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Alumni updates
Alumni Updates 1950s
Doris (Erickson ’51) Sturtz lived in Anchorage, AK, over a period of 64 years (with an interlude of 10 years back in Iowa owning a concrete company) until moving to Chandler, AZ, in 2012 to be near family. At 90, she lives in a senior community and plans to be there “until the rapture or if the loving Savior calls me home.” Leonard (Len) Ventling ’52 is a retired insurance agent. Over the years also served as Montana Men’s Director for the AG and did Light for the Lost (LFTL), including serving as LFTL National Vice President. His wife, Anita (Hanson ’55) Ventling, worked for the Montana District Office for 27 years and as a church secretary for another 12 years after her retirement. Now in their 90s, they are both “taking it easy.”
1960s 1970s

Ken ’72 and Trudy (Groot ’71) Moeckl retired as AGWM missionaries after Ken experienced two strokes in 2019. While serving with AGWM, Trudy helped develop curriculum for Bible schools in many countries around the world. Ken recalls the joy of representing the American churches as their “sent ones” to assist national churches and believers in various ministries through the years. Rosanne (Wilcox ’74) Shea and her husband live in Princeton, MN, and work in their local church, helping where they can. They have been on many mission trips around the world with MAPS.
Debbie (Brandt ’75) Parker retired in June after 30+ years in the medical field. Her husband, Paul ’76 (a.k.a. “Elmo”) has taught school for 30+ years and is currently teaching at a public school in South Carolina. Marvin Smith ’75 and his wife, Betty, retired in 2018 and moved from the Philadelphia area to live near family in Princeton, MN. Marvin has been teaching adult Bible classes and writing a blog about theological issues.
Candace Ourlin
Candace (Simon ’76) Ourlin lived and worked in Belgium and France with Teen Challenge and as a pastor’s wife for 25 years. In 2001, she moved to Quebec, Canada, for her husband’s work. They are now retired. Bryan Redford ’76 lives in the mountains of British Columbia and is retired after almost 40 years in health care administration. Roles in various management positions included vice president and CEO.
Joel Copple ’80 has lived and served in six countries in SE Asia since 1985. Ordained with the AG Minnesota District, he worked 14 years with World Relief and 17 years with Partners International and other organizations, involved in the
Bruce Talso

Bruce Talso ’62 continues to pastor the Wyanett Evangelical Free Church in Princeton, MN, (13 years) and also serves as a chaplain at the Homestead at Anoka. He serves as State Director of the Minnesota AG Seniors Ministry. Marcia Gerard ’67 is retired from her career in hospital administration from CHI Health in Omaha, NE. She had previously been a Speech and Language Therapist. Donald Waisanen ’67 lives in Florida and is the former Senior Pastor of Solid Rock Restoration Church and President of Angels for Christ Ministries. He is a singer and recording artist with Impact Records.
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administration of holistic ministries in refugee camps and among the poor in a war zone and in natural disasters. Now retired, he is staying in Phnom Penh to serve and advise.
Gary Pickens ’80 pastored at Christ’s Church in Minneapolis under Paul Sundell and Fred Chilton; pioneered Covenant Assembly of God in South Charleston, WV; served as faculty at Southeastern University, SUM Bible College and Bridges Christian College. Enjoys writing articles for the Pentecostal Journal.
Randal Ackland ’81 is Lead Pastor at Crossroads International Church in South Attleboro, MA. His Ph.D. thesis was recently reworked and published, entitled, “Toward A Pentecostal Theology of Glossolalia” (available on Amazon). Richard Gruber ’81 has served as Children’s Pastor, Children’s Ministry Consultant for the AG National Sunday School Department, and Professor of Children and Family Studies at the University of Valley Forge. He moved to Waverly, IA, in December 2019, and currently serves as a Children’s Pastor. of Science in Community and Human Services in 2020.

Steve Moser ’88 will be retiring from the U.S. Army Chaplaincy after seven years in the Reserves and 22 on Active Duty. He and his wife plan to return to Minnesota to help raise grandchildren, take care of family members, and stay active in a local church.
Daniel ’88 and Terri (Clay ’88) Thompson have moved from Minneapolis to Alabama to be near family. Daniel has recently been ordained as a Vocational Deacon in the Anglican Church in North America and they attend Church of the Apostles in Fairhope, AL. He also directs their family foundation.
Wayne Nestor
Wayne Nestor ’84 has been appointed by the Governor of Nebraska as the ServeNebraska Commissioner, directing the state’s AmeriCorps Program and encouraging volunteerism and community development. Carole (Costanza ’87) Forsmith earned an associate’s degree at NCU and returned to college in 2019, graduating magna cum laude from SUNY Empire College with a Bachelor

Kristi (Johnson ’92) Jalmasco lives in Rochester, MN, and serves as Director for Classical Conversations homeschool curriculum and as an on-call restaurant manager. She enjoys inspiring students and parents to love learning through the vehicle of classical, Christian education. Ben De Boef ’95 is serving as Senior Pastor of Thousand Hills Church in Corinth, TX. Tim Sorbo ’96 has lived in Green Bay, WI, for 21 years, where he teaches chemistry, biology, general science, and anatomy/physiology at a local Christian academy. He also blogs at twominuteswithtim.com. abandoned children in Nairobi.
Daryl Amrozowicz ’99 recently retired from full-time employment as a hospice chaplain, and now serves as fire chief for his local fire department.
Cristi Schroeder
Cristi (Strong ’99) Schroeder empowers a sisterhood of Christian leaders to reach their fullest potential through an online membership community. She and her husband, Nathan, live in Stevens Point, WI.
Stephen Crawford ’00, earned his doctorate from Bethel University in 2015 and is working in leadership development. He’s trained thousands of people over the past 20 years to improve their leadership skills. As a consultant, he assists businesses and non-profit organizations through executive coaching, leadership training, and staff development. He and his wife, Tiffany, live in Blaine, MN.
Christopher Bahl ’01 has lived in seven states working as an American Sign Language Interpreter. He has opportunities to do specialty work in sports with the Final Four and Super Bowls, among others. He married Krista Hargan on February 8, 2020.
Kelly Kimani
Kelly (Knecht ’97) Kimani married Paul Kimani in April 2020. She has been working in Kenya since 2014 and in 2018 helped to open a school for
Corey Burres

Corey Burres ’01 is Vice President of Marketing & Communications for the George Center for Opportunity. Beth (Langlois ’01) Roberts was a global worker in northwest Argentina from 2010–2019. After a home stay in 2019, COVID-19 changed her family’s plans to go to a new ministry in Uruguay. While waiting for the Uruguay borders to open up, God has given them ministry to do while they trust God’s timing for traveling again. Kevin Lamminen ’02 is Administrative Coordinator for Accra Management Group. He continues to sponsor children in Mexico and co-leads mission teams to support missionaries working in and around Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

Abigail (Moore ’03) Evans married Steve Evans on Oct. 10, 2020. She works as Benefits Administrator for M.J. Electric, in Iron Mountain, MI. Sandra (Pasche ’04) Hannah lives in Shawnee, KS, and leads a team that works with foster care and adoptive families in Kansas City, KS. Jonathan and Rachel (Klas ’06) Yorkowitz live in Gainesville, FL, where Jonathan recently accepted a job at the University of Florida as an Associate Dean of Students and Director of the Office of the Dean of Students. He’s also finishing his Ph.D. from Indiana State University. Rachel is at home with their kids, and they’re expecting their third child in August.

Paul St. Martin ’06 started a new job with MN Adult and Teen Challenge as the Alumni Services Director. His role is to ensure that anyone who attends a treatment program has access to ongoing support and resources to promote their ongoing sobriety.

Jenni (Busse) Kahmeyer ’08 received her Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC) and works as an Outpatient Therapist for Nystrom and Associates. Ltd. Zack ’10 works at Bright Health Plan in Minneapolis.
Paul St. Martin Ruth DiRose
Justin and Ruth (Velo ’08) DiRose welcomed Edan James in November 2019. He joined two siblings.
Dave Mann
Dave Mann ’08 published his first book, “Shoes Off: Life on Holy Ground.” Details are at pastordavemann.com.

Abigail Evans Zack and Jenni Kahmeyer Amber Sultes

Amber (Atkinson ’09) Sultes and her husband have five children. Amber worked for an adult day program for those with special needs from 2015–2018. She now serves an investigator for the county mental health department, and is Lead Pastor of The Well, in Mt. Clemens, MI. She enjoys her bi-vocational role, working within the church and the marketplace.
Elisha (DeGrave ’09)Robertson and her husband, Daniel, became AG US Missionaries with MAPS, serving Indiana and Ohio churches with facility renovations and church health.

Sam ’11 and Jaclyn (Trieb ’11) Luthi, have ventured from their deep roots in Minnesota and North Dakota to serve as pastors at Bryan First Assembly in Bryan, Ohio. They have three daughters, ages 6, 4, and 1 1/2.
Heather Perez

Heather (Craig ’12) Perez works remotely as a resource specialist in a child care assistance program, as well as homeschooling their children (preschool and kindergarten).
Camden McAfee ’13 and his wife, Kaylin, welcomed Elliot James in February. Camden also began a new job with BibleProject, working remotely to help publish resources that help people see and experience the Bible as a unified story that leads to Jesus. Spencer Wentland ’13 is currently serving as a missionary in southern Japan, teaching English and working in congregational mission and leadership.

Austin ’15 and Jessi (Short ’15) Hall moved to Michigan as Austin started a new career in mortgage underwriting, doing financial coaching on the side. Jessi is a Regional Volunteer Coordinator with a hospice agency. Tania (Rosener ’16) Castillo married Nathaniel Castillo in August 2020. They live in Sioux City, IA, where she works at the church she grew up in as an Early Childhood Pastor.
Ashley (Reed ’16) Morrison married Reverend Phillip Andrew Morrison on Valentine’s Day 2020. They are expecting their first child in June. Bob Price ’16 works in inside sales for a building supply company. He and his wife, Pam, moved to Anchorage, AK, in October 2019.

Tim Brown ’17 taught at Maranatha Christian Academy for two years. In 2019 he went to China for a month on an English-teaching trip and was called to the mission field. He started a term with AGWM as a missionary associate assigned to India in September. Josiah Williams ’17 left the Army Reserves after 10 years as a Religious Affairs Specialist and took a job in health care while working on his Master of Divinity. Getting into the health care field just before the pandemic, Josiah has worked in six hospitals this year in different roles, but is grateful for the opportunity to minister in a difficult season in the medical world.
Rebecca Glader ’17 is working as Activities Director at Bel Rae Senior Living in Mounds View, MN.
Spencer Wentland
Austin and Jessi Hall
Mélika Boutin ’20 works as an Associate Enrollment Counselor at Capella University. Abigail (Nielsen ’20) Liberator has started a business as a private teacher for piano, voice, ukulele, and acting.

Camden McAfee

Ashley Morrison Roza Ayalew
Roza Ayalew ’20 is glad she took the risk to come to the United States and pursue her dreams. She has found multiple work/business/education opportunities and enjoys traveling with her husband and mom.