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Strategic plan unveiled
Strategic plan unveiled to chart course for next five years

After several months of thoughtful exploration, research, and planning, President Scott Hagan, Ph.D., and the NCU Senior Leadership Team (SLT) have unveiled several strategic initiatives that will guide North Central University and propel it successfully toward its centennial, less than 10 years away.
The process of developing the plan was guided by Design Group International and a broadly representative committee of North Central administrators, faculty, staff, and students. The strategic initiatives they identified cover four areas:
• Academic quality
• Student experience
• Institutional culture
• Resourcing the future
According to Hagan, under these areas the SLT has articulated 12 strategic planning goals that will help NCU
live its mission well. “We are a university of promise that is emerging as a leading Christ- and Spirit-centered university that the Church, state, nation, and world will look to for leadership,” Hagan said. “Our fidelity to Jesus and his Word, combined with an insatiable hunger for His presence, will be the key to our success.
“As university leaders, we face rapid streams of experience that offer little time for reflection and sense-making, yet we are responsible to be stewards and champions of NCU by keeping a laser-like focus on the soul of our institution. Personally, I want to grow and become a more effective and caring leader who ignites internal and external confidence and passion about NCU. We are on a remarkable trajectory.”
Following are the 12 goals and correlated action steps North Central has identified as essential to fulfill its mission and meet the demands of Christian education in the 21st century.
North Central University's strategic plan includes constructing a new science and student union building at the corner of Elliot Ave. and 14th Street. A timeline has not been set. Submitted photo.

1. Provide academic programing that is innovative, furthers our mission, and meets market demand
a. Create robust growth and investment in online and graduate education by launching new academic programming
b. Unbundle the 4-year degree into credit-bearing and non-credit bearing certificates
c. Deliver seamless educational opportunities for transfer and degree completion students
2. Expand educational partnerships
a. Form new educational partnerships in corporate and non-profit sectors
b. Broaden postsecondary enrollment options (PSEO) and early college program offerings
c. Serve our local and global communities through educational outreach
3. Invest in faculty development
a. Implement a holistic onboarding program for new faculty
b. Launch faculty development program to support excellence in teaching, scholarship, service, and spiritual leadership

STUDENT EXPERIENCE4. Deepen the spiritual growth of our students
a. Develop and assess spiritual life outcomes for an NCU graduate
b. Create a disciple-making framework by focusing on increased biblical literacy and connections to co-curricular ministry opportunities
c. Build continuity of spiritual life with our online student community
5. Maximize intercollegiate athletics
a. Implement recruiting strategies and enrollment tracking to ensure roster goals are being met
b. Create a Rams network that places an emphasis on spiritual growth, academic success, internships, and job placement for student athletes
c. Form new athletic facility partnerships across the Twin Cities
6. Foster a vibrant on-campus and online student experience
a. Improve student wellness opportunities and access for all students
b. Provide comprehensive career readiness programming
c. Cultivate greater belonging through community connections

INSTITUTIONAL CULTURE7. Renew a sense of collective mission
a. Effectively connect our Pentecostal heritage to our present-day experience
b. Create a series of meaningful community building events
8. Enhance cultural effectiveness
a. Design an intentional pathway for hiring, developing, and retaining a more diverse work force
b. Provide theological clarity, training, and an institutional blueprint that fosters diversity and human flourishing
9. Invest in employee well-being and professional development
a. Offer a competitive compensation package to all employees
b. Develop a wellness culture to promote better mental and physical health
c. Promote and resource staff professional development

RESOURCING THE FUTURE10. Expand enrollment
a. Explore a new educational economy (e.g., Full Tuition/Work Model)
b. Address long-term affordability issues
11. Invest in strategic facilities and technologies
a. Construct our new science and student union building
b. Invest in new technologies for innovative educational delivery
12. Establish new fundraising and revenue streamsa. Diversify and expand NCU’s donor baseb. Maximize revenue generation opportunities