October 1982
NORTH COUNTRY NATIONAL SCENIC TRAIL ASSOC IA TI1QN P.O. Box 311 White Cloud, Michigan 49349 President: Lance Feild Vice President: Virginia Wunsch Secretary: Treasure: Kenneth Gackler ************************************** THE TRAILBLAZER The communications median for the North Country National Scenic Trail Association. Editor:
John G. Hipps, M.D. Orchard Hill Farm Marienville, PA 16239 (814) 927-6685
************************************** NATIONA~BOARD
MAINE Mr. Lance Feild MICHIGAN Ms. Virginia Wunsch Mr. Kenneth Gackler Mr. Lawrence Lemanski MINNESOTA Dr. Timothy B. Knopp NEW YORK Dr. William Ehling Dr. Robert Hofer OHIO -Dr. Richard Harvey Mr. Ralph Ramey Robert R. Paton PENNSYLVANIA Dr. John G. Hipps Dr. James (Bill) Shiner
NATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD Honorable Wm. S. Cohen U.S. Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 Mr. Robert E. Dreis 632 Smith Street Spooner, Wisconsin 54301 Ms. Carolyn Hoffman R.D.#4 Box 217 Dillsburg, PA 17019 Mr. Robert P. Martin National Park Service 1709 Jackson St. Omaha, Nebraska 68102 Honorable Gaylord Nelson 1901 Penna. Ave. NW Washington, D.C. 20006 Honorable G. Wm. Whitehurst House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 ******************************* NEW APPLICATION Your attention is called to the insert of the new NCTA application form. It is the result of that discussed and recommended by the Board of Directors at the Spring Meeting in Slippery Rock. It was designed and reproduced by Bill Shiner in his perpetually good and reliable manner. They are now available by the thousands so we don't need to hold back on the membership drive. ******************************* GREAT COOKBOOK Want a great outdoor cookbook? the AYH OUTDOOR FOOD BOOK, published by the Pittsburgh AYH is a gem. Available at $3.90 from AYH Publication, c/o Bruce Sunquist, 210 College Park Dr., Monroeville, PA 15146.
. Trailblazer
. October 1982
SRSC USES NCT •. The North Country ~rail witbin the Allegheny National Forest was used as the primary route for Slippery Rock State College students involved in the Wilderness Education Association Outdoor Leadership Course in May and June. The group started at Amsler Springs and hiked the NCT to Henry's Mill with side treks to Hearts Content and Minister Creek.
On August 6, 1982, Boy Scout Troup number 140 of North Ridgeville, Ohio near Cleveland, visited Forest County and spent the weekend laying out and marking a two mile section of the North Countr~ Trail. This ~missing li~k~ that became nearly obliterated by a hurricane windfall in 1979 and swamp growth on Coon Creek is a vital connection between the trail from the southern boundary of the Allegheny National Forest and the Baker Trail. The North Country Trail in Pennsylvania is now well developed from the New York State border to the Clarion River at Cooksburg. Trail builders that accomplished this fine jobs are; Leaders Bill Falcone and Harold Milliard and Scouts Robbie Geralds, Jim Matcham, Dave Godke and Jeff Haynes. The North Country Trail Association is grateful tb these people for a job well done. A resolution will be proposed at the next meeting of the Board to dedicate this section of the trail to the Boy Scout Troup# 140 of North Ridgeville, Ohio.
Plans are underway for next year's course which will travel other sections of the NCT. Details on next years WEA Outdoor Leadership Program for both Professional and Basic Certification may be obtained from Dr. Bill Shiner, Parks and Recreation, SRSC, Slippery Rock, Pa. 16057,
************************************** Glacier Ridge Trail ••• One component of the NCNST currently open is the Glacier Ridge Trail in Moraine State Park, Pennsylvania. The Trail starts at the Jetinings Environmental Education Center, runs along State Route 528 to Lake Arthur where it turns west along the Lake's north shore. Mitch Dickerson, Superintendent of Moraine State Park has been working hard on rebuilding and maintaining the trail. The NO\ISTA salutes his efforts. Details on the trail are available from Mitch at Mor a.ine State Park, Portersville, PA. 16051.
************************************** PA NORTH COUNTRY TRAIL ASSOCIATION HQ. Plans are progressing for a NCTA-PA Headquarters to be located in the craft shop building at the Old Stone House. The Pittsburgh AYH hopes to have the Youth Hostel at the Old Stone House in operation shortly. For information on the Hostel, contact AYH, 6300 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15232.
****************************** THE MAP USER'S SOURCEBOOK President Lance Feild recently has had published his source book on maps of world wide application. This book is the only one of its kind and is an excellent one for the hiker, backpacker, mountain climber or for the happy wanderer. It is available from Ocean Publications, Inc., Dubbs Ferry, New York, 10522, under the title of The Map User's Sourcebook for $17.50.
EDITORIAL Th1s issue of the Trailblazer is a further effort to upgrade quality on the way to a permanent format. You will note this by an over-all chang~ in layout. The section on State or news is another. It is this will encourage the of news items along the route of the trail.
Regional hoped that dissipation entire
October 1982 STATE AND REGIONAL VIEWS & NEWS I .have not received any slides to date from any Board Members in other states. As soon as I do so they will be incorporated into the present series of slides. All Board Members are again requested to send slides of natural scenes and historical sites applicable to their own states. ********************************
The Tall Trail Tales section is offered as a fun thing and as a challenge to Tall Trail Tale Tellers to participate in what can be an annual competition in creative imagination. The Special Feature section. is open to anything that relates to a broad area of interest ranging from gourmet recipes through trail safety, outdoor survival, how-tos, photography and nature items to poetry and essays. This editor hereby solicits NCT members interested in State and Regional reporting to get in touch with the newsletter office. You will be asked to serve as State or Regional !eporter for future items on a regular basis. All members are encouraged to submit news items for publication in the newsletter directly through your local reporter. ~~********************************** PROMOTIONAL SLIDE TALKS Your Newsletter Editor has finally gotten together a series of slides that will serve as the basis for promotional slide talks. There are 140 color slides that will be correlated with a text and appropriate background music. At the present time the slides are pretty general with respect to scenery along the entire trail. There is some degree of focus on the Pennsylvania area. This aspect of the slide talk is feasible for, and open to, substitution of specific area shots anywhere along the trail.
PERSONALIZED TRAIL It seems like a good idea that any groups or individuals that accomplish trail layout, marking and clearing have that section of the trail be dedicated to them and indicated by a plaque to that effect. I am finding that it is an extremely effective way of obtaining a high level of enthusiasm and excitement in trail development. This idea will be proposed ~t the next Board meeting for consideration and adoption. ******************************** NEW YORK .. A recent item in the Finger Lakes Trail News concerned the question of that organization agreeing to affiliate with the North Country Trail. Their Board is oxpected to make this decision at their November meeting. ******************************** WISCONSIN •• The Sigurd Olson Environmental Institute News featured the North Country National Scenic Trail in its most recent newsletter. It is hoped that this will give us some promotion and interest in the Wisconsin area.
October 1982
TALL TRAIL TALES A BEAR CAME OVER 路rHE MOUNTAIN Most of the Allegheny Mountain Plateau here in Northwestern Pennsylvania is relatively flat. The elevation differential varies only a few hundred feet so the precipitous, craggy, contours of the Adirondacks is uncommon. There are some exceptions, however, and I was suddenly confronted with an unexpected one as I was hiking west toward Ohio. Looming deep and wide before me was a chasm whose sides were rocky, wet and without foliage. How was I ever going to transpath this section of the trail if I had any hope of making the next NCT meeting on time? As I stood there contemplating my predicament, I became aware of a trembling sensation beneath my feet. When I looked down to where I stood I realized that I had wandered onto a tree trunk that had fallen over a stream which ran along the edge of the chasm just before it plunged over the edge to the larger stream below. A moment later this quivering log suddenly convulsed in a spasm, springing to life, and I found myself in the clutching coils of the ~iggest timber rattlesnake imaginable. I began to perspire p~ofusely as its coils steadily tightened around my body. Its tail was touching my chin and I was eyeballing into its angry, wide open mouth. I was concerned at this point not having asked it to Say Ahhh and I was not the least bit interested in its tonsils. My teeth and its tail rattled together but out of tune with each other. I had a sense that he was about to strike so I had a sudden creative inspiration to hear some music. I began to play a tune on the snake's rattler, (Shake, Rattle & Roll). This intensified his anger and I felt the surge of what I thought was his last squeeze before the fatal strike. It was then that the miracle happened! Because his coils were so large and my smail body so wet, I suddenly slipped out of his grasp and was propelled high into the air out over the edge of the chasm. After more somersaults than I didn't remember to count, I looked down to see that I was about to plunge feet first into a deep pool of water. Just before I landed a large gray colored, rounded shape rock appeared below me. fhe rock suddenly sprouted and raised its head out of the water and I realized I was about to land feet first into the wide open jaws of a gigantic snapping turtle. As I again tried to inspire a creative thought, a gush of my now abundant sweat suddenly dropped into the eyes of the turtle causing him to blink and he missed his snap. I landed, therefore, on his head whereupon he suddenly snapped open his jaws launching me once more high up into the air. Again after an unknown number of somersaults I found myself landing on my feet, this time on the NCT on the opposite side of the chasm h.eading west in the direction of the next NCT meeting. Qhen I looked up to continue on my way, I was face to face with a huge black bear. He was charging rapidly at me; angry because of my sudden appearance on the trail. ~y .creative ~rge stirred within me once again but failed to materialize.
October 1982
Came Over The Mountain
continued ••
In my frustration, and not knowing which way to turn, I simply stooped over to retie my shoes that had become unstrung during my trek across the chasm. The bear passed over me and headed pell-mell to the edge of the gorge falling all the way to tl-ebottom. He landed in the water and made such a splash that the water leaped high in the air on my side of the gorge. lt fell on me like a fresh water shower from heaven. I felt better then having transpathed the chasm, retied my shoe strings, showered and gspecially to know that I would, in fact, get to the next NCT meeting on time. (I hope the meeting is still in OHIO)
FLASH The Buckeye Trail Group will host the Annual Membership and Board Meeting NOVEMBER 13 and 14, 1982 at Yellow Springs, Ohio.
Member Ralph Ramey has offered to provide transportation from and to Dayton Airport for anyone travelling by air.
are available for overnight stays in homes, State Park Campgrounds, etc.
Contact Ralph at 160 Edgefield Drive, Yellow Springs, Ohio. Telephone (513) 767-7375 ••
EDINOTE •• It may b• that the present list of Board Members is not complete. This will be up-dated after our meeting in November ••
HELP -TRAILBLAZER NEWS ITEMS Please send any items you may find of interest for future issues of The Trailblazer to: Dr. JOHN G. HIPPS, M.D. ORCHARD HILL FARM FOREST ROAD MARIENVILLE, PA. 16239
October 1982
EDITORIAL THRU THE EYES OF AUTUMN I stepped through a large round opening in the trees at the edge of the woods and disappeared from outside sight. ¡A womb-room comfort immediately came over me. I was enveloped by the loving arms of hardwood forest trees on the North Country Trail. It is early October and the flaming foliage is decidedly delicious to all the senses as this landat its~peak of this year's magestic colorrama. Color is everywhere; over, under and on all sides as far and as close as my eyes can see. There is no apparent end or beginning as that of the fields and meadows blend in with that of the trees and that in turn with the ever changing sky. Hues are of the widest and varied an assortment as imaginable. Brightness ranges from nursery room pastels through intense fluorescent glows to exciting vibrant radiance. I live the seasons of this marvelous mountain country with never ending admiration and appreciation for its sights and sounds; its smells and tastes. In the fields are patches of bright yellow golden red mixed with pin wheel aster white. These areas are bordered and framed by the very beautiful deep purple aster. The forest floor has turned from a bright fern green to golden bronze and milky chocolate browns. The leaves of the tree tops are aflame with a wonderfully wild mixture of multi-colored confetti. I easily imagine all the rainbows of the world for t h ls season were extruded through a nozzle that sprayed bits and pieces over the whole extent of these everlasting hills. I am within and apart of this pretty pigaments magic and my own glow adds its specialness to all the rest. I feel like I am hiking inside a beautiful song. The brightness of the colors everywhere begins to subside as the day turns into twilight then on into night. The westwarding orange sherbert sun and the clouds convert the entire sky into a ceiling fantasy equal to that on the trees and fields and meadows underneath. The North Country World is in the depths of night, and even then the colors continue to glow with a bright incandescence high into the sky. I look out from my own individual and special place in this kaleidoscope into the black night sky filled with uncountable stars of immeasurable sizes and shapes and intensity. They thrinkle with the dazzling incandescence of precious gems filling completely the enormity of the universe. Looking back from out there, I see the most noble jewel of all. The earth hangs suspended like the most beautiful of pendants glittering out of the totally black background. Black light from the myriad of stars illuminates the earth so that it shines forth in celestial radiance. Seeming to hold it all together are necklace-like interconnections of sparkling streams and lakes and rivers. Its usual home-sweet-home countenance is now aglow with the exciting blush of Autumn eman::inating off the cheeks of Earths North Country Trail. John G. Hipps, M.D •
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North Country Trail Association P • 0. Box 311 ~ White Cloud, Michigan 49349 Editor: John G. Hipps Orchard Hill Farm Marienville, PA 16239
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BULK RATE PERMIT #7 Marienville, PA 16239
Tomi Lou Skykcr
7040 Africa Road Route #1 Galena, OH
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