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2023 Alumni Awards

At a dinner and ceremony during Homecoming Weekend, North Central honored seven remarkable alumni for their achievements and impact in their careers and communities.

All are examples of Cardinals who embody the College’s mission by being curious, engaged, ethical, and purposeful citizens and leaders in local, national and global contexts.

2023 Outstanding Alumni Awards

U.S. Navy Veteran and Retired FBI Special Agent President of Squad 8-B Solutions, Inc.

I’ve got to give North Central credit for … shaping me into who I became after graduation. I found that in the Navy, I was able to comfortably communicate up and down the chain of command with disparate officers and enlisted sailors. In the FBI, I was able to empathize with criminals and gain their trust while conducting interviews and cultivating sources.

During my assignments in India, London, Mexico and Santiago, I was able to engage with ambassadors and foreign ministers as comfortably as I did with criminals and spies. Why is that? Because of the various viewpoints and ideas (that) a liberal arts education affords an individual.”

In receiving their awards, each recipient reflected on how being a Cardinal shaped their lives — from what they learned in the classroom to the relationships they forged and the memories they made.

Here are some of the heartfelt words shared that evening by the honorees.

Program Officer, Criminal Justice Team
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Board Commissioner, Rockford (Illinois) Housing Authority

I found North Central by accident. I met a recruiter in my hometown, and halfway through the tour, I realized that the place I thought I was visiting? This wasn’t that. I got here and it completely changed my life. I thought I was just supposed to come here and be the best student I could be, get a job, and that would be that. I didn’t know that people would pour into me emotionally and spiritually and form relationships that would last forever, and that it would really shape what I would do and how I would feel about what I do when I left college. It’s ironic that the place that I found by accident is the place where I found my purpose.”

Retired Teacher and Principal; U.S. Department of Defense Dependents Schools; Former President of the North Central College 50-Year Club; Former Member of the College’s Alumni Association

When I was drafted, I was sent to Japan, and I noticed that the military has schools overseas. I visited them and I thought, ‘Wow, this is a free ticket around the world.’ So, I came back to the United States, and I joined the Department of Defense Dependents Schools. My first trip was to Japan and I loved it. From there I went to Libya, and I enjoyed that, too. And then I went to Wiesbaden, and I really enjoyed that. I taught for 32 years, and we retired in Chicago because I wanted to be near North Central.”

Retired Senior Director of Antibody Discovery, Seagen, Inc.; North Central College Trustee

When I arrived at North Central, I was hungry to learn, but I didn’t have a sense of direction. I found my footing at North Central. With my advisor, I put together a game plan and then I promptly disrupted it. Disruption sounds bad but, for me, it was excellent. The seeds that were planted here really pointed me toward, and put me on my journey to, having a very satisfying career in drug development and making cancer therapies. I’m grateful for that, and I credit North Central with not only igniting that passion, but also fostering the transformation of me as a student.”

Award-winning Film, Television and Theater Producer

Many schools with great aspirations — small schools like Shimer — have gone by the wayside in the last half-century, but Shimer has managed to survive. And now I think it’s found its forever home in North Central, a great fit with a wonderful location. When I was at Shimer, it was unlike any other program, and it prepared me for my life moving forward — first in business, later as a producer, hopefully of theatre and film that matters.”

2023 Wall Of Witness Honoree

Church and Community Volunteer Leader

‘This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.’ This light is my call, and we all have a call — a life purpose, mission, ministry. North Central helped me discover my call. I am grateful to those I met at North Central who recognized and helped ignite my light. My light burns steady, even when it flickers. Though uniquely mine, it’s the legacy, the trace embers of those who’ve gone before in their faithful and loving quest for justice.”

Alumni Recognition Award

Movie, Television and Stage Actor

This community increased my community of friends by scores. It’s given me a strong character ... a career I’m passionate about, and an unyielding pursuit of my goals. The care and craft I put into my work is simply an extension of the care and support I received from my community. It’s an expression of my spirit and an extension of yours.”

About the awards

» The Outstanding Alumni Awards are given to alumni of North Central or Shimer College who are at least 15 years past graduation, and who have achieved professional success as well as exemplary service to their communities and to North Central.

» The Alumni Recognition Award is presented to an alumnus/a within 15 years of graduation who has shown potential for great success in their career, community service or support to North Central.

» The Wall of Witness honoree is an alumnus/a of the College or Evangelical Theological Seminary who has lived a commitment to principled leadership, justice and service, thereby embodying the College’s mission and heritage.

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