North Country Trail Association Newsletter, Summer 1990
NORTH COUNTRY TRAIL ASSOCIATION PO Box,311, WhHe Cloud, Ml 49349 Headquarters Phone: (616) 68~1912 Editor: Wea Boyd, 14815 Rome Road, ManHou Beach, Ml 49253
Keyboard Trails by the Editor
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OFFICERS Pruldent: Martha K Jones, 1857 Torquay Ave, Royal Oak Ml 48073 Vice PrHldent: Barbara A. Smith, 11 W. Main St, Galeton PA 16922 Secretary: Tomi Lou Spyker, 7040 Africa Rd., Rt. 1, Galena OH 43201 Treasurer: Kenneth Gackler, 413 W. Johnson St., Caledonia Ml 49316 Headquartere llgr.: Virginia Wunsch, Rt. 1, White Cloud Ml 49349
(313) 280-2921 (814) 435-2371 (614) 882-8023 (616) 891-1366 (616) 689-6876
BOARD OF DIRECTORS NewYork _ .. Doris and Clifford Abbott, Rt 1, Box 259, Spencer NY 14883 Howard S. Beye, 202 Colboume Rd., Rochester NY 14609 Laura McGuire, 1 Boylan Rd, Newfield NY 1.4867- · · Thomas J. Reimers, 3C Wild11ower Dr., Ithaca NY 14850 Ed Sidote, 5 Clinton St, Norwich NY 13815 ·
The deadline for the next newsletter will be September 1, 1990. However, initial reports on theNCTA lOthAnniversary Hike will be accepted, byphone or mail; until noon, September 8. Forfu.ture reference, the deadline for the Winter newsletter will be November 30, 1990.
(607) 272-5119 (716) 288-7191 (607) 564-3548 (607) 272-8679 (607) 334-3872
Through cooperation with Michigan Bell, there is now a phone with an answering machine at the NCTA Headquarters. This number will be extensively used for 1990 hike information. The new number is (616) 689-1912.
PenMylvanla· Don and Brita Dom, Star Rt, Box 476, Sheffield PA 16347. Barbara A. Smith, 11 W. Main St., Galeton PA 16922 John G. Hipps, 11 W. Main St, Galeton PA 16922 Glenn Oster, 784 Olive St, Pittsburg PA 15237 _ Pat Tieman, 52 Greenbriar Dr., Pittsburg P~ 15220
(814) 968-5759 (814) 435-2371 (814) 435-2371 (412) 364-2864 (412) 561-3286
Ohio Emily Gregor, 6502 Olde York Rd., Parma !-Its OH 44130 Cecil Dobbins, 783 Cliffside Dr., Akron OH 44313 Jim Sprague, 4406 Maplecrest, Parma 01:1 . . Tomi Lou Spyker, 7040 Africa Rd., Rt. 1, Galena O_H 43201
(216) 884-0281 (216) 867-3371 (216) 884-4757 (614) 882-8023
lllch1gan Pat Allen, 2215 Sylvan Dr. SE, Grand Rapids Ml 49506 Wes Boyd, 14815 Rome Road, Manitou Beach Ml 49253 . Derek Blount, 906 N. Alexander, Roya[ Oak Ml 48067 Don Elzinga, 1010 Allouez, Marquette Ml 49855 Kenneth Gackler, 413 W. Johnson, Caledonia Ml 49316 Art Holland, 492 Four Mile Rd., Comstock Park Ml 49321 Martha K Jones, 1857 Torquay Ave, Royal Oak Ml 48073 Ruth Sack, 2317 Foster NE, Grand Rapids Ml 49505 Vince Smith, Box 76, Whitmore Lake Ml 48189 Darlene Snyder, 4067 LUxford, Comstock Park ~149231 Virginia Wunsch, Rt. 1, Mundy Ave. White Cloud Ml 49349
(616) 452-4487 (517) 547-7402 (313) 548-1737 (906) 225-1585 (616) 891-1366 (616) 784-6641 (313) 280·2921 (616) 363-5966 (313) 231-1257 (616) 784-5050 (616) 689-6876
Wlaconsln Gaylord Yost, 2925 W. Bradley Rd., River Hills WI ~09
( 414) 354-8987
lllnnlaota Rod MacRae, 1210 W. 22nd St., Minneaii0r1S MN 55405 Harlan Uljequist, 1605 W. Mediciae Lake Dr., Plymouth MN 55441 Jim Richards, Rt 1, Callaway MN 56521 Ed Solstad, 3701 Pillsbury Avd. S, Minr\eapolis MN 55409
(612) 3n-0130 (612) 559-5994 (216) 375-4461 (612) 882-0569
· North Dakota Linda Vargeson Meike, 1536 Second Ave. S, Fargo ND 58103
(701) 232-8513
NATIONAL PARK SERVICE ADMINISTRATOR Tom Gilbert, National Park Service, PO Box 54631 Madison WI 53705-0463 (608) 833-2788 . REGIONAL AFFILIATES New York: Finger Lakes Trail Conterence, PO Box 18048, Rochester NY 14618-0048 Ohio: Buckeye Trail Association, PO Bol! 254, Worthington OH 43085 Pl111e report any errora or omlulone
to the editor.
Membership brochures have been popular items - Virginia Wunsch, Headquarters Manager, reports that the NCTA has gone through nearly 10,000 of them in the past year. The NCTA's "Following the North Country National Scenic Trail" has been moving well, too-with a quarter of the whole printing oflast fall having been sold to one source. The initial production coots have been paid, getting NCTA's publication program off with a bang, and several other projects are in the works. We knew it was going to happen sooner or later. The old blue typesetting machine had occupied floor space around the shop where this newsletter is printed for seventeen years. A couple of years ago, the factory cut off service on it as being too obsolete, so it was only a matter of time before it blew a vital, unreplacable chip. That not-unexpected day came just as our erstwhile typesetter sat down to begin work on this newsletter, so all of a sudden we found ourselves experiencing a screaming polevault over a couple of decades of computer development into the high-tech age of '90s typesetting, and puttting together this newsletter has provided a fascinating exploration and learning experience. Coupled with this came the increased budget provided by the NCTA to expand the newsletter to sixteen pages as necessary. This is something of a relief, as several recent newsletters have been jam-packed, with decisions of what to keep in and what to leave out sometimes distressing. There have been severalinteresting, but long, articles hanging "on the hook" for some time awaiting space, and now we'll have a chance to chew at the backlog. The result, then, is this, the largest NCTA Newsletter in terms of content, that we've ever had. (There have been larger newsletters, in terms of size, but with considerably larger type.) We hope that it makes for an adequate introduction to the Newsletter and to the North Country Trail Association to those coming upon us for the first time through the medium of the NCTA 10th Anniversary Hike. That much has been accomplished in the first ten years of the NCTA is underlined in an article about that period by Publishing Committee Chairman and former newsletter editor John Hipps elsewhere in this issue. That much remains to be done is underlined in the Howard Beye article about the problems in getting the trail through the Adirondack Mountians, · · A newsletter is, at best, a means of passing on information. We try to do our best, but it means that we have to get the information, as well. Articles, news items, photos and other submissions are always welcome. Every little bit helps in continuing to make the newsletter a better service to NCTA members and supporters.
North Country Trail Association
THE APPOINTMENT of Ralph Ramey of Yellow Springs, Ohio, as the new Director of the Miami County Park District was announced in January by Board of Parks Commissioners Chairman John Wannemacher. Ramey's selection for the position follows a search that was begun in October when former Director Scott Hudson retired. "Ramey was very active in the beginning years of North Country Trail development," Ohio NCTA Director Emily Gregor noted. "We had several meeting at Glen Helen, which he hosted. "Ramey was director of Antioch University's Glen Helen nature preserve before taking over the Miami County post on April 1. He has been active in natural area preservation in Ohio for more than 20 years.
*** CHIPPEWA NATIONAL FOREST is seeking volunteers to work in several areas in the forest in upcoming months. Vohmteer opportunities include archaeological assistants, artists/photographers, campground hosts, botanisfs, ecology/watershed assistants, forest/surveying assistants, recreation assistants, resort naturalists, wildlife/forestry assistants, woodworker/ carpenters, and visitor center hosts. For. further information, and to apply, contact Chippewa National Forest, Volunteer Coordinator, Supervisor's Office, Rt. 3, Box 244, Cass Lake, MN 56633 (218) 335-2226.
CAYUGA TRAILS CLUB awards went to Laura McGuire {or her tireless efforts on behalf of trails and hiking in the central New York area, and to Joe Dabes for trail maintenance and his promotion of the Finger Lakes Trail and the NCT through trail running events. The awards were announced at the clubs annual meeting last January; Betty Lewis will be the club's . new president. - from Cayuga Trails
NEARLY 70 GIRL SCOUTS and their leaders scheduled the Memorial Day weekend for work on the Finger Lakes Trail in the Watkins Glen area. The work
Summer 1990
entailed light trail maintenance, including clearing small blowdowns, trimming back tree and shurb growth from the corridor, and the like, preparing the trail for it's any-day-now expected NCT certification. -from FLTCNews
LONG-TIME FLTC mapmaker Steve Weber has retired from the task to devote more time to hiking the trails he put on the maps. Dave Tuttle, a registered surveyor, has replaced him. - from FLTC News
IT'S TIME ONCE AGAIN to renew your membership in the North Country Trail Association, if you haven't already done so. Current memberships expire on June 30. As you have been hearing and reading about for some time now, this is the tenth anniversary year of the authorization of the North Country National Scenic Trail, and it is the year of out . Tenth AnniversaryHike. We hope you will renew your membership in the NCTA promptly to show your support of continuing efforts to develop and maintain the trail. Use the membership form on the back page; extra contributions are cheerfully accepted.
IF YOU WANT a NCTA patch the says "North Country Trail Association" or "North Country Trail Hiker'', get them 路 while supplieslast, because when the curreht stock runs out there aren't going to be any more. It was voted at the spring meeting to only stock a single patch that just says "North Country Trail."
VINCE SMITH again this year will be leading a work trip to the McCormick Wilderness Area of Michigan's Upper Peninsula. The trip will be August 19 through September 1. Workers will stay in campgrounds and hike or drive to work. Cost is $45 a week (includes food); bring your own camping gear. Please send selfaddressed stamped envelope to Vince Smith, Box 76, Whitmore Lake, MI 48189
for more information.
THE SUPREME COURT recently handed rails-to-trails activists a major victory with a unanimous ruling that the federal railbanking law is constitutional. The case involved an abandoned rail line near Burlington, Vt., that had been converted to a hiking and biking trail. An adjacent landowner sued, charging that the trail use infringed on his property rights. The court ruled that the rails-totrails law is a legitimate exercise of government power aimed at "encouraging the development of additional recreational trails."
"CLOSING THE GAPS", the Rails-toTrails Conservancy's controversial study on the potential for using abandoned railroad corridors to help complete the North Country National Scenic Trail is now available, at no charge, from the National Park Service's NCNST office, PO Box 5463, Madison WI 53705-0463/
*** AN 8.9 MILE segment of the Finger Lakes Trail between Switzer and McNutt Roads in the Goundry Hill State Forest, near South Bradford, New York, was certified as a segment of the North Country National Scenic Trail on May 3, 1990, according to National Park Service trail manager Tom Gilbert. "We wish to express our appreciation to the Finger: Lakes Trail Conference and the New York Department of Environmental Conversation for their cooperation and participation in this worthwhile project," Gilbert noted in a letter to Howard S. Beye, FLTC Trails Chairman. The certification brings the total nurnberof certified miles in New York to 36.6, although approximately 370 miles of the NCT in New York are considered "usable" by the NCTA. The newly certified segment is located on FLT map sheet M13; the FLTC plans dedication ceremonies on the segment during the 1990 NCTA 10th Anniversary Hike.
North Country Trail Association Newsletter, Summer 1990
Nuclear waste dump threatens FLT segment NCTA September 2: NCTA Tenth Anniversary Hike at locations along the North Country Trait Don't miss it! See elsewhere in this newsletter for more information. October 19-21: NCTA Fall meeting at Munising, Michigan. See elsewhere in this newsletter for more information.
PENNSYLVANIA July 6-8: Build a bridge on the NCT as a part of the Keystone Trail Association Trailcare project. For more information, contact Ed Beck, (412) 469-2688.
NEW YORK July 7: Finger Lakes Trail Fifty-Miler (frail Run). Treman State Park. Contact John Sholeen, 206 N. Titus Ave., Ithaca NY 14850 (607) 273-1107. July 16-21: FLTC Work Crew #1, East-Central section of FLT. Contact Fred and Georgia Evans, (716) 359-3989 for details. July 22: Finger Lakes Trail 7k and 15k Runs, Virgil State Forest. Contact Joe Dabes, 1189 Dryden Rd., Ithaca NY 14850 (607) 272-8957. July 28: Finger Lakes Trail Conference President's Hike, Danby State Forest. Leader: Joseph Donovan. August 19: Virgil Mountian Madness Trail Run, 21.1 miles, Virgil State Forest. Contact Joe Dabes at above address. August 20-25: FLTC Work Crew #2, Western section of FLT. Contact Elma Bowen (716) 297-5520 for details. September 2: Virgil Mountain Monster Marathon RunHike, part ofNCT 10th Anniversary Celebration. Staggers start handicaps based on age and sex. Virgil State Forest. Contact Joe Dabes at above address.
MICHIGAN July 14-15: Trail maintenance in the Manistee National Forest, White Cloud Ranger District. Contact Ruth Sack (616) 363-5966. August 4-5: Trail maintenance in the Manistee National Forest, in prepapration for the 10th Anniversary Hike. Contact Darlene Snyder at (616) 364-8722 days or (616) 784-5050 evenings. August 19-September1: Trail building in the McCormick Wilderness Area west of Marquette, MI. Contact Vince Smith, Box 76, Whitemore Lake, MI 48189. October 19-21: NCTA Fall Meeting at Munising, MI. See elsewhere in this newsletter for more information.
omo August 25: Buckeye Trail Association Board of Trustees meeting. Contact Buckeye Trail Association., PO Box 254, Worthington OH 43085. September 29-30. BTA Work Weekend on Ohio Power Company lands. Contact BTA at above address for more information.
A segment of the Finger Lakes Trail near Taylor, New York, has been placed on the American Hiking Society's Top Ten "Trails in Trouble" list, due to the possible siting of a low-level radioactive waste dump along it's course. "One of the more pleasant stretches of the Finger Lakes Trail winds through the woods and rolling hills near the town of Taylor," an article in the May, 1990 "American Hiker" noted. "But that may change in the future if New York State decides to place a low-level radiation waste dump directly adjacent to the trail. Goodbye, forest and field. Hello, chain link fence and processing plant. "Land next to the Taylor segment of the 535-mile trail is among five parcels currently under consideration by a state commission looking for a place to process and store low-level radioactive waste. Although only one mile of the trail would be physically altered, the idea of hiking along a radioactive dump may leave some hikers feeling a bit unsettled. The trail's topography wouldn't change as drastically as its personality. "The commission is still deciding which two of the five sites currently under consideration will be examined in the next, more thorough phase of the study. Hikers can voice their objections to siting the dump along the Finger Lakes Trail, thus altering one of the region's premier recreational resources. Write: New York State Low-Level Radioactive Waste Siting Commission, 1215 Western Ave., Suite 306, Albany, NY 12203." The possibility of another low-level nuclear waste dump along the NCT, this one in Michigan's Ottawa National Forest, has been temporarily ruled out. Michigan had selected three sites in Michigan for initial study, one of them in the Ottawa National Forest in Michigan's western upper peninsula near the route of the NCT. However, in March, this site and another one in Michigan were ruled out because of their impact on wetlands, leaving only one, located in Riga Township, near the Ohio line for consideration but in late May, this one, too, was ruled out, which will force the Michigan Low-Level Radioactive Waste Authority to look at other sites. The Ottawa National Forest has two of the remaining sites in the "top ten" list of possible sites proposed in Michigan. It has been noted that ALL low-level radioactive waste sites yet constructed have leaked. Designing and building a low-level radioactive waste dump that will not leak for the 200 to 500 year lifespan of the radioactive waste is just about impossible. It is becoming increasingly clear that there is no site in the northeast or uppermidwest where leakage will not affect ground water sources.
Moderate optional length DAY hiking along skyline trails. 7-2 week toura basing at 15 mountain 3-4 star hotels. All hikes guided by NCT member c路ecll Dobblna. For a free color brochure call (2161 867-3771, or write to:
c1111a1de Dr. OH 44313
swissair ~ .
North Country Trail Association
Newsletter, Summer 1990
NEW YORK Certified
Lake Placid~
What's the problem in the Adirondacks? by Howard S. Beye Trails Coordinator, Finger Lakes Trail Conference When the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the North Country National ScenicTrailwasissuedon0ctober3, 1975, the approximate 156 mile NCT route went through the Adirondack Park from near Forestport, NY, to Crown Point, NY. The location of the corridor was selected by the Federal-State Task Force, which included representation from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). The Adirondack Mountian Oub (ADK) was also consulted on the location. The Adirondack Mountian Club, on May 14, 1982, passed a "Resolution on the Proposed North Country National Scenic Trail": "RESOLVED, that with regard to the North Country National Scenic Trail proposal, the Adirondack Mountain Club: ''(l) Supports the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation position that any route proposed for said trail which traverses Forest Preserve lands be considered in the appropriate Unit Management Plan for each area involved and further states that any route decision should not be approved by DEC until the completion and final approval of the Unit Management Plan(s) involved. "(2) Opposes routing the proposed trail through any Forest Preserve Wilderness Area establishedunder the State Land Master Plan and strongly opposes any trail construction for said trail in currently trailless areas of such designated wildernesses. "(3) Recommends that alternative trail routes and termini be considered outside of the Adirondacks, e.g. an extention of the Finger Lakes Trail from Walton, N.Y., to the Appalachian Trail in Massachusetts.
Adirondack RR
Finger Lakes Trail NCT Projected
"::-· ·
NCT Alternate?
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R ome P ar k -;r···· Old Erie Canal Treman SP Walkins Glen S~
"(4) Recommends that said trail not utilize or traverse existing trails which are currently subjected to heavy usage. "(5) Opposes any DEC approval of the implementationand/or constructionof said trail until specific plans for trail construction, maintenance and management, including clear specification of long-term labor and fiscal responsibility therefore, are provided by the National Park Service. "(6) Urges that said trail plans and specification provide for minimum cutting, clearing and new trail construction." On April 26, 1985,Mr. Thomas D. Shearer, the DEC representative to the North Country Trail Advisory Council (NCTAq responded to a request from the Chairman of the NCT AC regarding "Priorities for Trail Development, the North Country Trail in New York."
·"It is presumed that a decision for or against NCT designation in the first two units will establish a precedent" I quote part of Mr. Shearer's response: "The general location route was initially identified by the State Department of Environmental Conservation as a starting point from which to begin the "Unit Management Planning" process required by the Adirondack Park State Master Land Plan for public lands administered by the DEC. The general location route crosses nine units of State land for which individual unit plans must be developed with citizen's participation. Although several of these units have been scheduled for plan development, shortage of DEC staff has limited initiation of the plans. It is presumed that a
Connecticut Hill
•.. Point\
•••J ···· ...•
(. ..••. / •·•.
Fulton Chain
Non·NCT Finger Lakes Trail .....
decision for or against NCT designation in the first two units completed will establish a precedence for the remaining seven units to follow. · "There are proponents against NCT designation in the Adirondacks. The proposed route would reach a dead end at Crown Point with the Vermont recreation interest opposed to its linking with the Appalachian Trail. Two re-routing alternatives exist: (1) Via the FLT through the Catskills to connect with the "Long Path" which already connects with the Appalachian Trail, and (2) via the FLT to connect with the Old Erie Canal State Park, easterly along the Barge Canal trail system to connect with a proposed northerly extension of the Long Path into the Mohawk Valley region. "It should be noted that the two above rerouting alternatives would route the trail through Forest Preserve land in the Catskill region. FLT designation on Forest Preserve land here is also dependent on DEC unit management planning process. There are probably proponents against the NCT designation here as well as in the Adirondacks. This reasoning seems to reinforce DEC's initial determination to 'begin the NCT planning options in the Adirondacks and wait' conclusion." On September 6, 1986, the New York State Trails Council formed a committee to identify route alternatives, develop a proposal and confer with the DEC, OPRHP and other users. The committee was to evaluate the pros and cons of the existing proposed corridor and weigh them against any alternatives that are identified. The committee issued a report on December 5, 1986. The committee found that an alternate route exists: a study of maps of the western section of the Catskill Preserve showed that a connection can be made
between the eastern end of the FLT and the p~nt Long Pa!h, using a combination of existing state trails and roads. With a minimal amount of new trail construction, generally or wholly on state land and violating no wilderness area, the trall can later be routed off roads. Hikers could go south on the Long Path into Harriman State Park and meet the Appalachian Trail. ' ~n a letter dated April 29, 1987, Thomas Gilbert, the NCT Coordianator for the National Park Service, wrote to AJbert (Cap) Field regarding the NYSTC report on "An ~ternate Route North Country Trail". I will quote some portions of this letter:
"We believe the report ... unnecessarily magnifys the potential problems with this route" "We do not necessarily disagree with the Catskills route proposed by the NCT subcommittee. and adopted by the council membership. However, we believe that the t~o-pa~e report, "The North Country Scenic ~rail - Problems with the Proposed Routing through the Adirondacks "unneces~rily. magnifys the potential problems with this route. The exaggerated impacts contained in the paper are largely predicted on the hypothesisthat substantiallyincreased numbers of hikers will descend upon the Adirondacks when the NCT is established ev~n if on largely existing trails. We do not believe that hypothesis is correct; We would not be so presumptuous as to think that establishment or designation of the NCT route w_ould of itself draw significant numbers of hikers to the Adirondacks. People come to the Adirondacksbecause onlie park's hiking opportunities (generic),its outstandingscenic beauty, wilderness values etc. "While we believe th~ arguments presented against an Adirondack route are weak, the arguments presented in favor of a Catskills or sout.hem route are positive, strong and persusarve, We believe the route deserves serious consideration. However, the state of New York, through both Tom Shearer and Gary Ives, has envouraged us to not consider other routes until the Adirondack route has been evaluated through the ~~it I?anagement process. Our present positron IS that we will not consider abandoning the Adirondack route unless the state officially recommends such a route to us." Thomas Reimers, President of the North Country Trail Association, on February 13, 1988, wrote to Madeline Dennis Executiv~ Director of the New York - N~w Jersey Trail Conference (NYNITC) requesting the
North Country Trail Association Newsletter, Summer 1990 concerns and opinions of the NYNJTC regarding a "southern route" for the NCT along the FLT. Ms. J?ennis responded on April 18, 1988, regarding the NYNJTC feelings on the NCT. Quoting part of her letter: "Howard Dash, our Long Path Chairman and our Boa~d. ~f Directors are still d~ing the feasibility of re-routing the North Country Trail onto the Long Path as far as Harriman - Bear Mountian State Park. We are studying the NCT Management Plan and will be discussing the idea with various state organizations and agencies. "I am sure you are aware that this decision involves not only the NY-NJ Trail Conference and its federation of maintaining groups, but will also involve the NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, the Palisades Interstate Park Commission as well as the Appalachian Trail Conference. ."We. can see the advantages of NCT designation f?r the Long Path, just as we are also particularly concerned with the issue of our organization's autonomy regarding trail management." When I started to put this document together, I ~quired of Gary Ives, the DEC representative to the New York State Trails Council, as to the status of any of the Unit Management Plans related to the North Country Trail. He responded that he believed the plan for the Hammond Pond Wild Forest had been completed and that progress was being made on the other plans. Mr. Ives sent me a copy of the plan for Hammond Pond Wild Forest. This plan had been accepted as the Final UMP on March 18, 19.88. I~ r~viewi~g the plan, the North Country ~l IS mentioned on page 48. I will quote the last two paragraphs: "In New York, the Department, as the lead agency, has proposed a broad corridor co~cept for the trail originating at Crown Pm~t and traveling in a southwesterly direction to enter Pennsylvania in the vicinity of Allegany State Park. "This proposed corridor crosses the Ha!llmond Pond Wild Forest from Crown Point to North Hudson. Initially, the corridor crosses private lands until it enters state lands in the vicinity of Hail Mountian. I:<>cal govei:n.mentsand private organizations and citizens will be encouraged to ~ume responsibilities for trail location in this area. Once the trail enters state lands it will follow unmarked foot paths and marked trails past Hammond Pond, Bass Lake, and Hatch Pond, leaving the area in the vicinity of North Hudson. The actual designation and/or construction of this trail will not be undertaken during the term of this plan." The last sentence, I think, is the key to what can be expected regarding the NCT
unless a more direct approach is taken toward establishing or rejecting the NCT through the Adirondack Park in the remaining Unit Management Plans.
"The actual designation and/ or construction of this trail will not be undertaken during the term of this plan " ~ince each of the plans, once made final, will not ~e reviewed for at least five years, we are JUSt not making any progress in resolving the routing problem through the Adirondack Park. In a let~er written January 9, 1990, Gary Ives, Chief of Preserve Protection and Management commented on this point: "It appears that there is some misunderstanding regarding DEC's role in establish~ent of the North Country Trail. It is the intent of t~e unit management planning process to simply determine whetherornot the establishment of the trail through a particular unit in the Forest Preserve will be acceptable or not. The actual route will depend on existing trails and appropriate rotues for new trails within the unit and the connection with trails coming off private ~~d. ~e J?epartment is not taking the lead m identifying and seeking out appropriate ro~tes for the trail across private lands. ThJS would be a major undertaking by Department staff. ~I. ~hare Y?ur interest in developing a definitive position relative to the appropriaten~ of the North Country Trail through the Adirondacks. However, this cannot be done until it is found that establishment of the trail within the corridor desigJW¢ by Congress can be appropiately accomodated on all of the designated units. ~I agree with you that the wording in the unit management plans should not be such that we are always putting off the establishme~t for at least 5 years. To this end, I am asking that our staff involved in unit management planning for the Adirondacks take the position that at such time as it is determined appropriate for the North Country Trail to pass through the Forest Preserve in the Adirondacks, an amendment to each p~ will be developed to identify the specific route." All in all, however, we are no further along than in 1975 when the broad corridor route was first proposed by the DEC. I believe it is time to make a firm determination through the Unit Management Planproeess reganlingthe NCT route through the.~d.irond~ck Park so that other plans can be initiated if the present Adirondack route is rejected in any or all of the remaining Unit Management Plans.
The Tr
North Country Trail Association Newsletter, Summer 1990
€oIDe celebrate ten "'" years of the NCT!
MICHIGAN 4. Peter Wolfe Memorial Hike in Ottawa National Forest. Details uncertain. Contact Ruth MacFarlane, 103 Keranen Rd., M~ City MI 49948 (906) 883-3696.
t!:-elebrate the tenth anniversary of the North Country National Scenic Trail on September 2! . The North Country National Scenic Trail is one of eight National Scenic Trails in the National Trails system. When completed, the NCT will extend approximately 3,200 miles across seven states. Over 1,000 miles of the trail are fa.lly finished and ready for hiking. You are invited to participate in this nationally significant event. Plans are being made for several day hikes, backpacking trip~ guided nature hikes, and other interesting and eexciting activities for individuals and families. . Please join us! Reserve September 2, 1990, (Sunday of Labor Day Weekend) for this chance to share: the excitement with thousands of other trail enthusiasts across the seven states through which the North Country National Scenic Trail passes.
NORTH DAKOTA 1. Day hike, possibly scheduled for Sheyenne National Grassland. No details available at press time. Contact Linda Mieke, 1536 Second Ave. S, Fargo ND 58103.
MINNESOTA 2. Activities planned in Chippewa National Forest; no details available at press time. Contact Rod MacRae, 1210 W. 22nd St., Minneapolis MN 55405.
WISCONSIN 3. Activities uncertian at press time. Contact Rick Magyar, 6119 Steinke Rd., Fall Creek W1 (715) 877-2611.
5.SugarLoa/MounJain. lOmileDayhike on Sugar Loaf Mountian near Marquette. Contact Don Elzinga, 1010 Allouez, Marquette MI 49855 (906) 225-1585. 6. MackiMc City - St. Ignace Area: Sept. 3: Bridge walk with ribbon cutting ceremony; September 2 - Day hike into Hiawatha National Forest, and possibly another into Wilderness State Park. Tent will be set up in Mackinac City Sept 1 - 3 for information. Contact Derek Blount, 906 N. Alexander, Royal Oak MI 48067 (313) 548-1737. 7. Mani.stee National Forest: Three days of activities on Sept. 1 - 3. Activities include Smoky the Bear and Woodsy the Owl will be there for 2 mile kids treasure hunt hikes at 10, 11 and 12 AM; 10 mile hikes at 1 PM; 25 mile hike on Sept. 3. Pins will be sold and each hiker will receive a certificate. Contact Darlene Snyder, 4067 Luxford, Comstock Park, MI 49231(616)784-5050. t'l. Rogue River State Game Area: Day hike sponsored by Sierra
Club, time unknown. Contact Pat Allen, 2215 Sylvan Dr., SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506 (616) 452-4487.
OHIO 9. Miami-Erie Trail from Lock 2 to Lake Loramie. Hikers should meet at Lock 2, located 1 mile north of New Bremen, east of StateRoute 66 on Lock 2 Road. Hike will follow the Miami and Erie Canal through New Bremen and Minster and end at Lake Loramie. Hike will be 8 miles and will start at 1:00 PM. Camping opportunities at Lake Loramie (181 campsites) and Grand Lake St. Marys State Park (256 campsites) Neal Brady, Leader.
North Country Trail Association
Summer 1990
PENNSYLVANIA 14.Moraine State Park; Day hike, Sept 2. Contact Dr. Bill Shiner, Dept. of Parks, Recreation and Environmental Education, Slippery Rock University, Slippery Rock, PA, 16057 (412) 794-7554, or (412) 794-8486; or Larry Adams, Park Superintendent, Moraine State Park, RD #1, Portersville PA (412) 368-8811.
15. Cook Forest: Day hike, Sept. 2. Contact Glenn Oster, AYH, 784 Olive Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15237 (412) 364-2864; or Karl Scblenter, Park Supt., Cook Forest State Park, Box 120, Cooksburg, PA (814) 774-8407.
16.Allegheny National Forest: Day hike, Sept. 2. Contact Brita and Don Dom, Star Rt. Box 476, Sheffield PA 16347 (814) 9685759; or David Wright, Forest Supervisor, PO Box 847, Warren PA 16365 (814) 723-5150.
NEW YORK 17. Overnight backpack trip on the Finger Lakes Trail/North Country Trail, in Tompkins County, NY, in state forest. Limited to 10 people. Great variety. Meet at 9:00 AM Saturday at OK Market at Gunderman Road and route 96B in Danby. Call Doris or Cliff Abbott (607) 272-5119 to reserve a place. 18.Watkins Glen State Park day hike. See the gorge from above! Pizza when finished. Meet at 1:30 PM on White's Hollow Road. Take route 329 west from Watkins Glen south of park in Schuyler Co., NY. Call Larry Komer (607) 739-1833 for more information.
10. Ceaser's Creek State Park. Ohio Horseman's Coun cil, Warren County Chapter, is hosting a 3-day ride, beginning on Saturday at park, continuing to Morrow, and camping at Morgan's Canoe Livbery. Canoe on Little Miami River and ride the trails. Pre-registration required, with charges for camping, canoeing and some meals. Must supply own horse. Contact Tomi Spyker, 7040 Africa Road, Galena OH 43021 11. Eu Fork Trail. Clermont County Mounted Patrol will host their annual bean dinner and trail ride, beginning Sunday at 10:00 AM. Fee $10.00 for ride and dinner. Must supply own horse. Contact Tomi Spyker, 7040 Africa Road, Galena OH 43021. 12. Wayne National Forest, Archer's Fork Area. Meet at Wayne National Forest Office on Route 7, north of Marietta at 8:30 AM. Caravan to hike site. Hike will be a circle hike; hikers will return to their cars after their 9.5 mile hike. Features of the hike will include one of Ohio's famous natural bridge plus an outstanding example of a rock shelter. Primitive camping is available anywhere in the forest. Dan Kincald, Leader.
13. Zoar.. There are many opportunities for sight seeing. This event will be featured as a multiple-use weekend, canoeing on the Tuscarawas River, primitive camping, visit Fort Lauren, Atwood Lake, gg fishing-and hike the trail. The hike will start on Sunday morning at 10:00 AM. Meet at the canoe livery on Rotute 212 just east ofl-77. Mary Hamilton, Leader. For additonal information on Ohio events, contact Emily Gregor, 6502 Olde York Rd., Cleveland OH 44130, or Tomi Spyker at above address.
19. Goundry Hill State Forest Dedication of trail as official North Country Trail and short hike. Newest North Country Trail! Meet at 10:00 AM across road from general store in Monterey. Take county road 16 west from Watkins Glen south of park in Schuyler Co., NY. Call Larry Komer (607) 739-1833 for more information. 20. Birdseye Hollow day hike. Ceremonial closing of long-time gap on Finger Lakes Trail. Brand new trail! Meet at 1 :30 PM at Highway Department Garage, junction of routes 54 and 54A near Hammondsport, Steuben Co., NY. Call Irene Szabo (716) 6584321 for more information . 21. Connecticut Hill State Wildlife Management Area day hike. Meet at 1:30 PM at fire station in Newfield, Route 13 south of Ithaca. Call Laura McGuire (607) 564-3548 for information. 22. Roberl H. TremanState Park.Guided nature hike on loop and gorge trail. Great for families! See Lucifer Falls, 115 feet high. Meet at 1 :30 PM at at the old mill near UpperTreman Park parking lot, route 327 southwest oflthaca. Call Tony Ingraham (607) 3877041 for more information. 23. Virgil Forest Monster MarotlwnRun-Hike- 26.2 miles on the Finger Lakes Trail/North Country Trail. Pre-registration required. Meet at 8:30 AM at "The Rafters" Restaurant, route 392 east of Virgil, Cortland County, NY. Call Joe Dabes, (607) 2728957 for more information. 24. Onondaga Trail day hike. Proposed North Country Trail to the Adirondacks! Meet at 1 :30 PM at Labrador Pond Unique Area parking lot, Onondaga and Cortland Counrties, NY. Call Bill Coffin (315) 637-8830 for more information. For more information on New York events, contact Tom Reimers (607) 272-8679 or Howard Beye (716) 288- 7191.
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North Country Trail Association Newsletter, Summer 1990
Goodbye to Peter Wolfe byRuthB. MacFarlane Last week, Peter Henry Wolfe died in his sleep. He was seventy-four years old. He had lived among us for only three years, in a little house on East Branch Road bought from the late Beatrice Lakkala. Pete first came through the Upper Peninsula in 1978, hiking the 3200-mile thenproposed North Country National Scenic Trail (NCI). He limped into Jack Neph's Adventure Mine campground in Greenland, pitched his little orange tent, and sat down to let his feet recover. Wherever Pete went, his courage and humor made friends. As he hiked on, continuing the trek from Bennington, Vermont, to Lake Sakakwea, North Dakota, he kept in touch with friends with occasional postcards. In 1986 he returned to the U .P. to lay out, nearly single-handedly, the Adventure Trail, an auxiliary trail that makes it possible for long-distance hikers to leave the NCT and come up through the towns of Rockland, Greenland, and Mass City for resupplying and for motels and restaurants. The first two people to hike the entire twenty-three mile length of the Adventure Trail,marked by yellow rectangles, were Kathy Allen and Kathy Dravillas of Mass City. Since
then, others have taken pleasant hikes on shorter segments of the trail. Following that task, Pete made a circuit in his old blue and black pickup down to New Orleans, thence to New York to see his sons, and then back to White Cloud, Michigan, where he helped to remodel the headquarters building of the North Country Trail Association (NCTA). When it came time to settle, though, he chose the Mass City area of the U.P. because of the warm friendliness he had met there. The house, the first he had ever owned, was small, waterless, and in need of repairs, but weather-tight. He attacked problems with vigor, shoring up sags, fixing wiring, mending this and that. He jacked up his garage and moved it back ten feet with the help of his neighbor, Gerald Makimaa. He ditched his yard, hauled mine rock and sand for his driveway, and studied the lay of the land. When social agencies were informed that he was living there with no water source, means were found to drill him a well. Pete's new neighbors looked him over with caution. After all, his long white hair and beard made him a striking character. He waited, did a good tum here and there, and before long it was "Hi, Pete,", "Hi, Pete" wherever he went. Pete's head was full of plans. He wanted to buy anotheracreofland and plant trees-shade and fruit trees, for a little park where kids could come to camp. He sent for maps and he dreamed of hiking the new Pacific Northwest Trail out of Montana. He planned to attend the NCTA annual meeting in White Cloud, and he was working to plan and promote the 1990 tenth anniversat "
Peter Wolfe Peter H. Wolfe was pronounced dead on arrival at Ontonagon Memorial Hospital Wednesday, May 2, after an apparent heart attack: at his home. He was born on October 31, 1915, in Hartford, Connecticut, son of George and Antoinette Wolfe and attended public schools there. The family later moved to Brooklyn, New York. Two sisters, Aldona and Helen, preceded him in death. Mr. Wolfe married Marie DeSantis on January 4, 1934. He had three sons, as well as a fourth child who died in infancy. Surviving him are his sons, Robert in California, William in Washington, D.C. and Frank in Staten Island, New York. He had eight grandchildren. Peter Wolfe was employed by the Atlantic Service Company, the New
York City Fire Department, and the Brooklyn Navy Yard. He was a member of the Masons and of the Knights of Columbus,both of Brooklyn, New Y<Xk. He was notable for being the first person to walk the length of the 3200 mile proposed North County Trail from Bennington, Vermont to Lake Sakakawea, North Dakota, taking seven summers to do so. Mr. Wolfe settled in the local community of East Branch,. near Mass City, in 1987. Funeral services were held Saturday, May 5, 1990at10:00 a.m. in the Cane Funeral Home in Ontonagan, with the Rev. Fr. Olson officiating. Interment will be in his family plot in New York. - Courtesy of Ontonagon Herald
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hike on the NCT. Pete's early days had been spent in Connecticut and New York. He married and had three sons, but he was parted from them by alcoholism. When in about 1972 or '73, he said "God turned off the alcohol faucet," his first act was to hike the Appalachian Trail. The experiences of that hike transformed his life, and he determined to hike the then-proposed North Country Trail. The first spring out, too early in the year, he froze his feet and spent much of the summer in Ticonderoga, New York, befriended by local people. It took him seven summers to complete the hike. In 1980, he arrived triumphant to be welcomed by the Indian tribes at Lake Sakakawea, North Dakota. They understood a man who would hike the long trail. Over the years, Pete became convinced that God wanted him to hike the NCT, for what reason he did not know but everits on the Trail seemed to him more than coincidence. Pete was an unlikely saint. Salty - even profane ~. language left over_ from his years of dnnking and bumming sprin~ed his speech. He was no crusader against alcohol. Abstinent himself, he mingled with and understood others who drank. Irascible, especially when his feet hurt him (which was often) he could flare into anger. And TALK! Full of his own ideas and experiences, he mesmerized his listeners. Then humor, a twist of a phrase, a twinkle, and he inspired friendship. Local people of all ages gathered to say goodbye to Pete at the morning service on May 5, conducted by the Rev. Father Olson. Kay Preiss and Cheryl Brandt sang "How Great Thou Art" with its line "When through the woods and forest glades I wander, Ihear the birds sing sweetly in the trees ... " and Kathy and Donica Dravillas sang "Who Will Sing for Me When I am Gone?" There were tears. Pete's remains will be buried in a family plot in New York, but his footprints will remain here, in Michigan's Upper Peninsula.
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Spend the 10th Anniversary on Pennsylvania's Allegheny NF by Nancy Schuler, USFS Will you join us for the 10th Anniversary North Country Trail Hike on September 2? Together, the Allegheny Outdoor Club (AOC) and the Allegheny National Forest (ANF) will celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the North Country National Scenic Trail by offering guided hikes of various lengths on September 2. You can register between 8:00 and 10:00 AM at the Willow Bay Recreation Area (lots of parking space). In addition to the guided hikes, the Allegheny Outdoor Club will offer trail segment lists, NCT patches, decals, T-shirts, and applications for North Country Trail Association membership. We welcome you to 86.8 miles of NCT on the Allegheny National Forest (northwestern Pennsylvania). Come walk along the rocks and waterfalls, the Allegheny Hardwoods, the stands of mountain laurel. Corne and explore the meandering miles of trail through the historic lands of the Seneca, the Allegheny Plateau, the home of some of the most valuable Black Cherry and Oak in the world; landscapes rich in history, wildlife and natural beauty. If you 're quiet enough, the trees whisper the names of long ago: Chief Cornplanter, the Seneca prophet Handsome Lake, Kiasutha, Kinzua. "Allegheny" means land of "many and big fishes". The wind still carries the lonesome whistle of the logging trains; sometimes the rain sounds like the long-drawing blade of a cross-cut saw, the deep laughter of lumberjacks. The NCT passes through unique old growth forests. In the 4.080 acres of the Tionesta Natural and Scenic Areas stand trees that were seedlings when Columbus
discovered the New World. The 120-acre Heart's Content Scenic Area is noted for 300-year-old white pine. The 86.8 miles of the NCT in the Allegheny National Forest will connect with the Baker Trail to the south and with Allegany State Park (New York) trails to the north. The Allegheny National Forest portion of the NCTactually starts at the northern end of the Baker Trail, which runs from Pittsburgh to the southern boundary of the Forest near Marienville. It continues northeast across the Forest to the New York state line, where it enters Allegany State Park. The Allegheny became-a National Forest in 1923. Its 512,000 acres lie in Elk, Forest, McKean and Warren Counties in the Allegheny Plateau. When you see the variety of tree and wildlife species, it's hard to believe this area was jokingly called "The Allegheny Brushpatch" in the 1920s. Extensive logging in the late 1800s and early 1900s left the forest nearly barren. The outstanding recreational opportunites, including excellent hunting and fishing, are enhanced by the Kinzua Dam. Completed by the US Army Corps of Engineers in 1966, this flood-control facility harnesses the Allegheny Reservoir, a 12,000 acre impoundrnent. Snuggled in rugged plateau country, the Forest's rolling, sometimes steep topography, cut deeply by hundreds of miles of creeks and streams, boasts an elevation range from 1,000 to 2,300 feet. There is no best season to hike the North Country Trail. Each harbors its own beauty. In spring, you'll find hundreds of wildflowers, many kinds of mushrooms and ferns, nature emerging everywhere. Mountian Laurel, which generally peaks
by Wes Boyd
Packed full of information about the North Country Trail. "The aim is to give the reader the information necessary to find out what they need to know to follow the trail" -- and lots of other useful information. Much more comprehensive than the now out-of-print National Park Service "User's Guide to the North Country Trail". The most inclusive and up-to-date information on the whole trail. $2.95 each. Wholesale (10 or more) $2.00 each. GUIDE TO THE PICTURED ROCKS NATIONAL LAKESHORE, including revised Lakeshore Trail Guide, by Olive Anderson.
•:• •• •
Newsletter, Summer 1990
about mid-June, grows in profusion in some areas. Spring on the Allegheny may be very wet, with some areas swampy and creeks running high. Carry a poncho and be sure your footwear will keep you dry. In summer, the forest is a canopy of green. Berries ripen, fields of sunny yellow goldenrod dance in the breeze. The vivid reds of sumac decorate the landscape in late August and September. In autumn, the forest is painted with colors of every hue. Because we have so many varieties of hardwoods, along with the greens of hemlocks and pines, the range of color is unparalled. Days are soft and warm; nights are crisp and cold. In winter, you may want to cross-country ski or snowshoe parts of the trail. Be prepared for cold weather and occasional deep snow. The trail is open year-round. Motorized vehicles and horses are not allowed on the ANF portion of the NCT. All state fish and game Jawsand licensingrequirements apply. Stay on the trail - avoid damaging vegetation; enjoy the flowers, but don't pick. You are welcome to camp almost anywhere on Allegheny National Forest land. If you're backpacking, please choose a site away from the path and from streams, to protect the trail's natural features. Some primitive campgrounds and occasional dispersed earnpsites are located along the trail. Camping on the shores of Allegheny Reservoir, however, is permited only in developed campgrounds or in a site at least 1.500 feet from shore. Need more information? Write to Allegheny National Forest, PO Box 847, Warren PA 16365 (Forest maps, containing all 86.8 miles of the NCT are available for $2.00). Also, North Country Trail maps should be available sometime in August. Trail coordinators for the Allegheny National Forest segements are Don and Brita Dom, M'legheny Outdoor Club, Star Rt. Box 476, Sheffield PA 16347. Send Order To:
NCTA Bookstore P.O. Box 311 White Cloud, Ml 49349
--- copies of FOLLOWING THE NORTH COUNTRY NATIONAL SCENIC TRAIL at $2.95 per copy ($2.00 per copy if ten or more) --- copies of GUIDE TO THE PICTURED ROCKS NATIONAL LAKESHORE at $5.95 per copy Name-----------------------•--------------------Address--------------------------------------------
The Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore is the centerpiece of the North country Trail -- a rugged, unique coast on the still-wild Lake Superior Shore. Updated in 1988, this 56 page book by Pictured Rocks enthusiast Olive M. Anderson gives the reader revised maps and up-to-date information about this Michigan section of the North Country Trail. $5.95 each (Wholesale $4.25 each)
Please include $1.00 postage per order. Make checks payable to: North Country Trail Association
North Country Trail Association
Newsletter, Summer 1990
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Tall Tales of the North Country1rail by John G. Hipps In the beginning there was the World. And she bung like a jewel in the heart of the universe, suspended with glittering beauty out there in the blackness of time. She was missed, but not lost, in this vastness of forever. And there she was when "The Great Hiker" came upon her during his trek around all the heavenly bodies of space. He had just experienced a hot foot when he stepped from the sun onto the moon, wberepon he felt a frost bite of his feet. This caused him to trip, catching his toe on the South Pole, and, in his frustration, be fell onto the surface of the earth, to find his arms around her strangely sensuous midriff with his face nestled on her breast, right over her heart. The Great Hiker knew at once that this was his long missed soul mate, so he immediately fell in love with her for the rest of eternity, world without end. But, alas and alack, be felt a faint and certain concern for this lovely creature. A tremorous movement quivered upward from his toes, through his groins and into his entire body. This tectonic shift threatened to separate the two ofthem and to burst the world apart. His feelings for this irresistably creature has already become so strong, it was love at first fright. He drew his arms tightly around her equator in order to hold them together. _ It required such great strength and he squeezed her so tightly that the earth's body crinkled a bit, causing her complexion to change from a smooth, hard surface, to a collosal, multi-faceted diamond, and his love grew stronger for this, his sweetheart, the good earth. Let it now be told that the Great Hiker's excitement was so great and his love strong that the fingertips of his right hand opened up a handful of grooves on the Earth's face in the east, and in the West his left hand fell flat and firm on his sweetheart's other cheek. And so it came about thrlt between the latitudes of 38 to 48 degrees north and the logitudes of 71 to 103 degrees west, the spectacle of Adrondiakian hills erupted to move westward into a handful of grooves which then joined the foothills of the keystone mountains and valleys. The rolling buckeye landscape then journeyed northward to meet flat lake lands which leaped across gigantic peninsulas to wander through milkland and across the land of 10,000 lakes to the grassy wave lands of the North. The Great Hiker was exceedingly happy with his one and only love so that be cried many tears of joy, so long and hard and wet, that all the grooves and crevices and vallys were filled with virgin pure water creating a beautiful lady's jewelry of lakes and rivers and streams there in the North Country. Now, after all that has been done and said, the Great Hiker and his Sweetheart knew 'that they had to celebrate their affair by giving birth to some means to hold their relationship together forever. They realized that it would take a special series of interconnections to accomplish this great expectation, so over moons that followed a system of National Scenic and Historic Trails was concieved. Sooner, or later, this immaculate conception gave birth to an umbilical focus destined to hold the whole thing together. And so the North Country Trail came to pass. All of which leads to the introduction of the idea to write a series of stories that will be called "Tall Tales of the North Country Trail The idea is to foster the growth and development of theNCT in its journey from infancy, through childhood toward eventual adulthood. It will also promote an ever-increasing bond offellow-
ship and friendship that has been such a strong feature among us, the volunteers of the NCTA. Eventually these tales will become a collection to be published as a book that will serve the NCTA and its development of theNCT. It is expected that the book will appear in the NCT Newsletter along with other Newsletter publications andwill, no doubt, stay at the top of the best seller list for as long as the trail lives. To accomplish this goal; not in itself a tall tale, we are in need of your stories, the like of which began at Lake Itasca in 1987. The tales can be any length, short or long, just as long as they are tall. They must also be highly imaginative, almost believeable, possibly unbelieveable, sincere but not serious, wild, crazy, fantasy in nature, not an actual experience and the like, and so forth and so forth and so on. Your contributions can be anything previously published in the newsletter or told at NCTA meetings, and anything else yet to be conceived by a group of people like the NCTA membership who has a great talent for tall tales. Now, if you think all of this is a tall tale, try to wait until you read the next one. Send your contributions to Smithipps, 11 West Main Street, Galeton PA 16922.
11111111111~111111111111111~1 A big thank you to all the people who helped with the work weekend at the schoolhouse. It took a lot of hard work to do all the cleaning, painting and fixing to see that the schoolhouse was in top shape for the NCTA Annual Meeting. A special thanks to Wally Doane for fixing the well, and to Cathy Bowman for donating the pump for the well, and to Art Holland for all the fixing, tinkering and flag pole building! Another big thanks to Florence Truman, Cathy Bowman, Ruth Sack and DorisPoll for super good cookies, Ruth Arthur for making the stew, Darlene Snyder and Wally Doane for making the salad and all the West Michigan Chapter people who helped prepare, serve and clean-up at the Saturday Night dinner for the annual meeting. Ruth Sack did a terrific job at planning an after-dinner program. We had many compliments on the meal and the program. The Western Michigan Chapter will be putting together a slide program for the North Country Trail, Michigan section. We want slides depicting the broad spectrum of terrain and activites found along the trail in Michigan. Please write the names, places, and date slide was taken on each slide. Submit slides for reviewing by April 1, 1991. Send them to Art Holland, 492 Four Mile Rd., NW, Comstock Park MI 49321. Slides will not be returned. The chapter is starting a Wednesday Walkers group. This active group gets together the first Wednesday of each month (barring foul weatheror holidays) and hikes 5to10 miles, preferably on the North Country Trail, but they do make excursions to other trails on occasion. For more information and directions, Call Bernice Baron at (616) 456-6157 or Ginny Wunsch at (616) 689-6876. The chapter will also sponsor a four-day hike in the Pictured Rocks this summer, August 6-9. We'll be hiking from Grand Marais to Munising on a very picturesque section of the North Country Trail. We will day bike, but you are welcome to backpack on your own. You are responsible for your own accomidations, and must be a member of the NCTA to participate. For information on motels, camping, restaurants, etc., call or write Art Holland, 492 Four Mile Road, Comstock Park MI 49321, (616) 784-6441, or Darlene Snyder, 4067 Luxford NW, Comstock Park, MI 49321 (616) 784-5050. There will be a support vehicle.
North Country Trail Association Newsletter, Summer 1-990
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Board of Directors Meeting May 19, 1990, White Cloud Synopsis of Minutes President Tom Reimers called meeting to order at 8:35 AM. Minutes of October 20, 1989 meeting were approved as printed. Treasurer's report presented balance of checking as of May 16, 1990, was $5,847.76. Report approved. Membershp reported a total of 424 members as of dateof Spring meeting. Ken Gadder presented budget for 1990-91. Budget amended to include categoryfor headquarterstelephoneservice. Budget approved as amended. Ginny Wunsch reported on installation of new pump at Hostel. Total overnights during 1989 were 43 people. Wes Boyd presented report on publications committee. Following the NCTwas in print and had already repaid its publication costs in sales. NCT: Issues and Challenges is currently delayed. Day Hikes on the NCT is awaiting artwork. Derek Blount presented report on 1990 Hike: Design for posters was presented. Purchase of NCT Pin was authorized up to $1000. Plans for the various states were presented. Ruth Sack presented decisions of awards committee. Two plaques to be displayed in headquarters: (1) Distinguished Service award for an NCTA member - annual award in spring. (2) President's Plaque also approved. Wes Boyd reported on fall meeting in upper peninsula. Date and details to be in newsletter. Pat Allen reported on success of NCT Office funding. Office will be in Madison, Wisc. Address: NCNST, NPS. 7818 Big Sky
New NCTA President Martha Jones gets a hug from outgoing president Tom Reimers. Photos courtesy Ed Sidote. Drive, Suite 117, Madison, WI 53719 (608) 833-2788. The office will manage three trails: NCT, Ice Age Trail and Lewis and Clark. Tom Gilbert has been chosen as office manager with staff of three full-time people. Pat presented a plaque from the Michigan State Legislature that recognizes the 10th anniversary of the NCT. Pat presented the revised by-laws. By-laws were approved as presented. Tom Gilbert presented the color proofs of the NPS brochure, and reported on the status of the new Madison office. Tom Reimers discussed the relocation of the Fall 1991 meeting from North Dakota to Wisconsin. A committee headed by Rod MacRae will look into details. The office of Corresponding Secretary was approved with the new president delegated to appoint an individual to the office. Slate of officers for 1990-1992 term was nominated: President, Martha Jones; Vice-President, Barbie Smith-Hipps; Secretary, Tomi Spyker; Treasurer, Ken Gackler. Officers were elected by unanimous vote. Directors elected to term of office ending May, 1993: Pat Allen, Ginny Wunsch, Martha Jones, Derek Blount, Wes Boyd, Pat Tierman, Harlan Liljeqvist, Darlene Snyder, Don Elzinga. Travel expenses for two NCTA representatives were approved for the National Scenic and Historic Trails Conference.
A Belated "Thank You"
Ken Gadder and Virginia Wunsch were presented with the NCTA Distinguished Service Award by Tom Reimers.
Due of an oversight on my part, I failed to ackonwledge efforts of the Buckeye Trail Association for sponsoring the NCTA meeting last fall at Burr Oak State Park, Ohio. I regret not having recognized BTA in one of my "Trail Head" columns while still president. I certainly want to thank BTA for its hospitality and willingness to host the fall meeting. The arrangements were excellent and we all felt truly welcome at the meeting. I particularly enjoyed the BT A cabin with its relaxing atmosphere and goodies provided by BTA. I also want to thank Ginnie Wunsch, Ruth Sack, Doris Poll, and everyone else who organized another excellent annual spring meeting in Michigan. It gets better every year! Sincerely Thomas J. Reimers Past President
Country Trail Association
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Summer 1990
Fall Meeting Oct. 19-21 in Munising, MI The NCTA 1990 Fall Meeting will be held on October~ through Jiit at Munising, Michigan, near the famous Pictured Rocks !'rational Lak:eshore. Plan now to attend! The meeting will be held at the new joint NPS/USFS visitor center in central Munising. It is intended at this point that the main meeting activities will take place on Saturday at the center. A hospitality suite is planned for Friday night, at a site to be announced in the next newsletter. Meeting attendees will be on their own for finding accomodations, but with several motels and campsites around in a slow time of year, this should not prove difficult. Several motels are located within easy walking distance of the meeting location, including the Northern Motel (906) 387-2493, Scotty's Motel (906) 3872449, the Starlight Motel (906) 387-2291, and the Terrace Motel, (906) 387-2735. Somewhat farther is the Sunset Motel (906) 3874574; east of the city, the Alger Falls Motel (906) 387-3536, the Hillcrest Motel and Cabins (906) 387-9959; and at Christmas, 41/ 2 miles west, the Yule Log Motel and Cabins at (906) 387-3284 or (906) 387-2637. Several other motels are located in AuTrain, several miles further west. Camping is available at the Munising City Tourist Park (906) 387-2095, and the private Otter Lake Campground (906) 387-3559. Camping is also available at the Bay Furnace USFS Campground. Several hikes and other activities are planned for the weekend, depending on the weather, which can be quite variable at the time of year, so plan clothing, etc., accordingly. Glen Oster is planning to lead a backpack trip from Grand Marais to Munising the week before the meeting. Car shuttle will be provided, but hikers are expected to provide their own food, gear, etc., for this trip with the AYH veteran trip leader. For further information and to make reservations, contact Glen Oster, 784 Olive St., Pittsburgh PA 15237 (412) 364-2864. Other hike plans will be announced at the meeting, but trips to Miners Falls and around the Chapel Lake and Chapel Beach loops are a strong possibility if weather permits. For further information about Munising, the Pictured Rocks, and the surrounding area, contact the Alger Chamber of Commerce, Box 405, Munising, MI 49862 (906) 387-2138. Most of the business meeting will be on Saturday, with other activities on Friday and Sunday. A more complete schedule of events, along with pre-registration forms, will be published in the next NCTA Newsletter.
Trail Head A letter from the President
On this Saturday, which was to have been a "sunny" spring, hiking day on the North Country Trail, I stand looking out the window at a heavy downpour of rain. It's a good time to allow my thoughts to wander ahead - and back. It's not difficult to project into the future on a subject that you care about and believe in as I do about the NCT. I visualize a membership far too great to handle by ballpoint pen any more. I imagine funds ready to spend on properly designated projects to get the trail on the ground, and I see many happy volunteers working to clear trail, and, later, "adopting" sections of trail which they will keep tidy and ready for use by those who wish to journey along its way. Sound like a dream? Maybe. But it is a realistic dream and it will; for sure, all come together one day if we pursue it with patience, perserverance and true determination! As my thoughts wander back over the past ten years I am reminded that it was just a handful of people who took the dream路 of a North Country Trail, from Lake Champlain (NY) to Lake Sakakawea (ND), and started working on it. With their patience, determination and dedication the North Country Trail got under way. And today- ten years later - more than one-third of the anticipated 3200 miles is on the ground - many of those miles Certified. We owe many thanks to that handful of people who got the trail started, and to the many who have given of their time and efforts since to serve the North Country Trail Association in many different capacities. Our aprpeciation goes to the many, near and far, who support us with their memberships and financial contributions, and, of course, to the National Park Service and the US Forest Service for their guidance, support and assistance over all the years. The NCT A Annual Fall Meeting this October will take place in Munising, Michigan, in the Upper Peninsula on beautiful Lake Superior. If you have never attended one of our Spring or Fall meetings, I urge you to try and be there. We'll be discussing many matters of interest and making decisions concerning the trail, renewing old friendships and making new ones (with some of the finest "out-door-loving" people you'll ever meet!), we'll manage to do a bit of hiking, and, in general, have a fun and productive weekend. Why not give it a try? As your newly elected President, I would like to say that I approach my term with a great deal of enthusiasm for a project that I truly believe in. I pledge to all of you my best effort to keep the NCT and your Association moving forward. To continue a tradition which our former President, Tom Reimers, started, I plan to visit with all of you in the quarterly newsletter under the "Trail Head", and I invite any and all of you to share your concerns and/ or suggestions with me and your North Country Trail Association Board. With continued support from all of you we will go forward, we will grow, and one day we will have a completed North Country Trail. =Martha Jones, president
To build a 3,259 mile National Scenic Trail takes great teamwork. Join our team!
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A National Park Service Project
Contactthe North CountryTrail Association PO Box311 White Cloud, Michigan 49349
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APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP Annual Dues: membership year runs from July 1 through June 30. Dues paid from April 1 on are valid through June 30 of the following year. Adult Family (includes children under 18) Student Organization Supporting Donor Life Patron Commercial
$ 10.00 $ .15.00 $ 5.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $ 250.00 $ 300.00 $ 5000.00 $ 500.00
D Yes, I would like to further support the North Country Trail Association with my tax free contribution of $ ......... enclosed.
North Country Trail Association PO Box 311 White Cloud, Ml 49349 I wish to join the North Country Trail Association. Enclosedis $ membership. Name Address
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