. “This funding will allow us to engage first-gen alumni and parents of our first-gen students in ways we’ve always wanted to, but not had the capacity or funding to do,” she said.


Among the outcomes of the grant will be extending the reach of Cardinal First mentoring into 10 high schools. Carballo says the expanded program will make shared experiences that much richer.

She is grateful for the work of Director of Grants Michelle Porcellino ’05 Galasso and graduate assistant Angie Menefee ’20—a first-gen alumna—in securing the grant. Carballo isn’t ready to stop here, either.

“This is truly win-win because the high school students benefit more from a mentor who is a couple years ahead of them on the journey to a college degree rather than an ‘expert,’” Carballo said. “And it’s a tremendous opportunity for growth and leadership development for our first-gen students.”

“We have a growing list of ideas to improve experiences and outcomes for our first-generation students,” Carballo said. “(This grant) brings more energy and enthusiasm to the growing initiatives on our campus. And the initiatives that we’ve planned will provide a replicable model for other institutions looking to better serve their own first-generation students.”

The Cardinal First Alumni Academy will push the boundaries of first-generation guidance in another direction. “It will be in the format of a professional conference with concurrent sessions and a networking dinner that will incorporate professional dining etiquette instruction,” said Carballo. “Twenty (North Central) first-gen alumni will facilitate workshops and presentations related to their career fields. Our current first-gen students will select from among sessions of interest to them.” The academy is tentatively scheduled for March 2021. “I’ve wanted to do an alumni academy and am thankful to have the funding through this generous grant,” said Carballo.

ARE YOU A FIRST-GEN GRADUATE? The Office of First Generation Programs is building a database and is asking all alumni who are first-generation to complete a form at northcentralcollege.edu/firstgen-alumni-network. Connect online: NorthCentralCollege.CardinalFirst @firstgencardinals

FREDLYN PIERRE LOUIS ’23 EXPANDED HIS OUTLOOK AND CAREER SKILLS THROUGH A SUMMER INTERNSHIP AT GLACIER NATIONAL PARK IN MONTANA. He learned about the opportunity through a recruiting effort at the School of Business and Entrepreneurship. “I gained multiple experiences such as customer service, critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, the ability to work without a supervisor and how to work in a very unfamiliar place,” said Pierre Louis. “These skills are useful for any field, including those outside o the hospitality and tourism industry.” Fall 2020 northcentralcollege.edu/magazine 2 1

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