This is your guide to understanding what we do, how, why and how to get involved here at North Coast Church.
The rescued become rescuers
Our vision is His vision
6 Mission, ministries and values in action 10
Life at North Coast Church
Meet more of our ministry team
T he next chapter in the life of North Coast Church
For it is for your sake, so that as grace extends to more and more people it may increase thanksgiving, to the glory of God 2 Corinthians 4:15 2
The rescued becoming rescuers
“Why do people matter so much? People are eternally significant because they were created by God to adore His Son Jesus forever. Indeed, they are so valuable that God went to extraordinary lengths to redeem them for that very purpose.” Duane Olivier, Lead Pastor People need rescuing because they are actually drowning without Jesus. It is this conviction that drives us. So as a church, we focus on being like a rescue ship not a cruise ship. A cruise ship is all about you. It’s about your comfort, your pleasures, your plans, your desires. But a rescue ship is all about others. It’s out to rescue other people. A rescue ship may not boast all the creature comforts but as you participate in the rescue efforts, you’ll grow to see what’s most important in this life and experience the joy of working together with Jesus. Join us, rescue them, grow in Him. 3
Our vision is His vision “We see Jesus Christ standing with crowds of people from Perth and beyond, made alive by His Spirit through His gospel and delighting in Him for all eternity to the glory of God the Father.�
Where is this vision leading us? The Bible concludes with Jesus giving His people a clear picture of where it all comes together. What we see is a perfect world fulfilling the longings of every human heart.
This vision features 5 distinct and important elements:
1. Christ victorious
4. Robed in white
“I saw a Lamb standing, as though it had been slain” (Revelation 5:6)
“Standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes” (Revelation 7:9)
Here is Jesus Christ in victory. Once slain on the cross to pay the price for our sin, He is now standing victorious.
Blameless and without spot, Christ has clothed His people with His righteousness.
5. Rejoicing in Him
2. Standing with a great multitude
“Crying out with a loud voice, “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!” (Revelation 7:10)
“I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb” (Revelation 7:9)
Recognising the weight of their sin and the hopelessness of their condition, they rejoice in Christ Jesus’ salvation, eternally grateful and completely joyous.
Jesus isn’t on His own. He is surrounded by a huge crowd that no one can count, from every tribe, language and tongue.
Christ victorious, standing with a great multitude, ransomed by His blood, robed in white, rejoicing in Him.
3. Ransomed by His blood “By your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation” (Revelation 5:9) The penalty for their sin has been paid in full by Jesus, the ransomed have been set free from all condemnation.
God’s vision is our vision. 5
Mission, ministries and values in action
Before committing to a church through membership or regular attendance, you will most likely want to understand what their purpose is, where they are heading and how they go about getting there. At North Coast Church we believe that our purpose, direction and path are all driven by what the Bible says. The following 8 values shape our behaviours, guiding our ship towards Christ-centred thinking and vision-focused activities.
We are committed to the expository preaching and teaching of the gospel through all the bible.
We sacrifice our interests for the good of others.
Prioritising our energy, time and money for the cause of Christ is a focus for us.
We show this by a constant dependence on God in prayer.
Because we have freely received God, we freely give to the cause of Jesus Christ.
Our Triune God is our sole focus and constant delight.
We are committed to continuing in these values despite hardships until Jesus returns.
Turning from sin, we become more like Jesus Christ.
We hold each other accountable to these values as we relentlessly pursue the vision God has given us.
Our ministries
God has been very clear in revealing His vision for His church and therefore everything we do should be done with clarity of thought and purpose. To that end, we have organised our ministry around 6 distinct purposes each beginning with M:
Message God speaks to us through His word, the Bible and Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church, the Prophet, Priest and King, ruling His church through His Word. Message is about faithfully relaying His Word to His world and we do this exclusively through expository preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ through the whole Bible.
Duane Olivier Lead Pastor
Magnification The expression of authentic affection for Jesus Christ by responding to His gospel is what we want for everyone attending our gatherings. Our God is amazing, and magnification is about enabling people to express their experience of Him at our gatherings.
Paul Iswariah Membership Pastor
“For God is not the God of disorder, but of peace, as in all the congregations of the saints.” 1 Corinthians 14:33
Membership Connecting with newcomers and helping them integrate into the community at North Coast where they can serve and care for each other is the key to Membership.
Gemma Bronkhorst Ministry Coordinator and Business Manager
Maturity God spiritually growing His people in His Son Jesus through His powerful word is the focus here. Primarily, this is done through Sunday gatherings and Growth Groups.
Ministry Here we seek to help every member flourish as they serve Jesus Christ with the variety of gifts He gives. This is done through recruiting, coaching and equipping God’s people for works of service.
Henry Harding Associate Membership Pastor
Mission The focus here is on those who are not yet Christians. Jesus told us in Matthew 28, not to just teach disciples but to make disciples of all nations. We want as many people as possible locally, throughout Perth and beyond to turn from sin and trust in Jesus Christ for eternal life.
Matt Malcolm Associate Lead Pastor, Magnification and Maturity Pastor
Life at North Coast Church From Sunday gatherings for the whole family to Growth Groups that bring people closer together, North Coast Church welcomes everyone to come closer to Jesus. Enthusiasm, engagement, participation and commitment to Jesus are hallmarks of our welcoming environment as: •
Expository teaching firmly plants our church in the nourishing soil of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Youth facilities, programs and interactions nurture growth in Jesus Christ
Kids’ learning and interaction with gospel teachings are supported within purpose-built facilities
Activities for every age and every stage of life
Life at North Coast Church is just that, full of life and the joy of knowing our Saviour.
Meet more of our ministry team God has blessed our ministry with a diverse team that brings a collection of experiences, testimonies, skills and talents to North Coast Church. The Pastors, staff, apprentices and volunteers all have gifts to share, in order to build up God’s people as they grow.
Al van Zijl Children’s Ministry Pastor
Rachelle van Zijl Children’s ministry Pastor
Hennie Neimand Logistics Coordinator and Youth Intern
Cameron Bargerbos Associate Magnification Pastor (Music)
AJ Veale Women’s Ministry Coordinator
Joe Wilson Youth and Young Adults Pastor
Ameetha Alagan Management Accountant
Carol Little Office Administrator
Daniel Wills 6pm Focus Pastor
For a full list of NCC’s team members, see northcoastchurch.org.au/our-team Stuart Howard AV and IT Coordinator
Leadership – governance, faithfulness, focus
The Oversight Board 2020
Jesus Christ governs North Coast Church through His word. It is the authority and responsibility of a group of Elders called the Oversight Board to ensure that this remains the case. John King
Gunther Hoppe
Mike Arnott
Allan Pollard
Matt Malcolm
Duane Olivier
Our network North Coast Church is a member church of the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches Australia (FIEC) which is a network of independent evangelical churches committed to growing followers of Jesus across Australia. The goal of FIEC is to plant new churches and grow existing churches that reach ordinary people with the extraordinary message of Jesus Christ. fiec.org.au
Organisational structure at a glance “Let the favour of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands upon us; yes, establish the work of our hands!”
Being faithful to God’s purposes compels us to do all we can to ensure we are serving Him effectively. The organisational structure below, gives you a snapshot of how some of our resources are organised and how teams align in the pursuit of our vision.
Psalm 90:17
Oversight board
Elders appointed by the congregation MINISTRY SUPPORT COUNCIL
The next chapter in the life of North Coast Church
Between now and 2025, according to the Lord’s will, we aim to:
Three steps closer to the vision God has been very kind to us.
GROW to 1500 members glorifying His name
By His grace, He has moved miraculously by placing our church in its current location, allowing us to prayerfully plan the next steps towards strengthening our vision and the foundations of growth. This means we are better positioned to:
REACH more and more people by raising up two new churches planted outside NCC for His glory and strengthen overseas partnerships INCREASE the joy and sense of belonging within NCC through • •
I ncreased Growth Group participation Welcoming 4 weekly congregations to worship Him
TRAIN the next generation of gospel leaders by • • •
Identifying and recruiting suitable candidates Delivering focused coaching and training Sending well-trained men and women into the harvest field
PRESENT the love and grace of God through Jesus to people in Perth and beyond •
Launch and grow our two new congregations at North Coast Church
Start an evening gathering in Joondalup as a first step towards a fully-fledged church plant some time in the future
Continue to develop new preachers, teachers and leaders across all aspects of our ministry
But we know our plans will come to nothing unless the Lord Jesus is at the helm. We will plead with Him to grow His kingdom for His glory, through us.
ecruit and train leaders and servants of the R gospel from our purpose-built facilities
This is our vision in action.
“We see Jesus Christ standing with crowds of people from Perth and beyond, made alive by His Spirit through His gospel and delighting in Him for all eternity to the glory of God the Father.�
info@northcoastchurch.org.au northcoastchurch.org.au
Office and Ministry Centre
154 Balcatta Road, Balcatta WA 6021
Sunday gatherings
8.30am, 10.30am, 6.00pm