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ORGANIZATIONAL ------------------
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PRESIDENT EMERITUS President: Larry Lemanski Vice Prestdent; Virginia Wunsch Secretary: ~oyce Harlukowicz Treasurer: Kenneth Gackler
Mr. Lance Feild, Maine
THE NEWSLETTER The co1m1unications median for the North Country National Scenic Trail Association. Editor:
John G. Hipps, M.D. Orchard Hill Farms Marienville, PA 16239 (814) 927-6685
******·****************************** NATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS (by State) NEW YORK Dr. William Ehling Dr. Robert Hofer PENNSYLVANIA
***************************************** Honorable Wm. S. Cohen U.S. Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 Mr. Robert E. Dreis 632 Smith .Street '"I Spooner, Wisconsin 54301 Ms. Carolyn Hoffman R.D. 4 Box 217. Dillsburg, PA 17019 . ,•
Mr. Robert P. Martin N~tional Park Service 1709 Jackson Street Omaha , ~.eb.r.as_ka : 6810.2 Honorable Gaylord Nelson 1901 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington, D.C. 20006·
Dr. John Hipps
Honorable G. Wm. Whitehurst House of Representatives· Washington, D.C. 20515·
**********************************·******* NAMES & ADDRESSES OF 1983 OFFICERS
Dr. Richard Harvey Mr. Ralph Ramey Mr. Rober-t Pa ton MICHIGAN Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms.
Lawrence Lemanski Virginia Wunsch Kenneth Gackler Joyce Harlukowicz
Mr. Lawrence L. Lemanski P .0. Box 10144 Lansing, Michigan 48901 Ms. Virginia Wunsch Route 4 2780 Mundy ·Ave.· White Cloud, Michigan 49349 Ms. Joyce Harlukowicz Metro Detroit Council American Youth Hostels 3024 Coolidge Berkley, Michiqan 48092
MINNESOTA Dr. Timothy Knopp
Mr. Kenneth Gackler 418 West Johnson Street Caledonia~ Michigan 49316 -11
August 1983 · ·
John G. Hipps, M.D.
This iss~e of the North Country Trail Association Newsletter is the interum edition between our annual spring meeting ·in Marienville, PA on May 7 of this year and our g~neral MembershipBoard Meeti~g scheduled for September 30 thru October 2 at Ashland, Wisconsin. · Indeed, Summer is more of a time for.using the trail than thinking and writing about it. Just as·Winter's time is for planning and talking about the trail for year around use ahd especially during the Spring, Summer and Fall; Summertime is to rekindle our enthusiasm and creative recognitio~s for next seasons meeting and talking!· Ou, ~pring Business Meeting in May, 1983 in Marienville was an interesting, informative and productive one, highlighted by the presence of the following individuals: Bob Waldron was outstanding· with his plans for membership recruitment. We will all be hearing more from him and each of us can be helpful in playing a part in his·membersh~p recruitment dction. . '
We were especially pleQsed to have 6 good presentation of the Alle~henl Hiking Club at the meet~ng. They were especially helpful int e panning of hiking trips 6n this North Country Trail i~ lhe Allegheny National Fo r e s t on Sunday. · .. · · ~ ,·~. . · . . . .
Treasurer, Ken Gackler gave us a good report on his actions. o The members~ip card issue is neatly worki-g and he 'is woz-king'closely with Bob Waldron on membership recruitment and r enewo l , · Secretary, Joy~e Harlukowicz has given to us the epitomy and personification of organizational secretarialshipo We will be doing better.& faster because of her. , Last, because he is not the least, President Larry Lemanski was mas~erful and almost regal in his conduction of ~is first meeting as our new Presidento We've got the basic "good stuff" to be off and running now. · · · · Olive Anderson,·Veteran North Country Trail Association member and f\lcf hiker has compl~ted the first official NCT Guide on "Pictured Rocks Lakeshore Trail". It was published by the North Country.Trail Associati~n, in cooperation with the National Park Serviie, ~n part, to memorialize Piqtured Rocks National Lakeshore and, in· part, as the· first published guide to this exciting part of the North Country Trail in Michigan. The guide is available from North Country Trail Association Headquarters, P.O. Box 311, White Cloud, Michigan 49349 for $4.95. · · · Many thanks to Ms. Anderson for an excellent job, very well done. We now have an excellent guide for trail guides a~ they can be . developed in the form of this neat little first of ma~y to come in the futureo
VolumeIII Number 3 A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT ••• Larry L. f:_emanski
August 1983
In a previous column I noted that the route of the North Country Trail has the potential to bring hikers into contact with many of'the most scenic natural resources of the north country. I also stressed the need for membership development in our organiz~tion as a primary means toward the realization of the trail as a continuous footpath·connecting these outstanding resources. · The most re~ent"National Park Service estimate indicates that there is existing trail along almost one third of the North Country Tiail route. Much of this existing tr.ail consists of a number of individual, independent footpaths developed· and maintained by several •stdblished trail organizations and goveirnment agencies." It must be.recognized., and we should be thankful, that these folks have us the benefits of their labors by allowing the North Country~rail to follow along their trail routes. This is especially with the vqrious trail organizations, whose trails represent much p r Lvo+e , volmiteer · effort. Thanks~to everyone who is responsible for 'these existi~g trails hikers can already experience many of the north country's scenic wonders. •
Of course, as I said earlier, th~ goal of our organization ~st~ carry on We can take our cues and inspiration from the pe~pJe who h~ve accomplished similar objectives and hove thereby proy~ded u~ with quite· appropriate examples along the.North" Country Trail-~out~. But ahead of us lies the other two thi~ds of trdil. I can sp~ak from personal, map-and-compass, cross-country expe~ience that mci~y gran~ vistas and pocket wildernesses lie. hidden along the·re~a~ning route! Membershi·p-is·-s·ti,11 the ... key •... And only intere.s:t.ed, .. active7members can unlock' the rest of the scenic trailo •. **********~***********************************************•************* *************************************************************•********** N.C.T.A. BOARD MEETING The North Country Trail Association·Board and Membership Meeting will be held Saturday and Sunday October 1 and 2, 1983~ The ~eeting will be hosted by the Sigurd Olson Environmental Institute, located on the Northland College campus in Ashland, Wi~con~in. Ashland is on U.S. Highway 2 between Superior and Hurley .• · It car:i also be reached by State Highways 63 and 13 from th~ south. The meeting will b~ Saturday and Sunday,_ October l~t and 2pd. ~ield trips on the North Country Trail are planned for Saturday afte,rnoon at Copper Falls State Park and Sunday at the Black River Recreation Area. Other arrangements for the rnee~ing are still in prog~ess; Those attending·will need to be responsible for their own lodging and meals. We'll do our best to carpool to the field trips. Both are less than an hour from Ashland. If NCTA members need information on camping in the area, contact Steve Sorensen, (715) 682-4531 .. Ext. 223, or write him at: Northland College, Ashland, Wisconsin 54806 •• There are many campgrounds near-by. The first of October is generally the peak of th~ fall color season in the ar~a, so there ~re man~ good reasons to attend! -3-
Number 3
August 1983
PROGRESS REPORT ON THE NORTH COUNTRY NATIONAL SCENIC TRAIL ·fro·m the NATIONAL PARK SERVICE •• Tom Gilbert On March 24, 1983, the final Comprehensive Plan for Management and Use of the North Country National Scenic Trail (NCT) was the.Congress by Secretary of the Interior James Watt. In early April, approximately 1,250 copies were df.s t r tbut ed to Federal, State, and local agencies, all United States Senators and Representatives whose states and districts are involved in the trail, -cooperating trail organt aat Ions , . and interested individualEf;· · ~ . . . ·: ~ . -
The plan contains 74 maps•showing ~he route of the NCT on 1:250,000 topographic base maps along with a narrative description of the route. The route is based upon the general route shown in the 1975 conceptual study of the trail and.was refined by input received at eight public workshops and . through public review of the.draft plan. The plan also contains guidelines for'marking the trail; procedures by which trails can be official segments.of the NCT; broad, flexible management policies which will apply to the trail; and othet information. Implementation of the plan will require the cooperation and participation of many public and private interests. A limited number of copies of the plan are available upon request to agencies, . organizations, and individuals who wish to become Lnvo Ived in deve Iopf ng an4 managing segments of· the NCT. A set of the 7 5 maps contained in the plan together with excerpts from the plan and other p~rtinent user informa~io~ is available to anyone who would like user-oriented information· ab0u~·the trail. On ·.:Ju'ne 23 and 24 ,: the North Country National Scenic Tr,ail Advi13ory Counc Lh met in Cincinnati to discuss the status· of development· and management of the trail in each state and various strategies for implementing the comprehensive plan. All members were encouraged by the fact that the level of effort to·establish and maintain the· trail is greater than previously. understood ·and pubiic ·support for the trail is growing. Two recent guides to hiking trails in Pennsylvania and Michigan, written by council members Tom Thwaites and Pat Allen, respectively, contain sections on the NCT. The North Country Trah Associatlon (NCTA) has published a guide to the segment in "Pictured Rocks Nationcil Lakesho~e, Michigan, authored by NCTA member Olive Ander~on. The.deliberations by the advisory council again recognized t~e important role of private volunteer trail organizations in establishing. and matnt afnf ng the trai 1. It Was suggested that agencies and o rganj.z at Lons develop "gift ' catalogs" to. solicit donations·of money, materials, labor, and services from t6e private s~ctor to help the effortw
On May 2 and June 10, respectively, the National Park Service entered into memorandums of agreement with the New York State Trails Council and the Finger Lakes Trail Conference. This .pledge of .suppo r t from private trail Lnt.e r eat.s in New York is extremely gratifying. In the near future, similar cooperative arrangements will be established with other private trail organizations and· with each of the seven states through which the NCT pas~es. ·By the time this report appears in the NCTA "Newsletter," a notice will have been published in the "Federal Register" announc~ng the completion of planning for the NCT, the limited availability of the coinprehensive plan, and the
Number 3
August 1983
selected route for the trail. The notice will also certify 673 md Les of existing trails as the initial segments of the NCT. The National Park· Service hopes to arrange for production of a supply of the official NCT marker during the next several months and then distribute an appropriate quantity to each agency or organization managing a·certified segment. Signing. the trail with the official marker will help to increase public awareness of,. and support ·for the trail. · ,~ . , · · · · •t•
•· - • ._
****** *** ***** ************* ********** . **** ' ~ .. : i'***·** ·-. l •( • !''. • ' ********************* . .. .· ·.· . . .. ~ . ******* ' . MICHIGAN REPORTS ••
l <•
Our Sec~etary, Joyce Harlukowicz has given us another interesting news item from Michigan. The Metro Detroit Council, American Youth· Hostels will be running a week-long backpacking trip on the section of the North Country Trail in the Trap Falls Area, just south of the Porcupine Mountains in the Upper Penninsula. The trip leaves Detroit on October 3, 1983 and returns October 9, 1983. Cost of the trip rs $124.40, which includes transportation, food, insurance, and leaders_hip , __ and._AYH. membership. More information is availabl~·£y writing AYH, 3024 Coolidge,Berkley, Michigan 48072 or by calling (313) . 545-0511. ************************************ DID YOU LOSE SOMETHING??
Bob Waldron has designed a neat stationary logo .. that we will see at the Fall Meeting and consider its adoption. * **********************~*********** BOB WALDRON REPORTS •• Steve Sor~nsen is working on NCT ~ayout and land use agreements in Wisconsin. People interested in helping on the trail in Wisconsin should contact him at Sigurd!Olson Environ~ental Institut Northland College,·.- A~.hlan~, WI 54806 .~! -, ~'. . ~ .~~ .4&•; _ .... - _, *************~***~***~************ Pat Allen is working on certifying a· section of trail near Grand Rapids, ~I, in the Rogue River State Ga'e Area. · · · ********************************** .Je r r y McKain (USFS) . .is coordinating w~rk · o~ the NCT in the Baldwin District of the Ministee Nat'! Forest ·and would ~elc~~e volunteers He can be conta~ted c/o US Forest S¢rvice, Baldwin, MI.49304. ******************~**~************* The NCT may get some help from the American. Conservation Corp~ if it is approved by Congresso People should write to their Senators and Representatives apd express support for S27 and HR999. Bill has passed the House and is · Currently in the.Senatei · ********~*************************~ .
FOLNDo.In May •• A brown pouch containing metal tent stakes, at a· cqmp site at Loleta Campground after the Spring Meetingo It will be available for the owner at our Fall Meeting in Wisconsin.o ************************************ EDITORIAL NOTE This is another appeal for color slides of the North Country Trai~ and its s.ecti ons all along the way. We have been talking about an association slide talk for promoting ourselves for three years now. Let us all bring our own to the October meeting and shar~ them by trading or copying.~
Number 3
August 1983
WORK DAYS - 1983 Plan NOW to partici,pate in the 1983 work-days, week-end of October 22 and 23.
scheduled for the
we plan to complete
the Nortb Country Trail link between the BT, at Zoar, p~d the Pennsylvania state line.
The. distance is about 60-75 miles.
If this
does not materialize, we will probably schedule work in southeastern Ohio.
In either case, we can use lots of people.
As in the past,
for those folks who prefer working closer to home, smaller g~oups will be assigned projects in other parts of the state. If interested in helping ~ontact: Edward W. Delaet State Wide Trail Coordinator Buckeye T~ail Associaticin 138Bonita Drive . Dayton# Ohio 45415 ********************************************************************
Type Membership Desired
I believe in the concept of promoting, building, maintaining and protecting the North Country Trail which is the pur~ose of the North Countiy Trail Association and desire to support their work. Signed I hereby make application for membership in the North Country Trail Association and enclose$ as full dues for checked membership. Name
Adult ••••••• $10.00 __ Family •• ~ ••• $15.()0 __ Stu~ent ••••• ~5.00 __ Organizati~n~25.00 _ Support~ng •• $59 ~ 00 __ Donor •••••• $250.00 _ Patron ••• ~$5000.00 __ Lifetime $500.00 _ Special Gift ••••• $----~--~~ (The membership year runs June 1 ·to May 31st. Dues paid after March 31, will be applied to the next membership year.
Please send application with check or money order to N.C.T.A. P.O. BOX 311, WHITE CLOUD, MICHIGAN 49349
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