1 minute read
Thriving the mainstream
Z is autistic, and struggled so much with what they call the “toxic environment” in mainstream school in Gateshead they became ill when they were 10.
Mum Nic says:
“Z was underweight, covered in hives and their mental health was poor. And I thought some of these were medical, but a lot disappeared a fortnight into lockdown, at which point you know it’s not medical because nothing else changed, just the environment.”
She took Z out of school and put together a bespoke package of home education, which includes forest school, circus school and virtual learning. The youngster has flourished: “Z looks like an entirely different human being now,” Nic says.
NEAS - How are you taught, Z?
Z – I get virtual tutoring with Gecko, a charity where all the tutors are neurodivergent, and do self-led GCSE work. I’ve just come back from forest school which is really good because you get to set stuff on fire and/or fill your wellies with water, whatever takes your fancy that day. And then I go to circus school which is very good for proprioception and basically stimming it all out.