North Star Vol. 20, No. 2 (2001)

Page 1

Hit the trail with


Ann Arbor News, Bay City Times, Flint Journal, Grand Rapids Press, Jackson Citizen Patriot, Kalamazoo Gazette, Muskegon Chronicle, Saginaw News

ide is Jim Dufresne, 6r Venture 19S9.]im has

n a dozen guidecluding 50 Hikes in Michigan and Michigan's Best

Hikes with Children. So lace up your boots and explore your adventurous side with Venture Outdoors-ev week in the eight Booth Newspapers.

April - June 2001

North Star: The Magazine of the North Country Trail

Table of Contents

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229 East Main Street Lowell, Michigan 49331 (888) 454-NCTA (6282) Fax:

(616) 897-6605 E-Mail: Web Site: Bob Papp Executive Director Margie Kindel Project Manager Tiffany Halfmann (JJS Cooroinator Bill Menke Trail Foreman Bonnie Wayman Office Manager Beth Ford Bookkeeper Glory Meyer PuMic Serviced Coordinator

North Star Werner Veit Acting Editor Joan Young Contributinq Eoitor Roger Meyer Contributing Eoitor Jann Bidwell Editorial Ai.JiAant Virginia Wanty Editorial Ai.JiAant

Officers Werner Veit Pre<JUJent (888) 454-NCTA (6282) David Cornell Vice President, Financial (616) 623-8659 Joan Young Secretary (616) 757-2205

Spring! It's Showtime On the North Country Trail - Page 8

For Bill:

New Horizons - Page 6 Allegheny Foam Flower


Cover Story: Join Us at Annual Meeting


Logging Problems Are Not Unique


Finding, Routing A New Segment


In Memoriam: Randall Brune

About the Cover The photograph on the cover, by Frank Knight, shows Chittenango Falls in Chittenango State Park near Cazenovia, NY, site of the 2001 conference of the North Country Trail Association and joint meeting with its partners in Central New York.

Bill Menke

Departments Along the Way Trailhead Heart & Sole Trail Contacts Joan's Cache Who's New Trail Calendar Trail Shop Bob's Report Hiking Shorts Last Word Supporters

, .. · .. 4 5 18 20 25 28 28 '. 29 34 · 35 : .. : . 37 38,. 39

Published four times annually in January, April, July and October by the North Country Trail Association, a private, nonprofit 501 (c)(3) organization for promotional purposes and as a benefit of membership in the organization. All rights reserved. No part of this publication.may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the North Country Trail Association.

Page 3

North Star: The Magazine of the North Country Trail

Along ~Jrizy

April - June 2001

NORTH COUNTRY Trail plangu into a plwh forut in northern Widco1Z.Jin. -From the June page of the 2001 Calendar.

Along the way to building the longest continuous hiking trail in the country, we pass many milestones. Here are a few of the vital statistics that mark our progress. By recruiting new members, you Probably the biggest measure of our success is what we help our organization grow. We call "certified miles" of the North Country Trail. Here are give awards for lO, so. lOO and the totals for each state of the trail: 250 members.

Our top recruiters since the January issue of the North Star:

5 2 2

1 1 1 1 1 1


Joe and Diane Martin Rick Halbert Bob Tait Brad Bosley Russell and Judy Dees Randy Ehinger Denise Herron Patricia Hudelson Richard Naperala Mary Soule


Almost all trail work is accomplished by our volunteers. Thanks go out to the volunteers shown below who reported the most hours since the January issue of the North Star:

103 63 49 48 34 27 27 27

Kyle Kutsche Bruce Schwenke Dave Foresberg Norma Matteson Jim Matteson Chris Edgar Jim Edgar Ian DeGraff

State North Dakota

Change Since January Issue


























New York








Membership in the NCTAdemonstrates public support and funds all types of work to benefit the trail. Here's how we're doing in each state:

State North Dakota

Current Members

Change Since January Issue






















New York










Other States TOTAL

Page 4

Miles Certified



April - June 2001

North Star: The Magazine of the North Country Trail

Our Trail Construction Conscience raised in the Winter issue regarding logging practices.


ill Menke, retiring from the National Park Service as manager of the North Country National Scenic Trail certainly needs no defense from me, but I do want to say:

• A number of readers were kind enough to e-mail their approval of last issue's cover which featured the volunteers who had crossed a new threshold of volunteer hours on behalf of the Association during the 12 months before our annual meeting in 2000. The cover came off so well because of the efforts of Aaron Phipps, a member of the Western Michigan Chapter, whose imaging skills with Adobe Photoshop rescued some pretty" dismal originals.

"I have yet to meet anyone in the trail community"more dedicated to making our trail a quality-hiking experience, or more fiercely defensive, in a realistic manner, against encroachment from all sources other federal agencies, loggers, unmindful mountain bike riders, uncaring bureaucrats or anyone else who does not cherish our outdoor heritage." He has been accused, in fact, of being an overly protective steward whose occasional insistence that we follow the spirit and letter of the vision of our trail prevents certification of an otherwise attractive, or useful trail segment. My reaction on those occasions, even when momentarily annoyed at one of his decisions, was a feeling of gratitude that someone in our outfit kept our feet to the fire to maintain our vision and ideals. That's why the last paragraph of an otherwise thoughtful letter from a loyal North Country Trail member from Pennsylvania appearing on Page 37 deserves, I believe, some comment although the notion that an editor ought to have the last word when a reader dissents from the arguments made in article is foreign to the spirit of fair debate we hope to foster in the North Star. Kirk Johnson in his letter to the

North Star does pay tribute to Bill's dedication, but closes his letter by suggesting: "Finally, ADP (Allegheny Defense Project) recommends that when the NPS hires a new NCT Manager, the successful candidate should, rather than being a professional forester, be an outdoor recreation specialist with a strong interest in ecology or conservation biology."

By Werner Veit I want to assure Kirk that whatever the background of the new manager, we would be fortunate, indeed, if Bill's successor is as dedicated to achieving a quality-hiking experience for us as Bill has been. Despite my dismay at reading Kirk's closing sentence, it does not diminish the consideration the body of the letter deserves. It illustrates, also, my hope for the North Star, that it become a forum for the discussion of matters and events of importance to all of us. Kirk's generally restrained and useful dissent helps to carry us in that direction. Jerry Keeney, president of our Harbor Springs Chapter, also contributes to that goal in this issue. His description of logging problems on public lands around the segment of the North Country Trail his chapter maintains, provides a most useful follow-up to the questions

Luckily, we haven't heard the last of Aaron. He also created the images on this issue's cover and on Page 12 from original color slides by Mary Coffin from the Central New York Chapter. Aaron, a production manager at The Grand RaplJJ PreJJ, is an enthusiastic long distance hiker and superb photographer whose work, I hope, will appear with some regularity" in the North Star.

• I also want to express the appreciation of the Association to Judy Garnett, a member of the Chief Noonday Chapter, whose work with the North Star ends with this issue. Judy stepped in to produce the electronic files that go to the printer from my sometimes incoherent layouts and to create the clever graphics that have appeared in the magazine since last August. The modest stipend we were able to afford did not begin to compensate for the many hours she donated to the Association to help us achieve a lively journal and to get us started until we were able to make a more permanent arrangement.

"... We wou/J be fortunate ... if Bill Menke d successor ar1 dedicated to achieving a quality hiking experience for Ur1 aJ Bill baÂť been ... "


Page 5

North Star: The Magazine of the North Country Trail

April - June 2001

BiLL Menke had been a patient, help/ uL teacher to. members learning the intricacies of trail construction and maintenance. Here be iJ tea.cbing a clasÂŤ near Traoerse City in 1999.

Farewell, but Not Goodbye from Bill By Bill Menke Manager, North Country National Scenic Trail

Almost nine years have passed since the day I received an eagerlyawaited telephone call from Tom Gilbert, Superintendent of the Madison trails office of the National Park Service. He informed me I had been selected as the first NPS employee assigned exclusively to the North Country National Scenic Trail. Only a week-and-a-half later, Tom and I found ourselves traveling together to the North Country Trail Association's annual meeting at The Shack, in White Cloud, Ml. Thus began the first of many enjoyable trips together on behalf of the trail. After reaching The Shack, I was naturally somewhat hesitant about my new role and I wondered how the folks, who had been around for a long time, would receive me. That was certainly and unfounded concern. My first meeting with the group provided a glimpse into a world of warm and dedicated people who were always there to share their thoughts and dreams as I settled into the job of Manager of the North Country Trail. As the months and years passed, I found myself in the enviable position Page 6

of having my job become my hobby. During periods of annual leave, I often found myself hiking long segments of the trail (now up to almost 1,400 miles) or traveling to northern Wisconsin to join fellow volunteers in building new trail to connect the Chequamegon National Forest with the Brule River State Forest. My occupation had led to new free-time activities. I think you will agree that this is indeed an ideal situation. Over the years, I have had the opportunity to visit many parts of the trail and see its many scenic and historic aspects. Throughout its length, the North Country Trail abounds with these wonderful places. But to me there is something that is even more wonderful about the trail than its many beautiful places. It is the many dedicated volunteers, from all walks of life, that I have met along the way. Strangers have become friends and I am delighted to know so many people who willingly give of their time and talents to make this long, skinny park a reality. Some have guided me to their favorite places and shared them with me. Others have assisted with GPS'ing or reviewing a particular portion of the trail, by providing shuttle service. Still others have welcomed me into their homes and provided a place to sleep or shared a meal.

Some have served as planning team members and attended various meetings to help forge stronger partnerships. Some have wrestled side by side with us to tackle thorny issues. I am, and will forever remain, amazed at the amounts of time and talents that so many people share for the benefit of the trail. It doesn't matter whether you are swinging a mattock or stuffing an envelope-all efforts are important. It is the people that make the trail and the North Country Trail is richly blessed by the devotion of so many. Well, as the old saying goes, "there is a time and place for everything." And the time has come for me to move on to another phase in life. By the time you read this, I will be retired from the NPS and the search will be underway to find a new trail manager. While this has been the best job that I've ever had and I enjoyed it right to the last day, I found myself looking forward to more free time for doing some of the things I enjoy most. I wanted to have more time to go out and get dirty "digging and grubbing" the trail into reality. I am planning to become a volunteer on a small crew, working several weeks per year, to complete the trail in the Brule-St Croix area. I want to have more time to hike long stretches of the trail. And, I want more time to spend with family and friends.

April - June 2001

a •••

North Star: The Magazine of the North Country Trail

The time hM come/ or me to move on to another phase of my Life."

I am leaving at an exciting time. Many new things are about to fall into place that will make all of our goals easier to fulfill. The North Country Trail Association has grown by leaps and bounds and is playing an ever-stronger role. Our budget has increased considerably over the last nine years, allowing us to provide additional funding to our partners and accomplish more in the Madison office. We are currently hiring another full time staff person who will focus on land protection issues and planning. No longer will the trail manager be the only full-time staffer. At the national level, there is an initiative to obtain funding to support a fully functional Geographic Information System (GIS) in each of the trail offices. There is Federal matching funding to permanently protect the trail· in Wisconsin through the purchase of lands or easements.

While I would like to hang around to participate in all of these new initiatives, it is time to bring some new and perhaps a different energy to bear on the complexities found up and down the trail. Without doubt, the new manager will see things somewhat differently, and focus on different things, than I did. And that is good! I firmly believe that change is refreshing and I have no doubt that you will extend the same kind insight and friendships to the new trail manager that you extended to me. Please accept my heartfelt thanks for all the good things you have done -for the trail and for me personally. It has been GREAT and you won't be forgotten. I'll see you somewhere along the trail since I plan to remain involved in one way or another. Farewell but not goodbye.

SCORES OF members are familiar with Bill carrying a wad, whether a backpack: or a GPS unit. Ano he not only 6/azeo the trail forfuture managerJ but he bfazeo trail Literally, an activity he plaru to lceep up in retirement.

Page 7

North Star: The Magazine of the North Country Trail

April - June 2001

pring reawaken» not only the hiker, tired of snow sboe» and the Jiwh of late Winter, but Nature's paintbrush, the wi&jlnwerJ that bloom the length of the north country and empbasiae why we call our trail the North Country National SCENIC Trail It'.:! a time when heavy trail work beqin», when score» of volunteers head into the woodJ to clear the detritw of heavy weather, to remark the myJterwwly duappearing blaee« and to locate tbose ilfwille connections between our [avoru« treadwayJ. But Spring if also the time to look down to Jee the unfo&ing glory. The foL!owing wiLL help guiJe you.


- The E'iJitor.

Quaker Ladu«

Our Members Point to Nature's Paintbrush By Lisa Messerer Finger Lakes Trail Conference

Spring, according to my plant taxonomy professor, lasts until early June in the northland. I have taken to dividing the spring wildflowers 'into two, loosely defined groups: early spring (April-May) and late spring/early summer (Mayearly June). Examples of early spring wildflowers are: bloodroot (.:1anguinaria canaderuis), hepatica (bepatica amencana); jack-in-the-pulpit (arisaema triphyllum); marsh marigold (caltba palastru), spring beauty (claytonia caroliniana); trailing arbutus (epiqaea repene); wood anemone (anemone quiquefolia); violets (Viola sp.}; nodding trillium (trillium. cernuum}; sweet coltsfoot (peta.:1ite.:1) and toothwort (<)entaria laciniata). Examples of Late spring/Early summer wildflowers are more numerous in the North Country. Some of my favorites are: wild leeks (allium tricoccum) - you will actually see the leaves of this plant, as it does not flower until July when the leaves have withered away; bellwort (uoalaria sp.); canada mayflower or wild-lilyof-the-valley (maianthemum canadense); clematis or virgin's bower (clematis virginiana); clintonia (clintonia borealis), dutchman's breeches (<)icentra cucullaria); wild ginger (asarum canadenee), bane berry (actaea sp.); columbine (aquilegia canadensi»); coralroot (corallorbua sp.) - this orchid is a true saprophyte, getting its nourishment from decaying organic matter, not through photosynthesis; Page 8

starflower (trientali:J borealis) and mertensia (mertensia paniculata). Early spring wildflowers are also known as "spring ephemerals." They have several traits in common: most bloom before trees have leafed out, ensuring that they receive plenty of sunshine; many close at night or on cloudy days (ex: hepatica, spring beauty, bloodroot); and many live in a colony, the individuals all being part of the same plant. The late spring/early summer flowers have a greater tolerance for the dappled sunlight found in forests as the trees leaf out. There can be quite an overlap of these groups depending on the conditions. Following the hard winter and delayed spring of 1995/96, when there was still two feet of snow on the trail in early May, many of the spring wildflowers were just beginning to bloom in late May and early June. In contrast, the last couple years have brought spring to the north shore earlier, with a concurrent early blooming cycle. Remember, when you venture out, to bring along a wildflower field guide or two (I am known to carry three or four) to help you identify your finds. I recommend Peter.:1on'.J Fie[() Guide to WilJ/lower.:1 or Newcomb s WilJ/lower Guide, as they cover a wide variety of plants, include when you can expect to find them in bloom, and have good drawings.

Minnesota So, where can you go to find these flowers? Beginning on the southern part of the Superior Hiking Trail and working north, I would recommend these sections: Knife River to Lake Co. Rd 102 (toothwort): Castle Danger to Gooseberry Falls State Park; Split Rock River (loop or to Gooseberry); Split rock to Beaver Bay (a sharp-eyed hiker found ladyslipper on this section in early June); Silver Bay to Tettegouche State Park (dutchrnan's breeches are a highlight); Cook Co. Rd 1 to Temperance River State Park; Britton Peak to Oberg Mountain and Lutsen to Caribou Trail (spring beauty). These sections include a variety of terrain and lengths, something to suit everyone from families looking for a fun day hike to folks looking to cover some miles.

Wisconsin Brule-St. Croix Chapter The portage trail section along the segment of the North Country Trail maintained by the Brule-St. Croix chapter is an excellent place to see spring flowers. Small flowers such as polygala and wood violet are particularly common in May and early June. The trail overlooks the Brule Bog, the only boreal forest in Wisconsin with bog laurel, bunch berry and Labrador tea blossoms. The Portage Trail is the North Country Trail segment running north from the St. Croix Lake trailhead, off Douglas County Highway A four miles northeast of Solon Springs.

April - June 2001

North Star: The Magazine of the North Country Trail

Another great spot is the Mott's Ravine segment of the NC trail, where pink ladyslippers appear just west of Mott's Ravine Road in mid to late June. These wild orchids, which are usually found in wet areas, grow here in an upland red pine plantation. Walk a mile or two west into the pine-oak savanna of the ravine and you'll find wood lilies scattered among the grasses. These are darkorange flowers shaped like tiger lilies, but always upturned toward the sky. This trail segment is accessed from the Highland Town hall trailhead on Douglas County Highway S, south of Lake Nebagamon.

Left: Pink La{)y.:!Lipper Lower Left: Pink Mocca.Jin flower

-Peter Norugen

Below: Yellow Lady.:Jlipper

Brule-St. Croix Chapter Michigan North CountryTrail Hikers Jan Schultz, forest plan ecologist in the Hiawatha National Forest, says one of the Upper Peninsula's outstanding spring wildflower displays is around Laughing Whitefish Falls from mid to late May. She says that among the most plentiful species are spring beauty, jack-in-the-pulpit, squirrel corn, dutchrnans breeches, nodding trillium, large-flowered trillium, cut leaf toothworth, sessil leaf bellwort, blue cohosh, and Canada and yellow violets. Good things to eat, too: morels and wild leeks. There are also lots of bumblebees, butterflies and a few mosquitoes that time of year. Laughing Whitefish Falls is accessible from M-94, which intersects with M-28 just east of Munising and with US-41 about 20 miles south of Marquette. The access point is at Sundell on M-94, about 12 miles east of US-41, or 30 miles west of Munising. The Falls itself is part of a public park with parking lot, facilities, and a good trail less than half a mile long. It is a lovely cascading falls visible both from above and below, and certainly worth the effort to climb down a long stairway. There is a connecting trail from the Falls to the North Country Trail about two miles north (downstream).

To those ready for more steps, a hike down into the canyon (east on the trail) leads to a bridge crossing the river and many more steps up the other side of the canyon. The connecting trail and the North Country Trail both have an abundance of spring wildflowers and ferns. =Denise Herron

North Country Trait Hilcerd Harbor Springs Chapter Wildflowers abound north of 46 degrees latitude. Here, in the Northwestern part of Michigan, they are particularly plentiful. There is one segment of the North Country Trail (Harbor Springs Chapter's marker 9 and 10) that is singularly spectacular in the spring. This list is by no means complete, but will give you an idea of some of

the things you could see up here in Emmet County. Beginning in May you will encounter early spring beauties and dutchman's britches followed by squirrel corn and huge patches of trillium. Bright yellow trout lilies share the area with foamflowers; ground hugging bunchberry are found among a variety of violets and newly emerging fiddle headed ferns. June begins with the moccasin flower (pink ladyslipper), yellow ladyslipper, spotted coral root, jackin-the-pulpit and columbine. The center of the path is covered in dwarf lake iris (a federally-endangered species) and fringed polygala (gaywings). As you near the Headlands area there are patches of other varieties of woodland orchids.

Page 9

North Star: The Magazine of the North Country Trail

be found using the Sciota Trail and Sinking Spring sections maps of the Buckeye Trail. You can use the former to locate the Tar Hollow State Forest section, which sports a large patch of yellow ladyslippers. Park at the fire tower (point 4) and walk north a short distance on the BT/ NCT to find the patch. There are many other woodland species in the forest.

The show continues in the summer with indian paintbrush, blue eyed grass, a variety of cinqfoils, asters, jewelweed, joe-pye weed, and bonesett to mention a few of the specimens one could see. Truly, a hike along the North Country Trail that meanders through Wilderness State Park is a feast for the eyes!

To locate the other area, park at the Fort Hill State Memorial on State Route 41. This is point 20 on the map. Walk mostly west and south toward point 21. This is an exceptional area with many, many spring wildflowers.

-Peggy Keeney Harbor SprinqÂŤ Chapter Grand Traverse Hiking Club A great place to encounter wildflowers on the section of trail maintained by the Grand Traverse Hiking Club is the segment we are coming to refer to as "Bud's Bridge," named after Bud Ward who built a bridge at that location last year. The bridge is the second built over Sand Creek, located east of Dell Road and west of Townline Road, which, in turn, is west of US-131. The area is a lowland forest, rich in wildflowers, mosses and ferns. In early spring, lock for bloodroot and spring beauty. They are followed later by jack-in-the-pulpit, trillium, trout lilies and maidenhair ferns.

-Rick Halbert Grand Traverse Hi/cing Club Western MichiganChapter The North Country Trail passes within a mile the Loda Lake Wildflower Sanctuary, which is located just north of the chapter's schoolhouse shelter near White Cloud, MI. The sanctuary boasts some 50 species of wildflowers in April and May. On the North Country Trail itself you can find pitcher's thistle where the trail meets 40th Street near Bigelow Creek; blueberries north of the 40th and 24th Street trailhead; dogwood and indian pipe in early May, north of the M-20 trailhead and lupine toward the end of May in the same area. Just before the Cole Creek crossing, trailing arbutus emerges soon after the snow melts and pink ladyslippers make their appearance Page 10

April - June 2001

-SUJieHuilJ Buckeye Trail AiJociatwn New York Finger Lakes Trail

Dwarf-cre.:1ted lri1 there in late May. From the end of May through June 15 showy ladyslippers show off their colors near Hodenpyl Dam.

-Ginny WunJcb WeJtern Michigan Chapter Chief Noonday Chapter One of the best wildflower shows in our area can be seen from the "Little Mack" bridge off Norris Road where it crosses the road and continues into Yankee Springs in Barry County. Wild iris, jack-in-thepulpit, orchids, watercress, a large variety of ferns, spicebush and wintergreen are usually spotted among the 38 species known there. Another hot spot is the Ott Preserve in Calhoun County at 13300 15 Mile Road, outside of Marshall, MI.

A hot spot on the Finger Lakes Trail section of the North Country Trail can be found on the Finger Lakes Trail Map 21, southeast of Syracuse. (To obtain maps, log on to By going from south to north, from the southern crossing of Cortland Two Road you will encounter a long, level section in a private oak woods between two state forest sections that was logged a few years ago. The increased light has resulted in wonderful red and white trillium, hepatica, and even a patch of old fashioned double daffodils where there must have been a home long ago.

The Buckeye Trail has many splendid examples of spring wildflowers. To find the locations listed below, you may want to obtain the appropriate maps available on the trail web page,

The biggest treat is ahead where the trail eventually walks down a long hill on Cortland Two Road itself, a good firm dug, side hill dirt road in state forest. Where the hillside on either side is so steep this "road walk" is more sensible. This darkly forested hillside is covered with scores of thousands of red and white trillium, dutchrnan's breeches, squirrel corn, cut leaf toothworth, and trout lily. Nowhere have I ever seen such a dense carpet of wildflowers, and it goes on for almost two miles!

Two outstanding locations in south central and southwestern Ohio can

This is tbe premier wildflower groundcover spot in the known

-s-Barbara VanDyken Chief Noonday Chapter Ohio Buckeye Trail

I April - June 2001

North Star: The Magazine of the North Country Trail

universe ... well, whaddoo I know? First week May is the usual showtirne. Some other great locations: Map M-8, less than two miles west of the village of Swain: there is a long descent from the top of a long forested hilltop walk, on dug tractor path beside the stream ravine. The steep face of the hillside along the lower reaches of the tractor path is covered with trillium, usually during the first week in May.



Map M-6, just north of Pond Road, walking in deep woods above Wiscoy Creek: ground is carpeted with spring beauties very late in April and in earliest May. Map 0-1 (that's "O" for Onondaga Branch), south of Apulia, parallel to NY 91, but up on the ridge to the east of it: just north and east of the great overlook at Jones Hill the trail goes through a tall bower of azalea, which perfumes the whole area in late April or early May, depending on the year's advance. Map M-14, a short way east of Maple Road, just after the trail turns north off the old roadbed, there is a fabulous bed of trailing arbutus on the left that tends to bloom in late April. -s

Irene Sxabo Finger Lake禄 Trail Conference

Central New York Chapter The Link Trail has many locations where various species of wildflowers can be seen at first-hand. The trail passes through a variety of habitats and elevations in its approximately 14-mile route from the junction with the Finger Lakes Trail near Barnbury Road in Chenango County northward to the sidewalks of the Village of Cazenovia. Some of the best sites with springtime attractions are: 1. Trailhead area at the north side of Dugway Road (a paved road traversing the Tioughnioga Wilderness Management). Blue and pink phlox grow in profusion. 2. At the top of the hill above Dugway Road - a relatively steep climb. Pachysandra is found here and along the diagonal trail seg-



ment leading to an abandoned communications cable route. At the west end of the cable route segment, the trail turns sharply north and descends to a wooden bridge crossing a small stream. In this area, orange lilies, bluish-purple cornflowers, and more abound in a nearby small meadow. The trail continues northward and crosses Damon Road. Just north of Damon Road, the Link Trail crosses Limestone Creek. Although the flower count is low, just to the left is a very attractive path leading to a delightful setting along the creek. This is a fine place to rest a bit. The tree cover is primarily coniferous. A short ascent from Limestone Creek on an old abandoned road brings you to a delightful 0.65mile segment that was carefully developed by the late Randall Brune. This is a certified NCNST segment-it is covered with minimal flower content, but at the north end, you encounter Irish Hill Road. From this vantage point, you have a good view of grassy fields nearly filled with wildflowers in the springtime. Within the Nelson Swamp Unique Area (NSUA), the trail uses both State land and a 1400foot section that is privately owned. Along the old rail bed, blue flag, pond lily and marsh marigold are found. This is a certified segment of the NCNST. Acres of orange hawkweed, gold-

en asters, yellow-goat's-beard, yellow-tickseed, common and swamp buttercup, wild radish, field mustard, milk-vetch, and many more varieties can be seen from the trail, often in adjacent fields. The open area to the north along the privately owned segment is very attractive. 7. The Stone Quarry Hill Art Park (north of the west end of the NSUA-use Constine Bridge Road/Stone Quarry Road to reach the off road trail head just south of the Art Park) offers a wide variety of flowers (and other things as well) in all seasons. The NCNST passes directly through the Art Park, with connections to the internal trail system within the Art Park. 8. Leaving the Art Park proper, the trail continues via private lands toward the Village of Cazenovia. The hillside above Chenango Street has a good number of wild roses (pasture roses) in a meadow. The trail from the private land entry point to the Art Park from the south to Chenango Street at the Village of Cazenovia boundary is also a certified NCNST segment. 9. The NCNST passes directly through the attractive Village of Cazenovia and then northward via the Gorge Trail owned by the Cazenovia Preservation Foundation (CPF).

-AlLarmann Central New York Chapter

Visit the Davis Hollow Outdoor Center Pennsylvania State Headquarters for North Country Trail Association volunteers Located in Pennsylvania's Moraine State Park, right on the North Country Traill

Facilities include bunk beds, kitchen, and a meeting room. Tent pads near the Center that can be used by people who hike the North Country Trail. Program weekends already are scheduled for bird watching, kayaking, geology, and biking. Others are being planned. 路路The Center is maintained and managed by volunteers of the Davis Hollow Outdoor Center Committee.

Page 11

NCTA'~!!u~I Conference

VIEW FROM the Onondaqa TraiL Overlooking Labrador Pono

Finger Lakes Conference, Central NY, Onondaga Chapter Invite Us to Come he Finger Lakes Trail Conference, the Central New York Chapter of the North Country Trail Association, along with the Onondaga Chapter of the Adirondack Mountain Club invite you to central New York the second weekend of August for hikes, tours, workshops and programs that will acquaint you with the charms of the region surrounding Cazenovia in Madison County. Here the North Country Trail is taking shape on its way from the main Finger Lakes Trail, up the Onondaga branch, onto the Link Trail and northward along the old Erie Canal toward the Adirondack Mountains. The reach of Madison County, southeast of nearby Syracuse, extends from level rural plains at 400 feet of elevation, where the old and new versions of the historic Erie Canal pass, to dizzying, steep 2000-feet high ridges and into narrow valleys offering memorable views, exciting NorthPakota•Ml~ waterfalls and fabulous, forested hiking trails. Ohio•~•


* ~*Mld\lt!m N<IWYO!'k

April - June 2001

North Star: The Magazine of the North Country Trail



Registration for this year's conference will be conducted by the North Country Trail Association headquarters. Early registration is encouraged! Meals and lodging are available at incredible rates. Additional fees may be required for some tours and rentals and must be paid while registering. A confirmation form will be mailed to all registrants in July along with directions to Cazenovia and a campus guide.

A variety of workshops await this year's conference participants. Currently scheduled include Trail Maintenance and Blazing by Irene Szabo, Backcountry Safety with Pete Moreau, State of the Trail with Bob Papp, NCTA, and Getting Nature Photography Right! See the schedule for times .

Evening Programs

Evening programs will feature Adirondack tales by storyteller Ken Kaufman on Thursday evening, and a Overnight accommodations will be available in Cazeno- slide show presented by Joan Young on Friday. Joan will share her vivid experiences along many stretches via College dorms. Cost for rooms will be $25 per person/double, $30 per person/single. Rooms feature of the Trail. On Saturday evening Barbara McMartin, famed author of books about the Adirondack bunk beds and community bathrooms. Bed and bath Preserve's vast interior, will share her opinion of the linens will be available for an additional $10.00 per proposed NCT route options through New York's north person for the weekend. Cazenovia College is one country. block from certified North Country Trail in the charming village of Cazenovia, where NCT signs and blue blazes mark Main Street for a few blocks.

On Site Lodging

Meals Meals will be served in Hubbard Hall on the campus of Cazenovia College beginning with dinner Thursday evening and concluding with Sunday breakfast. Meals can be purchased in advance on either a daily or single meal basis. Bag lunches will be available on Friday, Saturday and Sunday for those planning to be off campus mid-day. A Picnic Dinner is scheduled for all Conference participants on Friday night at the Cazenovia College Equestrian Center. Rides to that event will be coordinated from campus. Saturday evening's banquet includes the spirited NCTA Auction and an exciting program featuring Barbara McMartin.

Trail Shops The NCTA and Finger Lakes Trail Shops will be open in Hubbard Hall throughout the weekend.

Hikes Spectacular views, waterfalls and scenic streams galore! Several guided hikes will be offered daily for all ability levels. College vans will help smooth car shuttling chores. Self-guided hikes radiate from the college for those seeking more solitary strolls on the North Country Trail or within historic neighborhoods! Turn to page 16 for more detailed information.

• •

Getting there ... Cazenovia is located twenty miles southeast of Syracuse. Driving maps will be available to all registrants and online. Most major airlines and Amtrak serve Syracuse. Local volunteers will gladly provide transport to the Conference. Sign up on the Registration Form.

Trail Junction New York •!• 2001 NCTA Annual Conference •!• Cazenovia, New York •!• August 9-12,2001 Page 13

North Star: The Magazine of the North Country Trail

Regijstrat.ton Form ''

April - June 2001

A// registrants receive program booklet' admission to Banquet, embroidered patch, map to Cazenovia and college campus guide.

Please return with your payment by July 6, 2001. Send to: NCTA, 229 E. Main, Lowell, Ml 49331 Name(s): Address: Phone: (

City, State Zip:


SPEC1 AL REQUESTS check one or more

ire Conferertce Or Register for Separate Parts:

__ No Bunkbeds.

Please arrange two beds on the floor.

Two days: Circle FrL Sat. Sun.




___ Please pair me with:


Sat Banquet/McMartin Program ONLY




___ Special Diet. Describe:


Does not include patch or booklet

___ Airport/Railway Transport:

LODGING Bed and Bath Linen

Entire Conference





Carrier: Thursday night

Alone in Single Room

$30.00 $25.00





To help us plan better, please indicate which hikes and workshops you think you and your party might attend.


Alone in Single Room

Time: ----~AM/PM

Hike/Workshop Saturday night

Alone in Single Room


Number attending


MEALS Only provided to Registered Participants Thursday Supper




Portable Lunch on Hike

$4.00 $4.50

# #

$ $

Lunch on Campus




Picnic Dinner




Portable Lunch on Hike

$4.00 $4.50

# #

$ $

Lunch on Campus




Banquet Dinner-Registrants only




y: 3 meals ortab'lic luncha'$?~ Or, pick and choose your Friday meals:


Or, pick and choose your Saturday meals:


Total Enclosed (Registration + Lodging + Meals)



My check payable to N.C.T.A is enclosed - ORPlease charge my VISA, MasterCard or American Express card:

Tour/Rental Fees See schedule for details Driving Tour (Friday)





Bike Rental (Saturday tour)



# ----------------------

$ Expiration Date:


Signature: -----------------Trail Junction New York •!• 2001 NCTA Annual Conference •!• Cazenovia, New York •!• August 9-12,2001 Page 14

North Star: The Magazine of the North Country Trail

April - June 2001

10:00 AM

Hike A

1:00 PM


College parking lot

3:00 PM

NCTA Executive Committee Meeting

Hubbard Hall, Harden Room

6:00 PM

NCTA Board Meeting

Hubbard Hall, Harden Room

7:00 PM


Hubbard Hall

8:00 PM

Program: Tales of the Adirondacks with Ken Kaufman

Morgan Student Lounge

6:30-8:30 AM

Breakfast (Pick up bag lunch)

Hubbard Hall


Hikes C,D,G & Tour Bus

College parking lot

11:00 AM

Workshop V: Nature Photography

College parking lot



Hubbard Hall

Hike F

College parking lot

Hike E

College parking lot

1:00 PM

Workshop I: Trail Maintenance

3:00 PM

Silent Auction begins

Dining Hall

Chapter Presidents and Partners Mtg.

Hubbard Hall, Harden Room

Workshop Ill: Backpacking 6:30 PM

Carpools to picnic

Parking lot

7:00 PM


Equestrian Center

8:00 PM

Program: High Hopes Wearing Sweaty Socks: NCT Adventures by Joan Young

Barn lobby

6:30-8:30 AM

Breakfast (Pick up bag lunch)

Hubbard Hall


NCTA Annual Meeting

Hubbard Hall


Hikes G,l,J,K & Bike H1 & H2

College parking lot


Workshop II: State of the Trail Workshop IV: Backcountry Safety Workshop VI: Map & Compass Lunch

Hubbard Hall

Hikes L & N

College parking lot

1:00 PM


College parking lot

6:00 PM

Silent Auction closes

Hubbard Hall

6:30 PM

Banquet & Live Auction

Hubbard Hall

8:15 PM

Program: Barbara McMartin-End of the Trail: Where Will it End?

Hubbard Hall


$unda ,!August 12 6:30-8:30 AM


Hubbard Hall


Hikes O,P,Q, A & L

College parking lot

11:00 AM

Check out of dorms

I rd1I Jum.t1011 New York •:• 2001 NCTA Annual Conference

WORKSHOP I - TRAIL MAINTENANCE & BLAZING. "Dozens of helpful hints I wish they'd told me years ago," from Irene Szabo, who has spent fifteen seasons fanatically tending "her" twenty trail miles. Fri 1 :00-3:00 WORKSHOP II -THE STATE OF THE TRAIL. An overview of the North Country Trail, progress during its first twenty years and plans for the future. Led by our National Park Service Manager for the NCT, and Bob Papp, Exec. Dir. of NCTA. Sat 10:00-11 :45 WORKSHOP Ill - INTRODUCTION TO BACK-PACKING. Mary Coffin invites veterans as well as beginners to share ideas and ask questions. Agenda will include equipment, packing strategies, food, etc. Bring stove, filter, tent, for example, to try them out. Fri 3:00-5:00 WORKSHOP IV - BACKCOUNTRY SAFETY. What to bring along to cover most health and safety emergencies, and how to take care of them, by EMT Pete Moreau. Sat 10:00-11 :45 WORKSHOP V - GETTING NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY RIGHT! Professional photographer Annette Dragon will share hints for making the most of outdoor pictures, no matter how simple or complex your camera. Stone Quarry Art Park will provide perfect "lab" for different challenges. Fri 11 :00 - 2:00 WORKSHOP VI - MAP & COMPASS. Learn on campus, then a trip to Highland Forest to practice what you've learned in small teams. Sat 10:00-4:00

•:• Cazenovia, New York •:• August 9-12,2001

Page 15

North Star: The Magazine of the North Country Trail

HIKE A - SKYLINE TRAIL, TRAILS-IN-PROGRESS SERIES: 4 miles moderate, proposed branch west off Onondaga Branch through NY Forestry College property, a state forest w/ stone walls, old farm foundations, and beaver work, and Labrador Hollow Unique Area, w/ nature trail boardwalk through fascinating wetlands. 10:00-2:30. Repeated Sunday 9:30-2:00


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April - June 2001

HIKE B - STONY POND, nearby state forest with 13 miles of loop trails. Group can choose easy or moderate loops w/ choices of nearly level or moderately steep, pond-side and upland meanders. Guided walk. 1 :00-5:30

--r---F-rld_a_y_, A-u'"!l!:g!':"tls-t-10-------------~---,j

HIKE C - SOUTH HALF OF FL T'S ONONDAGA BRANCH, the NCT's first departure northward from main FLT toward Adirondacks: 10 miles, long gradual descents and climbs: from high forested ridge past Spicer Falls and beautiful little streams to glacially scooped valley and village at 1200' elevation then slowly through forest up to long view at 1975' open hilltop, to join main FLT. Hikes B & G together complete the Onondaga. 9:00-5:00 HIKED - CLARK RESERVATION, guided tour by park expert of bizarre glacial leftover, deep pond formed by glacial waterfall, w/ limestone outcroppings, great variety of fems & mosses, good birdwatching. Moderate plus 175 steps down to lake from 1880's resort days. 9:00-1 :00 HIKE E - LINK TRAIL/NCT: RR BED IN NELSON SWAMP STATE UNIQUE AREA. Easy, less than 2 miles one way, old RR grade through cedar and hemlock forest, classy footbridge over Chittenango Creek, and regions of bush, grasslands. Knowledgeable guide. 1 :00-5:00 or less

HIKE F - MAIN FLT/LINK TRAIL JCT NORTH! 5+ miles, some easy walking on high ridges w/ a few short steep climbs and descents, switchbacks. Varied hardwood, hemlock, and spruce forests, short dirt road portion, easy stream crossings. 12:00-5:30 HIKE G - MAIN FLT/NCT: WILTSEY GLEN. FLT Map M21, 7 miles, moderately hilly (for this area!). Solon Pond Rd to Stoney Brook where NCT turns north. Gently rolling, all forested, with long descent through Wiltsey Glen's dark stream gully. Several handsome hemlock-shrouded streams with crossing rocks. 9:00-4:30. Repeated Saturday 9:30-5:00 DRIVING TOUR OF THE TRAILS: overview of the region and hot spots along the trails ... long views, waterfalls, ponds, all visible from the bus or by very short easy walk from road's edge. Great sampler for those who don't want to walk far. Van and some stops are handicapped accessible. Get the total regional trail picture without breaking a sweat. Extra fee: $15. 9:00-5:00 max. Reservations required.

~~·-A_u~ust~ BIKE H1 & H2 • OLD ERIE CANAL: bicycle either 18 (H1) or 31 (H2) miles on towpath trail along Old Erie Canal State Park, part of it future NCT. Level stone dust path follows old route of historic Erie Canal, now cut off by modern version and turned into a linear rural trail we'll bike in order to see most of it. Two wonderful little museum stops plus 150-year-old aqueducts, stone culverts, restored dry docks on either version, plus walk over lock gate on active modern canal on longer version. Led by history nut. 9:30-6:00 long version. Reservation required. Bring your own or rent a bike on registration form. $3.00 at one museum. HIKE I - NORTH HALF OF FLT'S ONONDAGA BRANCH, the NCT's first departure northward from main FLT toward Adirondacks: 10-11 miles, major elevation changes back and forth several times from 1300' to 1600 and even 2000', all forested with several beautiful dark stream gullies, Tinker Falls, and astounding views down steep valley over Labrador Pond. A noticeable workout of a hike, but with many top notch rewards. 9:30-5:30 Hikes B&G together complete the Onondaga. HIKE J - LINK TRAIL: TIOUGHNIOGA & NELSON SWAMP. Pronunciation lessons. Part of it NCT, 7 miles of easy and moderate forest hiking, brooks, signs of old homesteads, a few immense old trees, plus nice dry walking on old railbed through hemlock and cedar swamp. (See Hike E) 9:30-3:30

HIKE 0 - OLD ERIE CANAL PLUS: 10 flat and easy bucolic miles, first along portion of Bike F, including both museums, two aqueducts, and same canal history guide. $3.00 fee at one museum. At Canastota turn south into sudden lumpy topography of stream gullies and forested hills, our walk still easy along abandoned railbed, future NCT along northern Link Trail. 9:30-5:30 HIKE P - LINK TRAIL/NCT: COLLEGE TO ART PARK. Less than 3 miles, easy plus moderate climb, to spend time among bizarre

HIKE K - MAIN FLT: EAST OF THE OTSELIC. Climb out of the steep Otselic River valley from 1330' to 1960' on graded, gradual BUil T trail with steps, switchbacks. 7+ miles of mostly level forest once climb is done; finish at pretty Jackson Pond. Old stone fences in state forest. 9:30-5:30 FLT Maps M22-23. HIKE L - MAIN FLT: CHIPPEWA FALLS. Just east of north, FLT Map M22, Stoney Brook to Wood Rd. 5.5 hills, side trip to the falls. Forest and farm, hill and vale, plus workout. Visit lean-to in Paradise. 12:00-5:00. Sunday 9:30-2:30

HIKE M - LINK TRAIL/NCT: GORGE TRAIL TO ART PARK. 5+ easy-plus miles from darkly forested railtrail beside alluring Chittenango Creek through Cazenovia village, then gently climb farm hedgerows to whimsical Stone Quarry Art Park, where NCT meanders through hilltop with long views and surprising outdoor sculptures. Neither end of this hike should be missed while you're here! 1 :00-6:30 HIKE N - ONONDAGA HIGHLIGHTS: 6.5 medium miles to capture all the scenic highlights of northern Onondaga/NCT Branch: dark stream glen, lean-to, waterfalls, ponds, and stunning views. 12:006:00 Hike G is repeated at 9:30 AM

and surprising 9:30 ... noon?

hilltop sculptures sprouting from the landscape.

HIKE Q - ONONDAGA/NCT CONT'D, TRAILS-IN-PROGRESS SERIES: see how new route is determined along planned extension of Onondaga toward the Link, considering terrain, must-see spots, and landowner requests. Approx. 5 miles, modest hills, ponds, stream gorge, vistas, and forests. 9:30-4:30 Hikes A & L are repeated at 9:30 AM

Trail Junction New York •!• 2001 NCTA Annual Conference Page 16

NCT's turn miles, long moderateRepeated

•!· Cazenovia, New York •!• August 9-12,2001

April - June 2001

North Star: The Magazine of the North Country Trail

Trail vs. Logging Problems Not Unique By Jerry Keeney President, Harbor Springs Chapter The article in the North Star, entitled "Logging's Aftermath" is of particular interest to the Harbor Springs chapter and to the Mackinaw Forest Council on whose board I have served for the past three years. Logging practices on Michigan's public lands have been one of our primary concerns. We go into sections of state forest that we know will be up for review for logging prescriptions and contracting. We hope to preserve potential old growth forests and some of the last best places that may be scheduled for cutting. We have found that it generally is too late to negotiate with logging companies once contracts have been issued. Even when we attend compartment reviews to designate certain stands of timber for prescriptions (cutting, burning, thinning), it has been difficult to get forestry units of the Department of Natural Resources to designate areas for old growth. The DNR has finally issued a document that proposes a process for developing old growth and biodiversity planning. Compartment reviews will be an important part of the process. My point is that members of the NCTA should find out if compartment reviews are going to be held in any areas near their sections of the trail, and then attend the reviews or open houses that precede the reviews. NCTA members should insist that not only the blazes be left intact, but also that heavy equipment should not be used on the trail. One common misconception is that all trees subject to removal are cut with chain saws. In fact most logging operations are carried out with heavy machines usually designated as processors. This type of cutting near any section of trail will leave damage to the trail just as skidders do. If there is to be any thinning near the trail, it should be done carefully with a chain saw. Any debris should be removed from the trail. There are three good examples that illustrate the problem with current logging practices in the Harbor Springs Chapter's section of the trail.

EJilor'd Note: The article in the !Mt i!Jue of the North Star de.Jeri/Jing damage to the trail from logging practices in Michigan 'J Upper Peninsula struck: a re.:JponJive chord with other chapters and particularly with the Harbor SpringJ chapter. The folhwing observations are by ilJ Pre.:JiJent. I will be referring to the Harbor Chapter's brochure that we placed at each trailhead to designate section of the trail by number. Section 6, between West Levering Road and Sturgeon Bay is an example of miscommunication between the NCTA and the DNR A section of trail was cut south and west of Wycamp Lake in an area scheduled for clear cutting. A few trees or stumps with blazes were left and debris was left on the trail. Then a blow down occurred over a section left exposed to the wind by the clear cut. If this area could have had a better contract negotiated, a lot of damage and hard feelings could have been avoided. The controversy raged for three years. Our Chapter negotiated a bypass around the blow down area and finished the 1500-foot trail this past summer. Richard Seibert surveyed the area and laid out the trail for our work crews and Arden Johnson came to help with his equipment. The Mackinaw Forest Council tried to stop a clear cut in Section 15, between Kipp and Brutus Roads. The clear cut occurred near a spot where Valley Road crosses the trail. You have to look long and hard to find the trail. Using my GPS I could find only three trees with blue diamond markings. About 500 feet of the trail had been erased. It will need to be cleared and a new, more direct path established between where the clear cut begins on the north and where the forest remains on the south. This area has already been impacted by the widening of Valley Road by the developer of the area. Fortunately some wonderful old chestnut trees were saved, as the development is called "Chestnut Valley". There is another section of trail nearby that goes through a hilly area that is marked for "thinning" which bears watching.

The third section, 2 just south of Stutsmanville Road contains giant ash, beech, maple and hemlock trees. The area was marked for "thinning" by an out of state firm. Outside contractors have been employed by the state of Michigan because of the "timber mandate" that requires over 69,000 acres of forest be cut each year. This has literally taken the forest practices out of the hands of the DNR and placed them under the control of logging interests in the state. The DNR does not have the personnel to mark this much acreage and has to resort to contracting with a firm in Wisconsin. Luckily the DNR forest technician for this area spotted trees with blue diamonds that were marked with red paint for thinning. He used black paint to cover the markings to save those trees. He has assured me that any damage to the trail will be repaired. The area west of the trail is a good candidate for old growth designation with its tip-up mounds, snagged trees and giant hemlocks, ash, and maple. Finally, I would encourage all chapters to find out if any areas near their section of the trail are going to be assessed for possible timber harvest, and attend the open houses or compartment reviews to stop the damage before it occurs. The DNR personnel have been extremely cooperative and courteous at all the reviews I have attended. In addition it's a great education in forest policy and procedure. Ten percent of Michigan Public forest is scheduled for review each year. Page 35 of the Old Growth document states: "Where non-motorized trails overlap with desired parcels, managers may consider what effect, if any, trail use may have on the unique natural features that make a parcel desirable for OG designation. While nonmotorized traffic may generally have little impact, managers should consider removing trails from OG areas if trail use harms the natural features that make this parcel important to the OG system." The 42 page document is an excellent education in Michigan forestry history and practices.

Page 17

North Star: The Magazine of the North Country Trail

April - June 2001

Heart&Sole Edited by Joan Young

Tbi» trio of trail guyJ are proof that retirement can affect your heart. Each of them bad loJt hi:J heart to the trail! With the North Country Trail padding itJ 20th hirthday we've learned of many places where treadway faU) out yearJ ago now needJ «criou» cleaning and re-marking. Two of our featured oolunteer» have taken on the challenge of re-claiming orJ trail. The other bad made hrUJgu hi:J Jpecialty, and we are alwayJ glad for tbose dry-hoot croJJingJI We hope you will he encouraged and indpired hy theJe oolunteers. It'.:! Jpring: get your own heart pumping and your JoW pounding along the trail! BUCKEYE TRAIL ASSOCIATION

Jim Connor on a Buckeye Trail work crew. JIM CONNOR is a retired engineer and land surveyor. He defines retirement as "no administration!" So his efforts have focused on using his engineering skills to design and build bridges along the Buckeye Page 18

Trail in Ohio. Many Ohio folks will identify with his introduction to work crews: Jim Sprague was the inspiration for his involvement. The NCT is concurrent with the BT for many miles and uses several of Jim's bridges. "Bridges are fun, they are a challenge I enjoy," he commented. We are not talking about two 4x4's and a few planks here ... the first bridge Jim described is a 36-foot wooden truss bridge over Wye Bay at the Tappan Reservoir. Sprague adds, "Jim ram-rodded this project!" Another bridge that Jim helped with crosses Bloody Run at Burr Oak State Park. This bridge is 60 feet long and is made of welded pipe. Connor also is responsible for a bridge on the Buckeye Trail (but not the NCT) that weighs 2'12 tons and spans 65 feet at Cuyahoga Valley National Park. "I was just working there yesterday," Jim added. I could hear the sense of accomplishment in his voice! Jim also spends time clearing trail and enjoys the heavy work of using a chain saw. Now Connor, nicknamed "Chainsaw," spends several weekends each year with Buckeye work crews. He especially likes the places where the trail is off-road and he finds "solitary peace of mind." He quickly added, "but I also like the social aspects such as telling stories around the campfire at night." We know he's spent lots of time working on the trail since he's a recipient of the BTA Star award for participation. Jim recognizes the scope of the challenge required to maintain the 1200 miles of the Buckeye Trail, which circles Ohio. He figures that if a crew began working and worked eight hours a day on the trail ahead of them, they could just keep working their way around Ohio and never be done! Next time you are hiking in eastern Ohio and cross a bridge be sure to say, "Thanks Jim, and Buckeye Trail Crews!"

Gary Joh/ZdonhuiJe Jome of the improved markingJ proviJed hy the Tittahawa.JJee Chapter. TITTABAWASSEE CHAPTER GARY JOHNSON is a charter member of one of the newer NCTA Chapters. In fact, he's their first featured volunteer and received the Chapter Volunteer of the Year Award in 2000. He saw a notice in the local paper and attended the meeting to learn of the North Country Trail. He calls trails "an easy way to experience the wild without fear of getting lost; just 'follow the blue blazes."' But when the Tittabawassee Chapter adopted 70 miles of old trail north of Traverse City, Michigan they discovered that following those blazes was no easy matter. Gary describes their section as "needy!" Since most of the chapter members live at a driving distance of two hours from the trail a group of workers usually tackle some of the big tasks together. Gary and two of his friends have been nicknamed the "Breckenridge Boys," for their prowess with the chain saw. Their trail work is a bit like a scavenger hunt. Cora Killinger, chapter Trail Coordinator sends him to the woods with handdrawn maps where logs are the prizes. Gary modestly added, "Whatever Cora needs done, we'll tackle." One of his strengths is organizing people to work together. He's one of those volunteers who

April - June 2001

may be more busy after retirement than he was before, taking on a facilities specialist job with Alma Mental Health Department. In addition, he volunteers with many local service organizations, Red Cross, Scouts, Shriners, nature groups, church, and local govenment committees. To keep this busy scheduled life organized Gary says, "I live by e-mail." But he immediately qualified that by pointing out that while he's on the trail he especailly likes to get away from the e-mail and all the busy-ness. He likes the peace and quiet trails provide. "There is time to think and to let the worries go," he added pensively. If you are in search of cleared and refurbished trail in Michigan check out the "Breckenridge Boys" handiwork.

CHEQUAMEGON CHAPTER Wouldn't you be proud to have the North Country Trail cross your property? PETER SCHMITZ found himself in that enviable role when he bought a summer home in rural Wisconsin. Of course it took him a while to figure out just what it was that he had ... first he and his wife, Emily, noticed the signboard at a road crossing. After following the path (and being a bit alarmed at big noises, bear? - which turned out to be ~' beavers slapping their tails), they found that it crossed their

North Star: The Magazine of the North Country Trail

work of clearing trees which blocked the trail after the infamous 1999 blowdowns which damaged the trail in several states. "Trail marking is my most valuable contribution, without a question," Peter asserted, and he hopes for the day when consistent marking standards will be used along the entire length of the trail. He plans to eventually hike the entire Chequamegon National Forest as a series of dayhikes. Peter is a retired lawyer and also currently serves as Treasurer of the Chequamegon Chapter.

Peter Schmitz replaced of{) blazed in Chequamegon National Forest. driveway. Not knowing anything about the trail they resourcefully checked at the local library and then sent for information about the NCT. He soon learned that getting involved with this Trail is a bit like having a bear by the tail. Peter emphasized that he is not a hardcore camper or hiker. But he does like to walk in the woods with reasonable assurance that the path can be followed. Unfortunately the Chequamegon is another of those older sections of trail which needed a lot of work. Marking was confusing, inconsistent, and missing. Before long the Schmitzes were involved in the local chapter. Peter began working near his summer home, but when those sections of the trail were cleared and re-marked he expanded his area of work. "Tana [Turonie, Chequamegon President] is the moving force," says Peter. "She opened my eyes to the needs of maintenance and marking." Tana responds in kind, "Peter and Emily are motivated to work more than the regular work days." "Without trails there would be no good way to move through beautiful forests," is Peter's explanation for his motivation. Peter reports that the segment near the Marengo River is completed, and the 13 miles between the Rainbow Lakes and Porcupine Wilderness Areas is also in good condition. This involved the

As you read about the efforts of the various volunteers in this feature from issue to issue, do you occasionally discover that you know exactly where some described work project has taken place? As more people explore more pieces of our great trail we hope you'll be one of those who recognizes the locations of our volunteers' efforts. I personally hiked the Chequamegon just after the 1999 windstorms and before any of the badly-needed cleaning and marking had been done. I really appreciate-with memories of backtracking, slow miles, and worries about losing the trail-Peter's work. It's not that I appreciate the other volunteers less, but I really understand the accomplishment in the Chequamegon. Meanwhile I look forward to seeing the work of Gary and Jim. The point is, have you seen parts of this trail beyond your own local area? Are you taking . advantage of the NCTA Annual Conferences where you have opportunities to visit other sections of the trail? Are you interacting with other volunteers who can encourage and help you? As we continue to work together, and learn from each other, we will begin to really understand the vision of this great Trail we have "by the tail."

If you would like to nominate a volunteer for this feature contact me. Joan Young, 231-757-2205 or Page 19

North Star: The Magazine of the North Country Trail

April - June 2001

April - June 2001

North Star: The Magazine of the North Country Trail

NCT Trail Councils April - June, 2001

No~.h Dakota ND State Coordinator Jon Lindgren (701)232-7868 Sheyenne River Valley Chapter Lisa Engel (701)797-3530

WI State Coordinator Lisa Williamson (715)798-3890


Brule-St.Croix Chapter Peter Nordgren (715)394-8340 pnordgre@staff. uwsuper. edu

MN State Coordinator John Leinen (651)433-4456 Star of the North Chapter John Leinen (651)433-4456 Kekekabic Trail Club Martin Kubik (651)426-0925 wtrails2@yahoo. com Rovers Outing Club Pat Ryan (651 )699-9800 Superior Hiking Trail Association Gayle Coyer (218)834-2700 Chapters of the North Contry Trail Association are like local trail clubs. They build and maintain the trail, host hikes and other events, and work to promote the trail and the Association in their areas. For information about local activities and volunteering, contact Chapter representatives. Partner organizations are independent nonprofit organizations that are working to build and maintain certain sections of the trail.

Page 20

Lower Mich•gan Lower Ml State Coordinator Lynn Waldron (616)623-5340...L..........J-..,........-\

Chequamegon Chapter Tana Turonie (715)274-2521 tturon

Harbor Springs Chapter Jerry Keeney (231 )526-9597

Heritage Chapter Gaylord Yost (414)354-8987

Tittabawassee Chapter Jerry Allen \517)345-2677

Upper Ml State Coordinator Doug Welker (906)338-2680 Peter Woffe Chapter Doug Welker (906)338-2680 North Country Trail Hikers Jan Wester (906)225-1295 Bettie Daly (906)228-9018 Denise Herron (906)225-1030 Great Lakes Trail Council Robert Norlin (715)372-5229

Grand Traverse Hiking Club (Chapter) Rick Halbert 231)947-8485

New York Pennsy•vania PA State Coordinator Bob Tait (724)287-3382

Spirit of the W~qds Chapter Joan Young (231)757-2205 Western Michigan Chapter Tom Learmont (616)984-5917 Chief Noonday Chapter Dave Cornell (616)623-8659 Baw Beese Chapter Richard Saur (517)437-0746

Ohio OH State Coordinator Jim Sprague (216)884-4757 Northwestern Ohio Rails-to- Trails Association Gene Markley (800)951-4788 Buckeye Trail Association Garry Dill (937)834-2891


Great Trail Sandy Beaver Canal Chapter Brad Bosley (330)227-2432


• A S S 0 C l A. T !-ON -.

www. northcountrytrai I. org 1-888-454-6282

Tom Gilbert, Superintendent (608)441-5610 Tom_

Wampum Chapter Richard Lutz (724 )652-8185 Greater Pittsburgh Chapter Bob Needham (412)369-0777

NY State Coordinator Howard Beye (716)288-7191 Finger Lakes Trail Conference Howard Beye (716)288-7191 Central New York Chapter Al Larmann (315)697-3387

Rock Chapter Frank Cetera (724)735-1133 Butler Chapter Ron Rice (724)538-8475 Clarion Chapter Carol Atwell (814)354-2778 American Youth HostelsPittsburgh Council Bob Roth (412)279-6219

Legend -'-..



Partners Not yet adopted

Page 21

North Star: The Magazine of the North Country Trail

April - June 2001

Trailblazing: Some Ways to Start... -~gP.t.~r.~

By Charles Krammin Chief Noonday Chapter

i." .A~t.i.9.~

Every chapter needs a member or group to develop trails. The Chief Noonday Chapter in Michigan has grown by leaps and bounds, both in membership and participation because its prime goal has been developing new trails. I first ran across the emblems of the North Country National Scenic Trail in 1997 while on my shakedown hikes in the Yankee Springs Recreation Area for my upcoming Appalachian Trail hike. I thought it was nice that someone had the foresight to develop a trail I could enjoy. Then, as I hiked with my compass in the Middleville State Game Area, I thought to myself, "The North Country Trail Association should develop a trail here for others to enjoy" and I sent a letter with my suggestion to the Association. While on the Appalachian Trail, I got a letter from a hiker with the trail name of One-Step, who reported that a new chapter was being formed in my area which would welcome my membership and help. When I got off the trail in June 1997, I contacted "One-Step", who turned out to be Dave Cornell, President of the Chapter, who had already blazed a trail through Michigan State University's Kellogg Forest. I joined the Chief Noonday Chapter and learned the tricks of trailblazing from Dave. Skills I had employed while administering farm programs for the U.S. Department of Agriculture before my retirement were most useful. At USDA I worked with with aerial photos, plat books, and topographic maps, all useful tools when blazing trail. I also had experience measuring and identifying landmarks, and working with Page 22

CHARLES KRAMMIN at the NCTA lcio.:1/c getting rea'Jy to measure trail in the northern portion of the Barry State Game Area in Michigan. land owners and dealing with environmental regulations. Through previous experiences with the Boy Scouts, I also felt at ease with a compass and with being alone in the wild. The greatest attribute however, was the desire to return to others the things I got from the Appalachian Trail experience. All other qualifications for a trailblazer can be learned. In the following part of the article, I will outline the steps in developing a trail, hoping that others can learn from my experiences. The first step is to check with the National Park Service office in Madison to learn whether the NPS has conducted county-wide, or even cursory, planning for the North Country Trail in the area. If so, topographic maps with a proposed route may be available. Topographic maps identify hills, swamps, streams, roads, two tracks, sections, houses, townships, cities, rivers, power lines, railroad tracks and other features. First, you should note the points where the planner wants to start and end the segment of the trail. The plan proposes to use as much public land as possible to maximize continuity of ownership. As you proceed, note that the planner wants the trail to follow the most scenic route (hills and valleys) to give the hiker a

pleasing experience. Further, notice the planner wants you to cross large rivers at existing bridges and smaller rivers and streams at places where they are narrow and usually have a high bank. Wetlands are avoided if at all possible. The second step is to obtain a plat book of the county which can purchased at public agencies that maintain property records and at many agriculture-related organizations. Plat books show the land ownerships, roads and a great variety of features like cemeteries, townships, sections, rivers, city boundaries, city and county parks and railroad rights-of-ways. I use the plat book to contact landowners. Township offices can supply addresses of absentee owners. Next, I visit the county office of the Farm Service Agency identified in the phone book under United States Government. Some of these offices are consolidated and may be in a neighboring county. They maintain aerial photographs and reproductions of the aerial photos known as "photocopies". There is no charge to examine aerial photographs at a copy office. Photocopies range in cost from $1 to $8 or more. , The photos and photocopies are helpful in identifying: pinelands, hardwoods, water, fence rows,

April - June 2001

North Star: The Magazine of the North Country Trail

wetland vegetation, open water, gravel pits, house construction, power lines, and the size of trees. Aerial photos usually cover 4 square miles and the photocopies, 1 square mile. Their usual scale is 660 feet to the inch. The areas covered are flown over about every 10 years and therefore may not reflect current earth moving activities. The offices do an annual fly over, and maintain the resultant 35mm slides for viewing. I purchase the photocopies and take them home and cut and tape them together.

a ••

corridors to get a feelfor the land and to wentify featured that can only he found 6y hiking. I have ducovered a rifLe range, a hunter'r:! Mind, snowmobile trail, a r:Jtage coach trail, mountain hike trail, no tre<1par:Jr:Jing r:Jignr:J, but no marijuana yet ... rr

These materials identify possible corridors for the trail. The first thing that jumps out at you is that the planner did not walk his optimum trail. The trail draft goes through houses, farmer's fields, wildlife plantings, or new subdivisions. You then formulate in your mind your optimum trail and the best alternative, keeping in mind the major goal of a pleasing trail, modified by what is doable. The next step is to hike the proposed trails. I avoid hunting seasons. May to October seems to work best on weekdays when most people are working. In Michigan, the bow and arrow deer season ends January 1 and turkey spring season starts April 1. Between those dates you can proceed without bother on public land. To cross private land, you have to get permission, of course. I hike many corridors to get a feel for the land and to identify features that can only be found by hiking. I have discovered a rifle range, a hunter's blind, snowmobile trail, a stage coach trail, mountain bike trail, no trespassing signs, but no marijuana yet. The first corridor I ever identified turned out to be a horse trail, through the Southern portion of the Barry State Game Area. A horse trail is not the best for hiking but in this situation, the only alternative. State game areas receive funding under.the Pitman-Robertson Act, which finances enhancement of wildlife habitat with excise taxes on guns and ammunition. Therefore,

.I hike many

MICHELLE BEBEAU and her grandfather, La Verne BeBeau, check out the Chief Noonday Chapter'.:! newly constructed lciodlc in the Barry State Game Area. damage to wildlife cover could jeopardize state funding and it is therefore necessary to use as many existing trails, gated two tracks and roads as possible to minimize impact.

trail between Augusta and the Battle Creek Linear Trail through Fort Custer State Park, the National Cemetery and the National Veterans Hospital.

I work by give and take with the game area personnel, remembering I am a visitor in an area specifically funded by hunters, for hunters. The Chief Noonday Chapter recently has identified two new corridors. One is through the Middleville State Game Area. The other is rather unique. The chapter has joined with the Calhoun County Planning Department to work toward a 25-mile "conceptual trail" along the Kalamazoo River, where planners have had the foresight to establish a 100-foot wide buffer along the river to prevent future development.

The most difficult aspect of trail development is negotiating with private landowners. On public lands, negotiations usually result in a solution. On private property, the only recourses to a turndown are to try a new corridor around the landowner; try other negotiators (individual group, public supporting officials), or settle for road detour. Even after you get an owner to agree to an easement for the trail, it is difficult to get a binding agreement. Often the agreement amounts to no more than a "handshake," which is in constant danger of being negated, particularly if problems result for the landowner.

In addition, Chief Noonday is still negotiating with the state and federal government to connect the

That's why our chapter follows diligently the trail adopter approach so that the landowner knows whom (continued on next page) Page 23

North Star: The Magazine of the North Country Trail

(continued from previous page) to contact if a problem does develop, and who hikes the trail looking for problems. To negotiate with private landowners, it may be useful to try a group approach and I am currently hoping to form a negotiating committee that would be trained in landowner contacts. Working with municipalities interested in "open space" or "green space" zoning for recreational activities provides another opportunity to , secure space for a trail. Chief Noonday Chapter's commitment to the Calhoun County conceptual trail mentioned earlier is one such example. Such possibilities often are earmarked for multi-use recreational purposes but we can always try to negotiate to obtain a separate hiking pathway. Other possible, but less desirable opportunities for trail are power lines and abandoned rail lines even though they seldom make good hiking trails and don't meet the expectations of the National Park Service. Still, they are sometimes the only feasible choices. The Association may also have to consider the purchase of conservation easements like the Appalachian Trail did. Unfortunately, the National Park Service does not have the authority to purchase easements even from a willing seller like the AT has. The North Country Trail Association has lobbied for years to get "willing seller" authority for the Park Service. The latest bill has passed the House in and is being introduced in the Senate.

Sequel: Trail Checking No Stroll in the Park By Tiffany Halfmann It all began when Charles Krammin sent me an e-mail note inviting me to join him in verifying the location of about five miles of new North Country Trail in the Barry State Game Area (BSGA). Eager for a chance to actually get out on the trail, I accepted quickly. After BSGA agreed to the use of its Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver, we chose January 12 for our outing. Regan Doele, BSGA's GPS operator agreed to come along. January 12 arrived as a nice day, if a little warm for January. At 9 am, I met Charles and Regan at BSGA Headquarters where I learned that Charles had decided to tack on another section of trail to our GPS excursion (which turned out to be about three additional miles!). He estimated we'd be gone for about three hours, so I stuck my water and granola bar in my pocket and we set out. Charles let me borrow his snowshoes and he and Regan used snowshoes from BSGA. The first few miles were fairly easing treading because the snow was packed down. At this point I had an advantage on the hills because my snowshoes had claws on the bottom. Charles and Regan slid a bit on the packed snow. After about three miles, we hit the new section of trail. With Charles in the lead, we were breaking new snow. It was more work, but not too bad, yet. Charles pointed out different features as we passed them along the trail and we heard stories from his adventures on the Appalachian Trail. As the day went on, the temperature rose,

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Tiffany Halfmann, whose profile appeared in the January issue of the North Star is the cartographer and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) coordinator of the North Country Trail Association. which made for much more difficult snowshoeing for me. The wet, packy, snow kept balling up in the claws of my snowshoes and the weight of my snowshoes increased with every step. As we crossed Yankee Springs Road, Charles pointed out it would be about a mile and.a half back to Headquarters if wanted to break off the hike at this point. I had been attempting to walk behind Regan and Charles without my snowshoes. I asked how far it would be continuing on the trail and Charles, replied, about the same distance. I decided to tough it out. A bad decision. I strapped on my snowshoes and we continued. After about another mile, Charles told us he misjudged the distance and we had further to go than he thought. My legs wen( burning with every step. It was after the noon hour and I shared my lone granola bar with Regan. For the last trail segment, I opted to walk on the road and meet Charles and Regan at the end (which I had already done a few times). I slung the snowshoes over my shoulders, and continued on the road. I arrived at the truck, wet from the snow that melted off my snowshoes, but relieved that the hike was over. Regan and I were sore and exhausted but I'm sure Charles could have kept on going. Our little five mile hike turned out to be 8.6 miles in wet snow. Just the thing for Charles but a little tougher for the rest of us.

April - June 2001

North Star: The Magazine of the North Country Trail

By Joan Young

North Country Cache &Jitor'.! Note: This is the third in a series of Joan Young's adventures on the North Country Trail chronicled in North Country Cache. In the last issue, Young recounted how the completion of several short hikes:-----l began her trail adventures. Today, she begins the saga of her first long backpacking trek, a two-week trip through the Allegheny National Forest of Pennsylvania. In the July issue the story of this Pennsylvania trip will be continued.

Baby Steps on the Giant Trail (Part July 20-31, 1994 TU see you in about six hours!" I hang up the phone, ending this conversation with Marie. Then putting the dog dishes and the dog into the car, we roll eastward. The rest of the gear is packed ... in boxes or in Shamu. We are really and truly going to take a long enough trip to test our independence. We will start at the New York/ Pennsylvania border and walk south along the North Country Trail through the Allegheny National Forest for about 100 miles. David, having completed his freshman year in college, has decided to join his mom and me. The hours in the car give me plen-

ty of time to think and there is plenty to think about. The past few years have been ones of swift changes in my life. It feels as if I am moving into a new lifetime. My husband, Omer, has taken a new job after 24 years at the previous one. The boys are grown and finding their own ways through life. The youngest, Steve, has completed his sophomore year in college. I had invited him to join us, like Dave, but was not surprised at the negative response. No hiker, he. I am finishing my second year in the environmental engineering program at the University of Michigan, headed for a Master's Degree. I only get home for holidays or an occasional long weekend. Omer is accepting of this arrangement, but eager for me to finish. We have built a new house after saying a sad farewell to our old one. It feels like everything I own is packed in a box

somewhere: things from our old house, things from my mother's house, things I have brought to Ann Arbor. Sometimes I don't know where home is, except maybe in my car. And that is where I am now, with more things in boxes, and with a wonderful friend who will also have the chance to test his endurance. That friend is Chips, whom I am determined to train to be a good camping dog. Chips is 35 pounds of mixed-heritage assets and liabilities, but he looks like a mini-golden retriever. My mind wanders again to last spring when I had to say goodbye to a key player of my previous life. My old dog, Hezekiah, at 14 could see or hear little. He was incontinent, and could hardly walk. We joked that he looked like a drunken semi-truck driver who could manage the cab but didn't have a clue as to what his trailer was doing. Omer had patiently cared for him while I was away at school. But I had to make that most difficult of decisions, to put Hezekiah to sleep. Heze (HEH-zee) had been born on a hand-braided rag rug in our kitchen, with our two youngest boys watching in wonder. He earned the reputation over the years for being the dumbest, but funniest dog we ever owned. He was 65 pounds of hilarious, rock-stupid mutt. He looked something like a white shorthaired German Shepherd with black spots and ears that flopped at the tips ... except when he looked like a fuzzy pig, or a sheep, or a bat ... Well, you get the idea. When I started renewing my camping skills I


tried to teach Heze to go with me. One incident explains the result of this experiment pretty well. Hezekiah and I had carried the camping equipment just over the hill onto the back section of our five-acre lot. This was just to be an overnight with no trips to the house allowed, to make sure that I was including all essential gear. If we passed this test, I would next plan for a weekend outing. All went well. I cooked dinner, boiled water, set up my pup tent, and enjoyed the evening. At dark I crawled in the tent and zipped Heze and myself in, away from the mosquitoes. This may have been a pup tent, but my "pup" certainly wasn't used to such sleeping quarters. He insisted on sleeping on the bottom half of my sleeping bag. He woofed at every night noise, and tried to poke his nose through the mosquito netting. I tried closing the flaps so that he couldn't see out; I tried tying the flaps back so that he could see out. We finally settled on leaving the bottom of the zipper open so that he could sleep with his head poked outside. After several restless hours of attempting to appease both the dog and the god of ideal camping, I fell into a deep sleep. Some time later I became semi-conscious and discovered that I was unable to move. It was dark, very dark, too dark somehow. Why couldn't I move? I concluded with a fuzzy brain that the dog must be on top of me. "Move, Heze," I muttered, giving the bulk above me a shove. Nothing. "Get off!" Nothing, maybe a wiggle. (continued on next page) Page 25

North Star: The Magazine of the North Country Trail

April - June 2001

I pushed, and tried to roll him off. Why couldn't I seem to move properly? This is nuts; I still couldn't see anything either. Usually this white dog is readily visible except on the blackest of nights. I shoved harder, and with a dog-voiced "ool" the weight slid off my body. But I still couldn't freely move my arms and legs, although there seemed to be nothing wrong with them. Slowly I regained full consciousness and began to realize that Hezekiah, now treading heavily on me, trying to re-settle himself on this wonderful warm spot in the chilly night, was separated from me by lay- ~ ers of maroon nylon. "This dumb dog is outside the tent," I said to no one in particular. More shoving and struggling and I finally extricated Davw and hi:! mom, Marie, at the regi:Jter box preparing to start the hilce. myself from the sleeping bag and tangled tent. Heze smiled happily at town of Allegany, New York. Some Don, a retired forest ranger, gives me. He had collapsed the poles, and long-spindly human form is jumping us ecological previews of the forest found everything he wanted, an and flapping around in the street trail. Brita gives us slices of homeunimpeded view of the world and a ahead of me. A drunk? He's running made pie. Both gifts are welcome. warm spot to stretch out and rest. at the side of my car! Can I avoid We leave our cache box with a famiThe old dog and I camped a few him? He's trying to grab the door! ly only a half-mile off the actual more times together, but he never trail, and then return to Dorns', Oh! It's only David, (you can stop did get it quite right. Hezekiah is hammering now, heart) making sure We know that we have everything now gone, and gone with him what that I don't miss the turn to St. Bonthat we need with us, but it is not felt like one of the last connections to aventure's where we are to meet. distributed in the three packs. This my former self. Heze may have been Marie's aunt lives here, a retirement job takes most of the afternoon and dumb and funny, but he was also the home for nuns. Early next morning all of their porch. We sort and most empathetic dog I ever owned. we attend Mass in the red-marble, weigh, and adjust and give all the He had jumped and celebrated at all ornately painted and gilded chapel. extras to Dave. Having a teenage the victories and joys of three sons. This is all strange enough to Protesfellow along who hardly notices 50 He had cried with me as I agonized tant me; it seems mystical and oldpounds on his back is a great idea! over the boys' poor decisions, growworld; a sense of praise with hushed Before dark a car is stashed at each ing pains, and other sorrows of life. awe pervades. end of the Forest, and we spend the His tongue was the softest and night at Willow Bay campsite. In the Breakfast is the counterpointsmoothest of any dog's I've ever morning we walk north to the New sharing hearty bowls of steaming oatknown and he would lick the tears York State border and backtrack to meal with the nuns, who wear simple carefully from my face and gaze into the trailhead to ensure that we hike and practical brown dresses. They're my eyes with near-human sympathy. all the Forest miles. Now for the laughing and chatting casually in conThen he would sigh and stretch his reality check. .. we must shoulder the trast to the formal worship setting. long frame against mine, patiently packs, sever the vehicular umbilical comforting. 'Tm here for you," he Next stop, Sheffield, Pennsylcord, which ties the day hiker to the always seemed to say. vania. Don and Brita Dorn live near placental resources of city and store, the center of the Allegheny Forest Chips is off to a much better start and be born as backpackers. in a crossroads town. They have at camping skills. He is one-year-old Our first few days together are a agreed to help us place a cache box wild, but at least he is intelligent. shakedown for all of us. Marie's ~ of supplies with a family near the "Ie-ee-ee-ee ! " I am jerked from pack with new hip belt and straps is midpoint of the trail. Their home is my reverie. What is that in the road pressing painfully on a nerve. She is a lovely colonial building on a corahead? It is nearing midnight and I annoyed that I seem unconcerned, ner lot with a white picket fence. have turned off route 17 to enter the

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April - June 2001

North Star: The Magazine of the North Country Trail

reconnaissance plan"). Poke nose under these leaves ("snff-fff, musty leaves mean salamanders"). Lap at a rocky trickle ("sure am thirsty, but this oak-leaf tea is pretty great"). Run ahead to find David ("got to keep these people herded properly, they might get lost without me").

Chipd finod sbelter among the fern». '/ while I blithely assume that she will get it adjusted. I have always packed Shamu just so ... . everything in its perfect compartment. Marie points out that we need to pack differently to make camp set-up faster. I am offended. Dave and I had each assumed that we would be the one navigating with the map and guide. He doesn't like the way I check it less than continuously, and I think that he is TOO presumptuous to want the map. This is MY hike. Marie is a morning person, frustrated by my slow wakeups. I am a night person, irked by her terse fumbling in the evening. Ah, yes, backpacking is not for the inflexible but friendship of longstanding wins out and conflicts are eventually resolved. Marie is right; packing differently makes much more sense. Perhaps the fact that Marie and I function better at different times of the day can be an asset to the group efficiency. Dave and I agree to be navigator on alternate

days (after a tense exchange covering what we do not like about each other's map-reading style). No modest victory, this; two only children apparently can learn to share! These are the moments that are not chemically preserved in our bright photos of Great Spangled (orange) Fritillaries on purple Heal-All, sparkly sun on Johnnycake Run, or Tracy Ridge rising steeply from the level of Allegheny Reservoir. But such moments of contention and compromise must also be remembered and their lessons internalized. The other member of our gang is unaffected by all the tensions around him. Chips is ecstatic. He races from one exotic smell to the next, sampling them all. His dog-mind is a tangle of experiential riches. Bound after that chipmunk ("where do those shifty fellows disappear to?"). Check out this log ("don't know what's marked this spot; file it for reference"). Time for a pat on the head ("yup, the humans approve my

The commentary at a level three feet above Chips' brain runs more like, "That crazy pup must be running five miles for every one we walk." On the third day out we take a half-day off, and for once our timing is impeccable. It rains all afternoon, and we laze in the tents, cozy and dry with books and maps and each other for company. Chips is nearly comatose. He had "crashed" under a fern when we had reached this site, and moved slowly to the tent to join us when the rain began. For the rest of this hike, and ever after, he has paced himself to the rigors of trail life. He still has to occasionally rip through the leaves after some real or imagined exciting smell; he still tries to keep his humans herded up tighter than they usually are, but he generally trots sensibly along the trail. Now he probably walks only a bit more than we do. "Since Chips has four legs, does that mean he's walked twice the distance you have?" a friend asked me. I hope he was making a joke.

98 miles this hike Allegheny National Forest Pennsylvania 150 miles total NCT

Naturally Superior Adve tures Kaya~ Canoe & Hiking Trips • fco-toun • Instruction

6uided Tl ps

k •~

• Lake ipcrtorAccommodation

Page 27

North Star: The Magazine of the North Country Trail

April - June 2001

• April 6-8-Ice Age Park and Trail Foundation annual meeting, Treehaven, WI. Contact the foundation at (800) 343-1882. • April 20-22-Buckeye Trail Association annual meeting, Hocking College, Nelsonville, Ohio. Contact: BTA, PO Box 254, Worthington, Ohio 43085. • April 22-28-Joint North Country Trail Association and American Hiking Society crew leader and skills training workshop, Davis Hollow Outdoor Center, Moraine State Park, PA. Contact: Shirley Hearn at (301) 565-6704, ext. 206, or

LISA WILLIAMSON, projectcoordinator for the Cable Natural Hiftory Mu.:1eum in Wi1consin, ha.:1 been a.:1.:1igned by the Mt1.:1eum to act as Wi.1c011.:1tiz coordinator for the North Country Trail Association.

• April 28-NCTA National Board of Directors, Spring meeting, Lowell, MI

Trail Appointees Have Wide Experience, Backgrounds

• May 4, 5, 6-Finger Lakes Trail Conference annual meeting, Seneca Lodge, Watkins Glen State Park, NY. Sponsored by Finger Lakes Chapter, Adirondack Mountain Club. • May 4,5-Superior Hiking Trail Association annual conference, Wolf Lake Environmental Learning Center, Tettegouche State Park, Silver Bay, MN. Contact: (218) 8342700, or • May 18-20-0hio Trails Expo, Hocking College, Nelsonville, Ohio. Contact: BTA, PO Box 254, Worthington, Ohio 43085. • May 19-26-Fourth Annual Upper Peninsula Service trip to clear downed trees, clear brush and apply new markings between Taquamenon Falls and Muskellunge State Park. Contact: Tom Learmont, (616) 984-5917. • June 2-National Trails Day • July 8-21-Joint Sierra Club/Peter Wolfe chapter of the NCTA trail construction project on Baraga Plains in western Upper Michigan. Contact Doug Welker at (906) 338-2680 or log on to l .htm • July 13-20-Biennial Appalachian Trails Conference, Shippensburg University, PA (Registration packet: • August 9-12-North Country Trail Association-Finger Lakes Trail Conference joint annual conference, Cazenovia, NY. • August 17-21-Conference on National Scenic and Historic Trails, Casper, WY; Contact: OCTA at (816) 252-2276.

The North Dakota Trail Council has elected Jon G. Lindgren, the State trail coordinator, as its chairman and nominated him to serve on the North Country Trail Association's national Board of Directors. Jon, who retired recently from the faculty of North Dakota State University, has had a long and distinguished public service career and has served the North Country trail as state coordinator since 1998. He was mayor of Fargo for 16 years from 1978 to 1994, has been a director of the Garrison Diversion Conservation District since 1992, a member of its executive and municipal, rural and industrial committees and chairman of its pubLc relations committee. He received masters and doctorate degrees in economics from the U ruversity of Missouri-Columbia and a bachelor of science in agricultural economics from Iowa State University. Jon and his wife, Elaine, have two grown children.

• The last issue of the North Star reported that the Great Lakes Trail Council had selected the Cable Natural History Museum as Wisconsin State coordinator. While the Museum, in northwestern Wisconsin, is the official "coordinator,"

Page 28

JON LINGREN, wa» named chairman of the North Dakota Trail Council and nominated by the council to run for a seat on the national. Board of Directors of the North Country Trail A.:i.Joci.atwn.

much of the work will be performed by Lisa Williamson, the museum's project coordinator. Besides her professional work, Lisa has a broad and active Lfe as a volunteer. She serves, or has served, as coordinator of the Friends of the Washburn Parkway and Walking Trail; chair of the city of Washburn's Lakeshore and Walking Trail Ad-Hoc subcommittee and as a member of Washburn's Parks and Recreation Committee. She continues as a member of the Board of Directors of the Washburn Historical Museum and Cultural Center and as the gardener of the Chequamegon Community Sustained Agriculture Program. Until last June she was the Lake Superior Water Trail coordinator from the Inland Sea Society and the National Park Service.

• Bonnie L. Wayman, who has had an extensive experience working with volunteers-a big part of headquarters activity-has joined the headquarters of the North Country Trail Association as its office manager. Bonnie came to us . 1 with all the requisite secretarial skills ''1 as well as a background in fund-raising activities and contact with the public, other important functions of our office.





Proceeds benefit the North Country Trail Assodation in its efforts to build, maintain and promote the North Country National Scenic Trail.

NCT Map Sets TRAIL MAPS Printed in full color on durable

paper these new maps come in a clear plastic bag to assure complete water protection scale is 1:24,000. They have been carefully field checked for accuracy. Each map unfolds to a full 11" x 17". MI: Huron-Manistee N.F.: North Segment (T40!) $8.00 MI: Battle Creek to Chief Noonday Road (T402) $6.50 PA: McConnells Mill and Moraine State Parks (T201) $5.00 PA: Allegheny National Forest North Section (T202) $6.50 PA: Southern Allegheny National Forest and Cook Forest State Park (T201) $8.00

HATS (Clockwise from bottom)

A. NaturalColored "Bucket Hat" $16.95


The North Country National Scenic Trail compass point design on a bucket hat in a tone on tone khaki color. Washed cotton, one size fits most.

Certified Sections<>f the North CountryTrail

B. "Denim" Blue tap (c203)

by Byron and Margaret Hutchins


Detailed informa;;;:__:;,o . tion and maps .... 路-highlighting the : ~.路t-路ir: longest and best off-road segments of the Trail. These are accurate route descriptions by experienced guidebook writers who ave walked the sections with a measuring wheel. In easy to use looseleaf form.



NCT in Pennsylvania,

11pp (M201)



Wayne National Forest, 14pp (M101) $3.00 Burr Oak - Sinking Spring, s1pp(M102) $7.00 Sinking Spring to Milford, JBpp (M101) $6.00 Milford to Lake Loramie S.P., 42pp (MJ04A) .. $7.00 Little Miami Scenic Park, t9pp (MJ04) $3.00 Miami & Erie Canal, 14pp (MJos) $3.00 Miami & Erie Canal from Lake Loramie S.P. to Napoleon, iopp (MJosA) $5.00


NCT in Lower Michigan, NCT in Upper Michigan,

atpp (M40t) BBpp (M402)

$12.50 $13.00

Wisconsin Chequamegon N.F. and Brule River S. F., t9pp (Mso1) $3.50 Iron County Forests; Chequamegon N.F., Brule River S.F., 21pp (Mso1A) $4.50


Chippewa National Forest, Itasca S. P., 24pp (M601)

North Dakota

NCT in North Dakota

1spp (M101)

$4.00 $5.00


"Pro-wash" cotton twill with extended bill, deep blue crown and bill (looks like denim), adjustable buckle on a leather strap.

T-Shirts NCTA T-Shirt

t. Moss Green Cap (C206)


Embroidered association logo. Low profile distressed washed cotton twill. Constructed with soft lining. Adjustable buckle on fabric strap.

D. Light Khaki/Navytap (C207) ....... $14.95 Trail emblem design. Low profile washed cotton, unconstructed. Light Khaki crown with washed navy bill. Adjustable buckle on fabric strap .

E. Royal Mesh-BackCap (c201)


ll"l"liliili6jil.ililililiiiAililiiililSage (C101)

Pre-shrunk cotton "Beefy-T". Threecolor NCTA logo on front and two-color trail map on back. Slogan on back reads "Going the Distance on the North Country National Scenic Trail" and includes the seven state map of the trail. (color: natural) S, M, L, XL: $11.95 (color: natural) XXL: $12.95


Mesh back, cotton twill front, royal blue, plastic snap strap.


T-shirt (C-103) North Country National Scenic Trail - Just Beyond Your Backdoor. It's made of heavyweight, 100% cotton, color sage, and features a front design in brick red, forest green, and ivory. The trail line on the map is actually a list of all seven state names. (color: sage) Was - S, M, L, XL: $1-6;95- XXL: $-1+.95-

NOWS, L, XL: $8.25 XXL: $8.95

Trail Crew



A TRAIL CREW shirt for volunteers! Tan 50/50 blend. Two color design on front with map and a "fired up" volunteer. (color: tan)

M, L, XL: $8.95

XXL: $9.95 Page 29

fra"'l Maps

Hi~h"' gan Map Se


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Page 30




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the footsteps of the early voyagers, ramble beside river rapids, trek through tall trees, and savor a scenic overlook as you discover some of Minnesota's finest walking trails. In this book, Chad McGrath guides you to some of the state's most beautiful and interesting paths. 168pp, (L117) $16.95








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Page 32

By Wm. Chad McGrath

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229 East Main Street Lowell, Michigan 49331 Toll free telephone: 888-454-NCTA (888-454-6282) If ordering by credit card you may fax your order to:


Scenes of the NCT throughout the year. Last chance sale $3.95 (L2001)

April - June 2001

North Star: The Magazine of the North Country Trail

8 Nominees Will Be ---In on July Board Ballot Ballots will be going out in June for the election of eight members to the National Board of Directors of the North Country Trail Association. In line with the new bylaws, candidates were nominated by the new state trail councils and by the nominating committee of the Board, chaired by Vice President David Cornell. The council nominees are Jon Lindgren, North Dakota; Bob Tait, Pennsylvania; Garry Dill, Ohio and Bob Norlin, Great Lakes (Wisconsin and Michigan's Upper Peninsula). Holdovers are Lynn Waldron, Michigan's Lower Peninsula; Howard Beye, New York, and Daryl Williamson, Minnesota. Daryl formerly was nominated at-large. The nominating committee chose the following to run at large: Irene Szabo and Tony Rodriguez, New York; Gaylord Yost, Wisconsin, and John Leinen Jr., Minnesota. Holdovers at large directors are Mary Lucas, Wisconsin; Richard Harris, Ohio, and Derek Blount, Joan Young and Werner Veit, Michigan. The nominees are all trail veterans with years of experience with the North Country Trail Assn. Lindgren (dee Jtory on Page 28) was recently elected chair of the North Dakota Trail Council. He continues to serve as state coordinator and Norlin was elected last fall as chairman of the Great Lakes Trail Council. Tait, has long been active with the North Country trail, and has served as Pennsylvania state coordinator for many years. Irene Szabo is the President of the Finger Lakes Trail Conference, an NCTA affiliate and Tony Rodriguez, a current Board member, is running for re-election for his first full term. He previously was appointed to the unexpired term of Tom Reimers, who had resigned. Yost is a former Wisconsin state coordinator and longtime trail enthusiast. Garry, a veteran member of the Buckeye Trail Association, has served as the Buckeye's liaison with the NCTA. Leinen served two previous terms on the Board and has agreed to run again after a one-year absence. He currently serves as Minnesota state coordinator and will continue in that post.

Irene Szabo

Tony Rooriguez


Randa!! expre.:Jded hi.I delight wt October when he WM awarded thi.i trail ahirt for having contributed 400 hoard of volunteer work to the North Country National Scenic Trail

Randall E. Brune CENTRAL NEW YORK CHAPTER -The Trails Community has lost a dedicated, articulate, hard-working supporter, and friend to all! Randall E. Brune suffered a fatal collapse on February 2 while performing gentle walking exercise in accordance with mandated activities following his complex heart bypass surgexy of last November. Randall was born and raised in Metuchen, New Jersey. From boyhood onward, he was an outdoors enthusiast and fine athlete. He was a graduate of Princeton, Columbia, and Syracuse Universities for his undergraduate, masters, and Ph.D degrees, respectively. He served in the Korean War-his intellectual talents resulted in his serving in both the Army and Navy in a specialized capacity. Randall's distinguished teaching career spanned 40 years. After his retirement From Syracuse University, he continued his teaching as an instructor in the Elderhostel Program. From 1969 onward, Randall Brune was a leader in trail design and construction, notably for the Finger Lakes Trail and the Onondaga Trail segments for which the ADK Onondaga Chapter had accepted responsibility. He and the late Charles Embree jointly received the Wallace Wood Award in 1993 for their valued work on the Finger Lakes Trail. Their friends remember fondly their particular working methods. One recalls that when working together, they used a special code. Rather than shouting instructions to each other, they sang classical selections to communicate instructions. Another remembers Randall's habit of carrying a long stick with a sharp blade attached that he swung like a conductor to trim overhanging branches and remove trail debris whenever he walked the trail. Randall served as the first president of the Central New York Chapter of the North Country Trail Association. His leadership, reasoning, and mentoring skills during those first two formative years were the major factors in the chapter's start and subsequent progress. In recognition of Randall's and Charles' contributions and the spirit in which they were delivered, the Central New York Chapter and the Onondaga Chapter of the Adirondack Mountain Club will jointly erect a memorial resting bench and plaque on a site near Truman Hill on a section of trail maintained by the Onondaga Chapter. Thus, Charles and Randall, partners on trail building there and elsewhere, will be "reunited again". This spot was originally selected by Randall as a location for a bench honoring Charles. What could be more appropriate now than to have them share it forever I -Al Larmann, Central New York Chapter

Page 33

North Star: The Magazine of the North Country Trail

April - June 2001

We're All Just People on Capitol Hill This past March, volunteers Bob Tait, Jon Lindgren, Richard Lutz and Ben Mourer joined NCTA staff members Tiffany Halfmann and myself on a trip to Washington DC to build support for the North Country Trail. In just three days, we attended more than 40 meetings! Mainly, we worked to persuade Senators and Representatives to help us with funding, but we also covered a number of other topics. During the trip, one thing quickly became apparent to me. When it comes to persuading politicians, experience counts, but not as much as you might think. Richard and Ben were true novices at lobbying. Richard, founding President of our Wampum Chapter, is twenty years old. Ben, an outstanding volunteer from the Butler Chapter, is sixteen. Both of these young men did your trail proud. Their commitment to our cause was obvious to me and to those with whom they met. They impressed both the politicos on the Hill and our colleagues from other trail organizations also in DC. Jon, on the other hand, is an old hand at this sort of thing. Having spent sixteen years as the Mayor of Fargo, ND, Jon is familiar with political advocacy from the other side of the desk. He commented to me that it's hard for a politician not to sympathize with a cause being championed by people who clearly aren't professional lobbyists. Personal commitment and belief in the cause carry a lot of weight. I noticed that Jon himself always approached people on a personal level, taking the time to chat and to get to know who they were. He never failed to ask where they were from and to try to establish a bond with them based on their answers. My own weakness in lobbying is that I take my mission too seriously and don't spend enough time remembering that we're all just people, no matter what side of the desk we sit on. Because of that, we have things Page 34

crossed by our trail, or, at the very least, that they truly appreciated the accomplishments and dedication of our organization and volunteers.

By Bob Papp Executive Director in common. Many of the people we met with were eager to let us know that they were hikers too, or that they enjoyed some of the parks

As a result, most people immediately grasped the benefits of our proposal. In short, we primarily sought funding to establish four "regional support centers" to allow us, finally, to place paid trail coordinators in the field, closer to where our volunteers are working and our trail is being built. This is a management model that the Appalachian Trail has successfully used to create one of the greatest hiking trails in our nation. If we receive the funding, it will help bring a whole new level of activity to the North Country Trail, as well as a very exciting future. Let's keep our fingers crossed! To help us get there, please contact your Senator or Representative and ask them to support the North Country National Scenic Trail. Remember, polish doesn't count nearly as much as passion!

~~me o~~~ur Ac,f,Qlp ~ /~the Last Issue of th essfully relocated opt natio . m one of.

North Star: The Magazine of the North Country Trail

April - June 2001



Hi-Tech Treasure Hunt rr There's a new craze, "geocaching," luring GPS (Global Position System) and computer users into the field to hunt for "treasure" by using GPS devices. I decided to take advantage of the game's growing popularity to locate caches along the North Country Trail in Pennsylvania to bring new people to our trail. So far, we have five caches and we will have five to seven more hidden under rocks, tree stumps and fallen trees. We will award a patch to those who find five caches, each of which consists of a waterproof container and contains a notebook, pencils and pens so finders can write their names and addresses and append comments. The containers also include North Country Trail maps and information. Would-be players who hunt for such goodies can look up the GPS

coordinates for a cache on the geo-caching web site. Cachers then find the caches by entering '-'./ the coordinates into a GPS unit ~ and basically followingthe arrow. GPS is a high-tech version of a compass. Jeremy Irish, who ~;ns the officialweb site for cachers, said the game attracts players because it gives hiking a purpose, even though the treasure may only be a trinket. So log on to the web site: check it out, consider caches for your state and think about where you could hide them on the North Country Trail.

supply hauling, and some light trail cutting will be involved. In addition, work on a new trailhead in the Cazenovia area is planned. This will include landscaping, parking area delineation,signage (kiosk and more), and possibly a culvert installation. Bring tools, lunch, trail work clothes, and gloves. Beverages and fruit will be supplied. Contact Mary KunzlerLarmann at 315-697-3387, or via e-mail at

UP Construction Project The Peter Wolfe Chapter of the NCTA announces a joint Sierra Club/NCTA trail construction project on Baraga Plains in western Upper Michigan. This is a fascinating area of lakes, wetlands, wildlife openings, and sand plains. The Sturgeon River Gorge Wilderness is nearby. The trip will run from July 8-21, 2001, but participants need not come for the entire trip. For more information, see northcountzy or call Doug Welker at (906) 338-2680.

-Bob Tait NCTA PenrzJyLvania coordinator Central NY's June 4 Plans The NCTA's Central New York Chapter has registered a National Trails Day (June 2) event with the American Hiking Society. Events will include work on two 24-foot wooden stairways and their interconnection in a steep ravine near Canastota, NY. Carpentry,

Membership Form If you are purchasing or renewing your membership please fill in the following information and add the amount to your Trail Shop Order Form if you are purchasing merchandise or send this form separately.


$30 Regular $50 Trail Leader



$100 Pathfinder $250 NCT Patron

$45 Organization

D $150 Business

Would you like to be a Chapter Member or At-Large? (There ii no extra charge to be a member of a local Chapter.)

D Member

of a specific Chapter:.

D Member

of my closest local Chapter (If one exists)


D At-Large Member

(Not affiliatedwiJ:h any Chapter)







Please mail, fax or phone your order to: 229 East Main Street• Lowell, Michigan 49331 Toll free telephone: 888-454-NCTA (888-454-6282) If ordering by credit card you may fax your order to:

616-897-6605 Page 35

North Star: The Magazine of the North Country Trail

North Country Trail Association

National Board of Directors Terms Expiring in 2001 David Cornell At-Large 514 Cordes Road Delton, MI 49046 (616) 623-8659 janc l Bob Tait At-Large 212 E. Metzger Ave. Butler, PA 16001 (724) 287-3382 Bob Pat Miller Great Lake.1 Trail Council Chair 15737 65th Avenue Milaca, MN 56353 (320) 983-5643 Anthony (Tony) Rodriquez East DiviJion 127 Manor Drive Syracuse, NY 13214 (315) 446-3586 Gaylord Yost We.1t Dlouion. 2925 W. Bradley Rd. River Hills, WI 53217-2052 (414) 354-8987

*~coUNTJ?_y ~·p

~~ ~

April - June 2001

Rent the NCTA's One Room Schoolhouse!



Terms Expiring in 2002 Maxy Lucas At-Large 753 Davenport St. Rhinelander, WI 54501 (715) 362-0616 Jon G. Lindgren North Dakota Council 2001 North Seventh St. Fargo, ND 58102 (701) 232-7868 jon_lindgren@ Derek Blount At-Large 906 N. Alexander Royal Oak, MI 48067 (248) 548-1737 Howard Beye New York Trail Council Chair 202 Colebourne Rd. Rochester, NY 14609 (716) 288-7191 Helen Coyne Ea.1t Diouion 212 Willow Circle Cranberry Township, PA 16066-4572 (724) 776-0678

Terms Expiring in 2003 Werner Veit At-Large 229 East Main Street Lowell, Michigan 49331 (888) 454-NCTA wv Joan Young At-Large 861 West US 10 Scottville, MI49454 (231) 757-2205 Richard Harris At-Large 974 SOM Center Road Mayfield, OH 44143 (440) 449-7467 Lynn Waldron Lower Michigan Trail Council Chair 8133 Norris Road Delton, MI 49046 (616) 623-5340 Daryl Williamson Wut DiviJion 5901 Timberglade Drive Bloomington, MN 55438 (612) 835-2186

What's It For? NCTA's Schoolhouse makes an ideal hostel for your hikes through lower Michigan. It includes a shower, cots, and a kitchenette. It's also a great site for meetings or retreats!

Where Is It? 5 miles NW of White Cloud, Michigan, nestled in the southern region of the Huron-Manistee National Forest.

Who Runs It? The Schoolhouse is maintained and managed by volunteers from our own Western Michigan Chapter.

Information: Just call our office at 888-454-NCTA (6282) and ask for a copy of the Schoolhouse brochure!

Sponsored Membership Form Our Sponsored Membership Program allows current members to sign up new members at an introductory rate of just $18.00. To qualify, Sponsored Members mast he new to NCTA, or not have been members for a least two years. The $18.00 rate is good only for the first year of membership. To use the program, just fill in your name in the "Sponsored by:" box. Then, give the form to your friend to finish. Please choose your affiliation (check one): D Member of a specific Chapter: _

DMember of my closest local Chapter (If one exists) D At-Large Member (Not affiliated with any Chapter) Sponsored by: NAME

North Country Trail Association



Page 36

To begin your membership complete this form and send it with your $18 payment to:


229 East Main St. Lowell, Ml 49331

April - June 2001

North Star: The Magazine of the North Country Trail

Dissent: Threats to Allegheny Cited Editor's Note: An article by Bill Menke in last FaLL'.1 North Star minimized the threat» to the North Country National Scenic Trail from logging and other actioitiu in the Allegheny National Forest. The foikwing fetter from an NCTA member who ha.d hiked the entire trail in the /orut di.Jputu the autbor'» conclusions. The opinions expruJed on thu page M e/Jewhere in the North Star represent thOJe of tht; writer and not necuJarify thOJe of the AJJociation. As a member of the North Country Trail Association (NCTA) and . someone who has hiked the 95-mile segment of the North Country Trail (NCT) through the Allegheny National Forest (Allegheny), I would like to address the logging and oil & gas drilling issue here. First let me take this opportunity to thank Bill Menke, retiring National 'Park Service Manager of the NCT, for his important years of work in' establishing the trail. That said, I also must speak to Mr. Menke's October/December 2000 North Star article on the Allegheny. · ·. While I understand the importance of maintaining a good relationship with all land owners along the trail, I believe he was too conciliatory, leaving the reader with the impression that there is little threat to the NCT here. There are in fact numerous timber sales planned along the NCT on the Allegheny which Mr. Menke did not mention: • The Pierson timber sale north of K~lletvillehas three cutting units ~ong the trail. • The Duck/Sheriff Project has six cutting units that lie along the trail, and several others that lie in close proximity. • The Eagle Mills timber sale north of the Tionesta old-growth forest has two clearcuts planned adjacent to the trail. • The East Side Project timber sale also has three cutting units planned along the NCT. The USDA in the Allegheny National Forest prioritizes clearcut log-

LETTERS ging for lucrative shade-intolerant black cherry timber production and oil & gas drilling over recreation and wildlife habitat. Unfortunately it is essentially written into their outdated 1986 Forest Management Plan to do so. Myself, Allegheny Defense Project (ADP), and our network of supporters believe a two mile wide corridor along the NCT through the Allegheny where no logging is allowed should eventually be established to protect the trail in perpetuity. At the very least, the Park Service should adopt the NCTA'sPolicy on Timber Harvesting which states in part: No cutting allowed within fifteen feet of the trail. Thu wou/:J aLlow a thirty foot wUJe corridor of uncut woodland to cross a harvest area. With regard to oil & gas drilling activities that in the recent past have severely damaged the NCT in the Allegheny, Mr. Menke describes this as "Unfortunate, but it cannot be helped." However, the Forest Service could purchase mineral


] ~ '2

~ ~ f

BLACK CHERRYtree marked for cutting along the NCT. Note the extra paint mark over the trail diamond itJe/f. What mu,1age Wa.d the marker trying to Jend?

rights under the trail corridor so that drilling activity accommodates the NCT, not the other way around. The Park Service Director should have a vision in which the NCT is a permanent fixture not constantly subject to the threat of oil & gas drilling. Another issue of concern is the Forest Service's pending proposal to replace toilets at remote campgrounds by opening a section of the NCT as a road for heavy equipment. ADP believes another alternative can and should be utilized such as barging the equipment in via the Allegheny Reservoir. Opening the NCT as a road, even temporarily, sets a poor precedent. Also, as Mr. Menke states, "Halfway to the two campgrounds, the old road fizzles out and the equipment will have to follow a new, through-the-woods route." This means the Forest Service will have to build a new road to the two campgrounds. This will involve cutting trees and grading a road through the forested interior of the Tracy Ridge National Recreation Area, which was supposed to have been protected through the passage of the Pennsylvania Wilderness Act of 1984. Finally, ADP recommends that when the NPS hires a new NCT Manager, the successful candidate should, rather than being a professional forester, be an outdoor recreation specialist with a strong interest in ecology or conservation biology. Kirk Johnson Forest Watch Coordinator Allegheny Defense Project P.O. Box 245, Clarion, PA 16214 (814) 223-4996

North Star: The Magazine of the North Country Trail

April - June 2001

Trail Supporters Contributions and Special Renewals received from December 1st through February 28th DONATIONS Gifts & Grants of $500 or more Ameritech Exxonmobil Foundation Grand Rapids Community Foundation Lowell Area Community Fund UniversalForest Products Werner Veit Gifts of $100 to $499 Pat Allen & Mark Miller Len & JoAnne Baron David & Jan Cornell Alphonse Danastasio John Diephouse Econo-Foods Gene & Jean Elzinga Finger Lakes Trail Conference Stephen Kobylarz John & Pat Leinen Ned Liddle Ellen Lightle Rod MacRae Bill & Donna Menke Ben Mourer NorthwesternOhio Rails-to-TrailsAssoc Bob & Annette Papp William Perry Aaron Phipps JosephRaught Anthony Rodriguez J. Robert Routt RichardSchwaab JosephSmith Jim Sprague Gary Werner Daryl Williamson Gaylord & Marlene Yost Andy Zeek Gifts of up to $99 BarbaraAlbertson John Allen & Edith Maynard Daniel & Constance Arnold Charles Axthelm Thomas & Patricia Backe Douglas Bailey Marieanna Bair Sally Baker Jane Balcer Jim Bartlett CharlesBenjamin Carol Bennett Chris Bethke Howard Beye Jane Bibbler Bert Bleke LuiseBolleber Robert Borak Robert Bouchard Walt Bowen Carol Bradshaw Ren & Carol Brander NancyBrucken Randall Brune

Robert Burris David Byrne Robert Cable Catherine Cain Robert Campbell Richard Cannon Patricia Carlson Gary Cera Donald Childs Gary Clark Lora JF & Michael Cochran Bill & Mary Coffin Kate Dahlstrom Hugh & Janice Davidson William & Kathleen Davis Richard & Ann DeBoer Robert Decker Jack Dixon James Douglass Raymond Doverspike Terry & Mary Jo Dunlap Carol Durling Ralph Dyson Donald Edwards Martin Eggener William Ehling Peter Eldridge James Ellis John Elms Jim Elzinga Richard Erickson Sandra Fielder Gary Firkus Frank Fishman Fred Fletcher Darwin Gilbert Tom & Janis Gilbert Norma Gilmore Albert Groothuis Elfriede Groothuis Patricia Gutierrez Chris & Helen Haller Ronald Hand Dennis Hansen Sally Hartle Richard Hauser Barbara Hawke Carol Hendershot Richard Henderson Bob Henry Douglas Heym & Debra Huff Bobbie Hineline William Hoff James & Gladys Hoogterp James & Mariah Hope Dan Hornbogen Keith & Katherine Horngren Robert Hull Herbert & Suzanne Hulls Lucy Hulme David Hutchinson David Irish Irish Boat Shop Bob Jacobowski Kirk Johnson Seth & Karen Johnson Martha Jones Martin Katzmarek James Kelly

We gratefully acknowledge the support of aLL our members and donord who dhare with LUJ the vif ion of the North Country National Scenic Trail. Leslie Bill Kick Brooks & Margie Kindel Peter & Paula Klima George Knight Pollie Knight Nora Kufalk Edward Lawrence Nelson Leavitt Freda Lehnen Edwin & Judith Leonard Martha Leppanen Mary Lucas Mary Lyman Phil & Delores Malpass Bill Mansfield Henrietta Mark Dale McNinch Ernest Metzger Roger & Glory Meyer Gregory Miller Lee Milner Dan Mixer Martha Molnar Lawrence & Sophia Morton Richard Naperala Gary Nichols Deborah Nighswander Jim O'Gorman Michael & Virginia O'Keefe Timothy O'Rourke Martin O'Toole Tony Ohrazda John & Teri Olbrot & Family Atley Oswald Fred Parks Victoria Parlin Bill Patton & Peggy Grant Linda Peshoff Dale Petty Richard Pfeiffer Thomas & Diane Piquet Shirley Pittenger Andrew Plath Randal Podoll Gayle Poertner Clarence Pokorske Pat Prosser Sherrill Puckett Thomas Reeber Richard Reed Fred Reese David Robinson Robert Ruble Eric Russell Roy Salmon Ken Scherber Randy & Solveig Schick Merl & Patricia Schlaack Ross Schmidt William Schmidt Peter Seed Stephen Selden Michael Shaw Charles Shearer Tom Shier

Randy Shoemaker Gregory Smith Richard Smith Scott Smith Mary Snitgen Linda Solomon Mike Stasik Bill Stellema Andrew Stewart Nancy Stewart & Gig Stewart Patty Stewart Philip Stoyke Margaret Strobel David Swanson Rolf Swanson Donald Ticknor Clinton Tompt Larry Tosh Miles Trumble Sidney Tuinstra B.G. Vanderpol Bob & Barbara Vos Jerry Wachter Michael Walenta Paul & Ann Warren Robert Weir Ruth Weir Anna Weisbrodt Jim Weiske George Wilcox Jim & Bonnie Wilson Kevin,Robin,Kate & Morgan Wilson Rodger & Denise Wolf Charles Worms Andrew Wright Sallie Wylie RichardWynalda Duke Yost Joan Young & Omer Young Leroy & Marlene Zacher

MEMBERSHIPS Organizations,Agencies, & Businesses Exkursion Outfitters Sandhill Marketing Communications USDA ForestService, Marienville, PA Pathfinders ($100 - 249 dues) Terry & Diane Brant Ruth Clausen John Conway Joe Dixon William Eisenman Exkursion Outfitters Douglas Fraits Paul & Jerry Henry Bob & Grace Rudd Sandhill Marketing Communications Richard Seabold Dave Swanson

Rolf Swanson John & Mary Lou Tanton Jerry Trout John & Diane Vanderveen Âť"ail Leaders ($50.99 dues) Matthew Anderson Kelly Breit Sharon Burtrum Gary Cera Chang Choi Richard & Ann DeBoer Jack Dixon Judith Esterline Richard Fitzgerald Robert Glesne Don Halley Marshall Hamilton Joy Marie & Joe Harvey Ken & Mary Hinchman Howard Hintz Glen Johnson PeggyJones& Andy Zeek Marcia Krater Cheri Lang Al Larmann & Mary Kunzler-Larmann Edward Lawrence David LeRoy Jeffrey Lutz Duane & Beverly Mattheis Karen McNew John & Diana Meyer Todd Mora Michael & Virginia O'Keefe Robert Papapanu David Peters Fred Phillips Robert Reed Merl & Patricia Schlaack Brian Seely John Seidel & Deborrah Frable Ted & Alice Soldan Michael Stafford Carol Stetter Superior Hiking Trail Association Tom Sutter Adrian Tait ThomasTaylor Kathryn Urberg Betty VanderSmissen Stephen Volk Jim Walke William Weiss Jim & Bonnie Wilson Richard Wynalda Reynold Zeller

In addition, we welcome 112 new members to the North Country Trail Association who have joined since our last issue of the North Star. Page 38

North Star: The Magazine of the North Country Trail

April - June 2001

Our Valued Business Members Law Offices of Barry S. Cohen N9661 Willow Rd. Elkhart Lake, WI 53020 (920) 565-4225

AGR International


Bill Prall TouringGear 108 E. Third si.- (231) 526-7152 Harbor Springs, Ml 49740

/~~ ~

• A.d-v-e:n:t~e

Stores in: Pittsburgh, PA (412) 364-8078. (412) 835-0315 Monroeville, PA (412) 380-4012 Erie, PA (814) 866-7600

311 W. Kilgore• Portage, Ml 49002 • 616-381-7700 Downhill & XC Skiing •Snowboards • Backpacking • Camping Kayaks • Canoes• lnline Skates •Technical Outerwear Boy Scouts• Adventure & Travel Wear for Men & Womern

Butler County Chamber of Commerce

Thank You - NCTA Business Members Our business members contribute annual dues of $150 to the NCTA. In addition to supporting a worthy cause, our business members enjoy benefits including a reduced rate on ads in the North Star, and regular placement of a business logo and contact information both here and within our web site.

Harbor Springs Cycling Club

281 S. Main Street s Butler, PA 16003 (724) 283-2222

P.O. Box 364 <Harbor Springs, Ml 49740

BIG PRAIRIE BUILDERS,NC ''<iwin:J'S~Bacb" 964 Cypress, White Cloud, Ml 231-689-1310 FAX: 231-689-1669 email: in[


,.... • ...



EXKURSION. ·. ·.· ·. established 1974

·. :.\·· .

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Fred Gunter, Founder

4037 William Penn Highway (412) 372-7030 Monroeville, PA 15146 Fax: (412) 372-7046 MON-FRI: 10am-9pm SAT: 10am-7pm SUN: 12:30-4pm

Kalamazoo, Ml 49004 (616) 382-2561

10730 West Janesville Rd. Hales Corners, WI 53130 ( 414) 425-6888

~Thank YouNCT Patrone David and Jan Cornell Greg Davis

Shirley Hearn Robert J. Schwartz Walter M. Srogi

Harmon V Strong Irene Szabo

NCT Patrons are individuals or households that generously contribute $250 or more each year in membership dues.

Page 39

The Grand Rapids Foundation

Afell ................ FUnd LDWlrl!ll


North Star North Country Trail Association 229 East Main Street Lowell, MI 49331


PAID Grand Rapids, Ml Permit 340

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