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Ron Bontrager steps down; Shawn Dockter new board chair
Ron Bontrager steps down as board chair
After 12 years of faithful service as chair of the North Central University Board of Regents, Rev. Ron Bontrager ’78 has decided to step down. In May, the board elected Shawn Dockter as the new board chair. His term began on June 1, and Bontrager will continue to serve on the board as a regent.
During his tenure as chairman, Bontrager worked skillfully with two administrations to navigate times of growth, significant transitions, and various challenges.
One of his most notable tasks was overseeing the process of selecting a new president for the university.
Dockter recognizes he has big shoes to fill as the new chair. “I’ve been humbled and have such respect for Chairman Bontrager,” Dockter said. “He has led this board proudly and effectively. He created a spirit of Christ-centered love on the board and in this institution that can’t be overlooked. I will be doing my best to follow in his footsteps and to keep that spirit that he has built in this board—not just alive, but thriving.”
Shawn Dockter elected to lead Board of Regents
When Shawn Dockter was a student at North Central in 1989, it changed his life. As the new chair of the Board of Regents, he is eager to partner with President Scott Hagan, Ph.D., to guide and strengthen NCU so students can have life-changing experiences like his for generations to come.
Dockter grew up in a Christian home and attended an Assemblies of God church throughout his youth. When he came to North Central, he was eager to learn more about his faith and make it his own. Although he attended the university (then Bible college) for just one year, the impact on his life and the friends he made have been cornerstones to his success. He attended the University of Minnesota and earned a degree in aerospace engineering, followed by a career that’s “taken a lot of twists and turns.” He ultimately ended up as CEO of Heggie’s Pizza, a Minnesota-based food company.
As the first chair in North Central’s history who is not a vocational minister, Dockter sees his role as
striking the balance of preserving the heritage of Spirit-filled education while continuing to innovate and expand to meet the needs of 21st century learners.
“Coming out of COVID, there is a call on higher education to be responsive to new demands from students,” Dockter said. “All schools need to examine their online offerings and not only look at what they are providing their students but also how it fits with the new landscape for the world students will go into after graduation.”
Dockter sees excellent opportunities ahead for North Central. “I'm excited for the Board of Regents to be able to play a part in supporting an environment where young people can discern God’s plan for their lives,” Dockter said. “The strategic plan and the opportunities that North Central is going after to provide for its students show that the school’s leadership desires for NCU to grow, evolve, and meet the changing times. I’m honored to be a part of that and excited to serve the students, faculty, staff, and regents of NCU.”