3 minute read
April CA lenDAR Creative family fun
from Northeast Ohio Parent | April 2023
by Mitchell Media LLC: Northeast Ohio Parent & Northeast Ohio Thrive/Boomer
Families Innovate. Children and caregivers learn together how to do a creative project using their laser engravers. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Garfield Heights Branch Library, 5409 Turney Road, cuyahogalibrary.org
Art Smart. Explore basic elements of design through hands-on observation of art objects and artifacts and receive a special art project to work on at home. Grades 3-5. 4:45-5:45 p.m. Hudson Library, 96 Library St., hudsonlibrary.org
Babyfest 2023:Texture. Bring your little one (and siblings, of course) to explore a creative take on one of the baby’s favorite senses: texture. 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Akron Art Museum, 1 S. High St., akronartmuseum.org
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Campus Life: Teens. Food, games, and conversations that matter to teens. 6:30-8:30 p.m. That Place for Teens, 1480 Pearl Road, #10, Brunswick, thatplace4teens.com
Middle School Makers. A club for middle schoolers who love to create, craft, explore and discover. 7 p.m. Kent Free Library, 312 W. Main St., kentfreelibrary.org
Afterschool Spot for Teens & Tweens. Video games, board games, snacks and more. 3:30-5:30 p.m. Coventry Village Branch Library, 1925 Coventry Road, Cleveland Hts., heightslibrary.org
After School Adventures. Children in kindergarten through fourth grade will explore literature, science concepts, arts, and culture through various activities. 3:15 p.m. Wickliffe Public Library, 1713 Lincoln Road, wickliffepl.org
Keyboard Explorers. Engaging music class, featuring keyboard instruction and much more for ages 4-5. Through 5/25. The Music Settlement, 2610 Detroit Ave., Ohio City, themusicsettlement.org
Delight Nights: Akron Children’s Museum. A night of interactive play and fun with full access to 25 exhibits and a couple of featured surprises. Through 4/28. 5-8 p.m. 216 S. Main St., akronkids.org
Comic Club. Work in the company of others to create a page of comics, drawings, or poetry. First Saturday of each month through April. 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Community Arts Center, 2937 W. 25th St., clevelandart.org
Spring Theatre Academy. Students will learn to think outside the box and use their imaginations to explore, create, learn and grow. Ages 3-17. Through 5/13. Weathervane Playhouse, 1301 Weathervane Lane, Akron, weathervaneplayhouse.com
Family FUNday. Family-friendly games, movement-based activities, art, and more. First Sunday of each month. 1-4 p.m. Community Arts Center, West 25th St., Cleveland, clevelandart.org
Mentor Marsh Family Hike. Come explore the forest. 2-3:30 p.m. Cleveland Museum of Natural History, The Carol H. Sweet Nature Center, 5185 Corduroy Road, Mentor, cmnh.org
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The Art of Cursive. Come learn the art and skill of cursive writing. Ages 12-18. 3:30-5:30 p.m. Noble Neighborhood Branch Library, 2800 Noble Road, Cleveland, heightslibrary.org 4/6
Think Like a Scientist. Do you want to make a volcano and explode ninja stars? If so, this program is the place for you. 4-5 p.m. Ages 6-18. Glenville Branch Library, 11900 St. Clair Ave., cleveland, cpl.org

Fairy Tale Tea Party. Dress as your favorite fairytale character; share crafts, tea and games. 1:30 p.m. Brunswick Library, 3649 Center Road, mcdl.info
Homeschool Art. Learn to draw some fun animals with step-by-step instructions. 2-2:45 p.m. Middlefield Branch Library, 16167 E. High St., Middlefield, divi.geaugalibrary.net
Pizza with Police. Enjoy a slice of pizza with the Elyria Police Department. 1-2 p.m. Elyria South Branch Library, 340 15th St., elyrialibrary.org
Super Science Saturday: Spectacular Snakes. Come learn about these special slithery creatures. 10:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Akron Fossils & Science Center, 2080 S. Cleveland Massillon Road, Copley, akronfossils.com
Spy Camp. Learn how to make invisible ink and send secret messages in Morse code at Spy Camp. Ages 8-12. 10-11 a.m. Morley Library, 184 Phelps St., Painesville, morleylibrary.org
Native American Cultural Education Weekend. Highlights the rich histories and cultures of native peoples from our region and the state of Ohio, both past and present. Hale Farm & Village, 2686 Oak Hill Road, Bath, wrhs.org

Your Future, Your Choice. A workshop for students (grades 7-12) to look toward their futures. 3:45-4:45 p.m. Firestone Park Branch Library, 1486 Aster Ave, Akron, akronlibrary.org
Family Game Night. Learn and play cards and board games as a family. 6 p.m. North Canton Public Library, 185 N. Main St., ncantonlibrary.com
Youth Archery. This class emphasizes safety, proper shooting form, and recreational target shooting for ages 10-17. Sippo Lake Park-North, 5712 12th St., Canton, starkparks.com

Family History Day: Database Sampler. An introduction to 12 of the most popular and useful databases. Learn how to apply them to your research. 1-4 p.m. Medina County District Library, 210 S. Broadway St., mcdl.info
Hudson Preschool Parents Children’s Fair. Food, entertainment, raffle, characters, and vendors. 9 a.m.-noon, East Woods Elementary School, 120 N. Hayden Pkwy., Hudson, hudsonpreschoolparents.org
Geauga County Maple Festival. Four days of fun, food and “everything maple.” Chardon Square, 111 E. Park St., maplefestival.com
Kid Talent. Show magicians, singers, dancers, poets, and others are encouraged to sign up. Ages 5-13. 4:30 p.m. Reed Memorial Library, 167 E. Main St., Ravenna, reedlibrary.org
Monster Math for Kids. Stories, magic tricks, and math experiments for kids ages 5-11.Stow-Munroe Falls Public Library, 3512 Darrow Road, smfpl.org