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Student Body Elections
from 2-20-23
Micaiah and Liz: Learn your ABC’s
Micaiah Krutsinger, student vice president, who debuted on “The College Tour” is looking to seek another term, but as president, along with Liz Montalvo, director of mental health.

Krutsinger was first involved in Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) as a senator for the College Humanities Arts and Sciences (CHAS) in 2021 - 2022. Krutsinger worked his way up in the ranks and in 2022 ran for student vice president along with Madame President Leila Mašinović in which they focused on Academics, Balanced, Community and Diversity – also known as their ABC priorities – in informing the Panther community.

Montalvo, who recently joined NISG in the fall of 2022, is looking to push her leadership experience even further in these elections.
Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG), where political science majors and those interested in politics go right? Not exactly. While there are political science majors and political gurus involved, all types of majors and students can be found within NISG; the perfect representation of all students are welcome to be a part of the organization.
“It’s better to be passionate, you don’t necessarily have to be passionate about government, but to be passionate about what you want to see and what you want to bring to campus or things you want to change,” said current NISG President, Leila Mašinović.
NISG is the governing body of representation for the student body of UNI.
Current Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) Speaker of the House Sam Caughron and At-large Senator Christelle Tungu have their eyes set on an opportunity to make lasting change at UNI: fulfilling the roles of student body president and vice president.
Caughron is currently a third-year public administration and political science double major, and Tungu is a second-year criminology student.
Caughron’s history with public service and student government far predates this presidential run. In high school, he was involved in Waterloo Youth City Council and his high school’s student senate. He has been in NISG for three years and is currently in his second year serving as Speaker of the Senate.