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Withdrawal Policy
Academic Dismissal Appeals should be made in writing to the Registrar and will be reviewed by the Academic Progress Committee. They may also be considered by the Provost and others, as additional input is needed. Individuals who have been dismissed for academic reasons may reapply after they have attended another college and earned at least 6 credits of “C” academic work that will transfer to NCU. The Admissions Committee will, upon receipt of a transcript from that institution, consider the reapplication request.
Academic Standing and Withdrawals from the University Academic Standing Statuses remain in effect even if a student leaves North Central University. Upon readmission to the university, the student will be notified of the current requirements and restrictions of their academic standing in effect at the time of their last term of enrollment.
Any student who withdraws from North Central University during the “W” period will leave in Good Academic Standing. They will not be penalized for a “0” Term GPA. If a student leaves with any “WF” grades on their record and a 0 GPA, they will be placed on a Provisional Continuance status.
A student who finds it necessary to withdraw from the University after they have started attending classes must initiate this process with their Academic Coach. All students should complete a Withdrawal Form & Exit Survey as part of this process. The date on which a student notifies the University of their intent to withdraw will be the date used to calculate any available refund. Refunds of tuition and fees will be calculated according to the University’s Refund Policy.
The student will receive a grade of ‘W’ on his or her transcript for each class if a complete withdrawal is made by the third week of the session (A or B). After the beginning of the fifth week, a grade of ‘WF’ will be listed on the transcript.
Involuntary Withdrawals: If a student is dismissed for disciplinary reasons, a grade of ‘W’ or ‘WF’ will be listed on the transcript based on the date of withdrawal. The regular refund policy applies for a student who is dismissed for disciplinary reasons.
A student may request and be considered for a medical withdrawal when extraordinary circumstances, such as a serious illness (physical or psychological) or injury prevent the student
from continuing classes. Students requesting to withdraw from all courses for medical reasons should complete the Medical Withdrawal Form, attach appropriate documentation, and submit the form and documentation to the Director of Academic Success. Requests will be evaluated by the Medical Withdrawal Committee.
Students who medically withdraw from the university do not have to re-apply, but they do need to be re-admitted by the Director of Student Success. Re-Admission is not guaranteed, and is dependent on a medical release to return to school.
Students requesting a withdrawal are responsible to contact the Director of Academic Success in order to receive guidance, initiate the withdrawal process and submit the appropriate forms.
Acceptable documentation must include a physician’s signature, a specific recommendation to withdraw due to medical reasons, and dates verifying that the medical condition corresponds to the semester in which the medical withdrawal is requested. Last date of attendance will be confirmed through the Registrar’s Office.
Requests for Medical Withdrawal must be submitted during the semester for which the student is withdrawing, they cannot be granted retroactively. Requests must be initiated within three weeks of the student’s last day of attendance and be made prior to the last two weeks of class. Students who are required to discontinue for more than one academic year or for an undetermined amount of time will not be eligible for Medical Withdrawal.
Medical withdrawal documentation will be kept confidential and only shared to the extent required with offices related to providing accommodations for the student: Registrar, Student Financial Services and Housing.
In the event a student is incapacitated and unable to submit a timely request or provide advance notice, a family member or other authorized individual may make the written request and provide medical documentation to the Director of Academic Success.
Students will need to indicate their intent to return to the Director of Academic Success. Should a student be approved for medical withdrawal a hold will be placed on his/her account-limiting ability to register or apply for housing until the student communicates their intent to return to the Director of Academic Success and submits supporting documentation from their physician indicating ability to return as a student. Once this hold is lifted students will have access to all university systems. Students are required to initiate their return process with the Director of Academic Success.
Requests will be approved if all requirements are met and there is a reasonable expectation the student will return from their medical leave. If the medical withdrawal is not approved the student may appeal by submitting a written request to the Vice President of Academic Affairs. Once an appeal is submitted, the Director of Academic Success will forward all supporting
documentation, including the medical documentation submitted by the student, to the Vice President for review.
Academic accommodations for a medical withdrawal may include:
• Students who have completed 60% or more of their registered courses and are in good academic standing will receive Incompletes in all of their courses and will have until the end of the term following their withdrawal to complete their courses. Should a student fail to complete their course in the time allotted, a non-punitive grade of “W” will be issued.
• For students who have completed 60% or more of their registered courses but for whom completion is not likely due to the nature of their medical condition, they will receive the non-punitive grade of “W” for all of their courses.
• Students who have completed less than 60% of registered courses will be issued a non-punitive grade of “W”. Students who have not completed 60% or more of their registered courses will not be eligible for incomplete grades.
Financial accommodations for a medical withdrawal may include:
• For students who have completed less than 60% of their registered courses an extended refund schedule may be available, please attach a financial advisory petition.
• Students who have completed 60% or more of their registered courses will not receive any financial accommodation for tuition, as they will be permitted to complete their courses via incompletes.
• Student who receive no financial accommodation, but are later unable to complete their incomplete courses in the time allotted, are encouraged to utilize the Financial
Advisory Petition process should they wish to seek financial accommodation.
A Medical Withdrawal does not dismiss the student from the entire financial obligation to the university. Room and Board will be refunded according to withdrawal date.
The US Department of Education does not recognize a “Medical Withdrawal” any different from a regular withdrawal. If a student who has received financial aid withdraws before completing 60% of the semester (whether for health reasons or not), the Department requires the financial aid office to perform a “Return of Title IV Funds (R2T4)” calculation to determine what financial aid needs to be returned to the appropriate federal and state education entities.