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NCT END-TO-ENDER#4 Chet Fromm at the last North Country Tran Marker at the west end of the trau
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NORTH STAR: The Newsletter of the North Country Trail Association, October-December 1995 COMMITTEES
the news letter of the
North Country Trail Association RECYCLED PAPER
3777 Sparks SE, Suite 105 Grand Rapids, Ml 49506 Phone (616) 975-0831 FAX (616) 975-0957 Editor:
Meetings: Martha Jones
Executive Director: (616) 452-4487
Membership: Kenneth Gackler Plannlng: Arden Johnson
National Park Service Administrator Bill Menke, National Park Service, 700 Rayovac Dr., Suite 100, Madison WI 53711
Finance: Arden Johnson Headquarters Virginia Wunsch, Rt. 1, White Cloud Ml 49349 (616) 689-6876
Wes Boyd, 14815 Rome Road, Manttou Beach, Ml 49253
Pat Allen, 3777 Sparks SE, #105, Grand Rapids Ml 49506
Awards: Odell Bjerkness
(608) 264-5610
Publications: Wes Boyd Trail Management: Gaylord Yost
President: Derek Blount, 906 N. Alexander, Royal Oak Ml 48067
(81 0) 548-1737
Vice President (Trails): Gaylord Yost, 2925 W. Bradley Rd., River Hills WI 53209
(414) 354-8987
Vice President (Admln) Odell Bjerkness, Bad Medicine Lake, R1, Box 221A, Ponsford, MN 56575
(218) 573-3858 (517) 547-7402
Treasurer: Arden Johnson, 600 Tennyson, Rocheste.rHills, Ml 48307
(810) 853-0292
Howard Beye, 202 Colebourne Rd., Rochester NY 14609 Hans Erdman, 116 E. Rose PL Little Canada MN 55117 Kenneth Gackler, 113 Taos Nt:., Ada, Ml Tim Mueller, 625 Nichita Dr., Bismark ND 58504 Doug Welker, R1, Box 59A, Pelkie Ml 49958
Odell Bjerkness R1 Box 221A, Ponsford, MN 56575 Chet Fromm, 1001 tompkins Dr., Port Orange, FL 32119 Emilv Greru:>r, 6502 Olde York Rd.1.J;>arma Hts OH 44130 Pat Miller,~1 Box 36A Washburn vvl Glenn Oster, 784 Olive St., Pittsburgh, PA 15237 Gaylord Yost, 2925 W. Bradley Rd., River Hills WI 53209
716 612 616 701 906
288-7191 482-1877 957-9751 265-7571 338-2680
218 904 216 715 412 414
567-3858 788-2232 884-0281 373-3735 364-2864 354-8987
810 51 616 513 810 612 716 412
548-1737 547-7402 623-8659 879-2068 853-0292 ' 436-1795 586-3846 538-9299
Derek Blount, 906 N. Alexander, Royal Oak Ml 48067 Wes Boyd, 14815 Rome Road, Manitou Beach Ml 49253 David Cornell, 514 Cordes Rd., Delton, Ml 49046 Elwood Ensor, 1304 Harison Dr. Fairborn OH 43524-5816 Arden Johnson, 600 Tennyson, Rochester Hills, Ml 48307 John Leinen, Jr., 111 Quant Ct So1-.LakelandMN 55043 Harmon Strong, 76 Shellwood Dr, Rochester NY 14618 Jim Stull, 206 Kaufman Rd., Evans City, PA 16033
New York Howard Beye Pennsylvania vacant
Acting Secretary: Wes Boyd, 14815 Rome Road, Manitou Beach Ml 49253
A At-large representatives B Represents Buckeye Trail Association (Appointed by BTA) C West Central Region representatives E Eastern Region Representative F Representsringer Lakes Trail Conference (Appointed by FLTC} G General affiliate representative (Current appointment by AYH Pittsburgh) H Honorary representative W Western region representatives
1 Ohio .Ji,m Sprague, 4406 Ma,E.lecrest, !i'arma OR 44129 (<!16) 884-4757
Michigan (Lower) Arden Johnson Michigan (Âľ.P.) Gene Elzinga, 1 Z Middle ISiand , Marquette l'illl 49855 (906) 225-1704 Wisconsin Gaylord Yost Minnesota Hans Erdman North Dakota Dale Anderson, RR 1, Box 1 (t Oslo, MN, 56744 (218)~65-4508 REGIONAL AFFILIATES New York: Finger Lakes Trail Conference, PO Box 18048, Rochester NY 14618-0048 Ohio: Buckeye Trail Association, PO Box 254, Worthington OH 43085 Penns~lvania: AYH PlttsburghCouncil, 5604 Solway, #202, Pittsburgh PA 15217 CHAPTER CHAIRS Headwaters: Hans Erdman (see above) NCT Hikers: Gene Elzinga (see above) Traverse City: Gr~g Law, 1953 Lilrdle Rd Traverse City, Ml 49684 Western Michigan: Bill Van Zee 7744 Thornapple Bayou Dr. SE, Grand Rapids Ml, 49512
NORTH STAR: 7he ·Newsletter of the North CdiJntry Trail Association, October-December 1995
CONGRATULATIONS to Virginia Wunsch, longtime NCTA Headquarters manager, who was recognized as an outstanding trail volunteer from Michigan in the First Annual Trail Volunteers of the Year sponsored by Vibran Shoes.
IT JUST KEEPS GOING AND GOING AND GOING ••• the Energizer Bunny may not hang out on Ray-0-Vac Drive, but the National Park Service office there is doing a good imitation with new certifications, all of the below on August 2: • 10.6 miles of trail in Bully Hill, Klipnocky, and Slader Creeks State Forests in New York; The FLTC has an additional 23.2 miles coming soon. They now have 114.4 of a projected 389.7 miles. • 8.2 miles of the Battle Creek, Michigan, Linear Parkway, located in the city; • 2.6 miles of trail in Wilderness State Park, Michigan, from existing trail to the south park boundary; and • 0.4 miles of trail across private property in Emmet County, Michigan. This is the first trail segment where the NCTA itself, instead of some public agency, is listed as the managing authority. The action brings the total certified length of the NCNST to 1264.8, and the total signed mileage to 1275.0, according to Bill Menke of the National Park Service.
THE ENVIRONMENTAL Protection Agency is distributing a guide to understanding the basic ways to raise capital for environmental projects like trails development. "A State and Local Government Guide to Environmental Pro-
Funding Alternatiuee" contains explanationsand e:xamples of seven typesoffundingoptions: state revolving funds, leases, grants, public-private partnerships, taxes, fees, and bonds. The free guide is available from the Center for Environmental Research Information at (513) 5697562.
ONE OFTHE FOUNDERS of the Buckeye Trail, Merrill C. Gilfillan, has received a special Founder's award from the Buckeye Trail Association. Gilfillan firstsuggested the establishment of a foot trail linking Cincinnati tb the Conneaut area of Lake Erie in the magazine section of · the Columbus Dispatch on November 2, 1958. The suggestion was well received, and the concept later grew into the Buckeye · Trail. Gilfillan, now 85, lives in Rochester, NY.
CORRECTION: Don Elzinga writes: 'The bridge picture
shown in the last North Star is of our new Laughing Whitefish River bridge, which was constructed the summer of 1993. The materials for it were hand carried by volunteers to the site. The incident involving the Coast Guard helicopter helping with materials for two bridges in Craig Lake State Park occurred in 1990."Sorry, Don. However, the North Country TrailHikers have completed the approaches to the bridge, a project which includes nearly 200 stair treads into and out of the ravine where the bridge sits, battling muck, mosquitos, and lumber-stealing thieves. A great project completed!
ACCORDING TO DAVE Raphael, who made pressure plate measurements on the AT several years ago, only one out of four or five hikers bother to register, says the Keystone Trails Association Newsletter. Pennyslvania State Forest officials know the trails are being used, even though there are few sign-ins, because they can see paths worn through brush to get around blowdowns.
Red pine 1995 Fall Board Meeting Report Which way In New York? Wayfarer ends end-to-end trek Hiking North Dakota's Lonetree Country Hiking the World Wide Web Progress reported at Pennsylvania summit E-Mail directory for NCTA, trail people "Be seen" is rule Jor fall hiking Minnesota meeting planned Lots of coming events
6 7 8 9 12 15 16 18 19 20 21
NORTH STAR: The Newsletter of the North Country Tra17 Association, October-December ~ 1995..
Keyboard Trails··· by the Editor
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'This fall, the pace has picked up in the NCTA office. We have a new Calvin College intern, we are sending out guidebook proposals, we adverlisi.ngfor our Madison intern, we have a map format project for Michigan, and we have some now political initatives for the trail in both Pennsylvania and Michigan. We have requested the Director of Lands for the Pennsylvania Grune Commission to approve the construction of theNCTacro3SGwneLands95, 24, 148and285.'Then,if the general corridor is approved, our member organizations such as the Butler Out.door Club, Pittsburgh AYH, and the Shenango Outings Club V'@l have lots of work to do. Already Bob Tait and the ButlerClub have adopted a section ofNorth Country Trail. 'Theyare working to lay out a route on Game lands, and have scheduled trail work training.'This is leading Pennsylvania to surge ahead to be the first 100%state. In Michigan, we are working for amendments to the Commercial Forest Act to add trails access in addition to huntingand fishing, and seeking to modify the Forest Incentive Program to include recreation. We are seeking a legislator to introduce a bill declaring the NCNST to be a state scenic trail and outlining the responsibilities of the DNR I recently met with our former director; April Sholtz, who is now with the Natural Areas Conservancy of West - Michigan to look forjoint projects. She is going to help us in our approach to rural property owners. 'The 'Thornapple Trail committee met at our office. 'This is a railtrail which connects Grand Rapids to Hastings, MI. We may be able to utilize a portion of the trail near the town oflrving. It is importantto see this trail succeed to pave the way for our work in Bany County. Wehavetwonewvolunt.eersworkingonprojectsherein the office. Norman Tubbs, retired City Parks Director for GrandRapids,isseekingtoplacetheNorthCountryTrailon the park plans of five southern Michigan counties. Gordy I..achinette is looking at the map format suggested by Kim Bair and communicating with the Potomac Appapachian Trail Club to see how they obtained their geologicaldata. 'Thego-ahead has been given to introduce WillingSeller legislation. We need your help with your senators, so please write. Ask them to co-sponsor Senator Levin's bill. 'TumGilbert is settingup the meeting to discus; how the National Park Servicecan provide some land assistance staff to the North Country Trail. Finally, I have been working the the UP Hikers to find a suitable memorial to A E. Borsum in whose memory our land fund was created. Ifyouarewondering,yes, thisjobisachallenge. 'Thegood part is the partnershipwith all of you in working to get this wonderful trail on the ground. After a too-hot summer, I'm ready to take a hike.
The deadline for the January - March Issue of the Newsletter is December 31, 1995. Items received after that date cannot be assured of a place in the newsletter. Items received well before that date are much appreciated. The deadline for the April-May issue of the newsletter will be April 1, 1996. I got a real lesson the other day injust how small the world is becoming. You will remember from the last issue of the North Star, a letter from Jeff Lutz, an NCTA member who is currently living in a place where he has problems with regular mail delivery. I've been E-mailing him the newsletter to help him pass the time. - I won't go into the whys and wherefores, but after the last newsletter was out, I somehow managed to delete both the primary and backup copies of the newsletter, after I had E-mailed it to Jeff, but before I had gotten it on the North Star BBS. No real problem; IEmailed Jeff, and asked him to E-mail a copy of the newsletter back to me, which he did, and I put it on the BBS where it belonged. Now, if Jeff were in North Petaluma or East Porlock or West Poughkipsee, this wouldn't have been any big deal. ButJeffis at the South Pole! He'sbeen there at the Amudsen-Scott station for months and will be there till November, sometime. He reports that it's been a mild winter; until September, it only got below -100° F once, and that was back in May, but in early September they did get down to -108.SF. Jeff says that he's appreciated getting the newsletters; the "run-packing" article in the June-July newsletter was especially helpful, he said, for planning some hiking in New Zealand he's going to do before he gets back to the states. I've already asked a big favor of him in helping me out with the above schmozzle, but I hope to be able to persuade him to do a "how I spent my winter" story for us. Thanks, Jeff. Retyping that much stuff would have been a pain in the neck. Now, if! can just rid myself of this vision of Robert Falcon Scott rolling over in his icy grave ...
On the subject ofE~Mail, though: on Page 19, we're publishing a list of E-mail addresses for the NCTA, and have included parts of a list of E-mail addresses for other trail organizations and government agencies, compiled by Charles Cuvelier of the NPS Natchez Trace office. We'll publish an E-mail directory from time to time. If you'd like to be included, drop me a line at "".
Our annual NCTA Conference, "Empire 95" was a great last issue, 'There were lots of workshops, tours, and hikes. If you weren't there then you really did miss a great time. Workshop; included basic map and compass instruction, summer astronomy, forestry demonstrations, andlotsofinterestingtopics. Wes Boyd's "Night Sky" workshop was especially interesting and entertaining. 'The hikes passed through many scenic areas in New York State. On one hike I was on we passed through a beautiful vineyard that meandered down a dozen shale ledge waterfalls. We climbed up theseescarpmentseasilysinoothe late summer water levels were almost noneXistent. My daughter Derah, age ten, found a newexperienoo that was at first frightening. She had to climb up a large waterfall rock fare with the help of a rope. She was really scared but after she made it we couldn't keep her off the next dozen. Another hike took us-along a section of trail on Irene Szabo's land. It was exceptionally well maintained with campsites and wonderful walks through woods and fields. You also missed the folk singing of Tom Knight. He entertained us with a plethora of environmental song; and other such wonderful music. Last issue, I called our speakers "amazing". I think I understated that. Steve Newman, who walked around the world, showed an amazing series of pictures from his travels. It was like watching a National Geographic Special. He had an exoollentsense ofhumorthat helped each of us relate to his feelings in beginning this daunting trip. His perspective of the world is found only in those of us who dare to find the real people by stepping out into this world on foot. Bill Irwin and his dog Orient also spoke to us one evening. Bill and his dog hiked the Appalachian Trail. 'This in itself may not seem like a great aoeomplishment with dozens of people a year doing it, but it takes on special meaning when you realize that Bill is blind. Bill's positive attitude and Christian beliefs led him on an amazing trip into the wilderness. Just getting started and finding the trailhead was in itself anamazingstroke of good fortune. But I will leave these gentlemen to those of you who wish to read of their adventures in the comfort of an armchair in front of afire on a cold winterday. Both SteveNeW1llanandBillhwin have published accounts of their travels; Steve has written Worldwalk and Bill wrote Blind Courage. Both can be obtained at your local bookstore. Next year don't miss this event! It will be in WISCOilSin, in omtjunction with the loo Af!)3 Park and Trail Foundation. It will be a landmark event. On the Washington front, we still are not sure wh~ everything stands. A lot of the issues are still in oonferenoo rommittee. We will keep you posted in our next issue. 路 Our springlsummer/fiill construction season is ooming to a close, A number of projects have come to sureeesful conclusion and the trail has new privies, campsites, bridges and walkways. Mast of this was made possible through the National Park Servioo Challenge Cost Share Program. Five SUCXB3S, as I predicted in the
of the seven states were represented by projects partially financed through the CCS program. Pictures of the completed projects under construction will be in upcoming issues. 'These projects are brought to you through the efforts of the Partnership for the National Trail System, of which NCTAis a participating member. last year for the first time thePartnershipwasabletogetallocatedonethirdofallNPS CCS funds to the National Trail System. 'This has benefited all of the trails. We are fightingto keep this allocation for next year. Another new development has surfaced in the efforts to reroutetheNCNSTintotheArrowhead region ofMinneeota. The National Park Service has officially indicated that they aregoingahead with pursuingthe.Armwheadroute.Itwould appear that the NCNST will soon have a lot of miles added tothetotallengthastheSuperiorIIlkingTrail,theKekebabic Trail, the Mesabi Range Trail and the Border Route are brought into the NCNST. If you wish to read more on this issue, check pack starting with the Wmter 1994 issue of the newsletter and you will find a number of interesting articles about these trails. MliHng an issue? Write our Executive Director, Pat Allen;_perhap; we can find a copy for you. Speaking of 路past copies, I purchased at the NCTA auction at the Conferenoo a first edition of the NCTA newsletter, a total of four pages dated Qinter 1981-82, volume 1 number 1. It listed eleven directors on the Board with three offioors. It names two Congnssmen to the Adviso:ry Board for the NCNST. 'There was also discussion of completed trail, trail publications, seerch for a newsletter editor, a Pennsylvania workshop and refurbishing the "new" headquarters building. 'The first Board set a membership goal of3,246 members, oneforeve:rymile of the trail. 'The grand dreams ofthis small getginningare becoming a reality today. By the way, if anyone out there has any spare issues between Vol. 1, No. 1 and Vol. 4, No. 4 that you would be willing to part with I would appreciate hearing from you. Articles continue to crop up about our trail in the mast unusual places. I recently ran across a copy of "Michigan Country Lines", a magazine of the Michigan Electric Cooperatives, that had a two page article about the NCNST in Michigan. 'The article indicated that in the next decade, backlpackingwill increase by 155% and day hiking by 193%. 路 With this kind of growth potential the usage on the NCNST will rise dramatically in the next ten yems. If you see any articles about the NCNST please pass them along to Pat Allen at the NCTA offioo. Now is the time to begin planning for your winter trlpi on the NCNST. Showshoeing and skiing on the trail can be alotoffun.Getyourlocalchapterorcluboutandseeawhole different trail. Remember that the Mackinac Mush sled dog race will again beheld on the trail in Michigan. You have seen the pictures and read the articles for the J)Mt severl yems in the newsletter. 'This year, tly something different and venture north into Alaskan-like winter for an adventure like no other on the trail. It is a ve:ry fiunily oriented event with lots of cold weather, country music, hot chocolate, and Audie's chili.Itmaynotthethelengthofthelditarodbutwestillhave a roaring good time. Inthis same vein, Tracks and Trails in WJSCODSin is running sled dog excursions along the trail. No racing here,just a good time in the quiet of the north woods in winter. Happy trails out there. Mush! Mush! Gee! Haw!
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NORTH STAR: The Newsletter of the North Country Tnu1 Association, October-December 1995
Red Pine High on the bluff O'er the vcJley below In the warmth of the sun I bask in its glow With my branches painted in silver and black The form of the pines I surely do lack. Here where the winds have weathered my branches I've grown through seasons, learned many dances Soft swaying 'to summer nights warm gentle breezes Wild storm. tossing» as the rain quickly freezes A sentinel, I stand over the river below Watching the waters ever come, ever go Most passengers below only stay a short while Passing on quickly, mile after mile Few ever glance 'to the 'top of the bank 'to see my branches wave Instead intent 'to travel on a few more minutes 'to save The The The The
seasons come, the seasons go summer sun, the winter snow heavy fog of a damp spring morning red velvet dawn a coming storm. warning
The changing colors of leaves in the fall Speak 'to all who can hear The cycle goes on, ever the same Round its circle, year after year Yet each time round seems more profound 'to those atuned to hear The new growth ends we make amends at the close of another year Yet the end is the start of a whole new part awaiting only our cheer As we gather 'together we embark forever 'to that beyond the near Dear Wes, It seems like only recently I got a note off to you. I just finished writing a letter to John Hojnowski at the Manistee Ranger District giving my input concerning their forthcoming decisions concerning horse and mountain bike use of the North Country Trail in the Manistee NF. Besides my personal thoughts concerning other uses besides foot travel, I went back through the 94-95 issues of the NORTH STAR and NCTA Newsletter to review the NCTA position statements and other articles pertaining to such. In the process, I came upon the August-September 94 issue with Carl Levin and Mark Miller on the cover. However, it was the red pine on the rightthatcaughtmyeye--theonelusedformyyearend cards and the poem inspired by the tree. I thought the view from this spot was the "finest view" of any place
And though my roots are in the soil that lies at the top of the bluff My branches wave free in the wind and sun And that is cJways enough. For freedom lies not in the place So much as in the mind It is not in the forest where others notice but opening 'to what we might find.
So here on the bluff o'er the ualley below In the warmth of the sun I'll grow With my branches painted in silver and black Rejoicing in naught that I lack along the NCT in the lower peninsula. The photo isn't one ofmy best, but the tree pulled me back after I passed it twice, and it's unusual form said I needed to take it's picture. I thought I'd share the poem with you and the NORTH STAR. I hiked the Bruce Trail across Ontario ('72-'75) from Niagara to Tobermay; it was my first long distance trail. I had just learned about haiku and found much to inspire me along the Bruce - waterfalls, bluffs, Gerogian Bay and escarpment overlooks. I wrote a lot of Haiku and a few poems along the way. Somehow, I haven't written much along the North Country trail, possibly because it's taken most ofmy time to find just where the trail goes (!) •• but it felt good to be inspired and to write again.
Don Beattie
NORTH STAR: The Newsletter of the North
Cour\tly Trat1 Association,
October-December 1995
FLTC hosts NCTA at Empire '95 Empire '95, the second in the new format of the NCTA Annual Meetings, was held the weekend of August 18 through 21 at Watson Homestead, near Cooper's Plain, New York, among the scenic rolling hills of western New York State. And what a weekend it was! Lots of hikes, of course, but many seminars, discussion groups,' and meetings that both improved individual skills and helped develop the trail. One of the key meetings, of course, was the NCTA Board of Directors meeting, held on Saturday afternoon. The Board elected Derek Blount to another term as President of the Association, and named Gaylord Yost to be Vice-President in charge of Trail Management. Arden John.son was again named Treasurer, and Odell Bjerkness was again named Vice-President in charge of Administration. No Secretary for the organization was named, but Wes Boyd will serve as Acting Secretary, at least until the November 11 Board Meeting, which will again be held at the Courtyard Inn, near Metro Airport in Detroit. A workshop on committee meetings and committee work will be held, using funds supplied by the NPS. Some high points of the board meeting were: . • Challenge Cost Share requests were due by September 30. The organization and the Park Service is willing to work with individuals and groups to help develop challenge cost share requests. • The US Forest Service in the Manistee National Forest is interested in seeing the schoolhouse kept as an entity in the forest, possibly for use as a volunteer training center, or a summer intern residence, as it was used this year. However, no final decisions have been reached about the schoolhouse. • It was announced that Claudia Day, returningtowork after a 14-year maternity sabbatical, has been hired as the NCTA's office assistant, • The NPS's Bill Menke reported that more and more evidence is piling up that the mix of trail bikers and hikers on single-track forest trails is
WOULDN'TBE an NCTA or FLTC gathering without some great hikes, and western New York State around Cooper's Plaln, on and near the FLTC, offered great hiking opportunmes. Watson Homestead, the birth place of IBM founder Tom Watson, proved to be a great meeting site tor the groups, as well. Howard Beye photos
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NORTH STAR: The Newsletter of the North Country Trail Association, October-December 1995
Which way in
New York? Settlement of an eastern trailhead and a route to it is still up in the air, but a report presented at the Empire '95 meeting in New York indicates that some movement toward a decision is under way. The report, presented by Karl Beard and Robin Snyder of the National Park Service livers, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program, delinetes several potential alternative routes for the trail; BLIND APPALACHIAN TRAIL hiker Biil lrwln and his seeing-eye dog, Orient, some of the routes involve the were the featured guests at Sunday nights activities at Empire '95. The Crown Point trailhead, but others do not. There are pluses other featured speaker, Saturday night, was Worldwalker Steven Newman. and minuses to each of the routes, but there are no clear standouts among them; not working. In the discussion currently under way in each has serious problems. the Huron-Manistee National Forest, five alternatives Beard said that the report is not seen as a final have been presented to solve the problem. Only one is solution, but a definition of the problem, so that interacceptable to the NPS; the other four involve trail bikes ested parties may comment on the several alternatives on 118 of the 127 miles of trail in the forest. "When so that a final plan can be worked out. bikers take over a trail," Menke said, "hikers get disCopies of the report are available from Karl Beard placed by their own choice. They go somewhere else." and Robin Snyder, livers, Trails, and Conservation • Two long-standing board members, Ken Gackler Assistance Program, National Park Service, 519 Aland Doug Welker, will rotate off the board in the next bany Post Road, Hyde Park, NY 12538. election, to be announced this winter, and three other positions will be open for reelection. Welker and Gackler There were many workshops and sessions held over the weekend, such as were named as a nominating this one, which discussed proposed routes that might solve the longcommittee to seek people to fill standing problems of a search for an eastern trallhead for the NCNST. the posts. • An enhanced campaign to increase NCTA membership is needed, and is in the planning stages. • Legislative issues: It appears that Park Service trails willretainaboutthesamefunding level as last year. Forest Service still faces cuts, but the Senate has restored $25 million cut earlier and restored Land and Water funds. Introduction of the Willing Seller legislation is still pending. The next annual meeting is set for Wisconsin, in midSeptember of next year, in a joint meeting with the Ice Age Park and Trail Foundation. The location and exact dates are still pending.
NORTH STAR: The NewslBller of lie North Countly Tran Association, October-December 1995
Wayfarer Ends North Country Trail Trek by Chet Fromm
After four years ('92-'95), of four spring and summers, my wayfaring of the North Country Trail are over. In June, I arrived at the final trail marker, at Lake Sakakawea State Park, North Dakota. A synopsis of my first three hikes as follows: In 1992,I never got out of New York state. A twisted knee, fromslippinginanAdirondacksnowpack,putmeoffthe trail for two months. After four days back on the trail, I fell, breaking my left wrist, ending my hike to Michigan. For 1993, leaving from the NCTA annual meeting at White Cloud, Michigan, I hiked south and east. Went back to Watkins Glen State Park, New:York,where Pd broken my wrist the year before. Except a for scuffie with a drunk in Ohio, and in Pennsylvania, a severe kidney infection, that hike went according to plan. 1994 found me back in White Cloud, hiking north, then west, across Michigan and Wisconsin, to Duluth, Minnesota. These sections of the NCT were my most THE NORTH COUNTRYTRAIL In Minnesota's Chippewa National Forest.
NCT End-To-Ender Number 4 Chet Fromm atthe entrance to Lake Sakakawea state Park, the west end of the North Country Trail.
enjoyable, as it was mainly an "in the woodshike," with very little road walking. Peggy,my wife, meet me at the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, backpacking those forty-fivemiles oftrail with me. For the full text ofthese hikes, read the Autumn '92 and '93 and October '94 NCTAnewsletters, or download NCTIIlKES.ZIP, from the North Star BBS. After attending the SCA trail construction workshop (read Bill Menke's article, June '95 North Star), I caught a ride to Minneapolis, a bus to Duluth, to get back on the NCNST again. I didn't hike the proposed Arrowhead route, rather generally followingthe original NPS route. South, on the Willard Munger Trail to Carlton, then hiking west. Through parts of the Fond Du Lac, Savanna, and Hill River State Forests, to the east trailhead of the Chippewa National Forest. The seventy miles of NCT in the Chippewawas a pleasant relief from mainly road walking up to it's start. When hiking this forest, take note of the
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NORTH STAR: 71'19 Newsletter of the North Country Tral ~
Wiid plalns countryside along thetrall In the Lonetree Wiidiife Management Area. unique NCT trail markers. The trail is groomed, the terrain rolls along, with no steep climbs or descents. There are water pumps on the trail. Only had one day of steady rain. Stopping off in Longville, I tanked up on goodies, did laundry and made phone calls. I started following blue diamond trail markers in the Shingobee Recreation Area of the Chippewa NF. Think I took a wrong turn, for, getting to highway 34, no NCT signs were present on either side. It was very hot, and I didn't spend anytime looking for signs. A forest road was across the highway, I followed it awhile, until it veered off eastward. From that point, I struck off cross country, bearing northwest, to intersect the Heartland State Bike Trail. Getting to it, and figuring I was about a mile east of where the NCT should cross it, I turned left.. Following the bike trail west, I found the NCT again. At the end of the trail in the Chippewa, forest roads lead me through the Paul Bunyan State Forest. The forest's West Gulch trail (a forest dirt road) has several campsites, by small lakes, with springs, along if. Leaving the forest on highway 91, to Highway 200, walking it through the town of Lake George, to Itasca State Park, the headwaters source of the mighty Mississippi River, The NCNST in Itasca State Park was dedicated last year, during the NCTAannual meeting, held nearby. In the park, the NCT is overlaid on several of the park's existing trails. All are connected, groomed, and follow gently rolling hills. Just west of Hernando DeSoto Lake, the NCTstops. Ifthere are ribbon markers, to the direction the trail will take, I lost them. I went cross country for several hours, to intercept a road on the west side of the park, or Highway 113, on the south boundary. rd go west for about half a mile, then south for the same. I had to detour around thick bramble patches, bogs, ponds, and cross beaver dams. Finally, reached a west
Oclober-Decemtlf!! 1995
road, only walking south on it for a quarter mile, to 113. There's no more certified NCT sections in Minnesota after this park. NCTA Vice President Odell Bjerkness lives off 113, at Bad Medicine Lake. rd met him at the SCA trail workshop. He'd mailed a care package to Lake George for me, and said stop by when I reached his home. Alias, it was not to be, as having called him from the park, got his answering machine. Knowing he wasn't there, I left a note in his mailbox at the road. Did see his name on an Adopt - A - Highway sign. Bad Medicine is a beautiful lake. I made good use of the water pump there. For the rest of Minnesota, continued with backroads, even through parts of White Earth State Forest. Arriving at Detroit Lake, I opted to head for Fargo, North Dakota. The reason for going to Fargo was to locate the irrigation diversion project Bill Menke mentioned (Report from the NPS, January-March '95 North Star). I wanted to cut south on it, to the Sheyenne National Grassland. However, I was unprepared to do so. Bill Menke had provided me with maps of the Lonetree WMA, the New Rockford, and McClusky canals. Pd hadn't asked him about that project. Asking around Fargo, nobody knew about it (city folk). I did cross the Sheyenne River there, ending up walking county roads to the grassland. The NCT post markers in the grassland make following the trail a cinch. Being there's not cut trail, hiking for two days in downpours, through the grasses, kept my feet quite wet. I only found three of the windmills pumping water. The other windmills were broken. Startling me, by flying out almost beneath my legs, I saw several prairie chickens. Pve heard this grassland might be one of the public lands Congress wants to sell. Ifso, what will be the effect to the NCT! We must protect it. For this grassland is a sure NCT route in that part of North Dakota. Had my first encounter with the North Dakota law, walking the road to Lisbon. rd found a tree to sit under to take a break. Hey! Who says there's no shade in North Dakota? I managed to find four or five shady spots! Anyway, a sheriff deputy pulls.up, and asks me if I'm OK, then for ID. He said someone had called on a cellular car phone, saying there was a sick hitchhiker
NORTH STAR: The Newsletter of the North Country Trail Association, October-December 1995
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laying by the road! Well, at least somebody cared. Told him, I was hiking the NCT, heading for Fort Ransom State Park. He checked me out, giving me about a four mile lift, to the valley road heading north from Lisbon. That valley road stretches from Lisbon to Valley City. I wish all the valley had NCNST markers. Not just those signs for a mile in the Sheyenne State Forest, and a few miles in Fort Ransom State Park. For North Dakota, even for the whole NCT, the road lays in spectacular scenery. National Geographic has listed these forty miles as one of the 200 most scenic drives in the United States. Maybe, someday, the snowmobile trail in this valley could also be NCT marked. Don't know why it is there, but took a picture of a Viking statue, perched atop a hill, at the town of Fort Ransom. The valley was an enchantment to my hike, though most was on its road. At Valley City, from beneath the Hi-Line Bridge, I headed for twenty-two mile long Lake Ashtabula. That bridge is one of the nation's longest and highest single track train bridges. Ask people their first thought of North Dakota, most will say cold. Well, that state can be very hot! Hiking all the open road mileage, between NCNST sections, in both states, had an effete affect on me, by the time I reached Baldhill, Dam. Think I "saw the elephant" once. Arriving at the campground, and finding it closed, because of dam reconstruction, didn't help my morale. Continuing trudging further north, I reached the COE Ashtabula Crossing campground. It turned out to be my utopia. Peaceful, shady, a beach, hot showers, with the Ashtabula Crossing Resort 500 yards across the road. That stop was my pick-me-up to resume hiking, not to just trudge along. North of the lake, a second brush with the law. Again, involving tree shade. The tree was about 200 yards off the road, a quarter mile from a house, and on private property. I guess the land owners thought I was up to something. They called Sheriff Paul Hendrickson, of Griggs County. He's the same sheriff who, last year, check out two strange people walking on a road, and the van and its driver following them. Guessed who they are? He checked me out. When I said North Country Trail, he gave me a short ride to the city camp park at Cooperstown. Even gave me a cloth Griggs County Sheriff badge! These incidents persuaded me to take a direct route on county roads, west to the New Rockford Canal. For once on it, there would only be thirty miles ofroadwalk left to trails end. Those road miles being from the end of the McClusky Canal, to Lake Sakakawea State Park. Backpacking these canals was akin to my hike across the Mojave Desert section of the Pacific Crest Trail. Replete with the heat, the winds, endless horizons, and hard to find good water. Together, though, the distance they cover, the solitude along them, to me, was a respite from all that highway walking. As in the Mojave, started hiking at sunrise, slacking off my pace from i2-3 p.m., then picking it up again, making camp at sunset.
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Between the canals is the Lonetree Wildlife Management Area. Lonetree is the last certified section of the NCNST, presently, in North Dakota. Like the Sheyenne Grassland, there's no cut trail,just followthe posts for thirty miles. A map is necessary, as the posts far apart. Crossing dips or hills, in high grass, you easily lose sight of the last marker, and finding it difficult to spot the next. The campground does have a good water pump. The Coal Mine and Sheyenne Lakes are refreshing. The vista from the ridge above Sheyenne River is a beautiful view. Two fast moving thunderstorms, from the west, besieged me there. North Dakota has been very wet this year, all the farmers were planting their crops late because of the rains. Lonetree is a pleasant hike, breaking up the monotony of flat canal walking. Did have several good occurrences along the McClusky Canal. I met Mr. Bob Oswald, the superintendent ofboth canals. We had a conversation about the NCNST, and the canals. Would someone with the knowledge, maybe in a letter to Wes Boyd, or separate article, answer a question? Why are there no NCT markers along the canals? My reasoning: The canals have plenty ofbuffer space on both sides. If the markers are placed in the buffer zone, they would act as they do in the Sheyenne Grassland and the Lonetree WMA. While- in McClusky, picking up my last food drop, Mr. James Wills, editor of the McClusky Gazette, interviewed me for his paper. I told him of my hikes and about the NCNST and the NCTA. He said he'd send me a copy of the paper, when he published the story. Lastly, I met Ron and Sue Wardner, Sady, Dave, and Kyle, their kids. The Wardners own the last farm on the canal. Sue, spotting me hiking, invited me to their home. She made hamburgers on the grill, and a coupie ofneighbors came over. We talked about fanning and hiking. They let me pitch me tent in their yard, take a shower, and fed me breakfast the next morning. The last thirty miles of my hike were uneventful, except the crossing of Garrision Dam, knowing the western terminus of the trail was within two miles. Reaching the entrance booth to the park, I asked the attendant to contact the head ranger, needing to know where the last NCT marker was. The logo was placed there by Ed Talone and Sue Lockwood, upon completing theirthru-hikelastyear. MetheadRangerDaveRyebie, we took some photos and chatted awhile. Reaching that marker was my highlight of this hike, finally becoming an end-to-ender of the North Country National Scenic Trail. My next day's hike was anti-climactic, having to road hike back twenty miles, to Underwood, there catching a bus to Bismarck, there leaving for home. One small consolation, that highway, 200, is part of the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail, now I've hiked part of it. Now that the NCNST, along with the ANST, FNST, and PCNST are under my boots, I've accomplished half my ultimate backpacking goal. That desire? To end-toend all eight national scenic trails. After the hot, all those cool meadows along the CDNST ...
Joan Young
"North Dakota! Why? There's nothing THERE." This has been a typical response from friends and. acquaintances over the past year as a friend and I planned for a two-week backpacking trip in the Peace Garden State. When people learned that we were not going to the Badlands area, but mostly remaining east of the Missouri River, the response was even more incredulous. We explained that the western terminus of the North Countr,y Trail is located at Lake Sakakawea State Park, and that we were hiking sections of the trail each summer. Hiking in the plains would be a new experience for us as well. Two weeks before we were to leave, just as food preparation was beginning, we added two hikers to our band. So with one car safely stowed at the State Park and another parked beside a "minimum maintenance" road south of Harvey, the four ofus began walking west on Monday, July 3, 1995. MarieAltenau, a teacher from Kingston, New York,· and I are old friends and hiking/ camping companions. Mathilda Nance of Ann Arbor, Michigan, and David Castro, a student from St. Paul, Minnesota were the last-minute additions. This was Mathilda's first backpacking experience, but David is a veteran hiker of our company, being Marie's son. Also hiking with us was my dog, Chips, a cheerful and enthusiastic backpacker. (Yes, he carries his own pack.) The first thing that had struck us as we had driven to the starting location was that North Dakota is not
HIGH, WIDE AND LONESOME: North. Dakota'• Lonetree Reservoir, 1he largest recent actclttlon to the llst of certified North Country Trail, Is noted tor being a spectacular waterfowl nesting area, rarely visited by hikers. flat. From the east we drove across the ancient plain of Glacial Lake Agassiz, and up an escarpment to the first of several "coteaus" which rise in elevation toward the Missouri. These areas are glacially sculptur9d plateaus covered with low rolling hills, moraines, and prairie potholes. We were later told that because this year had been so wet, we were treated to green, rather than brown, landscape. And what a treat it was! The potholes (breeding grounds for half of North America's waterfowl) with dark green hardstem bulrush, and brighter green umbrella sedge ringing each blue gem were a highlight for me, since wetland systems are my field of study. Grebes, spectacular white pelicans, Bonaparte's gulls, black terns, yellow-headed blackbirds, and many other water birds added to our wonder at the unexpected beauty of the area. The "bigsky"encircledusand always seemed to offer some new sensational showing. Clouds formed, changed shape and color, scuttled away, and reflected evening and morning light. The distant thunderstorms provided light shows of titanic proportions. (Three 'nights of ground zero thunderstorms were also quite spectacular!) Mathilda was awed by the - clarity of the stars, unmasked by city lights. Red wood lilies and blue-white silverleaf scurfpea dotted our trail
NORTH STAR: The NliNslsttel of the North Country Tra11 Association, October-December 1995
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for the f1rst few da,ys through the Loneti'ee · Wtldlite Management.Area. Seas of squirreltail grass shimmered around our ankles, al~ looking slightly out of focus as they rippled. Clouds of orange dragonflies hovered and danced on ripe grass heads. Purple coneflowera.gra.y-headedconetlowers (yellow), blue lettuce, flax, and wild prairie rose (the state flower) completed the prairie color wheel. 'Ihe trail route offered varying challenges and delights. Our first three days through the recently certified Loneti'ee section of the trail were relatively easy and beautiful. We had been warned that markers were difficult to spot, and we certainly found this to be true. 'Ihe yellow color is not easily picked out of the tall grass, and spacing is often too distant. Several times we lost the trail until a road was crossed where we could redetermine where markers should be. David aptly described walking through thigh-deep alfalfa as ''proceeding at a stumble." It took us an hour to cross the small dam at the end of Coal Mine Lake since there was no bridge and we declined to completely wet our boots so early in the hike. On the other hand, clean water was available from pumps at the established campsites, and the constant discoveries of flowers and birds kept us awed as we crossed and recrossed the meandering Sheyenne River. Early on the fourth day we joined the McCluskey Canal which we would follow for the next 74 miles. This section of the trail is only proposed, although the canal offers a good opportunity for the right-of-way. We walked on the canal maintenance road which is usually well below the surrounding countryside. Road walking allowed us to bunch JOAN YOUNG and Chips share a moment at a rest break on into a close enough group to visit together and the McCluskey Canal. sing. The road afforded easy passage, but hopefully the trail will eventually be placed on the upper certainly can't begrudge Dakotans for wanting to eJ\joy rim of the cut, since canal walls are not particularly the water. scenic, and they hold the heat in while blocking the On day ten of hiking we passed the water gates at breeze. The loose gravel road surface, and the heat, now the east end of Lake Audubon. After seeing few trees for reaching 100+ in the early afternoons, took a serious toll so long, the scattered elumpe along the lake looked like · on our feet and stamina. We rested long at lunchtime, a genuine woods. We followed the Audubon W'tldlife feeling a bond with pioneers who looked eagerly for a Refuge auto tour route around the southern end of the distant cottonwood tree which meant shade and water. lake. This is a beautiful route with marked points of Of course the canal provided us with constant access to interest (the guide brochure is needed). We met only water, which we filtered for drinking. Chips took three cars using the route, so there was little conflict of regular "belly dips" to keep cool, so we filled his pack usage. The next day we passedthrough the Wolf Creek with items which could be wet without damage. There Wildlife Management Area. This too was a beautiful is little to compare with plunging into the cool water of shore route, although we cut off some mileage on a the canal after a day of slogging with hot, sore feet and county road, since Vie had already fallen a little behind shoulders, drenched in sweat and sun screen. Many our planned itinerary. With growing regret that the jokes were made about how far we might be able to swim hike was coming to an end, and at having to ftUOin with a backpack. civilization, the next day brought us to paved roads and Several times the canal opened out into lakes. the city of Riverdale, where we were interviewed by the These were often heavily used by recreational vehicles, local press. Just five more miles the next morning took which dampened our sense of wilderness. But we us across the Garrison Dam to Lake Sakakawea State
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Park. This dam on the Missouri is the world's largest packed-earth dam, and is responsible for creating the sixth largest lake in the United, only surpassed by the Great lakes. Ranger and trail supporter, John Tunge escorted us to the marker at the western trailhead. "Where the trail BEGINS," he says! Showers, clean clothes, fresh salads and Fleishkiekla at the Riverdale Bowling Alley, ice cream at the Turtle lake parlor, a can of moist dog food for Chips, sorting of our wet equipment, and some time to reflect on the trip punctuated the remainder of Saturday, July 15, our last day together for this summer's adventure. Many people helped us on our way, and also helped us to understand the local feelings. The McCluskey Canal is a delicate topic. Many people are still bitter about its unfinished condition, and low hope for future operation for irrigation. We met a family whose house used to stand on the very spot where we were camped, but who had been bought out. The farmer told us with difficulty of the feelings of coercion they experienced. On the other hand, the popularity ofboating, fishing, skiing and camping around the lakes dotting the canal speaks for acceptance by some. McLean County commissioner, Tom Beierle, brought us our cache box midway through the trip. He treated us to cold orange juice and fresh radishes from his garden, enlightened us with tales of local politics and soothed Chipsto''beatpeace, dog"inRussian. Our progress was noted by Tom and others as we inched along the canal in the heat. Being a country-raised gal myself, this lack of anonymity while seemingly being so alone was not resented. On the contrary, Isuspectthatifwehadfailed to show up on the trail any day after the severe th understorms someone would have been out checking on our condition. Bob Oswald, operation and maintenance superintendent for the canal allowed us to use his phone, obtain easy water, and expressed a different perspective on the canal and its future. Others also helped us with directions or water, and always to see a bit more into life in the Dakotas. At Audubon we happened on a group of ranchers and farmers who were participating in a day-long seminar on integrated management. It was encouraging to hear their excitement about, and endorsement of practices which will benefit both landowners and wildlife. The least appealing aspects of the hike were the heat, thunderstorms, sore feet and ticks. On two days it was still above 95째 at 7:30 p.m. This led to the buildup of some impressive thunderstorms which hit during the nights. We only knew that we were spending some of the most exciting nigh ts of our long cam ping careers in tents. Afterwards we learned that the severe weather had made national news. Wind gusts of 70mph were recorded in the area, and up to lOOmph just north, in Minot. The tents flattened over our bodies in these gusts and the force of the wind pushed water through
the waterproofed nylon. We felt fortunate to remain ev.en a little dry. Being separated from the center of a thunderstorm on]y by two layers of nylon is a good reminder of how vulnerable we really are, and how nature commands respect as well as sharing beauties. Although the views from the bluffs were spectacular, tenting on the highest level was not prudent since clear skies in the evening meant little. Storms appear suddenly, and we advise future Dakota hikers to choose tent with this in mind. The heat and loose gravel roads gave all of us blisters and sore spots to varying degrees. Marie worked wonders with moleskin "doctoring'' and this chore took a serious chunk of time each day, but kept us moving. I discovered that never having previously had sore feet was not a guarantee that it couldn't happen. Even Chips had one less than enthusias tic day when instead of coming to have his pack put on, he trotted across the road, sat down and looked at us as if to say "You must be joking!" We all laughed with him, but hearties.sly strapped his pack on anyway (as we also hoisted our own to our backs). The ticks were incredible. We are not a group easily \bothered by "bugs," but by the end of the trip they were beginning to crawl through our dreams. Each stop was routinely used to check each other's heads, the dog's ears, our legs, armpits, etc. Nights were spent waking occasionally to remove "hikers," our euphemism for ticks crawling over our bodies. We stacked ticks (the art of holding more than one at a time before throwing them out of the tent), passed ticks (the person sleeping on the side away from the door had to relay them to the person who could reach the zipper), squashed ticks with increasingly deft techniques, sunk to photographing them (how could such a memorable part of the hike be ignored), and were thoroughly grossed out by the gray ones which (thankfully) preferred the dog and swelled to ten times their size with dog blood and looked like beached balloons with legs stuck on. Oh, the mosquitoes were also impressive in the late evenings, but they just can't compete with the ticks for general "yukkiness." I have no desire to dwell on the negative aspects of the trip. They were far outweighed by the good times and the satisfaction of reaching a goal. One of my reasons for choosing a North Dakota hike was for the different experience, since most of my hiking has been in the East. Each region, indeed each trip offers its own rewards and challenges. We hiked 131 miles, discovered many unexpected joys in the natural beauty of the area, endured severe weather, overcame seriously blistered and swollen feet, and met many new friends. Backpacking, to be on the trail with only what I have brought or can improvise, never ceases to thrill me. Each new experience, whether difficult or pleasant, becomes part of the joy of meeting the challenge of being prepared to handle whatever life tosses my way.
NORTH STAR: The Newsletter of the North Country Trail Association, October-December 1995
The Electronic Trail
Hiking the World Wide Web by Beth Hronek explore. '!his project has taught me that writing can be truly Now that the "connected" part of the audience has eajoyable if your topic is interesting. I went to work on a scurried off to their computers, the rest ofus can talk a Monday morning with the idea that rd test a few URLs little about the kinds of things that may be found at (Universal Resource Locators), write up a little article these If you've considered signing on to an Inand then zip it off to the editor. After about three hours of ternet service, rn tzy to describe some of the things I happily wandering through pictures and graphics and found while "cruising" this morning to help you decide information about tents and boots and water filters and if the Web is worthwhile for you. trails and other hiking related things, my co-workers G.O.R.P. (Great Outdoor Recreation Page) has a were giving me that "You call this writing?'' stare. multitude of interesting articles and links. For those of I had previously writt.en about hiking resources on you who enjoy reading of others' adventures, listening to the Internet, including listservs (for those of you with others talk about their equipment, seeing pictures of problems signing on to outdor-l, try using Ls instead of various trails, etc., G.O.R.P is a wonderful spot. Headls (one) and that should clear up any problems), gopher ings at this site include National Parks, Wilderness servers, and usenet groups. This time, I want to tackle Areas, Wildlife Refuges, Hiking, Biking, Climbing, the World Wide Web (WWW, or Web). Paddlesports, Bird Watching, Caving, USA, Canada, For the uninitiated, the World Wide Web is an two bookstores, two travel agencies (that run toward Internet system allowing users to connect from one site the wild side), Gear Information, Magazines, Food, to another by just clicking a mouse. Without knowing Clubs, Associations, and a number of other topics. I what you're doing, you may scoot from a computer in New York to one in Virginia by just indicating to the clicked on "The NewsStand" and clicked on Outside Online. Outside had reports about the recent K-2 accicomputer that a highlighted topic interests you. If it dents, information about gear, a place for you to add turns out to be boring, you can go back to the previous your own trip reports, and other information. The arcomputer. If you use a "graphical browser''you may even ticles are accompanied by pictures and graphics, and look at pictures as you move about the web. Not everyaddresses are given so you may send comments or ask one with an account on the Internet can access the questions. As an aside, if any site sends you a message World Wide Web, though. If your account lets you use saying that it can't access an address, tzy it again later. Lynx, Chameleon, NetScape, Mosaic, or a number of The Internet is notorious for a ''now you see it, now you private vendor programs (Prodigy currently has a gradon't" type access phical browser), you may''surfthe Web."Ifyour account Virtual Pathways is a compilation of trip reports, is路 limited to e-mail or the only telnet feature your vendor provides is "gopher," you may not be able to submitted by Internet writers. Coming out monthly, it wander about the WWW. (If you have questions about includes outdoor-type reports from people of all ability the activities you can participate in on the Web, please levels and from a variety of locations. For August, the contact your system administrator. You may also eAppalachian Trail in North Carolina, and Delaware-mail me []. rd be happy to Pennsylvania were represented, as well as Lake Supeanswer any net type questions that I can.) rior Provincial Park, Utah and Mount Saint Helens. For those of you who already have WWW access, Virtual Pathways is a great site for armchair travelers, about all I can do is provide a few addresses from which or travelers who like to read about where they are going you may wander the Web for hours. From these pages, before they get there. The e-mail addresses of the their links, or by using some of the on-line search tools, writers is included, so if you have questions about the you will be able to explore many sites. For those of you locations or any gear they mention, you can send the questions to the writer. with web browsers, below is a list of addresses we'll Address (URL)
Site Great Outdoor RecreationPage Virtual Pathways BackcountryHome Page grad/Chris/pct/contacts.html Pacific CrestTran Association Appalachian Tran Home Page http:/ ATI ATmain.html Appalachian Adventure h~tp:// Campmor
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NORTH STAR: The Newsletter of the North Country Trail Associalion, October-December 1995
The Backcountry Home Page is another "variety" site ... eveiything can be found there. It houses a good deal of information taken from the rec.backcountry Usenet group. Headings include Announcements, Distilled Wisdom (a collection of answers to frequent!~ asked questions), Events, Fun Stuff, Gear Review and Recommendations, The Gallery, Hiking Clubs, Learning, Library, Map of Colorado Backcountry, Tips, Recipes (we do seem extremely interested in eating well, don't we?), and many other interesting links. I clicked on ''What's New," and then "Tips." (I wouldn't want to waste my time reading old tips, would I?) Topics included simmering with a Whisperlite, making fire starters, breads for the backcountry, lights for tents, using a tea-cozy cooking method, and lights for tents. There were many more entries, but each entry was a short suggestion for ways to approach backcountry-type problems. Next I went to one of the "linked" sites, the Slot Canyon Hiking Page. It featured, many descriptions on hiking trails in Utah and Arizona slot canyons, including pictures. If you were planning a trip to the area (or just dreaming of someplace warm next winter) this would be a wonderful place to look. Also, the author's email address was posted, so you could easily ask questions. The next two sites are associated with National Scenic Trails, the Pacific Crest Trail and the Appalachian trail. They both include links to other pages, information about the trails they are associated with and information about their organization. These sites are great ways to start meeting people who are hiking those trails. Appalachian Adventure presents weekly reports from an ever changing group of hiking reporters. A group of newspapers from cities along the trail thought their readers needed to know more about the trail, so they are sponsoring groups of hikers (for about a month per group) to hike the A.T .. Each week they report back with pictures and text. (From my recent, short stint on the AT, many thru hikers were quite upset with them, being afraid that many more people would decide to hike next year, after having read the series.) As an armchair hiker, it makes interesting reading. The last site is a commercial site for Campmor, the New Jersey camping store. They're not paying me to mention them, I simply put their site on the list because commercial sales sites are getting more and more common on the Net. The site includes information about the various products they sell (including the option to email questions and comments) and pictures or drawings (much like their catalog). I e-mailed a question to them a few months ago and got a response within twenty-four hours ... The sites we looked at are just a few of the hiking and backcountry-oriented sites that are available to WWW users. More pages can be found by clicking on 路 sites listed within the pages, or by doing searches for words like backcountry, backpacking, hiking, etc .. Along with information, you often get nice pictures, and good contacts. This completes the tour of the Internet for hikers.
NES Report:
New progress seen at. Pennsylvania Summit by Bill Menke National Park Service A Pennsylvania Summit Meeting, co-hosted by the National Park Service (NPS) and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources and Conservation's Bureau of State Parks, was held on July 20, 1995 at the Region 2 Park Headquarters. 路 There were several purposes for the meeting including but not limited to: obtaining an update on the present status of the North Country National Scenic Trail (NST); meeting new players and renewing acquaintances with associates who have a role to play in completing the trail; determining challenges and possible tentative solutions to completing the NST in Pennsylvania, determining areas where we can make progress and developing an action plan to do so. In Pennsylvania, there are currently 118 certified miles out ofa projected total of 180 miles (65.4 percent). Trail wide, there are currently 1,243 certified miles out of the 3,240 projected (38.4 percent). Except for the 6.2 miles certified in McConnells Mill State Park in 1993, no other certifications have been made in the State since 1983. There was a short discussion on some of the ways NPS can assist other agencies and private groups in completing or improving portions of the trail. These include the provision of tools, emblems, etc. and money or materials through the Challenge Cost Share (CCS) program. CCS is typically used for trail specific projects such as bridges, signs,' campsites/shelters, etc. The remainder of the day was spent on a mental walk along the North Country NST as it crosses Pennsylvania and the discussions arising from this exercise. Some of the key points, progressing east to west, were: Alleaheny National Forest: The trail is complete across the forest. They are currently trying to improve the management of the trail. Last year, they did a complete inventory of the marking along the trail and have since improved the marking consistency. Gary Kell, Recreation Team Leader, reported that the trail may be in the best condition that it has been in the last 10 years. The forest is working to complete the GPS mapping of the trail and will provide new maps and data to NPS.
NORTH STAR: The Newsletter of the North
Country Trail Association, Odober-December 1995
AlleO.euyNational Forest to Clear Creek State Forest; This short stretch, generally spanning State Route 66 is incomplete. Most of it follows the existing Baker Trail, so a walking route does exist but there is some landowner opposition near Highway 66. Part of this segment is in State Game Area #24. Throughout the State, there are a number of game areas to be crossed. Other than the impromptu attendance by Chip Bruns, no one from the Pennsylvania Game Commission attended the meeting. 路 Clear Creek State Forest; Gary Grecco reports that the trail needs maintenance and that he needs to find someone to adopt the segment. Cook Forest State Parle Karl Schlentner reported that the park has been using a PCC crew to work on trails and that the NCNST route is in good shape. They have an active adopt-a-trail program in place. Cook Forest State Park to where 1-80 crosses the Clarion River: Beginning at Gravel Lick Bridge and proceeding west, generally along the Clarion River valley, about 50 percent of the lands are now owned by the Pennsylvania Game Commission or the Western Pennsylvania Land Conservancy, This public land base will help tremendously, but completing the trail through this area will still not be easy. There are private inholdings to contend with and the terrain is steep. Some expressed concern over the amount of sidehill trail construction 'th(lt would be needed. However, while sidehill trail construction may be more difficult originally, it is the most sustainable location for a trail and thus is desired. 1-80 and Clarion River to Parkec{>avid Howes of the Allegheny Valley Trail Association cAVTA) made a well reasoned proposal to change the route of the trail-originally along the valley of the Clarion River. AVTA owns fee simple title to the old Clarion Secondary Railroad corridor (up to 200 feet wide) from 1-80, north along Deer Creek and then west along Sandy Creek to its confluence with the Allegheny River, near the community of East Sandy. From East Sandy, the route turns south along the Allegheny River to Kenderdell. This too is owned by AVTA. South of Kenderdell, they are acquiring the salvage rights and there is 99 percent certainty that they can get back to 1-80. From Emlenton to Foxburg, a distance of about three miles, the railgrade has reverted and AVTA is proposing that this be converted to a township road which the North Country Trail would temporarily follow until other arrangements could be worked out. However, it was mentioned that it may never be feasible to get off of this road and at best it would serve as a connector. From Foxburg to the Clarion River, there are a few legalities to work out, but the route is feasible. AVTA already owns the bridge across the Clarion. From the Clarion River to Parker, the route is also owned by AVTA. AVTA has received a grant of $600,000 for surfacing the trail with screened limestone.
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Along this route are six trestles that are 80-100 feet high and at least two tunnels almost one mile in length. The entire route is considered to be highly scenic and a better alternative than the original NCNST route. For one thing, the Clarion River south of 1-80 is evidently somewhat polluted and the valley is not considered to be as scenic as the proposal. Landowner opposition is also a problem. On the day following the meeting, we visited the proposed route, at the north end of the Kenderdell Tunnel, and agree that is is quite scenic. The tunnels will be a dramatic addition to a hiking experience. Basically, those in attendance at the summit meeting recommended adopting AVTA's proposed route change. Parker to Old Stone House: Bob Tait made a presentation on the work being done by the Butler Outdoor Club (BOC) to secure a route through this area. BOC has been reviewing topographic maps to locate a potential route. This route passes through four different game area tracts and appears to be a highly feasible route. They have been coordinating their efforts with Ned Westin, the Game Area Manager. Jennjnp Environmental Learnin1 Centec Trail is in place and maintenance is good. A next day contact was made at the ELC to discuss replacing missing NCNST emblems. Because of the thousands of visitors, the ELC has a tremendous opportunity to promote the trail. Moraine State Park; From Jennings ELC to the creek heading west from Mt. Union Church, the trail is certified and being maintained by Moraine Preservation Fund volunteers and others. Gerry Bosiljevac was complimented on the color and neatness of the blue blazes. From the above creek to the Glacier RidgeTrailhead, the trail is in place but not certified. From Glacier Ridge Trailhead to the west park boundary, the trail is in various stages of construction - part of which is our Challenge Cost Share Agreement with ~foraine Preservation Fund. Moraine State Park to McConnells Mm State ::eark:. The Moraine Preservation Fund Inc. is quietly working to obtain a corridor along Muddy Creek to connect the two parks. The trail will also utilize this corridor when/if it is finalized. McConnells MUI State park; Certified trail is in place from the Alpha Pass Trailhead to the hells Hollow Trailhead. The trail is maintained and well marked. Some .NCNST emblems need replacement - they are either already on hand in the park or the park will contact NPS requesting more. McConnells Mm State Park to Ohio: There is currently no organized effort to complete the trail in this area. However, the Shenango Outing Club has expressed interest in completing portions across State Grune Areas 148 and 285.
NORTH STAR: The Newsletter of tie Nofih Country Tral ~
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Oclober-Decembtw 1995
E-Mail Directory North Country Trail Association, Partnership for the National Trolls System, related Federal Agency personnel, and other Trails Community Resources Tmll Auoc/qtton illlll Anderson. Dale North counrrv NST
Nocth Countcv
Boyd. Wes
North Couritry NST
Fromm. Chet Gackler. Kenneth R. Law, Gregory A. Reimers. Tom Stull. Jim Welker. Doug Yost. Gaylord
North North North North North North North
Country Country Country Country Country Country Country
E-mail Address NCTABBS 5pm-11 pm EST 517-547-5106 . Board Member Board Member Traverse City chaper Board Member Board Member Board Member VP-Trails
~ Board member Newsletter
Other Troll Assoc/qt/ons
Hutchings. Jim Ward. Bruce Vogt. Jay Landon. Mike Hartley. William Hodo. Jimmy Bagley. William
E-mail Address jay_ wiiliam OCTA BBS 801-487-3727
Appalachian NST Continental Divide Lewis & Clark NHT Mormon Pioneer N HT Mormon Pioneer N HT Natchez Trace NST Oregon-Cal. NHT
~ ATC Board Member NST Colo. Coord. Exec. Director Board Member Newsletter NTTC Secretary Member
Position E-mail address interp/Resource Mgmt.John_ District Trails Coord. Program Leader NTS Superintendent David_ Recr. Planner Superintendent Trails Coord./Planner Superintendent Kimo Trail Coordinator St.Trails Coord. Historic Trails Coord. Chief Ranger Trail Manager Interpretive Planner Lewis & Clark Coord.
Government Agencies;
Conoboy, John Cuvelier. Charles Elkington. Steve Gaines. David M Garcia. Suzanne Gilbert. Tom Kaplan. Meredith Loveless. Mike Menke. Bill Moorman. William Portillo. Garth Ruff. Pat Sussman. Richard Threlkeld. Kay Williams. Richard
Other Trails Community Resources Ngm.e_ Organization
~ American Trails Betz. Carter USDA-FS Research Recr. Planner Curtis. Ted Gateway Trailnet landtrust. St. Louis, Ex. Dir Institute for Conservation Leadership Kines. Chuck Am. Hiking Society Pgms Coord. Limarzi.Tullio Pathways Newsletter Editor New York-New Jersey Trail Conference Ridley, Skye American Trails Exec. Director United States Travel & Tourism Info. Network
It you would like to have your E-mail address listed in this directory, which wlll be published periodically, please
contact (for the North Country Trail Association) or for elsewhere in the list, Charles Cuvelier. NPS-NATR. District Trails Coord .â&#x20AC;˘
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NORTH STAR: The Newsletter of the North Country Trail Association, October-December 1995
"Be Seen" is rule ~-~. ·'1' 'fJ. for fall hiking ,':/:~ ~~ ,,.. •. ~
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Whether~urfeelingsabouthunting.arepro,antior'.:t~., ~ . ,;,.~~~ ' ~ ,,o/· ..•. neutral, we still have to accept hunters in the woodsas ,~ "- . -:_ :~ , ~ ... if.."' ~· ?-"' a fact of life and be safe during hunting and fall color ~ _ 4 ,..._.,,..l' ~{, • . .. ~\ ~:· ~ -~~-.T ... seasons. _~ v ~ i-~:::;,; --~- · · ..... •• ~-"3'5::: There !ire people around that w~n·~ go out hikin~ in .... ~~ =--~·., ~· . . . ~. .~;,. ~ __.. ~-:~~a. -·- __ "'· the woodsin the fall -- and they're missmg the best time f't ~~.=.,-,__' ~~~~ of the year. The air is usually crisp and cool and clear, ' ' • -r · x the bugs have pretty much departed, and the autumn colors, of course, are spectacular. But, hunting safety concerns cause many people to pass up the woodsin this time of year. It's their loss. Attitude is an important factor. Colin Fletcher wrote in The Compleat Walker III, "In recent years, I've plinking with a .22. I don't let the possibility wony me. become increasingly aware that certain men whom I I just do what my hunter training and experiencehave like and respect, men whose knowledge and even ventaught me. I wear bright colored clothing, especially on eration for wildlife is at least as great as mine, find my head. I want any hunter who's out there to see me, hunting a satisfying and natural pursuit consonant even ifl don't see him. It's the'best way I know to come with their veneration. Furthermore, I often feel more home safe again." comfortable in the company of men who I know are While hunters can be encountered at any time of the hunters ·· even though I deplore what they do in that role ·· than I do in the company of many 'ecologically year, fall is rightly thought of as the hunting season, and hunters can be expected to be encountered more fte.. aware individuals' who share my concerns but who never for one moment, by God, let you forget that they quently then. Syndicated outdoor writer Steve Hepker says, "In some seasons, such as the turkey or archery are the Chosen Defenders of the Earth." deer seasons, hunters may be well cainoflaged and be Unwillingness to go into the woods while hunters hard to see = but the hiker can take comfort in the fact are present will seal off much of the year for the hiker. that the hunter that has gone to the amount of effort In Michigan, for example, there is one hunting season or necessary to prepare for hunting in these modes will be another open from September through March, and the aware enough of his sul'roundings to have a goodsight state has recently added on a spring turkey season. picture ofwhat they are shooting at before squeezing the Technically, some hunting seasons never close, like for trigger or letting the arrow fly.• woodchucks, so there is a possibility of encountering The North Country Trail is generally open to hunthunters in the woods at any time of the year. ing, and, in fact, may provide some hunters with a Yet, except with the possibility of rifle deer seasons, hunting safety concerns should not be a reason for the means of access to more remote areas. •Many public and hiker to to avoid the woods, if the hiker will do two private lands," the Comp-rehensive Pla.n for the North Country National. Scenic Trail reads, •through which simple things: avoid paranoia, and be seen. the NCT passes are legally open to hunting during the Linda Stein writes in thePennsylvania Game NeuJs: •As a hunter, I take my hunter safety knowledge afield proper seasons. It is not intended that passage of the NCTthrough these lands should in anyway lead to their even when rm not carrying a bowor firearm. I know that whenever I go for a walk in the woods, any time of the closure to hunting nor that the trail should be closed year, it's possible I'll encounter someonewho's hunting. during hunting seasons. Safety for hikers during huntEven if it isn't the "standard" small or big game season, ing seasons can best be pursued through education of gunners might be outafterspringgobblers, groundhogs, hikers to wear hunter's orange, and of hunters to avoid doves, crows, fox, even frogs, or they might just be shooting near or across the trail. Regulations in some
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NORTH STAR: The Newsletter of the North
jurisidctions would require hikers to wear hunters orange. Managing authorities responsible for public lands and NCT segments should post notices at trail entrances notifying hikers of any applicable regulations." Hunter's orange caps and vests are available at almost every sporting goods store during the appropriate seasons, and the costs are quite reasonable. Orange may not be in the wardrobe of every lover of the outdoors. But certainly there is something comparable, some intense red, sunny yellow, shocking pink. Any bright color helps. "Neon" colored fashions are popular among the younger set; hats,jackets, and shirts in various loud colors are readily available. These colors, popular in ski wear and summertime togs, are ideal. As a plus, their "fluorescent" quality makes them visible even in dim light. Adults whose own closets are lacking should check their kids for something that fits. Columnist Hepker adds that choosing where and when to hike is another important point. "Hunters do shoot other hunters," he says. "Opening day is an especiallydangeroustime,andhikersshouldavoid heavily gunned areas at this time -- especially the opening days of rifle deer and small game seasons. Hike in mid-day, and avoid hiking during lowlight or low visibility conditions." During the rifle deer seasons in the various states, considerably more caution is advised, Hepker adds. It is from these seasons that the stories of hunters "shooting anything that moves" are generated, and there are in fact some slob hunters out there, with low skill levels, that consider it a badgeofhonorto gooutinto the woods with a snootful of antifreeze. While the general rule of wearing hunters orange again applies during rifle deer seasons, hikers should avoid the colors white and brown like the plague. There are any number of stories about such slobs taking shots at white hankerchiefs, thinking that their shooting at a deer's white tail. These stories are common enough to hold a germ of truth.Don't wear white or brown in the woods during deer season! Again, opening day of rifle deer season should be avoided, and hikers should give careful thought about hiking in the woods during this period, Hepker says. "Common sense is the key to safety," he adds. However, Hepker notes that hikers should avoid loud singing, whistling, radio playing, and that sort of thing. "This could be considered to be a volation of the recently-enacted 'hunter harrassment' laws." "Hunting is statistically one of the safest sports around," Stiene writes. "Last year out of 1.2 million hunters afield in Pennsylvania, there were only eight fatal accidents. In other words, anyone in the wilds while hunters are around has veiy little chance of getting hurt. I, however, don't want to be the odd one out, so I make sure by wearing a safety color." There's no reason why hiking in the woods in the fall can't be safe, if the hiker will have a proper attitude and take a few sensible precautions. Steine tells this story: I was told about a young woman who wanted to take her children for a hike at a local state park where hunting
Country Trail Association, October-December 1995
is allowed. This was during the last deer season, and the woman was petrified to take her family into the forest with the hunters there. Certainly one can't fault motherly concern, but her lack of knowledge about hunting made her overreact. I was told she was advised to put some bright clothing on herself and the kids and just go for a walk, that hunters and hikers could use the park at the same time, there was no conflict. That didn't suit her. She considered the hunters were "preventing" her from using the park, and she went home in a huff. It was her loss because of her misunderstanding of the sport, and because she wouldn't teach her children how to be safe in the woods. But I'm sure she will teach them how to cross a road." Editor's note: this article is reprinted from the Autumn, 1991 NCTA Newsletter., but it's still important.
Notice to Minnesota members I wish to invite you toa very important meeting of the Headwaters Chapter ofNCTA. As you know, we have been operating at the "Minnesota Section" for many years. We were formally chartered as the Headwaters Chapter last year. There are certain requirements that we must meet as a chapter. One of those requirements is regular and official meetings. The Chapter has been negligent in this respect over the past year ... thus, your attendance at this meeting is urgently requested HEADWATERS CHAPTER NCTA MEETING THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, at 7:00 PM Eastern Mountain Sports 1627 W. County Road B Roseville, MN 1. Election of officers (President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer). Though there has been a state coordinator, the Chapter has been leaderless ... we need your talents! 2. Review of the status of the trail in Minnesota (what's going on in the Bad Medicine, Itasca, Paul Bunyan, Chippewa and the Arrowhead Route?). 3. Decisions on future activities. We have numerous work projects on the ground and need your help. This trail will not magically appear without your voluntarism! 4. Program: trail building techniques. Please take time our of your busy schedule to participate in this meeting. If you live outstate and would like to have a chapter meeting scheduled in your area, call us and tell us where and when ... we'll do it. If you have questions or concerns, please call Paul or Rod. Paul Wright (612) 423-5006 Rod MacRae (612) 377-0130
NORTH STAR: The Newsletter of the North Country Trail Association, October-December 1995
rrEMS FOR THIS COLUMN .llML be received before the deadline date given on Page 4 of this newsletter. We welcome listing activities of affiliated organizations, but we must be aware of them in sufficient time for publication.
NCTA November 10-11:NCTA8oard of Directors meeting. Courtyard Inn, Detroit For information, contact Pat Allen, (616) 975-0831. January 1, 1996: Newsletter deadline April 1: Newsletter deadline. June 1: Newsletter deadline. August 1: Newsletter deadline. September 15: Challenge Cost Share Projects due to NPS. For more information, contact Bill Menke, NPS, (608) 264-561 o. October 1: Newsletter deadline.
Michigan Oct. 11: Western Michigan Chapter hike Bowman Lake Trail, west of Baldwin. About 5 miles of rolling terrain, moderately difficult. Call Ruth at (517) 453-8622 or Ginny (616) 689-6876 Oct. 14: West. Mich. Chapter hike Manistee River Trail at Seaton Creek, 11 miles to Red Bridge, passing series 'of small waterfalls. Call Dave S, (616) 784-8975. Oct. 21: West. Mich. Chapter expedition to Pokagon St. Park, Indiana. Call Dave S., (616) 784-8975. Oct. 28: West. Mich. Chapter hike Yankee Springs St. Rec. Area; easy. Halloween outing; dress in costume -- one hour of night hiking with flashlights, then dinner at Sam's Oub. Call Dave S., (616) 7848975. Nov. 4: West. Michigan Chapter hike (XC ski if snow) Nordhouse Dunes Trail, 10 mi, easy to moderate. Call Dave S., (616) 784-8975. Nov. 11: West Michigan Chapter hike (XC ski if snow) to Owasippe Scout Reservation, Muskegon. 12.4 mi, easy to moderate. Call Dave S., (616) 784-8975. Dec. 2: West. Mich. Chapter hike (XC ski if snow) Hungerford Trail, west of Big Rapids. Easy, great ski trail. Call Dave S, (616) 7848975. Dec. 5: West Mich. Chapter meeting 7:30 PM, at Jim and Gladys Hoogterp (616) 677-1621. Dec. 9: West. Mich. Chapter hike (XC ski if snow), Pando ski area,
Grand rapids, 6 mi. Fee. Call Dave S., (616) 784-8975. Dec. 16: West Mich. Chapter hike (XC ski if snow) Cadillac Pathway, 11.3 miles. Call Dave S., (616) 784-8975. Dec. 23: West Mich Chapter XC ski if snow Muskegon St. Park, 4.3 mi. of lighted trail. After dark skiing. Call Dave S., (616) 784-8975. Dec. 30: West. Mich. Chapter hike/XC ski. Bowman Lake Foot Travel Area. 3. 7 miles, rolling, a few steep hills. Intermediate skiing difficulty. Call Dave S., (616) 784-8975.
Minnesota Oct 13-15: 3-day backpack, Chippewa NF. Contaci Rod MacRae, (612) 377-0130.
New York Oct. 10: Cayuga Trails aub executive board meeting, 7:30 PM, Cornell Plantations. Contact Nancy Adams, 387-5858. Nov. 5: Cayuga Trails Oub Annual Dish to Pass Supper and meeting, Ellis Hollow Community Center. 5:30 Social hour, 6:00 PM Supper. Contact Linda Loomis (273-1014).
Ohio Oct. 14 & 15: BTA Autumn Amble, Burr Oak State Park. Hiking, camping, kid's games, soup kettle. Contact Herb Hulls, (614) 5852603. Oct. 21-22: BTA Work Weekend, Pike State Forest, to continue trail project between Lapperell and Dry Bone roads. We will not camp at Cave Lake Park. Contact Jim Sprague (216) 884-4757.
Wisconsin October 7-8: Work day on North Country Trail, Washburn Area Contact Gaylord Yost, WI Trail Coordinator (414) 354-8987.
Other National Trail Events Oct. 16-18: Nes Perce National Historic Trail Symposium, Lewiston, ID. Panels on history, research and trail management, co-sponsored by NPNHT Foundation, USFS, NPS and the Nes Perce Tribe. Contact Sandi McFarland, (208) 476-5441. Nov. 15-18: 5th National Rails-to-Trails Conservancy Conference, Clearwater, FL. Contact RTC, (202) 797-5400.
GRINDELWALD KANDERSTEG ZERMATT SAAS-FEE MURR EN GSTAAD LENK FLUELEN WENGEN ENGELBERG BET TM ER ALP RIGl~KALTBAD LEUKERBAD Moderate optional length DAY hiking along skyllne tr'alls. 7-2 week tours basing at 15 mountain 3-4 star hotels. All hikes guided by NCT member Cecll Dobbins. For a free color brochure ct,11 (216) 867-3771, or write to:
. ·c
ALPINE ADVENTURE TRAILS TOURS, lac • 183 v c11tta1de D~. AKRON, OH 44313
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NORTH STAR: The Newsletter of the North Country Trail Association, October-December 199~ 路
North Country Trail Shop GREAT INFORMATION ON THE NORTH COUNTRY NATIONAL SCENIC TRAIL AVAILABLE FROM THE NORTH COUNTRY TRAIL BOOKSTOREI . FOUOWING THE NORTH COUNTRY NATIONAL SCENIC TRAIL, by Wes Boyd, NCTA Newsletter e~itor. Packed full of information about the N NST: 64 pages. Not a trail guide, but a trail d scusslon. "The aim is to give the reader the ll'lf~rmatlon necessary to find out what they ne'ed to know to follow the trail" - - and lots of other useful Information. The most Inclusive Information on the whole trail. Printed 1992. $5.95, ($4.00 wholesale 10 or more). CERTIFIED SECTIONS OF THE NORTH COUNTRY TRAIL by Byron and Margaret Hutchins.The long-awaited start to a frail guide for the entire trail. Accurate route descriptions by an experienced guidebook writer who's walked the sections with a measuring wheel, covering many certified sections of the trail long enough to be a hiking destination, published In an easy to carry loose-leaf form. Individual map sets at various prices (see order form): whole set, including binder, is $23.00, use order form. Sorry, no direct wholesale. GUIDE TO THE NORTH COUNTRY TRAIL -- CHIPPEWA NATIONAL FOREST by Rod Mac Rae. Discussion of the route and trail log from east to west In the Chippewa National Forest. Wonderfully written by a Chippewa National Forest expert. 12 pages. $1.25 each; Wholesale (10 or more) $.75 each. MICHIGAN MAPSETS developed by Arden Johnson. Maps to follow the NCNST In the Manistee, Hiawatha and Ottawa National Forests. and the trail between St. Ignace and Munising, and northern lower peninsula. $4.00 per set; Binder with indicies, $2.50. Contact bookstore for information on ordering individual maps. THE NORTH COUNTRY TRAIL -- MANISTEE NATIONAL FOREST by the Michigan Trailfinders. Offers a detailed description of the trail from the White Cloud trailhead to Big Star Lake, and from US 1 O to McCarthy Lake. Current through June, 1989. $2.00 each, no wholesale available. GUIDE TO THE PICTURED ROCKS NATIONAL LAKESHORE by Ollve Anderson. Includes revised Lakeshore Trail Guide. The Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore is the centerpiece of the North Country Trail -- a rugged, unique coast on the wild Lake Superior shore. Updated in 1994, this 56 page book by Pictured Rocks enthusiast Olive M. Anderson gives the reader revised maps and up-to-date information about this Michigan section of the North Country Trail. $6.95 each; Wholesale (1 O or more) $5.25 each.
NORTH STAR: The NewslettBr of the North Country Trail Association, October-December 1995
North Country Trail Shop Patches and Stickers NCT Patch $3.00 Volunteer Strip $1.50 state Strip $1.50 New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota Hike Distance Strips (must qualify) $1.25 5, 1 0, 15, 20, 25 or 35 miles hiked in one day NCTA Coffee Mugs $6.95 Tran Supporter Pin (3/ 4" Clolsonne)
Country Country Country Country Country
Trail Trail Trail Trail Trail
Patch @ $3.00 each State Segment Patch@ $1.50 each Volunteer Strips@ $1.50 each Coffee Mugs@ $6.95 each Supporter Cloisonne pin @$3.95 each
North Country Troll T-Shlrf (circle size): Adult. S, M. L. XL, XXL. 100% cotton. It. blue only@ $9. 95 each
BOOKS copies of "FoUowlng the North Country National Scenic Troll' $5.95 per copy ($4.00 per copy If ten or more) copies of "The North couottv Troll - Manistee National Forest" $2.00 per copy. (no wholesale) copies
of "Gulde to the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore• $6.95 per copy. ($5.25 each If ten or more)
copies of "Gulde to the North Country Tron - Chippewa National Forest" $1.25 per copy ($.75 per copy If ten or more) copies of Michigan mapsets (check appropriate ones:) O Lenawee Co. - Calhoun Co. O Kalamazoo Co - SE Newaygo Co. O SE Newaygo Co - NW Wexford 0 Wexford - Charlevoix Co. O Charlevols Co. - Mackinac City O St. Ignace - Marquette 0 Marquette - Ironwood $4.00 per set. Binder. $2.50 No wholesale copies of "Certified Sections of the North Country Troll" (Cheek sestlons) O Burr Oak - Sinking Spring $4.00 QAllegheny NF & Cook Forest, $2.90 0 Wayne NF $1.50 0 Little Miami Scenic Park, $1.15 O Miami and Erle Canal, $1.80 O Manistee NF $3.50 0 Hiawatha NF E & Tahqua $2.70 O Ottawa NF $2. l 0 O Hie.NF W 8t Pict Rocks, $2.05 O Chequamegon NF $1.80 O Chippewa NF, $2.20 0 Sheyenne Grassland $1.15 Complete set with binder, $23.00, shipping Included. No wholesale.
State, Zip
Please enclose for shipping. & handling: $0.00 -$10.00 $2.00 $10.01 -$25.00 $3.00 $25.01 - $100.00 $4.00 CNer $100.00 $5.00
Michigan residents please Include 6% sales tax
Make check/money order payable to: "North Country Trail Association• Semi order to:
NCTA Tran Shop
~Sparks Dr., Suite 105 Grand Rapdls, Ml 49546
NORTH STAR: The Newsletter of the North Country Trai/Association, October-December 1995
Page 24
so's 2000 Members by 2000 2000 Certified Miles by 2000 It's not going to be easy, but we can do it. Much has been completed, but there's still a lot to do. You can help meet the challenge by joining the North Country Trail Association, and by inviting others to join, too. Let's do it!
O YES! I want to supportthe NorthCountryTrail Association. Entermy annualmembershipat the followinglevel: O $20 Individual O $35 Organizational O $100 Pathfinder 0$400 Life(1 person) O $30 Household O $50 Trail Leader o $500Corporate o $600 Life (couple) O I would like to be a Member-at-large. or I would like $5 of my dues to be remitted to the following Chapter: O West Michigan O.Grand TraverseHiking Club O North Country TrailHikers(UP-Ml) O Headwaters (MN) O Wisconsin O North Dakota O Ohio O Pennsylvania I would further like to supportthe NCTA with my tax deductiblecontributionof: $ Pleasemakecheck payableto: NorthCountryTrail Associationand mailto : NCTA.3777 SparksDr., SE, Suite 105, GrandRapidsMl 49546
Name-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ Address City State Zip---------
Home Phone
Work Phone
LI would like to volunteerthe following skills: -------------------------------------------------------