21 quotes that will change the way you think about marketing

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Change the Way You Think About


About Youtility The difference between helping and selling is just two letters. But those two letters are critically important to your company’s success. If you’re wondering how to get more attention and how to make your products seem more exciting online, you’re asking the wrong question. You’re not competing for attention only against other, similar products. You’re competing for attention against your customers’ closest friends and family members, and against viral videos and cute puppies. To win in this hyper-competitive environment, you must ask a different question: “How can we help?” It’s a new approach that cuts through the clutter: marketing that is truly, inherently useful. If you sell something, you make a customer today, but if you genuinely help someone, you create a customer for life. This is Youtility. Drawing from his experience consulting for more than 700 brands, and rich with case studies and examples, in Youtility Jay Baer provides a groundbreaking recipe for how to use information and helpfulness to transform the relationship between companies and customers.

Jay Baer

Youtility is a new marketing framework for the age of information overload.


1 “Youtility is marketing upside down. Instead of marketing that’s needed by companies, Youtility is marketing that’s wanted by customers. It’s massively useful FREE information, that creates long-term trust and kinship between a company and its customers.” — Jay Baer

2 “If you create something that somebody would pay for, but you give it away, not only are you building trust and a debt of gratitude but you shock them into sharing it. They share not only the asset itself, which is inherently valuable to the brand, but they share the fact that they are surprised that a brand would just give it to them and not try to sell them along the way.” — Joe Chernov, Kinvey

About Joe Chernov Joe Chernov is the Vice President of Marketing at cloud backend development company Kinvey. Prior to his appointment at Kinvey, he ran Eloqua’s content marketing, where the Content Marketing Institute named him Content Marketer of the Year. He has created a number of award-winning graphics, videos, and infographics in partnership with creative agency JESS3, and he regularly contributes his thought leadership to outlets like Mashable and the Content Marketing Institute.

3 “In most companies, creating marketing that customers want is a colossal shift from the norm and, even though they want to do it, psychological and operational barriers stand in the way. Making your company inherently useful without expecting an immediate return is in direct opposition to the principles of marketing and business deeply ingrained at all levels.� — Jay Baer

4 “When it comes down to it, Youtility isn’t about changing your marketing, it’s about changing your mindset.” — Marcus Sheridan, River Pools & Spas

About Marcus Sheridan Marcus Sheriden passionately speaks and writes about business and marketing on his blog, The Sales Lion, which is full of business, sales, marketing, and personal development consideration. Before The Sales Lion, he used the principles of inbound and content marketing to build the most trafficked swimming pool website in the world: River Pools and Spas. Although he still owns his swimming pool company, he now spends most of his time delivering inspirational and educational presentations on the power of social media and inbound/content marketing. His book Inbound and Content Marketing Made Easy is available for free download.

5 “You can build the platform where you become the trusted expert. If a company had more people thinking about that instead of focusing on the product, it would open up all kinds of opportunities.” — Joe Pulizzi, Content Marketing Institute

About Joe Pulizzi Joe Pulizzi is founder of the Content Marketing Institute and Junta42. Joe evangelizes content marketing around the world through keynotes, articles, tweets, and his books, Managing Content Marketing and Get Content Get Customers. His newest book, Epic Content Marketing, will be available in September 2013. If you want to get on his good side, send him something orange. For more on Joe, check out his website at JoePulizzi.com or follow him on Twitter at @juntajoe.

6 “Even with so many new tools like Facebook, Twitter and beyond, few businesses are actually doing anything markedly different than they used to. Facebook is a fancy photo scrapbook and Twitter is often just a tiny press-release machine. It’s the same shouting with a different megaphone.” — Jay Baer

7 “Trust has never been more important as a corporate asset, and it needs to be managed for people to believe the information you’re putting out.” — Amy Treanor, Edelman Square

About Amy Treanor Amy Treanor is Senior Vice President and Director of Operations for Edelman Square, the center for intellectual capital at the world’s largest PR firm, Edelman. Amy was the Director of Strategic Planning for StrategyOne (now Edelman Berland), where she directed research programs for clients such as Pfizer, Huggies, Telstra, and Raytheon. Prior to re-joining Edelman in 2011, Amy was a Senior VP at LCG, where she managed projects across a wide range of industries. Edelman Square releases the Edelman Trust Barometer, a major annual global study of trust in institutions, industries, and leaders.

8 “If you have a good story to tell, tell it in a way that’s authentic conversation with the customer. You can’t just preach to the customer. You have to engage them, so that they can come to learn and believe it, and build that trust with you.” — Joel Yashinsky, McDonald’s Canada

About Joel Yashinsky Joel Yashinsky works for McDonald’s Canada as the Chief Marketing Officer and Senior VP of Marketing and Consumer Business Insights. As CMO, Joel leads a national marketing team and various agency partners to build consumer connection to the brand. McDonald’s Canada has seen significant growth in market share and brand health during his tenure, including the launch of McCafé in November 2011. His innovative “Our Food. Your Questions.” campaign in 2012 received numerous accolades for its success in the digital and social networking landscape.

9 “In the same way our generation takes electricity for granted, younger people today take the Internet for granted. Because they grew up with it, they have no reason not to trust the information they find there. We used to talk to a real person as a first step; now it’s the last resort. Customers are ninjas, stealthily evaluating you right under your nose.” — Jay Baer

10 “I started my career as a sales guy in the nineties, when the funnel was controlled by the sales rep. who had all the information the prospect wanted, including pricing and discount options. Now 90 percent of it has swung to marketing. It’s self-service and you need to be very, very helpful to see to the top of the funnel. The game has changed a lot.” — Brian Halligan, HubSpot

About Brian Halligan Brian Halligan is CEO and Co-Founder of HubSpot, a marketing software company that helps businesses transform the way they market their products. He is a Senior Lecturer at MIT, where he teaches Entrepreneurial Product Development and Marketing. He is the author of two books: Marketing Lessons from the Grateful Dead and Inbound Marketing: Get Found Using Google, Social Media, and Blogs. He was named an Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of 2011 – New England. In his spare time, he sits on a few boards of directors, follows his beloved Red Sox, goes to the gym, and is learning to play guitar.

11 “As expectations on the consumer side rise, companies embrace them and start becoming more forthcoming with information, and providing functionality online . . . which again raises consumer expectations. It almost becomes an arms race between the company and the consumer.” — Gord Hotchkiss, Mediative

About Gord Hotchkiss Gord Hotchkiss is Chief Strategy Officer of Mediative, formerly Enquiro. He and the research team at Mediative have built a solid reputation as the leading experts in understanding not only what happens on a search portal, but also why. Gord’s voracious personal curiosity extends into areas as diverse as neurology, psychology, genetics, sociology, and anthropology, always with the goal of understanding why we do the things we do (and, of course, what that means for marketing strategy). Gord is also a columnist for MediaPost and Search Engine Land, a regular presenter at industry shows, and a popular keynote speaker.


“Youtility doesn’t overcome all other product and price dynamics, but it gives the brand that extra edge, the tiebreaker that allows it to ultimately sell more by ‘selling’ less.” — Jay Baer

13 “You have to empathize with your target audience in three ways: how they discover information, their preferences for consumption – which drills down into channels, devices and content – and what motivates them to take action.” — Lee Odden, TopRank

About Lee Odden Lee Odden is the author of Optimize: How to Attract and Engage More Customers by Integrating SEO, Social Media and Content Marketing. He is also a speaker, blogger, consultant, and the CEO of TopRank Online Marketing, which specializes in a 360 degree approach to growing new business and enriching both brand and community engagement online. Cited by the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, The Economist, and Forbes, he is an active international speaker on digital marketing and PR topics for conferences and corporate events. He is also editor of Online Marketing Blog, one of the most popular marketing blogs on the web.

14 “A lot of companies survey their customers and find out what their pain points are, and they get a sense of what they should be creating content about - but they don’t think about how they are consuming content, and how they like to be communicated with.” — Ann Handley, MarketingProfs

About Ann Handley Ann Handley is a veteran of creating and managing digital content to build relationships for organizations and individuals. Ann is the co-author of the best-selling Content Rules: How to Create Killer Blogs, Podcasts, Videos, Ebooks, Webinars (and More) That Engage Customers and Ignite Your Business (Wiley, 2011). Currently she works as the Chief Content Officer of MarketingProfs and also contributes to Entrepreneur Magazine, the Huffington Post, American Express OPEN Forum, and Mashable.

15 “Most companies that have a social monitoring tool are using it for brand listening and sentiment analysis. It’s very rare to see listening around the broader topics that impact the company and its customers.” —Mike Corak, Ethology

About Mike Corak Mike Corak is the Executive Vice President of Strategy at digital marketing agency Ethology, leading the strategic planning efforts for the its largest clients. He is also the co-founder of Digital Marketing Strategy. Previously, Mike led the strategic planning practice and account management efforts at Off Madison Ave . A frequent blogger and speaker and an active member of the digital marketing community, Mike’s passion is interactive marketing. Mike’s developed and implemented winning digital and integrated strategies for hundreds of companies over his 12 year career, including the likes of Coca Cola, ConAgra Foods, FedEx, and Nike.

16 “You start with the story, and then you figure out what the best mechanism for telling it is. It will either be a play, a screenplay, a television show, or a novel. It cannot be all of those things. Youtility is no different.” — Robert Rose, Content Marketing Institute

About Robert Rose Author, Speaker, and Chief Troublemaker at Big Blue Moose, Robert Rose’s focus and passion is to help marketers become stellar storytellers. Robert also serves as Strategist in Residence and brand advisor for the Content Marketing Institute and Senior Contributing Analyst for Digital Clarity Group. Robert co-authored Managing Content Marketing, which spent two weeks as the top marketing book on Amazon. He is also a featured writer and guest blogger for iMedia. Robert lives and plays in Los Angeles with his beautiful wife Elizabeth and their golden doodle Daisy.

17 “People just jump right to ‘We’re going to create this really cool thing and put it out there and people are going to magically find it.’ You have to market your marketing.” — C.C. Chapman, Content Rules

About C.C. Chapman C.C. Chapman is a modern-day renaissance man who lives every day to inspire others to do their best. He is the author of the book Content Rules (Wiley 2010) and founder of Digital Dads. As a consultant, C.C. helps a variety of clients embrace all forms of new media and online marketing to take their campaigns to the next level. He was one of the first professional podcasters and continues to share his knowledge and insights on the popular Managing the Gray. He is a graduate of Bentley University and lives outside of Boston with his loving wife and family.

18 “Youtility is a marathon, not a sprint. My goal for year one was to own the niche, and my return was twenty-three cents an hour. It wasn’t really until the end of year two when I decided to start monetizing.” — Greg Ng, Freezerburns

About Greg Ng Gregory Ng is the Frozen Food Master and founder of frozen food review web show Freezerburns. He has developed effective, results-driven marketing programs for Global Fortune 1000 clients with an expertise in the high tech and financial verticals. Since 2003, Gregory has received over 40 awards for his direct marketing campaigns. His articles and reviews have been covered by top tech and Apple websites, including the New York Times and Wired’s Gadget Lab. He is currently VP, Creative at Brooks Bell Interactive, an online direct marketing agency. He is also a husband, father of three, former Elvis impersonator, and lover of soy lattes.

19 “It’s a crusade to get an entire employee base participating in the content development process, but the content we produce is going to help us engage with new customers, grow new business. You need to get every employee on that bandwagon, and cross the line from enablement to encouragement.” — Michael Brenner, SAP

About Michael Brenner Michael Brenner is Senior Director of SAP Global Marketing where he leads content strategy and serves as the Managing Editor for the SAP Business Innovation thought leadership site. He is also the author of B2B Marketing Insider, a contributor to Forbes, and a frequent speaker at industry events covering topics such as marketing strategy, social business, content marketing, digital marketing, social media, and personal branding.

20 “Technologies change, people change, users change. You have to be there to adapt to it or else you will be making cassettes when the CD comes around.” — Seth Porges, Cloth mobile app

About Seth Porges Seth Porges is a science and technology journalist and television commentator. He has previously worked as a senior editor at Maxim, an editor at Popular Mechanics, a technology consultant at Bloomberg News, and as a writer for TechCrunch. He is also the creator of Cloth, an iOS fashion app that allows users to save, categorize, and share photographs of their outfits. In 2011, he led a Twitter campaign that succeeded in causing Chipotle to list the presence of bacon in its pinto beans and was named one of the New York Observer’s “50 Media Power Bachelors” later that same year.


“For the first time, companies have to compete on the very same turf as our family and friends, using the very same tools, technologies, media and messaging as consumers. They are invading the spaces we are using to connect personally.� — Jay Baer

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