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who we are as individuals, as well as about each other and how to connect. As we produce great leaders to go out into the world, the ability to understand diversity, embrace differences and engage with each other is critically important.

Q: You come from a family of educators. How has this influenced you?

A: Growing up, they impressed on us how important education is in helping individuals discover themselves as they prepare to launch into the world and how education impacts communities and changes lives.

Q: Tell us a little bit about your family.

A: I have 17-year-old twins, Bethany and Benjamin, and we’re looking forward to being back in the Chicagoland area.

Q: What are some of your priorities as you prepare for your tenure as president?

A: I hope the transition period includes a lot of listening, discovery and opportunities to start connecting with people and building relationships.

Dr. Thomas is a mission-driven leader, researcher, educator and psychologist.


Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology

M.Ed. in Community Counseling

Loyola University Chicago

B.S. in Education & Social Policy

Northwestern University


Executive Vice President & Provost

St. Catherine University

Founding Dean, College of Applied Behavioral Sciences

University of Indianapolis

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs & Research

School of Education, Loyola University Chicago

Associate Professor & Graduate Program Director for Counseling Psychology, Loyola University Chicago

Associate Professor & Department Chair

Northeastern Illinois University

Looking on as Dr. Thomas addressed the audience at Wentz Concert Hall were North Central Board Chair Holly Humphrey, MD ’79 (left) and Trustee Kathy Birkett (right). In her welcome, Dr. Birkett thanked the Presidential Search Committee, which she chaired. Dr. Humphrey spoke to the historic significance of the day and thanked Dr. Donna Carroll, interim president, for her service and leadership.

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