1 minute read

Wander // Denise Lewis Darling // Sam Penney

Dip // Gabby Bruck

Learning to Cook // Gabby Bruck


in which reuben selects “yes” to organ donation at the dmv // Gwen Cusing a reading to / from the holy gospel of Reuben’s body / vessel / carcass

I inherited this tidal wave body from my mother Leah, her belly waxing and waning again and again: new/renew/renew/renew. The eldest son of an eldest daughter, I do as I’m told.

I never wanted this body. Reach into my chest and pull. Weave lifelines from my arteries, a safety net from my vocal chords, a storm shelter from my arms.

All I ever wanted was this body. My proud spine is an artifact of lineage. Count each vertebrae, stack one on top of another. Let me stand with my back straight. Let me tell you all about the party trick where a mirror looks another mirror in the face, which is to say, I am always looking back.

I never wanted this body. Another bone to pick your teeth with, scrape me clean once again.

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