North Star Vol. 1, No. 1 (1981-1982)

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North CountrY TraiI Association P.0. Box lll White Cloud, Michigan t+n49




MembershiP GoaI Set

Nqtionai ParI Service We're indeed' fortunate to have the splendid efforts of Robert P. (goU) Mar!in, Chief, DiviEion of Rivers & Trails of the Midwest Region of the National Park Service, to Push the

of the General PIan, that is-required bY federal l-aw. Bob, a .ieteran of over twentY Years of federal servj-ce, is lO0% behind the work to get the North Country Trail, on the ground , 4s soon as Possible. AlreadY, he. has held NPS WorkshoPs for the North CountrY Trail in wiicfriEah, Pennsylvania and Ohio, al-l this since last he has -rt' il;";t:-'aaaitionally, WorkshoP meetings Planned fot,' New York, Minnesota and a PoSupper Peninsula (wtictrigan) =itt" and Wisconsin get-together. Bob has been working with been interested in the has and North CountrY Trail since the original idea for the trail was concerved tn 1965. Al-so , he serves on the NCTA Ad'visorY implementation


Board. We're Proud to be working codPerativelY with and the NPS.


Winter IgBI-82


At the NCTA Board of Directors meeting, last August 29th, it White CIoud,-Mi-chigan, the Board Passed the motj-on to shoot for a goal of. the Prg3,246 members. This is NCT entire the iosed mileage of and is a realistic and needed goal to help make the NCI trail a reality In order to achieve this goal, we']1 need every member to get at least one new member, as soon as possible.

l,et's Push as hard as Possibuild. the mightY North CountrY Trai}. I

Our Primarv Need Many PeoPle wrj-te us and s&$:. they would like to helP. Well our mosl important immediate task is to get our headquarters building in usable shaPe. We were given an old school house in White Cl-oud, Michigan, 'but much work needs to be done to make it useful for both our nationaf headquarters and a hiker's/ biker's hostel.


Kenne.'l,h tlrrr:kIcr I\iiL.L j.on;r.1. 'lrcrrrjuL.t: f ,lIB Jrljrn:;r.rn SL.u ",{. , IVII 4'n1.6 C a.}e<L;nia

(Ui;n.-) Y-j,.e'5ni:t t'st,rr;Q.h, known 'l,o us as "9 i,I't-L-ty" , )tat:l clorre a 'Lro rnerrdous iob on 'Uhe 5u j.:l.rl rlo filr. She has rvorked al-rnost i.n get-


ting the ba.r:ernent and foundilbion ln n1ace. liu.ndreds of iroui's of work and lvorcy ilas been given rrnsef{li-sh}y and we o1'/e her a ::'cal dallt o.f sincere gr:a'Li'tude.

Ji21\\'f0IlCO fr.'[:CIn&i]Ski

P.O. Br.rx..l-Ol-l+l+ Lans i.ns


The basemcnt j.s an .i.tnpot'"Lirrrt first s'Lep in a l-ong ]ist of thc lvir.'Lcr needs. The electricity, su.pply, i.nsulat j.on, etc . need yet

(6tz) 636rz\4

. ,Jarrne s; lil . Shlner T.2 I'lorrnal Ave. Sti.ppery Rock, PA (412) ?94-8485


money: $ I bJe're not abashed to ask You oPenlY to give to helP us finish uP the buil-ding. Please helP us. We need.

B. Harding, Jr 1340 B j-afore Ave. Bethlehem, PA 18017


Rodney, "

NCTA Board

The duly elected


Lincoln Center, (zo7) zgq-eo6z



Vireinia Wunsch Vice President Rt. 4 2?Bo Mundy Ave. White Cloud, MI 49349 (6te) 6eg-6826

MI 4%42 i3B2-

615 ) 86?



Dr. Robert Hofer R.D. I, Box 248 Chazy, NY L292L


were elected at the first NCTA Board meeting in Mareh of 1980. The current NCTA Board of Directors is as folJows: T,ance Feild President P.0. Box 85


(2L5) 865-%46 Dr. John G. Hipps 0rchard Hill Farm Forest llti . Marienville, PA l6n9 (Br4) 92?-6685 ( Br4) 92? -8$6 Dr. Garth S. McHattie ' 13?60 l-B Mite Rd.

Contact V Aeinie W::S-AX, Rt . 4 , 2?Bo Mundy Ave. , .!tlhl!e _Cloud, _Mf 4%t+9. Pirone: '(6te) 6ag-6826. P1ease do it now'.




groups to contact Ginny to volunteer to rvork on the building. There's so much that needs to be done that she can use the heIP



1.))5) i\'lidlrrnd l{i.l-l-s Rd. ilosevi.l .1.e, I\'iN 5fl.Lj


Next, we need lqdlff-dgal"s

, MI

5t?) 5gt+-52 s6 l)r. illi.rno't)ry B. KtroPP

Thank Vou, GinnYl

to be






Barbara G. Rising

Metropolitan Detroit


3024 Cool-idge

Berkley, MI





Directors have been and are being added, at the discretion of the Board, in order to have r€P1'qsentation of all- the states invoLved and interested outdoors organizations.


From Here


Ilrg Fe::lls-vlvankr


Point, NY, the eastern terminus of the NCT is inaccessibl-e by public transPor-bation . Tlie Finger Lakes Trail, maintained and built bY t)re I'inger Lakes Trail Conference, is over 100 miles long and hoPefullY will becorne Part of the NCT . There's 93.2 mj.les of the NCT completed in 'i;he .Al1.eghenY National Forest (fa1 and presently maj.ntained bY an active Bill trails club in PA leadare Jolu and $.ipPg _Slfi::Cf the 100 comPlete lray to the ing miles in PA Yet to be finished The Buckeye Trail Association (0H) totally cooperative in helping vrith the NCf in Ohio . ir{ichigan has over }00 miles of trail completed (presently caLled the North CountrY Trail) rvhich rvill hopefutlY be incorPorated into the NCT; sPlendid cooPerative efforts by the Forest Service and volunteer P>rouPS, such as the AYH, the NCHA, the Michigan Trailfinders, etc . . ' Vlisconsin had the first segment of the NCT, l-96? by Gavlord Nelson, in Iron CountY . Ivlinnesota plans Progressing rthile progress is slow in North Croivn

Dakotar 3s Yet.






Via Bob t"lartin and the NPS, your NCTA-wiIl serve as the coordinating group for the private sector for the-North CountrY Trai]. This means we will vrork cooPerativelY with all- trails clubs and other outdoors non-profit groups, toward the end of develoPing anfl maintaining the mighty 3,200 mile NCT across Northein America. We are especially proud, but it is also an awesome iesponsibility whieh we do not take 1iglt1Y. "



Board. member Dr. "Bi]I" Shirrer Rock Siate College gid

of Slippery

an outitanding iob of coordinating the North Coun'try National Scenic Trai] i'Iorks;hop in cooperation with 'che Natiorral Park Service' Dr. and Dr. John HiPtrs, both !!r-iner goara members from PA, are begin-

ning to get things moving in their NCT. There's 100 state on thej.n go PA before ihe PA to miles segrnent of the NCT is completed.


Lu!-]j.cej jprrs The NCTA has numerous inexPensive puhlj.cations avaitable to both our menr6ership and the .public. To

our members, of course , there is,, a discount on almost aII. The NCT schernat j-c maps and'route itineraries are all lgtllelive, 'depending upon the trait tocation (actuat drail tread) ttrat the National Park Service decides orlr in conjunction with the public via the NPS - NCT.


The publications, in many cases \{ere those used very suc-,

' by the International cessfully Bhckpackers Association for over seven years

Avail yourself of these rooit:'' Iets, pamphlets, maPS and books and know all profit goes to Your NCTA. For a publications list, *"itu, enclosing a self-addressed envelope, to NCTA, P.0. Box'I00, Lincoln Center, I\m 04458.


First Being aware that a newsletter is a real necessity to keep in contact with the membership, the NCTA Board unanimously were in favor of getting ours started. Here's our humble A


We're seeking articles from

our members, too, on sections of the NCT, photos (blactc & white), unusual happenings, very scenic areas, geologically irnportant spots, interesting side trips, etc. let's hear from aII you fine people

Also, we're seeking'a volun-

teer editor for The NCT Trail Blazer. If you've had some writing experience and would like to take on,this worthY Project - we need you. Write: NCT Trail Blazer, P.0. Box 100, Lincoln Center, Maine ol+l+58. Two Congressmen on Advisorv . Board

U.S. Representative G. William Whit6hurst (ve1, iltro-

duced and. supported The North Country Trail bi)-l in Congress and U.S. Senator William S. Cohen did like in the U.S. Senate. Both of these gentlemen now serve on the NCTA Advisory Board.

Additionally, former U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson (WI), now with the Wilderness Society, also serves on the Advisory Board. Nelson was the man who originallY introduced the National Trails bill in 1958, which became 1aw and desigpated the first segment ever to be cal1ed the North Country _ Trai1, in Wisconsin, in


President Receives Award Recently the lnternational


Wildlife Foundation awarded Lance Feild, its annual award for outstanding service in the area of conservation. The attard reads, "Proudly presents their Meritorious Conservation Award to Lance Feild for protection of silent trails and wilderness".

are all proud to have our NCTA President recognized national-, 1y for his years of service to the We

outdoors way of life.

0f Peop1e, Trail and Potpgumi 'l olive Anderson of I]linois"i, one of our members, is working on a NCT trail guide for a the Upper Peninsula of Michigan,;'; . . Dr. John Hipps, Orchard HiIl Farm Forest Rd., MarienviLle, PA t649, is vrorking on a slide prograrn for' the' NCT. Contact him if you have slides he can copy and incorporate into the program . *ii' . Cash is sorely needed to helP usr; f inish the NCT headquarters. Seild. your gifts to Ginnv Wunsch now,E,' please. . . Exceptionallygoodmi books: AMC Field Guide to frail. Buildine and Maintenance, and .':r;i* Backcountrv Facilities: Desien &

Maintenance. Both publlshed by the Appalachian Mountain Club, 5 Joy St., Boston, MA 02108 and both cost fi5.95 . . . If you love a summer vacation in Nova Scotia,' an enchanted land of rugged sea.scapes, there's ari excellent trail guide available: Explorine Nova Scotia, at $6,95 fromffitrilooas Press, 820 East Blvd. , C.harlotte,' NC 28203 . . The finalized route of the NCT should be completed : (hopefully) by october 1 , :.-9B?. I't wi'l1 be published in fhe Federal Register and will be available to if:- (money and time permitting) . . i-

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