1 minute read
from Northeast Ohio Boomer | May June 2023
by Mitchell Media LLC: Northeast Ohio Parent & Northeast Ohio Thrive/Boomer
Fun With The Grandkids
Family FUNday. Family-friendly games, movementbased activities, art and more. First Sunday of each month. 1-4 p.m. Community Arts Center, West 25th St., Cleveland, clevelandart.org
Fun on the Farm. Pony and pony cart rides, horse rides and more. June-August. 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Spring Mist Farms, 691 Pearl Road, Brunswick Hills, springmistfarms.com
STEAM Team Saturdays. On the second and fourth Saturday of each month, children, ages 5-11 discover the wonder of S.T.E.A.M. 12 p.m. Akron Children’s Museum, 216 S. Main St., akronkids.org
Shark Gallery & Sea Tube. Features three species of sharks, stingrays, eels and many other species of fish. Greater Cleveland Aquarium, 2000 Sycamore St., Cleveland, greaterclevelandaquarium.com. FREE$19.95 greaterclevelandaquarium.com
Science Phenomena. Explore electricity and magnetism; light and optics; motion and mechanics; sound and resonance, and more. Great Lakes Science Center, 601 Erieside Ave., Cleveland, greatscience.com. $14.95-19.95
Super Science Saturday: Mammal Mayhem. Discover the science behind these living organisms, their classification, and their crazy lives. 10:30 a.m.3:30 p.m. Akron Fossils & Science Center, 2080 S. Cleveland Massillon Road., Copley, akronfossils.com
Kids Dig! Fossils & Paleontology. Hands-on experience for children, ages 6-11, interested in history and science. 6-8:30 p.m. Lee Road Branch Library, 2345 Lee Road, Cleveland Hts., heightslibrary.org
Falls Fire Showdown. Family-friendly event where firefighters from around the region will compete in a relay challenge to determine who is the best of the best. 5-10 p.m. Downtown Cuyahoga Falls, cityofcf.com
Northeast Ohio Parent Events. Free, family-friendly entertainment with activities for kids ages 2-9, northeastohioparent.com
Monster Jam Stadium Tour. The most unexpected, unscripted and unforgettable motorsports experience for families and fans. 7-9 p.m. FirstEnergy Stadium, 100 Alfred Lerner Way, Cleveland, feldentertainment.com
Kids Day of Safety and Play. Summer reading kick-off, KidArt, physical fitness challenge, toucha-truck and more. 2-6 p.m. Mainstreet Medina, mainstreetmedina.com