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Making Discovery Possible (cont.) Faculty Achievements

JORGE MORALES wins Rising Star award from Association of Psychological Science for work on visual perception, consciousness

“One goal of my research is to offer empirical answers to questions philosophers have been asking for centuries,” Morales, who runs the interdisciplinary Subjectivity Lab at Northeastern, says.

“My work lies at the intersection of psychology, neuroscience and philosophy, and it aims to understand conscious experiences,” Morales adds. “Some of the questions that we ask include: How do we become aware of our surroundings? What functions does consciousness serve—couldn’t we do things unconsciously just fine? How do we know our own minds? How does our brain experience the world and itself? How can we tell if a patient with disorders of consciousness, for example, in a vegetative state, is conscious or not?”

ALESSANDRO VESPIGNANI receives ‘lifetime honors’ for leadership during COVID-19 pandemic

Alessandro Vespignani, the director of the Network Science Institute and Sternberg Family Distinguished Professor at Northeastern, was selected as a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Vespignani’s work in pandemic modeling, and simulating how and when infectious disease outbreaks might take place has received worldwide praise, making him among the most respected researchers in the field with respect to the COVID-19 pandemic response.

Making Discovery Possible

The impact of the generosity of donors is felt throughout education experiences at every level of the College. Here are a few stories from our students:

In November, I was lucky enough to attend Neuroscience 2022 in San Diego, CA. This is the largest annual neuro-related conference, hosted by the Society for Neuroscience. Thank you to the Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships as well as the BNS Program for the Peak Award and Travel Award that enabled my attendance!

Allie C.

Major: Behavioral Neuroscience

Graduation Year: 2023

I worked with Ocean Genome Legacy Center (OGL) for my first co-op in spring 2021 and returned this past summer and fall to work on research while taking classes. Being involved with OGL has been incredible gratifying because their mission to preserve the genetic diversity of the oceans is so important. It’s devastating to see the rate at which marine organisms are going extinct but working to preserve the valuable genetic information of so many species has felt like a small way I can help.

Ella M.

Partner With Us

The Northeastern College of Science is a hub of Research, Education and Innovation: Our faculty are pushing research frontiers to solve our planet’s greatest challenges. Through innovative, research-linked, experiential learning, our students are empowered to be confident, entrepreneurial, problem-solvers, with flexible skills for a vast spectrum of careers. And we embrace a culture of respect, equity and diversity, where each person feels valued for their contribution and is treated fairly.

There are many ways to support the College


• Scholarships: The College of Science recruits exceptional students who reflect the diversity of society. Scholarships help us attract top students, and expands access to a Northeastern College of Science education through full and partial awards.

• Support Experiential Learning: The College of Science is broadening access to and scope of work experience-based education at all levels. Support a co-op in research, medicine, and across a broad landscape of opportunities, or subsidize international co-ops. Help make these learning experiences a reality for our students!


Don’t miss out on receiving important information about what’s happening at the COS, both on campus and around the world. Click here and fill out the form to stay connected with us!

SRINIVAS SRIDHAR joins prestigious group of medical and biological engineers

Srinivas Sridhar, the director of the Nanomedicine Innovation Center and Nanomedicine Academy at Northeastern as well as a Distinguished University Professor of Physics, was elected a Fellow of American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE). He was cited by AIMBE for “outstanding contributions to nanotechnologies for imaging and drug delivery, developing new training programs and broadening participation in nanomedicine.”

Major: Biology and Mathematics

Graduation Year: 2023

At the American Chemical Society’s Annual Conference, I was exposed to areas of chemistry that are not as prominent in the CCB department at Northeastern, such as food, forensic, and polymer chemistry. Attending presentations and poster sessions, I learned about cutting edge research taking place in these fields which validated my decision to pursue a PhD in polymer chemistry.

Lilly F.

Major: Chemistry Graduation Year: 2022

• INVEST in Faculty: The College seeks funding to recruit promising PhD candidates directly into tenure track positions, with extensive mentoring and research support. Through this innovative plan, the College will recruit a talented and diverse pool of faculty.


• Graduate Fellowships: In the College’s new Connected Science PhD, students understand how the PhD opens a vast array of top career options. Students carry out groundbreaking research, explore opportunities for cross-disciplinary research, and connect with outside work experience that may set up their next steps. COS seeks fellowship funding to support the outstanding next generation of science trainees.

• Undergraduate Research: COS is committed to providing all of its undergraduate students with a labbased research opportunity during their time at Northeastern. Support for undergraduate research will promote the creation of additional opportunities for students to work alongside faculty and graduate student mentors, and gain valuable experience in traditional and emerging fields across the college.

• Summer Research Program: The new College of Science Summer Research Program will bring outstanding undergraduate students to Northeastern where they will benefit from our hallmark experiential educational opportunities. Support will enable the College to place students in research positions, and encourage their future training at Northeastern.


• Entrepreneurship: The College of Science encourages a culture of entrepreneurship and translational innovation across faculty and students. Support helps the college establish an ecosystem with features such as venture bootcamps, grand challenge focused hack-a-thons, and funding that promotes a startup culture.

• Space of the Future: The College of Science must be at the forefront of providing advanced research space that promotes collaboration and cross-disciplinary research, and supports platforms and technologies that accelerate the rate of discovery.

For more information, contact Veronica Jorge-Curtis, Director of Development, College of Science, Northeastern University | v.jorge-curtis@northeastern.edu

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